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8th Semester B.

Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) Syllabus


The meaning of an expert system, problem domain and knowledge domain, the advantages of an expert
system, general stages in the development of an expert system, general characteristics of an expert
system, history and uses of expert systems today, rule-based expert systems, procedural and
nonprocedural paradigms, characteristics of artificial neural systems. -The study of logic, difference
between formal logic and informal logic, meaning of knowledge, how knowledge can be represented,
semantic nets, how to translate semantic nets into PROLOG, limitations of semantic nets, schemas,
frames and their limitations, how to use logic and set symbols to represent knowledge, the meaning of
propositional and first order predicate logic, quantifiers, imitations of propositional and predicate logic.
Trees, lattices, and graphs, state and problem spaces, AND-OR trees and goals, methods of inference,
rules of inference, limitations of propositional logic, logic systems, resolution rule of inference,
resolution systems, and deduction, shallow and causal reasoning, applying resolution to first-order
predicate logic, forward and backward chaining, additional methods of reference, Meta knowledge, the
Markov decision process.
The meaning of uncertainty and theories devised to deal with it, types of errors attributed to
uncertainty, errors associate, with induction, features of classical probability, experimental and
subjective probabilities, compound and conditional probabilities, hypothetical reasoning and backward
induction, temporal reasoning, Markov chains, odds of belief, sufficiency and necessity, role of
uncertainty in inference chains, implications of combining evidence, role of inference nets in expert
systems, how probabilities are propagated.
Sources of uncertainty in rules, methods of dealing with uncertainty, Dempster-Shafer theory, theory of
uncertainty based on fuzzylogic, commercial applications of fuzzy logic. How to select an appropriate
problem, the stages in the development of an expert system, types of errors to expect in the
development stages, the role of the knowledge engineer in the building of expert systems, the expected
life cycle of an expert system, how to do a life cycle model.

1. J. Giarratano and G. Riley, "Expert Systems -- Principles and Programming". 4th Edition, PWS Publishing
Company, 2004.

2. Durkin, J., Expert systems Design and Development, Macmillan, 1994 2. Elias M. Awad, Building
Expert Systems, West Publishing Company 1996

3. Peter Jackson, Introduction to Expert Systems, Addison Wesley Longman, 1999.ISBN 0- 20187686-8.

4. Gonzalez and D. Dankel, "The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems'', Prentice Hall, 1994.

5. Nikolopoulos, "Expert Systems", Marcel Dekker Inc. 1997. ISBN 0 8247 9927 5

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