Chem-LAB Standards Catalog 2018-2020 PDF

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Organic, inorganic &
petrochemical standards


ISO 9001 Certified

ISO 17025 Accredited
ISO GUIDE 34 Accredited

Tailor made reagents.

Table Of Contents
1 Inorganic Standards
1.1 ICP Standards 7-77
1.2 AA Single Element Standards 81-89
1.3 Acids & Reagents For ICP & AA 92-115
1.4 IC Standards 118-133

2 Organic Standards
2.1 Single Component Standards 139-238
2.2 NEAT Standards 241-252
2.3 Multi Component Standards 259-404
2.4 Reagents & Solvents for Organic Analysis 406-440

3 Petroleum, Food & Biodiesel Standards

3.1 Metallo Organic Standards 444-455
3.2 Sulfur Standards 461-464
3.3 Nitrogen Standards 465
3.4 Chlorine Standards 465
3.5 Lead Standards 465-466
3.6 Water Standards 466
3.7 Petroleum Multi Element Standards 467-475
3.8 Petroleum Physical Test Standards 478-480
3.9 Food & Biodiesel Standards 482-500

4 Miscellaneous Standards
4.1 pH Buffer Solutions 501-504
4.2 Conductivity, Redox, Salinity & Ion Selective Electrode Standards 505-509
4.3 Electrode Care & Maintenance Solutions 509
4.4 TOC/TIC Standards 509
4.5 COD Standards 510
4.6 APHA Colour Standards 510
4.7 Turbidity Standards 511
4.8 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Calibration Standards 511
4.9 Volumetric Standards, Secondary Refererence Materials Traceable to NIST 511-512
4.10 Brix Standards 512-513
4.11 Hardness Standards 513-514
4.12 Osmolality standards 514

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 1
2 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

1 Inorganic Standards
1.1 ICP Standards
1.1.1 ICP Single Element Standards 7-32
1.1.2 ICP Multi Element Standards 33-77

1.2 AA Standards 81-89

1.3 Reagents for ICP & AA 92-115

1.4 IC Standards
1.4.1 IC Single Element Standards 118-126
1.4.2 IC Multi Element Standards 127-129
1.4.3 Reagents for IC 130-133

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 3

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Versie/Version/Fassung 1
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05

Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

4 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -


1 Inorganic Standards
1.1 ICP Standards
1.1.1 ICP Single Element Standards
• ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L 7-14
• ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L 15-22
• ICP Standards 100 mg/L 23-27
• ICP Standards 10 mg/L 28-32

1.1.2 ICP Multi Element Standards

• Quality Control Standards & Second Source 33-36
• Instrument Check 37-38
• EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier – Determination of Metals and
Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma –
Atomic Emission Spectrometry 39-44
• EPA Method 200.7 Version 4.4 – Determination of Metals and Trace Elements
in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission
Spectrometry 45-48
• EPA Method 6010 (SW-846 Revision 2) – Inductively Coupled Plasma –
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) 49-52
• EPA Method 6010 – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission
Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) 53-55
• EPA Method 200.11 – Determination of Metals in Fish Tissue by
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry 56-57
• Safe Drinking Water Act Standards (SWDA) 58-59
• MISA 60-62
• Ground Water and Wastewater Standards 63-65
• Contract Laboratory Program 66-70
• DIN 38406 German standard methods for the examination of water,
waste water and sludge - Cations (group E) 71-80

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 5
I C P S TA N D A R D S 10 . 0 0 0 P P M

ICP Single Element Standards 10 000 mg/L

Element HNO3 HCl H2O NH4OH HF HNO3/HF HNO3/tart. KOH NaOH Others
Al CL01.0103 CL01.0104
Sb CL01.0123 CL01.0124
As CL01.0134
Ba CL01.0203 CL01.0204
Be CL01.0214
Bi CL01.0223
B CL01.0233
Cd CL01.0303
Ca CL01.0314
Ce CL01.0323
Cs CL01.0333
Cr CL01.0364 CL01.0363
Co CL01.1123 CL01.1128
Cu CL01.1133 CL01.1134
Dy CL01.0433
Er CL01.0503
Eu CL01.0513
Gd CL01.0703
Ga CL01.0713
Ge CL01.0743
Au CL01.0733
Hf CL01.0804 CL01.0803
Ho CL01.0823
In CL01.0923
Ir CL01.0933
Fe CL01.0903 CL01.0904
La CL01.1203
Pb CL01.1223
Li CL01.1214
Lu CL01.1233
Mg CL01.1304 CL01.1310
Mn CL01.1313
Hg CL01.1153
Mo CL01.1334 CL01.1333
Nd CL01.1413
Ni CL01.1423
Nb CL01.1433
Pd CL01.1603
P CL01.0643 CL01.0633 CL01.0634
Pt CL01.1613
K CL01.1104
Pr CL01.1623
Re CL01.1804 CL01.1803
Rh CL01.1813
Rb CL01.1824
Ru CL01.1834
Sm CL01.1903
Sc CL01.1913
Se CL01.1923
Si CL01.1943 CL01.1934 CL01.1933
Ag CL01.2603
Na CL01.1404
Sr CL01.1963
S CL01.2644 CL01.2643
Ta CL01.2003 CL01.2004
Te CL01.2015 CL01.2014
Tb CL01.2023
Tl CL01.2033
Th CL01.2043
Tm CL01.2053
Sn CL01.2063
Ti CL01.2073 CL01.2074
W CL01.2303 CL01.2304 CL01.2333
V CL01.2203
Yb CL01.2503
Y CL01.2513
Zn CL01.2613
Zr CL01.2633

6 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0103.0100
Aluminium 10 g Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0103.0500
100 ml CL01.0104.0100
Aluminium 10 g Al / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0104.0500
100 ml CL01.0124.0100
Antimony 10 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0124.0500
100 ml CL01.0123.0100
Antimony 10 g Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0123.0500
100 ml CL01.0134.0100
Arsenicum 13.2 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0134.0500
100 ml CL01.0204.0100
Barium 14.4 g BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0204.0500
100 ml CL01.0203.0100
Barium 14.37 g BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0203.0500
100 ml CL01.0214.0100
Beryllium 10 g Be / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0214.0500
100 ml CL01.0223.0100
Bismuth 10 g Bi / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0223.0500
100 ml CL01.0233.0100
Boron 28.596 g H3BO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0233.0500
100 ml CL01.0303.0100
Cadmium 10 g Cd / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0303.0500
100 ml CL01.0314.0100
Calcium 25 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0314.0500
Calcium oxide
100 ml CL01.0319.0100
Calcium oxide 17.848 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0319.0500
100 ml CL01.0323.0100
Cerium 12.3 g CeO2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0323.0500
100 ml CL01.0333.0100
Cesium 12.3 g Cs2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0333.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 7
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L

100 ml CL01.0363.0100
Chromium 10 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0363.0500
100 ml CL01.0364.0100
Chromium 10 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0364.0500
100 ml CL01.1123.0100
Cobalt 10 g Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1123.0500

Cobalt 10 g Co / l 2 to 5% HCl 100 ml CL01.1128.0100

100 ml CL01.1134.0100
Copper 12.6 g CuO / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1134.0500
100 ml CL01.1133.0100
Copper 10 g Cu / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1133.0500
100 ml CL01.0433.0100
Dysprosium 11.5 g Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0433.0500
100 ml CL01.0503.0100
Erbium 11.5 g Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0503.0500
100 ml CL01.0513.0100
Europium 11.6 g Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0513.0500
100 ml CL01.0703.0100
Gadolinium 11.6 g Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0703.0500
100 ml CL01.0713.0100
Gallium 10 g Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HCl
500 ml CL01.0713.0500
100 ml CL01.0743.0100
Germanium 10 g Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0743.0500
100 ml CL01.0733.0100
Gold 10 g Au / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0733.0500
100 ml CL01.0803.0100
Hafnium 10 g Hf / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.0803.0500
100 ml CL01.0804.0100
Hafnium 22.94 g HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0804.0500
100 ml CL01.0823.0100
Holmium 11.5 g Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0823.0500

8 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0923.0100
Indium 10 g In / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0923.0500
100 ml CL01.0933.0100
Iridium 18.4 g IrCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0933.0500
100 ml CL01.0903.0100
Iron 10 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0903.0500
100 ml CL01.0904.0100
Iron 10 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0904.0500
100 ml CL01.1203.0100
Lanthanum 11.8 g La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1203.0500
100 ml CL01.1223.0100
Lead 10 g Pb / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1223.0500
100 ml CL01.1214.0100
Lithium 53.3 g Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1214.0500
100 ml CL01.1233.0100
Lutetium 11.4 g Lu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1233.0500
Magnesium NEW

Magnesium 10 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HCl 100 ml CL01.1310.0100

100 ml CL01.1304.0100
Magnesium 10 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1304.0500
Magnesium oxide
100 ml CL01.1309.0100
Magnesium oxide 10 g MgO / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1309.0500
100 ml CL01.1313.0100
Manganese 10 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1313.0500
100 ml CL01.1153.0100
Mercury 10 g Hg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1153.0500
100 ml CL01.1333.0100
Molybdenum 10 g Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1333.0500
100 ml CL01.1334.0100
Molybdenum 20.43 g (NH4)2MoO4 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.1334.0500
100 ml CL01.1413.0100
Neodymium 11.7 g Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1413.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 9
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L


Nickel 12.73 g NiO / l 2 to 5% HCl 100 ml CL01.1428.0100

100 ml CL01.1423.0100
Nickel 10 g Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1423.0500
100 ml CL01.1433.0100
Niobium 10 g Nb / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1433.0500
100 ml CL01.1603.0100
Palladium 10 g Pd / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1603.0500
100 ml CL01.0633.0100
Phosphorus 42.636 g (NH4)2HPO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0633.0500
100 ml CL01.0634.0100
Phosphorus 31.64 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0634.0500
100 ml CL01.0643.0100
Phosphorus 31.64 g H3PO4 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0643.0500
Phosphorus pentoxide
100 ml CL01.0629.0100
Phosphorus pentoxide 13.81 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0629.0500
100 ml CL01.1613.0100
Platinum 10 g Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1613.0500
100 ml CL01.1104.0100
Potassium 25.858 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1104.0500
Potassium oxide
100 ml CL01.1109.0100
Potassium oxide 21.464 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1109.0500
100 ml CL01.1623.0100
Praseodymium 12.1 g Pr6O11 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1623.0500
100 ml CL01.1803.0100
Rhenium 14.41 g NH4ReO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1803.0500
100 ml CL01.1804.0100
Rhenium 10 g Re / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1804.0500
100 ml CL01.1813.0100
Rhodium 25.58 g RhCl3.3H2O/ l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1813.0500
100 ml CL01.1824.0100
Rubidium 13.6 g Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1824.0500

10 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.1834.0100
Ruthenium 26 g RuCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1834.0500
100 ml CL01.1903.0100
Samarium 11.6 g Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1903.0500
100 ml CL01.1913.0100
Scandium 15.34 g Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1913.0500
100 ml CL01.1923.0100
Selenium 10 g Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1923.0500
100 ml CL01.1933.0100
Silicium 21.4 g SiO2 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.1933.0500
100 ml CL01.1943.0100
Silicium 63.36 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1943.0500
100 ml CL01.1934.0100
Silicium 10 g Si / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1934.0500
100 ml CL01.2603.0100
Silver 10 g Ag / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2603.0500
100 ml CL01.1404.0100
Sodium 36.977 g NaNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1404.0500
Sodium oxide
100 ml CL01.1409.0100
Sodium oxide 27.428 g NaNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1409.0500
100 ml CL01.1963.0100
Strontium 16.849 g SrCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1963.0500
100 ml CL01.2644.0100
Sulfur 41.21 g (NH4)2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2644.0500
100 ml CL01.2643.0100
Sulfur 30.586 g H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2643.0500
100 ml CL01.2004.0100
Tantalum 10 g Ta / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2004.0500
100 ml CL01.2003.0100
Tantalum 10 g Ta / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2003.0500
100 ml CL01.2014.0100
Tellurium 10 g Te / l 20% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2014.0500
100 ml CL01.2015.0100
Tellurium 10 g Te / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2015.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 11
ICP Standards 10 000 mg/L

100 ml CL01.2023.0100
Terbium 11.8 g Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2023.0500
100 ml CL01.2033.0100
Thallium 10 g Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2033.0500
100 ml CL01.2043.0100
Thorium 24.6 g Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2043.0500
100 ml CL01.2053.0100
Thulium 11.5 g Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2053.0500
100 ml CL01.2063.0100
Tin 10 g Sn / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2063.0500
100 ml CL01.2074.0100
Titanium 10 g Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2074.0500
100 ml CL01.2073.0100
Titanium 39.62 g TiCl4 / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2073.0500
100 ml CL01.2304.0100
Tungsten 10 g W / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2304.0500
100 ml CL01.2333.0100
Tungsten 10 g W / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2333.0500
100 ml CL01.2303.0100
Tungsten 12.61 g WO3 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.2303.0500
100 ml CL01.2203.0100
Vanadium 10 g V / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2203.0500
100 ml CL01.2503.0100
Ytterbium 11.4 g Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2503.0500
100 ml CL01.2513.0100
Yttrium 12.7 g Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2513.0500
100 ml CL01.2614.0100
Zinc 10 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2614.0500
100 ml CL01.2613.0100
Zinc 10 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2613.0500
100 ml CL01.2633.0100
Zirconium 35.33 g ZrOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2633.0500

12 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 13
I C P S TA N D A R D S 1. 0 0 0 P P M

ICP Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L

Element HNO3 HCl H2O NH4OH HF HNO3/HF HNO3/tart. KOH NaOH Others
Al CL01.0101 CL01.0102
Sb CL01.0121 CL01.0122 CL01.0162
As CL01.0133 CL01.0132 CL01.0131
Ba CL01.0201 CL01.0202
Be CL01.0212 CL01.0211
Bi CL01.0221
B CL01.0232 CL01.0231
Cd CL01.0301
Ca CL01.0311 CL01.0312
Ce CL01.0321
Cs CL01.0331
Cr CL01.0362 CL01.0361 CL01.0352
Co CL01.1121 CL01.1122
Cu CL01.1131 CL01.1132
Dy CL01.0431
Er CL01.0501
Eu CL01.0511
Gd CL01.0701
Ga CL01.0711
Ge CL01.0741 CL01.0721
Au CL01.0731
Hf CL01.0802 CL01.0801
Ho CL01.0821
In CL01.0921
Ir CL01.0931
Fe CL01.0901 CL01.0902
La CL01.1201 CL01.1202
Pb CL01.1221
Li CL01.1212 CL01.1211
Lu CL01.1231
Mg CL01.1301 CL01.1302
Mn CL01.1311 CL01.1312
Hg CL01.1151
Mo CL01.1332 CL01.1331
Nd CL01.1411
Ni CL01.1421 CL01.1422
Nb CL01.1431
Os CL01.1501
Pd CL01.1601
P CL01.0641 CL01.0631
Pt CL01.1611
K CL01.1101 CL01.1102
Pr CL01.1621
Re CL01.1802 CL01.1801
Rh CL01.1811
Rb CL01.1822 CL01.1821
Ru CL01.1831
Sm CL01.1901
Sc CL01.1911
Se CL01.1922 CL01.1921
Si CL01.1999 CL01.1945 CL01.1932 CL01.1931 CL01.1935
Ag CL01.2601
Na CL01.1401 CL01.1402
Sr CL01.1962 CL01.1961
S CL01.2641 CL01.2642
Ta CL01.2001 CL01.2002
Te CL01.2012 CL01.2013 CL01.2011
Tb CL01.2022
Th CL01.2041
Tm CL01.2051
Sn CL01.2061 CL01.2062
Ti CL01.2072 CL01.4601 CL01.2071 CL01.2075
W CL01.2302 CL01.2301 CL01.2331
V CL01.2201
Yb CL01.2501
Y CL01.2511
Zn CL01.2611 CL01.2612
Zr CL01.2632 CL01.2631 CL01.2672

14 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0102.0100
Aluminium 1 g Al / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0102.0500
100 ml CL01.0101.0100
Aluminium 1 g Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0101.0500
Aluminium(III) oxide
100 ml CL01.0141.0100
Aluminium(III) oxide 0.529 g Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0141.0500
100 ml CL01.0121.0100
Antimony 1 g Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0121.0500
100 ml CL01.0162.0100
Antimony 1 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + 0.5 % Tartaric Acid
500 ml CL01.0162.0500
100 ml CL01.0122.0100
Antimony 1 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0122.0500
100 ml CL01.0132.0100
Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0132.0500
100 ml CL01.0131.0100
Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.0131.0500
100 ml CL01.0133.0100
Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0133.0500
100 ml CL01.0201.0100
Barium 1.44 g BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0201.0500
100 ml CL01.0202.0100
Barium 1.44 g BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0202.0500
100 ml CL01.0211.0100
Beryllium 1 g Be / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0211.0500
100 ml CL01.0212.0100
Beryllium 1 g Be / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0212.0500
100 ml CL01.0221.0100
Bismuth 1 g Bi / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0221.0500
100 ml CL01.0232.0100
Boron 5.719 g H3BO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0232.0500
100 ml CL01.0231.0100
Boron 5.719 g H3BO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0231.0500
100 ml CL01.0301.0100
Cadmium 1 g Cd / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0301.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 15
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L

100 ml CL01.0311.0100
Calcium 2.5 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0311.0500
100 ml CL01.0312.0100
Calcium 2.5 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0312.0500
Calcium oxide
100 ml CL01.0313.0100
Calcium oxide 1.79 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0313.0500
100 ml CL01.0321.0100
Cerium 1.23 g CeO2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0321.0500
100 ml CL01.0331.0100
Cesium 1.226 g Cs2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0331.0500
100 ml CL01.0361.0100
Chromium 1 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0361.0500
100 ml CL01.0362.0100
Chromium 1 g Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0362.0500
100 ml CL01.0352.0100
Chromium 2.829 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0352.0500
100 ml CL01.1122.0100
Cobalt 1 g Co / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1122.0500
100 ml CL01.1121.0100
Cobalt 1 g Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1121.0500
100 ml CL01.1131.0100
Copper 1 g Cu / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1131.0500
100 ml CL01.1132.0100
Copper 1.26 g CuO / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1132.0500
100 ml CL01.0431.0100
Dysprosium 1.15 g Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0431.0500
100 ml CL01.0501.0100
Erbium 1.15 g Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0501.0500
100 ml CL01.0511.0100
Europium 1.16 g Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0511.0500
100 ml CL01.0701.0100
Gadolinium 1.16 g Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0701.0500
100 ml CL01.0711.0100
Gallium 1 g Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0711.0500

16 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0721.0100
Germanium 1 g Ge / l 2 % KOH
500 ml CL01.0721.0500
100 ml CL01.0741.0100
Germanium 1 g Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.0741.0500
100 ml CL01.0731.0100
Gold 1 g Au / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0731.0500
100 ml CL01.0802.0100
Hafnium 2.294 g HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0802.0500
100 ml CL01.0801.0100
Hafnium 1 g Hf / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.0801.0500
100 ml CL01.0821.0100
Holmium 1.15 g Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0821.0500
100 ml CL01.0921.0100
Indium 1 g In / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0921.0500
100 ml CL01.0931.0100
Iridium 1.84 g IrCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0931.0500
100 ml CL01.0902.0100
Iron 1 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.0902.0500
100 ml CL01.0901.0100
Iron 1 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0901.0500
Iron(III) oxide
100 ml CL01.0941.0100
Iron(III) oxide 0.6994 g Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0941.0500
100 ml CL01.1201.0100
Lanthanum 1.18 g La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1201.0500
100 ml CL01.1202.0100
Lanthanum 1.18 g La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1202.0500
100 ml CL01.1221.0100
Lead 1 g Pb / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1221.0500
100 ml CL01.1211.0100
Lithium 5.33 g Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1211.0500
100 ml CL01.1212.0100
Lithium 5.33 g Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1212.0500
100 ml CL01.1231.0100
Lutetium 1.14 g Lu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1231.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 17
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L

100 ml CL01.1301.0100
Magnesium 1 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1301.0500
100 ml CL01.1302.0100
Magnesium 1 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1302.0500
Magnesium oxide
100 ml CL01.1303.0100
Magnesium oxide 0.603 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1303.0500
100 ml CL01.1312.0100
Manganese 1 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1312.0500
100 ml CL01.1311.0100
Manganese 1 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1311.0500
Manganese(III) oxide
100 ml CL01.1341.0100
Manganese(III) oxide 0.696 g Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1341.0500
100 ml CL01.1151.0100
Mercury 1 g Hg / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1151.0500
100 ml CL01.1332.0100
Molybdenum 2.043 g (NH4)2MoO4 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.1332.0500
100 ml CL01.1331.0100
Molybdenum 1 g Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1331.0500
100 ml CL01.1411.0100
Neodymium 1.17 g Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1411.0500
100 ml CL01.1421.0100
Nickel 1 g Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1421.0500
100 ml CL01.1422.0100
Nickel 1.273 g NiO / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1422.0500
100 ml CL01.1431.0100
Niobium 1 g Nb / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1431.0500
100 ml CL01.1501.0100
Osmium 2.31 g (NH4)2OsCl6 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1501.0500
100 ml CL01.1601.0100
Palladium 1 g Pd / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1601.0500

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

18 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0641.0100
Phosphorus 3.164 g H3PO4 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0641.0500
100 ml CL01.0631.0100
Phosphorus 4.264 g (NH4)2HPO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0631.0500
100 ml CL01.0646.0100
Phosphorus 4.393 g KH2PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0646.0500
Phosphorus pentoxide
100 ml CL01.0621.0100
Phosphorus pentoxide 1.381 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0621.0500
100 ml CL01.1611.0100
Platinum 1 g Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1611.0500
100 ml CL01.1102.0100
Potassium 1.907 g KCl / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1102.0500
100 ml CL01.1101.0100
Potassium 2.586 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1101.0500
Potassium oxide
100 ml CL01.1103.0100
Potassium oxide 2.15 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1103.0500
100 ml CL01.1621.0100
Praseodymium 1.21 g Pr6O11 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1621.0500
100 ml CL01.1802.0100
Rhenium 1 g Re / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1802.0500
100 ml CL01.1801.0100
Rhenium 1.441 g NH4ReO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1801.0500
100 ml CL01.1811.0100
Rhodium 2.558 g RhCl3.3H2O/ l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1811.0500
100 ml CL01.1822.0100
Rubidium 1.36 g Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1822.0500
100 ml CL01.1821.0100
Rubidium 1.36 g Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1821.0500
100 ml CL01.1831.0100
Ruthenium 2.6 g RuCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.1831.0500
100 ml CL01.1901.0100
Samarium 1.16 g Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1901.0500
100 ml CL01.1911.0100
Scandium 1.534 g Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1911.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 19
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L

100 ml CL01.1921.0100
Selenium 1 g Se / l 10% HCl 500 ml CL01.1921.0500
5l CL01.1921.5000
100 ml CL01.1922.0100
Selenium 1 g Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1922.0500
100 ml CL01.1999.0100
Silicium 6.336 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1999.0500
100 ml CL01.1931.0100
Silicium 2.14 g SiO2 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.1931.0500
100 ml CL01.1932.0100
Silicium 1 g Si / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1932.0500
100 ml CL01.1935.0100
Silicium 2.14 g SiO2 / l 2% NaOH
500 ml CL01.1935.0500
100 ml CL01.1945.0100
Silicium 6.336 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1945.0500
Silicium dioxide
100 ml CL01.1942.0100
Silicium dioxide 2.965 g (NH4)2SiF6 / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.1942.0500
100 ml CL01.2601.0100
Silver 1 g Ag / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2601.0500
100 ml CL01.1402.0100
Sodium 2.542 g NaCl / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1402.0500
100 ml CL01.1401.0100
Sodium 3.698 g NaNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1401.0500
Sodium oxide
100 ml CL01.1403.0100
Sodium oxide 2.75 g NaNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1403.0500
100 ml CL01.1962.0100
Strontium 1.685 g SrCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1962.0500
100 ml CL01.1961.0100
Strontium 1.685 g SrCO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.1961.0500
100 ml CL01.2641.0100
Sulfur 4.121 g (NH4)2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2641.0500
100 ml CL01.2642.0100
Sulfur 3.059 g H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2642.0500
100 ml CL01.2002.0100
Tantalum 1 g Ta / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2002.0500
100 ml CL01.2001.0100
Tantalum 1 g Ta / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2001.0500

20 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L


100 ml CL01.2013.0100
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2013.0500
100 ml CL01.2011.0100
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.2011.0500
100 ml CL01.2012.0100
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2012.0500
100 ml CL01.2022.0100
Terbium 1.18 g Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2022.0500
100 ml CL01.2031.0100
Thallium 1 g Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2031.0500
100 ml CL01.2041.0100
Thorium 2.46 g Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2041.0500
100 ml CL01.2051.0100
Thulium 1.15 g Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2051.0500
100 ml CL01.2062.0100
Tin 1 g Sn / l 1% HF & 2% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2062.0500
100 ml CL01.2061.0100
Tin 1 g Sn / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2061.0500
100 ml CL01.4601.0100
Titanium 4.1343 g (NH4)2TiF6 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.4601.0500
100 ml CL01.2071.0100
Titanium 1 g Ti / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2071.0500
100 ml CL01.2072.0100
Titanium 3.962 g TiCl4 / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2072.0500
100 ml CL01.2075.0100
Titanium 1 g Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2075.0500
100 ml CL01.2331.0100
Tungsten 1 g W / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2331.0500
100 ml CL01.2302.0100
Tungsten 1.261 g WO3 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.2302.0500
100 ml CL01.2301.0100
Tungsten 1 g W / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2301.0500
100 ml CL01.2201.0100
Vanadium 1 g V / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2201.0500
100 ml CL01.2501.0100
Ytterbium 1.14 g Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2501.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 21
ICP Standards 1 000 mg/L

100 ml CL01.2511.0100
Yttrium 1.27 g Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2511.0500
100 ml CL01.2612.0100
Zinc 1 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2612.0500
100 ml CL01.2611.0100
Zinc 1 g Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2611.0500
100 ml CL01.2632.0100
Zirconium 3.533 g ZrOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2632.0500
100 ml CL01.2631.0100
Zirconium 1 g Zr / l 5% HF
500 ml CL01.2631.0500
100 ml CL01.2672.0100
Zirconium 1 g Zr / l 2 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2672.0500

Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Material

Art. Nr. : CL01.0211 Lot Nr. : 25.2971306

Intended Use: The main purpose of this material is to assess method performance, i.e. for checking
accuracy of analytical performance or calibrating analytical procedures (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, GFAA, AA). As
Beryllium standard solution 1000 µg/ml (Plasma HIQU) any reference material, it can also be used for control charts or validation studies.

1 g Be / l 2 to 5% HCl
Instruction for use: This material is ready to use. We recommend that, prior to use, this solution to be
Certified value: (991 ± 6) µg/g Density (*): 1,017 g/mL - 20°C mixed by repeated shaking or swirling of the bottle. Use a minimum sub-sample size of 2.5 mL.

Certification and Traceability: The certified mass fraction shown above was achieved by method BM006 that uses
the “High Performance ICP-OES” protocol developed by NIST. This value is traceable to the International System of Storage: This material shall be stored at room temperature.
Units (SI) via the value of the reference material NIST SRMs 3105a

Uncertainty: The reported uncertainty of the certified value is the expanded uncertainty with coverage factor k=2
corresponding to a level of confidence of about 95% estimated in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02 by procedures Period of Validity: Chem-Lab ensures the accuracy of this solution for 18 months from purchase date,
consistent with the requirements of ISO Guide 34 and ISO Guide 35. provided that both the instructions for use and storage conditions are followed. Expiry date is shown on the
bottle. During the period of validity, the purchaser will be notified if this product is recalled due to any
Impurity Information (*) significant changes in the stability of the solution.

Ag < 0,003 mg/l Er < 0,002 mg/l Mn < 0,061 mg/l S < 0,032 mg/l V < 0,004 mg/l
Al < 0,400 mg/l Eu < 0,002 mg/l Mo < 0,005 mg/l Sb < 0,003 mg/l W < 0,004 mg/l
As < 0,007 mg/l Fe < 0,900 mg/l Na < 0,1 mg/l Sc < 0,002 mg/l Y < 0,002 mg/l
Au < 0,002 mg/l Ga < 0,002 mg/l Nb < 0,002 mg/l Se < 0,002 mg/l Yb < 0,002 mg/l
B < 0,01 mg/l Gd < 0,002 mg/l Nd < 0,002 mg/l Si < 0,300 mg/l Zn < 0,014 mg/l
Ba < 0,021 mg/l Ge < 0,002 mg/l Ni < 0,200 mg/l Sm < 0,002 mg/l Zr < 0,006 mg/l
Be * Hf < 0,002 mg/l Os < 0,002 mg/l Sn < 0,006 mg/l
Bi < 0,004 mg/l Hg < 0,006 mg/l P < 0,008 mg/l Sr < 0,002 mg/l
Ca < 0,100 mg/l Ho < 0,002 mg/l Pb < 0,200 mg/l Ta < 0,002 mg/l
Cd < 0,011 mg/l In < 0,002 mg/l Pd < 0,009 mg/l Tb < 0,002 mg/l
Ce < 0,002 mg/l Ir < 0,002 mg/l Pr < 0,002 mg/l Te < 0,002 mg/l
Co < 0,011 mg/l K < 0,015 mg/l Pt < 0,002 mg/l Th < 0,002 mg/l
Cr < 0,100 mg/l La < 0,002 mg/l Rb < 0,003 mg/l Ti < 0,006 mg/l
Cs < 0,002 mg/l Li < 0,007 mg/l Re < 0,002 mg/l Tl < 0,002 mg/l
Cu < 0,100 mg/l Lu < 0,002 mg/l Rh < 0,002 mg/l Tm < 0,002 mg/l
Dy < 0,002 mg/l Mg < 0,100 mg/l Ru < 0,002 mg/l U < 0,002 mg/l

* Impurity levels and density are supplied for information only and are not under certification.

Quality Managment System:

This Certified Reference Material have been prepared and certified under a quality management system that is
accredited to:

ISO Guide 34:2009 - General requirements for the competence of reference material producers
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 - General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories
ISO 9001:2008 - Quality Management

Chemist: Luis Bianchi Date of Certification: 21-06-2017

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
F118-MAC-03/02/17 Page 2 of 2
Page 1 of 2

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

22 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 100 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0101.100.0100
Aluminium 100 mg Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0101.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0121.100.0100
Antimony 100 mg Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0121.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0133.100.0100
Arsenicum 132 mg As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0133.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0201.100.0100
Barium 144 mg BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0201.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0212.100.0100
Beryllium 100 mg Be / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0212.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0231.100.0100
Boron 571.9 mg H3BO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0231.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0301.100.0100
Cadmium 100 mg Cd / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0301.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0311.100.0100
Calcium 250 mg CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0311.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0321.100.0100
Cerium 123 mg CeO2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0321.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0331.100.0100
Cesium 122.6 mg Cs2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0331.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0362.100.0100
Chromium 100 mg Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0362.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1121.100.0100
Cobalt 100 mg Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1121.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1131.100.0100
Copper 100 mg Cu / l 1% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1131.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0431.100.0100
Dysprosium 115 mg Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0431.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0501.100.0100
Erbium 115 mg Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0501.100.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 23
ICP Standards 100 mg/L

100 ml CL01.0511.100.0100
Europium 116 mg Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0511.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0701.100.0100
Gadolinium 116 mg Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0701.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0711.100.0100
Gallium 100 mg Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0711.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0721.100.0100
Germanium 100 mg Ge / l 2 % KOH (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0721.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0741.100.0100
Germanium 100 mg Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0741.100.0500

Gold 100 mg Au / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !) 100 ml CL01.0731.100.0100

100 ml CL01.0802.100.0100
Hafnium 229.4 mg HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0802.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0801.100.0100
Hafnium 100 mg Hf / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0801.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0821.100.0100
Holmium 115 mg Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0821.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0921.100.0100
Indium 100 mg In / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0921.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0931.100.0100
Iridium 184 mg IrCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0931.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0901.100.0100
Iron 100 mg Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0901.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1201.100.0100
Lanthanum 118 mg La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1201.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1221.100.0100
Lead 100 mg Pb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1221.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1212.100.0100
Lithium 533 mg Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1212.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1231.100.0100
Lutetium 114 mg Lu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1231.100.0500

24 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 100 mg/L


100 ml CL01.1301.100.0100
Magnesium 100 mg Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1301.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1311.100.0100
Manganese 100 mg Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1311.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1151.100.0100
Mercury 100 mg Hg / l 0.1 mol HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1151.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1331.100.0100
Molybdenum 100 mg Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1331.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1411.100.0100
Neodymium 117 mg Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1411.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1421.100.0100
Nickel 100 mg Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1421.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1431.100.0100
Niobium 100 mg Nb / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1431.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1501.100.0100
Osmium 231 mg (NH4)2OsCl6 / l 2 to 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1501.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1602.100.0100
Palladium 100 mg Pd / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1602.100.0500
100 ml CL01.0641.100.0100
Phosphorus 316.4 mg H3PO4 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0641.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1611.100.0100
Platinum 100 mg Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1611.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1101.100.0100
Potassium 258.6 mg KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1101.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1621.100.0100
Praseodymium 121 mg Pr6O11 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1621.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1802.100.0100
Rhenium 100 mg Re / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1802.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1811.100.0100
Rhodium 255.8 mg RhCl3.3H2O/ l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1811.100.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 25
ICP Standards 100 mg/L

100 ml CL01.1822.100.0100
Rubidium 136 mg Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1822.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1831.100.0100
Ruthenium 260 mg RuCl3.3H2O / l 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1831.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1901.100.0100
Samarium 116 mg Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1901.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1911.100.0100
Scandium 153.4 mg Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1911.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1922.100.0100
Selenium 100 mg Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1922.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1932.100.0100
Silicium 100 mg Si / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1932.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2601.100.0100
Silver 100 mg Ag / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2601.100.0500
100 ml CL01.1401.100.0100
Sodium 369.8 mg NaNO3 / l 1% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1401.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2642.100.0100
Sulfur 305.9 mg H2SO4 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2642.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2002.100.0100
Tantalum 100 mg Ta / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2002.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2013.100.0100
Tellurium 100 mg Te / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2013.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2022.100.0100
Terbium 118 mg Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2022.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2031.100.0100
Thallium 100 mg Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2031.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2041.100.0100
Thorium 246 mg Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2041.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2051.100.0100
Thulium 115 mg Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2051.100.0500

26 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 100 mg/L


100 ml CL01.2062.100.0100
Tin 100 mg Sn / l 1% HF & 2% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2062.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2075.100.0100
Titanium 100 mg Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2075.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2301.100.0100
Tungsten 100 mg W / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2301.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2201.100.0100
Vanadium 100 mg V / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2201.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2501.100.0100
Ytterbium 114 mg Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2501.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2511.100.0100
Yttrium 127 mg Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2511.100.0500
100 ml CL01.2611.100.0100
Zinc 100 mg Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2611.100.0500
Zirconium NEW
100 ml CL01.2672.100.0100
Zirconium 100 mg Zr / l 2 à 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2672.100.0500

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 27
ICP Standards 10 mg/L

100 ml CL01.0133.010.0100
Arsenicum 13.2 mg As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0133.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0101.010.0100
Aluminium 10 mg Al / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0101.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0121.010.0100
Antimony 10 mg Sb / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0121.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0201.010.0100
Barium 14.4 mg BaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0201.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0212.010.0100
Beryllium 10 mg Be / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0212.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0221.010.0100
Bismuth 10 mg Bi / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0221.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0231.010.0100
Boron 57.19 mg H3BO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0231.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0301.010.0100
Cadmium 10 mg Cd / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0301.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0311.010.0100
Calcium 25 mg CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0311.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0321.010.0100
Cerium 12.3 mg CeO2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0321.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0331.010.0100
Cesium 12.26 mg Cs2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0331.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0362.010.0100
Chromium 10 mg Cr / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0362.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1121.010.0100
Cobalt 10 mg Co / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1121.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1131.010.0100
Copper 10 mg Cu / l 1% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1131.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0431.010.0100
Dysprosium 11.5 mg Dy2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0431.010.0500

28 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 10 mg/L


100 ml CL01.0501.010.0100
Erbium 11.5 mg Er2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0501.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0511.010.0100
Europium 11.6 mg Eu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0511.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0701.010.0100
Gadolinium 11.6 mg Gd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0701.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0711.010.0100
Gallium 10 mg Ga / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0711.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0721.010.0100
Germanium 10 mg Ge / l 2 % KOH (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0721.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0741.010.0100
Germanium 10 mg Ge / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0741.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0731.010.0100
Gold 10 mg Au / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0731.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0801.010.0100
Hafnium 10 mg Hf / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0801.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0802.010.0100
Hafnium 22.94 mg HfOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)l
500 ml CL01.0802.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0821.010.0100
Holmium 11.5 mg Ho2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0821.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0921.010.0100
Indium 10 mg In / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0921.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0931.010.0100
Iridium 18.4 mg IrCl3.3H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0931.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0901.010.0100
Iron 10 mg Fe / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0901.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1201.010.0100
Lanthanum 11.8 mg La2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1201.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1221.010.0100
Lead 10 mg Pb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1221.010.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 29
ICP Standards 10 mg/L

100 ml CL01.1212.010.0100
Lithium 53.3 mg Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1212.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1231.010.0100
Lutetium 11.4 mg Lu2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1231.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1301.010.0100
Magnesium 10 mg Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1301.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1311.010.0100
Manganese 10 mg Mn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1311.010.0500
Mercury NEW
100 ml CL01.1151.010.0100
Mercury 10 mg Hg / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1151.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1331.010.0100
Molybdenum 10 mg Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1331.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1411.010.0100
Neodymium 11.7 mg Nd2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1411.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1421.010.0100
Nickel 10 mg Ni / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1421.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1431.010.0100
Niobium 10 mg Nb / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1431.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1501.010.0100
Osmium 23.1 mg (NH4)2OsCl6 / l 2 to 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1501.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1602.010.0100
Palladium 10 mg Pd / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1602.010.0500
100 ml CL01.0641.010.0100
Phosphorus 31.64 mg H3PO4 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0641.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1611.010.0100
Platinum 10 mg Pt / l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1611.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1101.010.0100
Potassium 25.6 mg KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1101.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1621.010.0100
Praseodymium 12.1 mg Pr6O11 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1621.010.0500

30 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ICP Standards 10 mg/L


100 ml CL01.1802.010.0100
Rhenium 10 mg Re / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1802.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1811.010.0100
Rhodium 25.58 mg RhCl3.3H2O/ l 10 to 20% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1811.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1822.010.0100
Rubidium 13.6 mg Rb2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1822.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1831.010.0100
Ruthenium 26 mg RuCl3.3H2O / l 5% HCl (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1831.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1901.010.0100
Samarium 11.6 mg Sm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1901.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1911.010.0100
Scandium 15.34 mg Sc2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1911.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1922.010.0100
Selenium 10 mg Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1922.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1932.010.0100
Silicium 10 mg Si / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1932.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2601.010.0100
Silver 10 mg Ag / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2601.010.0500
100 ml CL01.1401.010.0100
Sodium 36.98 mg NaNO3 / l 1% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.1401.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2642.010.0100
Sulfur 30.59 mg H2SO4 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2642.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2002.010.0100
Tantalum 10 mg Ta / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2002.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2013.010.0100
Tellurium 10 mg Te / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2013.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2022.010.0100
Terbium 11.8 mg Tb4O7 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2022.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2031.010.0100
Thallium 10 mg Tl / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2031.010.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 31
ICP Standards 10 mg/L


Thorium 24.6 mg Th(NO3)4.5H2O / l 10% HNO3 (Keep Cool !) 100 ml CL01.2041.010.0100

100 ml CL01.2051.010.0100
Thulium 11.5 mg Tm2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2051.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2062.010.0100
Tin 10 mg Sn / l 1% HF & 2% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2062.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2075.010.0100
Titanium 10 mg Ti / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2075.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2301.010.0100
Tungsten 10 mg W / l 5% HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2301.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2201.010.0100
Vanadium 10 mg V / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2201.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2501.010.0100
Ytterbium 11.4 mg Yb2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2501.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2511.010.0100
Yttrium 12.7 mg Y2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2511.010.0500
100 ml CL01.2611.010.0100
Zinc 10 mg Zn / l 2 to 5% HNO3 (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2611.010.0500
Zirconium NEW
100 ml CL01.2672.010.0100
Zirconium 10 mg Zr / l 2 à 5% HNO3 + traces HF (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.2672.010.0500

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

32 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Quality Control Standards & Second Source Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-27) (27E) CL01.13612
*ICP Quality Control Standard (QCS) Contains 27 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-27)
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Boron (B) : 100 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l CL01.13612.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13612.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-23) (23E) CL01.13610

*ICP Quality Control Standard (QCS) Contains 23 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-23)
Potassium (K) : 1000 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Boron (B) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13610.0100 100 ml PE
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l CL01.13610.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-01) (23E) CL01.13601

*ICP-Quality Control Standard # 1 (QCS) Contains 23 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-01)
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 100 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 100 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13601.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l CL01.13601.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 33
Quality Control Standards & Second Source Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP ASL QC Standard sol. (QCS-ASL-21) (21E) NEW CL01.13609
*ICP Alternative Source Line Quality Control Standard (QCS) Contains 21 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-ASL-21)
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 100 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 100 ppm
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l CL01.13609.0100 100 ml PE
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l CL01.13609.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-04) (19E) NEW CL01.13604

*ICP Quality Control Multi-Elemental Standard I (QCS) Contains 19 elements in 5% HNO3 (QCS-04)
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 5 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 5 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 1 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
Bismuth (Bi) : 200 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 1 mg/l
Boron (B) : 15 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 400 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Chromium (Cr) : 25 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l
Gallium (Ga) : 150 mg/l
Indium (In) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) : 15 mg/l CL01.13604.0100 100 ml PE
Lead (Pb) : 200 mg/l CL01.13604.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-19) (19E) CL01.13608

*ICP Quality Control Standard (QCS) Contains 19 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-19)
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l CL01.13608.0100 100 ml PE
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l CL01.13608.0500 500 ml PE/H

34 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Quality Control Standards & Second Source Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-03) (15E) CL01.13603
*ICP Quality Control Standard (QCS) Contains 15 elements in 5% HNO3 (QCS-03)
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13603.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13603.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-02) (7E) CL01.13602

*ICP-Quality Control Standard # 2 (QCS) Contains 7 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Boron (B) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Potassium (K) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Silicon (Si) : 500 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13602.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13602.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ASL QC Standard sol. (QCS-ASL-7) (7E) CL01.13607

*ICP Alternative Source Line Quality Control Standard (QCS) Contains 7 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-ASL-7)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 100mg/l
IATA 8,III Boron (B) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Potassium (K) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Silicon (Si) : 50 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13607.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13607.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-06) (4E) CL01.13606

ICP Quality Control Multi-Elemental Standard III (QCS) Contains 4 elements in 2% HNO3 (QCS-06)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Barium (Ba) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 1000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Strontium (Sr) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13606.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13606.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 35
Quality Control Standards & Second Source Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-05) (3E) CL01.13605

*ICP Quality Control Multi-Elemental Standard II (QCS) Contains 3 elements in 2% HNO3 (QCS-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Lithium (Li) : 250 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Potassium (K) : 10000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Sodium (Na) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13605.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13605.0500 500 ml PE/H

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat
Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat
ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/ The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:
The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2 Industriezone "De Arend", 2

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

36 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Instrument Check Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP SQS Standard sol. (SQS-02) (34E) CL01.13632
*ICP Instrument Screening Solution II (SQS) Contains 34 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HCl & HF (SQS-02)
Gold (Au) : 10 mg/l Ruthenium (Ru) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Boron (B) : 10 mg/l Sulfur (S) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l Antimony (Sb) : 10 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 10 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 10 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
Caesium (Cs) : 10 mg/l Tantalum (Ta) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l Tellurium (Te) : 10 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 10 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 10 mg/l
Germanium (Ge) : 10 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 10 mg/l
Hafnium (Hf) : 10 mg/l Tungsten (W) : 10 mg/l
Iridium (Ir) : 10 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 10 mg/l
Potassium (K) : 10 mg/l Zirconium (Zr) : 10 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 10 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 10 mg/l
Molybdenum (Mo) : 10 mg/l
Niobium (Nb) : 10 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l
Palladium (Pd) : 10 mg/l
Platinum (Pt) : 10 mg/l
Rubidium (Rb) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Rhenium (Re) : 10 mg/l CL01.13632.0100 100 ml PE
Rhodium (Rh) : 10 mg/l CL01.13632.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SQS Standard sol. (SQS-01) (33E) CL01.13631

*ICP Instrument Screening Solution I (SQS) Contains 33 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (SQS-01)
Aluminium (Al) : 10 mg/l Praseodymium (Pr) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l Scandium (Sc) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 10 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
Bismuth (Bi) : 10 mg/l Samarium (Sm) : 10 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 10 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l Terbium (Tb) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cerium (Ce) : 10 mg/l Thorium (Th) : 10 mg/l
Dysprosium (Dy) : 10 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
Erbium (Er) : 10 mg/l Thulium (Tm) : 10 mg/l
Europium (Eu) : 10 mg/l Uranium (U) : 10 mg/l
Gallium (Ga) : 10 mg/l Yttrium (Y) : 10 mg/l
Gadolinium (Gd) : 10 mg/l Ytterbium (Yb) : 10 mg/l
Holmium (Ho) : 10 mg/l
Indium (In) : 10 mg/l
Lanthanum (La) : 10 mg/l
Lutetium (Lu) : 10 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 10 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 10 mg/l
Neodymium (Nd) : 10 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 10 mg/l
CL01.13631.0100 100 ml PE
Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l CL01.13631.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 37
Instrument Check Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP SQS Standard sol. (SQS-03) (2E) CL01.13633

*ICP Instrument Screening Solution III (SQS) Contains 2 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 (SQS-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13633.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13633.0500 500 ml PE/H

Certificate of Analysis Chem-Lab multi-element standards are compared against the following NIST SRMs

IONEX Reference Standard Element Aq. SRM Oil SRM Element Aq. SRM Oil SRM

Ag 3151 1077a Nb 3137 -

Al 3101a 1075a Nd 3135a -
Art. Nr. : CL01.13609 Lot Nr. : 25.7403105 As 3103a 3103a Ni 3136 1065b
Multi Element ICP ASL QC Standard sol. (QCS-ASL-21) (21E) Au
Contains 21 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-ASL-21) Ba 3104a 1051b P 3139a 1071b
Be 3105a 3105a Pb 3128 1059c
Bi 3106 3106 Pd 3138 -
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations Br- 3184 - PO4-3 3186 -
shown below by method BM001 using certified single element solutions that are directly traceable to Ca 3109a 3109 Pr 3142a -
SI via the NIST SRMs listed on the second page. These certified values are valid for a temperature Cd 3108 1053a Pt 3140 -
of 20°C and traceable to the International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the Ce 3110 - Rb 3145a -
certified concentrations was performed by IC or ICP-OES. Cl- 919b - Re 3143 -
Co 3113 3113 Rh 3144 -
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 1% Cr 3112a 1078b S 3154 3154
Cs 3111a - Sb 3102a 3102a
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
Cu 3114 1080a Sc 3148a 3148a
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The Dy 3115a - Se 3149 3149
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02. Er 3116a - Si 3150 1066a
Certified values: Eu 3117a - Sm 3147a -
F- 3183 - Sn 3161a 1057b
Sb: 100 mg/l Sr: 100 mg/l Fe 3126a 1079b SO4-2 3181 -
As: 100 mg/l Tl: 100 mg/l Ga 3119a - Sr 3153a 1070a
Be: 100 mg/l Ti: 100 mg/l Gd 3118a - Ta 3155 -
Cd: 100 mg/l V: 100 mg/l Ge 3120a - Tb 3157a -
Ca: 100 mg/l Zn: 100 mg/l Hf 3122 - Te 3156 -
Cr: 100 mg/l Hg 3133 3133 Th 3159 -
Ho 3123a - Ti 3162a 3162a
Co: 100 mg/l
In 3124a - Tl 3158 3158
Cu: 100 mg/l
K 3141a 3141a Tm 3160a -
Fe: 100 mg/l La 3127a 3127a U 3164 -
Pb: 100 mg/l Li 3129a 1060a V 3165 1052b
Li: 100 pmm Lu 3130a - W 3163 -
Mg: 100 mg/l Mg 3131a 3131a Y 3167a 3167a
Mn: 100 mg/l Mn 3132 3132 Tb 3166a -
Mo: 100 mg/l Mo 3134 3134 Zn 3168a 1073b
Ni: 100 mg/l Na 3152a 1069b Zr 3169 3169
Se: 100 mg/l

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principle of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025: 2005

Date of release: 31 May 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: May-2020

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web : Page 2 of 2
Page 1 of 2 F006-Multi-03/02/17

D.:1.02 g/ml CL01.13609.0500 Warning.: Causes skin irritation. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection, face protection. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy
to do. Continue rinsing.
Waarschuwing.: Veroorzaakt huidirritatie. Beschermende handschoenen, beschermende kleding, oogbescherming, gelaatsbescherming dragen. BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water

500 ml
Sb: 100 mg/l As: 100 mg/l gedurende een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwijderen, indien mogelijk; blijven spoelen.
Be: 100 mg/l Cd: 100 mg/l Avertissement.: Provoque une irritation cutanée. Porter des gants de protection, des vêtements de protection, un équipement de protection des yeux, du visage. EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LES YEUX: rincer
Ca: 100 mg/l Cr: 100 mg/l avec précaution à l’eau pendant plusieurs minutes. Enlever les lentilles de contact si la victime en porte et si elles peuvent être facilement enlevées. Continuer à rincer.
Co: 100 mg/l Cu: 100 mg/l
Achtung.: Verursacht Hautreizungen. Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzkleidung, Augenschutz, Gesichtsschutz tragen. BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN: Einige Minuten lang behutsam mit Wasser spülen. Vorhandene
Fe: 100 mg/l
Li: 100 pmm
Pb: 100 mg/l
Mg: 100 mg/l Batch Nr.: 25.7403105 Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen.
Alerta.: Provoca irritación cutánea. Llevar guantes, prendas, gafas, máscara de protección. EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LOS OJOS: Aclarar cuidadosamente con agua durante varios minutos. Quitar las lentes
Mn: 100 mg/l
Ni: 100 mg/l
Mo: 100 mg/l
Se: 100 mg/l Exp. Date: 05-2020 de contacto, si lleva y resulta fácil. Seguir aclarando.
Sr: 100 mg/l Tl: 100 mg/l Avvertimento.: Provoca irritazione cutanea. Indossare guanti, indumenti protettivi, Proteggere gli occhi, il viso. IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente per parecchi minuti. Togliere le
Ti: 100 mg/l V: 100 mg/l Storage: RT eventuali lenti a contatto se è agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare.
Zn: 100 mg/l

Multi Element ICP ASL QC Standard sol. (QCS-ASL-21)

Multi Element ICP ASL QC Standaard opl. (21E)
Multi Elément ICP ASL QC Standard sol. (21E)
Mehr Element ICP ASL QC Standard Lös. (21E)
Contains 21 elements in 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-ASL-21)
*ICP Alternative Source Line Quality Control Standard (QCS)
For measured values see certificate

UN 3264 PE/H 500

Chem-Lab NV
Industriezone "De Arend" 2
B-8210 Zedelgem Made in Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20
Fax. +32 (0)50 78 26 54

38 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP - AA Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP LPCS Standard sol. LPCS-01 (29E) CL01.13771
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & earlier) - Laboratory Performance Check Standard (LPCS) Contains 29 elements in 5% HNO3
Aluminium (Al) : 20 mg/l Potassium (K) : 20 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 20 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 20 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 20 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 5 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 20 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
Boron (B) : 20 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 20 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 20 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 20 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 20 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l
Molybdenum (Mo) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l CL01.13771.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphorus (P) : 20 mg/l CL01.13771.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. LFSS-01 (25E) CL01.13772

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & earlier) - Laboratory Fortifying Stock Solution (LFSS) Contains 25 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF
Aluminium (Al) : 25 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 50 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 25 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 25 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 25 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 25 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 25 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 2.5 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 25 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 25 mg/l
HNrs H315
Boron (B) : 25 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 25 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 10 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 25 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 10 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 10 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 25 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 25 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 25 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 25 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) : 10 mg/l
CL01.13772.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 25 mg/l
CL01.13772.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-03 (12E) CL01.13743

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard # 3 Contains 12 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-03)
Aluminium (Al) : 2000 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 2000 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 500 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 200 mg/l ± 0.3%
HNrs H315 Cobalt (Co) : 500 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) : 250 mg/l
WARNING. Iron (Fe) : 1000 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 500 mg/l
CL01.13743.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 500 mg/l CL01.13743.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 39
EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP - AA Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-01 (6E) CL01.13731

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 1 Contains 6 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 150 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 500 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Zinc (Zn) : 150 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13731.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13731.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-04 (6E) CL01.13734

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 4 Contains 6 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Potassium (K) : 400 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Sodium (Na) : 200 mg/l
WARNING. ± 0.3% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13734.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13734.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-05 (5E) CL01.13745

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard # 5 Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 2000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 50 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 500 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Selenium (Se) : 2000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Thallium (TI) : 2000 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13745.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13745.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-02 (5E) CL01.13732

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 2 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Iron (Fe) : 10000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13732.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13732.0500 500 ml PE/H

40 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP - AA Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-05 (5E) CL01.13735
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 5 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Boron (B) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 1000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Thallium (TI) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13735.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13735.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-05R (5E) CL01.13754

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 5R Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 200 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Selenium (Se) : 400 mg/l
HNrs H315 Thallium (TI) : 400 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 ± 0.3%
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13754.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13754.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SIC Standard sol. SICS-02 (5E) CL01.13762

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Interference Check Standard # 2 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (SICS-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Copper (Cu) : 40 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Vanadium (V) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13762.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13762.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP PLASOL Standard sol. M-200.7-PLASOL-1 (4E) CL01.13723

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Plasma Solution (PLASOL) - Determining optimum viewing height of the plasma analytical zone.
Contains 4 elements in 5% HNO3 (PLASOL-1)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13723.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13723.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 41
EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP - AA Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-02 (4E) CL01.13742

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard # 2 Contains 4 elements in 2% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Calcium (Ca) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 2000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Potassium (K) : 10000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) : 3000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13742.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13742.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-01R (4E) CL01.13751

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 1R Contains 4 elements in H2O + traces HF (M-
Density 1.02 g/ml Boron (B) : 400 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 Molybdenum (Mo) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silicon (Si) : 2000 mg/l CL01.13751.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphorus (P) : 400 mg/l CL01.13751.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-02R (4E) CL01.13752

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 2R Contains 4 elements in 2% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Calcium (Ca) : 10000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 10000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Potassium (K) : 10000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) : 10000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13752.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13752.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-03 (3E) CL01.13733

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 3 Contains 3 elements in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (MCS-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13733.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13733.0500 500 ml PE/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

42 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP - AA Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP SIC Standard sol. SICS-03 (3E) CL01.13763
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Interference Check Standard # 3 Contains 3 elements in 2% HNO3 (SICS-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 30 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Iron (Fe) : 150 mg/l
IATA 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13763.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13763.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-01 (3E) CL01.13741

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard # 1 Contains 3 elements in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (M-200.7-SP-01)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Boron (B) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 2000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13741.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13741.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP TUNSOL Standard sol. M-200.7-TUNSOL-1 (2E) CL01.13724

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Tuning Solution (TUNSOL) - Adjusting the aerosol argon gas flow prior to calibration and analysis.
Contains 2 elements in 5% HNO3 (TUNSOL-1)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13724.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13724.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. TCLP-02 (1E) CL01.13773

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking & Mercury Standard - TCLP Standaard 2 Contains 1 elements in 5%
HNO3 (TCLP-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13773.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13773.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 43
EPA Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & Earlier
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP - AA Multi Element Standards

Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-04 (1E) CL01.13744

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard # 4 Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13744.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13744.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-04R (1E) CL01.13753

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 4R Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13753.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13753.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP SIC Standard sol. SICS-01 (1E) CL01.13761

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Interference Check Standard # 1 Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (SICS-01)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Molybdenum (Mo) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13761.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13761.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. TCLP-02-10X (1E) CL01.13746

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mercury Standard Contains 1 elements in 5% HNO3 (TCLP-02-10X)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13746.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13746.0500 500 ml PE/H

44 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 200.7 Version 4.4
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP-AA Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. M-200.7-LFSS-01 (26E) CL01.13711
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard # 1 Contains 26 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces
HF (M-200.7-LFSS-01)
Aluminium (Al) : 20 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 20 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l Potassium (K) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 20 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 20 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 20 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 7.5 mg/l
Boron (B) : 20 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Calcium (Ca) : 20 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
Cerium (Ce) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 20 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l CL01.13711.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l CL01.13711.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP IPC Standard sol. M-200.7-IPC-01 (26E) CL01.13721

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Performance Check (IPC) Contains 26 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-IPC-
Aluminium (Al) : 20 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 20 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 20 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 20 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 2.5 mg/l
Boron (B) : 20 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Calcium (Ca) : 20 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
Cerium (Ce) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 20 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l CL01.13721.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l CL01.13721.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 45
EPA Method 200.7 Version 4.4
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP-AA Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. M-200.7-LFSS-01S (24E) CL01.13713

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard for Solids # 1 Contains 24 elements in 5% HNO3
+ traces HF (M-200.7-LFSS-01S)
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l Potassium (K) : 500 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 20 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 20 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 7.5 mg/l
Boron (B) : 20 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 20 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
Calcium (Ca) : 20 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cerium (Ce) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 20 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l CL01.13713.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphorus (P) : 20 mg/l CL01.13713.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. M-200.7-LFSS-01W (22E) CL01.13712

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard for Water # 1 Contains 22 elements in 5% HNO3
+ traces HF (M-200.7-LFSS-01W)
Aluminium (Al) : 20 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 20 mg/l Potassium (K) : 500 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 20 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 20 mg/l
Boron (B) : 20 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 7.5 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cerium (Ce) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l CL01.13712.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13712.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-01 (10E) CL01.13701

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Mixed Calibration Standard 1 Contains 10 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-01)
Antimony (Sb) : 50 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 5 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Barium (Ba) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Boron (B) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l CL01.13701.0100 100 ml PE
Selenium (Se) : 50 mg/l CL01.13701.0500 500 ml PE/H

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

46 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 200.7 Version 4.4
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP-AA Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-05 (6E) CL01.13705
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Mixed Calibration Standard 5 Contains 6 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Thallium (TI) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13705.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13705.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-02R (6E) CL01.13702

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Mixed Calibration Standard 2 Contains 6 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-02R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Lithium (Li) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Potassium (K) : 200 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Strontium (Sr) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13702.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13702.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. M-200.7-LFSS-02 (5E) CL01.13714

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard # 2 Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 20 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 20 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Tin (Sn) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Titanium (Ti) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13714.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13714.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP IPC Standard sol. M-200.7-IPC-02 (5E) CL01.13722

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Performance Check (IPC) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (M-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 20 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Tin (Sn) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Titanium (Ti) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13722.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13722.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 47
EPA Method 200.7 Version 4.4
Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by ICP-AA Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-04 (5E) CL01.13704

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Mixed Calibration Standard 4 Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Tin (Sn) : 40 mg/l
HNrs H315 Zinc (Zn) : 50 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13704.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13704.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP PLASOL Standard sol. M-200.7-PLASOL-1 (4E) CL01.13723

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Plasma Solution (PLASOL) - Determining optimum viewing height of the plasma analytical zone.
Contains 4 elements in 5% HNO3 (PLASOL-1)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13723.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13723.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-03R (4E) CL01.13703

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Mixed Calibration Standard 3 Contains 4 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-03R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Cerium (Ce) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l
IATA 8,III Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13703.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13703.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP TUNSOL Standard sol. M-200.7-TUNSOL-1 (2E) CL01.13724

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Tuning Solution (TUNSOL) - Adjusting the aerosol argon gas flow prior to calibration and analysis.
Contains 2 elements in 5% HNO3 (TUNSOL-1)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13724.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13724.0500 500 ml PE/H

48 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 6010 (SW-846 Revision 2)
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP LPCS Standard sol. LPCS-01R (30E) CL01.13774
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010B) - Laboratory Performance Check Standard (LPCS) Contains 30 elements in 5% HNO3 (LPCS-01R)
Aluminium (Al) : 20 mg/l Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 20 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 20 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 5 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 20 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
Boron (B) : 20 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 20 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 20 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 20 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 20 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 20 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 20 mg/l
Molybdenum (Mo) : 20 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13774.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13774.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-01) (23E) CL01.13601

*ICP-Quality Control Standard # 1 (QCS) Contains 23 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-01)
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 100 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 100 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13601.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l CL01.13601.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-B1 (12E) CL01.13682

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406 - 6010B) - Interference Check Standard (INT) - Primary Analytes Contains 12 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-B1)
Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 50 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Barium (Ba) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l CL01.13682.0100 100 ml PE
Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l CL01.13682.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 49
EPA Method 6010 (SW-846 Revision 2)
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-04R (8E) CL01.13804

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 4R Contains 8 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-04R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lithium (Li) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Potassium (K) : 400 mg/l
WARNING. Sodium (Na) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Strontium (Sr) : 10 mg/l CL01.13804.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13804.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-02) (7E) CL01.13602

*ICP-Quality Control Standard # 2 (QCS) Contains 7 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (QCS-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Boron (B) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Potassium (K) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Silicon (Si) : 500 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13602.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13602.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-01 (6E) CL01.13731

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 1 Contains 6 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 150 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 500 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Zinc (Zn) : 150 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13731.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13731.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PLASOL-R (5E) CL01.13822

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010B) - Profile Solution - Alternative (PLASOL) Contains 5 element in 5% HNO3 (PLASOL-R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lithium (Li) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Vanadium (V) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13822.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13822.0500 500 ml PE/H

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

50 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 6010 (SW-846 Revision 2)
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-02 (5E) CL01.13732
*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 2 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Iron (Fe) : 10000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13732.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13732.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-06R (5E) CL01.13807

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010B) - Additional Analyte Calibration Standard 6R Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (MCS-06R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Phosphorus (P) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Tin (Sn) : 200 mg/l
IATA 8,III Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Boron (B) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13807.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13807.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-05R (4E) CL01.13805

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 5R Contains 4 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-05R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 200 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13805.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13805.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PLASOL (3E) CL01.13821

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010B) - Profile Solution (PLASOL) Contains 3 element in 5% HNO3 (PLASOL)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13821.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13821.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 51
EPA Method 6010 (SW-846 Revision 2)
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-03R (2E) CL01.13803

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 3R Contains 2 elements in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (MCS-03R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13803.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13803.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. ICP-69N (1E) CL01.13823

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010B) - Nebulizer Adjustment Solution Contains 1 element in 5% HNO3 (ICP-69N)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Yttrium (Y) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13823.0100 100 ml PE

Mono Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-06 (1E) CL01.13806

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 6 Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-06)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Phosphorus (P) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13806.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13806.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. TCLP-02 (1E) CL01.13773

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking & Mercury Standard - TCLP Standaard 2 Contains 1 elements in 5%
HNO3 (TCLP-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13773.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13773.0500 500 ml PE/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

52 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 6010
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-01 (17E) CL01.13811
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010) - Interference Check Standard (INT) Contains 17 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-01)
Arsenic (As) : 1000 mg/l Potassium (K) : 20000 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 300 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 300 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 300 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 1000 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 300 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 300 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cobalt (Co) : 300 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 300 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 300 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 1000 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 200 mg/l
Mercury (Hg) : 50 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 300 mg/l CL01.13811.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13811.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-04R (8E) CL01.13804

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 4R Contains 8 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-04R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lithium (Li) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Potassium (K) : 400 mg/l
WARNING. Sodium (Na) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Strontium (Sr) : 10 mg/l CL01.13804.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13804.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-01 (6E) CL01.13731

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 1 Contains 6 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 150 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 500 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Zinc (Zn) : 150 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13731.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13731.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-05 (5E) CL01.13735

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 5 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Boron (B) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 1000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Thallium (TI) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13735.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13735.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 53
EPA Method 6010
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-02 (5E) CL01.13732

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 2 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Iron (Fe) : 10000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13732.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13732.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-04 (5E) CL01.13814

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010) - Interference Check Standard (INT) Contains 5 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 1200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 6000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Iron (Fe) : 5000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 3000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Sodium (Na) : 1000 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13814.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13814.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-05R (4E) CL01.13805

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 5R Contains 4 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-05R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 200 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13805.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13805.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-02 (4E) CL01.13812

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010) - Interference Check Standard (INT) Contains 4 element in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (INT-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Boron (B) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 300 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 200 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Titanium (Ti) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13812.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13812.0500 500 ml PE/H

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

54 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 6010
ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-03 (3E) CL01.13733
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 3 Contains 3 elements in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (MCS-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13733.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13733.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-03R (2E) CL01.13803

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 3R Contains 2 elements in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (MCS-03R)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13803.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13803.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-03 (1E) CL01.13813

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 6010) - Interference Check Standard (INT) Contains 1 element in 2% HNO3 (INT-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13813.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13813.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-06 (1E) CL01.13806

*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B) - Mixed Calibration Standard 6 Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-06)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Phosphorus (P) : 200 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13806.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13806.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 55
EPA Method 200.11
Determination of Metals in Fish Tissue by ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. LPCS-02 (18E) CL01.13855

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - Laboratory Performance Check Standard Contains 18 element in 5% HNO3 (LPCS-02)
Aluminium (Al) : 10 mg/l Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 10 mg/l Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 20 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
Calcium (Ca) : 20 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 10 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) : 20 mg/l
CL01.13855.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l
CL01.13855.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. LFSS-02 (12E) CL01.13856

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - Laboratory Fortifying Stock Solution Contains 12 element in 5% HNO3 (LFSS-02)
Aluminium (Al) : 50 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 50 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 25 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 25 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 50 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Beryllium (Be) : 2.5 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l CL01.13856.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 25 mg/l CL01.13856.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. WPTM-F (9E) CL01.13857

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - QC Standards Contains 9 element in 5% HNO3 (WPTM-F)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
IATA 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Copper (Cu) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Mercury (Hg) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Nickel (Ni) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l CL01.13857.0100 100 ml PE
Zinc (Zn) : 1000 mg/l CL01.13857.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PCS-01 (7E) CL01.13851

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - Primary Calibartion Standard Solutions Contains 7 element in 5% HNO3 (PCS-01)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Antimony (Sb) : 50 mg/l
IATA 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Selenium (Se) : 50 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13851.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13851.0500 500 ml PE/H

56 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 200.11
Determination of Metals in Fish Tissue by ICP - AA (ICP-AES) Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PCS-04 (5E) CL01.13854
*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - Primary Calibartion Standard Solutions Contains 5 element in 5% HNO3 (PCS-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 200 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Potassium (K) : 20 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13854.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13854.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PCS-03 (4E) CL01.13853

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - Primary Calibartion Standard Solutions Contains 4 element in 5% HNO3 (PCS-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Thallium (TI) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Zinc (Zn) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13853.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13853.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PCS-02 (2E) CL01.13852

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.11) - Primary Calibartion Standard Solutions Contains 2 element in 5% HNO3 (PCS-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13852.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13852.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 57
Safe Drinking Water Act Standards (SWDA)
Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. SDWA-09 (19E) CL01.13831

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary & Secondary Metals for GFAA/ICP/ICP-MS Analysis Contains 19
element in 2% HNO3 (SDWA-09)
Aluminium (Al) : 10 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 10 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 10 mg/l CL01.13831.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l CL01.13831.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. SDWA-07 (14E) CL01.13832

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary Metals for GFAA/ICP/ICP-MS Analysis Contains 14 element in 2%
HNO3 (SDWA-07)
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 10 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l CL01.13832.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l CL01.13832.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. SDWA-06-MS (11E) CL01.13834

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary Metals for ICP-MS Analysis Contains 11 element in 2% HNO3
Antimony (Sb) : 10 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
IATA 8,III Barium (Ba) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l CL01.13834.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l CL01.13834.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. SDWA-04 (9E) CL01.13835

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary Metals for ICP Analysis Contains 9 element in 5% HNO3 (SDWA-4)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l CL01.13835.0100 100 ml PE
Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l CL01.13835.0500 500 ml PE/H

58 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Safe Drinking Water Act Standards (SWDA)
Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP Standard sol. SDWA-05 (9E) CL01.13836
*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary Metals for GFAA Analysis Contains 9 element in 5% HNO3 (SDWA-5)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Lead (Pb) : 10 mg/l
WARNING. Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l CL01.13836.0100 100 ml PE
Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l CL01.13836.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. IC-MAN-18 (6E) CL01.13837

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary & Secondary Anions for Ion Chromatography Analysis Contains 6
element in H2O (IC-MAN-18)
Fluoride : 100 mg/l Sulfate : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Chloride : 100 mg/l
Nitrite : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate : 100 mg/l CL01.13837.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphate : 100 mg/l CL01.13837.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. SDWA-08 (5E) CL01.13833

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Secondary Metals for GFAA/ICP/ICP-MS Analysis Contains 5 element in 5%
HNO3 (SDWA-08)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Zinc (Zn) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13833.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13833.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. IC-MAN-15R (4E) CL01.13838

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary Anions for Ion Chromatography Analysis Contains 4 element in H2O
Density 1.02 g/ml Fluoride : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 Nitrite : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate : 100 mg/l CL01.13838.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphate : 100 mg/l CL01.13838.0500 500 ml PE/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 59
MISA Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. MISA-01 (18E) CL01.13861

*ICP-EPA Methods (MISA Methods) - Rare Earth Metals - MISA Standard 1 Contains 18 element in 5% HNO3 (MISA-01)
Cerium (Ce) : 100 mg/l Terbium (Tb) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Dysprosium (Dy) : 100 mg/l Thorium (Th) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Erbium (Er) : 100 mg/l Thulium (Tm) : 100 mg/l
Europium (Eu) : 100 mg/l Uranium (U) : 100 mg/l
Gadolinium (Gd) : 100 mg/l Ytterbium (Yb) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
Holmium (Ho) : 100 mg/l Yttrium (Y) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Lanthanum (La) : 100 mg/l
Lutetium (Lu) : 100 mg/l
Neodymium (Nd) : 100 mg/l
Praseodymium (Pr) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Scandium (Sc) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13861.0100 100 ml PE
Samarium (Sm) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13861.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. MISA-04 (16E) CL01.13864

*ICP-EPA Methods (MISA Methods) - Alkali, Alkaline Earth, Non-Transition Group - MISA Standard 4 Contains 16 element in 10% HNO3 (MISA-04)
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Rubidium (Rb) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
Bismuth (Bi) : 100 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H314
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l
DANGER. Caesium (Cs) : 100 mg/l
Gallium (Ga) : 100 mg/l
Indium (In) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) : 100 mg/l CL01.13864.0100 100 ml PE
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l CL01.13864.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. MISA-05 (15E) CL01.13865

*ICP-EPA Methods (MISA Methods) - Fluoride Soluble Group - MISA Standard 5 Contains 15 element in 2% HNO3 + traces HF (MISA-05)
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Tantalum (Ta) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Boron (B) : 100 mg/l Tin (Sn) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Germanium (Ge) : 100 mg/l Titanium (Ti) : 100 mg/l
Hafnium (Hf) : 100 mg/l Tungsten (W) : 100 mg/l
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l Zirconium (Zr) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Niobium (Nb) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Phosphorus (P) : 100 mg/l
Rhenium (Re) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silicon (Si) : 100 mg/l
Sulfur (S) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13865.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13865.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. MISA-06 (13E) CL01.13866

*ICP-EPA Methods (MISA Methods) - Transition Metals - MISA Standard 6 Contains 13 element in 10% HNO3 (MISA-06)
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H314 Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
DANGER. Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13866.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l CL01.13866.0500 500 ml PE/H

60 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
MISA Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP Standard sol. MISA-02 (6E) CL01.13862
*ICP-EPA Methods (MISA Methods) - Precious Metals - MISA Standard 2 Contains 6 element in 10% HCl (MISA-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 1789 Gold (Au) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,II Iridium (Ir) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,II Palladium (Pd) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,II Platinum (Pt) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Rhodium (Rh) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Ruthenium (Ru) : 100 mg/l
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13862.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13862.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. MISA-03 (1E) CL01.13863

*ICP-EPA Methods (MISA Methods) - Tellurium - MISA Standard 3 Contains 1 element in 10% HCl (MISA-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 1789 Tellurium (Te) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,II
HNrs H290-H314-H335
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 +
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13863.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13863.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLH) CL01.13992

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - Hydrochloric Acid Blank Contains 5% HCl in ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 1789
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,II
HNrs H317
PNrs P280
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13992.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13992.2500 2,5 l PE/H

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLW) CL01.13993

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - ASTM Type II Water ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.00 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
CL01.13993.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13993.2500 2,5 l PE/H

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 61
MISA Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLN) CL01.13991

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - Nitric Acid Blank Contains 5% HNO3 in ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13991.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13991.2500 2,5 l PE

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLMA) CL01.13994

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - Mixed Acid Blank Contains 5% HCl + 1% HNO3 in ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H317
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13994.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13994.2500 2,5 l PE

62 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Ground Water and Wastewater Standards


Multi Element ICP Standard sol. WPTM-01 (15E) CL01.13841
ICP-EPA Methods - Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - Trace Metals I Contains 15 element in 5% HNO3 (WPTM-01)
Aluminium (Al) : 500 mg/l Mercury (Hg) : 5 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 25 mg/l
Cadmium (Cd) : 25 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 250 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 100 mg/l
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
CL01.13841.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13841.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. WPAM-01 (11E) CL01.13844

*ICP-EPA Methods - Alternate Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - Alternate Metals I Contains 11 element in 2% HNO3 (WPAM-01)
Aluminium (Al) : 20 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 20 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Antimony (Sb) : 5 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
IATA 8,III Beryllium (Be) : 5 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315 Copper (Cu) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) : 20 mg/l
WARNING. Manganese (Mn) : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 10 mg/l CL01.13844.0100 100 ml PE
Thallium (TI) : 5 mg/l CL01.13844.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. TCLP-01 (7E) CL01.13846

*ICP-EPA Methods - Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - TCLP Multi-Element Calibration Standards - TCLP Standard 1 Contains 7 element in 5%
HNO3 (TCLP-01)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 25 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 500 mg/l
IATA 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 25 mg/l
HNrs H315 Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
WARNING. Silver (Ag) : 25 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13846.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13846.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. WPTM-03 (6E) CL01.13843

*ICP-EPA Methods - Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - Trace Metals III Contains 6 element in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (WPTM-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Barium (Ba) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 500 mg/l
IATA 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Sodium (Na) : 500 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13843.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13843.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 63
Ground Water and Wastewater Standards

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. TCLP-ICP (4E) CL01.13847

*ICP-EPA Methods - Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - TCLP Multi-Element Calibration Standards - TCLP Standard for ICP Contains 4 element
in 2% HNO3 (TCLP-ICP)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Barium (Ba) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
IATA 8,III Chromium (Cr) : 25 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Silver (Ag) : 25 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13847.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13847.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. WPAM-03 (4E) CL01.13845

*ICP-EPA Methods - Alternate Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - Alternate Metals III Contains 4 element in 2% HNO3 (WPAM-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Calcium (Ca) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
IATA 8,III Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13845.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13845.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. WPTM-02 (3E) CL01.13842

*ICP-EPA Methods - Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - Trace Metals II Contains 3 element in 2% HNO3 (WPTM-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
IATA 8,III Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13842.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13842.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Standard sol. TCLP-GFAA (3E) CL01.13848

*ICP-EPA Methods - Groundwater & Wastewater Standards - TCLP Multi-Element Calibration Standards - TCLP Standard for GFAA Contains 3
element in 5% HNO3 (TCLP-GFAA)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 25 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13848.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13848.0500 500 ml PE/H

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

64 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Ground Water and Wastewater Standards


Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. TCLP-02 (1E) CL01.13773
*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking & Mercury Standard - TCLP Standaard 2 Contains 1 elements in 5%
HNO3 (TCLP-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 20 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13773.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13773.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 65
Contract Laboratory Program Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. ICV-01-R (22E) CL01.13655

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Initial Calibration Verification Standard (ICV) Contains 22 elements in 5% HNO3 (ICV-01-R)
Calcium (Ca) : 500 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 500 mg/l Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 500mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 500 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
Barium (Ba) : 200 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 5 mg/l
Antimony (Sb) : 60 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 40 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l
Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 15 mg/l CL01.13655.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13655.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. ICV-01 (22E) CL01.13651

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Initial Calibration Verification Standard (ICV) Contains 22 elements in 5% HNO3 (ICV-01)
Calcium (Ca) : 5000 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 5000 mg/l Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 5000 mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 5000 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
Barium (Ba) : 200 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 5 mg/l
Antimony (Sb) : 60 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 40 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l
Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 15 mg/l CL01.13651.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13651.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-01 (16E) CL01.13656

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 16 elements in 5% HNO3 (CCV-01)
Calcium (Ca) : 2500 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 125 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 2500 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 2500 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 25 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 2500 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 75 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 1000 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Barium (Ba) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Iron (Fe) : 500 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 250 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Vanadium (V) : 250 mg/l CL01.13656.0100 100 ml PE
Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l CL01.13656.0500 500 ml PE/H

66 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Contract Laboratory Program Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-B1 (12E) CL01.13686
*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Analyte Solution CLP-PAN-01 - Primary Analytes Contains 12 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-A2) - (CLP-PAN-01)
Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 50 mg/l Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Copper (Cu) : 50 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 50 mg/l CL01.13686.0100 100 ml PE
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l CL01.13686.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-B2 (12E) CL01.13684

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Interference Check Standard (INT) - Alternate Analytes Contains 12 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-B2) - (CLP-
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Iron (Fe) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Magnesium (Mg) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Boron (B) : 100 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l CL01.13684.0100 100 ml PE
Calcium (Ca) : 10 mg/l CL01.13684.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-03 (7E) CL01.13643

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 7 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 2000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 2000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Copper (Cu) : 250 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Vanadium (V) : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13643.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13643.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-A2 (6E) CL01.13683

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Interference Check Standard (INT) - Alternate Interferents Contains 6 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-A2) - (CLP-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Chromium (Cr) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Copper (Cu) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 1000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Titanium (Ti) : 1000 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Vanadium (V) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13683.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13683.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 67
Contract Laboratory Program Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-04 (5E) CL01.13644

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 50 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Selenium (Se) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13644.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13644.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-02 (5E) CL01.13657

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CCV-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Readily Carbonizable Substances : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 25 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 25 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13657.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13657.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-02 (5E) CL01.13642

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 150 mg/l
IATA 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 400 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Zinc (Zn) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13642.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13642.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-01 (4E) CL01.13641

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 4 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-01)
Density 1.10 g/ml UN 3264 Calcium (Ca) : 5000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 5000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Potassium (K) : 5000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) : 5000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13641.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13641.0500 500 ml PE/H

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

68 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Contract Laboratory Program Multi Element Standards


Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-A1 (4E) CL01.13681
*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406 - 6010B) - Interference Check Standard (INT) - Primary Interferents Contains 4 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-A1) -
(CLP - PIN-01)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 5000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Calcium (Ca) : 5000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 5000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Iron (Fe) : 2000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13681.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13681.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-07 (3E) CL01.13647

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 3 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (CAL-07)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Boron (B) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13647.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13647.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-05 (1E) CL01.13645

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (CAL-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 600 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13645.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13645.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLMA) CL01.13994

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - Mixed Acid Blank Contains 5% HCl + 1% HNO3 in ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H317
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13994.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13994.2500 2,5 l PE

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLW) CL01.13993

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - ASTM Type II Water ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.00 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
CL01.13993.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13993.2500 2,5 l PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 69
Contract Laboratory Program Multi Element Standards

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLH) CL01.13992

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - Hydrochloric Acid Blank Contains 5% HCl in ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 1789
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,II
HNrs H317
PNrs P280
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13992.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13992.2500 2,5 l PE/H

Mono Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-03 (1E) CL01.13658

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (CCV-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 300 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13658.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13658.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-06 (1E) CL01.13646

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 1 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-06)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13646.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13646.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLN) CL01.13991

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - Nitric Acid Blank Contains 5% HNO3 in ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13991.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13991.2500 2,5 l PE

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

70 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations


Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. ICV-01-R (22E) CL01.13655
*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Initial Calibration Verification Standard (ICV) Contains 22 elements in 5% HNO3 (ICV-01-R)
Calcium (Ca) : 500 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 500 mg/l Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 500mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 500 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
Barium (Ba) : 200 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 5 mg/l
Antimony (Sb) : 60 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 40 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l
Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 15 mg/l CL01.13655.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13655.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. ICV-01 (22E) CL01.13651

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Initial Calibration Verification Standard (ICV) Contains 22 elements in 5% HNO3 (ICV-01)
Calcium (Ca) : 5000 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 5000 mg/l Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 5000 mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 10 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 5000 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
Barium (Ba) : 200 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 5 mg/l
Antimony (Sb) : 60 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 40 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l
Zinc (Zn) : 20 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 15 mg/l CL01.13651.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13651.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Spike Standard sol. Spike-1 (18E) CL01.13671

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Spiking standard for ICP and AA Contains 18 elements in 5% HNO3 (Spike-1)
Aluminium (Al) : 200 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 50 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 200 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 25 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Barium (Ba) : 200 mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
Selenium (Se) : 200 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 5 mg/l
Thallium (TI) : 200 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 5 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Antimony (Sb) : 50 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
Lead (Pb) : 50 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 50 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 50 mg/l
CL01.13671.0100 100 ml PE
Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l
CL01.13671.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 71
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-01 (16E) CL01.13656

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 16 elements in 5% HNO3 (CCV-01)
Calcium (Ca) : 2500 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 125 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 2500 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 2500 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 25 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 2500 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 75 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 1000 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Barium (Ba) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Iron (Fe) : 500 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 250 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Vanadium (V) : 250 mg/l CL01.13656.0100 100 ml PE
Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l CL01.13656.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-B3 (16E) CL01.13685

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Interference Check Standard (INT) Contains 16 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-B3)
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 20 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l Arsenic (As) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 10 mg/l
Antimony (Sb) : 60 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 5 mg/l
Barium (Ba) : 50 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 5 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Cobalt (Co) : 50 mg/l
Chromium (Cr) : 50 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 50 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) : 50 mg/l CL01.13685.0100 100 ml PE
Vanadium (V) : 50 mg/l CL01.13685.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-01 (16E) CL01.13652

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 16 elements in 5% HNO3 (CCV-01)
Calcium (Ca) : 2000 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 200 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Potassium (K) : 2000 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Magnesium (Mg) : 2000 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 2000 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 1000 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Barium (Ba) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Iron (Fe) : 1000 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 500 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Vanadium (V) : 500 mg/l CL01.13652.0100 100 ml PE
Chromium (Cr) : 200 mg/l CL01.13652.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Spike Standard sol. Spike-3 (16E) CL01.13675

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Spiking standard for ICP and AA Contains 16 element in 5% HNO3 (Spike-3)
Arsenic (As) : 400 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 50 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 400 mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 40 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Selenium (Se) : 400 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l
Thallium (TI) : 400 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 10 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Lead (Pb) : 100 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l CL01.13675.0100 100 ml PE
Zinc (Zn) : 100 mg/l CL01.13675.0500 500 ml PE/H

72 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations


Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-08 (16E) CL01.13648
ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 16 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-08)
Calcium (Ca) : 5000 mg/l Zinc (Zn) : 500 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Magnesium (Mg) : 5000 mg/l Copper (Cu) : 250 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Potassium (K) : 5000 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 250 mg/l
Sodium (Na) : 5000 mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 200 mg/l
Aluminium (Al) : 2000 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Barium (Ba) : 2000 mg/l
WARNING. Iron (Fe) : 1000 mg/l
Cobalt (Co) : 500 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 500 mg/l CL01.13648.0100 100 ml PE
Vanadium (V) : 500 mg/l CL01.13648.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CRDL Standard sol. CRDL-1 (15E) CL01.13661

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Contract requiered detection limits standard (CRDL) Contains 15 elements in 5% HNO3 (CRDL-1)
Antimony (Sb) : 120 mg/l Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Cobalt (Co) : 100 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Vanadium (V) : 100 mg/l Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
Nickel (Ni) : 80 mg/l Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
Copper (Cu) : 50 mg/l Lead (Pb) : 6 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Zinc (Zn) : 40 mg/l
WARNING. Manganese (Mn) : 30 mg/l
Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chromium (Cr) : 20 mg/l
Silver (Ag) : 20 mg/l
CL01.13661.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13661.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Spike Standard sol. Spike-2A (12E) CL01.13672

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Spiking standard for ICP and AA Contains 12 elements in 5% HNO3 (Spike-2A)
Aluminium (Al) : 2000 mg/l Chromium (Cr) : 200 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Barium (Ba) : 2000 mg/l Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Iron (Fe) : 1000 mg/l Silver (Ag) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Manganese (Mn) : 500 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Nickel (Ni) : 500 mg/l
WARNING. Vanadium (V) : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zinc (Zn) : 500 mg/l CL01.13672.0100 100 ml PE
Copper (Cu) : 250 mg/l CL01.13672.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-B2 (12E) CL01.13684

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Interference Check Standard (INT) - Alternate Analytes Contains 12 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-B2) - (CLP-
Aluminium (Al) : 100 mg/l Iron (Fe) : 10 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264
Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l Magnesium (Mg) : 10 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
Boron (B) : 100 mg/l Silicon (Si) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l
WARNING. Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l CL01.13684.0100 100 ml PE
Calcium (Ca) : 10 mg/l CL01.13684.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 73
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations

Multi Element ICP CRDL Standard sol. CRDL-4A (9E) CL01.13662

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Contract requiered detection limits standard (CRDL) Contains 9 elements in 5% HNO3 (CRDL-4A)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Cobalt (Co) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Vanadium (V) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 800 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Copper (Cu) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Zinc (Zn) : 400 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Manganese (Mn) : 300 mg/l
WARNING. Chromium (Cr) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silver (Ag) : 200 mg/l CL01.13662.0100 100 ml PE
Beryllium (Be) : 100 mg/l CL01.13662.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-03 (7E) CL01.13643

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 7 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Aluminium (Al) : 2000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Barium (Ba) : 2000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Beryllium (Be) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Cobalt (Co) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Copper (Cu) : 250 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Vanadium (V) : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13643.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13643.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-A2 (6E) CL01.13683

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Interference Check Standard (INT) - Alternate Interferents Contains 6 element in 5% HNO3 (INT-A2) - (CLP-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Chromium (Cr) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Copper (Cu) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 1000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Titanium (Ti) : 1000 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Vanadium (V) : 1000 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13683.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13683.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP Spike Standard sol. Spike-2C (5E) CL01.13674

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Spiking standard for ICP and AA Contains 5 element in 5% HNO3 (Spike-2C)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 2000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Selenium (Se) : 2000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Thallium (TI) : 2000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lead (Pb) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 50 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13674.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13674.0500 500 ml PE/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

74 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations


Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-04 (5E) CL01.13644
*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-04)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 50 mg/l
IATA 8,III Lead (Pb) : 50 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Selenium (Se) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Thallium (TI) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13644.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13644.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element CAL Standard sol. CAL-08A (5E) CL01.13649

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-08A)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 1000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 1000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 1000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 1000 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 500 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13649.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13649.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-02 (5E) CL01.13642

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Chromium (Cr) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Manganese (Mn) : 150 mg/l
IATA 8,III Nickel (Ni) : 400 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Silver (Ag) : 100 mg/l
HNrs H315 Zinc (Zn) : 200 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13642.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13642.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-02 (5E) CL01.13657

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CCV-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Readily Carbonizable Substances : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 25 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 25 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13657.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13657.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 75
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations

Multi Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-03 (5E) CL01.13654

ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (CCV-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Arsenic (As) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Lead (Pb) : 500 mg/l
IATA 8,III Selenium (Se) : 500 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Thallium (TI) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315 Cadmium (Cd) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13654.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13654.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-01 (4E) CL01.13641

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 4 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-01)
Density 1.10 g/ml UN 3264 Calcium (Ca) : 5000 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Magnesium (Mg) : 5000 mg/l
IATA 8,III Potassium (K) : 5000 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) : 5000 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13641.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13641.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-07 (3E) CL01.13647

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 3 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (CAL-07)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Boron (B) : 500 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 mg/l
IATA 8,III Silicon (Si) : 500 mg/l
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13647.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13647.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP Spike Standard sol. Spike-2B (1E) CL01.13673

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Spiking standard for ICP and AA Contains 1 element in 2% HNO3 (Spike-2B)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) 500mg/L
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13673.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13673.0500 500 ml PE/H

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

76 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
DIN 38406
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations


Mono Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-06 (1E) CL01.13646
*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 1 elements in 5% HNO3 (CAL-06)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13646.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13646.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-02 (1E) CL01.13653

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (CCV-02)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Sb 1000mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III ± 0.3%
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13653.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13653.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP ICV Standard sol. CCV-03 (1E) CL01.13658

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (CCV) Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (CCV-03)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 300 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13658.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13658.0500 500 ml PE/H

