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Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in

the Holy Spirit

John Osteen
Copyright © 1987 by John Osteen

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this

book are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All rights reserved.

John Osteen Ministries

P.O. Box 23117
Houston, Texas 77228

ISBN 0-912631-37-6


Chapter One
You Have to Fight Pride.................................................7

Chapter 2
Hindrance Number One: You Automatically Receive
the Holy Ghost When You Get Saved..........................11

Chapter 3
Hindrance Number Two: The Same Spirit that Saves
You, Baptizes You in the Holy Spirit...........................17

Chapter 4
Hindrance Number Three: You Don't Have to Speak
in Tongues to Be Baptized in The Holy Spirit............21

Chapter 5
The Purpose of this Experience....................................29

Chapter 6
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is for Everyone.........33

Chapter 7
How You Can Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit.............43

There are literally hundreds of thousands of

Christians in every denomination who hunger and thirst
for the power of God. Yet, they are blocked from
receiving it because they don't understand what the Bible
says about the Holy Spirit.
These are good people. They are sincere people.
They love Jesus. I find that most denominational
Christians who are born again genuinely love the Lord.
No matter what church they go to—Catholic, Baptist,
Methodist, or another—they haven't received the Holy
Spirit simply because they do not have light on the
I was a Baptist minister for nineteen years. I served
the Lord to the best of my ability. I walked in all the
knowledge I had. Thank God, there came a day when He
opened my understanding and gave me more light. I
sought the Lord and received the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Because of the dynamic change this experience
made in my ministry, as well as in my personal life, I
want to help others receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
I graduated from college and Baptist seminary. My
professors there taught me all they knew. But they knew
nothing about the baptism in the Holy Spirit because they
had been taught by people who didn't know anything
about it. Somehow, the reality of this experience had been

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

I was taught that the Pentecostal way was a lie. I

ridiculed it. I believed, as I was taught, that the day of
miracles was past and that tongues and prophecy had
ceased. Praying for the sick was useless because that day
was gone forever, and casting out demons was a sign of
ignorance. I was convinced that a person received all that
he ever would get from God when he got saved.
It took me nineteen years to wade through my
seminary teaching and doctrines to receive the baptism in
the Holy Spirit. I came to realize that Pentecost is not a
denomination but an experience from God for everyone.
Three particular scriptures hindered me. I believe the
time is here for the true interpretation of these verses to be
given to the Body of Christ, because all people who know
God in every denomination have a right to what God has
for them.
I want to share these scriptures with you, because if
you don't have the Baptism, they may be hindering you,
too. And if you do have this experience, you need to
know how to help others who are struggling with these
It has been my privilege to help thousands of God's
precious people from all denominations find God's power.
Now I want to help you receive it also by removing some
of the hindrances that may be in your way, as they were in
John Osteen

Chapter One

1 You Have to Fight Pride

There is an unnatural, unified opposition to speaking

in tongues in the religious realm. No other manifestation
of the Spirit is so despised in the denominational world as
speaking in tongues. Yet Jesus himself talked about the
Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues.
In Mark 16:17, Jesus said, These signs shall follow
them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues.
And in Acts 1:8, our Lord said, Ye shall receive
power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and
ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in
all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part
of the earth.
Why doesn't the religious world hate miracles? Why
don't they hate healings? Why don't they hate the
supernatural gifts of the Spirit? Why don't they hate other
manifestations of the Spirit? Why have they picked out
this one single, simple demonstration of the Holy Ghost to
Because the devil knows if he can keep people from
speaking in tongues, they will never receive the baptism
in the Holy Spirit.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is God's method of
clothing His people with power to destroy the works of

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

darkness. Therefore, it stands to reason that the devil

would lie about it, criticize it, make fun of it, and do
everything possible to hinder anyone from receiving it.
Speaking in tongues is a sign to the unbeliever, the
unmistakable presence and power of God Almighty. The
devil wants to keep the unbeliever in the dark about God.
Satan hates speaking in tongues because he knows it is
also a scriptural sign to the believer that he has received
the baptism in the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2,10,19, and
Mark 16:17).
Actually, however, it is not speaking in tongues that
hinders people and keeps them from receiving God's
power. It's their pride. They say it's tongues, and the devil
holds that out to them as the obstacle, but it's really not
tongues. It's pride and vanity.
A Humbling Experience
Isaiah 28:11,12 says, For with stammering lips and
another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he
said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to
rest; and this is the refreshing.
The Amplified Version of this verse speaks of the
stammering lips and another tongue as "a more
humiliating way."
So many people in our world who belong to Jesus
still need that rest and refreshing and power of God in
their lives. Yet, they are held back from receiving it
because, in a sense, it is a humiliating experience. God's

You Have to Fight Pride

Spirit humbles you, because to receive the Baptism you

must empty yourself of pride.
I know because my Baptist pride was as high as the
heavens. I had my degrees. I had a successful ministry.
Why, it was humiliating to think that I would be asked to
identify with people who talked in other tongues.
Do you see the problem? You must overcome your
pride to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
A Distinguished Company
The people who speak in other tongues are a good
crowd to be in, but I didn't know that. Paul the apostle,
Peter, James, John, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
mother of Jesus, all spoke in tongues. What an honor to
be in their company!
I was in Mexico a few years ago with a group of men
and the driver assigned to our car was a university
student. We were talking about the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, but we couldn't get this student interested.
One of the men in our party was sitting in the front
seat, talking to this driver in Spanish. I was sitting in the
back seat. Hearing them converse in Spanish set me off to
speaking in tongues. When I hear somebody talk in
another language, I like to talk my language. So, sitting in
the back seat, I just put up my hands and began to
worship the Lord in other tongues.
With this, the young man pulled over and stopped.

