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[G.R. No. 143376. November 26, 2002.]

LENI O. CHOA , petitioner, vs . ALFONSO C. CHOA , respondent.

Oscar C. Fernandez for petitioner.

The Mirano Mirano & Mirano Law Offices for respondent.


Private respondent led an annulment of marriage case based on petitioner's

alleged psychological incapacity. After private respondent presented his last witness, the
petitioner led a Motion to Dismiss or a Demurrer to Evidence. The trial court denied the
demurrer. Petitioner elevated the case to the CA by way of a Petition for Certiorari. The CA
upheld the trial court's denial of the demurrer, and held that since the order was merely
interlocutory, certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court was not available. The proper
remedy was for the defense to present evidence, and if an unfavorable decision was
handed down later, to take an appeal therefrom. CETDHA

In this petition, petitioner argued that the trial court denied her demurrer to evidence
despite the patent weakness and gross insu ciency of respondent's evidence. Thus, she
was entitled to the extraordinary remedy of certiorari.
In granting the petition, the Supreme Court held that Rules 41 and 65 of the Rules of
Court expressly recognize the exception when interlocutory orders may be subject to
certiorari proceedings — when the lower court acts with grave abuse of discretion, as in
this case. It was totally erroneous but also grave abuse of discretion on the part of the trial
court to rule that the ling by petitioner of a series of cases against the respondent
established the latter's psychological incapacity. The evidence presented, even if taken as
true, merely established the prosecution of the cases against the respondent. Other
complaints of respondent, namely, about petitioner's alleged lack of attention to their
children's needs, immaturity and lack of an "intention of procreative sexuality" do not
constitute psychological incapacity. Finally, the testimony of the supposed expert witness
presented by the respondent was based on hearsay evidence.



BAR. — In general, interlocutory orders are neither appealable nor subject to certiorari
proceedings. However, this rule is not absolute. In Tadeo v. People , this Court declared
that appeal — not certiorari — in due time was indeed the proper remedy, provided there
was no grave abuse of discretion or excess of jurisdiction or oppressive exercise of
judicial authority. In fact, Rules 41 and 65 of the Rules of Court expressly recognize this
exception and allow certiorari when the lower court acts with grave abuse of discretion in
the issuance of an interlocutory order. Thus, a denial of a demurrer that is tainted with
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction may be assailed
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through a petition for certiorari.
demurrer to evidence is de ned as "an objection or exception by one of the parties in an
action at law, to the effect that the evidence which his adversary produced is insu cient in
point of law (whether true or not) to make out his case or sustain the issue." The demurrer
challenges the su ciency of the plaintiff's evidence to sustain a verdict. In passing upon
the su ciency of the evidence raised in a demurrer, the court is merely required to
ascertain whether there is competent or su cient proof to sustain the indictment or to
support a verdict of guilt. We have thoroughly reviewed the records of the present case,
and we are convinced that the evidence against respondent (herein petitioner) is grossly
insu cient to support any nding of psychological incapacity that would warrant a
declaration of nullity of the parties' marriage.


VALUE, WHETHER OBJECTED TO OR NOT; CASE AT BAR. — Obviously, Dr. Gauzon had no
personal knowledge of the facts he testi ed to, as these had merely been relayed to him
by respondent. The former was working on pure suppositions and secondhand
information fed to him by one side. Consequently, his testimony can be dismissed as
unscienti c and unreliable. As to respondent's argument — that because Dr. Gauzon's
testimony had never been objected to, the objection raised thereafter was deemed waived
— the Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter. It held that although the question of
admissibility of evidence could not be raised for the rst time on appeal, hearsay or
unreliable evidence should be disregarded whether objected to or not, because it has no
probative value. We are, of course, mindful of the ruling that a medical examination is not a
conditio sine qua non to a nding of psychological incapacity, so long as the totality of
evidence presented is enough to establish the incapacity adequately. Here, however, the
totality of evidence presented by respondent was completely insu cient to sustain a
nding of psychological incapacity — more so without any medical, psychiatric or
psychological examination.
NOT ESTABLISHED IN CASE AT BAR. — The documents presented by respondent during
the trial do not in any way show the alleged psychological incapacity of his wife. It is the
height of absurdity and inequity to condemn her as psychologically incapacitated to ful ll
her marital obligations, simply because she led cases against him. The evidence
presented, even if taken as true, merely establishes the prosecution of the cases against
him. To rule that the lings are su cient to establish her psychological incapacity is not
only totally erroneous, but also grave abuse of discretion bordering on absurdity. Neither is
the testimony of respondent, taken by itself or in conjunction with his documentary
offerings, su cient to prove petitioner's alleged psychological incapacity. Even if taken as
true, the testimony of respondent basically complains about three aspects of petitioner's
personality; namely, her alleged (1) lack of attention to their children, (2) immaturity and (3)
lack of an "intention of procreative sexuality." None of these three, singly or collectively,
constitutes "psychological incapacity."