Mono Element ICP CAL Standard sol. CAL-05 (1E) CL01.13645

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods (DIN 38406) - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (CAL-05)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 600 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13645.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13645.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 77

78 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -


1 Inorganic Standards
1.2 AA Standards
1.2.1 AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L 81-85
1.2.2 Graphite Furnace Multi Element Standards 86-87
1.2.3 Matrix modifiers, Ionisation Suppressors & Buffer Solutions for AA 88-89

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 79
A A S S TA N D A R D S 1. 0 0 0 P P M

AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L

Element HNO3 HCl H2O NH4OH HF HNO3/HF HNO3/tart. KOH NaOH Others
Al CL01.0106 CL01.0107 CL01.0105
Sb CL01.0126 CL01.0127
As CL01.0138 CL01.0137 CL01.0135 CL01.0136
Ba CL01.0206 CL01.0207
Be CL01.0217 CL01.0216
Bi CL01.0226
B CL01.0237 CL01.0236
Cd CL01.0306 CL01.0398 CL01.0305
Ca CL01.0316 CL01.0317
Cr CL01.0367 CL01.0366 CL01.0365 /
Co CL01.1126 CL01.1127 CL01.1125
Cu CL01.1136 CL01.1137 CL01.1135
In CL01.0926
Fe CL01.0906 CL01.0907 CL01.0905
Pb CL01.1226 CL01.1125
Li CL01.1217 CL01.1216
Mg CL01.1306 CL01.1307
Mn CL01.1316 CL01.1317 CL01.1315
Hg CL01.1156 CL01.1155
Mo CL01.1336
Ni CL01.1426 CL01.1427 CL01.1425
Nb CL01.1436
P CL01.0635
K CL01.1106 CL01.1107
Se CL01.1927 CL01.1926 CL01.1925
Si CL01.1936
Ag CL01.2606 CL01.2605
Na CL01.1406 CL01.1407
Sr CL01.1967 CL01.1966
S CL01.2646 CL01.2645
Te CL01.2017 CL01.2018 CL01.2016
Tl CL01.2036
Sn CL01.2066
Ti CL01.2077 CL01.2076
W CL01.2308 CL01.2306
V CL01.2206 CL01.2205 CL01.2208
Y CL01.2516
Zn CL01.2616 CL01.2617 CL01.2615
Zr CL01.2637 CL01.2636

80 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L



Aluminium 8.948 g AlCl3.6H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0105.0500

Aluminium 8.948 g AlCl3.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0107.0500

250 ml CL01.0106.0250
Aluminium 13.903 g Al(NO3)3.9H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0106.0500

Antimony 1 g Sb / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF 500 ml CL01.0127.0500

250 ml CL01.0126.0250
Antimony 1.874 g SbCl3 / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.0126.0500

Arsenicum 1.734 g NaAsO2 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0135.0500

Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2% KOH 500 ml CL01.0136.0500

250 ml CL01.0138.0250
Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0138.0500

Arsenicum 1.32 g As2O3 / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0137.0500


Barium 1.779 g BaCl2.2H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0207.0500

250 ml CL01.0206.0250
Barium 1.903 g Ba(NO3)2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0206.0500
250 ml CL01.0217.0250
Beryllium 22.76 g Be(NO3)2.4H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0217.0500

Beryllium 8.868 g BeCl2 / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0216.0500


Bismuth 1.3733 g BiO(NO3) ~0.5 mol/l HNO3 500 ml CL01.0225.0500

250 ml CL01.0226.0250
Bismuth 2.321 g Bi(NO3)3.5H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0226.0500
250 ml CL01.0236.0250
Boron 5.719 g H3BO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0236.0500

Boron 5.72 g H3BO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 500 ml CL01.0237.0500


Cadmium 2.745 g Cd(NO3)2.4H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0305.0500

250 ml CL01.0306.0250
Cadmium 2.745 g Cd(NO3)2.4H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0306.0500
250 ml CL01.0398.0250
Cadmium 2.031 g CdCl2.5H2O / l 2 % HCl
500 ml CL01.0398.0500

Calcium 3.668 g CaCl2.2H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0317.0500

250 ml CL01.0316.0250
Calcium 5.892 g Ca(NO3)2.4H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0316.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 81
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L

Calcium oxide

Calcium oxide 1.79 g CaCO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 500 ml CL01.0318.0500


Chromium 7.696 g Cr(NO3)3.9H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0365.0500

Chromium 5.124 g CrCl3.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0366.0500

Chromium 2.829 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0356.0500

250 ml CL01.0367.0250
Chromium 7.696 g Cr(NO3)3.9H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0367.0500

Cobalt 4.938 g Co(NO3)2.6H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1125.0500

250 ml CL01.1126.0250
Cobalt 4.938 g Co(NO3)2.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1126.0500

Cobalt 4.037 g CoCl2.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1127.0500


Copper 3.802 g Cu(NO3)2.3H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1135.0500

Copper 2.683 g CuCl2.2H2O/ l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1137.0500

250 ml CL01.1136.0250
Copper 3.802 g Cu(NO3)2.3H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1136.0500
250 ml CL01.0926.0250
Indium 1.21 g In2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0926.0500

Iron 7.234 g Fe(NO3)3.9H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0905.0500

Iron 4.840 g FeCl3.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.0907.0500

250 ml CL01.0906.0250
Iron 7.234 g Fe(NO3)3.9H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.0906.0500

Lead 1.599 g Pb(NO3)2 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1225.0500

250 ml CL01.1226.0250
Lead 1.599 g Pb(NO3)2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1226.0500

Lithium 5.33 g Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1216.0500

250 ml CL01.1217.0250
Lithium 5.33 g Li2CO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1217.0500

Magnesium 8.363 g MgCl2.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1307.0500

250 ml CL01.1306.0250
Magnesium 10.547 g Mg(NO3)2.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1306.0500
Magnesium oxide

Magnesium oxide 0.603 g Mg / l 2 to 5% HNO3 500 ml CL01.1308.0500

82 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L



Manganese 4.569 g Mn(NO3)2.4H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1315.0500

Manganese 3.602 g MnCl2.4H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1317.0500

250 ml CL01.1316.0250
Manganese 4.569 g Mn(NO3)2.4H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1316.0500

Mercury 1.708 g Hg(NO3)2.1H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1155.0500

250 ml CL01.1156.0250
Mercury 1.708 g Hg(NO3)2.1H2O/ l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1156.0500
250 ml CL01.1336.0250
Molybdenum 1 g Mo / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.1336.0500

Nickel 4.049 g NiCl2.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1427.0500

Nickel 4.953 g Ni(NO3)2.6H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1425.0500

250 ml CL01.1426.0250
Nickel 4.953 g Ni(NO3)2.6H2O/ l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1426.0500

Niobium 1 g Nb / l 5% HF 500 ml CL01.1436.0500

250 ml CL01.0635.0250
Phosphorus 3.164 g H3PO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0635.0500

Phosphorus 4.264 g (NH4)2HPO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0636.0500

Phosphorus pentoxide

Phosphorus pentoxide 1.381 g H3PO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0626.0500


Potassium 1.907 g KCl / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1107.0500

250 ml CL01.1106.0250
Potassium 2.586 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1106.0500
Potassium oxide

Potassium oxide 2.15 g KNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 500 ml CL01.1108.0500

250 ml CL01.1927.0250
Selenium 1 g Se / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1927.0500

Selenium 1 g Se / l 10% HCl 500 ml CL01.1926.0500

Selenium 4.674 g Na2SeO4.10H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1925.0500

250 ml CL01.1936.0250
Silicium 2.14 g SiO2 / l 2% KOH
500 ml CL01.1936.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 83
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L


Silver 1.575 g AgNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.2605.0500

250 ml CL01.2606.0250
Silver 1.575 g AgNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2606.0500

Sodium 2.5422 g NaCl / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1407.0500

250 ml CL01.1406.0250
Sodium 3.698 g NaNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1406.0500
Sodium oxide

Sodium oxide 2.75 g NaNO3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3 500 ml CL01.1408.0500


Strontium 3.043 g SrCl2.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.1966.0500

250 ml CL01.1967.0250
Strontium 2.416 g Sr(NO3)x2 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.1967.0500
250 ml CL01.2645.0250
Sulfur 3.059 g H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2645.0500

Sulfur 4.121 g (NH4)2SO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.2646.0500


Tellurium 1 g Te / l 2% KOH 500 ml CL01.2016.0500

250 ml CL01.2018.0250
Tellurium 1 g Te / l 2 to 5% HNO3 + traces HF
500 ml CL01.2018.0500

Tellurium 1 g Te / l 10 to 20% HCl 500 ml CL01.2017.0500

250 ml CL01.2036.0250
Thallium 1.117 g Tl2O3 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2036.0500
250 ml CL01.2066.0250
Tin 2.154 g SnCl2.2H2O / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2066.0500

Titanium 1 g Ti / l 5% HF 500 ml CL01.2076.0500

250 ml CL01.2077.0250
Titanium 3.962 g TiCl4 / l 10 to 20% HCl
500 ml CL01.2077.0500

Tungsten 1 g W / l 5% HF 500 ml CL01.2306.0500

250 ml CL01.2308.0250
Tungsten 1.261 g WO3 / l 2% NH4OH
500 ml CL01.2308.0500
250 ml CL01.2206.0250
Vanadium 1.785 g V2O5 / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2206.0500

Vanadium 3.278 g VOSO4 / l 0.5 mol/l H2SO4 500 ml CL01.2208.0500

Vanadium 2.296 g NH4VO3 / l dil. NH4OH 500 ml CL01.2205.0500

84 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L



Yttrium 4.31 g Y(NO3)3.6H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3 500 ml CL01.2516.0500


Zinc 3.998 g Zn(NO3)2.4H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.2615.0500

Zinc 2.085 g ZnCl2 / l 2 to 5% HCl 500 ml CL01.2617.0500

250 ml CL01.2616.0250
Zinc 3.998 g Zn(NO3)2.4H2O / l 2 to 5% HNO3
500 ml CL01.2616.0500
250 ml CL01.2637.0250
Zirconium 3.533 g ZrOCl2.8H2O / l 2 to 5% HCl
500 ml CL01.2637.0500

Zirconium 3.533 g ZrOCl2.8H2O / l 2 mol/l HCl 500 ml CL01.2635.0500

Zirconium 1.351 g ZrO2 / l 5% HF 500 ml CL01.2636.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 85

Graphite Furnace Multi Element Standards

Multi Element AAS Standard sol. GFAA ICV-AA (6E) CL01.13695

*GFAA-EPA-CLP Methods - Initial Calibration Verification (Meets CLP Second Source Requirements) Contains 6 elements in 5% HNO3 (GFAA-CLP-
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 50 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Arsenic (As) : 25 mg/l
IATA 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lead (Pb) : 25 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 50 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Thallium (TI) : 25 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13695.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13695.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element AAS Standard sol. GFAA CAL (6E) CL01.13691

*GFAA-EPA-CLP Methods - Instrument Calibration Standard (CAL) Contains 6 element in 5% HNO3 (GFAA-CLP-CAL-AA)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Arsenic (As) : 50 mg/l
IATA 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lead (Pb) : 50 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 100 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Thallium (TI) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13691.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13691.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element AAS Standard sol. GFAA SP2-AA (6E) CL01.13694

*GFAA-EPA-CLP Methods - Postdigestion Spike Solution (2xCRDL exept for Lead) Contains 6 elements in 5% HNO3 (GFAA-CLP-SP2-AA)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 120 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Arsenic (As) : 20 mg/l
IATA 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 10 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Thallium (TI) : 20 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13694.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13694.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element AAS Standard sol. GFAA SP1-AA (6E) CL01.13693

*GFAA-EPA-CLP Methods - Predigestion Spike Solution Contains 6 elements in 5% HNO3 (GFAA-CLP-SP1-AA)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Antimony (Sb) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III Arsenic (As) : 40 mg/l
IATA 8,III Cadmium (Cd) : 5 mg/l
IMDG 8,III Lead (Pb) : 20 mg/l
HNrs H315 Selenium (Se) : 10 mg/l
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Thallium (TI) : 50 mg/l
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13693.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13693.0500 500 ml PE/H

86 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Graphite Furnace Multi Element Standards

Mono Element AAS Standard sol. GFAA HG-AA (1E) CL01.13692

*GFAA-EPA-CLP Methods - Mercury Standard for Calibration or Spiking Contains 1 element in 5% HNO3 (GFAA-CLP-HG-AA)
Density 1.02 g/ml UN 3264 Mercury (Hg) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 8,III
HNrs H315
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL01.13692.0100 100 ml PE
CL01.13692.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 87
Matrix modifiers, Ionisation Suppressors & Buffer Solutions for AA

Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 4% solution 100 ml CL02.0104.0100

40 g (NH4)H2PO4 / l H2O (33 µg PO4/µl)

Ammonium fluoride 5% solution 100 ml CL02.0103.0100

50 g NH4F / l H2O 500 ml CL02.0103.0500

Ascorbic acid (L(+)), 10% solution 100 ml CL02.0108.0100

10 g C6H8O6 (add H2O up to 100 ml before use)

Cesium chloride 5% Cs(1+) solution 100 ml CL02.0305.0100

63.34 g CsCl / l H2O 500 ml CL02.0305.0500

Cesium chloride-Aluminium nitrate buffer 1l CL02.0306.1000

50 g CsCl + 250 g Al(NO3)3.9H2O / l H2O

Cesium chloride-Lanthanum chloride buffer 1l CL02.0307.1000

10 g CsCl + 267 g LaCl3.7H2O / l H2O 5l CL02.0307.5000

Cesium chloride-Lanthanum nitrate buffer 1l CL02.0321.1000

10 g CsCl + 312 g La(NO3)3.6H2O / l HNO3 1 mol/l 5l CL02.0321.5000

Lanthanum(III) chloride 10% La(3+) solution 100 ml CL02.1202.0100

267 g LaCl3.7H2O / l 2% HCl 500 ml CL02.1202.0500

Lanthanum(III) chloride 1% solution in 0.3 mol HCl 1l CL02.1213.1000

10 g LaCl3 / l 0.3 mol HCl

Lanthanum(III) nitrate 5% La(3+) solution 100 ml CL02.1203.0100

156 g La(NO3)3.6H2O / l 2% HNO3 500 ml CL02.1203.0500

Lithium metaborate 5% solution 500 ml CL02.1205.0500

50 g LiBO2.2H2O / l H2O

Lithium nitrate 5% Li(1+)/l solution 100 ml CL02.1206.0100

500 g LiNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1206.0500

Magnesium nitrate 2.11% solution 100 ml CL02.1301.0100

21.1 g Mg(NO3)2.6H2O / l H2O (2 µg Mg/µl) 500 ml CL02.1301.0500

Nickel(II) nitrate 4% solution 100 ml CL02.1419.0100

40 g Ni(NO3)2.6H2O / l H2O (8 µg Ni/µl) 500 ml CL02.1419.0500

Palladium(II) nitrate 2.5% solution (1% Pd) 50 ml CL02.1621.0050

25 g Pd(NO3)2.2H2O / l 10% HNO3 (10 g Pd / l ± 0.2 g)

Palladium(II) nitrate 0.65% solution 100 ml CL02.1601.0100

6.5 g Pd(NO3)2.2H2O / l 1% HNO3 (3 µg Pd/µl) 500 ml CL02.1601.0500

88 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Matrix modifiers, Ionisation Suppressors & Buffer Solutions for AA


Potassium chloride 5% K(1+) solution 100 ml CL02.1102.0100

96 g KCl / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1102.0500

Potassium nitrate 5% K(1+) solution 100 ml CL02.1108.0100

130 g KNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1108.0500

Sodium borohydride 1% solution 100 ml CL02.1403.0100

1 g NaBH4 (Stabilised)

Sodium chloride 5% Na(1+) solution 100 ml CL02.1405.0100

125 g NaCl / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1405.0500

Sodium nitrate 5% Na(1+) solution 100 ml CL02.1413.0100

185 g NaNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1413.0500

Strontium nitrate 10% Sr(2+) solution 100 ml CL02.1904.0100

242 g Sr(NO3)2 / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1904.0500

Strontium nitrate 5% Sr(2+) solution 100 ml CL02.1902.0100

121 g Sr(NO3)2 / l H2O 500 ml CL02.1902.0500

Tin(II) chloride 10% solution 100 ml CL02.2001.0100

100 g SnCl2.2H2O / l 10% HCl (Stabilised with Tin metal) 500 ml CL02.2001.0500

Water (ultra pure) 5l CL02.2101.5000

10 l CL02.2101.9010
H2O - LF 1 µS - 0.4 µm, UV filtrated 25 l CL02.2101.9025
20 l CL02.2101.9520

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 89

90 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -


1 Inorganic Standards
1.3 Acids & Reagents For ICP & AA
1.3.1 Acids for ICP Trace Analysis 92-107
1.3.2 UltraPure Chemicals 108-113
1.3.3 Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods 114-115

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 91
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Acetic acid ≥99% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2753

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis ≥99% CH3COOH
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <50ppt
Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol UN 2789 Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Density 1.05 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Copper (Cu) <10ppt Selenium (Se) Information only
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <50ppt
CasNr 64-19-7 IATA 8 (3),II Erbium (Er) <1ppt Sodium (Na) <100ppt
EINECS 200-580-7 IMDG 8 (3),II Europium (Eu) <1ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
EDTA <1ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
HS Nr 29152100 Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
HNrs H226-H314 Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
Indium (In) <1ppt Tin (Sn) <50ppt
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Iron (Fe) <50ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
DANGER. Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <50ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Assay ≥99% Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <50ppt
Aluminium (Al) <50ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <50ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt
Arsenic (As) <50ppt Nickel (Ni) <50ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) <50ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Potassium (K) <50ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Calcium (Ca) <50ppt Rhodium (Rh) <50ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.2753.0250 250 ml FEP

Acetic acid ≥99% (Pico-Pure) NEW CL00.2755

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis ≥99% CH3COOH
Cobalt (Co) <0.1ppb Selenium (Se) <1ppb
Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol UN 2789 Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb Silver (Ag) <1ppb
Dysprosium (Dy) <0.1ppb Sodium (Na) <1ppb
Density 1.05 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Erbium (Er) <0.1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppb
Europium (Eu) <0.1ppb Tellurium (Te) <0.5ppb
CasNr 64-19-7 IATA 8 (3),II Gadolinium (Gd) <0.1ppb Terbium (Tb) <0.1ppb
EINECS 200-580-7 IMDG 8 (3),II Gallium (Ga) <0.1ppb Thallium (TI) <0.1ppb
Germanium (Ge) <0.5ppb Thorium (Th) <0.1ppb
HS Nr 29152100 Hafnium (Hf) <0.1ppb Thulium (Tm) <0.1ppb
Holmium (Ho) <0.1ppb Tin (Sn) <0.5ppb
HNrs H226-H314 Indium (In) <0.1ppb Titanium (Ti) <0.5ppb
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + Iron (Fe) <1ppb Tungsten (W) <0.5ppb
Lanthanum (La) <0.1ppb Uranium (U) <0.1ppb
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lead (Pb) <0.1ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
DANGER. Lithium (Li) <0.1ppb Ytterbium (Yb) <0.1ppb
Lutetium (Lu) <0.1ppb Yttrium (Y) <0.1ppb
Magnesium (Mg) <0.5ppb Zinc (Zn) <1ppb
Manganese (Mn) <0.5ppb Zirconium (Zr) <0.1ppb
Mercury (Hg) <1ppb Sulfate <0.5ppm
Assay ≥99% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.5ppb Reducing Subtances : To pass test
Aluminium (Al) <1ppb Neodymium (Nd) <0.1ppb Chloride <1ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.5ppb Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb Colour <10APHA
Arsenic (As) <0.5ppb Platinum (Pt) <0.5ppb Phosphate <1ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.5ppb Potassium (K) <1ppb
Beryllium (Be) <0.1ppb Praseodymium (Pr) <0.1ppb
Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppb Rhenium (Re) <0.1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb Rhodium (Rh) <0.5ppb
Calcium (Ca) <1ppb Rubidium (Rb) <0.1ppb
Cerium (Ce) <0.1ppb Ruthenium (Ru) <0.5ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Caesium (Cs) <0.1ppb Samarium (Sm) <0.1ppb
Chromium (Cr) <1ppb Scandium (Sc) <0.1ppb CL00.2755.0500 500 ml FEP

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

92 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Acetic acid 99-100% (ultra pure) CL00.0164
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur. 99.8+% CH3COOH
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol UN 2789 Aluminium (Al) <0.002ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.002ppm
Density 1.05 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Gold (Au) <0.001ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
Boron (B) <0.001ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
CasNr 64-19-7 IATA 8 (3),II Barium (Ba) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
EINECS 200-580-7 IMDG 8 (3),II Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 29152100 Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.002ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
HNrs H226-H314 Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <2ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + Chromium (Cr) <0.005ppm Acetaldehyde <2ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Reducing Subtances <50ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Iron (Fe) <0.02ppm
DANGER. Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Assay >99.8%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
CL00.0164.0250 250 ml GVB
Chloride <0.1ppm
Phosphate <0.05ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm CL00.0164.1000 1l GVB/H
Sulfate <0.5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm CL00.0164.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Sodium (Na) <0.005ppm

Ammonia 20-22% solution (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2754

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 20-22% NH3 / kg
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol UN 2672 Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) : Information only
Density 0.92 g/ml ADR 8,III Dysprosium (Dy) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
Erbium (Er) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
CasNr 1336-21-6 IATA 8,III Europium (Eu) <10ppt Selenium (Se) : Information only
EINECS 215-647-6 IMDG 8,III Gadolinium (Gd) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <20ppt
HS Nr 28142000 Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Gold (Au) <10ppt Tellurium (Te) <10ppt
HNrs H314-H335-H400 Hafnium (Hf) : Information only Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
PNrs P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + Holmium (Ho) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Indium (In) <10ppt Thorium (Th) <10ppt
P351 + P338-P309 + P310
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
DANGER. Lanthanum (La) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <10ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Uranium (U) <10ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Assay : 20-22% Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Mercury (Hg) <200ppt Yttrium (Y) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <10ppt Neodymium (Nd) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Nickel (Ni) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Potassium (K) <10ppt
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt
Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) : Information only CL00.2754.0250 250 ml HDPE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 93
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Ammonia 20-22% solution (Pico-Pure) NEW CL00.2756

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 20-22% NH3 / kg
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb Scandium (Sc) <0.1ppb
Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol UN 2672 Dysprosium (Dy) <0.1ppb Selenium (Se) <1ppb
Erbium (Er) <0.1ppb Silver (Ag) <0.5ppb
Density 0.92 g/ml ADR 8,III Europium (Eu) <0.1ppb Sodium (Na) <1ppb
Gadolinium (Gd) <0.1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppb
CasNr 1336-21-6 IATA 8,III Gallium (Ga) <0.1ppb Tellurium (Te) <0.1ppb
EINECS 215-647-6 IMDG 8,III Germanium (Ge) <0.1ppb Terbium (Tb) <0.1ppb
Gold (Au) <0.5ppb Thallium (TI) <0.1ppb
HS Nr 28142000 Hafnium (Hf) : Information only Thorium (Th) <0.1ppb
Holmium (Ho) <0.1ppb Thulium (Tm) <0.1ppb
HNrs H314-H335-H400 Indium (In) <0.1ppb Tin (Sn) <0.5ppb
PNrs P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + Iron (Fe) <1ppb Titanium (Ti) <0.5ppb
Lanthanum (La) <0.1ppb Tungsten (W) <0.1ppb
P351 + P338-P309 + P310
Lead (Pb) <0.1ppb Uranium (U) <0.1ppb
DANGER. Lithium (Li) <0.1ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
Lutetium (Lu) <0.1ppb Ytterbium (Yb) <0.1ppb
Magnesium (Mg) <1ppb Yttrium (Y) <0.1ppb
Manganese (Mn) <0.5ppb Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppb
Mercury (Hg) <0.2ppb Zirconium (Zr) <0.1ppb
Assay : 20-22% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.5ppb Colour <10APHA
Aluminium (Al) <1ppb Neodymium (Nd) <0.1ppb Chloride <0.5ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.5ppb Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb Phosphate <0.01ppm
Arsenic (As) <1ppb Niobium (Nb) <0.1ppb Sulfate <1ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppb Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Beryllium (Be) <0.1ppb Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppb Potassium (K) <1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb Praseodymium (Pr) <0.1ppb
Calcium (Ca) <1ppb Rhenium (Re) : Information only
Cerium (Ce) <0.1ppb Rhodium (Rh) <0.5ppb
Caesium (Cs) <0.1ppb Rubidium (Rb) <0.1ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chromium (Cr) <0.5ppb Ruthenium (Ru) : Information only
Cobalt (Co) <0.5ppb Samarium (Sm) <0.1ppb CL00.2756.0500 500 ml HDPE

Boric acid (ultra pure) CL00.0230

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.8+% H3BO3
Assay >99.8% Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol Chloride <3ppm Lithium (Li) <0.01ppm
Phosphate <0.5ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Density 1.44 g/cm3 Silicate <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.01ppm
CasNr 10043-35-3 Sulfate <5ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.01ppm
EINECS 233-139-2 Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.05ppm Lead (Pb) <0.02ppm
HS Nr 28100090 Gold (Au) <0.02ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.01ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.05ppm Thallium (TI) <0.02ppm
HNrs H360 Vanadium (V) <0.01ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.01ppm
PNrs P201-P308 + P313 Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.01ppm
DANGER. Cobalt (Co) <0.01ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.05ppm CL00.0230.0050 50 g PE
Indium (In) <0.02ppm CL00.0230.0500 500 g PE

Boric acid 4% solution (ultra pure) CL02.0220

HF neutralisation solution for ICP 40 g H3BO3/ l H2O
Chloride <0.2ppm Lithium (Li) <0.5ppb
Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol Phosphate <25ppb Magnesium (Mg) <4ppb
Silicate <25ppb Manganese (Mn) <0.5ppb
Density 1.00 g/ml Sulfate <200ppb Molybdenum (Mo) <0.5ppb
Sodium (Na) <2ppb
CasNr 10043-35-3 Silver (Ag) <0.5ppb
Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb
Aluminium (Al) <2ppb
EINECS 233-139-2 Arsenic (As) <2ppb Lead (Pb) <1ppb
Gold (Au) <1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppb
HS Nr 28100090 Barium (Ba) <2ppb Thallium (TI) <1ppb
Beryllium (Be) <0.5ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
Calcium (Ca) <2ppb Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb
Cobalt (Co) <0.5ppb
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb
Iron (Fe) <2ppb
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Gallium (Ga) <2ppb CL02.0220.1000 1l PE/H
Indium (In) <1ppb
Potassium (K) <4ppb CL02.0220.5000 5l PE

94 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Formic acid 98-100% (ultra pure) CL00.1360
For laboratory use, ACS, Ph. Eur. 98+% HCOOH
Assay >98% Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 46.03 g/mol UN 1779 Chloride <5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Sulfate <0.5ppm Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
Density 1.22 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Acetic Acid <500pmm Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
CasNr 64-18-6 IATA 8 (3),II Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm
EINECS 200-579-1 IMDG 8 (3),II Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.002ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 29151100 Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
HNrs H226-H302-H314-H331 Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm
PNrs P210-P234-P260-P280-P301 + P330 + Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Non Volatiles <2ppm
P331-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
+ P338-P309 + P310 Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.02ppm CL00.1360.0250 250 ml GVB
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm CL00.1360.1000 1l GVB/OD
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
CL00.1360.2500 2,5 l GVB/OD

Hydrobromic acid 44-49% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.0273

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 44-49+% HBr
Cobalt (Co) <100ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 80.91 g/mol UN 1788 Copper (Cu) <100ppt Scandium (Sc) <100ppt
Dysprosium (Dy) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <100ppt
Density 1.49 g/ml ADR 8,II Erbium (Er) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <100ppt
Europium (Eu) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <100ppt
CasNr 10035-10-6 IATA 8,II Gadolinium (Gd) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
EINECS 233-113-0 IMDG 8,II Gallium (Ga) <100ppt Tellurium (Te) <10ppt
Gold (Au) <100ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
HS Nr 28111910 Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Holmium (Ho) <10ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
HNrs H314-H335 Indium (In) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
PNrs P261-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Iron (Fe) <100ppt Tin (Sn) <100ppt
Lanthanum (La) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <100ppt
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <1ppt Tungsten (W) <100ppt
Lithium (Li) <100ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <100ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <100ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Manganese (Mn) <100ppt Yttrium (Y) <10ppt
Assay : 44-49% Molybdenum (Mo) <100ppt Zinc (Zn) <100ppt
Aluminium (Al) <100ppt Neodymium (Nd) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) : Information only Nickel (Ni) <100ppt
Barium (Ba) <100ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <100ppt Palladium (Pd) <100ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <100ppt Platinum (Pt) <100ppt
Boron (B) : Information only Potassium (K) <100ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <100ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Calcium (Ca) <100ppt Rhenium (Re) <100ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <100ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <100ppt
Chromium (Cr) <100ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <100ppt
CL00.0273.0250 250 ml FEB

Hydrobromic acid 48% (ultra pure) CL00.0231

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 48+% HBr
Assay >48% Potassium (K) <0.02ppm
Mol.Weight 80.91 g/mol UN 1788 Chloride <200ppm Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Iodide (I) <10ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Density 1.49 g/ml ADR 8,II Phosphate <0.05ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
CasNr 10035-10-6 IATA 8,II Sulfate <5ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
Residue after Ignition <2ppm%
EINECS 233-113-0 IMDG 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.002ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28111910 Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
HNrs H314-H335 Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm
PNrs P261-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.002ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.002ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
CL00.0231.0250 250 ml GVB
Indium (In) <0.001ppm CL00.0231.1000 1l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 95
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Hydrochloric acid 32-35% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2950

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 32-35% HCl
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Density 1.17 g/ml ADR 8,II Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Selenium (Se) : Information only
Erbium (Er) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Europium (Eu) <1ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
HS Nr 28061000 Gold (Au) <50ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Indium (In) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Tin (Sn) <20ppt
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Iridium (Ir) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Assay : 32-35% Mercury (Hg) <50ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <20ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <50ppt Nickel (Ni) <20ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <1ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Boron (B) <100ppt Potassium (K) <10ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt CL00.2950.0250 250 ml PFA
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.2950.0500 500 ml PFA

Hydrochloric acid 34-37% (Pico-Pure) NEW CL00.2951

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 34-37% HCl
Dysprosium (Dy) <0.1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppb
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Erbium (Er) <0.1ppb Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
Europium (Eu) <0.1ppb Tellurium (Te) <0.1ppb
Density 1.17 g/ml ADR 8,II Gadolinium (Gd) <0.1ppb Terbium (Tb) <0.1ppb
Gallium (Ga) <0.1ppb Thallium (TI) <0.1ppb
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Gold (Au) <0.5ppb Thorium (Th) <0.1ppb
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Hafnium (Hf) <0.1ppb Thulium (Tm) <0.1ppb
Holmium (Ho) <0.1ppb Tin (Sn) <0.5ppb
HS Nr 28061000 Indium (In) <0.1ppb Titanium (Ti) <0.5ppb
Iron (Fe) <1ppb Tungsten (W) <0.1ppb
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Lanthanum (La) <0.1ppb Uranium (U) <0.1ppb
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Lead (Pb) <0.1ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
Lithium (Li) <0.1ppb Ytterbium (Yb) <0.1ppb
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lutetium (Lu) <0.1ppb Yttrium (Y) <0.1ppb
DANGER. Magnesium (Mg) <0.5ppb Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppb
Manganese (Mn) <0.1ppb Zirconium (Zr) <0.1ppb
Mercury (Hg) <0.1ppb Colour <10ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.1ppb Bromide <10ppm
Neodymium (Nd) <0.1ppb Free Chlorine <0.5ppm
Assay : 34-37% Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb Phosphorus (P) <0.01ppm
Aluminium (Al) <1ppb Niobium (Nb) <0.1ppb Sulfur (S) <0.3ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.5ppb Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Arsenic (As) <0,5ppb Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppb Potassium (K) <1ppb
Beryllium (Be) <0.1ppb Praseodymium (Pr) <0.1ppb
Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppb Rhenium (Re) <0.1ppb
Boron (B) <1ppb Rhodium (Rh) <0.1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.1ppb Rubidium (Rb) <0.1ppb
Calcium (Ca) <1ppb Ruthenium (Ru) <0.1ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cerium (Ce) <0.1ppb Samarium (Sm) <0.1ppb
Caesium (Cs) <0.1ppb Scandium (Sc) <0.1ppb CL00.2951.0500 500 ml FEP
Chromium (Cr) <0.5ppb Selenium (Se) <1ppb CL00.2951.1000 1l FEP
Cobalt (Co) <0.1ppb Silver (Ag) <1ppb
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb Sodium (Na) <1ppb CL00.2951.2500 2,5 l FEP

Danger.: May intensify fire; oxidiser. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. May be corrosive to metals. Do not breathe dust, fume, gas, mist, vapours, spray. Wear
protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection, face protection. IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Immediately call a
D.:1.41 g/ml POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
M.W.:63.01 g/mol
500 ml
Gevaar.: Kan brand bevorderen; oxiderend. Veroorzaakt ernstige brandwonden en oogletsel. Kan bijtend zijn voor metalen. Stof, rook, gas, nevel, damp, spuitnevel niet
inademen. Beschermende handschoenen, beschermende kleding, oogbescherming, gelaatsbescherming dragen. NA INSLIKKEN: de mond spoelen. GEEN braken opwekken.
NA blootstelling of bij onwel voelen: Onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen. BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water gedurende
een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwijderen, indien mogelijk; blijven spoelen.
Batch Nr.: 26.4632501 Danger.: Peut aggraver un incendie; comburant. Provoque des brûlures de la peau et des lésions oculaires graves. Peut être corrosif pour les métaux. Ne pas respirer les
Exp. Date: 01-2023 poussières, fumées, gaz, brouillards, vapeurs, aérosols. Porter des gants de protection, des vêtements de protection, un équipement de protection des yeux, du visage. EN CAS
D’INGESTION: rincer la bouche. NE PAS faire vomir. EN CAS d’exposition ou de malaise: Appeler immédiatement un CENTRE ANTIPOISON ou un médecin. EN CAS DE
CONTACT AVEC LES YEUX: rincer avec précaution à l’eau pendant plusieurs minutes. Enlever les lentilles de contact si la victime en porte et si elles peuvent être facilement
Storage: RT enlevées. Continuer à rincer.
Gefahr.: Kann Brand verstärken; Oxidationsmittel. Verursacht schwere Verätzungen der Haut und schwere Augenschäden. Kann gegenüber Metallen korrosiv sein. Staub,
Nitric acid 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) Rauch, Gas, Nebel, Dampf, Aerosol nicht einatmen. Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzkleidung, Augenschutz, Gesichtsschutz tragen. BEI VERSCHLUCKEN: Mund ausspülen. KEIN
Erbrechen herbeiführen. BEI Exposition oder Unwohlsein: Sofort GIFTINFORMATIONSZENTRUM oder Arzt anrufen. BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN: Einige Minuten lang
Salpeterzuur 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) behutsam mit Wasser spülen. Vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen.
Pelligro.: Puede agravar un incendio; comburente. Provoca quemaduras graves en la piel y lesiones oculares graves. Puede ser corrosivo para los metales. No respirar el polvo,
Acide nitrique 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) el humo, el gas, la niebla, los vapores, el aerosol. Llevar guantes, prendas, gafas, máscara de protección. EN CASO DE INGESTIÓN: Enjuagarse la boca. NO provocar el
Salpetersäure 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) vómito. EN CASO DE exposición o si se encuentra mal: Llamar inmediatamente a un CENTRO DE INFORMACION TOXICOLOGICA o a un médico. EN CASO DE CONTACTO
CON LOS OJOS: Aclarar cuidadosamente con agua durante varios minutos. Quitar las lentes de contacto, si lleva y resulta fácil. Seguir aclarando.
Acido nítrico 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) Pericolo.: Può aggravare un incendio; comburente. Provoca gravi ustioni cutanee e gravi lesioni oculari. Può essere corrosivo per i metalli. Non respirare la polvere, i fumi, i gas,

For specifications see certificate

Acido nitrico 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) la nebbia, i vapori, gli aerosol. Indossare guanti, indumenti protettivi, Proteggere gli occhi, il viso. IN CASO DI INGESTIONE: sciacquare la bocca. NON provocare il vomito. IN
CASO di esposizione o di malessere: Contattare immediatamente un CENTRO ANTIVELENI o un medico. IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente
67-69% HNO3 per parecchi minuti. Togliere le eventuali lenti a contatto se è agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare.

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis

CAS Nr. 7697-37-2

Index Nr. 007-004-00-1
EINECS Nr. 231-714-2
Chem-Lab NV
UN 2031
Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20
Industriezone "De Arend" 2 Fax. +32 (0)50 78 26 54
FEP 500 B-8210 Zedelgem Made in Belgium

96 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Hydrochloric acid 37% a.r. (Low Mercury) CL00.0380
For laboratory use, ISO, Hg max. 0.005 ppm, trace analyssis 37+% HCl
Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.02ppm
Gold (Au) <0.02ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.02ppm
Density 1.19 g/ml ADR 8,II Boron (B) <0.02ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.01ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppm Tin (Sn) <0.02ppm
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Beryllium (Be) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.02ppm
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Bismuth (Bi) <0.02ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.01ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.2ppm Thallium (TI) <0.02ppm
HS Nr 28061000 Cadmium (Cd) <0.01ppm Vanadium (V) <0.01ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.05ppm
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Chromium (Cr) <0.01ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.01ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm Bromide <50ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.2ppm Chloride <0.5ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Gallium (Ga) <0.02ppm Phosphate <0.5ppm
DANGER. Germanium (Ge) <0.05ppm Sulfate <1ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm Sulfite <1ppm
Indium (In) <0.02ppm
Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.02ppm
Assay >37% Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Residue after Ignition <5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Ammonium <2ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.01ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.02ppm Sodium (Na) <0.5ppm CL00.0380.2500 2,5 l GVB

Hydrochloric acid 37% a.r. CL00.0360

For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 37+% HCl
Assay >37% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Ammonium <0.0001% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Density 1.19 g/ml ADR 8,II Arsenic (As) <0.000001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.000002%
Bromide <0.005%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000002%
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Chloride <0.00005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Phosphate <0.00005%
HS Nr 28061000 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Sulfate <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Sulfite <0.0001%
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Residue after Ignition <0.0005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Mercury (Hg) <0.000001%
Colour < 10 APHA
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005% Sulfated Ash <0.0005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00001% Residual Solvents (Ph Eur./ICH) : Excluded by manuf.
Lithium (Li) <0.000001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.00001%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000002% CL00.0360.1000 1l GVB
Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000001%
CL00.0360.2500 2,5 l GVB

Hydrochloric acid 36% a.r., VLSI CL00.0399

For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 36+% HCl
Assay >36% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Ammonium <0.0001% Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Strontium (Sr) <0.000001%
Density 1.19 g/ml ADR 8,II Arsenic (As) <0.000001% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.000002%
Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000002%
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
HS Nr 28061000 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Bromide <0.005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Chloride <0.00005%
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Phosphate <0.00005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Sulfate <0.0001%
Sulfite <0.0001%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005% Residue after Ignition <0.0005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00001% Mercury (Hg) <0.000001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% CL00.0399.2500 2,5 l GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 97
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Hydrochloric acid 32% a.r. CL00.0365

For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 32+% HCl
Assay >32% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Residue after Ignition <0.0005% Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Ammonium <0.0001% Strontium (Sr) <0.000001%
Density 1.16 g/ml ADR 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Arsenic (As) <0.000001%
Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Barium (Ba) <0.000002%
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
HS Nr 28061000 Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Bromide <0.005%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Free Chlorine <0.00005%
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Phosphate <0.00005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Sulfate <0.0001%
Sulfite <0.0001%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338-P390 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.000001% CL00.0365.1000 1l GVB
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% CL00.0365.2500 2,5 l GVB

Hydrochloric acid 30% (ultra pure) CL00.0361

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 30+% HCl
Assay >30% Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Bromide <50ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Free Chlorine <0.5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Density 1.15 g/ml ADR 8,II Phosphate <0.01ppm Ammonium <1ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Sulfate <0.5ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Sulfite <1ppm
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.01ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.01ppm
HS Nr 28061000 Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm CL00.0361.0250 250 ml GVB
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm CL00.0361.1000 1l GVB/H
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm CL00.0361.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Hydrochloric acid 20% (ultra pure) CL00.0311

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 20+% HCl
Assay >20% Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 36.46 g/mol UN 1789 Bromide <50ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Chloride <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Density 1.10 g/ml ADR 8,II Phosphate <0.01ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Ammonium <1ppm
CasNr 7647-01-0 IATA 8,II Sulfate <0.5ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
Sulfite <1ppm
EINECS 231-595-7 IMDG 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28061000 Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.01ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
HNrs H290-H314-H335 Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P308 + Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.002ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm CL00.0311.1000 1l GVB/H
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm CL00.0311.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

98 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Hydrofluoric acid 47-51% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.0643
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 47-51% HF
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <20ppt
Mol.Weight 20.01 g/mol UN 1790 Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <20ppt
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <20ppt
Density 1.13 g/ml ADR 8 (6.1),II Copper (Cu) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
CasNr 7664-39-3 IATA 8 (6.1),II Erbium (Er) <1ppt Selenium (Se) : Information only
EINECS 231-634-8 IMDG 8 (6.1),II Europium (Eu) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
HS Nr 28111100 Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
HNrs H330-H300-H310-H314 Gold (Au) <20ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
PNrs P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 +
Indium (In) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
P340-P309 + P310 Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
DANGER. Lanthanum (La) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <20ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <20ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <20ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <1ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Assay : 47-51%% Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Mercury (Hg) <50ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Antimony (Sb) <20ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <50ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Nickel (Ni) <20ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) <20ppt
Boron (B) <100ppt Platinum (Pt) <20ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Potassium (K) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt CL00.0643.0250 250 ml PFA

Hydrofluoric acid 47-51% (Pico-Pure) NEW CL00.0644

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 47-51% HF
Cobalt (Co) <0.1ppb Scandium (Sc) <0.1ppb
Mol.Weight 20.01 g/mol UN 1790 Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb Selenium (Se) <1ppb
Dysprosium (Dy) <0.1ppb Silver (Ag) <0.5ppb
Density 1.13 g/ml ADR 8 (6.1),II Erbium (Er) <0.1ppb Sodium (Na) <1ppb
Europium (Eu) <0.1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppb
CasNr 7664-39-3 IATA 8 (6.1),II Gadolinium (Gd) <0.1ppb Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
EINECS 231-634-8 IMDG 8 (6.1),II Gallium (Ga) <0.1ppb Tellurium (Te) <0.1ppb
Germanium (Ge) <0.1ppb Terbium (Tb) <0.1ppb
HS Nr 28111100 Gold (Au) <0.2ppb Thallium (TI) <0.1ppb
Hafnium (Hf) <0.1ppb Thorium (Th) <0.1ppb
HNrs H330-H300-H310-H314 Holmium (Ho) <0.1ppb Thulium (Tm) <0.1ppb
PNrs P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + Indium (In) <0.1ppb Tin (Sn) <0.5ppb
Iron (Fe) <1ppb Titanium (Ti) <1ppb
P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 +
Lanthanum (La) <0.1ppb Tungsten (W) <0.5ppb
P340-P309 + P310 Lead (Pb) <0.1ppb Uranium (U) <0.1ppb
DANGER. Lithium (Li) <0.1ppb Vanadium (V) <0.1ppb
Lutetium (Lu) <0.1ppb Ytterbium (Yb) <0.1ppb
Magnesium (Mg) <1ppb Yttrium (Y) <0.1ppb
Manganese (Mn) <0.1ppb Zinc (Zn) <1ppb
Mercury (Hg) <1ppb Zirconium (Zr) <0.1ppb
Assay : 47-51%% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.1ppb Colour <10APHA
Aluminium (Al) <1ppb Neodymium (Nd) <0.1ppb Chloride <4ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.2ppb Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb Silicon (Si) <20ppb
Arsenic (As) <0.5ppb Niobium (Nb) <0.1ppb Phosphorus (P) <0.05ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppb Palladium (Pd) <0.2ppb Sulfur (S) <0.1ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.1ppb Platinum (Pt) <0.2ppb
Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppb Potassium (K) <1ppb
Boron (B) <1ppb Praseodymium (Pr) <0.1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.1ppb Rhenium (Re) <0.1ppb
Calcium (Ca) <1ppb Rhodium (Rh) <0.1ppb
Cerium (Ce) <0.1ppb Rubidium (Rb) <0.1ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Ruthenium (Ru) <0.1ppb
Caesium (Cs)
Chromium (Cr)
<1ppb Samarium (Sm) <0.1ppb CL00.0644.0500 500 ml PFA

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CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 99
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Hydrofluoric acid 49+% a.r., VLSI CL00.0625

For laboratory use, ISO, trace analysis 49+% HF
Assay >49% Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
Mol.Weight 20.01 g/mol UN 1790 Chloride <0.0001% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
Hexafluorosilicate <0.005% Sodium (Na) <0.00002%
Density 1.16 g/ml ADR 8 (6.1),II Phosphate <0.00005% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
CasNr 7664-39-3 IATA 8 (6.1),II Sulfate <0.0002%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Sulfite <0.0002%
EINECS 231-634-8 IMDG 8 (6.1),II Silver (Ag) <0.000002% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
HS Nr 28111100 Barium (Ba) <0.00001% Vanadium (V) <0.000005%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000002% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
HNrs H330-H300-H310-H314 Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001%
PNrs P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% Sulfated Ash <0.0005%
Colour < 10 APHA
P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 + Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001%
P340-P309 + P310 Cobalt (Co) <0.000002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000002%
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.000002%
Iron (Fe) <0.00002% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001% CL00.0625.1000 1l PE/H
Lithium (Li) <0.000002% CL00.0625.2500 2,5 l PE/H
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00002%

Hydrofluoric acid 40% (ultra pure) CL00.0617

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 40+% HF
Assay >40% Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 20.01 g/mol UN 1790 Chloride <0.5ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Hexafluorosilicate <20ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Density 1.13 g/ml ADR 8 (6.1),II Phosphate <0.1ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
CasNr 7664-39-3 IATA 8 (6.1),II Sulfate <0.5ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
Sulfite <2ppm
EINECS 231-634-8 IMDG 8 (6.1),II Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28111100 Arsenic (As) <0.02ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Gold (Au) <0.002ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.01ppm
HNrs H330-H300-H310-H314 Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm
PNrs P280-P302 + P352-P301 + P330 + Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P304 + Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
P340-P309 + P310 Residue after Ignition <2ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm CL00.0617.0250 250 ml PE
Mercury (Hg) <0.02ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm CL00.0617.1000 1l PE/H
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm CL00.0617.2500 2,5 l PE/H

Hydrogen peroxide 30-32 % solution (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2315

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 30-32% H2O2
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 34.01 g/mol UN 2014 Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Density 1.11 g/ml ADR 5.1 (8),II Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Selenium (Se) <100ppt
Erbium (Er) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
CasNr 7722-84-1 IATA 5.1 (8),II Europium (Eu) <1ppt Sodium (Na) <50ppt
EINECS 231-765-0 IMDG 5.1 (8),II Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) <10ppt
HS Nr 28470000 Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
Gold (Au) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
HNrs H271-H302-H314-H318-H335-H412 Hafnium (Hf) <1ppt Thallium (TI) <1ppt
PNrs P210-P310-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Indium (In) <1ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
P351 + P338-P303 + P361 + P353-P280
Iron (Fe) <20ppt Tin (Sn) <50ppt
DANGER. Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Titanium (Ti) <20ppt
Lead (Pb) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <20ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <1ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <20ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Assay =30-32% Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Aluminium (Al) <50ppt Mercury (Hg) <50ppt Zinc (Zn) <50ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <100ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Nickel (Ni) <20ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) <10ppt
Boron (B) <100ppt Potassium (K) <20ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt
Calcium (Ca) <100ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Cerium (Ce)
Caesium (Cs)
<1ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.2315.0500 500 ml FL/FEP

100 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Nitric acid 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.1964
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 67-69% HNO3
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <1ppt
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Copper (Cu) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Selenium (Se) : Information only
Density 1.41 g/ml ADR 8 (5.1),II Erbium (Er) <1ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
Europium (Eu) <1ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8 (5.1),II Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8 (5.1),II Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
HS Nr 28080000 Gold (Au) <20ppt Terbium (Tb) <1ppt
Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
HNrs H272-H314-H290 Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Indium (In) <1ppt Thulium (Tm) <1ppt
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <20ppt
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Lutetium (Lu) <1ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <1ppt
Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Assay : 67-69% Mercury (Hg) <50ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt
Arsenic (As) <20ppt Nickel (Ni) <20ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <1ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) <20ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) <20ppt
Boron (B) <10ppt Potassium (K) <10ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <1ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt CL00.1964.0250 250 ml FEP
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.1964.0500 500 ml FEP
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <20ppt CL00.1964.1000 1l FEP

Nitric acid 67-69% (Pico-Pure) NEW CL00.1965

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 67-69% HNO3
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb Selenium (Se) <1ppb
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Dysprosium (Dy) <0.1ppb Silver (Ag) <0,1ppb
Erbium (Er) <0.1ppb Sodium (Na) <1ppb
Density 1.41 g/ml ADR 8 (5.1),II Europium (Eu) <0.1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppb
Gadolinium (Gd) <0,1ppb Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8 (5.1),II Gallium (Ga) <0.1ppb Tellurium (Te) <0.1ppb
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8 (5.1),II Germanium (Ge) <0.1ppb Terbium (Tb) <0.1ppb
Gold (Au) <0.1ppb Thallium (TI) <0.1ppb
HS Nr 28080000 Hafnium (Hf) <0.1ppb Thorium (Th) <0.1ppb
Holmium (Ho) <0.1ppb Thulium (Tm) <0.1ppb
HNrs H272-H314-H290 Indium (In) <0.1ppb Tin (Sn) <0.5ppb
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Iron (Fe) <1ppb Titanium (Ti) <0.5ppb
Lanthanum (La) <0.1ppb Tungsten (W) <0.1ppb
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lead (Pb) <0.1ppb Uranium (U) <0.1ppb
DANGER. Lithium (Li) <0.1ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
Lutetium (Lu) <0.1ppb Ytterbium (Yb) <0.1ppb
Magnesium (Mg) <1ppb Yttrium (Y) <0.1ppb
Manganese (Mn) <0.1ppb Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppb
Mercury (Hg) <0.1ppb Zirconium (Zr) <0.1ppb
Assay : 67-69% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.1ppb Chloride <0.2ppm
Aluminium (Al) <1ppb Neodymium (Nd) <0.1ppb Phosphorus (P) <0.01ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.5ppb Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb Sulfur (S) <0.3ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.5ppb Niobium (Nb) <0.1ppb
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppb Palladium (Pd) <0.5ppb
Beryllium (Be) <0.1ppb Platinum (Pt) <0.5ppb
Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppb Potassium (K) <1ppb
Boron (B) <1ppb Praseodymium (Pr) <0.1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb Rhenium (Re) <0.1ppb
Calcium (Ca) <1ppb Rhodium (Rh) <0.5ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Rubidium (Rb) <0.1ppb
Cerium (Ce) <0.1ppb
Ruthenium (Ru) <0.5ppb
CL00.1965.0500 500 ml FEP
Caesium (Cs) <0.1ppb
Chromium (Cr) <1ppb Samarium (Sm) <0.1ppb CL00.1965.1000 1l FEP
Cobalt (Co) <0.5ppb Scandium (Sc) <0.1ppb CL00.1965.2500 2,5 l FEP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 101
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Nitric acid 70% (ultra pure) CL00.1934

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 69+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product quality).
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Lead (Pb) <0.0005ppm
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Aluminium (Al) <0.030ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Density 1.41 g/ml ADR 8 (5.1),II Gold (Au) <0.004ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8 (5.1),II Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8 (5.1),II Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Boron (B) <0.004ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Selenium (Se) <0.001ppm
HNrs H272-H314-H290 Chromium (Cr) <0.010ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.005ppm
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Niobium (Nb) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Silicon (Si) <0.020ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Gallium (Ga) <0.020ppm Tantalum (Ta) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Germanium (Ge) <0.004ppm Non Volatiles <2ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.0005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Assay >69% Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride <0.04ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.005ppm CL00.1934.0500 500 ml GVB/H
Sulfate <0.4ppm Sodium (Na) <0.200ppm CL00.1934.1000 1l GVB/H
Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm

Nitric acid 65% (ultra pure) CL00.1905

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 65+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product quality).
Assay >65% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Chloride <0.05ppm Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
Phosphate <0.01ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
Density 1.39 g/ml ADR 8 (5.1),II Sulfate <0.2ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8 (5.1),II Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8 (5.1),II Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
HNrs H272-H314-H290 Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Boron (B) <0,01ppm
Selenium (Se) <0,001ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Antimony (Sb) <0,001ppm
DANGER. Chromium (Cr) <0.002ppm Uranium (U) <0,02ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.005ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.002ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm CL00.1905.0250 250 ml GVB
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm CL00.1905.1000 1l GVB/H
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm CL00.1905.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Nitric acid 65% a.r. CL00.1915

For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 65+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product
Assay >65% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Residue after Ignition <0.00025% Lead (Pb) <0.000001%
Silver (Ag) <0.000001% Strontium (Sr) <0.000001%
Density 1.39 g/ml ADR 8 (5.1),II Arsenic (As) <0.000001% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8 (5.1),II Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Barium (Ba) <0.000001%
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8 (5.1),II Beryllium (Be) <0.000001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Bismuth (Bi) <0.00001% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
HS Nr 28080000 Calcium (Ca) <0.00001% Chloride <0.00005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000001% Phosphate <0.0002%
HNrs H272-H314-H290 Sulfate <0.0002%
Cobalt (Co) <0.000001%
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Chromium (Cr) <0.000002% Sulfated Ash <0.001%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) <0.000001%
Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
DANGER. Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) <0.000001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001% CL00.1915.1000 1l GVB
Manganese (Mn) <0.000001%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
CL00.1915.2500 2,5 l GVB
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% CL00.1915.5000 5l PEB

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

102 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Nitric acid 7 mol/l (ultra pure) CL05.1909
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP, Cold Vapour Hg det. 441.07 g HNO3 / l H2O = ± 7 N
Aluminium (Al) <0.030ppm Lead (Pb) <0.0005ppm
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
Gold (Au) <0.004ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Density 1.22 g/ml ADR 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8,II Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8,II Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Boron (B) <0.004ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.010ppm Selenium (Se) <0.001ppm
HNrs H314-H290 Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.005ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351 Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Niobium (Nb) <0.001ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.020ppm Silicon (Si) <0.020ppm
+ P338-P309 + P310
Germanium (Ge) <0.004ppm Tantalum (Ta) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Mercury (Hg) <0.0005ppm Non Volatiles <2ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Cl-0.04ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.005ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.200ppm
CL05.1909.1000 1l PEB
Sulfate <0.4ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm CL05.1909.9010 10 l PEB

Perchloric acid 70% (ultra pure) CL00.1629

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 70+% HClO4
Assay >70% Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 100.46 g/mol UN 1873 Phosphate <0.1ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Sulfate <5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Density 1.68 g/ml ADR 5.1 (8),I Nitrogen (N) <10ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
CasNr 7601-90-3 IATA 5.1 (8),I Silver (Ag) <0.002ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm
EINECS 231-512-4 IMDG 5.1 (8),I Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
HNrs H271-H314 Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
PNrs P210-P220-P280-P301 + P330 + P331- Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P310 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
CL00.1629.0250 250 ml GVB
Potassium (K) <0.02ppm CL00.1629.1000 1l GVB

Phosphoric acid 85% (ultra pure) CL00.0615

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 85+% H3PO4
Assay >85% Sodium (Na) <0.1ppm
Mol.Weight 98.00 g/mol UN 1805 Chloride <0.5ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.05ppm
Fluoride <0.5ppm Lead (Pb) <0.05ppm
Density 1.71 g/ml ADR 8,III Nitrate <0.5ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.05ppm
CasNr 7664-38-2 IATA 8,III Sulfate <10ppm
Zinc (Zn) <0.05ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.1ppm
EINECS 231-633-2 IMDG 8,III Arsenic (As) <0.05ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppm
HS Nr 28092000 Calcium (Ca) <0.2ppm
HNrs H314-H290 Cadmium (Cd) <0.05ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.05ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Chromium (Cr) <0.05ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) <0.05ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.2ppm
DANGER. Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Potassium (K) <0.1ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) <0.1ppm CL00.0615.0250 250 ml PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.05ppm CL00.0615.1000 1l PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 103
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Sulfuric acid 93-98% (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL00.2649

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 93-98+% H2SO4
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol UN 1830 Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Selenium (Se) <500ppt
Density 1.84 g/ml ADR 8,II Dysprosium (Dy) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <50ppt
Erbium (Er) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <50ppt
CasNr 7664-93-9 IATA 8,II Europium (Eu) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
EINECS 231-639-5 IMDG 8,II Gadolinium (Gd) <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Tellurium (Te) <50ppt
HS Nr 28070000 Germanium (Ge) <100ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
Hafnium (Hf) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
HNrs H290-H314 Holmium (Ho) <10ppt Thorium (Th) <10ppt
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Indium (In) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
Iron (Fe) <50ppt Tin (Sn) <50ppt
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lanthanum (La) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <50ppt
DANGER. Lead (Pb) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Lithium (Li) <10ppt Uranium (U) <10ppt
Iodide (I) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Magnesium (Mg) <50ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <10ppt
Assay : 93-98% Mercury (Hg) <100ppt Zinc (Zn) <50ppt
Aluminium (Al) <50ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <50ppt Neodymium (Nd) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <500ppt Nickel (Ni) <50ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Potassium (K) <50ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Calcium (Ca) <50ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <50ppt CL00.2649.0250 250 ml FEP
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL00.2649.0500 500 ml FEP

Sulfuric acid 93-98% (Pico-Pure) NEW CL00.2650

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis 93-98+% H2SO4
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb Silver (Ag) <1ppb
Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol UN 1830 Dysprosium (Dy) <0.1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppb
Erbium (Er) <0.1ppb Tantalum (Ta) : Information only
Density 1.84 g/ml ADR 8,II Europium (Eu) <0.1ppb Tellurium (Te) <0.1ppb
Gadolinium (Gd) <0.1ppb Terbium (Tb) <0.1ppb
CasNr 7664-93-9 IATA 8,II Gallium (Ga) <0.1ppb Thallium (TI) <0.1ppb
EINECS 231-639-5 IMDG 8,II Germanium (Ge) <1ppb Thorium (Th) <0.1ppb
Gold (Au) <0.5ppb Thulium (Tm) <0.1ppb
HS Nr 28070000 Hafnium (Hf) <0.1ppb Tin (Sn) <1ppb
Holmium (Ho) <0.1ppb Titanium (Ti) <1ppb
HNrs H290-H314 Indium (In) <0.1ppb Tungsten (W) <0.5ppb
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Iron (Fe) <1ppb Uranium (U) <0.1ppb
Lanthanum (La) <0.1ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Lead (Pb) <0.1ppb Ytterbium (Yb) <0.1ppb
DANGER. Lithium (Li) <0.5ppb Yttrium (Y) <0.1ppb
Lutetium (Lu) <0.1ppb Zinc (Zn) <1ppb
Magnesium (Mg) <1ppb Zirconium (Zr) <0.5ppb
Manganese (Mn) <0.5ppb Colour <10APHA
Mercury (Hg) <0.1ppb Chloride <0.7ppm
Assay : 93-98% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.5ppb Nitrate <0.2ppm
Aluminium (Al) <1ppb Neodymium (Nd) <0.1ppb Phosphorus (P) <0.05ppm
Antimony (Sb) <1ppb Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb Reducing Subtances <20ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.5ppb Niobium (Nb) <0.1ppb
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppb Palladium (Pd) : Information only
Beryllium (Be) <0.1ppb Platinum (Pt) : Information only
Bismuth (Bi) <0.1ppb Potassium (K) <1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb Praseodymium (Pr) <0.1ppb
Calcium (Ca) <1ppb Rhodium (Rh) <0.5ppb
Cerium (Ce) <0.1ppb Rubidium (Rb) <0.5ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Samarium (Sm) <0.1ppb
Caesium (Cs) <0.1ppb
Scandium (Sc) <0.1ppb
CL00.2650.0500 500 ml FEP
Chromium (Cr) <0.5ppb
Cobalt (Co) <0.5ppb Selenium (Se) <10ppb CL00.2650.1000 1l FEP

104 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Sulfuric acid 96% (ultra pure) CL00.2613
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 95+% H2SO4
Assay >95% Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol UN 1830 Chloride <0.1ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Nitrate <0.2ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Density 1.84 g/ml ADR 8,II Phosphate <0.01ppm Ammonium <1ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
CasNr 7664-93-9 IATA 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm
EINECS 231-639-5 IMDG 8,II Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.01ppm
HS Nr 28070000 Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Selenium (Se) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
HNrs H290-H314 Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Calcium (Ca) <0.02ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.001ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm CL00.2613.0250 250 ml GVB
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm CL00.2613.1000 1l GVB/H

Sulfuric acid 95-97% a.r., VLSI CL00.2605

*For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 95-97% H2SO4
Assay : 95-97% Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol UN 1830 Residue after Ignition <0.0005% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Ammonium <0.0002% Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Density 1.84 g/ml ADR 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.000002% Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
CasNr 7664-93-9 IATA 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
Arsenic (As) <0.000001%
EINECS 231-639-5 IMDG 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
HS Nr 28070000 Bismuth (Bi) <0.000005% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00002% Chloride <0.00001%
HNrs H290-H314 Nitrate <0.00002%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000002%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Phosphate <0.00005%
Reducing Subtances <0.0002%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000001%
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Mercury (Hg) <0.0000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000001% CL00.2605.2500 2,5 l GVB
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005% CL00.2605.5000 5l PEB
Manganese (Mn) <0.000001%

Sulfuric acid 95-97% a.r. CL00.2632

For laboratory use, ISO, Ph. Eur., trace analysis 95-97% H2SO4
Assay : 95-97% Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol UN 1830 Residue after Ignition <0.0005% @ 650°C Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Ammonium <0.0001% Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Density 1.84 g/ml ADR 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.000002% Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
CasNr 7664-93-9 IATA 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Arsenic (As) <0.000001%
EINECS 231-639-5 IMDG 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000001% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
HS Nr 28070000 Bismuth (Bi) <0.000005% Chloride <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00002% Nitrate <0.00002%
HNrs H290-H314 Phosphate <0.00005%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000002%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Reducing Subtances <0.0002%
Nitrogen (N) <0.0001%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000001% Colour < 10 APHA
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Mercury (Hg) <0.0000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li) <0.000001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005% CL00.2632.1000 1l GVB
Manganese (Mn)
Sodium (Na)
CL00.2632.2500 2,5 l GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 105
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis

Sulfuric acid 95-97% a.r. (Low Mercury) NEW CL00.2644

For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur., Hg max. 0.001 ppm, trace analysis 95-97% H2SO4
Assay : 95-97% Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Mol.Weight 98.08 g/mol UN 1830 Residue after Ignition <0.0005% @ 650°C Nickel (Ni) <0.000002%
Ammonium <0.0002% Lead (Pb) <0.000002%
Density 1.84 g/ml ADR 8,II Silver (Ag) <0.000002% Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Titanium (Ti) <0.00001%
CasNr 7664-93-9 IATA 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
Arsenic (As) <0.000001%
EINECS 231-639-5 IMDG 8,II Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Vanadium (V) <0.000001%
Beryllium (Be) <0.000001% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
HS Nr 28070000 Bismuth (Bi) <0.000005% Zirconium (Zr) <0.00001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00002% Chloride <0.00001%
HNrs H290-H314 Nitrate <0.00002%
Cadmium (Cd) <0.000002%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Cobalt (Co) <0.000001% Phosphate <0.00005%
Reducing Subtances <0.0002%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000001% Nitrogen (N) <0.0001%
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.00001% Colour < 10 APHA
Germanium (Ge) <0.000005%
Mercury (Hg) <0.0000001%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.000001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.000001%
CL00.2644.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Tetra fluoroboric acid 38% solution (ultra pure) CL00.2009

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 380 g HBF4 / kg sol.
Chloride <0.5ppm Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 87.81 g/mol UN 1775 Hexafluorosilicate <20ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Density 1.25 g/ml ADR 8,II Sulfate <0.5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
CasNr 16872-11-0 IATA 8,II Sulfite <2ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
EINECS 240-898-3 IMDG 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.02ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Gold (Au) <0.002ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.01ppm
HNrs H314 Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
DANGER. Cadmium (Cd) <0.002ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm Residue after Ignition <2ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.02ppm CL00.2009.0250 250 ml PE
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm
CL00.2009.1000 1l PE/H

Tetra fluoroboric acid solution (ultra pure) CL02.2025

TMR - For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 192 g H3BO3 + 450 ml HF 40%
Chloride <0.5ppm Potassium (K) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 87.81 g/mol UN 1775 Hexafluorosilicate <20ppm Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Density 1.23 g/ml ADR 8,II Sulfate <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
CasNr 16872-11-0 IATA 8,II Sulfite <2ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
EINECS 240-898-3 IMDG 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.02ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Gold (Au) <0.002ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
HNrs H314 Titanium (Ti) <0.01ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Cadmium (Cd) <0.002ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm Residue after Ignition <2ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.02ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
CL02.2025.2500 2,5 l PE

106 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Acids for ICP Trace Analysis


Water, High Purity ICP-MS grade (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL02.2107
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated (ppt range HM traces)
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Erbium (Er) <1ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
Europium (Eu) <1ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Density 1.00 g/ml Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Selenium (Se) <50ppt
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
CasNr 7732-18-5 Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
EINECS 231-791-2 Gold (Au) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Hafnium (Hf) <1ppt Tantalum (Ta) <10ppt
HS Nr 28530010 Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
Indium (In) <1ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Colour <10APHA Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Chloride <1ppt Lead (Pb) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
Phosphate <1ppt Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <10ppt
Sulfite <1ppt Lutetium (Lu) <1ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Arsenic (As) <10ppt Mercury (Hg) <20ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Nickel (Ni) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Boron (B) <20ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) <10ppt
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) <10ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Potassium (K) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL02.2107.1000 1l LDPE

Product Analysis Certificate Product Analysis Certificate

Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2

Art. Nr. : CL00.1964 Lot Nr. : 26.4632501 Art. Nr. : CL00.1964 Lot Nr. : 26.4632501
Nitric acid 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) Nitric acid 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus)
67-69% HNO3 67-69% HNO3
Use: For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis Use: For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis
Traceability: Reference standards Traceability: Reference standards

Specifications Specifications
Spec. value Batch value Spec. value Batch value

Assay Assay : 67-69% : 67-69% Rubidium (Rb) Rb <10ppt <10ppt

Aluminium (Al) Al <20ppt <20ppt Ruthenium (Ru) Ru <20ppt <20ppt
Antimony (Sb) Sb <10ppt <10ppt Samarium (Sm) Sm <1ppt <1ppt
Arsenic (As) As <20ppt <20ppt Scandium (Sc) Sc <10ppt <10ppt
Barium (Ba) Ba <10ppt <10ppt Selenium (Se) Se : Information only : Information only
Beryllium (Be) Be <10ppt <10ppt Silver (Ag) Ag <10ppt <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) Bi <10ppt <10ppt Sodium (Na) Na <10ppt <10ppt
Boron (B) B <10ppt <10ppt Strontium (Sr) Sr <10ppt <10ppt
Cadmium (Cd) Cd <10ppt <10ppt Tantalum (Ta) Ta : Information only : Information only
Calcium (Ca) Ca <10ppt <10ppt Tellurium (Te) Te <1ppt <1ppt
Cerium (Ce) Ce <10ppt <10ppt Terbium (Tb) Tb <1ppt <1ppt
Caesium (Cs) Cs <10ppt <10ppt Thallium (TI) Tl <10ppt <10ppt
Chromium (Cr) Cr <10ppt <10ppt Thorium (Th) Th <1ppt <1ppt
Cobalt (Co) Co <10ppt <10ppt Thulium (Tm) Tm <1ppt <1ppt
Copper (Cu) Cu <10ppt <10ppt Tin (Sn) Sn <20ppt <20ppt
Dysprosium (Dy) Dy <1ppt <1ppt Titanium (Ti) Ti <10ppt <10ppt
Erbium (Er) Er <1ppt <1ppt Tungsten (W) W <10ppt <10ppt
Europium (Eu) Eu <1ppt <1ppt Uranium (U) U <1ppt <1ppt
Gadolinium (Gd) Gd <1ppt <1ppt Vanadium (V) V <10ppt <10ppt
Gallium (Ga) Ga <10ppt <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) Yb <1ppt <1ppt
Germanium (Ge) Ge <10ppt <10ppt Yttrium (Y) Y <1ppt <1ppt
Gold (Au) Au <20ppt <20ppt Zinc (Zn) Zn <10ppt <10ppt
Hafnium (Hf) Hf <10ppt <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) Zr <10ppt <10ppt
Holmium (Ho) Ho <1ppt <1ppt
Indium (In) In <1ppt <1ppt
Iron (Fe) Fe <10ppt <10ppt
Lanthanum (La) La <1ppt <1ppt
Lead (Pb) Pb <10ppt <10ppt
Lithium (Li) Li <10ppt <10ppt
Lutetium (Lu) Lu <1ppt <1ppt
Magnesium (Mg) Mg <10ppt <10ppt
Manganese (Mn) Mn <10ppt <10ppt
Mercury (Hg) Hg <50ppt <50ppt
Molybdenum (Mo) Mo <10ppt <10ppt
Neodymium (Nd) Nd <1ppt <1ppt
Nickel (Ni) Ni <20ppt <20ppt
Niobium (Nb) Nb <1ppt <1ppt
Palladium (Pd) Pd <20ppt <20ppt
Platinum (Pt) Pt <20ppt <20ppt
Potassium (K) K <10ppt <10ppt
Praseodymium (Pr) Pr <1ppt <1ppt
Rhenium (Re) Re <10ppt <10ppt
Rhodium (Rh) Rh <10ppt <10ppt

Date of release: 25-01-2018 Chemist: Luis Bianchi Date of release: 25-01-2018

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jan-2023 Expires: Jan-2023


Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web : Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Analysis Analysis

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 107
UltraPure Chemicals

Ammonia 25 weight % solution (ultra pure) CL00.0161

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP ±250 g NH3 / kg
Residue after Ignition <2ppm Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol UN 2672 Carbonate <10ppm Lithium (Li) <0.002ppm
Chloride <0.5ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Density 0.91 g/ml ADR 8,III Phosphate <0.05ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
CasNr 1336-21-6 IATA 8,III Sulfate <0.5ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
EINECS 215-647-6 IMDG 8,III Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28142000 Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
HNrs H314-H335-H400 Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm
PNrs P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
P351 + P338-P309 + P310 Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.005ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Germanium (Ge) <0.001ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
CL00.0161.0250 250 ml PE/OD
Indium (In) <0.002ppm CL00.0161.1000 1l PE/OD

Benzene (ultra pure) CL00.0239

Reference substance for gas chromatography 99.99+% C6H6
Assay >99.99%
Mol.Weight 78.11 g/mol UN 1114
Density 0.88 g/ml ADR 3,II
CasNr 71-43-2 IATA 3,II
EINECS 200-753-7 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29022000
HNrs H225-H350-H340-H372-H304-H319-
PNrs P201-P210-P308 + P313-P301 + P310-
P331-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0239.0001 1 ml AMP
CL00.0239.0005 5 ml AMP

Boric acid (ultra pure) CL00.0230

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.8+% H3BO3
Assay >99.8% Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol Chloride <3ppm Lithium (Li) <0.01ppm
Phosphate <0.5ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Density 1.44 g/cm3 Silicate <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.01ppm
CasNr 10043-35-3 Sulfate <5ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.01ppm
EINECS 233-139-2 Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.05ppm Lead (Pb) <0.02ppm
HS Nr 28100090 Gold (Au) <0.02ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.01ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.05ppm Thallium (TI) <0.02ppm
HNrs H360 Vanadium (V) <0.01ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.01ppm
PNrs P201-P308 + P313 Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.01ppm
DANGER. Cobalt (Co) <0.01ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.05ppm CL00.0230.0050 50 g PE
Indium (In) <0.02ppm CL00.0230.0500 500 g PE

108 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
UltraPure Chemicals


Boric acid 4% solution (ultra pure) CL02.0220
HF neutralisation solution for ICP 40 g H3BO3/ l H2O
Chloride <0.2ppm Lithium (Li) <0.5ppb
Mol.Weight 61.83 g/mol Phosphate <25ppb Magnesium (Mg) <4ppb
Silicate <25ppb Manganese (Mn) <0.5ppb
Density 1.00 g/ml Sulfate <200ppb Molybdenum (Mo) <0.5ppb
Sodium (Na) <2ppb
CasNr 10043-35-3 Silver (Ag) <0.5ppb
Nickel (Ni) <0.5ppb
Aluminium (Al) <2ppb
EINECS 233-139-2 Arsenic (As) <2ppb Lead (Pb) <1ppb
Gold (Au) <1ppb Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppb
HS Nr 28100090 Barium (Ba) <2ppb Thallium (TI) <1ppb
Beryllium (Be) <0.5ppb Vanadium (V) <0.5ppb
Calcium (Ca) <2ppb Zinc (Zn) <0.5ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.5ppb
Cobalt (Co) <0.5ppb
Copper (Cu) <0.5ppb
Iron (Fe) <2ppb
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Gallium (Ga) <2ppb CL02.0220.1000 1l PE/H
Indium (In) <1ppb
Potassium (K) <4ppb CL02.0220.5000 5l PE

Calcium carbonate, powder (ultra pure) CL00.0390

For laboratory use 99.95+% CaCO3
Assay >99.95% Strontium (Sr) <0.1%
Mol.Weight 100.09 g/mol Insoluble Matter (Non Solubles) <0.002% Chloride <0.001%
Barium (Ba) <0.005% Sulfate <0.005%
Density 2.93 g/cm3 Copper (Cu) <0.0005% Nitrogen (N) <0.001%
Silicon (Si) <0.001%
CasNr 471-34-1 Iron (Fe) <0.001%
Fluoride <<0.002%
Potassium (K) <0.01%
EINECS 207-439-9 Magnesium (Mg) <0.01%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.01%
HS Nr 28365000 Lead (Pb) <0.0005% CL00.0390.0050 50 g PE

Cesium chloride (ultra pure) CL00.0354

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP, Density gradient centrifugation 99.995+% CsCl
Assay >99.995% Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 168.36 g/mol Sulfate <20ppm Sodium (Na) <4ppm
Nitrogen (N) <10ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Density 3.97 g/cm3 Aluminium (Al) <0.02ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Rubidium (Rb) <5ppm
CasNr 7647-17-8 Boron (B) <0.05ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.2ppm
Barium (Ba) <2ppm
EINECS 231-600-2 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.02ppm
HS Nr 28273985 Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.02ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <2ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.2ppm
CL00.0354.0025 25 g PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.05ppm CL00.0354.0100 100 g PE

Hydrogen peroxide 30 weight % solution (ultra pure) CL00.2313

*For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 30+% H2O2
Free Acid <40ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 34.01 g/mol UN 2014 Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Sodium (Na) <0.02ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Density 1.11 g/ml ADR 5.1 (8),II Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.02ppm
CasNr 7722-84-1 IATA 5.1 (8),II Boron (B) <0.01ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.02ppm
EINECS 231-765-0 IMDG 5.1 (8),II Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.002ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28470000 Bismuth (Bi) <0.002ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.02ppm Thallium (TI) <0.002ppm
HNrs H271-H302-H314-H318-H335-H412 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
PNrs P210-P310-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
P351 + P338-P303 + P361 + P353-P280
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Chloride <0.5ppm
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Phosphate <1ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Sulfate <1ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.05ppm Nitrogen (N) <2ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Assay >30%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Non Volatiles <50ppm
Residue after Ignition <20ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm CL00.2313.1000 1l PEB/OD

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 109
UltraPure Chemicals

Lithium nitrate (ultra pure) CL00.1219

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99+% LiNO3
Assay >99% Rubidium (Rb) <0.5ppm
Mol.Weight 68.95 g/mol UN 2722 Chloride <10ppm Strontium (Sr) <5ppm
Sulfate <10ppm Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Density 2.36 g/cm3 ADR 5.1,III Aluminium (Al) <0.02ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7790-69-4 IATA 5.1,III Barium (Ba) <5ppm
Calcium (Ca) <2ppm
EINECS 232-218-9 IMDG 5.1,III Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28342980 Caesium (Cs) <5ppm
HNrs H272 Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
PNrs P262 Potassium (K) <5ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.5ppm
WARNING. Manganese (Mn) <0.005ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <20ppm CL00.1219.0100 100 g PE
Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm CL00.1219.0500 500 g PE

Lithium nitrate 5 g/l solution (ultra pure) CL02.1211

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 5 g LiNO3 / l H2O
Chloride <1ppm Sodium (Na) <2ppm
Density 1.00 g/ml Sulfate <1ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.0005ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.002ppm Lead (Pb) <0.0005ppm
CasNr 7790-69-4 Barium (Ba) <0.5ppm Rubidium (Rb) <0.05ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.5ppm
EINECS 232-218-9 Calcium (Ca) <0.2ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005ppm
HS Nr 28342980 Cobalt (Co) <0.0005ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.0005ppm
Caesium (Cs) <0.5ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.0005ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.5ppm CL02.1211.1000 1l PE/H
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Manganese (Mn) <0.0005ppm CL02.1211.5000 5l PE

Lithium tetraborate (ultra pure) CL00.1218

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.6+% Li2B4O7
Assay >99.6%
Mol.Weight 169.12 g/mol Chloride <5ppm
Phosphate <2ppm
CasNr 12007-60-2 Sulfate <5ppm
EINECS 234-514-3 Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <5ppm
Calcium (Ca) <5ppm
HS Nr 28402090 Iron (Fe) <1ppm
Potassium (K) <5ppm
HNrs H315-H319-H335 Magnesium (Mg) <1ppm
PNrs P261-P305 + P351 + P338 Sodium (Na) <5ppm

WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1218.0250 250 g PE
CL00.1218.1000 1 kg PE

Mercury (ultra pure) CL00.1333

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.999+% Hg
Assay >99.999% Nickel (Ni) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 200.59 g/mol UN 2809 Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
Density 13.55 g/ml ADR 8 (6.1),III Beryllium (Be) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.005ppm
Titanium (Ti) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7439-97-6 IATA 8 (6.1),III Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm
EINECS 231-106-7 IMDG 8 (6.1),III Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm Vanadium (V) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28054090 Chromium (Cr) <0.005ppm
HNrs H360D-H330-H372-H400-H410 Chromium (Cr) <0.005ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm
PNrs P201-P273-P309 + P310-P304 + P340 Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
Indium (In) <0.005ppm
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.005ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.005ppm CL00.1333.0100 100 g D50/P
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.005ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.1ppm CL00.1333.1000 1 kg D50/P

110 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
UltraPure Chemicals


Nitric acid 70% (ultra pure) CL00.1934
For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 69+% HNO3 - (Appearance of a yellowish tinge in the container has no impact on product quality).
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm Lead (Pb) <0.0005ppm
Mol.Weight 63.01 g/mol UN 2031 Aluminium (Al) <0.030ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.005ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Density 1.41 g/ml ADR 8 (5.1),II Gold (Au) <0.004ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.005ppm
CasNr 7697-37-2 IATA 8 (5.1),II Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
EINECS 231-714-2 IMDG 8 (5.1),II Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28080000 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm Boron (B) <0.004ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Selenium (Se) <0.001ppm
HNrs H272-H314-H290 Chromium (Cr) <0.010ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.005ppm
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm Niobium (Nb) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm Silicon (Si) <0.020ppm
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Gallium (Ga) <0.020ppm Tantalum (Ta) <0.002ppm
DANGER. Germanium (Ge) <0.004ppm Non Volatiles <2ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.0005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Assay >69% Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloride <0.04ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.005ppm CL00.1934.0500 500 ml GVB/H
Sulfate <0.4ppm Sodium (Na) <0.200ppm CL00.1934.1000 1l GVB/H
Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm

Perchloric acid 70% (ultra pure) CL00.1629

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 70+% HClO4
Assay >70% Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 100.46 g/mol UN 1873 Phosphate <0.1ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.01ppm
Sulfate <5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Density 1.68 g/ml ADR 5.1 (8),I Nitrogen (N) <10ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
CasNr 7601-90-3 IATA 5.1 (8),I Silver (Ag) <0.002ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.002ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm
EINECS 231-512-4 IMDG 5.1 (8),I Arsenic (As) <0.01ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Gold (Au) <0.005ppm Tin (Sn) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001ppm
HNrs H271-H314 Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005ppm
PNrs P210-P220-P280-P301 + P330 + P331- Calcium (Ca) <0.03ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + P310 Cadmium (Cd) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.005ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
CL00.1629.0250 250 ml GVB
Potassium (K) <0.02ppm CL00.1629.1000 1l GVB

Potassium bromide (ultra pure) CL00.1126

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.5+% KBr
Assay >99.5% Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Mol.Weight 119.01 g/mol Bromate <10ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppm
Chloride <500ppm Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Density 2.75 g/cm3 Iodide (I) <200ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.01ppm
CasNr 7758-02-3 Sulfate <10ppm
Nitrogen (N) <10ppm
EINECS 231-830-3 Aluminium (Al) <0.01ppm
Barium (Ba) <2ppm
HS Nr 28275100 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm
HNrs H319 Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338 Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.001ppm
WARNING. Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm CL00.1126.0100 100 g PE
Sodium (Na) <5ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm CL00.1126.0500 500 g PE

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 111
UltraPure Chemicals

Potassium chloride (ultra pure) CL00.1125

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99.5+% KCl
Assay >99.5% Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 74.55 g/mol Phosphate <5ppm Sodium (Na) <5ppm
Sulfate <10ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Density 1.88 g/cm3 Nitrogen (N) <10ppm Lead (Pb) <0.01ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppm
CasNr 7447-40-7 Aluminium (Al) <0.01ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Barium (Ba) <1ppm
EINECS 231-211-8 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 31051000 Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm CL00.1125.0050 50 g PE
Lithium (Li) <0.4ppm CL00.1125.1000 1 kg PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.05ppm

Rubidium sulfate (ultra pure) CL00.1806

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99+% Rb2SO4
Assay >99% Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 266.99 g/mol Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Sodium (Na) <2ppm
Boron (B) <0.05ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Density 3.613 mg/cm3 Barium (Ba) <2ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppm
CasNr 7488-54-2 Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm
Thallium (TI) <0.01ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm
EINECS 231-301-7 Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Caesium (Cs) <20ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <500ppm CL00.1806.0025 25 g PE
Lithium (Li) <0.4ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.05ppm CL00.1806.0100 100 g PE

Sodium acetate, anhydrous (ultra pure) CL00.1427

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 99+% CH3COONa
Assay >99% Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm
Mol.Weight 82.03 g/mol Chloride <5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.05ppm
Phosphate <5ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.005ppm
Density 1.52 g/cm3 Sulfate <20ppm Lead (Pb) <0.005ppm
Rubidium (Rb) <0.5ppm
CasNr 127-09-3 Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm
Strontium (Sr) <0.1ppm
Barium (Ba) <5ppm
EINECS 204-823-8 Bismuth (Bi) <0.01ppm Thallium (TI) <0.005ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
HS Nr 29152900 Cadmium (Cd) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.005ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.01ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Caesium (Cs) <2ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.005ppm CL00.1427.0050 50 g PE
Iron (Fe)
Potassium (K)
CL00.1427.0500 500 g PE

Tetra fluoroboric acid 38% solution (ultra pure) CL00.2009

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 380 g HBF4 / kg sol.
Chloride <0.5ppm Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Mol.Weight 87.81 g/mol UN 1775 Hexafluorosilicate <20ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Density 1.25 g/ml ADR 8,II Sulfate <0.5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
CasNr 16872-11-0 IATA 8,II Sulfite <2ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
EINECS 240-898-3 IMDG 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.02ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Gold (Au) <0.002ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.01ppm
HNrs H314 Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
DANGER. Cadmium (Cd) <0.002ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm Residue after Ignition <2ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm
Mercury (Hg) <0.02ppm CL00.2009.0250 250 ml PE
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
Potassium (K) <0.01ppm
CL00.2009.1000 1l PE/H

112 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
UltraPure Chemicals


Tetra fluoroboric acid solution (ultra pure) CL02.2025
TMR - For laboratory use, AAS and ICP 192 g H3BO3 + 450 ml HF 40%
Chloride <0.5ppm Potassium (K) <0.01ppm
Mol.Weight 87.81 g/mol UN 1775 Hexafluorosilicate <20ppm Lithium (Li) <0.001ppm
Phosphate <0.1ppm Magnesium (Mg) <0.005ppm
Density 1.23 g/ml ADR 8,II Sulfate <0.5ppm Manganese (Mn) <0.001ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.001ppm
CasNr 16872-11-0 IATA 8,II Sulfite <2ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.01ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.001ppm
EINECS 240-898-3 IMDG 8,II Aluminium (Al) <0.005ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.001ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.02ppm Lead (Pb) <0.002ppm
HS Nr 28111980 Gold (Au) <0.002ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.01ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.001ppm
HNrs H314 Titanium (Ti) <0.01ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.001ppm
PNrs P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P310 Bismuth (Bi) <0.001ppm Thallium (TI) <0.001ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.01ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001ppm
DANGER. Cadmium (Cd) <0.002ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.005ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.002ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.001ppm Residue after Ignition <2ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.001ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.01ppm
Gallium (Ga) <0.005ppm
Germanium (Ge) <0.002ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Mercury (Hg) <0.02ppm
Indium (In) <0.002ppm
CL02.2025.2500 2,5 l PE

Toluene (ultra pure) CL00.2035

Reference substance for gas chromatography 99.99+% C7H8
Assay >99.99%
Mol.Weight 92.14 g/mol UN 1294
Density 0.87 g/ml ADR 3,II
CasNr 108-88-3 IATA 3,II
EINECS 203-625-9 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29023000
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.2035.1000 1l GVB

Water (ultra pure) CL02.2101

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP, ASTM D-94, D-129 H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.4 µm, UV filtrated
Non Volatiles < 1 ppm Sodium (Na) <0.01 ppm
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Chloride < 0.05 ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.0004 ppm
Fluoride < 0.05 ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001 ppm
Density 1.00 g/ml Nitrate < 0.01 ppm Palladium (Pd) <0.008 ppm
Platinum (Pt) <0.001 ppm
CasNr 7732-18-5 Phosphate < 0.01 ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.001 ppm
Silicate <0.01 ppm
EINECS 231-791-2 Sulfate <0.1 ppm Selenium (Se) <0.0001 ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.0004 ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001 ppm
HS Nr 28530010 Aluminium (Al) <0.002 ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.0004 ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.002 ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001 ppm
Gold (Au) <0.001 ppm Thallium (TI) <0.00005 ppm
Boron (B) <0.005 ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001 ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.001 ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.004 ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.002 ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001 ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.001 ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.005 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001 ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001 ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.0004 ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.0004 ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.001 ppm CL02.2101.5000 5l PE
Potassium (K) <0.005 ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9010 10 l PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005 ppm CL02.2101.9025 25 l PE
Manganese (Mn) <0.0004 ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9520 20 l EP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 113
Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods

Water, High Purity ICP-MS grade (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL02.2107

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated (ppt range HM traces)
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Erbium (Er) <1ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt
Europium (Eu) <1ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Density 1.00 g/ml Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Selenium (Se) <50ppt
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
CasNr 7732-18-5 Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
EINECS 231-791-2 Gold (Au) <10ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
Hafnium (Hf) <1ppt Tantalum (Ta) <10ppt
HS Nr 28530010 Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
Indium (In) <1ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
Iron (Fe) <10ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Colour <10APHA Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Chloride <1ppt Lead (Pb) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
Phosphate <1ppt Lithium (Li) <10ppt Tin (Sn) <10ppt
Sulfite <1ppt Lutetium (Lu) <1ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Arsenic (As) <10ppt Mercury (Hg) <20ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Nickel (Ni) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Boron (B) <20ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) <10ppt
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) <10ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Potassium (K) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt CL02.2107.1000 1l LDPE

Water (ultra pure) CL02.2101

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP, ASTM D-94, D-129 H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.4 µm, UV filtrated
Non Volatiles < 1 ppm Sodium (Na) <0.01 ppm
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Chloride < 0.05 ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.0004 ppm
Fluoride < 0.05 ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001 ppm
Density 1.00 g/ml Nitrate < 0.01 ppm Palladium (Pd) <0.008 ppm
Platinum (Pt) <0.001 ppm
CasNr 7732-18-5 Phosphate < 0.01 ppm
Antimony (Sb) <0.001 ppm
Silicate <0.01 ppm
EINECS 231-791-2 Sulfate <0.1 ppm Selenium (Se) <0.0001 ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.0004 ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001 ppm
HS Nr 28530010 Aluminium (Al) <0.002 ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.0004 ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.002 ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001 ppm
Gold (Au) <0.001 ppm Thallium (TI) <0.00005 ppm
Boron (B) <0.005 ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001 ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.001 ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.004 ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.002 ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001 ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.001 ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.005 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001 ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001 ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.0004 ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.0004 ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Iron (Fe) <0.001 ppm CL02.2101.5000 5l PE
Potassium (K) <0.005 ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9010 10 l PE
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005 ppm CL02.2101.9025 25 l PE
Manganese (Mn) <0.0004 ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9520 20 l EP

Water, IC grade NEW CL02.2115

For laboratory use & Ion Chromatography H2O - LF < 2 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <5ppm Cadmium (Cd) <0.005µg/l
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <2µS Cobalt (Co) <0.005µg/l
Acetate <10 µg/l Chromium (Cr) <0.005µg/l
Density 1.00 g/ml Formate <10 µg/l Copper (Cu) <0.005µg/l
Iron (Fe) <0.005µg/l
CasNr 7732-18-5 Glycolate <10 µg/l
Potassium (K) <0.01µg/l
Oxalate <10 µg/l
EINECS 231-791-2 Bromate <1 µg/l Lithium (Li) <0.005µg/l
Bromide <1 µg/l Magnesium (Mg) <0.005µg/l
HS Nr 28530010 Chlorate <1 µg/l Manganese (Mn) <0.005µg/l
Chloride <1 µg/l Molybdenum (Mo) <0.005µg/l
Fluoride <1 µg/l Ammonia <0.01µg/l
Iodide (I) <1 µg/l Sodium (Na) <0.01µg/l
Nitrate <1 µg/l Nickel (Ni) <0.005µg/l
Nitrite <1 µg/l Lead (Pb) <0.005µg/l
Phosphate <1 µg/l Strontium (Sr) <0.005µg/l
Sulfate <1 µg/l
Aluminium (Al) <0.005µg/l
Barium (Ba) <0.005µg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005µg/l
Calcium (Ca) <0.01µg/l CL02.2115.5000 5l FL/HDPE

114 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods


Water (double distilled pyrogen free) CL02.0208
For laboratory use H2O - LF < 5 µS

Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol

Density 1.00 g/ml
CasNr 7732-18-5
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 231-791-2
CL02.0208.5000 5l PE
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.0208.9010 10 l PE

Water Demineralised CL02.2102

For laboratory use H2O - LF < 5 µS
Non Volatiles < 5 ppm
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol
Density 1.00 g/ml
CasNr 7732-18-5
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 231-791-2
CL02.2102.9010 10 l PE
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.2102.9025 25 l PE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 115

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Versie/Version/Fassung 1
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05

Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

116 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -


1 Inorganic Standards
1.4 IC Standards
1.4.1 IC Single Element Standards
• IC Anion Standards 10 000 mg/L 118
• IC Cation Standards 10 000 mg/L 118
• IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L 119-122
• IC Cation Standards 1 000 mg/L 123-124
• IC Anion Standards Economy 1 000 mg/L 125
• IC Cation Standards Economy 1 000 mg/L 126

1.4.2 IC Multi Element Standards 127-129

1.4.3 Reagents for IC

• Eluent Solutions for IC 130
• Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods 131-133

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 117
IC Anion Standards 10 000 mg/L

Ammonia NEW
100 ml CL01.0112.0100
Ammonia 29.7 g NH4Cl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0112.0500
Fructose, D(-) NEW

Fructose, D(-) 10 g C6H12O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0693.0100

Galactose, D(+) NEW

Galactose, D(+) 10 g C6H12O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0783.0100

Glucose, D(+) NEW

Glucose, D(+) 10 g C6H12O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0773.0100

Lactose NEW

Lactose 10 g C12H22O11 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1263.0100

Saccharose, D(+) NEW

Saccharose, D(+) 10 g C12H22O11 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.4523.0100

IC Cation Standards 10 000 mg/L

Calcium NEW

Calcium 36.68 g CaCl2.2H2O / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0320.0100

Magnesium NEW
100 ml CL01.1343.0100
Magnesium 83.63 g MgCl2.6H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1343.0500

Potassium 19.07 g KCl / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1110.0100

118 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L



Acetate 1.389 g CH3COONa / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0151.0100

Adipate NEW

Adipate 1.319 g C6H8Na2O4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0171.0100

Benzoate NEW

Benzoate 1.008 g C7H6O2 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0271.0100

100 ml CL01.0261.0100
Bromate 1.306 g KBrO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0261.0500
100 ml CL01.0241.0100
Bromide 1.489 g KBr / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0241.0500
Butyrate NEW

Butyrate 1.264 g C4H7NaO2 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0281.0100

100 ml CL01.0391.0100
Carbonate 1.766 g Na2CO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0391.0500
100 ml CL01.0348.0100
Chlorate 1.470 g KClO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0348.0500
100 ml CL01.0341.0100
Chloride 2.1 g KCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0341.0500
100 ml CL01.0342.0100
Chloride 1.649 g NaCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0342.0500
Chlorite NEW

Chlorite 1.341 g NaClO2 / l 0.1 mol/l NaOH (Keep Cool !) 100 ml CL01.0871.0100

100 ml CL01.0351.0100
Chromate 1.471 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0351.0500
100 ml CL01.0354.0100
Chromate 1.674 g K2CrO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0354.0500
Citrate NEW

Citrate 1.365 g C6H5Na3O7 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.2921.0100

100 ml CL01.0371.0100
Cyanide 2.503 g KCN / l H2O (Keep Cool !)
500 ml CL01.0371.0500
Detergents(-) Anionic
100 ml CL01.0411.0100
Detergents(-) Anionic 1 g TPBS / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0411.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 119
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L

Detergents(non) ionic
100 ml CL01.0421.0100
Detergents(non) ionic 1 g TRITON® X-100 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0421.0500
Detergents(-) Anionic
100 ml CL01.0413.0100
Detergents(-) Anionic 1 g C12H25NaO4S / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0413.0500
Detergents(+) Kationic
100 ml CL01.0401.0100
Detergents(+) Kationic 1 g CTAB / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0401.0500
100 ml CL01.0353.0100
Dichromate 1.362 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0353.0500
100 ml CL01.0611.0100
Fluoride 2.21 g NaF / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0611.0500
100 ml CL01.0651.0100
Formaldehyde 1 g HCOH / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0651.0500

Formate 1.501 g HCOONa / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0671.0100

Fructose, D(-) NEW

Fructose, D(-) 1 g C6H12O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0691.0100

Galactose, D(+) NEW

Galactose, D(+) 1 g C6H12O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0781.0100

Glucose, D(+) NEW

Glucose, D(+) 1 g C6H12O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0771.0100

Glutarate NEW

Glutarate 1.016 g C5H8O4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0761.0100

Glycolate NEW

Glycolate 1.013 g C2H4O3 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0751.0100

100 ml CL01.0831.0100
Hydrazine 4.061 g N2H4.H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0831.0500
Hydrogen carbonate
100 ml CL01.2311.0100
Hydrogen carbonate 1.377 g NaHCO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2311.0500
100 ml CL01.1001.0100
Iodide 1.308 g KI / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1001.0500

L-Lactate 1.244 g C3H5NaO3 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1241.0100

120 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L


Lactose NEW

Lactose 1 g C12H22O11 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1261.0100

Malate NEW

Malate 1.016 g C4H6O5 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1382.0100

Maleate NEW

Maleate 1.009 g C4H4O4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1383.0100

Malonate NEW

Malonate 1.021 g C3H4O4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1384.0100


Molybdate 1.5128 g Na2MoO4.2H2O / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1361.0100

100 ml CL01.1441.0100
Nitrate 1.63 g KNO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1441.0500
100 ml CL01.1451.0100
Nitrite 1.50 g NaNO2 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1451.0500
100 ml CL01.1991.0100
Nitrogen 7.218 g KNO3 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1991.0500
100 ml CL01.1952.0100
Nitrogen 3.81 g NH4Cl / l 0.001 mol HCl
500 ml CL01.1952.0500
100 ml CL01.1954.0100
Nitrogen 9.65 g C8H9NO / l CH3OH/H2O (4/6)
500 ml CL01.1954.0500
100 ml CL01.1955.0100
Nitrogen 4.717 g (NH4)2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1955.0500
100 ml CL01.1981.0100
Nitrogen 4.9262 g NaNO2 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1981.0500
100 ml CL01.1951.0100
Nitrogen 3.81 g NH4Cl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1951.0500

Oxalate 1.523 g Na2C2O4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1511.0100

100 ml CL01.0349.0100
Perchlorate 1.393 g KClO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0349.0500
100 ml CL01.0601.0100
Phenol 1 g C6H5OH / l 0.4% NaOH (Store cool and dark !)
500 ml CL01.0601.0500
100 ml CL01.0622.0100
Phosphate 2.2014 g NaNH4HPO4.4H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0622.0500
Phthalate NEW

Phthalate 1.244 g C8H5KO4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0672.0100

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 121
IC Anion Standards 1 000 mg/L


Propionate 1.314 g C2H5CO2Na / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1631.0100

Saccharose, D(+) NEW

Saccharose, D(+) 1 g C12H22O11 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.4521.0100

100 ml CL01.1941.0100
Silicate 1 g SiO2 / l 0.4% NaOH
500 ml CL01.1941.0500
Succinate NEW

Succinate 1.017 g C4H6O4 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.4511.0100

100 ml CL01.1975.0100
Sulfate 1.021 g H2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1975.0500
100 ml CL01.1972.0100
Sulfate 1.8141 g K2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1972.0500
100 ml CL01.1971.0100
Sulfate 1.479 g Na2SO4 / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1971.0500
Tartrate NEW

Tartrate 1.014 g C4H6O6 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.2341.0100

100 ml CL01.2661.0100
Thiocyanate 1.673 g KCNS / l H2O
500 ml CL01.2661.0500
Thiosulfate NEW

Thiosulfate 1.41g Na2S2O3 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.2351.0100

122 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
IC Cation Standards 1 000 mg/L


Ammonia NEW
100 ml CL01.0111.0100
Ammonia 2.97 g NH4Cl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0111.0500
Barium NEW
100 ml CL01.0208.0100
Barium 1.779 g BaCl2.2H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0208.0500
Calcium NEW
100 ml CL01.0338.0100
Calcium 3.668 g CaCl2.2H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0338.0500
Cesium NEW
100 ml CL01.0336.0100
Cesium 1.267 g CsCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0336.0500
Diethanolamine NEW

Diethanolamine 1.000 g C4H11NO2 / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0451.0100

Dimethylamine NEW

Dimethylamine 1.000 g C2H7N / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0461.0100

Ethanolamine NEW

Ethanolamine 1.000 g C2H7NO / l H2O 100 ml CL01.0521.0100

Lithium NEW
100 ml CL01.1218.0100
Lithium 6.108 g LiCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1218.0500
Magnesium NEW
100 ml CL01.1342.0100
Magnesium 8.363 g MgCl2.6H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1342.0500
Methoxypropylamine-(3) NEW

Methoxypropylamine-(3) 1.000 g C4H11NO / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1381.0100

Monoethanolamine NEW

Monoethanolamine 1 g C2H7NO / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1371.0500

Morpholine NEW

Morpholine 1.000 g C4H9NO / l H2O 100 ml CL01.1351.0100

Potassium NEW
100 ml CL01.1111.0100
Potassium 1.907 g KCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1111.0500
Rubidium NEW
100 ml CL01.1828.0100
Rubidium 1.415 g RbCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1828.0500
Sodium NEW
100 ml CL01.1418.0100
Sodium 2.542 g NaCl / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1418.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 123
IC Cation Standards 1 000 mg/L

Strontium NEW
100 ml CL01.1968.0100
Strontium 3.043 g SrCl2.6H2O / l H2O
500 ml CL01.1968.0500
Urea NEW

Urea 1 g CH4N2O / l H2O 1l CL01.2111.1000

Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Standard
Catalogue No.: CL01.0111 Lot Nr.: 25.1650910
Ammonia IC standard solution (Ion HIQU)
2.97 g NH4Cl / l H2O

Measured value: 1 000 mg/L Density: 0,999 g/mL - 20°C

Uncertainty: The uncertainty in the certified value is ± 0,2 % and is calculated in accordance to GUM and EA-4/02 as
U = k .uc where k=2 is the coverage factor for a 95% coverage probability and uc is obtained from the
standard uncertainty. U is the expanded uncertainty which includes the contribution of the primary
reference material, temperature, and other contributions of the measuring system.
Traceability: Reference standards acc. NIST SRM 919b
Preparation: This single element standard was prepared to a nominal concentration of 1,000.00 µg/ml by gravimetric
methods from high purity metal or salt, 0,22 µm filtered ultra pure acids and 18 M high purity water.
All balances are regularly calibrated according to NIST standards.