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

"What kind of language are you speaking?" he asked.

Knowing he was a devout Catholic, I said, "Oh, I'm
talking the same language the Blessed Virgin talked on
the Day of Pentecost."
From that moment on, the young student was with us
everywhere we went. We couldn't get rid of him. He
wanted to talk the language the Blessed Virgin talked.
One of the greatest barriers to receiving the baptism
in the Holy Spirit is an unwillingness to humble
ourselves. If tongues has been a barrier to you, search the
scriptures with an open mind. Don't study to disprove
tongues, simply read and meditate upon God's Word as
you seek for His light upon the subject. A teachable spirit
will lead you into the fullness of God's power and Spirit.

Chapter 2

Hindrance Number One: You


Automatically Receive the Holy Ghost

When You Get Saved

As a Baptist minister, I longed for the power of God.

I craved it. I knew I did not have all God wanted me to
have. But as I read the Bible, certain scriptures about the
Holy Spirit disturbed me. I had the wrong interpretation
of them; therefore, they were hindrances to me.
The first scripture was Romans 8:9, which says, But
ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the
Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the
Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Pentecostal people, seeing my desire for God's
power, would come up to me and say, "Brother Osteen,
you need the Holy Ghost."
Well, I knew I had the Holy Ghost. Every Christian is
born of the Spirit. Jesus said, Except a man be born of
water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom
of God (John 3:5).
You are born again by the Spirit of God. The Holy
Ghost does a work in you at salvation. He performs a
divine miracle in your heart called the new birth. Then He
witnesses with your spirit and tells you that you are a
child of God. Romans 8:16 says, The Spirit itself beareth

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

Every Christian is regenerated by the Holy Spirit. But
this is not the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, who is the Head of the Church, said, I will
pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter
[now, who would refuse to take a comforter?], that he
may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth;
seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for
he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you (John 14:16,17,
emphasis mine).
Did you know that when you came to Jesus to receive
this new birth, you were in the world and of the world?
Paul said, times past ye walked according to the
course of this world...and were by nature the children of
wrath (Ephesians 2:2,3). So at the time you came to
accept Jesus as your Savior, you were not ready to receive
the Holy Ghost. You came to receive forgiveness. You
came to receive eternal life and to become a child of God.
Only then were you ready to receive the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Spirit is for Christians, Not Sinners
Before I was saved, I was of the world. And the
world, according to Jesus, cannot receive the Holy Ghost.
Salvation is for sinners. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is
for Christians. Let me illustrate this truth from the Word
of God.

Hindrance Number One: You Automatically Receive the Holy
Ghost When You Get Saved

On one of the Apostle Paul's journeys, he came to

Ephesus and there met some disciples. He said to them,
Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? (Acts
If we automatically receive the Holy Ghost when we
believe on Christ, this would have been a foolish
question, wouldn't it? Why would Paul ask this question if
everyone received the Holy Ghost when they got saved?
And they said unto him, We have not so much as
heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye
baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the
baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they
should believe on him which should come after him, that
is, on Christ Jesus.
When they heard this, they were baptized in the name
of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands
upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake
with tongues, and prophesied (Acts 19:2-6).
Now scriptures like this kept me from the Baptism
for nineteen long years. I want to break down every
barrier, tear away every curtain so that every child of God
in every denomination can be Spirit-filled and have the
glory of God in their lives.
To see that the new birth is not the same as the
baptism in the Holy Spirit, read Acts, chapter 8. These

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

verses are an account of one of the greatest revivals of the

Early Church, which was conducted by Philip in the city
of Samaria. They clearly show that new Christians
received this experience AFTER they were saved.
Supernatural things happened when Philip preached
under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Verse 7 says,
Unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many
that were possessed with them: and many taken with
palsies, and that were lame, were healed.
Because of these miracles, there was great joy among
the people. Verse 12 says, When they believed Philip
preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and
the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men
and women.
Do you believe Philip would baptize unsaved people?
No way. Certainly these people were saved. They became
believers. When they believed what Philip was preaching
about Jesus, they were born again, and Philip baptized
them in water. They were water-baptized believers, but
not yet filled with the Holy Ghost.
Verse 14 says, Now when the apostles which were at
Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of
God, they sent unto them Peter and John.
I'm going to quote verse 15 incorrectly, because
many churches act as if it reads this way:
"Who, when they were come down, said unto them,
You got it all when you got saved. Don't worry about

Hindrance Number One: You Automatically Receive the Holy
Ghost When You Get Saved

getting anything else. And don't let anybody talk to you

about speaking in tongues or getting any baptism in the
Holy Spirit."
Is that what it says? No!
Now let's read it correctly. It says, Who, when they
were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive
the Holy Ghost.
For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they
were baptized [in water] in the name of the Lord Jesus
(vs. 16).
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the experience Jesus
was talking about in John 14. You can readily see from
these verses that it is totally different from salvation.

