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EaP Platform 1: Strengthening institutions and good


Effective asset declaration system

The case of Armenia and Moldova

Lilia Carasciuc, EaP SCF, WG1, TI-Moldova

Similarities and differences

• Both countries have the legal framework on declaration of assets and

interests - DoA&Is (Armenia – in 2013-2014, Moldova in 2002, re-setting
in 2008, 2016)

• Both have institutional framework for DoA&Is (Commission for Ethics in

Armenia and National Integrity Authority in Moldova)

• Armenia dos not seems to have a system of declarations of interests,

while Moldova – does have the system of declarations of interests
combined with the D0A&Is

• Subjects of declarations in Armenia - narrow (only high level - Ministers,

MPs, judges, heads of LPAs), in Moldova – wide - all
Similarities and differences
• Both have an electronic system of declarations, but the data does not allow
generating analytical reports (Armenia – PDF/scanned format)

Armenia – needs to
• In both countries, implement
under the
the pretext of CoI policyofand
protection consolidate
personal theof
data, a part
infosystem of DoA&I
is not accessible for CSOs and investigative journalists – this limits the
efficiency of investigations and collaboration with law enforcements institutions
Moldova – from the position of the EaP leader in implementing the
• Both countries have
policies ofaDoA&I
culture of
CoI to when property is registered
compromising this systemon
relatives non members of the households and third parties which impedes the

• Both have the practice of “Bailment contracts” - a contract on renting

space/cars with no financial obligations 
Funded by the European Union
Similarities and differences
 Both have the practice of declaring huge amounts of donated money (weddings, baptisms –
30,000 EUR that exceed the annual income of the declarant for tenths of years), real estate –
the relevant bodies do not investigate the real provenience of this wealth

 In both countries there were no sound cases on investigation of undeclared assets, particularly
at high level – After the revolution in Armenia –several cases started this year

 In both countries high level decision makers have considerable properties and bank accounts
abroad (particularly in EU) and both do not investigate these cases.

Funded by the European Union

Armenia needs to…
- adopt a law on conflict of interests and institutionalize the system of
declarations of interests
- improve the quality of the Register of assets and incomes
- improve the quality of the legal framework
- consolidate the role of regulatory body (Commission for Ethics)
- increase the awareness on conflict of interests policies, particularly by public

Funded by the European Union

Moldova – from leader in EaP to a compromised system of DoA&I
- Procrastinating the reformation of the National Integrity Authority (NIA)
- Political fight for the position of the Chair of this institution and the threat of affecting the
security of the Register and declarations from previous years
- Applicants for positions in NIA with compromised reputation
- Issuing the integrity certificate for the main figurant in the Kroll Report on the USD 1 Bill fraud
- Selective application of law to the candidates in electoral campaign, facilitating the affiliated to
the governing party
- Ignoring the multiple informations on undeclared properties in Switzerland, France, Romania
coming from investigative journalists

Funded by the European Union

Moldova needs …
- An international agreement on verification of assets by high level authorities and their legality,
including assets abroad
- An INDEPENDENT National Integrity Agency
- Focus on high level authorities
- Be not selective and apply the existing law to all declarants
- Be particularly open when dealing with the cases of high public interest
- Ensure higher access to info from the declarations of high level authorities
- Improve the operability of data base from the Register
- Collaborate with investigative journalists and CSOs
- Apply for the support of relevant EU institutions when verifying the assets and accounts abroad

Funded by the European Union

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