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1. Introduction

2. Maternity Pay

3. Maternity Leave

4. Timing of Maternity Leave

5. Notice Requirements

6. Changing maternity leave dates

7. Time off for Ante Natal Care

8. Pregnancy Risk Assessment

9. Sickness Absence

10. Rights during maternity leave

11. Contact during maternity leave

12. Keeping in Touch Days (KIT)

13. Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

14. Resignation

15. Transfer of maternity leave

16. Other relevant policies


 Appendix A – Maternity Rights Flowchart

 Appendix B – Shared parental leave summary

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1. Introduction

1.1 This policy sets out the rights of employees to maternity leave and pay and
provides information regarding the University’s maternity provisions and
entitlements. It takes into account the Work and Families Act 2006 which came
into force on 1 October 2006 and which takes effect in relation to all female
employees, irrespective of their length of service, who’s expected week of
childbirth (EWC) is on or after 1 April 2007. This policy also takes into account
the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which requires
the University to assess all the risks of its work activities. The Shared Parental
Leave Regulations 2014 which applies to parents of babies who are due on or
after 5 April 2015 (or adopters of children placed for adoption on or after 5 April
2015) may be relevant, further details can be found in the University’s Shared
Parental Leave Policy.

1.2 The University recognises that, from time to time, employees may have
questions or concerns relating to their maternity rights. It is Edinburgh Napier
University's policy to encourage open discussion with employees to ensure that
questions and problems can be resolved as quickly as possible. As the
maternity provisions are complex, if an employee becomes pregnant she
should clarify the relevant procedures with Human Resources to ensure that
they are followed correctly.

1.3 The following definitions are used in this policy:

 "Expected week of childbirth" means the week, starting on a Sunday, during

which the employee's doctor or midwife expects her to give birth.
 "Qualifying week" means the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth.

1.4 The University’s Equality and Diversity Statement states that recruitment,
training and promotion opportunities will be open to all staff on a fair and
equitable basis. The University will monitor the use of the Maternity policy to
ensure that it is applied fairly and to ensure that employees are not
unreasonably denied access to suitable opportunities.

2. Maternity Pay

2.1 Depending on her length of service, the employee will be entitled to either
University Maternity Pay or Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance
during her Maternity leave. University Maternity Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay
and Maternity Allowance begin when maternity leave commences. Statutory
Maternity Pay can start on any day of the week in accordance with the start
date of maternity leave. University Maternity Pay will be adjusted to take
account of any pay increases.

2.2 University Maternity Pay

If the employee has at least one year’s continuous service by the 15 th week
before her baby is due, she is entitled to receive University Maternity Pay. This
will be:-

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 13 weeks’ leave at full pay, less appropriate statutory deductions

 a further 26 weeks’ paid leave at the flat rate of Statutory Maternity Pay
(SMP), or 90% of her average weekly earnings whichever is the lesser. The
flat rate is subject to review every April.

 any further period of leave (i.e. remaining Additional Maternity Leave), up to

a maximum period of a further 13 weeks will be unpaid

Payment of University Maternity Pay is conditional upon the employee returning

to work for a minimum period of three months.

Any pay awards which take effect during the period of maternity leave will be
applied as normal.

2.3 Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

If the employee has less than one year, but more than 26 weeks’ continuous
service by the 15th week before her baby is due, she is entitled to receive
Statutory Maternity May (SMP), providing that:

 they are still pregnant 11 weeks before the start of the expected week of
childbirth (or have already given birth);
 they have provided a MAT B1 form stating their expected week of childbirth;
 their average weekly earnings are not less than the lower earnings limit for
national insurance contributions.

This will be:

 90% of the employee’s average weekly earnings for the first six weeks,
followed by the lesser of a flat rate for the remaining 33 weeks. The flat rate
is subject to review every April.

 any further period of leave (i.e. remaining Additional Maternity Leave), up to

a maximum period of a further 13 weeks will be unpaid.

The employee may work until the day before her baby is due and still retain her
right to 39 weeks Statutory Maternity Pay.

2.4 Maternity Allowance (MA)

If the employee has less than 26 weeks’ continuous service by the 15 th week
before her baby is due, she is entitled to Maternity Allowance (MA) which is
available from her local Benefits Agency / Jobcentre plus Office.