Chapter 3

3 Hindrance Number Two: The Same

Spirit that Saves You, Baptizes You in
the Holy Spirit

The second scripture that bothered me is found in 1

Corinthians 12:12,13. This text, especially, troubled me. I
would long for more power, and I'd come to the point of
being almost ready to believe in the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Then I'd read these verses, and my interpretation of
them from college and seminary just blasted me out, and I
would give up again. This happened many times.
It says, For as the body is one, and hath many
members, and all the members of that one body, being
many, are one body: so also is Christ.
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body,
whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or
free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
When I would read those verses, I'd say, "Well,
evidently I got the baptism in the Holy Spirit when I got
saved. This scripture says we are all baptized by one
Spirit into the Body of Christ. So I guess I'll just have to
wait until I get to Heaven to get what I'm longing for."
Have you ever thought that?
These verses are not talking about the baptism in the
Holy Spirit. They are talking about the work of the Spirit

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

when you get saved and receive the new birth. This is
when the Holy Ghost baptizes, or immerses you into the
Body of Christ, the Church.
You don't have to join the true Church. You're born
into it. I don't mean when you're born as a baby; I mean
when you are born again. When a sinner accepts Jesus as
Savior, he is not only born again, but he is baptized,
placed into the Body of Christ and thus automatically
becomes a member of the one true Church. For by one
Spirit are we all baptized into one body. At that moment,
the Holy Ghost regenerates you and makes you a new
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new
creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things
are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Jesus referred to the experience of receiving the Holy
Ghost as a "baptism." In Acts 1:4,5, He commanded His
disciples not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait there
for the promise of the Father, which He had told them
about. He said, For John truly baptized with water; but ye
shall be BAPTIZED with the Holy Ghost not many days
hence (emphasis mine).
Keep the word "baptism" uppermost in your mind,
and you will understand what Jesus meant here.
The meaning of baptism
Baptism, which is baptismo in the Greek, means "to

Hindrance Number Two: The Same Spirit that Saves You,
Baptizes You in the Holy Spirit

dip under." And in any baptism by immersion there must

be three things.
• First of all, there must be a baptizer.
• Secondly, there must be a candidate to be baptized.
• Thirdly, there must be an element in which to
baptize or immerse the candidate.
In water baptism, the minister who does the baptizing
is the baptizer, the element is water, and the born-again
believer is the candidate. You can't have a baptism
without those three things.
Now let's look for these three things in the Baptism 1
Corinthians 12:13 is talking about. They are clearly set
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.
Who is the Baptizer here? The Holy Spirit.
What is the element? The Body of Christ. In water
baptism, we are baptized into the Body of Christ, the true
Then who is the candidate? The saved person, the
believer who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.
This is regeneration—the new birth. When we speak
of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, however, we are not
talking about something the Holy Ghost does to you, but
something Jesus does to you. Jesus is the Baptizer in the
Holy Spirit.

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist said, I indeed

baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that
cometh after me is mightier than I [who is John talking
about? Jesus!], whose shoes I am not worthy to bear
[untie or unloose]: he shall baptize you with the Holy
Ghost, and with fire.
So Jesus is the Baptizer in the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. The saved person who belongs to God, who is
washed in the blood of Jesus and made the righteousness
of God, is the candidate. And the Holy Ghost is the One
the candidate is baptized into.
When this happens, the scripture comes to pass which
says, Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is
come upon you (Acts 1:8).
I believe that now you can see the difference between
being baptized by the HOLY SPIRIT into the Body of
Christ and then being baptized by JESUS in the Holy

Chapter 4

Hindrance Number Three: You


Don't Have to Speak in Tongues to Be

Baptized in The Holy Spirit

When I finally hurdled the first two scriptures that

hindered me from receiving God's Spirit, I had a head-on
confrontation with one more hindrance in a third
People often get to a certain point of believing in the
Baptism, then make one last attempt at holding out. They
use the old argument, "Yes, the baptism in the Holy Spirit
is real. Yes, some people speak in tongues. But not
everyone who receives the Baptism speaks in tongues,
and I want to be one of those who don't."
That is exactly the way I thought because of my
understanding of 1 Corinthians 12:28-31:
And God hath set some in the church, first apostles,
secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that
miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments,
diversities of tongues.
Are all apostles? [The answer is no.] are all
prophets? [The answer is no again.] are all teachers?
[The answer is still no.] are all workers of miracles?
[Of course not.] Have all the gifts of healing? [No,
they don't.] DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? [The

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

answer is no.] do all interpret? [The answer is no again.]

But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto
you a more excellent way (emphasis mine).
Now I have to be honest. I don't care whether it
upsets my doctrine or not, I'm going to stay with the Bible
no matter who it separates me from or who it identifies
me with. I did violence to the scriptures for nineteen
years, and I will not do it anymore. The answer to these
questions is no. And I can almost hear someone saying,
"Oh, thank God, I knew I didn't have to speak in tongues
to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. I'm going to get it a
dignified way."
There is no dignified way to be filled with the Holy
Ghost. You can forget that way of thinking.
A fellow once wrote to me, "Brother Osteen, I don't
mind getting the Baptism if I don't have to clap my hands
and lift my arms, or speak in tongues and pray for the sick
and cast out devils."
"Well," I wrote him back, "you don't even need it!"
I'll never forget a denominational preacher who came
up to me when I first got the Baptism. He was angry. He
called me by my full name. "John Osteen..." When
someone knows me by my first name but they call me by
my full name, I know they are serious. And that's what he
He said, "John Osteen, I want you to know this. I
don't need the baptism in the Holy Spirit or the power that

Hindrance Number Three: You Don't Have to Speak in Tongues
to Be Baptized in The Holy Spirit

you're talking about for what I'm doing."

