Homework q5

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Merlin's Day in London - Reading Exercise

Complete the story with the words below.

because buy cooked day drank found found had magic missed said sa

Yesterday Merlin left his hut in the mountains and towards London. It was a lo
Merlin to take the bus but unfortunately he it. So he said his magic
London. There he wanted to a book and some other things. When he walked thro
Dr. Cooper. But he didn't see Merlin. So Merlin "Abracadabra" to him and suddenly
nice place with a great view at Trafalgar Square. Merlin his three cups of tea and
some lemonade. They an interesting talk and when Merlin looked at his
shopping. They home and Merlin didn't buy his book. So he had to go shopping a
to buy the book it was in his working room under the desk. He it when
He started reading it. He finished it and then he a great meal - by of cou
The Boy Who Went Fishing - Reading Exercise
Complete the mystery story with the words below.

Are answered asked came found had looked looked saw wanted was w

Two men to go swimming. They drove down to a lake. On a little rock they
boy. He a fishing rod in his hands. " the fish biting?" one o
men . "No, they aren't." the boy , "but the worms are." The
men on and laughed about the boy's answer. When they back they saw
something wrong with the boy. They at him and saw lots of little red bi
his hands and arms. So they into the can with the worms in it. They out
was full of baby rattlesnakes.
Archibald's Biggest Mistake - Reading Exercise
Complete the ghost story with the words below.

fell for forgot had lived made married put saw told walked was was went wrote

Archibald is hanging on a long chain. He to hang for another 246 years

Five years ago he a good looking ghost. He in an old castle. One nigh
he Dee, the most beautiful ghost in Scotland. He listened to her every night an
picked flowers for her. They in love. He took her to all the castles and cellars i
Scotland. He with her under the full moon and also a poem for he
Every Saturday night they to the ghost disco and danced. A year later they wante
to get . There was a great party. But love him blind. He wanted t
surprise Dee and the rules for ghosts. At midnight he his grandfather
gold ring on her finger. All his friends shouted - but it was too late
That five years ago. He still loves Dee. But Dee never visits him. Hi
friends him that she has a new boy-friend. How horrible him. Poo
Midnight Surprise - Reading Exercise
Fill in the given words into the gaps to complete the story.

arrested asked believe called careful gave had heard hid left lived me

Two children, Sandra and Michael, on the way to the cinema. Suddenly they
they to a phone cell to call Andrew. Sandra picked up the receiver and
you crazy? We must be ! We only take the paintings. Ok? So, let's tomo
phone box the children went to the police to about the burglary. But the pol
they to the house to warn the people. In the house an old couple w
which care of us." So Sandra and Michael decided to catch the burglars by their o
sausage. When they heard the burglars coming Michael the police and t
When the burglars into the room they heard terrifying noises. "Let's go out of here
to run away the police came in and them. Everyone thanked the children. And whe
"We it on TV."
New Zealand - Reading Exercise
Complete the text about New Zealand with the words below.

bird cows fights inhabitants islands sailor springs summer time

New Zealand consists of two main . It has a population of about 3.4 m

first of New Zealand were the Maori. In 1642 the Dutch Abel Tasman v
and gave it the name Zeeland ("se
The British captain James Cook visited the islands four . There were a lot of
Britons and the
In 1893 New Zealand was the first country where woman were allowed to . The
different. In the north of the North Island grow oranges, in the middle there are three volc
hot . In the South Island the Southern Alps go from one end of the island to the oth
and lakes too, it’s very popular for skiing in winter and water sports in . East of the
is flat and mainly used for farming. There are large farms, especially for sheep and
and nine million cows
This country is also famous for its beautiful landscape and animals. New Zealand’s best know
kiwi. It’s also the home of the oldest type of animals in the world, the tuatara. There grow b
too. The biggest of all is the kauri.
Halloween - Reading Exercise
Complete the halloween story with the words below.

bowl call come dress eat give lived make name peel play see throw

October 31st is Halloween. On this day children in Britain and USA up as witches
They also lamps out of pumpkins and put them in the . Then they go to
doors. They out: "Trick or treat." When people don't them a treat they
There also Halloween parties where they games. Such a game is "apples on the st
people have to apples hanging from a string without using their hands. Anoth
"bobbing the apple". There you have to get apples out of a without using your han
game is "fortune telling". Therefore you have to an apple and the lon
your shoulder. Then look at the peel and try to a letter. This is the first le
person's you are going to
Halloween goes back many years when the Celts in England. They thought that a
the ghosts of the dead back.
Australia - Reading Exercise

Complete the text about Australia with the words below.

Springs architect between biggest build chosen desert important industry

Australia is also called the

It has about 16 million . By the way, Australia has more than people
most cities is Sydney. It has 3.5 million inhabitants. This centre of finance, c
the beautiful beaches (e.g. Bondi Beach). Further more the well-known Olym
the city of Australia, it is not the capital. That's Canberra. Canberra is a planned city
because both wanted to become the capital of Australia. The compromise was to up
names for the city, they have an Aborigines' word.
The American Walter Burley Griffin constructed the city. It is the place of the go
Monarch, because Australia is a
Of course, it has important , too. Australia produces wool and e
Further more Australia has a typical landscape - the Outback. It is a nearly empty, treeless a
Trees or you might meet some , koala bears or a dingo. There is only one larger tow

The Castle on the Hill - Reading Exercise

Complete the ghost story with the words below.

