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An Edited Version Of The


Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of

the University of Texas at Austin

in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of



May 1997
I would like to thank my advisors, Dr. W. Mack Grady and Dr. Martin L.
Baughman, for their support and assistance. Of special importance is the support Dr.
Grady provided in the early development of the piecewise quadratic convolution
method several years ago. Without the high accuracy provided by the PQ convolution
method, the probabilistic load flow model would not have been possible. Recently,
Dr. Baughman has been very helpful in reading the drafts and giving advice on the
theory and language in this document. I am indebted to Dr. W. C. Duesterhoeft for
his support during the development of my Master’s thesis many years ago, and I
regret not having completed this dissertation before his untimely death. I am also
grateful to the other members of my dissertation committee, Dr. Arwin Dougal, Dr.
Paul Jensen, and Dr. Alan Bovik, for their patience and support for the many years I
have taken to complete this work.
I would like to thank the City of Austin for providing the environment
necessary to make this project possible. The real world problems encountered while
planning the City’s transmission system greatly influenced my thinking. In particular,
my participation on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Engineering
Subcommittee and the Reliability Task Force has been invaluable experience in
dealing with real world transmission and generation reliability issues. I also thank
the City of Austin for tuition reimbursements and for supporting my travel to
meetings, conferences, and short courses on power system reliability topics.
I am very thankful to my parents for their loving encouragement, to my wife
Cheryl for her continuous encouragement and faith that I would someday finish this
dissertation, to my daughters Johanna and Louisa for encouraging me to also work on
my school homework, and to Peaches for keeping a watchful eye on our home.


Eugene Gordon Preston, Ph.D.

The University of Texas at Austin, 1997

Supervisors: W. Mack Grady, Martin L. Baughman

A new probabilistic load flow (PLF) model for calculating the reliability of
large nonequivalenced electric networks with transmission constraints is given.
Generation loss of load probability (LOLP) and expected unserved energy (EUE) is
calculated first without transmission constraints as a function of load level. Then a
two step process is used to 1) calculate the cumulative probabilistic line flows from
random generator failures and 2) perform load-generator reductions to remove line
overloads. The additional EUE and LOLP due to transmission constraints is
calculated. New piecewise-quadratic (PQ) convolution methods are used to
accurately calculate probabilistic line flows for the total set of generator failure
configurations on every transmission line (23001090 for the 300 generator Texas
system) in a reasonable amount of computation time. Complete coverage of all
generator outage configurations resolves problems associated with Monte Carlo and
other enumeration methods. A new method for outaging multiple transmission lines
allows the majority of probability space of all transmission line outage events to also
be calculated in conjunction with the generation outages. A large network example is
presented in which the benefit of an additional autotransformer in a large system is
calculated. Another example using the IEEE RTS benchmarks the PLF model against
a full configuration enumeration with linear programming solution.

Table of Contents
Acronyms and Definitions

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2. Present State Of The Art In The Industry . . 6

Chapter 3. Mathematical Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 4. Solution Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Chapter 5. Generation Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Chapter 6. Load Flow Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Chapter 7. Line Distribution Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Chapter 8. Probabilistic Line Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Chapter 9. Line Outage Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

Chapter 10. Procedure For Removing Line Overloads . . 131

Chapter 11. Large System Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Chapter 12. Test Cases Using IEEE RTS . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Chapter 13. PLF Program Output Reports . . . . . . . . . 161

Chapter 14. Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . 176

Appendix A. Derivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
1. Derivation of Equation 3.11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
2. Derivation of Equation 3.13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
3. Derivation of Equation 3.14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Appendix B. FORTRAN Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

1. Sparse Matrix Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
2. PQ Convolution Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
3. PQ Evaluate F(x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4. PQ EUE Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Appendix C. NERC GADS Definitions (omitted)

Appendix D. IEEE Reliability Test System (omitted)

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Vita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Acronyms and Definitions

autotransformer a transformer in which the voltage on one side can be held

constant by varying the transformer turns ratio
BEPC Brazos Electric Power Cooperative
bus a node in the network, usually associated with a substation
CADPAD a Westinghouse distribution system analysis program
COA City of Austin, see also EUD
COB City of Brownsville
configuration the status of all lines and generators taken collectively as a
collection of the on, off, and derated states of each individually
convolution a process for calculating a distribution of the probability of all
possible outcomes from random and independent events
CPL Central Power and Light
CPS City Public Service
COMREL a 200 bus composite generation-transmission program
control area a set of buses and lines within the network in which a single
owner specifies load, generation, and other requirements
CREAM medium scale 500 bus composite reliability multi-area
evaluation program based on the Monte Carlo method
decreasing an Hj,k that reduces line j flows and does not increase xmax
DFOR Derated MW generator Forced Outage Rate
DOE US Government Department of Energy
dominant the largest of the sum of line incremental flows, either + or 
EFOR Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (for 2 states) - see GADS def.
ELDC Equivalent Load Duration Curve
ENPRO a Monte Carlo production costing program with limited
transmission constraints capability

EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas
EUD City of Austin Electric Utility Department
EUE Expected Unserved Energy in MWh, the load shedding energy
FOR Forced Outage Rate - see GADS for definitions
GADS Generation Availability Data System published by NERC
GATOR Florida Power Corporation’s composite reliability program
GENH probabilistic Monte Carlo generation planning program used
by the City of Austin in the 1980’s
GRI Generator Reliability Indicators: FOR, EFOR, etc.
GRIP composite multi-area generation reliability program with
non-looped areas radial from a single central area
G-T generation and transmission
H a random access binary file storing array Hi,k numbers
HT the transpose of file H
increasing an Hj,k that causes an increase in line j value of xmax
LCRA Lower Colorado River Authority
LLS Loss of Load Sharing (proportionately at all load buses)
load flow an electric power system mathematical solution technique
LOL Loss Of Load in megawatts
LOLP Loss Of Load Probability = FG(x)
LP Linear Program, an optimum solution to a set of constraints
LST Load Shedding Table (optimum generation-load pairs)
MAPS a multi-area simulation program by General Electric
MAREL a multi-area simulation program by Power Technologies, Inc.
Markov a process for calculating probabilities of discrete states
MEC Medina Electric Cooperative

MaxGen the unique configuration of all generators in service running
at full output; the maximum load+losses that can be served
MONA Mixture Of Normals Approximation
MWh megawatthours; used as an EUE measure
NARP N Area Reliability Program used by ERCOT
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
NLLS No Loss of Load Sharing (load shedding assigned explicitly)
OPF Optimum Power Flow, an optimizing load flow technique
PL Piecewise Linear, a linear interpolation technique
PLF Probabilistic Load Flow, the method presented in this thesis
PQ Piecewise Quadratic, a quadratic interpolation technique
PTI Power Technologies Incorporated
PROMOD a production costing program based on convolution techniques
PSSE deterministic load flow program by Power Technologies, Inc.
p.u. per unit
RAM random access memory (a computer’s main memory in Mb)
recursive each distribution is built on a preceding distribution
REI Radial Equivalent Independent equivalent network model
reliability a measure of generation and transmission adequacy for
supplying electric power
RTS IEEE Reliability Test System, a small network for testing
R/X ratio refers to the magnitude of the line resistance to reactance ratio
single area generation reliability assessment with no transmission model
slack generation power adjusted to meet area power requirements
state a line or generator in an on, off, or derated status
STEC South Texas Electric Cooperative
STP South Texas Project

swing generation power adjusted to meet total system requirements
substation a point at which one or more transmission lines terminate
SYREL a small network model predecessor of TRELSS
tail far right end of a decreasing cumulative distribution function
tie line a transmission line connecting two control areas
TMPA Texas Municipal Power Authority
TRELSS newest EPRI transmission reliability program
TU Texas Utilities
UCS Utility Consulting Service, performs studies for ERCOT
virtual generator power injected into a bus to cancel load on that bus
virtual generation a set of virtual generators to cancel (shed) load in an area
WSCC Western Systems Coordinating Council
WTU West Texas Utilities
zipflow a fast approximation method for outaging transmission lines


~ approximately
 approximately equal to
 x = 0, xmax , h for all x from 0 to xmax incrementing in h MW steps
 i , i outage rate (frequency) and repair rate of component i
Bi shunt reactance at bus i in per unit ohms
Ck , FORk , EFORk generator k unit MW rating, Equiv. Forced Outage Rate - p.u.
Dk , DFORk generator k MW derating, Derating Forced Outage Rate - p.u.
EUE(x) Expected Unserved Energy in MWH for one hour = FG(x)
FA(x) generation availability distribution function
FE(x) ‘Exact’ discrete generation cumulative distribution function
FG(x) PQ generation outage cumulative distribution function
Fj(x) PQ cumulative flow distributions for line j (two directions)
F(x,y) 2D cumulative line-generation distribution function
Fp(x,y) 2D line-generation probability partial density function
Gk generator k discrete C, FOR, EFOR, and D, DFOR states
G1+...+GNg indicates convolution of discrete states, k = 1...Ng
GkFG indicates PQ convolution of generator k’s states into FG(x)
[GkFG]k=1, Ng indicates PQ convolution of all Gk states for k=1...Ng
h MW grid increment spacing for FG(x) PQ and PL functions
hj MW grid increment spacing for Fj(x) PQ line distributions
Hi,k real per unit line distribution for line i and generator k
I and I* a complex current and its conjugate in per unit amperes
Iij complex current in line i for 1 amp injection on line j
Ibj base case line j complex current to be interrupted

[I ]b vector of n base case complex currents to be interrupted
[I ] nn matrix of complex line I’s from [V ]i=1, n for n injections
INT(x) next lowest integer value of real number x
[J ] Jacobian real matrix used in load flow solution
MWO megawatts outaged
no number of lines simultaneously outaged
Na number of load areas
Nb number of load flow buses (electrical nodes in the matrix)
Ng number of generators
Nt number of transmission lines and transformers
p either a state probability or an initialization probability
Pr [X  x] probability random variable X is > real number x
Pi load flow bus i real power mismatch (+ is into bus)
[P] load flow vector of bus real power mismatches
Qi load flow bus i reactive power mismatch (+ is into bus)
[Q] load flow vector of bus reactive power mismatches
Rj the MW rating of line j
r a real number used in PQ and PL interpolation
sn area n load+loss MW / total generation MW
Sj complex scalar line j injection current in per unit amps
[S ] vector of n complex injection currents in per unit amps
[T ] a temporary array of numbers
V a complex number bus voltage in per unit volts (~1.00)
[V ]b load flow base case complex bus voltages of the network
[V ]j network complex bus voltages from 1 amp injection on line j
Vi bus i temporary single precision complex incremental voltage

[V ] vector of temporary single precision complex incr. voltages
VAi bus i double precision voltage angle as a complex number
VMi bus i real voltage magnitude; double precision in new matrix
[VM] vector of real incremental voltage magnitudes
[VM] vector of real number bus voltage magnitudes
VMi bus i real incremental voltage magnitude
Vi bus i real voltage angle
Vi bus i real incremental voltage angle
[V] vector of real incremental voltage angles
Vf j ‘from’ complex bus voltage for 1 amp injection
Vt j ‘to’ complex bus voltage for 1 amp injection
Vf b j line j ‘from’ bus base case load flow complex voltage
Vt b j line j ‘to’ bus base case load flow complex voltage
Vf i j line i ‘from’ complex bus voltage for 1 amp injection on line j
Vt i j line i ‘to’ complex bus voltage for 1 amp injection on line j
j random variable on j , line j probability-MW flows
xmax the maximum value of MW that will occur on real x
xoj the MaxGen (base case) line j MW real power flow
[Y ] complex admittance matrix of the total network less shunts
[Ys] complex admittance matrix of the total network with shunts
Yj complex in-line admittance of line j to be removed

Chapter 1
Large interconnected electric power systems are carefully planned to provide
very reliable electric service. Random outages of generators and transmission lines
are normal events, and wide area blackouts are not expected to occur due to these
random outages. Therefore, the simple line outages resulting in the recurring
cascading blackouts recently in the western United States (WSCC region) were
neither planned nor expected. These blackouts are an example of unacceptable
reliability of a large interconnected system as reported by the DOE [100].
The blackouts in the WSCC were due partially to a lack of sufficient
computational tools to analyze the many possible configurations that a large system
may encounter. The planning engineers of the WSCC stated that they had never
simulated or modeled the specific conditions that led to the recent blackouts of that
system. A large system requires the testing of an immense number of configurations.
Many of these failure configurations will lead to significant loss of load, but they are
never discovered and tested because far too many configurations exist to explicitly
test all of them.
A specific example illustrates this point. Recently a study was run on a large
system in the southeastern United States [6]. An exhaustive analysis of this system
for all possible line and generator outage states would require an extremely large
number of configurations to be examined. Because the complete enumeration of
such a large number of configurations is impossible to perform, two approaches are
used today to solve the composite generation-transmission system reliability problem
[7]. The two approaches are analytical enumeration and Monte Carlo simulation.
Each of these approaches takes a representative sample of the total problem with the

objective of arriving at a solution close to the totally exhaustive solution of all
possible configurations. In [6], analytical enumeration was used to simulate over 2.5
million configurations. A computer run time of ~60 hours for this example was the
overriding solution constraint. To keep the computer run time reasonable, the
authors limited the problem to be studied to no more than two generators outaged at a
The system in [6] has 570 generators. Assuming an extremely low generator
forced outage rate (FOR) of only 2% results in about 11 generators in a failure state
on the average. The assumption of two generators out of service is not realistic.
Furthermore, the total probability space of all combinations of two generators out of
service from a total of 570 generators is only .0008 (using an FOR of .02) 1.
Limiting this study to two generators out of service misses 99.9% of the
problem to be studied! The majority of generation outage configurations causing line
overloads in the network have not been tested. The approach taken in [6] is useful
for operational planning purposes in which the states of generators out of service are
known in advance and put into the model. Beyond one or two weeks into the future,
the status of generators is not known, and the study results in [6] are incomplete.
Operating experience shows that many large scale system disturbances are
associated with clusters of generators in a configuration causing large power shifts.
These power shifts change line flows throughout the network, causing lines to
overload within the interiors of the load areas. Some models [5,26,31,62,87]
incorrectly assume that only the tie lines are the limiting transmission constraints.
The probability of any one set of generators being out of service is small.
Collectively, the total probability of all of them is significant. The approach taken in
the probabilistic load flow (PLF) model presented in this dissertation allows all of the

.98570 +570.02.98569 +.5570569.022.98568 = .0008 of the total probability failure space

transmission lines in a large network to be tested for probabilistic overload for all of
the configurations of generators being out of service or derated. The PLF model
presented in this dissertation also includes an efficient means for outaging any
number of one or more lines concurrently with all the generators being outaged.

Dissertation Objectives And Achievements

The purpose of this dissertation is to present a new probabilistic load flow
(PLF) approach to solving the composite generation-transmission reliability problem
for large interconnected electric power systems (300 generators, 5000 buses). The
total set of all combinations of all generators outaged is calculated along with the
probabilistic line flows (due to the outages) using a new recursive 1 convolution
technique. A new efficient line outaging technique allows the statistically significant
transmission line outage configurations to also be modeled. To accomplish this, new
methods not previously appearing in the literature are used.

1. A new convolution of line flow states method is presented in Chapter 8 in which

all combinations of random generator outage possibilities are modeled. The new
approach allows the total probability space of all independent generation outage
states to be modeled and mapped to the transmission system as probabilistic
incremental line flow states in the form of cumulative distributions [1]. Since the
coverage of all generation outage configurations is exhaustive (complete), a
fundamental deficiency of methods relying on enumeration and sampling is
solved [3]. The current industry approach to the determination of probabilistic
line flow states based on enumeration techniques is easily shown to result in
incomplete solutions (Chapters 1 and 2) because of the enormous number of
significant generation outage configurations.

Cumulative probability distributions are updated as each random generator is added to the network.
2. A new mathematical convolution method based on piecewise-quadratic (PQ)
functions is presented in Chapter 3. The PQ mathematical convolution error is
user controllable and can be kept at sufficiently low levels to provide accurate
probabilistic line flows in Chapter 8. The new PQ convolution methods in [1,34]
have lower error than other methods such as piecewise-linear [48], cumulants
[47], and Mixture of Normals Approximation [44] based on tests performed in
[34]. The line overload problem in this dissertation requires the right hand tails 1
of the cumulative distribution functions to have low computational error.
Characteristic functions such as MONA, Fourier Series, and Cumulants produce
too much error in their right hand tails to be applicable to this problem.

3. A new mathematical method of modeling load shedding through the use of

‘virtual’ generators at load buses is presented in Chapters 7 - 10. The virtual
generation is a means of selective load shedding within the network. Linear
combinations of distribution factors using superposition of both real and virtual
generators allow a large number of combinations of generators and load buses to
be tested for optimal load shedding.

4. A new computationally efficient method for outaging many transmission lines

simultaneously is presented in Chapter 9 and in [55]. Computation speed is
orders of magnitude faster than direct load flow enumeration. This line outage
model is an integral part of the composite generation-transmission outage
configuration model.

The line flow cumulative distributions in this dissertation are monotone decreasing and measure the
probability of a transmission line being loaded greater than x MW. Most line overloads occur to the far
right in this function in what is referred to as the tail of the function (ref. Figure 4.3 on page 74).

5. A new load flow solution technique is presented in Chapter 6 using two solution
matrices simultaneously in place of a Jacobian matrix. A new form of bus
voltage representation is used that allows polar to rectangular operations without
the need for trigonometric functions.

6. The total PLF solution approach presented here using all of the above innovations
together as an integrated package is new. The new approach models a greater
number of outage configurations for a much larger network (5000 buses) than is
presently possible with enumeration methods. The new solution procedure
requires a series of steps (Chapters 4 and 10) necessary to solve the composite
generation-transmission problem. In summary, these steps are: 1) set up a
maximum load and generation load flow; 2) outage each generator and calculate
all incremental line flows; 3) convolve the incremental line flow states to produce
probabilistic line flow distributions; and 4) perform load and generation
reductions to remove line overloads. Load shedding statistics are recorded and
presented as a report.

The new PLF network reliability analysis solution presented here models all
the combinations of generation outage states and the majority of significant line
outage states. A real power model is used to calculate the combinatorial transmission
line flows rather than an explicit electrical model. The use of linear line factors and
convolution techniques provides a means for achieving the most complete
computational coverage of the probability space of generator and line outages in the
industry when compared with other models presently in use.

Chapter 2

Present State Of The Art In The Industry

The 1965 blackout of New York City made the United States citizens and
government aware of our reliance on electricity and the unpleasant consequences of
an extended outage. Shortly after that blackout, regional councils were formed to
insure a high level of reliability is maintained. Recent actions are opening up electric
systems to competition, and reliability is one of the top three technological concerns
of the electric power industry, according to a recent IEEE Power Engineering Society
survey [4]. The Western Systems Coordinating Council recent blackouts indicate the
need to develop new tools to better measure power system reliability.
This dissertation is an advancement in the analysis and measurement of the
reliability of large interconnected electric power systems as shown in Figure 2.2. A
review of the tools presently used by the electric utility industry to measure the
reliability of large electric power systems is discussed. The following presentation is
a light discussion of the author’s personal experiences and comments on the
computer programs presently available for calculating electric power system

Personal Experiences
In the early 1970’s I met with Dr. A. D. Patton of Texas A&M University to
discuss new computational simulation methods for electric power systems. At that
time large system transmission planning was a deterministic process. I wanted a
better way to measure the reliability benefits associated with future transmission lines
and generators being studied. Dr. Patton said a probabilistic model could solve this
problem. His most recent publication [53] at that time modeled generation but not

transmission reliability. Large network probabilistic analysis software was not
available, although papers were beginning to appear [48-54] and [92,93]. Multi-area
generation models were also being discussed [31]. The simplified multi-area models
did not have the level of transmission system detail I was seeking.
Several years pass in which deterministic models dominated the planning
processes at the City of Austin Electric Utility Department (EUD). In the late 1970’s
a consultant used a new probabilistic production costing model based on Booth’s new
method [48,54] to assess Austin’s generation options. The consultant proudly pointed
out the strengths of their model and the deficiencies of the deterministic model I was
using. Not to be outdone, the EUD’s in-house production costing model was
rewritten using optimum unit commitment, optimum incremental hourly dispatch,
and Monte Carlo methods to model generator failure states. This program called
GENH was better than the consultant’s, and we learned a lot about the Austin system
with GENH. However, GENH had no provisions for modeling transmission system
constraints or line outages.
In 1985 I had an opportunity to specify and purchase the best computer
hardware and software available for generation, transmission, and distribution
planning. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent to insure we had the best tools
the industry had to offer (PROMOD, PSSE, CADPAD). Even after all this hardware
and software was installed and running, I still could not answer the original question I
had asked Dr. Patton a decade earlier.
In the late 1980’s the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) became
interested in studying the effects of transmission constraints on the reliability of
generation supply. A single area1 Utility Consulting Service (UCS) model was used 2
to evaluate the reliability of generation in ERCOT. Several candidate programs were

Single area means no transmission system is modeled.
The single area UCS model is still in use as an ERCOT measure of generation reliability.
reviewed for use in modeling transmission constraints in ERCOT. Programs under
consideration plus others that appeared later include: AREP, CONFTRA, COMREL,
TRELSS, and others. None of these model the total probability space of generation
and transmission failure states.
The GRIP program developed by Singh and Patton was reviewed first. It has a
transmission link model resembling the spokes of a wagon wheel. The one area
under study is the hub or center of the wheel, and the other utilities are at the end of
the radial spokes. The spokes are transmission links that are assigned capacity and
availability states. ERCOT considered using the GRIP program and decided not to
use it because the ERCOT system resembles enclosed loops rather than radial spokes.
One large ERCOT utility uses the GRIP program to study its own service area
reliability, which is the center hub utility, and radial ties are made to the other major
control areas. This arrangement gives no information about transmission limitations
within the remote areas outside the hub or within the hub area itself. It does allow
power import constraints to be specified.
Another program called MAREL by Power Technologies, Inc. uses a more
general radial model than GRIP in which radial links can be taken off any node in the
network. However, MAREL has the same limitation as GRIP in that it does not
model loops or loop flows. ERCOT felt strongly that modeling loop flows is a
necessity. Dr. Patton proposed a three area loop model, but it was also believed to be
too simplistic.
To overcome these shortcomings, Drs. Patton and Singh were hired by
ERCOT to develop a new program called NARP [5,62]. The NARP network model
for ERCOT is an 8 node 13 link model of the ERCOT transmission system as shown

in Figure 2.1. Each node is a major load area such as Austin, Houston, Dallas, San
Antonio, etc. and each node contains the generators physically local to that area
(node). Network flows are calculated using a DC load flow which can model loops.
Monte Carlo is used to randomly outage generators. A linear program optimally
performs load shedding when link overloads occur. The links can be assigned
capacity and probability states. The NARP program is easy to run, but the original
link model shown in Figure 2.1 was difficult to develop and calibrate.





Figure 2.1 The NARP Network Model For ERCOT

No software was delivered with the NARP program to create the NARP 13
transmission link elements shown in Figure 2.1. The link model had to be manually
‘tuned’ to get the best agreement with full AC1 network load flow on incremental tie
flows between areas. This tuning effort was difficult and time consuming and has not

AC means complex circuit impedances, line currents, and line powers are modeled.

been repeated since the initial equivalent was developed. In spite of these
limitations, the NARP program was and still is a state of the art program in its ability
to impose transmission limitations on the reliability of the generation supply. A more
detailed transmission link model for NARP using what is called an REI model has
recently been published [62], but this model has not been used to perform ERCOT
When the NARP program was put into use to study the ERCOT system, an
undesirable characteristic of Monte Carlo was discovered. If the ERCOT generation
capacity is increased to 30% above annual peak ERCOT load, the NARP program has
difficulty finding failure configurations using the Monte Carlo random draws to
determine outaged generators. Some NARP runs required a week of execution time
on a 486DX 50 MHz PC to find only 100 events with loss of load. A week of
computer execution time for the ERCOT system in Figure 2.1 is typically 100,000
repeat simulations on a single year in which each day is tested for the peak daily load
condition. These very long computer run times prevent a meaningful study from
being performed because only a few questions can be studied and answered. I
learned from this experience and my earlier experience with the GENH production
costing program that Monte Carlo is better suited to production costing than
reliability analysis. In general, the Monte Carlo method increases in computer run
time and decreases in accuracy in proportion to generation reliability. This means
that an engineer performing a study in which the system is made increasingly more
reliable will experience longer and longer computer run times. In contrast to this
problem, the convolution method used by the PLF model improves in accuracy as the
system is made more reliable and the solution run time decreases. The very long run
times required for Monte Carlo effectively cripple the NARP program in the final
stages of a study. Completing a reliability study in a reasonable amount of time using
the Monte Carlo method may be very difficult.