I said, "Brother, I agree. In your church, you don't
cast out devils. You don't lay hands on the sick. You don't
believe in miracles. You don't believe in the supernatural.
You're right. You don't need the Holy Ghost for what
you're doing. You're playing church.
"But my brother," I said, "listen to me. The divine,
supreme Head of the Church—the Lord Jesus Christ, the
King of kings and Lord of lords, the King of the universe,
the One who has all power in Heaven and earth, the Lily
of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, He who stood
in Revelation and said, I am he that liveth, and was dead;
and, behold, I am alive for evermore—this Jesus, who
walks among the churches and watches their affairs and
who holds the ministers in His right hand, said, 'I
command you to do the works that I do. Cast out devils,
raise the dead, lay hands on the sick, and do the works
that are supernatural.'"
I said, "Brother, when you realize that you've got that
kind of work to do, and you become aware of your total
lack of power to do that work, you'll be on your knees
begging for the baptism in the Holy Spirit."
For years the question, Do all speak with tongues?
kept me from receiving the Baptism. I said, "Well, it
might really be a genuine experience, and some might
speak in tongues, but surely not all, because the answer to
Paul's scriptural question is no."

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

Two kinds of speaking in tongues

I did not realize then that there are two kinds of
speaking in tongues. The first is in connection with the
gifts of the Spirit. There are nine supernatural gifts of the
Spirit, and one of these gifts is divers kinds of tongues (1
Corinthians 12:10).
But there is also another manifestation of the Holy
Ghost whereby we speak in tongues, which we call
"glossalalia" or "the prayer language." The prayer
language is a release of your spirit to bypass your mind
and talk to God spirit-to-Spirit.
First Corinthians 14:2 refers to this kind of speaking
in tongues. It says, He that speaketh in an unknown
tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man
understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh
This is different from the gift of tongues.
In the gift of tongues, you speak unto men, not unto
God. Concerning the operation of the gift of tongues, the
Bible says, Let all things be done unto edifying. If any
man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at
the most by three, and that by course; and let one
interpret (1 Corinthians 14:26,27).
For instance, if I were to give a message in tongues in
church, I would speak out to the congregation and
someone there would, in the Spirit, understand what I was
saying. They would then give the interpretation of what I

Hindrance Number Three: You Don't Have to Speak in Tongues
to Be Baptized in The Holy Spirit

said by the gift of tongues so the Church could be

enlightened, instructed, and built up spiritually. This is
called the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation of
When you exercise the gift of tongues, what you are
saying in tongues is directed to the people. Then there is
an interpretation. Somebody will understand in the Spirit
what you have spoken in tongues and give an
interpretation for the purpose of edifying the Church.
The prayer language you get when you are baptized
in the Holy Spirit is not spoken out to people, but upward
to God. It is a language that comes up out of your spirit in
prayer and worship to God. The Bible says, God is a
Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in
spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
You see, there is a spirit man living on the inside of
your body. Your spirit man is real. He has eyes.
Ephesians 1:18 speaks of the eyes of your understanding
being enlightened. Your spirit man has ears. You can hear
what the world cannot hear. Your spirit man has a voice
and a mouth. When I communicate with people, I use my
mind and my vocal cords to express myself. When I talk
in tongues and pray to the Father, I use my vocal cords,
but my spirit man bypasses my mind and talks to God
spirit-to-Spirit with my prayer language.
Romans 8:26,27 refers to this phenomenon. Likewise
the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not
what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot

be uttered. And he [God] that searcheth the hearts
knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit [understands what
the Spirit is saying] because he maketh intercession for
the saints according to the will of God.
When you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you
receive a prayer language, whereby your spirit is released
to talk to the Father about whatever is troubling you. We
don't always know what to pray for, or how to pray as we
should. But the Spirit himself helps us and prays for our
needs in harmony with God's will. Can you think of
anything more tremendous than this?
"Well," you may say, "on the Day of Pentecost the
people understood what the disciples were saying in other
tongues when they received the Holy Ghost. That must
have been the gift of tongues."
What Happened on the Day of Pentecost
Let me explain what I believe happened on the Day
of Pentecost. The Bible tells us that there were many
godly people in Jerusalem for the religious celebrations
taking place at that time. When they heard the noise of the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a great crowd gathered to
see what the commotion was all about.
The disciples all received the prayer language when
they were filled with the Holy Ghost that day. The
language the people heard the disciples speaking was the
prayer language of the Spirit. It sounded like a bunch of

Hindrance Number Three: You Don't Have to Speak in Tongues
to Be Baptized in The Holy Spirit

garbled talk to the Jews, and they said, These men are full
of new wine (Acts 2:13).
"They are drunk!" they said. The disciples were
drunk, but not on wine. They were intoxicated on the new
wine of the Holy Spirit.
I believe that then God immediately manifested the
gift of tongues, and the people who had gathered began to
understand in their own languages what the disciples were
saying in tongues.
Acts 2:7,8,11 says, And they were all amazed and
marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all
these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every
man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful
works of God.
The prayer language is for your private use. Of
course, a church can pray and worship together in the
prayer language by common consent. But these tongues
are essentially for your private use.
The Apostle Paul spoke in tongues. He said, I thank
my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all: Yet in the
church I had rather speak five words with my
understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also,
than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue (1
Corinthians 14:18,19).
If I got up in the pulpit on Sunday morning and spoke
in the prayer language for an hour, you might as well stay

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

home and sleep late. You wouldn't understand anything I

was saying. Paul said that it is far better to speak five
words in a language a church congregation can
understand than ten thousand in tongues.
When I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I
spoke in other tongues, and have continued to do so daily
since that wonderful time.
Far be it from me to downplay or censure speaking in
tongues. With the Apostle Paul, I say, I would that ye all
spake with tongues, and, Forbid not to speak with tongues
(1 Corinthians 14:5,39). My desire, like Paul, is to speak
with tongues more than ye all (vs. 18).
What a tremendous blessing it is for the Spirit of God
to move upon us, enabling us to pray in other languages
or give a message in tongues for the edification of the

