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Narciso St., Surigao City


Dear Graduate,
SSCT College of Engineering & Information Technology is establishing a system of tracing its graduates and getting feedback
regarding the type of work, further study or other activity you are/were involved in since you completed your study from the
college. Your answer will be used for research purposes in order to assess graduate employability and eventually, improve
course offerings to your alma mater. Your answers to this survey will be treated with strictest confidentiality. We would,
therefore, highly appreciate it if you could complete the following questionnaire and return it to us, at your earliest
Thank you for your kind cooperation and support

(Given Name) (Middle Name) (Surname/Family Name)
Present Address: __#8 Negros, Bago Bantay, Quezon City_______________________________________________
Permanent Address: _Villa Riza Malimono, Surigao del Norte_____________________________________________
Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: _01___ / __25__ / __1995____ (Date Format: DD/Month/Year)
Civil Status: Single Separated/Divorced Single Parent born a child but not married
Married Married but not living with spouse Widow or Widower
Phone No: __09568035246_________________ (Res) _____________________ (Mo) _______________________ (Office)
Email ID: [email protected]_______________________ / _______________________________________
Electronic Social Network ID:
Facebook: _________________________________ Twitter: _____________________________________
Any other, please specify: _________________________ ID: __________________________________

1. Educational Attainment ( Baccalaureate Degree Only)
Degree (s) & College or University Year Graduated Honor (s) Award (s)
Specialization Received
_BSIT__________________ __SSCT_________________ ___2015______ _________________
_______________________ _______________________ ____________ _________________
_______________________ _______________________ _____________ _________________
_______________________ ________________________ _____________ __________________
_______________________ ________________________ ______________ __________________
 Degree means Program of Study or Program of Discipline, example BS in Electronics Engineering
 Specialization means major field of study, example Microelectronics.
 Honors or Awards means academic awards received in college or while earning the degree.
2. Professional examination (s) Passed
Name of Examination Date Taken Rating
___________________________________ ________________ _____________
___________________________________ _________________ _____________
___________________________________ _________________ _____________
3. Reason (s) for taking the course (s) or pursuing degree (s). You may check (/) more than one answer.
Undergraduate/BS Graduate/MS/MA/Ph.D.
High Grades in the course or subject ( ) ( )
area (s) related to the course
Good grades in high school ( ) ( )
Influence of parents or relatives ( ) ( )
Peer Influence ( ) ( )
Inspired by a role model ( ) ( )
Strong passion for the profession ( ) ( )
Prospect for immediate employment ( ) ( )
Status or prestige of the profession ( ) ( )
Availability of course offering in
chosen institution ( ) ( )
Prospect of career advancement ( ) ( )
Affordable for the family ( ) ( )
Prospect of attractive compensation ( ) ( )
Opportunity for employment abroad ( ) ( )
No particular choice or no better idea ( ) ( )
Others, please specify _______________________________________________


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1. Please list down all professional or work-related training program (s) including advance studies you have attended after
college. You may use extra sheet if needed

Title of Training or Advance Study Duration & Credits Earned Name of Training Institution/
___________________________ __________________________ _______________________
___________________________ __________________________ _______________________
___________________________ __________________________ _______________________
2. What made you pursue advance studies?
( ) For promotion
( ) For professional development
( ) Others, please specify ____________________________________________________

(Employment here means any type of work performed or services rendered in exchanged for compensation under a contact
of hire which create the employer and employee relations)

1. Are you presently employed?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Never Employed
If NO or NEVER BEEN EMPLOYED, proceed to Questions 2.
If YES, proceed to Questions 3 to 7.