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Though interlocutory in character, an order denying a demurrer to evidence may be

the subject of a certiorari proceeding, provided the petitioner can show that it was issued
with grave abuse of discretion; and that appeal in due course is not plain, adequate or
speedy under the circumstances. Indeed, when the plaintiff's evidence is utterly and
patently insu cient to prove the complaint, it would be capricious for a trial judge to deny
the demurrer and to require the defendant to present evidence to controvert a nonexisting
case. Verily, the denial constitutes an unwelcome imposition on the court's docket and an
assault on the defendant's resources and peace of mind. In short, such denial needlessly
delays and, thus, effectively denies justice.
The Case
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
assailing the March 16, 2000 Decision 1 and the May 22, 2000 Resolution 2 of the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA-GR SP No. 53100. The decretal portion of the Decision reads as
"WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit." 3

The assailed Resolution denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration. 4

The Facts
Petitioner and respondent were married on March 15, 1981. Out of this union two
children were born, Cheryl Lynne and Albryan. On October 27, 1993, respondent led
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Negros Occidental, Branch 51, a Complaint 5 for
the annulment of his marriage to petitioner. The Complaint was docketed as Civil Case No.
93-8098. Afterwards he led an Amended Complaint 6 dated November 8, 1993, for the
declaration of nullity of his marriage to petitioner based on her alleged psychological
The case went to trial with respondent presenting his evidence in chief. After his last
witness testi ed, he submitted his Formal Offer of Exhibits 7 dated February 20, 1998.
Instead of offering any objection to it, petitioner led a Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer to
Evidence) 8 dated May 11, 1998. The lower court then allowed a number of pleadings to be
filed thereafter.
Finally, the RTC issued its December 2, 1998 Order 9 denying petitioner's Demurrer
to Evidence. It held that "[respondent] established a quantum of evidence that the
[petitioner] must controvert." 1 0 After her Motion for Reconsideration 1 1 was denied in the
March 22, 1999 Order, 1 2 petitioner elevated the case to the CA by way of a Petition for
Certiorari, 1 3 docketed as CA-GR No. 53100.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
The CA held that the denial of the demurrer was merely interlocutory; hence,
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court was not available. The proper remedy was for
the defense to present evidence; and if an unfavorable decision was handed down later, to
take an appeal therefrom. 1 4 In any event, no grave abuse of discretion was committed by
respondent judge in issuing the assailed Orders. 1 5
The CA also ruled that "the propriety of granting or denying a demurrer to evidence
rests on the sound exercise of the [trial] court's discretion." 1 6 Further, the "[p]etitioner
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failed to show that the issues in the court below [had] been resolved arbitrarily or without
basis." 1 7
Hence, this Petition. 1 8
The Issues
In her Memorandum, 1 9 petitioner submits the following issues for our
"1) Upon the denial of petitioner's demurrer to evidence under Rule 33
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, is she under obligation, as a matter of
in exible rule, as what the Court of Appeals required of her, to present her
evidence, and when an unfavorable [verdict] is handed down, appeal therefrom in
the manner authorized by law, despite the palpably and patently weak and
grossly insu cient or so inadequate evidence of the private respondent as
plaintiff in the annulment of marriage case, grounded on psychological
incapacity under Art. 36 of The Family Code? Or under such circumstances, can
the extraordinary remedy of certiorari be directly and immediately resorted to by
the petitioner; and
"2) In upholding the lower court's denial of petitioner's demurrer to
evidence, did the Court of Appeals wantonly violate, ignore or disregard in a
whimsical manner the doctrinal pronouncements of this Court in Molina (G.R. No.
108763, February 13, 1997, 268 SCRA 198) and Santos (G.R. No. 112019,
January 14, 1995, 58 SCRA 17)?" 2 0