Capability Of Presently Available Computer Programs
Figure 2.2 shows how the PLF model by Preston, Baughman, and Grady in
[1] compares with other models concerning the level of detail in modeling both
generation and transmission systems as an integrated system.

TRELSS not yet achieved

SYREL complex

trivial PROMOD


none a few selected Monte Carlo all configurations

Generation Detail
Figure 2.2 Transmission Detail Versus Generation Detail

Figure 2.2 shows a tradeoff between program complexity in generation and

transmission representation of detail both electrically and probabilistically. Programs
with very detailed probabilistic transmission analysis are usually incomplete in the
treatment of random generator outages (TRELSS). The opposite is also true.
Programs that have a complete treatment of the random outage of generators have a
highly reduced transmission network (MAREL). In all these programs the computer
run time is long. Compromises are made to keep computer execution times
reasonable. This section discusses the compromises that have been made in the
design of these programs.

Probabilistic programs with detailed transmission representation [6,24] are
RECS, SYREL, CREAM, and TRELSS. These programs explicitly enumerate
selected configurations of randomly outaged lines and generators. An OPF and/or an
LP is used to take corrective actions to minimize the loss of load. Configurations to
be enumerated are selected based on a screening process of probability and likelihood
of having a transmission constraint. The earlier EPRI transmission reliability
evaluation program called SYREL is a 150 bus network model. EPRI replaced it
with the TRELSS program [24] which has a network capability of approximately
2000 buses. In [6] an example is given in which a 2182 bus, 3791 line, 8 area, 570
generator system required ~60 hours of execution time to enumerate 2,534,336
failure configurations of any two generators and/or lines out of service
simultaneously. This example illustrates how the computer run time is a limiting
factor in how deep the contingencies are allowed to proceed in a TRELSS run. The
total number of configurations for this problem exceeds 2 (570+3791)101300. On top of
this number of generation and line outage configurations, each overloaded line has a
unique set of generator outage and line outage configurations causing the line
overloads. Enumeration sampling will not be able to cover this space adequately.
Even with 62 hours of computer run time, [6] did not adequately measure the
reliability of that system since only two levels of generators were outaged.
The CREAM program [17] is similar to TRELSS but uses Monte Carlo to
select line and generator configurations rather than enumeration. It has a smaller
network of 500 buses maximum, which is too small to model the full ERCOT system.
There is no simple way in the CREAM program to create a reduced ERCOT
transmission model and retain all the electrical characteristics of the full network.
The CREAM and TRELSS programs have not been implemented and tested for
ERCOT, although individual utilities in ERCOT have tested these models.
The ERCOT experience with NARP indicates that many generators must be
outaged simultaneously to create loss of load conditions to measure both the
reliability of generation and to encounter transmission constraints in the small NARP
equivalent transmission model 1. If this is true, then the TRELSS program is skipping
over a significant amount of the generation outage events that cause load shedding.
Probabilistic programs with exhaustive modeling of generation outage states
and limited transmission models are MAREL, GRIP, and PROMOD. PROMOD is
not designed to calculate reliability, but it does model all generation failure
configurations using the Booth-Baleriaux method [48]. The GRIP program partitions
annual load into weekly ELDC sets and uses Booth-Baleriaux, or mathematics similar
to Booth- Baleriaux, to perform the convolution of generation states. The GRIP
multi-area transmission model resembles a wagon wheel in which one central area
under study is surrounded by other areas connected radially to the central area. Each
area has generators that fail randomly.
The NARP program uses a transmission equivalent model that treats all the
parallel lines connecting adjacent areas as a single lumped equivalent. Figure 2.1
shows the NARP equivalent link model developed for ERCOT. Each area is a node.
Nodes are connected by single lumped equivalent lines. The power flow on each line
in the NARP equivalent is determined by a DC load flow. Overloaded lines are
unloaded by optimal load shedding using an LP. This simple model has intuitive
appeal, as evidenced by the number of papers using this model [3,5,25,26,62].
However, no papers have been published showing a procedure for calculating a
reduced network’s set of impedances, capacities, and probability states.
The REI equivalent method is presented in [62] as an advanced reduced
network model with the details of constructing the REI equivalent given in [87].

NARP results show ERCOT transmission loss of load expectation highest for approximately 10 to 20
generators simultaneously in failure states for the ~300 ERCOT generators.
Figure 2.3 shows the connectivity of the REI between power plants and interarea tie
lines. However, the REI in [87] is a deterministic equivalent. There is no provision
for handling line outages and their effect on system reliability. The REI model in
[62] presumes that monitoring tie lines between areas is sufficient to capture
transmission constraints. Actual ERCOT load flow studies show that this is almost
never the case. Usually the limiting lines are internal to each system, and these
internal lines restrict generation.

Area 1 Power Plants Area 2 Power Plants

REI Equivalents Tie Lines

Figure 2.3 REI Tie and Equivalent Lines Between Two Areas

A problem with equivalent networks is their inability to explicitly model real

transmission line failures. The REI model must be completely rebuilt for each
transmission line(s) outaged in the real network. In [62] there was never any
intention of using a different equivalent for each full AC network transmission outage
configuration. The thought in [62] is to give the tie lines a set of availability states
and capacities to represent the full AC network’s transmission constraints.
Unfortunately, the theory to do this has not been developed. The literature is
completely lacking on the theory needed to develop a composite generation-
transmission probabilistic equivalent network. This explains why the group of

ERCOT engineers had to struggle in their effort to construct an equivalent network
model for the NARP program. The theory was weak in this area, and this caused
them to waste time using simple manual adjustments to get better agreement between
the full AC load flow and the equivalent. The author spent a great amount of
personal time testing and tuning this model. The REI was proposed by Dr. Patton as
an improved network model but was never implemented. Whether the REI model
would have been easy to create and produce useful results is unknown.
NARP uses the Monte Carlo sampling technique which has an improvement
in solution accuracy proportional to N where N is the number of simulations. In
[17] the authors illustrate this slow improvement in accuracy by stating “...a system
LOLP of .001 with an uncertainty of 30% would require ten thousand samplings; the
reduction of this uncertainty to 3% would require a sample size of one million.”
Gaining one more digit accuracy requires a hundredfold increase in execution time.
Research on improving the rate of convergence for Monte Carlo continues, and an
example of this is described in [18].
The PSSE program in Figure 2.2 refers to the original PTI load flow programs
purchased by the EUD in 1985. They have a high level of detail in the transmission
models including transient stability and OPF. The original PSSE programs have been
deterministic models for years. Possibly PTI held off development of a probabilistic
load flow because they already had a composite G-T program in MAREL. The recent
introduction of the General Electric MAPS program and the EPRI TRELSS program
may have changed PTI’s thinking on probabilistic load flow. Recently PTI has
offered a two area probabilistic load flow based on enumeration of line outages, and
another new probabilistic load flow has recently been introduced.
The ENPRO program was purchased by the EUD to perform detailed
chronological production costing. ENPRO uses the Monte Carlo method. It has a

limited transmission model in which a few lines can be monitored for overload.
ENPRO is similar to PROMOD in not being able to model generation reliability.
The Booth-Baleriaux method Dr. Booth of Australia developed [48,49,54]
works very well in commercially available production costing programs (PROMOD).
Booth-Baleriaux used in production costing is usually applied to just one load area
under study. This solution does not measure generation reliability at all. Without the
total set of generators in a study, the information on the improvement in reliability
from the interconnections [13] is not calculated. To correct this deficiency in the
EUD studies, a multi-area version of the PROMOD program was purchased by the
EUD with the thought of using this one program to measure overall reliability of
generation supply as well as perform production costing. This effort failed when it
was discovered that the multi-area model used expected (average) tie line flows
rather than distributions. The tie flows between areas were identified as being
approximations to the actual set of probabilistic flows. The specific configurations of
generation and load that would have caused tie flow overloads were not calculated in
this approach. The use of the multi-area PROMOD program to measure the City of
Austin generation reliability was dropped.
Other analytical probabilistic methods [35,38,40-44,47] not shown in Figure
2.2 have been developed for use in production costing programs. These execute very
quickly but have a rather large amount of error in the tails of the probabilistic
distribution functions where the reliability information is contained. Some methods
such as Fourier [40] and cumulants [41-43,46,47] can produce negative probabilities
in the tails of the distributions. The cumulant method is very fast and is used in
production costing programs in which the expected value of the function is in the
range of interest [35-47] for calculating average energies of each generator.
However, the reliability information is in the distribution function’s tails where the
function has extremely small values just barely greater than zero. In this region there

can be much relative error. Any functional ringing will introduce extremely high
error in the calculation of reliability. The large error in this region when using
cumulants has led to a widespread belief that production costing programs are not
capable of calculating reliability, since most of them use a fast convolution scheme
such as cumulants.
The Booth-Baleriaux method can have good accuracy in both production
costing and reliability, as shown by Preston and Grady in [34], however, it may be a
little slower to execute than the analytical methods. In this dissertation, the Booth-
Baleriaux model is improved using the PQ convolution procedure. The PQ
convolution method is extended to include the calculation of probabilistic line flow
distributions. Although PQ does not appear to the fastest solution approach, when
overall accuracy is taken into account, the author believes it is the fastest in the
industry. The fact that PLF can model large systems in reasonable computation times
is evidence supporting this belief.

Chapter 3
Mathematical Concepts
The composite generation-transmission analysis problem requires the
generation outage configurations be examined more completely than enumeration
methods are capable of providing. A convolution of states approach, using a
recursive technique , is preferred because it allows for coverage of the entire
probability space of all generation outage events. This approach, which is widely
used in modeling probabilistic generation outages in [35,38,40-44,47], is extended in
this dissertation to include the transmission system.
The mathematical theory presented in this chapter starts with basic concepts
and ends with a presentation of the piecewise quadratic (PQ) convolution method.
Papoulis [98] and Stark [99] suggest the user avoid a direct convolution process (like
PQ) because it is considered by them as computationally intensive (too slow). Their
recommendation is to transform the problem into a form in which the convolution is
simplified such as Fourier series [40] or cumulants [41-43,46,47]. Mixture of
normals approximation [34,38,44] is another popular approach. However, experience
shows these methods produce too much error in the tails of the probability
distributions of the line flows. The PQ convolution method in this dissertation allows
the convolution process to be performed with a high degree of accuracy for hundreds
of generators whose output power states are random variables. The piecewise linear
(PL) method [34,48,49,54] is presented as an introduction to PQ because of its
simplicity and similarity to the PQ method, although the PL method also is found to
have too much solution error to be used for calculating line flows.

Recursive means each distribution is built on the preceding distribution rather than by binomial
theorem expansions and the subsequent merging of tables of data [52].
Basic Concepts
Electric generators are complex machines that typically have a probability of
being in a state of failure of 5% to 10%. When they do operate, their maximum
output capacity is a variable depending on ambient temperature, fuel heat content,
amount of excess air used, air and water environmental constraints, and other
operating conditions. The exact maximum capacity of each generator is uncertain.
Most power plants have internal redundancy of components that wear out or fail
frequently. The mill for grinding coal to a powder is an example. A generator may
have several mills and a standby. When one fails, the maximum capacity of the plant
may be reduced. This type of outage happens often enough to create a cluster of
capacity states around a derated output MW level for the coal plant. Figure 3.1 shows
what the distribution density of capacity states f(x) might look like for a typical
generator. The maximum capacity (C) has uncertainty. The clustering of points
around one or more frequently occurring derated (D) states is also shown. Since a
generator will be taken completely off line for very severe problems, a gap between
the operational states and the outage state is created, as shown in Figure 3.1. The
probability of running a severely damaged generator at very low MW levels is 0.

out of service operating
x MW
0 D C
Figure 3.1 Maximum Output Capacity of a Generator as a Random Variable

An example is given to show how the distribution of capacity states of two
generators with continuous distributions of densities can be convolved together to
form a new function of the total probability of generation capacity being available.
Figure 3.2 and Equations 3.1 and 3.2 show generator 1 with a uniform distribution
from 0 to 1 MW. Generator 2 has an exponential distribution from 0 to 1 MW. The
capacities of the two generators are assumed to be independent, which is required to
perform the convolution process shown in this example.

f1(x1) f2(x2)
x1 MW x2 MW
0 1 0 1
Figure 3.2 Probability Density Functions For Two Generator Example Problem

The figures above are described by

f1(x1) = u(x1)  u(x11) (3.1)
f2(x2) = ex2(e1)1[u(x2)  u(x21)] (3.2)
where u(x) is a unit step at x = 0.

Let x = x1 + x2. The convolution of generation states is performed in Equation 3.3

and successive steps as

 xx
  2
(f1f2)(x) =   f1(x1)f2(x2)dx1 dx2 , (3.3)
 

 xx
  2 1
(f1f2)(x) =   [u(x1)u(x11)]  [e 2(e1) {u(x2)u(x21)}] dx1 dx2 ,

 


(f1f2)(x) =  ex2(e1)1 [u(x2)u(x21)]  [u(xx2)u(xx21)]  (xx2) dx2 .

The functions being integrated are discontinuous, which creates two

overlapping regions as shown in Figure 3.3.

x-1 0 x 1 0 x-1 1 x
Figure 3.3 Convolution Intervals For Two Generator Example

These regions are integrated as two separate integrals as shown in (3.4).


(f1f2)(x) =  ex2(e1)1  (xx2) dx2 for 0x1

 1x 1
 e 2(e1)  (xx2) dx2 for 1x2 (3.4)

The final solution is

(f1f2)(x) = (ex  1)(e  1)1 for 0x1
(e  ex1)(e  1)1 for 1x2 . (3.5)

The convolved generator states for this example are shown in Figure 3.4.

0 1 2 MW

Figure 3.4 Distribution f(x) For Two Generator Example

The continuous distributions in the two generator example can be represented

as a set of discrete states as shown in Figure 3.5 and Table 3.1. This example will
show that a discrete state model can be used instead of continuous states for
calculating the cumulative probability generation capacity outaged will exceed x

f1(x1) f2(x2)
x1 MW x2 MW
0 1 0 1
Figure 3.5 Discrete Generator States For Two Generator Example Problem

Table 3.1 Generator Discrete State Values For Figure 3.5

x1 gen 1 state prob x2 gen 2 state prob

.125 .25 .125 .1653

.375 .25 .375 .2123

.625 .25 .625 .2725

.875 .25 .875 .3499

Each state of each generator is combined once with each of the states of the
other generator by summing x MW and multiplying probabilities. This produces 16
state probabilities. Many of these states have the same MW. The probabilities of
equal MW states are summed. Table 3.2 shows these combined state probabilities.
The combined discrete states are a convolution of the two discrete state generators.
The last two columns of Table 3.2 show the cumulative probability generation
capacity available is less than or equal to x MW for the discrete states and for the
continuous distribution shown in Figure 3.4.

Table 3.2 Discrete And Continuous Probability Generation Capacity G x MW

x MW discrete state prob discrete Pr[rvGx] continu Pr[rvGx]

.00 .000 .000 .000

.25 .041325 .041325 .0198

.50 .0944 .135725 .08655

.75 .162525 .29825 .2136

1.00 .25 .54825 .418

1.25 .208675 .757 .6482

1.50 .1556 .9125 .8315

1.75 .087475 1.00 .9544

2.00 .000 1.00 1.000

Figure 3.6 on the next page shows the graphs of the last two columns in Table
3.2. The curves in Figure 3.6 are the discrete and continuous distributions for the
probability of total generation available being less than or equal to x MW.

Pr 0.5
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2

Figure 3.6 Discrete And Continuous Pr[generation  x] For Two Generator Example

A more useful format is the probability generation capacity outaged exceeds x

MW. This results in a monotone decreasing function as shown in Figure 3.7 below.
Figure 3.7 is the same graph as Figure 3.6 except the x axis is reversed.

Pr 0.5
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2

Figure 3.7 Discrete And Continuous Pr[generation outaged  x]

The next example is an introduction to the idea that a transmission constraint
will cause a shift in the generation states of a generator. The four discrete states for
generator 1 in the previous example are now limited by a transmission line with a
maximum capacity of .5 MW as shown in Figure 3.8.

.5 MW max.

Figure 3.8 One Generator Example With A .5 MW Transmission Constraint

This transmission constraint limits the random variable generation to a

maximum of .5 MW. The generator output power from .5  x  1 MW is shifted
downward to x = .5 MW. An impulse with area of .5 appears at x = .5, as shown in
Figure 3.9 for both the continuous and discrete generator state models.


0 1 MW
Figure 3.9 Distribution Of f(x) With A Transmission Constraint

This example illustrates the basic approach taken in this dissertation.

Whenever line flows exceed line capacity, generation is reduced until the overloaded
lines are no longer overloaded. Probabilistic line flows are adjusted in conjunction
with the most offending generators causing the lines to be overloaded. This reduction
in generation (and load) is identified as being caused by a transmission constraint.

Discrete States
The generators in the example just described have continuous distributions.
The industry practice is to describe individual generators with discrete states at the
cluster points C and D (shown in Figure 3.1) rather than as continuous functions.
There is a good reason for this. Generators usually operate for long periods between
major outages. The scant amount of statistical data available for individual
generators is insufficient information for developing continuous distributions. Two
state discrete generator states are the norm unless a generator clearly has derated
states that are likely to occur. A three state generator is common for this case. The
preparation of generator outage data is described in the North American Electric
Reliability Council (NERC) GADS. Appendix C gives the definitions of GADS
terms used by NERC. Table 3.3 shows the definition for the set of Gk (generator k)
success, failure, and partial failure states.

Table 3.3 Two State and Three State Definitions of Gk

Two State Model:

Probability Output Power - MW Status

1EFORk 0 up
EFORk Ck down

Three State Model:

Probability Output Power - MW Status

1FORkDFORk 0 up
DFORk Ck Dk derated
FORk Ck down

In Table 3.3, EFORk is an equivalent forced outage rate (a probability) of Ck
megawatts (being outaged) and is used only in the two state model. FORk and
DFORk are the three state forced outage and derated forced outage rates, respectively
(Markov state probabilities), of Ck and Dk megawatts. These states are calculated by
collecting data for the  and  (failure and repair) rates described in the next section.
Additional information on the calculations of EFOR, FOR, and DFOR is given in
Appendix C1. Note that Dk in Table 3.3 and Figure 3.14 is the MW derating, whereas
in Figure 3.1, D is shown as the derated generator output, i.e. Dk=Ck-D.

Markov Process
After a generator i is outaged or is in a state of failure, there is an average
repair time Tr to put it back on line. The repair rate (number per year) is i = Tr1.
Likewise, a generator that has been repaired is expected to run for an average time to
failure of Tf . The rate of failures per year is i = Tf1. Sometimes a generator will
fail to a derated or partial output power state. That case is discussed later. Figure
3.10 is an illustration showing the two generator states of fully available and outaged.

Up P1 = Pr (unit i is available)

i i (repair/fail transition rates)

Dn P0 = Pr (unit i is down or outaged)

Figure 3.10 Two State Generator

ERCOT represents generators  500 MW with three states and  500 MW as two states.

The failure of any given generator, transmission line, or transformer in an
interval of time 0 to t is often expressed according to Equation 3.6 in which i is the

Pr [generator i will fail] = ( 1  ei t ) for i >0 t0 (3.6)

average number of failures per period. If generator i is not in a state of failure, the
probability generator i will fail increases with time in accordance with (3.6). Given
enough time, generator i will eventually fail. The exponential distribution is
discussed by Papoulis [98] and Stark [99]. Anders [36] gives several examples using
the exponential distribution, and Patton [53] presents actual electric generator data
justifying the appropriateness of the exponential distribution.
The probability of being in either the up or down state can be calculated as a
stationary stochastic discrete-valued independent random variable process known as a
Markov chain [36, 53, 98, 99]. Over a long time period, the number of transitions
into and out of each state must be conserved. This can be used to write steady state
equations for the probability of being in a specific state. For the two state generator,
the number of transitions out of the up state is equal to the number of transitions into
the up state. In equation form this is P1i = P0i . The other requirement is for
P1+P0=1. Solving these equations for up and down probabilities P1 and P0 yields

i i
P1 =  and P0 =  . (3.7)
i+i i+i

If the repair rate is high and the failure rate is low, then P 1 >> P0 , which is desirable
because it represents a very reliable generator.

The three state model shown in Figure 3.11 is frequently used for larger
generators with internal redundant components. These internal components are
usually designed to allow the generator to continue operation at reduced levels while
the damaged components are being repaired.

Up P1 = Pr (full output)

2 2

1 1 Pa P2 = Pr (partial output)

3 3

Dn P3 = Pr (no output)

Figure 3.11 Three State Generator

Equation 3.8 shows the Markov steady state equation for calculating the
probabilities P1, P2, and P3 of being in the up, derated, and down states, respectively,
for the failure and repair rates of the three state generator in Figure 3.11.

1+2 2 1 P1 0

2 2+3 3 P2 = 0 (3.8)
1 1 1 P3 1

A Markov steady state matrix can also be used to find the probabilities of
each of the states of many generators. Consider the three generators shown in Figure
3.12. Let each generator have a frequency of failure of one time per year ( =1).
Then let 1 =9, 2 =4, and 3 =2.333. The generator forced outage rates are .1, .2, and
.3, respectively, when calculated using Equation 3.6 for P0 = Pr(of being outaged).


9 1 4 1 2.33 1


unit 1 unit 2 unit 3

Figure 3.12 Three Two-State Generators In Combination Example

Eight combinations of states can be formed using these three generators. Let
UUU mean all three are up, UUD means units 1 and 2 are up and unit 3 is down, etc.
Figure 3.13 shows the eight Markov states diagram for this example.

2.33 9

1 1 1
P2 P3 P5
9 2.33 9 2.33
4 4

1 1
1 1 1 1
P4 P6 P7

9 4 2.33

1 1

Figure 3.13 Markov State Space of Three Generators In Combination Example

From the above state space diagram, equations can be written around each
state describing a steady state flow of failures and repairs at each state or node in
Figure 3.13. The state probabilities are P 1, P2, ... P8. Equation 3.9 is the Markov
equation for this three generator system. The relevance of this example is to illustrate
one of the many ways this problem can be solved. Use of the Markov process is the
first example using this three generator system.

3 -2.3 -4 0 -9 0 0 0 P1 0
-1 4.3 0 -4 0 -9 0 0 P2 0
-1 0 6 -2.3 0 0 -9 0 P3 0
0 -1 -1 7.3 0 0 0 -9 P4 0
= (3.9)
-1 0 0 0 11 -2.3 -4 0 P5 0
0 -1 0 0 -1 12.3 0 -4 P6 0
0 0 -1 0 -1 0 14 -2.3 P7 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P8 1

Equation 3.9 Markov State Space of Three Generators In Combination Example

Solving Equation 3.9 produces P1=.504, P2=.216, P3=.126, P4=.054, P5=.056,

P6=.024, P7=.014, and P8=.006. This same solution result is also obtained by other
means, as shown in Figures 3.15 (binary tree) and 3.16d (cumulative distribution).
The Markov equation approach is limited to relatively small problems. We
need to be able to readily solve problems with as many as 101000 states. Using the
Markov for this large problem would require a matrix of 10 1000 rows and 101000
columns, which is unlikely to ever be computationally feasible. The Markov chain
equation of discrete states is probably limited to no more than a few thousand
variables at most, which is far too few for this power system reliability problem.
The use of cumulative distributions and recursion will allow the extremely
large number of 101000 states to be calculated efficiently. The recursive process will
update the cumulative distributions as each generator is added to the system. These
curves store the probability information of all the generators convolved through the
last one convolved. This approach results in an approximately linear relationship
between computational time and the number of randomly failing generators and lines.

Cumulative Distributions
Cumulative monotone decreasing functions (Figure 3.7) in this dissertation
are used to describe probabilistic distributions rather than the traditional monotone
increasing functions (Figure 3.6). The computational mechanics of the piecewise
quadratic (PQ) method result in low error in the far right hand tail of the cumulative
distribution for a monotone decreasing function. Distributions for extremely small
probabilities (such as 10-100) are accurately calculated. Interpolation error using the
PQ method is discussed in this chapter.
In order to have confidence that the PQ method is producing correct and
sufficiently accurate results, the PQ solutions are benchmarked with other methods
such as a binary tree solution, a Markov chain solution, and an ‘exact solution’
developed by George Gross [44]. His ‘exact solution’ is limited to systems with
generators having discrete integer real power states. The ‘exact’ distribution
FE(x) = Pr[generation outaged  x] is developed and is used to measure the
interpolation error of the PQ distribution FG(x) = Pr[generation outaged  x].