Impurity Information (*)

* All balances are regularly calibrated according to NIST standards.

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to
the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025: 2000
Guideline for the requirements for the competence of
reference materials manufacturers LAC G12: 2000

Chemist: Luis Bianchi Date of release: 09-10-2017

Minimum Shelf Life: oktober-2020

Industrieterrein "De Arend" 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :

124 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
IC Anion Standards Economy


100 ml CL01.0246.0100
Bromide 1.489 g KBr / l H2O
500 ml CL01.0246.0500

Carbonate 1.766 g Na2CO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0396.0500


Chloride 2.1 g KCl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0346.0500


Chromate 1.471 g K2Cr2O7 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0355.0500


Cyanide 2.1092 g K3(Fe(CN)6) / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0378.0500

Cyanide 2.503 g KCN / l H2O (Keep Cool !) 500 ml CL01.0376.0500


Fluoride 2.21 g NaF / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0616.0500


Hydrazine 4.1 g N2H4.H2SO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0836.0500

Hydrogen carbonate

Hydrogen carbonate 1.377 g NaHCO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.2316.0500


Iodide 1.308 g KI / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1006.0500


Nitrate 1.63 g KNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1446.0500


Nitrite 1.50 g NaNO2 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1456.0500


Nitrogen 7.218 g KNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1996.0500

Nitrogen 4.9262 g NaNO2 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1986.0500

Nitrogen 3.81 g NH4Cl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1956.0500

Phosphate NEW

Phosphate 1.447 g KH2PO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0617.0500

Phosphate 2.2 g NaNH4HPO4.4H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0627.0500

Phosphate 1.032 g H3PO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0625.0500


Silicate 1 g SiO2 / l 0.4% NaOH 500 ml CL01.1946.0500


Sulfate 1.479 g Na2SO4 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1976.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 125
IC Cation Standards Economy


Ammonia 2.97 g NH4Cl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0116.0500


Barium 1.779 g BaCl2.2H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0205.0500


Calcium 3.668 g CaCl2.2H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0315.0500


Cesium 1.267 g CsCl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0335.0500


Lithium 6.108 g LiCl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1215.0500


Magnesium 8.363 g MgCl2.6H2O / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1305.0500


Potassium 1.907 g KCl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1105.0500


Rubidium 1.415 g RbCl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1825.0500


Sodium 2.542 g NaCl / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1405.0500


Strontium 2.416 g Sr(NO3)2 / l H2O 500 ml CL01.1965.0500

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

126 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
IC Multi Element Standards


Multi Element IC Standard sol. (9E) NEW CL01.39071
High quality standard sol. for IC Contains 9 elements in 0.001 mol/l HNO3 (pH ± 3)
Ammonium : 100 mg/l Manganese (Mn) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.01 g/ml
Barium (Ba) : 100 mg/l Sodium (Na) : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000
Calcium (Ca) : 100 mg/l Strontium (Sr) : 100 mg/l
Potassium (K) : 100 mg/l
Lithium (Li) : 100 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 mg/l
CL01.39071.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element Standard for Soil Analysis (8E) NEW CL01.13002

High quality standard sol. for SF, AAS, ICP, FE, IC 3Na/3K/10NO3/3NH4/3P/10Mg/50Ca/0.1Fe(g/l)
Sodium (Na) : 3000 mg/l Calcium (Ca) : 50000 mg/l
Mol.Weight 1
Potassium (K) : 3000 mg/l Iron (Fe) : 100 mg/l
Density 1.20 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Nitrate : 10000 mg/l
Ammonium : 3000 mg/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 3000 mg/l
CL01.13002.0100 100 ml PE
Magnesium (Mg) : 10000 mg/l
CL01.13002.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (7E) NEW CL01.13457

High quality standard sol. for IC Contains 7 elements in H2O (pH ± 9)
Bromide : 100 mg/l Phosphate : 100 mg/l
Density 1.01 g/ml
Chloride : 100 mg/l Sulfate : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000
Fluoride : 100 mg/l
Nitrite : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate : 100 mg/l CL01.13457.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (7E) NEW CL01.13290

High quality standard sol. for IC Dionex Contains 7 elements in H2O (pH ± 9)
Bromide 100 mg/L Phosphate 150 mg/L
Density 1.01 g/ml
Chloride 30 mg/L Sulfate 150 mg/L
HS Nr 38220000
Fluoride 20 mg/L
Nitrite 100 mg/L Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate 100 mg/L CL01.13290.0250 250 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (7E) - (ISB-ICAL-10) NEW CL01.13436

High quality standard sol. for IC Dionex Contains 7 elements in H2O (pH ± 9)
Bromide : 100 mg/l Phosphate : 200 mg/l
Density 1.01 g/ml
Chloride : 100 mg/l Sulfate : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000
Fluoride : 20 mg/l
Nitrite : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate : 100 mg/l CL01.13436.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. IC-MAN-18 (6E) CL01.13837

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary & Secondary Anions for Ion Chromatography Analysis Contains 6
element in H2O (IC-MAN-18)
Fluoride : 100 mg/l Sulfate : 100 mg/l
Density 1.02 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Chloride : 100 mg/l
Nitrite : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate : 100 mg/l CL01.13837.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphate : 100 mg/l CL01.13837.0500 500 ml PE/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 127
IC Multi Element Standards

Multi Element Standard sol. (6E) NEW CL01.13488

High quality standard sol. for IC Dionex Contains 6 elements in H2O
Lithium (Li) : 50 mg/l Calcium (Ca) : 500 mg/l
Density 1.00 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Sodium (Na) : 200 mg/l
Ammonium : 250 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) : 500 mg/l CL01.13488.0100 100 ml PE
Magnesium (Mg) : 250 mg/l CL01.13488.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (5E) NEW CL01.13355

High quality standard sol. for IC Dionex Contains 5 elements in H2O (pH 8-9)
Fluoride : 20 mg/l Sulfate : 150 mg/l
Density 1.00 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Chloride : 30 mg/l
Nitrate : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphate : 150 mg/l CL01.13355.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (5E) NEW CL01.39074

High quality standard sol. for IC Contains 5 elements in H2O (pH ± 6)
Fluoride : 100 mg/l Phosphate : 1000 mg/l
Density 1.01 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Chloride : 250 mg/l
Nitrate : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sulfate : 500 mg/l CL01.39074.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-01R (4E) CL01.13751

*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 1R Contains 4 elements in H2O + traces HF (M-
Density 1.02 g/ml Boron (B) : 400 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 Molybdenum (Mo) : 200 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silicon (Si) : 2000 mg/l CL01.13751.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphorus (P) : 400 mg/l CL01.13751.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. IC-MAN-15R (4E) CL01.13838

*ICP-EPA Methods - Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Inorg. Anal. - Primary Anions for Ion Chromatography Analysis Contains 4 element in H2O
Density 1.02 g/ml Fluoride : 100 mg/l
HS Nr 38220000 Nitrite : 100 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrate : 100 mg/l CL01.13838.0100 100 ml PE
Phosphate : 100 mg/l CL01.13838.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (3E) NEW CL01.39075

High quality standard sol. for IC Contains 3 elements in H2O (pH ± 6)
Density 1.01 g/ml Nitrate : 500 mg/l
Ammonium : 500 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
Phosphate : 500 mg/l CL01.39075.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (3E) NEW CL01.39072

High quality standard sol. for IC Contains 3 elements in H2O (pH ± 6)
Density 1.01 g/ml Fluoride 1000 mg/l
Phosphate 1000 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
Bromide 1000 mg/l CL01.39072.0500 500 ml PE/H

128 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
IC Multi Element Standards


Multi Element IC Standard sol. (3E) NEW CL01.39073
High quality standard sol. for IC Contains 3 elements in H2O (pH ± 6)
Density 1.01 g/ml Chloride 1000 mg/L
Nitrate 1000 mg/L Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
Sulfate 1000 mg/L CL01.39073.0500 500 ml PE/H

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39315

High quality standard sol. for IC, Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 1 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 1 mg/l CL01.39315.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39316

Standard for Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D-7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 3 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 3 mg/l CL01.39316.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39317

Standard for Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D-7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 5 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 5 mg/l CL01.39317.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39318

Standard for Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D-7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 10 mg/l CL01.39318.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element ICP Blank sol. (CLP-BLW) CL01.13993

*ICP-EPA-CLP Methods - Calibration & Matrix Blanks - ASTM Type II Water ASTM Type II Water
Density 1.00 g/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
CL01.13993.1000 1l PE/H
CL01.13993.2500 2,5 l PE/H

Certificate of Analysis Chem-Lab multi-element standards are compared against the following NIST SRMs

IONEX Reference Standard Element Aq. SRM Oil SRM Element Aq. SRM Oil SRM

Ag 3151 1077a Nb 3137 -

Al 3101a 1075a Nd 3135a -
Art. Nr. : CL01.39073 Lot Nr. : 25.4962908 As 3103a 3103a Ni 3136 1065b
Multi Element IC Standard sol. (3E) Au
Contains 3 elements in H2O (pH ± 6) Ba 3104a 1051b P 3139a 1071b
Be 3105a 3105a Pb 3128 1059c
Bi 3106 3106 Pd 3138 -
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations Br- 3184 - PO4-3 3186 -
shown below by method BM001 using certified single element solutions that are directly traceable to Ca 3109a 3109 Pr 3142a -
SI via the NIST SRMs listed on the second page. These certified values are valid for a temperature Cd 3108 1053a Pt 3140 -
of 20°C and traceable to the International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the Ce 3110 - Rb 3145a -
certified concentrations was performed by IC or ICP-OES. Cl- 919b - Re 3143 -
Co 3113 3113 Rh 3144 -
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 1% Cr 3112a 1078b S 3154 3154
Cs 3111a - Sb 3102a 3102a
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
Cu 3114 1080a Sc 3148a 3148a
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The Dy 3115a - Se 3149 3149
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02. Er 3116a - Si 3150 1066a
Certified values: Eu 3117a - Sm 3147a -
F- 3183 - Sn 3161a 1057b
Cl: 1000 mg/l Fe 3126a 1079b SO4-2 3181 -
NO3: 1000 mg/l Ga 3119a - Sr 3153a 1070a
SO4: 1000 mg/l Gd 3118a - Ta 3155 -
Ge 3120a - Tb 3157a -
Hf 3122 - Te 3156 -
Hg 3133 3133 Th 3159 -
Ho 3123a - Ti 3162a 3162a
In 3124a - Tl 3158 3158
K 3141a 3141a Tm 3160a -
La 3127a 3127a U 3164 -
Li 3129a 1060a V 3165 1052b
Lu 3130a - W 3163 -
Mg 3131a 3131a Y 3167a 3167a
Mn 3132 3132 Tb 3166a -
Mo 3134 3134 Zn 3168a 1073b
Na 3152a 1069b Zr 3169 3169

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principle of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025: 2005

Date of release: 29 August 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Aug-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web : Page 2 of 2
Page 1 of 2 F006-Multi-03/02/17

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 129
Eluent Solutions for IC

Sodium carbonate 0.5 mol/l NEW CL05.1488

Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 53 g Na2CO3 / l H2O ± 1 N (± 1%)
Mol.Weight 105.99 g/mol
Density 1.03 g/ml
CasNr 497-19-8
EINECS 207-838-8 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28362000 CL05.1488.0500 500 ml PE

Sodium carbonate 0.1 mol/l NEW CL05.1461

Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 10.6 g Na2CO3 / l H2O ± 0.2 N (± 1%)
Mol.Weight 105.99 g/mol
Density 1.01 g/ml
CasNr 497-19-8
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 207-838-8
CL05.1461.0500 500 ml PE
HS Nr 28362000 CL05.1461.1000 1l PE

Sodium carbonate 0.35 mol/l-Sodium bicarbonate 0.17 mol/l NEW CL05.4030

Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 37.096 g Na2CO3 + 14.282 g NaHCO3 / l H2O (± 1%)
Density 1.00 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 CL05.4030.0500 500 ml PE

Sodium carbonate 0.18 mol/l-Sodium bicarbonate 0.17 mol/l NEW CL05.4024

Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 19.078 g Na2CO3 + 14.282 g NaHCO3 / l H2O (± 1%)
Density 1.00 g/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 CL05.4024.0500 500 ml PE

Sodium hydrogen carbonate 0.5 mol/l NEW CL05.4005

Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 42.005 g NaHCO3 / l H2O ± 0.5 N (± 1%)
Mol.Weight 84.01 g/mol
Density 1.02 g/ml
CasNr 144-55-8
EINECS 205-633-8 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28363000 CL05.4005.0500 500 ml PE

Sodium hydroxide 0.4 g/l solution CL02.1449

Eluent solution for IC (0.45 µm filtered) 0.4 g NaOH / l H2O
Mol.Weight 40.00 g/mol UN 1824
Density 1.15 g/ml ADR 8,III
CasNr 1310-73-2 IATA 8,III
EINECS 215-185-5 IMDG 8,III Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28151200 CL02.1449.1000 1l PE

130 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods

Water, High Purity ICP-MS grade (Pico-Pure Plus) NEW CL02.2107
For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated (ppt range HM traces)
Gadolinium (Gd) <1ppt Scandium (Sc) <10ppt
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol
Gallium (Ga) <10ppt Selenium (Se) <50ppt
Density 1.00 g/ml
Germanium (Ge) <10ppt Silver (Ag) <10ppt
CasNr 7732-18-5
Gold (Au) <10ppt Sodium (Na) <10ppt
EINECS 231-791-2
Hafnium (Hf) <1ppt Strontium (Sr) <10ppt
HS Nr 28530010
Holmium (Ho) <1ppt Tantalum (Ta) <10ppt
Indium (In) <1ppt Tellurium (Te) <1ppt
Colour <10APHA Iron (Fe) <10ppt Terbium (Tb) <10ppt
Chloride <1ppt Lanthanum (La) <1ppt Thallium (TI) <10ppt
Phosphate <1ppt Lead (Pb) <10ppt Thorium (Th) <1ppt
Sulfite <1ppt Lithium (Li) <10ppt Thulium (Tm) <10ppt
Aluminium (Al) <20ppt Lutetium (Lu) <1ppt Tin (Sn) <10ppt
Antimony (Sb) <10ppt Magnesium (Mg) <10ppt Titanium (Ti) <10ppt
Arsenic (As) <10ppt Manganese (Mn) <10ppt Tungsten (W) <10ppt
Barium (Ba) <10ppt Mercury (Hg) <20ppt Uranium (U) <1ppt
Beryllium (Be) <10ppt Molybdenum (Mo) <10ppt Vanadium (V) <10ppt
Bismuth (Bi) <10ppt Neodymium (Nd) <1ppt Ytterbium (Yb) <10ppt
Boron (B) <20ppt Nickel (Ni) <10ppt Yttrium (Y) <1ppt
Cadmium (Cd) <10ppt Niobium (Nb) <10ppt Zinc (Zn) <10ppt
Calcium (Ca) <10ppt Palladium (Pd) <10ppt Zirconium (Zr) <10ppt
Cerium (Ce) <10ppt Platinum (Pt) <10ppt
Caesium (Cs) <10ppt Potassium (K) <10ppt
Chromium (Cr) <10ppt Praseodymium (Pr) <10ppt
Cobalt (Co) <10ppt Rhenium (Re) <10ppt
Copper (Cu) <10ppt Rhodium (Rh) <10ppt
Dysprosium (Dy) <1ppt Rubidium (Rb) <10ppt
Erbium (Er) <1ppt Ruthenium (Ru) <10ppt Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Europium (Eu) <1ppt Samarium (Sm) <10ppt CL02.2107.1000 1l LDPE

Danger.: May intensify fire; oxidiser. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. May be corrosive to metals. Do not breathe dust, fume, gas, mist, vapours, spray. Wear
protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection, face protection. IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Immediately call a
D.:1.41 g/ml POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
M.W.:63.01 g/mol
500 ml
Gevaar.: Kan brand bevorderen; oxiderend. Veroorzaakt ernstige brandwonden en oogletsel. Kan bijtend zijn voor metalen. Stof, rook, gas, nevel, damp, spuitnevel niet
inademen. Beschermende handschoenen, beschermende kleding, oogbescherming, gelaatsbescherming dragen. NA INSLIKKEN: de mond spoelen. GEEN braken opwekken.
NA blootstelling of bij onwel voelen: Onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen. BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water gedurende
een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwijderen, indien mogelijk; blijven spoelen.
Batch Nr.: 26.4632501 Danger.: Peut aggraver un incendie; comburant. Provoque des brûlures de la peau et des lésions oculaires graves. Peut être corrosif pour les métaux. Ne pas respirer les
Exp. Date: 01-2023 poussières, fumées, gaz, brouillards, vapeurs, aérosols. Porter des gants de protection, des vêtements de protection, un équipement de protection des yeux, du visage. EN CAS
D’INGESTION: rincer la bouche. NE PAS faire vomir. EN CAS d’exposition ou de malaise: Appeler immédiatement un CENTRE ANTIPOISON ou un médecin. EN CAS DE
CONTACT AVEC LES YEUX: rincer avec précaution à l’eau pendant plusieurs minutes. Enlever les lentilles de contact si la victime en porte et si elles peuvent être facilement
Storage: RT enlevées. Continuer à rincer.
Gefahr.: Kann Brand verstärken; Oxidationsmittel. Verursacht schwere Verätzungen der Haut und schwere Augenschäden. Kann gegenüber Metallen korrosiv sein. Staub,
Nitric acid 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) Rauch, Gas, Nebel, Dampf, Aerosol nicht einatmen. Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzkleidung, Augenschutz, Gesichtsschutz tragen. BEI VERSCHLUCKEN: Mund ausspülen. KEIN
Erbrechen herbeiführen. BEI Exposition oder Unwohlsein: Sofort GIFTINFORMATIONSZENTRUM oder Arzt anrufen. BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN: Einige Minuten lang
Salpeterzuur 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) behutsam mit Wasser spülen. Vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen.
Pelligro.: Puede agravar un incendio; comburente. Provoca quemaduras graves en la piel y lesiones oculares graves. Puede ser corrosivo para los metales. No respirar el polvo,
Acide nitrique 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) el humo, el gas, la niebla, los vapores, el aerosol. Llevar guantes, prendas, gafas, máscara de protección. EN CASO DE INGESTIÓN: Enjuagarse la boca. NO provocar el
Salpetersäure 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) vómito. EN CASO DE exposición o si se encuentra mal: Llamar inmediatamente a un CENTRO DE INFORMACION TOXICOLOGICA o a un médico. EN CASO DE CONTACTO
CON LOS OJOS: Aclarar cuidadosamente con agua durante varios minutos. Quitar las lentes de contacto, si lleva y resulta fácil. Seguir aclarando.
Acido nítrico 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) Pericolo.: Può aggravare un incendio; comburente. Provoca gravi ustioni cutanee e gravi lesioni oculari. Può essere corrosivo per i metalli. Non respirare la polvere, i fumi, i gas,

For specifications see certificate

Acido nitrico 67-69% (Pico-Pure Plus) la nebbia, i vapori, gli aerosol. Indossare guanti, indumenti protettivi, Proteggere gli occhi, il viso. IN CASO DI INGESTIONE: sciacquare la bocca. NON provocare il vomito. IN
CASO di esposizione o di malessere: Contattare immediatamente un CENTRO ANTIVELENI o un medico. IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente
67-69% HNO3 per parecchi minuti. Togliere le eventuali lenti a contatto se è agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare.

For laboratory use, ICP-MS trace analysis

CAS Nr. 7697-37-2

Index Nr. 007-004-00-1
EINECS Nr. 231-714-2
Chem-Lab NV
UN 2031
Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20
Industriezone "De Arend" 2 Fax. +32 (0)50 78 26 54
FEP 500 B-8210 Zedelgem Made in Belgium

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 131
Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods

Water (ultra pure) CL02.2101

For laboratory use, AAS and ICP, ASTM D-94, D-129 H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.4 µm, UV filtrated
Non Volatiles < 1 ppm Sodium (Na) <0.01 ppm
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol
Chloride < 0.05 ppm Nickel (Ni) <0.0004 ppm
Density 1.00 g/ml
Fluoride < 0.05 ppm Lead (Pb) <0.001 ppm
CasNr 7732-18-5
Nitrate < 0.01 ppm Palladium (Pd) <0.008 ppm
EINECS 231-791-2
Phosphate < 0.01 ppm Platinum (Pt) <0.001 ppm
HS Nr 28530010
Silicate <0.01 ppm Antimony (Sb) <0.001 ppm
Sulfate <0.1 ppm Selenium (Se) <0.0001 ppm
Silver (Ag) <0.0004 ppm Tin (Sn) <0.001 ppm
Aluminium (Al) <0.002 ppm Strontium (Sr) <0.0004 ppm
Arsenic (As) <0.002 ppm Titanium (Ti) <0.001 ppm
Gold (Au) <0.001 ppm Thallium (TI) <0.00005 ppm
Boron (B) <0.005 ppm Vanadium (V) <0.001 ppm
Barium (Ba) <0.001 ppm Zinc (Zn) <0.004 ppm
Beryllium (Be) <0.002 ppm Zirconium (Zr) <0.001 ppm
Bismuth (Bi) <0.001 ppm
Calcium (Ca) <0.005 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) <0.001 ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.001 ppm
Chromium (Cr) <0.0004 ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.0004 ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.001 ppm
Potassium (K) <0.005 ppm
Lithium (Li) <0.002 ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.005 ppm CL02.2101.5000 5l PE
Manganese (Mn) <0.0004 ppm CL02.2101.9010 10 l PE
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.002 ppm CL02.2101.9025 25 l PE
CL02.2101.9520 20 l EP

Water, IC grade NEW CL02.2115

For laboratory use & Ion Chromatography H2O - LF < 2 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <5ppm Chromium (Cr) <0.005µg/l
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol
Conductivity <2µS Copper (Cu) <0.005µg/l
Density 1.00 g/ml
Acetate <10 µg/l Iron (Fe) <0.005µg/l
CasNr 7732-18-5
Formate <10 µg/l Potassium (K) <0.01µg/l
EINECS 231-791-2
Glycolate <10 µg/l Lithium (Li) <0.005µg/l
HS Nr 28530010
Oxalate <10 µg/l Magnesium (Mg) <0.005µg/l
Bromate <1 µg/l Manganese (Mn) <0.005µg/l
Bromide <1 µg/l Molybdenum (Mo) <0.005µg/l
Chlorate <1 µg/l Ammonia <0.01µg/l
Chloride <1 µg/l Sodium (Na) <0.01µg/l
Fluoride <1 µg/l Nickel (Ni) <0.005µg/l
Iodide (I) <1 µg/l Lead (Pb) <0.005µg/l
Nitrate <1 µg/l Strontium (Sr) <0.005µg/l
Nitrite <1 µg/l
Phosphate <1 µg/l
Sulfate <1 µg/l
Aluminium (Al) <0.005µg/l
Barium (Ba) <0.005µg/l
Bismuth (Bi) <0.005µg/l
Calcium (Ca) <0.01µg/l
Cadmium (Cd) <0.005µg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cobalt (Co) <0.005µg/l CL02.2115.5000 5l FL/HDPE

132 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Water for Inorganic Analysis Methods

Water (double distilled pyrogen free) CL02.0208
For laboratory use H2O - LF < 5 µS
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol
Density 1.00 g/ml
CasNr 7732-18-5
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 231-791-2
CL02.0208.5000 5l PE
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.0208.9010 10 l PE

Water Demineralised CL02.2102

For laboratory use H2O - LF < 5 µS
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Non Volatiles < 5 ppm
Density 1.00 g/ml
CasNr 7732-18-5
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 231-791-2
CL02.2102.9010 10 l PE
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.2102.9025 25 l PE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 133
Batch Certificate
IONEX Reference Standard

Art. Nr. : CL40.0210 Lot Nr. : 25.0130311

Benzene standard solution

Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations shown below by
method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the International System of Units (SI).
Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was performed by GC-MS.

Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 2% and is stated as the
standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty of measurement has been
determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr Certified values
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 STBF5253V 101 µg/mL

Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Standard
Art. Nr. : CL40.0210 Lot Nr. : 25.0130311
Benzene standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 2%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Chemist: Luis Bianchi Date of release: 03 November 2017 Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 STBF5253V 101 µg/mL

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 1 of 1

Quality Management System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 03 November 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Nov-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 1 of 1 F006-Organic-3/02/17

134 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.1 Single Component Standards 139-238

2.2 NEAT Standards 241-252

2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards 259-404

2.4 Reagents & Solvents for Organic Analysis 406-440


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 135

136 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.1 Single Component Standards 139-238


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 137

138 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

ADBI (Celestolide) standard solution

13171-00-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0184.0001

AHMI (Phantolide) standard solution

15323-35-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0185.0001

AHTN (Tonalide) standard solution

1506-02-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0186.0001

ATII (Traseolide) standard solution

68140-48-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0111.0001

Abamectin standard solution


71751-41-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0169.0001

Acenaphthene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0101.0001
83-32-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0101.0005
1 ml CL40.0102.0001
83-32-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0102.0005
Acenaphthene-D10 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0103.0001
15067-26-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0103.0005
Acenaphthylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0104.0001
208-96- 8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0104.0005
Acenaphthylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0105.0001
208-96-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0105.0005
Acephate standard solution

30560-19-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0170.0001

Acequinocyl standard solution

57960-19-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0171.0001

Acequinocyl-hydroxy standard solution

57960-31-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0172.0001

Acetaldehyde standard solution NEW

75-07-0 Solution contains 1000 mg/l in de-inoized Water 2 ml CL41.0145.0002

75-07-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0139.0001

75-07-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0144.0001

75-07-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0140.0001

75-07-0 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0141.0001

75-07-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0142.0001

75-07-0 Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0143.0001

Acetaldehyde-D4 standard solution NEW

1632-89-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 5 ml CL41.0137.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 139
Single Component Standards

2-Acetamidofluorene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0106.0001
53-96-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0106.0005
Acetamiprid standard solution NEW

135410-20-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0136.0001

Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl standard solution

190604-92-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0173.0001

Acethion standard solution

919-54-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0174.0001


Acetic acid-isopropyl ester standard solution

108-21-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0176.0001

Acetic acid-tert-butyl ester standard solution

540-88-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0175.0001

Acetochlor standard solution

34256-82-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0177.0001

Acetone standard solution NEW

67-64-1 Solution contains 100000 µg/ml in 1-Butanol 1 ml CL40.0168.0001

67-64-1 Solution contains 50000 µg/ml in 1-Butanol 1 ml CL40.0162.0001

67-64-1 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in 1-Butanol 1 ml CL40.0163.0001

1 ml CL40.0107.0001
67-64-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0107.0005

67-64-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in 1-Butanol 1 ml CL40.0164.0001

67-64-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in 1-Butanol 1 ml CL40.0165.0001

1 ml CL40.0108.0001
67-64-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0108.0005

67-64-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in 1-Butanol 1 ml CL40.0167.0001

Acetonitrile standard solution

1 ml CL40.0109.0001
75-05-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0109.0005
p-Acetophenetidide standard solution
1 ml CL40.0110.0001
62-44-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0110.0005
Acetophenone standard solution
1 ml CL40.0111.0001
98-86-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0111.0005
1 ml CL40.0112.0001
98-86-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0112.0005
Acifluorfen standard solution
1 ml CL40.0113.0001
50594-66-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0113.0005
Aclonifen standard solution

74070-46-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0178.0001

140 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Acrinathrin standard solution

101007-06-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0179.0001

Acrolein standard solution

107-02-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL40.0180.0001

Acrylic acid-butyl ester standard solution

141-32-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0181.0001

Acrylic acid-2-ethylhexyl ester standard solution

103-11-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0183.0001

Acrylonitrile standard solution


1 ml CL40.0114.0001
107-13-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0114.0005
1 ml CL40.0116.0001
107-13-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0116.0005
Alachlor standard solution
1 ml CL40.0118.0001
15972-60-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0118.0005
1 ml CL40.0119.0001
15972-60-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0119.0005
Alachlor-2-hydroxy standard solution

56681-55-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0187.0001

Alanycarb standard solution

83130-01-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0188.0001

Aldicarb standard solution

1 ml CL40.0120.0001
116-06-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0120.0005
Aldicarb-oxime standard solution

1646-75-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0189.0001

Aldicarb sulfone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0121.0001
1646-88-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0121.0005
Aldicarb sulfoxide standard solution
1 ml CL40.0122.0001
1646-87-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0122.0005
4-Allylanisole standard solution

140-67-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0190.0001

Allyl chloride standard solution

107-05-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0191.0001

Ametryne standard solution

1 ml CL40.0125.0001
834-12-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0125.0005
Amidithion standard solution

919-76-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0192.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 141
Single Component Standards

4-Aminoazobenzene standard solution

60-09-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0193.0001

4-Aminobiphenyl-D9 standard solution

344298-96-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0194.0001

2-Amino-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazine standard solution

5606-16-6 Solution contains 10 mg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0195.0001

Aminocarb standard solution

1 ml CL40.0126.0001
2032-59-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0126.0005

2-Amino-4-chlorophenol standard solution

95-85-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0196.0001

o-Aminoazotoluene standard solution

97-56-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0197.0001

4-Amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0128.0001
19406-51-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0128.0005
2-Amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0127.0001
35572-78-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0127.0005
1-Aminohydantoin hydrochloride standard solution

2827-56-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0198.0001

Aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA) standard solution

1066-51-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Water 1 ml CL40.0199.0001

2-Aminonaphthalene-D7 standard solution

93951-94-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0101.0001

3-Amino-5-phenyl-1,2,4-triazole standard solution

4922-98-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0102.0001

Aminopyralid standard solution

150114-71-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0103.0001

Amitraz standard solution

33089-61-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0104.0001

5-α−Androstane standard solution NEW

438-22-2 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0134.0001

438-22-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0132.0001

Anilazine standard solution

101-05-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0105.0001

Aniline standard solution

1 ml CL40.0129.0001
62-53-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0129.0005

142 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Aniline standard solution

4165-61-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0106.0001

2-Anisidine standard solution

90-04-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0107.0001

Anthracene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0130.0001
120-12-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0130.0005
Anthranilic acid isopropylamide standard solution

30391-89-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL41.0108.0001


Anthraquinone standard solution

84-65-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0109.0001

Aramite standard solution

1 ml CL40.0131.0001
140-57-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0131.0005
Aroclor 1016 standard solution

12674-11-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0160.0001

1 ml CL40.0133.0001
12674-11-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0133.0005
1 ml CL40.0132.0001
12674-11-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0132.0005
Aroclor 1221 standard solution

11104-28-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0156.0001

1 ml CL40.0134.0001
11104-28-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0134.0005
1 ml CL40.0135.0001
11104-28-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0135.0005
Aroclor 1232 standard solution

11141-16-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0157.0001

1 ml CL40.0136.0001
11141-16-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0136.0005
1 ml CL40.0137.0001
11141-16-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0137.0005
Aroclor 1242 standard solution

53469-21-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0154.0001

1 ml CL40.0138.0001
53469-21-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0138.0005
Aroclor 1248 standard solution

12672-29-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0158.0001

1 ml CL40.0139.0001
12672-29-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0139.0005
1 ml CL40.0140.0001
12672-29-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0140.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 143
Single Component Standards

Aroclor 1254 standard solution

11097-69-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0155.0001

1 ml CL40.0141.0001
11097-69-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0141.0005
1 ml CL40.0142.0001
11097-69-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0142.0005
Aroclor 1260 standard solution

11096-82-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0159.0001

1 ml CL40.0143.0001
11096-82-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0143.0005
1 ml CL40.0144.0001

11096-82-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol

5 ml CL40.0144.0005
Aroclor 1262 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0145.0001
37324-23-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0145.0005
Aroclor 1268 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0146.0001
11100-14-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0146.0005
1 ml CL40.0147.0001
11100-14-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0147.0005
Aroclor 5442 standard solution

12642-23-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0100.0001

Aspon® standard solution

1 ml CL40.0148.0001
3244-90-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0148.0005
Asulam standard solution
1 ml CL40.0149.0001
3337-71-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0149.0005
Athidathion standard solution

19691-80-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.0110.0001

Atraton standard solution

1 ml CL40.0150.0001
1610-17-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0150.0005
Atrazine standard solution
1 ml CL40.0151.0001
1912-24-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0151.0005
1 ml CL40.0161.0001
1912-24-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0161.0005

1912-24-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0135.0001

13C-Atrazine standard solution

Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Nonane 1 ml CL40.0153.0001

Atrazine-D5 (ethylamino-D5) standard solution

163165-75-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0112.0001

163165-75-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0138.0001

144 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Atrazine-desethyl standard solution

6190-65-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0113.0001

Atrazine-desethyl-desisopropyl standard solution

3397-62-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0114.0001

Atrazine-desethyl-desisopropyl-2-hydroxy standard solution

645-92-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0115.0001

Atrazine-desethyl-2-hydroxy standard solution

19988-24-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0125.0001

Atrazine-desisopropyl standard solution


1007-28-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0116.0001

Atrazine-desisopropyl-2-hydroxy standard solution

7313-54-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0117.0001

Atrazine-2-hydroxy standard solution

2163-68-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Sonicate 1 ml CL41.0118.0001

Atrazine-mercapturate standard solution

138722-96-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0119.0001

Azadirachtin standard solution

11141-17-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0120.0001

Azaperol standard solution

2804-05-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0121.0001

Azaperone standard solution

1649-18-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0122.0001

Aziprotryne standard solution

4658-28-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0124.0001

Azobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0152.0001
103-33-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0152.0005
Azoxystrobin standard solution NEW

131860-33-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0126.0001

131860-33-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL41.0129.0002

BDE 47 standard solution

5436-43-1 Solution contains 50 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.0278.0001

BDMC standard solution

1 ml CL40.0204.0001
3766-81-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0204.0005

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 145
Single Component Standards

alpha-BHC (Lindane) standard solution

319-84-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0264.0001

1 ml CL40.0224.0001
319-84-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0224.0005

319-84-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0268.0001

319-84-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0888.0002

beta-BCH (Lindane) standard solution NEW

319-85-7 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0265.0001

1 ml CL40.0225.0001
319-85-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0225.0005

319-85-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0269.0001

319-85-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0889.0002

delta-BCH (Lindane) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0226.0001
319-86-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0226.0005

319-86-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0270.0001

gamma-BHC (Lindane) standard solution

58-89-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL40.0265.0001

58-89-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0704.0001

1 ml CL40.0227.0001
58-89-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0227.0005

58-89-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0890.0002

Barban standard solution

1 ml CL40.0201.0001
101-27-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0201.0005
Baygon® (Propoxur) standard solution
1 ml CL40.0202.0001
114-26-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0202.0005
Baythroid® standard solution
1 ml CL40.0203.0001
68359-37-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0203.0005
Beam® standard solution
1 ml CL40.0205.0001
41814-78-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0205.0005
Benalaxyl standard solution

71626-11-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0292.0001

Benazolin standard solution

3813-05-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0293.0001

Benazolin-methyl ester standard solution

39205-60-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0294.0001

Bendiocarb standard solution

22781-23-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0295.0001

146 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Benfuracarb standard solution

82560-54-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0296.0001

Benomyl standard solution NEW

17804-35-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0271.0001

Bentazone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0206.0001
25057-89-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0206.0005
Bentazone-8-hydroxy standard solution

60374-43-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0297.0001


Bentazone-methyl standard solution

61592-45-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0298.0001

Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl standard solution

177406-68-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0299.0001

Benzaldehyde standard solution

100-52-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0201.0001

Benzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0209.0001
71-43-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0209.0005

71-43-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 5 ml CL40.0277.0005

1 ml CL40.0210.0001
71-43-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0210.0005

71-43-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Glyceryl triacetate 100 ml CL41.0292.0100

Benzene-D6 standard solution

1076-43-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0202.0001

1076-43-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0280.0001

Benzenesulfonamide standard solution

98-10-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0203.0001

Benzidine standard solution

1 ml CL40.0211.0001
92-87-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0211.0005
1 ml CL40.0212.0001
92-87-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0212.0005
Benzo(a)anthracene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0207.0001
56-55-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0207.0005
1 ml CL40.0266.0001
56-55-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0266.0005
1 ml CL40.0208.0001
56-55-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0208.0005
Benzo(a)anthracene-D12 standard solution NEW

1718-53-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0290.0001

1718-53-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 10 ml CL41.0284.0010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 147
Single Component Standards

Benzo(b)chrysene standard solution

214-17-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0276.0001

Benzofenap standard solution

82692-44-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0204.0001

Benzo(b)fluoranthene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0213.0001
205-99-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0213.0005
1 ml CL40.0268.0001
205-99-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0268.0005
1 ml CL40.0214.0001
205-99-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane

5 ml CL40.0214.0005
Benzo(j)fluoranthene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0267.0001
205-82-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0267.0005
Benzo(k)fluoranthene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0215.0001
207-08-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0215.0005
1 ml CL40.0269.0001
207-08-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile - Sonicate
5 ml CL40.0269.0005
1 ml CL40.0216.0001
207-08-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0216.0005
Benzoic acid standard solution
1 ml CL40.0217.0001
65-85-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0217.0005
1,12-Benzoperylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0218.0001
191-24-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0218.0005

191-24-2 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0273.0001

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene-D12 standard solution NEW

93951-66-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0289.0001

93951-66-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0274.0001

Benzo(e)pyrene standard solution

192-97-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0200.0001

Benzo(a)pyrene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0219.0001
50-32-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0219.0005
1 ml CL40.0270.0001
50-32-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0270.0005
1 ml CL40.0220.0001
50-32-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0220.0005
Benzo(a)pyrene-D12 standard solution NEW

63466-71-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0291.0001

63466-71-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 10 ml CL41.0283.0010

Benzoximate standard solution

29104-30-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0206.0001

148 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Benzoylprop ethyl standard solution

1 ml CL40.0221.0001
33878-50-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0221.0005
Benzyl alcohol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0222.0001
100-51-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0222.0005
Benzyl benzoate standard solution

120-51-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0275.0001

120-51-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0205.0001

Benzyl chloride standard solution


1 ml CL40.0484.0001
98-87-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0484.0005
1 ml CL40.0223.0001
98-87-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0223.0005
Bifenthrin standard solution

82657-04-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.0207.0001

82657-04-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL41.0277.0002

Bifenthrin-alcohol metabolite standard solution

76350-90-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0208.0001

S-Bioallethrin standard solution

28434-00-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0209.0001

Biphenol A standard solution

80-05-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0260.0001

Biphenyl standard solution

92-52-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0210.0001

92-52-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.0261.0002

Bis-(2-chloroethoxy)-methane standard solution

111-91-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0211.0001

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether standard solution

1 ml CL40.0228.0001
111-44-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0228.0005
1 ml CL40.0229.0001
111-44-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0229.0005
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether standard solution
1 ml CL40.0230.0001
108-60-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0230.0005
1 ml CL40.0231.0001
108-60-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0231.0005
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0234.0001
103-23-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0234.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 149
Single Component Standards

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0232.0001
117-81-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0232.0005
1 ml CL40.0233.0001
117-81-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0233.0005
Bis(4-methyl-2-pentyl)phthalate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0235.0001
146-50-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0235.0005
Bitertanol standard solution

55179-31-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0212.0001

Bithionol standard solution


97-18-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0213.0001

Boldenone standard solution

846-48-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0214.0001

Boldenone 17-acetate standard solution

2363-59-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0215.0001

Bromacil standard solution

1 ml CL40.0236.0001
314-40-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0236.0005
Bromadiolone standard solution

28772-56-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0216.0001

Brombuterol hydrochloride standard solution

41937-02-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0217.0001

Bromethalin standard solution

63333-35-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0218.0001

Bromfenvinfos-methyl standard solution

13104-21-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0219.0001

2-Bromoacetamide standard solution NEW

683-57-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0279.0001

Bromoacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.0237.0001
79-08-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0237.0005
Bromoacetic acid-methyl ester standard solution

96-32-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0220.0001

Bromoacetone standard solution

598-31-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0221.0001

4-Bromoaniline standard solution

106-40-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.0222.0001

150 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Bromobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0238.0001
108-86-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0238.0005
1 ml CL40.0239.0001
108-86-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0239.0005
2-Bromobutanoic acid standard solution

80-58-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0276.0001

Bromobutide standard solution

74712-19-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0223.0001

Bromobutide debromation form standard solution


75463-73-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0224.0001

Bromochloroacetic acid standard solution

5589-96-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0225.0001

Bromochloroacetic acid-methyl ester standard solution

20428-74-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0226.0001

Bromochloroacetonitrile standard solution

83463-62-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0275.0001

1 ml CL40.0241.0001
83463-62-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0241.0005
2-Bromochlorobenzene standard solution

694-80-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0227.0001

1-Bromo-4-chlorobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0242.0001
106-39-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0242.0005
Bromochlorodifluoromethane standard solution

353-59-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0228.0001

Bromochloromethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0243.0001
74-97-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0243.0005
1 ml CL40.0244.0001
74-97-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0244.0005
2-Bromo-1-chloropropane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0245.0001
3017-95-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0245.0005
(+)-Bromocyclen standard solution

158593-05-6 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0229.0001

(-)-Bromocyclen standard solution

158649-45-7 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0230.0001

Bromodichloroacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.0246.0001
71133-14-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0246.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 151
Single Component Standards

Bromodichloroacetic acid-methyl ester standard solution

20428-76-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0231.0001

Bromodichloromethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0247.0001
75-27-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0247.0005
1 ml CL40.0248.0001
75-27-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0248.0005
Bromoethane standard solution

74-96-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.0232.0001

4-Bromofluorobenzene standard solution


1 ml CL40.0249.0001
460-00-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0249.0005
Bromoform standard solution
1 ml CL40.0250.0001
75-25-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0250.0005
1 ml CL40.0251.0001
75-25-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0251.0005
Bromomethane standard solution

74-83-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL41.0233.0001

1-Bromo-2-nitrobenzene standard solution

577-19-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0234.0001

Bromopentafluorobenzene standard solution

344-04-7 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0235.0001

2-Bromophenol standard solution

95-56-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0236.0001

3-Bromophenol standard solution

591-20-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0237.0001

4-Bromophenol standard solution

106-41-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.0238.0001

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether standard solution

1 ml CL40.0253.0001
101-55-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0253.0005
1 ml CL40.0252.0001
101-55-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0252.0005
Bromophos-ethyl standard solution

4824-78-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0239.0001

Bromophos-methyl standard solution

2104-96-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0240.0001

2-Bromopropionic acid standard solution

598-72-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0241.0001

152 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2-Bromopropionic acid-methyl ester standard solution

5445-17-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0242.0001

Bromopropylate standard solution

18181-80-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0243.0001

Bromotrichloromethane standard solution NEW

75-62-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 10 ml CL41.0267.0010

75-62-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0244.0001

Bromotrifluoromethane standard solution

75-63-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0245.0001


Bromoxynil standard solution

1689-84-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0246.0001

Bromoxynil-methyl ether standard solution

3336-39-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0247.0001

Bromuconazol standard solution

116255-48-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL41.0278.0002

Bufencarb standard solution

8065-36-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0248.0001

Bulan standard solution

8027-00-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0249.0001

Bupirimate standard solution

41483-43-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0250.0001

Buprofezin standard solution

69327-76-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0251.0001

Butachlor standard solution

1 ml CL40.0254.0001
23184-66-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0254.0005
Butachlor-2-hydroxy standard solution

56681-58-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0252.0001

1,3-Butadiene standard solution

106-99-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0272.0001

106-99-0 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL41.0253.0001

Butamifos standard solution

36335-67-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0254.0001

2,3-Butanedione standard solution

431-03-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in 5% Ethanol 1 ml CL40.0264.0001

1-Butanethiol standard solution

109-79-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0263.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 153
Single Component Standards

1,2,4-Butanetriol standard solution

42890-76-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Pyridine 5 ml CL40.0272.0005

tert-Butanol standard solution

75-65-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0255.0001

2-Butanone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0255.0001
78-93-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0255.0005
Buthidazole standard solution

55511-98-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0256.0001


Butoxypolypropylene glycol standard solution

9003-13-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0257.0001

Buturon standard solution

3766-60-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0258.0001

n-Butyl alcohol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0256.0001
71-36-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0256.0005
tert-Butyl alcohol-D10 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0257.0001
53001-22-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0257.0005
Butylate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0258.0001
2008-41-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0258.0005
n-Butylbenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0259.0001
104-51-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0259.0005
sec-Butylbenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0261.0001
135-98-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0261.0005
tert-Butylbenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0260.0001
98-06-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0260.0005
Butyl benzyl phthalate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0262.0001
85-68-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0262.0005
tert-Butyl methyl ether standard solution
1 ml CL40.0263.0001
1634-04-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0263.0005
Butyric acid standard solution

107-92-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0259.0001

Cadusafos standard solution

95465-99-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.0381.0001

Cafenstrole standard solution

125306-83-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0382.0001

154 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Captafol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0301.0001
2425-06-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0301.0005
Captan standard solution
1 ml CL40.0302.0001
133-06-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0302.0005
Carazolol standard solution

57775-29-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0383.0001

Carbaryl standard solution

63-25-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0372.0001


1 ml CL40.0303.0001
63-25-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0303.0005
Carbaryl-D7 (naphthyl-D7) standard solution

362049-56-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0384.0001

Carbazole standard solution

1 ml CL40.0304.0001
86-74-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0304.0005
Carbazole-D8 standard solution

38537-24-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0385.0001

Carbendazim standard solution

10605-21-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0386.0001

Carbendazim-D4 (ring) standard solution

291765-95-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0387.0001

Carbetamide standard solution

16118-49-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0388.0001

Carbofuran standard solution

1 ml CL40.0305.0001
1563-66-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0305.0005
Carbofuran-3-hydroxy standard solution

16655-82-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0389.0001

Carbofuran-3-hydroxy-7-phenol standard solution

17781-15-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0390.0001

Carbofuranphenol standard solution

1563-38-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0391.0001

Carbofuranphenol-3-keto standard solution

17781-16-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0392.0001

Carbon disulfide standard solution

75-15-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0380.0001

1 ml CL40.0306.0001
75-15-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0306.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 155
Single Component Standards

Carbon tetrachloride standard solution

1 ml CL40.0307.0001
56-23-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0307.0005
1 ml CL40.0308.0001
56-23-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0308.0005
Carbophenothion standard solution
1 ml CL40.0309.0001
786-19-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0309.0005
Carbophenothion-methyl standard solution

953-17-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0393.0001

Carbophenothion-methyl-sulfone standard solution


62059-34-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0394.0001

Carbophenothion-methyl-sulfoxide standard solution

62059-33-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0395.0001

Carbosulfan standard solution

55285-14-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.0396.0001

Carboxin standard solution

1 ml CL40.0310.0001
5234-68-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0310.0005
Carfentrazone (free acid) standard solution

128621-72-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0397.0001

Catechol standard solution

120-80-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0398.0001

Cekafix standard solution

121227-99-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0399.0001

Chinomethionat standard solution

2439-01-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0301.0001

Chloralhydrate standard solution

302-17-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0302.0001

Chloramben standard solution

1 ml CL40.0311.0001
133-90-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0311.0005
Chloramben ethyl ester standard solution

60541-86-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0303.0001

Chloramphenicol-D5 (ring-D4, benzyl-D) standard solution

202480-68-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0305.0001

Chlorbromuron standard solution

13360-45-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0306.0001

Chlordane standard solution

57-74-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0370.0001

156 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

cis-Chlordane (alpha) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0312.0001
5103-71-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0312.0005

5103-71-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.0309.0001

(-)-cis-Chlordane standard solution

66429-41-2 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0308.0001

(+)-cis-Chlordane standard solution

66514-88-3 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0307.0001

(+)-oxy-Chlordane standard solution


155681-22-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0311.0001

(-)-oxy-Chlordane standard solution

155681-23-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0312.0001

trans-Chlordane (gamma) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0313.0001
5103-74-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0313.0005

5103-74-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.0310.0001

5103-74-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0319.0001

(-)-trans-Chlordane standard solution

142433-24-7 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0310.0001

(+)-trans-Chlordane standard solution

66514-87-2 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0309.0001

Chlordene standard solution

3734-48-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0313.0001

beta-Chlordene standard solution

56534-03-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0315.0001

cis-Chlordene standard solution

56534-02-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.0316.0001

oxy-Chlordene standard solution

33386-84-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0317.0001

Chlordene-1-hydroxy standard solution

24009-05-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0314.0001

4-Chlor-3,5-dimethylphenol standard solution

88-04-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0317.0001

Chlorfenapyr standard solution

122453-73-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0307.0001

Chlorfenvinphos standard solution

1 ml CL40.0314.0001
470-90-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0314.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 157
Single Component Standards

trans-Chlorfenvinphos standard solution

18708-86-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0319.0001

cis-Chlorfenvinphos standard solution

18708-87-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0318.0001

Chlorfluazuron standard solution

71422-67-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0306.0001

Chloridazon standard solution

1698-60-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0320.0001

Chloridazon-desphenyl standard solution


6339-19-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0321.0001

Chloridazon-methyl-desphenyl standard solution

17254-80-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0322.0001

Chlorine standard solution

75-09-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethanol 10 ml CL41.0399.0010

Chlorine (Aldrin®) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0123.0001
309-00-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0123.0005
1 ml CL40.0124.0001
309-00-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0124.0005

309-00-2 Solution contains 10 µg/g in n-Hexane 2 ml CL42.0303.0002

309-00-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL41.0130.0002

Chlormephos standard solution

24934-91-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0323.0001

Chlormephos-oxon standard solution

16500-52-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0324.0001

Chlormequat chloride standard solution

999-81-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0325.0001

Chlornitrofen standard solution

1836-77-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0326.0001

Chlornitrofen-amino standard solution

26306-61-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0327.0001

2-Chloroacetamide standard solution NEW

79-07-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0318.0001

Chloroacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.0315.0001
79-11-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0315.0005
Chloroacetonitrile standard solution
1 ml CL40.0316.0001
107-14-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0316.0005

158 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2-Chloroacrylonitrile standard solution

1 ml CL40.0317.0001
920-37-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0317.0005
4-Chloroaniline standard solution
1 ml CL40.0318.0001
106-47-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0318.0005
3-Chloroaniline standard solution

108-42-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0329.0001

2-Chloroaniline standard solution

95-51-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0328.0001


Chlorobenzene standard solution NEW

108-90-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0320.0001

1 ml CL40.0319.0001
108-90-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0319.0005
Chlorobenzene-D5 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0320.0001
3114-55-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0320.0005
Chlorobenzilate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0321.0001
510-15-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0321.0005
1-Chlorobutane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0322.0001
109-69-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0322.0005
Chlorodibromoacetic acid standard solution
1 ml CL40.0323.0001
5278-95-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0323.0005
Chlorodibromomethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0324.0001
124-48-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0324.0005
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane standard solution

75-68-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0330.0001

2-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethene standard solution

359-10-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0331.0001

1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene standard solution

97-00-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0333.0001

Chloroethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0325.0001
75-00-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0325.0005
2-Chloroethanol standard solution NEW

107-07-3 Solution contains 40000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0312.0001

107-07-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0313.0001

1 ml CL40.0326.0001
107-07-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0326.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 159
Single Component Standards

2-Chloro-4-ethlyamino-6-n-propylamino-1,3,5-triazine standard solution

90952-64-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0334.0001

2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether standard solution

110-75-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0335.0001

1 ml CL40.0328.0001
110-75-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0328.0005
1-Chloro-2-fluorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0329.0001
348-51-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0329.0005
2-Chloro-9-flurenone standard solution

3096-47-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0336.0001

Chloroform standard solution

1 ml CL40.0330.0001
67-66-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0330.0005
1 ml CL40.0331.0001
67-66-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0331.0005
1-Chlorohexane standard solution

544-10-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0337.0001

6-Chloro-4-hydroxy-3-phenyl-pyridazin standard solution

40020-01-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0338.0001

Chloromethane standard solution

74-87-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0339.0001

4-Chloro-2-methylaniline standard solution

95-69-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0340.0001

4-Chloro-2-methylphenol standard solution

1570-64-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0341.0001

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0332.0001
59-50-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0332.0005
1 ml CL40.0333.0001
59-50-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0333.0005
1-Chloronaphthalene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0334.0001
90-13-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0334.0005
2-Chloronaphthalene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0335.0001
91-58-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0335.0005
Chloroneb standard solution
1 ml CL40.0336.0001
2675-77-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0336.0005
1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene standard solution

88-73-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0342.0001

160 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene standard solution

121-73-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0343.0001

1-Chloro-4-nitrobenzene standard solution

100-00-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0344.0001

2-Chloro-4-nitrotoluene standard solution

121-86-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0345.0001

2-Chloro-6-nitrotoluene standard solution

83-42-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0346.0001

4-Chloro-3-nitrotoluene standard solution


89-60-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0347.0001

Chloropentafluoroethane standard solution

76-15-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0348.0001

Chlorophacinone standard solution

3691-35-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0349.0001

4-Chlorophenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0339.0001
106-48-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0339.0005
3-Chlorophenol standard solution

108-43-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0350.0001

2-Chlorophenol-D4 standard solution

1 ml CL40.0340.0001
93951-73-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0340.0005
2-Chlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0337.0001
95-57-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0337.0005
1 ml CL40.0338.0001
95-57-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0338.0005
4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid standard solution

122-88-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0366.0001

122-88-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0365.0001

2-(4-Chlorophenoxy)propionic acid standard solution

3307-39-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0351.0001

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether standard solution

1 ml CL40.0341.0001
7005-72-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0341.0005
1 ml CL40.0342.0001
7005-72-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0342.0005
6-Chloro-2-picolinic acid standard solution

4684-94-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0352.0001

6-Chloro-2-picolinic acid methyl ester standard solution

6636-55-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0353.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 161
Single Component Standards

Chloropicrin standard solution

1 ml CL40.0343.0001
76-06-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0343.0005
Chloroprene standard solution NEW

126-99-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0328.0001

126-99-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0325.0001

126-99-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in p-Xylene 1 ml CL42.0308.0001

126-99-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0354.0001

2-Chloropropane standard solution


75-29-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0355.0001

Chloropropylate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0344.0001
5836-10-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.0344.0005
Chloropyriphos-oxon standard solution

5598-15-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0301.0001

Chlorothalonil standard solution

1897-45-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0371.0001

1 ml CL40.0345.0001
1897-45-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0345.0005
Chlorothalonil-4-hydroxy standard solution

28343-61-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0356.0001

2-Chlorotoluene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0346.0001
95-49-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0346.0005
1 ml CL40.0347.0001
95-49-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0347.0005
3-Chlorotoluene standard solution NEW

108-41-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0324.0001

108-41-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0357.0001

4-Chlorotoluene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0348.0001
106-43-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0348.0005
1 ml CL40.0349.0001
106-43-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0349.0005
4-Chloro-o-tolyloxy acetic acid methyl ester standard solution
1 ml CL40.0351.0001
2436-73-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0351.0005
2-Chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane standard solution

75-88-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0358.0001

Chlorotrifluoroethene standard solution

79-38-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0359.0001

162 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Chlorotrifluoromethane standard solution

75-72-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0360.0001

Chloroxuron standard solution

1982-47-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0361.0001

Chlorpropham standard solution

101-21-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0362.0001

Chlorpyrifos standard solution

1 ml CL40.0352.0001
2921-88-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0352.0005


Chlorpyrifos-D10 (diethy-D10) standard solution

285138-81-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0363.0001

Chlorpyrifos-methyl standard solution

1 ml CL40.0353.0001
5598-13-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0353.0005

5598-13-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate 2 ml CL42.0314.0002

Chlorthal standard solution

1 ml CL40.0354.0001
1861-32-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0354.0005

1861-32-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0302.0001

Chlorthion standard solution

500-28-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0365.0001

Chlorthiophos-oxon standard solution

66229-12-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0366.0001

Chlorthiophos-sulfone standard solution

25900-20-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0367.0001

Chlorthiophos-sulfoxide standard solution

29185-21-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0368.0001

Chlortoluron standard solution

15545-48-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0369.0001

Chlozolinate standard solution

84332-86-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0369.0001

Chromafenozide standard solution

143807-66-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0370.0001

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 163
Single Component Standards

Chrysene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0355.0001
218-01-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0355.0005
1 ml CL40.0367.0001
218-01-9 Solution contains 400 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0367.0005
1 ml CL40.0356.0001
218-01-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0356.0005
Chrysene-D12 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0357.0001
1719-03-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0357.0005
Cinidon (free acid) standard solution

175156-71-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0371.0001

Clenbuterol-D9 standard solution

129138-58-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0372.0001

Clodinafop-propargyl ester standard solution

105512-06-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0373.0001

Clofentezine standard solution

74115-24-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0305.0001

Clomeprop standard solution

84496-56-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0374.0001

Clopyralid standard solution

1702-17-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0375.0001

Corticosterone standard solution

50-22-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0376.0001

Corticosterone-21-acetate standard solution

1173-26-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0377.0001

Coumafuryl standard solution

117-52-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0378.0001

Coumaphos standard solution

1 ml CL40.0358.0001
56-72-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0358.0005
Coumaphos-oxon standard solution

321-54-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0379.0001

Coumatetralyl standard solution

5836-29-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0380.0001

Cresol-(m) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0359.0001
108-39-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0359.0005
1 ml CL40.0360.0001
108-39-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0360.0005

164 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Crotoxyphos standard solution

1 ml CL40.0361.0001
7700-17-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0361.0005
Crufomate standard solution

299-86-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0381.0001

Cyanazine standard solution

21725-46-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0382.0001

Cyclanilide standard solution

113136-77-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0383.0001


Cycloate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0362.0001
1134-23-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0362.0005
9-Cycloheptadecen-1-one standard solution

542-46-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0384.0001

Cyclohexane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0363.0001
110-82-7 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0363.0005
2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0364.0001
131-89-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
5 ml CL40.0364.0005
Cyclopentanone standard solution

120-92-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0385.0001

gamma-Cyhalothrin standard solution

76703-62-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0386.0001

lambda-Cyhalothrin standard solution

91465-08-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0387.0001

Cymoxanil standard solution

57966-95-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0388.0001

Cypermethrin standard solution

52315-07-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0389.0001

α-Cypermethrin standard solution

67375-30-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0390.0001

Cypermethrin standard solution

52315-07-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL42.0315.0002

trans-Cypermethrin-D6 (dimethyl-D6) standard solution

82523-65-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0391.0001

Cyprazine-desisopropyl standard solution

35516-73-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0392.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 165
Single Component Standards

Cyprazine-desisopropyl-2-hydroxy standard solution

92510-62-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0393.0001

Cyprazine-2-hydroxy standard solution

39095-16-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0394.0001

Cyproconazole standard solution

94361-06-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0395.0001

Cyprodinil standard solution

121552-61-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0396.0001

121552-61-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL42.0316.0002


2,4-D standard solution

94-75-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL43.0403.0001

94-75-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0425.0001

1 ml CL40.0401.0001
94-75-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0401.0005
2,4-D 13C6 standard solution

150907-52-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0466.0001

3,4-D standard solution

588-22-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0473.0001

2,4-D-D3 standard solution

202480-67-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0465.0001

2,4-D-1-butyl ester standard solution

94-80-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0467.0001

2,4-D-butylglycol ester standard solution

1929-73-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0468.0001

2,4-D-ethyl ester standard solution

533-23-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0469.0001

2,4-D-iso-butyl ester (technical) standard solution

1713-15-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0470.0001

2,4-D-iso-octyl ester standard solution

25168-26-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0471.0001

2,4-D-iso-propyl ester standard solution

94-11-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0472.0001

2,4-DB standard solution

94-82-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0422.0001

1 ml CL40.0404.0001
94-82-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0404.0005
2,4-DB-butoxyethyl ester standard solution

32357-46-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0476.0001

166 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2,4-DB methyl ester standard solution

1 ml CL40.0405.0001
18625-12-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0405.0005
DDAC standard solution

7173-51-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0436.0001

7173-51-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0439.0001

2,4´ -DDD standard solution

53-19-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0477.0001

53-19-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0451.0002


4,4’ -DDD standard solution
1 ml CL40.0406.0001
72-54-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0406.0005
1 ml CL40.0407.0001
72-54-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0407.0005

72-54-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0447.0002

2,2’-DDE standard solution

3328-98-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0442.0002

2,4´ -DDE standard solution

3424-82-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0478.0001

3424-82-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0443.0002

4,4’ -DDE standard solution NEW

72-55-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0404.0001

1 ml CL40.0408.0001
72-55-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0408.0005

72-55-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0407.0001

72-55-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0445.0002

13C-4,4’-DDE standard solution

Solution contains 500 µg/ml in n-Nonane 1 ml CL41.0446.0001

4,4´-DDE-D8 standard solution

93952-19-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0479.0001

13C-p,p-DDT standard solution

Solution contains 500 µg/ml in n-Nonane 1 ml CL41.0445.0001

2,4´ -DDT standard solution

789-02-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0480.0001

789-02-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0408.0001

789-02-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0448.0002

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 167
Single Component Standards

4,4’ -DDT standard solution

1 ml CL40.0409.0001
50-29-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0409.0005

50-29-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0457.0001

1 ml CL40.0410.0001
50-29-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0410.0005

50-29-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0446.0002

4,4´-DDT 13C12 standard solution

104215-84-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0483.0001

2,4´-DDT-D8 standard solution


221899-88-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0481.0001

4,4´-DDT-D8 standard solution

93952-18-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0482.0001

DEET standard solution

134-62-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0491.0001

DMST standard solution

66840-71-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0496.0001

DPMI (Cashmeran) standard solution

33704-61-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0498.0001

Daimuron (Dymron) standard solution

42609-52-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0474.0001

Daimuron-methyl standard solution

118930-35-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0475.0001

Dalapon standard solution

75-99-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0421.0001

1 ml CL40.0402.0001
75-99-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0402.0005
Dalapon methyl ester standard solution
1 ml CL40.0403.0001
17640-02-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0403.0005
Decafluorobiphenyl standard solution

434-90-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0484.0001

Decafluorotriphenylphosphine standard solution

1 ml CL40.0411.0001
5074-71-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0411.0005
Decafluorotriphenylphosphine oxide standard solution

5594-90-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0485.0001

n-Decane standard solution

124-18-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0486.0001

124-18-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0427.0001

168 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

n-Decane (C10) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0412.0001
124-18-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0412.0005

124-18-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 5 ml CL43.0449.0005

1-Decanol standard solution

112-30-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0488.0001

2-Decanone standard solution

693-54-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0489.0001

1-Decene standard solution


872-05-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0490.0001

Deltamethrin standard solution

52918-63-5 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0453.0001

52918-63-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL43.0438.0002

Demeton (O+S) standard solution

8065-48-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0492.0001

Demeton S standard solution

1 ml CL40.0413.0001
126-75-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0413.0005
Demeton methyl standard solution

919-86-8 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0454.0001

Demeton-S-methyl-sulfoxide standard solution

301-12-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane/Toluene (1/1) 1 ml CL41.0493.0001

Desmetryn standard solution

1014-69-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0494.0001

Devrinol® standard solution

1 ml CL40.0414.0001
15299-99-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0414.0005
Dialifos standard solution

10311-84-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.0495.0001

Di-allate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0415.0001
2303-16-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0415.0005
2,6-Diamino-4-nitrotoluene standard solution

59229-75-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0496.0001

Diamyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0416.0001
131-18-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0416.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 169
Single Component Standards

Diazinon standard solution

333-41-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0400.0001

1 ml CL40.0417.0001
333-41-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0417.0005
1 ml CL40.0418.0001
333-41-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0418.0005
Diazinon-D10 (diethyl-D10) standard solution

100155-47-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0497.0001

Dibenz(a,j)acridine standard solution

1 ml CL40.0419.0001
224-42-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene

5 ml CL40.0419.0005
1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0420.0001
53-70-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0420.0005
1 ml CL40.0421.0001
53-70-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0421.0005
Dibenzofuran standard solution
1 ml CL40.0422.0001
132-64-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0422.0005
1 ml CL40.0423.0001
132-64-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0423.0005
Dibenzo(a,I)pyrene standard solution

191-30-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0439.0001

Dibenzo(a,h)pyrene standard solution

189-64-0 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0452.0001

Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene standard solution

192-65-4 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0451.0001

Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene standard solution

189-55-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.0449.0001

Dibenzo(a,I)pyrene standard solution

1 ml CL41.0443.0001
191-30-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL41.0443.0005
Dibenzothiophene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0424.0001
132-65-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0424.0005
Dibrom standard solution
1 ml CL40.0425.0001
300-76-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0425.0005
Dibromoacetic acid standard solution
1 ml CL40.0426.0001
631-64-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0426.0005

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

170 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Dibromoacetonitrile standard solution

3252-43-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.0461.0001

1 ml CL40.0427.0001
3252-43-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0427.0005
Dibromobenzilic acid standard solution

30738-49-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.0498.0001

Dibromochloroacetic acid-methyl ester standard solution

20428-75-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.0499.0001

1,2-Dibromo-1-chloroethane standard solution


598-20-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0401.0001

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0428.0001
96-12-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0428.0005
1 ml CL40.0429.0001
96-12-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0429.0005
1,2-Dibromo-1,1-dichloroethane standard solution

75-81-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0402.0001

Dibromodifluoromethane standard solution

75-61-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0403.0001

1,2-Dibromoethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0430.0001
106-93-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0430.0005
1 ml CL40.0431.0001
106-93-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0431.0005
Dibromomethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0433.0001
74-95-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0433.0005
1 ml CL40.0434.0001
74-95-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0434.0005
4,4´-Dibromooctafluorobiphenyl (DBOFB) standard solution NEW

10386-84-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0402.0001

10386-84-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0404.0001

2,4-Dibromophenol standard solution

615-58-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0405.0001

2,3-Dibromopropionic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.0435.0001
600-05-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0435.0005
2,3-Dibromopropionic acid methyl ester standard solution
1 ml CL40.0436.0001
1729-67-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0436.0005
1,2-Dibromotetrafluoroethane standard solution

124-73-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0406.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 171
Single Component Standards

2,5-Dibromotoluene standard solution NEW

615-59-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0450.0001

1 ml CL40.0437.0001
615-59-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0437.0005
3-(2,2-Dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-(1-cyclopropane)carboxylic acid standard solution

63597-73-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0407.0001

α,α´-Dibromo-m-xylene standard solution

626-15-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0408.0001

Dibutyl chlorendate standard solution


1 ml CL40.0439.0001
1770-80-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0439.0005
Di-n-butyl phthalate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0438.0001
84-74-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0438.0005

84-74-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in methanol 1 ml CL43.0457.0001

3,4,5,6-Dibutylphthalate-D4 standard solution NEW

93952-11-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0467.0001

Dicamba standard solution

1 ml CL40.0440.0001
1918-00-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0440.0005
Dicamba-D3 (methoxy-D3) standard solution

349553-95-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0410.0001

Dicamba methyl ester standard solution

1 ml CL40.0441.0001
6597-78-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0441.0005
Dichlobenil standard solution

1194-65-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0412.0001

Dichlofenthion standard solution

1 ml CL40.0442.0001
97-17-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0442.0005
Dichlofluanid standard solution

1085-98-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.0413.0001

Dichlone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0443.0001
117-80-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0443.0005
Dichloroacetic acid standard solution

79-43-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL42.0414.0001

Dichloroacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.0444.0001
79-99-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0444.0005

172 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

1,1-Dichloroacetone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0445.0001
513-88-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0445.0005
Dichloroacetonitrile standard solution
1 ml CL40.0446.0001
3018-12-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0446.0005
2,3-Dichloroaniline standard solution

608-27-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0415.0001

2,4-Dichloroaniline standard solution

554-00-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0416.0001


2,5-Dichloroaniline standard solution

95-82-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0417.0001

2,6-Dichloroaniline standard solution

608-31-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0418.0001

3,4-Dichloroaniline standard solution

95-76-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0419.0001

3,5-Dichloroaniline standard solution

626-43-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0420.0001

2,6-Dichlorobenzamide standard solution

2008-58-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0421.0001

1,3-Dichlorobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0447.0001
541-73-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0447.0005
1 ml CL40.0448.0001
541-73-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0448.0005
1,2-Dichlorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0449.0001
95-50-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0449.0005
1 ml CL40.0450.0001
95-50-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0450.0005
1,4-Dichlorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0451.0001
106-46-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0451.0005
1 ml CL40.0452.0001
106-46-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0452.0005
1,4-Dichlorobenzene-D4 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0454.0001
3855-82-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0454.0005
1,2-Dichlorobenzene-D4 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0453.0001
2199-69-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0453.0005

2199-69-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0468.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 173
Single Component Standards

1,4-Dichlorobenzene-D4 standard solution

3855-82-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0422.0001

3,3-Dichlorobenzidine standard solution

1 ml CL40.0455.0001
91-94-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0455.0005
1 ml CL40.0456.0001
91-94-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0456.0005
3,5-Dichlorobenzoic acid standard solution
1 ml CL40.0457.0001
51-36-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0457.0005

51-36-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0426.0001

4,4´-Dichlorobenzophenone standard solution

90-98-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0423.0001

1,4-Dichlorobutane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0458.0001
110-56-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0458.0005
1,4-Dichloro-2-butene trans standard solution
1 ml CL40.0459.0001
110-57-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0459.0005
1,4-Dichloro-2-butene cis & trans standard solution
1 ml CL40.0460.0001
764-41-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0460.0005
1,1-Dichloro-2,2-difluoroethene standard solution

79-35-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0424.0001

Dichlorodifluoromethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0461.0001
75-71-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0461.0005
1 ml CL40.0462.0001
75-71-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0462.0005
1,1-Dichloroethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0463.0001
75-34-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0463.0005

75-34-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0460.0001

1 ml CL40.0464.0001
75-34-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0464.0005
1,2-Dichloroethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0465.0001
107-06-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0465.0005
1 ml CL40.0466.0001
107-06-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0466.0005
1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 standard solution
1 ml CL40.0467.0001
17060-07-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0467.0005
1,1-Dichloroethene standard solution

75-35-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0425.0001

174 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0468.0001
156-59-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0468.0005
1 ml CL40.0469.0001
156-59-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0469.0005

156-59-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0426.0001

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0470.0001
156-60-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0470.0005
1 ml CL40.0471.0001
156-60-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0471.0005


1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane standard solution

1717-00-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0427.0001

1,2-Dichlorofluoroethane standard solution

430-57-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0428.0001

Dichlorofluoromethane standard solution

75-43-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0429.0001

2,3-Dichlorophenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0472.0001
576-24-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0472.0005
2,4-Dichlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0473.0001
120-83-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0473.0005
1 ml CL40.0474.0001
120-83-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0474.0005
2,5-Dichlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0475.0001
583-78-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0475.0005
2,6-Dichlorophenol standard solution NEW

87-65-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0406.0001

1 ml CL40.0476.0001
87-65-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0476.0005
3,4-Dichlorophenol standard solution

95-77-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0431.0001

3,5-Dichlorophenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0477.0001
591-35-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0477.0005
2,4-Dichlorophenol-3,5,6-D3 standard solution

93951-74-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0430.0001

2,4-Dichlorophenylacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.0478.0001
19719-28-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.0478.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 175
Single Component Standards

2,4-Dichlorophenyl acetic acid methyl ester standard solution

55954-23-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0432.0001

55954-23-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0437.0001

1-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-3-methylurea standard solution

3567-62-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0433.0001

1-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)urea standard solution

2327-02-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0434.0001

1,1-Dichloropropane standard solution

78-99-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0435.0001


1,2-Dichloropropane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0479.0001
78-87-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0479.0005
1,3-Dichloropropane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0480.0001
142-28-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0480.0005
2,2-Dichloropropane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0481.0001
590-20-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0481.0005
2,2-Dichloropropane standard solution
1 ml CL42.0436.0001
594-20-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL42.0436.0005
2,3-Dichloro-1-propene standard solution

78-88-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0439.0001

1,1-Dichloropropene standard solution

563-58-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0437.0001

1,3-Dichloropropene (cis + trans) standard solution

542-75-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0438.0001

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0482.0001
10061-01-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0482.0005
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0483.0001
10061-02-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0483.0005
1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane standard solution

76-14-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0440.0001

2,3-Dichlorotoluene standard solution

32768-54-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0441.0001

2,5-Dichlorotoluene standard solution

19398-61-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0442.0001

2,6-Dichlorotoluene standard solution

118-69-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0443.0001

176 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

3,4-Dichlorotoluene standard solution

95-75-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0444.0001

2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane standard solution

306-83-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0446.0001

1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane standard solution

354-23-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0445.0001

3-(2,2-Dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-(1-cyclopropane)carboxylic acid standard solution

55701-05-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0447.0001

Dichlorprop standard solution


120-36-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0423.0001
1 ml CL40.0485.0001
120-36-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0485.0005
Dichlorprop-methyl ester standard solution

57153-17-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0448.0001

Dichlorvos standard solution

62-73-7 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0455.0001

1 ml CL40.0486.0001
62-73-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0486.0005
Dichlorvos-D6 standard solution

Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL43.0435.0001

Dichlorvos-D6 (dimethyl-D6) standard solution

203645-53-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0449.0001

Diclocymet standard solution

139920-32-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0450.0001

Diclofop methyl-5-hydroxy standard solution

124992-48-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0451.0001

Diclomezine standard solution

62865-36-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0452.0001

Dicloran standard solution

99-30-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0453.0001

Dicloxacillin sodium hydrate standard solution

13412-64-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0454.0001

Dicofol standard solution

115-32-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0455.0001

2,4´-Dicofol standard solution

10606-46-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0456.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 177
Single Component Standards

Dicrotophos standard solution

1 ml CL40.0487.0001
141-66-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0487.0005
Dicyclohexyl phthalate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0488.0001
84-61-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0488.0005
Dicyclopentadiene standard solution NEW

77-73-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0452.0001

Dieldrin standard solution

1 ml CL40.0489.0001
60-57-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol

5 ml CL40.0489.0005

60-57-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL43.0441.0002

Dieldrin chlorohydrin standard solution

62059-42-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.0457.0001

1,2-Diethylbenzene standard solution NEW

135-01-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0453.0001

135-01-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0458.0001

1,3-Diethylbenzene standard solution NEW

141-93-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0454.0001

141-93-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0459.0001

1,4-Diethylbenzene standard solution NEW

105-05-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0455.0001

105-05-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0460.0001

Diethyl disulfide standard solution

110-81-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL43.0400.0001

Diethylene glycol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0490.0001
111-46-6 Solution contains 1000 mg/l in de-inoized Water
5 ml CL40.0490.0005
Diethylene glycol dinitrate standard solution

693-21-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0461.0001

Diethyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0491.0001
84-66-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0491.0005
1 ml CL40.0492.0001
84-66-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0492.0005
Diethyl sulfide standard solution

352-93-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL42.0499.0001

Difenacoum standard solution

56073-07-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0462.0001

Difenoconazole standard solution

119446-68-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0463.0001

178 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Diflubenzuron standard solution

35367-38-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0464.0001

Diflufenican standard solution

83164-33-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0465.0001

1,4-Difluorobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0493.0001
540-36-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0493.0005
2,2´-Difluorobiphenyl standard solution

388-82-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL42.0467.0001


4,4´-Difluorobiphenyl standard solution

398-23-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0466.0001

1,1-Difluoroethene standard solution

75-38-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0468.0001

1,2-Difluorotetrachloroethane standard solution

76-12-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0469.0001

Dihexylamine standard solution

143-16-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0470.0001

Dihydrostreptomycin sesquisulfate trihydrate standard solution

5490-27-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL42.0471.0001

4,4´-Dihydroxybiphenyl standard solution

92-88-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0472.0001

Diisobutyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0494.0001
84-69-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.0494.0005
Diisodecyl phthalate standard solution

26761-40-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0458.0001

Diisononyl phthalate standard solution

28553-12-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0459.0001

1,4-Diisopropylbenzene standard solution

100-18-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0473.0001

Diisopropylether standard solution

108-20-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0420.0001

108-20-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 5 ml CL41.0462.0005

2,5-Diisopropylphenol standard solution

35946-91-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0474.0001

Dimefuron standard solution

34205-21-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0475.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 179
Single Component Standards

Dimepiperate standard solution

61432-55-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL42.0476.0001

Dimethoate standard solution

60-51-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0456.0001

1 ml CL40.0495.0001
60-51-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0495.0005
Dimethomorph standard solution NEW

110488-70-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0431.0001

3,3´-Dimethoxybenzidine (o-Dianisidine) standard solution


119-90-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0477.0001

N,N-Dimethylacetamide standard solution

1 ml CL40.0496.0001
127-19-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0496.0005
p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0497.0001
60-11-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0497.0005
2,4-Dimethylaniline standard solution

95-68-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0478.0001

2,6-Dimethylaniline standard solution

87-62-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.0479.0001

N,N-Dimethylaniline standard solution

1 ml CL40.0498.0001
121-69-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0498.0005
7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0499.0001
57-97-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0499.0005
3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine standard solution
1 ml CL41.0401.0001
612-82-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0401.0005
N,N-Dimethylformamide standard solution NEW