Simply stated, the issues are: (1) is certiorari available to correct an order denying a
demurrer to evidence? and (2) in its denial, did the RTC commit grave abuse of discretion
by violating or ignoring the applicable law and jurisprudence? SDAaTC

The Court's Ruling

The Petition is meritorious.
First Issue:
Resort to Certiorari
Petitioner argues that the RTC denied her Demurrer to Evidence despite the patent
weakness and gross insu ciency of respondent's evidence. Thus, she was entitled to the
immediate recourse of the extraordinary remedy of certiorari. Echoing the CA, respondent
counters that appeal in due course, not certiorari, is the proper remedy.
We clarify. In general, interlocutory orders are neither appealable nor subject to
certiorari proceedings.
However, this rule is not absolute. In Tadeo v. People , 2 1 this Court declared that
appeal — not certiorari — in due time was indeed the proper remedy, provided there was no
grave abuse of discretion or excess of jurisdiction or oppressive exercise of judicial
In fact, Rules 41 and 65 of the Rules of Court expressly recognize this exception and
allow certiorari when the lower court acts with grave abuse of discretion in the issuance of
an interlocutory order. Rule 41 provides:
"No appeal may be taken from:
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xxx xxx xxx
(c) An interlocutory order;
xxx xxx xxx

"In all the above instances where the judgment or nal order is not
appealable, the aggrieved party may le an appropriate special civil action under
Rule 65." 2 2

In turn, Section 1 of Rule 65 reads as follows:

"SEC. 1. Petition for certiorari — When any tribunal, board or o cer
exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions has acted without or in excess of its
or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction, and there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy
in the ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved thereby may le a veri ed
petition in the proper court, alleging the facts with certainty and praying that
judgment be rendered annulling or modifying the proceedings of such tribunal,
board or o cer, and granting such incidental reliefs as law and justice may
require." 2 3

Thus, a denial of a demurrer that is tainted with grave abuse of discretion amounting
to lack or excess of jurisdiction may be assailed through a petition for certiorari. 2 4 In Cruz
v. People, this exception was stressed by the Court in this wise:
"Admittedly, the general rule that the extraordinary writ of certiorari is not
available to challenge interlocutory orders of the trial court may be subject to
exceptions. When the assailed interlocutory orders are patently erroneous or
issued with grave abuse of discretion, the remedy of certiorari lies." 2 5