Convolution Of Generator States Procedure

The process of recursive convolution for a generator with three discrete states
into a continuous function F(x) is a process of scaling, shifting, and summing the
F(x) = Pr[generation outaged  x] function. Figure 3.14 shows the process steps
pictorially for the three state generator in Table 3.3.
The convolution process on the function F(x) in Figure 3.14 is the sum of
three partial states. Only the derated and down states shift F(x) to the right, which
requires a linear or quadratic interpolation. The more likely to occur up state is not
shifted. It is scaled in place without interpolation, thereby reducing interpolation
error. If the up state were to be shifted, the convolution error would increase.

(1DFORFOR) no shift

up state

DFOR shift of Dk MW sum

before Gk derated state after Gk

FOR shift of Ck MW

down state

Figure 3.14 Pictorial Representation Of A 3-State Recursive Convolution Process

Development of the FE(x) Distribution

A procedure is given for calculating FE(x), which is an almost exact solution
to the probability that generation power outaged is greater than x MW. Ck and Dk
must be integer values1. FE(x) is given in Equation 3.10 as

FE(x) = Pr [G1+ G2+ G3+...+ GNg (outaged MW) > x ] (3.10)

where Pr is the probability all generator Gk random outage configurations is > x MW.

All the ERCOT generators have integer Ck and Dk .
Equation 3.10 lacks the structure needed to describe how FE(x) is to be
numerically calculated in the computer. In practice, FE(x) is an array of discrete

probabilities in one MW steps starting at x=0 MW and ranging up to xmax =  Ck .

k 1

The convolution process for calculating new FE(x)+ is shown in Equation 3.11
for generator k and pictorially in Figure 3.14. The FE(x)+ replace the FE(x) after all
generator k states for all x=0...xmax have been calculated. The real whole numbers x
in a computer program are converted to integers and are used as the array index for
FE(x). Note that the grid spacing for FE(x) is 1 MW increments. When setting up the
computer program solution for FE(x), the initial values are FE(0) = 1 and FE(x>0) = 0.
Note that in Equation 3.11 any FE(x < 0) = 1.

[FE(x)+ = (1FORkDFORk)FE(x)

+ DFORkFE(xDk)

+ FORkFE(xCk) ]  x = 0, xmax , h=1 (3.11)

Equation 3.11 is a recursive convolution process illustrated in Figure 3.14.

Appendix A.1 gives the derivation of Equation 3.11. At any intermediate point in the
convolution process, any generator not previously included in FE(x) can be added to
FE(x) using Equation 3.11. The generators can be added one at a time in any order.
The final FE(x), as a measure of total system generation reliability, contains all the
generators in the network, and is the same function regardless of the sequence or
order in which the generators are convolved1.

except for small numerical errors due to rounding and truncation in the computer

Verifying The FE(x) Solution
A three generator example is used to illustrate that the FE(x) convolution
process itself produces a correct solution. Let Gk be two state generators with an
EFOR for generators 1, 2, and 3 of .1, .2, and .3, respectively. Ck generator capacities
are 100, 150, and 200 MW, respectively. For this small system, a binary tree solution
to FE(x) is constructed as shown in Figure 3.15. We have complete confidence in the
binary tree solution for this small system. This example will show that Equation 3.11
produces the same results as a full enumeration of all explicit configurations in the
binary tree. The eight configurations possible are calculated by adding capacities and
multiplying probabilities and are then sorted and summed.

Individual States Cumulative

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 MW Pr MWO MWO Pr Pr
20, .7 -- 45, .504 0 0 .504 1.000
15, .8 0, .3 -- 25, .216 20 10 .056 .496
10, .9 0, .2 20, .7 -- 30, .126 15 15 .126 .440
0, .3 -- 10, .054 35 sort 20 .216 .314
20, .7 -- 35, .056 10 25 .014 .098
0, .1 15, .8 0, .3 -- 15, .024 30 30 .024 .084
0, .2 20, .7 -- 20, .014 25 35 .054 .060
0, .3 -- 0, .006 45 45 .006 .006

Figure 3.15 Binary Tree of Three Generator Example

The last column of Figure 3.15 is FE(x)=(Pr{Gk outaged > x}) where
x = MWO, the MW outaged. The MWO is the compliment of the MW available,
which is why the last column is summed from bottom to top (see Figure 3.7).

Equation 3.11 can be used to produce FE(x) directly rather than using the
binary tree method. The advantage of using Equation 3.11 is that several hundred
generators can be convolved with a high degree of computational accuracy. A binary
tree solution can easily have a tree too large to be calculated. Binary tree cumulative
errors cannot be easily controlled, so the binary tree approach should be used only to
create FE(x) for a very small number of generators.
The binary tree example is given in Figure 3.15 is to verify that Equation 3.11
produces the same FE(x) results. The convolution process to create FE(x) is shown
graphically in Figure 3.16 to better illustrate the details of the process. Figure 3.16a
shows the convolution of generator 1, Figure 3.16b of generator 2, and Figure 3.16c
and Figure 3.16d of generator 3. Figure 3.16c shows the intermediate convolution
details of creating the new up states by scaling by .7 with no shift and of creating the
down states by scaling by .3 and shifting by 30 MW the immediately previous FE(x).
The two scaled curves are then added to produce the final FE(x) shown in Figure
3.16d. The process produces exactly the same solution as the binary tree method
when the states in Figure 3.16d are compared with the last column of Figure 3.15.
This process shown in Figure 3.16 is exactly the same as the process shown in Figure

1.0 1.0

Pr + (10, .1) => Pr

x x
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Figure 3.16a. Convolving G1 Into FE(x)

1.0 1.0

Pr + (15, .2) => Pr

.28 .2
.1 .02
x x
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Figure 3.16b. Convolving G2 Into FE(x)

1.0 1.0

Pr + (20, .3) => Pr .196 .14 .3 .014 .084 .06 .006

.28 .2 .3
.02 .7
x x
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Figure 3.16c. Convolving G3 Into FE(x)


FE(x) = Pr .496 .44 .314

.084 .06 .006
0 10 20 30 40

Figure 3.16d. Final FE(x) for Three Generator Example Using Equation 3.11
FE(x) = Probability More Than x MW Of Generation Will Be Out Of Service
(probabilities are not drawn to scale)

Necessity For The Use Of Continuous Functions
The use of discrete states on 1 MW intervals for FE(x) provides nearly zero
error distributions for discrete generation capacity outaged. However, incremental
transmission line flows are never exact multiples of 1 MW. Also, the 1 MW intervals
are very computationally intensive. Greater computational efficiency is realized by
using linear and quadratic interpolation of discrete point functions. Figure 3.17
shows a piecewise linear (PL) continuous function and how interpolation error can
occur when using the PL interpolation. Error is minimized around 1000 points to
represent the PL F(x), but begins to increase if too many points are used. A bad
characteristic of the PL interpolation error is that it increases multiplicatively
(exponentially) as each new generator is added to F(x).

exact F(x)
linear interpolation undershoots here
approx. F(x)

Pr linear interpolation overshoot

h MW
x:0 1h 2h 3h 4h .... nh
Generation MW Out Of Service
Figure 3.17 Piecewise Linear Distribution Functional Representation

Piecewise Linear Convolution
The only reason for presenting piecewise linear (PL) convolution is because
the method is a simpler case of the piecewise quadratic (PQ) method. This is a warmup
exercise for the PQ method.
The PL method has two advantages over the exact method FE(x). PL is a
continuous function for interpolation and PL has a much higher computational speed
than the exact discrete method (if the grid MW step size called h is much larger than
one MW). Figure 3.18 shows the manner is which interpolation is performed in
Equation 3.12 when shifting the derated and outaged generator states of F(x).

interpolated point

- j is the number of h grid increments shifted

- r is the remainder of an h grid increment shifted
- positive r points to the left

Pr interpolate
h(r + j) MW
x=hr hj

x:0 1h 2h 3h 4h .... nh

Figure 3.18 Details For Piecewise Linear Interpolation And Shifting

In Figure 3.18, the function F(x) is to be shifted to the right by Ck and Dk MW

to model the generator Gk down and derated states, respectively. For each shift there
is an integral component of shift jh and a remainder of shift x. These shifts are

related by Ck = jch + xc and Dk = jdh + xd, respectively. Then the j values are
jc =INT(Ck /h) and jd =INT(Dk /h) and the remainders are xc =Ckjch and xd =Dkjdh.
The interpolation process uses a real per unit r to measure the partial distance
remaining between discrete increments. The per unit shift remainders are rc = xc / h
and rd =  xd / h.
Equation 3.12 is used to update each discrete F(x) point as a result of
convolving each generator k into F(x). Equation 3.12 performs the scaling, shifting,
and summation as a single process for the convolving of generator k into F(x). In this
process, no newly calculated values of F(x)+ on the left of Equation 3.12 equal sign
are to be used in the right hand side of Equation 3.12. Any occurrence of F(x<0) = 1.
Likewise, any F(xxmax) = 0. As each generator is convolved, xmax is increased by Ck
MW before Equation 3.12 is applied.

[F{jh} +
= (1FORkDFORk)F{jh}

+ DFORk[F{(j jd 1)h}rd) + F{(j jd)h}(1rd)]

+ FORk[F{(j jc 1)h}rc) + F{(j jc)h}(1rc)]  x = 0, xmax , h (3.12)

The xmax will be less than or equal to nj. As xmax is increased with each
generator convolved, the n can also be adjusted to be a minimum value while meeting
the requirement that nj > xmax.
Notice in Figure 3.18 that xmax  nh where n is the next larger integer meeting
the requirement of n  xmax /h. For any number of generators N which includes the

new generator plus all others already convolved, xmax =  Ck . This is the sum of all
k 1

N generator capacities. The xmax and n begin with the value of zero and are increased
as each generator is convolved. For any xxmax, F(x)=0.

Figure 3.19a shows the idealized initial condition for F(x) before any generators
have been convolved. Because the PL function is continuous, an approximation to
the ideal step function is required. Figure 3.19b shows an initial F(x) with an
expected value of zero initially. Results comparisons with the ‘exact’ convolution
solution method show that an initial F(x 0)=1, F(x=0)=.5, and F(x 0)=0 produces
the lowest error in the final F(x) after all generators are convolved.

1 1

Pr Pr .5

0 0
x:2h 1h 0 1h 2h... x: 2h 1h 0 1h 2h...

Figure 3.19a Idealized Initial F(x) Figure 3.19b Lowest Error Initial F(x)

The initialization error is most evident when comparing the exact value of
EUE (which is the integral from x to  for FE(x)) with the EUE of the PL function.
The initialization in Figure 3.19b gives correct EUE results to several decimals of
accuracy, whereas any other initialization produces significant EUE error. If F(x)
were initialized with F(x 0)=1 and F(x 0)=0, then the x=0 axis and every increment
of h would be inconveniently located midway between discrete grid increments.
An undesirable feature of the PL is its amount of error in the right hand tail of
F(x) after convolving several hundred generators. The linear interpolation process in
the PL method’s right hand tail always results in interpolation values that are too
high, even when very small grid step sizes are used. This error is nearly linearly
proportional to the grid step size, which would require unreasonably small grid
increments to achieve high accuracy. The result of this ‘overshoot’ when using PL to
calculate probabilistic line flows is to overestimate the amount of line overloading,

which would lead to overcorrection actions to unload the overloaded lines. The PL
overshoot error causes the load shedding energy to be overstated by such a large
amount that results are not meaningful. Therefore, the PL method is not used in this

Piecewise Quadratic Convolution
The piecewise quadratic method was developed to improve interpolation
accuracy over the piecewise linear method. Preston and Grady in [34] have applied
the PQ method to the production costing problem and show the PQ benefits over
other mathematical formulations. Recently, Preston, Baughman, and Grady in [1] use
the PQ method to achieve high accuracy in the tails of line distributions. PQ provides
very low interpolation error in the right hand tail.

quadratic interpolation is restricted to the

left-most two of the three consecutive
1 points to avoid negative F(x) (see below)
positive r points to the right


r = 1 r = 0 r=1
1  r  0

x: 0 1h (j1)h jh (j+1)h ... nh
x in MW
Figure 3.20 Piecewise Quadratic Interpolation

The PQ method allows a set of discrete F(jh: j is an integer) points to describe

a continuous function using a quadratic interpolation process. Any three consecutive
points of F(x) are interpolated as shown in Figure 3.20 to provide a smooth and
continuous function F(x). The PQ interpolation is restricted to only the region
between the two left-most points of any set of three points to prevent the function
from taking on negative values on the right hand tail.

Figure 3.20 illustrates how quadratic function interpolation is used to create a
continuous function from a set of discrete points at h intervals on the x axis. The
interpolation is performed within any range (j1)h x  jh point in which j is an
integer meeting this requirement. Any real x is related to the discrete points using
x=h( j + r) for the range 1  r  0. The piecewise quadratic interpolation equation
for calculating continuous real F(x) in Figure 3.20 for any real 0 < x < xmax is

F[( j + r)h] = .5r(r 1)F[( j 1)h] + (1 r 2 )F[ jh] + .5r(r +1) F[( j + 1)h] , (3.13)

which is derived in Appendix A.2.

Figure 3.21 below shows the interpolation needed for the PQ method’s down
and derated states shown in the Figure 3.14 pictorial. The PQ quadratic interpolation
is very similar to the PL linear interpolation process shown in Figure 3.18.

1 interpolated point

- j is the number of h grid increments

hr hj F(x) is shifted to the right
- r is the remainder of an h grid
increment for shifting F(x) right
- positive r points to the left

r=1 r=0 r = 1

0 1h (j1)h jh (j+1)h ... nh
x in MW
Figure 3.21 Details For Piecewise Quadratic Interpolation And Shifting

The steps in setting up the j and r terms for PQ are the same as for PL. The
material is repeated here for completeness in describing the PQ process. In Figure
3.21 the function F(x) is to be shifted to the right by Ck and Dk MW to model the
generator Gk down and derated states, respectively. For each shift there is an integral
component of shift jh and a remainder of shift x. These shifts are related by
Ck =jch+ xc and Dk =jdh+ xd, respectively. Then the j values are jc =INT(Ck /h) and
jd =INT(Dk /h), and the remainders are xc =Ckjch and xd =Dkjdh. The interpolation
process uses a real per unit r to measure the partial distance remaining between
discrete increments. The per unit shift remainders are rc = xc / h and rd =  xd / h.
Equation 3.14 for three state generators and Equation 3.15 for two state
generators are used to update each discrete F(x) point as a result of convolving each
generator k into F(x). These equations perform the scaling, shifting, and summation
as a single process for the convolving of each generator k into F(x). In this process,
no newly calculated values of F(x)+ on the left of each equation’s equal sign are to be
used in the right hand side of the equations. Any occurrence of F(x0) = 1 and any
F(xxmax) = 0. As each generator is convolved, xmax is increased by Ck MW before
the Equations 3.14 and 3.15 are applied.
Equations 3.14 and 3.15 use constant parameters that are recalculated for each
new Gk generator. The c0 ... d2, jc, and jd constant parameters used in (3.14) and
(3.15) are updated using the equations shown below for each generator. After these
are calculated, the convolution Equations 3.14 and 3.15 on the next page are stepped
through each integral value of j. Appendix A.3 shows how these are derived.

c0 = .5rc(rc+1) c1 = (1rc2) c2 = .5rc(rc1)

d0 = .5rd(rd+1) d1 = (1rd2) d2 = .5rd(rd1)
jc = INT(Ck / h) jd = INT(Dk / h)

The PQ convolution operation for a three state generator k is

[F{hj} +
= (1  FORk  DFORk)F{hj}
+ FORk[c0F{h( j jc1)} + c1F{h( j jc)} + c2F{h( j jc+1)}]

+ DFORk[d0F{h( j jd1)} + d1F{h( j jd)} + d2F{h( j jd+1)}]

]  j = 0, jmax , 1 , (3.14)

which is derived in Appendix A.3. The PQ convolution operation for a two state
generator k is

[F{hj} +
= (1  EFORk)F{hj}
+ EFORk[c0F{h( j jc1)} + c1F{h( j jc)} + c2F{h( j jc+1)}]

]  j = 0, jmax , 1 . (3.15)

Note that the r0 region shown in Figure 3.20 has a positive r pointing to the
right. However, the shifting to the right of Ck and Dk MW is more conveniently
written if the positive r direction is defined as pointing to the left. The sign change
defining positive r to the left as shown in Figure 3.21 has been factored into
Equations 3.14 and 3.15. This allows Ck = jh + x as well as r = x/ h to have all
positive numbers.
Equations 3.14 and 3.15 are represented symbolically with an  operator in
Equation 3.16 to represent the PQ convolution process.

[ F(x)+ = GkF(x) ] k = 1, Ng (3.16)

Note that the FG(x) generation reliability is calculated using Equation 3.16.
The line flow distributions Fj(x) have both positive and negative incremental flows
which are discussed in Chapter 8.

Calculating Piecewise Quadratic EUE
The expected unserved energy is the integral of F(x) from any real valued x to
 as shown by the shaded area in Figure 3.22. For x0 let F(x)=1. The x is separated
into an integer j0 and a remainder r in preparation for the PQ Integral Equation 3.17.


j0h rh

Pr h

0 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h ... nh
x MW Generation Capacity Outaged
Figure 3.22 Integrating the PQ Function F(x)

The point j0h is located immediately to the left or exactly on x. Then j0 = INT(x/h)
and r = (x/h)  j0. The PQ equation for calculating EUE(x = Ck  y) in which y is a
constant load for one hour (i.e. load y = Ck  x MW) is

EUE[x = h( j0 + r)] =  x
F ( x)dx MWh for 1 hr,

or in discrete form is

EUE[x] = [ jmax
F{hj} + [(r3/6) + (r23/4)  r (7/12)] F{hj0} +

[(r3/3)  r2 +(1/12)] F{h( j0+1)} + [(r3/6) +(r2/4) ] F{h( j0+2)} ]h. (3.17)

Integration using (3.17) is efficient computationally because the integration
process is a simple summation of F(x) discrete points plus an adjustment factor to
account for the left end effects of the quadratic. The unusual coefficients in Equation
3.17 arise naturally when Equation 3.13 is integrated. Starting with Equation 3.13,
substitute j0=j1, j01=j, j02=j1, and then integrate from r = 1 to r = 0. Figure
3.23 shows the area of integration. The x axis in Figure 3.23 is shown in terms of
discrete integers aligning with the discrete values of F(x). The integral between any
two discrete sections is shown in Equation 3.18.


j0 r


0 j0 j0+1 j0+2 j0+3 ... n

Figure 3.23 Integrating The PQ Function

j 01

F ( jh)dj = [ 5 F(j0h) + 8 F((j0+1)h)  1 F((j0+2)h) ]h .
12 12 12

Integrating the rest of the h increments to the right of the one shown in Figure
3.23 produces a series of equations whose coefficients sum to one. Table 3.4 shows
this sequence of sets of three coefficients summing to unity.

Table 3.4 Summations Of PQ Integration Coefficients For Each Interval

j0 j0+1 j0+2 j0+3 j0+4

5 8 -1 this row integrates

12 12 12 j0 - j0+1

5 8 -1 this row integrates

12 12 12 j0+1 - j0+2

this row integrates 5 8 -1

j0+2 - j0+3 12 12 12

5 8
12 12


11 12 1 1 1...
these are
7 +1
always added
12 12

1 3 1 1 1
these are
 r 3  r 2 r  r3  r2  r3  r2 added if
6 4 3 6 4

The last row of Table 3.4 is the negative of the integral of from j0 to j0+r
which removes the area already added by the terms above the last row. The r term
allows integration from any real x to . The overall integration process of a function
with hundreds of intervals is efficient in PQ format because a simple summation
process is used for all but three of the points.

Column j0 sums to 5/12 which is equal to 17/12.
Column j0+1 sums to 13/12 which is equal to 1+1/12.

PQ Initialization
Every PQ distribution is initialized before proceeding with convolving the
outage states. The procedure for initializing PQ is similar to the piecewise linear
initialization shown in Figure 3.17 but is slightly more complex. Initializing the
generation outage distribution FG(x) is given in Figure 3.24. Figure 3.24a shows an
idealized initial condition for FG(x) before any generator outage states are convolved.
The PQ function cannot represent the step function, so an approximation is required.
Figure 3.24b shows an initial FG(x) with an expected value of zero initially.

1 1

Pr Pr p 7 ~.5

0 0
x:2h 1h 0 1h 2h... x: 2h 1h 0 1h 2h...

Figure 3.24a Idealized Initial FG(x) Figure 3.24b Best PQ Initial FG(x)

The value of 713 is derived by differentiating A and B PQ equations using

(3.12), then finding the expected value of the density functions of A(p) and B(p) in
Figure 3.24b. Integrating rA from r=1 to r=0 and rB from r=0 to r=1 shows that
the expected value is exactly zero when p= 713 . However, the use of p=.5 introduces

little error when PQ is compared with the ‘exact’ method. An argument is presented
on the next page that shows p=.5 initial value is favored when the initialization
procedure for line flow distributions is considered. The initial MaxGen configuration
line flows rarely align with an even grid increment.

Initializing a PQ function for transmission line j MaxGen configuration MW
flow requires finding a p that produces an expected value of the PQ function equal to
the MaxGen configuration MW load flow solution line flow. Figure 3.25 shows the
ideal and the PQ line function initializations.

i-1 i i+1 i-1 i i+1

1 1
MaxGen MW flow xoj p xoj
Pr r Pr

0 0
hj PQ Fj(x) grid i steps hj PQ Fj(x) grid i steps

Figure 3.25a Idealized Initial Fj(x) Figure 3.25b Best PQ Initial Fj(x)

The value of p in Figure 3.26b giving exactly the same expected value as the
step function in Figure 3.26a is p(r)=(12r+7)/13. Solving for the range of r shows
that p(r= 713 )=0 and p(r= 12 )=1. However, the equation p(r)(12r+6)/12 is

actually used as a close approximation. The line flow distribution error introduced by
this approximation is much smaller than other errors in the convolution process.
Figure 3.27 shows the two p(r) expressions plotted to scale.

exact p(r)
approximate p(r)=r+.5
r: 1 .5 0 +.5 +1

Figure 3.27 Calculating Initial Line Distribution Parameter p(r)

Transmission line PQ distributions are initialized with their MaxGen
configuration MW flow xoj. Assuming the line’s grid step size hj has been
determined1, as well as the minimum and maximum ranges of the x MW flow axis,
then there is a grid increment in which xoj is less than or equal to half an hj distance
from the xoj. A single grid increment satisfying .5r.5 is identified. Use
r=[xoj/hj  INT(xoj/hj)] to find an r in the range 0r1. If r .5, then replace r with
its complement r=1r and initialize the next larger increment. Use the approximate
equation p=r+.5 to initialize this one grid increment. All lower index grid
increments are initialized to one, and all higher index grid increments are initialized
to zero1. By using the approximate equation for p rather than the exact equation, the
break points for r are nicely positioned halfway between the even grid increments.
The exact equation for p has a range of r greater than one, which creates confusion in
the selection of the appropriate grid increment to initialize. Therefore, the exact
equation is not favored by the author and is not used.

See Chapter 8 for more details on setting up the line distribution functions.

Chapter 4
Solution Methodology
The experiences conveyed in Chapter 2 show that the composite generation-
transmission problem solution has been attempted using a number of mathematical
approaches. These experiences and their failures helped shape the thinking that has
gone into the PLF approach taken in this dissertation. Chapter 4 discusses why
certain solution approaches have been discarded. The last part of Chapter 4 outlines
a series of 27 steps that constitute the new PLF solution procedure.

Equivalent Versus Full Transmission Network Representation

A theory for creating a network probabilistic equivalent model of a large AC
electric network does not exist. The network equivalents presented in the literature
[62,87] are equivalent impedance models in which specific lines in the real network are
retained while the rest of the lines are replaced with a set of equivalent impedances. The
literature does not describe how to set up the equivalent impedances to give equal
performance as limiting transmission elements with capacity constraints and failure
states. A probabilistic model using a full network representation avoids the issue of
whether the network being reduced has corrupted the solution. A network equivalent
must be newly created. If a full network model is used instead of an equivalent, then it is
readily available from each large region without further effort to create additional new
The use of a network equivalent is driven by a need to increase the solution
speed so a larger number of generation configurations can be enumerated and tested.
The solution speed increase in the NARP program was not useful since most of the
transmission system was not represented in the equivalent, and no significant
transmission line overload events were observed.