2.5 University Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay and Maternity Allowance are only
payable during the weeks the employee has stopped working for the University.

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For further information regarding the current flat rate and other details regarding
Statutory Maternity Pay and Maternity Allowance, click on the links below:

3. Maternity Leave

3.1 All pregnant employees are entitled to a maximum of 52 weeks’ Maternity

Leave. This entitlement applies regardless of the employee's length of service
with the University. Her contract of employment continues during this period
and she will continue to receive all contractual benefits except normal salary.
Information concerning maternity and pension scheme contributions is detailed
in on the relevant pension website. For academic staff this is Scottish Teachers
Pension Scheme ( and for
Professional Service staff this Lothian Pension Fund

3.2 Maternity leave is a single continuous period and is made up of:

26 weeks’ Ordinary Maternity Leave ("OML") – during which the contract

of employment continues, and during which the employee must continue to
receive all her contractual benefits except wages or salary (see section 10)
with no detriment to the benefits which Edinburgh Napier would provide.


26 weeks’ Additional Maternity Leave ("AML") – during which the

contract of employment continues, the same non-cash benefits as currently
apply during OML will also apply throughout AML. i.e. these benefits will
be provided throughout the entire 52 weeks that an employee is absent on
maternity leave. These rights apply to all employees who fulfil the relevant
criteria, regardless of their length of service. AML follows OML and there
must be no gap between the two.

3.3 Employees cannot return to work for the University immediately after the baby
is born. This period of Compulsory Maternity Leave lasts for:

 Two weeks from the date of childbirth; or

 Until a later date, if there exists a statutory requirement (apart from any
requirement to suspend the employees from work on maternity grounds
under health & safety regulations e.g. if the employee works with hazardous
chemicals or dangerous materials) which prohibits her from working due to
the fact that she has recently had a baby.

After the compulsory 2 week maternity leave the remaining leave may be
transferred or shared under the Shared Parental Leave Policy (see section 15
under Transfer of Maternity Leave).

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4. Timing of maternity leave

4.1 Ordinary maternity leave can start at any time after the beginning of the 11th
week before the employee's expected week of childbirth (unless her child is
born prematurely before that date in which case it will start earlier). Maternity
leave will start on whichever date is the earlier of:

 the employee's chosen start date;

 the day after the employee gives birth; or
 the day after any day on which the employee is absent for a pregnancy-
related reason in the four weeks before the expected week of childbirth.

If the employee gives birth before her maternity leave was due to start, she
must notify the university in writing of the date of the birth as soon as
reasonably practicable.

5. Notice requirements

5.1 On becoming pregnant, an employee should notify her line manager as soon
as possible. This is important as there are health and safety considerations for
the University.

5.2 Additionally, the expectant employee must complete and return to Human
Resources and Development a Maternity Leave Notification Form, no later than
the end of the 15th week before the baby is due, confirming the following:

 That she is pregnant.

 The week she expects the baby to be born, by means of a MAT B1 medical
certificate issued by her midwife/GP after 26 weeks’ pregnancy. This
certificate should be sent to Human Resources and Development as soon
as it is issued

 When she intends to start her maternity leave. The start of the maternity
leave must be no earlier than the 11th week before the baby is due.

The university will formally respond in writing to the employee's notification of

her leave plans within 28 days, confirming the date on which she is expected
to return to work if she takes her full 52 week entitlement to maternity leave.

6. Changing maternity leave dates

6.1 The employee is permitted to bring forward her maternity leave start date,
provided that she advises the university in writing at least 28 days before the
new start date or, if that is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable. The
employee may also postpone her maternity leave start date, provided that she
advises the university in writing at least 28 days before the original proposed
start date or, if that is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable.

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6.2 The employee is required to give at least 28 days' notice of the date that she
wants her Statutory Maternity May to begin. If it is not possible for the employee
to give 28 days' notice, for example if the baby arrives early, she should tell the
university as soon as reasonably practicable.