Second Issue:
Denial of Demurrer to Evidence
Having established that a writ of certiorari may be issued in exceptional
circumstances, this Court is now tasked to determine whether the present case falls under
the exception; that is, whether the RTC indeed committed a "patent error" or grave abuse of
discretion in denying petitioner's Demurrer to Evidence.
A demurrer to evidence is de ned as "an objection or exception by one of the parties
in an action at law, to the effect that the evidence which his adversary produced is
insu cient in point of law (whether true or not) to make out his case or sustain the issue."
2 6 The demurrer challenges the su ciency of the plaintiff's evidence to sustain a verdict.
2 7 In passing upon the su ciency of the evidence raised in a demurrer, the court is merely
required to ascertain whether there is competent or su cient proof to sustain the
indictment or to support a verdict of guilt. 2 8
We have thoroughly reviewed the records of the present case, and we are convinced
that the evidence against respondent (herein petitioner) is grossly insu cient to support
any nding of psychological incapacity that would warrant a declaration of nullity of the
parties' marriage.
First. Respondent claims that the ling by petitioner of a series of charges against
him are proof of the latter's psychological incapacity to comply with the essential
obligations of marriage. These charges included Complaints for perjury, 2 9 false testimony,
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30 concubinage 3 1 and deportation. 3 2 According to him, the ling and the prosecution of
these cases clearly showed that his wife (herein petitioner) wanted not only to put him
behind bars, but also to banish him from the country. He contends that this "is very
abnormal for a wife who, instead of protecting the name and integrity of her husband as
the father of her children, had acted to the contrary." 3 3
We do not agree. The documents presented by respondent during the trial do not in
any way show the alleged psychological incapacity of his wife. It is the height of absurdity
and inequity to condemn her as psychologically incapacitated to ful ll her marital
obligations, simply because she led cases against him. The evidence presented, even if
taken as true, merely establishes the prosecution of the cases against him. To rule that the
lings are su cient to establish her psychological incapacity is not only totally erroneous,
but also grave abuse of discretion bordering on absurdity.
Second. Neither is the testimony of respondent, taken by itself or in conjunction with
his documentary offerings, su cient to prove petitioner's alleged psychological
incapacity. He testified in these words:
"Q. Will you please tell us or explain to the Court what do you mean by
'psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential obligations of
marriage.' What do you mean by that?
A. Because before our marriage she was already on the family way, so at that
time she even want it aborted by taking pills. She was even immature,
carefree, and she lacked the intention of procreative sexuality. 3 4
xxx xxx xxx
And you consider her that she was carefree, she is psychologically
incapacitated? Will you please elaborate on this what you mean by
'carefree' approximating psychologically incapacitated?
I think we better ask the witness what he means by 'carefree.'

Witness may answer.
She does not help in the household chores, she does not take care of the
child, she wants me to hire an attendant in order to take care of the child.
Even when the children were sick she does not bother to let the children see
a doctor. 3 5
xxx xxx xxx
"STENOGRAPHER (reads back the question of Atty. Chua):
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Now. From the time of courtship up to the time of your marriage to
the defendant, did you notice any characteristic or traits which you
consider as psychological incapacity?'
Sometimes when I cannot visit at her house she gets mad at me, and she
won't talk to me when I call her up by telephone. So, all she wanted for me
to visit her everytime and even at the time when I am busy with some other
things. So, I think that is all." 3 6

Even if taken as true, the testimony of respondent basically complains about three
aspects of petitioner's personality; namely, her alleged (1) lack of attention to their
children, (2) immaturity and (3) lack of an "intention of procreative sexuality." None of these
three, singly or collectively, constitutes "psychological incapacity." Far from it.
In Santos vs. CA, 3 7 this Court clearly explained that "psychological incapacity must
be characterized by (a) gravity, (b) juridical antecedence and (c) incurability." 3 8 Said the
"It should be obvious, looking at all the foregoing disquisitions, including,
and most importantly, the deliberations of the Family Code Revision Committee
itself, that the use of the phrase 'psychological incapacity' under Article 36 of the
Code has not been meant to comprehend all such possible cases of psychoses
as, likewise mentioned by some ecclesiastical authorities, extremely low
intelligence, immaturity, and like circumstances (cited in Fr. Artemio Baluma's
'Void and Voidable Marriages in the Family Code and their Parallels in Canon
Law,' quoting from the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder by the
American Psychiatric Association; Edward Hudson's 'Handbook II for Marriage
Nullity Cases'). Article 36 of the Family Code cannot be taken and construed
independently of but must stand in conjunction with, existing precepts in our law
on marriage. Thus correlated, 'psychological incapacity' should refer to no less
than a mental (not physical) incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive
of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and
discharged by the parties to the marriage which, as so expressed by Article 68 of
the Family Code, include their mutual obligations to live together, observe love,
respect and delity and render help and support. There is hardly any doubt that
the intendment of the law has been to con ne the meaning of 'psychological
incapacity' to the most serious cases of personality disorders clearly
demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and
signi cance to the marriage. This psychologic condition must exist at the time
the marriage is celebrated." 3 9