To allow more transmission detail in the equivalent, a new transmission
model was proposed to ERCOT based on the REI equivalent network [62,87] shown
in Figure 2.3. The REI adds many new links to make the incremental ‘tie’ flows
correct for each generation configuration. This new more detailed network model
still makes the assumption that the tie lines are sufficient for monitoring and
constraining the generation. It ignores the fact that many problems are frequently
associated with lines other than tie lines.
The more detailed REI equivalent has a new problem because of its size.
Computational efficiency is lost. The number of new REI links causes the load flow
solution matrix to lose much of its sparsity by creating a large number of new fill
terms during the matrix reduction and solution. The hoped for computational
efficiency of the REI is significantly diminished by the additional fill terms [97].
An example is given to illustrate the fill problem. The full matrix
representation of the 4300 bus 5200 transmission line example given in Chapter 11
typically has a maximum sparse matrix size of ~15,000 complex numbers using the
sparse techniques in [97]. An estimate of the REI number of links for the ERCOT
network with 300 power plants at 92 physical sites and 196 tie lines is shown in
Table 4.1. It has 2960 total lines and 196+196+92 = 484 buses in the reduced
In a full network, the extra matrix fill terms are about equal to the original
number of off-diagonal terms. 4300 diagonal terms + 5200 upper matrix terms = the
initial full network matrix. Then the additional 5500 fill terms increase the matrix
size to about 15000 terms.

Table 4.1 Estimates for an ERCOT REI Model

Area Plant Sites Tie Lines Equivalent Lines

TU 24 45 1080
HLP 18 12 216
CPS 4 7 28
WTU 6 31 186
LCRA 8 19 152
STEX 16 13 208
COA 2 6 12
TMPP 14 63 882
Totals 92 196 2764+196=2960

How does the REI matrix compare? The initial REI has 484 (11% of 4300)
diagonal terms plus 2960 off-diagonal terms. If fill terms are assumed to be twice as
high in the equivalent, the final REI matrix has a total of 9364 numbers. This puts
the REI equivalent at about 60% the size of the full system matrix rather than at the
11% size based on the number of network buses retained in the equivalent.
The REI does not appear to be an attractive approach since the solution is
neither fast nor accurate. Loss of network information in the equivalent, small
savings in matrix size, and the extra work in creating the equivalent are good reasons
not to pursue this approach.

Generation Configuration Enumeration Versus Convolution
The enumeration of specific generation configurations is the most widely used
method of accounting for the effects of random generator outages in the composite
generation-transmission problem, as evidenced by the number of references using this
approach [3,5,6-29,31,36,56-95]. Interestingly, the opposite is true for the modeling
of random generator outages in power production costing studies. When transmission
systems are not considered, the convolution method is preferred [10,32-54]1.
Enumeration is dominant in the composite generation-transmission models
due to the necessity for solving a deterministic electrical network matrix in order to
calculate the transmission line flows. The electrical matrix solution is not readily
solved for random variable inputs.
Convolution is widely used in production costing methods because the
computation speed is high and solutions are direct and unique. All the generation
outage configurations are modeled. Enumeration of generation configurations using
the Monte Carlo method (GENH and ENPRO) can require longer solution times than
the more direct convolution procedures (POLARIS, PROMOD, and PROSCREEN).
A simple example shows why direct enumeration of all generation outage
configurations is not computationally possible in a large system. Let a small system
have 100 two-state generators with Pr[on,off] = (.95,.05) for each generator. The
total number of configurations is 2100  1030. If 1000 configurations are evaluated
each second, the total run time for a single solution is more than 10 19 years! If a
binary tree diagram is drawn for this problem on a flat sheet of imaginary paper with
one centimeter spacing between lines in which each line shows the status of each of
the 100 generators, then the diagram will stretch across a space of one trillion light
years. This is larger than the universe!

Chapter 3 gives an example showing the equivalence of convolution and enumeration.

An argument can be made that the uniformity of each generator’s states in the
100 generator example can be exploited, and the total probability of clusters of states
in which one, two, three, etc. generators are outaged at a time is easily calculated by
enumerating one state and using the results of the one state as the solution to a large
number of other states. However, real generators have different forced outage rates
and are physically located at different points in a completely non-homogenous
transmission network. Short-cut solution approaches are unlikely.
The real power flow distributions in every transmission line are strongly
determined by 1) line locations, 2) line outage states, 3) generator locations, 4)
generator capacities, 5) generator outage states, 6) locations of loads, and 7)
magnitudes of loads. Electrical networks are completely non-repetitive, non-uniform,
and non-homogeneous. The lack of a repetitive structure of the layouts of the actual
physical networks requires enumeration methods to spend more time testing a system
to find all the line overload configurations due to generation outages and line outages.
Based on the discussion thus far, there seems to be no common solution to
two basic conflicting requirements. One of the requirements is a necessity to solve
the electrical network as set of specific configuration enumeration cases. Another
requirement is the need to exhaustively model the generation outage configurations,
which is not possible with the enumeration approach because too many
configurations exist to study all of them. Better sampling techniques are being
developed [3], but the author believes the configuration space is much too large and
irregular to make this approach successful.
The other solution possibility is to remove the necessity of using an electrical
matrix solution for calculating every new set of transmission line flows for every
generation and line outage configuration. This is the choice of the author because it
allows convolution to be used, which solves the problem of calculating the
immensely large numbers of generation outage configurations.

Transmission Line Flow Linearity Requirements
The discussion thus far indicates that a full electrical network representation
is preferred, and convolution is the best way to cover all the generation outage
configurations. The convolution process requires linearity in the summation of line
flows. Line flows consist of both real and reactive power. The real power flows in
the network are strongly a function of all generators and loads throughout the
network. Reactive power flows are strongly related to local voltages, local shunt
inductance and capacitive sources, and the real and reactive power flow in lines. The
electrical network is reasonably linear in power if bus voltage magnitudes in the
network are nearly constant and real line losses are small. If voltage magnitudes at
regulated buses are held constant, the real power line flow distributions are almost
linear with respect to generation, loads, and line impedances. The linearity
characteristic is exploited in this dissertation to make the convolution approach
feasible. This is the reason all load flow cases for calculating incremental line flows
due to generator outages are solved with an unlimited reactive power at the
generation buses.
The network reactive power model is much more nonlinear than the real
power model because transmission lines have much higher reactive losses than real
power losses. In an actual system these line losses appear on each line and are
corrected locally. Transmitting reactive power through the network causes voltages
to increase or decrease from nominal levels, which is an undesirable characteristic.
Therefore, reactive compensation in the real world is best applied at distributed
locations where needed rather than transmitted from remote locations. An
insufficient amount of reactive generation available locally may result in voltage
collapse. A convolution model for non-linear reactive power has not been included

with the real power convolution model in this dissertation. The convolution method
presented in this dissertation cannot model the voltage collapse phenomena.
The convolution method must have linearity in real power transmission line
flows. For example, if generator A is outaged and causes an incremental flow of X
MW in a transmission line; and if generator B is separately outaged and causes an
incremental flow of Y MW in the same line; then the simultaneous outaging of both
A and B generators must cause X+Y MW of incremental power flow in the line. If
the incremental power in each line is known for each generator’s outaged state, and
the incremental line flows are linear for multiple generators outaged, then simple
summations can be used to estimate the power flows in all lines for any configuration
with several generators outaged.
The convolution approach requires1 the sum of all the incremental line flows
due to all generators and all loads (+ losses) be in agreement with a full network AC
load flow solution with all generators running at maximum capacity. This is a unique
configuration since it defines the maximum amount of load (+ loss) that can be
served and is given the name MaxGen. Load levels greater than the MaxGen
configuration are unserved.
Another unique configuration is the one with all generators in a state of
failure. This configuration serves no load and has nearly zero real power line flows.
The zero load configuration is of lesser importance since line overloads generally do
not occur at low load levels. Also, the total probability of having most of the
generators outaged is small.
A MaxGen configuration load flow is set up and run first. Then additional
load flows are run as variations of the MaxGen configuration case in which a single
generator is outaged for each new load flow case. This allows all the incremental

Required because the sum of all outages must produce zero MW line flows.

line flows for each generator outaged to be calculated by subtracting the results of
each case from the MaxGen case. These incremental flows are normalized and
stored in an Hj,k matrix of lines j and generators k for use in enumeration and
convolution operations. In creating this matrix, the individual load flow solutions
need to be solved to a very tight tolerance to minimize cumulative line flow errors
when summing large numbers of small incremental flows. The author’s experience
shows .01 MW maximum power mismatch at each bus in all the solved load flow
cases produces sums of distributions with less than 1% error whereas .1 MW
maximum power mismatch at each bus has been observed to produce as much as
15% summation error for the ERCOT system. This summation error is easily
observed at radial generator buses with no load. The error being discussed here is
prior to any scaling or adjustments to minimize the overall error in summing the
incremental flows on each line.
The matrix of incremental line flows can be used to estimate the total line
flows for any specific configuration of generators outaged. An enumeration approach
using this matrix to cover all generation outage configurations is not feasible because
far too many configurations would need to be calculated. Convolving the individual
generator outage states is feasible and was covered in Chapter 3. The convolution
process produces cumulative line flow distributions that closely approximate the
distributions that would have been calculated if all combinations of generation outage
states were fully enumerated.

Load Model Considerations
The MaxGen configuration load flow and generator outage load flows are
used to calculate a matrix of generator-line distribution factors [1,29,55] for
calculating the incremental line flows associated with generator outage and derating
states. When a generator is outaged in a load flow: 1) other generators must increase
their power output, or 2) load must be reduced. The total generation power must
exactly equal the total load plus total losses at all times in every load flow solution.
Load and generation can be adjusted an infinite number of ways to meet the
total power requirement when a generator is outaged. Some of the possible
adjustments are conditional. An example of conditional dispatch of power is when
power can be made available to a load area when another area does not need the
power. This situation requires a more complex conditional probabilistic convolution
process. Some production costing programs use a series of convolutions and
deconvolutions to model one type of conditionally probabilistic dispatch of
generators. The deconvolution process is difficult to implement, is numerically
unstable, and is computationally time consuming. The convolution approach here is
to treat all generator outages as independent events. The formulations requiring
conditionally probabilistic events will not be modeled in this dissertation.
The usual enumeration model approach for replacing the capacity of an
outaged generator is to increase the power on the other generators. The physical
system also responds in this manner when a generator fails. Other generators
increase output power to make up for the lost capacity, which can occur if surplus
capacity is available. If no surplus capacity is available when a generator is outaged,
loads must be reduced to keep the network operational.
The PLF model load+losses MW is always set equal to generation MW and
the generators are always run at maximum output for every generation outage
There is never spare generation capacity in this solution process. The only
response possible in the PLF model is to initiate load reductions as generators are
outaged. If the PLF had been designed to model spare generation capacity,
conditional probabilities would have been needed, as well as a definition of how
spare capacity is to be shared in the system. The mathematical formulation and
definitions would be more complex and harder to follow than what is presented here.
Some of the information required to define the conditional dispatches has yet to be
completely and uniquely defined in the real world operational practices.
Generation outaged in this convolution model always results in a load
reduction. The amount of reduction and the location of load reductions should be
optimally calculated to minimize the total loss of load. One important requirement in
using the convolution method with any load reduction scheme is to insure that the
sum of all incremental load reductions are consistent. The sum of loads shed at any
bus cannot exceed the total load on that bus in the MaxGen configuration load flow.
This condition is stringent enough to eliminate the use of a single generator slack bus
in the load flow. Two basic methodologies for executing load shedding (load
reduction) are LLS for load loss sharing and NLLS for no load loss sharing.

Load Loss Sharing

The PLF model presented here is consistent with single area reliability results.
Single area reliability analysis calculates the total system generation adequacy.
Unserved load occurs when random generator outages cause generation capacity to
drop below the total system load level. A measure of reliability is the probability of
being generation deficient in serving the total system load. Individual area generation
reliability is not calculated.

The simplest extension to the single area model in creating a composite
generation-transmission model is to calculate the additional decrease in the total
single area reliability imposed by the transmission system. The idea here is that every
bus in the network has the same physical reliability as the system as a whole if no
transmission constraints exist. This definition allows transmission constraints to be
calculated as a simple extension to the single area analysis.
Note that this is a physical interpretation of the system rather than a legal
interpretation. Contractual agreements between individual load areas can change the
reliability of generation supply to each area. The modeling of supply contracts and
their effect on the reliability of generation in each area is beyond the scope of this
dissertation and will not be considered here.
The discussion presented on this page thus far is consistent with a load loss
sharing (LLS) methodology. Why is this so? Because the only way to have exactly
the same generation reliability on every bus in the network is to probabilistically
dispatch every generator to all buses in the network on an equal basis. Every bus load
gets a small prorata share of each generator’s power. This uniquely defines how the
loads in the network are to be scaled for each case with a generator outaged. The
entire system load is linearly scaled to account for both the drop in generation power
in the network as well as the change in losses. No load flow slack generator is used.

No Load Loss Sharing

The NLLS methodology allows owners of generators to have first call on their
own generation capacity. Conversely, when a generator is forced out of service, the
owners of the outaged generator(s) will have their loads shed unless other surplus
generation capacity exists in the system. Surplus generation is used by load areas
needing capacity but the sharing methodology for surplus capacity is not well

defined. The NLLS load model is conditional on the availability of surplus
generation. The surplus generation is only available if other areas are not using the
generation and the overall generation exceeds the total system load.
The NLLS methodology has problems that prevent it from being used in the
PLF model in this dissertation. The most important problem with NLLS is the very
definition of generation reliability the NLLS creates. The NLLS does not result in
every load bus receiving the same generation reliability as the single area reliability.
Each area’s load buses become a function of the FOR’s of each area’s owned
generators. Individual contracts between companies and complex operating rules
would need to be a part of the input data in the NLLS model. This data is not
presently used in regional studies and would be difficult to obtain.
The NLLS is not a simple extension of the single area analysis. The NLLS is
a new measure defining a different reliability for each area even though no
transmission constraints are included. Adopting the NLLS load model here would
result in the need to develop a new mathematics based on conditional probabilistic
convolution. This topic has not been presented in the literature and constitutes a new
area of study separate from the transmission model developed here. The NLLS
convolution model may not be mathematically possible. The NLLS model will not be
used in this dissertation for these reasons.

Measuring Single Area (Total System) Generation Reliability
The reliability of the total system generation is measured in terms of a
function FG(x) which is the probability that the total generation outaged is greater
than x MW. Figure 4.1 shows FG(x) for the 286 generator test model. As an example
of how to read Figure 4.1, one could say there is a 10% probability that more than
14% of the total ERCOT generation MW will be out of service.

.7 FG(x)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

<=Max Load (x MW outaged - % of total capacity) Min Load=>

Figure 4.1 Probability Outaged MW > x

In this dissertation the FG(x) definition is extended to mean the relative

generation reliability at every load bus in the network. This definition is a physical
interpretation of the system in which the network is constrained by the total
generation capacity and reliability and by the capacities and reliability of the
transmission system. Loss of load due to generation is shared proportionately on all
load buses. This requires a generation supply load loss sharing (LLS) methodology.

Although the generation supply is applied uniformly to all load buses, the
transmission system constraints caused by individual lines requires the load
sheddings due to line overloads be performed on the basis of specific generation and
loads in the network that are the most responsible for causing the line overloads. The
generation-load pairs that are the best candidates for load sheddings are listed in
descending order in a load shedding table (LST). Frequently the entries in the LST
have exactly the same ability or benefit in unloading overloaded lines. This creates a
sharing and allocation solution problem similar to the NLLS problem previously
discussed. There is an element of non-uniqueness in the load shedding solution that
cannot be avoided unless more loss sharing information is supplied.
In addition to the FG(x) as a measure of the probability of being capacity
deficient, a better indicator of reliability is the expected unserved energy, or rather
the EUE(x) as a function of the load x MW1. The EUE(x) is the integral of FG(x)
from x to  and is used to cover a one hour period (in this dissertation). Frequently
the EUE is calculated for an entire year, which includes all the operational data such
as generator and line maintenance schedules and hourly loads, but the transmission
system reliability is best measured at the highest load level in which there is no
scheduled maintenance. Limiting the analysis to peak load periods simplifies the
data gathering process and allows the user to study the primary problem rather than
be burdened by unimportant data. Also, the solution time for solving an entire year
with maintenance schedules would be at least ten times greater than the approach
taken here. Therefore, the author has elected to calculate the transmission system
reliability and the transmission system’s effect on generation reliability only at the
peak load periods.

Note that the maximum load occurs for zero outaged generation MW as shown in Figure 4.1. The
load level is equal to the total generation capacity minus the generation outaged.

Deterministically Removing Line Overloads
The removing of line overloads is the last step in the solution process after all
probabilistic line flows due to all generator outages have been calculated. To
understand this process requires a knowledge of the relationship between specific line
flow states and generator states. If a binary tree diagram is constructed for all the
configurations of the generation states, then there is a unique line flow state for every
configuration. Figure 4.2 illustrates this by showing that generator configuration with
probability p in the binary tree has a unique location on both the generation outage
distribution and on the line flow distribution.

Pr p Pr
Gen. States MW MW

p Generation States FG(x) Line Flows

Figure 4.2 Generator Configuration With Pr p Is Shifted To Reduce Line Loading

The figure shows how a shift in the line flow p configuration to the left
corresponds to a unique shift of the same p configuration to the right in the generator
outage distribution. On the binary tree a single generator out of many is identified
and is reduced in MW output, and this effectively causes the MW shift of p in the two
distributions. All the lines in the network will each have a shift in the p configuration
in the same manner as shown for the one line in Figure 4.2.

Measuring Multi-Area Generation And Transmission Reliability
Multiple load areas are part of the load flow set of data. Each bus in the
network is assigned to an area. There may be any number of areas in the load flow,
except each area must have at least one bus specified within the area. The load MW
within each area is the sum of all the bus loads within the area. The load within each
area in the original load flow data is scaled so that the MaxGen configuration load
flow area loads are equal to owned and purchased generation capacity.
The generation reliability within each area is defined as being the same FG(x)
function as the example shown in Figure 4.1, except the x axis of this function is
scaled to represent the total load within each area. The percentages shown on the x
axis in Figure 4.1 become the percentages of unserved load for each area from the
MaxGen load for each of the areas respectively. In this manner each area receives
the same level of generation reliability before transmission constraints are applied.
Transmission constraints are reduced when the line overloads are
deterministically shifted as shown in Figure 4.2. For each specific state with
probability p that is shifted, a real generator and a ‘virtual generator’ are matched to
create a generator-load pair that is reduced in MW level so that the corresponding p
state causing the line overload is shifted to a lower level of overload for the line. The
reduction in MW for probability p is mapped back to the total system FG(x) and to the
local load area’s FG(x). In this manner, the decrease in reliability due to transmission
constraints is assigned to specific load areas.
The virtual generators mentioned above are injections of power at load buses
in which the load is to be reduced. Real power incremental line flows from virtual
generators are combined with real power incremental flows from the generator to
produce incremental line flows equal to the incremental flows seen in an AC load
flow in which the generator and area load are simultaneously reduced.

Summary Of The PLF Solution Procedure
The steps of the PLF solution procedure to evaluate the generation outage
states using convolution and the transmission line outage states using enumeration are
given below. Details are given under each step, except the mathematical details of
the load flow procedures, the convolution mathematics, and the procedures for
shedding loads are covered in later chapters.

Step 1. Read all the input data into a computer program, then in the program, scale
loads to match total generation supply, and solve the MaxGen configuration load
flow. The input data consists of the usual load flow data for the large area plus the
generator data of FOR, DFOR, maximum capacity, and derated capacity. Appendix
D.1 shows an example of the load flow and generator input data. After the data is in
the computer program, the bus loads in each area are scaled to matched owned and
purchased generation for each area. This sets up the required ‘MaxGen
configuration’ load flow condition in which no generators are outaged, and a
maximum amount of load is being served. The regulated buses maintain specified
voltages with no reactive constraints. Lines may be overloaded in the MaxGen
configuration load flow case. Corrective actions are taken later in Steps 10-20 after
the probabilistic line flow distributions have been calculated.

Step 2. Calculate FG(x), which is the reliability of the total system generation
supply without transmission constraints. Convolution of all generator outage states
produces the FG(x) function. Chapter 3 presented the mathematical details of the
convolution process. The FG(x) function x range is scaled to match whatever
maximum load is being served. For the total system, the x is set to measure total
system MW load at x=0 down to zero MW load at x=xmax . This is the normal scale

for the abscissa of FG(x). Likewise, for any load area or any load bus, the x axis is
scaled to measure the maximum MW load at x=0 down to zero MW load at x=xmax .
This is equivalent to calculating the reliability of generation supply at every bus in the
load flow separately. Since the reliability of generation supply is the same
throughout the network before transmission constraints are considered, the FG(x) is
scaled to represent that same reliability rather than actually performing the
convolution of generation states for every load bus.

Step 3. Run single generator outage cases to calculate incremental line flows
associated with each generator outage. These are found by subtracting the generator
outaged case line flows from the MaxGen configuration real power line flows. The
incremental flows are stored in array Hj,k for lines j and outaged generators k. To
perform Step 3, the generator outaged load flow case is modified from the MaxGen
case by uniformly scaling down the bus loads across the network to account for the
outaged generation capacity. To eliminate the need for a slack bus, the total system
loads are also scaled during the load flow solution to account for incremental losses.

Step 4. Run virtual generation incremental cases and append the results to Hj,k.
The virtual generation incremental line flows are calculated in this step but are not
used until Step 11, which is the load shedding operation. Individual load flow cases
are set up and solved for each virtual generator case. One virtual generator case can
represent load shedding on a single load bus or on a group of load buses such as an
area. The PLF program models the virtual generation incremental flows by
effectively increasing all the loads in an area by 50% and at the same time decreasing
the total network loads. Note that the 50% increase in loads are stored in a separate
array from the regular bus loads and are held constant throughout the load flow

solution. All bus loads are uniformly scaled downward to meet the total power
requirement. This includes scaling the load shedding buses also. The load flow is
solved the same as in Step 3 by adjusting all loads proportionately to account for the
total system real power loss. The PLF program calculates virtual generation for every
area rather than every bus in the network. This allows load shedding to be done
uniformly within each area. Load areas in the PLF can be defined as small as
necessary to represent any level of load shedding detail desired in a study.
How these load shedding areas are defined has a very large effect on the load
shedding energy for each area. The most detailed model representation possible is to
treat every substation (that has a load) as a separate virtual generator for load
shedding. This level of selective load shedding will minimize the overall EUE load
shed because load is shed closest to the overloaded line. However, the computational
effort to have a virtual generator at every load bus is large. A faster approach is to
assume a lower bound on the line distribution factor. This assumes that a load
somewhere in the vicinity of the overloaded line exists with the distribution factor
equal to the lower bound. The EUE will be minimized using this approach without
modeling virtual generation at every bus. The PLF program can be run either with
any level of detail in defining load areas or can be run with a lower bound on the line
distribution factors.

Step 5. Adjust the dominant Hj,k MW flows to improve linearity. The sum of all
generator outage incremental real power flows in Hj,k should produce MW line flows
in agreement with the MaxGen configuration MW flows on all the transmission lines.
However, due to nonlinear load flow solutions, the sum of incremental real power
flows in a line is only an approximation to the actual MaxGen configuration flow.
On every line, the sum can be adjusted to agree exactly with the MaxGen

configuration flow by slightly adjusting the Hj,k line flows calculated in Step 3.
Experience shows the adjustments are usually small. In the systems tested in this
dissertation, the average correction is one to two percent of the line ratings on
average. The total MW flow in each line is the sum of many incremental flows in
both directions on each line. The major incremental flows in the same direction as
the MaxGen configuration flows are called the ‘dominant’ incremental flows. The
operation performed in Step 5 scales only the dominant incremental flows so that the
sum of all incremental flows agrees exactly with the MaxGen configuration flow.
Each line is adjusted as a separate operation.

Step 6. Normalize the real MW incremental flows in Hj,k to per unit values by dividing
each Hj,k term by the MW real generator Ck or by the virtual MW generation.

