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Case 3:18-cr-00316-SI Document 22 Filed 11/20/18 Page 1 of 7


1000 SW Third Avenue, Suite 600 405 E 8th A venue, Suite 2400
Portland, Oregon 97204 Eugene, Oregon 97401
(503) 727-1000 (541) 465-6771
www. usdoj.govlusao/or


Special Assistant U.S. Attorney United States Attorney's Office 310 West Sixth Street
Rachel. [email protected] District of Oregon Medford, Oregon 97501
(503) 727-1000 Billy J. Williams, United States Attorney (541) 776-3564
Reply to Portland Office

October 26, 2018

Ms. Alison Clark

Federal Public Defender's Office
101 SW Main St., Ste. 1700
Portland, Oregon 97204

Re: United States v. Antonio Oswaldo Burgos, Case No. 3:18-cr-00316-SI

Plea Agreement Letter

Dear Counsel:

1. Parties/Scope: This plea agreement is between this United States Attorney's Office
(USAO) and defendant, and thus does not bind any other federal, state, or local prosecuting,
administrative, or regulatory authority. This agreement does not apply to any charges other than
those specifically mentioned herein.

2. Charges: Defendant Antonio Oswaldo Burgos agrees to plead guilty to Count Three of
the Indictment, which charges the felony crime of Bribery of a Public Official in violation of 18
U.S.C. § 20l(b)(l)(A).

3. Penalties: The maximum sentence is fifteen (15) years' imprisonment, a fine of

$250,000, three (3) years of supervised release, and a $100 fee assessment. Defendant agrees to
pay the $100 fee assessment by the time of entry of guilty plea or explain to the Court why this
cannot be done.

4. Dismissal/No Prosecution: The USAO will move at the time of sentencing to dismiss
the remaining counts against defendant Antonio Oswaldo Burgos in 3: 18-cr-00316-SI. The
USAO further agrees not to bring additional charges against defendant in the District of Oregon
arising out of this investigation, known to the USAO at the time of this agreement.

5. Elements and Factual Basis: In order for defendant to be found guilty of Count Three
of the Indictment, the government must prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

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Rachel K. Sowray
Re: Antonio Oswaldo Burgos Plea Agreement Letter
October 26, 2018

(1) The defendant gave, offered or promised something of value, approximately

$4,000, to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deportation Officer;

(2) The U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deportation Officer was a
public official, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 201(a)(2);

(3) The defendant intended to influence the performance of an "official act," as

defined in 18 U.S.C. § 20l(a)(3); influence the public official to commit or aid
in committing or to collude in, or allow, or to make opportunity for the
commission of a fraud on the United States; or induce the public official to do
an act or omit to do an act in violation of his official duty; and

(4) The defendant acted corruptly.

Defendant admits the elements of the offense alleged in Count Three of the Indictment
and agrees the government could prove the following:

The defendant married a woman he met in El Salvador, who is referred to in the

Indictment as the adult person (AP). AP had a child from a previous relationship, and this child
is referred to in the Indictment as the minor person (MP). The defendant brought AP and MP to
the United States. This marital relationship deteriorated, resulting in AP and MP moving into
another home.

On May 24, 2018, the defendant followed a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Deportation Officer (officer) in his vehicle from the U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) office
in Portland, Oregon. This officer was a public official, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 20l(a)(2). The
officer eventually stopped in a Vancouver, Washington, parking lot. The defendant offered the
officer money to deport AP who he is divorcing and gave the officer his contact information.
The officer declined this offer and rep01ted the occurrence to the ICE Office of Professional
Responsibility (OPR).

On May 31, 2018, the officer made a recorded call to the defendant with the assistance of
an OPR investigation team. The defendant again offered to pay the officer to remove AP from
the United States. The defendant specified he would pay the officer $3,000.

On June 5, 2018, the officer made another recorded call to the defendant with the
assistance of an OPR investigation team. On this call, the defendant again offered to pay the
officer $3,000 to remove AP from the United States. During this call, logistics for an in person
meeting were discussed.

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Rachel K. Sowray
Re: Antonio Oswaldo Burgos Plea Agreement Letter
Page 3
October 26, 2018

On June 6, 2018, the defendant met the officer at the pre-determined meeting location,
which was a parking lot. The defendant offered to pay the officer to remove AP and MP from
the United States for $4,000, specifically $2,000 on that date and another $2,000 after the·
deportation was completed. The defendant provided documents to the officer with AP and MP's
contact information. The defendant gave the officer $2,000 in cash at that in person meeting.