Furthermore, in Republic v. Molina , 4 0 we ruled that the psychological incapacity

must be more than just a "di culty," a "refusal" or a "neglect" in the performance of some
marital obligations. We stressed that a mere showing of irreconcilable differences and
conflicting personalities in no wise constitutes psychological incapacity.
In the case at bar, the evidence adduced by respondent merely shows that he and
his wife could not get along with each other. There was absolutely no showing of the
gravity or juridical antecedence or incurability of the problems besetting their marital
Sorely lacking in respondent's evidence is proof that the psychological incapacity
was grave enough to bring about the disability of a party to assume the essential
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obligations of marriage. In Molina, we a rmed that "mild characterological peculiarities,
mood changes and occasional emotional outbursts cannot be accepted as root causes of
psychological incapacity. The illness must be shown as downright incapacity or inability,
not a refusal, neglect or di culty, much less ill will. In other words, there should be a natal
or supervening disabling factor in the person, an adverse integral element in the
personality structure that effectively incapacitates the person from really accepting and
thereby complying with the obligations essential to marriage." 4 1
Respondent's pious peroration that petitioner "lacked the intention of procreative
sexuality" is easily belied by the fact that two children were born during their union.
Moreover, there is absolutely no showing that the alleged "defect" was already existing at
the time of the celebration of the marriage.
Third. Most telling is the insu ciency, if not incompetency, of the supposed expert
testimony presented by respondent. His witness, Dr. Antonio M. Gauzon, utterly failed to
identify and prove the root cause of the alleged psychological incapacity. Speci cally, his
testimony did not show that the incapacity, if true, was medically or clinically permanent or
incurable. Neither did he testify that it was grave enough to bring about the disability of the
party to assume the essential obligations of marriage. The pertinent portions of his
testimony are quoted thus: DHEACI


Q. And then finally and ultimately you reached the conclusion that both
parties, meaning the husband and the wife in the present case have a
personality which is normal. That is your conclusion?
A. They are normal, but they cannot mix together.

Q. So as a general proposition, both of them are of normal personality, only

that they are not compatible with each other?

A. Yes.
Q. And by normal personality, you mean that neither of them suffer from any
personality disorder, bordering on abnormality?

A. Yes.
Q. But Doctor, is not a fact or a fact of life, that no couple could be or are
perfectly match?
A. Precisely, if there is a problem, marital problem, there should be somebody
who knows how to handle marriage, that should try to intervene.
Q. You mean expert advise or services should be needed by the couple?
A. Yes.
Q. Now, if the couple are mature enough and each of them practises what we
call maximum tolerance and give and take, will that serve the purpose?
A. That would served the purpose of getting well.
Q. Yes?

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A. Yes.
Q. Meaning to say that the incompatibility could be harmonized?
A. Yes, because they are supposedly normal, but both of them are personally
disordered. It cannot be harmonized. So this case, if only they have tried
professional help to take care of their marital problem, it could have been
Q. Or the situation could have been remedied?
A. Yes. But I would like to say that it must be somebody who is an expert. Not
just any from Tom, Dick and Harry could handle this. That means from the
very beginning they have personalities which they were incompatible. So if
anybody would handle that, they will not mix, they will be always
quarreling with each other. They should not have got married. 4 2
xxx xxx xxx
Q. Yes. So in this present case, your expert opinion was sought by the
plaintiff, and you found out that both are normal?
A. With different personalities. So that they were incompatible.
Q. Normal, simply incompatible.

A. Yes, with personalities different from each other, which I mentioned there
in my last page. That they are like oil and water, immiscible. Like oil and
water, they will not mix.
Q. You also mentioned that the plaintiff. Meaning to say the husband told
you about the frequent quarrels had with the wife. Did he ever tell you that
was a serious or major quarrel?
A. Actually there was no major quarrel. It was all petty quarrels. 4 3
xxx xxx xxx
Q. So the problem of this couple is fundamentally a conflicting personalities?

A. Yes. 4 4
xxx xxx xxx
Q. Now, you mentioned that you may be able to make them reconcile?
A. Yes.
Q. You mean that given the time and opportunity, things could be worked
A. Yes.

Q. You mean reconciliation at this stage with expert services, and the advise
of those who possess the necessary [expertise] could be worked out?

