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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Smart Cookies

Students will be able to read grade level text orally.
Students will be able to recognize challenging words, break them down, and define them.
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the story by recalling the sequence of the text
State Standards:
Standard 4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
 4.1 Read grade-level texts with purpose and understanding.
 4.2 Read grade-level texts orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on
successive readings.
 4.3 Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding
rereading as necessary
Context: The purpose of this lesson is to have students work on their reading skills. Through this
lesson, students will be able to work on their oral reading proficiency and recognition of words.
Students will be learning reading skills that they should have learned in kindergarten, skills such
as piecing letters together to form words, putting words together to form sentences, and sounding
out challenging words. In previous lessons taught there will have been practice of sounding out
words that are challenging to a student. This particular lesson will lead to reading books that are
more challenging and the progression of reading aloud. In this lesson, students will be given
sentences and stories to read independently, in a group, and with the teachers help as well. This
lesson is designed for a 70 minute long class
Data: Students will be put into groups based on their AR (Accelerated Reading) scores/levels.
AR levels are assessed by AR reading tests. These tests are taken after an AR reading book has
been read and the child goes into the AR test site online. These tests will have already been done
prior to class. Students with a level lower than a typical first grade reading level will be grouped
together. Students with an on level or second grade level of reading will be grouped together.
Students with a reading level of anything higher than a second grade reading level will be
grouped together. To assess data from this lesson, the students will have their nightly (already
assigned) homework of taking an AR reading test at home. The groups will have been pre
created based on scores and written down in the lesson plan for the day.
Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets,
diagrams, textbooks, etc.)
 Ipads for teacher group

 . (read pdf in teacher group)

 (quiz for teacher group)
 (link for pup talk for independent group)
 (app download for the Pup Talk independent

 (Pre printed chart for color dice game in

collaborative group)

Introduction (10 minutes): Students will begin class in their seats. Then students will be
put into their premade groups for the lesson. The groups are premade with the names of the
students in each group. The teacher will write the names of the students in each group on the
white board so the students can use it as a reference. The lower AR score group (group 1)will
begin with the collaborative activity, then the independent activity, and then the teacher lead
activity. The 1st-2nd grade AR reading score group (group 2) will begin with the teacher lead
activity, then the collaborative activity, and then the independent activity. The higher AR reading
group (group 3) will begin with the independent activity, then the teacher lead activity, and then
the collaborative activity.

Teacher Directed (25 minutes): Students will work with the teacher in a group to read
the story “If you Give a Mouse a Cookie”. There will be a printed out pdf version of the book for
students to have. While reading aloud in the teacher group students will take turns popcorn
reading. Popcorn reading is when a student reads and then chooses another student in the group
to read next, then that student chooses a different student after reading their portion and so on.
Students must read a minimum of two pages during their turn and no more than 3 pages. Every
student must have a chance to read so no double popcorn reading unless all students in the group
have read. While reading students are to highlight any challenging or difficult words so later on
they can make note to study and practice them. Each student is to read aloud and if they stumble
across a challenging word sound it out. After reading aloud in their groups the students will get
on their ipads still in the teacher group. The students will take the quiz that will already be put in
the ipads search system. The students will take the quiz on the ipad silently, no working together
on this one. Once the students have completed the quiz, the teacher will mark down their grade
in the grading chart in the quiz section. If students have completed this activity before the group
time is up they make use the ipads to lookup and define the challenging words that they
highlighted during their reading.
Collaborative (25 minutes): Students will play the roll and write game in their
collaborative groups. The students in the group will take turns rolling a dice and then follow the
dice rules after it is rolled. Each number on a dice has a specific rule attached to it. Each number
is associated with a color. The students are to roll the dice ten times, one for each vocab word.
Once the dice is rolled and the color is revealed for that number the students are to write a vocab
word of their choice in that color on their word chart. The colors for each number are as follows:
1=Red, 2=Blue, 3=Green, 4=Orange, 5=Yellow, 6=Purple, 7=Pink, 8=Black, 9=Grey, and
10=Brown. The vocab words for this week are; Round, Giant, Orange, Yell, Then, Spill, Tug,
Write, Tree, and Love. There is a pre printed chart that will be in with the lesson plan papers.
Below is an example of what it will look like s a student completes this activity. If this is done
before the time is up they can flip the paper chart over and practice writing sentences involving
their vocab words.

Independent Digital (25 minutes): Students will use the ipads to open the PBS kids app.
In the app students are to go to the “Pup Talk”. If students are having trouble with the app then
copy and paste the link in the search engine and go to the Pup Talk story creator from there.
Once the Pup Talk is open students are to create an original story. The story must include at least
2 characters, a minimum of 10 pages, and have at least 5 vocab words in the sentence. The vocab
words for this week are; Round, Giant, Orange, Yell, Then, Spill, Tug, Write, Tree, and Love.
Once students have created their own story they need to copy and save the link in the notes area
on the ipad. If students have finished this before group time is up they may read an AR book
from the book shelf until time is up.
Closure (5 minutes): There is a preprinted exit ticket attached with substitute papers. On
the exit ticket students are to answer the following question: “Which station helped you the best
and why?” Students will write their answers in the allotted space on the exit ticket. Once they
have answered the question they will put the exit ticket in the “Exit Box” located by the door.
Once they have put their ticket in the Exit Box, have students sit at their desk until the next
period bell rings. Students are to sit quietly to allow students to write their ticket. If all students
have completed their exit tickets and put them in the Exit Box, and they are seated at their desks,
then they may talk with one another.

The first multimedia used is the Pup talk create a story in the PBS kids app. This app is
used because it allows students to have access to creating their own story as well as other
education and interactive games, quizzes, and read alongs. This app is highly reviewed
and has been used in classrooms before I have been apart of. This app can be used
multiple times and for many different lessons meaning it has good reusability. The app is
fun and interactive providing motivation for students. The multiple interactive uses also
meet different lesson standards. This app also has different levels which is good for users
who are on different learning lessons.

Another multimedia platform I chose to use is the roll and write game. This educational
game is great for allowing students to practice their vocab words and also add some color
to it. This is great for visual learning who can associate colors with words, this is also
great for different level of students who need practice in a different type of way. This
game helps students gain skills in the word recognition aspect of learning. This is a great
game because it can be done multiple times, whether in one class, or each time there are
new vocab words meaning it is reusable. This game is also organized well relating to the
presentation design of the multimedia evaluation.

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