The defendant acted with the intent to induce the officer to do or to omit to do an act in
violation of his lawful duty. The defendant acted corruptly, and the defendant's actions were
within the District of Oregon.

6. Sentencing Factors: The parties agree that the Court must first determine the applicable
advisory guideline range, then determine a reasonable sentence considering that range and the
factors listed in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a). Where the parties agree that sentencing factors apply, such
agreement constitutes sufficient proof to satisfy the applicable evidentiary standard.

7. Relevant Conduct: The parties agree that defendant's relevant conduct pursuant to
U.S.S.G. § lBl.3 and U.S.S.G. § 2Cl.l is a Base Level Offense of 12.

8. Acceptance of Responsibility: Defendant must demonstrate to the Court that defendant

fully admits and accepts responsibility under U.S.S.G. § 3El.1 for defendant's unlawful conduct
in this case. If defendant does so, the USAO will recommend a two-level reduction in
defendant's offense level. The USAO reserves the right to change this recommendation if
defendant, between plea and sentencing, commits any criminal offense, obstructs or attempts to
obstrnctjustice as explained in USSG § 3Cl.1, or acts inconsistently with acceptance of
responsibility as explained in USSG § 3El. l.

9. Sentencing Recommendation: The USAO will recommend the low end of the
applicable guideline range as long as defendant demonstrates ati acceptance ofresponsibility as
explained above and agrees to a no contact order with AP and MP.

10. Additional Departure·s, Adjustments, or Variances: The USAO agrees not to seek any
upward departures, adjustments, or variances to the advisory sentencing guideline range, or to
seek a sentence in excess of that range, except as specified in this agreement.

11. Waiver of Appeal/Post-Conviction Relief: Defendant knowingly and voluntarily

waives the right to appeal from any aspect of the conviction and sentence on any grounds, except
for a claim that: (1) the sentence imposed exceeds the statutory maximum, or (2) the Court
arrives at an advisory sentencing guideline range by applying an upward departure under the
provisions of Guidelines Chapters 4 or 5K, or (3) the Court exercises its discretion under 18
U.S.C. § 3553(a) to impose a sentence which exceeds the advisory guideline sentencing range as

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Re: Antonio Oswaldo Burgos Plea Agreement Letter
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October 26, 2018

determined by the Court. Should defendant seek an appeal, despite this waiver, the USAO may
take any position on any issue on appeal. Defendant also waives the right to file any collateral
attack, including a motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255, challenging any aspect of the conviction or
sentence on any' grounds, except on grounds of ineffective assistance of counsel, and except as
provided in Fed. R. Crim. P. 33 and 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(2). In the event that any of defendant's
convictions under this agreement are vacated, the goverrnnent may reinstate and/or file any other
charges, and may take any position at a resentencing hearing, notwithstanding any other
provision in this agreement.

12. Court Not Bound: The Court is not bound by the recommendations of the parties or of
the presentence report (PSR) writer. Because this agreement is made under Rule 1 l(c)(l)(B) of
the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, defendant may not withdraw any guilty plea or rescind
this plea agreement if the Court does not follow the agreements or recommendations of the

13. Full Disclosure/Reservation of Rights: The USAO will fully inform the PSR writer and
the Court of the facts and law related to defendant's case. Except as set forth in this agreement,
the parties reserve all other rights to make sentencing recommendations and to respond to
motions and arguments by the opposition.

14. Breach of Plea Agreement: If defendant breaches the terms of this agreement, or
commits any new criminal offenses between signing this agreement and sentencing, the USAO is
relieved of its obligations under this agreement, but defendant may not withdraw any guilty plea.

If defendant believes that the government has breached the plea agreement, defendant
must raise any such claim before the district court, either prior to or at sentencing. If defendant
fails to raise a breach claim in district court, defendant has waived any such claim and is
precluded from raising a breach claim for the first time on appeal.

15. Restitution: At the time of signing this letter, no restitution claims have been presented
to the parties in this case. In the event restitution is requested, the parties agree that the
following terms apply.

