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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2019

Pearson Edexcel
International Advanced Level in Biology
(WBI01) Paper 01
Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health
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January 2019
Publications Code WBI01_01_1901_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2019
General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as
they mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather
than penalised for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if
the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response
is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader
must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.
 Mark schemes will indicate within the table where, and which strands of QWC, are being assessed. The strands are as

i) ensure that text is legible, and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear
ii) select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex subject matter
iii) organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.
Using the Mark Scheme
Examiners should look for qualities to reward rather than faults to penalise. This does NOT mean giving credit for incorrect or
inadequate answers, but it does mean allowing candidates to be rewarded for answers showing correct application of principles
and knowledge. Examiners should therefore read carefully and consider every response: even if it is not what is expected it may be
worthy of credit.
The mark scheme gives examiners:
 an idea of the types of response expected
 how individual marks are to be awarded
 the total mark for each question
 examples of responses that should NOT receive credit.

/ means that the responses are alternatives and either answer should receive full credit.
( ) means that a phrase/word is not essential for the award of the mark, but helps the examiner to get the sense of the expected
Phrases/words in bold indicate that the meaning of the phrase or the actual word is essential to the answer.
ecf/TE/cq (error carried forward) means that a wrong answer given in an earlier part of a question is used correctly in answer to a
later part of the same question.

Candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. Make sure that the answer makes sense. Do not give
credit for correct words/phrases which are put together in a meaningless manner. Answers must be in the correct context.

Quality of Written Communication

Questions which involve the writing of continuous prose will expect candidates to:
 write legibly, with accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to make the meaning clear
 select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex subject matter
 organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.
Full marks will be awarded if the candidate has demonstrated the above abilities. Questions where QWC is likely to be particularly
important are indicated (QWC) in the mark scheme, but this does not preclude others.
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(a)(i) The only correct answer is C A is incorrect because

B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(a)(ii) The only correct answer is C A is incorrect because

B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(a)(iii) The only correct answer is C A is incorrect because

B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(a)(iv) The only correct answer is B A is incorrect because

B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because
Answer Additional guidance Mark
1(b) 1. DNA is {double stranded / has a double helix} and RNA is Mp1 I-chain/coiled only
{single stranded / does not have a double helix} ; I-ref to bases

2. 2. DNA contains (the sugar) deoxyribose, RNA contains ribose ; Mp2 A-correct description of structure
eg ref to oxygen on C2
3. 3. DNA is {larger / longer} than RNA ; (2)
MP3 A- converse

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(c)(i) 1. 6.5 and 1.9 i.e. oleic and linoleic correctly identified ; Correct answer, with no working
shown gains 3 marks
2. 6.5 + 1.9 = 8.4 ; 8.4 only gains mp 1 and 2

3. 8.4 × 0.7 = 5.88 / 5.9/6.0 ; If saturated fats chosen then allow 1

mark for 64.12/64.1/64 (3)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1. coconuts had a different {genotype / Mp1 A-genetics
species/type/batch/source/age/eq} ; I-mass/size/volume

2. they are grown in different conditions/environments ; Mp2 A-named biotic or abiotic factor
eg type of soil/minerals/light (2)
3. storage {time / conditions} will affect the relative intensity/temperature
amounts ;
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(a)(i) 1. time for one cardiac cycle = 0.7 to 0.74 (secs) ; A-ecf from mp1
0.71=84.51 (2)
2. 60 ÷ cycle time = 85.7 (bpm) ; 0.72=83.3

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(a)(ii) 4.8 to 5.1 (kPa) (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
0.13 to 0.14 (secs) (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(b) 1. the pressure increases as the atrium {fills/contracts/eq} ; Mp1 A-atrial systole
A-blood enters or flows into
2. the pressure decreases as {the atrium begins to empty/the AV (2)
valve opens/blood enters (left) ventricle} ;
Mp2 A-atrial diastole
A-bicuspid valve
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1. right ventricle pumps blood to the {lungs/pulmonary circulation} Mp1 both parts needed for mark
AND the left ventricle pumps blood {all around the body / to
systemic circulation/eq} ; (2)

