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Iligan City, Philippines


FS-5 Portfolio
Assessment of Learning 2

Submitted by:

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in English

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course

Field Study 5

Submitted to:

Mr. Roberto Dechos

March 2019
Title Pages

Portfolio Rubrics…………………………………………………………………...ii

Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………….……………iii

St. Michael’s College – Vision and


College of Education – Vision and


FS 2 – Course


General Introduction..…………………………………………………………………….viii

General Introduction

General Reflection………………………………………………………………...x

General Reflection Rubrics ……………………………………………………...xi

Teacher’s Prayer…………………………………………………………………………...xii

Personal Creed of a Teacher………………………………………………….....xiii

I. Tasks
1. Task 1: Principles of Learning
1.1 Outcomes, Essentials & Map
1.2 Learning Activities / Observation Sheets
1.3 Analysis
1.4 Reflections
1.5 Learning Portfolio
2. Task 2: Intended Learning Outcomes/As My Guiding Star
2.1 Outcomes, Essentials & Map
2.2 Learning Activities / Observation Sheets
2.3 Analysis
2.4 Reflections
3.5 Learning Portfolio
A portfolio is the compilation of all the educational experiences during the field study.
Some classroom difficulties and problems are mentioned and all the lessons that have been
gathered and learned. The greatest value of this portfolio is to serve as the mirror of the pre-
service teacher for their progress and achievement in their practice teaching. With this, the pre-
service teacher is exposing their experiences that can be used in relating the theories learned
inside the classroom to become globally competitive.
This FS 2 portfolio is composed of nine learning episodes. And these episodes will serve
as a guide on how too get closer to your destination, into becoming an effective teacher. Each
learning episode is composed of eleven components namely: My Learning Episode Overview,
My Intended Learning Outcome, My Performance Criteria, My Learning Essentials, My Map,
My Learning Activities, My Analysis, My Reflections, Integrating Theory and Practice, My
Learning Portfolio and My Learning Rubrics.
The collection of this datas during the field study will help the pre-service teacher to be
oriented and prepared to the kind of environment they are trying to fit in. The principles of
teaching are very important in any teaching field. And thus, the pre-service teachers need to
master in order to use it while undergoing the field study course. These principles serves as the
chief guides to make teaching and learning effective and productive. These are also fundamentals
through which we proceed from one situation to another. And finally, these are important for the
governing of actions and operations of techniques in any field of education.
And with the experiences and the application of these principles used by the resource
teacher made the pre-service teacher to be significant teacher in the near future. Unfortunately,
not all the principles of teaching and learning were observed that were used by the resource
teacher. This was for the reason that it was really hard to control the students with different
learning styles.
With these observations, the pre-service teacher realized the truth about being an
effective teacher. These will end up to a conclusion that being a teacher requires big amount of
patience and hard work especially that the 21st century learners are more exposed to some trends
which leads them to an aggressive behavior inside the classroom. But in the long run, pre-service
teacher will considered these challenges as an stepping stone to a more complex challenges that
will be faced in their journey of their chosen career. And these experiences will be kept in the
heart for a further application in the future.
These gathering of data and informations will inspire others especially those who will
undergo the same undertakings. And in return, these achievements will challenge the pre-service
teacher to do more the best of her in order to be the person that the society is expecting her to be.
Having an actual learning will lead to better understanding. And when it comes to teaching
strategies, there is no such thing as best method. The best method is the one that yields result and
one that promote harmonious relationship between the teacher and the students.

History of all great works into witness that no great works was ever done without
either active or passive support of a person ‘surrounding and one’s close quarters.

With this, it is a genuine pleasure to express my deep sense of thanks and gratitude
to MR. ROBERTO DECHOS for his constant and active guidance throughout the
completion of this field study. And for making us felt that being a teacher is not just a
profession but it is a life-long journey and learning.

To MR. AND MRS. EDWIN COMINGUEZ for their prompt inspirations,

timely suggestions with kindness and love have inspired me to complete this field study
even though I already thought of giving up.

To my siblings and niece for showing me their full support on my chosen career.
Also for helping me with my instructional materials and my lesson plans. And for helping
me to fixed myself especially on my very busy days.

To my assigned sections for the cooperation, time and for allowing me to observe
their classes. And my deepest thanks to the faculty of ILIGAN CITY NATIONAL
HIGH SCHOOL who accommodated me for my field study observations and for the
warm welcome they shown to me.

And most importantly. I gave my extreme thanks to the man above who is the
source of knowledge and blessings for the unconditional love for each and everyday. And
for giving me always a good health and pleasant mind to be able to make this field study

Let’s continue to be a blessing for each other!


My Personal Data
FS 5 is a challenging course.It gives the pre-service teachers the opportunity to employs highly
interactive and meaningful activities, promotes higher-order-thinking skills, anchored to the setting and
applications that would normally involve that knowledge and learning requires social interaction and
collaboration, allows opportunities to dwell on the wonders of practice teaching at its best, reinforces
theories learned in the classroom, and unfolds many possibilities in the teaching-learning process in
becoming the 21st century teacher.
I have learned many things during my FS days. My effort and time visiting the teaching-learning
process in classroom management performance is valid and I believed that I can use this as a model in
becoming a good 21st century teacher in my future.
It was developed to benefit and educate individuals, convinced that the school provides quality
education through the very good teacher’s qualities. Every resource of each teacher has its own
guidelines, procedures and rules. Listing all personal qualities of a good teacher in the real classroom
setting gives me an idea on their strength and weaknesses and also on how to become a good model in
teaching-learning process. Having qualities of a good teacher is very important in every Institutions;
especially in this century.
Now, after these activities I learned a lot on how to become a good 21 st century teacher. To
become a good quality teacher, I need to adjust and proved myself in understanding as teacher, should
have philosophy of education which a philosophy is strong belief that is translated into action. A philosophy
will guide me on what I teach, how I teach, why I each among others. As a professional teacher will always
be found in a school setting. As a teacher official working place is a school. A school is an institution where
learning occurs under the guidance of a professional teacher. In the school setting management I, as a
teacher must be very operative and functional, creative and sensitive to the needs of the learners. The
learners will active learning and interests through many activities given by me. So, a professional teacher it
is not necessarily to talk so much in the classroom; but provide critical questions, give clear instruction and
guide the learners in finding the good solutions or answer by their own opinions as well. Therefore through
this, I as a teacher can manage the learning environment in the school setting and contribute the very
good quality to the learners and make something different.

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