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Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78

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Mix proportions and mechanical properties of concrete containing very

high-volume of Class F fly ash
Chung-Ho Huang a,⇑, Shu-Ken Lin b, Chao-Shun Chang c, How-Ji Chen b
Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Resources Management, Dahan Institute of Technology, Hualien, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Civil Engineering, National Chung-Hsing of University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Construction Engineering, Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC

h i g h l i g h t s

 We investigate the mix proportions and properties of concrete containing very high-volume of Class F fly ash (HVFA).
 A rational mix design method was proposed for the very HVFA concrete.
 62 MPa 80% fly ash concrete may be obtained using 136 kg Portland cement.
 Relation was formulated for flexural and compressive strength for all grades of HVFA concrete.
 The very HVFA concrete was found to be an adequate material for both structural and pavement application.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Two types of Class F fly ash with 4.6% and 7.8% loss on ignition were used for an experimental investiga-
Received 10 March 2013 tion dealing with concrete incorporating very high volumes of Class F fly ash (HVFA). A rational mix
Received in revised form 9 April 2013 design method was developed for concrete with 20–80% fly ash replacement for cement. Tests were per-
Accepted 12 April 2013
formed for fresh and hardened concrete properties. Test results indicated that the setting times and the
Available online 17 May 2013
air content of fly-ash concrete increased as the fly ash replacement level increased. The compressive and
flexural strength of the HVFA concrete mixtures demonstrated continuous and significant improvement
at late ages of 91 and 365 days. Relation was formulated for flexural and compressive strength for all
Mixture proportioning
Fly ash
grades of HVFA concrete. The concrete mixture containing low-LOI fly ash exhibited superior mechanical
Mechanical properties properties than those of the corresponding mixture containing high-LOI fly ash. These results confirm the
Shrinkage feasibility that up to 80% of Class F fly ash can be suitably used as cement replacement in concrete by
using a rational mixture proportions.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

1. Introduction Pioneering work for production of structural concrete incorpo-

rating large quantities of fly ash was done by Malhotra et al. [8–
The usage rate of fly ash in Taiwan is currently quite low. The 11]. Nailk and Ramme [12,13] investigated mix proportions for
disposal of fly ash has become a considerable environmental prob- high-volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete. Both air-entrained and non-
lem, because the dumping of fly ash as a waste material may cause entrained concrete mixes were proportioned to contain fly ash to
substantial environmental hazards. To increase the usage rate, replace cement up to 55% by weight at three strength levels of 21,
large quantities of fly ash are proposed to be incorporated in 28, and 35 MPa. The results showed that the initial and final setting
structural and paving concrete mixes. Numerous studies have been times were not significantly affected by the inclusion of fly ash for
focused on the development of structural and high-strength con- up to 55% cement replacement. In addition, the concrete containing
cretes containing large amounts of fly ash [1–7]. 40–60% cement replacement exhibited lower compressive strength
at early age, but had higher strength compared to the companioned
concrete containing no fly ash at 28 days and beyond.
Malhotra [14] reported that concrete containing high volumes
of Class F fly ash exhibited adequate mechanical properties, excel-
lent durability, and low permeability to chloride ions. Superplasti-
cized high-volume fly-ash concrete had inferior abrasion resistance
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Civil Engineering and Environ-
to concrete without fly ash [15]. For concrete blocks containing
mental Resources Management, Dahan Institute of Technology 1, Shuren St., Dahan,
Shincheng, Hualien, Taiwan, ROC. Tel./fax: +886 3 8210880.
high volumes approximately 55% of Class F fly ash, the ratio of
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.-H. Huang). the 42-days core compressive strength to the 28-days laboratory