Chapter 5

5 The Purpose of this Experience

One of the questions people ask most often

concerning the baptism in the Holy Spirit is, "What is the
purpose of this experience?"
God baptizes you in the Holy Spirit, not just so you
can speak in tongues but that you might have power. The
whole purpose of this experience is to give you power.
In 1958, as a Southern Baptist minister, I was
burdened to win the lost and bring deliverance to
suffering humanity. But to do that, I needed power that I
didn't possess.
Hungering for more of God, I set my heart to seek the
Lord. I began fasting and reading the Word. As I studied
the Bible, the glorious Son of God, who was above and
beyond anything I had ever dreamed, emerged from its
pages. He wanted to be in our day. There He stood, bigger
than all our sufferings and problems, having never lost
one bit of His power or compassion.
I saw that humanity was blinded by the devil and
held in the grip of his satanic power. I saw Satan going
forth as a roaring lion to kill, steal, and destroy.
In contrast, I saw that Jesus came as the Mighty
Conqueror to destroy the works of the devil. He said, All
POWER is given unto me in heaven and in earth and, Ye
shall receive POWER, after that the Holy Ghost is come

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

upon you (Matthew 28:18, Acts 1:8, emphasis mine).

I learned that Jesus never performed a single miracle,
nor even began His earthly ministry, until He had been
baptized in the Holy Spirit. He said that He did nothing
outside the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit
filled Jesus, giving Him His power.
The Same Power Jesus Had
As I prayed before the Lord, He baptized me in the
Holy Spirit and fire. I had the same power that Peter,
Paul, and all the early disciples had. I received the same
power that Jesus spoke of when He said, The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach
the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that
are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord
(Luke 4:18,19).
The same power that helped Jesus do His work was
now in me. My life and ministry has not been the same
since. From that time, I went forth with the Full Gospel
message and with the power of God. People were saved,
healed, and delivered. New churches were started. New
converts were left with joy and power. Devils came out of
people, and captives were set free.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the doorway to
God's supernatural power. Jesus said, He that believeth on
me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater

The Purpose of this Experience

works than these shall he do; because I go unto my

Father (John 14:12).
Again Jesus said, These signs shall follow them that
believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall
speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and
if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they
shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is to enable you to
fulfill these scriptures. When the disciples received the
baptism in the Holy Spirit, they received power to do the
same works that Jesus did. And so will you.
God does not give us His precious Holy Spirit to
enjoy alone and forget the needs of the world. It is not His
purpose for us to get together just to shout, talk in
tongues, prophesy over one another, and feast upon some
"new revelation" while the world rushes on toward hell.
The purpose of the Holy Ghost is to empower the
Church to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this needy
world. Joel 3:13,14 says, Put ye in the sickle, for the
harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full,
the vats overflow; for their wickedness is great.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the
day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.
The Prophet Joel said the harvest is ripe now. The
desperate need of our generation is far too serious to play
games. The hands of a sighing, crying, dying world are
outstretched and their hearts are open. People will believe

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

and receive Jesus when they see the same power and
miracles that He performed on earth being performed in
lives today. This is what happens when you receive the
baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 6

6 The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is

for Everyone

Thank God, this experience is for everyone who

longs for more of God. The Word says that on the last day
of the great feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any
man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that
believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his
belly shall flow rivers of living water.
(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that
believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not
yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified) (John
If any man thirst... any person—man, woman, boy, or
girl, anybody, anywhere—who has a desire and a longing
for the supernatural power of God, can have it. You don't
have to turn to witchcraft and astrology. You don't have to
turn to Satan worship. You don't have to turn to eastern
religions, or anything like that. You can have the real
It doesn't matter whether you're Catholic,
Presbyterian, Lutheran, or what church you belong to or
attend. God does not look for denominational labels.
If there is a longing in your heart to know God better,
Jesus is talking about you.

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

I want to point out to you what this scripture does

NOT say. It does not say, "If any man thirst, let him go to
the nearest Pentecostal church, because that is the only
place you can get help." I thank God for Pentecostal
people and for everyone who is filled with the Spirit. But
no one owns this experience. Jesus is the Baptizer in the
Holy Spirit.
When I was a Baptist, I was scared of Pentecostals.
They made me nervous. I felt out of place around them. I
wasn't used to being around people who said, "Praise
Goooooddd! Halleluuuuujah!" They didn't say,
"Hallelujah" at all like I was used to hearing it!
I remember when I first began getting interested in
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I rode around in a car with
a Pentecostal preacher one day to talk and fellowship with
him. I wanted to find out more about the Baptism. He
shouted hallelujah and glory to God so much I just
scooted down in the car and hid. It was embarrassing. I
didn't want anybody to see me riding with him.
I didn't know then what I've learned about praising
and worshiping God. God enjoys the praises of His
people. The psalmist said, Let every thing that hath
breath praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6). David said, I will
bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be
in my mouth...the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad
(Psalm 34:1,2).
Notice, that verse says it's the humble who will be
glad, not the proud. If you are full of pride, you won't be