A. Yes, as I said it can be done by therapy. Family therapy. 4 5

xxx xxx xxx
Q. Doctor, you draw your conclusion that there is psychological inc[a]pacity
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existing in this case?
A. Yes.
Q. Because of the . . .
A. The incompatibility.

Q. Incompatibility.
A. Yes. 4 6

His testimony established merely that the spouses had an "incompatibility," a

"defect" that could possibly be treated or alleviated through psychotherapy. We need not
expound further on the patent insu ciency of the expert testimony to establish the
psychological incapacity of petitioner.
Furthermore, the assessment of petitioner by Dr. Gauzon was based merely on
descriptions communicated to him by respondent. The doctor never conducted any
psychological examination of her. Neither did he ever claim to have done so. In fact, his
Professional Opinion 4 7 began with the statement "[I]f what Alfonso Choa said about his
wife Leni is true, . . ." 4 8 The expert witness testified thus:
Q. Doctor, in this professional opinion of yours, you gathered most of your
material data from the plaintiff who is the husband?
A. Yes. By the way, I requested the husband Alfonso, if it was possible for me
to interview Leni, and he said, he doesn't know.
Q. He doesn't know. Now, Doctor if we were to request you to conduct the
same personal interview and written psychological examination on the part
of the wife, [w]ould you be willing to do that?
A. Sure for a fee. I may be able to make them reconcile." 4 9

Obviously, Dr. Gauzon had no personal knowledge of the facts he testi ed to, as
these had merely been relayed to him by respondent. The former was working on pure
suppositions and secondhand information fed to him by one side. Consequently, his
testimony can be dismissed as unscientific and unreliable.
Dr. Gauzon tried to save his credibility by asserting that he was able to assess
petitioner's character, not only through the descriptions given by respondent, but also
through the former's at least fteen hours 5 0 of study of the voluminous transcript of
records of this case. Even if it took the good doctor a whole day or a whole week to
examine the records of this case, we still nd his assessment of petitioner's psychological
state sorely insufficient and methodologically flawed.
As to respondent's argument — that because Dr. Gauzon's testimony had never been
objected to, the objection raised thereafter was deemed waived — the Supreme Court has
already ruled on the matter. It held that although the question of admissibility of evidence
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could not be raised for the rst time on appeal, hearsay or unreliable evidence should be
disregarded whether objected to or not, because it has no probative value. 5 1
We are, of course, mindful of the ruling that a medical examination is not a conditio
sine qua non to a nding of psychological incapacity, so long as the totality of evidence
presented is enough to establish the incapacity adequately. 5 2 Here, however, the totality
of evidence presented by respondent was completely insu cient to sustain a nding of
psychological incapacity — more so without any medical, psychiatric or psychological
The trial court should have carefully studied and assessed the evidence presented
by respondent and taken into account the prevailing jurisprudence on the matter. It could
then have easily concluded, as we conclude now, that it was useless to proceed further
with the tedious process of hearing contravening proof. His evidence was obviously,
grossly and clearly insu cient to support a declaration of nullity of marriage based on
psychological incapacity. Withal, it was grave abuse of discretion for the RTC to deny the
Demurrer and to violate or ignore this Court's rulings in point. Indeed, continuing the
process of litigation would have been a total waste of time and money for the parties and
an unwelcome imposition on the trial court's docket.
We have already ruled that grave abuse of discretion may arise when a lower court
or tribunal violates or contravenes the Constitution, the law or existing jurisprudence. 5 3
Any decision, order or resolution of a lower court tantamount to overruling a judicial
pronouncement of the highest Court is unmistakably a very grave abuse of discretion. 5 4
There is no reason to believe that an appeal would prove to be a plain, speedy or
adequate remedy in the case at bar. An appeal would not promptly relieve petitioner from
the injurious effects of the patently mistaken Orders maintaining the baseless action of
respondent. It would only compel her to go needlessly through a protracted trial, which
would further clog the court dockets with another futile case. 5 5
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby GRANTED and the assailed CA Decision
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Respondent's Demurrer to Evidence is GRANTED, and the case
for declaration of nullity of marriage based on the alleged psychological incapacity of
petitioner is DISMISSED. No pronouncement as to costs. TICaEc

Sandoval-Gutierrez, Corona and Carpio-Morales, JJ., concur.
Puno, J., is abroad on official business.