Step 7. Discard analysis on lines that will not overload at all. Define a direction of
flow on each line as the positive direction. Negative is in the opposite direction.
Then sum separately the positive and negative incremental flows on each line. If
both the positive and negative flow sums for a line are less than the line rating, then
the line will never overload for any generator outage configurations. Lines that have
positive and negative flow sums less than their line ratings can be discarded from
further analysis, since they will never overload for any generation outage

Step 8. Calculate line flow distributions Fj(y). The probabilistic line flows are
calculated in a manner similar to FG(x), except the convolution is performed twice to
maintain convolution solution accuracy. The PQ process for calculating the line
distribution is accurate only in the right hand tail. Since the left hand tail also
contains line overloads, the convolution must be repeated with all incremental line

flows reversed in direction. All incremental flows are convolved once in the +
positive direction and again in the  direction.
Convolution mathematical details using a piecewise quadratic functional were
given in Chapter 3. In summary, the incremental line flows are convolved together
on each line using each generator’s state probabilities to produce a set of line flow
distributions. The line flow distributions are the Fj(y) calculated in this step. Since
the lines with no possibility of overload have already been eliminated in Step 7, every
line in Step 8 is overloaded. All the Fj(y) distributions calculated in Step 8 will have
a portion of their right hand tail of the distribution function extending beyond the line
rating as illustrated in Figure 4.3.


 rating 0 MW + rating

Figure 4.3 An Example Of Probabilistic Line Overload

Step 9. Discard analysis on lines with low overload probability. Many lines will
have an extremely small probability of overload in the right hand tail of Fj(y). Lines
with probability of overload less than 10 -12 can be eliminated. This probability of
overload is too small to affect output results.

Step 10. Choose line j with the largest probability of overload (flow distributions
are calculated in Step 8). Choose a small increment of y MW on this line to unload.
The y increment has an average probability p. Step 20 shows why the line j
probability must be the largest. This is the first step in a process of removing line
overloads from all the Fj(y) for lines that have not been discarded in Steps 7 and 9.
Chapter 10 gives a more detailed explanation of the processes in Steps 10-20. The
steps below are only a summary.

Step 11. Create a load shedding table (LST) for line j if it has not already been
created. The real generator Hj,m distribution factors for line j and the virtual generator
Hj,n distribution factors (in Chapter 7) for line j are combined using Hj,m-n= Hj,m - Hj,n
linear superposition to create all combinations of generator-load pairs of distribution
factors Hj,m-n for line j. The combined factors that have the greatest positive values in
the direction of line overload are the generation and load combinations that are
mostly causing the line to be overloaded. An LST is constructed in which the greatest
factor generator-load pair is at the top of the list, the next greatest factor is second,
and so on. The LST is a table of generator-load pairs in which the factors are sorted
in descending order from greatest benefit to least benefit in being able to unload the
overloaded line j.

Step 12. Recalculate the line distribution function Fj(y) for line j using only the Hj,k
generator flows causing an increase in overload. This step partitions the generators
contibuting to the overload and those reducing the overload into two sets. The line
flow distribution is recalculated in Step 12 using only the generators contributing to
the line overload1. These are referred to as increasing flows. These increasing flows

A detailed explanation for the necessity of this step is given in Chapter 10.

are convolved together to give a distribution that is only a function of generators
causing the line to be overloaded. The line overloads due only to the generators
causing the overloads are shown in Figure 4.4. If the decreasing flows are convolved
into the function shown in Figure 4.4, the original flows causing overloads are
scattered across the functions. Their locations are no longer identifiable, as shown in
Figure 4.5.

1 1

same Pr, Different MW

Pr Line Rating


0 MW 0 MW
Generation Outage States FG(x) Line j Flows

Figure 4.4 Line Distribution Due Only To Increasing Flows

1 1

same Pr, MW Locations Are Lost

Pr Line Rating


0 MW 0 MW
Generation Outage States FG(x) Line j Flows

Figure 4.5 Shift In Line Overloads With Decreasing Flows Included

Figure 4.5 shows that the original line j overloads in Figure 4.4 cannot be
exactly located in the generation outage states distribution after the decreasing flow
generators are convolved into the function. A new function F(x,y) is used in Step 18
to locate the line j overloads after decreasing flows are convolved.

Step 13. Use the Fj(y) of increasing flows to initialize F(x,y). The F(x,y) will
allow three measures to be directly linked together so changes in one can be mapped
to the others. These are: 1) line j overloads, 2) specific generation-load pairs to be
used in the shedding of load, and 3) the incremental changes to FG(x) caused by
removing the line overloads. Figure 4.6 shows an example of the initial F(x,y) which
consists of only the increasing line flows.

line j overload states in Fig. 4.4

+ rating  y  max. line flow

 of increasing flow gen.

direction of shifted states in Step 14

FG(x) is inverted and x axis is reversed x
 of all generation MW

Figure 4.6 An Example Of Initial F(x,y)

Step 14. Convolve the decreasing line flow generators. The convolution of
negative flow generators into F(x,y) causes the line overloads to shift downward in
the negative y direction in Figure 4.6 and, at the same time, shift in the positive x
direction. Figure 4.7 shows how F(x,y) may appear after these convolutions. Step 15
will begin a process of identifying individual load shedding distributions.

line overload states as shown in Fig. 4.5

F(x,y) surface as a set of discrete points

 increasing flow gens.

FG(x) is inverted and x axis is reversed x

 of all generation MW

Figure 4.7 An Example Of F(x,y) With All Generators Convolved

Step 15. Convert F(x,y) to a partial density function Fp(x,y) by subtracting adjacent
x rows for all y. Fp(x,y) = F(x,y)F(xhx ,y) where hx is a discrete grid spacing. The
reason F(x,y) in Figure 4.7 is converted to a density function is to identify the specific
line j overloads associated with each x MW load level. Then later in Step 18 (see
Figure 4.8) the Fp(x,y) are moved across the surface of the x-y plane along a path of
slope y/x equal to the normal generator-load transmission line j real power
distribution factor Hj,m-n.

Step 16. Select the next generator-load pair from the LST to be used in reducing
the line overloads. This is an initial step for the load shedding operation. The
shifting of flow distributions in the F(x,y) space is the load shedding process.
Generation-load and line j overloads are simultaneously reduced as a deterministic

Step 17. Calculate the maximum MW reduction needed for this generator-load
pair. The MW needed to unload the line may be less than the generator’s capacity.
Also, the maximum y line MW shift is limited in order to retain the line j status as
the line with the highest probability of overload.

1 Fp(x,y)

 increasing flow gens.

 of all generation MW
Figure 4.8 Shifting The Line Overloads To The Generation/Load Axis - x

Step 18. Shift the Fp(x,y) partial distributions as a function of the load shedding
MW generation and the generator-load distribution factor as shown in Figure 4.8.
The shifting process folds the distributions from the y axis to the lower x axis. What
is happening here is that all the distributions are being shifted down and to the left

with a slope equal to the line real power normalized distribution factor, Hj,m-n. The
distributions are not moved beyond the lower x axis (which is also the line j MW
rating of Rj). Also the distributions are not shifted beyond what will allow line j to
have the highest probability of overload. This process causes the line distributions to
be ‘folded’ onto the x axis. The process of shifting these distributions creates the
load shedding information and this is stored in a temporary array T(x). The T(x) array
is then added to the generation reliability FG(x) and reset to zero for the next set of
line overloads after Step 19.

Step 19. Calculate the incremental changes in FG(x) from shifted Fp(x,y). The
incremental distributions in T(x) are added to FG(x) as shown in Figure 4.9 (also see
Figure 4.1). This is the additional decrease in reliability caused by the line j

FG(x)+ T(x)

Pr FG(x)

Figure 4.9 Generation Unreliability Due To Transmission Constraints - T(x)

Step 20. Estimate the reduction in loading of other overloaded lines due to the line
j y MW. The shifted increments on line j are due to the m-n generation-load pair
reducing their MW by an amount y/Hj,m-n at a probability p. Line j overload
increments are reduced by y MW. This generator-load pair may be contributing to

the overloads of other lines l. Each of these other overloaded lines l will have a
smaller (but positive) Hl,m-n distribution factor. All the overloads in the other lines
are decreased by an amount equal to (y)(Hl,m-n)(Hj,m-n)-1 provided that line j has a
higher probability of occurrence than the other lines l. This approximation assumes
line j overload event(s) are coincident in time with the other line overloads selected.

Step 21. Repeat steps 16 through 21 for each y increment until line j no longer
has the largest probability of overload. Repeating these steps allows more entries in
the LST to participate in the load shedding and line overload reduction process.
Usually many generators and loads are needed in the load shedding process to
completely remove all the probabilistic line overloads. The line overloads tend to
have extremely small probabilities at very large MW overloads.

Step 22. Repeat steps 10 through 22 until no more lines are overloaded. After each
line j is unloaded, and all the other lines l have been adjusted as a result of all the
lines unloaded up to the line j being unloaded, other lines are usually remaining to be
overloaded. A new line j is selected in 10 as a candidate for having its line overloads
removed. This process is continued until no more lines with overloads are present.
With each line being unloaded, the process of adding the T(x) to FG(x) is cumulative.
Other statistics are collected for each line that is unloaded.

Step 23. Calculate the probability of this transmission configuration and save other
statistics for this transmission configuration. The first transmission configuration is
all lines in service. Other transmission configurations will have one or more lines out
of service. The probability of the individual line outage configurations is conditional,
based on the amount of transmission probability space examined. If a group of lines
in the network are selected for study, the probabilities of all the transmission outage

events are made conditional to the outages modeled, such that the total transmission
outage space probabilities will sum to one. Chapter 11 shows that the enumeration of
double simultaneous transmission outage events covers most of the total probability
space of line outages.
Step 24. Select a line outage configuration to enumerate or go to Step 27 if all
desired line outage configurations have been modeled. Note that the first
configuration modeled has all lines in service. Line outages are simulated explicitly.
There is no direct convolution process that will model incremental probabilistic line
flows as a result of outaging other lines with probabilistic flows. So the entire solution
process is repeated for each specific line outage configuration, and load shedding
statistics are recorded for each line outage configuration.

Step 25. Test for system separation using complex injection currents. Chapter 9
gives the mathematical details for this test. If a system separation has occurred
because one or more lines are outaged, record the probability of this configuration
and return to Step 24 for a new line outage configuration. The study of dynamic
processes due to system separation is beyond the scope of this dissertation.

Step 26. Adjust Hj,k factors for the specific line outage configuration and repeat
Steps 7-23. The real power line outage distribution factors are updated through an
efficient mathematical process described in Chapter 9.

Step 27. Prepare final output reports and end the program run.

Chapter 5

Generation Reliability
Chapter 1 introduces the idea that present day computational tools are
inadequate for solving the composite generation-transmission reliability problem.
Chapters 2 and 4 state that this lack of success is due to a reliance on enumeration for
testing the extremely large number of generation outage configurations. Generation
reliability programs today are successfully using convolution as a means of modeling
the generation outage events exhaustively for problems with simple radial
transmission networks (MAREL and GRIP) and no electrical network at all (UCS).
The success of the convolution approach for modeling generation outage
events is retained in this dissertation and is extended to include the full transmission
network. To use convolution in a large transmission network model requires linearity
of line flows in the electrical network as well as a tractable definition of the
generation reliability. The discussion in Chapter 4 indicates that proportional LLS is
consistent with convolution and the uniformity of generation reliability at every bus
whereas the NLLS is inconsistent with both. Consideration of LLS versus NLLS is of
primary importance and is discussed further in this chapter. This chapter also
discusses: the conversion of three state generator data into two state generator data;
the error of FG(x) compared with FE(x); the definition of generation reliability used in
this dissertation versus other definitions for calculating LOLP and EUE; and why a
load model is not explicitly included in the composite G-T model presented here.
Figures 5.1a (linear probability scale) and 5.1b (logarithmic probability scale)
show an example of FG(x), the probability that generation outaged is greater than x MW,
for the ERCOT 286 generator system. The total generation is 58,197 MW and a 1% grid
step size, h=58.197 MW, is used. The curves in Figure 5.1 have been calculated using
the PQ convolution mathematics presented in Chapter 3.

.9 3 state generators modeled as 2 state generators
.8 3 state generators modeled as 3 state generators

.6 expected values are equal

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

<=Max Load (x MW outaged - % of total capacity) Min Load=>

Figure 5.1a Probability Outaged MW > x

Probability Generation Is Unavailable

dots are common points

1.E-2 referenced in Table 5.1
and Figures 5.1 and 5.2


3 state generators modeled as 2 state generators
3 state generators modeled as 3 state generators

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
<=Max Load (x MW outaged - % of total capacity) Min Load=>

Figure 5.1b Probability Outaged MW > x

The PLF computer code used in this dissertation was initially written for two
state generators. Code sections with a two state generator model included: 1) the
convolution of generation outage states; 2) the convolution of line flow states; and
3) a linear program for minimizing load shedding in enumerated solutions 1. Three
state generator representation has recently been included in section 1), but has not
been included in sections 2) or 3) listed above. Three state generator studies cannot
be run until the section 2) computer code has been updated. Since the ERCOT data
contains both two and three state generators, a two state approximation to the three
state generator data is presently required to run the existing computer program. A
two state EFOR from three state generator data has been included in the computer
code and is shown in Equation 5.1 as
EFORk = FORk + DFORk (5.1)

where EFOR, FOR, and DFOR per unit values, and Dk is the MW reduction due to
the derating of generator k from the total generator Ck MW capacity.
Because not all sections of the author’s PLF computer program have both two
and three state generator modeling capability, two state generators are used for all
testing examples. This raises a concern about the error introduced by this conversion.
Figure 5.1a shows that use of only two state generators did not change the expected
value of FG(x). It also shows the variance increased slightly by using the two state
generators from the three state data. This results in a larger amount of outaged
generation for x10% as shown in Figure 5.1b. The author does not recommend
using Equation 5.1 as a permanent substitution for a three state generator model. The
PLF program will be upgraded to model three state generators in the near future.

Enumeration solutions are used to independently verify convolution program results in Chapter 12.

The PQ convolution process produces error as shown in Figure 5.2 for the
solid curve in Figure 5.1b. This error is primarily due to interpolation. The PQ error
is acceptable for a total of 360 grid increments in the computer program for
representing the FG(x) PQ distribution. The selection of 360 increments is not
unique, and 300, 400, or any other number of increments can be used although 100
through 1000 increments gives the best results. PL error is 10 times greater than PQ

per unit error

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Percent of System Generation Capacity Outagedx (MW )

Figure 5.2 Per Unit Error of (FG FE)/FE in Figure 5.1b for h = 58.197 MW

After reviewing the error produced by the PQ interpolation process, the 360
increments case has been selected as a good compromise between computer run time
and PQ interpolation error. The 360 increments also conveniently allow the final
output reports to be listed in one percent steps of installed generation capacity when
h = 58.197 MW grid step size for this specific ERCOT problem. Each study problem
should use an appropriate h > 0 MW grid step size.

The error in FG(x) is difficult to graph as h is varied because the error covers a
wide range of values. Plotting the errors of half and double h = 58.197 on the same
linear graph (error of FG(x) versus x) results in two curves being off scale at the top
and the third curve near zero at the bottom. The error cannot be plotted on a log scale
because the error contains zero and negative values. An absolute value log plot of the
error does not appear to be meaningful.

Table 5.1 PQ Error Vs h MW Grid Increment and Vs x MW Outaged

Outaged FE(x) Exact FG(x) 720 incr. FG(x) 360 incr. FG(x) 180 incr.
Capacity h=1 MW h=29.0985 h=58.197 h=116.394

10% .5400181 .5400144 .5399837 .5396498

pu error : -.0000068 -.0000637 -.0006820

20% 1.708469E-3 1.708888E-3 1.710651E-3 1.722557E-3

pu error : .0002452 .0012771 .0082460

30% 1.069758E-8 1.071004E-8 1.077244E-8 1.125576E-8

pu error : .0011647 .0069978 .0521784

The listing in Table 5.1 has been created to show the wide variation in error as
h is doubled and halved. The dots in Figures 5.1a, 5.1b, and 5.2 are from the data
listed in Table 5.1 and are shown for ease in cross referencing this table to the other
figures. The error data in Table 5.1 is plotted in Figure 5.3 as a function of the h grid
increment size for x = 20% and 30%. The change in error with respect to h is very
nearly a cubic function of h. This allows very low errors to be achieved with PQ for
finite values of h. The PL interpolation error is plotted and is much greater [34].


PL x = 30% PQ x = 30%

per unit error



PQ x = 20%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
h grid spacing in MW for the ERCOT 286 generator problem

Figure 5.3 PQ Error - A Cubic Function Of h MW Grid Spacing

Load Model Representation Using FG(x)

FG(x) is the probability outaged generation will exceed an x amount of MW.
Since the MaxGen configuration load MW is set equal to the total generation MW,
the amount of unserved MaxGen load is identically equal to the x amount of
generation randomly outaged. Reversing the x axis of FG(x) shows more clearly in
Figure 5.4 the amount of load that can be served and the load that cannot be served as
a function of FG(x).

1 hr Load Served FG(x)

Load Not Served

0 MW MW Load MaxGen MW
Figure 5.4 Load Served (Not Served) By Random Generation

For other load levels below the MaxGen configuration load, the area under the
tail of the FG(x) function gives the amount of energy not served, which is the EUE.
Figure 5.5 shows the load not served for a load level of y MW.

1 hr FG(x)
EUE = Load Not Served x

load y=0 increasing x increasing y y genr x=0

x + y =  Ck
k 1

Figure 5.5 Load y Not Served By Random Generation Outages

The best indicator of reliability is the expected unserved energy, or rather the
EUE(x) as a function of the load y MW. In Figure 5.5, the EUE(x) is the integral of
FG(x) from x to  or the EUE(y) is the integral from 0 to y. Note that this is the same
FG(x) function, only the x and y axes are reversed. The EUE is used to cover a one
hour period in this dissertation. Frequently the EUE is calculated for an entire year,
which includes all the operational data such as generator and line maintenance
schedules and hourly loads, but the transmission system reliability is best measured at
the highest load level in which there is no scheduled maintenance. Limiting the
analysis to peak load periods simplifies the data gathering process and allows the user
to study the primary problem rather than be burdened by less important data.
Therefore, the author has elected to calculate the transmission system reliability and
the transmission system’s effect on generation reliability only at the peak load

FG(x) is the distribution function describing the generation availability for the
total system. This single area FG(x) definition of generator supply reliability is
extended to mean the relative generation reliability at every load bus in the network.
This is a physical interpretation of the system, in which the network is constrained by
the total generation supply and its randomness of outages and by the ability of the
transmission system to deliver power. Loss of load due to generation outages is to be
shared proportionately on all load buses in this model. Another way of stating this is
to say that every bus has the same electrical network opportunity of receiving power
if no transmission constraints exist. This definition is called load-loss-sharing and its
use allows a straightforward approach to solving the composite generation-
transmission reliability problem. The LLS methodology was described in Chapter 3.
The LLS approach provides a framework for uniquely defining bus loads
under generation outage conditions. The LLS simply calls for a uniform and
proportionate load reduction across the network to balance the total power
requirement when generation is outaged. Figure 5.6 is a picture attempting to convey
the idea that a simple linkage exists between generation and load. A reduction in
generation leads to a corresponding load shedding in the load flow. Applying the
load shedding uniformly across the network for all generator outage states produces a
load distribution very nearly the same as FG(x) with its x axis reversed. The
incremental changes in the network line flows can be calculated as all the generation
outages are occurring. Because the generation and load are scattered across the
network, the incremental line flow distributions that result are quite different from
the generation and load distributions. The probabilistic loading of the lines provides
a test of the ability of the transmission system to deliver the available generated

Generation Transmission Load

generation states define max loads

generation load
Figure 5.6 Relationship Between Generation And Served Load

Other load models can be constructed in which the mathematical formulation

is too complex to be modeled using the convolution method. Chapter 4 described the
no-load-loss-sharing method as being one in which the convolution method is not
applicable. This is because the power from outaged generators cannot be directly
linked to specific load buses using NLLS. The NLLS solution itself is not unique.
For example, the NLLS method allows surplus generation to be used by load areas
needing capacity, but it fails to specify how the surplus capacity is to be allocated.
Numerical examples are given to illustrate the NLLS problems.
Three areas, A, B, C, have loads of 90, 100, and 110 MW respectively. Each
area has two 75 MW generators for a total network capacity of 450 MW. If area A
loses a generator then it will need 15 MW from one of the other areas. Which area?
The choice is arbitrary. An infinite number of possibilities exist in this example with
no load shedding. The solution is not unique.
Continuing with a second example: let area A lose two generators and area B
lose one generator. Area A needs 90 MW and area B needs 25 MW. Area C has 40
MW spare capacity but the allocation of this 40 MW to A and/or to B is not defined.
The split could be proportioned using ratios of unserved load to total unserved load,
or by area load to total load, or by capacity outaged to total capacity outaged, or by

order of occurrence of outaged generation, or by any other means the areas have
agreed to use. The selection of the proper NLLS methodology based on criteria such
as social, financial, and/or political objectives is clearly beyond the scope of this
dissertation. In this last example, the LLS method gives each area 75% (225/300) of
the total area requirement, which is 67.5, 75, and 82.5 MW respectively.
Solutions for the above examples have not yet been fully defined in the real
world. These kinds of load sheddings and generation allocations will soon be under
the control of an Independent System Operator in each region. The new operational
rules for the ISO are still under consideration at this time. Not knowing the specific
rules by which an NLLS methodology will operate eliminates the possibility of using
NLLS within the context of the convolution method in this dissertation.
The last item for discussion in this chapter is the lack of specifying a set of
loads in the PLF model. Two convolution approaches are commonly used. One way
is to start with an equivalent load duration curve (ELDC) [34] and then convolve
generation states into that load curve. This is the Booth-Baleriaux method [48] and is
widely used in production costing programs. Initially all the load under the ELDC is
unserved energy. Each generator convolved into the ELDC reduces the amount of
unserved load. The residual ELDC after all generators are convolved is used to
calculate the LOLP and EUE.
The second approach is to convolve all the generator states together to
develop either a capacity availability distribution or a capacity outage distribution.
The LOLP is found by looking up the probability of being able to serve the peak load
level. Likewise, the total unserved energy is calculated by summing all the one hour
EUE’s as calculated in Equation 3.17 for each hour. For production costing, the
ELDC method and the convolved generation states processes are equivalent, although
their computational speed may be slightly different.

However, in the composite G-T problem presented here, the ELDC approach
cannot be used for two reasons. First, the use of ELDC for a multi-area problem
corrupts the time coincidence of hourly load information. This will make the ELDC
approach give incorrect results. To overcome this problem in the GRIP program, a
set of weekly ELDC are used to regain some of the time coincidence. The method
selected in this dissertation only looks at the system during peak load conditions and
assumes that the network loads are in proportion to the generation capacity owned.
The second reason ELDC cannot be used is because there is no direct and
simple calculation procedure for calculating line flows in the network when a
generator is outaged (as in Figure 5.6). There may be a convolution procedure to
calculate the line flows when using ELDC loads, but it does not yet exist, and it will
probably be more complicated and harder to understand than this model.
A third, and softer, reason the ELDC approach is not desirable has to do with
the way transmission planners view the system. Transmission planning engineers are
interested in testing the transmission system under peak loading conditions because
this drives their recommendations for new system (capacity) improvements.
Therefore, the PLF model in this dissertation has been designed to accommodate their
viewpoint by testing the reliability of the generation and transmission systems during
peak load hours. The approach taken here allows the load level to be looked up in a
tabular form long after the computer runs are completed. Since the load level is not
part of the input data, the study results are not affected by how the load data has been
entered, thereby making the study results more robust and applicable over a wider
range of loads than a study that has been run for a specific set of loads.

Chapter 6
Load Flow Solution
An AC1 load flow solution is used in the PLF model to solve the MaxGen
load flow and a load flow solution for each outaged generator. Each generator
outaged provides a means of calculating incremental real power flow in each line,
which is used to calculate the real line power distribution factors Hj,k [1,29,55].
The load flow is an electrical network solution used primarily by the electric
utility industry in which load power and generation power requirements are specified.
Additional operating constraints are also specified, such as generator reactive limits
and autotransformer tap range limits. Voltage is controlled by adjusting generator
reactive powers and by adjusting autotransformer taps. Slack and swing real power
generation is adjusted to meet real power requirements within each control area and
for the total system respectively. Since losses are nonlinear, an iterative solution
procedure is required in which successive corrections are made to the bus voltages.
These bus voltages are used to calculate transmission line and transformer power
flows that are compared with bus shunt requirements of load and generation. The
differences are real power P and reactive power Q mismatch at each bus. The
vector of power mismatches are used in a matrix solution to calculate small
corrections to the bus voltage angles V and bus voltage magnitudes VM.