Melissa afraid came heard much noise open opened said shouted was

Maggie, Martin and Melissa on holiday with their parents. They were staying at a
the country. Near the house a castle. One day Maggie and Martin
They the door and went in. After a while they to a staircase and went do
they heard a . But it was only a mouse or rat and so the went on. They came to
Maggie was and didn't want to open it but Martin said: "I'm not afraid of ghosts",
open it. Suddenly they a funny noise. "Let's run!" Martin . "But Martin
weren't afraid of ghosts. Open the door!" Maggie said. But Martin was too scared to
there was the same noise again - but louder. Maggie went to the door. "D
Martin , but it was too late. Maggie opened it and behind it was .
A Vampire Story - Reading Exercise

Complete the vampire story with the words below.

danced fell gave has kissed mirror party saw saw teeth went were wo

Frederick loves vampires. He a lot of videos, books and cassettes about them. He als
has black shoes, a black coat and a black T-shirt. One day he a poster on his way t
school. It was an invitation to a vampire fancy - dress . He asked his parents and th
next day he there. He put on his vampire costume, put in white and put o
some red lipstick
It was a fantastic party. Frederick with a girl called Camilla. He her a re
rose and she him. Suddenly Frederick felt dizzy and asleep. Whe
he up his father was already waiting outside. He got into the car and drove home. A
home he went to the bathroom. When he looked into the he saw that two of his teet
were longer that the others and on his neck two holes. Before he sank to the floo
he a bat at the window.
Shakespeare - Reading Exercise

Complete the text about William Shakespeare with the words


because become born died enjoyed go jobs maker married play worked

William Shakespeare was in 1564 in Stratford upon Avon. When he left school he
for his father who was a butcher and glove . But William was not interest
father's . He read a lot of books and wanted to a writer. At the age o
he Anne Hathaway. They had three children - Susanna, and the twins Hamnet a
William was not happy in Stratford life was boring there. But there was one thing
liked - to go to theatres and talk to actors. He started dreaming of becoming an actor and
writer. His wife didn't like his idea very much but at the age of 23 he decided to t
There he became an actor and a lot of famous plays. His plays were for everybody
and rich people. They all loved to see them and them a lot. His best - known play
and Juliet. Shakespeare in April 1616.
San Francisco - Reading Exercise

Complete the exercise about San Francisco with the words below.

Cable California Gate Wharf became because build built called cost ha

San Francisco is a big city in with a unique flair. Some people say it is a very Eur
is by
The famous landmarks are the Trans American Pyramid, and of course the Golden
attraction. Other landmarks are Lombard Street, it's the most crooked street of the whole wor
normal trains to go on such steep streets. So the Car was built. San
The Trans America Pyramid was built by William Pereira in 1972. When he showed the build
by Joseph B Strauss in 1934. The bridge about $35 million a
San Francisco many different districts. Chinatown is probably the most popular
see the original Chinese culture. In the Financial District there are almost only ,s
also a big tourist attraction. From there you can take a boat for Alcatraz and join a guided
the Mission district you can find the very first buildings being
In 1849 when the gold began, the population of San Francisco rose from 40.000
love united many young people. San Francisco the capital of the Hippie moveme
movement ever.
The Coopers Leave - Reading Exercise

Fill in the words below to complete the story.

came came got got got had heard ran saw wanted wanted

The Coopers to leave early in the morning but as usual it quite late w
finish a letter. Then Jane's potty missing and nobody knew where it .W
window still open. So Mr Cooper out of the car, into the ho
When she back they the phone ringing. So Bill out of the ca
the line dead. But finally they ready to leave.
Three Magic Apples - Reading Exercise
Complete the mystery story with the words below.

Go afraid ate did got had happy home park picked play playing rep

Andy went from school by bus when an old woman onto the bus. Andy
him and gave him three
"Tell the apple what you
Eat it slowly then wait
Andy thanked her and went home, his homework and went to the park. There some
be tall and strong." Andy said and the first apple. But when he kicked the ball high
Then Andy said: "I want to be famous - then I'll have a lot of friends", and ate the
wanted to interview him h
When he saw a sports car Andy to be rich and ate the third apple. Now he was r
helicopter. But Andy was alone
One night Andy a dream. In the dream he the old lady. She told him
yellow flower an
"Tell the flower what you
Smell the flower and then
Andy ran into the garden, up the flower, said: "I want to be me", and smelt it. Su
and one of the boys said to him: "Come on and with us!"
A Letter from Florida - Reading Exercise
Complete the letter from Florida with the words below.

Tomorrow beaches day eaten fun got have like saw skins too

Dear Ca

We really a great vacation here in Florida. And I would to s

here longer than only three weeks. They have got everything here I like, sun,
sandy and nice - looking boys. We have been swimming and snorkel
nearly every . The water is much warmer than back home and we
many beautiful f
Yesterday we went to an alligator farm. I loved it. They have thousand
alligators here. We also watched when they fed them. I some great pho
They breed them to sell their and their meat. I've never allig
meat, but maybe I'll try during my stay here. we're going to Disney Worl
think that will be great ,


They Came from Outer Space - Reading Exercise

Complete the science fiction story with the words below.

drew earth fiction find from had look mean office said talk took wa

Miss Chapman was Clint's new English and Geography teacher. She the daug
headmaster. In the Art lesson Clint a picture of a spaceship. In the next lesso
English. Clint wrote a science story. In this story people from outer space came to
in blue spaceships and didn't like normal people. They were very bad and
but they weren’t able to do it and
Clint told the story Miss Chapman. The next day she :" That’s a very interesti
to to you after the lesson." Clint was very proud. He went to the headmaste
interesting story. People outer space want to take over the world." "Yes, S
you out that we are here?" "I don’t know what you
The headmaster his hand out of his pocket. His fingers green . . .

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