2. idea that a high pressure (in RV) would cause Mp2 A converse ie low pressure
{damage / eq} to the {lungs / capillaries /alveoli/eq} ; prevents damage/eq
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(a)(i) 1. vessel A is an artery B is a vein ; A-plural ie arteries and veins (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1. endothelium reduces {friction/resistance} ; Mp1 I- allow blood to flow smoothly
Mp2 A constricts
2. smooth muscle contracts to reduce/change the diameter of the
vessel ; (3)
Mp3 A-expands as eq to stretch and
3. elastic tissue to stretch and recoil to maintain pressure ; constrict as eq to recoil
Mp3 NOT to withstand pressure

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(b) 1. veins contain valves to prevent backflow/eq ; NOT one direction/unidirectional (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(c)(i) 1. prevents formation of a {blood clot / thrombus /
embolism / eq} ; Mp1 NOT atheroma/atherosclerosis

2. reduces {effectiveness / eq} of platelets ; 2. Accept reduces stickiness

Mp3 I blood vessel
3. there is less chance of artery blockage/blood flows normally
through arteries ; Mp2/3/4 A converse in context

4. maintains oxygen supply (to tissues) ;

5. less risk of a heart attack/stroke/eq ;
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(c)(ii) haemorrhage/internal bleeding / excessive bleeding/stomach ulcers NOT-lowers blood pressure
/liver problems/kidney A-ref to increased bleeding
problems/nausea/headache/dizziness/irritation to stomach I-bleeding only (1)
lining/eq ;

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
antihypertensive / statin / platelet inhibitory (drug) ; A-diuretics (1)
I- named drugs
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
4(a)(i) the combination of alleles/eq ; (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
4(a)(ii) 1. the characteristics of an organism / eq ; Mp1 A features/appearance/traits

Mp2 A genes for genotype

2. determined by genotype and the environment/eq ; (2)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
4(b)(i) B is incorrect because
The only correct answer is A
C is incorrect because
D is incorrect because

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1. correct genotypes of parents 3 and 4 eg Aa x Aa ; A ecf from MP1
A-use of any letter
2. correct gametes A a A a ; Mp2 A gametes in Punnett
square…don’t need to be circled
3. genotype correctly linked to phenotype ie aa is affected or has (4)
disease ; Penalise use of diff letters once eg
4. correct probability-0.25 / 25% / ¼ / 1 in 4 ; Mp4 NOT 1:4
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1. idea of {isolating/extracting/removing/eq} the Mp1 A-allele
{unaffected/normal/healthy/eq} gene ;
MP2 accept liposome / gene
2. use of a vector / named vector ; gun/virus/bacteria/plasmid

3. introduction of a vector into cells ;

4. idea that tyrosinase is synthesized/produced ; Mp4 A-enzyme/protein (3)

NOT gene
I-normal gene replaces faulty gene
I-ref to short term/repeats

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
4(c)(ii) 1. it may cause {harm/damage/miscarriage/death/eq} to the Mp1 A- abortion
fetus ; A-embryo
NOT baby

2. there is a risk of a false {positive/negative} /inaccurate result


3. resulting in the {loss/abortion/eq} of a

{healthy/unaffected/eq} fetus ;

4. idea of who has the right to decide if tests are performed? ; Mp4 A-fetus has a right to life
I-religious/cultural reasons (2)
I-playing God
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(a) 1.(primary structure is the) {order / sequence} of amino acids ; Mp1 NOT bases

2. (primary structure) affects /determines {positioning / types} of Mp2 A-named type of bond eg
bonds ; ionic/disulfide/hydrogen
NOT-peptide bonds
3. between R-groups ; (3)
Mp4 A-named types eg alpha
4. affects the {folding/ secondary structure/tertiary structure} ; helix/beta pleated sheet

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(b)(i) 1. idea that {fewer/no} chloride ions will leave the cell ; Mp1 A-chloride ions stay
in/accumulate in the cell
A correct chemical formula
2. CFTR is a channel protein ; I-ions only
A- chlorine ion but NOT
3. idea that mutation leads to {fewer / no} chloride ions {binding chlorine only
to / passing through} the CFTR protein ;