68-12-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in methanol 1,2 ml CL43.0456.0001

1 ml CL41.0402.0001
68-12-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL41.0402.0005
1,3-Dimethyl-2-nitrobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL41.0403.0001
81-20-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL41.0403.0005

81-20-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0464.0001

α,α-Dimethylphenethylamine (Phentermine) standard solution

1 ml CL41.0404.0001
122-09-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0404.0005
α,α-Dimethylphenethylamine hydrochloride standard solution

1197-21-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0480.0001

180 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

3,4-Dimethylphenol standard solution

1 ml CL41.0408.0001
95-65-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL41.0408.0005
2,3-Dimethylphenol standard solution
1 ml CL41.0407.0001
526-75-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL41.0407.0005
2,4-Dimethylphenol standard solution
1 ml CL41.0405.0001
105-67-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0405.0005
1 ml CL41.0406.0001
105-67-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0406.0005


2,5-Dimethylphenol standard solution

95-87-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0481.0001

2,6-Dimethylphenol standard solution

576-26-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0482.0001

3,5-Dimethylphenol standard solution

108-68-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0483.0001

2,4-Dimethylphenol-D3 standard solution

93951-75-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.0444.0001

Dimethyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL41.0409.0001
131-11-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0409.0005
1 ml CL41.0410.0001
131-11-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0410.0005
Dimetridazole-D3 standard solution

64678-69-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0484.0001

Dimetridazole-2-hydroxy standard solution

936-05-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0485.0001

Dimetridazole-2-hydroxy-D3 (methyl-D3) standard solution

1015855-78-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL42.0486.0001

Dinitramine standard solution

29091-05-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0487.0001

3,5-Dinitroaniline standard solution

1 ml CL41.0411.0001
618-87-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL41.0411.0005
m-Dinitrobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL41.0412.0001
99-65-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL41.0412.0005
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol standard solution
1 ml CL41.0413.0001
534-52-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0413.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 181
Single Component Standards

2,4-Dinitrophenol standard solution

1 ml CL41.0414.0001
51-28-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0414.0005
2,4-Dinitrotoluene standard solution
1 ml CL41.0415.0001
121-14-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0415.0005
1 ml CL41.0416.0001
121-14-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0416.0005
2,6-Dinitrotoluene standard solution
1 ml CL41.0417.0001
606-20-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0417.0005

1 ml CL41.0418.0001
606-20-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0418.0005
3,4-Dinitrotoluene standard solution

610-39-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0489.0001

3,5-Dinitrotoluene standard solution

618-85-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0490.0001

2,6-Dinitrotoluene-4-sulfonic acid standard solution

88-90-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0488.0001

Dinocap standard solution NEW

39300-45-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0433.0001

Dinonyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL41.0419.0001
84-76-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL41.0419.0005
Dinoseb standard solution

88-85-7 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0424.0001

1 ml CL41.0420.0001
88-85-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0420.0005
Dinoseb acetate standard solution

2813-95-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL42.0491.0001

Dinoseb methyl ether standard solution

1 ml CL41.0421.0001
6099-79-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0421.0005
Dinoterb standard solution

1420-07-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0492.0001

Di-n-octyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL41.0422.0001
117-84-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0422.0005
1 ml CL41.0423.0001
117-84-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0423.0005
1,4-Dioxane standard solution
1 ml CL41.0424.0001
123-91-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0424.0005

182 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Dioxathion standard solution

1 ml CL41.0425.0001
78-34-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0425.0005
Diphenamid standard solution
1 ml CL41.0426.0001
957-51-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL41.0426.0005
4,4´-Diphenoquinone standard solution

494-72-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0493.0001

Diphenylamine standard solution

1 ml CL41.0427.0001
122-39-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol


5 ml CL41.0427.0005
Diphenyl sulfide standard solution

139-66-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL43.0401.0001

Diquat dibromide hydrate standard solution

6385-62-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL42.0494.0001

Disperse Blue 106 standard solution

12223-01-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0448.0001

Disperse Blue 7 standard solution

3179-90-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.0447.0001

Disulfoton standard solution

1 ml CL41.0428.0001
298-04-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0428.0005
Disulfoton-oxon-sulfon standard solution

2496-91-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL42.0495.0001

Di-tert-butylperoxide standard solution

110-05-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.0409.0001

Dithianon standard solution NEW

3347-22-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL43.0432.0001

Diuron standard solution

1 ml CL41.0429.0001
330-54-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL41.0429.0005
1 ml CL41.0430.0001
330-54-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0430.0005
2,4-D methyl ester standard solution
1 ml CL41.0431.0001
1928-38-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0431.0005
n-Docosane (C22) standard solution

629-97-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0428.0001

1 ml CL41.0432.0001
629-97-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL41.0432.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 183
Single Component Standards

n-Dodecane (C12) standard solution

1 ml CL41.0433.0001
112-40-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL41.0433.0005

112-40-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0430.0001

Dotriacontane standard solution

544-85-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL43.0429.0001

Dyfonate® (fonofos) standard solution

1 ml CL41.0434.0001
944-22-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL41.0434.0005
Dylox® standard solution

1 ml CL41.0435.0001
52-68-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL41.0435.0005
EPN standard solution
1 ml CL40.0508.0001
2104-64-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0508.0005
n-Eicosane (C20) standard solution
1 ml CL40.0501.0001
112-95-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0501.0005
1 ml CL40.0564.0001
112-95-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0564.0005
α-Endosulfan-D4 standard solution

203645-57-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0523.0001

beta-Endosulfan-D4 standard solution

203716-99-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0524.0001

Endosulfan (alpha and beta) standard solution

115-29-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.0522.0001

α-Endosulfan standard solution

1 ml CL40.0502.0001
959-98-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0502.0005
beta-Endosulfan standard solution
1 ml CL40.0503.0001
33213-65-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0503.0005
Endosulfan sulfate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0504.0001
1031-07-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0504.0005
alpha-Endosulphan standard solution

959-98-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0575.0002

beta-Endosulphan standard solution

33213-65-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0576.0002

Endothal standard solution

145-73-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0525.0001

Endothal-dimethyl standard solution

88941-22-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.0526.0001

184 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Endrin standard solution NEW

72-20-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0563.0001

1 ml CL40.0505.0001
72-20-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0505.0005

72-20-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0577.0002

Endrin aldehyde standard solution

1 ml CL40.0507.0001
7421-93-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0507.0005
Endrin Ketone standard solution
1 ml CL40.0506.0001
53494-70-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene


5 ml CL40.0506.0005
Epichlorhydrin standard solution

106-89-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0527.0001

Epoxiconazole standard solution

133855-98-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0528.0001

Eprinomectin standard solution

123997-26-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0529.0001

Erbon standard solution

136-25-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0531.0001

Esbiothrin standard solution

84030-86-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0532.0001

Esfenvalerate standard solution

66230-04-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0533.0001

Esfenvalerate free acid metabolite standard solution

55332-38-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0534.0001

Esprocarb standard solution

85785-20-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0535.0001

17-α-Estradiol standard solution

57-91-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0536.0001

17-beta-Estradiol standard solution

50-28-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0537.0001

17-beta-Estradiol 17-acetate standard solution

1743-60-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0538.0001

Estriol standard solution

50-27-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0539.0001

Estrone standard solution

53-16-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0540.0001

Ethanethiol standard solution

75-08-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0519.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 185
Single Component Standards

Ethanol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0511.0001
64-17-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0511.0005
Ethephon standard solution

16672-87-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0541.0001

17alpha-Ethinylestradiol standard solution

57-63-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0542.0001

Ethiofencarb standard solution

29973-13-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0543.0001


Ethion standard solution

1 ml CL40.0509.0001
563-12-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0509.0005
Ethofumesate standard solution

26225-79-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0544.0001

Ethofumesate-2-keto standard solution

26244-33-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0545.0001

Ethoxyquin standard solution

91-53-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0546.0001

Ethyl acetate standard solution

141-78-6 Solution contains 10% Ethyl acetate in Ethanol 1 ml CL40.0562.0001

1 ml CL40.0510.0001
141-78-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0510.0005
Ethyl acrylate standard solution

140-88-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0520.0001

140-88-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0182.0001

Ethyl benzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0512.0001
100-41-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0512.0005
1 ml CL40.0513.0001
100-41-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0513.0005
Ethylbenzene-D10 standard solution

25837-05-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0547.0001

Ethylenediamine standard solution

107-15-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0548.0001

Ethylene glycol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0514.0001
107-21-1 Solution contains 1000 mg/l in de-inoized Water
5 ml CL40.0514.0005
Ethyleneglycoldinitrate standard solution

628-96-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0549.0001

186 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Ethyleneoxide standard solution

75-21-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Ethanol 1 ml CL40.0572.0001

75-21-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethanol 1 ml CL40.0567.0001

Ethyl ether standard solution

1 ml CL40.0515.0001
60-29-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0515.0005
Ethyl methacrylate standard solution
1 ml CL40.0516.0001
97-63-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0516.0005
Ethyl methanesulfonate standard solution


1 ml CL40.0517.0001
62-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0517.0005
2-Ethyl-6-methylaniline standard solution

24549-06-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0550.0001

Ethyl methyl sulfide standard solution

624-89-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL40.0561.0001

2-Ethylphenol standard solution

90-00-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0551.0001

3-Ethylphenol standard solution

620-17-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0552.0001

4-Ethylphenol standard solution

123-07-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0553.0001

Ethyl tert Butyl Ether standard solution

637-92-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0521.0001

637-92-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 5 ml CL40.0518.0005

2-Ethyltoluene standard solution

611-14-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0554.0001

3-Ethyltoluene standard solution

620-14-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0555.0001

4-Ethyltoluene standard solution

622-96-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0556.0001

Etofenprox standard solution

80844-07-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0557.0001

Etoxazole standard solution

153233-91-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0558.0001

Etrofol (CPMC) standard solution

3942-54-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0560.0001

Famoxadone standard solution

131807-57-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0616.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 187
Single Component Standards

Famphur standard solution

1 ml CL40.0601.0001
52-85-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0601.0005
Fenamidone standard solution

161326-34-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0617.0001

Fenamiphos standard solution

22224-92-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0618.0001

Fenarimol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0602.0001
60168-88-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0602.0005

Fenazaquin standard solution

120928-09-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0619.0001

Fenbuconazole standard solution

114369-43-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0620.0001

Fenchlorophos standard solution

1 ml CL40.0603.0001
299-84-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0603.0005
Fenchlorphos-oxon standard solution

3983-45-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0621.0001

Fenitrothion standard solution

122-14-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0677.0001

1 ml CL40.0604.0001
122-14-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0604.0005
Fenitrothion-oxon standard solution

2255-17-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0622.0001

Fenoterol hydrobromide standard solution

1944-12-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0623.0001

Fenothiocarb standard solution

62850-32-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL40.0624.0001

Fenoxaprop standard solution

95617-09-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0625.0001

Fenoxycarb standard solution

72490-01-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0626.0001

Fenpropathrin standard solution

39515-41-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.0627.0001

Fenpropidin standard solution

67306-00-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0628.0001

(E)-Fenpyroximate standard solution

111812-58-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0629.0001

188 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Fensulfothion standard solution

1 ml CL40.0605.0001
115-90-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0605.0005
Fensulfothion-oxon standard solution

6552-21-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0630.0001

Fensulfothion-oxon-sulfone standard solution

6132-17-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0631.0001

Fenthion standard solution

1 ml CL40.0606.0001
55-38-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0606.0005


Fenthion-sulfone standard solution

3761-42-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0635.0001

Fenthion-sulfoxide standard solution

3761-41-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0636.0001

Fentrazamide Metabolite 1 standard solution

98377-35-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0637.0001

Fenuron standard solution

1 ml CL40.0607.0001
101-42-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0607.0005
Ferimzone standard solution

89269-64-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0638.0001

Fipronil standard solution

120068-37-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0639.0001

Fipronil des F3 standard solution

154807-27-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0640.0001

Fipronil-carboxamide standard solution

205650-69-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0641.0001

Fipronil-desulfinyl standard solution

205650-65-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0642.0001

Fipronil-sulfide standard solution

120067-83-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0643.0001

Fipronil-sulfone standard solution

120068-36-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0644.0001

Flocoumafen standard solution

90035-08-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0645.0001

Flonicamid standard solution

158062-67-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0646.0001

Fluacrypyrim standard solution

229977-93-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0647.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 189
Single Component Standards

Fluazifop-butyl standard solution

69806-50-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0648.0001

Fluazinam standard solution

79622-59-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0676.0001

Flucythrinate standard solution

70124-77-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.0649.0001

Fludioxonil standard solution

131341-86-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0650.0001

Fluenetil standard solution


4301-50-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0651.0001

Flufenoxuron standard solution

101463-69-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0652.0001

Flufenzine standard solution

162320-67-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0653.0001

Flumethrin standard solution

69770-45-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0654.0001

Flumetralin standard solution

62924-70-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0655.0001

Fluometuron standard solution

1 ml CL40.0608.0001
2164-17-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0608.0005
Fluopicolide standard solution

239110-15-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0656.0001

Fluoranthene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0609.0001
206-44-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0609.0005
1 ml CL40.0615.0001
206-44-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.0615.0005
1 ml CL40.0610.0001
206-44-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0610.0005
Fluorene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0611.0001
86-73-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0611.0005
1 ml CL40.0612.0001
86-73-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0612.0005
Fluoridamid standard solution

47000-92-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0657.0001

Fluorobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0613.0001
462-06-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0613.0005

462-06-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0682.0001

190 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2-Fluorobiphenyl standard solution

321-60-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0658.0001

1-Fluoronaphthalene standard solution

321-38-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.0659.0001

2-Fluoronaphthalene standard solution

323-09-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.0660.0001

Fluoropentachloroethane standard solution

354-56-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0661.0001

2-Fluorophenol standard solution


1 ml CL40.0614.0001
367-12-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0614.0005
4-Fluoro-3-phenoxy benzoic acid standard solution

77279-89-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0662.0001

1-Fluoro-1,1,2-trichloroethane standard solution

811-95-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0663.0001

Flurochloridone standard solution

61213-25-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0664.0001

Fluroxypyr standard solution

69377-81-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0665.0001

Flusilazole standard solution

85509-19-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0666.0001

85509-19-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL40.0678.0002

Flutriafol standard solution

76674-21-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0667.0001

tau-Fluvalinate standard solution

102851-06-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0668.0001

Folpet standard solution

133-07-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0669.0001

Formaldehyde-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone standard solution

1081-15-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0670.0001

Formic acid (Methanoic acid) standard solution

64-18-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0671.0001

Formic acid methyl ester standard solution

107-31-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0672.0001

Formothion standard solution

2540-82-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0673.0001

Fosthiazate standard solution

98886-44-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0674.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 191
Single Component Standards

Furathiocarb standard solution

65907-30-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0675.0001

(±)-Geosmin standard solution

16423-19-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL40.0706.0001

Glufosinate ammonium standard solution

77182-82-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-ionized Water 1 ml CL40.0707.0001

Glycerin standard solution

56-81-5 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Pyridine 2 ml CL40.0703.0002

Glyphosate standard solution


1071-83-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL40.0708.0001

Glyphosate-N-nitroso mono sodium salt standard solution

56516-71-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL40.0709.0001

Glyphosine standard solution

2439-99-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0710.0001

Guazatine triacetate standard solution

115044-19-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0711.0001

Guthion Ethyl standard solution

1 ml CL40.0701.0001
2642-71-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0701.0005
Guthion® standard solution
1 ml CL40.0702.0001
86-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.0702.0005
gamma-HCH 13C6 standard solution

104215-85-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0831.0001

alpha-HCH-D6 standard solution

86194-41-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0829.0001

gamma-HCH-D6 standard solution

60556-82-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0830.0001

(+) α-HCH standard solution

119911-69-2 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0826.0001

(-) alpha-HCH standard solution

119911-70-5 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0827.0001

alpha-HCH-13C6 standard solution

222966-66-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0828.0001

HHCB (Galaxolide) standard solution

1222-05-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0865.0001

Halofuginone lactate standard solution NEW

82186-71-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0825.0001

192 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Heneicosane standard solution

629-98-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0880.0001

Hentriacontane standard solution

630-04-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0883.0001

Heptachlor standard solution

1 ml CL40.0801.0001
76-44-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0801.0005

76-44-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0892.0001

(+)-Heptachlor standard solution


74867-72-4 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0833.0001

(-) Heptachlor standard solution

74867-73-5 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0834.0001

Heptachlor epoxide (Isomer A) standard solution NEW

28044-83-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0873.0001

28044-83-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0837.0001

(-)-cis-Heptachlorepoxide standard solution

145213-11-2 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0836.0001

(+)-cis-Heptachlorepoxide standard solution

66429-34-3 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0835.0001

Heptachlor epoxide (Isomer B) standard solution

1024-57-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0821.0001

1024-57-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0874.0001

1 ml CL40.0802.0001
1024-57-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0802.0005

1024-57-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.0877.0001

(+)-trans-Heptachlorepoxide standard solution

145213-12-3 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0838.0001

(-)-trans-Heptachlorepoxide standard solution

76986-14-6 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0839.0001

Heptachlor epoxide (Isomer B) standard solution

1024-57-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0823.0001

beta,beta,2,3,4,5,6-Heptachlorostyrene standard solution

29082-75-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0842.0001

(E)-alpha,beta,2,3,4,5,6-Heptachlorostyrene standard solution

29086-38-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0840.0001

(Z)-alpha,beta,2,3,4,5,6-Heptachlorostyrene standard solution

29086-39-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0841.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 193
Single Component Standards

Heptacosane standard solution

593-49-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0882.0001

n-Heptadecane (17C) standard solution

629-78-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL40.0843.0001

629-78-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0879.0001

10-Heptadecenoic acid methyl ester standard solution

75190-82-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0887.0001

Heptanoic acid standard solution

111-14-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0844.0001


Heptanoic acid methyl ester standard solution

106-73-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0845.0001

1-Heptanol standard solution

111-70-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0846.0001

2-Heptanol standard solution

543-49-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0847.0001

2-Heptanone standard solution

110-43-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0848.0001

3-Heptanone standard solution

106-35-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0849.0001

4-Heptanone standard solution

123-19-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0850.0001

Heptatriacontane standard solution

7194-84-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0885.0001

Heptenophos standard solution

23560-59-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0851.0001

Hexabromobenzene standard solution

87-82-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0852.0001

Hexabromobiphenyl standard solution

59536-65-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0712.0001

13C-Hexachlorobenzene standard solution

93952-14-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Nonane 1 ml CL40.0822.0001

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) standard solution NEW

118-74-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0875.0001

1 ml CL40.0803.0001
118-74-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0803.0005
1 ml CL40.0804.0001
118-74-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0804.0005

118-74-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0891.0002

194 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0805.0001
87-68-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0805.0005

87-68-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0824.0001

1 ml CL40.0806.0001
87-68-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0806.0005
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0807.0001
77-47-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0807.0005
1 ml CL40.0808.0001
77-47-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0808.0005


Hexachloroethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.0809.0001
67-72-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0809.0005
1 ml CL40.0810.0001
67-72-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0810.0005
Hexachlorophene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0811.0001
70-30-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0811.0005
Hexachloropropene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0812.0001
1888-71-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0812.0005
alpha-2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorostyrene standard solution

68705-15-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0853.0001

(E)-beta-2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorostyrene standard solution

90301-92-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0854.0001

(Z)-beta-2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorostyrene standard solution

90301-93-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0871.0001

Hexaconazole standard solution

79983-71-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0855.0001

n-Hexacosane (C26) standard solution

1 ml CL40.0813.0001
630-01-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0813.0005

630-01-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0881.0001

n-Hexadecane (16C) standard solution

544-76-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0878.0001

1 ml CL40.0814.0001
544-76-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0814.0005
Hexafluoro-2-methyl-2-propanol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0815.0001
1515-14-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0815.0005
Hexafluoropropene standard solution

116-15-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0856.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 195
Single Component Standards

Hexanal standard solution

66-25-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0857.0001

n-Hexane standard solution

1 ml CL40.0817.0001
110-54-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0817.0005
Hexanitrodiphenylamine (Hexyl) standard solution

131-73-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0858.0001

Hexanoic acid methyl ester standard solution

106-70-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0859.0001


1-Hexanol standard solution

111-27-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0860.0001

2-Hexanol standard solution

626-93-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0861.0001

3-Hexanol standard solution

623-37-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0862.0001

2-Hexanone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0818.0001
591-78-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0818.0005
Hexatriacontane standard solution

630-06-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0884.0001

cis-3-Hexenyl acetate standard solution

3681-71-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0863.0001

Hexyl 2-ethylhexyl phthalate standard solution

1 ml CL40.0819.0001
75673-16-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0819.0005
Hexythiazox standard solution

78587-05-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0864.0001

3-Hydroxycarbofuran standard solution

1 ml CL40.0820.0001
1655-82-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0820.0005
Hydroxymethyl phosphonic acid standard solution

2617-47-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL40.0866.0001

21-Hydroxyprogesterone standard solution

64-85-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0869.0001

17-alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone standard solution

68-96-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0867.0001

17-alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone 17-acetate standard solution

302-23-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0868.0001

196 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

21-Hydroxyprogesterone acetate standard solution

56-47-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0870.0001

Imazalil standard solution

35554-44-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0915.0001

Imazamethabenz (free acid) standard solution

100728-84-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0916.0001

Imazamethabenz-methyl standard solution

81405-85-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0917.0001

Imidacloprid standard solution


138261-41-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0918.0001

Imidan® standard solution

1 ml CL40.0901.0001
732-11-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.0901.0005
Imiprothrin standard solution

72963-72-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0919.0001

Inabenfide standard solution

82211-24-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0920.0001

Indeno(1,2,3-C.D) pyrene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0902.0001
193-39-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.0902.0005

193-39-5 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0942.0001

Indoxacarb standard solution NEW

173584-44-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0941.0001

Internal Standard standard solution

765-43-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL40.0940.0001

Iodofenphos standard solution

18181-70-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0921.0001

Iodoform standard solution

75-47-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0943.0001

Ioxynil standard solution

1689-83-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0922.0001

Ipconazole standard solution

125225-28-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0923.0001

Iprodione standard solution

36734-19-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0924.0001

Isazofos standard solution

42509-80-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0925.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 197
Single Component Standards

Isobenzan (Telodrin) standard solution

297-78-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0926.0001

Isobutyl alcohol standard solution

1 ml CL40.0903.0001
78-83-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0903.0005
2-Isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine standard solution

24683-00-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0927.0001

Isocarbofos standard solution

24353-61-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0928.0001


Isodrin standard solution

1 ml CL40.0904.0001
465-73-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0904.0005
1 ml CL40.0905.0001
465-73-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0905.0005

465-73-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL40.0944.0002

Isofenphos standard solution

25311-71-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0929.0001

Isofenphos-des-N-isopropyl standard solution

25205-08-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0931.0001

Isofenphos-des-N-isopropyl-oxon standard solution

31120-83-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0932.0001

Isofenphos-methyl standard solution

99675-03-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0930.0001

Isofenphos-oxon standard solution

31120-85-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0933.0001

Isophorone standard solution

1 ml CL40.0906.0001
78-59-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0906.0005
Isopropyl alcohol standard solution
1 ml CL40.0907.0001
67-63-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0907.0005
Isopropylbenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.0908.0001
98-82-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0908.0005
1 ml CL40.0909.0001
98-82-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0909.0005
2-Isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine standard solution

25773-40-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0934.0001

2-Isopropylphenol standard solution

88-69-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0913.0001

198 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

1-(4-Isopropylphenyl)-3-methylurea standard solution

34123-57-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0935.0001

2-Isopropylthioxantone standard solution

5495-84-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0936.0001

p-Isopropyltoluene standard solution

1 ml CL40.0910.0001
99-87-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0910.0005
1 ml CL40.0911.0001
99-87-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0911.0005
Isoproturon standard solution


34123-59-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.0914.0001

Isoproturon-D6 (dimethyl-D6) standard solution

217487-17-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.0937.0001

Isosafrole standard solution

1 ml CL40.0912.0001
120-58-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.0912.0005
Isoxadifen (free acid) standard solution

209866-92-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.0938.0001

Isoxathion-oxon standard solution

32306-29-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.0939.0001

Kepone® (Chlordecone) standard solution

1 ml CL40.1101.0001
143-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.1101.0005
Kresoxim-methyl standard solution

143390-89-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1102.0001

Lasalocid A sodium salt standard solution

25999-20-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1204.0001

Lenacil standard solution

2164-08-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1205.0001

Leptophos standard solution

1 ml CL40.1201.0001
21609-90-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1201.0005
Leptophos oxon standard solution

25006-32-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.1206.0001

Lethane 384 standard solution

112-56-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1207.0001

Leucomalachite green standard solution

129-73-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1208.0001

Leucomycin hydrate standard solution

1392-21-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1209.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 199
Single Component Standards

Linuron standard solution

1 ml CL40.1202.0001
330-55-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.1202.0005
1 ml CL40.1203.0001
330-55-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1203.0005
Lufenuron standard solution

103055-07-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1210.0001

MCPA standard solution

94-74-6 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1339.0001

1 ml CL40.0350.0001
94-74-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone

5 ml CL40.0350.0005

94-74-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1334.0001

MCPB standard solution

94-81-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1358.0001

MGK 264® standard solution

1 ml CL40.1332.0001
113-48-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1332.0005
MGK 326® standard solution
1 ml CL40.1333.0001
136-45-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1333.0005
Malathion standard solution

121-75-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1349.0001

1 ml CL40.1301.0001
121-75-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1301.0005
Mandipropamid standard solution

374726-62-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1357.0001

Mecarbam standard solution

2595-54-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1359.0001

Meclozolin standard solution NEW

54864-61-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1360.0001

Mecoprop standard solution

7085-19-0 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1340.0001

1 ml CL40.1302.0001
7085-19-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1302.0005
Mecoprop-D3 (ring) standard solution

352431-15-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1361.0001

Mecoprop methyl ester standard solution

1 ml CL40.1303.0001
23844-56-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1303.0005
Mecoprop-methyl ester standard solution

2786-19-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1362.0001

200 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Medinoterb standard solution

3996-59-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1363.0001

Medroxyprogesterone-17-acetate standard solution

71-58-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1364.0001

Melamine standard solution

108-78-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1355.0001

Mepiquat iodide-D3 (methyl-D3) standard solution

29600-30-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Deuteriumoxide 1 ml CL40.1365.0001

Metaflumizone standard solution


139968-49-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1366.0001

Metalaxyl-M standard solution

70630-17-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1346.0001

Metalaxyl standard solution

57837-19-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL40.1367.0001

Metamitron standard solution

41394-05-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1368.0001

Metamitron-desamino standard solution

36993-94-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1369.0001

Metazachlor standard solution

67129-08-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1370.0001

Metconazole standard solution

125116-23-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1371.0001

Methabenzthiazuron standard solution

18691-97-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1372.0001

Methacrifos standard solution

62610-77-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1373.0001

Methacrylic acid-butyl ester standard solution

97-88-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1374.0001

Methacrylonitrile standard solution

1 ml CL40.1304.0001
126-98-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1304.0005
Methamidophos standard solution

10265-92-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.1375.0001

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 201
Single Component Standards

Methanol standard solution

67-56-1 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil 2 ml CL40.1807.0002

67-56-1 Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil 2 ml CL40.1806.0002

67-56-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil 2 ml CL40.1805.0002

67-56-1 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil 2 ml CL40.1804.0002

67-56-1 Solution contains 80 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil 2 ml CL40.1803.0002

67-56-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil 2 ml CL40.1802.0002

Methapyrilene hydrochloride standard solution

1 ml CL40.1305.0001

135-23-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol

5 ml CL40.1305.0005
Methaqualone hydrochloride standard solution

340-56-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1376.0001

Methidathion standard solution

950-37-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1377.0001

Methiocarb standard solution

1 ml CL40.1306.0001
2032-65-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1306.0005
Methiocarb-sulfone standard solution

2179-25-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.1378.0001

Methiocarb-sulfoxide standard solution

2635-10-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.1379.0001

Methomyl standard solution

16752-77-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1380.0001

1 ml CL40.1307.0001
16752-77-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1307.0005
Methomyl-sulfone standard solution

55620-24-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1381.0001

Methomyl-sulfoxide standard solution

55620-23-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1382.0001

Methoxychlor standard solution

1 ml CL40.1308.0001
72-43-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1308.0005

72-43-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 2 ml CL41.1348.0002

3-Methyl cholanthrene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1309.0001
56-49-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.1309.0005
Methyl stearate standard solution NEW

112-61-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1343.0002

202 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Methyl acrylate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1310.0001
96-33-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1310.0005
Methyl arachidate standard solution

1120-28-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL40.0565.0001

5-Methylbenzo(b)thiophene standard solution

14315-14-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1329.0001

3-Methylbenzo(b)thiophene standard solution

1455-18-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1328.0001


2-Methylbutane standard solution

78-78-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1384.0001

3-Methyl-1-butanol standard solution

123-51-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1386.0001

2-Methyl-1-butanol standard solution

137-32-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1385.0001

Methyl chloroacetate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1311.0001
96-34-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1311.0005
Methylcyclohexane standard solution

108-87-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1387.0001

3-Methylcyclopentadecanone standard solution

541-91-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1388.0001

Methyl decanoate standard solution

110-42-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.0487.0001

Methyl dibromoacetate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1312.0001
6482-26-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1312.0005
Methyl dichloroacetate standard solution
1 ml CL40.1313.0001
116-54-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1313.0005
Methyl disulfide standard solution

624-92-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1325.0001

4,4´-Methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) standard solution

101-14-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1390.0001

Methylene chloride standard solution

1 ml CL40.1314.0001
75-09-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1314.0005
1 ml CL40.1315.0001
75-09-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1315.0005
3-Methylfuran standard solution

930-27-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1389.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 203
Single Component Standards

Methyl heneicosanoate standard solution NEW

6064-90-0 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in n-Hexane - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL41.1357.0001

Methylheptadecanoate standard solution NEW

5 ml CL41.1341.0005
1731-92-6 Solution contains 10% m/v in n-Heptane
10 ml CL41.1341.0010

1731-92-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.0886.0001

1731-92-6 Solution contains 1% m/v in n-Heptane 100 ml CL41.1347.0100

1731-92-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Heptane 2 ml CL40.1350.0002

Methyl iodide standard solution


1 ml CL40.1316.0001
74-88-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1316.0005
2-Methylisoborneol standard solution

2371-42-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1391.0001

Methyl laurate standard solution

111-82-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.0497.0001

Methyl linoleate standard solution

112-63-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1528.0001

112-63-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1344.0001

Methyl g-linolenate standard solution NEW

16326-32-2 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in n-Heptane 1 ml CL41.1358.0001

Methyl methacrylate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1317.0001
80-62-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1317.0005
Methyl methanesulfonate standard solution
1 ml CL40.1318.0001
66-27-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1318.0005
Methyl myristate standard solution

124-10-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2002.0001

2-Methylnaphthalene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1319.0001
91-57-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1319.0005
Methyl octanoate standard solution

111-11-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1506.0001

Methyl oleate standard solution

112-62-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Heptane 1 ml CL41.1332.0001

Methyl palmitate standard solution

112-39-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Heptane 1 ml CL41.1331.0001

Methyl-pentachlorophenyl sulfide standard solution

1825-19-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1393.0001

204 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2-Methylpentane standard solution

107-83-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1356.0001

4-Methyl-2-pentanone standard solution

1 ml CL40.1321.0001
108-10-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1321.0005

108-10-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1394.0001

2-Methyl-1-pentene standard solution

763-29-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1395.0001

2-Methylphenol standard solution


1 ml CL40.1323.0001
95-48-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1323.0005
4-Methylphenol (p-cresol) standard solution
1 ml CL40.1324.0001
106-44-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1324.0005
1 ml CL40.1325.0001
106-44-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1325.0005
2-Methylphenol-D8 standard solution

203645-65-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL40.1343.0001

3-Methylphosphinicopropionic acid standard solution

15090-23-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1396.0001

6-alpha-Methylprednisolone standard solution

83-43-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1397.0001

2-Methyl-1-propanethiol standard solution

513-44-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1330.0001

2-Methyl-2-propanethiol standard solution

75-66-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1324.0001

2-Methylpropene standard solution

115-11-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1342.0001

Methyl stearate standard solution

112-61-8 Solution contains 1 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1322.0002

alpha-Methylstyrene standard solution

98-83-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1398.0001

trans-beta-Methylstyrene standard solution

873-66-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1399.0001

Methyl sulfide standard solution

75-18-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1323.0001

Methyl-tert-amylether standard solution

994-05-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1383.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 205
Single Component Standards

2-Methyl-4-tert-octylphenol standard solution

2219-84-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1392.0001

S-Methyltestosterone standard solution

87392-12-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1302.0001

17-alpha-Methyltestosterone standard solution

58-18-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1301.0001

2-Methyl thiophene standard solution

554-14-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1326.0001

3-Methyl thiophene standard solution


616-44-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1327.0001

Methyl tribromoacetate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1326.0001
3222-05-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1326.0005
Methyltrichloroacetate standard solution
1 ml CL40.1327.0001
598-99-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1327.0005
Metobromuron standard solution

3060-89-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1344.0001

Metolachlor standard solution

1 ml CL40.1328.0001
51218-45-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.1328.0005
1 ml CL40.1329.0001
51218-45-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1329.0005
Metolachlor-2-hydroxy standard solution

131068-72-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1303.0001

(E)-Metominostrobin standard solution

133408-50-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1304.0001

(Z)-Metominostrobin standard solution

133408-51-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1305.0001

Metoxuron standard solution

19937-59-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1345.0001

Metoxuron-monomethyl standard solution

20782-57-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL41.1306.0001

Metribuzin standard solution

1 ml CL40.1330.0001
21087-64-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1330.0005
Metribuzin-desamino standard solution

35045-02-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1307.0001

Metribuzin-desamino-diketo standard solution

52236-30-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1308.0001

206 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Metribuzin-diketo standard solution

56507-37-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1309.0001

Metsulfuron-methyl standard solution

74223-64-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.1310.0001

E-Mevinphos (cis-butenoic acid) standard solution

26718-65-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1311.0001

Z-Mevinphos (trans-butenoic acid) standard solution

338-45-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1312.0001

Mexacarbate (Zectran) standard solution


1 ml CL40.1331.0001
315-18-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1331.0005
Mirex standard solution
1 ml CL40.1334.0001
2385-85-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1334.0005

2385-85-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1345.0001

Molinate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1335.0001
2212-67-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1335.0005
Monocrotophos standard solution
1 ml CL40.1336.0001
6923-22-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1336.0005
Monolinuron standard solution

1746-81-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1346.0001

Monoolein standard solution

111-03-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine - Keep at -20°C 2 ml CL40.1347.0002

Monopalmitin standard solution

542-44-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine 2 ml CL40.1348.0002

Monuron standard solution

1 ml CL40.1338.0001
150-68-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1338.0005
Monuron-D6 standard solution

217488-65-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.1313.0001

Musk MC4 standard solution

54982-83-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1317.0001

Musk NN standard solution

105-95-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1318.0001

Musk ambrette standard solution

83-66-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1314.0001

Musk ketone standard solution

81-14-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1315.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 207
Single Component Standards

Musk moskene standard solution

116-66-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1316.0001

Musk xylene standard solution

81-15-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1319.0001

Naphthalene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1401.0001
91-20-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1401.0005
1 ml CL40.1402.0001
91-20-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1402.0005
Naphthalene-D8 standard solution

1 ml CL40.1403.0001
1146-65-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.1403.0005

1146-65-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL40.1483.0001

1-Naphthol standard solution

90-15-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1440.0001

1,4-Naphthoquinone standard solution

1 ml CL40.1404.0001
130-15-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.1404.0005
1-Naphthylamine standard solution
1 ml CL40.1405.0001
134-32-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1405.0005
2-Naphthylamine standard solution
1 ml CL40.1406.0001
91-59-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1406.0005
Naproanilide standard solution

52570-16-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1444.0001

Neburon standard solution

1 ml CL40.1407.0001
555-37-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1407.0005
Nicotine standard solution

54-11-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1445.0001

2-Nitroaniline standard solution

1 ml CL40.1409.0001
88-74-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1409.0005
3-Nitroaniline standard solution
1 ml CL40.1408.0001
99-09-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1408.0005
4-Nitroaniline standard solution
1 ml CL40.1410.0001
100-01-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1410.0005
Nitrobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1411.0001
98-95-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1411.0005

208 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Nitrobenzene-D5 standard solution

1 ml CL40.1412.0001
4165-60-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1412.0005
Nitrofen standard solution
1 ml CL40.1413.0001
1836-75-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1413.0005
Nitroglycerin standard solution

55-63-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1447.0001

Nitroguanidine standard solution

556-88-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1448.0001


2-Nitrophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.1414.0001
88-75-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1414.0005
1 ml CL40.1415.0001
88-75-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1415.0005
4-Nitrophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.1416.0001
100-02-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1416.0005
1 ml CL40.1417.0001
100-02-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1417.0005

100-02-7 Solution contains 0.1% in de-inoized Water 500 ml CL40.1476.0500

4-Nitrophenol-2,3,5,6-D4 standard solution

93951-79-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1449.0001

2-Nitropropane standard solution

79-46-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1450.0001

4-Nitroquinoline-N-oxide standard solution

1 ml CL40.1418.0001
56-57-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1418.0005
N-Nitrosoanabasine standard solution

1133-64-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol/Dichloromethane (1/1) 1 ml CL40.1451.0001

N-Nitrosoanatabine standard solution

71267-22-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol/Dichloromethane (1/1) 1 ml CL40.1452.0001

N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1419.0001
924-16-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1419.0005
N-Nitrosodiethylamine standard solution
1 ml CL40.1420.0001
55-18-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1420.0005
N-Nitroso-di-iso-propylamine standard solution

601-77-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1454.0001

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 209
Single Component Standards

N-Nitrosodimethylamine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1421.0001
62-75-9 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1421.0005

62-75-9 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1481.0001

1 ml CL40.1422.0001
62-75-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1422.0005
N-Nitroso-dimethylamine-D6 standard solution

17829-05-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1453.0001

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1423.0001
86-30-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol

5 ml CL40.1423.0005
1 ml CL40.1424.0001
86-30-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1424.0005
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine standard solution
1 ml CL40.1425.0001
621-64-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1425.0005
1 ml CL40.1426.0001
621-64-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1426.0005
N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine-D14 standard solution

93951-96-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1455.0001

N-Nitrosomethylethylamine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1427.0001
10595-95-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1427.0005
N-Nitrosomorpholine standard solution
1 ml CL40.1428.0001
59-89-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1428.0005
N-Nitrosonornicotine standard solution

16543-55-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol/Dichloromethane (1/1) 1 ml CL40.1456.0001

N-Nitrosonornicotine ketone standard solution

64091-91-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol/Dichloromethane (1/1) 1 ml CL40.1457.0001

N-Nitrosopiperidine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1429.0001
100-75-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1429.0005
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine standard solution
1 ml CL40.1430.0001
930-55-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1430.0005
2-Nitrotoluene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1431.0001
88-72-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1431.0005
4-Nitrotoluene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1432.0001
99-99-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1432.0005
4-Nitrotoluene-2-sulfonic acid standard solution

121-03-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1459.0001

210 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2-Nitrotoluene-4-sulfonic acid standard solution

97-06-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1458.0001

5-Nitro-o-toluidine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1433.0001
99-55-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1433.0005
cis-Nonachlor standard solution
1 ml CL40.1435.0001
5103-73-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1435.0005
trans-Nonachlor standard solution
1 ml CL40.1434.0001
39765-80-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol


5 ml CL40.1434.0005
Nonacosane standard solution

630-03-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1479.0001

Nonadecane standard solution

629-92-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1478.0001

trans-2, cis-6-Nonadienal standard solution

557-48-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1460.0001

Nonane standard solution

111-84-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1477.0001

Nonanoic acid standard solution

112-05-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1461.0001

Nonanoic acid methyl ester standard solution

1731-84-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1462.0001

1-Nonanol standard solution

143-08-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1463.0001

Nonatriacontane standard solution

7194-86-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1480.0001

1-Nonene standard solution

124-11-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1464.0001

tert-Nonylmercaptan standard solution

25360-10-5 Solution contains 100 µg/g S in Toluene/iso-Octane 20 ml CL40.1443.0020

4-n-Nonylphenol standard solution

104-40-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1465.0001

4-Nonylphenol Ethoxylate standard solution

26027-38-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1438.0001

4-n-Nonylphenol acetate standard solution

32604-44-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1466.0001

4-Nonylphenol-di-ethoxylate standard solution

20427-84-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1467.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 211
Single Component Standards

4-Nonylphenol-mono-ethoxylate standard solution

104-35-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1468.0001

4-Nonylphenoxy-acetic acid standard solution

3115-49-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1469.0001

Norbormide standard solution

991-42-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1470.0001

Norflurazon-desmethyl standard solution

23576-24-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.1471.0001

Norflurazon® standard solution


1 ml CL40.1436.0001
27314-13-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1436.0005
19-Nortestosterone standard solution

434-22-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1472.0001

19-Nortestosterone 17-decanoate standard solution

360-70-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1473.0001

19-Nortestosterone 17-propionate standard solution

7207-92-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1474.0001

Novaluron standard solution

116714-46-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1475.0001

Octachlorostyrene standard solution

29082-74-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1504.0001

n-Octacosane (C28) standard solution

1 ml CL40.1501.0001
630-02-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1501.0005

630-02-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1525.0001

Octadecane standard solution

593-45-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1524.0001

9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid methyl ester standard solution

301-00-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane - Keep at -20°C 1 ml CL40.1529.0001

Octafluoronaphthalene standard solution

313-72-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1505.0001

Octane standard solution

111-65-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1523.0001

1-Octanol standard solution

111-87-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1507.0001

2-Octanol standard solution

123-96-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1508.0001

212 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Octatriacontane standard solution

7194-85-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.1526.0001

Octogen standard solution

2691-41-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1509.0001

Octylamine standard solution

111-86-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1510.0001

4-Octylphenol standard solution

1806-26-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.1503.0001

Ofurace standard solution


58810-48-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.1512.0001

Oleandomycin phosphate dihydrate standard solution

7060-74-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1513.0001

Omethoate standard solution

1113-02-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1514.0001

Orysastrobin standard solution

248593-16-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1515.0001

Oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one standard solution

123-69-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1516.0001

Oxacyclohexadecen-2-one (technical) standard solution

34902-57-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1517.0001

Oxadiazon standard solution

19666-30-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1518.0001

Oxadixyl standard solution

77732-09-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1519.0001

Oxamyl standard solution

1 ml CL40.1502.0001
23135-22-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1502.0005
Oxamyl-oxime standard solution

30558-43-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1522.0001

Oxfendazole standard solution

53716-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1520.0001

Oxpoconazole fumarate standard solution

174212-12-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1521.0001

Oxyfluorfen standard solution NEW

42874-03-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1527.0001

PBDE 15 standard solution

2050-47-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1659.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 213
Single Component Standards

PBDE 209 standard solution

1163-19-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1660.0001

PCB 209 standard solution

2051-24-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane (Sonicate to solve) 1 ml CL40.1644.0001

2051-24-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.1643.0001

2051-24-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 10 ml CL42.1606.0010

2051-24-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Heptane 10 ml CL42.1617.0010

PCB 198 standard solution

68194-17-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.1612.0001


68194-17-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1651.0001

PCB 196 standard solution

42740-50-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1697.0001

PCB 189 standard solution NEW

35065-31-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1654.0002

PCB 187 standard solution

52663-68-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1696.0001

PCB 184 standard solution

74472-48-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1695.0001

PCB 183 standard solution

52663-59-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1694.0001

PCB 180 standard solution

35065-29-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1693.0001

35065-29-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1648.0001

35065-29-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1653.0001

PCB 170 standard solution

35065-30-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1692.0001

35065-30-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1652.0002

PCB 169 standard solution NEW

32774-16-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1659.0002

PCB 167 standard solution NEW

52663-72-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1658.0002

PCB 156 standard solution

38380-08-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1691.0001

38380-08-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1657.0002

PCB 153 standard solution

35065-27-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1690.0001

35065-27-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1647.0001

214 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

PCB 138 standard solution

35065-28-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1689.0001

35065-28-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1646.0001

35065-28-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1655.0002

PCB 128 standard solution

38380-07-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1688.0001

PCB 126 standard solution NEW

57465-28-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1666.0002

PCB 123 standard solution NEW


65510-44-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1665.0002

PCB 121 standard solution

56558-18-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.1610.0001

PCB 118 standard solution

31508-00-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1664.0002

31508-00-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1663.0002

31508-00-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1687.0001

31508-00-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1645.0001

PCB 114 standard solution

74472-37-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1662.0002

PCB 110 standard solution

38380-03-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1686.0001

PCB 107 standard solution

70424-68-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.1611.0001

PCB 105 standard solution

32598-14-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1685.0001

32598-14-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1661.0002

PCB 103 standard solution NEW

60145-21-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1650.0001

PCB 101 standard solution

37680-73-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1684.0001

37680-73-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1644.0001

37680-73-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1660.0002

PCB 99 standard solution

38380-01-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1683.0001

PCB 87 standard solution

38380-02-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1682.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 215
Single Component Standards

PCB 77 standard solution NEW

32598-13-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1669.0002

PCB 74 standard solution

32690-93-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1681.0001

PCB 70 standard solution

32598-11-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1680.0001

PCB 66 standard solution

32598-10-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1679.0001

PCB 52 standard solution


35693-99-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1678.0001

35693-99-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1643.0001

35693-99-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1668.0002

PCB 49 standard solution

41464-40-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1677.0001

PCB 44 standard solution

41464-39-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1676.0001

PCB 31 standard solution

16606-02-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1675.0001

PCB 30 standard solution

35693-92-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 10 ml CL42.1607.0010

35693-92-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL42.1608.0001

PCB 28 standard solution

7012-37-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1674.0001

7012-37-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1642.0001

7012-37-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.1670.0002

PCB 18 standard solution

37680-65-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1673.0001

PCB 8 standard solution

34883-43-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1672.0001

Paclobutrazol standard solution

76738-62-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1654.0001

Paraoxon-ethyl standard solution

311-45-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1655.0001

Paraquat dichloride standard solution

1910-42-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL40.1656.0001

216 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Parathion-ethyl standard solution

1 ml CL40.1601.0001
56-38-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1601.0005

56-38-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1650.0001

Parathion-ethyl-D10 (diethyl-D10) standard solution

350820-04-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1657.0001

Parathion-methyl standard solution

298-00-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1649.0001

298-00-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.1333.0001


1 ml CL40.1320.0001
298-00-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1320.0005
Parathion-methyl-D6 (dimethyl-D6) standard solution

96740-32-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1658.0001

Penconazole standard solution

66246-88-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1661.0001

Pendimethalin standard solution

40487-42-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1662.0001

Penicilline V potassium salt standard solution

132-98-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in de-inoized Water 1 ml CL40.1663.0001

Penoxsulam standard solution

219714-96-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1664.0001

Pentachloroaniline standard solution

527-20-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1665.0001

Pentachloroanisole standard solution

1 ml CL40.1602.0001
1825-21-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1602.0005
Pentachlorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1603.0001
608-93-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1603.0005

608-93-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL42.1609.0001

Pentachloroethane standard solution

76-01-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1666.0001

Pentachloronitrobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1604.0001
82-68-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1604.0005
1 ml CL40.1605.0001
82-68-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1605.0005

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 217
Single Component Standards

Pentachlorophenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.1606.0001
87-86-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1606.0005
1 ml CL40.1607.0001
87-86-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1607.0005
13C-Pentachlorophenol standard solution

85380-74-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Nonane 1 ml CL40.1647.0001

Pentachlorophenol acetate standard solution

1441-02-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1667.0001

2,3,4,5,6-Pentachlorostyrene standard solution


14992-81-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1668.0001

Pentacosane standard solution

629-99-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1699.0001

n-Pentadecane (15C) standard solution

629-62-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL40.1669.0001

629-62-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1698.0001

Pentadecanoic acid methyl ester standard solution

7132-64-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.1603.0001

10-Pentadecenoic acid methyl ester standard solution

90176-52-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.1604.0001

Pentaerythritol tetranitrate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1608.0001
78-11-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1608.0005
Pentafluorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1609.0001
363-72-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1609.0005
Pentafluorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.1610.0001
771-61-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1610.0005
n-Pentane standard solution
1 ml CL40.1611.0001
109-66-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1611.0005

109-66-0 Solution contains 10 mg/l in de-inoized Water 10 ml CL40.1648.0010

3-Pentanol standard solution NEW

584-02-1 Solution contains 1% w/w in Ethanol 1 ml CL42.1614.0001

2-Pentanone standard solution

107-87-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1670.0001

3-Pentanone standard solution

96-22-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1671.0001

Pentatriacontane standard solution

630-07-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.1600.0001

218 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Pentoxazone standard solution

110956-75-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1672.0001

Perfluidone standard solution

37924-13-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1673.0001

Perfluoro-n-butane standard solution

355-25-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1674.0001

Perfluorooctane standard solution

307-34-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1675.0001

trans-Permethrin-D6 (dimethyl-D6) standard solution


82523-59-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1678.0001

cis-Permethrin standard solution

61949-76-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1676.0001

Permethrin (mixed isomers) standard solution

1 ml CL40.1612.0001
52645-53-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1612.0005
trans-Permethrin standard solution

61949-77-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1677.0001

Perthane® standard solution

1 ml CL40.1613.0001
72-56-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1613.0005
Perylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1614.0001
198-55-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.1614.0005
Perylene-D12 standard solution
1 ml CL40.1615.0001
1520-96-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1615.0005
Phenamiphos standard solution
1 ml CL40.1616.0001
2224-42-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1616.0005
Phenthoate standard solution

2597-03-7 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1651.0001

Phenanthrene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1617.0001
85-01-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1617.0005
Phenanthrene-D10 standard solution NEW

1517-22-2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL42.1616.0001

1 ml CL40.1618.0001
1517-22-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1618.0005
Phenkapton standard solution

2275-14-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1679.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 219
Single Component Standards

Phenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.1619.0001
108-95-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1619.0005
1 ml CL40.1620.0001
108-95-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1620.0005
Phenol-2,3,4,5,6-D5 standard solution

4165-62-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1680.0001

Phenol-D6 standard solution

13127-88-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.1681.0001

d-(cis-trans)-Phenothrin standard solution


1 ml CL40.1621.0001
26002-80-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1621.0005
4-Phenyl-1-cyclohexene standard solution

4994-16-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 5 ml CL40.1641.0005

1,4-Phenylenediamine standard solution

106-50-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1682.0001

2-Phenylphenol standard solution

90-43-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1653.0001

Phorate standard solution

1 ml CL40.1622.0001
298-02-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1622.0005
Phorate-oxon standard solution

2600-69-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1684.0001

Phorate-oxon-sulfone standard solution

2588-06-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1685.0001

Phorate-oxon-sulfoxide standard solution

2588-05-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1686.0001

Phosalone standard solution

2310-17-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1687.0001

Phosdrin® (Mevinphos) standard solution

1 ml CL40.1623.0001
7786-34-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1623.0005
Phosfolan standard solution

947-02-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1688.0001

Phosmet oxon standard solution

3785-33-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.1689.0001

Phosphamidon standard solution

1 ml CL40.1624.0001
13171-21-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.1624.0005
Photochlordene standard solution

33323-93-2 Solution contains 1 mg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1690.0001

220 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Photodieldrin standard solution

13366-73-9 Solution contains 1 mg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1691.0001

Photoheptachlor standard solution

33442-83-0 Solution contains 1 mg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1692.0001

Phoxim standard solution

14816-18-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1693.0001

Phoxim-oxon standard solution

14816-17-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1694.0001

Phthalic acid, benzylbutyl ester (3,4,5,6)-D4 standard solution


93951-88-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1695.0001

Phthalide standard solution

27355-22-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1696.0001

Phytane standard solution

638-36-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.1602.0001

Picloram standard solution

1 ml CL40.1625.0001
1918-02-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1625.0005

1918-02-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1671.0001

2-Picoline standard solution

1 ml CL40.1626.0001
109-06-8 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1626.0005
Pirimicarb standard solution

23103-98-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1697.0001

Pirimicarb-desamido standard solution

40778-16-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1698.0001

Pirimicarb-desamido-desmethyl standard solution

78195-30-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1601.0001

Pirimicarb-desmethyl standard solution

30614-22-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1699.0001

Pirimicarb-desmethyl-formamido standard solution

27218-04-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1602.0001

Pirimiphos-ethyl standard solution

23505-41-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1603.0001

Pirimiphos-ethyl-oxon standard solution

36378-61-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1604.0001

Pirimiphos-methyl standard solution

29232-93-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1605.0001

29232-93-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL42.1605.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 221
Single Component Standards

Pirimiphos-methyl-N-desethyl standard solution

67018-59-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1606.0001

Pirimiphos-methyl-oxon standard solution

64709-45-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1607.0001

Ponazuril standard solution

69004-04-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1608.0001

Pristane standard solution

1921-70-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL42.1601.0001

Prochloraz standard solution


67747-09-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1609.0001

Procymidone standard solution

32809-16-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1610.0001

Prodiamine standard solution

29091-21-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1611.0001

Profenofos standard solution

41198-08-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1612.0001

Prohydrojasmon standard solution

158474-72-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1613.0001

Promecarb standard solution

2631-37-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1614.0001

Prometon standard solution

1 ml CL40.1627.0001
1610-18-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1627.0005
Prometryne standard solution
1 ml CL40.1628.0001
7287-19-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1628.0005
Propachlor standard solution
1 ml CL40.1629.0001
1918-16-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1629.0005
Propamocarb hydrochloride standard solution

25606-41-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1615.0001

1-Propanethiol standard solution

107-03-9 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene 1 ml CL41.1649.0001

Propargite standard solution

2312-35-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1616.0001

Propazine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1630.0001
139-40-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1630.0005

222 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Propetamphos standard solution

31218-83-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1617.0001

Propham standard solution

1 ml CL40.1631.0001
122-42-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1631.0005
Ethoprophos standard solution
1 ml CL40.1632.0001
13194-48-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.1632.0005
Propiconazole standard solution

60207-90-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1618.0001


Propionic acid (Propanoic acid) standard solution

79-09-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1619.0001

Propionic acid methyl ester standard solution

554-12-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.1620.0001

Propionitrile standard solution

1 ml CL40.1633.0001
107-12-0 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1633.0005
1 ml CL40.1634.0001
107-12-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1634.0005
Propionylpromazine hydrochloride standard solution

7681-67-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1621.0001

Propoxycarbazone sodium standard solution

181274-15-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1622.0001

n-Propylbenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1635.0001
103-65-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1635.0005
1 ml CL40.1636.0001
103-65-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1636.0005
Propyzamide standard solution
1 ml CL40.1637.0001
23950-58-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1637.0005
Prosulfocarb standard solution

52888-80-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1623.0001

Prosulfuron standard solution

94125-34-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1624.0001

Prothiocarb hydrochloride standard solution

19622-19-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1625.0001

Prothoate standard solution

2275-18-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1626.0001

Prynachlor standard solution

21267-72-1 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1627.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 223
Single Component Standards

Pyrazolynate standard solution

58011-68-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1628.0001

Pyrazophos standard solution

13457-18-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.1629.0001

Pyrene standard solution

1 ml CL40.1645.0001
129-00-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1645.0005
1 ml CL40.1638.0001
129-00-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1638.0005
Pyributicarb standard solution

88678-67-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1631.0001

Pyridaben standard solution

96489-71-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1632.0001

Pyridalyl standard solution

179101-81-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1633.0001

Pyridaphenthion standard solution

119-12-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.1634.0001

Pyridate standard solution

55512-33-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1635.0001

Pyridine standard solution

1 ml CL40.1639.0001
110-86-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1639.0005
Pyridine-D5 standard solution
1 ml CL40.1640.0001
7291-22-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
5 ml CL40.1640.0005
Pyridinitril standard solution

1086-02-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1636.0001

Pyrimethanil standard solution

53112-28-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.1639.0001

Pyrimitate standard solution

5221-49-8 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.1640.0001

Pyriproxyfen standard solution

95737-68-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.1641.0001

Quinalphos standard solution

13593-03-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.1701.0001

Quinmerac standard solution

90717-03-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1702.0001

Quinoclamine standard solution

2797-51-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1703.0001

224 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Quintiophos standard solution

1776-83-6 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL40.1704.0001

Resmethrin-alcohol metabolite standard solution

20416-09-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1808.0001

Rotenone standard solution

1 ml CL40.1801.0001
83-79-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1801.0005
Safrole standard solution
1 ml CL40.1901.0001
94-59-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1901.0005


Salbutamol free base standard solution

18559-94-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1921.0001

Salinomycin sodium salt 2,5-hydrate standard solution

55721-31-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1922.0001

Sanmarton standard solution

1 ml CL40.1902.0001
51630-58-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1902.0005
Schradan standard solution

152-16-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.1923.0001

Sebuthylazine standard solution

7286-69-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1924.0001

Secbumeton standard solution

26259-45-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1925.0001

Siduron standard solution

1 ml CL40.1903.0001
1982-49-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.1903.0005
Silvex standard solution
1 ml CL40.1904.0001
93-72-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1904.0005
Silvex methyl ester (fenoprop methyl ester) standard solution
1 ml CL40.1905.0001
4841-20-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1905.0005
Simazine standard solution

122-34-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone - Freeze/Sonicate 1 ml CL40.1919.0001

122-34-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol - Freeze/Sonicate 5 ml CL40.1920.0005

1 ml CL40.1906.0001
122-34-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone - Freeze/Sonicate
5 ml CL40.1906.0005

122-34-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol - Freeze/Sonicate 1 ml CL40.1946.0001

Simazine (ring 13C3) standard solution

Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone - Freeze/Sonicate 1 ml CL40.1926.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 225
Single Component Standards

Simazine-D5 standard solution

220621-41-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone - Freeze/Sonicate 1 ml CL40.1927.0001

Simeconazole standard solution

149508-90-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1928.0001

Simetryn standard solution

1 ml CL40.1907.0001
1014-70-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1907.0005
Solvent Yellow 124 standard solution NEW

34432-92-3 Solution contains 100 µg/g in iso-Octane 10 ml CL40.1952.0010


Sonar® standard solution

1 ml CL40.1908.0001
59756-60-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.1908.0005
Spinosad standard solution

168316-95-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1947.0001

Spirodiclofen standard solution

148477-71-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.1948.0001

Squalane standard solution

111-01-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Chloroform 1 ml CL40.1949.0001

Stearyl stearate standard solution

2778-96-3 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.1938.0001

Strobane ® standard solution

1 ml CL40.1909.0001
8001-50-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1909.0005
Styrene standard solution
1 ml CL40.1910.0001
100-42-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
5 ml CL40.1910.0005
1 ml CL40.1911.0001
100-42-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
5 ml CL40.1911.0005
Sudan 1-D5 (phenyl-D5) standard solution

752211-63-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.1929.0001

Sulfacetamide standard solution

144-80-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1930.0001

Sulfachloropyridazine standard solution

80-32-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1931.0001

Sulfaguanidine monohydrate standard solution

6190-55-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1932.0001

Sulfameter standard solution

651-06-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1933.0001

Sulfamethazine-N4-acetyl standard solution

100-90-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1934.0001

226 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Sulfamethoxypyridazine standard solution

80-35-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1935.0001

Sulfapyridine standard solution

144-83-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1936.0001

Sulfathiazole standard solution

72-14-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.1937.0001

Sulprofos standard solution

1 ml CL40.1912.0001
35400-43-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.1912.0005


1 ml CL40.1913.0001
35400-43-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1913.0005
Swep standard solution
1 ml CL40.1914.0001
1918-18-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.1914.0005
2,4,5-TB standard solution

93-80-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2081.0001

Tebuconazole standard solution

107534-96-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2082.0001

107534-96-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 2 ml CL41.2083.0002

Tebufenozide standard solution

112410-23-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.2083.0001

Tebufenpyrad standard solution

119168-77-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2084.0001

Tebutam standard solution

35256-85-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2085.0001

Tefluthrin standard solution

79538-32-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2087.0001

Terbacil standard solution

1 ml CL40.2002.0001
5902-51-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2002.0005
Terbucarb standard solution

1918-11-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2088.0001

Terbufos standard solution

1 ml CL40.2003.0001
13071-79-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2003.0005
Terbufos-D10 standard solution

Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.2081.0001

Terbufos-oxon standard solution

56070-14-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2089.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 227
Single Component Standards

Terbufos-oxon-sulfoxide standard solution

56165-57-2 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2090.0001

Terbuthylazine standard solution

1 ml CL40.2004.0001
5915-41-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.2004.0005
1 ml CL40.2005.0001
5915-41-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2005.0005
Terbuthylazine-D5 (ethyl-D5) standard solution

222986-60-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.2091.0001

Terbuthylazine-desethyl standard solution


30125-63-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2092.0001

Terbutryne standard solution

1 ml CL40.2006.0001
886-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2006.0005
1 ml CL40.2007.0001
886-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2007.0005
o-Terphenyl standard solution NEW

84-15-1 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.2085.0001

p-Terphenyl standard solution NEW

92-94-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.2091.0001

Terrazole® standard solution

1 ml CL40.2008.0001
2593-15-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2008.0005
Testosterone standard solution

58-22-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2093.0001

3,3´,4,4´-Tetrachloroazobenzene standard solution

14047-09-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2094.0001

1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.2009.0001
634-66-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.2009.0005
1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.2010.0001
634-90-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
5 ml CL40.2010.0005
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene standard solution NEW

95-94-3 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2087.0001

1 ml CL40.2011.0001
95-94-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.2011.0005

95-94-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2095.0001

13C-1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene standard solution NEW

Solution contains 500 µg/ml in n-Nonane 1 ml CL41.2063.0001

2,2´,5,5´-Tetrachlorobenzidine standard solution

15721-02-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2096.0001

228 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.2012.0001
630-20-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2012.0005
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane standard solution NEW

79-34-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2064.0001

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.2013.0001
630-20-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2013.0005
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.2014.0001
79-34-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol


5 ml CL40.2014.0005
Tetrachloroethene standard solution NEW

127-18-4 Solution contains 100000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2093.0001

1 ml CL40.2015.0001
127-18-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2015.0005
1 ml CL40.2016.0001
127-18-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2016.0005
Tetrachloroguajacol standard solution

2539-17-5 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL40.2098.0001

2,3,5,6-Tetrachloronitrobenzene (Tecnazene) standard solution

117-18-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL40.2086.0001

2,3,4,5-Tetrachlorophenol standard solution

4901-51-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2099.0001

2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol standard solution

1 ml CL40.2018.0001
58-90-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2018.0005
2,3,5,6-Tetrachlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.2017.0001
935-95-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
5 ml CL40.2017.0005
Tetrachloroterephthalic acid standard solution
1 ml CL40.2019.0001
2136-79-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.2019.0005
2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene (TCMX) standard solution
1 ml CL40.2020.0001
877-09-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.2020.0005

877-09-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2059.0001

Tetrachlorvinphos standard solution

1 ml CL40.2021.0001
22248-79-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2021.0005
Tetraconazole standard solution

112281-77-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2001.0001

Tetracontane standard solution

4181-95-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2073.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 229
Single Component Standards

Tetracosane standard solution

646-31-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2069.0001

Tetradecane standard solution

629-59-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2067.0001

Tetradifon standard solution

116-29-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2003.0001

Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate standard solution

1 ml CL40.2022.0001
3689-24-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
5 ml CL40.2022.0005

1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane standard solution

811-97-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2004.0001

Tetrahydrofuran standard solution

1 ml CL40.2023.0001
109-99-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2023.0005
Tetramethrin standard solution
1 ml CL40.2024.0001
7696-12-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
5 ml CL40.2024.0005
1,2,3,4-Tetramethylbenzene standard solution

488-23-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2005.0001

3,3´,5,5´-Tetramethylbenzidine standard solution

54827-17-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2006.0001

Tetranoic acid-methyl ester standard solution NEW

623-42-7 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2080.0001

Tetratriacontane standard solution

14167-59-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2072.0001

Thebaine standard solution

115-37-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2008.0001

Thenylchlor standard solution

96491-05-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2009.0001

Thiabendazole standard solution

148-79-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2010.0001

Thiabendazole-5-hydroxy standard solution

948-71-0 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2011.0001

Thiamethoxam standard solution

153719-23-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2074.0001

Thiazafluron standard solution

25366-23-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2012.0001

(R)-(-)-2-Thiazolidine-2-thione-4-carboxylic acid standard solution

98169-56-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2013.0001

230 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Thiodicarb standard solution

59669-26-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Ethylacetate 1 ml CL41.2014.0001

Thiometon standard solution

640-15-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2015.0001

Thiometon-sulfone standard solution

20301-63-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2016.0001

Thiometon-sulfoxide standard solution

2703-37-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2017.0001

Thiophanate-methyl standard solution


23564-05-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2075.0001

Thiophene standard solution

110-02-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2076.0001

Thiram-D12 standard solution

69193-86-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2018.0001

Tiadinil standard solution

223580-51-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2019.0001

Tokuthion® standard solution

1 ml CL40.2025.0001
34643-46-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2025.0005
Tolclofos-methyl standard solution

57018-04-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2020.0001

o-Tolidine standard solution

1 ml CL40.2026.0001
119-93-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2026.0005
Toluene standard solution NEW

108-88-3 Solution contains 10 wt% in n-Hexane 2 ml CL41.2092.0002

1 ml CL40.2027.0001
108-88-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2027.0005
1 ml CL40.2028.0001
108-88-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2028.0005
Toluene-D8 standard solution
1 ml CL40.2029.0001
2037-26-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.2029.0005
p-Toluidine standard solution

106-49-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2022.0001

m-Toluidine standard solution

108-44-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2021.0001

o-Toluidine standard solution

1 ml CL40.2030.0001
95-53-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2030.0005

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 231
Single Component Standards

Tolylfluanid standard solution

731-27-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2076.0001

Toxaphene standard solution NEW

8001-35-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2079.0001

8001-35-2 Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.2072.0001

Tralomethrin standard solution

66841-25-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane 1 ml CL41.2023.0001

Trenbolone acetate standard solution

10161-34-9 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2024.0001


n-Triacontane (C30) standard solution

1 ml CL40.2031.0001
638-68-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Benzene
5 ml CL40.2031.0005

638-68-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2070.0001

1-Triacontanol standard solution

593-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL41.2025.0001

Triadimefon standard solution

1 ml CL40.2032.0001
43121-43-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2032.0005
Triadimenol standard solution

55219-65-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2026.0001

Triadimenol isomer A standard solution

89482-17-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2027.0001

Triadimenol isomer B standard solution

70585-37-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2028.0001

Tri-allate standard solution

2303-17-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2029.0001

Triamiphos standard solution

1031-47-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2030.0001

Triazamate standard solution

112143-82-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2031.0001

Triazophos standard solution

24017-47-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2032.0001

Tribromoacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.2033.0001
75-96-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2033.0005
2,4,6-Tribromophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.2034.0001
118-79-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
5 ml CL40.2034.0005

118-79-6 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2082.0001

232 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Tributylphosphate standard solution

126-73-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2033.0001

S,S,S-Tributylphosphorotrithioate standard solution

1 ml CL40.2035.0001
78-48-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2035.0005
Tricaprin standard solution

621-71-6 Solution contains 8.000 µg/ml in Pyridine 5 ml CL40.2074.0005

Trichlamide standard solution

70193-21-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2034.0001


Trichloroacetamide standard solution NEW

594-65-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2086.0001

Trichloroacetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.2036.0001
76-03-9 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2036.0005
Trichloroacetonitrile standard solution
1 ml CL40.2037.0001
545-06-2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
5 ml CL40.2037.0005
2,4,6-Trichloroanisole standard solution

87-40-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2078.0001

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene standard solution

1 ml CL40.2038.0001
87-61-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2038.0005
1 ml CL40.2039.0001
87-61-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2039.0005
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene standard solution
1 ml CL40.2040.0001
120-82-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2040.0005
1 ml CL40.2041.0001
120-82-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2041.0005
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene standard solution

108-70-3 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2066.0001

1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene-D3 standard solution

1198-60-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.2036.0001

2,3,6-Trichlorobenzoic acid standard solution

50-31-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2037.0001

1,1,1-Trichloroethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.2042.0001
71-55-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2042.0005

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 233
Single Component Standards

1,1,2-Trichloroethane standard solution

1 ml CL40.2043.0001
79-00-5 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2043.0005
1 ml CL40.2044.0001
79-00-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2044.0005
2,2,2-Trichloroethanol standard solution NEW

115-20-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 10 ml CL41.2089.0010

Trichloroethene standard solution

1 ml CL40.2045.0001
79-01-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2045.0005
1 ml CL40.2046.0001

79-01-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol

5 ml CL40.2046.0005
Trichlorofluoromethane standard solution
1 ml CL40.2047.0001
75-69-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2047.0005
1 ml CL40.2048.0001
75-69-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2048.0005
Trichloronate standard solution
1 ml CL40.2049.0001
327-98-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2049.0005
2,3,4-Trichlorophenol standard solution

15950-66-0 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2060.0001

1 ml CL40.2054.0001
15950-66-0 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
5 ml CL40.2054.0005
2,3,5-Trichlorophenol standard solution

933-78-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2061.0001

1 ml CL40.2055.0001
933-78-8 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
5 ml CL40.2055.0005
2,3,6-Trichlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.2056.0001
933-75-5 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
5 ml CL40.2056.0005
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.2050.0001
95-95-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2050.0005
1 ml CL40.2051.0001
95-95-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2051.0005
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol standard solution
1 ml CL40.2052.0001
88-06-2 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2052.0005
1 ml CL40.2053.0001
88-06-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2053.0005
3,4,5-Trichlorophenol standard solution

609-19-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2038.0001

2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid standard solution

1 ml CL40.2001.0001
93-76-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2001.0005

234 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

2,4,5-(Trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid methyl ester standard solution

1 ml CL40.2057.0001
1928-37-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2057.0005
1,2,3-Trichloropropane standard solution
1 ml CL40.2058.0001
96-18-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2058.0005
1 ml CL40.2059.0001
96-18-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2059.0005
1,1,1-Trichloro-2-propanone standard solution
1 ml CL40.2060.0001
918-00-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2060.0005


1 ml CL40.2061.0001
918-00-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2061.0005
3,5,6-Trichloro-2-pyridinol standard solution

6515-38-4 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2039.0001

2,4,5-Trichlorotoluene standard solution NEW

6639-30-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2062.0001

2,3,6-Trichlorotoluene standard solution

2077-46-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2041.0001

2,4,5-Trichlorotoluene standard solution

6639-30-1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2070.0001

alpha,3,4-Trichlorotoluene standard solution

102-47-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2040.0001

1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane standard solution NEW

76-13-1 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2088.0001

76-13-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2042.0001

Triclopyr standard solution

55335-06-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone 1 ml CL41.2043.0001

Tricosane standard solution

638-67-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2068.0001

n-Tridecane (13C) standard solution

629-50-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.2044.0001

629-50-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2066.0001

1,2,4-Triethylbenzene standard solution NEW

877-44-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2045.0001

O,O,O-Triethylphosphorothioate standard solution

126-68-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL41.2046.0001

Trifloxystrobin standard solution

141517-21-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2077.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 235
Single Component Standards

Triflumizole standard solution

99387-89-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2078.0001

Triflumuron standard solution

64628-44-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2047.0001

1,1,1-Trifluoroethane standard solution

420-46-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2048.0001

a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene standard solution

1 ml CL40.2062.0001
98-08-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2062.0005

Trifluralin standard solution

1 ml CL40.2063.0001
1582-09-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2063.0005
Triforin standard solution

26644-46-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2075.0001

Trihexylamine standard solution

102-86-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2049.0001

Trimethoprim standard solution

738-70-5 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2050.0001

2,4,5-Trimethylaniline standard solution

137-17-7 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2051.0001

1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene standard solution

526-73-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2052.0001

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene standard solution

95-63-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2079.0001

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene standard solution

108-67-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2053.0001

2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate standard solution

6846-50-0 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2054.0001

2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-pentene standard solution

107-40-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2055.0001

2,3,5-Trimethylphenol standard solution

697-82-5 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2071.0001

2,4,6-Trinitrophenol (Picric acid) standard solution

88-89-1 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL41.2056.0001

Triolein standard solution

122-32-7 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine - Keep at -20°C 2 ml CL40.2073.0002

Triphenylen standard solution NEW

217-59-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL41.2090.0001

236 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Single Component Standards

Triphenyl phosphate standard solution

1 ml CL40.2064.0001
115-86-6 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2064.0005

115-86-6 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 ml CL40.2077.0001

Tripropylamine standard solution

102-69-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL41.2058.0001

Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate standard solution

1 ml CL40.2065.0001
126-72-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2065.0005
Tritriacontane standard solution


630-05-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL41.2071.0001

n-Undecane (C11) standard solution

1120-21-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane 1 ml CL40.2101.0001

1120-21-4 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.2105.0001

Undecanoic acid methyl ester standard solution

1731-86-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.2102.0001

2-Undecanone standard solution

112-12-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2103.0001

Uracil standard solution

66-22-8 Solution contains 125 mg/l in de-ionized Water 2 ml CL40.2104.0002

n-Valeric acid standard solution

109-52-4 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.2206.0001

Valeric acid-methyl ester standard solution

624-24-8 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.2207.0001

Vamidothion standard solution

2275-23-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2208.0001

Vamidothion-sulfone standard solution

70898-34-9 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2209.0001

Velpar standard solution

1 ml CL40.2201.0001
51235-04-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
5 ml CL40.2201.0005
Vernolate standard solution
1 ml CL40.2202.0001
1929-77-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2202.0005
Vinclozolin standard solution

50471-44-8 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2210.0001

Vinyl chloride standard solution NEW

75-01-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane 1 ml CL40.2213.0001

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 237
Single Component Standards

Vinylacetate standard solution

108-05-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2211.0001

Vinyl chloride standard solution

1 ml CL40.2204.0001
75-01-4 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
5 ml CL40.2204.0005
1 ml CL40.2203.0001
75-01-4 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
5 ml CL40.2203.0005
4-Vinyl-1-cyclohexene standard solution

100-40-3 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2212.0001

Warfarin standard solution


81-81-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2301.0001

XMC (technical, mixture of 3,5-, 2,4-, 2,5-Xylyl standard solution

2655-14-3 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Cyclohexane 1 ml CL40.2412.0001

p-Xylene standard solution

1 ml CL40.2404.0001
106-42-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2404.0005

106-42-3 Solution contains 100 µg/g in de-inoized Water 5 ml CL40.1652.0005

1 ml CL40.2405.0001
106-42-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2405.0005
m-Xylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.2401.0001
108-38-3 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2401.0005

108-38-3 Solution contains 100 µg/g in de-inoized Water 5 ml CL40.2407.0005

1 ml CL40.2406.0001
108-38-3 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2406.0005
o-Xylene standard solution
1 ml CL40.2402.0001
95-47-6 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2402.0005
1 ml CL40.2403.0001
95-47-6 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2403.0005
Xylylcarb standard solution

2425-10-7 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile 1 ml CL40.2413.0001

Zineb standard solution

57-68-1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol 1 ml CL40.2602.0001

Zinophos® (thionazin) standard solution

1 ml CL40.2601.0001
297-97-2 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
5 ml CL40.2601.0005

“We have the Solutions”

238 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.2 NEAT Standards 241-252


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 239
Product Analysis Certificate
Page 1 of 1

Art. Nr. : CL46.1391 Lot Nr. : 26.5782901

Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), GC reference standard
99+% C6H12O

Use: For laboratory use, GC reference standard

Traceability: Reference standards

Spec. value Batch value
Assay Assay : 99.0-100% 99,8 %w/w
Purity GC/FID Purity GC/FID : 99.0-100% 99,8% (GC Area)
Purity GC/MSD Purity GC/MSD : 99.0-100% 99,7% (GC Area)
Water H2O : 0-0.1% ww 0,1% w/w
Residue after Evaporation Res.Evap. : 0-0.001% ww : 0-0.001% ww
Appearance Appearance : clear col. liq. : clear col. liq.
Colour Colour : 0-10 APHA, Pt-Co : 0-10 APHA, Pt-Co

Chemist: Luis Bianchi Date of release: 29-01-2018

Expires: Jan-2023
Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :

240 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
NEAT Standards


83-32-9 99.0+% C12H10 10 mg CL46.0101.0010


208-96-8 99.0+% C12H8 10 mg CL46.0103.0010


30560-19-1 96.0+% C4H10NO3PS 10 mg CL46.0104.0010


34256-82-1 97.0+% C14H20ClNO2 10 mg CL46.0110.0010

Acetonitrile (ACN), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0140.0005
75-05-8 99.9+% CH3CN
100 ml CL46.0140.0100



107-02-8 97.0+% C3H4O 100 mg CL46.0122.0100


15972-60-8 97.0+% C14H20ClNO2 10 mg CL46.0170.0010


309-00-2 97.0+% C12H8Cl6 10 mg CL46.0171.0010


116-06-3 99.0+% C7H14N2O2S 10 mg CL46.0127.0010

Aldicarb sulphone

1646-88-4 99.0+% C7H14N2O4S 10 mg CL46.0128.0010

Aldicarb sulphoxide

1646-87-3 96.0+% C7H14N2O3S 10 mg CL46.0129.0010


62-53-3 99+% C6H7N 100 mg CL46.0142.0100

Arachidic acid

506-30-9 99.0+% C20H40O2 100 mg CL46.0172.0100

Arachidonic acid

506-32-1 99+% C20H32O2 100 mg CL46.0174.0100


1912-24-9 97.0+% C8H14ClN5 100 mg CL46.0169.0100

Atrazine-13C (Ring - 13C3)

97.0+% C8H14ClN5 5 mg CL46.0154.0005


2642-71-9 98.0+% C12H16N3O3PS2 10 mg CL46.0168.0010


86-50-0 99.0+% C10H12N3O3PS2 10 mg CL46.0165.0010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 241
NEAT Standards


319-85-7 99.0+% C6H6Cl6 10 mg CL46.0237.0010

gamma-BHC (Lindane)
10 mg CL46.0801.0010
58-89-9 99.0+% C6H6Cl6
100 mg CL46.0801.0100
Behenic acid

112-85-6 99.0+% C22H44O2 100 mg CL46.0294.0100


25057-89-0 99+% C10H12N2O3S 10 mg CL46.0209.0010


56-55-3 99.0+% C18H12 10 mg CL46.0218.0010



71-43-2 99.9+% C6H6 100 mg CL46.0215.0100

10 mg CL46.0217.0010
92-87-5 99.0+% C12H12N2
100 mg CL46.0217.0100

205-99-2 99.0+% C20H12 5 mg CL46.0222.0005


205-82-3 99.0+% C20H12 5 mg CL46.0225.0005


207-08-9 99.0+% C20H12 5 mg CL46.0223.0005


191-24-2 99.0+% C22H12 5 mg CL46.0230.0005

191-24-2 99.0+% C22H12 10 mg CL46.0293.0010


50-32-8 99.0+% C20H12 5 mg CL46.0232.0005


314-40-9 99.0+% C9H13BrN2O2 10 mg CL46.0249.0010


75-27-4 99.0+% CHBrCl2 100 mg CL46.0263.0100


75-25-2 99+% CHBr3 100 mg CL46.0265.0100

Butanol-(1), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0240.0005
71-36-3 99+% CH3(CH2)3OH
100 ml CL46.0240.0100
Butanol-(tert), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0241.0005
75-65-0 99+% C4H10O
100 ml CL46.0241.0100

242 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
NEAT Standards

Di-n-butyl phthalate

84-74-2 99.0+% C16H22O4 100 mg CL46.0453.0100

Butyric acid

107-92-6 99.0+% C4H8O2 100 mg CL46.0292.0100


133-06-2 99.0+% C9H8Cl3NO2S 10 mg CL46.0303.0010


63-25-2 99.0+% C12H11NO2 10 mg CL46.0305.0010


1563-66-2 98.0+% C12H15NO3 10 mg CL46.0314.0010



16655-82-6 99.0+% C12H15NO4 5 mg CL46.0315.0005

Carbon tetrachloride

99.9+% CCl4 100 mg CL46.0317.0100

Chlordane (Technical)

57-74-9 98.0+% C10H6Cl8 10 mg CL46.0329.0010


67-66-3 99.0+% CHCl3 100 mg CL46.0347.0100


2921-88-2 99+% C9H11Cl3NO3PS 10 mg CL46.0376.0010


5598-13-0 99.0+% C7H7Cl3NO3PS 10 mg CL46.0378.0010


218-01-9 99.0+% C18H12 10 mg CL46.0395.0010


50-22-6 98.0+% C21H30O4 10 mg CL46.0387.0010


21725-46-2 98.0+% C9H13ClN6 10 mg CL46.0397.0010

Cyclohexane, GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0398.0005
110-82-7 99+% C6H12 100 ml CL46.0398.0100
1l CL46.0398.1000
2,4-D 99%

94-75-7 99+% C8H6Cl2O3 10 mg CL46.0401.0010


94-82-6 98+% C10H10Cl2O3 10 mg CL46.0407.0010


72-54-8 95.0+% C14H10Cl4 10 mg CL46.0411.0010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 243
NEAT Standards


72-55-9 95.0+% C14H8Cl4 10 mg CL46.0413.0010


789-02-6 95.0+% C14H9Cl5 10 mg CL46.0416.0010

1g CL46.0415.0001
50-29-3 95.0+% C14H9Cl5
10 mg CL46.0415.0010

124-18-5 99+% C10H22 100 mg CL46.0420.0100


52918-63-5 98.0+% C22H19Br2NO3 10 mg CL46.0426.0010


Demeton (O+S)

8065-48-3 92.0+% C8H19O3PS2 10 mg CL46.0427.0010


333-41-5 99.0+% C12H21N2O3PS 10 mg CL46.0436.0010


106-93-4 99.0+% C2H4Br2 100 mg CL46.0447.0100


1085-98-9 98.0+% C9H11Cl2FN2O2 10 mg CL46.0460.0010


106-46-7 99+% C6H4Cl2 100 mg CL46.0474.0100

1,2-Dichloroethane, GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0482.0005
107-06-2 99.0+% C2H4Cl2
100 ml CL46.0482.0100
Diiso propylether, GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0940.0005
108-20-3 99+% C6H14O
100 ml CL46.0940.0100
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0483.0005
68-12-2 99+% C3H7NO
100 ml CL46.0483.0100

53-70-3 99.0+% C22H14 5 mg CL46.0438.0005

1,3-Dinonadecanoin NEW
50 mg CL47.0497.0050
372490-74-9 99+% C41H80O5
100 mg CL47.0497.0100
Dioxan-(1,4), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0450.0005
123-91-1 98.5+% C4H8O2
100 ml CL46.0450.0100
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

1553-41-9 99+% C20H30O2 100 mg CL46.0550.0100

244 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
NEAT Standards

Endosulfan (alpha and beta)

115-29-7 99+% C9H6Cl6O3S 10 mg CL46.0505.0010


959-98-8 99.0+% C9H6Cl6O3S 10 mg CL46.0502.0010


33213-65-9 95.0+% C9H6Cl6O3S 10 mg CL46.0503.0010


72-20-8 99.0+% C12H8Cl6O 10 mg CL46.0509.0010


106-89-8 99.0+% C3H5ClO 100 mg CL46.0512.0100



66230-04-4 97.0+% C25H22ClNO3 10 mg CL46.0517.0010


64-17-5 99.8+vol% C2H5OH 100 mg CL46.0531.0100


563-12-2 98.0+% C9H22O4P2S4 10 mg CL46.0527.0010

Ethyl benzene
10 ml CL46.0532.0010
100-41-4 99+% C8H10
100 mg CL46.0532.0100
Ethyl methyl ketone (MEK), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.0540.0005
78-93-3 95+% C4H8O
100 ml CL46.0540.0100

620-14-4 99+% C9H12 10 mg CL46.0543.0010


60168-88-9 99.0+% C17H12Cl2N2O 10 mg CL46.0605.0010


206-44-0 99.0+% C16H10 10 mg CL46.0640.0010


86-73-7 99.0+% C13H10 10 mg CL46.0641.0010


2540-82-1 80.0+% C6H12NO4PS2 in Xylene 10 mg CL46.0655.0010


56-81-5 99+% C3H8O3 100 mg CL46.0702.0100

Glyceryl triheptadecanoate NEW

1g CL46.0710.0001
2438-40-6 99%+ C54H104O6
100 mg CL46.0710.0100
Glyceryl triundecanoate NEW

13552-80-2 98%+ C36H68O6 - Keep at -20°C 100 mg CL46.0708.0100

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 245
NEAT Standards

Glyphosate 99%

1071-83-6 99+% C3H8NO5P 10 mg CL46.0703.0010

Gondoic acid

5561-99-9 99.0+% C20H38O2 100 mg CL46.0709.0100

HHCB (Galaxolide)

1222-05-5 80+% C18H26O 10 mg CL46.0837.0010


76-44-8 99.0+% C10H5Cl7 10 mg CL46.0804.0010

Heptachlor-epoxide (cis, isomer B)

1024-57-3 99.0+% C10H5Cl7O 5 mg CL46.0806.0005



629-78-7 99+% C17H36 100 mg CL46.0808.0100

Heptane-(n), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0829.0005
142-82-5 99+% C7H16
100 ml CL46.0829.0100

118-74-1 95.0+% C6Cl6 10 mg CL46.0818.0010


77-47-4 98+% C5Cl6 10 mg CL46.0820.0010


36653-82-4 99+% C16H34O 5g CL46.0850.0005

Hexane-(n), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0828.0005
110-54-3 99+% C6H14
100 ml CL46.0828.0100

35554-44-0 99.0+% C14H14Cl2N2O 10 mg CL46.0901.0010


138261-41-3 99.0+% C9H10ClN5O2 10 mg CL46.0903.0010

Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene

193-39-5 99.0+% C22H12 5 mg CL46.0906.0005


36734-19-7 99.0+% C13H13Cl2N3O3 10 mg CL46.0910.0010


25311-71-1 98.0+% C15H24NO4PS 10 mg CL46.0917.0010

Lignoceric acid methyl ester

2442-49-1 99+% C25H50O2 500 mg CL46.1212.0500


78-70-6 97+% C10H18O 1g CL46.1215.0001

246 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
NEAT Standards

Linoleic acid

60-33-3 99.0+% C18H32O2 100 mg CL46.1210.0100

Linoleic acid methyl ester

112-63-0 99+% C19H34O2 500 mg CL46.1213.0500

Linolenic acid

463-33-3 99.0+% C18H30O2 100 mg CL46.1211.0100

Linolenic acid methyl ester

301-00-8 99+% C19H32O2 500 mg CL46.1214.0500

10 mg CL46.1301.0010
121-75-5 99.0+% C10H19O6PS2
100 mg CL46.1301.0100


2-Mercaptobenzothiazole zinc salt

155-04-4 99.0+% C14H8N2S4Zn 100 mg CL46.1390.0100


57837-19-1 99.0+% C15H21NO4 10 mg CL46.1311.0010


41394-05-2 98.0+% C10H10N40 10 mg CL46.1312.0010


10265-92-6 98.0+% C2H8NO2PS 10 mg CL46.1320.0010


67-56-1 99.8+% CH3OH 100 mg CL46.1321.0100


2032-65-7 99.0+% C11H15NO2S 10 mg CL46.1325.0010


16752-77-5 99.0+% C5H10N2O2S 10 mg CL46.1328.0010


72-43-5 98.0+% C16H15Cl3O2 10 mg CL46.1330.0010

Methyl acrylate

96-33-3 99.0+% C4H6O2 100 mg CL46.1331.0100

Methyl arachidate

1120-28-1 99+% C21H42O2 500 mg CL46.0173.0500

Methyl behenate

929-77-1 99+% C23H46O2 500 mg CL46.0295.0500

Methyl cis-11-eicosenoate

2390-09-2 99+% C21H40O2 500 mg CL46.0548.0500

Methyl erucate

1120-34-9 99+% C23H44O2 500 mg CL46.0549.0500

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 247
NEAT Standards

Methyl heptadecanoate-D33

1219804-81-5 99+% C18D33H3O2 50 mg CL46.1387.0050

Methyl myristate

124-10-7 99+% C15H30O2 500 mg CL46.1388.0500

Methyl oleate

112-62-9 99+% C19H36O2 500 mg CL46.1522.0500

Methyl palmitate

112-39-0 99+% C17H34O2 500 mg CL46.1693.0500

Methyl palmitoleate

1120-25-8 99+% C17H32O2 500 mg CL46.1694.0500


Methyl stearate

112-61-8 99+% C19H38O2 500 mg CL46.1928.0500


1731-92-6 99+% C18H36O2 10 mg CL46.1341.0010

Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.1391.0005
108-10-1 99+% C6H12O
100 ml CL46.1391.0100
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), GC reference standard NEW
5 ml CL46.1392.0005
1634-04-4 99+% C5H12O
100 ml CL46.1392.0100

3567-62-2 97.0+% C8H8Cl2N2O 10 mg CL46.0496.0010


101043-37-2 95.0+% C49H74N10O12 - Keep at -20°C 500 µg CL46.1385.0500


2212-67-1 98.0+% C9H17NOS 10 mg CL46.1373.0010

Monononadecanoin NEW
1g CL46.1389.0001
112340-30-4 99+% C22H44O4
100 mg CL46.1389.0100
Musk xylene
10 mg CL46.1384.0010
81-15-2 97+% C12H15N3O6
100 mg CL46.1384.0100
Myristic acid

544-63-8 99.0+% C14H28O2 100 mg CL46.1386.0100


91-20-3 99+% C10H8 10 mg CL46.1401.0010


1146-65-2 99+% C10D8 10 mg CL46.1402.0010

248 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
NEAT Standards


90-15-3 99.0+% C10H8O 100 mg CL46.1403.0100


614-00-6 99.0+% C7H8N2O 100 mg CL46.1451.0100


629-92-5 99.0+% C19H40 1g CL46.1455.0001

Nonadecanoic acid methyl ester

1g CL46.1450.0001
1731-94-8 99.5+% C20H40O2 - Keep at -20°C 5g CL46.1450.0005
5g CL46.1450.1005


20427-84-3 98.0+% C19H32O3 5 mg CL46.1440.0005


104-35-8 98.0+% C19H28O2 10 mg CL46.1441.0010


593-45-3 99+% C18H38 1g CL46.1523.0001

Octadecyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride

122-19-0 98+% C27H50ClN 5g CL46.1520.0005

Oleic acid

112-80-1 99.0+% C18H34O2 100 mg CL46.1521.0100


1113-02-6 98.0+% C5H12NO4PS 10 mg CL46.1510.0010


23135-22-0 99.0+% C7H13N3O3S 10 mg CL46.1515.0010

Palmitic acid

57-10-3 99.0+% C16H32O2 100 mg CL46.1691.0100

Palmitoleic acid

373-49-9 99.0+% C16H30O2 100 mg CL46.1692.0100

10 mg CL46.1604.0010
56-38-2 95.0+% C10H14NO5PS
500 mg CL46.1604.0500

350820-04-1 99.0+% C10H4NO5PSD10 5 mg CL46.1605.0005


298-00-0 99.0+% C8H10NO5PS 10 mg CL46.1606.0010


66246-88-6 99.0+% C13H15Cl2N3 10 mg CL46.1610.0010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 249
NEAT Standards


40487-42-1 99.0+% C13H19N3O4 10 mg CL46.1611.0010

Pentachlorobenzene 99%

608-93-5 99+% C6HCl5 100 mg CL46.1614.0100


82-68-8 98.0+% C6Cl5NO2 10 mg CL46.1616.0010

1g CL46.1617.0001
87-86-5 99+% C6HCl5O
10 mg CL46.1617.0010
2,3,4,5,6-Pentachlorotoluene 99%

877-11-2 99+% C7H3Cl5 100 mg CL46.1690.0100



109-66-0 99+% C5H12 100 mg CL46.1623.0100

Permethrine (mixed isomers)

52645-53-1 98.0+% C21H20Cl2O3 10 mg CL46.1629.0010


61949-76-6 99+% C21H20Cl2O3 5 mg CL46.1627.0005


61949-77-7 99+% C21H20Cl2O3 5 mg CL46.1628.0005


1517-22-2 99+% C14D10 10 mg CL46.1634.0010


80-56-8 98+% C10H16 1g CL46.1695.0001


51-03-6 98.0+% C19H30O5 10 mg CL46.1696.0010


7287-19-6 98+% C10H19N5S 10 mg CL46.1661.0010


1918-16-7 99+% C11H14ClNO 10 mg CL46.1662.0010

Propanol-1 (n-Propanol), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.0941.0005
71-23-8 99+% C3H8O
100 ml CL46.0941.0100
Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol)

67-63-0 99.8+% C3H8O 100 mg CL46.0922.0100


139-40-2 98+% C9H16ClN5 10 mg CL46.1665.0010


20207-90-1 99.0+% C15H17Cl2N3O2 10 mg CL46.1669.0010

250 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
NEAT Standards

Propoxur (Baygon)
10 mg CL46.0202.0010
114-26-1 99.0+% C11H15NO3
100 mg CL46.0202.0100

23950-58-5 99+% C12H11Cl2NO 10 mg CL46.1676.0010


95737-68-1 98+% C20H19NO3 10 mg CL46.1689.0010


13593-03-8 99.0+% C12H15N2O3PS 10 mg CL46.1701.0010

Retinyl palmitate

79-81-2 98.0+% C36H60O2 5g CL46.1803.0005



7681-76-7 98.0+% C6H8N4O4 - Keep at -20°C 100 mg CL46.1802.0100


83-79-4 98.0+% C23H22O6 10 mg CL46.1801.0010


122-34-9 99.0+% C7H12ClN5 10 mg CL46.1910.0010

Simazine D5

220621-41-0 99.0+% C7H7ClN5D5 5 mg CL46.1911.0005

Sonar® (Fluoridone)

59756-60-4 99.0+% C19H14F3NO 10 mg CL46.1914.0010

Stearic acid

57-11-4 99.0+% C18H36O2 100 mg CL46.1927.0100

10 ml CL46.1916.0010
100-42-5 99+% C8H8 - Keep at -20°C
100 mg CL46.1916.0100
Sulfaguanidine monohydrate

6190-55-2 98.0+% C7H10N4O2S 10 mg CL46.1920.0010


107534-96-3 99.0+% C16H22ClN3O 10 mg CL46.2002.0010


117-18-0 99+% C6HCl4NO2 10 mg CL46.2006.0010


5915-41-3 99+% C9H16ClN5 10 mg CL46.2011.0010


20126-76-5 95+% C10H18O 1g CL46.2018.0001


127-18-4 99.0+% C2Cl4 100 mg CL46.2026.0100

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 251
NEAT Standards


112281-77-3 99.0+% C13H11Cl2F4N3O 10 mg CL46.2033.0010

Tetrahydrofuran (THF), GC reference standard NEW

5 ml CL46.2019.0005
109-99-9 99.9+% C4H8O (Stabilised with up to 250 ppm BHT)
100 ml CL46.2019.0100

148-79-8 99.0+% C10H7N3S 10 mg CL46.2041.0010


89-83-8 99+% C10H14O 1g CL46.2017.0001


2037-26-5 99.0+% C7D8 10 mg CL46.2050.0010


Tributyl phosphate 99%

126-73-8 99+% C12H27O4P 10 mg CL46.2064.0010


71-55-6 99+% C2H3Cl3 100 mg CL46.2076.0100


79-01-6 99+% C2HCl3 100 mg CL46.2078.0100

1g CL46.2084.0001
933-78-8 99.0+% C6H3Cl3O 10 mg CL46.2084.0010
20 mg CL46.2084.0020

55335-06-3 99+% C7H4Cl3NO3 10 mg CL46.2092.0010


64628-44-0 99.0+% C15H10ClF3N2O3 10 mg CL46.2096.0010

Trinonadecanoin NEW
1g CL47.2016.0001
26536-13-0 99+% C41H80O5
100 mg CL47.2016.0100

2327-02-8 99.0+% C7H6Cl2N2O 10 mg CL46.0497.0010


50471-44-8 99+% C12H9Cl2NO3 10 mg CL46.2206.0010


108-38-3 99+% C8H10 100 mg CL46.2404.0100

10 ml CL46.2402.0010
95-47-6 99+% C8H10
100 mg CL46.2402.0100

106-42-3 99+% C8H10 100 mg CL46.2403.0100

252 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 253
Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Standard
Art. Nr. : CL40.13502 Lot Nr. : 25.0670606
Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.

Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 3%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 24.0090401 200 µg/mL
Bromobenzene 108-86-1 99,9 22.1270810 200 µg/mL
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 99,9 24.0100401 200 µg/mL
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 99,9 24.0110401 200 µg/mL
Bromoform 75-25-2 99,9 22.1280810 200 µg/mL
n-Butyl benzene 104-51-8 99,9 22.1290810 200 µg/mL
sec-Butyl benzene 135-98-8 99,9 22.1300810 200 µg/mL
tert-Butyl benzene 98-06-6 99,9 22.1310810 200 µg/mL
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 99,9 22.1330810 200 µg/mL
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 99,9 24.0120401 200 µg/mL
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 99,9 22.1340810 200 µg/mL
Chloroethane 75-00-3 99,9 22.4731710 200 µg/mL
Chloroform 67-66-3 99,9 24.0130401 200 µg/mL
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 99,9 22.1360810 200 µg/mL
4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 99,9 22.1370810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 99,9 22.1390810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 99,9 22.1400810 200 µg/mL
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 99,9 24.0140401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 99,9 24.0150401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 99,9 22.1420810 200 µg/mL
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 99,9 1269954 200 µg/mL
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 99,9 215121069 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99,9 24.0160401 200 µg/mL Specifications:
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99,9 24.0170401 200 µg/mL
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 99,9 24.4522103 200 µg/mL
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99,9 24.0180401 200 µg/mL Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 99,9 24.0220401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 99,9 24.5682403 200 µg/mL p-Isopropyl toluene 99-87-6 99,9 22.1460810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 99,9 22.1440810 200 µg/mL Methyl bromide 74-83-9 99,9 22.1470810 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 99,9 22.1450810 200 µg/mL Methyl chloride 74-87-3 99,9 22.1480810 200 µg/mL
2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 99,9 24.0190401 200 µg/mL Methylene chloride 75-09-2 99,9 22.2041010 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 99,9 NT055938 200 µg/mL Naphthalene 91-20-3 99,9 S4581146 200 µg/mL
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 99,9 23.0530610 200 µg/mL n-Propyl benzene 103-65-1 99,9 22.1490810 200 µg/mL
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 99,9 23.0540610 200 µg/mL Styrene 100-42-5 99,9 20.1912004 200 µg/mL
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 99,9 24.0200401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 99,9 24.0230401 200 µg/mL
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 99,9 24.4402211 200 µg/mL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 99,9 24.0240401 200 µg/mL
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99,9 24.0250401 200 µg/mL
Page 1 of 2 Toluene 108-88-3 99,9 24.0260401 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 99,9 S34007 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 99,9 24.0270401 200 µg/mL
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 99,9 23.5072611 200 µg/mL
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 99,9 22.1500810 200 µg/mL
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 99,9 24.0280401 200 µg/mL
Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 99,9 22.1510810 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 99,9 24.0290401 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99,9 22.1520810 200 µg/mL
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 99,9 22.1530810 200 µg/mL
Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 99,9 24.4512103 200 µg/mL
o-Xylene 95-47-6 99,9 24.0300401 200 µg/mL
m-Xylene 108-38-3 99,9 24.0310401 200 µg/mL
p-Xylene 106-42-3 99,9 24.0320401 200 µg/mL

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 06 June 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jun-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 2 of 2 F006-Organic-3/02/17

254 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Multi Component Standards 259-404


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 255

256 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards
2.3.1 EPA 500 Methods for Drinking Water Multi Component Standards
• EPA Method 501 Trihalomethane Analysis (P&T – GC) 259
• EPA Method 502 Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds
(P&T – GC) 259-265
• EPA Method 503.1 Volatile Aromatic & Unsaturated Organic Compounds
(P&T – GC) 265
• EPA Method 504, 504.1 EDB, DBCP, and 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (123TCP)
(Microextraction & GC) 265
• EPA Method 505 Organohalide Pesticides and Commercial (PCB) Products

EPA 500
(Microextraction & GC) 266-267
• EPA Method 506 Phthalate and Adipate Esters (LSE, GC/PID) 267
• EPA Method 507 Nitrogen and Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides
(GC) 268-269
• EPA Method 508, 508.1 Chlorinated Pesticides (GC/ECD) 269-270
• EPA Method 515.1, 515.2 Chlorinated Acids in Water (GC/ECD) 270
• EPA Method 524.2 Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water
(LSE, GC/MS) 271-277
• EPA Method 525.2 Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS) 282
• EPA Method 531.1 N-Methylcarbamoyloximes and N-Methylcarbamates
in Water (HPLC) 283
• EPA Method 550.1 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in
Drinking Water (LSE, HPLC) 283-284
• EPA Method 551.1 Chlorination Disinfection By-Products,
Chlorinated Solvents, Halogenated Pesicides/Herbicides in
Drinking Water (GC/ECD) 283-284
• EPA Method 552, 552.1, 552.2 Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon
(LSE, GC/ECD) 284-285
• EPA Method 554 Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water By DNPH
Derivatization (HPLC) 285
• EPA Method 555 Chlorinated Acids (HPLC) 286

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 257
E PA 5 0 0 S E R I E S M E T H O D S F O R D R I N K I N G WAT E R

EPA 500 Series Methods For Drinking Water

Method Method Description

501 Determination of Trihalomethane Analysis (P&T – GC)

501.3 Determination of Trihalomethane Analysis (P&T – GC/MS)
502 Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)
503.1 Determination of Volatile Aromatic & Unsaturated Organic Compounds (P&T – GC)
504 Determination of 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) & 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)
(Microextraction & GC)
504.1 Determination of EDB, DBCP, and 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (123TCP) (Microextraction & GC)
EPA 500

505 Determination of Organohalide Pesticides and Commercial (PCB) Products (Microextraction

& GC)
506 Determination of Phthalate and Adipate Esters ( LSE, GC/PID)
507 Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides (GC)
508 Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides (GC/ECD)
508A Screening for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Perchlorination & GC)
508.1 Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides, Herbicides and Organohalides (LSE, GC/ECD)
509 Determination of Ethylene Thiourea (ETU) in Water (GC)
513 Determination of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Drinking Water (GC/HPLC)
515.1 Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Water (GC/ECD)
515.2 Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Water (GC/ECD)
515.3 Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Water (LSE, GC/ECD)
515.4 Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Water (GC/ECD)
524.2 Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)
525.1 Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)
525.2 Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)
531.1 Measurement of N-Methylcarbamoyloximes and N-Methylcarbamates in Water (HPLC)
532 Determination of Phenylurea Pesticides (HPLC)
535 Measurement of Chloroacetanilide and Other Acetamide Herbicide Degradates in
Drinking Water
547 Determination of Glyphosate in Drinking Water (HPLC)
548 Determination of Endothall in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/ECD)
548.1 Determination of Endothall in Drinking Water (GC/MS)
549 Determination of Diquat And Paraquat in Drinking Water (LSE, & HPLC/UV)
550.1 Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water (LSE, HPLC)
551 Determination of Chlorination Disinfection By-products and Chlorinated Solvents (GC/ECD)
551.1 Determination of Chlorination Disinfection By-products, Chlorinated Solvents,
Halogenated Pesticides/Herbicides in Drinking Water (GC/ECD)
552 Determination of Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water (GC/ECD)
552.1 Determination of Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon (LSE, GC/ECD)
552.2 Determination of Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon (LSES, GC/ECD)
554 Determination of Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water by DNPH Derivatization (HPLC)
555 Determination of Chlorinated Acids (HPLC)
556 Determination of Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water
(Pentafluorobenzylhydroxylamine Derivation, GC/ECD)

258 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 501
Determination of Trihalomethane Analysis (P&T - GC)

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13104

EPA METHOD 501.3, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13104.0001 1 ml AMP

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13501

EPA METHOD 501, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform

EPA 500
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13501.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 502

Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13503

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13503.0001 1 ml AMP
CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 259
EPA Method 502
Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13502

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
EPA 500

n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene

sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13502.0001 1 ml AMP

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13745

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13745.0001 1 ml AMP

260 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 502
Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13508

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane

EPA 500
n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13508.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13506

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13506.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 261
EPA Method 502
Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13507

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
EPA 500

1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13507.0001 1 ml AMP

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13504

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13504.0001 1 ml AMP

A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:

- Actual certified concentration of the final solution
- Traceability to NIST
- Expiration date
- Trace impurities detected

262 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 502
Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13505

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13505.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA 500
BTEX & MTBE mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13511
EPA METHOD 502/524, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II tert-Butyl methyl ether
IATA 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + m-Xylene
P310 p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13511.0001 1 ml AMP

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13767

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13767.0001 1 ml AMP
CL40.13767.0005 5 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 263
EPA Method 502
Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution CL40.13510

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13510.0001 1 ml AMP

Fortification sample mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13515

EPA METHOD 502/524 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4
EPA 500

IATA 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene

IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13515.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture #2 (3C) standard solution CL40.13518

EPA METHOD 502/524 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1-Chloro-2-fluorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13518.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13516

EPA METHOD 502/524 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1.2-Dichlorobenzene-d4
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13516.0001 1 ml AMP

264 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 502
Determination of Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

Internal standards mixtures (2C) standard solution CL40.13517

EPA METHOD 502/524, 502.2, 8021A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13517.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 503.1

Determination of Volatile Aromatic & Unsaturated Organic Compounds (P&T - GC)

EPA 500
Volatile aromatic compounds (28C) standard solution CL40.13520
EPA METHOD 503.1 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Styrene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene Tetrachloroethene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
n-Butylbenzene Toluene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Chlorobenzene Trichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 2-Chlorotoluene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
DANGER. 4-Chlorotoluene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
1.2-Dichlorobenzene o-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene m-Xylene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13520.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 504, 504.1

EDB, DBCP, and 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (123TCP) (Microextraction & GC)

EDB/DBCP/123TCA standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13522

EPA METHOD 504.1 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1.2-Dibromoethane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13522.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 265
EPA Method 504, 504.1
EDB, DBCP, and 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (123TCP) (Microextraction & GC)

EDB/DBCP (2C) standard solution CL40.13521

EPA METHOD 504, 8010B, 8011 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13521.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 505

Organohalide Pesticides and Commercial (PCB) Products (Microextraction & GC)
EPA 500

Organohalide Pesticides Mix (16C) standard solution CL40.13772

High quality standard for GC, EPA METHOD 505, ASTM D-5175 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
alfa-Chlordane (1 µg/ml) Hexachlorobenzene (1 µg/ml)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Alachlor (10 µg/ml) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (1 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Aldrin (1 µg/ml) Lindane (1 µg/ml)
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Atrazine (250 µg/ml) Methoxychlor (5 µg/ml)
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
cis-Nonachlor (1 µg/ml) Simlazine (250 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dieldrin (1 µg/ml) trans-Nonachlor (1 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Endrin (1 µg/ml)
DANGER. gamma-Chlordane (1 µg/ml)
Heptachlor (1 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heptachlor epoxide (isomer B) (1 µg/ml)
CL40.13772.0001 1 ml AMP

Organohalide pesticides mixture #1 (9C) standard solution CL40.13523

EPA METHOD 505 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Alachlor
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Aldrin®
IATA 3 (6.1),II Dieldrin
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Endrin
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Heptachlor
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Heptachlor epoxide
P310 Hexachlorobenzene
DANGER. Lindane (BHC gamma isomer)
Methoxychlor Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13523.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

266 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 505
Organohalide Pesticides and Commercial (PCB) Products (Microextraction & GC)

Organohalide pesticides mixture #2 (8C) standard solution CL40.13524

EPA METHOD 505 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Atrazine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II cis-Chlordane
IATA 3 (6.1),II trans-Chlordane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Heptachlor
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + cis-Nonachlor
P310 trans-Nonachlor
DANGER. Simazine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13524.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 506

Determination of Phthalate and Adipate Esters (LSE, GC/PID)

EPA 500
Phtalate & adipic esters (7C) standard solution CL40.13525
EPA METHOD 506, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
IATA 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IMDG 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Diethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Dimethyl phthalate
P403 + P235 Di-n-octyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13525.0001 1 ml AMP

Laboratory performance check mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13526

EPA METHOD 506 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 1.200 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 250 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II Butyl benzyl phthalate 250 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Di-n-butyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Diethyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Dimethyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
P310 Di-n-octyl phthalate 650 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13526.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 267
EPA Method 507
Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides (GC)

Pesticides mixture #4 (10C) standard solution CL40.13530

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Alachlor Velpar
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Atraton
IATA 3,II Beam®
IMDG 3,II Bromacil
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Butylate
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Chlorpropham
DANGER. Molinate
Propyzamide Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Tetrachlorvinphos CL40.13530.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13528

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Atrazine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Diphenamid
IATA 3,II S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate
EPA 500

IMDG 3,II Phosdrin®

HNrs H225-H315 Prometryne
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Propazine
DANGER. Prophos
Terbutryne Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Triadimefon CL40.13528.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides mixture #3 (9C) standard solution CL40.13529

EPA METHOD 507,525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Butachlor
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Carboxin
IATA 3,II Diazinon
IMDG 3,II Metolachlor
HNrs H225-H315 Metribuzin
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 MGK 264®
DANGER. Norflurazon®
Terbufos Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Vernolate CL40.13529.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides mixture #5 (8C) standard solution CL40.13531

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Devrinol®
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Dichlorvos
IATA 3,II Fenarimol
IMDG 3,II S-Propyl butylethylthiocarbamate
HNrs H225-H315 Simetryn
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Sonar®
DANGER. Tebuthiuron
Terbacil Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13531.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

268 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 507
Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides (GC)

Pesticides mixture #1 (6C) standard solution CL40.13527

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Ametryne
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Cycloate
IATA 3,II Disulfoton
IMDG 3,II Phenamiphos
HNrs H225-H315 Prometon
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Tributylphosphorotrithioite
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13527.0001 1 ml AMP

Laboratory performance check mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13532

EPA METHOD 507 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Atrazine 15 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bromacil 500 µg/ml
IATA 3,II 1,3-Dimethyl-2-nitrobenzene 250 µg/ml

EPA 500
IMDG 3,II Prometon 30 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315 Triphenyl phosphate 250 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Vernolate 5 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13532.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 508, 508.1

Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides (GC/ECD)

Organochlorine pesticides mixture #1 (17C) standard solution CL40.13533

EPA METHOD 508/508.1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
BHC (gamma isomer) (Lindane) Heptachlor epoxide
HNrs H225-H315
4.4’-DDD Methoxychlor
PNrs P210-P302 + P352
a-Endosulfan Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
b-Endosulfan CL40.13533.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13536

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Chloroneb
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chlorobenzilate
IATA 3,II Chlorothalonil
IMDG 3,II Chlorthal
HNrs H225-H315 Hexachlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Permethrin
DANGER. Propachlor
Terrazole® Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Trifluralin CL40.13536.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 269
EPA Method 508, 508.1
Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides (GC/ECD)

Laboratory performance check mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13535

EPA METHOD 508/508.1 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 BHC (delta isomer) 40 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chlorothalonil 50 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Chlorpyrifos 2 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Chlorthal 50 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315
PNrs P210-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13535.0001 1 ml AMP

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
EPA 500

HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 515.1, 515.2

Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Water (GC/ECD)

Chlorinated acids mixture (16C) standard solution CL40.13537

EPA METHOD 515.1 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Acifluorfen 100 µg/ml 4-Nitrophenol 100 µg/ml
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
Bentazon 200 µg/ml Pentachlorophenol 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Chloramben 100 µg/ml Picloram 100 µg/ml
2.4-D 200 µg/ml Silvex 100 µg/ml
Dalapon 1.300 µg/ml 2.4.5-T® 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315
2.4-DB 800 µg/ml Tetrachloroterephthalic acid 20 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P302 + P352
DANGER. Dicamba 100 µg/ml
3,5-Dichlorobenzoic acid 100 µg/ml
Dichlorprop 300 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Dinoseb 200 µg/ml
CL40.13537.0001 1 ml AMP

Laboratory performance check mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13539

EPA METHOD 515.1/515.2 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 4,4’-Dibromooctafluorobiphenyl 250 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 3,5-Dichlorobenzoic acid 600 µg/ml
IATA 3,II 2,4-Dichlorophenylacetic acid 500 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Dinoseb 4 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315 4-Nitrophenol 1.600 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13539.0001 1 ml AMP

270 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13503

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane

EPA 500
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13503.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13502

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13502.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 271
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13745

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
EPA 500

n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene

sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13745.0001 1 ml AMP

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13508

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13508.0001 1 ml AMP

272 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13507

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane

EPA 500
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13507.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13506

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13506.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 273
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13504

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13504.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 500

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13505

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13505.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeable organic compounds - supplement (23C) standard solution CL40.13509

EPA METHOD 524.2, 8260A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (95/5)
Acetone Methyl iodide
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Acrylonitrile Methyl methacrylate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
2-Butanone 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon disulfide tert-Butyl methyl ether
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chloroacetonitrile Nitrobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1-Chlorobutane 2-Nitropropane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.4-Dichloro-2-butene cis & trans Pentachloroethane
DANGER. 1,1-Dichloroacetone Propionitrile
Ethyl ether Tetrahydrofuran
Ethyl methacrylate
Methyl acrylate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13509.0001 1 ml AMP

274 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Promulgated volatiles mixture (12C) standard solution CL40.13513

EPA METHOD 524.2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Chlorobenzene m-Xylene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II cis-1.2-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II trans-1.2-Dichloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1.2-Dichloropropane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Ethylbenzene
P310 Styrene
DANGER. Tetrachloroethene
Toluene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
o-Xylene CL40.13513.0001 1 ml AMP

Regulated volatiles mixture (12C) standard solution CL40.13512

EPA METHOD 524.2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Trichloroethene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Vinyl chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

EPA 500
IATA 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Carbon tetrachloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Chloroform
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Chlorodibromomethane
P310 1.4-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichloroethane
1,1-Dichloroethene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1.1.1-Trichloroethane CL40.13512.0001 1 ml AMP

BTEX & MTBE mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13511

EPA METHOD 502/524, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II tert-Butyl methyl ether
IATA 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + m-Xylene
P310 p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13511.0001 1 ml AMP

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13767

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13767.0001 1 ml AMP
CL40.13767.0005 5 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 275
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution CL40.13510

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13510.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture #2 (3C) standard solution CL40.13518

EPA METHOD 502/524 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1-Chloro-2-fluorobenzene
EPA 500

IATA 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene

IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13518.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture - high concentration (3C) standard solution CL40.13519

EPA METHOD 524.2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4
IATA 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13519.0001 1 ml AMP

Phase volatile additions mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13514

EPA METHOD 524.2 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13514.0001 1 ml AMP

276 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 524.2
Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Fortification sample mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13515

EPA METHOD 502/524 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4
IATA 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13515.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixtures (2C) standard solution CL40.13517

EPA METHOD 502/524, 502.2, 8021A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene

EPA 500
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13517.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13516

EPA METHOD 502/524 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1.2-Dichlorobenzene-d4
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13516.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 525.2

Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)

PAH mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13542

EPA METHOD 525.2 Solution contains 500ug/ml in Acetone
Acenaphthylene Fluorene
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Anthracene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
1.2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 1.12-Benzoperylene
DANGER. Benzo(a)pyrene
Chrysene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1.2:5.6-Dibenzanthracene CL40.13542.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 277
EPA Method 525.2
Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)

PAH mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13541

EPA METHOD 525.1/525.2 Solution contains 100 ug/ml in Acetone
Acenaphthylene Fluorene
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Anthracene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
1.2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 1.12-Benzoperylene
DANGER. Benzo(a)pyrene
Chrysene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1.2:5.6-Dibenzanthracene CL40.13541.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixture (12C) standard solution CL40.13545

EPA METHOD 525.2 Solution contains 100ug/ml in Acetone
Alachlor Methoxychlor
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Aldrin® trans-Nonachlor
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Atrazine Simazine
EPA 500

IMDG 3,II cis-Chlordane

HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 trans-Chlordane
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Endrin
DANGER. Heptachlor
Heptachlor epoxide Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) CL40.13545.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides mixture #4 (10C) standard solution CL40.13530

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Alachlor Velpar
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Atraton
IATA 3,II Beam®
IMDG 3,II Bromacil
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Butylate
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Chlorpropham
DANGER. Molinate
Propyzamide Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Tetrachlorvinphos CL40.13530.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13536

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Chloroneb
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chlorobenzilate
IATA 3,II Chlorothalonil
IMDG 3,II Chlorthal
HNrs H225-H315 Hexachlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Permethrin
DANGER. Propachlor
Terrazole® Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Trifluralin CL40.13536.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

278 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 525.2
Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Extractables mixture (9C) standard solution CL40.13540

EPA METHOD 525.1/525.2 Solution contains stated concentration in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 100 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Diethyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dimethyl phthalate 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Hexachlorobenzene 100 µg/ml
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 100 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Pentachlorophenol 400 µg/ml CL40.13540.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13528

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Atrazine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Diphenamid
IATA 3,II S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate

EPA 500
IMDG 3,II Phosdrin®
HNrs H225-H315 Prometryne
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Propazine
DANGER. Prophos
Terbutryne Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Triadimefon CL40.13528.0001 1 ml AMP

PCB mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13543

EPA METHOD 525.1/525.2 Solution contains 100 ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 2-Chlorobiphenyl (PCB 1)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2.3-Dichlorobiphenyl (PCB 5)
IATA 3,II 2.4.5-Trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 29)
IMDG 3,II 2.2'.4.4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 47)
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 2,2',3',4,6-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 98)
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 2.2'.4.4'.5.6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 154)
DANGER. 2.2'.3.3'.4.4'.6-Heptachlorobiphenyl (PCB 171)
2.2'.3.3'.4.5'.6.6'-Octachlorobiphenyl (PCB 200) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13543.0001 1 ml AMP

PCB mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13544

EPA METHOD 525.2 Solution contains 500ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 2-Chlorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2.3-Dichlorobiphenyl
IATA 3,II 2.4.5-Trichlorobiphenyl
IMDG 3,II 2.2'.4.4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 2,2',3',4,6-Pentachlorobiphenyl
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 2.2'.4.4'.5.6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl
DANGER. 2.2'.3.3'.4.4'.6-Heptachlorobiphenyl
2.2'.3.3'.4.5'.6.6'-Octachlorobiphenyl Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13544.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 279
EPA Method 525.2
Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Pesticides mixture #5 (8C) standard solution CL40.13531

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Devrinol®
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Dichlorvos
IATA 3,II Fenarimol
IMDG 3,II S-Propyl butylethylthiocarbamate
HNrs H225-H315 Simetryn
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Sonar®
DANGER. Tebuthiuron
Terbacil Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13531.0001 1 ml AMP

Fortification mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13547

EPA METHOD 525.2 Solution contains 500ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Acenaphthene-d10
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chrysene-d12
IATA 3,II Phenanthrene-d10
EPA 500

IMDG 3,II 1,3-Dimethyl-2-nitrobenzene

HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Perylene-d12
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Triphenyl phosphate
DANGER. Pyrene-d10
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13547.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate & adipic esters (7C) standard solution CL40.13525

EPA METHOD 506, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
IATA 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IMDG 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Diethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Dimethyl phthalate
P403 + P235 Di-n-octyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13525.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides mixture #1 (6C) standard solution CL40.13527

EPA METHOD 507, 525.2 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Ametryne
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Cycloate
IATA 3,II Disulfoton
IMDG 3,II Phenamiphos
HNrs H225-H315 Prometon
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Tributylphosphorotrithioite
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13527.0001 1 ml AMP

280 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 525.2
Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Internal standard (4C) standard solution CL40.13546

EPA METHOD 525.1/525.2 Solution contains 500 ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Acenaphthene-d10
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chrysene-d12
IATA 3,II Phenanthrene-d10
IMDG 3,II Perylene-d12
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13546.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13549

EPA METHOD 525.1/525.2 Solution contains 500ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Acenaphthene-d10
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chrysene-d12
IATA 3,II Phenanthrene-d10

EPA 500
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13549.0001 1 ml AMP

Performance check mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13548

EPA METHOD 525.2 Solution contains 500ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 4.4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Decafluorotriphenylphosphine
IATA 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13548.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13550

EPA METHOD 525.2 Solution contains 500ug/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 1,3-Dimethyl-2-nitrobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Perylene-d12
IATA 3,II Triphenyl phosphate
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13550.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 281
EPA Method 525.2
Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water (LSE, GC/MS)

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 531.1

Measurement of N-Methylcarbamoyloximes and N-Methylcarbamates in Water (HPLC)

Carbamate pesticides (10C) standard solution CL40.13576

EPA 500

EPA METHOD 531.1, 8318 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Aldicarb Propoxur (Baygon)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Aldicarb sulfone
IATA 3,II Aldicarb sulfoxide
IMDG 3,II Carbaryl
HNrs H225-H315 Carbofuran
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 3-Hydroxycarbofuran
DANGER. Methiocarb
Methomyl Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Oxamyl CL40.13576.0001 1 ml AMP

Laboratory performance check mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13551

EPA METHOD 531.1, 8318 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Aldicarb sulfoxide 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II BDMC 10 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II 3-Hydroxycarbofuran 2 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Methiocarb 20 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13551.0001 1 ml AMP

282 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 550.1
Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water (LSE, HPLC)

PAH fortification mixture (16C) standard solution CL40.13552

EPA METHOD 550.1 Solution contains stated concentration in Acetonitrile
Acenaphthene 1.000 µg/ml Fluoranthene 2.5 µg/ml
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Acenaphthylene 1.000 µg/ml Fluorene 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene 50 µg/ml Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene 10 µg/ml
1.2-Benzanthracene 1 µg/ml Naphthalene 1000 µg/ml
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 µg/ml Phenanthrene 50 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 µg/ml Pyrene 50 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
DANGER. 1.12-Benzoperylene 5 µg/ml
Benzo(a)pyrene 5 µg/ml
Chrysene 50 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1.2:5.6-Dibenzanthracene 10 µg/ml
CL40.13552.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 551,1

Disinfection By-Products, Chlorinated Solvents and Pesicides/Herbicides in Drinking Water

EPA 500
Chlorination disinfection byproducts mixture (19C) standard solution CL40.13553
EPA METHOD 551.1 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone
Bromochloroacetonitrile Tetrachloroethene
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Bromodichloromethane Trichloroacetonitrile
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Bromoform 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Carbon tetrachloride 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Chlorodibromomethane Trichloroethene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
Chloroform 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Chloropicrin 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-propanone
1,1-Dichloroacetone Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13553.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorination disinfection byproducts (17C) standard solution CL40.13555

EPA METHOD 551 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
Bromchloroacetonitrile Dichloroacetonitrile
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Bromodichloromethane Tetrachloroethene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Bromoform Trichloroacetonitrile
Carbon tetrachloride 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Chlorodibromomethane Trichloroethene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-propanone
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Chloropicrin
1,2-Dibromoethane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1,1-Dichloroacetone CL40.13555.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 283
EPA Method 551,1
Disinfection By-Products, Chlorinated Solvents and Pesicides/Herbicides in Drinking Water

VOC Mix (7C) standard solution NEW CL40.39039

High quality standard for GC EPA METHOD 551, 8010 Solution contains stated concentrations in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane (50 µg/mL)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Dibromochloromethane (50 µg/mL)
IATA 3 (6.1),II Tetrachloroethene (20 µg/mL)
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Tetrachloromethane (6 µg/mL)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Tribromomethane (50 µg/mL)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Trichloroethene (60 µg/mL)
P310 Trichloromethane (50 µg/mL)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.39039.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated disinfectants mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13554

EPA METHOD 551 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Bromochloroacetonitrile
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chloropicrin
EPA 500

IATA 3,II 1,1-Dichloroacetone

IMDG 3,II Dibromoacetonitrile
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichloroacetonitrile
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Trichloroacetonitrile
DANGER. 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-propanone
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13554.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 552, 552.1, 552.2

Determination of Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon (LSE, GC/ECD)

Methylated haloacetic acids mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13559

EPA METHOD 552.2 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Dalapon methyl ester 400 µg/ml Methyl tribromoacetate 2.000 µg/ml
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
2,3-Dibromopropionic acid methyl ester 1.000 µg/ml Methyltrichloroacetate 200 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II Methyl bromoacetate 400 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Methyl bromochloroacetate 400 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315 Methyl bromodichloroacetate 400 ug /mL
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Methyl chloroacetate 600 µg/ml
DANGER. Methyl chlorodibromoacetate1.000 ug /mL
Methyl dibromoacetate 200 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl dichloroacetate 600 µg/ml CL40.13559.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloacetic acids mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13558

EPA METHOD 552.2 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Bromoacetic acid 400 µg/ml Tribromoacetic acid 2.000 µg/ml
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
Bromochloroacetic acid 400 µg/ml Trichloroacetic acid 200 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II Bromodichloroacetic acid 400 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Chloroacetic acid 600 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315 Chlorodibromoacetic acid 1.000 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Dalapon 400 µg/ml
DANGER. Dibromoacetic acid 200 µg/ml
2.3-Dibromopropionic acid 1.000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Dichloroacetic acid 600 µg/ml CL40.13558.0001 1 ml AMP

284 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 552, 552.1, 552.2
Determination of Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon (LSE, GC/ECD)

Haloacetic acids mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13556

EPA METHOD 552 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Bromoacetic acid
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bromochloroacetic acid
IATA 3,II Chloroacetic acid
IMDG 3,II Dibromoacetic acid
HNrs H225-H315 Dichloroacetic acid
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 2,4-Dichlorophenol
DANGER. Trichloroacetic acid
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13556.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloacetic acids mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13557

EPA METHOD 552.1 Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Bromoacetic acid 200 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bromochloroacetic acid 200 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Chloroacetic acid 300 µg/ml

EPA 500
IMDG 3,II Dalapon 200 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315 Dibromoacetic acid 100 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Dichloroacetic acid 300 µg/ml
DANGER. Trichloroacetic acid 100 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13557.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 554

Determination of Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water By DNPH Derivatization (HPLC)

Derivated carbonyl compounds (12C) standard solution CL40.13560

EPA METHOD 554 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol/Acetonitrile (4/6)
Acetaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Propionaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
n-Butyraldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Valeraldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II Crotonaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Cyclohexanone (DNPH Derivative)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Decyl aldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Formaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
P310 Heptaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
DANGER. Hexaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Nonanal (DNPH Derivative) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Octyl aldehyde (DNPH Derivative) CL40.13560.0001 1 ml AMP

Carbonyl compounds (12C) standard solution CL40.13561

EPA METHOD 554 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Acetaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Propionaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
n-Butyraldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Valeraldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II Crotonaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Cyclohexanone (DNPH Derivative)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Decyl aldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Formaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
P310 Heptaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
DANGER. Hexaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Nonanal (DNPH Derivative) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Octyl aldehyde (DNPH Derivative) CL40.13561.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 285
EPA Method 555
Determination of Chlorinated Acids (HPLC)

Chlorinated acids mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13562

EPA METHOD 555 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648 Acifluorfen
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bentazon
IATA 3,II Chloramben
IMDG 3,II 2,4-D
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319 Dicamba
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Dichlorprop
DANGER. Picloram

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13562.0001 1 ml AMP

Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Standard
EPA 500

Art. Nr. : CL40.13502 Lot Nr. : 25.0670606

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 3%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 24.0090401 200 µg/mL
Bromobenzene 108-86-1 99,9 22.1270810 200 µg/mL
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 99,9 24.0100401 200 µg/mL
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 99,9 24.0110401 200 µg/mL
Bromoform 75-25-2 99,9 22.1280810 200 µg/mL
n-Butyl benzene 104-51-8 99,9 22.1290810 200 µg/mL Specifications:
sec-Butyl benzene 135-98-8 99,9 22.1300810 200 µg/mL Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
tert-Butyl benzene 98-06-6 99,9 22.1310810 200 µg/mL
Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 99,9 24.0220401 200 µg/mL
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 99,9 22.1330810 200 µg/mL
p-Isopropyl toluene 99-87-6 99,9 22.1460810 200 µg/mL
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 99,9 24.0120401 200 µg/mL
Methyl bromide 74-83-9 99,9 22.1470810 200 µg/mL
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 99,9 22.1340810 200 µg/mL
Methyl chloride 74-87-3 99,9 22.1480810 200 µg/mL
Chloroethane 75-00-3 99,9 22.4731710 200 µg/mL
Methylene chloride 75-09-2 99,9 22.2041010 200 µg/mL
Chloroform 67-66-3 99,9 24.0130401 200 µg/mL
Naphthalene 91-20-3 99,9 S4581146 200 µg/mL
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 99,9 22.1360810 200 µg/mL
n-Propyl benzene 103-65-1 99,9 22.1490810 200 µg/mL
4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 99,9 22.1370810 200 µg/mL
Styrene 100-42-5 99,9 20.1912004 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 99,9 22.1390810 200 µg/mL
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 99,9 24.0230401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 99,9 22.1400810 200 µg/mL
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 99,9 24.0240401 200 µg/mL
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 99,9 24.0140401 200 µg/mL
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99,9 24.0250401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 99,9 24.0150401 200 µg/mL
Toluene 108-88-3 99,9 24.0260401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 99,9 22.1420810 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 99,9 S34007 200 µg/mL
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 99,9 1269954 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 99,9 24.0270401 200 µg/mL
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 99,9 215121069 200 µg/mL
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 99,9 23.5072611 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99,9 24.0160401 200 µg/mL
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 99,9 22.1500810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99,9 24.0170401 200 µg/mL
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 99,9 24.0280401 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 99,9 24.4522103 200 µg/mL
Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 99,9 22.1510810 200 µg/mL
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99,9 24.0180401 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 99,9 24.0290401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 99,9 24.5682403 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99,9 22.1520810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 99,9 22.1440810 200 µg/mL
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 99,9 22.1530810 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 99,9 22.1450810 200 µg/mL
Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 99,9 24.4512103 200 µg/mL
2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 99,9 24.0190401 200 µg/mL
o-Xylene 95-47-6 99,9 24.0300401 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 99,9 NT055938 200 µg/mL
m-Xylene 108-38-3 99,9 24.0310401 200 µg/mL
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 99,9 23.0530610 200 µg/mL
p-Xylene 106-42-3 99,9 24.0320401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 99,9 23.0540610 200 µg/mL
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 99,9 24.0200401 200 µg/mL
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 99,9 24.4402211 200 µg/mL

Page 1 of 2

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 06 June 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jun-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 2 of 2 F006-Organic-3/02/17

286 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat
Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Versie/Version/Fassung 1
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05

EPA 500
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 287
EPA 600

288 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards
2.3.2 EPA 600 Methods for Wastewater Pollutants Multi Component Standards
• EPA Method 601 Purgeable Halocarbons (ELCD) 291-292
• EPA Method 602 Purgeable Aromatics (PID) 292-293
• EPA Method 604 Phenols (GC/FID), Phenols as PFB Derivatives
(GC/ECD) 293-294
• EPA Method 605 Benzidines (HPLC) 294
• EPA Method 606 Phthalate Ester (GC/ECD) 295
• EPA Method 607 Nitrosamines (GC) 295
• EPA Method 608 Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD) 296-297

EPA 600
• EPA Method 609 Nitroaromatics & Isophorone (GC/FID), (GC/ECD) 297
• EPA Method 610 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID), (HPLC) 298
• EPA Method 612 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC/ECD) 298-299
• EPA Method 614, 614.1 Organophosphorous Pesticides in Water
(GC/MS) 299
• EPA Method 615 Chlorinated Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC/ECD) 299-300
• EPA Method 618 Volatile Pesticides in Municipal And Industrial
Wastewaters (GC) 300
• EPA Method 619 Triazine Pesticides/Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC) 301
• EPA Method 622 Organophosphorous Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC) 302
• EPA Method 624 Purgeables, Volatiles (P&T GC/MS) 302-303
• EPA Method 625 Base/Neutrals & Acids, Semivolatiles, Pesticides,
Aroclors (GC/MS) 304-307
• EPA Method 632 Carbamate & Urea Pesticides in Wastewater (HPLC) 308
• EPA Method 633.1 Neutral Nitrogen-Containing Pesticides (GC/MS) 308
• EPA Method 634 Thiocarbamate Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC) 309

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 289
E PA 6 0 0 S E R I E S M E T H O D S F O R WA S T E WAT E R P O L L U TA N T S

EPA 600 Series Methods For Wastewater Pollutants

Method Method Description

601/602 Determination of Purgeable Halocarbons (ELCD)/Purgeable Aromatics (PID) Combined

603 Determination of Acrolein & Acrylonitrile (GC/FID)
604 Determination of Phenols (GC/FID), Phenols as PFB Derivatives (GC/ECD)
604.1 Determination of Hexachlorophene & Dichlorphen (HPLC) in Wastewaters
605 Determination of Benzidines (HPLC)
606 Determination of Phthalate Ester (GC/ECD)
607 Determination of Nitrosamines (GC)
EPA 600

608 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)

608.1 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Water (GC/ECD)
608.2 Determination of Certain Organochlorine Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)
609 Determination of Nitroaromatics & Isophorone (GC/FID), (GC/ECD)
610 Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID), (HPLC)
612 Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC/ECD)
613 Determination of Dioxin (2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin) (GC/MS)
614 Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water (GC/MS)
614.1 Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)
615 Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC/ECD)
617 Determination of Oranohalide Pesticides & PCB’s in Wastewaters (GC/ECD)
618 Determination of Volatile Pesticides in Municipal And Industrial Wastewaters (GC)
619 Determination of Triazine Pesticides / Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC)
622 Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)
624 Determination of Purgeables, Volatiles (P&T GC/MS)
625 Determination of Base/Neutrals & Acids, Semivolatiles, Pesticides, Aroclors (GC/MS)
627 Determination of Dinitroaniline Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)
629 Determination of Cyanazine (HPLC UV) with optional Florisil column cleanup procedure
630 Determination of Dithiocarbamate Pesticides in Wastewaters (UV/VIS)
630.1 Determination of Dithiocarbamate Pesticides in Wastewater As Carbon Disulfide (GC)
631 Determination of Benomyl & Carbendazim in Wastewater (HPLC)
632 Determination of Carbamate & Urea Pesticides in Wastewater (HPLC)
633.1 Determination of Neutral Nitrogen-Containing Pesticides (GC/MS)
634 Determination of Thiocarbamate Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)
635 Determination of Rotenone in Wastewaters (HPLC/UV)
636 Determination of Bensulide in Wastewaters (HPLC/UV)
638 Determination of Oryzal in Wastewaters (HPLC/UV)
639 Determination of Bendiocarb in Wastewaters (HPLC/UV)
640 Mercaptobenzothiazole in Wastewaters (HPLC/UV)
641 Determination of Thiabendazole in Wastewaters (HPLC)
643 Determination of Bentazon in Wastewaters (HPLC)
644 Determination of Picloram in Wastewater (HPLC/UV)
645 Determination of Amine Pesticides & Lethane in Wastewaters (GC/MS)
680 Determination of Pesticides & PCB Congeners (GC/MS)

290 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 601
Determination of Purgeable Halocarbons (ELCD)

Purgeable hydrocarbons and aromatics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13563

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Ethylbenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Chlorodibromomethane Toluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
1.3-Dichlorobenzene Trichloroethene
1.2-Dichloropropane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13563.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA 600
Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13104
EPA METHOD 501.3, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13104.0001 1 ml AMP

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13501

EPA METHOD 501, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13501.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 291
EPA Method 601
Determination of Purgeable Halocarbons (ELCD)

Purgeables - internal standards (3C) standard solution CL40.13564

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Dichlorobutane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13564.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 602

Determination of Purgeable Aromatics (PID)
EPA 600

Purgeable hydrocarbons and aromatics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13563

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Ethylbenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Chlorodibromomethane Toluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
1.3-Dichlorobenzene Trichloroethene
1.2-Dichloropropane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13563.0001 1 ml AMP

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13104

EPA METHOD 501.3, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13104.0001 1 ml AMP

292 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 602
Determination of Purgeable Aromatics (PID)

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13501

EPA METHOD 501, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13501.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables - internal standards (3C) standard solution CL40.13564

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane

EPA 600
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Dichlorobutane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13564.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables - aromatics (7C) standard solution CL40.13565

EPA METHOD 602 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Ethylbenzene
P310 Toluene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13565.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 604

Determination of Phenols (GC/FID), Phenols as PFB Derivatives (GC/ECD)

Phenol Mix (17C) standard solution NEW CL40.39183

High quality standard for GC EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Nitrophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
2-Chlorophenol Pentachlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
m-Cresol (3-methylphenol) Phenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II
o-Cresol (2-methylphenol) 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
p-Cresol (4-methylphenol) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 2,6-Dichlorophenol
DANGER. 2,4-Dimethylphenol
2,4-Dinitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Nitrophenol CL40.39183.0001 1 ml AMP
CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 293
EPA Method 604
Determination of Phenols (GC/FID), Phenols as PFB Derivatives (GC/ECD)

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13566

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13566.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13746

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
EPA 600

IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol

IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13746.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 605

Determination of Benzidines (HPLC)

Benzidines mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13567

EPA METHOD 605, 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13567.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

294 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 606
Determination of Phthalate Ester (GC/ECD)

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13570

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3,II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Di-n-octyl phthalate
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13570.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters - control sample mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13569

EPA METHOD 606, 8060 Solution contains stated concentration in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 50 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate 10 µg/ml

EPA 600
IATA 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate 25 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Diethyl phthalate 25 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dimethyl phthalate 25 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Di-n-octyl phthalate 50 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13569.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13568

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3 (6.1),II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Di-n-octyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13568.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 607

Determination of Nitrosamines (GC)

Nitrosoamines (3C) standard solution CL40.13580

EPA METHOD 607, 8070 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 N-Nitrosodimethylamine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
IATA 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13580.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 295
EPA Method 608
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 600

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides - control sample mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13574

EPA METHOD 608, 8080A/8081 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
Aldrin® 20 µg/ml Endrin 100 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (alpha isomer) 20 µg/ml Heptachlor 20 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) 20 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 20 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDD 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 4.4'-DDE 20 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.4'-DDT 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dieldrin 20 µg/ml
a-Endosulfan 20 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 100 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 100 µg/ml CL40.13574.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

296 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 608
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)

Pesticides - control sample mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13747

EPA METHOD 608, 8080A/8081 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
Aldrin® 1000 µg/ml Endrin 5000 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (alpha isomer) 1000 µg/ml Heptachlor 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) 1000 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 1000 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDD 5000 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 4.4'-DDE 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.4'-DDT 5000 µg/ml
DANGER. Dieldrin 1000 µg/ml
a-Endosulfan 1000 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 5000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 5000 µg/ml CL40.13747.0001 1 ml AMP

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin

EPA 600
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 609

Determination of Nitroaromatics & Isophorone (GC/FID), (GC/ECD)

NIitroaromatrics & ketones - control sample mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13573
EPA METHOD 609, 8090 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2.6-Dinitrotoluene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Isophorone
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Nitrobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13573.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 297
EPA Method 610
Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID), (HPLC)

PAHs Mix (16C) standard solution NEW CL40.13256

High quality standard for EPA 610 Solution contains stated concentration in Acetonitrile
Acenaphthene 1000 μg/mL Fluorene 200 μg/mL
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Acenaphthylene 2000 μg/mL Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 100 μg/mL
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene 100 μg/mL Naphthalene 1000 μg/mL
Benz[a]anthracene 100 μg/mL Phenanthrene 100 μg/mL
Benzo[b]fluoranthene 200 μg/mL Pyrene 100 μg/mL
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 100 μg/mL
DANGER. Benzo[ghi]perylene 200 μg/mL
Benzo[a]pyrene 100 μg/mL
Chrysene 100 μg/mL
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 200 μg/mL Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluoranthene 200 μg/mL CL40.13256.0001 1 ml AMP

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (16C) standard solution CL40.13575

EPA METHOD 610, 8100, 8270C, 8310, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene (1/1)
Acenaphthene Fluorene
EPA 600

Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114

Acenaphthylene Indeno(1,2,3-C,D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Naphthalene
1,2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H319-H340-H350-
H372-H412 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P201-P210-P273-P301 + P310-P308 + 1,12-Benzoperylene
1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluoranthene CL40.13575.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 612

Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC/ECD)

Chlorinated hydrocarbons (9C) standard solution CL40.13577

EPA METHOD 612, 8120A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Dichloromethane (1/1)
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Chloronaphthalene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
IATA 6.1,III 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 6.1,III 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Hexachlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Hexachlorobutadiene
P310 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
DANGER. Hexachloroethane
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13577.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

298 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 612
Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC/ECD)

Chlorinated hydrocarbons mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13744

EPA METHOD 612 Solution contains stated concentration in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 2-Chloronaphthalene 400 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 200 µg/ml
IATA 3,II 1.3-Dichlorobenzene 200 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 400 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Hexachlorobenzene 1 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene 1 µg/ml
P403 + P235 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 µg/ml
DANGER. Hexachloroethane 1 µg/ml
1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene 40 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13744.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 614, 614.1

Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Water (GC/MS)

EPA 600
Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #1 (8C) standard solution CL40.13581
EPA METHOD 614 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Demeton S
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Diazinon
IATA 3,II Disulfoton
IMDG 3,II Ethion
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Guthion®
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Malathion
DANGER. Methyl parathion
Parathion® Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13581.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 615

Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC/ECD)

PAH-Mixture (16C) standard solution NEW CL40.13107

EPA METHOD 615 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Acenaphtene Fluoranthene
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Acenaphtylene Fluorene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Anthracene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
Benzo(a)anthracene Naphthalene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Phenanthrene
HNrs H351
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Pyrene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
WARNING. Benzo(ghi)perylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13107.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 299
EPA Method 615
Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC/ECD)

Chlorinated herbicides - control sample mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13585

EPA METHOD 615, 8150B Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyaceticacid10,000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2.4-D 100 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II Dalapon 250 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2.4-DB 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dicamba 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Dichlorprop 100 µg/ml
P310 Dinoseb 50 µg/ml
DANGER. Mecoprop 10,000 µg/ml
Silvex 10 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.4.5-T® 10 µg/ml CL40.13585.0001 1 ml AMP

Methylated chlorinated herbicides - control sample mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13586
EPA METHOD 615, 8150B Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol

4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid methyl ester 10000 µg/ml (2.4.5-Trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid methyl ester 10
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
2.4-D methyl ester 100 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dalapon methyl ester 250 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
2,4-DB methyl ester 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dicamba methyl ester 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Dichlorprop methyl ester 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dinoseb methyl ether 50 µg/ml
Mecoprop methyl ester 10000 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex methyl ester 10 µg/ml
CL40.13586.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 618

The Determination of Volatile Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater

Volatile pesticides mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13587

EPA METHOD 618 Solution contains 20000 µg/ml in Cyclohexane
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1145 Chloropicrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 1.2-Dibromoethane
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13587.0001 1 ml AMP

300 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 619
Determination of Triazine Pesticides/Herbicides in Wastewaters (GC)

Triazine pesticides mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13588

EPA METHOD 619 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Ametryne
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Atraton
IATA 3 (6.1),II Atrazine
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Prometon
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Prometryne
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Propazine
P310 Simetryn
DANGER. Simazine
Terbuthylazine Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Terbutryne CL40.13588.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 622

Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)

Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #1 (10C) standard solution CL40.13589
EPA METHOD 622 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Coumaphos Trichloronate
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Demeton S
IATA 6.1,III Disulfoton
IMDG 6.1,III Fensulfothion
HNrs H351 Fenthion
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Guthion®
WARNING. Phorate
Sulprofos Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Tokuthion® CL40.13589.0001 1 ml AMP

Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #3 (7C) standard solution CL40.13591

EPA METHOD 622 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 Chlorpyrifos
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chlorpyrifos Methyl
IATA 3,II Diazinon
IMDG 3,II Fenchlorphos
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- Methyl parathion
H411 Tributylphosphorotrithioite
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Prophos
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13591.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 301
EPA Method 622
Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)

Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #2 (3C) standard solution CL40.13590

EPA METHOD 622 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 Dichlorvos
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Phosdrin®
IATA 3,II Tetrachlorvinphos
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13590.0001 1 ml AMP

Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #4 (3C) standard solution CL40.13592

EPA METHOD 622 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
EPA 600

Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Dichlorvos
IATA 3,II Tetrachlorvinphos
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13592.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 624

Determination of Purgeables, Volatiles (P&T GC/MS)

Purgeable hydrocarbons and aromatics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13563

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Ethylbenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Chlorodibromomethane Toluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
1.3-Dichlorobenzene Trichloroethene
1.2-Dichloropropane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13563.0001 1 ml AMP

302 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 624
Determination of Purgeables, Volatiles (P&T GC/MS)

Purgeables - internal standards (3C) standard solution CL40.13564

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Dichlorobutane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13564.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables mixture A (14C) standard solution CL40.13593

EPA METHOD 624/1624 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Carbon tetrachloride Tetrachloroethene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Chlorobenzene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

EPA 600
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Trichloroethene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Chloroform Trichlorofluoromethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dibromochloromethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
P310 1,1-Dichloroethane
DANGER. 1,1-Dichloroethene
1,2-Dichloropropane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methylene chloride CL40.13593.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables mixture B (13C) standard solution CL40.13594

EPA METHOD 624/1624 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Toluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 1,2-Dichloroethane
P310 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
DANGER. cis-1,3-Dichloropropene
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Ethyl benzene CL40.13594.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables mixture C (4C) standard solution CL40.13595

EPA METHOD 624/1624, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Methyl bromide
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chloroethane
IATA 3 (6.1),II Methyl chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Vinyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13595.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 303
EPA Method 625
Determination of Base/Neutrals & Acids, Semivolatiles, Pesticides, Aroclors (GC/MS)

Base neutrals extractables mixture (44C) standard solution CL40.13596

EPA METHOD 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Benzene/Dichloromethane/Acetonitrile (4/4/2)
Acenaphthene Di-n-octyl phthalate
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1648
Acenaphthylene Fluoranthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Fluorene
Azobenzene Hexachlorobenzene
1.2-Benzanthracene Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HNrs H225-H332-H312-H302-H319
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Hexachloroethane
1.12-Benzoperylene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
Benzo(a)pyrene Isophorone
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Naphthalene
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Nitrobenzene
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
Butyl benzyl phthalate Phenanthrene
2-Chloronaphthalene Pyrene
EPA 600

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene

Di-n-butyl phthalate
Diethyl phthalate
Dimethyl phthalate
2.4-Dinitrotoluene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.6-Dinitrotoluene CL40.13596.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP

“We have the Solutions”

304 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 625
Determination of Base/Neutrals & Acids, Semivolatiles, Pesticides, Aroclors (GC/MS)

Phenol Mix (17C) standard solution NEW CL40.39183

High quality standard for GC EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Nitrophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
2-Chlorophenol Pentachlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
m-Cresol (3-methylphenol) Phenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II
o-Cresol (2-methylphenol) 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
p-Cresol (4-methylphenol) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 2,6-Dichlorophenol
DANGER. 2,4-Dimethylphenol
2,4-Dinitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Nitrophenol CL40.39183.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208

EPA 600
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13566

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13566.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13746

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13746.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 305
EPA Method 625
Determination of Base/Neutrals & Acids, Semivolatiles, Pesticides, Aroclors (GC/MS)

Pesticide mixture #1 (7C) standard solution CL40.13597

EPA METHOD 625 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 BHC (alpha isomer)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 4.4'-DDD
IATA 3,II Dieldrin
IMDG 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Heptachlor
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Heptachlor epoxide
DANGER. Lindane (BHC gamma isomer)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13597.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13568

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3 (6.1),II Di-n-butyl phthalate
EPA 600

IMDG 3 (6.1),II Diethyl phthalate

HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Di-n-octyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13568.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13570

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3,II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Di-n-octyl phthalate
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13570.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticide mixture #2 (6C) standard solution CL40.13598

EPA METHOD 625 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Aldrin®
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II BHC (beta isomer)
IATA 3,II 4.4'-DDE
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDT
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 a-Endosulfan
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 b-Endosulfan
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13598.0001 1 ml AMP

306 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 625
Determination of Base/Neutrals & Acids, Semivolatiles, Pesticides, Aroclors (GC/MS)

Tuning standards mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13600

EPA METHOD 625, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 4.4'-DDT
IATA 6.1,III Decafluorotriphenylphosphine
IMDG 6.1,III Pentachlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13600.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids internal standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13599

EPA METHOD 625/1625 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 2-Fluorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Pentafluorophenol
IATA 3,II Phenol-d6

EPA 600
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13599.0001 1 ml AMP

Benzidines mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13567

EPA METHOD 605, 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13567.0001 1 ml AMP

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 307
EPA Method 632
Determination of Carbamate & Urea Pesticides in Wastewater (HPLC)

Carbamate & urea pesticides mixture #2 (19C) standard solution CL40.13603

EPA METHOD 632 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Aminocarb Monuron
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Barban Neburon
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Baygon® Oxamyl
Carbaryl Propham
Carbofuran Siduron
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319
Chlorpropham Swep
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Diuron Zectran (Mexacarbate)
Methiocarb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13603.0001 1 ml AMP

Carbamate & ureapesticides mixture (18C) standard solution CL40.13602

EPA METHOD 632 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
EPA 600

Aminocarb Methomyl
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Barban Monuron
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Baygon® Neburon
Carbaryl Oxamyl
Carbofuran Propham
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319
Chlorpropham Siduron
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Diuron Swep
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13602.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 633.1

Determination of Neutral Nitrogen-Containing Pesticides (GC/MS)

Neutral nitrogen containing pesticides mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13604

EPA METHOD 633.1 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Fenarimol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II MGK 264®
IATA 3 (6.1),II MGK 326®
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Propyzamide
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13604.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

308 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 634
Determination of Thiocarbamate Pesticides in Wastewaters (GC)

Thiocarbamate pesticides mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13605

EPA METHOD 634 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398 Butylate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Cycloate
IATA 3,II S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate
IMDG 3,II Molinate
HNrs H225-H315 S-Propyl butylethylthiocarbamate
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Vernolate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13605.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA 600

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 309
Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Standard
Art. Nr. : CL40.13502 Lot Nr. : 25.0670606
Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 3%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value

Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 24.0090401 200 µg/mL

Bromobenzene 108-86-1 99,9 22.1270810 200 µg/mL
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 99,9 24.0100401 200 µg/mL
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 99,9 24.0110401 200 µg/mL
Bromoform 75-25-2 99,9 22.1280810 200 µg/mL
n-Butyl benzene 104-51-8 99,9 22.1290810 200 µg/mL
sec-Butyl benzene 135-98-8 99,9 22.1300810 200 µg/mL
tert-Butyl benzene 98-06-6 99,9 22.1310810 200 µg/mL
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 99,9 22.1330810 200 µg/mL
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 99,9 24.0120401 200 µg/mL
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 99,9 22.1340810 200 µg/mL
Chloroethane 75-00-3 99,9 22.4731710 200 µg/mL
Chloroform 67-66-3 99,9 24.0130401 200 µg/mL
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 99,9 22.1360810 200 µg/mL
4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 99,9 22.1370810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 99,9 22.1390810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 99,9 22.1400810 200 µg/mL
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 99,9 24.0140401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 99,9 24.0150401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 99,9 22.1420810 200 µg/mL
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 99,9 1269954 200 µg/mL
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 99,9 215121069 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99,9 24.0160401 200 µg/mL Specifications:
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99,9 24.0170401 200 µg/mL
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 99,9 24.4522103 200 µg/mL
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99,9 24.0180401 200 µg/mL Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 99,9 24.0220401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 99,9 24.5682403 200 µg/mL p-Isopropyl toluene 99-87-6 99,9 22.1460810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 99,9 22.1440810 200 µg/mL Methyl bromide 74-83-9 99,9 22.1470810 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 99,9 22.1450810 200 µg/mL Methyl chloride 74-87-3 99,9 22.1480810 200 µg/mL
2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 99,9 24.0190401 200 µg/mL Methylene chloride 75-09-2 99,9 22.2041010 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 99,9 NT055938 200 µg/mL Naphthalene 91-20-3 99,9 S4581146 200 µg/mL
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 99,9 23.0530610 200 µg/mL n-Propyl benzene 103-65-1 99,9 22.1490810 200 µg/mL
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 99,9 23.0540610 200 µg/mL Styrene 100-42-5 99,9 20.1912004 200 µg/mL
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 99,9 24.0200401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 99,9 24.0230401 200 µg/mL
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 99,9 24.4402211 200 µg/mL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 99,9 24.0240401 200 µg/mL
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99,9 24.0250401 200 µg/mL
Page 1 of 2 Toluene 108-88-3 99,9 24.0260401 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 99,9 S34007 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 99,9 24.0270401 200 µg/mL
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 99,9 23.5072611 200 µg/mL
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 99,9 22.1500810 200 µg/mL
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 99,9 24.0280401 200 µg/mL
Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 99,9 22.1510810 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 99,9 24.0290401 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99,9 22.1520810 200 µg/mL
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 99,9 22.1530810 200 µg/mL
Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 99,9 24.4512103 200 µg/mL
o-Xylene 95-47-6 99,9 24.0300401 200 µg/mL
m-Xylene 108-38-3 99,9 24.0310401 200 µg/mL
p-Xylene 106-42-3 99,9 24.0320401 200 µg/mL

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 06 June 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jun-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 2 of 2 F006-Organic-3/02/17

310 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards
2.3.3 EPA Method 1311 Protocol for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
(TCLP) 313-314

2.3.4 EPA Methods 1600 Methods for Wastewater Pollutants

• EPA Method 1618 Determination of Organo-halide Pesticides,
Organo-phosphorus Pesticides, and Phenoxy-acid Herbicides by
Wide Bore Capillary Column (GC with Selective Detectors) 315-317


• EPA Method 1625 Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds
by Isotope Dilution (GC/MS) 318-320
• EPA Method 1660 Determination of Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids in
Municipal and Industrial Wastewater 321
• EPA Method 1664 n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM; Oil and Grease)
and Silica Gel Treated n-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT – HEM;
Non-polar Material) by Extraction and Gravimetry 322
• EPA Method 1665 Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds
Specific to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry by Isotope Dilution
(GC/MS) 323
• EPA Method 1666 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds
Specific to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry by Isotope Dilution
(GC/MS) 324

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 311
E PA 16 0 0 S E R I E S O R G A N I C P O L L U TA N T S I N I N D U S T R I A L A N D

EPA 1600 Series Organic pollutants in industrial and municipal waste discharges.
Under the Clean Water Act (CWA)

Method Method Description

1618 Determination of Organo-halide Pesticides, Organo-phosphorus Pesticides, and Phenoxy-

acid Herbicides by Wide Bore Capillary Column (GC with Selective Detectors)
1625 Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution (GC/MS)
1660 Determination of Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids in Municipa land Industrial Wastewater

1664 n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM; Oil and Grease) and Silica Gel Treated n-Hexane
Extractable Material (SGT – HEM; Non-polar Material) by Extraction and Gravimetry
1665 Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Specific to the Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Industry by Isotope Dilution (GC/MS)
1666 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds Specific to the Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Industry by Isotope Dilution (GC/MS)

312 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 1311
Protocol for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)

TCLP semivolatiles spiking mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13720

EPA Method 1311 - TCLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone
m-Cresol Pentachlorophenol
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Pyridine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
2.4-Dinitrotoluene 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol
Hexachlorobenzene 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Hexachloroethane
DANGER. 2-Methylphenol
4-Methylphenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nitrobenzene CL40.13720.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatiles mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13721

EPA Method 1311 - TCLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Benzene Vinyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230


HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Butanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II Carbon tetrachloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Chloroform
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
P310 1,2-Dichlorethane
DANGER. 1,1-Dichloroethene
Tetrachloroethene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Trichloroethene CL40.13721.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13723

EPA Method 1311 - TCLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-Dinitrotoluene
IATA 3,II Hexachlorobenzene
IMDG 3,II Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Hexachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Nitrobenzene
DANGER. Pyridine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13723.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13722

EPA Method 1311 - TCLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 m-Cresol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Methylphenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 4-Methylphenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Pentachlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13722.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 313
EPA Method 1311
Protocol for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)

TCLP acids/base neutrals high range (5C) standard solution CL40.13725

EPA Method 1311 - TCLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 m-Cresol 2.000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 2-Methylphenol 2.000 µg/ml
IATA 6.1,III 4-Methylphenol 2.000 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III Pentachlorophenol 1.000 µg/ml
HNrs H351 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 4.000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13725.0001 1 ml AMP

TCLP pesticides spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13724

EPA Method 1311 - TCLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Endrin

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Heptachlor

IATA 3 (6.1),II Heptachlor epoxide
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Lindane (BHC gamma isomer)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Methoxychlor
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13724.0001 1 ml AMP

314 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 1618
Organo-Halide, -Phosphorus Pesticides, and Phenoxy-acid Herbicides by Wide Bore Capillary

Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #1 (19C) standard solution CL40.13607

EPA METHOD 1618 Solution contains stated concentration in iso-Octane
Coumaphos 50 µg/ml Parathion® 100 µg/ml
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262
Diazinon 100 µg/ml Phorate 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Dichlorvos 50 µg/ml Prophos 100 µg/ml
Dimethoate 100 µg/ml Sulprofos 50 µg/ml
Dylox® 100 µg/ml Terbufos 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
EPN 100 µg/ml Tetrachlorvinphos 100 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235 Fenchlorphos 100 µg/ml S.S.S-Tributylphosphorotrithioate 200 ug /mL
DANGER. Fensulfothion 200 µg/ml
Guthion® 100 µg/ml
Guthion Ethyl 100 µg/ml
Malathion 100 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl parathion 100 µg/ml
CL40.13607.0001 1 ml AMP

Organophosphorus pesticides mixture #2 (18C) standard solution CL40.13609

EPA METHOD 1618 Solution contains stated concentration in iso-Octane

EPA 1600
Chlorfenvinphos 50 µg/ml Fenthion 100 µg/ml
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262
Chlorpyrifos 50 µg/ml Phosdrin® 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Chlorpyrifos Methyl 100 µg/ml Imidan® 200 µg/ml
Crotoxyphos 200 µg/ml Leptophos 100 µg/ml
Demeton 200 µg/ml Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate 50 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
Dibrom 100 µg/ml Tokuthion® 100 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235 Dichlofenthion 100 µg/ml Trichloronate 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dioxathion 600 µg/ml
Disulfoton 100 µg/ml
Ethion 100 µg/ml
Famphur 200 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13609.0001 1 ml AMP

Organohalide pesticides mixture #2 (16C) standard solution CL40.13608

EPA METHOD 1618 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
BHC (alpha isomer) 100 µg/ml Endosulfan sulfate 100 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (beta isomer) 100 µg/ml Endrin 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (delta isomer) 100 µg/ml Endrin ketone 100 µg/ml
Captafol 200 µg/ml Mirex 100 µg/ml
Carbophenothion 1000 µg/ml Pentachloronitrobenzene 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
cis-Chlordane 100 µg/ml Trifluralin 200 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
DANGER. trans-Chlordane 100 µg/ml
4.4'-DDD 100 µg/ml
Dichlone 100 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Dieldrin 100 µg/ml
CL40.13608.0001 1 ml AMP

Organohalide pesticides mixture #1 (15C) standard solution CL40.13606

EPA METHOD 1618 Solution contains stated concentration in iso-Octane
Aldrin® 100 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 100 µg/ml
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262
Captan 200 µg/ml Isodrin 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Chlorobenzilate 500 µg/ml Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) 100 µg/ml
Di-allate 250 µg/ml Methoxychlor 200 µg/ml
4.4'-DDT 200 µg/ml Nitrofen 200 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- 4.4'-DDE 200 µg/ml
P403 + P235 a-Endosulfan 200 µg/ml
DANGER. b-Endosulfan 200 µg/ml
Endrin aldehyde 200 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heptachlor 100 µg/ml CL40.13606.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 315
EPA Method 1618
Organo-Halide, -Phosphorus Pesticides, and Phenoxy-acid Herbicides by Wide Bore Capillary

Methylated chlorinated herbicides mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13613

EPA METHOD 1618, 8150B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2,4-D, methyl ester
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2,4-DB, methyl ester
IATA 3 (6.1),II Dalapon, methyl ester
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Dicamba, methyl ester
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dichlorprop, methyl ester
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Dinoseb, methyl ether
P310 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxy acetic acid methyl ester
DANGER. Mecoprop methyl ester
Silvex, methyl ester Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5-(Trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid methyl ester CL40.13613.0001 1 ml AMP

Methylated chlorinated herbicides (10C) standard solution CL40.13660

EPA METHOD 8150B, 1618 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
2,4-D, methyl ester (2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid methyl ester
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
2,4-DB, methyl ester
EPA 1600

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II

IATA 3,II Dalapon, methyl ester
IMDG 3,II Dicamba, methyl ester
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop, methyl ester
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb, methyl ether
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxy acetic acid methyl ester
Mecoprop methyl ester Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex, methyl ester CL40.13660.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides (10C) standard solution CL40.13659

EPA METHOD 8150B, 1618, 8321 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
2,4-D 2,4,5-T®
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB
IATA 3,II Dalapon
IMDG 3,II Dicamba
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid
Mecoprop Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex CL40.13659.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13612

EPA METHOD 1618, 8150B, 8321 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
2,4-D 2,4,5-T®
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB
IATA 3,II Dalapon
IMDG 3,II Dicamba
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid
Mecoprop Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex CL40.13612.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

316 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 1618
Organo-Halide, -Phosphorus Pesticides, and Phenoxy-acid Herbicides by Wide Bore Capillary

Organohalide pesticides mixture #3 - (non-ITD) (8C) standard solution CL40.13610

EPA METHOD 1618 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Chloroneb
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Chloropropylate
IATA 3,II 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
IMDG 3,II Kelthane®
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Terrazole®
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Perthane®
P403 + P235 Propachlor
DANGER. Strobane®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13610.0001 1 ml AMP

GPC calibration mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13611

EPA METHOD 1618, 1656, 1657 Solution contains stated concentration in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 15.000 ug /mL
Corn oil 300.000 ug/mL

EPA 1600
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II Pentachlorophenol 1.400 ug/mL
IMDG 3,II Perylene 100 ug/mL
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Sulfur 500 ug/mL
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13611.0001 1 ml AMP

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 317
EPA Method 1625
Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GC/MS

Base neutrals extractables mixture (44C) standard solution CL40.13596

EPA METHOD 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Benzene/Dichloromethane/Acetonitrile (4/4/2)
Acenaphthene Di-n-octyl phthalate
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1648
Acenaphthylene Fluoranthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Fluorene
Azobenzene Hexachlorobenzene
1.2-Benzanthracene Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HNrs H225-H332-H312-H302-H319
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Hexachloroethane
1.12-Benzoperylene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
Benzo(a)pyrene Isophorone
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Naphthalene
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Nitrobenzene
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
Butyl benzyl phthalate Phenanthrene
2-Chloronaphthalene Pyrene
EPA 1600

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene

Di-n-butyl phthalate
Diethyl phthalate
Dimethyl phthalate
2.4-Dinitrotoluene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.6-Dinitrotoluene CL40.13596.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenol Mix (17C) standard solution NEW CL40.39183

High quality standard for GC EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Nitrophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
2-Chlorophenol Pentachlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
m-Cresol (3-methylphenol) Phenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II
o-Cresol (2-methylphenol) 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
p-Cresol (4-methylphenol) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 2,6-Dichlorophenol
DANGER. 2,4-Dimethylphenol
2,4-Dinitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Nitrophenol CL40.39183.0001 1 ml AMP

Hydrocarbons (14C) standard solution CL40.13601

EPA METHOD 1625 Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
n-Decane (C10) n-Docosane (C22)
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
n-Dodecane (C12) n-Tetracosane (C24)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
n-Tetradecane (C14) n-Hexacosane (C26)
n-Hexadecane (C16) n-Octacosane (C28)
n-Hexacosane (C26) n-Triacontane (C30)
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 n-Octacosane (C28)
WARNING. n-Triacontane (C30)
n-Octadecane (C18) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
n-Eicosane (C20) CL40.13601.0001 1 ml AMP

318 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 1625
Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GC/MS

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13566

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13566.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13746

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230

EPA 1600
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13746.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13568

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3 (6.1),II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Di-n-octyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13568.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13570

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3,II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Di-n-octyl phthalate
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13570.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 319
EPA Method 1625
Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GC/MS

Acids internal standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13599

EPA METHOD 625/1625 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 2-Fluorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Pentafluorophenol
IATA 3,II Phenol-d6
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13599.0001 1 ml AMP

Benzidines mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13567

EPA METHOD 605, 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine
IATA 3 (6.1),II
EPA 1600

IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13567.0001 1 ml AMP

320 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 1660
The Determination of Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater

Pyrethrins & pyrethroids mixture #1 (4C) standard solution CL40.13614

EPA METHOD 1660 Solution contains stated concentration in Acetonitrile
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648 Baythroid® 400 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II d-(cis-trans)-Phenothrin 400 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Sanmarton 200 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Tetramethrin 400 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13614.0001 1 ml AMP

Certificate of Analysis

EPA 1600
IONEX Reference Standard
Art. Nr. : CL40.13502 Lot Nr. : 25.0670606
Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 3%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 24.0090401 200 µg/mL
Bromobenzene 108-86-1 99,9 22.1270810 200 µg/mL
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 99,9 24.0100401 200 µg/mL
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 99,9 24.0110401 200 µg/mL
Bromoform 75-25-2 99,9 22.1280810 200 µg/mL
n-Butyl benzene 104-51-8 99,9 22.1290810 200 µg/mL
sec-Butyl benzene 135-98-8 99,9 22.1300810 200 µg/mL Specifications:
tert-Butyl benzene 98-06-6 99,9 22.1310810 200 µg/mL
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 99,9 22.1330810 200 µg/mL
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 99,9 24.0120401 200 µg/mL Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 99,9 24.0220401 200 µg/mL
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 99,9 22.1340810 200 µg/mL p-Isopropyl toluene 99-87-6 99,9 22.1460810 200 µg/mL
Chloroethane 75-00-3 99,9 22.4731710 200 µg/mL Methyl bromide 74-83-9 99,9 22.1470810 200 µg/mL
Chloroform 67-66-3 99,9 24.0130401 200 µg/mL Methyl chloride 74-87-3 99,9 22.1480810 200 µg/mL
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 99,9 22.1360810 200 µg/mL Methylene chloride 75-09-2 99,9 22.2041010 200 µg/mL
4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 99,9 22.1370810 200 µg/mL Naphthalene 91-20-3 99,9 S4581146 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 99,9 22.1390810 200 µg/mL n-Propyl benzene 103-65-1 99,9 22.1490810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 99,9 22.1400810 200 µg/mL Styrene 100-42-5 99,9 20.1912004 200 µg/mL
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 99,9 24.0140401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 99,9 24.0230401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 99,9 24.0150401 200 µg/mL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 99,9 24.0240401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 99,9 22.1420810 200 µg/mL Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99,9 24.0250401 200 µg/mL
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 99,9 1269954 200 µg/mL Toluene 108-88-3 99,9 24.0260401 200 µg/mL
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 99,9 215121069 200 µg/mL 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 99,9 S34007 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99,9 24.0160401 200 µg/mL 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 99,9 24.0270401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99,9 24.0170401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 99,9 23.5072611 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 99,9 24.4522103 200 µg/mL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 99,9 22.1500810 200 µg/mL
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99,9 24.0180401 200 µg/mL Trichloroethene 79-01-6 99,9 24.0280401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 99,9 24.5682403 200 µg/mL Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 99,9 22.1510810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 99,9 22.1440810 200 µg/mL 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 99,9 24.0290401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 99,9 22.1450810 200 µg/mL 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99,9 22.1520810 200 µg/mL
2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 99,9 24.0190401 200 µg/mL 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 99,9 22.1530810 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 99,9 NT055938 200 µg/mL Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 99,9 24.4512103 200 µg/mL
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 99,9 23.0530610 200 µg/mL o-Xylene 95-47-6 99,9 24.0300401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 99,9 23.0540610 200 µg/mL m-Xylene 108-38-3 99,9 24.0310401 200 µg/mL
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 99,9 24.0200401 200 µg/mL p-Xylene 106-42-3 99,9 24.0320401 200 µg/mL
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 99,9 24.4402211 200 µg/mL

Page 1 of 2

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 06 June 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jun-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 2 of 2 F006-Organic-3/02/17

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 321
EPA Method 1664
Determination of Oil & Grease and Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Oil & grease spiking mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13615

EPA METHOD 1664, TPH Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 n-Hexadecane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Stearic acid
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13615.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 1600

322 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 1665
The Determination of Pollutants in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Wastewater

Secondary stock standard mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13616

EPA METHOD 1665 Solution contains 400 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Aniline
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III N,N-Dimethylacetamide
IATA 6.1,III N,N-Dimethylaniline
IMDG 6.1,III N,N-Dimethylformamide
HNrs H351 2-Picoline
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Pyridine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13616.0001 1 ml AMP

Labeled compounds spiking mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13617

EPA METHOD 1665 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Aniline-d7
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III N,N-Dimethylaniline-d
IATA 6.1,III N,N-Dimethylformamide-d7

EPA 1600
IMDG 6.1,III 2-Methylpyridine-d5
HNrs H351 Pyridine-d5
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13617.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 323
EPA Method 1666
VOC’s Specific to the Pharmaceutical Industry by Isotope Dilution GC/MS

Secondary stock standard mixture #2 (10C) standard solution CL40.13619

EPA METHOD 1666 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 n-Butyl alcohol 2.500 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II n-Butyl acetate 1.000 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II Cyclohexane 1.000 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Ethyl acetate 1.000 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 n-Heptane 1.000 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + n-Hexane 1.000 µg/ml
P310 Isopropyl alcohol 2.500 µg/ml
DANGER. Isopropyl ether 1.000 µg/ml
o-Xylene 1.000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
p-Xylene 500 µg/ml CL40.13619.0001 1 ml AMP

Secondary stock standard mixture #1 (10C) standard solution CL40.13618

EPA METHOD 1666 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 n-Amyl acetate 1000 µg/ml
n-Amyl alcohol 2500 µg/ml
EPA 1600

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II tert-Butyl alcohol 2500 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Iso-propyl acetate 1000µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Methyl formate 2500 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1000 µg/ml
P310 n-Pentane 1000 µg/ml
DANGER. Tetrahydrofuran 1000 µg/ml
Trichlorofluoromethane 1000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
m-Xylene 500 µg/ml CL40.13618.0001 1 ml AMP

Labeled compounds spiking mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13620

EPA METHOD 1666 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 tert-Butyl alcohol-d10 250 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Cyclohexane-d12 25 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II Ethyl acetate-13C2 25 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II n-Heptane-d16 25 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 n-Hexane-d14 25 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Tetrahydrofuran-d8 25 µg/ml
P310 o-Xylene-d10 25 µg/ml
DANGER. p-Xylene-d10 25 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13620.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables internal standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13621

EPA METHOD 1666, 8240B, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene-d5
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Difluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13621.0001 1 ml AMP

324 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat
Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Versie/Version/Fassung 1
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05

EPA 1600
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 325
EPA 8000

326 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards
2.3.5 EPA 8000 Methods for Monitoring Organic Pollutants
• EPA Method 8010B Halogenated Volatile Organics (GC) 331-332
• EPA Method 8011 1,2-Dibromoethane and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
(GC/ECD) 332
• EPA Method 8015 Nonhalogenated Volatile Organics (P&T GC/FID) 333
• EPA Method 8020 Aromatic Volatile Organics (GC/PID) 333-334
• EPA Method 8021 Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles
(GC/ECD/PID) 334-338
• EPA Method 8040, 8041 Phenols (GC/FID) 338-340

EPA 8000
• EPA Method 8060 Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD) 340-341
• EPA Method 8061A Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD) 341
• EPA Method 8070A Nitrosamines (GC/MS) 341
• EPA Method 8080A Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD) 342-344
• EPA Method 8081A PCB’s by Capillary Column (GC) 344-346
• EPA Method 8082 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) (GC) 346
• EPA Method 8090 Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones
(GC/ECD or GC/FID) 347
• EPA Method 8100 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) (GC/FID) 347
• EPA Method 8110 Haloethers (GC) 348
• EPA Method 8111 Haloethers (GC) 348
• EPA Method 8120 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC) 349
• EPA Method 8121 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC) 350
• EPA Method 8141A Organophosphorous Compounds (GC) 350-351
• EPA Method 8151 Chlorinated Herbicides (GC) 351-354
• EPA Method 8240B Organics (GC/MS) 354-356
• EPA Method 8260B Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) 357-362
• EPA Method 8270C Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) 363-375
• EPA Method 8275A Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) 375
• EPA Method 8310 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, (HPLC/UV or
Fluorescence Detectors) 376
• EPA Method 8315A Carbonyl Compounds (HPLC) 376
• EPA Method 8318 N-methylcarbamates (HPLC) 377
• EPA Method 8321 Solvent Extractable Non-volatile Compounds
(HPLC/TSP/MS) 377-378
• EPA Method 8325 Solvent Extractable Nonvolatile Compounds
(HPLC/PB/MS) 378
• EPA Method 8330 Nitroaromatics and Nitramines (HPLC) 379
• EPA Method 8430 Bis (2-Chloroethyl) ether (GC/FT-IR) 379
• EPA Method 8440 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 379-380

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 327
Certificate of Analysis
IONEX Reference Standard
Art. Nr. : CL40.13502 Lot Nr. : 25.0670606
Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 3%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 24.0090401 200 µg/mL
Bromobenzene 108-86-1 99,9 22.1270810 200 µg/mL
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 99,9 24.0100401 200 µg/mL
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 99,9 24.0110401 200 µg/mL
EPA 8000

Bromoform 75-25-2 99,9 22.1280810 200 µg/mL

n-Butyl benzene 104-51-8 99,9 22.1290810 200 µg/mL
sec-Butyl benzene 135-98-8 99,9 22.1300810 200 µg/mL
tert-Butyl benzene 98-06-6 99,9 22.1310810 200 µg/mL
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 99,9 22.1330810 200 µg/mL
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 99,9 24.0120401 200 µg/mL
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 99,9 22.1340810 200 µg/mL
Chloroethane 75-00-3 99,9 22.4731710 200 µg/mL
Chloroform 67-66-3 99,9 24.0130401 200 µg/mL
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 99,9 22.1360810 200 µg/mL
4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 99,9 22.1370810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 99,9 22.1390810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 99,9 22.1400810 200 µg/mL
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 99,9 24.0140401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 99,9 24.0150401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 99,9 22.1420810 200 µg/mL
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 99,9 1269954 200 µg/mL
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 99,9 215121069 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99,9 24.0160401 200 µg/mL Specifications:
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99,9 24.0170401 200 µg/mL
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 99,9 24.4522103 200 µg/mL
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99,9 24.0180401 200 µg/mL Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 99,9 24.0220401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 99,9 24.5682403 200 µg/mL p-Isopropyl toluene 99-87-6 99,9 22.1460810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 99,9 22.1440810 200 µg/mL Methyl bromide 74-83-9 99,9 22.1470810 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 99,9 22.1450810 200 µg/mL Methyl chloride 74-87-3 99,9 22.1480810 200 µg/mL
2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 99,9 24.0190401 200 µg/mL Methylene chloride 75-09-2 99,9 22.2041010 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 99,9 NT055938 200 µg/mL Naphthalene 91-20-3 99,9 S4581146 200 µg/mL
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 99,9 23.0530610 200 µg/mL n-Propyl benzene 103-65-1 99,9 22.1490810 200 µg/mL
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 99,9 23.0540610 200 µg/mL Styrene 100-42-5 99,9 20.1912004 200 µg/mL
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 99,9 24.0200401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 99,9 24.0230401 200 µg/mL
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 99,9 24.4402211 200 µg/mL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 99,9 24.0240401 200 µg/mL
Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99,9 24.0250401 200 µg/mL
Page 1 of 2 Toluene 108-88-3 99,9 24.0260401 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 99,9 S34007 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 99,9 24.0270401 200 µg/mL
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 99,9 23.5072611 200 µg/mL
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 99,9 22.1500810 200 µg/mL
Trichloroethene 79-01-6 99,9 24.0280401 200 µg/mL
Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 99,9 22.1510810 200 µg/mL
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 99,9 24.0290401 200 µg/mL
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99,9 22.1520810 200 µg/mL
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 99,9 22.1530810 200 µg/mL
Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 99,9 24.4512103 200 µg/mL
o-Xylene 95-47-6 99,9 24.0300401 200 µg/mL
m-Xylene 108-38-3 99,9 24.0310401 200 µg/mL
p-Xylene 106-42-3 99,9 24.0320401 200 µg/mL

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 06 June 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jun-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
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328 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
E PA S W - 84 6 / 80 0 0 S E R I E S M E T H O D S FO R M O N I TO R I N G

EPA SW-846 / 8000 Series Methods For Monitoring

Organic Pollutans In Ground water, Wastewater, And Solid Waste

Method Method Description

8010B Determination of Halogenated Volatile Organics (GC)

8011 Determination of 1,2-Dibromoethane and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (GC/ECD)
8015 Determination of Nonhalogenated Volatile Organics (P&T GC/FID)
8020B Determination of Aromatic Volatile Organics (GC/PID)
8021A Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles (GC/ECD/PID)
8030A Determination of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile (GC/PID)