1. Annex "A" of the Petition; rollo, pp. 25-28; penned by Justice Romeo A. Brawner and
concurred in by Justices Fermin A. Martin Jr. (Division chairman) and Andres B. Reyes
Jr. (member).

2. Annex "C" of the Petition; rollo, p. 39.

3. CA Decision, p. 4; rollo, p. 27-A.

4. Annex "B" of the Petition; rollo, pp. 29-38.

5. Complaint dated October 27, 1993; records, pp. 13-21.

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6. Records, pp. 25-33.

7. Id., pp. 239-261.

8. Id., pp. 377-389.
9. Id., pp. 442-445.
10. Order dated December 2, 1998; records, pp. 444-445.
11. Records, pp. 446-449.

12. Id., p. 461.

13. Petition dated June 3, 1999; CA rollo, pp. 2-22.

14. CA Decision, p. 3; rollo, p. 27.

15. Ibid.
16. Id., pp. 4 & 27-A.
17. Ibid.
18. The case was deemed, submitted for decision on February 12, 2001, upon this Court's
receipt of the Memorandum for respondent signed by Attys. William N. Mirano and Gina
H. Mirano of Mirano, Mirano & Mirano. Petitioner's Memorandum, received on December
29, 2000, was signed by Atty. Joselito T. Bayatan.

19. Rollo, pp. 108-127.

20. Petitioner's Memorandum, p. 9; rollo, p. 116.

21. 300 SCRA 744, December 29, 1998.

22. §1, Rule 41, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

23. §1, Rule 65, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

24. Ong v. People, 342 SCRA 372, October 9, 2000; Gutib v. CA, 312 SCRA 365, August 13,
25. 303 SCRA 533, 538, February 23, 1999, per Pardo, J.

26. Black's Law Dictionary, 6th ed. (1990), p. 433.

27. Ong v. People, supra; Gutib v. CA, supra.
28. Ibid.
29. As evidenced by Exhibits "D" to "M" and "FF" to "GG".
30. As evidenced by Exhibits "O" to "P".

31. As evidenced by Exhibits "Q" to "R".

32. As evidenced by Exhibits "HH" to "JJ".

33. Formal Offer of Exhibits, p. 3; records, p. 241.

34. TSN, February 28, 1996, p. 10.

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35. Id., p. 15.
36. Id., p. 19.
37. 240 SCRA 20, January 4, 1995.
38. Id., p. 33, per Vitug, J.
39. Id., p. 34.
40. 268 SCRA 198, February 13, 1997, per Panganiban, J.
41. Id., pp. 211-212.
42. TSN, February 11, 1998, pp. 23-27.
43. Id., pp. 41-42.
44. Id., p. 46.
45. Id., pp. 49-50.
46. Id., pp. 62-63.
47. Exhibit "MM"; records, pp. 367-370.
48. Professional Opinion, p. 4; Exhibit "MM", records, p. 370.

49. TSN, February 11, 1998, pp. 48-49.

50. Id., pp. 14-15.

51. City Government of Davao v. Monteverde-Consunji, GR No. 136825, May 21, 2001;
People v. Williams, 357 SCRA 124, April 20, 2001; Benguet Exploration, Inc. v. CA, 351
SCRA 445, February 9, 2001.

52. Marcos v. Marcos, 343 SCRA 755, October 19, 2000.

53. Republic v. COCOFED , GR Nos. 147062-64, December 14, 2001; Cuison v. CA, 289 SCRA
161, April 15, 1998.

54. Ibid.
55. Emergency Loan Pawnshop, Inc. v. CA, 353 SCRA 89, February 28, 2001; Far East Bank
and Trust Co. v. CA, 341 SCRA 485, September 29, 2000; MB Finance Corp. v. Abesamis,
195 SCRA 592, March 22, 1991.

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