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(b)(ii) 1. by {enzymes / proteases} ;

2. by hydrolysis / by addition of water ; Mp2 A- H₂O

3. correct ref to peptide bond ; EXP
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(c) 1. more chloride ions in the cells / eq ; Mp1 A-less move out
A-stay/accumulate in cell
2. water moves into the cell by osmosis ; Mp2 A-water does not move out of
the cell by osmosis
3. mucus produced is {thicker / stickier / more viscous / eq} ; Mp3 A thick/sticky

4. this blocks the {trachea /airways / bronchi / bronchioles / alveoli}

; (4)
Mp5 I lungs
5. less oxygen reaches the alveoli ;
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(a) 1. identify correct general trend i.e. freeze-drying reduces
vitamin C content / converse ;

2. the difference is {greatest in guava / least in

mango} ; Mp2 I-maximum difference

3. credit correct manipulation of data linked to mp1 or 2 ; Mp3 guava (8-5.2)/8 x100 =35% or
mango (1.6-1.4)/1.6 x100= 12.5% or
papaya (4.2-2.4)/4.2=42.86 or 42.9%
or 1.8mg/g (3)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
*6(b) (QWC – logical sequence)

1. idea of obtaining the {juice / extract/pulp} from all three fruits ;

Mp2 A age/ripeness
2. correctly named controlled variable ; same mass of fruit/volume of
solvent/conc or volume of DCPIP in
3. reference to DCPIP ; context
I-amount/concentration of juice
4. titration or description of titration ;
mp4.e.g. adding juice dropwise to
5. correctly described colour change ; DCPIP/converse
mp5 adding DCPIP=colourless to blue
adding juice=blue to colourless
6. record the volume needed (for a colour
change) ; NOT blue-black
mp6 A-count no of drops needed
7. ref to standardisation / calibration to determine the vitamin I-amount
C concentration ;

8. repeat experiment and calculate a {mean/average} ; mp7 A use of graph/calculation( in

correct context)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
*7(a) (QWC – clarity of expression)

1. alveoli {are one cell thick/have a thin wall} ; Mp1 and 2 I-thin only

2. capillaries {are one cell thick/have a thin wall} ;

3. idea of short diffusion distance ;

4. alveoli covered with capillaries / eq ;

5. idea of large surface area provided by {alveoli/

capillaries} ; Mp5 I-large SA/V ratio

6. concentration gradient is maintained by {ventilation/

breathing/eq } ;

7. concentration gradient is maintained by {blood flow/eq} ;

8. (these features) increase rate of diffusion of {gases/carbon

dioxide/oxygen} ; (6)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark

7(b)(i) pulmonary artery ; A-pulmonary arteries


7(b)(ii) 1. there is separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood ; Mp1 A-they do not mix

4. 2.idea of creating a {steep/high/eq} oxygen concentration gradient ; Mp2 I-maintaining gradient

3. increased rate of diffusion of oxygen into bloodstream ;

4.(therefore) more oxygen can be delivered to cells ; Mp4 I-delivered more quickly

5. 5. as desert rats {are active / have a high rate of metabolism /are (3)
warm blooded/ eq} ; Mp5 I have a large SA/V ratio
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
8(a) The only correct answer is C A is incorrect because

B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
8(b) 1.idea that the volume of cytoplasm is more / the cell has expanded Mp1 A cell has increased in
; volume/size/is larger or bigger or
NOT has grown
2. water has entered (the cell) by osmosis ;

3. the {sodium chloride /glucose/solute} concentration inside the Mp3 A-converse ie solute
RBC is higher than the concentration {outside the cell/in solution B} ; concentration outside lower than
inside (3)
Mp3 A correct ref to
Mp3 I-ions only
I-ref to water potential

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
8(c) The only correct answer is C A is incorrect because

B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
8(d) 1. ions move {down a concentration gradient/from high to low
concentration/eq} ; Mp1 I-along/across

2. by diffusion ; Mp2 NOT facilitated diffusion

3. ions move {against the concentration gradient/from low to high

concentration/eq} ; Mp1/2 and 3/4 need to be correctly
linked ie 2 and 4 are not independent
4.by active transport ; marks
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