EPA 8000
8031 Determination of Acrylonitrile (GC)
8032 Determination of Acrylamide (GC/ECD)
8033 Determination of Acetonitrile (GC/NDP)
8040A Determination of Phenols (GC/FID)
8060 Determination of Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD)
8061 Determination of Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD)
8070 Determination of Nitrosamines (GC/MS)
8080 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)
8081 Determination of PCB’s by Capillary Column (GC)
8082 Determination of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) (GC)
8090 Determination of Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones (GC/ECD or GC/FID)
8091 Determination of Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones (Capillary Column GC)
8095 Determination of Various Explosives in Water and Soil (Capillary Column GC)
8100 Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) (GC/FID)
8110 Determination of Haloethers (GC)
8111 Determination of Haloethers (GC)
8120A Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC)
8121 Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC)
8140 Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides (GC)
8141A Determination of Organophosphorous Compounds (GC)
8151 Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides by GC using Methylation or
Pentafluorobenzylation Derivitization
8240B Determination of Organics (GC/MS)
8250A Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)
8260B Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)
8265 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)
8270C Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)
8275 Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (TC/MS)
8310 Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, (HPLC/UV or
Fluorescence Detectors)
8315 Determination of Carbonyl Compounds (HPLC)
8315A Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides (GC)
8318 Determination of N-methylcarbamates (HPLC)

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 329
E PA S W - 84 6 / 80 0 0 S E R I E S M E T H O D S FO R M O N I TO R I N G

8321 Determination of Solvent Extractable Non-volatile Compounds (HPLC/TSP/MS)

8325 Determination of Solvent Extractable Nonvolatile Compounds (HPLC/PB/MS)
8330 Determination of Nitroaromatics and Nitramines (HPLC)
8430Bis Determination of (2-Chloroethyl) ether (GC/FT-IR)
8440 Determination of Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons
5041 Protocol for Analysis of Sorbent Cartridges from VOST
1311 Protocol for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
EPA 8000

330 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8010B
Determination of Halogenated Volatile Organics (GC)

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13104

EPA METHOD 501.3, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Bromoform
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13104.0001 1 ml AMP

Trihalomethanes (4C) standard solution CL40.13501

EPA METHOD 501, 601/602, 8010B Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chloroform
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13501.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables - internal standards (3C) standard solution CL40.13564

EPA METHOD 601/602, 624/1624, 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Dichlorobutane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13564.0001 1 ml AMP

Halogenated volatile organics mixture (14C) standard solution CL40.13628

EPA METHOD 8010B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromoform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Carbon tetrachloride 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chloroform Trichloroethene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,1-Dichloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 1,2-Dichloroethane
P310 1,2-Dichloropropane
DANGER. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Tetrachloroethene CL40.13628.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 331
EPA Method 8010B
Determination of Halogenated Volatile Organics (GC)

VOC Mix (7C) standard solution NEW CL40.39039

High quality standard for GC EPA METHOD 551, 8010 Solution contains stated concentrations in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromodichloromethane (50 µg/mL)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Dibromochloromethane (50 µg/mL)
IATA 3 (6.1),II Tetrachloroethene (20 µg/mL)
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Tetrachloromethane (6 µg/mL)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Tribromomethane (50 µg/mL)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Trichloroethene (60 µg/mL)
P310 Trichloromethane (50 µg/mL)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.39039.0001 1 ml AMP

EDB/DBCP (2C) standard solution CL40.13521

EPA METHOD 504, 8010B, 8011 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
EPA 8000

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13521.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8011

Determination of 1,2-Dibromoethane and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (GC/ECD)

EDB/DBCP (2C) standard solution CL40.13521

EPA METHOD 504, 8010B, 8011 Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13521.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

332 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8015
Determination of Nonhalogenated Volatile Organics (P&T GC/FID)

Non-halogenated volatiles (11C) standard solution CL40.13629

EPA METHOD 8015A, 8240B, 5035A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Acetonitrile Propionitrile
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Butanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II Ethyl ether
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Dioxane
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Ethyl Alcohol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Ethyl methacrylate
P310 Isobutyl alcohol
DANGER. Methacrylonitrile
Methyl methacrylate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
4-Methyl-2-pentanone CL40.13629.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13630

EPA METHOD 8015B, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Chloroacrylonitrile

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II Hexafluoro-2-propanol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13630.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8020

Determination of Aromatic Volatile Organics (GC/PID)

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13631

EPA METHOD 8020B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1.4-Dichlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Ethylbenzene
P310 Toluene
DANGER. o-Xylene
m-Xylene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
p-Xylene CL40.13631.0001 1 ml AMP

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution CL40.13510

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13510.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 333
EPA Method 8020
Determination of Aromatic Volatile Organics (GC/PID)

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13767

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13767.0001 1 ml AMP
CL40.13767.0005 5 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13632

EPA METHOD 8020B Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 1-Bromo-4-chlorobenzene
EPA 8000

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Difluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13632.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8021

Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles (GC/ECD/PID)

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13502

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13502.0001 1 ml AMP
334 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8021
Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles (GC/ECD/PID)

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13503

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane

EPA 8000
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13503.0001 1 ml AMP

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13745

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13745.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 335
EPA Method 8021
Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles (GC/ECD/PID)

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13508

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
EPA 8000

n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene

sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13508.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13506

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13506.0001 1 ml AMP

336 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8021
Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles (GC/ECD/PID)

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13507

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane

EPA 8000
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13507.0001 1 ml AMP

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13505

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13505.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 337
EPA Method 8021
Determination of Halogenated and Aromatic Volatiles (GC/ECD/PID)

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13504

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13504.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 8000

Internal standards mixtures (2C) standard solution CL40.13517

EPA METHOD 502/524, 502.2, 8021A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Bromo-1-chloropropane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Fluorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13517.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8040, 8041

Determination of Phenols (GC/FID)

Phenols (23C) standard solution CL40.13633

EPA METHOD 8040A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Pentachlorophenol
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1219
2-Chlorophenol Phenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
m-Cresol 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 2,3,5,6-Tetrachlorophenol
2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,3,4-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H319-H336
2,6-Dichlorophenol 2,3,5-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,3,6-Trichlorophenol
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
4-Nitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13633.0001 1 ml AMP

338 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8040, 8041
Determination of Phenols (GC/FID)

Non-RCRA target analytes stock standard solution (17C) CL40.13638

EPA METHOD 8041 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
2-Chloro-5-methylphenol 3.4-Dimethylphenol
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
4-Chloro-2-methylphenol 2,5-Dinitrophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
3-Chlorophenol 3-Nitrophenol
4-Chlorophenol 2.3.4-Trichlorophenol
2,3-Dichlorophenol 2.3.5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
H411 2.5-Dichlorophenol 2.3.6-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- 3,4-Dichlorophenol
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
2,5-Dimethylphenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.6-Dimethylphenol CL40.13638.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols - high concentration mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13635

EPA METHOD 8040A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol

EPA 8000
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1219 2-Chlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,6-Dichlorophenol
IATA 3,II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
IMDG 3,II 2,4-Dinitrophenol
HNrs H225-H319-H336 Dinoseb
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 2-Methylphenol
DANGER. 4-Methylphenol
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol CL40.13635.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols - high concentration mixture #1 (9C) standard solution CL40.13634

EPA METHOD 8040A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1219 p-Chloro-m-methylphenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II m-Cresol
IATA 3,II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3,II 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
HNrs H225-H319-H336 2-Nitrophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 4-Nitrophenol
DANGER. Pentachlorophenol
Phenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol CL40.13634.0001 1 ml AMP

Discretionary phenols mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13636

EPA METHOD 8040A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1219 2.3.4-Trichlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2.3.5-Trichlorophenol
IATA 3,II 2.3.6-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H319-H336
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13636.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 339
EPA Method 8040, 8041
Determination of Phenols (GC/FID)

Internal spiking standard solution (2C) CL40.13639

EPA METHOD 8041 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Propanol
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1219 2.5-Dibromotoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,2í,5,5í-Tetrabromobiphenyl
HNrs H225-H319-H336
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13639.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13637

EPA METHOD 8040A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Fluorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2,4,6-Tribromophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II
EPA 8000

IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13637.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8060

Determination of Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD)

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13570

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3,II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Di-n-octyl phthalate
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13570.0001 1 ml AMP

Phtalate esters - control sample mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13569

EPA METHOD 606, 8060 Solution contains stated concentration in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 50 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate 10 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Di-n-butyl phthalate 25 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Diethyl phthalate 25 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dimethyl phthalate 25 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Di-n-octyl phthalate 50 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13569.0001 1 ml AMP

340 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8060
Determination of Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD)

Phtalate esters (6C) standard solution CL40.13568

EPA METHOD 606, 625/1625, 8060 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Butyl benzyl phthalate
IATA 3 (6.1),II Di-n-butyl phthalate
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Diethyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dimethyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Di-n-octyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13568.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8061A

Determination of Phthalate Esters (Capillary Column GC/ECD)

EPA 8000
Phtalate esters (16C) standard solution CL40.13640
EPA METHOD 8061 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Bis(2-n-butoxyethyl)phthalate Di-n-hexyl phthalate
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262
Bis(2-ethoxyethyl)phthalate Diisobutyl phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Dimethyl phthalate
Bis(2-methoxyethyl)phthalate Dinonyl phthalate
Bis(4-methyl-2-pentyl)phthalate Di-n-octyl phthalate
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
Butyl benzyl phthalate Hexyl 2-ethylhexyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235 Diamyl phthalate
DANGER. Di-n-butyl phthalate
Dicyclohexyl phthalate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Diethyl phthalate
CL40.13640.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8070A

Determination of Nitrosamines (GC/MS)

Nitrosoamines (3C) standard solution CL40.13580

EPA METHOD 607, 8070 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 N-Nitrosodimethylamine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
IATA 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13580.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 341
EPA Method 8080A
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EPA 8000

CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides - control sample mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13747

EPA METHOD 608, 8080A/8081 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
Aldrin® 1000 µg/ml Endrin 5000 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (alpha isomer) 1000 µg/ml Heptachlor 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) 1000 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 1000 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDD 5000 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 4.4'-DDE 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.4'-DDT 5000 µg/ml
DANGER. Dieldrin 1000 µg/ml
a-Endosulfan 1000 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 5000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 5000 µg/ml CL40.13747.0001 1 ml AMP

342 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8080A
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)

Pesticides - control sample mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13574

EPA METHOD 608, 8080A/8081 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
Aldrin® 20 µg/ml Endrin 100 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (alpha isomer) 20 µg/ml Heptachlor 20 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) 20 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 20 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDD 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 4.4'-DDE 20 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.4'-DDT 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dieldrin 20 µg/ml
a-Endosulfan 20 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 100 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 100 µg/ml CL40.13574.0001 1 ml AMP

Florisil® cartridge check mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13643

EPA METHOD 8080/8081A, 8270C Solution contains stated concentration in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 BHC (alpha isomer) 5 µg/ml
4.4'-DDD 10 µg/ml

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II 4.4'-DDT 10 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Decachlorobiphenyl 20 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- Dieldrin 10 µg/ml
H411 Endrin 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- a-Endosulfan 5 µg/ml
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Heptachlor 5 µg/ml
Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) 5 µg/ml
Methoxychlor 50 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 20 µg/ml CL40.13643.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture #1 (2C) standard solution CL40.13641

EPA METHOD 8080A/8081/8081A, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294 Decachlorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13641.0001 1 ml AMP

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 343
EPA Method 8080A
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides & PCB’s (GC/ECD)

Surrogate standards mixture #2 (2C) standard solution CL40.13642

EPA METHOD 8080A/8081/8081A, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Dibutyl chlorendate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13642.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8081A

Determination of PCB’s by Capillary Column (GC)

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA 8000

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

344 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8081A
Determination of PCB’s by Capillary Column (GC)

Pesticides - control sample mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13747

EPA METHOD 608, 8080A/8081 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
Aldrin® 1000 µg/ml Endrin 5000 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (alpha isomer) 1000 µg/ml Heptachlor 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) 1000 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 1000 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDD 5000 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 4.4'-DDE 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.4'-DDT 5000 µg/ml
DANGER. Dieldrin 1000 µg/ml
a-Endosulfan 1000 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 5000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 5000 µg/ml CL40.13747.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides - control sample mixture (13C) standard solution CL40.13574

EPA METHOD 608, 8080A/8081 Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene
Aldrin® 20 µg/ml Endrin 100 µg/ml
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
BHC (alpha isomer) 20 µg/ml Heptachlor 20 µg/ml

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) 20 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 20 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 4.4'-DDD 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 4.4'-DDE 20 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.4'-DDT 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dieldrin 20 µg/ml
a-Endosulfan 20 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 100 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 100 µg/ml CL40.13574.0001 1 ml AMP

Florisil® cartridge check mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13643

EPA METHOD 8080/8081A, 8270C Solution contains stated concentration in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 BHC (alpha isomer) 5 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 4.4'-DDD 10 µg/ml
IATA 3,II 4.4'-DDT 10 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Decachlorobiphenyl 20 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- Dieldrin 10 µg/ml
H411 Endrin 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- a-Endosulfan 5 µg/ml
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Heptachlor 5 µg/ml
Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) 5 µg/ml
Methoxychlor 50 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 20 µg/ml CL40.13643.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture #1 (2C) standard solution CL40.13641

EPA METHOD 8080A/8081/8081A, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294 Decachlorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13641.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 345
EPA Method 8081A
Determination of PCB’s by Capillary Column (GC)

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture #2 (2C) standard solution CL40.13642

EPA METHOD 8080A/8081/8081A, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Dibutyl chlorendate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
EPA 8000

HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13642.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8082

Determination of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) (GC)

Aroclor calibration standards mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13644

EPA METHOD 8082/8082A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Arochlor 1016
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Arochlor 1260
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13644.0001 1 ml AMP

346 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8090
Determination of Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones (GC/ECD or GC/FID)

NIitroaromatrics & ketones - control sample mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13573
EPA METHOD 609, 8090 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2.6-Dinitrotoluene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Isophorone
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Nitrobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13573.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13645

EPA METHOD 8090, 8110, 8120A, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
IATA 6.1,III p-Terphenyl-D14
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13645.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8100

Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) (GC/FID)

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (16C) standard solution CL40.13575

EPA METHOD 610, 8100, 8270C, 8310, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene (1/1)
Acenaphthene Fluorene
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114
Acenaphthylene Indeno(1,2,3-C,D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Naphthalene
1,2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H319-H340-H350-
H372-H412 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P201-P210-P273-P301 + P310-P308 + 1,12-Benzoperylene
1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluoranthene CL40.13575.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 347
EPA Method 8110
Determination of Haloethers (GC)

Base neutrals surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13645

EPA METHOD 8090, 8110, 8120A, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Nitrobenzene-D5
IATA 6.1,III p-Terphenyl-D14
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13645.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8111

Determination of Haloethers (GC)

Haloether RCRA analytes mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13650

EPA 8000

EPA METHOD 8111 Solution contains 1 mg/ml in iso-Octane

Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether
IATA 3,II Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether
IMDG 3,II 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13650.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloether RCRA surrogate standard (2C) standard solution CL40.13651

EPA METHOD 8111 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 2,4-Dichlorophenyl phenyl ether
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,3,4-Trichlorophenyl phenyl ether
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13651.0001 1 ml AMP

348 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8120
Determinaton of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC)

Chlorinated hydrocarbons (10C) standard solution CL40.13652

EPA METHOD 8120A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 2-Chloronaphthalene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
IATA 3,II 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 3,II 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- Hexachlorobenzene
H411 Hexachlorobutadiene
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13652.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated hydrocarbons (9C) standard solution CL40.13577

EPA METHOD 612, 8120A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Dichloromethane (1/1)

EPA 8000
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Chloronaphthalene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
IATA 6.1,III 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 6.1,III 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Hexachlorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Hexachlorobutadiene
P310 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
DANGER. Hexachloroethane
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13577.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13645

EPA METHOD 8090, 8110, 8120A, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Nitrobenzene-D5
IATA 6.1,III p-Terphenyl-D14
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13645.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 349
EPA Method 8121
Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (GC)

Chlorinated hydrocarbons (22C) standard solution CL40.13653

EPA METHOD 8121 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane/Acetone (90/10)
Benzyl chloride Pentachlorobenzene
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1208
a-BHC 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
b-BHC 1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene
d-BHC 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene
2-Chloronaphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene
1,4-Dichlorobenzene a,a,a-Trichlorotoluene
Hexachloroethane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lindane CL40.13653.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 8000

EPA Method 8141A

Determinatino of Organophosphorous Compounds (GC)

Organophosphorus pesticides (20C) standard solution CL40.13654

EPA METHOD 8140/8141A/8141B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Chlorpyrifos Fenchlorophos
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Coumaphos Fensulfothion
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Demeton-S Fenthion
Diazinon Guthion®
Dibrom Methyl parathion
HNrs H351
Dichlorvos Phorate
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Disulfoton Phosdrin
Tributylphosphorotrithioite Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Trichloronate CL40.13654.0001 1 ml AMP

Organophosphorus compounds mixture (19C) standard solution CL40.13657

EPA METHOD 8141A/8141B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in n-Hexane
Aspon® Fenitrothion
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Carbophenothion Guthion Ethyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Chlorfenvinphos Leptophos
Chlorpyrifos methyl Imidan®
Crotoxyphos Phosphamidon
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
H411 Dichlofenthion Terbufos
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Dicrotophos Zinophos®
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Ethion Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13657.0001 1 ml AMP

350 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8141A
Determinatino of Organophosphorous Compounds (GC)

Organophosphorus compounds (7C) standard solution CL40.13656

EPA METHOD 8141A/8141B (Supplement to EPA Method 8140) Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294 Dimethoate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II EPN
IATA 3,II Malathion
IMDG 3,II Monocrotophos
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 Parathion®
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate
DANGER. Tetraethylpyrophosphate

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13656.0001 1 ml AMP

Special organophosphorus mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13658

EPA METHOD 8141A/8141B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Cyclohexane
Density 0.78 g/ml UN 1145 Diazinon

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II Malathion
IMDG 3,II Methyl parathion
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 Parathion®
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13658.0001 1 ml AMP

Triazine herbicides mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13655

EPA METHOD 8141A/8141B Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Atrazine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Simazine
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13655.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8510B, 8151

Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides (GC)

Methylated chlorinated herbicides (19C) standard solution CL40.13584

EPA METHOD 8151 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone/iso-Octane (10/90)
Acifluorfen methyl ester Dinoseb methyl ether
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1262
Bentazon methyl derivative 5-Hydroxydicamba
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Chloramben methyl ester Mecoprop methyl ester
4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid methyl ester p-Nitroanisole
2.4.5-Trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid methyl ester Pentachloroanisole
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
Chlorthal Picloram methyl ester
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235 2.4-D methyl ester Silvex methyl ester
DANGER. Dalapon methyl ester
2,4-DB methyl ester
Dicamba methyl ester
3.5-Dichlorobenzoic acid methyl ester Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Dichlorprop methyl ester
CL40.13584.0001 1 ml AMP
CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 351
EPA Method 8510B, 8151
Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides (GC)

Chlorinated herbicides (18C) standard solution CL40.13583

EPA METHOD 8151 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Acifluorfen Tetrachloroterephthalic acid
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Bentazon Mecoprop
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Chloramben 4-Nitrophenol
4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid Pentachlorophenol
2,4-D Picloram
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
Dalapon Silvex
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
2,4-DB 2,4,5-T®
3,5-Dichlorobenzoic acid
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13583.0001 1 ml AMP

Methylated chlorinated herbicides (10C) standard solution CL40.13660

EPA METHOD 8150B, 1618 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
EPA 8000

2,4-D, methyl ester (2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid methyl ester

Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB, methyl ester
IATA 3,II Dalapon, methyl ester
IMDG 3,II Dicamba, methyl ester
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop, methyl ester
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb, methyl ether
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxy acetic acid methyl ester
Mecoprop methyl ester Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex, methyl ester CL40.13660.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides - control sample mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13585

EPA METHOD 615, 8150B Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyaceticacid10,000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2.4-D 100 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II Dalapon 250 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2.4-DB 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dicamba 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Dichlorprop 100 µg/ml
P310 Dinoseb 50 µg/ml
DANGER. Mecoprop 10,000 µg/ml
Silvex 10 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.4.5-T® 10 µg/ml CL40.13585.0001 1 ml AMP

Methylated chlorinated herbicides mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13613

EPA METHOD 1618, 8150B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2,4-D, methyl ester
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2,4-DB, methyl ester
IATA 3 (6.1),II Dalapon, methyl ester
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Dicamba, methyl ester
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Dichlorprop, methyl ester
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Dinoseb, methyl ether
P310 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxy acetic acid methyl ester
DANGER. Mecoprop methyl ester
Silvex, methyl ester Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5-(Trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid methyl ester CL40.13613.0001 1 ml AMP

352 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8510B, 8151
Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides (GC)

Chlorinated herbicides (10C) standard solution CL40.13659

EPA METHOD 8150B, 1618, 8321 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
2,4-D 2,4,5-T®
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB
IATA 3,II Dalapon
IMDG 3,II Dicamba
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid
Mecoprop Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex CL40.13659.0001 1 ml AMP

Methylated chlorinated herbicides - control sample mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13586
EPA METHOD 615, 8150B Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid methyl ester 10000 µg/ml (2.4.5-Trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid methyl ester 10
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
2.4-D methyl ester 100 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II

EPA 8000
Dalapon methyl ester 250 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
2,4-DB methyl ester 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dicamba methyl ester 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Dichlorprop methyl ester 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dinoseb methyl ether 50 µg/ml
Mecoprop methyl ester 10000 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex methyl ester 10 µg/ml
CL40.13586.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides - control sample mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13661

EPA METHOD 8150B Solution contains stated concentration in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid 10000 µg/ml 2,4,5-T® 10 µg/ml
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2.4-D 100 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Dalapon 250 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 2.4-DB 100 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H315 Dicamba 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 Dichlorprop 100 µg/ml
DANGER. Dinoseb 50 µg/ml
Mecoprop 10000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex 10 µg/ml CL40.13661.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13612

EPA METHOD 1618, 8150B, 8321 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
2,4-D 2,4,5-T®
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB
IATA 3,II Dalapon
IMDG 3,II Dicamba
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid
Mecoprop Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex CL40.13612.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 353
EPA Method 8510B, 8151
Determination of Chlorinated Herbicides (GC)

Chlorinated hydrocarbons mixture #2 (9C) standard solution CL40.13578

EPA METHOD 8150B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Chloronaphthalene 400 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 200 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1.3-Dichlorobenzene 200 µg/ml
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 400 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Hexachlorobenzene 1 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene 1 µg/ml
P310 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 µg/ml
DANGER. Hexachloroethane 1 µg/ml
1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene 40 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13578.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicide esters mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13579

EPA METHOD 8150B Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2,4-D methyl ester
Silvex methyl ester
EPA 8000

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4,5-T methyl ester
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13579.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8240B

Determination of Organics (GC/MS)

Volatile organics mixture #1 (37C) standard solution CL40.13662

EPA METHOD 8240B, 5041, 5035A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Acetone Methyl iodide
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Acetonitrile Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Benzene 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Bromodichloromethane Styrene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Tetrachloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Carbon disulfide Toluene
DANGER. Carbon tetrachloride 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Chlorobenzene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Chlorodibromomethane Trichloroethene
Chloroform 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
1.1-Dichloroethane o-Xylene
1.2-Dichloroethane m-Xylene
1,1-Dichloroethene p-Xylene
1.4-Dichloro-2-butene cis & trans
Ethyl methacrylate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Hexanone CL40.13662.0001 1 ml AMP

354 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8240B
Determination of Organics (GC/MS)

Non-halogenated volatiles (11C) standard solution CL40.13629

EPA METHOD 8015A, 8240B, 5035A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Acetonitrile Propionitrile
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Butanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II Ethyl ether
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Dioxane
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Ethyl Alcohol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Ethyl methacrylate
P310 Isobutyl alcohol
DANGER. Methacrylonitrile
Methyl methacrylate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
4-Methyl-2-pentanone CL40.13629.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatiles calibration check mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13669

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Chloroform

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Toluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Vinyl chloride
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13669.0001 1 ml AMP

Combined purgeable internal & surrogate standards mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13664
EPA METHOD 8240B, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 2500 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 4-Bromofluorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene-d5
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,4-Difluorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Toluene-d8
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13664.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatiles system performance mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13668

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromoform
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13668.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 355
EPA Method 8240B
Determination of Organics (GC/MS)

Purgeables matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13666

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, 8250A/8270C, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Trichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13666.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13663

EPA METHOD 8240B, 5041, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
EPA 8000

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene-d8
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13663.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables internal standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13621

EPA METHOD 1666, 8240B, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene-d5
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Difluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13621.0001 1 ml AMP

356 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8260B
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13503

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane

EPA 8000
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13503.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution CL40.13502

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
4-Chlorotoluene Methyl chloride
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Methylene chloride
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dibromoethane Naphthalene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Dibromomethane n-Propyl benzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Styrene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
DANGER. Dichlorodifluoromethane Tetrachloroethene
1,1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromobenzene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromodichloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane
Bromoform 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
n-Butyl benzene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butyl benzene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butyl benzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Vinyl chloride
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylbenzene o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene m-Xylene
Chlorodibromomethane Isopropyl benzene p-Xylene
Chloroethane p-Isopropyl toluene
Chloroform Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl bromide
2-Chlorotoluene CL40.13502.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 357
EPA Method 8260B
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13508

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
EPA 8000

n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene

sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13508.0001 1 ml AMP

Liquid volatile organic compounds mixture (54C) standard solution CL40.13745

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
2-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
4-Chlorotoluene p-Isopropyltoluene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Naphthalene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1.2-Dibromoethane n-Propylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dibromomethane Styrene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
DANGER. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene Tetrachloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Toluene
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
Benzene 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Bromobenzene cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane trans-1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Bromodichloromethane 1.2-Dichloropropane Trichloroethene
Bromoform 1.3-Dichloropropane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
n-Butylbenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
sec-Butylbenzene 1.1-Dichloropropene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
tert-Butylbenzene cis-1.3-Dichloropropene o-Xylene
Carbon tetrachloride trans-1.3-Dichloropropene m-Xylene
Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Chloroform Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13745.0001 1 ml AMP

358 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8260B
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13506

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane

EPA 8000
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13506.0001 1 ml AMP

Haloalkanes volatile organic compounds mixture (34C) standard solution CL40.13507

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol - Keep at -20°C
Bromochloromethane trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromodichloromethane Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bromoform Methyl bromide
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorodibromomethane Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Tetrachloroethene
1.2-Dibromoethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Dibromomethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichloroethene
1.1-Dichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane
1.2-Dichloroethane 1.2.3-Trichloropropane
1.1-Dichloropropene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
cis-1.3-Dichloropropene CL40.13507.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 359
EPA Method 8260B
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13505

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13505.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 8000

Aromatic volatile organics mixture (25C) standard solution CL40.13504

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8021A, 8260A Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Toluene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromobenzene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
sec-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
tert-Butylbenzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chlorobenzene 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2-Chlorotoluene o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 4-Chlorotoluene m-Xylene
DANGER. 1.2-Dichlorobenzene p-Xylene
1.3-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene
n-Propylbenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Styrene CL40.13504.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeable organic compounds - supplement (23C) standard solution CL40.13509

EPA METHOD 524.2, 8260A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (95/5)
Acetone Methyl iodide
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Acrylonitrile Methyl methacrylate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
2-Butanone 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Carbon disulfide tert-Butyl methyl ether
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
Chloroacetonitrile Nitrobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
1-Chlorobutane 2-Nitropropane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.4-Dichloro-2-butene cis & trans Pentachloroethane
DANGER. 1,1-Dichloroacetone Propionitrile
Ethyl ether Tetrahydrofuran
Ethyl methacrylate
Methyl acrylate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13509.0001 1 ml AMP

360 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8260B
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Volatiles calibration check mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13669

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Chloroform
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichloropropane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Toluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Vinyl chloride
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13669.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatiles system performance mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13668

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromoform

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13668.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13666

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, 8250A/8270C, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Trichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13666.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13665

EPA METHOD 8260A/8260B, 5035A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Chlorobenzene-d5
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Difluorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4 Dichlorobenzene-d4
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Pentafluorobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13665.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 361
EPA Method 8260B
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Surrogate standards mixture #A (4C) standard solution CL40.13671

EPA METHOD 8260A/8260B, 5035A Solution contains 2500 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Dibromofluoromethane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene-d8
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13671.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13670

EPA METHOD 8260A/8260B, 5035A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
EPA 8000

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene-d8
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13670.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standards mixture (3C) standard solution CL40.13667

EPA METHOD 8260B, 5035A Solution contains 2500 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Fluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene-D5
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1.4-Dichlorobenzene-D4
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13667.0001 1 ml AMP

362 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Base neutrals extractables mixture (44C) standard solution CL40.13596

EPA METHOD 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Benzene/Dichloromethane/Acetonitrile (4/4/2)
Acenaphthene Di-n-octyl phthalate
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1648
Acenaphthylene Fluoranthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Fluorene
Azobenzene Hexachlorobenzene
1.2-Benzanthracene Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HNrs H225-H332-H312-H302-H319
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Hexachloroethane
1.12-Benzoperylene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
Benzo(a)pyrene Isophorone
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Naphthalene
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Nitrobenzene
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
Butyl benzyl phthalate Phenanthrene
2-Chloronaphthalene Pyrene

EPA 8000
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Di-n-butyl phthalate
Diethyl phthalate
Dimethyl phthalate
2.4-Dinitrotoluene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.6-Dinitrotoluene CL40.13596.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 363
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Semivolatiles mixture #6 (23C) standard solution CL40.13678

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C (Acenaphthene-d10 is the internal standard for the following analytes) Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Acenaphthene o-Nitroaniline
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Acenaphthylene m-Nitroaniline
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
1-Chloronaphthalene p-Nitroaniline
2-Chloronaphthalene 4-Nitrophenol
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Pentachlorobenzene
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Diethyl phthalate
Dimethyl phthalate 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol
2.4-Dinitrophenol 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
b-Naphthylamine Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13678.0001 1 ml AMP
EPA 8000

Semi-volatiles supplement mixture (19C) standard solution CL40.13680

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
p-Acetophenetidide N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Acetophenone N-Nitrosopiperidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
4-Aminobiphenyl Pentachlorobenzene
1-Chloronaphthalene Pentachloronitrobenzene
Dibenz(a,j)acridine 2-Picoline
HNrs H351
p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Propyzamide
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
a.a-Dimethylphenethylamine Solution
3-Methyl cholanthrene
a-Naphthylamine Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13680.0001 1 ml AMP

Semivolatiles mixture #5 (18C) standard solution CL40.13676

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C (Naphthalene-d8 is the internal standard for the following analytes). Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Acetophenone 2-Methylnaphthalene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Benzoic acid Naphthalene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Nitrobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
4-Chloroaniline 2-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2.4-Dichlorophenol N-Nitrosopiperidine
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 2.6-Dichlorophenol 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
DANGER. a.a-Dimethylphenethylamine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13676.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

364 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Phenol Mix (17C) standard solution NEW CL40.39183

High quality standard for GC EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Nitrophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
2-Chlorophenol Pentachlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
m-Cresol (3-methylphenol) Phenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II
o-Cresol (2-methylphenol) 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
p-Cresol (4-methylphenol) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 2,6-Dichlorophenol
DANGER. 2,4-Dimethylphenol
2,4-Dinitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Nitrophenol CL40.39183.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids mixture (17C) standard solution CL40.13681

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Benzoic acid 4-Nitrophenol

EPA 8000
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Pentachlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
2-Chlorophenol Phenol
2.4-Dichlorophenol 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol
2.6-Dichlorophenol 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
WARNING. 4.6-Dinitro-o-cresol
4-Methylphenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Nitrophenol CL40.13681.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 365
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (16C) standard solution CL40.13575

EPA METHOD 610, 8100, 8270C, 8310, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene (1/1)
Acenaphthene Fluorene
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114
Acenaphthylene Indeno(1,2,3-C,D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Naphthalene
1,2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H319-H340-H350-
H372-H412 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P201-P210-P273-P301 + P310-P308 + 1,12-Benzoperylene
1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluoranthene CL40.13575.0001 1 ml AMP

Semivolatiles mixture #4 (15C) standard solution CL40.13675

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C (1,4-DichloroBenzene-d4 is the internal standard for the following analytes) Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in
EPA 8000

Aniline 4-Methylphenol
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Benzyl alcohol N-Nitrosodimethylamine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether Phenol
2-Chlorophenol 2-Picoline
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 1.2-Dichlorobenzene
WARNING. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene
Hexachloroethane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Methylphenol CL40.13675.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #1-base neutrals (14C) standard solution CL40.13691

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Dimethyl phthalate
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Di-n-octyl phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Butyl benzyl phthalate
WARNING. 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether
Di-n-butyl phthalate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Diethyl phthalate CL40.13691.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #2-base-neutrals (14C) standard solution CL40.13693

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Azobenzene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
2-Chloronaphthalene Hexachloroethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
1.2-Dichlorobenzene Isophorone
1.3-Dichlorobenzene Nitrobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
WARNING. 2.6-Dinitrotoluene
Hexachlorobenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13693.0001 1 ml AMP

366 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Semi-volatiles mixture #1 (13C) standard solution CL40.13679

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Aramite Parathion®
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Chlorobenzilate Phorate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Di-allate Tetraethyldithio pyrophosphate
Dimethoate Zinophos®
HNrs H351 Dinoseb
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Disulfoton
WARNING. Famphur
Kepone® Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl parathion CL40.13679.0001 1 ml AMP

Semivolatiles mixture #1 (13C) standard solution CL40.13672

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C (Phenanthrene-d10 is the internal standard for the following analytes) Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Toluene
p-Acetophenetidide Pentachlorophenol
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
Anthracene Phenanthrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Azobenzene Propyzamide

EPA 8000
IMDG 3,II 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336 Di-n-butyl phthalate
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352 4.6-Dinitro-o-cresol
DANGER. Diphenylamine
Hexachlorobenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Pentachloronitrobenzene CL40.13672.0001 1 ml AMP

Combined acids & base neutrals matrix spiking mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13688
EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Acenaphthene 1000 µg/ml Pyrene 1000 µg/ml
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1500 µg/ml 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
IATA 6.1,III 2-Chlorophenol 1500 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HNrs H351 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 4-Nitrophenol 1500 µg/ml
WARNING. N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1000 µg/ml
Pentachlorophenol 1500 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol 1500 µg/ml CL40.13688.0001 1 ml AMP

Special combined matrix spiking mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13689

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Acenaphthene 1000 µg/ml Pyrene 1000 µg/ml
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2000 µg/ml 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
IATA 6.1,III 2-Chlorophenol 2000 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HNrs H351 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 4-Nitrophenol 2000 µg/ml
WARNING. N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1000 µg/ml
Pentachlorophenol 2000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol 2000 µg/ml CL40.13689.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 367
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Florisil® cartridge check mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13643

EPA METHOD 8080/8081A, 8270C Solution contains stated concentration in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 BHC (alpha isomer) 5 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 4.4'-DDD 10 µg/ml
IATA 3,II 4.4'-DDT 10 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Decachlorobiphenyl 20 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- Dieldrin 10 µg/ml
H411 Endrin 10 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- a-Endosulfan 5 µg/ml
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Heptachlor 5 µg/ml
Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) 5 µg/ml
Methoxychlor 50 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 20 µg/ml CL40.13643.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13746

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
EPA 8000

Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13746.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13566

EPA METHOD 604, 625/1625, 8270C Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methanol
4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P310 2-Nitrophenol
DANGER. 4-Nitrophenol
Pentachlorophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol CL40.13566.0001 1 ml AMP

Semivolatiles mixture #3 (10C) standard solution CL40.13674

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C (Perylene-d12 is the internal standard for the following analytes) Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetone
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3-Methyl cholanthrene
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Benzo(k)fluoranthene
IATA 3,II 1.12-Benzoperylene
IMDG 3,II Benzo(a)pyrene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dibenz(a,j)acridine
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 1.2:5.6-Dibenzanthracene
DANGER. 7.12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene
Di-n-octyl phthalate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene CL40.13674.0001 1 ml AMP

368 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Semi-volatiles supplement mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13682

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Aniline Pyridine
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Benzyl alcohol
IATA 6.1,III Carbazole
IMDG 6.1,III 4-Chloroaniline
HNrs H351 Dibenzofuran
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2-Methylnaphthalene
WARNING. o-Nitroaniline
m-Nitroaniline Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
p-Nitroaniline CL40.13682.0001 1 ml AMP

Semi-volatiles mixture #3 (10C) standard solution CL40.13684

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
2-Acetamidofluorene O.O.O-Triethylphosphorothioate
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III m-Dinitrobenzene
IATA 6.1,III Hexachlorophene

EPA 8000
IMDG 6.1,III Hexachloropropene
HNrs H351 Isodrin
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Isosafrole
WARNING. Methapyrilene hydrochloride
1.4-Naphthoquinone Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Safrole CL40.13684.0001 1 ml AMP

NIitrosoamines - high concentration mixture #1 (9C) standard solution CL40.13695

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III N-Nitrosodiethylamine
IATA 6.1,III N-Nitrosodimethylamine
IMDG 6.1,III N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
HNrs H351 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 N-Nitrosomethylethylamine
WARNING. N-Nitrosomorpholine
N-Nitrosopiperidine Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine CL40.13695.0001 1 ml AMP

Organophosphorus pesticides - high concentration (9C) standard solution CL40.13686

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in n-Hexane/Acetone (80/20)
Dimethoate Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate (Sulfotep)
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1208
Disulfoton O,O,O-Triethylphosphorothioate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Famphur Zinophos® (Thionazin)
IMDG 3,II Methyl parathion
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13686.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 369
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Mixture #4 - hazardous substances (8C) standard solution CL40.13699

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Aniline
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Benzyl alcohol
IATA 6.1,III 4-Chloroaniline
IMDG 6.1,III Dibenzofuran
HNrs H351 2-Methylnaphthalene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 o-Nitroaniline
WARNING. m-Nitroaniline
p-Nitroaniline Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13699.0001 1 ml AMP

Semivolatiles mixture #2 (8C) standard solution CL40.13673

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C (Chrysene-d12 is the internal standard for the following analytes.) Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 1.2-Benzanthracene
IATA 3,II Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
EPA 8000

IMDG 3,II Butyl benzyl phthalate

HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319 Chrysene
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 3.3-Dichlorobenzidine
DANGER. p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13673.0001 1 ml AMP

Semi-volatiles mixture #2 (8C) standard solution CL40.13683

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Nitroquinoline-N-oxide
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodiethylamine
IATA 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosomethylethylamine
IMDG 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosomorpholine
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 N-Nitrosopyrrolidine
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 5-Nitro-o-toluidine
P310 o-Tolidine
DANGER. o-Toluidine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13683.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals spiking mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13685

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Di-n-butyl phthalate
IATA 6.1,III 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 6.1,III 2,4-Dinitrotoluene
HNrs H351 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Pyrene
WARNING. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13685.0001 1 ml AMP

370 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Base neutrals calibration check mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13692

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Benzo(a)pyrene
IATA 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 6.1,III Di-n-octyl phthalate
HNrs H351 Fluoranthene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
WARNING. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13692.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #8-internal standards (6C) standard solution CL40.13703

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene-d10
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Chrysene-d12
IATA 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene-d4

EPA 8000
IMDG 6.1,III Naphthalene-d8
HNrs H351 Perylene-d12
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Phenanthrene-d10
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13703.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids calibration check mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13690

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2.4-Dichlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Phenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Pentachlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13690.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals matrix spiking mixtures #A (6C) standard solution CL40.13694

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene
IATA 6.1,III 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
IMDG 6.1,III N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
HNrs H351 Pyrene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13694.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 371
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Organochlorine Pesticide matrix spiking mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13698

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C Solution contains stated concentration in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Aldrin® 200 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 4,4'-DDT 500 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Dieldrin 500 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Endrin 500 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Heptachlor 200 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Lindane 200 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13698.0001 1 ml AMP

Combined surrogate standards mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13702

EPA METHOD 8250A,8270C, CLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 2-Fluorophenol 2000 µg/ml
IATA 6.1,III Nitrobenzene-d5 1000 µg/ml
EPA 8000

IMDG 6.1,III Phenol-d6 2000 µg/ml

HNrs H351 p-Terphenyl-d14 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2000 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13702.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13687

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 4-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Pentachlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Phenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13687.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13666

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, 8250A/8270C, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Trichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13666.0001 1 ml AMP

372 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Mixture #3 - hazardous substances (4C) standard solution CL40.13697

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Benzoic acid
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 2-Methylphenol
IATA 6.1,III 4-Methylphenol
IMDG 6.1,III 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13697.0001 1 ml AMP

Tuning standards mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13600

EPA METHOD 625, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 4.4'-DDT
IATA 6.1,III Decafluorotriphenylphosphine

EPA 8000
IMDG 6.1,III Pentachlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13600.0001 1 ml AMP

System performance check mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13700

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2,4-Dinitrophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 4-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13700.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13645

EPA METHOD 8090, 8110, 8120A, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Nitrobenzene-D5
IATA 6.1,III p-Terphenyl-D14
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13645.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 373
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Acids surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13701

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Fluorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Phenol-d6
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4,6-Tribromophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13701.0001 1 ml AMP

Benzidines mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13567

EPA METHOD 605, 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzidine
EPA 8000

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II

IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13567.0001 1 ml AMP

PAH - high concentration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13696

EPA METHOD 8270C Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene(1/1)
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 3-Methylcholanthrene
IATA 3,II Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
IMDG 3,II CL40.13696.0001 1 ml AMP

Semivolatiles mixture #7 (2C) standard solution CL40.13677

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Ethyl methanesulfonate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Methyl methanesulfonate
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13677.0001 1 ml AMP

374 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8270C
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8275A

Determination of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS)

Semivolatile organic compounds stock solution PAH-standard mix (20C) standard solution CL40.13707

EPA 8000
EPA METHOD 8275A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Acenaphthene Fluoranthene
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Acenaphthylene Fluorene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Anthracene Hexachlorobenzene
1.2-Benzanthracene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Naphthalene
HNrs H351
1.12-Benzoperylene Phenanthrene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Pyrene
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether
1.2:5.6-Dibenzanthracene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Dibenzothiophene CL40.13707.0001 1 ml AMP

Internal standard solution (3C) CL40.13709

EPA METHOD 8275A Solution contains 100 mg/l in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Phenanthrene-d10
IATA 6.1,III 1.12-Benzoperylene (13C12)
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13709.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 375
EPA Method 8310
Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, (HPLC/UV or Fluorescence Detectors)

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (16C) standard solution CL40.13575

EPA METHOD 610, 8100, 8270C, 8310, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene (1/1)
Acenaphthene Fluorene
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114
Acenaphthylene Indeno(1,2,3-C,D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Naphthalene
1,2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H319-H340-H350-
H372-H412 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P201-P210-P273-P301 + P310-P308 + 1,12-Benzoperylene
1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluoranthene CL40.13575.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8315A (SW-846)

Determination of Carbonyl Compounds by HPLC
EPA 8000

Derivated carbonyl compounds mixture (Option #2) (15C) standard solution CL40.13711
EPA METHOD 8315/8315A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Acetaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) o-Tolualdehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Acetone (DNPH Derivative) m-Tolualdehyde (DNPH Derivative)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Acrolein (DNPH Derivative) p-Tolualdehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Benzaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Valeraldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319 n-Butyraldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Crotonaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
DANGER. 2,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Formaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Hexaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Isovaleraldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Propionaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) CL40.13711.0001 1 ml AMP

Derivated carbonyl compounds mixture (Option #1) (12C) standard solution CL40.13710
EPA METHOD 8315/8315A Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Acetaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Valeraldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II n-Butyraldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
IATA 3,II Crotonaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
IMDG 3,II Cyclohexanone (DNPH Derivative)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319 Decyl aldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Formaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
DANGER. Heptaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Hexaldehyde (DNPH Derivative)
Nonanal (DNPH Derivative)
Octyl aldehyde (DNPH Derivative) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Propionaldehyde (DNPH Derivative) CL40.13710.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

376 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8318
Determination of N-methylcarbamates (HPLC)

Carbamate pesticides (10C) standard solution CL40.13576

EPA METHOD 531.1, 8318 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Aldicarb Propoxur (Baygon)
Density 0.74 g/ml UN 2398
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Aldicarb sulfone
IATA 3,II Aldicarb sulfoxide
IMDG 3,II Carbaryl
HNrs H225-H315 Carbofuran
PNrs P210-P302 + P352 3-Hydroxycarbofuran
DANGER. Methiocarb
Methomyl Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Oxamyl CL40.13576.0001 1 ml AMP

Laboratory performance check mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13551

EPA METHOD 531.1, 8318 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Aldicarb sulfoxide 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II BDMC 10 µg/ml
IATA 3 (6.1),II 3-Hydroxycarbofuran 2 µg/ml

EPA 8000
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Methiocarb 20 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13551.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8321

Determination of Solvent Extractable Non-volatile Compounds (HPLC/TSP/MS)

Organophosphorus compounds (14C) standard solution CL40.13712

EPA METHOD 8321 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Asulam Phorate
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Famphur Tributylphosphorotrithioite
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Dibrom Tris(2.3-dibromopropyl) phosphate
IMDG 3,II Dichlorvos
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319 Dimethoate
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Disulfoton
DANGER. Dylox®
Methyl parathion Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Monocrotophos CL40.13712.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 377
EPA Method 8321
Determination of Solvent Extractable Non-volatile Compounds (HPLC/TSP/MS)

AZO, anthraquinone, and fluorescent brightners dyes (14C) standard solution CL40.13713
EPA METHOD 8321A/B Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
Disperse Red 1 Disperse Red 60
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Disperse Red 5 Fluorescent Brightener 61
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Disperse Red 13 Fluorescent Brightener 236
IMDG 3,II Disperse Yellow 5
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H302-H319 Disperse Orange 3
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Disperse Orange 30
DANGER. Disperse Brown 1
Solvent Red 3
Solvent Red 23
Disperse Blue 3 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Disperse Blue 14 CL40.13713.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides (10C) standard solution CL40.13659

EPA METHOD 8150B, 1618, 8321 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
EPA 8000

Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 2,4-D

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB
IATA 3,II Dalapon
IMDG 3,II Dicamba
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid
Mecoprop Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex CL40.13659.0001 1 ml AMP

Chlorinated herbicides mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13612

EPA METHOD 1618, 8150B, 8321 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Acetone
2,4-D 2,4,5-T®
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4-DB
IATA 3,II Dalapon
IMDG 3,II Dicamba
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Dichlorprop
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Dinoseb
DANGER. 4-Chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid
Mecoprop Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Silvex CL40.13612.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8325

Solvent Extractable Nonvolatile Compounds by HPLC/Particle Beam/Mass Spectrometry

Benzidines and nitrogen-containing pesticides (13C) standard solution CL40.13714

EPA METHOD 8325 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol/Acetonitrile (50/50)
Benzidine 250 µg/ml Rotenone 3.200 µg/ml
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
Benzoylprop ethyl 350 µg/ml Siduron 450 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Carbaryl 1.000 µg/ml Caffeine 300 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II 1-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-thiourea 750 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 3.3'-Dichlorobenzidine 250 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 3.3'-Dimethoxybenzidine 750 µg/ml
P310 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 350 µg/ml
DANGER. Diuron 450 µg/ml
Linuron 1.300 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Monuron 400 µg/ml CL40.13714.0001 1 ml AMP

378 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
EPA Method 8330
Determination of Nitroaromatics and Nitramines (HPLC)

NIitroaromatrics & nitramine intermediate standards mixture #1 (7C) standard solution CL40.13715
EPA METHOD 8330 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol/Acetonitrile (50/50)
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648 m-Dinitrobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
IATA 3,II Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (water added)
IMDG 3,II Nitrobenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (water
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 1.3.5-Trinitrobenzene
DANGER. 2.4.6-Trinitrotoluene- 30wt% water

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13715.0001 1 ml AMP

NIitroaromatrics & nitramine intermediate standards mixture #2 (5C) standard solution CL40.13716
EPA METHOD 8330 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol/Acetonitrile (50/50)
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648 2.6-Dinitrotoluene

EPA 8000
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II m-Nitrotoluene
IMDG 3,II p-Nitrotoluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Tetryl (water added)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13716.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8430

Determination of Bis(2-Chloroethyl ether) (GC/FT-IR)

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether and hydrolysis products (5C) standard solution CL40.13717

EPA METHOD 8430 Solution contains 1000 mg/l in de-inoized Water
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Ethylene glycol
Density 1.00 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 2-Chloroethanol
2-(2-Chloroethoxy)ethanol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Diethylene glycol CL40.13717.0001 1 ml AMP

EPA Method 8440

Determination of Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons conc.mix (3C) standard solution CL40.13718

EPA METHOD 8440 Solution contains stated concentration in Tetrachloroethylene
Density 1.623 g/ml UN 1897 Chlorobenzene 10%v/v
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III n-Hexadecane 15%v/v
IATA 6.1,III Isooctane 15%v/v
HNrs H351-H411
PNrs P281-P273-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13718.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 379
EPA Method 8440
Determination of Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons

TRPH total recovery mix (3C) standard solution CL40.13719

EPA METHOD 8440 Solution contains stated concentration in Tetrachloroethylene
Density 1.623 g/ml UN 1897 Chlorobenzene 0.10%v/v
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III n-Hexadecane 0.15%v/v
IATA 6.1,III Isooctane 0.15%v/v
HNrs H351-H411
PNrs P281-P273-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13719.0001 1 ml AMP

Certificate of Analysis
EPA 8000

IONEX Reference Standard

Art. Nr. : CL40.13502 Lot Nr. : 25.0670606
Volatile organic compounds (60C) standard solution
Certification and Traceability: This standard solution was prepared to the certified concentrations
shown below by method BM001. They are valid for a temperature of 20°C and traceable to the
International System of Units (SI). Secondary verification of the certified concentrations was
performed by GC-MS.
Uncertainty: The maximum reported relative expanded uncertainty for each component is ± 3%
and is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2,
which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The
standard uncertainty of measurement has been determined in accordance with GUM and EA-4/02.
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Benzene 71-43-2 99,9 24.0090401 200 µg/mL
Bromobenzene 108-86-1 99,9 22.1270810 200 µg/mL
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 99,9 24.0100401 200 µg/mL
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 99,9 24.0110401 200 µg/mL
Bromoform 75-25-2 99,9 22.1280810 200 µg/mL
n-Butyl benzene 104-51-8 99,9 22.1290810 200 µg/mL
sec-Butyl benzene 135-98-8 99,9 22.1300810 200 µg/mL Specifications:
tert-Butyl benzene 98-06-6 99,9 22.1310810 200 µg/mL
Component CAS Nr % Pur. Lot Nr True Value
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 99,9 22.1330810 200 µg/mL
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 99,9 24.0120401 200 µg/mL Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 99,9 24.0220401 200 µg/mL
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 99,9 22.1340810 200 µg/mL p-Isopropyl toluene 99-87-6 99,9 22.1460810 200 µg/mL
Chloroethane 75-00-3 99,9 22.4731710 200 µg/mL Methyl bromide 74-83-9 99,9 22.1470810 200 µg/mL
Chloroform 67-66-3 99,9 24.0130401 200 µg/mL Methyl chloride 74-87-3 99,9 22.1480810 200 µg/mL
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 99,9 22.1360810 200 µg/mL Methylene chloride 75-09-2 99,9 22.2041010 200 µg/mL
4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 99,9 22.1370810 200 µg/mL Naphthalene 91-20-3 99,9 S4581146 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 99,9 22.1390810 200 µg/mL n-Propyl benzene 103-65-1 99,9 22.1490810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 99,9 22.1400810 200 µg/mL Styrene 100-42-5 99,9 20.1912004 200 µg/mL
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 99,9 24.0140401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 99,9 24.0230401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 99,9 24.0150401 200 µg/mL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 99,9 24.0240401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 99,9 22.1420810 200 µg/mL Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99,9 24.0250401 200 µg/mL
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 99,9 1269954 200 µg/mL Toluene 108-88-3 99,9 24.0260401 200 µg/mL
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 99,9 215121069 200 µg/mL 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 99,9 S34007 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99,9 24.0160401 200 µg/mL 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 99,9 24.0270401 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99,9 24.0170401 200 µg/mL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 99,9 23.5072611 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 99,9 24.4522103 200 µg/mL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 99,9 22.1500810 200 µg/mL
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99,9 24.0180401 200 µg/mL Trichloroethene 79-01-6 99,9 24.0280401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 99,9 24.5682403 200 µg/mL Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 99,9 22.1510810 200 µg/mL
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 99,9 22.1440810 200 µg/mL 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 99,9 24.0290401 200 µg/mL
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 99,9 22.1450810 200 µg/mL 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99,9 22.1520810 200 µg/mL
2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 99,9 24.0190401 200 µg/mL 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 99,9 22.1530810 200 µg/mL
1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 99,9 NT055938 200 µg/mL Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 99,9 24.4512103 200 µg/mL
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 99,9 23.0530610 200 µg/mL o-Xylene 95-47-6 99,9 24.0300401 200 µg/mL
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 99,9 23.0540610 200 µg/mL m-Xylene 108-38-3 99,9 24.0310401 200 µg/mL
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 99,9 24.0200401 200 µg/mL p-Xylene 106-42-3 99,9 24.0320401 200 µg/mL
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 99,9 24.4402211 200 µg/mL

Page 1 of 2

Quality Managment System:

Our Ionex(R) Reference Standards have been prepared and certified under our ISO9001 Quality System in accordance to the
principles of the following guides:
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurment GUM: 1995
Reference Materials - Contents of certificates and labels ISO Guide 31: 2000
General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO / IEC 17025:

Date of release: 06 June 2017

Chemist: Luis Bianchi
Expires: Jun-2019

Industriezone “De Arend” 2 B-8210 ZEDELGEM - BELGIUM
Tel.: +32 50 28 83 20 Fax.: +32 50 78 26 54 e-mail : [email protected] Web :
Page 2 of 2 F006-Organic-3/02/17

380 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards
2.3.6 Contract Laboratory Program (CLP)
• CLP Volatiles 382-386
• CLP Semi-Volatiles 386-395
• CLP Pesticides 395-398


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 381
CLP VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

CLP volatiles mixture #3 (13C) standard solution CL40.13705

EPA METHOD 8265, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Trichloroethene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Chlorobenzene m-Xylene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,1-Dichloroethene p-Xylene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II cis-1.2-Dichloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 trans-1.2-Dichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + cis-1.3-Dichloropropene
P310 trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
DANGER. Ethylbenzene
Tetrachloroethene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Toluene CL40.13705.0001 1 ml AMP

CLP volatiles mixture #3 (13C) standard solution CL40.13727

CLP VOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Benzene Trichloroethene
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230

Chlorobenzene m-Xylene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
1,1-Dichloroethene p-Xylene
IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II cis-1.2-Dichloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 trans-1.2-Dichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + cis-1.3-Dichloropropene
P310 trans-1.3-Dichloropropene
DANGER. Ethylbenzene
Tetrachloroethene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Toluene CL40.13727.0001 1 ml AMP

CLP volatiles mixture #2 (12C) standard solution CL40.13704

EPA METHOD 8265, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromodichloromethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromoform 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II Carbon tetrachloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Chloroform
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 1.1-Dichloroethane
P310 1.2-Dichloroethane
DANGER. 1.2-Dichloropropane
Methylenechloride Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type CL40.13704.0001 1 ml AMP

CLP volatiles mixture #2 (12C) standard solution CL40.13726

CLP VOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Bromodichloromethane 1.1.1-Trichloroethane
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Bromoform 1.1.2-Trichloroethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
IATA 3 (6.1),II Carbon tetrachloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Chlorodibromomethane
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Chloroform
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 1.1-Dichloroethane
P310 1.2-Dichloroethane
DANGER. 1.2-Dichloropropane
Methylene chloride Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type CL40.13726.0001 1 ml AMP

382 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

BTEX & MTBE mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13511

EPA METHOD 502/524, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II tert-Butyl methyl ether
IATA 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 o-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + m-Xylene
P310 p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13511.0001 1 ml AMP

Hazardous substance lis (HSL) volatiles standard mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13706
EPA METHOD 8265, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Acetone

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Butanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II Carbon disulfide
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2-Hexanone
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Styrene
P310 o-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13706.0001 1 ml AMP

Hazardous substance lis (HSL) volatiles standard mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13728
CLP VOLATILES Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Acetone
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Butanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II Carbon disulfide
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2-Hexanone
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Styrene
P310 o-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13728.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatiles calibration check mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13669

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Chloroform
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichloropropane
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Toluene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Vinyl chloride
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13669.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 383
CLP VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Combined purgeable internal & surrogate standards mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13664
EPA METHOD 8240B, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 2500 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 4-Bromofluorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene-d5
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,4-Difluorobenzene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Toluene-d8
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13664.0001 1 ml AMP

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13767

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene

IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13767.0001 1 ml AMP
CL40.13767.0005 5 ml AMP

BTEX mixtures (6C) standard solution CL40.13510

EPA METHOD 502/524, 8020B, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Ethylbenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II o-Xylene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 m-Xylene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + p-Xylene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13510.0001 1 ml AMP

Volatiles system performance mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13668

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromoform
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Methyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13668.0001 1 ml AMP

384 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Purgeables matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13666

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, 8250A/8270C, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Trichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13666.0001 1 ml AMP

TCL ketones mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13730

CLP VOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol/Water (90/10)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Acetone

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Butanone
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2-Hexanone
IMDG 3 (6.1),II 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13730.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables mixture C (4C) standard solution CL40.13595

EPA METHOD 624/1624, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Methyl bromide
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chloroethane
IATA 3 (6.1),II Methyl chloride
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Vinyl chloride
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13595.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13663

EPA METHOD 8240B, 5041, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Bromofluorobenzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4
IATA 3 (6.1),II Toluene-d8
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13663.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 385
CLP VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Purgeables internal standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13621

EPA METHOD 1666, 8240B, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Bromochloromethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene-d5
IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,4-Difluorobenzene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13621.0001 1 ml AMP

CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)


Base neutrals extractables mixture (44C) standard solution CL40.13596

EPA METHOD 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Benzene/Dichloromethane/Acetonitrile (4/4/2)
Acenaphthene Di-n-octyl phthalate
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1648
Acenaphthylene Fluoranthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Fluorene
Azobenzene Hexachlorobenzene
1.2-Benzanthracene Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
HNrs H225-H332-H312-H302-H319
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Hexachloroethane
1.12-Benzoperylene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
Benzo(a)pyrene Isophorone
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Naphthalene
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Nitrobenzene
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
Butyl benzyl phthalate Phenanthrene
2-Chloronaphthalene Pyrene
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Di-n-butyl phthalate
Diethyl phthalate
Dimethyl phthalate
2.4-Dinitrotoluene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2.6-Dinitrotoluene CL40.13596.0001 1 ml AMP

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

386 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids mixture (17C) standard solution CL40.13681

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Benzoic acid 4-Nitrophenol
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Pentachlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
2-Chlorophenol Phenol
2.4-Dichlorophenol 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol
2.6-Dichlorophenol 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
WARNING. 4.6-Dinitro-o-cresol
4-Methylphenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2-Nitrophenol CL40.13681.0001 1 ml AMP

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

“We have the Solutions”

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 387
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (16C) standard solution CL40.13575

EPA METHOD 610, 8100, 8270C, 8310, CLP Solution contains 200 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene (1/1)
Acenaphthene Fluorene
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114
Acenaphthylene Indeno(1,2,3-C,D)pyrene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Naphthalene
1,2-Benzanthracene Phenanthrene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H319-H340-H350-
H372-H412 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
PNrs P201-P210-P273-P301 + P310-P308 + 1,12-Benzoperylene
1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluoranthene CL40.13575.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #6 - polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (16C) standard solution CL40.13732

CLP SEMIVOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane/Benzene (1/1)

Acenaphthene Fluoranthene
Density 0.88 g/ml UN 1114
Acenaphthylene Fluorene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Anthracene Indeno(1.2.3-C.D)pyrene
1.2-Benzanthracene Naphthalene
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Phenanthrene
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Pyrene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13732.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #5 - pesticides (16C) standard solution CL40.13731

CLP SEMIVOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (50/50)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
4.4'-DDD Heptachlor epoxide isomer B
4.4'-DDE Lindane (BHC gamma isomer)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13731.0001 1 ml AMP

Phenols calibration mixture #1 (14C) standard solution CL40.13743

CLP QUICK TURNAROUND METHOD - PHENOL Solution contains 2500 µg/ml in Acetonitrile
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Pentachlorophenol
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1648
2-Chlorophenol Phenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
2.4-Dichlorophenol 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 2.4-Dimethylphenol
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 4.6-Dinitro-o-cresol
DANGER. 2.4-Dinitrophenol
2-Nitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
4-Nitrophenol CL40.13743.0001 1 ml AMP

388 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Mixture #1-base neutrals (14C) standard solution CL40.13691

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Dimethyl phthalate
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Di-n-octyl phthalate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Butyl benzyl phthalate
WARNING. 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether
Di-n-butyl phthalate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Diethyl phthalate CL40.13691.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #2-base-neutrals (14C) standard solution CL40.13693

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Azobenzene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
2-Chloronaphthalene Hexachloroethane

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
1.2-Dichlorobenzene Isophorone
1.3-Dichlorobenzene Nitrobenzene
1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
WARNING. 2.6-Dinitrotoluene
Hexachlorobenzene Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene CL40.13693.0001 1 ml AMP

mixture #9 - phenols (11C) standard solution CL40.13733

CLP SEMIVOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Phenol
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
2-Chlorophenol 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
IATA 6.1,III 2.4-Dichlorophenol
IMDG 6.1,III 2.4-Dimethylphenol
HNrs H351 4.6-Dinitro-o-cresol
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2.4-Dinitrophenol
WARNING. 2-Nitrophenol
4-Nitrophenol Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Pentachlorophenol CL40.13733.0001 1 ml AMP

Special combined matrix spiking mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13689

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Acenaphthene 1000 µg/ml Pyrene 1000 µg/ml
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2000 µg/ml 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
IATA 6.1,III 2-Chlorophenol 2000 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HNrs H351 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 4-Nitrophenol 2000 µg/ml
WARNING. N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1000 µg/ml
Pentachlorophenol 2000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol 2000 µg/ml CL40.13689.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 389
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Combined acids & base neutrals matrix spiking mixture (11C) standard solution CL40.13688
EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Acenaphthene 1000 µg/ml Pyrene 1000 µg/ml
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1500 µg/ml 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
IATA 6.1,III 2-Chlorophenol 1500 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1000 µg/ml
HNrs H351 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 4-Nitrophenol 1500 µg/ml
WARNING. N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1000 µg/ml
Pentachlorophenol 1500 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phenol 1500 µg/ml CL40.13688.0001 1 ml AMP

Semi-volatiles supplement mixture (10C) standard solution CL40.13682

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Aniline Pyridine
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Benzyl alcohol

IATA 6.1,III Carbazole

IMDG 6.1,III 4-Chloroaniline
HNrs H351 Dibenzofuran
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2-Methylnaphthalene
WARNING. o-Nitroaniline
m-Nitroaniline Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
p-Nitroaniline CL40.13682.0001 1 ml AMP

Combined surrogate standards spiking mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13736

CLP SEMIVOLATILES Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Chlorophenol-d4 1500 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1000 µg/ml
IATA 6.1,III 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1000 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III 2-Fluorophenol 1500 µg/ml
HNrs H351 Phenol-d6 1500 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Nitrobenzene-d5 1000 µg/ml
WARNING. p-Terphenyl-d14 1000 µg/ml
2,4,6-Tribromophenol 1500 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13736.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #4 - hazardous substances (8C) standard solution CL40.13699

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Aniline
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Benzyl alcohol
IATA 6.1,III 4-Chloroaniline
IMDG 6.1,III Dibenzofuran
HNrs H351 2-Methylnaphthalene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 o-Nitroaniline
WARNING. m-Nitroaniline
p-Nitroaniline Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13699.0001 1 ml AMP

390 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Control sample mixture (8C) standard solution CL40.13742

CLP QUICK TURNAROUND METHOD - PAH Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene 250 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Anthracene 210 µg/ml
IATA 6.1,III Chrysene 360 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III Fluoranthene 250 µg/ml
HNrs H351 Fluorene 290 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Naphthalene 380 µg/ml
WARNING. Phenanthrene 310 µg/ml
Pyrene 160 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13742.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals calibration check mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13692

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Benzo(a)pyrene

IATA 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 6.1,III Di-n-octyl phthalate
HNrs H351 Fluoranthene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Hexachloro-1.3-butadiene
WARNING. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13692.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals spiking mixture (7C) standard solution CL40.13685

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Di-n-butyl phthalate
IATA 6.1,III 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
IMDG 6.1,III 2,4-Dinitrotoluene
HNrs H351 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Pyrene
WARNING. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13685.0001 1 ml AMP

Mixture #8-internal standards (6C) standard solution CL40.13703

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene-d10
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Chrysene-d12
IATA 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene-d4
IMDG 6.1,III Naphthalene-d8
HNrs H351 Perylene-d12
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 Phenanthrene-d10
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13703.0001 1 ml AMP

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 391
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Acids calibration check mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13690

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2.4-Dichlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Phenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Pentachlorophenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13690.0001 1 ml AMP

Combined surrogate standards mixture (6C) standard solution CL40.13702

EPA METHOD 8250A,8270C, CLP Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1000 µg/ml

HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 2-Fluorophenol 2000 µg/ml

IATA 6.1,III Nitrobenzene-d5 1000 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III Phenol-d6 2000 µg/ml
HNrs H351 p-Terphenyl-d14 1000 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2000 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13702.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals matrix spiking mixtures #A (6C) standard solution CL40.13694

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Acenaphthene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 1.4-Dichlorobenzene
IATA 6.1,III 2.4-Dinitrotoluene
IMDG 6.1,III N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
HNrs H351 Pyrene
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13694.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13687

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Chlorophenol
IATA 3 (6.1),II 4-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Pentachlorophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Phenol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13687.0001 1 ml AMP

392 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

GPC calibration check mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13734

CLP SEMIVOLATILES Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 500 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Corn oil 25,000 µg/ml
IATA 6.1,III Methoxychlor 100 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III Perylene 20 µg/ml
HNrs H351 Sulfur 80 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13734.0001 1 ml AMP

Purgeables matrix spiking mixtures (5C) standard solution CL40.13666

EPA METHOD 8240B/8260A/8260B, 8250A/8270C, CLP, 5035A Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzene
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Chlorobenzene

IATA 3 (6.1),II 1,1-Dichloroethene
IMDG 3 (6.1),II Toluene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Trichloroethene
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13666.0001 1 ml AMP

System performance check mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13700

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2,4-Dinitrophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
IATA 3 (6.1),II 4-Nitrophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13700.0001 1 ml AMP

Tuning standards mixture (4C) standard solution CL40.13600

EPA METHOD 625, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 4.4'-DDT
IATA 6.1,III Decafluorotriphenylphosphine
IMDG 6.1,III Pentachlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13600.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 393
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Mixture #3 - hazardous substances (4C) standard solution CL40.13697

EPA METHOD 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Benzoic acid
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III 2-Methylphenol
IATA 6.1,III 4-Methylphenol
IMDG 6.1,III 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13697.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids surrogate standards mixtures #A (4C) standard solution CL40.13735

CLP SEMIVOLATILES Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Chlorophenol-d4
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 2-Fluorophenol

IATA 3 (6.1),II Phenol-d6

IMDG 3 (6.1),II 2,4,6-Tribromophenol
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13735.0001 1 ml AMP

Acids surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13701

EPA METHOD 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 2-Fluorophenol
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Phenol-d6
IATA 3 (6.1),II 2,4,6-Tribromophenol
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13701.0001 1 ml AMP

Base neutrals surrogate standards mixtures (3C) standard solution CL40.13645

EPA METHOD 8090, 8110, 8120A, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 2-Fluorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Nitrobenzene-D5
IATA 6.1,III p-Terphenyl-D14
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13645.0001 1 ml AMP

394 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP SEMI-VOLATILES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

Benzidines mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13567

EPA METHOD 605, 625/1625, 8270C, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Methanol
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230 Benzidine
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine

IATA 3 (6.1),II
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13567.0001 1 ml AMP

CLP PESTICIDES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Organochlorine pesticides (26C) standard solution CL40.13572

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® a-Endosulfan
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Arochlor 1242 b-Endosulfan
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Arochlor 1254 Endosulfan sulfate
Arochlor 1221 Endrin
Arochlor 1232 Endrin aldehyde
Arochlor 1248 Heptachlor
Arochlor 1260 Heptachlor epoxide
Arochlor 1016 Lindane (g-BHC)
a-BHC Methoxychlor
b-BHC Toxaphene®
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13572.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 395
CLP PESTICIDES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Organochlorine pesticides mixtures (17C) standard solution CL40.13571

EPA METHOD 608, 625, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 20 µg/ml in Toluene/n-Hexane (1/1)
Aldrin® Endosulfan sulfate
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (alpha isomer) Endrin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (beta isomer) Endrin aldehyde
BHC (delta isomer) Heptachlor
Lindane Heptachlor epoxide
4,4'-DDD Methoxychlor
Endosulfan I Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan II CL40.13571.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides standard mixture B (13C) standard solution CL40.13739

CLP PESTICIDES Solution contains stated concentration in Toluene/n-Hexane (50/50)

Aldrin® 100 µg/ml Endrin aldehyde 200 µg/ml

Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
BHC (beta isomer) 100 µg/ml Endrin ketone 200 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
BHC (delta isomer) 100 µg/ml Heptachlor epoxide 100 µg/ml
cis-Chlordane 100 µg/ml 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 100 ug /mL
trans-Chlordane 100 µg/ml
4.4'-DDE 200 µg/ml
Decachlorobiphenyl 200 µg/ml
b-Endosulfan 200 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Endosulfan sulfate 200 µg/ml CL40.13739.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticides standard mixture A (11C) standard solution CL40.13738

CLP PESTICIDES Solution contains stated concentration in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 BHC (alpha isomer) 100 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 4.4'-DDD 200 µg/ml
IATA 3,II 4.4'-DDT 200 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Decachlorobiphenyl 200 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- Dieldrin 200 µg/ml
H411 a-Endosulfan 100 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Endrin 200 µg/ml
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Heptachlor 100 µg/ml
Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) 100 µg/ml
Methoxychlor 1000 µg/ml Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 100 ug /mL CL40.13738.0001 1 ml AMP

Pesticide resolution check mixture mixture (9C) standard solution CL40.13741

CLP PESTICIDES Solution contains stated concentration in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 trans-Chlordane 10 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 4.4'-DDE 20 µg/ml
IATA 3,II Decachlorobiphenyl 20 µg/ml
IMDG 3,II Dieldrin 20 µg/ml
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- a-Endosulfan 10 µg/ml
H411 Endosulfan sulfate 20 µg/ml
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- Endrin ketone 20 µg/ml
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Methoxychlor 100 µg/ml
2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 20 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13741.0001 1 ml AMP

396 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
CLP PESTICIDES (Contact Laboratory Program)

GPC calibration check mixture (5C) standard solution CL40.13740

CLP PESTICIDES Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 500 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III Corn oil 25,000 µg/ml
IATA 6.1,III Methoxychlor 100 µg/ml
IMDG 6.1,III Perylene 20 µg/ml
HNrs H351 Sulfur 80 µg/ml
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13740.0001 1 ml AMP

Aroclor 1016 & Aroclor 1260 mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13737
CLP PESTICIDES Solution contains 200 µg/ml in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 Arochlor 1016
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Arochlor 1260

HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13737.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture #1 (2C) standard solution CL40.13641

EPA METHOD 8080A/8081/8081A, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Toluene
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294 Decachlorobiphenyl
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13641.0001 1 ml AMP

Surrogate standards mixture #2 (2C) standard solution CL40.13642

EPA METHOD 8080A/8081/8081A, CLP Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Acetone
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090 Dibutyl chlorendate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13642.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 397
CLP PESTICIDES (Contact Laboratory Program)

Degradation calibaration mixture (2C) standard solution CL40.13534

EPA METHOD 508/508.1, 525.2, 608, 625, 1618, 1656, 8080A/8081, 8250A/8270C, CLP Solution contains 1 µg/ml in Ethyl acetate
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173 4,4'-DDT
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Endrin
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13534.0001 1 ml AMP

398 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.3 Organic Multi Component Standards
2.3.7 ISO, USP and pH. Eur. Methods
• ISO Method 6468 400
• ISO Method 9377 400
• ISO Method 10301 401
• ISO Method 10695 401
• ISO Method 11369 401-402
• ISO method 13876 402
• ISO Method 15913 403

• ISO Method 16703 403
• USP Method 467 404
• Ph. Eur. Residual Solvents 404

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 399
ISO Method 6468
Determination of certain organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and

Pesticide Mix (19C) standard solution NEW CL40.13792

High quality standard for ISO 6468 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in n-Hexane
4,4'-DDD  Lindane (BHC gamma isomer) 
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
4,4'-DDE  Methoxychlor 
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
4,4'-DDT  o,p'-DDD 
a-Endosulfan  o,p'-DDE 
Aldrin  o,p'-DDT 
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
H411 b-Endosulfan  trans-Heptachlor epoxide 
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- BHC (alpha isomer)  Solvent: n-Hexane
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
BHC (beta isomer) 
BHC (delta isomer) 
Heptachlor  Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heptachlor epoxide (Isomer B)  CL40.13792.0001 1 ml AMP

PCB Congener Mixture (7C) standard solution NEW CL40.13791


High quality standard for ISO 6468 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in n-Hexane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 28)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 52)
IATA 3,II 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 101)
IMDG 3,II 2,2',3,4,4',5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 138)
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 153)
H411 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl (PCB 180)
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-Octachlorobiphenyl (PCB 194)
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Solvent: n-Hexane

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL40.13791.0001 1 ml AMP

ISO Method 9377

Determination of hydrocarbon oil index -- Part 2: Method using solvent extraction and gas

System Performance of n-alkanes (16C) standard solution NEW CL40.13098

EN-ISO 9377 Solution contains 50 µg/ml in n-Hexane
n-Decane n-Dotriacontane
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
n-Dodecane n-Tetratriacontane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
n-Tetradecane n-Hexatriacontane
n-Hexadecane n-Octatriacontane
n-Octadecane n-Tetracontane
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
H411 n-Eicosane
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- n-Docosane
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
n-Octacosane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
n-Triacontane CL40.13098.0001 1 ml AMP

400 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ISO Method 10301
Determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons -- Gas-chromatographic methods

Halogenated VOC Mix (19C) standard solution NEW CL40.13793

High quality standard for ISO 10301 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in Methanol
1,2-Dichloroethane Bromodichloromethane
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Chlorodibromomethane 1,1-Dichloroethane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Tetrachloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane
IATA 3 (6.1),II
1,3-Dichloropropane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Carbon tetrachloride Solvent: Methanol
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Chloroform
DANGER. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Bromochloromethane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methylene chloride CL40.13793.0001 1 ml AMP

ISO Method 10695

Determination of selected organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds -- Gas

Pesticide Mix (12C) standard solution NEW CL40.13794
High quality standard for ISO 10695, ISO 11369 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in Acetone
Atrazine Terbuthylazine
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Cyanazine (Bladex) Trifluralin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Metazachlor Vinclozolin
Methyl parathion Solvent: Acetone
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Parathion
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Pendimethalin
DANGER. Propazine
Sebuthylazin Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Simazine CL40.13794.0001 1 ml AMP

ISO Method 11369

Determination of selected plant treatment agents -- Method using high performance liquid

Pesticide Mix (17C) standard solution CL40.13795

High Quality Standard solution for ISO 11369 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in Ethyl acetate
Atrazine  Metoxuron 
Density 0.90 g/ml UN 1173
Atrazine desethyl  Monolinuron 
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Cyanazine (Bladex) Sebuthylazin 
Chlorotoluron  Simazine 
Diuron  Terbuthylazine 
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
Isoproturon  Velpar 
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Linuron  Solvent: Ethyl acetate
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13795.0001 1 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 401
ISO Method 11369
Determination of selected plant treatment agents -- Method using high performance liquid

Pesticide Mix (12C) standard solution NEW CL40.13794

High quality standard for ISO 10695, ISO 11369 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in Acetone
Atrazine Terbuthylazine
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Cyanazine (Bladex) Trifluralin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Metazachlor Vinclozolin
Methyl parathion Solvent: Acetone
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Parathion
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Pendimethalin
DANGER. Propazine
Sebuthylazin Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Simazine CL40.13794.0001 1 ml AMP

ISO Method 13876

Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) by gas chromatography with mass selective

DUTCH SEVEN Mix PCB (7C) standard solution NEW CL40.13269

High Quality standard solution for GC ISO 13876, NEN 6980 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 PCB 28
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II PCB 52
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 PCB 138
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- PCB 153
P403 + P235 PCB 180
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13269.0001 1 ml AMP

DUTCH SEVEN Mix PCB (7C) standard solution NEW CL40.13027

High Quality standard solution for GC ISO 13876, NEN 6980 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 PCB 28
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II PCB 52
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 PCB 138
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- PCB 153
P403 + P235 PCB 180
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13027.0001 1 ml AMP
CL40.13027.0010 10 ml AMP

DUTCH SEVEN Mix PCB (7C) standard solution NEW CL40.13084

High Quality standard solution for GC ISO 13876, NEN 6980 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 PCB 28
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II PCB 52
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410 PCB 138
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- PCB 153
P403 + P235 PCB 180
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13084.0001 1 ml AMP

402 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ISO Method 15913
Determination of selected phenoxyalkanoic herbicides, including bentazones and

Free Acid Pesticide Mix (15C) standard solution NEW CL40.13796

High quality standard for ISO 15913 Solution contains 10 µg/mL in Acetone
3,5-Diiodo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile Fluroxypyr
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1090
Clopyralid Benazolin
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Dicamba Imazapyr (TM)
Tetrachloroterephthalic acid Pentachlorophenol
Picloram Fenoxaprop
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 2,3,6-Trichlorobenzoic acid
DANGER. 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
Diclofop acid Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Fluazifop CL40.13796.0001 1 ml AMP

ISO Method 16703

Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C10 to C40 by GC

C8 - C40 + Pristane + Phytane (35C) standard solution NEW CL40.13160
Hydrocarbon Window Defining Standard EN 14039, ISO 16703 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Chloroform
C8 - Octane C30 - Triacontane
Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol UN 1888
C9 - Nonane C31 - Hentriacontane
Density 1.49 g/ml ADR 6.1,III
C10 - Decane C32 - Dotriacontane
HS Nr 38220000 IATA 6.1,III
C11 - Undecane C33 - Tritriacontane
C12- Dodecane C34 - Tetratriacontane
HNrs H351-H302-H372-H315-H361-H319-
H331 C13 - Tridecane C35 - Pentatriacontane
PNrs P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 C14 - Tetradecane C36 - Hexatriacontane
+ P338-P308 + P310 C37 - Heptatriacontane
C15 - Pentadecane
DANGER. C38 - Octatriacontane
C16 - Hexadecane
C17 - Heptadecane C39 - Nonatriacontane
C18 - Octadecane C40 - Tetracontane
C19 - Nonadecane Pristane
C20 - Eicosane Phytane
C21 - Heneicosane
C22 - Docosane
C23 - Tricosane
C24 - Tetracosane
C25 - Pentacosane
C26 - Hexacosane
C27 - Heptacosane
C28 - Octacosane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C29 - Nonacosane CL40.13160.0001 1 ml AMP

Alkane Mix 12 (17C) standard solution CL40.13773

High quality standard for GC ISO 16703, EN 14039 Solution contains 100 µg/ml in Toluene
n-Decane n-Octatriacontane
Density 0.87 g/ml UN 1294
n-Docosane n-Tetracontane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
n-Dodecane n-Tetracosane
n-Dotriacontane n-Tetradecane
n-Eicosane n-Tetratriacontane
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
n-Hexacosane n-Triacontane
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
DANGER. n-Hexadecane
n-Octadecane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
n-Octane CL40.13773.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 403
USP Method 467 Residual Solvent Method

VOC Mixture (6C) Solution NEW CL40.13790

High quality standard for USP Method 467 Solution contains stated concentrations in DMSO
Benzene (200 µg/mL) Trichloroethene (200 µg/mL)
Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol
Chloroform (100 µg/mL) Solvent: DMSO
Density 1.10 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 1,4-Dioxane (200 µg/mL)
Ethylene oxide Solution (20 µg/mL) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methylene chloride (200 µg/mL) CL40.13790.0001 1 ml AMP

Residual Solvents According Ph. Eur.