0950-0618 Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
72 C.-H. Huang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78

measured strength ranged from 78% for the control concrete to gate was locally available natural sand with a specific gravity of 2.69 and fineness
modulus of 2.62. The fly ash was obtained from the Taichung Power Station in cen-
120% for the HVFA concrete. At 365 days, these ratios were 78%
tral Taiwan. It was classified as low-calcium Class F fly ash. Two types of fly ash with
and 92%, and at 730 days, the ratios were 88% and 98% for the con- the low-LOI and high-LOI of 4.6% and 7.8%, respectively, were used for the test.
trol concrete and the HVFA concrete, respectively [16]. According to ASTM C618 [27] and CNS 3036 (Chinese National Standard) [28] the
Naik et al. [17] studied the mechanical properties and durability qualified LOI value of fly ash is limited to 6.0%. They exhibited a total SAF (SiO2 + -
of concrete made with blended fly ash. The test results showed that Al2O3 + Fe2O3) of 85.4% and 80.9%, which complies with the ASTM criterion for a to-
tal SAF of at least 70%. A polycarboxylate based superplasticizer (SP) confirming to
blending of Class C fly ash with Class F fly ash demonstrated com-
ASTM C494 [29] Type G was used in the concrete mixtures. Tables 2 and 3 list the
parable or superior results than the control mixture without fly ash properties of the constituent materials.
and the unblended Class C fly ash. Poon [18] investigated high-
strength concrete with 45% low-calcium fly ash replacement and
reported that 28 day cube compressive strength of 83 MPa can be 2.3. Mixture proportions

obtained with a water-to-binder ratio of 0.24. Jiang and Malhotra

Concrete is basically a three main constituent material matrix that includes bin-
[19] studied on no-air-entrained concrete containing 55% fly ash der (cement and mineral), aggregate (fine and coarse), and water. The binder is in a
as cement replacement by mass. The water-cementitious material finely powdered form to facilitate chemical reaction with water, thereby creating
ratios ranged from 0.34 to 0.39. The cement content was 400 kg/ the necessary dense concrete matrix. The chemical admixtures, such as air-entrain-
ing agents, plasticizing admixture, and set-controlling admixture, are also occasion-
m3. There were reported ranges of compressive strength of con-
ally added to concrete to improve the physical and mechanical properties of fresh
crete 18.0–42.2 MPa at 7 days, 30.7–55.8 MPa at 28 days and and hardened concrete.
43.9–65.2 MPa at 3 months. Siddique [20] experimentally investi- Based on the proposed method of mix design by Malhotra and Mehta [30], fly-
gated concrete incorporating high volumes of Class F fly ash with ash concrete consists of five constituent materials (cement, mineral admixture, fine
replacement percentages of 40%, 45%, and 50%. Tests were per- aggregate, coarse aggregate, and chemical admixture), among which the cement
and mineral admixture are in a finely ground state and form the powder constituent
formed for the fresh concrete and hardened concrete properties.
of fly-ash concrete. The fly ash facilitates superior flow characteristics of concrete in
The test results indicated that Class F fly ash can be suitably used the fresh state. The adequate workability and segregation resistance can be ob-
up to 50% level of cement replacement in concrete for reinforced tained with a relatively high cementitious paste volume, low aggregate and water
concrete construction. content, and the use of suitable dosage of SP.
The concrete mixtures were mixed to have a slump in the range of around
Berry, Malhotra, Lane and Lee [21–24] reported that fly ash with
200 mm. Because the water demand for a slump of concrete containing fly ash dif-
high LOI value may affect the concrete properties. High LOI fly ash ab- fers from that of Portland cement concrete, the required adjustments to maintain a
sorbed more water and chemical admixtures, such as AE agent and SP, constant yield are made using the fine aggregate content. Thus, although the water
resulted in increasing the slump loss, decreasing the air-entraining ef- to cementitious material ratios (W/cm, and cm = C + FA) varied between mixes, the
fect and bleeding, and decreasing the strength of concrete. workability of each was nearly identical.
The mix design procedure was developed by considering the following aspects:
Numerous studies investigated the characteristics of concrete
containing high volumes of fly ash. However, only a few studies 1. Consistent with good workability and segregation resistance, the cementi-
[2,25] focused on the mixture design and strengths of concrete tious material (cement and fly ash) content was fixed at an adequate range
containing high volumes of fly ash (i.e., 80% replacement) with of 280 kg/m3 and 340 kg/m3 (except the L24F80, L35F80, and H35F80 mix-
tures) to achieve concrete strength levels of 24 MPa and 35 MPa, respec-
very low and optimal water-cementitious material ratios (i.e.,
tively. The cementitious material contents for the exceptions (L24F80,
0.24–0.27). Therefore, this study provides further data on mix pro- L35F80, and H35F80) were varied at 560 kg/m3, 680 kg/m3, and 680 kg/
portions and the strengths of very high volume fly-ash concrete. In m3 according to the previously investigated and determined minimal
addition, this study verified that a high-performance concrete with cement contents of 112 kg/m3, 136 kg/m3 and 136 kg/m3, respectively.
moderate and high strength can be produced using very high vol- 2. The strength controlling factor was the W/cm ratio. Several trials were con-
ducted to determine the optimal W/cm ratio for the specified targeted
ume of fly ash as cement replacement. This was achieved by
design strength. A prediction model was developed for the optimal W/cm
designing superplasticized workable concrete containing HVFA ratio using local materials; the basic properties of the materials are shown
for structural purposes. In addition, this study also assessed the in Tables 2 and 3. The prediction model is as follows.
influence of the loss on ignition (LOI) of fly ash on the fresh con-
crete properties and the mechanical properties of concrete. 0
fc;28 ¼ a½1=W=cm þ bðFA=cmÞ þ c ð1Þ
This study was conducted to assess the feasibility that a fly-ash
concrete with moderate and high strength can be produced using 0
where fc;28 is the compressive strength (MPa) at 28 days, FA/cm the proportion of fly
very high volume of up to 80% of Class F fly ash as cement replace- ash in the total binder, b the strength effective factor, and a and c are the constants.
ment. Mix proportions and further data for the strength of very 3. A practical model was developed for the determination of W/cm in the mix
high volume fly-ash concrete are provided for reference. design:

