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ISO/IEC TS 17021-2:2012 CHECKLIST - Conformity assessment – Requirement for bodies providing

audit and certification of management systems Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and
certification of environmental management systems

Legend: C – Complies, O – Observation, T – To Address at Audit, N – Nonconformity, N/A – Not Applicable

Clause Requirement Manual and/or Procedures Finding
4. Generic competence requirements
Has the CAB defined the competence
requirements for each relevant EMS technical
area and for each function in the certification
Has the CAB taken into account all the
requirements specified in Clauses 5, 6 and 7 of
this TS that are relevant for the EMS technical
areas as defined by the CAB.
5. Competence requirements for EMS auditors
Does the CAB ensure that all personnel involved
in EMS auditing have a level of competence that
includes the generic competencies described in
ISO/IEC 17021?
Does the CAB ensure that all personnel involved
in EMS auditing have a level of competence that
includes the EMS knowledge described in 5.1 to
5.10, i.e.:
5.1 Knowledge of environmental terms, definitions
and concepts as used within an EMS technical
5.2 Knowledge of the quantification of environmental
outputs applicable to the EMS technical area and
applicable regulatory requirements.
5.3 Knowledge of environmental monitoring and
measuring techniques and analytical methods
appropriate to the aspects and EMS technical
area including calibration and equipment
5.4 Knowledge of environmental aspects and impacts
and the derivation of their environmental
5.5 Knowledge of the design process including
evaluation of environmental aspects that can be
controlled or influenced by an organization in the
life cycle of the product.
5.6 Knowledge of environmental performance
evaluation, including indicators, sufficient to
determine whether an organization's
environmental performance is meeting the
objectives and targets established by its

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Issue No: 1 Date: 24 December, 2012
Clause Requirement Manual and/or Procedures Finding
5.7 Knowledge to determine whether an organization
has identified and evaluated its compliance with
all applicable legal requirements and other
5.8.1 Knowledge of an EMS technical area sufficient to
determine whether an organization has identified
potential emergency situations and planned
relevant responses for events such as:
a) accidental emissions/discharges to air,
water and land;
b) specific environmental and ecosystem
impacts from accidental releases.
5.8.2 Knowledge sufficient to evaluate an organization's
effectiveness in testing its emergency responses
and responses to actual emergencies if
5.9 Knowledge of the use of operational controls
consistent with an organization's significant
environmental aspects, including the use of
contractors to achieve objectives and targets and
ensure consistency with an organization's
environmental policy and its commitment to the
prevention of pollution and continual
5.10 Knowledge of site-related factors that might
influence the potential impact s of an
organization's aspects on the surrounding areas,
ecosystems and communities.
6. Aspect-specific competence requirements for
EMS auditing
Does the CAB ensure that the audit team
appointed is composed of auditors (and technical
experts as necessary) having the collective
competence to undertake the audit?
Does the CAB define the specific competence
criteria related to each aspect appropriate to the
EMS technical area(s) in which it operates and
consistent with the requirements specified in 6.1
to 6.7?
NOTE Risk and complexity are other considerations
when deciding the level of competence needed by
an audit team.
6.1 Emissions to air
6.1.1 Gases and particulate matter
Knowledge of types of emissions to air (fugitive,
point or diffuse) of gases, aerosol or particulate
matter [e.g. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs),
odours, acids, bases and greenhouse gases].
6.1.2 Operational control

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Clause Requirement Manual and/or Procedures Finding
Knowledge of the techniques used to control
emissions to air such as filtering techniques,
scrubbers and thermal oxidizers.
6.1.3 Monitoring and measurement
Knowledge of the techniques used to monitor
emissions to air, for example observation of stack
emissions, continuous or sample-based stack
monitoring, air sampling and analysis and
calculation-based mass balance.
6.2 Releases to land
6.2.1 Liquid or solid releases
Knowledge of releases to land including but not
limited to heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH), petroleum-based products,
halogenated hydrocarbons, pesticides, herbicides
and animal waste.
6.2.2 Operational control
Knowledge of the techniques used to control
releases to land such as primary or secondary
containment (bunding) and dispersion (land
application rates).
6.2.3 Monitoring and measurement
Knowledge of the techniques used to monitor,
measure and analyse water and soil associated
with releases to land.
6.3 Releases to water
6.3.1 Surface and ground water
Knowledge of surface and ground water flows and
characteristics, including water columns,
suspended and dissolved solids, sedimentation,
effluent viscosity and density, evaporation,
acidification and eutrophication.
6.3.2 Operational control
Knowledge of the typical liquid waste streams for
the EMS technical area (e.g. organic, inorganic)
and the techniques used to treat liquid waste (e.g.
aerobic and anaerobic treatment).
Knowledge of the techniques used to control
surface water discharges (e.g. from weather) and
to remediate surface and ground water.
6.3.3 Monitoring and measurement
Knowledge of the parameters measured and the
techniques used to monitor liquid waste treatment
processes and/or other discharges, [e.g.
indicators including Biological Oxygen Demand or
Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD and COD),
sampling and analysis, in-process monitoring
devices and inspections].