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is for Everyone

glad. If you are thirsty for God, rejoice. God gave you that
thirst. There are thirsty people all over this world. And
Jesus said, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and
A Preacher Who Thirsted
One day I got a call from a minister on the East
Coast. He is an example of how God draws people to Him
and makes them thirsty. When I picked up the phone, the
voice on the other end of the line said, "Pastor Osteen, I'm
a Baptist preacher. I understand that you have received
the baptism in the Holy Spirit."
I replied, "Yes, I have."
"I'm interested in this experience," he said, "but I'm
wondering about speaking in tongues."
I said, "Brother, don't waste your time on a long
distance call. When you receive the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, you're going to speak in tongues. You're calling me
to see if I can talk you out of that, but I'm not going to.
You'll speak in tongues if you ever get the Baptism."
He said, "Thank you," and hung up.
In a few days this preacher called back and said,
"Brother Osteen, I'm the man that hung up on you a few
days ago. But I'm thirsty. I want the baptism in the Holy
I said, "If you are thirsty and you seek God with an
open heart, you're going to receive. And when you do,

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

you're going to speak in tongues. There is no way to keep

your dignity and your denominational pride. When you
get the Holy Ghost, you're going to speak in tongues just
like all the rest of us. Not only that, there are some people
who are going to hate you and despise you because of it."
He said, "Thank you," and hung up again. But in a
few days, this minister called back a third time. He and
his wife were visiting relatives.
He said, "Brother Osteen, my wife wants me to visit
with her relatives, but I can't visit. I'm so thirsty for God I
can't visit, read the newspaper, watch TV, listen to the
radio, or anything else. I left my wife at her folks' house
and got in the car and drove out in the country and just sat
"While I was sitting in the car, I felt two hands laid
on my hands, and I heard a voice in my spirit saying, 'Go
to Houston and let John Osteen lay his hands on you and
you'll receive the Holy Ghost.'"
I said, "Brother, I don't receive that. Don't make
something big out of me. You don't have to have me to
get the Holy Ghost. You can receive the Baptism right
there. God is where you are as well as here."
I paused, and he said, "Yes, but you didn't hear the
voice. The church here took up an offering to buy my
plane fare to come to Houston."
What could I say? You see, Jesus touches people and
makes them thirsty.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is for Everyone

Can't you just see this man getting on that plane and
flying all the way from the East Coast, weeping, yearning
for God? Oh, this kind of spirit touches God! Some
people wouldn't walk down a church aisle to receive the
blessed baptism in the Holy Spirit from the hands of Jesus
himself. Yet there are people who will cross a nation, who
will go around the world, to receive the Holy Ghost.
I took two men from our church with me to the
airport to meet this minister. We had never seen him, and
I wondered how we would recognize him. But it isn't hard
to recognize the long, lean, hungry look of a person
thirsting after God.
When this preacher got off the plane, tears were
rolling down his face, and we recognized him right away.
As we put him in the car and started driving from the
airport, I noticed his hands were shaking. God's Spirit was
all over him. I thought, We'd better leave him alone in
this car. He's going to have to have plenty of room when
Jesus baptizes him.
Curtis Bell, one of the men with me, had built a little
place in his home especially for people who wanted to get
the Baptism. He would keep them in his house and pray
with them. So we took this minister there.
As soon as he set his suitcases down, I said, "Let's
first just pray a little while." I asked the preacher to kneel
in the middle of the room. Then we all found places to
pray so that we surrounded him in prayer.
As we were praying, the Lord spoke to me and said,

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

"Didn't he say if he would come to Houston and you'd lay

your hands on him that I'd baptize him in the Holy
I said, "Yes, God, that's what he said."
"Then why are you sitting over here in this corner
praying?" God asked. "Go over there and put your hands
on him!"
So I slipped up behind the minister and put my hands
on him as he was praying. The very moment my hands
touched him, he stopped speaking English. He rose up
and lifted his hands in worship and surrender to God, and
the language of the Holy Ghost began to pour out of him.
He talked in tongues and talked in tongues. Then he
talked in tongues some more. He worshiped God and
talked in tongues for what seemed like hours.
He walked up to Brother Bell and tried to tell him
how wonderful the Holy Ghost was, but couldn't speak
any English. He could only speak in tongues. He tried to
tell me how wonderful it was, and he only spoke in
tongues more.
It was getting late, and we all needed to go to bed to
get our rest. Finally, I took him by the arm and led him to
his bedroom. I laid him down, took off his shoes and
socks and pulled the covers over him. When I left him, he
was still speaking in tongues.
The next day, he said, "Brother Osteen, if you
thought it was good when you put me to bed, you should

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is for Everyone

have been here when I woke up!"

There was no doubt about it. The Lord had baptized
this man in the Holy Spirit. Rivers of living water were
flowing out of his innermost being.
Not everyone receives the baptism in the Holy Spirit
in this manner. Some receive it joyfully, but quietly.
However, I've never known anyone to receive it without
speaking in tongues.
Other Thirsty Souls
I used to pray for anybody, anywhere to receive the
baptism in the Holy Spirit whether they wanted it or not. I
wanted everyone to receive it. I'd run around them and
shout like a Commanche Indian, and they would sit like
wooden Indians. But I quit that.
Jesus said, "If any man thirst, let him come to Me and
drink. I'll quench his thirst. I'll fill him to overflowing
with My Spirit!" I soon learned that if a person is not
interested, you're better off to forget it. Save your time
and energy for those who really want it. You'll never have
enough time to get around to all the thirsty ones. There
are people all over the world who desire the Holy Ghost.
Our business is to help them.
I remember an ex-governor who called me and said,
"Brother Osteen, I want the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
I'm coming to Houston to get it."
He arrived in Houston on a bus, and I met him. I'd