2. Experimental procedure fc;28 ¼ 240½1=W=cm þ 3:2ðFA=cmÞ þ 0:476 ð2Þ

2.1. Testing program However, it is suggested that similar such prediction models can be developed to
determine the optimal W/cm ratio depending on the characteristics of the aggregate
A laboratory study was performed to determine the effects of fly ash on the and fly ash.
mixture proportioning procedures required for concrete to satisfy workability and 4. Using the particle packing theory, the amount of well-graded fine aggregate and
strength. Two groups of fly-ash concrete mixtures were made with low-calcium coarse aggregate with a maximal size of 19 mm were experimentally deter-
Class F fly ash. The first group contained fly ash with a low-LOI of 4.6%, and the mined as approximately 750–850 kg/m3 and 1020–1100 kg/m3, respectively.
other group contained a high-LOI of 7.8%. The primary design variables included
compressive strengths of 24 MPa and 35 MPa and 20–80% fly ash replacement for
This study used two mix proportions for various grades of fly-ash concrete
Portland cement. The 80% replacement mixture was designed according to a preli-
according to the method proposed by Malhotra and Mehta [30]. We determined
minary experiment to select a minimal cement content of 112 kg/m3 for the L24
the mix proportions (L-series and H-series) for two strength levels (24 and
series and 136 kg/m3 for the L35 and H35 series. Table 1 shows the test factors
35 MPa). The L-series containing two strength levels was obtained using fly ash
and parameters.
with the low-LOI content as the mineral admixture and H-series using fly ash with
the high-LOI content, as shown in Table 4. L24F20 stands for mix L-series with
2.2. Materials strength level of 24 MPa and fly ash content of 20% of the total cementitious mate-
rial, and H35F80 stands for mix H-series with strength of 35 MPa and fly ash con-
Ordinary Portland cement Type I (OPC), which is similar to ASTM C150 [26], was tent of 80%. The percentage of cement content varies from 100% to 20% of the
used for test. Locally available crushed sandstone with a maximal nominal size of total binder; the fly ash content varies from 0% to 80% of the total binder for the tar-
19 mm and specific gravity of 2.61 was used as the coarse aggregate. The fine aggre- get strength levels (24 and 35 MPa) of both L-series and H-series.
C.-H. Huang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78 73

Table 1
Test factors and parameters studied.