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Clause Requirement Manual and/or Procedures Finding
6.4 Uses of raw materials, energy and natural
6.4.1 Upstream management — Use of natural
Knowledge of resource depletion issues including
sourcing renewable and non-renewable materials,
water scarcity, forest loss and soil degradation.
Knowledge of renewable and non-renewable
sources of energy, the techniques for converting
them to useful energy and their environmental
impacts, including climate change, biodiversity
and limitations in their application.
6.4.2 Downstream management
Knowledge of technology and techniques related
to source reduction, consumption, minimization,
resource recovery and treatment practices and
Knowledge of the impact that the activities of an
organization have on the environment including
6.4.3 Operational control
Knowledge of the techniques used to control,
monitor and measure material efficiency in the
context of the EMS technical area.
6.4.4 Monitoring and measurement
Knowledge of energy control and monitoring
techniques relevant to the EMS technical area
including operational and technical techniques
and knowledge of low carbon technologies.

6.5 Energy emitted

6.5.1 Sources of energy emissions
Knowledge of sources of emissions of heat, light,
electromagnetic and ionising radiation, noise and
vibration, and their potential environmental
6.5.2 Operational control
Knowledge of emissions measurement and
management and control methods, including
process management, and emissions reduction
and abatement.
6.6 Waste
Knowledge of waste materials which can result
from an organization's activities.
Knowledge of waste treatment including the
modification of processes to enable avoidance,
reduction, reuse or recycling before the option of
final disposal is considered.

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Clause Requirement Manual and/or Procedures Finding
6.6.1 Sources of waste
For an EMS technical area, knowledge of the
wastes generated by the activities, including the
characteristics of the wastes and their potential
environmental impacts.
6.6.2 Operational control
Knowledge of methodologies for the elimination,
source reduction and waste minimization
appropriate to the EMS technical area, including
reuse, recycling, treatment and disposal practices
and processes.
Knowledge of transportation and disposal
methods for solid and liquid waste, including
treatment, incineration and burial in an approved
6.7 Physical attributes
Knowledge of the interactions of the physical
attributes (size, shape and colour) of buildings,
structures and equipment with the local
7 Competence requirements for other personnel
Does the CAB define competence requirements
for other personnel involved in the certification
functions as given in 7.1 and 7.2?
7.1 Competence of personnel conducting the
application review to determine the audit team
competence required, to select the audit team
members and to determine the audit time.
7.1.1 Environmental terminology
Knowledge of environmental terms and
7.1.2 Techniques for identification and evaluation of
environmental aspects and impacts and their
environmental significance.
Knowledge of environmental aspects and
associated impacts.
7.1.3 Factors related to site
Knowledge of site-related factors, including
proximity to sensitive environments (e.g. wetland,
flora, fauna and human communities) that may be
impacted by the organization's activities, sufficient
to select a competent audit team.
7.2 Competence of personnel reviewing audit
reports and making certification decisions
7.2.1 Environmental terminology
Knowledge of environmental terms and definitions
within the EMS technical area.

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Clause Requirement Manual and/or Procedures Finding
7.2.2 Techniques for identification and evaluation of
environmental aspects and impacts and their
environmental significance.
Knowledge of environmental aspects and impacts
and processes for determining significance.
7.2.3 Environmental performance evaluation
Knowledge of environmental performance
7.2.4 Legal and other requirements
Knowledge of applicable legal requirements and
other requirements.

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