Defendant agrees fully to disclose all assets in which defendant has any interest or over
which defendant exercises control, directly or indirectly, including those held by a spouse,
nominee, or third party. Defendant agrees to truthfully complete the Financial Disclosure
Statement provided herein by the earlier of fourteen days from defendant's signature on this plea
agreement or the date of defendant's entry of a guilty plea, sign it under penalty of perjury, and
provide it to both the USAO and the United States Probation Office. Defendant agrees to

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Re: Antonio Oswaldo Burgos Plea Agreement Letter
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October 26, 2018

provide updates with any material changes in circumstances, as described in 18 U.S.C. §

3664(k), within seven days of the event giving rise to the changed circumstances.

Defendant expressly authorizes the USAO to obtain a credit report on defendant.

Defendant agrees to provide waivers, consents, or releases requested by the USAO to access
records to verify the financial information. Defendant also authorizes the USAO to inspect and
copy all financial documents and information held by the U.S. Probation Office.

The parties agree that defendant's failure to timely and accurately complete and sign the
Financial Disclosure Statement, and any update thereto, may, in addition to any other penalty or
remedy, constitute defendant's failure to accept responsibility under USSG § 3El.1.

Transfer of Assets
Defendant agrees to notify the Financial Litigation Unit of the USAO before defendant
transfers any interest in property with a value exceeding $1000 owned directly or indirectly,
individually or jointly, by defendant, including any interest held or owned under any name,
including trusts, partnerships, and corporations.

The Court shall order restitution to each victim in the full amount of each victim's losses
as detennined by the Court. Defendant agrees to pay restitution for all losses caused by
defendant's conduct, regardless of whether counts of the Indictment dealing with such losses will
be dismissed as part of this plea agreement.

Defendant understands and agrees that the total amount of any monetary judgment that
the Court orders defendant to pay will be due and payable immediately. Defendant further
understands and agrees that pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3614, defendant may be resentenced to any
sentence which might have originally been imposed if the court determines that defendant has
lrnowingly and willfully refused to pay a fine or restitution as ordered or has failed to make
sufficient bona fide efforts to pay a fine or restitution. Additionally, defendant understands and
agrees that the government may enforce collection of any fine or restitution imposed in this case
pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 3572, 3613, and 3664(m), notwithstanding any initial or subsequently
modified payment schedule set by the court. Defendant understands that any monetary debt
defendant owes related to this matter may be included in the Treasury Offset Program to
potentially offset defendant's federal retirement benefits, tax refunds, and other federal benefits.

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3612(b)(l)(F), defendant understands and agrees that until a fine
or restitution order is paid in full, defendant must notify the USAO of any change in the mailing
address or residence address within 30 days of the change. Further, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §
3664(k), defendant shall notify the Court and the USAO immediately of any material change in

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Re: Antonio Oswaldo Burgos Plea Agreement Letter
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defendant's economic circumstances that might affect defendant's ability to pay restitution,
including, but not limited to, new or changed employment, increases in income, inheritances,
monetary gifts, or any other acquisition of assets or money.

16. Memorialization of Agreement: No promises, agreements, or conditions other than

those set forth in this agreement will be effective unless memorialized in writing and signed by
all parties listed below or confirmed on the record before the Court. If defendant accepts this
offer, please sign and attach the original of this letter to the Petition to Enter Plea.

17. Deadline: This plea offer expires if not accepted by October 26, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.


Unit~f _s~--~--~,"
Special Assistant United States Attorney

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Case 3:18-cr-00316-SI Document 22 Filed 11/20/18 Page 7 of 7

Rachel K. Sowray
Re: Antonio Oswaldo Burgos Plea Agreement Letter
Page 7
October 26, 2018

I have carefully reviewed every part of this agreement with my attorney. I understand
and voluntarily agree to its terms. I expressly waive my rights to appeal as outlined in this
agreement. I wish to plead guilty because, in fact, I am guilty.

~ --
Date ~ s, Defendant

I represent the defendant as legal counsel. I have carefully reviewed every part of this
agreement with defendant. To my knowledge, defendant's decisions to make this agreement and
to plead guilty are informed and voluntary ones.

I fully and accurately translated this agreement to the above-named defendant as the
interpreter in this case. I fully and accurately interpreted discussions between the defendant and
the attorney.

Date Interpreter (if necessary)

Revised May 2018

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