Test factor Level of parameter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Loss on ignition, LOI (%) 4.6% 7.8%
Fly ash replacement ratio 0 20 40 60 80
Comp. strength (MPa) 24 35
Age of testing Comp. strength 1 3 7 28 56 91 182 365
(days) Flexure strength 7 28 56 91 365
Length change 4 7 14 28 56 112 224
Young’s modulus 28 56 91 365
Poisson’s ratio 28 56 91 365

Table 2
Properties of the constituent materials.

Material used Specific gravity Fineness modulus Bulk density (kg/cm3) Fineness, retained
on 325 sieves (%)
Cement 3.15 – – –
Fly ash (Class F) LOI = 4.6% 2.31 – – 13.24
LOI = 7.8% 2.28 – – 26.60
Coarse aggregate 2.61 6.79 1470 –
River sand 2.69 2.62 – –

Table 3 The air contents of L24, L35, and H35 series were in the ranges
Composition and physical properties of Class F fly ash. of 2.2–3.3%, 2.1–3.6%, and 2.1–4.3%, respectively. The specimens of
Components Low-LOI High-LOI L24 and L35 series had adequate air content of less than 3.2%, ex-
cept the L24F80, L35F80, H35F60, and H35F80 specimens, which
SiO2 (%) 50.0 50.0
Al2O3 (%) 28.4 23.0 contained 60% or 80% fly ash of the total binder and had a mea-
Fe2O3 (%) 7.0 7.9 sured air contents larger than 3.5%. The air content increased as
CaO (%) 6.0 6.0 the percentage of fly ash increased for the three series. In addition,
MgO (%) 1.4 2.0 fly ash with the high-LOI content for the H35 series exhibited in-
Alkalies as Na2O (%) 0.09 0.17
Sulfur as SO3 (%) 0.47 0.68
creased air content.
K2O (%) 0.13 0.28 The unit weight of each series of concrete decreased with the
Loss on ignition, LOI (%) 4.6 7.8 increase of the cement replacement percentage of fly ash. More-
PAC (%)a 7 days 86.8 84.5 over, the concrete mixtures of the H35 series with high-LOI fly
28 days 97.8 86.0
ash content may produce less unit weight than those of the L35
Specific gravity 2.31 2.30
Soundness (%) 0.056 0.053 series with low-LOI, because fly ash with the high-LOI has a lower
specific gravity and the mixtures of the H35 series were mixed
PAC: pozzolanic activity index.
with a higher dosage of SP.
Table 5 also shows that the initial- and final-setting times of the
2.4. Casting and testing of specimens concrete ranged from 4 h and 50 min to 13 h and from 5 h and
15 min to 15 h and 10 min, respectively. For each series, the fly-
All concrete mixtures were mixed for 5 min in a laboratory pan mixer. The fresh
ash concrete mixtures, such as L24F20, L35F40, and H35F60, exhib-
concrete properties were recorded for each batch. The tested properties of the con-
crete included slump, air content, unit weight, and setting time according to ASTM ited longer setting times than the corresponding control mixtures
C143, C231, C138, and C403 [31–34], respectively. The specimens were cast from without fly ash (L24F00, L35F00, and H35F00). The setting time
each mixture to test the compressive strength (three 100 mm diameter and of the fly-ash concrete increased in conjunction with the fly ash
200 mm height cylinders each for testing at 8 ages), modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s content. The setting times were 1.25 h to 11 h longer than those
ratio, drying shrinkage, and flexural strength. After removal from the molds, all
specimens were moved to a standard moist-curing room until date for testing.
for the control concrete. In addition, the concrete mixtures con-
The tests were performed following the relevant ASTM standards. taining 80% fly ash of the total binder (L24F80, L35F80, and
H35F80) exhibited a particularly longer final setting time of up
3. Experimental results and discussion to 15–18 h, which may attributed to the more fly ash content
and the higher dosage of SP.
3.1. Properties of fresh concrete
3.2. Compressive strength
Table 5 shows the properties of the fresh concrete including
slump, air content, unit weight, and setting times. As shown in Ta- The compressive strengths of the concrete mixtures were deter-
ble 5, the dosage of the superplasticizer in all concrete mixtures mined at the ages of 1, 3, 7, 28, 56, 91, 182, and 365 days. Table 6
was adjusted to produce a slump of 160–230 mm, and ranged from shows the results. The control mixtures for the L24F0, L35F0, and
0.4 to 9.5 l/m3 of concrete. The dosage amount increased in con- H35F0 series were proportioned to have compressive strengths of
junction with the fly ash content, whereas the fly ash with the 25.0 MPa and 34.5 MPa, which are approximately equivalent to
high-LOI content requires more SP than that with the low-LOI con- those of the fly-ash concrete at 28 days. This was achieved for most
tent. These results indicate that concrete containing fly ash of up to mixtures, except those containing high volumes of 60% and 80% fly
80% of the binder content can be proportioned to have adequate ash of the total binder. In these cases, the strength equivalence was
workability when suitable SP is used. achieved between the ages of 56 and 91 days.
74 C.-H. Huang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78