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

never had a governor or an ex-governor in my home, and

I didn't know what to do with him. He walked into my
home and I said, "I'll tell you what, Governor. I'll put you
in a motel. You read the Bible and pray and we'll talk to
you tomorrow."
Now governors are men of decision. I'll never forget
what he said. He stood up—all six foot six—and looked
down at me and said, "I didn't come here to go to a motel.
I came here to get the Holy Ghost." And he got it!
I'll never forget another man, the owner of a trucking
company in Illinois. He was chairman of the deacons in
his church. Yet, he was on the brink of suicide because of
troubles and sorrow and a lack of power in his life. That
hungry-hearted man rode a bus down to Houston and got
the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire. As far as I know,
he is still going strong for God.
Now, Houston is a good place. But a person doesn't
have to come to Houston, Texas, to receive the baptism in
the Holy Spirit. If you came, we would pray with you. But
Jesus said that you must come to HIM and drink.
Did you know there is something that nobody can do
for you? No one can swallow for you. Swallowing is a
very personal thing. You can swallow all day long and it
won't affect me. Jesus said, "If anyone thirst, let him come
to Me and drink. I'm the Baptizer." Every person has to
exercise faith and drink for himself.
"Then," Jesus said, "out of his belly, or innermost

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is for Everyone

being will flow rivers of living water."

When you get saved, you get satisfied. You have the
joy of knowing you are going to Heaven. When you
receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you get RIVERS of
living water which flow out to a needy world with signs
and wonders and miracles.
I have good news. If you want the Holy Spirit, thank
God, you can have it. For the promise is unto you, and to
your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many
as the Lord our God shall call (Acts 2:39). God's power
to help suffering humanity and to live an overcoming
Christian life is for everyone who desires it and seeks it.

Chapter 7

7 How You Can Be Baptized in the

Holy Spirit

I pray that in the preceding chapters I have helped

you work through some of the hindrances that may have
kept you from receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Now I want to share with you how you can receive this
wonderful experience.
Some people have made a religious doctrine out of
how one should receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Usually, they have their formulas for how it works, but
very little Bible knowledge on the subject.
It's important for you to know that everybody does
not receive the Baptism in the same way. God was careful
to give us examples in His Word about how it is received
so that we would not invent some kind of formula or rigid
idea that you have to follow to get it. But don't let anyone
tell you otherwise. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you
will speak in tongues. This is the scriptural evidence that
you have been baptized in God's Holy Spirit.
The Scriptures show us many varied ways to receive
the Holy Spirit. For instance, Peter preaching on the Day
of Pentecost said, Repent, and be baptized every one of
you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38).
Some people have understood this scripture to say the

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

only way to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit is by

repenting and being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.
But this presents only one way to receive God's power.
The Apostle Paul received the Baptism through the laying
on of hands by Ananias, an ordinary layman. Acts 9:17,18
says, And Ananias went his way, and entered into the
house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul,
the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way
as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive
thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had
been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose,
and was baptized.
Some people might conclude from those verses that
you must have hands laid on you to receive the Baptism.
However, in Acts 10:44-46 we read where Cornelius and
his entire household received the Baptism as Peter
preached to them.
While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost
fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the
circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as
came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was
poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard
them speak with tongues, and magnify God.
Cornelius' household did not get baptized in water
first, nor were hands laid upon them. The Holy Spirit fell
on them as they heard the Word.

How You Can Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit

In another instance, recorded in Acts 19:2-6, the

Christians at Ephesus received the Holy Spirit who had
never even heard of the Baptism.
[Paul] said unto them, Have ye received the Holy
Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have
not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye
baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said
Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of
repentance, saying unto the people, that they should
believe on him which should come after him, that is, on
Christ Jesus.
When they heard this, they were baptized in the name
of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands
upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake
with tongues, and prophesied.
These Christians had never heard of the baptism in
the Holy Spirit, but they were teachable. As soon as Paul
told them about the Baptism, they believed and received.
God is a God of variety. Do not try to limit Him.
Jesus is the Baptizer, and He will baptize you the way
He wants to if you are truly thirsting for this experience.
Know You are Born Again
To receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you must
first know that you have been born again. A lot of people
try to receive God's power who do not truly know what it

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

means to be born again. Many "religious" people have

never repented of their sins and truly accepted Jesus as
their Savior. They have never turned from their old life.
When I received the Holy Spirit, I was working in the
insurance business and pastoring occasionally. In the
business world, I met men who would curse in one breath
and talk about Jesus in another.
I remember one day I went into a man's office. As we
talked, he began to curse and swear. I said, "Did you ever
think about becoming a Christian?" He pointed to a big
book on his desk and said, "That's the book for the deeper
spiritual life class in our church, and I'm the teacher!"
Dear God! I thought. It was enough to make the
angels weep. When a person is genuinely born again, he
turns away from cursing, drinking, lying, cheating,
stealing, adultery, wickedness, uncleanness, and all the
works of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
If you do not have the assurance of salvation, you
CAN have it. Romans 10:9,10 says, If thou shalt confess
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt
be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation.
God wants to save you. Pray this prayer with me, and
you can be born again:
"Dear God, I do not want to be lost. I want to be

How You Can Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit

saved. Lord Jesus, come into my heart right now and save
me. Wash me in Your blood and cleanse me from my
sins. From this moment, I turn from my old ways and my
old life. I make You the Lord of my life. Thank You for
saving me and for helping me to live the rest of my life
for You. Amen."
Accept the Spirit as God's Gift
The Holy Spirit is a gift from God just as salvation is
a gift. God's gift to the sinner is eternal life. His gift to the
Christian is the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, If a son shall ask bread of any of you that
is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish,
will he for a fish give him a serpent? Of if he shall ask an
egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil,
know how to give good gifts unto your children: how
much more shall your heavenly Father GIVE the Holy
Spirit to them that ask him? (Luke 11:11-13, emphasis
You do not have to do penance or bribe God for this
gift. Neither can you earn it by your holiness or goodness.
Do not worry about trying to give up this or that before
you receive. Get the full glory of the Spirit inside you.
Then you will have power to break any habit or overcome
any hindrance to a holy life. Acts 1:8 says that you will
receive power AFTER the Holy Ghost comes upon you.
Base Your Experience on God's Word