The Jacobian Solution

One of the most popular solution techniques utilizes the Jacobian [J ] real
number matrix solution as shown in Equation 6.1 and in [68,69].

AC means the network has complex line impedances, complex voltages, and complex loads.

P   J 11 J 12 V 
Q   J 21 J 22  VM  (6.1)
     

Frequently the [J12] and [J21] matrices are omitted in the use of Equation 6.1.
This decouples the real and reactive power solutions. It also saves a considerable
amount of matrix fill that occurs in the sparse matrix solution when [J12] and [J21] are
present. This decoupling improves solution speed but leads to solution difficulties if
lines have high R/X ratios. The Jacobian sometimes has difficulty starting from a flat
start in which the voltages are far from the final solution. This may result in an early
voltage collapse or infeasible solution. The Jacobian solution may have a premature
voltage collapse in electrical networks that are difficult to control the voltage or are
operating near a maximum power transfer limit (MaxGen load flow conditions).
Another problem with the use of Equation 6.1 is the need to convert polar bus
voltages into rectangular bus voltages to calculate line currents. This is time
consuming computationally and adds some additional solution error. Load flow
solution error is critical in the PLF model because errors can be cumulative. The use
of real*4 voltages1 in Equation 6.1 will not work reliably here. Real*8 bus voltages 1
are needed to achieve bus convergence tolerance of better than .01 MVA.

New Matrix Solution

With these deficiencies in mind, a new load flow solution technique has been
designed that: 1) executes about as fast as the Jacobian computationally; 2) has much
better solution stability than the Jacobian; and 3) provides much better solution
accuracy. The new method simultaneously uses two interleaved sparse matrices to
better control real and reactive powers and their effects on incremental voltages. A
new form of bus voltage using three numbers instead of two allows both polar and

Single precision is real*4 with 7 decimal digits; double precision is real*8 with 16 decimal digits.
rectangular voltages to be represented at the same time without the use of
computationally inefficient trigonometric conversions. The new method of
representing the voltage at bus i is shown in Equation 6.2.

VMi VAi = VMi Vi = VMi [cos(Vi) + j sin(Vi)] (6.2)

In Equation 6.2, real number angles Vi have been replaced with complex
number angles VAi. A necessary property of VAi is that its magnitude is always unity.
VAi contains the complete angle information as a complex number and is much faster
for a computer program to use in calculating line flows. VAi is the rectangular form
needed to calculate line flows. Angle additions in the new PLF matrix solution(s) are
performed as complex number multiplications.
An initial load flow solution begins with all voltages set to desired values of
per unit voltage. Regulated voltage buses are specified with voltages to be held
constant by adjusting transformer taps or generation reactive power. Unregulated
buses may be set at nominal initial values such as 1.00 per unit. The initial load
flow solution iteration should have only an angle calculation while holding bus
voltages constant. The power error is greatly reduced before introducing voltage
adjustments. This avoids the first iteration flat start Jacobian divergence problem.

[(P, j0)] = [Y ][V ] (6.3)

[VAi = VAi  (1.D0 + Vi ) / CDABS(1.D0 + Vi ) ]  i=1, Nb (6.4)

An approximation to the decoupled Jacobian equation [P] = [J11][V] is

shown in Equation 6.3. [Y ] is an approximation to [J11]. Equations 6.3 and 6.4 are
used together to provide all the load flow bus power angle calculations. Real*4 [Vi]

and real*8 [VAi] are complex bus voltage vectors. [Y ] is an nn real*4 complex
sparse nodal admittance matrix. 1.D0 is a FORTRAN1 double precision 1.0 number,
and CDABS is the FORTRAN routine for finding a complex double precision
absolute value number. [Y ] is composed only of complex R+jX transmission line
impedances in per unit2. [Y ] contains no shunt admittances except a single low
resistance (<10-10 pu ohms) at the system swing bus. [P] is the vector of real powers
summed into each bus. The sparse matrix technique in [97] is used to solve Equation
6.3. The solution using [97] has three steps: simulation; reduction (factoring); and
solution. The simulation and factoring of [Y ] is performed once. The solution phase
of Equation 6.3 is repeated with each load flow iteration using a new set of [P] to
find a new set of [V ]. The new Vi terms are used in Equation 6.4 to provide angle
corrections to VAi.
Equation 6.4 shows FORTRAN1 double precision functions because they are
critical to the proper update of the bus VAi real*8 complex voltage angles. Here is a
brief explanation of how Equation 6.4 works. Vi is a very small (magnitude of 10-1
to 10-16) real*4 incremental complex voltage. The imaginary component of Vi
contains angle rotation information to be applied to VAi as shown in Figure 6.1.

imaginary Vi
VAi real Vi
0 1
Figure 6.1 Imaginary Vi Converted To Angle VAi

These FORTRAN statements must be constructed as shown or the 16 digit accuracy in the calculation
will be rounded to 8 digits.
All internal calculations are on a 1 MVA basis; one pu amp times one pu volt is one MVA.

The FORTRAN real*8 double precision 1.D0 constant is added to Vi . This is
necessary to retain the original precision of Vi . An angle rotation vector is created
as shown in Figure 6.1. The delta angle vector is normalized in the operation (1.D0 +
Vi ) / CDABS(1.D0 + Vi ) and then multiplied times the unity real*8 complex angle
VAi. The CDABS FORTRAN function is required in the denominator in Equation 6.4
to retain the full 16 digit accuracy in the normalization of the 16 digit rotation vector
(1.D0+Vi). All the above statements are necessary to retain solution precision.
The second step in the new load flow solution method is to perform a voltage
magnitude correction calculation. Equations 6.5 and 6.6 are used to correct the [VM].
[(P, jQ)] = [Ys][V ] (6.5)

[VMi = VMi + Real(Vi )]  i=1, Nb (6.6)

An approximation to the decoupled Jacobian equation [Q] = [J22][VM] is

shown in Equation 6.5. [Ys] is an approximation to [J22]. Equations 6.5 and 6.6 are
used together to provide the new voltage magnitude estimates on unregulated buses.
Real*4 Real(Vi) and real*8 real VMi are incremental magnitude and total magnitude
bus i voltages respectively1. [Ys] is an nn real*4 complex sparse nodal admittance
matrix that is identical to [Y ] in every way except for the many shunt elements that
are added to [Ys]. [Ys] additional shunt admittances are:
 2  constant conductance of bus shunt MW,
 2  constant susceptance bus shunt MVAR, + capacitive,  inductive,
 2  half the total line charging susceptance in MVAR,
 autotransformer voltage regulated buses with shunts >10 10 pu mhos, and
 generator voltage regulated buses with shunts >10 10 pu mhos.

Note that [P] and [Q] are to always be recalculated as summations of all real and reactive flows
into each bus before using either Equation 6.3 or 6.5 and that the sign of complex power is defined from
P+jQ = VI*.
The 2  factors arise from the derivative of the bus voltage squared terms on
the constant admittance shunt elements. For any bus i in the network with shunt
reactance Bi (+capacitive, -inductive), the reactive power Qi supplied by the shunt
reactance is Qi = Bi VMi2, (all variables are real numbers). The change in reactive
power through the B shunt admittance with respect to voltage magnitude is obtained
by taking the derivative so that Qi = 2Bi VMi . The incremental voltage is related to
the incremental power as VMi = [2Bi]-1Qi . Thus, the factor of 2 is needed to
provide the proper relationship between incremental voltage and reactive power.
The regulated buses are grounded through very small resistances (10-11 ohms)
to hold the regulated bus voltage changes to nearly zero volts when solving Equation
6.5. This provides a means of absolute control on the voltage regulated buses. In
order to reach a solution using Equations 6.3 through 6.6, other adjustments must be
made. Because autotransformer voltages are held rigidly fixed, the taps must be
adjusted with each iteration to account for reactive power mismatch on the regulated
bus. This is an external operation not affecting the matrices [Y ] and [Ys]. The same
is true for regulated generation buses in which the reactive power produced must be
adjusted to account for reactive power mismatch. In the course of iteratively solving
Equations 6.3 through 6.6, transformer taps may exceed their limits, and generator
reactive capability may exceed their reactive limits. When this happens the [Ys]
matrix may need to be reformulated ungrounding the regulated buses so that the
previously regulated buses are now unregulated and can seek their own voltages
levels. These previously regulated buses are unregulated because their regulating
devices fail to have enough range to control the bus voltages. Also during the
iterative process, real power sources and/or loads must be adjusted as slack
generation in each area to account for real power losses. Power correction at the
system swing bus is not necessary if every area’s slack generation is properly set.

Equation 6.5 gives excellent performance for voltage correction because it uses:
1) both real and reactive power mismatch, 2) both real and reactive line impedances in
their correct form as complex values, 3) both real and reactive shunt admittances in their
correct form as complex values, and 4) absolute control over the regulated bus voltages.
Frequently the data submitted by utility engineers have subtle errors. One
common error is the specification of individually regulating the voltage of two buses
connected by a very low impedance line. If this occurs, the load flow program should
respecify all regulating devices to control a single bus and let the others be
unregulated as shown in Table 6.1. Otherwise the solution may result in two voltage
controlling devices fighting each other. Additional computer code is usually required
to coordinate the tap changing of several autotransformers in parallel or
autotransformers trying to regulate the same buses as generators. There may be an
infinite number of possible solutions of reactive power settings and tap settings that
are all feasible, although there is usually a best solution based on other requirements.
Table 6.1 shows a typical load flow solution using Equations 6.3 through 6.6
for a 2231 bus ERCOT load flow test case. The computer runs show two regulated
buses reassigned to avoid a conflict in regulating the voltages of buses connected by
(almost) zero impedance lines. The maximum sparse matrix size is 10915 complex
numbers and after factoring the matrix using bi-factorization [97], the final matrix
size is 10047 complex numbers. The simulation and factoring process required only
two seconds on a pentium 75 MHz PC using [97].
The solution in Table 6.1 is a MaxGen configuration load flow run in which the
load is scaled upward to match the installed generation of 58197 MW. The printout
shows 147 power plant buses in the load flow, although 286 generators in the case can
have random outages. Many load flow buses have more than one generator. The load
flow solution starts with a flat start, and the Table 6.1 largest power mismatches
initially are 2271 MW at bus 1900 and 1139 MVAR at bus 4234.

Table 6.1 Example Of Load Flow Solution Convergence Using New Method

Load Flow Solution Monitor:

Number of buses = 2231 5500 max

Number of generators = 147
Number of circuits = 3092 6500 max
Number of xformers = 553 1200 max
Number of areas = 9 20 max
Swing Bus = 4546

Read load flow data = 0h 0m 3s

regulated bus 6235 reassigned to bus 6230

regulated bus 6444 reassigned to bus 6443 discussed in the text
Matrix factoring time = 0h 0m 2s
Matrix initial size = 10915 20000 max
Matrix final size = 10047

* Generation is at maximum capacity *
* Bus loads have been scaled upward *
* Area interchanges have been reset *
* Generator Qmn/mx is now unlimited *

load flow solution monitor ...

iter 0 bus 1900 perr= 2271.01 bus 4234 qerr= 1138.74 0.11 sec
iter 1 bus 5915 perr= 113.54 bus 4234 qerr= 854.87 0.33 sec
iter 2 bus 1409 perr= 38.27 bus 4488 qerr= 39.49 0.27 sec
iter 3 bus 1409 perr= 15.45 bus 8441 qerr= 13.70 0.22 sec
iter 4 bus 1409 perr= 3.27 bus 1032 qerr= 3.43 0.22 sec
iter 5 bus 8442 perr= 0.47 bus 8441 qerr= 1.89 0.33 sec
iter 6 bus 8442 perr= 0.25 bus 4726 qerr= 0.61 0.27 sec
iter 7 bus 8442 perr= 0.08 bus 4726 qerr= 0.27 0.27 sec
iter 8 bus 8442 perr= 0.04 bus 4726 qerr= 0.12 0.22 sec
iter 9 bus 6480 perr= 0.01 bus 4726 qerr= 0.05 0.33 sec
iter 10 bus 6480 perr= 0.01 bus 4726 qerr= 0.02 0.22 sec
iter 11 bus 4548 perr= 0.00 bus 4726 qerr= 0.01 0.27 sec
iter 12 bus 4548 perr= 0.00 bus 4726 qerr= 0.00 0.22 sec

a load flow solution has been found

iteration time = 3 sec
total load flow time = 10 sec

The first iteration includes solving Equations 6.3 through 6.6 and the power
mismatches drop to 114 MW and 855 MVAR. The solution continues until both real
and reactive mismatches are less than .01 MW and .01 MVAR at all buses in the
network. The new matrix solution process is capable of solving this load flow down
to a tolerance of P=1 Watt and Q=1 VoltAmp, but this requires 31 iterations.
A popular commercial program used to perform ERCOT load flow studies
will sometimes fail to converge at the .1 MVA maximum bus mismatch level. This is
due to the representation of substation buses as short transmission lines at power
plants and major switching stations in the ERCOT system. The ERCOT engineers
need to be able to see the internal flows within substations to see if breakers and
switches have currents exceeding ratings. However, the extremely small voltage drop
across these very short lines is not captured properly by the single precision bus
voltages used in this commercial program.
In the example shown in Table 6.1 there is no matrix reformation because all
reactive and tap changing limits are ignored. A ‘normal’ load flow run representing a
seasonal load level will typically have one instance of matrix reformation and a total of
eight iterations. If the MaxGen configuration load flow shown here is run with the
voltage controlling constraints fully applied, low voltages will occur, and possibly
voltage collapse will occur. This MaxGen configuration load flow is a difficult case to
solve because the load level is far beyond what has been planned and insufficient reactive
power for voltage support may be a problem. The convolution requirements of linearity
and a MaxGen configuration load flow condition forces the acceptance of running this
case with voltage controlling device constraints eased. The fact that such a case does
converge shows that, if sufficient reactive capacity is installed in the real system, then it
could support the higher loads. Therefore, the additional reactive support assumption is a
reasonable simplifying assumption for the scope of this dissertation topic.

Chapter 7
Line Distribution Factors
As each generator is outaged, the transmission line real power flows
throughout the network change. These incremental changes in power flows provide a
unique description of how power was being delivered from the generator to all the
loads before the generator was outaged. The purpose of this chapter is to show how
these incremental flows are converted into line distribution factors Hj,k [1,29,55],
how they are stored in the computer, and how they are linearly combined to predict
new incremental line flows not calculated explicitly by a load flow solution.

The MaxGen configuration load flow has all lines and generators in service,
and loads are at maximum levels possible. If a single generator fails to run, the
network load is reduced to match the remaining available generation. This will cause
an incremental change in transmission real power flows throughout the network.
Each generator individual failure will cause a set of incremental line real power flows
and a reduction in total system load and real losses equal to the generation amount
Suppose two generators at the same load flow bus are outaged at the same
time. The network incremental real power line flows are nearly the same as the sum
of the individual incremental real power line flows from each generator being
outaged. They are the same if incremental losses are linear. Therefore, any two
generators outaged in the network anywhere create incremental line flows that are
nearly the sums of the individual incremental real power line flows caused by the two
outaged generators if incremental losses are linear.

If this process were truly linear, the sums of all the incremental flows of all
the generators could be used to sum all the incremental flows on all lines and the
MaxGen configuration base case real line flows will be created. It is not true, but it is
almost true. Table 7.1 shows the error differences between the actual MaxGen
configuration load flow line MW flows for 42 of the most heavily loaded lines and
the total MW line flows created by summing incremental flows for the 286 generator
ERCOT case. The incremental flows are summed as +flows and flows, and these
are added to make the total MW column. The MW error compared to the actual
MaxGen configuration load flow is shown. The last column shows the percentage the
dominant + or  flows must be scaled to make the error go to zero.
Table 7.1 is a sample of the 3000+ lines in this case. The lines listed have
some of the highest MW loading in the MaxGen configuration load flow case. Lines
such as generator step-up transformers with flows in only one direction have been
omitted because they have almost zero error. The more interesting lines with flows in
both directions are listed in Table 7.1.
The last column of Table 7.1 is a set of scale factors. Each line has a unique
scale factor to make the sum of incremental flows equal the actual line flow. This
scale factor is only applied to the incremental flows in the dominant direction. The
dominant flow direction is the direction with the largest sum of incremental flows.
For example, the first line in Table 7.1 has a dominant flow of 1552.4 MW.
Applying the reduction of 0.8% to all negative incremental flows for this line reduces
the negative flow sum to 1540.0 MW. Then 737.11540.0 = 802.9, which is the
actual MW flow in the MaxGen configuration load flow case for this line.

Table 7.1 Summation Error And % Correction Of Incremental MW Flows
1391 3390 4401 737.1 -1552.4 -815.3 -802.9 -12.4 -0.8
1038 2398 2428 1214.7 -2016.5 -801.8 -802.2 0.4 0.0
3084 9073 9074 1449.3 -810.0 639.3 639.8 -0.5 0.0
1087 2437 2453 1030.2 -409.4 620.8 624.8 -4.0 0.4
822 1873 1890 272.9 -869.5 -594.3 596.6 -2.2 -0.3
2550 7040 7056 963.8 -1564.3 -600.5 -594.1 -6.4 -0.4
823 1873 1900 177.5 -757.4 581.3 -579.9 1.4 0.2
598 1436 1853 1183.7 -627.5 556.2 558.8 -2.5 0.2
853 1900 1902 1326.6 -784.1 542.5 558.6 -16.0 1.2
849 1890 1932 915.1 -366.9 548.2 552.7 -4.4 0.5
728 1690 2373 756.2 -205.6 550.6 547.8 2.8 -0.4
601 1436 1900 674.9 -1229.3 -554.4 -545.8 -8.7 -0.7
1046 2406 2420 672.4 -1213.2 -540.8 -541.8 1.0 0.1
742 1695 1697 713.4 -186.2 527.2 538.5 -11.3 1.6
1242 3100 3103 842.3 -309.6 532.7 533.1 -0.5 0.1
745 1695 2466 633.6 -115.9 517.7 526.1 -8.4 1.3
1045 2406 2407 877.1 -357.2 519.8 522.8 -2.8 0.3
1621 4112 4383 1519.6 -991.5 528.1 521.3 6.8 -0.4
1396 3391 4401 479.0 -971.6 -492.6 -498.2 5.6 0.6
1071 2428 4401 1312.2 -1813.1 -500.9 -496.7 -4.2 -0.2
1072 2428 4401 1312.2 -1813.1 -500.9 -496.7 -0.2 -4.2
1243 3100 3105 675.3 -181.7 493.6 496.7 -3.1 0.5
1666 4192 4714 738.8 -243.1 495.7 496.1 -0.4 0.1
1390 3390 3409 1568.7 -1055.5 513.2 495.8 17.4 -1.1
891 1930 1932 406.6 -896.3 -489.7 -495.7 6.0 0.7
1078 2432 2433 1809.1 -1304.0 505.1 492.3 12.8 -0.7
862 1907 1911 1115.0 -633.2 481.8 481.0 0.8 -0.1
1751 4356 4488 315.3 -784.3 -469.0 -474.0 4.9 0.6
1752 4356 4488 315.3 -784.3 -469.0 -474.0 4.9 0.6
1246 3100 3138 541.4 -69.2 472.2 473.7 -1.4 0.3
1420 3409 3414 2416.6 -1960.0 456.6 470.4 -13.8 0.6
584 1425 6100 521.7 -971.1 -449.4 -456.5 7.2 0.7
1820 4675 4676 499.4 -943.7 -444.3 -455.4 11.2 1.2
854 1902 1907 1242.0 -800.3 441.7 454.2 -12.5 1.0
744 1695 2461 567.3 -120.5 446.8 452.5 -5.7 1.0
1127 2461 2468 780.4 -341.1 439.3 449.3 -10.0 1.3
1070 2428 3123 559.7 -1010.1 -450.4 -445.8 -4.5 -0.5
1245 3100 3115 828.5 -386.3 442.2 443.0 -0.7 0.1
1622 4112 4470 1118.8 -673.9 444.9 441.4 3.4 -0.3
821 1873 1880 1232.3 -805.9 426.4 438.7 -12.3 1.0
868 1911 1913 1075.4 -639.7 435.7 435.4 0.2 0.0
1138 2466 2467 549.4 -119.1 430.3 434.1 -3.9 0.7
Magnitude Averages: 5.7 MW 0.64%

The average of the absolute value of all scale factors for this 286 generator
system is 2.22%. Many of the larger scale factors are lines not carrying much power.
To better measure the overall error in terms of heavily loaded lines, the absolute
value of all scale factors was weighted according to real power flow with respect to
the sum of the absolute value of real power flows on all lines. The weighted error is
0.97% for a solution tolerance of .01 MW/MVAR. The system appears to be fairly
linear in power. The linear combination of incremental flows associated with
specific generators seems to be a feasible approach.
The solution tolerance was adjusted to see its effect on the average weighted
error. With a tolerance of 0.1 MW/MVAR the error is 0.98%, almost no change.
With a tolerance of 1.0 MW/MVAR the error is 1.19%. With a tolerance of 10
MW/MVAR, the average weighted error is 5.06%. This seems to indicate that a
tolerance of .01 MW/MVAR is not necessary. These averages are misleading
however. The cumulative error of adding the incremental flows from 286 load flow
cases is itself a random variable. A few lines might have a substantial error due to a
load flow solution error bias. To illustrate how this cumulative error could occur, let
a line l have a MaxGen configuration base case flow of P+ where P is the correct
solution and  is a small error. Let i = 1...Ng generators be outaged one at a time with
incremental flows Ii+(r) in line l where r is assumed to be a uniformly distributed
random error in the solution of the incremental line l flow cases. The total expected
flow is the sum of the differences or (Ii+(r)P+). The best we can hope for is to
have the r random errors sum to zero and drop out. If this is the case, we are still
left with a possibly large Ng error because the line flow sum is now  Ii
(PNg)+(Ng). The  error has been magnified Ng times due to the base case error.
If the r did not sum to zero as assumed, the error could be even larger, depending on
whether the r sum adds to or subtracts from to the Ng error. The load flow
solution errors must be reduced as much as possible.

In reviewing the sum of line flows from incremental generator outage flows in
the 286 generator case, only a few lines are observed to have cumulative solution
errors. Lines 2460 and 3002 have the maximum MW error on the 1.0 MW/MVAR
tolerance load flow solution. These are good candidates for illustrating the MW error
as a function of the load flow solution tolerance. Figure 7.1 shows the MW error for
these two lines in the 286 generator case as solution tolerance is adjusted.

Sum of Incremental Flows Error - MW


Line 2460
Line 3002


0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1
Load Flow Solution Tolerance - MW/MVAR

Figure 7.1 An Example of Load Flow Solution Error Versus Solution Tolerance

The dashed line in Figure 7.1 is a better description of the line 3002 error
versus solution tolerance. The dip in error is probably due to the accidental
cancellation of base case solution error and sum of incremental flows error. No other
lines were observed to have this dip to almost zero error. Most lines have an almost
flat MW error between .01 and 0.1 solution tolerances suggesting that possibly 0.1
MW/MVAR error is acceptable. The 1 MW/MVAR tolerance did produce a large
amount of error in many lines and is not recommended. The .001 MW/MVAR
solution tolerance did little to reduce error further from the .01 tolerance and is
probably not necessary. Since there is little difference in run time between .01 and

0.1 MW/MVAR solutions, there is little penalty in choosing the conservative solution
tolerance of .01 MW/MVAR for all load flow solutions. This improves linearity
which allows the sum of all incremental flows to be nearer to the MaxGen
configuration flows.
The process for calculating and storing all the incremental real power flows
will now be explained in more detail. The incremental power flows from individual
generators are used extensively in the process of solving for line flow probabilistic
distributions. Real generator incremental line flows and virtual generation
incremental flows are discussed along with the computer and solution requirements.