Table 4
Proportions of concrete mixtures.

Mixture no.a W/cm W/C Cement Fly ash Sand Coarse aggregate Water Superplasticizer Percent of
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (l/m3) binder (%)
L24F00 0.72 0.72 280 0 777 988 202 0.0 0.0
L24F20 0.66 0.83 224 56 788 1003 185 0.5 0.2
L24F40 0.56 0.93 168 112 802 1041 157 2.1 0.8
L24F60 0.44 1.11 112 168 801 1106 124 3.9 1.4
L24F80 0.27 1.34 112 448 418 1101 150 3.7 0.7
L35F00 0.60 0.60 340 0 737 977 203 0.4 0.1
L35F20 0.55 0.69 272 68 743 985 188 0.8 0.2
L35F40 0.48 0.80 204 136 752 1017 163 1.7 0.5
L35F60 0.36 0.91 136 204 756 1089 124 3.3 1.0
L35F80 0.24 1.20 136 544 295 1062 163 4.9 0.7
H35F00 0.60 0.60 340 0 737 977 203 0.4 0.1
H35F20 0.55 0.69 272 68 743 985 188 1.5 0.4
H35F40 0.48 0.80 204 136 752 1017 163 2.7 0.8
H35F60 0.36 0.91 136 204 756 1089 124 5.0 1.5
H35F80 0.26 1.32 136 544 279 1038 180 8.7 1.3
L24F20: low-LOI content fly ash, compressive strength of 24 MPa, fly ash content of 20%. H35F60: high-LOI content fly ash, compressive strength of 35 MPa, fly ash
content of 60%.

Table 5
Properties of fresh concrete mixtures.

Mixture W/ SP Slump Air Unit Setting time

no. cm (l/ (mm) content weight
Initial Final
m3) (%) (kg/m3)
(h:min) (h:min)
L24F00 0.72 0.0 160 2.2 2347 6:10 7:20
L24F20 0.66 0.5 170 2.5 2340 7:25 9:10
L24F40 0.56 2.1 180 2.6 2311 8:25 10:40
L24F60 0.44 3.9 210 2.8 2280 10:55 13:30
L24F80 0.27 3.7 220 3.5 2218 12:20 15:50
L35F00 0.60 0.4 220 2.1 2352 5:50 7:00
L35F20 0.55 0.8 210 2.7 2348 7:00 8:55
L35F40 0.48 1.7 160 2.9 2334 8:10 10:00
L35F60 0.36 3.3 230 3.2 2289 10:30 13:05
L35F80 0.24 4.9 230 3.6 2230 12:00 15:20
H35F00 0.60 0.4 220 2.1 2352 5:50 7:00
H35F20 0.55 1.5 210 2.8 2307 7:15 8:55
Fig. 1. Compressive strength development of concrete series L24.
H35F40 0.48 2.7 230 3.2 2280 8:25 10:50
H35F60 0.36 5.0 220 3.5 2265 11:30 14:20
H35F80 0.26 8.7 230 4.3 2090 14:05 18:10

that of the corresponding control concrete. Regardless of the de-

crease of W/cm, the strength of the fly-ash concretes decreased
The compressive strength of concrete increased with age for all as the replacement percentage of fly ash increased at these ages.
mixtures, as shown in Figs. 1–3. The strength developments of the After 7 days, the strength gain of the control concrete was less than
three concrete series presented a similar trend. At 1–7 days, the that of the fly-ash concretes. At 28 days, the compressive strength
compressive strengths of the fly-ash concretes were lower than of the fly-ash concretes approached that of the control concrete,

Table 6
Compressive strength of concrete mixtures (MPa).