7. Time off for antenatal care

7.1 Once an employee has advised the university that she is pregnant, she will be
entitled not to be unreasonably refused paid time off work to attend antenatal
appointments as advised by her doctor, registered midwife or registered health

7.2 To be entitled to take time off for antenatal care, the employee is required to
produce a certificate from her doctor, registered midwife or registered health
visitor, stating that she is pregnant. Except in the case of the first appointment,
the employee should also produce evidence of the appointment, such as a
medical certificate or appointment card, if requested to do so.

7.3 Antenatal care may include relaxation and parent craft classes that the
employee's doctor, midwife or health visitor has advised her to attend, in
addition to medical examinations.

7.4 The employee should endeavour to give her line manager as much notice as
possible of antenatal appointments and, wherever possible, try to arrange them
as near to the start or end of the working day as possible.

7.5 She may also wish her nominated partner to accompany her when she is
attending these appointments. If the nominated partner is also an employee of
the University, paid time off will be allowed for the partner for up to a maximum
of three appointments subject to the operational requirements of the

8. Pregnancy Risk Assessment

8.1 The University is required to protect the health and safety at work of all
employees, including new and expectant mothers and mothers who are breast
feeding. The University has a specific risk assessment process which must be
completed for all employees, who are pregnant, have recently given birth or are
breast feeding. A risk assessment should be carried out by a competent
individual e.g. the line-manager or risk assessor at the earliest opportunity,
once the employee has advised their line manager of their pregnancy. The
process is outlined in detail below.

8.2 What is a Risk Assessment?

The University has a robust system in place to ensure areas carry out risk
assessments and these assessments should already highlight any risks
(biological, chemical or physical) specific to women of child bearing age and to
pregnant women. The majority of health and safety issues relating to women of

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child bearing age and to pregnant women should therefore already be
addressed by good health and safety management procedures.

8.3 Once a line manager has been informed that one of their employees is pregnant,
they should arrange for a New and Expectant Mothers Risk Assessment to be
undertaken, and also for any reasonable adjustments to be made as

8.4 When the employee finds out, or suspects, that she may be pregnant she is
encouraged to confidentially speak to her line manager in order to ensure that
a review of risk assessments is carried out, as early as possible in the
pregnancy. This will enable the the employee to discuss and review the
activities she is involved in and raise any concerns she may have regarding her
work during her pregnancy. The the employee and her line-manager/risk
assessor should review the work activities as the pregnancy progresses in order
to take into account any risks which may arise at different stages.

9. Sickness absence

9.1 If an employee is absent from work during pregnancy owing to sickness, she
will receive contractual sick pay in the same manner in accordance with the
Managing Sickness Absence Policy as she would during any other sickness
absence, provided that she has not yet begun ordinary maternity leave. If,
however, the employee is absent from work due to a pregnancy-related illness
after the beginning of the fourth week before her expected week of childbirth,
her maternity leave will start automatically.

9.2 In order to preserve her rights, she must notify her Line Manager and Human
Resources, as soon as reasonably practicable, that she is absent from work
wholly or partly because of pregnancy. This notification should be in writing.
Pregnancy related sickness is not included in any sickness absence triggers.

9.3 In the unfortunate event of a still birth during or after the 25th week of
pregnancy, all the maternity rights stated in this policy will apply in the same
way as with a live birth. If the employee has a miscarriage before the start of
the 25th week of pregnancy, she will not be entitled to statutory maternity leave
or pay. Absence from work in this instance will be dealt with under the normal
sick pay arrangements.

10. Rights during maternity leave

10.1 During her Maternity Leave, the employee is entitled to the benefits of all her
normal terms and conditions with the exception of salary. Information
concerning Pension scheme contributions is detailed in on the relevant pension
website. For academic staff this is Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme
( and for Professional Service staff
this Lothian Pension Fund (

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. Maternity leave counts towards her period of continuous employment for the
purposes of entitlement to other statutory employment rights that would
normally apply.

10.2 Annual leave will accrue at the rate provided under their contract during both
Ordinary Maternity Leave and Additional Maternity Leave. It is not possible for
an employee to take annual leave at the same time as maternity leave. It will,
though, usually be possible for an employee to use any untaken annual leave
either before she starts her maternity leave, or once her maternity leave has
finished. Although it should be remembered, that if the baby is born early the
maternity leave must start from that point. The untaken annual leave is not lost.