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

Study the Word. Know what it says. Then believe

God will do what He says in His Word. Hebrews 11:6
says, Without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he
that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is
a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Do not cling to some denominational name tag and
say, "My church does not believe in the baptism in the
Holy Ghost." God never started any denomination. He
loves every person in every denomination, and His power
is for every child of God. It is not important what
Catholics believe, or Methodists, or Presbyterians. What
is important is what the Word of God says.
If you hold tightly to your church doctrines and never
read your Bible, you will be blind to the truth of God. But
if you study God's Word with an open mind, and believe
that what God promises He will fulfill, you will receive
the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Praise God
A Baptist lady who received the Holy Spirit in one of
our revivals said, "All they had to do was teach me how to
praise the Lord. When I learned to do that, it was easy to
receive the Holy Spirit."
How true this is. Most Christians do not know how to
truly worship and praise the Lord. When you praise God,
your spirit is reaching out and up to God. Praise is
adoration. It is worship.

How You Can Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit

Let yourself go and begin to praise the Name of the

Lord. Lift your hands up high in the air as a sign of
complete surrender and rejoice in Him. Begin to praise
and thank Jesus for the promise of the Holy Spirit and
because He has washed away your sins by His blood.
People do not get filled with the Spirit by crying and
begging God for it. They receive as they praise and
worship the Lord and magnify Him.
The Power of the Spirit Comes from Within, Not from
I had a misconception about where the power of the
Holy Spirit came from. When I asked God to pour out His
Spirit upon me, I looked for that power to come from
above. Because of this, I did not recognize the presence of
the Holy Spirit as He began to move.
The power of the Holy Spirit does not come from
above, but from within. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit
would come forth from the innermost part of your being,
flowing like rivers of living water.
As a born-again believer, you already have the power
of the Holy Spirit within you just waiting to be released to
God in the prayer language of the Spirit. Releasing the
flow of the Spirit within is as natural and easy as
breathing in and out.
All of us, in times of great consecration or
intercessory prayer, have felt this rising tide of the Holy
Spirit within us. We just did not know it was the moving

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

of God ready to overflow our lives with the baptism in the

Holy Spirit.
When you feel the Spirit rising up within you, let it
come forth over your vocal cords, and you will speak in
You Do the Speaking in Tongues, Not the Holy Spirit
I had so many false ideas about how I would receive
the Holy Spirit. I really believed that I might go into a
trance-like state and that God would somehow
mysteriously communicate through me. I thought I would
just sit still, my mouth would open, and there would be a
voice come from within me that I could not control. But
the Bible says that on the Day of Pentecost THEY began
to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.
Many times the Spirit tried to take over my language,
but I stubbornly refused to stop talking in English. I
wanted the "real thing." I was afraid I would get "in the
flesh," and it would be me talking in other tongues, and
not the Holy Ghost.
How foolish! Only real, live people in fleshly, human
bodies can receive the Holy Spirit. When we leave these
bodies, we will not need the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
When God baptizes you in the Spirit, it will be you talking
in other tongues. The Holy Spirit forms the words, but
you do the speaking.
You cannot speak two languages at the same time. As

How You Can Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit

the power of the Spirit rises within you, stop speaking

your known language and, by faith, launch out into
"another tongue."
Now You are Ready to Receive
The psalmist said, As the hart panteth after the water
brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God (Psalm
42:1). Does your soul yearn for God like that? If so, you
are ready to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Find a place to get alone before the Lord. Lift your
hands up toward heaven and put your thoughts on the
Lord. Focus on the Spirit of God dwelling within you. Put
everything else out of your mind.
Now quietly begin to worship and praise the Lord.
Rejoice in Him. Say "Praise the Lord," "Glory to God," or
"Hallelujah." Whatever you feel in your heart, speak it out
loud. Praise the Lord from the depths of your soul.
As you worship the Lord, you will begin to feel the
Holy Spirit coming up in your spirit. Now stop speaking
in your known language. Let the sighs and yearnings from
your innermost being tell God how much you love Him
more than you can tell Him in your known language. As
the Spirit gives you utterance, just raise your voice to the
Lord and let the new words come out.
Speak out whatever small sounds or stammerings
come into your mouth. At first, there may be just one or
two syllables or words interspersed with the words of
your known language. But as you submit to the Spirit,

Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy

more sounds will come, then words. Repeat whatever

sounds come out over and over. As you continue
worshiping and magnifying the Lord, the prayer language
will begin flowing stronger.
You will not understand the words you are saying
because the sounds and the words that come forth are the
language of the Spirit speaking directly to God. This
language is the scriptural evidence that you have been
baptized in the Holy Spirit.
You can speak in tongues every day. This new level
of communication with God does not stop with the
infilling of the Holy Spirit. It is always available inside
you, enabling you to speak to God not only in your
language but also in the language created by the Holy
Spirit. You will have continuous use of this
communication with God that, through it, you may edify
your inner man daily and receive new power to be a
witness for Jesus Christ.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the doorway into
the nine gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
and the supernatural power of God. This blessed
experience will revolutionize your life for God!


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