Real Generators
Using the MaxGen configuration load flow as a reference case, each generator
is outaged one at a time. Each generator outaged load flow case is modified from the
MaxGen configuration case by removing the outaged generator from the case and
uniformly scaling down the bus loads across the network to account for the removed
generation capacity. In these special load flow solutions, 1) autotransformer taps are
held constant, 2) generator reactive is unlimited, 3) total network load is scaled
uniformly to act as the power slack generator, and 4) solution tolerance is held to .01
MW and .01 MVAR.
The purpose of outaging each generator is to develop a set of Hj,k power
distribution factors for all k=1...Ng generators and all j=1...N t transmission lines.
These are the per unit change in power flow in each line j as a result of loss of
generator k. Any single Hj,k factor is calculated by subtracting the outaged generator
k MW flow on line j from the corresponding MW flow in the MaxGen configuration
load flow and dividing that difference by Ck . This is repeated for all lines j for each
generator k.

Because the total size of Hj,k is large1, the j=1...N t line flows are written to
disk storage as they are created for each new generator k. The disk file these factors
are written to is a random access binary file called H. Each record k in file H
corresponds to generator k. If H is viewed as a matrix, the rows are individual
generators, and the columns are individual transmission lines.
Once all line distribution factors have been calculated and stored in H, these
factors need to be adjusted so that the sums of all incremental flows on each line will
sum to the MaxGen configuration line flows. However, before the adjustment can
begin, a new file called HT is created, which is the transpose of H. Since the PLF
program will be accessing the Hj,k factors on a line by line basis, the random access
file needs to be accessible on the same basis. The HT rows are line data and the
columns are generators. Reading record j from HT gives immediate access to all the
distribution factors for line j. Without the HT file, the PLF computer run time could
be increased by several hours.
As each record of HT is read, incremental flows are partitioned into positive
and negative sets for each line where positive is arbitrarily one direction for the line
and negative is the opposite direction. The sum of all incremental flows on each line
will not sum exactly to produce the MaxGen configuration real power line flows. For
each line, the directional incremental flows in the direction that is dominant are
scaled by a real number multiplier so the sum of all flows will exactly yield the
MaxGen configuration flows on each line. The adjusted distributions are written
back to HT.
An example of this scaling process is shown in Table 7.1. Experience shows
that the scaling corrections are small for lines that are heavily loaded, about one
percent weighted average for the 286 generator system and about one percent for the
IEEE Reliability Test System [30].

The 286 generator case in Appendix B uses about 4 Mb of disk space to store all the Hj,k factors.
Virtual Generators
The real generation model described up to this point can only be used to shed
load for the entire system. However, load shedding across the total system does not
make sense as a corrective action. Selective load shedding of specific areas or even
specific buses associated with specific generators will be required to efficiently
unload the overloaded lines. Virtual generators are power injections into selected
load buses to effectively reduce load at these buses. The distribution factors [1] for
the virtual generators are calculated in the same manner as previously described for
real generators and are included in the set of Hj,k. Figure 7.2 shows how a group of
three buses have been selected to be candidates for load shedding. The ‘virtual
generation’ injected in this example has been arbitrarily set at half the load of each

virtual generator

incremental flows to all buses in the network

Figure 7.2 Virtual Generation Injected At Three Load Buses

In setting up the virtual generation incremental load flow, each virtual
generator k is made proportional to the real load on each bus in which load shedding
is to be executed proportionately (later) on all the load buses selected. The case is
solved, the incremental line flows are calculated, and then the flows are normalized.
These incremental line distribution factors are appended to the bottom of HT.
As in the real generator outage solutions, 1) autotransformer taps are held
constant, 2) generator reactive is unlimited, and 3) total network load is scaled
uniformly to act as the power slack generator. The solution tolerance can be relaxed.
Note that in the load flow solution, the virtual generation injection at a bus is one
thing, but the MaxGen configuration total system MW load being adjusted as slack
generation is quite another thing. They are handled separately as the load flow is
being solved. This means that the virtual generation injections are to be held
constant, while at the same time, the loads are being scaled upward or downward on
all load buses to meet the total load flow power requirement.
Note that no scaling is performed for the virtual generation distribution line
factors. There is no reference load flow case for checking the sums of incremental
virtual flows. So this process is skipped for the virtual distributions.
The selection of buses to be grouped together for proportional load shedding
is somewhat arbitrary, although the selection will affect the final output report
results. The author has elected to use the load areas originally defined in the load
flow data as the load shedding areas also. Another possibility, not yet modeled in the
PLF program, is to let every bus in the load flow be a separate candidate for load
shedding. This highest degree of detail in the load shedding model would allow the
LOLP and EUE of every bus in the network to be calculated as a function of both the
generation system and transmission system reliability. This information is of great
value, so the PLF program will be programmed in the future to model individual bus
load sheddings.

Real And Virtual Generation Superposition
Because the network is almost linear in real power, the incremental real
power flows of real and virtual generation can be linearly combined to produce a set
of incremental real power line flows that are representative of the incremental flows
that will occur if the specific AC load flow case of generation-to-load is set up and
solved. This superposition is only used in the load shedding operation explained in
Chapter 10. Figure 7.3 illustrates what happens when the virtual generation
distribution factors [1] are subtracted from the real generation distribution factors.

generation load generation load

Figure 7.3 Combined Real And Virtual Generation

Equation 7.1 shows how linear combinations of normalized Hj,k factors are
used to produce new generation-to-load factors Hj,m-n. For line j, the m terms are real
generators, and the n terms are virtual generators.

[ Hj,m-n = Hj,m  Hj,n ]  j =1, N t (7.1)

The process of linearly combining incremental flows from generators and

loads is consistent with the LLS methodology because all dispatches are to the total
system loads. This is an inherent part of the LLS method but not the NLLS method.

When the H distributions of generation and virtual generation are subtracted,
as they are in Equation 7.1 and in Figure 7.3, only the net incremental flows from
generation to load remain. This superposition principle has been tested analytically
in small three and four bus examples and is found to have a good
theoretical basis.
Equation 7.1 was a very important development in the theory
needed for the PLF model. When (7.1) was implemented, it solved a
major problem that was impeding the successful implementation of the
convolution methodology. Consider this worst case situation as an
example of the problem. Suppose a system has 300 generators, 2000 buses,
and 3000 lines. Let one load flow require one second solution time. The line
distribution factors for all single generator outages to total system load is
30030004 = 3,600,000 bytes of storage and requires 300 seconds of solution time.
Now the problem of defining network incremental line flows for specific load
sheddings must be solved. Without using virtual generation and Equation 7.1, the
distribution factors for all combinations of load and generation is calculated as
300200030004 = 7,200,000,000 bytes and requires 3002000 = 600,000 seconds
or 167 hours of computer run time for just one study case! Clearly this is not
feasible. Using virtual generation and Equation 7.1, this drops to a total storage
requirement of (300+2000)30004 = 27,600,000 bytes and 300+2000 = 2300
seconds or 40 minutes of computer run time, which is reasonable.
In setting up the 286 generator example case, the load (shedding) areas have
been defined according to the original load flow data with eight areas plus one new
area1. This is only nine load areas. All the load sheddings to remove transmission

The City of Austin has been split into two areas making the total ERCOT system nine load areas.

limitations are done by scaling load proportionately within an area. Only nine virtual
generation cases are run and stored in the generator-line distribution file rather than
the 2000+ buses given as an example in the above discussion. This rather coarse
model of load shedding creates another problem. Some overloaded lines internal to
an area that are not strongly associated with the flows from generation, but are mostly
local load driven, cannot be unloaded with such a coarse load model. There is a way
to get around this problem without needing to run virtual generation on every bus in
the system. This shortcut is described in Chapter 10 and allows the use of only major
load areas as virtual generation. This saves considerably on storage and run time but
produces less accurate results.

Chapter 8
Probabilistic Line Flows
This chapter explains how the incremental line flows on each line due to each
generator being outaged are convolved together to form line flow distributions that
are cumulative and monotone decreasing. These distributions contain the generation
outage states information as well as how the power is redistributed throughout the
network as generators randomly fail.
By performing all convolutions before load sheddings, the generator outage
events are independent events and can be convolved in any order. If line flow
corrective actions were to be taken as the generators are convolved in calculating the
line flow distributions, then their outcomes become dependent, and the convolution
process would produce incorrect results. Load sheddings are performed as a last step
in the PLF model to maintain independence and linearity during the calculation of
line distributions.
The process for creating line flow distributions Fj(x) is similar to the process
for creating the generation function FG(x). Very briefly, the first step is to give all
lines a probability of one with flow equal to the MaxGen configuration MW flow.
Figure 8.1 shows how the line distribution functions are initialized for the MaxGen
configuration. Then the incremental line flows for all generator outages are
convolved one at a time recursively into the line distributions to produce a set of
probabilistic line flows.

Convolution Process Methodology

The outcome of the complete set of all combinations of generation failure
states is described by FG(x). Because the generator outages are independent, the

generators can be convolved in any order without affecting the outcome of FG(x).
Each load bus and each load area receives a proportion of FG(x). Every specific
outage configuration has a specific set of line flows in the network. The MaxGen
configuration load flow and all the individual generator outage load flow cases are
explicitly enumerated and saved. These cases have little error in line flow
The network real power flows in transmission lines for two and more
generators simultaneously outaged is constructed by taking linear combinations of
incremental line flows from the individual generators outaged cases results. The
linear combination of all generators outaged simultaneously produces exactly zero
MW line flows everywhere, giving assurance that the linear combination of flows can
be very deep indeed without resulting in large solution errors.
Consider the flows on a single transmission line l, in the network. Every
combination of outaged generators has a probability. Linearly summing all the line l
incremental flows of the outaged generator cases and subtracting this sum from the
line l MaxGen configuration flow produces a specific MW flow for line l for this set
of generators outaged. All configurations of multiple generators being outaged
produces a corresponding set of line flows for line l. Using PQ convolution, the
linear combination of all these configurations can be efficiently calculated.

Calculating Line Probabilistic Distributions

The Hj,k factors link the generator k states in Table 3.3 with the transmission

line j flows in Fj(x). Fj(x) = Pr[j line flows  x] is similar to FG(x) except the range
of Fj(x) has both negative and positive x, whereas for the range of FG(x), x is 0

Small differences in results are seen in the order of convolving generators due to numerical machine
roundoff errors and due to the PQ process itself not being an exact process.

through Ck. Fj(x) is initialized to represent the MaxGen configuration flow xoj on
line j with probability of one as shown in Figure 8.1.
i-1 i i+1 i-1 i i+1
1 1
MaxGen MW flow xoj p xoj
Pr r Pr

0 0
hj PQ Fj(x) grid i steps hj PQ Fj(x) grid i steps

Figure 8.1a Idealized Initial Fj(x) Figure 8.1b Actual PQ Initial Fj(x)

Initially all generators are up and available and this produces the initial line
flow xoj in line j in the MaxGen configuration load flow. Outaging a generator k
produces an incremental change in flow of Hj,kCk MW or Hj,kDk MW if the
outage is partial in line j. For any line j, the set of generator states in Table 3.3
combined with Hj,k distribution factors defines the probabilistic line flows Fj(x) as
shown in Equation 8.1. Equation 8.1 is the total PQ convolution process for all lines
j, from 1 through N t.

[Fj(x) = [ (Hj,kGk)Fj(x) ] k = 1, Ng ] j = 1, N t (8.1)

In the MaxGen configuration, all the line flows due to all the generators on
line are already included and sum to xoj for each line j as shown in Equation 8.2. xoj
is also the base case MaxGen configuration line flow for line j. Equations 8.2
through 8.7 produce the same initialization of the line distribution shown Figure 8.1.

xoj = H
k 1
j, k  Ck (8.2)

Fj(x) is initialized for the MaxGen configuration as a real number real*4 precision

Fj(x  (i b)hj) = 1 , (the array points  i)

Fj(x = (i b)hj) = p , (the array point =i) , (8.3)
Fj(x  (i b)hj) = 0 , (the array points  i)

where i is the discrete array integer point closest to xoj according to

i = INT( + b + .5) . (8.4)

The +.5 term in Equation 8.4 shifts the integer process range so that an i is found
allowing the xoj to fall within the r range of .5  r+.5 as shown in Figure 8.2.


r: 1 .5 0 +.5 +1

Figure 8.2 Initial Line Distribution Parameter p(r)

The hj MW grid spacing in Equation 8.4 is

hj = (xmaxj  xminj)/(number of grid increments) (8.5)

where xmaxj and xminj are the minimum and maximum values of line flow x that can

The xmaxj and xminj are calculated using

xmaxj = H
k 1
j, k  Ck for Hj,k > 0

xminj = H
k 1
j, k  Ck for Hj,k < 0 . (8.6)

Then p= ( + b + .5)  i (8.7)

in which b is a shifter on the x axis to keep xmaxj and xminj within the range of the
discrete computer program array. For example, the discrete array Fj(x) may be
dimensioned from 1 through 360 (as is the PLF program). A mapping is needed
between the x MW line flows and the array positions. A simple linear conversion of
the form i=mx+b is appropriate in which the i are integer positions 1 through 360 in
the computer program array. Let 1 = m(xminj) +b and 360 = m(xmaxj) +b. Then

m = (360  1)/(xmaxj  xminj) = , (8.8)
xmin j
and b = 1 , (8.9)

in which m and b allow the xminj and xmaxj to align exactly with the array end points.
Equation 8.1 will only produce low error on the lower right hand tail of Fj(x).
In order to model negative flow line overloads accurately, the line direction is
reversed and Equations 8.1- 8.9 repeated. This means that line j can have a second
Fj(x) in which the line flows have been reversed and the line overload is in the
negative flow direction. The -j in F-j(x) is used to signify convolution Fj(x) with
flows reversed for line j. Figures 8.1a and 8.1b show the forward and reversed line

flow functions Fj(x) and F-j(x) for line 1389 as an example. The log scale allows the
extremely small probabilities to be displayed.

MW Range Not Overloaded





Line Flow - MW

Figure 8.1a Line 1389 Probabilistic Loading In The Forward Direction




Line Flow - MW

Figure 8.1b Line 1389 Probabilistic Loading In The Reverse Direction

Line 1389 is centrally located in Texas and is probabilistically overloaded by
deficiencies in generation in either North Texas or deficiencies in generation in South
Texas. The maximum overloads are 242% forward and 221% reversed. However,
the probability the transmission line will ever actually be overloaded is extremely
small. The heavy horizontal line shows the line’s normal loading range of -1072 to
1072 MW. These curves are typical of all the probabilistic line loadings in this large
network. The xmaxj and xminj line extreme flows are usually large but the
probabilities of overload are extremely small. These extremely small probabilities
are easily calculated and observed using the convolution method. The enumeration
methods are not capable of examining this part of the probability space.

Screening and Ranking Lines

A screening criteria is useful in deciding which lines to not monitor. For each
enumerated configuration with line outages as well as the configuration with all lines
in service, lines with xmaxj < Rj and xminj > Rj are discarded from further analysis
since no generation failure states causing an overload on line j exist. This test is
performed before the line flow convolutions.
Lines with small Fj(x = Rj)  1012 can also be discarded. Experience shows
that lines with these very small probabilities of overload will not contribute any
observable amount of EUE to the final output results. For example, a line overloaded
by 1000 MW, at a probability of 1012 for one hour, represents an energy of overload
of only .001 Watt! Obviously, this overload will contribute little to the overall EUE.
Experience with the ERCOT system has indicated that this screening process
results in about 500 lines out of a total of 3200 lines will be retained for probabilistic
overloading and load shedding analysis. This number is very system dependent and
will probably vary considerably for different systems. Only the ERCOT system has
been tested at this time.

Chapter 9
Line Outage Model
This chapter presents a new method for modeling multiple simultaneous line
outages in large electric networks. The method: 1) calculates line currents and
powers; 2) tests for system separation; and 3) updates real power line distribution
factors [29,55] useful in linear programming (in Chapter 12) and probabilistic
models. A one-time factored sparse complex admittance matrix of the network series
line impedances is used to calculate incremental voltages from complex injection
currents. Each set of lines out of service requires one direct calculation. Differences
in solution results between this method and load flow for several lines and generators
outaged are shown in Chapter 11.
Dr. Ray Shoults at the University of Texas at Arlington developed the fast line
outage technique as a part of his dissertation [94]. An earlier method by Brown [95]
is similar to Shoults’ ‘zipflow’, but Brown’s method has more computational error
due to the sparse matrix structure and the way he stores and calculates incremental
voltages. Unfortunately, Dr. Shoults’ efficient computational method was never
properly published in a journal. This dissertation not only uses [94], but shows how
the zipflow theory in [94] can be extended to cover the case of many lines outaged
simultaneously. A paper has been submitted to the IEEE on this topic [55].
A second extension to [94] shows how new Hj,k factors can be estimated for
multiple lines outaged without actually running the load flows to calculate the new
distribution factors [55] for the new networks. These new methods are very efficient
computationally, which allows a greater number of line outage configurations to be
enumerated in conjunction with the total generation outage probability space.

Single Line Outaged
A fast line removal approximation is used to avoid solving a new network
matrix with each line outage [94,95]. The use of a complex number matrix in this
zipflow formulation gives better results than a real number matrix of power and
voltage angle. The line removal involves a series of mathematical steps. Figure 9.1
shows the first step is the injection of (10) amp in and out of the line j to be
removed. This creates a set of small [V] j ‘test’ voltages throughout the network.
The incremental voltages created on the ‘from bus’ and the ‘to bus’ ends of line j are
Vf j and Vt j respectively. Line j incremental current will be less than 1 amp if the 1
amp injected current circulates throughout the network.

Vf j Line j Vtj

‘from bus’ +10 amp 10 amp ‘to bus’

Figure 9.1 Inject 1 Amp In And Out Of Line j

Figure 9.2 shows the incremental line j current (Vf j Vt j)Yj being scaled by
a complex number Sj in order to create a circulation current that is completely self
contained as a loop current within line j. This current includes the original base case
load flow current as well as the portion of the injected current flowing in line j. Line
j base case current is not canceled by this process. The purpose is to self-contain the
base case current within the local circulation current set up by Sj so that no line
currents from other adjacent lines from either the base case or from the injected
currents flow across the gaps shown in Figure 9.2. In practice, the line is not

removed from the matrix solution, but the equivalent voltages in the network are the
same as though line j has been removed.

Sj Vf j Sj Vtj
Sj = Ib j+[Sj (Vf j Vt j)Yj]

from +Sj amp Sj to

Figure 9.2 Single Line Removal Using Sj Injection Current

The mathematical steps to calculate Sj are outlined below. Begin the process
by solving a load flow of the network giving the set of all [V]b=[...Vf b j ...Vt b j ...]T.
Calculate the base case complex current Ib j of line j to be removed. The calculation
of Ib j should not include shunt elements to ground such as line charging. Including
shunt elements and currents in this line outage process increases solution error when
benchmarked against the same line outages solved with a full load flow solution.
Next, choose a single point on every line to measure line current. The PLF
model calculates base case and incremental line currents on the ‘to’ end of every line
because the PLF load flow autotransformer model has only a series Z with no shunt
element connected to the ‘to’ bus. This allows the autotransformer tap to not have a
shunt in the [Y] matrix. The importance of this choice is described below.
The [Y] complex nodal admittance matrix of the network is constructed from
real and reactive in-line series impedances. One bus in the network is grounded using
a low impedance shunt element and remains at zero incremental volts at all times.
Although any bus may be the grounded bus, it should be one that can regulate the
voltage under severe line outage conditions in a full AC load flow. The use of other

shunt elements in [Y] allows localized loop currents to flow to ground and reduces
the magnitude of incremental voltages remote from the outaged line j. The use of [Y]
without shunts (except the reference grounded bus) produces more accurate line
outage results than when shunts are included based on the author’s experience with
the model. The addition of shunts destroys the model’s ability to keep the
incremental line currents completely contained within the transmission lines
themselves. This means that the system separation test will be incorrect if shunts are
included. Also, the incremental line currents are used to calculate incremental line
powers. Shunts effectively drain away the small currents on remote lines from the
initial 1 amp injection. The model with shunts added will produce incremental
powers on remote lines that are too small when compared with a full AC load flow.
The next step is to find the set of all [V] j. Vf j and Vt j are incremental
voltages resulting from the injection of 10 amp into line j as shown in Figure 9.1.
Equation 9.1 shows this is a standard nodal admittance matrix solution. The PLF
model uses the sparse matrix technique in [97] to efficiently solve Equation 9.1.

[V] j = [...Vf j ...Vt j ...]T = [Y]-1[...1...1...]T (9.1)

The [V] j calculated from the 10 amp injections for line j are saved for
use in other calculations such as the outaging of many lines. The complex scale
factor Sj for scaling the incremental network bus voltages is given in Equation 9.2.

Sj  (9.2)
1  ( Vf j  Vt j )Yj

Sj is also the complex injection current that produces the totally self contained
current in line j as shown in Figure 9.2. If less than .001 per unit amps injection
current flows through the rest of the network, there effectively are no alternative

paths for the injected current to flow other than the outaged line j. Then, the network
will be broken into two islands by the outage of line j if Equation 9.3 is true.

1  ( Vf j  Vt j )Yj  .001 (9.3)

Equation 9.4 creates a temporary [V]new set of voltages for the outage of line j.

[V]new = [V]b + Sj [V] j (9.4)

Line currents including line shunt currents are calculated using [V]new to
check for line overloads with line j outaged. This process is repeated for all single
lines outaged and all [V] j are saved for use in other calculations.

Multiple Lines Outaged

Multiple line removal is an extension of single line removal in which complex
scalar Sj becomes complex vector [S] for n lines outaged simultaneously. Sj elements
of [S] are injection currents into and out of each of the lines j=1...n. An example for
n = 3 is shown in Figure 9.3.

from S1 = Ib1 + I11S1 + I12S2 + I13S3 to

Line 1
S2 = Ib2 + I21S1 + I22S2 + I23S3
Line 2
S3 = Ib3 + I31S1 + I32S2 + I33S3
Line 3

Figure 9.3 Three Lines Outaged Example

In Figure Ib1, Ib2, Ib3 are the base case line complex currents for lines 1, 2, and
3, respectively. I11, I22, I33 are the line self currents from the 10 amp injections
on each individual line. I12, I13, I21, I23, I31, and I32 are the line transfer
coupling currents from the 10 amp injections. For example, I12 is the current in
line 1 from the 10 amp injection in line 2. Incremental Iij currents on lines i for
injections j are calculated as shown in Equation 9.5 from the set of [V]j calculated
in using Equation 9.1.

Ii j = (Vf ij  Vt ij) Yi (9.5)

Rearranging the equations shown in Figure 3 for n = 3 produces the matrix

Equation 9.6 for finding the complex [S] vector.

1  I 11 I 12 I 13   S1  Ib1

 I 21 1  I 22 I 23  S 2   Ib2 (9.6)
    
 I 31 I 32 1  I 33 S 3  Ib3

[S] complex scale factors (bus injection currents) simultaneously disconnect

all n lines from the network. Equation 9.6 is solved using Gauss elimination since the
matrix is dense and small. A singularity of Equation 9.6 indicates a system
separation. Any diagonal term becoming nearly zero during the solution of Equation
9.6 means the system has electrically isolated buses or system separation condition 1.
What to do with the islands created by system separation is discussed at the end of
this chapter. After Equation 9.6 is solved, the new bus voltages [V]new for the case of
multiple n lines simultaneously outaged can be calculated using Equation 9.7.

The matrix will only become singular in the process of solving (9.6) if the network is broken up into
islands by the removal of the lines being outaged.

[V]new = [V]b +  Sj [V] j (9.7)
j 1

Line currents including line shunt currents are calculated using [V]new to
check for line overloads with lines j=1...n outaged. The processes in Equations 9.5
through 9.7 are repeated for other sets of line outages.

Creating New H Factors For Line Outage Cases

This chapter has thus far presented models based on linear summations of
complex incremental line currents. However, complex incremental currents are not
directly usable in linear programming and probabilistic models based on the use of
real numbers. The real power distribution factors Hi,k are the set of per unit
incremental real powers in all lines i due to all generators k. The Hi,k factors have
been calculated using incremental load flow solutions. Next in this chapter, a method
for updating the Hi,k factors is presented. The updated H represents real power
distributions for multiple line outages. They are estimated without running new AC
incremental load flow cases for each line outage configuration.

Real Power Matrix Approach Fails:

A line outage model was developed using all real powers in a matrix similar
to Equation 9.6 for multiple lines outaged in order to calculate a set of real [S] scale
factors. The real power model worked well in predicting incremental line powers for
single line outages. It frequently failed to predict system separation because the real
matrix was not singular enough when the system was in a state of separation. It
performed poorly for multiple line outages in predicting real power flow
distributions. Subsequently, the approach using only a real power matrix to model
line outages was abandoned.