10.3 The Line Manager and the employee should incorporate annual leave
arrangements into their planning where it is possible to do so.

11. Contact during maternity leave

11.1 During the maternity leave period, the Line Manager and the employee on
maternity leave are entitled to make reasonable contact from time to time
without the leave period coming to an end.

11.2 The frequency of reasonable contact will vary according to individuals and
circumstances and will also depend on what has been discussed and agreed
between the employee and Line Manger prior to the leave starting. The
frequency of the contact will depend on a number of factors such as nature of
the work, promotion opportunities or other changes at the workplace, contact
can be by telephone, by email, letter or involve the employee making a visit to
the workplace, or in other ways. Line managers should discuss and record such
arrangements with the employee prior to leave commencing.

12. Keeping-in-touch days

12.1 In addition to the reasonable contact detailed above, “keeping in touch days”
(KIT) allows the employee to work for up to ten days without losing statutory
pay for that week or bringing her leave to an end. Line Managers will explain
KIT days and will discuss the opportunities to use KIT days with the employee
prior to leave commencing.

12.2 The employee should agree with her Line Manager the type of work undertaken
on a KIT day. This could be a normal activity or a conference, training activity
or team meeting.

12.3 The employee is not obliged to do any work or attend any events during
maternity leave but if both agree the employee can have up to ten days’ KIT
days during her maternity leave. KIT days are not limited to her usual job. They
could be used for conferences, training or team meetings. They can also be
used to ease the employee’s return to work. However the employee cannot
work during the first two weeks after the birth. The employee and her Line
Manager must both agree that she will work these days and agree the
arrangements including what the employee will be doing.

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12.4 The employee is not be required to take up KIT days and her Line Manager is
not obliged to offer her although it is recommended that the Line Manager
should look for opportunities to offer KIT days. The Line Manager cannot
demand the employee go into work at any time during her maternity leave
period nor can she be penalised for refusing to take up a KIT day.

12.5 Any work done on any day during the maternity pay or leave period will count
as a KIT day, up to the ten days maximum, e.g. if someone comes in for a one-
hour training session it counts as one KIT day.

12.6 The employee making use of a KIT day will receive a normal days pay for each
KIT day. The Line Manager must complete a KIT Notification Form for HR which
states the employee came in for a KIT day. The form must be sent to payroll in
the month the KIT day was taken so the KIT day can be processed through the
HR and payroll system and the employee can be paid accordingly in the next
pay day.

12.7 The employee will retain her entitlement to University Maternity Pay, Statutory
Maternity Pay and Maternity Allowance if she chooses to participate in up to ten
KIT days.

13. Returning to work after maternity leave

13.1 The employee may return to work at any time during ordinary maternity leave
or additional maternity leave, provided that she gives the appropriate
notification. Alternatively, the employee may take her full period of maternity
leave entitlement and return to work at the end of this period. If the employee
wishes to return before the full period of maternity leave has elapsed, she must
give at least eight weeks' notice in writing to the University of the Date on which
she intends to return.

13.2 The employee has the right to resume working in the same job if returning to
work from ordinary maternity leave. If the employee returns to work after a
period of additional maternity leave, she is entitled to return either to the same
job or, if this is not reasonably practicable, to another suitable job that is on
terms and conditions not less favourable.

13.3 Failure to return to work by the end of maternity leave will be treated as an
unauthorised absence unless the employee is sick and produces a current
medical certificate before the end of the maternity leave period.

13.4 The Line Manager should arrange for another new and expectant mothers risk
assessment to be completed if the employee is returning six months after giving
birth or is breastfeeding. Please read Section 8 for more information on the New
and Expectant Mothers Risk Assessment procedure.

13.5 If you intend to continue breast-feeding, you must let your line manager know
before returning to work. Suitable facilities can then be identified for expressing
and storing breast milk. The risk assessment should be carried out with

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particular attention paid to exposure to risks that may affect a breast feeding
the employee and her child. It is also important that you inform your manager
when these facilities are no longer required.