Mixture no. W/cm 1 day 3 days 7 days 28 days 56 days 91 days 182 days 365 days
L24F00 0.72 5.3 14.6 20.9 25.0 27.6 29.0 32.4 36.5
L24F20 0.66 5.0 12.9 18.9 25.4 28.5 32.1 35.9 43.2
L24F40 0.56 3.9 10.4 16.8 25.6 30.0 35.2 39.8 39.4
L24F60 0.44 2.6 9.7 14.5 23.5 25.6 30.6 37.3 41.2
L24F80 0.27 2.3 8.5 14.1 20.9 24.3 28.5 33.6 38.7
L35F00 0.60 7.6 20.4 27.2 34.5 37.2 40.3 41.8 44.6
L35F20 0.55 7.6 17.6 23.9 36.5 40.8 45.8 49.4 54.7
L35F40 0.48 5.8 17.8 24.7 40.3 42.5 51.3 56.1 62.4
L35F60 0.36 3.5 13.3 18.9 34.5 38.8 47.8 55.6 65.3
L35F80 0.24 3.3 9.8 16.5 30.0 34.4 40.4 48.6 61.6
H35F00 0.60 7.6 20.4 27.2 34.5 37.2 40.3 41.8 44.6
H35F20 0.55 6.9 16.8 22.4 34.9 36.1 39.6 43.2 46.2
H35F40 0.48 6.0 11.3 21.5 34.1 37.4 40.8 51.5 54.3
H35F60 0.36 2.5 12.1 17.8 30.5 33.9 39.0 47.3 55.8
H35F80 0.24 1.0 5.2 11.6 25.2 28.3 34.1 39.6 43.4
C.-H. Huang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78 75

Fig. 2. Compressive strength development of concrete series L35.

(a) series L35

Fig. 3. Compressive strength development of concrete series H35.

(b) series H35

Fig. 5. Flexural strength of concrete versus age.

to 56, 91, 182, and 365 days for the mixtures containing high vol-
umes of fly ash.
A comparison of the L35 and H35 concrete series in Table 6
shows that the compressive strength of the concrete mixtures for
the H35 series are lower than those of the corresponding mixture
of the L35 series; Fig. 4 shows a significant difference between
the H35F80 and L35F80 mixtures. This may be attributed to the
lower pozzolanic activity and greater particle size of the fly ash
with higher LOI content for the H35 series, which increases the
water demand and decreases the pozzolanic reaction.

3.3. Flexural strength

Fig. 4. Comparison of concrete strength versus age between L35 and H35 series.

The flexural strength of concrete mixtures was determined at

the ages of 7, 28, 56, 91, and 365 days. The results are shown in
except for the concrete mixtures containing 60% and 80% fly ash of Table 8 and Fig. 5. Similar to the compressive strength, the flexural
the total binder. At 91 days, the strength of the fly-ash concretes strength of the concrete mixtures increased with age. The flexural
for the L24 and L35 series consistently exceeded that of the control strength of fly-ash concrete decreased slightly as the percentage of
concretes, whereas the fly-ash concretes of the H35 series were ex- fly ash increased. As expected, the early strength gain of the control
tended to 182 days to exceed the strength of the control concrete. concrete without fly ash was superior to that of the fly ash mix-
These results imply that the early strength gain of the control mix- tures. However, most of the concrete mixtures, except the
tures was superior to that of the fly ash mixtures. However, a sig- L35F80, H35F60, and H35F80 mixtures, met the minimum 7-day
nificant strength gain was observed from 7 to 28 days and from 28 flexural strength requirement (4.1 MPa) of the Texas specifications
76 C.-H. Huang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78

Table 8
Flexural strength of concrete mixtures (MPa).