Ph. Eur. / ICH Class 2 Mix A (14C) Solution NEW CL40.39127

High quality standard for GC Solution contains stated concentrations in DMSO
Chlorobenzene 360 µg/mL m-Xylene 1302 µg/mL
Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol
o-Xylene 195 µg/mL

Density 1.10 g/ml Cyclohexane 3880 µg/mL

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1870 µg/mL p-Xylene 304 µg/mL
HS Nr 38220000
Dichloromethane 600 µg/mL Tetrahydrofuran 720 µg/mL
N,N-Dimethylformamide 880 µg/mL Solvent: DMSO
Ethylbenzene 369 µg/mL
n-Hexane 290 µg/mL
Methylcyclohexane 1180 µg/mL
Toluene 890 µg/mL Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Trichloroethene 80 µg/mL CL40.39127.0001 1 ml AMP

Ph. Eur. / ICH Class 2 Mix B (10C) Solution NEW CL40.39128

High quality standard for GC Solution contains stated concentrations in Water:DMSO (80:20)
Acetonitrile 410 µg/mL Nitromethane 50 µg/mL
Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol
Chloroform 60 µg/mL Pyridine 200 µg/mL
Density 1.10 g/ml
1,2-Dimethoxyethane 100 µg/mL Tetralin 100 µg/mL
HS Nr 38220000
N,N-Dimethylacetamide 1090 µg/mL Solvent: Water:DMSO (80:20)
1,4-Dioxane 380 µg/mL
2-Hexanone 50 µg/mL
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methanol 3000 µg/mL
CL40.39128.0001 1 ml AMP

Ph. Eur. / ICH Class 2 Mix C (6C) Solution NEW CL40.39129

High quality standard for GC Solution contains stated concentrations in Water
2-Ethoxyethanol 160 µg/mL Sulfolane 160 µg/mL
Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol
Ethylene glycol 620 µg/mL Solvent: Water
Density 1.10 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Formamide 220 µg/mL
2-Methoxyethanol 50 µg/mL Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
N-Methylpyrrolidone 4840 µg/mL CL40.39129.0001 1 ml AMP

Ph. Eur. / ICH Class 1 Mix (5C) Solution NEW CL40.39130

High quality standard for GC Solution contains stated concentrations in Water:DMSO (80:20)
Benzene 2 µg/mL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 10 µg/mL
Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol
Carbon tetrachloride 4 µg/mL Solvent: Water:DMSO (80:20)
Density 1.10 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 1,2-Dichloroethane 5 µg/mL
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1,1-Dichloroethene 8 µg/mL
CL40.39130.0001 1 ml AMP

404 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

2 Organic Standards
2.4 Reagents & Solvents for Organic Analysis
2.4.1 Solvents & Reagents for HPLC
• Solvents for HPLC 406-418
• Reagents for Ion Pair Chromatography 419-422
• Buffer Substances for Chromatography 423-424


2.4.2 Solvents & Reagents for LC/MS & ULC/MS
• Solvents for LC/MS 425-426
• Solvents for ULC/MS 426
• Eluent Additives for LC/MS 427-428
• Eluent Solutions for LC/MS 429-431

2.4.3 Solvents & Reagents for Pesticide Analysis

• Solvents for Pesticide Analysis 432-438
• Reagents for Pesticide Analysis 438

2.4.4 Water for Organic Analysis Methods 439

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 405
Solvents for HPLC

Acetic acid glacial 99-100%, HPLC grade CL00.2718

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CH3COOH
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol UN 2789 Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Water <0.1%
Density 1.05 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Transmittance @ 280nm > 89%
CasNr 64-19-7 IATA 8 (3),II Transmittance @ 350nm > 98%

EINECS 200-580-7 IMDG 8 (3),II

HS Nr 29152100
HNrs H226-H314
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 +
P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2718.1000 1l GVB

CL00.2718.2500 2,5 l GVB

Acetone, HPLC grade CL00.0172

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C3H6O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 58.08 g/mol UN 1090 Water <2000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.791 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-64-1 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 335nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 340nm > 85%
EINECS 200-662-2 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 350nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 355nm > 99%
HS Nr 29141100
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0172.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0172.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Acetonitrile, HPLC super gradient grade CL00.0189

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3CN
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol UN 1648 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.781 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 75-05-8 IATA 3,II HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <1.5 mAU
Transmittance @ 190nm > 30%
EINECS 200-835-2 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 195nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 93%
HS Nr 29269070 Transmittance @ 220nm > 98%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Transmittance @ 230nm > 99%

PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0189.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0189.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

406 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for HPLC

Acetonitrile, HPLC gradient grade CL00.0175

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3CN
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol UN 1648 Water <150ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.781 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 75-05-8 IATA 3,II UV absorbance @ 254nm < 0.001
Transmittance @ 195nm > 70%
EINECS 200-835-2 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 200nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 210nm > 88%
HS Nr 29269070 Transmittance @ 220nm > 94%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Transmittance @ 230nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 99%
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0175.1000 1l GVB/H


CL00.0175.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Acetonitrile, HPLC grade CL00.0174

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3CN
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol UN 1648 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.781 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 75-05-8 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
EINECS 200-835-2 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29269070
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0174.1000 1l GVB
CL00.0174.2500 2,5 l GVB

Butanol-(1), HPLC grade CL00.0243

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CH3(CH2)3OH
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol UN 1120 Water <300ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.81 g/ml ADR 3,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 71-36-3 IATA 3,III Transmittance @ 230nm > 65%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 80%
EINECS 200-751-6 IMDG 3,III Transmittance @ 250nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 95%
HS Nr 29051300 Transmittance @ 310nm > 99%
HNrs H226-H302-H318-H315-H335-H336
PNrs P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0243.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 407
Solvents for HPLC

Butyl chloride-(1) - (1-Chlorobutane), HPLC NEW CL00.2927

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% C4H9Cl
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 92.58 g/mol UN 1127 Transmittance @ 225nm >20%
Transmittance @ 230nm >50%
Density 0.89 g/ml ADR 3,II Transmittance @ 245nm >90%
CasNr 109-69-3 IATA 3,II Residue after Evaporation <0.002%

EINECS 203-696-6 IMDG 3,II

HS Nr 29031900
HNrs H225
PNrs P210-P242-P243
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2927.1000 1l GVB

Chloroform, HPLC grade CL00.0363

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CHCl3 (Stabilised with Amylene)
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol UN 1888 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.49 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-66-3 IATA 6.1,III Amylene = 50ppm
Transmittance @ 250nm > 50%
EINECS 200-663-8 IMDG 6.1,III Transmittance @ 260nm > 85%
Transmittance @ 270nm > 98%
HS Nr 29031300 Transmittance @ 280nm > 99%
HNrs H351-H302-H372-H315-H361-H319-
PNrs P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351
+ P338-P308 + P310
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0363.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0363.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
CL00.0363.8025 25 l FL/HDPE

Chloroform, HPLC grade CL00.0376

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CHCl3 (Stabilised with Ethanol)
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol UN 1888 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.49 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-66-3 IATA 6.1,III Ethanol ± 1%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 50%
EINECS 200-663-8 IMDG 6.1,III Transmittance @ 260nm > 85%
Transmittance @ 270nm > 98%
HS Nr 29031300 Transmittance @ 280nm > 99%
HNrs H351-H302-H372-H315-H361-H319-
PNrs P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351
+ P338-P308 + P310
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0376.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0376.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

408 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for HPLC

Cyclohexane, HPLC grade CL00.0377

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% C6H12
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 84.16 g/mol UN 1145 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-82-7 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
EINECS 203-806-2 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29021100 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P233
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0377.1000 1l GVB/H


CL00.0377.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Dichloromethane, HPLC grade CL00.0411

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CH2Cl2 (Stabilised with Amylene)
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 84.93 g/mol UN 1593 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.32 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Alkalinity <0.0005meq/g
CasNr 75-09-2 IATA 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Amylene = 50ppm
EINECS 200-838-9 IMDG 6.1,III Residue after Ignition < 2 ppm
Transmittance @ 235nm > 40%
HS Nr 29031200 Transmittance @ 240nm > 75%
HNrs H351 Transmittance @ 250nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 99%
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0411.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0411.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Dichloromethane, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0470

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CH2Cl2 (Stabilised with Ethanol)
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 84.93 g/mol UN 1593 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.32 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 75-09-2 IATA 6.1,III Transmittance @ 235nm > 40%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 75%
EINECS 200-838-9 IMDG 6.1,III Transmittance @ 250nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 99%
HS Nr 29031200 Residue after Ignition < 2 ppm
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0470.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0470.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Diethylether, HPLC grade CL00.0410

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% (C2H5)2O
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol UN 1155 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.71 g/ml ADR 3,I Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 60-29-7 IATA 3,I Ethanol : 1%
Hydrogen Peroxide <5ppm
EINECS 200-467-2 IMDG 3,I Transmittance @ 230nm > 70%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 80%
HS Nr 29091100 Transmittance @ 250nm > 90%
HNrs H224-H302-H336-EUH019-EUH066 Transmittance @ 260nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 280nm > 99%
PNrs P210-P240-P403 + P235
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0410.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0410.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 409
Solvents for HPLC

N,N-Dimethylacetamide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0456

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C4H9NO
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 87.12 g/mol Non Volatiles <0.0002%
Water <0.05%
Density 0.94 g/ml Transmittance @ 275nm >20%
CasNr 127-19-5 Transmittance @ 285nm >50%
Transmittance @ 310nm >90%
EINECS 204-826-4
HS Nr 29241900
HNrs H360-H332-H312
PNrs P201-P302 + P352-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0456.1000 1l GVB

Dimethyl sulfoxide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0465

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% C2H6OS
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 78.13 g/mol Non Volatiles <0.0002%
Water <0.05%
Density 1.10 g/ml Transmittance @ 268nm >20%
CasNr 67-68-5 Transmittance @ 280nm >50%
Transmittance @ 320nm >90%
EINECS 200-664-3 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29309098 CL00.0465.1000 1l GVB

Dioxan-(1,4), HPLC grade CL00.0417

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C4H8O2
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 88.11 g/mol UN 1165 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.03 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 123-91-1 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 250nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 85%
EINECS 204-661-8 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 270nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 280nm > 95%
HS Nr 29329900 Transmittance @ 290nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H351-H319-H335-EUH019-
PNrs P210-P281-P305 + P351 + P338-P308 +

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0417.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Dodecyl hydrogen sulfate Na salt, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0464

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C12H25NaO4S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 288.37 g/mol UN 1325 Melting Point : 204 - 207°C
Density 1.1 g/cm3 ADR 4.1,III
CasNr 151-21-3 IATA 4.1,III
EINECS 205-788-1 IMDG 4.1,III
HS Nr 29209010
HNrs H228-H302 + H332-H315-H318-H335-
PNrs P210-P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +
P338-P308 + P310

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0464.0025 25 g GVB

410 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for HPLC

Ethanol, abs. 100%, HPLC gradient grade NEW CL00.0545

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+vol% C2H5OH - 0.2 µm filtrated
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol UN 1170 Free Acid <0.0002
Free Alkali <0.0002
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <5 mg/l
CasNr 64-17-5 IATA 3,II Water <0.1%
Transmittance @ 210nm >25%
EINECS 200-578-6 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm >50%
Transmittance @ 230nm >75%
HS Nr 22071000 Transmittance @ 240nm >85%
HNrs H225 Transmittance @ 250nm >90%
Transmittance @ 260nm >98%
PNrs P210 Transmittance @ 270nm >99%
Acetaldehyde <10ppm
DANGER. Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <2ppb
Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <2ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HPLC grandient transmission @ 235nm <5mAU
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <2mAu CL00.0545.2500 2,5 l GVB/H


Ethanol, abs. 100%, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0529
For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+vol% C2H5OH - 0.2 µm filtrated
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol UN 1170 Free Acid <0.0002
Free Alkali <0.0002
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <2 mg/l
CasNr 64-17-5 IATA 3,II Water <0.1%
Transmittance @ 225nm > 60%
EINECS 200-578-6 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 85%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 98%
HS Nr 22071000
HNrs H225
PNrs P210
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0529.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0529.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Ethyl acetate, HPLC grade CL00.0515

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C4H8O2
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 88.10 g/mol UN 1173 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.90 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 141-78-6 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 260nm > 70%
Transmittance @ 270nm > 90%
EINECS 205-500-4 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 280nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 300nm > 99%
HS Nr 29153100
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0515.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Ethyl methyl ketone, HPLC grade (MEK) CL00.0522

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C4H8O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 72.11 g/mol UN 1193 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.80 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 78-93-3 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 335nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 340nm > 85%
EINECS 201-159-0 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 350nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 360nm > 99%
HS Nr 29141200
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P233

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0522.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 411
Solvents for HPLC

Heptane-(n) fraction, HPLC grade CL00.0824

For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C7H16
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol UN 1206 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.69 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 142-82-5 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
EINECS 205-563-8 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 +
P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL00.0824.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Heptane-(n) 99+%, HPLC grade CL00.0816

For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C7H16
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol UN 1206 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.69 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 142-82-5 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
EINECS 205-563-8 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 +
P352-P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0816.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0816.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Heptane-(n) 95+%, HPLC grade CL00.0823

For laboratory use, HPLC 95+% C7H16
Assay >95%
Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol UN 1206 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.69 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 142-82-5 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
EINECS 205-563-8 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 +
P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0823.1000 1l GVB/H

412 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for HPLC

Hexane-(n) 99+%, HPLC grade CL00.0817

For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C6H14
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.66 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-54-3 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 200nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 210nm > 70%
EINECS 203-777-6 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 240nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL00.0817.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0817.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Hexane-(n) fraction, HPLC grade CL00.0828

For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C6H14 - mixture of isomers
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.66 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-54-3 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
EINECS 203-777-6 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0828.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Hexane-(n) 95+%, HPLC grade CL00.0815

For laboratory use, HPLC 95+% C6H14
Assay >95%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.66 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-54-3 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 200nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 210nm > 70%
EINECS 203-777-6 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 240nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0815.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 413
Solvents for HPLC

Isohexane HPLC grade NEW CL00.0937

For laboratory use, fraction from petroleum, for liquid chromatography 99+% C6H14
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 Non Volatiles <0.0002%
Water <0.01%
Density 0.66 g/ml ADR 3,II Transmittance @ 200nm >10%
CasNr 92112-69-1 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm >30%
Transmittance @ 230nm >90%
EINECS 295-570-2 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 254nm >99%

HS Nr 27101225
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H411
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P233

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL00.0937.2500 2,5 l GVB

Methanol, HPLC super gradient grade CL00.1371

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3OH
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol UN 1230 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.79 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-56-1 IATA 3 (6.1),II Transmittance @ 210nm > 40%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 70%
EINECS 200-659-6 IMDG 3 (6.1),II Transmittance @ 230nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 90%
HS Nr 29051100 Transmittance @ 260nm > 98%
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1371.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.1371.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Methanol, HPLC gradient grade CL00.1364

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% CH3OH
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol UN 1230 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.79 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-56-1 IATA 3 (6.1),II UV Cut-off = 206nm max
Transmittance @ 225nm > 67%
EINECS 200-659-6 IMDG 3 (6.1),II Transmittance @ 235nm > 83%
Transmittance @ 260nm > 98%
HS Nr 29051100
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1364.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.1364.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

414 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for HPLC

Methanol, HPLC grade CL00.1363

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% CH3OH
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol UN 1230 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.79 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-56-1 IATA 3 (6.1),II Transmittance @ 225nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 80%
EINECS 200-659-6 IMDG 3 (6.1),II Transmittance @ 280nm > 98%

HS Nr 29051100
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1363.1000 1l GVB


CL00.1363.2500 2,5 l GVB

Methyl tert-butyl ether, HPLC grade (MTBE) CL00.1373

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C5H12O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 88.15 g/mol UN 2398 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.74 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 1634-04-4 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 80%
EINECS 216-653-1 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 260nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 270nm > 98%
HS Nr 29091900 Transmittance @ 280nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H315
PNrs P210-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1373.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Octane(-iso), HPLC grade CL00.1505

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% C8H18
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 114.23 g/mol UN 1262 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.69 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 540-84-1 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 95%
EINECS 208-759-1 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1505.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 415
Solvents for HPLC

Pentane-(-n) 99+%, HPLC grade CL00.1622

For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C5H12
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 72.15 g/mol UN 1265 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.63 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 109-66-0 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 200nm > 60%
Transmittance @ 210nm > 80%
EINECS 203-692-4 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 240nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H336-H411-EUH066
PNrs P273-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL00.1622.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Pentane-(-n) 95+%, HPLC grade CL00.1625

For laboratory use, HPLC 95+% C5H12
Assay >95%
Mol.Weight 72.15 g/mol UN 1265 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.63 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 109-66-0 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 40%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 70%
EINECS 203-692-4 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29011000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H336-H411-EUH066
PNrs P273-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1625.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Petroleum ether 60-80, HPLC grade CL00.1632

For laboratory use, HPLC Petroleum ether 60-80°C
Water <100ppm
Density 0.68 g/ml UN 1268 Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 64742-49-0 ADR 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
EINECS 265-151-9 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 90%
HS Nr 27101225 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H361-H373-
PNrs P210-P261-P273-P281-P301 + P310-

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1632.2500 2,5 l GVB

416 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for HPLC

Petroleum ether 40-60, HPLC grade CL00.1631

For laboratory use, HPLC Petroleum ether 40-60°C
Water <100ppm
Density 0.653 g/ml UN 1268 Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 64742-49-0 ADR 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 60%
EINECS 265-151-9 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 230nm > 90%
HS Nr 27101225 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H361-H373-
PNrs P210-P261-P273-P281-P301 + P310-
P331-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL00.1631.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Propanol-1 (n-Propanol), HPLC grade CL00.0924

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.5+% C3H8O
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol UN 1274 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.80 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 71-23-8 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 250nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 290nm > 98%
EINECS 200-746-9 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 300nm > 99%

HS Nr 29051200
HNrs H225-H318-H336
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0924.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol), HPLC gradient grade NEW CL00.0946

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.9+% C3H8O
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol UN 1219 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0002meq/g
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Alkalinity <0.0002meq/g
CasNr 67-63-0 IATA 3,II Non Volatiles <2ppm
Identity Infrared : conforms
EINECS 200-661-7 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 220nm >80% (After N2
HS Nr 29051200 Transmittance @ 230nm >90%
Transmittance @ 250nm >99%
HNrs H225-H319-H336 HPLC grandient transmission @ 235nm <1mAU
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <1mAU

DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0946.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0946.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol), HPLC grade CL00.0920

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C3H8O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol UN 1219 Water <1000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-63-0 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 210nm > 40%
Transmittance @ 220nm > 60%
EINECS 200-661-7 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 230nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 240nm > 98%
HS Nr 29051200 Transmittance @ 250nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H319-H336
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0920.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0920.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 417
Solvents for HPLC

Tetrahydrofuran, HPLC grade CL00.2027

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C4H8O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 72.11 g/mol UN 2056 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.89 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 109-99-9 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 240nm > 70%
Transmittance @ 250nm > 80%
EINECS 203-726-8 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 260nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 270nm > 98%
HS Nr 29321100 Transmittance @ 280nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H319-H335-EUH019
PNrs P210-P233-P243-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2027.1000 1l GVB/H

CL00.2027.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Toluene, HPLC grade CL00.2028

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C7H8
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 92.14 g/mol UN 1294 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.87 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 108-88-3 IATA 3,II Transmittance @ 290nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 300nm > 80%
EINECS 203-625-9 IMDG 3,II Transmittance @ 310nm > 90%
Transmittance @ 330nm > 98%
HS Nr 29023000 Transmittance @ 350nm > 99%
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2028.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.2028.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2071

For laboratory use, HPLC 99+% C6H3Cl3
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 181.45 g/mol UN 2321 Water <0.01%
Transmittance @ 310nm >60%
Density 1.45 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Transmittance @ 315nm >80%
CasNr 120-82-1 IATA 6.1,III Transmittance @ 385nm >98%

EINECS 204-428-0 IMDG 6.1,III

HS Nr 29039980
HNrs H302-H315-H400-H410
PNrs P273-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2071.1000 1l GVB

Trichloroethylene, HPLC grade CL00.2033

For laboratory use, HPLC 99.8+% C2HCl3
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 131.79 g/mol UN 1710 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.46 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 79-01-6 IATA 6.1,III Transmittance @ 280nm > 50%
Transmittance @ 300nm > 70%
EINECS 201-167-4 IMDG 6.1,III Transmittance @ 320nm > 80%
Transmittance @ 350nm > 85%
HS Nr 29032200 Transmittance @ 400nm > 98%
HNrs H360-H341-H412
PNrs P201-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2033.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

418 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Reagents for Ion Pair Chromatography

Butane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0266

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C4H9NaO3S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 160.17 g/mol Absorbance @ 210nm <0.1
Absorbance @ 220nm <0.06
CasNr 2386-54-1 Absorbance @ 230nm <0.04
EINECS 219-201-1 Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29041000 CL00.0266.0025 25 g GVB

Cetyltrimethylammonium hydrogen sulfate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2938

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C19H43NO4S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 381.61 g/mol pH <2 (10% sol.)
Transmittance @ 200nm >70%


CasNr 68214-07-3 Transmittance @ 220nm >90%
EINECS 269-286-4 Transmittance @ 250nm >98%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Loss on drying <2% @ 80°C
HS Nr 29239000 CL00.2938.0025 25 g GVB

Decane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.0425

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 98+% C10H21NaO3S
Assay >98%
Mol.Weight 244.33 g/mol Water <2%
CasNr 13419-61-9
EINECS 236-525-9 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29041000 CL00.0425.0100 100 g PE

n-Docecyl trimethylammonium bromide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0463

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 98.5+% C15H34BrN
Assay >98.5%
Mol.Weight 308.34 g/mol UN 3077 Absorbance @ 240nm <0.04
Absorbance @ 250nm <0.03
Density 1 g/cm3 ADR 9,III Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02
CasNr 1119-94-4 IATA 9,III
EINECS 214-290-3 IMDG 9,III
HS Nr 29239000
HNrs H302-H315-H319-H335-H410
PNrs P261-P273-P305 + P351 + P338-P501

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0463.0010 10 g GVB

Dodecyl hydrogen sulfate Na salt, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0464

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C12H25NaO4S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 288.37 g/mol UN 1325 Melting Point : 204 - 207°C
Density 1.1 g/cm3 ADR 4.1,III
CasNr 151-21-3 IATA 4.1,III
EINECS 205-788-1 IMDG 4.1,III
HS Nr 29209010
HNrs H228-H302 + H332-H315-H318-H335-
PNrs P210-P280-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 +
P338-P308 + P310

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0464.0025 25 g GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 419
Reagents for Ion Pair Chromatography

Heptane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.0836

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C7H15NaO3S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 202.24 g/mol Water <2%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 70% (0.005 mol/l
CasNr 22767-50-6 H2O)
EINECS 245-210-5 Transmittance @ 220nm > 90% (0.005 mol/l
H2O) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29041000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 98% (0.005 mol/l
CL00.0836.0100 100 g PE

Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.0841

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 98+% C19H42BrN
Assay >98%
Mol.Weight 364.46 g/mol UN 3077 Absorbance @ 240nm <0,04
Absorbance @ 250nm <0,03

Density 0.39 g/cm3 ADR 9,III Absorbance @ 260nm <0,02

CasNr 57-09-0 IATA 9,III
EINECS 200-311-3 IMDG 9,III
HS Nr 29239000
HNrs H302-H315-H319-H335-H410
PNrs P273-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 +
P351 + P338

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0841.0010 10 g GVB

Hexane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.0835

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C6H13NaO3S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 188.22 g/mol Water <2%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 70% (0.005 mol/l
CasNr 2832-45-3 H2O)
EINECS 220-601-3 Transmittance @ 220nm > 90% (0.005 mol/l
H2O) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29041000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 98% (0.005 mol/l
CL00.0835.0100 100 g PE

Octane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.1515

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C8H17NaO3S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 216.27 g/mol Water <2%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 70% (0.005 mol/l
CasNr 5324-84-5 H2O)
EINECS 226-195-4 Transmittance @ 220nm > 90% (0.005 mol/l
HS Nr 29041000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 98% (0.005 mol/l
HNrs H315-H319
PNrs P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.1515.0100 100 g GVB

Pentane-1-sulfonic acid Na salt, HPLC grade CL00.0198

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C5H11NaO3S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 174.20 g/mol Water <2%
Transmittance @ 200nm > 70% (0.005 mol/l
CasNr 22767-49-3 H2O)
EINECS 245-208-4 Transmittance @ 220nm > 90% (0.005 mol/l
H2O) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29041000 Transmittance @ 250nm > 98% (0.005 mol/l
CL00.0198.0100 100 g PE

420 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Reagents for Ion Pair Chromatography

Tetrabutylammonium bromide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2053

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C16H36BrN
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 322.38 g/mol Absorbance @ 240nm <0.04
Absorbance @ 250nm <0.03
Density 1.15 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02
CasNr 1643-19-2
EINECS 216-699-2 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29239000 CL00.2053.0010 10 g GVB

Tetrabutylammonium chloride, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2054

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C16H36ClN
Assay >99%


Mol.Weight 277.92 g/mol Absorbance @ 220nm <0.05
Absorbance @ 230nm <0.04
Density 1.0 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 250nm <0.03
CasNr 1112-67-0 Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02

EINECS 214-195-7
HS Nr 29239000
HNrs H319-H315
PNrs P305 + P351 + P338-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2054.0010 10 g GVB

Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2056

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C16H36IN
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 369.38 g/mol Absorbance @ 290nm <0.1
Absorbance @ 300nm <0.05
CasNr 311-28-4 Absorbance @ 320nm <0.02
EINECS 206-220-5
HS Nr 29239000
HNrs H302
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2056.0010 10 g GVB

Tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen sulfate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2090

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C16H37NSO4
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 339.54 g/mol
Density 1.01 g/cm3
CasNr 32503-27-8
EINECS 251-068-5
HS Nr 29239000
HNrs H302-H315-H319-H335
PNrs P261-P302 + P352-P305 + P351 + P338

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.2090.0025 25 g GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 421
Reagents for Ion Pair Chromatography

Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2057

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C17H38BrN
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 336.39 g/mol UN 1759 Absorbance @ 240nm <0.04
Absorbance @ 250nm <0.03
CasNr 1119-97-7 ADR 8,III Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02
EINECS 214-291-9 IATA 8,III
HS Nr 29239000 IMDG 8,III
HNrs H314
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + P351
+ P338-P308 + P310
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2057.0010 10 g GVB

Tetramethylammonium hydrogen sulfate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2078

For laboratory use, for ion pair chromatography 99+% C4H13NO4S
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 171.21 g/mol pH <2 (10% sol.)
Transmittance @ 200nm >70%
CasNr 80526-82-5 Transmittance @ 220nm >90%
EINECS 279-490-5 Transmittance @ 250nm >98%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Loss on drying <2% @120°C
HS Nr 29239000 CL00.2078.0025 25 g GVB

Buffer Substances for Chromatography

Ammonium acetate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2735

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99+% C2H7NO2
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 77.08 g/mol pH : 6.5 to 7.5 (5% sol.)
@ 20°C
Density 1.17 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
CasNr 631-61-8 Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Transmittance @ 254nm >98.0% (1 mol/l sol.)
EINECS 211-162-9 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29152900 CL00.2735.0050 50 g PE

Ammonium carbonate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2738

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 30-34% NH3
Assay : 30-34%
Mol.Weight 157.13 g/mol Absorbance @ 240nm <0.1
Absorbance @ 250nm <0.04
CasNr 10361-29-2 Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02
EINECS 233-786-0 Absorbance @ 280nm <0.01

HS Nr 28369917
HNrs H302
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2738.0250 250 g PE

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

422 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Buffer Substances for Chromatography

Phosphoric acid 85%, HPLC/UPLC grade NEW CL00.0633

For laboratory use, HPLC/UPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 85+% H3PO4
Assay >85% Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Mol.Weight 98.00 g/mol UN 1805 Volatile Acids <0.001% Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
Chloride <0.0002% Antimony (Sb) <0.0002%
Density 1.71 g/ml ADR 8,III Fluoride <0.0001% Zinc (Zn) <0.0002%
Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.0005%
CasNr 7664-38-2 IATA 8,III Nitrate <0.0003%
Colour < 10 APHA
Phosphorous Acid <0.002%
EINECS 231-633-2 IMDG 8,III Sulfate <0.003% Absorbance @ 210nm < 0.05
Reducing Subtances <0.001% Absorbance @ 220nm < 0.04
HS Nr 28092000 Silicate <0.025% Absorbance @ 230nm < 0.03
Sodium (Na) <0.025% Absorbance @ 240nm < 0.02
HNrs H314-H290 Absorbance @ 500nm < 0.02
Arsenic (As) <0.00005%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P309 + Calcium (Ca) <0.005%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.0001%
DANGER. Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
Iron (Fe) <0.0005%
Potassium (K) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


Magnesium (Mg) <0.001%
Manganese (Mn) <0.00005% CL00.0633.0001 1 ml VIA

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.3719

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99.5+% KH2PO4
Assay >99.5% Chromium (Cr) <0.0002%
Mol.Weight 136.09 g/mol Loss on drying <0.1% Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Arsenic (As) <0.00005% Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.001%
Density 2.34 g/cm3 Iron (Fe) <0.001% Absorbance @ 210nm <0.1 (10% sol.)
Absorbance @ 220nm <0.06 (10% sol.)
CasNr 7778-77-0 Sodium (Na) <0.02%
Absorbance @ 230nm <0.04 (10% sol.)
Chloride <0.0005%
EINECS 231-913-4 Sulfate <0.003% Absorbance @ 300nm <0.02 (10% sol.)
Nitrogen (N) <0.001%
HS Nr 28352400 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Copper (Cu) <0.0003% CL00.3719.0050 50 g PE

di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate.3aq, HPLC grade NEW CL00.3722

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99+% K2HPO4.3H20
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 228.23 g/mol Absorbance @ 210nm <0.1
Absorbance @ 220nm <0.03
CasNr 16788-57-1 pH : 9.2 - 9.4 (5% sol.)
EINECS 231-834-5 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28352400 CL00.3722.0250 250 g GVB

Sodium acetate.3aq, HPLC grade NEW CL00.4042

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99.9+% CH3COONa.3H2O
Absorbance @ 250nm <0.05
Mol.Weight 136.08 g/mol Absorbance @ 260nm <0.01
Density 1.42 g/cm3
CasNr 6131-90-4
EINECS 204-823-8 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29152900 CL00.4042.0050 50 g GVB

Sodium formate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.4046

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99.5+% HCOONa
Absorbance @ 260nm <0.05
Mol.Weight 68.01 g/mol Absorbance @ 270nm <0.04
Absorbance @ 300nm <0.03
Density 1.92 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 330nm <0.02
CasNr 141-53-7
EINECS 205-488-0 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 29151200 CL00.4046.0050 50 g GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 423
Buffer Substances for Chromatography

Sodium hydrogen carbonate, HPLC grade NEW CL00.4043

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99.9+% NaHCO3
Absorbance @ 240nm <0.1
Mol.Weight 84.01 g/mol Absorbance @ 250nm <0.04
Absorbance @ 260nm <0.02
Density 2.22 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 280nm <0.01
CasNr 144-55-8
EINECS 205-633-8 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28363000 CL00.4043.0250 250 g GVB

di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate.2aq, IP HPLC grade NEW CL00.4041

For laboratory use, IP HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99.9+% Na2HPO4.2H2O
Absorbance @ 230nm <0.1

Mol.Weight 177.99 g/mol Absorbance @ 260nm <0.06

Absorbance @ 280nm <0.04
Density 2.10 g/cm3 Absorbance @ 320nm <0.02
CasNr 10028-24-7
EINECS 231-448-7 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28352200 CL00.4041.0025 25 g GVB

Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC grade NEW CL00.2081

For laboratory use, HPLC, buffer substance for chromatography 99+% C2HF3O2
Assay >99% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Mol.Weight 114.02 g/mol UN 2699 Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Water <0.05% (KF)
Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Transmittance @ 260nm <0.90 AU
Density 1.48 g/ml ADR 8,I Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Transmittance @ 270nm <0.10 AU
Transmittance @ 280nm <0.05 AU
CasNr 76-05-1 IATA 8,I Calcium (Ca) <0.00002%
Transmittance @ 290nm <0.04 AU
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
EINECS 200-929-3 IMDG 8,I Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Transmittance @ 300nm <0.03 AU
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Transmittance @ 320nm <0.025 AU
HS Nr 29159070 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
HNrs H314-H332-H412 Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.00002%
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P303 + Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
+ P352-P309 + P310-P405-P501 Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005% CL00.2081.0100 100 ml GVB

424 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for LC/MS

Acetonitrile, LC-MS grade CL00.0194

For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.95+% CH3CN
Assay >99.95% Lead (Pb) <0.1ppm
Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol UN 1648 Water <0.005% Tin (Sn) <0.1ppm
Acidity <0.0002meq/g Zinc (Zn) <0.1ppm
Density 0.781 g/ml ADR 3,II Alkalinity <0.0001meq/g Particle size >0.5µm eff.
Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <0.5ppb
CasNr 75-05-8 IATA 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0001%
Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <0.5ppb
Silver (Ag) <0.1ppm
EINECS 200-835-2 IMDG 3,II Aluminium (Al) <0.5ppm Blank Drift <12mAU
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppm HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <0.5mAU
HS Nr 29269070 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.2mAU
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Cadmium (Cd) <0.05ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.02ppm
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Chromium (Cr) <0.02ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.02ppm
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.1ppm
Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.02ppm CL00.0194.1000 1l GVB/H


Sodium (Na) <0.1ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.02ppm CL00.0194.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Ethyl acetate, LC-MS grade CL00.0524

For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.9+% C4H8O2
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 88.10 g/mol UN 1173 Water <0.02%
Non Volatiles <0.0003%
Density 0.90 g/ml ADR 3,II Acidity <0.0005meq/g
CasNr 141-78-6 IATA 3,II Alkalinity <0.0005meq/g
Calcium (Ca) <0.00001%
EINECS 205-500-4 IMDG 3,II Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
HS Nr 29153100 Sodium (Na) <0.00001%
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066 Transmittance @ 260nm >75%
Transmittance @ 300nm >99%
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0524.1000 1l GVB
CL00.0524.2500 2,5 l GVB

Methanol, LC-MS grade CL00.1377

For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.95+% CH3OH
Assay >99.95% Lead (Pb) <0.02ppm
Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol UN 1230 Water <0.01% Tin (Sn) <0.1ppm
Acidity <0.0002meq/g Zinc (Zn) <0.1ppm
Density 0.79 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),II Alkalinity <0.00002meq/g Particle size >0.5µm eff.
Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <1ppb
CasNr 67-56-1 IATA 3 (6.1),II Non Volatiles <0.0003%
Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <1ppb
Silver (Ag) <0.1ppm
EINECS 200-659-6 IMDG 3 (6.1),II Aluminium (Al) <0.5ppm HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <2mAU
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppm
HS Nr 29051100 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Cadmium (Cd) <0.05ppm
Cobalt (Co) <0.02ppm
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Chromium (Cr) <0.02ppm
P310 Copper (Cu) <0.01ppm
Iron (Fe) <0.1ppm
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Manganese (Mn) <0.01ppm CL00.1377.1000 1l GVB/H
Sodium (Na) <0.1ppm
Nickel (Ni) <0.02ppm CL00.1377.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol), LC-MS grade CL00.0926

For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.9+% C3H8O
Assay >99.9% Nickel (Ni) <0.02ppm
Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol UN 1219 Water <0,05% Lead (Pb) <0.1ppm
Non Volatiles <0.0005% Tin (Sn) <0.1ppm
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Acidity <0.0002meq/g Zinc (Zn) <0.1ppm
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <2mAU
CasNr 67-63-0 IATA 3,II Alkalinity <0.0002meq/g
Transmittance @ 220nm >60%
Silver (Ag) <0.1ppm
EINECS 200-661-7 IMDG 3,II Aluminium (Al) <0.5ppm Transmittance @ 230nm >80%
Barium (Ba) <0.1ppm Transmittance @ 240nm >98%
HS Nr 29051200 Calcium (Ca) <0.1ppm Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <1ppb
Cadmium (Cd) <0.05ppm Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <1ppb
HNrs H225-H319-H336 Particle size >0.5µm : eff.
Cobalt (Co) <0.02ppm
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338 Chromium (Cr) <0.02ppm
Copper (Cu) <0.02ppm
DANGER. Iron (Fe) <0.1ppm
Potassium (K) <0.1ppm
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Magnesium (Mg) <0.1ppm CL00.0926.1000 1l GVB/H
Manganese (Mn) <0.02ppm
Sodium (Na) <0.1ppm CL00.0926.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 425
Solvents for LC/MS

Water, LC-MS grade CL02.0240

For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <0.00001% Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <1µS HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <3mAU
Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry < 0.05ppm HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <1mAU
Density 1.00 g/ml (Reserpine) Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <1ppb
Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <1ppb
CasNr 7732-18-5
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 231-791-2 Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
Potassium (K) <0.05ppm CL02.0240.1000 1l GVB/H
HS Nr 28530010 Magnesium (Mg) <0.05ppm CL02.0240.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Solvents for ULC/MS


Acetonitrile, ULC-MS grade NEW CL00.2752

For laboratory use, ULC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.97+% CH3CN
Assay >99.97%
Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol UN 1648 Water <0.01%
Acidity <0.001meq/g
Density 0.781 g/ml ADR 3,II Alkalinity <0.0001meq/g
CasNr 75-05-8 IATA 3,II Residue after Evaporation <0.0001%w/w
Calcium (Ca) <50ppb
EINECS 200-835-2 IMDG 3,II Copper (Cu) : N.D.
Iron (Fe) <20ppb
HS Nr 29269070 Potassium (K) <50ppb
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Magnesium (Mg) <20ppb
Sodium (Na) <50ppb
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 Aluminium (Al) <20ppb
Colour <5 APHA
DANGER. Transmittance @ 190nm >30%
Transmittance @ 195nm >85%
Transmittance @ 200nm >97%
Transmittance @ 210nm >98% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Transmittance @ 230nm >99%
CL00.2752.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Methanol, ULC-MS grade NEW CL00.3915

For laboratory use, ULC-MS, for liquid chromatography 99.98+% CH3OH
Assay >99.98%
Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol UN 1230 Water <0.03%
Colour <5 APHA
Density 0.79 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),II Residue after Evaporation <0.0001%w/w
CasNr 67-56-1 IATA 3 (6.1),II Calcium (Ca) <50ppb
Potassium (K) <50ppb
EINECS 200-659-6 IMDG 3 (6.1),II Sodium (Na) <50ppb
Acidity <0.002%
HS Nr 29051100 Alkalinity <0,0001%
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370 Transmittance @ 210nm >40%
Transmittance @ 220nm >65%
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + Transmittance @ 230nm >80%
P310 Transmittance @ 260nm >98%

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.3915.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.3915.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Water, ULC-MS grade NEW CL02.2112

For laboratory use, ULC-MS, for liquid chromatography H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.1 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <0.0001% Total Organic Carbon <10ppb
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <1µS Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <0.3ppb
Acidity <0.0002% as Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <0.3ppb
Density 1.00 g/ml C2H4O2 Blank Drift <8mAU
Alkalinity <0.00005 as NH3 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <1mAU
CasNr 7732-18-5 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.5mAU
Colour <5 (APHA)
EINECS 231-791-2 Calcium (Ca) <50ppb

HS Nr 28530010
Potassium (K) <50ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <50ppb
Iron (Fe) <30ppb CL02.2112.1000 1l GVB/H
Aluminium (Al) <20ppb CL02.2112.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Magnesium (Mg) <20ppb

426 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Eluent Additives for LC/MS

Acetic acid glacial 99-100%, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.2720
For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 99.9+% CH3COOH
Assay >99.9% Thallium (TI) <0.000005%
Mol.Weight 60.05 g/mol UN 2789 Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Satisfies LC-MS applications
Density 1.05 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
CasNr 64-19-7 IATA 8 (3),II Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
EINECS 200-580-7 IMDG 8 (3),II Cobalt (Co) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000005%
HS Nr 29152100 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
HNrs H226-H314 Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
Lithium (Li) <0.0000005%
PNrs P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P307 + Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
P310-P305 + P351 + P338 Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
DANGER. Nickel (Ni) <0.000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Silver (Ag) <0.000005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


Sodium (Na) <0.00005%
Strontium (Sr) <0.000005% CL00.2720.0050 50 ml GVB

Ammonia 25 weight % solution, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.2721

For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS ±250 g NH3 / kg
Ammonia >25% Thallium (TI) <0.000005
Mol.Weight 17.03 g/mol UN 2672 Aluminium (Al) <0.000005 Zinc (Zn) <0.000005
Barium (Ba) <0.000005 Satisfies LC-MS applications
Density 0.90 g/ml ADR 8,III Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005
CasNr 1336-21-6 IATA 8,III Calcium (Ca) <0.000005
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005
EINECS 215-647-6 IMDG 8,III Cobalt (Co) <0.000005
Copper (Cu) <0.000005
HS Nr 28142000 Iron (Fe) <0.000005
HNrs H314-H335-H400 Lead (Pb) <0.000005
Lithium (Li) <0.000005
PNrs P280-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-P305 + Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005
P351 + P338-P309 + P310 Manganese (Mn) <0.000005
Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005
DANGER. Nickel (Ni) <0.000005
Potassium (K) <0.000005
Silver (Ag) <0.000005 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.000005
Strontium (Sr) <0.000005 CL00.2721.0050 50 ml PE/OD

Ammonium acetate, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.2722

For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 99+% C2H7NO2
Assay >99% Manganese (Mn) <0.0001%
Mol.Weight 77.08 g/mol Ammonium Acetate >99% Molybdenum (Mo) <0.0001%
Aluminium (Al) <0.0001% Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Density 1.17 g/cm3 Barium (Ba) <0.0001% Potassium (K) <0.005%
Sodium (Na) <0.005%
CasNr 631-61-8 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001%
Strontium (Sr) <0.0001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.001%
EINECS 211-162-9 Chromium (Cr) <0.0001% Zinc (Zn) <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.0001% Satisfies LC-MS applications
HS Nr 29152900 Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
Lead (Pb) <0.0001% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Lithium (Li)
Magnesium (Mg)
CL00.2722.0050 50 g PE

Ammonium formate, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.2723

For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 97+% HCOONH4
Assay >97% Zinc (Zn) <0.0001%
Mol.Weight 63,06 g/mol Ammonium Acetate >97% Satisfies LC-MS applications
Aluminium (Al) <0.0001%
Density 1.27 g/cm3 Barium (Ba) <0.0001%
CasNr 540-69-2 Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001%
Calcium (Ca) <0.0005%
EINECS 208-753-9 Chromium (Cr) <0.0001%
Cobalt (Co) <0.0001%
HS Nr 29151200 Copper (Cu) <0.0001%
HNrs H315-H319-H335 Iron (Fe) <0.0001%
Lead (Pb) <0.0001%
PNrs P261-P280-P305 + P351 + P338-P321- Lithium (Li) <0.0001%
P405-P501 Magnesium (Mg) <0.0005%
Manganese (Mn) <0.0001%
WARNING. Molybdenum (Mo) <0.0001%
Nickel (Ni) <0.0001%
Potassium (K) <0.0005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <0.0005%
Strontium (Sr) <0.0001% CL00.2723.0050 50 g PE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 427
Eluent Additives for LC/MS

Formic acid 98-100%, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.1388

For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 98-100% HCOOH
Assay : 98-100% Zinc (Zn) <0.000005%
Mol.Weight 46.03 g/mol UN 1779 Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Satisfies LC-MS applications
Barium (Ba) <0.000005%
Density 1.22 g/ml ADR 8 (3),II Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
CasNr 64-18-6 IATA 8 (3),II Calcium (Ca) <0.00002%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
EINECS 200-579-1 IMDG 8 (3),II Cobalt (Co) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000005%
HS Nr 29151100 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
HNrs H226-H302-H314-H331 Lead (Pb) <0.000005%
Lithium (Li) <0.000005%
PNrs P210-P234-P260-P280-P301 + P330 + Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
P331-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351 Nickel (Ni) <0.000005%
+ P338-P309 + P310 Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
Potassium (K) <0.00001%
DANGER. Silver (Ag) <0.000005%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

Strontium (Sr) <0.000005%

Thallium (TI) <0.000005% CL00.1388.0050 50 ml GVB

Triethylamine, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.2049

For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 99.7+% C6H15N
Assay >99.7% Satisfies LC-MS applications
Mol.Weight 101.19 g/mol UN 1296 Aluminium (Al) <0.00002%
Barium (Ba) <0.00001%
Density 0.73 g/ml ADR 3 (8),II Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005%
CasNr 121-44-8 IATA 3 (8),II Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
EINECS 204-469-4 IMDG 3 (8),II Cobalt (Co) <0.000005%
Copper (Cu) <0.000005%
HS Nr 29111999 Iron (Fe) <0.00001%
HNrs H225-H332-H312-H302-H314-H335 Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.00001%
PNrs P210-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P302 + Magnesium (Mg) <0.00001%
P352-P305 + P351 + P338-P309 + Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
P310-P405-P501 Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000005%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00005%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Strontium (Sr) <0.00001%
Zinc (Zn) <0.00001% CL00.2049.0050 50 ml GVB

Trifluoroacetic acid, eluent additive for LC-MS NEW CL00.2050

For laboratory use, eluent additive for LC-MS 99+% C2HF3O2
Assay >99% Zinc (Zn) <0.00001%
Mol.Weight 114.02 g/mol UN 2699 Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% Water <0.05% (KF)
Barium (Ba) <0.000005% Transmittance @ 260nm >0.90 AU
Density 1.48 g/ml ADR 8,I Cadmium (Cd) <0.000005% Transmittance @ 270nm >0.10 AU
Transmittance @ 280nm >0.05 AU
CasNr 76-05-1 IATA 8,I Calcium (Ca) <0.00002%
Transmittance @ 290nm >0.04 AU
Chromium (Cr) <0.000005%
EINECS 200-929-3 IMDG 8,I Cobalt (Co) <0.000002% Transmittance @ 300nm >0.03 AU
Copper (Cu) <0.000002% Transmittance @ 320nm >0.025 AU
HS Nr 29159070 Iron (Fe) <0.00002%
HNrs H314-H332-H412 Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
Lithium (Li) <0.00002%
PNrs P260-P280-P301 + P330 + P331-P303 + Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
P361 + P353-P305 + P351 + P338-P302 Manganese (Mn) <0.000005%
+ P352-P309 + P310-P405-P501 Molybdenum (Mo) <0.000002%
Nickel (Ni) <0.000005%
DANGER. Potassium (K) <0.00001%
Sodium (Na) <0.00005% Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Strontium (Sr) <0.000002%
Thallium (TI) <0.000005% CL00.2050.0050 50 ml GVB

428 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Eluent Solutions for LC/MS

Acetonitrile with 0.1% acetic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.0194

For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3CN + 0.1 % CH3COOH
CH3COOH 0,093-0,107%
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1993 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Potassium (K) <0.00005%
IATA 3,II Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
%T 1 cm lp 210nm >20%
IMDG 3,II %T 1 cm lp 230nm >50%
%T 1 cm lp 254nm >90%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 0.22µ filtereed
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 satisfies LC-MS applications


Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL02.0194.1000 1l GVB/H


Acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.0195
For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3CN + 0.1 % HCOOH
Formic Acid : 0.095 - 0.105% Filtered 0,22µm (Micron)
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1993 (V/V)
Water <0.02%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Residue after Evaporation <5ppm
IATA 3,II Aluminium (Al) <0.00005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
IMDG 3,II Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
Iron (Fe) <0.00005%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 Potassium (K) <0.00005%
Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 220nm <0.002
DANGER. HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.002
Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry <50ppb
Satisfies LC-MS applications Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
UV absorbance @ 260nm <0.1
UV absorbance @ 280nm <0.05 CL02.0195.1000 1l GVB/H

Acetonitrile with 0.1% trifluoracetic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.0196

For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3CN + 0.1 % C2HF3O2
C2HF3O2 0,093-0,107%
Density 0.781 g/ml UN 1993 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Potassium (K) <0.00005%
IATA 3,II Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
%T 1 cm lp 210nm >30%
IMDG 3,II %T 1 cm lp 230nm >50%
%T 1 cm lp 254nm >90%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 0.22µ filtereed
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 satisfies LC-MS applications


Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL02.0196.1000 1l GVB/H

Ammonium acetate 10 mMol in Water, pH7 buffered, LC-MS NEW CL02.0172

For laboratory use, LC-MS 770.8 mg C2H7NO2 / l H2O
CH3COONa 9.5-10.5 mmol/l satisfies LC-MS applications
Density 1.00 g/ml Aluminium (Al) <0.000005% %T 1 cm lp 254nm >96%
Calcium (Ca) <0.000005% %T 1 cm lp 280nm >98%
CasNr 631-61-8 Iron (Fe) <0.000005%
EINECS 211-162-9 Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Potassium (K) <0.000005%
HS Nr 29152900 Sodium (Na) <0.000005% CL02.0172.1000 1l GVB/H

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 429
Eluent Solutions for LC/MS

Formic acid 10% in water, for cleaning purposes LC-MS NEW CL02.1342
For laboratory use, cleaning purposes LC-MS 100 ml HCOOH 98-100% / l H2O
HCOOH 9.5-10.5%
Mol.Weight 46.03 g/mol UN 3412 Aluminium (Al) <0.000005%
Calcium (Ca) <0.000005%
Density 1.02 g/ml ADR 8,III Iron (Fe) <0.000005%
CasNr 64-18-6 IATA 8,III Magnesium (Mg) <0.000005%
Potassium (K) <0.000005%
EINECS 200-579-1 IMDG 8,III Sodium (Na) <0.000005%
%T 1 cm lp 260nm > 80%
HS Nr 29151100 %T 1 cm lp 280nm > 90%
HNrs H314 satisfies LC-MS applications

PNrs P260-P303 + P361 + P353-P305 + P351

+ P338-P310-P405-P501

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL02.1342.1000 1l GVB/H

Methanol with 0.1% acetic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.1339

For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3OH + 0.1 % CH3COOH
CH3COOH 0,093-0,107%
Density 0.792 g/ml UN 1992 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Potassium (K) <0.00005%
IATA 3 (6.1),II Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm < 0.01AU
IMDG 3 (6.1),II %T 1 cm lp 210nm >5%
%T 1 cm lp 230nm >50%
HNrs H225-H301-H311-H331-H370 %T 1 cm lp 254nm >95%
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 0.22µ filtereed
satisfies LC-MS applications
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1339.1000 1l GVB/H

Methanol with 0.1% ammonium acetate, LC-MS NEW CL02.1341

For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3OH + 0.1 % CH3COONH4
CH3COONH4 0,093-0,107%
Density 0.792 g/ml UN 1992 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Potassium (K) <0.00005%
IATA 3 (6.1),II Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
IMDG 3 (6.1),II %T 1 cm lp 210nm >5%
%T 1 cm lp 230nm >60%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 %T 1 cm lp 254nm >90%
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 0.22µ filtereed
satisfies LC-MS applications

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL02.1341.1000 1l GVB/H

Methanol with 0.1% formic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.1349

For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3OH + 0.1 % HCOOH
CH3COOH 0,093-0,107%
Density 0.792 g/ml UN 1992 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Potassium (K) <0.00005%
IATA 3 (6.1),II Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm < 0.01AU
IMDG 3 (6.1),II %T 1 cm lp 210nm >5%
%T 1 cm lp 230nm >50%
HNrs H225-H301-H311-H331-H370 %T 1 cm lp 254nm >95%
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 + 0.22µ filtereed
satisfies LC-MS applications
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL02.1349.1000 1l GVB/H

430 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Eluent Solutions for LC/MS

Methanol with 0.1% trifluoracetic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.1340

For laboratory use, LC-MS 99.9+% CH3OH + 0.1 % C2HF3O2
C2HF3O2 0,093-0,107%
Density 0.792 g/ml UN 1992 Calcium (Ca) <0.00005%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005%
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II Potassium (K) <0.00005%
IATA 3 (6.1),II Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
IMDG 3 (6.1),II %T 1 cm lp 210nm >5%
%T 1 cm lp 230nm >35%
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319 %T 1 cm lp 254nm >90%
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235 0.22µ filtereed
satisfies LC-MS applications

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL02.1340.1000 1l GVB/H


Water with 0.1% acetic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.2103
For laboratory use, LC-MS H2O + 0.1% CH3COOH
CH3COOH 0.093-0107% %T 1 cm lp 230nm>75%
Density 1.00 g/ml Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% %T 1 cm lp 254nm>99%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005% 0.22µ filtered
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) <0.00005% satisfies LC-MS applications
Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <0.05AU Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
%T 1 cm lp 210nm>20%
CL02.2103.1000 1l GVB/H

Water with 0.1% ammonium acetate LC-MS NEW CL02.2106

For laboratory use, LC-MS H2O + 0.1% CH3COONH4
CH3COONH4 0.093-0107% %T 1 cm lp 230nm>90%
Density 1.00 g/ml Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% %T 1 cm lp 254nm>99%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005% 0.22µ filtered
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) <0.00005% satisfies LC-MS applications
Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <0.01AU Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
%T 1 cm lp 210nm>20%
CL02.2106.1000 1l GVB/H

Water with 0.1% formic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.2104

For laboratory use, LC-MS H2O + 0.1% HCOOH
HCOOH 0.093-0107% %T 1 cm lp 230nm>45%
Density 1.00 g/ml Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% %T 1 cm lp 254nm>99%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005% 0.22µ filtered
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) <0.00005% satisfies LC-MS applications
Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <0.05AU Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
%T 1 cm lp 210nm>5%
CL02.2104.1000 1l GVB/H

Water with 0.1% trifluoracetic acid, LC-MS NEW CL02.2105

For laboratory use, LC-MS H2O + 0.1% C2HF3O2
C2HF3O2 0.093-0107% %T 1 cm lp 230nm>85%
Density 1.00 g/ml Calcium (Ca) <0.00005% %T 1 cm lp 254nm>99%
Magnesium (Mg) <0.00005% 0.22µ filtered
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) <0.00005% satisfies LC-MS applications
Sodium (Na) <0.0002%
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <0.05AU Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.01AU
%T 1 cm lp 210nm>25%
CL02.2105.1000 1l GVB/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 431
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Acetone, Pesticide grade CL00.0191

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.8+% C3H6O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 58.08 g/mol UN 1090 Water <3000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.791 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-64-1 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 200-662-2 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29141100
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0191.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0191.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Acetonitrile, Pesticide grade CL00.0190

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.9+% CH3CN
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 41.05 g/mol UN 1648 Water <2000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.781 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 75-05-8 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 200-835-2 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29269070
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332-H319
PNrs P210-P305 + P351 + P338-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0190.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Chloroform, Pesticide grade CL00.0391

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.8+% CHCl3 (Stabilised with 1% ethanol)
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 119.38 g/mol UN 1888 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.49 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-66-3 IATA 6.1,III Ethanol < 1%
Lindane <5ng/l
EINECS 200-663-8 IMDG 6.1,III Ethylparathion <10ng/l

HS Nr 29031300
HNrs H351-H302-H372-H315-H361-H319-
PNrs P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351
+ P338-P308 + P310

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0391.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

432 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Cyclohexane, Pesticide grade CL00.0392

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.5+% C6H12
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 84.16 g/mol UN 1145 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-82-7 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 203-806-2 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29021100
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P233
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0392.1000 1l GVB/H


CL00.0392.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Dichloromethane, Pesticide grade CL00.0419

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.8+% CH2Cl2 (Stabilised with Amylene)
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 84.93 g/mol UN 1593 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 1.32 g/ml ADR 6.1,III Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 75-09-2 IATA 6.1,III Amylene = 50ppm
Lindane <5ng/l
EINECS 200-838-9 IMDG 6.1,III Ethylparathion <10ng/l

HS Nr 29031200
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
WARNING. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0419.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0419.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Diethylether, Pesticide grade CL00.0418

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.5+% (C2H5)2O
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 74.12 g/mol UN 1155 Water <1000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.71 g/ml ADR 3,I Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 60-29-7 IATA 3,I Ethanol : 1%
Lindane <5ng/l
EINECS 200-467-2 IMDG 3,I Ethylparathion <10ng/l

HS Nr 29091100
HNrs H224-H302-H336-EUH019-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P403 + P235
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0418.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0418.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Ethanol, abs. 100%, Pesticide grade NEW CL00.0541

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis, GC ECD and FID, residue analysis 99.8+l% C2H5OH
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol UN 1170 Non Volatiles <3.0%
Colour <10 Hazen
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II
CasNr 64-17-5 IATA 3,II
EINECS 200-578-6 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 22071000
HNrs H225
PNrs P210
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0541.1000 1l GVB/H
CL00.0541.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 433
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Ethyl acetate, Pesticide grade CL00.0521

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.8+% C4H8O2
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 88.10 g/mol UN 1173 Water <500ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.90 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 141-78-6 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 205-500-4 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29153100
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0521.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Heptane-(n) 95+%, Pesticide grade CL00.0825

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 95+% C7H16
Assay >95%
Mol.Weight 100.21 g/mol UN 1206 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.69 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 142-82-5 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 205-563-8 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P273-P301 + P310-P331-P302 +
P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0825.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Hexane-(n) 99+%, Pesticide grade CL00.0827

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99+% C6H14
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.66 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-54-3 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 203-777-6 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0827.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

434 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Hexane-(n) 95+%, Pesticide grade CL00.0826

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 95+% C6H14
Assay >95%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.66 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 110-54-3 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 203-777-6 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336-
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P235


Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0826.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Hexane-(iso) 99+%, Pesticide grade NEW CL00.0846

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis, GC ECD end FID, residue analysis 99.8+% C6H14
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 86.18 g/mol UN 1208 2-methylpentane >50%
Non Volatiles <3gg/l
Density 0.653 g/ml ADR 3,II Water <0.01%
CasNr 107-83-5 IATA 3,II Colour <10 Hazen

EINECS 203-523-4 IMDG 3,II

HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H411
PNrs P210-P261-P273-P301 + P330 + P331-
P302 + P352-P403 + P233

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.0846.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Methanol, Pesticide grade CL00.1372

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.9+% CH3OH
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 32.04 g/mol UN 1230 Water <1000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.79 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-56-1 IATA 3 (6.1),II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 200-659-6 IMDG 3 (6.1),II
HS Nr 29051100
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1372.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 435
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Methyl tert-butyl ether, Pesticide grade (MTBE) NEW CL00.3911

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.9+% C5H12O
Assay >99.9%
Mol.Weight 88.15 g/mol UN 2398 Non Volatiles <0.0001%
Water <0.02%
Density 0.74 g/ml ADR 3,II
CasNr 1634-04-4 IATA 3,II
EINECS 216-653-1 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29091900
HNrs H225-H315
PNrs P210-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.3911.1000 1l GVB

Octane(-iso), Pesticide grade CL00.1513

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.5+% C8H18
Assay >99.5%
Mol.Weight 114.23 g/mol UN 1262 Water <200ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.69 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 540-84-1 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 208-759-1 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1513.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Pentane-(-n) 99+%, Pesticide grade CL00.1633

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99+% C5H12
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 72.15 g/mol UN 1265 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.63 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 109-66-0 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 203-692-4 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29011000
HNrs H225-H304-H336-H411-EUH066
PNrs P273-P301 + P310-P331-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1633.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

436 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Petroleum ether 60-80, Pesticide grade CL00.1635

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis Petroleum ether 60-80°C
Water <200ppm
Density 0.68 g/ml UN 1268 Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 64742-49-0 ADR 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
EINECS 265-151-9 IATA 3,II Ethylparathion <10ng/l

HS Nr 27101225 IMDG 3,II

HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H361-H373-
PNrs P210-P261-P273-P281-P301 + P310-

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type


CL00.1635.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Petroleum ether 40-60, Pesticide grade CL00.1634

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis Petroleum ether 40-60°C
Water <200ppm
Density 0.653 g/ml UN 1268 Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 64742-49-0 ADR 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
EINECS 265-151-9 IATA 3,II Ethylparathion <10ng/l

HS Nr 27101225 IMDG 3,II

HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H361-H373-
PNrs P210-P261-P273-P281-P301 + P310-
P331-P403 + P235

Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type

CL00.1634.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Propanol-2 (iso-Propanol), Pesticide grade CL00.0925

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.8+% C3H8O
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 60.10 g/mol UN 1219 Water <2000ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.78 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 67-63-0 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 200-661-7 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29051200
HNrs H225-H319-H336
PNrs P210-P233-P305 + P351 + P338
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.0925.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 437
Solvents for Pesticide Analysis

Toluene, Pesticide grade CL00.2034

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis 99.8+% C7H8
Assay >99.8%
Mol.Weight 92.14 g/mol UN 1294 Water <100ppm
Acidity <0.0005meq/g
Density 0.87 g/ml ADR 3,II Non Volatiles <0.0005%
CasNr 108-88-3 IATA 3,II Lindane <5ng/l
Ethylparathion <10ng/l
EINECS 203-625-9 IMDG 3,II
HS Nr 29023000
HNrs H225-H361-H304-H373-H315-H336
PNrs P210-P301 + P310-P331-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL00.2034.1000 1l GVB/H

CL00.2034.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Reagents for Pesticide Analysis

Florisil® 60-100 - for analysis of residual pesticides NEW CL00.0626

*For laboratory use, GC, for analysis of residual pesticides MgO 3.75 SiO2.xH2O

Mol.Weight 100,39 g/mol

Density 0.5 g/cm3
CasNr 1343-88-0
EINECS 215-681-1 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28399000 CL00.0626.0500 500 g PE

Sodium sulfate, anhydrous a.r. for analysis of residual pesticides NEW CL00.4001
For laboratory use, ACS, ISO, Ph. Eur., for analysis of residual pesticides 99+% Na2SO4
Assay >99%
Mol.Weight 142.04 g/mol Particle size < 60 mesh max 20%
Density 2.70 g/cm3
CasNr 7757-82-6
EINECS 231-820-9 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28331100 CL00.4001.0500 500 g PE

438 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Water for Organic Analysis Methods

Water, ULC-MS grade NEW CL02.2112

For laboratory use, ULC-MS, for liquid chromatography H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.1 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <0.0001% Total Organic Carbon <10ppb
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <1µS Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <0.3ppb
Acidity <0.0002% as Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <0.3ppb
Density 1.00 g/ml C2H4O2 Blank Drift <8mAU
Alkalinity <0.00005 as NH3 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <1mAU
CasNr 7732-18-5 HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <0.5mAU
Colour <5 (APHA)
EINECS 231-791-2 Calcium (Ca) <50ppb

HS Nr 28530010
Potassium (K) <50ppb Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) <50ppb
Iron (Fe) <30ppb CL02.2112.1000 1l GVB/H
Aluminium (Al) <20ppb CL02.2112.2500 2,5 l GVB/H
Magnesium (Mg) <20ppb

Water, LC-MS grade CL02.0240

For laboratory use, LC-MS, for liquid chromatography H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated


Non Volatiles <0.00001% Sodium (Na) <0.05ppm
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <1µS HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 210nm <3mAU
Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry < 0.05ppm HPLC Gradient Transmission @ 254nm <1mAU
Density 1.00 g/ml (Reserpine) Fluorescence Transmission @ 254nm <1ppb
Aluminium (Al) <0.05ppm Fluorescence Transmission @ 365nm <1ppb
CasNr 7732-18-5
Calcium (Ca) <0.05ppm Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
EINECS 231-791-2 Iron (Fe) <0.05ppm
Potassium (K) <0.05ppm CL02.0240.1000 1l GVB/H
HS Nr 28530010 Magnesium (Mg) <0.05ppm CL02.0240.2500 2,5 l GVB/H

Water, Pesticide grade NEW CL02.2111

For laboratory use, pesticide analysis H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.2 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <0.0002%
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <1µS
Acidity <0.0005% as
Density 1.00 g/ml C2H4O2
CasNr 7732-18-5 Total Organic Carbon <30ppb
Lindane <5ng/l
EINECS 231-791-2 Ethylparathion <10ng/l
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.2111.1000 1l GVB/H

Water, HPLC grade CL02.0221

For laboratory use, HPLC H2O - LF < 1 µS - 0.4 µm filtrated
Non Volatiles <0.0005%
Mol.Weight 18.016 g/mol Conductivity <1µS
T200nm > 97%
Density 1.00 g/ml T210nm > 98%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CasNr 7732-18-5 T254nm > 99%
T300nm > 99% CL02.0221.1000 1l GVB
EINECS 231-791-2
CL02.0221.2500 2,5 l GVB
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.0221.9025 25 l PE

Water for Cell biology CL02.2109

For laboratory use H2O
Sterility : passes test Calcium + Magnesium : passes test
Mol.Weight 18.01 g/mol Non Volatiles <0.001%
pH : 5 to 7
Density 1.00 g/ml Heavy Metals as Lead (Pb) <0.00001%
CasNr 7732-18-5 Chloride : passes test
Ammonium <0.00002%
EINECS 231-791-2 Nitrate <0.00002%
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sulfate : passes test
HS Nr 28530010 Aluminium (Al) <0.000001% CL02.2109.1000 1l GVB

Water for Molecular biology CL02.2108

For laboratory use, for molecular biology H2O
Appearance : colorless liquid
Mol.Weight 18.01 g/mol DNases/RNases/Proteases : N.D.
Osmolality : 0mOsm/kg
Density 1.00 g/ml
CasNr 7732-18-5
EINECS 231-791-2 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 28530010 CL02.2108.1000 1l GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 439

440 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
P E T R O L E U M , F O O D & B I O D I E S E L S TA N DA R D S

3 Petroleum, Food & Biodiesel Standards

3.1 Metallo Organic Standards
3.1.1 Metallo Organic Single Element Standards 444
3.1.2 Metallo Organic Multi Element Standards 449

3.2 Sulfur Standards 461

3.3 Nitrogen Standards 465

3.4 Chlorine Standards 465

3.5 Lead Standards 465-466

3.6 Water Standards 466

3.7 Petroleum Multi Element Standards 467

3.8 Petroleum Physical Test Standards 478


3.9 Food & Biodiesel Standards
3.9.1 ASTM Methods for Biodiesel Analysis 482
3.9.2 ISO Methods for Biodiesel and Food Analysis 488
3.9.3 FAME Mixtures 494
3.9.4 FAEE Mixtures 497
3.9.5 Refinery & Consumer Grade Biofuel Standards 498

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 441
Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat
Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Versie/Version/Fassung 1
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05

Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat


Annexe au certificat d'accréditation

Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

442 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
P E T R O L E U M , F O O D & B I O D I E S E L S TA N DA R D S

3 Petroleum, Food & Biodiesel Standards

3.1 Metallo Organic Standards
3.1.1 Metallo Organic Single Element Standards
• Metallo Organic Element Standards 5 000 µg/g 444-445
• Metallo Organic Element Standards 5 000 µg/g Sulfur Free 445
• Metallo Organic Element Standards 1 000 µg/g 446-448
• Metallo Organic Element Standards 1 000 µg/g Sulfur Free 448

3.1.2 Metallo Organic Multi Element Standards

• Metallo Organic V21 Wear Metal Standards 449-450
• Metallo Organic V21+K Wear Metal Standards 451-452
• Metallo Organic V23 Wear Metal Standards 453-454
• Metallo Organic Multi Element Metal Additive Standards 455


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 443
Metallo Organic Element Standards 5.000 µg/g


Aluminium Al in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0108.0050


Antimony Sb in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0128.0050


Barium Ba in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0208.0050


Bismuth Bi in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0228.0050


Boron B in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0238.0050


Cadmium Cd in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0308.0050


Calcium Ca in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0393.0050


Chromium Cr in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0368.0050


Cobalt Co in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1128.0050


Copper Cu in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1138.0050


Iron Fe in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0908.0050

50 g CL11.1228.0050
Lead Pb in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas
500 ml CL11.1228.0500

Lithium Li in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1218.0050


Magnesium Mg in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1352.0050


Manganese Mn in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1318.0050


Molybdenum Mo in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1338.0050


Nickel Ni in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1428.0050


Phosphorus P in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0602.0050

444 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Metallo Organic Element Standards 5.000 µg/g

50 g CL11.1173.0050
Potassium K in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas
500 ml CL11.1173.0500

Selenium Se in Standard matrix oil 40-50 mPa 50 g CL11.1928.0050


Silicium Si in Standard matrix oil 40-50 mPa 50 g CL11.1938.0050


Silver Ag in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2618.0050


Sodium Na in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1463.0050


Sulfur S in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2608.0050


Tin Sn in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2068.0050


Titanium Ti in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2078.0050


Vanadium V in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2208.0050



Yttrium Y in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2518.0050


Zinc Zn in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2628.0050


Zirconium Zr in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2638.0050

Metallo Organic Element Standards 5.000 µg/g Sulfur Free


Cobalt Co in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1103.0050


Yttrium Y in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2502.0050

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 445
Metallo Organic Element Standards 1.000 µg/g


Aluminium Al in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0109.0050


Antimony Sb in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0129.0050


Arsenicum As in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0139.0050


Barium Ba in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0209.0050


Beryllium Be in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0219.0050


Bismuth Bi in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0229.0050


Boron B in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0239.0050


Cadmium Cd in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0309.0050


Calcium Ca in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0391.0050


Chromium Cr in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0369.0050


Cobalt Co in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1129.0050


Copper Cu in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1139.0050


Iodide I in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0901.0100


Iron Fe in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0909.0050


Lanthanum La in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1209.0050


Lead Pb in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1229.0050


Lithium Li in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1220.0050


Magnesium Mg in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1310.0050

446 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Metallo Organic Element Standards 1.000 µg/g


Manganese Mn in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1319.0050


Mercury Hg in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1159.0050


Molybdenum Mo in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1339.0050


Nickel Ni in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1429.0050


Palladium Pd in Xylene 50 g CL11.1609.0050


Phosphorus P in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0601.0050


Platinum Pt in Xylene 50 g CL11.1619.0050


Potassium K in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1171.0050


Rhodium Rh in Xylene 50 g CL11.1819.0050



Ruthenium Ru in Xylene 50 g CL11.1839.0050


Scandium Sc in Standard matrix oil 40-50 mPa 50 g CL11.1919.0050


Selenium Se in Standard matrix oil 40-50 mPa 50 g CL11.1929.0050


Silicium Si in Standard matrix oil 40-50 mPa 50 g CL11.1939.0050


Silver Ag in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2619.0050


Sodium Na in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1461.0050


Strontium Sr in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1969.0050


Sulfur S in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2609.0050


Thallium Tl in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2039.0050

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 447
Metallo Organic Element Standards 1.000 µg/g


Tin Sn in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2069.0050


Titanium Ti in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2079.0050


Tungsten W in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2305.0050


Vanadium V in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2209.0050


Yttrium Y in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2519.0050


Zinc Zn in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2629.0050


Zirconium Zr in Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2639.0050

Metallo Organic Element Standards 1.000 µg/g Sulfur Free


Calcium Ca in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.0394.0050



Magnesium Mg in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1340.0050


Phosphorus P in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 40-50 mPa 50 g CL11.0627.0050


Potassium K in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1102.0050


Sodium Na in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.1401.0050


Yttrium Y in Sulfur-Free Standard matrix oil 55-65 mPas 50 g CL11.2501.0050

448 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Metallo Organic V21 Wear Metal Standards

V21 Wear Metal (21E) Standard solution CL11.13506

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 500 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 500 µg/g Nickel (Ni) : 500 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 500 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 500 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 500 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 500 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 500 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 500 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 500 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 500 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 500 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 500 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 500 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 500 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 500 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 500 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 500 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 500 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) : 500 µg/g
CL11.13506.0100 100 g PE

V21 Wear Metal (21E) Standard solution CL11.13505

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 300 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 300 µg/g Nickel (Ni) : 300 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 300 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 300 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 300 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 300 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 300 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 300 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 300 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 300 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 300 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 300 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 300 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 300 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 300 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 300 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 300 µg/g


Magnesium (Mg) : 300 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 300 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 300 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) : 300 µg/g
CL11.13505.0100 100 g PE

V21 Wear Metal (21E) Standard solution CL11.13504

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 100 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 100 µg/g Nickel (Ni) : 100 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 100 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 100 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 100 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 100 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 100 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 100 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 100 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 100 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 100 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 100 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 100 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 100 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 100 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 100 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) : 100 µg/g
CL11.13504.0100 100 g GVB

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 449
Metallo Organic V21 Wear Metal Standards

V21 Wear Metal (21E) Standard solution CL11.13503

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 50 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 50 µg/g Nickel (Ni) : 50 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 50 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 50 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 50 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 50 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 50 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 50 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 50 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 50 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 50 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 50 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 50 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 50 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 50 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 50 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 50 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 50 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 50 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 50 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) : 50 µg/g
CL11.13503.0100 100 g PE

V21 Wear Metal (21E) Standard solution CL11.13502

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 30 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 30 µg/g Nickel (Ni) : 30 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 30 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 30 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 30 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 30 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 30 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 30 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 30 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 30 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 30 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 30 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 30 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 30 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 30 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 30 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 30 µg/g

Magnesium (Mg) : 30 µg/g

Manganese (Mn) : 30 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 30 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) : 30 µg/g
CL11.13502.0100 100 g PE

V21 Wear Metal (21E) Standard solution CL11.13501

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 10 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 10 µg/g Nickel (Ni) : 10 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 10 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 10 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 10 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 10 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 10 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 10 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 10 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 10 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 10 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 10 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 10 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 10 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 10 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 10 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 10 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 10 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 10 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Sodium (Na) : 10 µg/g
CL11.13501.0100 100 g PE

450 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Metallo Organic V21+K Wear Metal Standards

V21+K Wear Metal (22E) Standard solution CL11.13512

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 500 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 500 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 500 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 500 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 500 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 500 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 500 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 500 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 500 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 500 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 500 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 500 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 500 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 500 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 500 µg/g Potassium (K) : 500 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 500 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 500 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 500 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 500 µg/g CL11.13512.0100 100 g PE

V21+K Wear Metal (22E) Standard solution CL11.13511

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 300 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 300 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 300 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 300 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 300 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 300 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 300 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 300 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 300 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 300 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 300 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 300 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 300 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 300 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 300 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 300 µg/g Potassium (K) : 300 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 300 µg/g


Magnesium (Mg) : 300 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 300 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 300 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 300 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 300 µg/g CL11.13511.0100 100 g PE

V21+K Wear Metal (22E) Standard solution CL11.13510

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 100 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 100 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 100 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 100 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 100 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 100 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 100 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 100 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 100 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 100 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 100 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 100 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 100 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 100 µg/g Potassium (K) : 100 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 100 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 100 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 100 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 100 µg/g CL11.13510.0100 100 g PE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 451
Metallo Organic V21+K Wear Metal Standards

V21+K Wear Metal (22E) Standard solution CL11.13509

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 50 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 50 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 50 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 50 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 50 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 50 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 50 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 50 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 50 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 50 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 50 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 50 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 50 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 50 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 50 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 50 µg/g Potassium (K) : 50 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 50 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 50 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 50 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 50 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 50 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 50 µg/g CL11.13509.0100 100 g PE

V21+K Wear Metal (22E) Standard solution CL11.13508

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 30 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 30 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 30 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 30 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 30 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 30 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 30 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 30 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 30 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 30 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 30 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 30 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 30 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 30 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 30 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 30 µg/g Potassium (K) : 30 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 30 µg/g

Magnesium (Mg) : 30 µg/g

Manganese (Mn) : 30 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 30 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 30 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 30 µg/g CL11.13508.0100 100 g PE

V21+K Wear Metal (22E) Standard solution CL11.13507

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 10 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 10 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 10 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 10 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 10 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 10 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 10 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 10 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 10 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 10 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 10 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 10 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 10 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 10 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 10 µg/g Potassium (K) : 10 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 10 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 10 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 10 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 10 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 10 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Nickel (Ni) : 10 µg/g CL11.13507.0100 100 g PE

452 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Metallo Organic V23 Wear Metal Standards

V23 Wear Metal (23E) Standard solution CL11.13518

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 500 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 500 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 500 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 500 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 500 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 500 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 500 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 500 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 500 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 500 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 500 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 500 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 500 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 500 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 500 µg/g Potassium (K) : 500 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 500 µg/g Antimony (Sb) : 500 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 500 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 500 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 500 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 500 µg/g
Nickel (Ni) : 500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13518.0100 100 g PE

V23 Wear Metal (23E) Standard solution CL11.13517

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 300 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 300 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 300 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 300 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 300 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 300 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 300 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 300 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 300 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 300 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 300 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 300 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 300 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 300 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 300 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 300 µg/g Potassium (K) : 300 µg/g


Iron (Fe) : 300 µg/g Antimony (Sb) : 300 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 300 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 300 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 300 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 300 µg/g
Nickel (Ni) : 300 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13517.0100 100 g PE

V23 Wear Metal (23E) Standard solution CL11.13516

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 100 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 100 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 100 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 100 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 100 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 100 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 100 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 100 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 100 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 100 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 100 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 100 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 100 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 100 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 100 µg/g Potassium (K) : 100 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 100 µg/g Antimony (Sb) : 100 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 100 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 100 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 100 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 100 µg/g
Nickel (Ni) : 100 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13516.0100 100 g PE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 453
Metallo Organic V23 Wear Metal Standards

V23 Wear Metal (23E) Standard solution CL11.13515

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 50 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 50 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 50 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 50 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 50 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 50 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 50 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 50 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 50 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 50 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 50 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 50 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 50 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 50 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 50 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 50 µg/g Potassium (K) : 50 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 50 µg/g Antimony (Sb) : 50 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 50 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 50 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 50 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 50 µg/g
Nickel (Ni) : 50 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13515.0100 100 g PE

V23 Wear Metal (23E) Standard solution CL11.13514

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 30 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 30 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 30 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 30 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 30 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 30 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 30 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 30 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 30 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 30 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 30 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 30 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 30 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 30 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 30 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 30 µg/g Potassium (K) : 30 µg/g

Iron (Fe) : 30 µg/g Antimony (Sb) : 30 µg/g

Magnesium (Mg) : 30 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 30 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 30 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 30 µg/g
Nickel (Ni) : 30 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13514.0100 100 g PE

V23 Wear Metal (23E) Standard solution CL11.13513

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 10 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Silver (Ag) : 10 µg/g Phosphorus (P) : 10 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
Aluminium (Al) : 10 µg/g Lead (Pb) : 10 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000
Boron (B) : 10 µg/g Silicon (Si) : 10 µg/g
Barium (Ba) : 10 µg/g Tin (Sn) : 10 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) : 10 µg/g Titanium (Ti) : 10 µg/g
Cadmium (Cd) : 10 µg/g Vanadium (V) : 10 µg/g
Chromium (Cr) : 10 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 10 µg/g
Copper (Cu) : 10 µg/g Potassium (K) : 10 µg/g
Iron (Fe) : 10 µg/g Antimony (Sb) : 10 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 10 µg/g
Manganese (Mn) : 10 µg/g
Molybdenum (Mo) : 10 µg/g
Sodium (Na) : 10 µg/g
Nickel (Ni) : 10 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13513.0100 100 g PE

454 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Metallo Organic Multi Element Metal Additive Standards

Metal Additives (3E) Standard solution - MA3 CL11.13519

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Solution contains stated concentration in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) : 5.000 µg/g
Phosphorus (P) : 1.600 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000
Zinc (Zn) : 1.600 µg/g CL11.13519.0100 100 g PE

Metal Additives (4E) Standard solution - MA4 CL11.13520

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Solution contains stated concentration in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Calcium (Ca) : 5.000 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 1.600 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Magnesium (Mg) : 1.600 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 1.600 µg/g CL11.13520.0100 100 g PE

Metal Additives (5E) Standard solution - MA5 CL11.13524

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 5000 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Barium (Ba) : 5.000 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 5.000 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Calcium (Ca) : 5.000 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 5.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 5.000 µg/g CL11.13524.0100 100 g PE

Metal Additives (5E) Standard solution - MA5 CL11.13523

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 3000 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Barium (Ba) : 3.000 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 3.000 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Calcium (Ca) : 3.000 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 3.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 3.000 µg/g CL11.13523.0100 100 g PE


Metal Additives (5E) Standard solution - MA5 CL11.13001
*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 2500 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Barium (Ba) : 2500 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 2500 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Calcium (Ca) : 2500 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 2500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 2500 µg/g CL11.13001.0100 100 g PE

Metal Additives (5E) Standard solution - MA5 CL11.13522

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 1000 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Barium (Ba) : 1000 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 1000 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Calcium (Ca) : 1000 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 1000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 1000 µg/g CL11.13522.0100 100 g PE

Metal Additives (5E) Standard solution - MA5 CL11.13521

*High quality standard sol. for ICP, RDE Contains 900 µg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Barium (Ba) : 900 µg/g Zinc (Zn) : 900 µg/g
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Calcium (Ca) : 900 µg/g
Magnesium (Mg) : 900 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Phosphorus (P) : 900 µg/g CL11.13521.0100 100 g PE

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 455

456 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
P E T R O L E U M , F O O D & B I O D I E S E L S TA N DA R D S

3 Petroleum, Food & Biodiesel Standards

3.2 Sulfur Standards
3.2.1 Sulfur Standards in Matrix Oil 20 cSt 461
3.2.2 Sulfur Standards in Matrix Oil 75 cSt 462
3.2.3 Sulfur Standards in Isooctane 462
3.2.4 Sulfur Standards in Isooctane (Kits) 462
3.2.5 Sulfur Standards in Kerosene 463
3.2.6 Sulfur Standards in Diesel Fuel 463
3.2.7 Polysulfide Standards in Oil 464
3.2.8 Polysulfide Standards in Oil (Kits) 464

3.3 Nitrogen Standards

3.3.1 Nitrogen in Isooctane Standards 465
3.3.2 Trace Nitrogen by Combustion Standards 465

3.4 Chlorine Standards 465

3.5 Lead Standards 465-466

3.6 Water Standards 466

3.7 Petroleum Multi Element Standards
3.7.1 Sulfur And Metals in Lubricating Oil Multi Element Standards 467-469
3.7.2 Sulfur And Metals in Oil 469-470
3.7.3 Sulfur and Nitrogen Multi Element Standards (Kits) 471
3.7.4 Sulfur Compounds in Isooctane/Toluene/n-Hexane 471
3.7.5 Aromatic Hydrocarbon 472
3.7.6 Salts in Crude Oil 472
3.7.7 Boiling Range Determination Standards 472
3.7.8 p-Xylene impurity Standards 473
3.7.9 Paraffin, Naphthene, and Aromatic Hydrocarbon Type Analysis in
Petroleum Distillates 474
3.7.10 Organohalide Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Water 475

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 457

Cross-Reference Table To Match Other Methods

For Known Petrochemical Analysis


Tag Flash Point D56 51411 K 2580 M07-003
Distillation D86 123 3405 51751 K 2254 M07-002
COC Flash Point D92 36 2592 51376 k 2265 T60-118
PMCC Flash Point D93 34 2719 51758 K 2265 M07-019
Kinematic Viscosity D445 71-1 3104 51562 K 2283 T60-100
Aniline Point D611 2 2977 51775 M07-021
Hydrocarbon Types by FID D1319 156 3837 51791 K 2536 M07-024
Water (Karl Fischer) D1744 6296 T60-154
Freezing Point D2386 16 3013 51421 K 2276 M07-048
Cloud Point D2500 219 3015 51597 K 2269 T60-105
Sulfur by XRF D2622 54100T6 K 2541
Boiling Range by GC D2887 3924
Sulfur by Oxidative Microcoulometry D3120 16591
Lead by AAS D3237 428
Sulfur by Oxidative Microcoulometry D3246 373 M07-052
Metals by AA D3605 413 8691 51790T3
Benzene by GC D3606 425
Sulfur by ED-XRF D4294 336 8754 M07-053
Water (Karl Fischer) D4377 356 10336
Metals by AA D4628 308 51391T1

Nitrogen by Chemiluminescence D4629 379 M07-058

Metals by WD-XRF D4927 407 51391T2
Water (Karl Fischer) D4928 386 10337
Lead in Gas By X-Ray D5059 228
Vapor Pressure D5191 394 M07-079
Oxygenates D5599 408
Cloud Point D5771 444
Cloud Point D5772 445
Cloud Point D5773 446
Freezing Point D5901 434
Auto-Freeze Point D5972 435
Hydrocarbons Automatic D6379 436
Hydrocarbons Automatic D6591 391
Metals 14597

458 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Table Of Contents
ASTM Related Method Description

D56 Flash Point by TAG Closed Cup

D86 Synthetic Distillation Standard
D92 Flash Point Standards (COC)
D93 Flash Point Standards (PMCC)
D445 Viscosity Calibration Standard
D611 Aniline Point Standards
D1015 Freezing Point Standards
D1319 Olefin Analysis by FIA
D1744 Water in Liquid Petroleum Products
D2386 Freezing Point Calibration Standards
D2500 Cloud Point Calibration Standards
D2622 Sulfur by XRF
D2789 Hydrocarbon Analysis in Gasoline by GC/MS
D2887 Boiling Range by GC
Simulated Distillation (SIM DIS) by GC
D3120 Sulfur by Oxidative Microcoulometry
D3230 Salts in Crude Oil
D3231 Phosphorus in Gasoline
D3237 Lead in Gasoline by AA
D3246 Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry
D3524 Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Egine Oils by GC
D3605 Trace Metal in Gas Turbine Fuels by AA
D3606 Benzene & Toluene in Finished Motor & Aviation Gas by GC

D3710 Boiling Range by GC
D7096 Boiling Range by GC
D3798 p-Xylene Analysis by GC
D3831 Manganese in Gasoline by AA
D4059 PCB Analysis by GC
D4291 Ethylene Glycol by GC
D4294 Sulfur by ED-XRF
D4377 Water in Liquid Petroleum Products
D4420 Aromatics in Gasoline by GC
D5580 Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, p/m-Xylene, o-Xylene, C 9 and Heavier Aromatics,
and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by GS
D4628 Wear Metals in Lube Oil
D4629 Nitrogen by Chemiluminescence
D4815 Oxygenates in Gasoline by GC
D4927 Wear Metals and Additives by WD-XRF
D4928 Water in Liquid Petroleum Products
D4929 Organic Chloride Content in Crude Oil – Test Method B Combustion and Microcoulometry
D4951 Wear Metals and Additives by ICP
D5056 Trace Metals in Petroleum Coke by AA
D5059 Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy
D5134 Petroleum Naphthas through n-Nonane by GC
D5184 Al and Si by ICP-AES & AA
D5185 Wear Metals and Additives by ICP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 459

D5186 Aromatics by SFC

D5188 Vapor – Liquid Ratio Temperature
D5191 Vapor Pressure Standards
D5307 Boiling Range Distribution of Crude Petroleum by GC
D7169 Boiling Point Distribution of Samples with Residues Such as Crude Oils and Atmospheric
and Vacuum Residues by High Temperature GC
D5441 MTBE Analysis by GC
D5442 Petroleum Waxes by GC
D5443 PNA Analysis by Multidimensional GC
D5453 Sulfur by Ultra Violet Fluorescence
D5480 Engine Oil Volatilty by GC
D5482 Vapor Pressure Standards
D5501 Ethanol Analysis by GC
D5580 Aromatics by GC
D5599 Oxygenates by OFID
D5600 Trace Metals by ICP
D5622 Oxygenates by Reductive Pyrolysis
D5623 Sulfur Compounds by Sulfur Selective Detection
D5708 Trace metals by ICP
D5762 Nitrogen by Chemiluminescence
D5769 Aromatics by GC/MS
D5771 Cloud Point of Petro Products
D5772 Cloud Point of Petro Products (Linear Cooling Rate)
D5773 Cloud Point of Petro Products (Constant Cooling Rate)
D5836 Diisocyanates
D5863 Ni, V, Fe & Na in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by AA
D5972 Freezing Point Aviation Fuels
D5986 Oxygenates and Aromatics by GC/FTIR
D6042 Plastic Packaging Testing
D6160 PCB’s by GC
D6258 Solvent Red 164 Dye Concentration in Diesel Fuels
D6293 Oxygenates (O-PONA) in Engine Fuels by GC

D6839 Hydrocarbon Types, Oxygenated Compounds and Benzene in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels
by GC
D6296 Total Olefins in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by GC
D6304 Water in Liquid Petro Products
D6334 Sulfur in Gasoline by Wavelenght WD-XRF
D6352 Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum
D6378 Vapor Pressure
D6379 Aromatics Hydrocarbon by HPLC
D6417 Engine Oil by GC
D6428 Sulfur by ECD
D6443 Metals in Oil
D6445 Sulfur in Gasoline by ED-XRF
D6481 Lube Oils by ED-XRF
D6550 Olefin Content of Gasoline by SFC
D6584 (EN14105) Free and Total Glycerin
D6591 (IP 391) Aromatic Hydrocarbon by HPLC
D6751 Sulfur in Biodiesel
D7065 Nonylphenol and Octylphenol
D7485 Nonylphenol and Octylphenol
E1064 Water in Petroleum
E1387 Fire Debris Analysis
E1618 Fire Debris Analysis

460 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-2622, D-4294, D-7093, D-7212 and D-7220
Sulfur Standards in Matrix Oil 20 cSt

Sulfur 50000 µg/g S (5%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2663.0100

Sulfur 40000 µg/g S (4%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2662.0100

Sulfur 30000 µg/g S (3%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2661.0100

Sulfur 20000 µg/g S (2%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2660.0100

Sulfur 10000 µg/g S (1%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2659.0100

Sulfur 7500 µg/g S (0.75%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2658.0100

Sulfur 5000 µg/g S (0.5%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2657.0100

Sulfur 3000 µg/g S (0.3%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2656.0100

Sulfur 1500 µg/g S (0.15%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2655.0100

Sulfur 1000 µg/g S (0.1%) in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2654.0100

Sulfur 750 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2653.0100

Sulfur 500 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2652.0100

Sulfur 400 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2651.0100

Sulfur 300 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2650.0100

Sulfur 200 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2649.0100

Sulfur 100 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2648.0100

Sulfur 75 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2647.0100

Sulfur 50 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2637.0100

Sulfur 25 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2636.0100

Sulfur 20 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2635.0100

Sulfur 15 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2634.0100

Sulfur 10 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2633.0100

Sulfur 5 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2632.0100

Sulfur blank

Sulfur blank Standard matrix oil 20 cSt 100 ml CL11.2631.0100

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 461
ASTM D-2622, D-4294, D-7093, D-7212 and D-7220
Sulfur Standards in Matrix Oil 75 cSt

Sulfur 228.1 g C8H18S / kg Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2606.0100

Sulfur 136.86 g C8H18S / kg Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2605.0100

Sulfur 91.24 g C8H18S / kg Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2604.0100

Sulfur 45.62 g C8H18S / kg Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2603.0100

Sulfur 11.405 g C8H18S / kg Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2602.0100

Sulfur 4.562 g C8H18S / kg Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2601.0100

Sulfur 100 µg/g S in standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.2672.0100

Sulfur blank

Sulfur blank Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 50 g CL11.2600.0050

ASTM D-2622, D-3120, D-3246, D-4294, D-5453 and others

Sulfur Standards in Isooctane

Sulfur 1000 µg/g S (0.1%) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5207.0100

Sulfur 750 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5206.0100

Sulfur 500 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5205.0100

Sulfur 250 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5204.0100

Sulfur 200 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5218.0100

Sulfur 150 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5217.0100

Sulfur 100 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5203.0100

Sulfur 50 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5202.0100


Sulfur 30 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5216.0100

Sulfur 25 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5201.0100

Sulfur 20 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.5215.0100

Sulfur 10 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.2699.0100

Sulfur 5 µg/g S in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.2698.0100

Sulfur 0 µg/g S (0%) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.2697.0100

ASTM D-2622, D-3120, D-3246, D-4294, D-5453 and others

Sulfur Standards in Isooctane (Kits)
Total Sulfur

Total Sulfur Kit contains 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 µg/g S in iso-Octane 1 pck CL48.2001.0001

Total Sulfur Kit contains 5, 25, 50, 100, 200 µg/g in iso-Octane 1 pck CL48.2002.0001

Total Sulfur Kit contains 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 µg/g S in iso-Octane 1 pck CL48.2003.0001

Total Sulfur Kit contains 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10 µg/g S in iso-Octane 1 pck CL48.2004.0001

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.
462 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-2622, D-3120, D-4294, D-5453, D-6334, D-6445 and others
Sulfur Standards in Kerosene

Sulfur 2000 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2693.0100

Sulfur 1000 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2617.0100

Sulfur 750 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2616.0100

Sulfur 500 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2615.0100

Sulfur 300 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2614.0100

Sulfur 100 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2613.0100

Sulfur 50 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2612.0100

Sulfur 10 µg/g S in Kerosene 100 ml CL11.2611.0100

Sulfur blank

Sulfur blank Kerosene matrix blank 100 ml CL11.2610.0100

ASTM D-2622, D-4294, D-7093, D-7212 and D-7220

Sulfur Standards in Diesel Fuel

Sulfur 5000 µg/g S (0.5%) in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5214.0100

Sulfur 4000 µg/g S (0.4%) in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5213.0100

Sulfur 3000 µg/g S (0.3%) in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2692.0100

Sulfur 2500 µg/g S (0.25%) in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5212.0100

Sulfur 1500 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2691.0100

Sulfur 1000 µg/g S (0.1%) in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2690.0100

Sulfur 750 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2689.0100

Sulfur 500 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2688.0100

Sulfur 400 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2694.0100

Sulfur 250 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5211.0100

Sulfur 100 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2687.0100

Sulfur 50 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2686.0100

Sulfur 25 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5210.0100

Sulfur 10 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5209.0100

Sulfur 5 µg/g S in diesel oil 100 ml CL11.5208.0100

Sulfur 0 µg/g S Diesel oil 100 ml CL11.2685.0100

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 463
ASTM D-2622, D-4294, D-7093, D-7212 and D-7220
Polysulfide Standards in Oil

Sulfur Solution contains 1000 µg/g of S (±5 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2646.1000

Sulfur Solution contains 500 µg/g of S (±5 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2645.1000

Sulfur Solution contains 250 µg/g of S (±2.5 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2644.1000

Sulfur Solution contains 100 µg/g of S (±1 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2643.1000

Sulfur Solution contains 25 µg/g of S (±0.25 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2642.1000

Sulfur Solution contains 10 µg/g of S (±0.1 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2641.1000

Sulfur Solution contains 5 µg/g of S (±0.05 µg/g - 20°C) 1l CL11.2640.1000

Sulfur blank

Sulfur blank Polysulfide Oil Blank 1l CL11.2607.1000

ASTM D-2622, D-4294, D-7093, D-7212 and D-7220

Polysulfide Standards in Oil (Kits)
Sulfur kit

Sulfur kit Kit contains 0.1 ,0.5 ,1.0 ,1.5 ,2.0 ,2.5 ,3.0 ,3.5 ,4.0 ,4.5, 5.0 wt% S 1 pck CL18.0002.0001

Kit contains 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 µg/g
Sulfur kit 1 pck CL18.0001.0001

Danger.: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call
D.:0.85 g/ml a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. Do NOT induce vomiting.
Gevaar.: Kan dodelijk zijn als de stof bij inslikken in de luchtwegen terechtkomt. NA
100 ml INSLIKKEN: onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen. GEEN braken
For specifications see Batch Nr.: 24.4602410 Danger.: Peut être mortel en cas d'ingestion et de pénétration dans les voies respiratoires.
certificate EN CAS D’INGESTION: appeler immédiatement un CENTRE ANTIPOISON ou un
Exp. Date: 10-2021 médecin. NE PAS faire vomir.
Gefahr.: Kann bei Verschlucken und Eindringen in die Atemwege tödlich sein. BEI
Erbrechen herbeiführen.
Sulfur standard oil solution Pelligro.: Puede ser mortal en caso de ingestión y penetración en las vías respiratorias.
Zwavel standaard olie oplossing TOXICOLÓGICA o a un médico. NO provocar el vómito.
Sulfure standard étalon dans l’huile Pericolo.: Può essere letale in caso di ingestione e di penetrazione nelle vie respiratorie.
IN CASO DI INGESTIONE: contattare immediatamente un CENTRO ANTIVELENI o un
Schwefel standard Ölgelöst medico NON provocare il vomito.
10 µg/g S in diesel oil
Standard acc. ASTM D-2622, D-4294, D-7093, D-7212, D-7220

Chem-Lab NV Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20

Industriezone "De Arend" 2 Fax. +32 (0)50 78 26 54
GVB 100 B-8210 Zedelgem Made in Belgium

Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

464 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-5762
Nitrogen in Isooctane Standards (Kits)
Nitrogen kit

Kit contains 1, 2, 10, 20, 50,100, 200, 500, 1000 µg/ml N in iso-
Nitrogen kit 1 pck CL48.1402.0001

ASTM D-4629
Trace Nitrogen by Combustion Standards
Nitrogen kit

Nitrogen kit Kit contains 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 µg/ml N in iso-Octane 1 pck CL48.1403.0001