14. Resignation Following Maternity Leave

14.1 If the employee decides during maternity leave that she does not wish to return
to work, she should give written notice of resignation to the university as soon
as possible and in accordance with the terms of her contract of employment.
She will be required to pay back any University Maternity Pay over and above
the Statutory Maternity Pay provisions which she may have received during her
Maternity Leave period.

15. Transfer of maternity leave

Shared parental leave

15.1 Shared parental leave is available in relation to babies due on or after 5 April
2015. Shared parental leave enables mothers to commit to ending their
maternity leave and pay at a future date, and to share the untaken balance of
leave and pay as shared parental leave with their partner.

15.2 Shared parental leave must be taken in blocks of at least one week. Individuals
can request to take shared parental leave in one continuous block (in which
case the university is required to accept the request as long as the individual
meets the eligibility and notice requirements), or as a number of discontinuous
blocks of leave (which is subject to the University's agreement).

15.3 To be able to take shared parental leave, an employee and his/her partner must
meet various eligibility requirements and have complied with the relevant
curtailment, notice and evidence requirements. This includes the mother
curtailing her maternity leave.

15.4 Employees can refer to the Shared Parental Leave policy, where they will find
full details of the eligibility requirements, as well as instructions as to how the
mother's maternity leave can be curtailed. The policy also sets out the notice
periods with which employees must comply and what evidence they must
provide to the university. It also contains more details on employees'
entitlement to shared parental pay.

15.5 The mother and the partner should ensure that they are each liaising with their
own employer when making requests for shared parental leave.

16 Other Relevant Policies

 Adoption Policy
 Flexible Working Policy
 Managing Sickness Absence Policy
 Paternity Policy
 Shared Parental Leave Policy

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 Unpaid Parental Leave Policy

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Appendix A


Midwife/GP confirms the employee is pregnant

The employee is entitled to paid time off for antenatal care

Length of Maternity Leave does not depend on the employee’s

length of service

Over 26 weeks’ continuous

Over 1 year’s continuous The employee may be
service by the 15th week
employment by the 15th entitled to Maternity
week before baby is due?
N before baby is due? N Allowance (MA) or
other benefits from her
O O local Benefits Agency or
Y Y Jobcentre plus Office.
S is entitled to 39
The employee S
The employee is entitled to
weeks University Maternity Pay 39 weeks Statutory Maternity
(UMP), followed by 13 weeks Pay (SMP), followed by 13
Additional Unpaid Maternity weeks additional unpaid
Leave. Maternity Leave.

The employee must inform the University of their intention to take Maternity Leave by the 15th week before the baby is
due, unless this is not reasonably practical. The employee needs to tell the University in writing:
 That they are pregnant
 The week the baby is expected to be born
 When the employee wants the maternity leave to start
Notification must be received no later than the 8th week before the baby is due and medical evidence i.e. a maternity
certificate MAT B1 is required
 Employee decides if Shared Parental Leave is suitable and follows process outlined in that policy

The University must respond to the notification within The employee must give
28 days, setting out when the employee is expected to 28 days’ notice of any
return to work if they take the full leave entitlement change of dates

Earliest start date for Maternity Leave is the beginning of the 11th week before
the baby is due

If the employee is absent from If baby is born before the date the employee
has notified (or before any notification),
work with a pregnancy related
maternity leave period starts automatically
illness during the 4 weeks before and they must notify the University as soon
the baby is due, maternity leave as is reasonably practicable
starts automatically, regardless of
when the employee actually want
the maternity leave to start

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Appendix A


Continued from previous sheet.

Mother can consider if Shared Parental Leave

is appropriate

The employee may work up to ten “Keep in Touch” (KIT) days during
maternity leave or maternity pay period by mutual agreement without
affecting the entitlement to maternity pay

The employee continues to benefit from all terms and conditions during Maternity Leave
except pay. The employee can decide to share their additional leave with the father or their
partner, including same sex and adoptive partners, if they do not take all of their maternity
leave and pay in line with the Shared Parental Leave policy.

The employee must give eight weeks’ notice if they intend to return to
work prior to the agreed return date

The employee will normally return to the same job after maternity leave as
if they had not been away, unless this is not reasonably practicable, and
then the employee should be offered a similar job on pay, status and terms
& conditions no less favourable than original job

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Appendix B

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