Mixture no. 7 days 28 days 56 days 91 days 365 days

L35F00 4.9 5.1 5.4 5.9 6.5
L35F20 4.7 5.3 6.0 6.5 7.2
L35F40 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.6 7.1
L35F60 3.9 5.0 5.7 6.3 7.5
L35F80 3.3 3.7 4.7 5.8 6.7
H35F00 4.9 5.1 5.4 5.9 6.5
H35F20 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.1 6.6
H35F40 4.1 5.1 5.9 6.3 6.9
H35F60 3.0 4.5 5.3 5.9 6.8
H35F80 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.3 6.0

Fig. 6. The relation between flexural and compressive strength of fly-ash concretes. 3.5. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio

Table 7 shows the results of modulus of elasticity (E value) and

[25], and exceeded the 28-day flexural strength limitation of the Poisson’s ratio tests. The E values at 28 days for the concretes con-
British Airport Authority [5]. Consequently, these concrete mix- taining 20–60% fly ash of the total binder and the control concrete
tures can be used in highway application and airport quality were 26.5 GPa in average and 26.9 GPa, respectively; the corre-
concrete. sponding values at 365 days were 40.3 GPa in average and
In addition, Fig. 5 shows that all fly-ash concretes demonstrated 33.0 GPa, respectively. The result indicates that the fly-ash con-
larger increases in flexural strength from 28 days to 365 days, indi- cretes exhibited a substantial increase in the modulus of elasticity
cating that the fly-ash concrete may develop superior flexural from the ages of 28–365 days. However, this was not the case for
strength at the age of 1 year. This is attributed to an interaction the control concretes. Consequently, the fly-ash concretes exhib-
between fly ash and calcium hydroxide that results in the ited superior E values at the age of 1 year; the E values increased
formation of re-crystallized calcium carbonate in the cementitious considerably between 28 and 365 days to reach values ranging
matrix, which causes a decrease in the porosity of the matrix and from 38.6 to 41.4 GPa. Previous published data [9,15,38] also
the transition zone. showed that the E values for the HVFA concrete are generally high-
er than those of the control concrete without fly ash with similar
compressive strength at 28 days.
3.4. Relation between compressive and flexural strength
In addition, Table 7 shows that the concrete mixtures of the
L35F80 and H35F80 series exhibited a significantly lower E value
The compressive strength and corresponding flexural strength
than the other fly-ash concrete mixtures with fly ash content of
of fly-ash concrete, regardless of fly ash content and curing, are
less than 60%. These results indicate that, similar to the compres-
patted in Fig. 6. A power relation was established for the current
sive strength gain, a high volume fly ash content of up to 80%
results, which is suitable for all grades of fly-ash concrete. The pro-
may inversely decrease the modulus elasticity of fly-ash concrete.
posed equation is given by:
Table 7 shows that the Poisson’s ratio of all fly-ash concrete
mixtures randomly fall in the range between 0.122 and 0.181,
ft ¼ 0:51f 0 c0:653 ; ðr 2 ¼ 0:880Þ ð3Þ
which are comparable to the value of normal concrete; however,
we observed inconsistent relationships between Poisson’s ratio
where ft is the flexural strength in MPa; fc0 the compressive
and concrete characteristics, such as water-cementitious material
strength in MPa; and r is the correlation coefficient of the equation.
ratio, compressive strength, and fly ash content.
The relation obtained was compared with the relevant reports,
such as ACI 1992 [35], ACI 1995 [36], and Ahmad and Shah [37],
which are also represented in Fig. 6. It is observed that the equa- 3.6. Drying shrinkage
tion of ACI 1995 highly underestimates the flexural strength from
its compressive strength data. Ahmad and Shah and current rela- The ASTM C157 [39] standard test method was used to assess
tion give a better but conservative estimate of flexural strength the drying shrinkage characteristics for the concrete mixtures. All
from compressive strength. It is found in Fig. 6 that the current specimens were cured in lime-saturated water for 28 days prior
relation almost coincides with the equation given by ACI 1992. to exposure to moderate conditions of 23 ± 2 °C and 50 ± 4% RH.