Nitrogen kit Kit contains 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10 µg/ml N in p-Xylene 1 pck CL48.1404.0001

ASTM D-4929
Chlorine Standards

Chlorine 50000 µg/g Cl (5%) in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0313.0100

Chlorine 10000 µg/g Cl (1%) in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0312.0100

Chlorine 1000 µg/g Cl (0.1%) in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0311.0100

Chlorine 500 µg/g Cl in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0310.0100

Chlorine 100 µg/g Cl in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0307.0100

Chlorine 10 µg/g Cl in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0306.0100

Chlorine blank


Chlorine blank 0 µg/g Cl in Standard matrix oil 75 cSt 100 ml CL11.0305.0100

ASTM D-5059
Lead Standards

Lead Solution contains 1850 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1207.0100

Lead Solution contains 1480 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1206.0100

Lead Solution contains 1110 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1205.0100

Lead Solution contains 740 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1204.0100

Lead Solution contains 370 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1203.0100

Lead Solution contains 111 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1214.0100

Lead Solution contains 37 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1202.0100

Lead Solution contains 37 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1213.0100

Lead Solution contains 18,5 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1212.0100

Lead Solution contains 3,70 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1211.0100

Lead Solution contains 1,85 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1210.0100

Lead Solution contains 0,37 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1208.0100

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 465
ASTM D-5059
Lead Standards
Lead blank

Lead blank Solution contains 0 µg/g Pb(2+) in iso-Octane 100 ml CL11.1201.0100

ASTM D-6304
Karl Fischer Water Standards

Water 1,0% Water in 10W30 motor oil 100 ml CL11.2304.0100

Water 0,5% Water in 10W30 motor oil 100 ml CL11.2303.0100

Water 0,1% Water in 10W30 motor oil 100 ml CL11.2302.0100

Water Solvent blank (10W30 motor oil) 100 ml CL11.2301.0100


Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

466 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 and others
Sulfur And Metals in Lubricating Oil Multi Element Standards

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13550

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 100 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 1250 µg/g
S 6000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 600 µg/g CL11.13550.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13548

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 50 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 0 µg/g
S 5.500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.400 µg/g CL11.13548.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13546

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 750 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 2.250 µg/g
S 5.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.500 µg/g CL11.13546.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13549

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 1000 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 100 µg/g
S 4.500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13549.0100 100 ml GVB


Zn 2.500 µg/g

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13545

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 3.500 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 400 µg/g
S 4.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.100 µg/g CL11.13545.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13552

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 250 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 1.750 µg/g
S 3.500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.000 µg/g CL11.13552.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13539

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 0 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 200 µg/g
S 3.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.750 µg/g CL11.13539.0100 100 ml GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 467
ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 and others
Sulfur And Metals in Lubricating Oil Multi Element Standards

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13551

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 1500 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 1000 µg/g
S 2500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 900 µg/g CL11.13551.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13547

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 500 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 1.500 µg/g
S 2.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 2.000 µg/g CL11.13547.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13542

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 4.000 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 2.000 µg/g
S 1.750 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 500 µg/g CL11.13542.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13540

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 5.000 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 300 µg/g
S 1.500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13540.0100 100 ml GVB

Zn 700 µg/g

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13544

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 2.500 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 500 µg/g
S 1.250 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 0 µg/g CL11.13544.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13541

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 3.000 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 600 µg/g
S 1.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.300 µg/g CL11.13541.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13543

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 2.000 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 800 µg/g
S 750 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 1.200 µg/g CL11.13543.0100 100 ml GVB

468 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 and others
Sulfur And Metals in Lubricating Oil Multi Element Standards

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13538

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 6.000 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 50 µg/g
S 500 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 800 µg/g CL11.13538.0100 100 ml GVB

Lubricating oil (4E) standard solution CL11.13537

Standard acc. ASTM D-4927, D-6481, D-6443 Solution contains stated concentration in Lubricating oil
Ca 0 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 P 0 µg/g
S 0 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Zn 0 µg/g CL11.13537.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur And Metals in Oil Multi Element Standards

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13532

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 50 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 40 µg/g
S 55.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 400 µg/g CL11.13532.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13536


*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 100 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 0 µg/g
S 50000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 50 µg/g CL11.13536.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13529

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 250 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 60 µg/g
S 45.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 100 µg/g CL11.13529.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13530

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 350 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 30 µg/g
S 40.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 200 µg/g CL11.13530.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13531

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 200 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 50 µg/g
S 35.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 0 µg/g CL11.13531.0100 100 ml GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 469
Sulfur And Metals in Oil Multi Element Standards

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13535

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 150 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 70 µg/g
S 30.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 25 µg/g CL11.13535.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13526

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 400 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 100 µg/g
S 25.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 250 µg/g CL11.13526.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13533

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 450 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 20 µg/g
S 20.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 300 µg/g CL11.13533.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13534

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 500 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 5 µg/g
S 15.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13534.0100 100 ml GVB

V 150 µg/g

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13528

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 0 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 80 µg/g
S 10.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 350 µg/g CL11.13528.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13527

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 300 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 10 µg/g
S 5.000 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 500 µg/g CL11.13527.0100 100 ml GVB

Sulfur & Metals (4E) standard solution CL11.13525

*High quality standard sol. for XRF Solution contains stated concentration in 20 cSt hydrocarbon oil
Fe 0 µg/g ±1%
Density 0.85 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 Ni 0 µg/g
S 0 µg/g Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
V 0 µg/g CL11.13525.0100 100 ml GVB

470 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Sulfur and Nitrogen Multi Element Standards (Kits)

Nitrogen - Sulfur kit in iso-Octane CL48.1405

Standard acc. ASTM analysis of N & S Kit contains (1.0 - 1.0), (5.0 - 5.0), (10 - 20), (15 - 35), (20 µg/ml S - 50 µg/ml N)
Amp. 1: iso-Octane blank Amp. 6: 20 µg/ml S & 50 µg/ml N in iso-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262
Amp. 2: 1 µg/ml S & 1 µg/ml N in iso-Octane Volume: 2 ml ampules
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II Amp. 3: 5 µg/ml S & 5 µg/ml N in iso-Octane
IMDG 3,II Amp. 4: 10 µg/ml S & 20 µg/ml N in iso-Octane Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Amp. 5: 15 µg/ml S & 35 µg/ml N in iso-Octane CL48.1405.0001 1 pck

ASTM D-5623
Sulfur Compounds in Isooctane/Toluene/n-Hexane

Sulfur Compounds Mix 2 (22C) standard solution CL40.13749

Standard acc. ASTM D-5623 Solution contains 50 µg/g in iso-Octane/Toluene/n-Hexane (2/1/2)
2-Methyl 1 propanethiol (50 µg/g S) 1,4-Butanedithiol (50 µg/g)
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
2-Methylthiophene (50 µg/g S) Methyl ethyl sulfide (50 µg/g)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
3-Methylthiophene (50 µg/g S) Propyl disulfide (50 µg/g)
1,2-Ethan dithiol (50 µg/g) 1-Octanethiol (50 µg/g)
1-Pentanethiol (50 µg/g) Benzothiophene (50 µg/g)
2-Ethylthiophene (50 µg/g) 1-Hexanethiol (50 µg/g)
Propylsulfide (50 µg/g) Carbon disulfide (50 µg/g)
T-Butyldisulfide (50 µg/g) Methyl sulfide (50 µg/g)
1,5-Pentanedithiol (50 µg/g)
1-Nonanethiol (50 µg/g)
1-Decathiol (50 µg/g)
Propanethiol (50 µg/g)
T-Butylsulfide (50 µg/g) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1-Heptanethiol (50 µg/g) CL40.13749.0002 2 ml AMP


Sulfur Compounds Mix 1 (14C) standard solution CL40.13748
Standard acc. ASTM D-5623 Solution contains 100 µg/g in iso-Octane/Toluene/n-Hexane (2/1/2)
Methanethiol (100 µg/g S) Diethyl disulfide (100 µg/g S)
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208
Ethanethiol (100 µg/g S) Thiophenol (100 µg/g S)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Dimethylsulfide (100 µg/g S) Benzothiophene (100 µg/g S)
2-Propanethiol (100 µg/g S) Bromothiophene (100 µg/g S)
T-Butanethiol (100 µg/g S) Diphenyl sulfide (100 µg/g S)
1-Propanethiol (100 µg/g S)
Thiophene (100 µg/g S)
Diethylsulfide (100 µg/g S) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
1-Butanethiol (100 µg/g S) CL40.13748.0002 2 ml AMP

Aromatic Hydrocarbon

D-6379 Calibration kit in n-Heptane CL48.0401

Standard acc. ASTM Method D-6379 -
Density 0.791 g/ml UN 1206 Volume: 1 ml ampules
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
IATA 3,II Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
IMDG 3,II CL48.0401.0001 1 pck

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 471
ASTM D-3230
Salts in Crude Oil

Multi Element (3E) Standard solution CL11.13026

*High quality standard sol. for ASTM D-3230 Solution contains stated concentration in Butanol:Methanol (63:37)
Density 0.80 g/ml UN 1993 CaCl2 10 µg/ml
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,III MgCl2 20 µg/ml
IATA 3,III NaCl 70 µg/ml
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
IMDG 3,III CL11.13026.0500 500 ml PE/H

ASTM D-2887, D-7096, D-7169

Boiling Range Determination Standards

Boiling Range Determination (20C) standard solution CL40.13752

Standard for ASTM D-2887 Quantitative Calibration Solution contains stated concentration in Carbon disulfide
n-Decane (0,5 % w/w) n-Pentadecane (0,5 % w/w)
Mol.Weight 76.14 g/mol UN 1131
n-Dodecane (0,5 % w/w) n-Pentane (0,5 % w/w)
Density 1.26 g/ml ADR 3 (6.1),I
n-Dotriacontane (0,5 % w/w) n-Tetracontane (0,5 % w/w)
HS Nr 38220000 IATA 3 (6.1),I
n-Eicosane (0,5 % w/w) n-Tetracosane (0,5 % w/w)
IMDG 3 (6.1),I
n-Heptadecane (0,5 % w/w) n-Tetradecane (0,5 % w/w)
HNrs H225-H319-H315-H361-H372
n-Heptane (0,5 % w/w) n-Tetratetracontane (0,5 % w/w)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P281-P302 + P352-
P305 + P351 + P338-P314 n-Hexadecane (1,0 % w/w) n-Undecane (0,5 % w/w)
DANGER. n-Hexane (0,5 % w/w)
n-Hexatriacontane (0,5 % w/w)
n-Nonane (0,5 % w/w)
n-Octacosane (0,5 % w/w)
n-Octadecane (1,0 % w/w) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
n-Octane (0,5 % w/w) CL40.13752.0001 1 ml AMP

Boiling Range Determination (16C) standard solution CL40.13751

Standard for ASTM D-7096 Quantitative Calibration Mix Solution contains stated concentration
Butylbenzene (3,5 % w/w) n-Pentane (8,1 % w/w)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1993
n-Decane (3,5 % w/w) Propylbenzene (4,7 % w/w)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
2,4-Dimethylpentane (5,8 % w/w) n-Tetradecane (2,3 % w/w)
n-Dodecane (3,5 % w/w) Toluene (11,6 % w/w)
n-Heptane (10,5 % w/w) n-Tridecane (2,3 % w/w)
n-Hexane (5,8 % w/w) p-Xylene (14,0 % w/w)
2-Methylbutane (10,5 % w/w)
2-Methylpentane (5,8 % w/w)
n-Octane (5,8 % w/w)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
n-Pentadecane (2,3 % w/w)
CL40.13751.0001 1 ml AMP

Boiling Range Determination (2C) standard solution CL40.13750

Standard for ASTM D-2887 and D-7169 Column Resolution Test Solution contains 1% (w/v) in n-Octane
Density 0.69 g/ml UN 1262 Hexadecane
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II Octadecane
HNrs H225-H304-H315-H336-H410
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331-
P403 + P235
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13750.0001 1 ml AMP

472 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-3798
p-Xylene Impurity Standards

p-Xylene Impurity Mix with ISTD (11C) standard solution NEW CL40.13797
High quality standard solution for ASTM D-3798 Solution contains stated concentrations
n-Pentane (0.15 %w/w) Propylbenzene (0.15 %w/w)
Density 0.86 g/ml UN 1307
n-Octane (0.15 %w/w) n-Undecane ISTD (0.50 %w/w)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,III
IATA 3,III Benzene (0.15 %w/w)
IMDG 3,III Toluene (0.15 %w/w)
HNrs H226-H332-H312-H315 Ethylbenzene (0.15 %w/w)
PNrs P302 + P352 p-Xylene (98.65 %w/w)
WARNING. m-Xylene (0.15 %w/w)
o-Xylene (0.15 %w/w) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cumene (0.15 %w/w) CL40.13797.0001 1 ml AMP

p-Xylene Impurity Mix (10C) standard solution NEW CL40.13798

High quality standard solution for ASTM D-3798 Solution contains stated concentrations
n-Pentane (0.15 %w/w) Propylbenzene (0.15 %w/w)
Density 0.86 g/ml UN 1307
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,III n-Octane (0.15 %w/w)
IATA 3,III Benzene (0.15 %w/w)
IMDG 3,III Toluene (0.15 %w/w)
HNrs H226-H332-H312-H315 Ethylbenzene (0.15 %w/w)
PNrs P302 + P352 p-Xylene (98.65 %w/w)
WARNING. m-Xylene (0.15 %w/w)
o-Xylene (0.15 %w/w) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Cumene (0.15 %w/w) CL40.13798.0010 10 ml AMP


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 473
ASTM D-5443
Standard Test Method for Paraffin, Naphthene, and Aromatic Hydrocarbon Type Analysis in

Hydrocarbon Test Mix (28C) standard solution NEW CL40.13799

High Quality Standard solution for ASTM D-5443 Solution contains stated concentrations
Cyclopentane (1 %w/w) Benzene (2.25 %w/w)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1993
n-Pentane (1 %w/w) Toluene (2.25 %w/w)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II
Cyclohexane (2 %w/w) trans-Decahydronaphthalene (4.25 %w/w)
2,3-Dimethylbutane (2 %w/w) n-Tetradecane (4.5 %w/w)
n-Hexane (2 %w/w) Ethylbenzene (4.5 %w/w)
HNrs H225-H319-H336-EUH066
1-Hexene (1.5 %w/w) o-Xylene (4.25 %w/w)
PNrs P210-P240-P305 + P351 + P338
Methylcyclohexane (4.25 %w/w) n-Propylbenzene (5 %w/w)
4-Methyl-1-hexene (1.5 %w/w) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (4.5 %w/w)
n-Heptane (3.5 %w/w) 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene (5 %w/w)
1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane (5 %w/w) 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene (5 %w/w)
Isooctane (5 %w/w) Pentamethylbenzene (5 %w/w)
n-Octane (5 %w/w)
1,2,4-Trimethylcyclohexane (4.25 %w/w)
n-Nonane (4.5 %w/w)
n-Decane (4.25 %w/w)
n-Undecane (3.5 %w/w)
n-Dodecane (3.25 %w/w)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13799.0001 1 ml AMP

474 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-5175 Standard Test Method for Organohalide Pesticides and Polychlorinated
Biphenyls in Water by Microextraction and GC

Organohalide Pesticides Mix (16C) standard solution CL40.13772

High quality standard for GC, EPA METHOD 505, ASTM D-5175 Solution contains stated concentration in Methanol
alfa-Chlordane (1 µg/ml) Hexachlorobenzene (1 µg/ml)
Density 0.79 g/ml UN 1230
Alachlor (10 µg/ml) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (1 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3 (6.1),II
Aldrin (1 µg/ml) Lindane (1 µg/ml)
IATA 3 (6.1),II
Atrazine (250 µg/ml) Methoxychlor (5 µg/ml)
IMDG 3 (6.1),II
cis-Nonachlor (1 µg/ml) Simlazine (250 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H331-H311-H301-H370
Dieldrin (1 µg/ml) trans-Nonachlor (1 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P280-P302 + P352-P309 +
P310 Endrin (1 µg/ml)
DANGER. gamma-Chlordane (1 µg/ml)
Heptachlor (1 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Heptachlor epoxide (isomer B) (1 µg/ml)
CL40.13772.0001 1 ml AMP


Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 475

476 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
P E T R O L E U M , F O O D & B I O D I E S E L S TA N DA R D S

3 Petroleum, Food & Biodiesel Standards

3.8 Petroleum Physical Test Standards
3.8.1 Viscosity Reference Standards 478-479
3.8.2 Freezing Point Certified Reference Materials 479
3.8.3 Pour Point Certified Reference Materials 479
3.8.4 Synthetic Distillation Standards 479
3.8.5 Total Acid Number (TAN) Reference Materials 479
3.8.6 Total Base Number (TBN) Reference Materials 480


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 477
ASTM D-445
Viscosity Reference Standards
Viscosity reference

Viscosity reference 23000 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2245.0500

Viscosity reference 18000 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2232.0500

Viscosity reference 13000 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2231.0500

Viscosity reference 10000 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2228.0500

Viscosity reference 6700 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2247.0500

Viscosity reference 5100 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2241.0500

Viscosity reference 3400 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2238.0500

Viscosity reference 2500 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2235.0500

Viscosity reference 1600 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2223.0500

Viscosity reference 1400 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2230.0500

Viscosity reference 920 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2218.0500

Viscosity reference 750 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2244.0500

Viscosity reference 521 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2222.0500

Viscosity reference 520 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2217.0500

Viscosity reference 410 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2239.0500

Viscosity reference 300 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2216.0500

Viscosity reference 2.93 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2219.0500

Viscosity reference 250 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2234.0500

Viscosity reference 181 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2221.0500


Viscosity reference 130 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2215.0500

Viscosity reference 110 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2214.0500

Viscosity reference 102 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2213.0500

Viscosity reference 0.97 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2227.0500

Viscosity reference 9.5 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2210.0500

Viscosity reference 7.5 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2242.0500

Viscosity reference 75 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2243.0500

Viscosity reference 5.7 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2246.0500

Viscosity reference 54 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2212.0500

Viscosity reference 54 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2224.0500

Viscosity reference 44 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2240.0500

Viscosity reference 4.0 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2237.0500

Viscosity reference 30 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2211.0500

Viscosity reference 25 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2236.0500

Viscosity reference 2.0 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2233.0500

Viscosity reference 18 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2220.0500

Viscosity reference 14 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2229.0500

Viscosity reference 0.6 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2226.0500

478 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-445
Viscosity Reference Standards
Viscosity reference 0.4 cSt 40°C 500 ml CL11.2225.0500

ASTM D-1015, D-2386 and D-5972

Freezing Point Certified Reference Materials
Freezing point

Freezing point Nominal Freezing Point: -45°C 250 ml CL11.0626.0250

Pour Point Certified Reference Materials
Pour point

Pour point Nominal Pour Point: -5°C 250 ml CL11.1620.0250

Pour point Nominal Pour Point: -10°C 250 ml CL11.1621.0250

Pour point Nominal Pour Point: -15°C 250 ml CL11.1622.0250

Pour point Nominal Pour Point: -20°C 250 ml CL11.1623.0250

Pour point Nominal Pour Point: -40°C 250 ml CL11.1624.0250

Pour point Nominal Pour Point: -50°C 250 ml CL11.1625.0250

Synthetic Distillation Standards
Synthetic distillation


Synthetic distillation Boiling range 54°C to 187°C 250 ml CL11.1907.0250

ASTM D-644 and IP177

Total Acid Number (TAN) Reference Materials
TAN reference

TAN reference 3,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2007.0050

TAN reference 2,5 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2006.0050

TAN reference 2,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2005.0050

TAN reference 1,5 mg KOH / g 125 g CL11.2004.0125

TAN reference 1,0 mg KOH / g 125 g CL11.2003.0125

TAN reference 0,5 mg KOH / g 100 g CL11.2002.0100

TAN reference 0,1 mg KOH / g 125 g CL11.2001.0125

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 479
ASTM D-4739 and IP276
Total Base Number (TBN) Reference Materials
TBN reference

TBN reference 70,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2013.0050

TBN reference 40,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2012.0050

TBN reference 30,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2011.0050

TBN reference 15,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2010.0050

TBN reference 10,0 mg KOH / g 100 g CL11.2009.0100

TBN reference 6,0 mg KOH / g 50 g CL11.2008.0050


Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.

480 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
P E T R O L E U M , F O O D & B I O D I E S E L S TA N DA R D S

3 Petroleum, Food & Biodiesel Standards

3.9 Food & Biodiesel Standards
3.9.1 ASTM Methods for Biodiesel Analysis
• ASTM D-6584 482-486
• ASTM D-6751 486-487
• ASTM D-7328 487

3.9.2 ISO Methods for Biodiesel and Food Analysis

• ISO EN14105 488-489
• ISO EN14108 489-490
• ISO EN14109 490
• ISO EN14110 490-492
• ISO EN14538 492
• ISO EN15721 493

3.9.3 FAME Mixtures 494-496

3.9.4 FAEE Mixtures 497

3.9.5 Refinery & Consumer Grade Biofuel Standards 498


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 481
ASTM D-6584
Determination of Total Monoglycerides, Total Diglycerides, Total Triglycerides, and Free and

1,2,4-Butanetriol standard solution CL40.0272

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 1,2,4-Butanetriol
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.0272.0005 5 ml AMP

1,3-Diolein standard solution CL41.0450

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 1,3-Diolein
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.0450.0002 2 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 1 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13768

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (5 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (250 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (50 µg/ml)

HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (50 µg/ml)

HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13768.0001 1 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 2 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13769

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (20 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (600 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (200 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (150 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13769.0001 1 ml AMP

482 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-6584
Determination of Total Monoglycerides, Total Diglycerides, Total Triglycerides, and Free and

EN 14105 Mix 3 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13770

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (35 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (950 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (350 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (300 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13770.0001 1 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 4 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13771

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (50 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (1250 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (500 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (400 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13771.0001 1 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 5 (3C) standard solution NEW CL40.13281

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Monoolein
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monopalmitin
EINECS - IATA 3,II Monostearin


HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13281.0001 1 ml AMP

Glycerin standard solution CL40.0703

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.0703.0002 2 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 483
ASTM D-6584
Determination of Total Monoglycerides, Total Diglycerides, Total Triglycerides, and Free and

Monoolein standard solution CL40.1347

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine - Keep at -20°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Monoolein
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1347.0002 2 ml AMP

Monopalmitin standard solution CL40.1348

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Monopalmitin
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1348.0002 2 ml AMP

Monostearin standard solution NEW CL41.1342

Standard for GC EN 14105, ASTM D-6584 Solution contains 1% m/v in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Monostearin
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II

HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II

HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1342.0002 2 ml AMP

Tricaprin standard solution CL40.2074

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 8.000 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Tricaprin
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.2074.0005 5 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

484 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-6584
Determination of Total Monoglycerides, Total Diglycerides, Total Triglycerides, and Free and

Triolein standard solution CL40.2073

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains 5000 µg/ml in Pyridine - Keep at -20°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Triolein
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.2073.0002 2 ml AMP

ASTM D-6584 Mix (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13766

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (500 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (5.000 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (5.000 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (5.000 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (1.000 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (8.000 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13766.0005 5 ml AMP

ASTM D-6584 Mix 4 (4C) standard solution NEW CL40.13784

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine - Keep at 2-8°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (35 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (750 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (350 µg/ml)


HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (350 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13784.0001 1 ml AMP

ASTM D-6584 Mix 1 (4C) standard solution NEW CL40.13781

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine - Keep at 2-8°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (5 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (100 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (50 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (50 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13781.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 485
ASTM D-6584
Determination of Total Monoglycerides, Total Diglycerides, Total Triglycerides, and Free and

ASTM D-6584 Mix 2 (4C) standard solution NEW CL40.13782

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine - Keep at 2-8°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (15 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (250 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (100 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (100 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13782.0001 1 ml AMP

ASTM D-6584 Mix 5 (4C) standard solution NEW CL40.13785

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine - Keep at 2-8°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (50 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (1000 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (500 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (500 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13785.0001 1 ml AMP

ASTM D-6584 Mix 3 (4C) standard solution NEW CL40.13783

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine - Keep at 2-8°C
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (25 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (500 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (200 µg/ml)

HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (200 µg/ml)

HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13783.0001 1 ml AMP

ASTM D-6751
Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13556

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 100 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 100 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13556.0100 100 ml GVB

486 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
ASTM D-6751
Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13557

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 500 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 500 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 500 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 500 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 500 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13557.0100 100 ml GVB

Sodium & Potassium (2E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13554

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304
PNrs P301 + P310-P331
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13554.0100 100 g GVB

ASTM D-7328
Determination of Existent and Potential Inorganic Sulfate and Total Inorganic Chloride in Fuel

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39316

Standard for Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D-7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 3 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 3 mg/l CL01.39316.0100 100 ml PE


Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39317
Standard for Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D-7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 5 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 5 mg/l CL01.39317.0100 100 ml PE

Multi Element IC Standard sol. (2E) NEW CL01.39318

Standard for Biodiesel/Diesel analysis acc. ASTM D-7328 Contains 2 elements in H2O (Store cool !)
Density 1.00 g/ml Chloride : 10 mg/l Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
HS Nr 38220000 Sulfate : 10 mg/l CL01.39318.0100 100 ml PE

Don’t see the exact solution you need?

E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 487
Determination of free and total glycerol and mono-, di-, triglyceride contents

EN 14105 Mix 1 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13768

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (5 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (250 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (50 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (50 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13768.0001 1 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 2 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13769

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (20 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (600 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (200 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (150 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13769.0001 1 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 3 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13770

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (35 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (950 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (350 µg/ml)

HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (300 µg/ml)

HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13770.0001 1 ml AMP

EN 14105 Mix 4 (6C) standard solution NEW CL40.13771

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains stated concentration in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Glycerin (50 µg/ml)
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monoolein (1250 µg/ml)
EINECS - IATA 3,II 1,3-Diolein (500 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II Triolein (400 µg/ml)
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332 1,2,4-Butanetriol (80 µg/ml)
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352 Tricaprin (800 µg/ml)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13771.0001 1 ml AMP

488 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Determination of free and total glycerol and mono-, di-, triglyceride contents

EN 14105 Mix 5 (3C) standard solution NEW CL40.13281

Standard for GC ASTM Method D-6584, EN 14105 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Monoolein
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II Monopalmitin
EINECS - IATA 3,II Monostearin
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13281.0001 1 ml AMP

Monostearin standard solution NEW CL41.1342

Standard for GC EN 14105, ASTM D-6584 Solution contains 1% m/v in Pyridine
Mol.Weight 79.10 g/mol UN 1282 Monostearin
Density 0.98 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IMDG 3,II
HNrs H225-H302 + H312 + H332
PNrs P210-P233-P302 + P352
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1342.0002 2 ml AMP

Determination of sodium content by atomic absorption spectrometry

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13556


Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 100 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 100 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13556.0100 100 ml GVB

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13557

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 500 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 500 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 500 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 500 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 500 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13557.0100 100 ml GVB

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 489
Determination of sodium content by atomic absorption spectrometry

Sodium & Potassium (2E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13554

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304
PNrs P301 + P310-P331
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13554.0100 100 g GVB

Determination of potassium content by atomic absorption spectrometry

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13556

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 100 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 100 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13556.0100 100 ml GVB

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13557

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 500 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 500 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 500 µg/g
Sodium (Na) 500 µg/g

PNrs P301 + P310-P331

DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 500 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13557.0100 100 ml GVB

Sodium & Potassium (2E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13554

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304
PNrs P301 + P310-P331
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13554.0100 100 g GVB

Determination of methanol content

Methanol standard solution CL40.1807

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 10000 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil
Density 0.91 g/ml Methanol (10000 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1807.0002 2 ml AMP

490 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Determination of methanol content

Methanol standard solution NEW CL41.1356

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 5000 µg/g in H2O
Density 1.00 g/ml Methanol
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1356.0001 1 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution CL40.1806

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 4000 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil
Density 0.91 g/ml Methanol (4 000 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1806.0002 2 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution NEW CL41.1355

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 2500 µg/g in H2O
Density 1.00 g/ml Methanol
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1355.0001 1 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution CL40.1805

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 2000 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil
Density 0.91 g/ml Methanol (2.000 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1805.0002 2 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution NEW CL41.1354


Method EN-14110 Solution contains 1000 µg/g in H2O
Density 1.00 g/ml Methanol
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1354.0001 1 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution NEW CL40.1804

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil
Density 0.91 g/ml Methanol (500 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1804.0002 2 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution NEW CL41.1353

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 500 µg/g in H2O
Density 1.00 g/ml Methanol
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1353.0001 1 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution NEW CL41.1352

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 100 µg/g in H2O
Density 1.00 g/ml Methanol
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.1352.0001 1 ml AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 491
Determination of methanol content

Methanol standard solution NEW CL40.1803

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 80 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil
Density 0.91 g/ml Methanol (80 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1803.0002 2 ml AMP

Methanol standard solution CL40.1802

Method EN-14110 Solution contains 10 µg/ml in Rapeseed oil
Density 0.91 g/ml Methanol (10 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.1802.0002 2 ml AMP

Determination of Ca, K, Mg and Na content by optical emission spectral analysis with

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13556

Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 100 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 100 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 100 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13556.0100 100 ml GVB

Multi Element (5E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13557


Standard for ASTM D-6751, UOP 391, EN 14108, EN 14109, EN 14538 Contains 500 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 500 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Potassium (K) 500 µg/g
HNrs H304 Magnesium (Mg) 500 µg/g
PNrs P301 + P310-P331 Sodium (Na) 500 µg/g
DANGER. Phosphorus (P) 500 µg/g
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13557.0100 100 ml GVB

Calcium & Magnesium (2E) standard oil solution NEW CL11.13555

Standard for EN 14538 Contains 100 µg/g in Biodiesel D100
Density 0.85 g/ml Calcium (Ca) 100 µg/g
HS Nr 38220000 Magnesium (Mg) 100 µg/g
HNrs H304
PNrs P301 + P310-P331
DANGER. Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL11.13555.0100 100 g GVB

492 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Determination of higher alcohols, methanol and other impurities (GC)

3-Pentanol standard solution NEW CL42.1614

Internal Standard Solution A for EN 15721 Solution contains 1% w/w in Ethanol
Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol UN 1170 Pentan-3-ol
Density 0.912 g/ml ADR 3,II
HS Nr 38220000 IATA 3,II
HNrs H225
PNrs P210
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL42.1614.0001 1 ml AMP

Ethanol Impurities Mix (10C) standard solution NEW CL40.13463

Solution A for EN 15721 Solution contains stated concentrations in Ethanol
Methanol (1 w/w %) Acetal (1 w/w %)
Mol.Weight 46.07 g/mol UN 1170
Density 0.912 g/ml ADR 3,II Acetaldehyde (1 w/w %)
HS Nr 38220000 IATA 3,II 3-Methyl-1-butanol (1 w/w %)
IMDG 3,II 2-Methyl-1-butanol (1 w/w %)
HNrs H225 2-Methyl-1-propanol (1 w/w %)
PNrs P210 2-Butanol (1 w/w %)
DANGER. 1-Butanol (1 w/w %)
1-Propanol (1 w/w %) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Ethyl acetate (1 w/w %) CL40.13463.0001 1 ml AMP


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 493
FAME Mixtures

FAME Mix (37C) standard solution CL40.13093

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration in Dichloromethane - Keep at -20°C
cis-13,16-Docosadienoic acid methyl ester (200 µg/ml) Methyl linoelaidate (200 µg/ml)
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593
cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoic acid methyl ester Methyl linolenate (200 µg/ml)
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
(200 µg/ml) Methyl myristate (400 µg/ml)
cis-11,14-Eicosadienoic acid methyl ester (200 µg/ml) Methyl myristoleate (200 µg/ml)
cis-5,8,11,14,17-Eicosapentaenoic acid methyl ester Methyl oleate (400 µg/ml)
HNrs H351 (200 µg/ml)
Methyl octanoate (400 µg/ml)
PNrs P281-P308 + P313 cis-8,11-14-Eicosatrienoic acid methyl ester (200 µg/ml)
Methyl palmitate (600 µg/ml)
WARNING. cis-11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic acid methyl ester (200
µg/ml) Methyl palmitoleate (200 µg/ml)
cis-11-Eicosenoic acid methyl ester (200 µg/ml) Methyl pentadecanoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl cis-10-heptadecenoate (200 µg/ml) Methyl cis-10-pentadecenoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl hexanoate (400 µg/ml) Methyl stearate (400 µg/ml)
Methyl γ-linolenate (200 µg/ml) Methyl tricosanoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl arachidate (400 µg/ml) Methyl tetracosanoate (400 µg/ml)
Methyl arachidonate (200 µg/ml) Methyl tridecanoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl behenate (400 µg/ml) Methyl undecanoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl butyrate (400 µg/ml) Methyl cis-15-tetracosenoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl decanoate (400 µg/ml)
Methyl dodecanoate (400 µg/ml)
Methyl elaidate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl erucate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl heneicosanoate (200 µg/ml)
Methyl heptadecanoate (200 µg/ml) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
Methyl linoleate (200 µg/ml) CL40.13093.0001 1 ml AMP

FAME Mix III (37C) NEW CL40.13263

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration
cis-13,16-Docosadienoic acid methyl ester (2%) Methyl linoelaidate (2%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoic acid methyl ester Methyl linolenate (2%)
HS Nr 38220000

(2%) Methyl myristate (4%)

cis-11,14-Eicosadienoic acid methyl ester (2%) Methyl myristoleate (2%)
cis-5,8,11,14,17-Eicosapentaenoic acid methyl ester Methyl oleate (4%)
Methyl octanoate (4%)
cis-8,11-14-Eicosatrienoic acid methyl ester (2%)
Methyl palmitate (6%)
cis-11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic acid methyl ester (2%)
Methyl palmitoleate (2%)
cis-11-Eicosenoic acid methyl ester (2%)
Methyl pentadecanoate (2%)
Methyl cis-10-heptadecenoate (2%)
Methyl cis-10-pentadecenoate (2%)
Methyl hexanoate (4%)
Methyl stearate (4%)
Methyl γ-linolenate (2%)
Methyl tricosanoate (2%)
Methyl arachidate (4%)
Methyl tetracosanoate (4%)
Methyl arachidonate (2%)
Methyl tridecanoate (2%)
Methyl behenate (4%)
Methyl undecanoate (2%)
Methyl butyrate (4%)
Methyl cis-15-tetracosenoate (2%)
Methyl decanoate (4%)
Methyl dodecanoate (4%)
Methyl elaidate (2%)
Methyl erucate (2%)
Methyl heneicosanoate (2%)
Methyl heptadecanoate (2%)
Methyl linoleate (2%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13263.0100 100 mg AMP

494 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
FAME Mixtures

FAME Mix C8-C24 (14C) NEW CL40.39082

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration
C08:0 Caprylic acid methyl ester (8%) C18:3 Linolenic acid methyl ester (5%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C10:0 Methyl decanoate (8%) C20:0 Arachidic acid methyl ester (8%)
HS Nr 38220000
C12:0 Lauric acid methyl ester (8%) C22:0 Behenic acid methyl ester (8%)
C14:0 Methyl myristate (8%) C22:1 Erucic acid methyl ester (5%)
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (11%) C24:0 Lignoceric acid methyl ester (8%)
C16:1 Methyl cis-9-hexadecenoate (5%)
C18:0 Methyl stearate (8%)
C18:1 Methyl oleate (5%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C18:2 Linoleic acid methyl ester (5%) CL40.39082.0100 100 mg AMP

Low Erucic Rapeseed FAME Mix (11C) CL40.13762

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C14:0 Methyl myristate (1%) C20:1 Methyl eicosenoate (1%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (4%) C22:0 Methyl behenate (3%)
HS Nr 38220000
C18:0 Methyl stearate (3%) C22:1 Methyl erucate (5%)
C18:1 Methyl oleate (60%) C24:0 Methyl lignocerate (3%)
C18:2 Methyl linoleate (12%)
C18:3 Methyl linolenate (5%)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C20:0 Methyl arachidate (3%)
CL40.13762.0100 100 mg AMP

Mustard seed & Peanut FAME Mix (10C) CL40.13761

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C14:0 Methyl myristate (1%) C22:0 Methyl behenate (3%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (4%) C22:1 Methyl erucate (20%)
HS Nr 38220000
C18:0 Methyl stearate (3%) C24:0 Methyl lignocerate (3%)
C18:1 Methyl oleate (45%)


C18:2 Methyl linoleate (15%)
C18:3 Methyl linolenate (3%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C20:0 Methyl arachidate (3%) CL40.13761.0100 100 mg AMP

Coconut & Palm kernel FAME Mix (8C) CL40.13764

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C8:0 Methyl caprylate (7%) C18:0 Methyl stearate (3%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C10:0 Methyl caprate (5%) C18:1 Methyl oleate (12%)
HS Nr 38220000
C12:0 Methyl laurate (48%) C18:2 Methyl linoleate (3%)
C14:0 Methyl myristate (15%)
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (7%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13764.0100 100 mg AMP

Palm & Lard FAME Mix (7C) CL40.13765

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C14:0 Methyl myristate (2%) C18:2 Methyl linoleate (7%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (30%) C18:3 Methyl linolenate (3%)
HS Nr 38220000
C16:1 Methyl palmitoleate (3%)
C18:0 Methyl stearate (14%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C18:1 Methyl oleate (41%) CL40.13765.0100 100 mg AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 495
FAME Mixtures

Corn & Soy FAME Mix (6C) CL40.13759

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (6%) C18:3 Methyl linolenate (3%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C18:0 Methyl stearate (3%) C20:0 Methyl arachidate (3%)
HS Nr 38220000
C18:1 Methyl oleate (35%)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C18:2 Methyl linoleate (50%)
CL40.13759.0100 100 mg AMP

Hempseed & linseed FAME Mix (5C) CL40.13760

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (7%) C18:3 Methyl linolenate (34%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 C18:0 Methyl stearate (5%)
C18:1 Methyl oleate (18%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C18:2 Methyl linoleate (36%) CL40.13760.0100 100 mg AMP

Olive & Neatsfoot FAME Mix (4C) CL40.13763

Quantification of FAME in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C16:0 Methyl palmitate (11%) C18:2 Methyl linoleate (6%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
HS Nr 38220000 C18:0 Methyl stearate (3%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C18:1 Methyl oleate (80%) CL40.13763.0100 100 mg AMP

496 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
FAEE Mixtures

Low Erucic Rapeseed FAEE Mix (11C) NEW CL40.13788

Quantification of FAEE in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C14:0 Ethyl myristate (1%) C20:1 Ethyl eicosenoate (1%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C16:0 Ethyl palmitate (4%) C22:0 Ethyl behenate (3%)
HS Nr 38220000
C18:0 Ethyl stearate (3%) C22:1 Ethyl erucate (5%)
C18:1 Ethyl oleate (60%) C24:0 Ethyl lignocerate (3%)
C18:2 Ethyl linoleate (12%)
C18:3 Ethyl linolenate (5%)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C20:0 Ethyl arachidate (3%)
CL40.13788.0100 100 mg AMP

FAEE C4-C24 Even Mix (11C) standard solution NEW CL40.13789

Quantification of FAEE in vegetal oils Solution contains 1000 µg/ml in n-Hexane - Keep at -20°C
Density 0.66 g/ml UN 1208 C04:0 Ethyl butyrate
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 3,II C06:0 Ethyl hexanoate
IATA 3,II C08:0 Ethyl octanoate
IMDG 3,II C10:0 Ethyl decanoate
HNrs H225-H304-H361-H373-H315-H336- C12:0 Ethyl dodecanoate
H411 C14:0 Ethyl myristate
PNrs P210-P240-P273-P301 + P310-P331- C16:0 Ethyl palmitate
P302 + P352-P403 + P235
C18:0 Ethyl stearate
C20:0 Ethyl arachidate
C22:0 Ethyl behenate Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C24:0 Ethyl tetracosanoate CL40.13789.0001 1 ml AMP

Coconut & Palm kernel FAEE Mix (8C) NEW CL40.13787

Quantification of FAEE in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C8:0 Ethyl caprylate (7%) C18:0 Ethyl stearate (3%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C10:0 Ethyl caprate (5%) C18:1 Ethyl oleate (12%)
HS Nr 38220000


C12:0 Ethyl laurate (48%) C18:2 Ethyl linoleate (3%)
C14:0 Ethyl myristate (15%)
C16:0 Ethyl palmitate (7%) Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL40.13787.0100 100 mg AMP

Corn & Soy FAEE Mix (6C) NEW CL40.13786

Quantification of FAEE in vegetal oils Solution contains stated concentration - Keep at -20°C
C16:0 Ethyl palmitate (6%) C18:3 Ethyl linolenate (3%)
Density 0.91 g/ml
C18:0 Ethyl stearate (3%) C20:0 Ethyl arachidate (3%)
HS Nr 38220000
C18:1 Ethyl oleate (35%)
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
C18:2 Ethyl linoleate (50%)
CL40.13786.0100 100 mg AMP

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 497
Refinery & Consumer Grade Biofuel Standards

Biofuel 100 standard solution NEW CL41.0288

High quality standard for GC, HPLC Solution contains 20000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Biofuel 100
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.0288.0002 2 ml AMP

Biofuel 100 standard solution NEW CL41.0287

High quality standard for GC, HPLC Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Biofuel 100
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.0287.0002 2 ml AMP

Biofuel 20 standard solution NEW CL41.0286

High quality standard for GC, HPLC Solution contains 20000 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Biofuel 20
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III

HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.0286.0002 2 ml AMP

Biofuel 20 standard solution NEW CL41.0285

High quality standard for GC, HPLC Solution contains 500 µg/ml in Dichloromethane
Density 1.32 g/ml UN 1593 Biofuel 20
HS Nr 38220000 ADR 6.1,III
HNrs H351
PNrs P281-P308 + P313
Art. Nr. Pack Pack Type
CL41.0285.0002 2 ml AMP

Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.

498 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

4 Miscellaneous Standards
4.1 pH Buffer Solutions
4.1.1 Buffer Solutions 20°C 501-502
4.1.2 Buffer Solutions 20°C (Colored) 502
4.1.3 Buffer Solutions 25°C 503
4.1.4 Standard Buffer Solutions 503
4.1.5 Standard Buffer Solutions (Colored) 503-504

4.2 Conductivity, Redox, Salinity & Ion Selective Electrode Standards

4.2.1 Conductivity Standards 505-506
4.2.2 Redox Standards 506-507
4.2.3 Ion Selective Electrode Standards & Ionic Strength Adjuster Solutions 507-508
4.2.4 Salinity Standards 508-509

4.3 Electrode Care & Maintenance Solutions 509

4.4 TOC/TIC Standards

4.4.1 TOC Standards 509-510
4.4.2 TIC Standards 510

4.5 COD Standards 510

4.6 APHA Colour Standards 510

4.7 Turbidity Standards 511

4.8 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Calibration Standards 511

4.9 Volumetric Standards, secondary refererence materials traceable to NIST 511-512

4.10 Brix Standards 512-513


4.11 Hardness Standards

4.11.1 Hardness Standards General 513
4.11.2 CIPAC Standard Solutions 513-514

4.12 Osmolality Standards 514

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 499

500 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Buffer Solutions 20°C

Buffer pH 13.00 1l CL03.0208.1000

pH 13.00 (±0.02/20°C) Glycin-NaCl-NaOH 10 l CL03.0208.9010

Buffer pH 12.00 1l CL03.0207.1000

pH 12.00 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate-NaOH 10 l CL03.0207.9010

Buffer pH 11.00 1l CL03.0206.1000

pH 11.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH 10 l CL03.0206.9010

Buffer pH 10.00 100 ml CL03.0204.0100

1l CL03.0204.1000
5l CL03.0204.5500
pH 10.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH 10 l CL03.0204.9010
25 l CL03.0204.9025
20 l CL03.0204.9520

Buffer pH 9.60 1l CL03.0220.1000

pH 9.60 (±0.02/20°C) Borate-NaOH

Buffer pH 9.00 1l CL03.0218.1000

5l CL03.0218.5500
pH 9.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH 10 l CL03.0218.9010
20 l CL03.0218.9520

Buffer pH 8.50 1l CL03.0229.1000

pH 8.50 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH 5l CL03.0229.5000

Buffer pH 8.00 1l CL03.0217.1000

5l CL03.0217.5500
pH 8.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH
10 l CL03.0217.9010

Buffer pH 7.50 1l CL03.0228.1000

pH 7.50 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate 5l CL03.0228.5000

Buffer pH 7.00 100 ml CL03.0216.0100

1l CL03.0216.1000
5l CL03.0216.5500
pH 7.00 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate 10 l CL03.0216.9010
25 l CL03.0216.9025
20 l CL03.0216.9520

Buffer pH 6.50 1l CL03.0227.1000

pH 6.50 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate 5l CL03.0227.5000

Buffer pH 6.00 1l CL03.0215.1000


5l CL03.0215.5500
pH 6.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaOH
10 l CL03.0215.9010

Buffer pH 5.00 1l CL03.0214.1000

pH 5.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaOH 10 l CL03.0214.9010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 501
Buffer Solutions 20°C

Buffer pH 4.00 1l CL03.0213.1000

5l CL03.0213.5500
10 l CL03.0213.9010
pH 4.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaCl-NaOH
25 l CL03.0213.9025
20 l CL03.0213.9520

Buffer pH 3.60 1l CL03.0212.1000

pH 3.60 (±0.02/20°C) Phtalate-HCl 10 l CL03.0212.9010

Buffer pH 3.50 1l CL03.0211.1000

pH 3.50 (±0.02/20°C) Phtalate-HCl 10 l CL03.0211.9010

Buffer pH 3.00 1l CL03.0210.1000

pH 3.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaCl-NaOH 10 l CL03.0210.9010

Buffer pH 2.00 1l CL03.0209.1000

5l CL03.0209.5500
pH 2.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaCl-HCl
10 l CL03.0209.9010

Buffer pH 1.00 1l CL03.0203.1000

5l CL03.0203.5500
pH 1.00 (±0.02/20°C) KCl-HCl 10 l CL03.0203.9010
20 l CL03.0203.9520

Buffer Solutions 20°C (Colored)

Buffer pH 10.00 (colored) 100 ml CL03.0710.0100

500 ml CL03.0710.0500
1l CL03.0710.1000
5l CL03.0710.5500
pH 10.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH (blue)
10 l CL03.0710.9010
25 l CL03.0710.9025
20 l CL03.0710.9520

Buffer pH 9.00 (colored) 1l CL03.0711.1000

5l CL03.0711.5500
pH 9.00 (±0.02/20°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH (green)
20 l CL03.0711.9520

Buffer pH 7.00 (colored) 100 ml CL03.0704.0100

1l CL03.0704.1000
5l CL03.0704.5500
pH 7.00 (±0.02/20°C) Phosphate (green)
10 l CL03.0704.9010
20 l CL03.0704.9520

Buffer pH 4.00 (colored) 100 ml CL03.0702.0100

1l CL03.0702.1000
5l CL03.0702.5500
pH 4.00 (±0.02/20°C) Citrate-NaCl-NaOH (red)
10 l CL03.0702.9010
20 l CL03.0702.9520

Buffer pH 2.00 (colored) 1l CL03.0706.1000

pH 2.00 (±0.02/20°C) KCl-HCl (red) 10 l CL03.0706.9010

502 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Buffer Solutions 25°C

Buffer pH 10.000 (25°C) 500 ml CL03.0238.0500

pH 10.000 (±0.005/25°C) H3BO3-KCl-NaOH

Buffer pH 7.000 (25°C) 500 ml CL03.0237.0500

pH 7.000 (±0.005/25°C) Phosphate

Buffer pH 4.000 (25°C) 500 ml CL03.0236.0500

pH 4.00 (±0.005/25°C) Citrate-NaCl-NaOH

Standard Buffer Solutions

Standard Buffer Calciumhydroxide pH 12.627 1l CL03.0302.1000

pH 12.627 (±0.02/20°C) Ca(OH)2 sat. H2O sol. 10 l CL03.0302.9010

Standard Buffer Carbonate pH 10.060 500 ml CL03.0301.0500

1l CL03.0301.1000
pH 10.060 (±0.02/20°C) - 5.3 g Na2CO3 + 4.2 g NaHCO3 / l H2O
10 l CL03.0301.9010

Standard Buffer Borate pH 9.225 500 ml CL03.0202.0500

1l CL03.0202.1000
pH 9.225 (±0.02/20°C) - 3.81 g Na2B4O7.10H2O / l H2O
10 l CL03.0202.9010

Standard Buffer Phosphate pH 6.881 500 ml CL03.0601.0500

1l CL03.0601.1000
pH 6.881 (±0.02/20°C) - 3.4 g KH2PO4 + 3.55 g Na2HPO4 / l H2O
10 l CL03.0601.9010

Standard Buffer Acetate pH 4.62 1l CL03.0101.1000

pH 4.62 (±0.02/20°C) acetate 10 l CL03.0101.9010

Standard Buffer Phthalate pH 4.002 500 ml CL03.0602.0500

1l CL03.0602.1000
pH 4.002 (±0.02/20°C) - 10.13 g C8H5KO4 / l H2O
10 l CL03.0602.9010

Standard Buffer Potassium tetraoxalate pH 1.675 1l CL03.1107.1000

pH 1.675 (±0.02/20°C) - 12.7 g C4H3KO8 / l H2O 10 l CL03.1107.9010

Standard Buffer Solutions (Colored)

Standard Buffer Calciumhydroxide pH 12.627 (colored) 1l CL03.0707.1000

pH 12.627 (±0.02/20°C) Ca(OH)2 sat. H2O sol. (blue) 10 l CL03.0707.9010


Standard Buffer Carbonate pH 10.060 (colored) 1l CL03.0701.1000

pH 10.060 (±0.02/20°C) - 5.3 g Na2CO3 + 4.2 g NaHCO3 / l H2O (blue) 10 l CL03.0701.9010

Standard Buffer Borate pH 9.225 (colored) 1l CL03.0705.1000

pH 9.225 (±0.02/20°C) - 3.81 g Na2B4O7.10H2O / l H2O (green) 10 l CL03.0705.9010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 503
Standard Buffer Solutions (Colored)

Standard Buffer Phosphate pH 6.881 (colored) 1l CL03.0703.1000

10 l CL03.0703.9010
pH 6.881 (±0.02/20°C) - 3.4 g KH2PO4 + 3.55 g Na2HPO4 / l H2O (green)
20 l CL03.0703.9520

Standard Buffer Phthalate pH 4.002 (colored) 1l CL03.0709.1000

10 l CL03.0709.9010
pH 4.002 (±0.02/20°C) - 10.13 g C8H5KO4 / l H2O (red)
20 l CL03.0709.9520

Standard Buffer Potassium tetraoxalate pH 1.675 (colored) 1l CL03.0708.1000

pH 1.675 (±0.02/20°C) - 12.7 g C4H3KO8 / l H2O (red) 10 l CL03.0708.9010


504 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Conductivity Standards

Hydrogen chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1149.0500

LF Standard 500000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Hydrogen chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1148.0500

LF Standard 450000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1146.0500

LF Standard 300000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1145.0500

LF Standard 200000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1144.0500

LF Standard 150000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride 1 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 1l CL03.1104.1000

LF Standard 102.1mS/20°C - 111.8mS/25°C (± 1%) 10 l CL03.1104.9010

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1143.0500

LF Standard 100000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1142.0500

LF Standard 50000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 250 ml CL03.1126.0250

LF Standard 46mS/20°C - 50mS/25°C (± 1%) 500 ml CL03.1126.0500

Potassium chloride 0.2 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1124.0500

LF Standard 22.4mS/20°C - 24.7mS/25°C (± 1%) 1l CL03.1124.1000

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1141.0500

LF Standard 20000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride 0.1 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1108.0500

1l CL03.1108.1000
LF Standard 11.67mS/20°C - 12.88mS/25°C (± 1%)
10 l CL03.1108.9010

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1140.0500

LF Standard 10000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1139.0500

LF Standard 5000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride 0.03 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 1l CL03.1103.1000


LF Standard 3660µS/20°C - 4098µS/25°C (± 1%) 10 l CL03.1103.9010

Potassium chloride 0.02 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 1l CL03.1102.1000

LF Standard 2542µS/20°C - 2765µS/25°C (± 1%) 10 l CL03.1102.9010

Potassium chloride 0.01 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1101.0500

1l CL03.1101.1000
LF Standard 1278µS/20°C - 1413µS/25°C (± 1%)
10 l CL03.1101.9010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 505
Conductivity Standards

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1120.0500

LF Standard 1100µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1138.0500

LF Standard 1000µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1121.0500

LF Standard 452µS/20°C - 500µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 1l CL03.1153.1000

LF Standard 445µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1137.0500

LF Standard 200µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride 0.001 mol/l (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1133.0500

LF Standard 133µS/20°C - 147µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1119.0500

LF Standard 100µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1150.0500

LF Standard 84µS/25°C (± 1%)

Potassium chloride solution (Low Cond. standard) 500 ml CL03.1134.0500

LF Standard 50µS/25°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !)

Potassium chloride solution (Low Cond. standard) 1l CL03.1132.1000

LF Standard 25µS/20°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !)

Potassium chloride solution (Low Cond. standard) 500 ml CL03.1128.0500

LF Standard 25µS/25°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !) 1l CL03.1128.1000

Potassium chloride solution (Ultralow Cond. standard) 500 ml CL03.1136.0500

LF Standard 20µS/25°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !)

Potassium chloride solution (Ultralow Cond. standard) 500 ml CL03.1135.0500

LF Standard 10µS/25°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !)

Potassium chloride solution (Ultralow Cond. standard) 500 ml CL03.1127.0500

LF Standard 5µS/25°C (± 1%) (Keep Cool !)

Hydrogen chloride solution (Conductivity standard) 500 ml CL03.1147.0500

LF Standard 350000µS/25°C (± 1%)


Redox Standards

Redox standard solution +500 mV - 25°C 500 ml CL03.1805.0500


506 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Redox Standards

Redox standard solution +430 mV 500 ml CL03.1801.0500

Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O/Fe(NH4)(SO4)2.12H2O/H2SO4 1l CL03.1801.1000

Redox standard solution +358 mV - 25°C 500 ml CL03.1804.0500

K3(Fe(CN)6)/K4(Fe(CN)6).3H2O/H2O (Store dark) 1l CL03.1804.1000

Redox standard solution +183 mV 500 ml CL03.1802.0500

K4(Fe(CN)6).3H2O/K3(Fe(CN)6)/KCl (Store dark) 1l CL03.1802.1000

Redox standard solution +124 mV - 25°C 500 ml CL03.1803.0500

K3(Fe(CN)6)/K4(Fe(CN)6).3H2O/H2O (Store dark) 1l CL03.1803.1000

Ion Selective Electrode Standards & Ionic Strength Adjuster Solutions

Ammonium chloride-Ammonia buffer pH 10 - ISE buffer 1l CL03.0122.1000

54 g NH4Cl + 350 ml NH4OH 25% / l H2O

Ammonium sulfate 4 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0905.0500

528 g (NH4)2SO4 / l H2O

Ammonium sulfate 2 mol/l electrode filling solution - ISE buffer 100 ml CL03.0912.0100

264 g (NH4)2SO4 / l H2O

Copper(II)-di-Ammonium EGTA 0.05 mol/l - ISE buffer 1l CL02.1197.1000

27.21 g CuK2(NH4)2C14H20N2O10 / l H2O

Copper(II)-di-Ammonium EDTA 0.1 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL02.1159.0500

38.784 g Cu(NH4)2C10H12N2O8 / l H2O

Lithium chloride 4 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0908.0500

170 g LiCl / l H2O

Nitrate standard solution for ISE measurements 1 pc CL01.1444.0001

0 - 1 - 10 - 100 & 1000 mg/l NO3 in 1% KAl(SO4)2.12H2O sol.

Nitrate ISE interfernce buffer solution - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.1123.0500

17.32g Al2(SO4)3.18H2O+3.43g Ag2SO4+1.28g H3BO3+2.52g H3NO3S / l H2O

Potassium chloride 4 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0902.0500

305 g KCl / l H2O


Potassium chloride 3.5 mol/l+Aluminium(III) sulfate 50 g/l solution - ISA buffer 500 ml CL03.1117.0500
- ISE buffer
250 g KCl + 50 g AlK(SO4)2.18H2O / l H2O 1l CL03.1117.1000

Potassium nitrate 2.5 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0906.0500

253 g KNO3 / l H2O

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 507
Ion Selective Electrode Standards & Ionic Strength Adjuster Solutions

Sodium acetate buffer pH 4.7 - ISE buffer 1l CL03.1407.1000

132 g CH3COONa.3H2O + 86 ml CH3COOH / l H2O

Sodium chloride 5 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0904.0500

292 g NaCl / l H2O

Sodium hydroxide 10 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0901.0500

400 g NaOH / l H2O

Sodium nitrate 5 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0903.0500

425 g NaNO3 / l H2O

Sulfuric acid 2 mol/l - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.0907.0500

196 g H2SO4 / l H2O

TISAB-ENOL Buffer - ISE buffer 250 ml CL12.2001.0250

10 g CDTA + 58 g NaCl + 57 ml HAc + 29.4 g NaCitr. / l H2O to pH 5.5 with NaOH 1l CL12.2001.1000

TISAB I Buffer - ISE buffer 1l CL03.2001.1000

5l CL03.2001.5000
NaCl 58 g + HAc 57 ml + NaCitr. 300 mg / l H2O (pH 5.25 with NaOH)
10 l CL03.2001.9010

TISAB II Buffer - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.2002.0500

58 g NaCl + 57 ml CH3COOH + 4 g CDTA / l H2O (pH 5.3 with NaOH) 1l CL03.2002.1000

TISAB III Buffer - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.2007.0500

1l CL03.2007.1000
265 g NH4Cl + 53 g NH4Ac + 19 g CDTA / l H2O (pH 6 with NaOH) Do not store cold !
10 l CL03.2007.9010

TISAB IV Buffer - ISE buffer 500 ml CL03.2009.0500

84 ml HCl 37% + 242 g TRIS + 230 g C4H4Na2O6.2aq / l H2O (pH 8.5 ± 0.1)

TISAB TRIS Buffer - ISE buffer 1l CL03.2010.1000

121.14 g C4H11NO3 (pH 9 with HNO3)

Salinity Standards

Sodium chloride 30 g/l solution 250 ml CL03.1414.0250

30 g NaCl / l H2O

Sodium chloride 125 g/l solution 250 ml CL03.1416.0250

125 g NaCl / l H2O


Sodium chloride 58.4 g/l solution 250 ml CL03.1415.0250

58.4 g NaCl / l H2O

Sodium chloride 23 g/l solution 250 ml CL03.1413.0250

23 g NaCl / l H2O

508 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Salinity Standards

Sodium chloride 5.84 g/l solution 250 ml CL03.1412.0250

5.84 g NaCl / l H2O

Sodium chloride 3 g/l solution 250 ml CL03.1411.0250

3 g NaCl / l H2O

Electrode Care & Maintenance Solutions

Cleaning and storage sol. for electrodes 250 ml CL02.1801.0250

10 g Pepsine 350 U/ml / l H2O (Stabilised) 1l CL02.1801.1000

Cleaning solution for electrodes 500 ml CL02.1803.0500

1l CL02.1803.1000
22.5 ml HNO3 65% + 5 ml HF 40% / l H2O 10 l CL02.1803.9010
25 l CL02.1803.9025

Potassium chloride 3.5 mol/l (AgCl sat.) 250 ml CL03.1106.0250

261g KCl - AgCl saturated / l H2O (Store dark and at 20°C) 1l CL03.1106.1000

Potassium chloride 3 mol/l (AgCl sat.) 250 ml CL03.1105.0250

224 g KCl / AgCl saturated / l H2O (Store dark and at 20°C) 1l CL03.1105.1000

Potassium chloride 3 mol/l 30 ml CL03.1109.0030

250 ml CL03.1109.0250
1l CL03.1109.1000
224 g KCl / l H2O
2,5 l CL03.1109.2500
10 l CL03.1109.9010

Potassium nitrate 10% solution 100 ml CL03.1112.0100

100 g KNO3 / l H2O 500 ml CL03.1112.0500

Regeneration solution for electrodes 100 ml CL02.1837.0100

25 g NH4HF2 / l H2O

TOC Standards

TOC 10.000 mg/l standard solution (organic) 1l CL01.2081.1000

21.255 g C8H5O4K / l H2O

TOC 1.000 mg/l standard solution (organic) 1l CL01.2086.1000


2.1255 g C8H5O4K / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

TOC 500 mg/l standard solution (organic) 1l CL01.2086.500.1000

1.063 g C8H5O4K / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

TOC 100 mg/l standard solution (organic) 1l CL01.2086.100.1000

212.6 mg C8H5O4K / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 509
TOC Standards

TOC 50 mg/l standard solution (organic) 1l CL01.2086.050.1000

106.3 mg C8H5O4K / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

TIC Standards

TIC 10.000 mg/l standard solution (inorganic) 1l CL01.2083.1000

44.122 g Na2CO3 + 34.972 g NaHCO3 / l H2O

TIC 1.000 mg/l standard solution (inorganic) 1l CL01.2087.1000

4.4122 g Na2CO3 + 3.4972 g NaHCO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

TIC 500 mg/l standard solution (inorganic) 1l CL01.2087.500.1000

2.2061 g Na2CO3 + 1.7486 g NaHCO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

TIC 100 mg/l standard solution (inorganic) 1l CL01.2087.100.1000

441.2 mg Na2CO3 + 349.8 mg NaHCO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

TIC 50 mg/l standard solution (inorganic) 1l CL01.2087.050.1000

0.2206 g Na2CO3 + 174.9 mg NaHCO3 / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

COD Standards

COD Standard solution (5.000 COD units) 1l CL01.0383.1000

4.265 g C8H5O4K / l H2O

COD Standard solution (1000 COD units) 1l CL01.0386.1000

666 mg C32H12CuN8Na4O12S4 / l H2O

COD Standard solution (1000 COD units) 1l CL01.0387.1000

853 mg C8H5O4K / H2O (Keep Cool !)

COD Standard solution (500 COD units) 1l CL01.0382.1000

426.5 mg C8H5O4K / l H2O (Keep Cool !)

COD Standard solution (200 COD units) 100 ml CL01.0384.0100

170.6 mg C8H5O4K / l H2O 500 ml CL01.0384.0500

COD Standard solution (50 COD units) 1l CL01.0381.1000

42.7 mg C8H5O4K / l H2O (Keep Cool !)


APHA Colour Standards

Colour stock standard solution 500 A.P.H.A. units 100 ml CL01.0860.0100

500 ml CL01.0860.0500
1.246 g K2PtCl6 + 1 g CoCl2.6H2O + 100 ml HCl 37% / l H2O
1l CL01.0860.1000

510 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Turbidity Standards

Formazine turbidity standard 40 NTU 500 ml CL01.0661.0500

50 mg H4N2.H2SO4 + 500 mg C6H12N4 / l H2O 1l CL01.0661.1000

UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Calibration Standards

Chromate calibration solution 250 ml CL02.0328.0250

100 mg K2Cr2O7 / l H2SO4 0.005 mol/l

Chromate calibration solution (UV-VIS Standard 1A) NEW 1 ml CL02.0377.0001

600.6 mg K2Cr2O7 / l H2SO4 0.01 N

Chromate calibration solution (UV-VIS Standard 1) NEW 10 ml CL02.0374.0010

60 mg K2Cr2O7 / l H2SO4 0.01 N

Potassium chloride solution (UV-VIS Standard 4) NEW 10 ml CL02.1198.0010

12 g KCl / l in H2O

Toluene standard solution (UV-VIS Standard 5) NEW 10 ml CL41.2065.0010

Solution contains 0,02% (v/v) in n-Hexane

Holmium(III) oxide calibration solution (UV-VIS Standard 6) NEW 100 ml CL02.0804.0100

5% Ho2O3 / 1.4 mol/l HClO4

Volumetric Standards, Secondary Refererence Materials Traceable to NIST

Benzoic acid, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.0252.0050

99.5-100.5% C6H5COOH

Calcium carbonate, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.2947.0050

99.95+% CaCO3

Iron(II) ethylene di-ammoniumsulfate, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.0943.0050

99.7+% C2H10N2O4S.FeSO4.4H2O

Potassium dichromate, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.3720.0050

99.95+% K2Cr2O7

Potassium hydrogen phthalate, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.3732.0050

99.5+% C8H5O4K

Potassium iodate, reference material for NIST 50 g CL00.1677.0050

99.95+% KIO3

Sodium carbonate, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.4040.0050

99.95+% Na2CO3

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 511
Volumetric Standards, Secondary Refererence Materials Traceable to NIST

Sodium chloride, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.4038.0050

99.95+% NaCl

di-Sodium oxalate, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.4052.0050

99.7+% C2Na2O4

Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.2083.0050

99.9+% C4H11NO3

Zinc, reference material for NIST NEW 50 g CL00.2647.0050

99.95+% Zn

Brix Standards

Saccharose 60 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1924.0025

600 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 60°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 55 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1923.0025

550 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 55°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 50 weight % solution 25 ml CL12.1907.0025

500 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 50°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 45 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1922.0025

450 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 45°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 40 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1921.0025

400 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 40°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 35 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1920.0025

350 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 35°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 30 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1919.0025

300 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 30°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 25 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1918.0025

250 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 25°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 20 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1917.0025

200 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 20°Bx at 20°C)


Saccharose 15 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1916.0025

150 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 15°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 12.5 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1915.0025

125 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 12.5°Bx at 20°C)

512 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Brix Standards

Saccharose 12 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1914.0025

120 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 12°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 11.5 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1913.0025

115 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 11.5°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 11.2 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1912.0025

112 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 11.2°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 10 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1911.0025

100 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 10°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 7 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1910.0025

70 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 7°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 5 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1909.0025

50 g C12H22O11 / kg H2O (= 5°Bx at 20°C)

Saccharose 0 weight % solution NEW 25 ml CL12.1908.0025

H2O (= 0°Bx at 20°C)

Hardness Standards General

Hardness standard solution 100°FH for IC (Ion HIQU) 100 ml CL01.0812.0100

1 g CaCO3 / l 0.4% HCl 500 ml CL01.0812.0500

Hardness standard solution 100 °DH for IC (Ion HIQU) 100 ml CL01.0811.0100

1.786 g CaCO3 / l 0.4% HCl 500 ml CL01.0811.0500

Hardness standard solution 100°FH for IC (Ion ECON) 500 ml CL01.0817.0500

1 g CaCO3 / l 0.4% HCl

Hardness standard solution 100 °DH for IC (Ion ECON) 500 ml CL01.0816.0500

1.786 g CaCO3 / l 0.4% HCl

CIPAC Standard Solutions

Hardness standard solution A NEW 5l CL01.0851.5000

20 ppm hardness - pH 6.0-7.0 - Ca/Mg = 50/50 10 l CL01.0851.9010


Hardness standard solution B NEW 5l CL01.0852.5000

20 ppm hardness - pH 8.0-9.0 - Ca/Mg = 80/20 10 l CL01.0852.9010

Hardness standard solution C NEW 5l CL01.0853.5000

500 ppm hardness - pH 7.0-8.0 - Ca/Mg = 80/20 10 l CL01.0853.9010

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 513
CIPAC Standard Solutions

Hardness standard solution D NEW 5l CL01.0854.5000

342 ppm hardness - pH 6.0-7.0 - Ca/Mg = 80/20 10 l CL01.0854.9010

Hardness standard solution E NEW 5l CL01.0855.5000

1500 ppm hardness - pH 7.0-8.0 - Ca/Mg = 80/20 10 l CL01.0855.9010

Hardness standard solution F NEW 5l CL01.0856.5000

5000 ppm hardness - pH 6.0-7.0 - Ca only 10 l CL01.0856.9010

Hardness standard solution G NEW 5l CL01.0857.5000

8000 ppm hardness - pH 6.0-7.0 - Mg only 10 l CL01.0857.9010

Osmolality Standards

Osmolality standard 700 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1507.0005

22.380 g NaCl / kg H2O = 700 mOsm/kg

Osmolality standard 600 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1506.0005

19.147 g NaCl / kg H2O = 600 mOsm/kg

Osmolality standard 500 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1505.0005

15.916 g NaCl / kg H2O = 500 mOsm/kg

Osmolality standard 400 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1504.0005

12.684 g NaCl / kg H2O = 400 mOsm/kg

Osmolality standard 300 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1503.0005

9.463 g NaCl / kg H2O = 300 mOsm/kg

Osmolality standard 200 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1502.0005

6.260 g NaCl / kg H2O = 200 mOsm/kg

Osmolality standard 100 mOsm/kg H2O solution (5 x 5 ml) NEW 5 ml CL03.1501.0005

3.087 g NaCl / kg H2O = 100 mOsm/kg


514 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat
Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

ISO GUIDE 34:2009
Versie/Version/Fassung 1
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05

Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2

Bijlage bij accreditatie-certificaat

Annexe au certificat d'accréditation
Annex to the accreditation certificate
Beilage zur Akkreditatierungszertifikat

NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Versie/Version/Fassung 4
Uitgiftedatum / Date d'émission /
Issue date / Ausgabedatum:
Geldigheidsdatum / Date limite de
validité / Validity date / 2018-03-05
Nicole Meurée-Vanlaethem
Voorzitster van het Accreditatiebureau
La Présidente du Bureau d'Accréditation
Chair of the Accreditation Board
Vorsitzende des Akkreditierungsbüro

De accreditatie werd uitgereikt aan/ L'accréditation est délivrée à/

The accreditation is granted to/ Die akkreditierung wurde erteilt für:

Chem-Lab nv
Industriezone "De Arend", 2


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 515

LF Values / °C for Conductivity standard solutions

Type 1: 0.01 mol/l KCl 0.1 mol/l KCl 1 mol/l KCl

CL Nrs : CL03.1101 CL03.1108 CL03.1104

Temperature LF values LF values LF values

0°C 776 μS 7.15 mS 65.4 mS

1°C 800 μS 7.36 mS 67.1 mS
2°C 823 μS 7.57 mS 68.8 mS
3°C 847 μS 7.79 mS 70.6 mS
4°C 872 μS 8.00 mS 72.3 mS
5°C 896 μS 8.22 mS 74.1 mS
6°C 920 μS 8.44 mS 75.9 mS
7°C 945 μS 8.66 mS 77.7 mS
8°C 970 μS 8.88 mS 79.5 mS
9°C 995 μS 9.10 mS 81.4 mS
10°C 1020 μS 9.33 mS 83.2 mS
11°C 1045 μS 9.56 mS 85.0 mS
12°C 1070 μS 9.79 mS 86.9 mS
13°C 1096 μS 10.02 mS 88.7 mS
14°C 1121 μS 10.25 mS 90.6 MS
15°C 1147 μS 10.48 mS 92.5 mS
16°C 1173 μS 10.72 mS 94.4 mS
17°C 1199 μS 10.95 mS 96.3 mS
18°C 1225 μS 11.19 mS 98.2 mS
19°C 1251 μS 11.43 mS 100.2 mS
20°C 1278 μS 11.67 mS 102.1 mS
21°C 1305 μS 11.91 mS 104.0 mS
22°C 1332 μS 12.15 mS 105.9 mS
23°C 1359 μS 12.39 mS 107.9 mS
24°C 1386 μS 12.64 mS 109.8 mS
25°C 1413 μS 12.88 mS 111.8 mS
26°C 1441 μS 13.13 mS 113.8 mS
27°C 1468 μS 13.37 mS 115.7 mS
28°C 1496 μS 13.62 mS 117.7 mS
29°C 1524 μS 13.87 mS 119.7 mS
30°C 1552 μS 14.12 mS 121.7 mS

516 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

pH Values / °C for NBS – Standard Buffer Solutions


CL Nrs : CL03.1107 CL03.0602 CL03.0601 CL03.0202 CL03.0301 CL03.0302
CL Coloured : CL03.0708 CL03.0702 CL03.0703 CL03.0705 CL03.0701 CL03.0707

Temperature pH values pH values pH values pH values pH values pH values

0°C 1.666 4.003 6.984 9.464 10.32 13.433

5°C 1.668 3.999 6.951 9.395 10.24 13.207
10°C 1.670 3.998 6.923 9.332 10.18 13.003
15°C 1.672 3.999 6.900 9.276 10.12 12.810
20°C 1.675 4.002 6.881 9.225 10.060 12.627
25°C 1.679 4.008 6.865 9.180 10.01 12.454
30°C 1.683 4.015 6.853 9.139 9.97 12.289
40°C 1.694 4.035 6.838 9.068 9.89 11.984
50°C 1.707 4.060 6.833 9.011 9.83 11.705
60°C 1.723 4.091 6.836 8.962 - 11.449
70°C 1.743 4.126 6.845 8.921 - -
80°C 1.766 4.164 6.859 8.885 - -


CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 517

pH Values / °C for buffer solutions

pH Art. Nr. Comp. / l sol. Buf. cap. ß 0°C 10°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 60°C 70°C 80°C 90°C
pH 1 CL03.0203 3.73 g KCl + 134 ml HCl* 0.32 0.94 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02
pH 2 CL03.0209 6.43 g HCitr. + 3.58 g NaCl + 8.2 ml HCl* 0.03 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
pH 2** CL03.0706 6.43 g HCitr. + 3.58 g NaCl + 8.2 ml HCl* 0.03 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
pH 3 CL03.0210 8.47 g HCitr. + 3.49 g NaCl + 20.6 ml NaOH* 0.03 3.03 3.02 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.97
pH 4 CL03.0213 11.76 g HCitr. + 2.57 g NaCl + 68 ml NaOH* 0.04 4.03 4.02 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
pH 4** CL03.0702 11.76 g HCitr. + 2.57 g NaCl + 68 ml NaOH* 0.04 4.03 4.02 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
pH 5 CL03.0214 20.26 g HCitr. + 196.4 ml NaOH* 0.07 5.05 5.02 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.02 5.04 5.07 5.10 5.13
pH 6 CL03.0215 12.53 g HCitr. + 159.6 ml NaOH* 0.03 6.03 6.01 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.04 6.06 6.09 6.13 6.18 6.24
pH 7 CL03.0216 3.52 g KH2PO4 + 7.26 g Na2HPO4.2aq 0.03 7.13 7.05 7.00 6.99 6.98 6.97 6.96 6.96 6.97 6.98 7.00
pH 7** CL03.0704 3.52 g KH2PO4 + 7.26 g Na2HPO4.2aq 0.03 7.13 7.05 7.00 6.99 6.98 6.97 6.96 6.96 6.97 6.98 7.00
pH 8 CL03.0217 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 20.5 ml HCl* 0.014 8.18 8.09 8.00 7.97 7.94 7.90 7.86 7.82 7.80 7.77 7.75
pH 9 CL03.0218 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 4.6 ml HCl* 0.02 9.24 9.11 9.00 8.97 8.93 8.86 8.80 8.75 8.71 8.67 8.64
pH 10 CL03.0204 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 18.3 ml NaOH* 0.013 10.24 10.10 10.00 9.95 9.90 9.82 9.75 9.68 9.62 9.55 9.49
pH 10** CL03.0710 4.77 g Na2B4O7.10aq + 18.3 ml NaOH* 0.013 10.24 10.10 10.00 9.95 9.90 9.82 9.75 9.68 9.62 9.55 9.49
pH 11 CL03.0206 6.209 g H3BO3 + 4.0 g NaOH + 3.7 g KCl 0.013 11.45 11.20 11.00 10.90 10.81 10.64 10.48 10.33 10.19 10.06 9.93
pH 12 CL03.0207 4.45 g Na2HPO4.2aq + 0.892 g NaOH 0.02 12.58 12.26 12.00 11.88 11.75 11.53 11.31 11.09 10.88 10.68 10.48
pH 13 CL03.0208 0.375 g Glycin + 0.222 g NaCl + 95 ml NaOH* 13.00

(*) = 1 mol/l sol.

(**) = coloured
Conformity attest available on request. All solutions are stabilised, so they keep fresh for over 2 years.

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

mV Values / °C for Redox Standard Solutions

CL03.1803 CL03.1804
Redox Standaard 124 mV – 25°C Redox Standaard 358 mV – 25°C

Temperature mV Temperature mV

2°C 153 mV 2°C 385 mV

4°C 150 mV 4°C 382 mV
6°C 147 mV 6°C 380 mV
8°C 144 mV 8°C 378 mV
10°C 141 mV 10°C 376 mV
12°C 138 mV 12°C 373 mV
14°C 136 mV 14°C 371 mV
16°C 134 mV 16°C 368 mV
18°C 132 mV 18°C 366 mV
20°C 130 mV 20°C 364 mV
22°C 127 mV 22°C 361 mV
24°C 125 mV 24°C 359 mV
25°C 124 mV 25°C 358 mV
26°C 123 mV 26°C 357 mV
28°C 125 mV 28°C 355 mV
30°C 122 mV 30°C 352 mV
32°C 120 mV 32°C 350 mV
34°C 117 mV 34°C 347 mV
36°C 115 mV 36°C 345 mV
38°C 112 mV 38°C 343 mV
40°C 99 mV 40°C 340 mV

Values ± 1 mV / °C

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 519
I C P S TA N D A R D S 1. 0 0 0 P P M

ICP Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L

Element HNO3 HCl H2O NH4OH HF HNO3/HF HNO3/tart. KOH NaOH Others
Al CL01.0101 CL01.0102
Sb CL01.0121 CL01.0122 CL01.0162
As CL01.0133 CL01.0132 CL01.0131
Ba CL01.0201 CL01.0202
Be CL01.0212 CL01.0211
Bi CL01.0221
B CL01.0232 CL01.0231
Cd CL01.0301
Ca CL01.0311 CL01.0312
Ce CL01.0321
Cs CL01.0331
Cr CL01.0362 CL01.0361 CL01.0352
Co CL01.1121 CL01.1122
Cu CL01.1131 CL01.1132
Dy CL01.0431
Er CL01.0501
Eu CL01.0511
Gd CL01.0701
Ga CL01.0711
Ge CL01.0741 CL01.0721
Au CL01.0731
Hf CL01.0802 CL01.0801
Ho CL01.0821
In CL01.0921
Ir CL01.0931
Fe CL01.0901 CL01.0902
La CL01.1201 CL01.1202
Pb CL01.1221
Li CL01.1212 CL01.1211
Lu CL01.1231
Mg CL01.1301 CL01.1302
Mn CL01.1311 CL01.1312
Hg CL01.1151
Mo CL01.1332 CL01.1331
Nd CL01.1411
Ni CL01.1421 CL01.1422
Nb CL01.1431
Os CL01.1501
Pd CL01.1601
P CL01.0641 CL01.0631
Pt CL01.1611
K CL01.1101 CL01.1102
Pr CL01.1621
Re CL01.1802 CL01.1801
Rh CL01.1811
Rb CL01.1822 CL01.1821
Ru CL01.1831
Sm CL01.1901
Sc CL01.1911
Se CL01.1922 CL01.1921
Si CL01.1999 CL01.1945 CL01.1932 CL01.1931 CL01.1935
Ag CL01.2601
Na CL01.1401 CL01.1402
Sr CL01.1962 CL01.1961
S CL01.2641 CL01.2642
Ta CL01.2001 CL01.2002

Te CL01.2012 CL01.2013 CL01.2011

Tb CL01.2022
Th CL01.2041
Tm CL01.2051
Sn CL01.2061 CL01.2062
Ti CL01.2072 CL01.4601 CL01.2071 CL01.2075
W CL01.2302 CL01.2301 CL01.2331
V CL01.2201
Yb CL01.2501
Y CL01.2511
Zn CL01.2611 CL01.2612
Zr CL01.2632 CL01.2631 CL01.2672

520 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -
I C P S TA N D A R D S 10 . 0 0 0 P P M

ICP Single Element Standards 10 000 mg/L

Element HNO3 HCl H2O NH4OH HF HNO3/HF HNO3/tart. KOH NaOH Others
Al CL01.0103 CL01.0104
Sb CL01.0123 CL01.0124
As CL01.0134
Ba CL01.0203 CL01.0204
Be CL01.0214
Bi CL01.0223
B CL01.0233
Cd CL01.0303
Ca CL01.0314
Ce CL01.0323
Cs CL01.0333
Cr CL01.0364 CL01.0363
Co CL01.1123 CL01.1128
Cu CL01.1133 CL01.1134
Dy CL01.0433
Er CL01.0503
Eu CL01.0513
Gd CL01.0703
Ga CL01.0713
Ge CL01.0743
Au CL01.0733
Hf CL01.0804 CL01.0803
Ho CL01.0823
In CL01.0923
Ir CL01.0933
Fe CL01.0903 CL01.0904
La CL01.1203
Pb CL01.1223
Li CL01.1214
Lu CL01.1233
Mg CL01.1304 CL01.1310
Mn CL01.1313
Hg CL01.1153
Mo CL01.1334 CL01.1333
Nd CL01.1413
Ni CL01.1423
Nb CL01.1433
Pd CL01.1603
P CL01.0643 CL01.0633 CL01.0634
Pt CL01.1613
K CL01.1104
Pr CL01.1623
Re CL01.1804 CL01.1803
Rh CL01.1813
Rb CL01.1824
Ru CL01.1834
Sm CL01.1903
Sc CL01.1913
Se CL01.1923
Si CL01.1943 CL01.1934 CL01.1933
Ag CL01.2603
Na CL01.1404
Sr CL01.1963
S CL01.2644 CL01.2643
Ta CL01.2003 CL01.2004
Te CL01.2015 CL01.2014

Tb CL01.2023
Tl CL01.2033
Th CL01.2043
Tm CL01.2053
Sn CL01.2063
Ti CL01.2073 CL01.2074
W CL01.2303 CL01.2304 CL01.2333
V CL01.2203
Yb CL01.2503
Y CL01.2513
Zn CL01.2613
Zr CL01.2633

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 521
A A S S TA N D A R D S 1. 0 0 0 P P M

AA Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/L

Element HNO3 HCl H2O NH4OH HF HNO3/HF HNO3/tart. KOH NaOH Others
Al CL01.0106 CL01.0107 CL01.0105
Sb CL01.0126 CL01.0127
As CL01.0138 CL01.0137 CL01.0135 CL01.0136
Ba CL01.0206 CL01.0207
Be CL01.0217 CL01.0216
Bi CL01.0226
B CL01.0237 CL01.0236
Cd CL01.0306 CL01.0398 CL01.0305
Ca CL01.0316 CL01.0317
Cr CL01.0367 CL01.0366 CL01.0365 /
Co CL01.1126 CL01.1127 CL01.1125
Cu CL01.1136 CL01.1137 CL01.1135
In CL01.0926
Fe CL01.0906 CL01.0907 CL01.0905
Pb CL01.1226 CL01.1125
Li CL01.1217 CL01.1216
Mg CL01.1306 CL01.1307
Mn CL01.1316 CL01.1317 CL01.1315
Hg CL01.1156 CL01.1155
Mo CL01.1336
Ni CL01.1426 CL01.1427 CL01.1425
Nb CL01.1436
P CL01.0635
K CL01.1106 CL01.1107
Se CL01.1927 CL01.1926 CL01.1925
Si CL01.1936
Ag CL01.2606 CL01.2605
Na CL01.1406 CL01.1407
Sr CL01.1967 CL01.1966
S CL01.2646 CL01.2645
Te CL01.2017 CL01.2018 CL01.2016
Tl CL01.2036
Sn CL01.2066
Ti CL01.2077 CL01.2076
W CL01.2308 CL01.2306
V CL01.2206 CL01.2205 CL01.2208
Y CL01.2516
Zn CL01.2616 CL01.2617 CL01.2615
Zr CL01.2637 CL01.2636

522 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

☛ Please photocopy this form for your use.

Tailor-Made AAS/ICP Multi Element Standard

Company: Phone:

Address: Fax:




Standard Info : (mg/L – µg/L)

(Al) Aluminium (In) Indium (Sm) Samarium
(Sb) Antimony (Ir) Iridium (Sc) Scandium
(As) Arsenic (Fe) Iron (Se) Selenium
(Ba) Barium (La) Lanthanum (Si) Silicium
(Be) Beryllium (Pb) Lead (Ag) Silver
(Bi) Bismuth (Li) Lithium (Na) Sodium
(B) Boron (Lu) Lutetium (Sr) Strontium
(Cd) Cadmium (Mg) Magnesium (S) Sulfur
(Ca) Calcium (Mn) Mangaan (Ta) Tantalum
(C) Carbon (Hg) Mercury (Te) Tellurium
(Ce) Cerium (Mo) Molybdenum (Tb) Terbium
(Cs) Cesium (Nd) Neodymium (Tl) Thallium
(Cr) Chromium (Ni) Nickel (Th) Thorium
(Co) Cobalt (Nb) Niobium (Tm) Thulium
(Cu) Copper (Os) Osmium (Sn) Tin
(Dy) Dysprosium (Pd) Palladium (Ti) Titanium
(Er) Erbium (P) Phosphorus (W) Tungsten
(Eu) Europium (Pt) Platinum (U) Uranium
(Gd) Gadolinium (K) Potassium (V) Vanadium
(Ga) Gallium (Pr) Praseodymium (Yb) Ytterbium
(Ge) Germanium (Re) Rhenium (Y) Yttrium
(Au) Gold (Rh) Rhodium (Zn) Zinc
(Hf) Hafnium (Rb) Rubidium (Zr) Zirconium
(Ho) Holmium (Ru) Ruthenium

Matrix : Matrix concentration : % Quantity : × mL

Additional info :

MSDS provided with all standards.


Send to: For orders or inquiries, please contact us.

CHEM-LAB NV Phone: 0032 50 28 83 20
Industriezone “De Arend” 2 Fax: 0032 50 78 26 54
B-8210 ZEDELGEM E-mail: [email protected]

CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 523

524 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

☛ Please photocopy this form for your use.

Tailor-Made GC/HPLC Multi Component Standard

Company: Phone:

Address: Fax:




Analyte Chem-Lab Catalog# Cas# Concentration

1. | | | |
2. | | | |
3. | | | |
4. | | | |
5. | | | |
6. | | | |
7. | | | |
8. | | | |
9. | | | |
10. | | | |
11. | | | |
12. | | | |
13. | | | |
14. | | | |
15. | | | |

Total # of Analytes:
Conc. Units (check one): ng/mL(ppb) ug/mL(ppm) mg/mL(ppt)
w/w% v/v% w/v%
Volume (check one): 1 mL 2 mL 5 mL 10 mL
Other # of Units:
Amber Ampules used unless specified otherwise:

Documentation (check one):

Gravimetric Certification: Guarantees the analytes in the custom standard to be made within ± 5% of specifications.
Quantitative Certification: Includes verification of the concentration and peak identification.

All mixtures are prepared in accordance with our ISO 9001 registration. All analytes are certified >/= 98% unless noted.
Corrections are made to 100% purity.

MSDS provided with all standards.

Send to: For orders or inquiries, please contact us.

CHEM-LAB NV Phone: 0032 50 28 83 20
Industriezone “De Arend” 2 Fax: 0032 50 78 26 54
B-8210 ZEDELGEM E-mail: [email protected]
CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 525

526 CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] -

☛ Please photocopy this form for your use.

Tailor-Made GC/HPLC Multi Component Standard

Company: Phone:

Address: Fax:




Analyte Chem-Lab Catalog# Cas# Concentration

1. | | | |
2. | | | |
3. | | | |
4. | | | |
5. | | | |
6. | | | |
7. | | | |
8. | | | |
9. | | | |
10. | | | |
11. | | | |
12. | | | |
13. | | | |
14. | | | |
15. | | | |

Total # of Analytes:
Conc. Units (check one): ng/mL(ppb) ug/mL(ppm) mg/mL(ppt)
w/w% v/v% w/v%
Volume (check one): 1 mL 2 mL 5 mL 10 mL
Other # of Units:
Amber Ampules used unless specified otherwise:

Documentation (check one):

Gravimetric Certification: Guarantees the analytes in the custom standard to be made within ± 5% of specifications.
Quantitative Certification: Includes verification of the concentration and peak identification.

All mixtures are prepared in accordance with our ISO 9001 registration. All analytes are certified >/= 98% unless noted.
Corrections are made to 100% purity.

MSDS provided with all standards.

Send to: For orders or inquiries, please contact us.

CHEM-LAB NV Phone: 0032 50 28 83 20
Industriezone “De Arend” 2 Fax: 0032 50 78 26 54
B-8210 ZEDELGEM E-mail: [email protected]
CHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - [email protected] - 527
Industriezone “De Arend” 2 Tel. 050 28 83 21
B-8210 Zedelgem Fax. 050 78 26 54
Belgium [email protected]

Tel. +32 50 28 83 20 WA L L O N I E
Fax. +32 50 78 26 54 Tél. 071 39 43 01
[email protected] Fax. 071 39 11 34 [email protected]

Tel. +32 50 28 83 22
Fax. +32 50 78 26 54
[email protected]

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