2. Please state reason (s) why you are not yet employed. You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) Advance or further study
( ) Family concern and decided not to find a job
( ) Health-related reason (s)
( ) Lack of work experience
( ) No job opportunity
( ) Did not look for a job
( ) Other reason (s), please specify

3. What are the reason (s) for staying on the job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) Salaries and benefits
( ) Career challenge
( ) Related to special skill
( ) Related to course or program of study
( ) Proximity to residence
( ) Peer influence
( ) Family influence
( ) Other reason (s), please specify _______________________________________
Please proceed to Question 7.
4. Is your first job related to the course you took up in college?
( ) Yes ( ) No
If NO, proceed to Question 9.
5. What were your reasons for accepting the job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) Salaries and benefits
( ) Career challenge
( ) Related to special skills
( ) Proximity to residence
( ) Other reason (s), please specify ____________________________________
6. What were your reason (s) for changing job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) Salaries and benefits
( ) Career challenge
( ) Related to special skills
( ) Proximity to residence
( ) Other reason (s), please specify ____________________________________
7. How long did you stay in your first job?
( ) Less than a month ( ) 1 year to less than 2 years
( ) 1 to 6 months ( ) 2 years to less than 3 years
( ) 7 to 11 months ( ) 3 years to less than 4 years
( ) Others, please specify
8. How did you find your first job?
( ) Response to an advertisement
( ) As walk-in applicant
( ) Recommended by someone
( ) Information from friends
( ) Arranged by school’s job placement officer
( ) Family business
( ) Job Fair or Public Employment Service Office (PESO)

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( ) Others, please specify______________________________________________
9. How long did it take you to land your first job?
( ) Less than a month ( ) 1 year to less than 2 years
( ) 1 to 6 months ( ) 2 years to less than 3 years
( ) 7 to 11 months ( ) 3 years to less than 4 years
( ) Others, please specify _______________________________________
10. Job Level Position
Job Level 10.1. First Job 10.2. Current or Present Job
Rank or Clerical ( ) ( )
Professional, Technical or Supervisory ( ) ( )
Managerial or Executive ( ) ( )
Self-employed ( ) ( )

11. What is your initial gross monthly earning in your first job after college?
( ) Below P 5,000.00 ( ) P 15,000.00 to less than P 20,000.00
( ) P 5,000.00 to less than P 10,000.00 ( ) P 20,000.00 to less than P 25,000.00
( ) P 10,000.00 to less than P 15,000.00 ( ) P 25,000.00 and above
12. Was the curriculum you had in college relevant to your first job?
( ) Yes ( ) No
13. If YES, what competencies learned in college did you find very useful in your first job? You may check (/) more than one
( ) Communication skills
( ) Human Relations skills
( ) Entrepreneurial skills
( ) Problem-solving skills
( ) Critical Thinking skills
( ) Other skills, please specify _________________________________________
14. List down suggestions to further improve your course curriculum

1. Type of Organization: Private Public NGO/INGO Self Employed Government
2. Employment Type: Full time Part time
3. Designation: .................. Level: Sr. Level Mid-Level Operation Level Assistant Level
4. Do you face any major problem/s in your job assignments? Yes No
If 'Yes', please specify the problems briefly:
5. How satisfied are you with your current job? Very much Much A little Not satisfied
6. Do you intend to stay in the same job/profession? Yes No

1. How would you rate the contribution of the program of your study at the institution to your personal knowledge, skills
and attitudes?
(Give number from the range 0-5) Very much= 5 Not at all= 0
Please tick under the number which best suits your answer
SN Particulars
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Enhanced academic knowledge
2 Improved problem-solving skills
3 Improved research skills
4 Improved learning efficiency
5 Improved communication skills
6 Improved information technology skills
7 Enhanced team spirit

2. Was your program of study at the institution relevant to your present job?
(Give number from the range 0-5) Very much= 5 Not at all= 0
Please tick under the number which best suits your answer
SN Particulars
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Enhanced academic knowledge
2 Improved problem-solving skills
3 Improved research skills
4 Improved learning efficiency
5 Improved communication skills
6 Improved information technology skills
7 Enhanced team spirit

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3. Which of the following best represent major strengths and weaknesses of the institutional program that you attended?
(Give number from the range 0-5) Very high = 5 Does not apply = 0
Please tick under the number which best suits your answer
SN Particulars
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Range of courses offered
2 Number of optional subjects
Relevance of the program to your
professional requirements
4 Extracurricular activities
5 Problem solving
6 Inter-disciplinary learning
7 Work placement/attachment
8 Teaching/Learning environment
9 Quality of delivery
10 Teacher Student Relationship
11 Library/Lab etc.

_______Jeraldine P. Bungabong_______________
Signature of the graduate

Thank you for taking time out to fill out this questionnaire.

Reference: CHED Tracer Questionnaire

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