Table 7
Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio test results.

Mixture no. W/cm Modulus of elasticity (GPa) Poisson’s ratio

28 days 56 days 91 days 365 days 28 days 56 days 91 days 365 days
L35F00 0.60 26.9 28.5 28.3 33.0 0.153 0.173 0.157 0.165
L35F20 0.55 26.4 29.8 30.2 38.6 0.160 0.169 0.154 0.164
L35F40 0.48 26.8 32.4 32.6 40.8 0.164 0.173 0.167 0.176
L35F60 0.36 26.2 31.8 32.8 41.4 0.169 0.163 0.177 0.181
L35F80 0.24 18.7 23.5 23.9 29.8 0.167 0.181 0.168 0.175
H35F00 0.60 26.9 28.5 28.3 33.0 0.153 0.173 0.157 0.165
H35F20 0.55 27.1 31.0 31.2 36.0 0.160 0.167 0.166 0.172
H35F40 0.48 25.7 28.6 30.7 36.1 0.150 0.169 0.172 0.160
H35F60 0.36 23.3 29.3 30.9 37.3 0.149 0.175 0.171 0.178
H35F80 0.24 15.9 21.1 23.2 27.5 0.122 0.147 0.124 0.165
C.-H. Huang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 46 (2013) 71–78 77

800 corresponding mixtures of the L35 series (containing low-

LOI fly ash); a larger difference was observed between the
Drying Shrinkage (×10-6)

H35F80 and L35F80 mixtures.

600 5. The modulus of elasticity of fly-ash concrete has a similar
development trend to that of the compressive strength. It
L35F00 increases considerably between 28 and 365 days and
400 exhibits superior E values ranging from 40.8 to 41.4 GPa
L35F80 for L35 series. In addition, the concrete mixtures of
H35F00 L35F80 and H35F80 exhibit relatively lower E values than
H35F20 the other fly-ash concretes with fly ash contents of less
H35F60 than 60%. In addition, the Poisson’s ratio of all fly-ash con-
crete mixtures randomly falls in the range of 0.122–0.181,
which is comparable to the value of normal concrete.
0 50 10 0 15 0 20 0 250 6. Although the fly-ash concretes gained flexural strength
Age (days) slowly in the early age, most mixtures (except the
L35F80; H35F60 and H35F80 mixtures) met the minimum
Fig. 7. Drying shrinkage development of concrete mixtures.
7-days flexural strength requirement (4.1 MPa) of the
Texas specification, and exceeded the 28-day flexural
strength limitation of the British Airport Authority. All
Fig. 7 shows the test results of the shrinkage versus age rela- fly-ash concretes demonstrated a larger increase in flexural
tionships. The drying shrinkages increased with age for all mix- strength from 28 days to 365 days, thereby developing
tures. The incorporation of fly ash in concrete leads to an superior strength at the age of 1 year.
increase of drying shrinkage at various ages. The shrinkage of fly- 7. Suitable relation is developed between flexural and com-
ash concrete mixtures increased in conjunction with the percent- pressive strength of all grades of fly-ash concrete, which
age of fly ash for all cementitious contents. Therefore, the fly-ash is given by ft = 0.51f0 c0.653.
concrete mixtures exhibited higher shrinkage after a total drying 8. The addition of fly ash in concrete leads to an increase of
period of 224 days; for example, the shrinkage values were drying shrinkage at various ages. The shrinkage of fly-ash
650  106 for the L35F20 series, 673  106 for the L35F60 series, concrete increases in conjunction with the replacement
668  106 for the H35F40 series, and 683  106 for the H35F80 percentage of fly ash and exhibits a higher shrinkage strain
series. However, the increments of shrinkage with respect to in- level of approximately 750–795  106 after a drying per-
creased replacement percentage of fly ash (Fig. 7) reduced after iod of 224 days.
the age of 56 days.

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