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Formative Assessment:2

Q1) Which of the following has a horizontal line of symmetry:

a) P b) 3 c) M d) W
Q2) What is the number of lines of symmetry of a regular pentagon?
a) 5 b)4 c)3 d)2
Q3) A rhombus is symmetrical about its:
a) Diagonals b) sides c) angles d) none of these.

Q4) The figure has has a rotational symmetry of order:

a) 2 b) 3 c)5 d)6
Q5) In the word ‘ MATHS’ which letter shows rotational symmetry:
a) M b) A c) H D)S
Q6) List any five symmetrical objects from your practical life. Draw
their pictures also.
Q7) List all the letters of English alphabets and show how many of them
have : 1) vertical lines of symmetry
2) horizontal lines of symmetry
3) both lines of symmetry.
4) unlimited lines of symmetry.
5) 4 lines of symmetry
6) no lines of symmetry.
Q8) Draw a rough figure of the following shapes and show how many
lines of symmetry they possess :
1) scalene triangle
2) isosceles triangle
3) equilateral triangle
8) kite
9) line
10) line segment

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11) angle
12) semi circle
13) circle
14) arrow head
Q9) Fill in the blanks:
1) A rectangle has --------- lines of symmetry.
2) A regular hexagon has --------- lines of symmetry.
3) --------------- has 3 lines of symmetry.
4) A ------------ triangle has no lines of symmetry.
5) A rhombus has -------------- lines of symmetry where as a square
has ----------- lines of symmetry.
6)A kite has ----------- lines of symmetry.
Q10) List the numbers from 0 to 9 and show how many of them are
symmetrical . Also draw there axis of symmetry.
Q11)State the order of rotation and the angle of rotation of the following :
a) Square b) equilateral triangle c) rhombus d)alphabet: N, H,
I,X,W,M e) rectangle
Q12) State the order of rotation and the angle of rotation of the following

Q13) What is the order of rotation and the angle of rotation of a ceiling fan with :
(i) 3 blades (ii) 4 blades
4) square
5) rectangle
6) parallel lines 7) rhombus

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