Real Powers From Complex Currents Approach Succeeds:
The successful solution approach is to perform all line outages using only
Equation 9.1 through 9.7, which contain only complex incremental currents and
voltages. Real incremental powers are calculated as a secondary operation from the
complex incremental currents in the line outage model.
Each generator k has a set of Hi,k real power per unit distribution factors for
all lines i. For any line or lines outaged, each set of power distribution factors for
each generator is updated as a separate operation for each generator. These updated
factors are calculated, used immediately, and then disposed of because far too many
configurations exist to store all of them in computer files or memory. The updating
process presented here is very computationally efficient and is much faster than
running successive load flows to generate new distribution factors.
Assume line j is to be outaged. Generator k has a per unit real power flow in
line j of Hj,k. The objective here is to open this line and observe the Hj,k power
redistribution in the network. However, Equation 9.2 requires that a line complex
current rather than a real power flow, be interrupted. The per unit line j complex
current to be interrupted is calculated from the real power using

 Hj , k 
Ij =  (9.8)
 Vtbi 

where Ij is a complex number. Equations 9.2 through 9.4 are now applied to open
line j, and new incremental per unit line currents Ii j throughout the network are
calculated. The reverse process of Equation 9.8 is used in Equation 9.9 to turn the
line i incremental currents due to line j being outaged back into incremental real
power flows Hi using Equation 9.9.

Hi = Re{Vtbi Ii j*} (9.9)

Then, the Hi,k distribution factors are updated using Equation 9.10.

Hi,k = Hi,k + Hi (9.10)

The Hj,k for outaged line j is set to zero since it has no flow.
The above example is for a single line outaged. The same process is used for
multiple lines outaged. Equations 9.5 through 9.7 are used to calculate the Sj factors.
Then Equation 9.11 is used to calculate the set of incremental powers due to the
simultaneous outages of the many lines j=1...n for i  j.

Hi = Re{Vtbi(  Sj Iij)*} (9.11)
j 1

System Separation
The system separation condition is an important and more difficult situation
to model in the convolution context. To study the adequacy of the transmission and
generation systems, each island created by the separation needs to be studied
separately. A considerable amount of new computer code is needed in the PLF
program to model the system separation condition. This capability does not presently
exist. Also, any dynamic responses due to system separation are clearly beyond the
scope of this dissertation and are not included in the PLF model. The PLF model
does calculate the probability of each system separation configuration and the total
probability of system separation. The total probability of being in a configuration of
system separation is shown as a part of the output reports.

Chapter 10

Procedure For Removing Line Overloads

The removal of transmission line overloads is the last step in the convolution
methodology presented in this dissertation. By necessity, this operation must be last.
If line overloads are removed as generators are convolved, independence of generator
outage events is no longer true, and the convolution of generator outage states
produces incorrect results. All generation outage events are first calculated without
consideration for line overloads. The resulting line overloads are then used to
estimate the MW and MWh of specific generator-load pairs that are jointly reduced to
remove the line overloads. The line overloads are shifted in small probability p
increments and small MW increments as shown in Figure 10.1. For every line flow
shift the reader needs to keep in mind that a set of corresponding shifts are occurring
in the binary tree (imaginary) and in the generator reliability function FG(x).

Pr p Pr
line overload states
Gen. States MW MW

p Generation States FG(x) Line Flows Fj(y)

Figure 10.1 Generator-Load Pair Shifted To Reduce Line Loading

. Summary Of The Process For Removing Line Overloads
 line j with the greatest probability of overload is found,
 an increment y is assigned for removal in line j,
 the increasing flow generators are convolved,
 the two dimensional F(x,y) is set up,
 the decreasing flow generators are convolved into F(x,y),
 a partial density 2-D function is created from F(x,y),
 the most offending generator-load pair is taken from the LST,
 the partial distributions are shifted to remove the line overloads,
 the line overload distributions are stored in a temporary array T(x),
 the T(x) is added to FG(x),
 the other lines jointly affected by the generator-load pair are adjusted also, and
 the process is repeated until all line overloads are removed.

Load Shedding Methodology

A number of lines can be overloaded as a result of the convolution process
described in Chapter 8. The probabilities of line overloads vary widely, as does the
range of MW loadings. Figure 10.2 shows an illustration of several line loadings.

line j overloads shifted left by y
Fj(y) Fj(y)= Pr [random line MW  y]

Rj increasing MW

Figure 10.2 Incremental Unloading Of Line j

Line j with the highest probability of overload Fj(y=Rj) is selected to be
unloaded first. It has the largest amount of time in which the line will be overloaded
for the specific p and y segment (shaded block) shown. The removal of this shaded
block shifts the line overloads to the left (dotted line) by y MW for the region yRj .
The value of p is given in Equation 10.1.

Rj  y
Fj ( Rj )  Fj ( Rj  y)
p = 1
y  F ( y)dy
j 
for small y (10.1)

The removed y increment on line j must be transferred to a specific

generator and load. A generator and load most responsible for causing the overload
on line j does exist, so this generator-load pair needs to be identified and
correspondingly reduced in output, consistent with the reduction in line j loading.

.1 .2v .2 .1

.05 .3 Line j .35v
.2 .1
.25 .18v

Figure 10.3 Example Of Real And Virtual Distribution Factors For Line j

Figure 10.3 shows an example of several real and virtual (v) generators that
are causing incremental loadings on line j. The virtual generators are used primarily
to develop line distribution factors associated with loads. The line j distribution
factor for each source is shown above the bus. The thin lines represent an

interconnected transmission network. Notice that the real generators to the left (.1,
.05, .3, .25) are causing an increase in flow on line j (direction of the arrow), and the
virtual generators on the right (.35v, .15v, .18v) are also causing an increase in
flow on line j. The largest flow is caused by the pair, .3 and .35v. Together, these
have a distribution factor on line j of .3(.35)=.65. Therefore, the generator with
the .3 factor and the load with the .35 factor will be reduced by y/.65 MW with
probability p. This change in generator output will need to be reflected in the FG(x)
function and in the other line distributions. The change in FG(x) is discussed next.
Figure 10.4 shows the relationship between the generation outage distribution,
FG(x), and the generation availability distribution, FA(x). Each function is the
complement of the other, and their x axes are reversed. FA(x) has an interesting
property we will now use.

FG(x) = Pr outaged MW  x
FA(x) = Pr available MW  x

0 x MW 0 x MW
Figure 10.4 Equivalency Of Outage And Availability Distributions

Convolve the real generators with positive (line j) distributions into an Fj(y)
temporary line distribution function and into an FA(x) temporary generation
availability function. Figure 10.5 shows that the resulting curves have a similar
appearance, although they are different because the incremental x and incremental y
values that are being convolved into each function are different sets of numbers.


FA(x) Fj(y)

0 x MW Ck 0 y MW ymax
Figure 10.5 Convolving Only The Positive Distributions On Line j

In Figure 10.5, xmax is the MW sum of all generators having positive

distributions in line j, ymax is the maximum positive MW flow on line j equal to the
sum of all positive MW incremental line flows, and the dashed lines represent the
maximum line j MW rating for the positive and negative line flow directions.
Figure 10.6 shows how the distributions appear if the most offending
generator-load combination with the .65 line j distribution factor is deconvolved or
removed. In this example, line overloads are completely removed by corrective
action on one generator-load pair. However, the complete removal of this generator
is an overcorrection. The offending generator-load pair will be able to operate for a
portion of the time at varying load levels and still not overload line j.


FA(x) Fj(y)

0 x MW Ck 0 y MW ymax
Figure 10.6 Distributions With The Most Offending Generator-Load Removed

Figure 10.7 shows the portion of the line distribution that is not allowed when
the offending generator-load pair is put back in the system. The shaded portion of the
line j distribution is not allowed to exist, and is to be mathematically removed. In
removing the line j overload, consideration is given to how this affects the FA(x)
distribution. One apparent relationship in Figure 10.7 is that a y MW change on line
j corresponds to a x=y/.65 MW change in the generator-line pair MW.

distributions not allowed


FA(x) Fj(y)

x y

0 x MW Ck 0 y MW ymax
Figure 10.7 Portion Of Probability Space Not Allowed To Offending Generator-Load

In addition to the x=y/.65 being true in Figure 10.7, the areas of the two
shaded regions are also related by the same .65 (from Figure 10.3) distribution factor.
This is due to an (almost true) assumption that every deterministic configuration in
the binary tree (in Figure 10.1) that reduces the flow on line j uses the same .65
factor. The areas are directly calculated from these individual states that are in
proportion. Therefore, the areas are also in the same proportion.

FA(x) Fj(y)

x y

0 x MW Ck 0 y MW ymax
Figure 10.8 The Effects Of Adding A Negative Flow Generator

If there were no generators causing negative flows in line j, the overload

portion of FA(x) could be mapped directly back to FG(x) since there is a one-to-one
relationship between the two functions. However, the presence of generators causing
reductions in the overloads on line j must be taken into account. Figure 10.8 is an
example of how the line overloads in Figure 10.7 are dispersed in both the line j
distribution and the FA(x) distribution. In the example shown, the decreasing or
negative flow generator is given an FOR  20% for easy visualization. In each
distribution, the new generator causes the original line overloads (shaded areas in
Figure 10.7) to be split into 80% and 20% states for the new generator’s success and
failure states, respectively. The 80% success states are shifted to the right in FA(x) by
the MW rating of the generator and are shifted to the left in the Fj(y) by the
distribution factor times the MW rating of the generator.
Notice that 80% of the original line overloads are no longer overloading line j
after the negative flow generator is added. If FG(x) had been adjusted based only on
the positive distribution factor generators, the amount of load shedding would have
been greatly overstated. The lesson taught by this example is that all generator
outage states must be convolved together before applying load shedding.

Figure 10.8 contains sufficient information to link the removal of the line
overloads to the FA(x) and FG(x) distributions. The original xmax and ymax locations
are stationary as the negative flow generators are included. Also, the relationship
x=y/.65 is still true, as well as the .65 factor relationship between the two smaller
shaded areas in Figure 10.8. The two larger shaded areas are no longer of interest
since they do not represent any problems in the system.
The steps given in this example show a need for a more general way to map
the locations of line j overloads and FA(x). A grid can be constructed to meet this
general need as shown in Figure 10.9. A specific state with a probability p in the
binary tree in Figure 10.1 will have a specific location on this two dimensional grid.
All the states in the binary tree have unique locations on this grid, which maps all
possible combinations of line flow and generation availability.


Fj(y) p

x FA(x)
Figure 10.9 F(x,y) Maps All Combinations Of Line And Generation States

The overload increment y (in Figure 10.2) has been removed from the line j
distribution by shifting the overloads on line j to the left by y. The objective now is
to map a corresponding shift to the temporary FA(x) function. The examples given
thus far are a guide on how to proceed in doing this mapping.

line overload states in Fig. 10.7

Rj(y)  y  max. line flow

xmax =  of increasing flow gen.
distribution function movement
FA(x) x
 of all generation MW
Figure 10.10 Initializing F(x,y) With Line Overloads Due To Increasing Flows

Generators with incremental increasing1 flows on line j are convolved into a

temporary line distribution function Fj(y) using the generator states in Table 3.3, the
line distribution factors calculated in Chapter 7, and the procedures in Chapter 8.
The incremental decreasing flows require the use of F(x,y) to find the specific

Note that these flows were referred to as positive flows in the previous examples in this chapter. A
better description is increasing flows rather than positive flows since negative flows can also cause a
line to overload. Increasing flows are those causing a line to become more overloaded in a chosen
direction, and decreasing flows are those that reduce the overload in this same direction. Since lines
are tested for overload in both directions, the roles of increasing and decreasing incremental line
flows are reversed, depending on which direction a line is being tested.

locations between Fj(y) line overloads and FA(x). F(x,y) is initially set to zero
everywhere, except the left-most axis is set to F(x=xmax ,y)=Fj(y). Figure 10.10
shows how F(x,y) is initialized.
Figure 10.10 shows that the process of convolving decreasing line flow
generators will shift the line distributions across the x-y plane. This shifting requires
an interpolation using four adjacent points in F(x,y) surrounding a point to be
interpolated. Let 0<rx<1 and 0<ry<1 between grid increments and the four local
discrete points on the surface of F(x,y) be defined as shown in Figure 10.11.

T1 T2
y ry
T3 T4
Figure 10.11 Linear Interpolation of F(x,y)

The convolution of a decreasing line flow generator into F(x,y) is given in

Equation 10.2. This is a two state PL equation for convolving generator k into line j
on the F(x,y) distribution. A three state generator will have an extra (Hj,kDk ) term.

F(x,y)after= F(x,y)beforeEFORk + F(xCk , y+(Hj,kCk ) )before(1EFORk) (10.2)

In the above equation, the generator outage state is not shifted. The generator
available state is shifted downward according to (Hj,kCk)/hy = jy + ry and to the right
according to Ck /hx = ix + rx. The hx is the x axis grid MW spacing and hy is the y axis
grid MW spacing. The ix + rx is the integer and fractional x shift distance pointing to
the left. The jy + ry is the integer and fractional y shift distance pointing upward. This
is consistent with Figure 10.11. Equation 10.2 is used to update the discrete array

points F(ih x +b x , jh y +b y ). The i and j are positive increasing steps upward and to the
right. The bx and by are the xmax shown in Figure 10.5 and the Rj in Figure 10.2
respectively. If F(x,y) is a FORTRAN array of discrete points, then the two state
convolution equation is written as

F(i,j) = EFORkF(i,j) +

(1EFORk)[T1rxry + T2(1-rx)ry + T3rx(1-ry) + T4(1-rx)(1-ry) ] (10.3)

where the T values are determined by the location of the point to be interpolated
according to ix + rx and jy + ry and the relative locations of the T points shown in
Figure 10.11. A three state generator simply has an extra interpolated shift point.
Figure 10.12 shows what F(x,y) might look like after the convolution of
decreasing flow generators.

line overload states shown in Fig. 10.8

F(x,y) surface as a set of discrete points

 increasing flow gens.

FA(x) x
 of all generation MW

Figure 10.12 An Example Of F(x,y) With All Generators Convolved

The F(x,y) is a cumulative distribution in both x and y. However, what is
needed are the point probability densities within the F(x,y) space. These can be
thought of as corresponding to the specific state probabilities shown in the binary tree
in Figure 10.1. By knowing the probability of these states and their locations, the
shifting of line j overloads (down to the line rating) produces a trace on the FA(x)
axis. Figure 10.13 shows how shifting a single state p on the F(x,y) plane maps to the
line loading and the generation availability distributions. The shaded areas show the
x and y shifts as a function of the location of p on the x-y surface.

1 Fj(y)

xmax =  increasing flow Ck
initial p
FA(x) x
Figure 10.13 Discrete State With Probability p Shifted To Reduce Line Overload

Figure 10.14 shows that a cumulative distribution of three p states (shaded)

can be shifted and mapped to both the Fj(y) and FA(x) functions. The shifted states
map in opposite directions on the line and generation distributions.

1 Fj(y)
xmax =  increasing flow Ck

FA(x) x
Figure 10.14 Distribution of States Shifted To Reduce Line Overload

Figure 10.14 shows that a distribution of states can be shifted and mapped to
the FA(x) distribution in a precise manner. The movement of the three p states on the
paths indicated by the three arrows from their initial locations in the interior of the x-
y plane to the y=Rj axis effectively eliminates the line overload and maps correctly to
the generation distribution.
F(x,y) is converted to a set of partial density functions Fp(x,y) by subtracting
adjacent x rows for all y. Equation 10.4 performs this operation. The resulting
Fp(x,y) are a series of distributions at every x grid increment oriented as shown in the
shaded distribution in Figures 10.14 and 10.15.

Fp(x,y) = F(x,y)F(xhx ,y) (10.4)

The hx in Equation 10.4 is the discrete x axis grid spacing in Figure 10.14. Figure
10.15 below illustrates one of these distributions being shifted back to the x axis.

1 Fp(x,y)

 increasing flow gens.

 of all generation MW

Figure 10.14 Shifting Partial Line Overload Distributions To The Generation Axis

The process of shifting the overloads in Fp(x,y) can now begin. Select the m-n
generator-load (virtual generator) pair with the greatest increasing flow line j
distribution factor Hj,m-n. This pair should be at the top of the load shedding table
(LST). An LST is constructed once and used repeatedly as line j is being unloaded.
The LST should contain a list of generators, loads, and increasing flow distribution
factors in descending order. The LST can also log other statistics, such as how much
power and energy has been decreased in each generator.
The next step is to shift the Fp(x,y) partial distributions as a function of the
LST distribution factor. The shifting process moves the partial distributions as shown
in Figure 10.14. The y/x movement slope is equal to the distribution factor Hj,m-n
defined in Equation 7.1. The partial distributions are shifted and added to an array
T(x), which is a temporary holding tank for the distributions as they arrive at the
lower x axis. The partial distributions are added to T(x) as they are shown in Figure
10.14. The T(x) array captures all the incremental Fp(x,y) (shifted p states)

information. The T(x) x axis is inverted and scaled (if necessary) to align with the
FG(x) x axis. Figure 10.15 shows the T(x) array being added to FG(x). After this
summation, the T(x) is reset to zero for the next line increment to be unloaded.

FG(x)+ T(x)

Pr FG(x)

Figure 10.15 Generation Unreliability Due To Transmission Constraints

Thus far, only the one small y increment in Figure 10.2 has been unloaded
and mapped to FG(x). The shifted states on line j are due to the m-n generation-load
pair reducing their MW by an amount y/Hj,m-n at a probability p. Line j overload
states are reduced by y MW. This m-n generator-load pair may be contributing to
the overloads of other lines l. Each of these other overloaded lines l will have a
distribution factor Hl,m-n increasing the overload in line l. For lines with Hl,m-n >0, use
Equation 10.5 to estimate the reduction in loadings by an amount yl for lines l.

yl = (y)(Hl,m-n)(Hj,m-n)-1 . (10.5)

Equation 10.5 has an assumption that the overloads on the other lines l occur
jointly with line j because the same set of generators are assumed to be overloading
both line j and the other lines l. Simple examples show this can only be true if the
line overload increments are selected in decreasing order of overload probability and
if the same set of generators are causing the overloads. Figure 10.16 is an example of

tightly coupled lines A, B (2 lines), and C in combinations of series and parallel. The
same offending generators cause proportional line overloads on all four lines jointly.


Figure 10.16 Tightly Coupled Lines In Series And Parallel

The assumption that the same set of generators are causing the line overloads
is most incorrect for overloaded lines that are weakly coupled electrically; which
usually means they are widely separated physically. For this situation the assumption
that the overloads occur jointly is probably wrong. However, the use of Equation
10.5 for this situation does not introduce an unacceptable amount of error because the
electrical coupling is low and Equation 10.5 produces very small yl adjustments
compared with the y adjustment in line j. The error introduced will cause the load
shedding EUE to always be understated. The examples in Chapter 12 show that this
heuristic can give excellent results if the system is not too overloaded and that it does
a poor job of estimating the load shedding if the system is extremely overloaded. The
large electric power systems are very reliable, so this load shedding model should
produce reasonable results for realistic systems. Once all the lines have had their line
overload distributions shifted due to the offending generator-load pair, the entire
process is repeated.

Chapter 11

Large System Examples

This chapter gives two large system examples. The first example tests the
linearity of the fast line and generator outage model presented in Chapter 9 against
full AC load flow solutions for combinations of up to one generator and three lines
outaged simultaneously. The first example also appears in [55]. The second example
is a large system planning study in which the reliability benefits of an additional 480
MVA autotransformer are studied. The City of Austin studied this addition to offset
the decrease in reliability due to a scheduled power plant retirement. The second
example also appears in [1].

Example One
Figure 11.1 shows the test system used to compare the new multiple line and
generator outage model presented in Chapter 9 with full AC load flow solved cases.

D A1
City of Austin A2 ERCOT
138 kV System L1 345 kV System
P L2

Figure 11.1 City of Austin Large System Network Test Case

In this example, the City of Austin load level is maximized to 2334 MW as a MaxGen
configuration load flow case with 74 MW COA transmission losses. The four
autotransformers A1...L2 are loaded to a total of 1143 MW and 430 MVAR in the
MaxGen configuration base case. Internal COA generation at D is 910 MW. No
COA lines are overloaded in the base case, and all voltages are nominal. The base
case has all generators operating at maximum output levels with area loads scaled to
equal area generation owned plus firm purchases less firm sales less area loss.
All the line outage cases shown in Tables 11.1 and 11.2 are deterministic
solutions using the ‘zipflow’ model presented by Preston, Baughman, and Grady in [55]
and are compared with full AC load flow solutions. No probabilistic line flows are
modeled in this test. The purpose of this exercise is to test the ability of the zipflow
to accurately predict MW line flows for multiple lines and generators outaged. The
zipflow solutions are the sums of large numbers of linear real factors.
The difference between Table 11.1 contingencies and Table 11.2 contingencies
is that Table 11.1 has no outaged generation, and Table 11.2 has an additional loss of 710
MW generation at bus D. The line outages between the two tables are identical. Each
numbered case represents a different set of lines ‘out’ of service. The results are shown
inside the boxes which consist of
 the MW flow from the linear summation of flows process,
 the MW flow from the AC load flow,
 the difference shown as an error in MW, and
 the percentage error with reference to the line rating.
The columns are descriptors of the case study and the six circuits monitored. The rows
are the different contingencies simulated. Percentage errors are the MW differences
between the two solution methods referenced to a 480 MVA line rating for all the lines
and transformers listed. Errors less than one percent are shown as <1% and are
considered by the author as being very accurate. The ‘base’ case errors in Table 11.1
should be zero, but are not zero, due to differences in the MaxGen configuration load
flow in the PLF model and the independently solved AC solutions.

Table 11.1 Transmission Line Flows Due To Line Outages,
No Generation Outaged
Zipflow  AC Load Flow = Zipflow Error
Line Line Line Line Line Line
Case A1 A2 D L1 L2 P
-277.0 -270.6 260.9 -297.1 -297.1 334.7
base -277.2 -270.8 259.9 -297.3 -297.3 332.6
0.2 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.2 2.1
<1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1%
-423.8 225.6 -329.1 -329.1 380.2
1 out -416.5 223.9 -332.2 -332.2 381.9
-7.3 1.7 3.1 3.1 -1.7
1.5% <1% <1% <1% <1%
-313.3 -306.1 310.0 -505.3 271.6
2 -315.8 -308.5 312.7 out -499.1 264.9
2.5 2.4 -2.7 -6.2 6.7
<1% <1% <1% 1.3% 1.4%
103.3 -438.5 -438.5 538.4
3 out out 107.5 -442.4 -442.4 536.8
-4.2 3.9 3.9 1.6
<1% <1% <1% <1%
-486.3 275.4 -567.7 316.1
4 out -482.9 278.2 out -566.5 312.8
-3.4 -2.8 -1.2 3.3
<1% <1% <1% <1%
-519.1 -507.1 591.3 -91.7
5 -517.2 -505.2 589.1 out out -92.7
-1.9 -1.9 2.2 1.0
<1% <1% <1% <1%
148.1 -795.2 480.9
6 out out 158.3 out -794.9 473.8
-10.2 -0.3 7.1
2.1% <1% 1.5%
-876.6 591.3 -91.7
7 out -864.5 593.7 out out -92.9
-12.1 -2.4 1.2
2.5% <1% <1%

Table 11.2 Transmission Line Flows Due To Line Outages,
710 MW Generation Outaged
Zipflow  AC Load Flow = Zipflow Error
Line Line Line Line Line Line
Case A1 A2 D L1 L2 P
-289.2 -282.5 365.7 -280.0 -280.0 341.8
base -294.4 -287.6 377.6 -279.9 -279.9 339.9
5.2 5.1 -11.9 -0.1 -0.1 1.9
1.1% 1.1% 2.5% <1% <1% <1%
-442.4 328.8 -313.4 -313.4 398.4
1 out -442.5 338.7 -317.2 -317.2 392.4
0.1 -9.9 3.8 3.8 6.0
<1% 2.1% <1% <1% 1.3%
-323.5 -316.0 411.9 -476.1 282.4
2 -330.5 -322.9 426.1 out -470.6 276.6
7.0 6.9 -14.2 -5.5 5.8
1.5% 1.4% 3.0% 1.1% 1.2%
201.1 -427.5 -427.5 554.5
3 out out 214.1 -435.1 -435.1 557.6
-13.0 7.6 7.6 -3.1
2.7% 1.6% 1.6% <1%
-501.9 376.2 -540.6 328.4
4 out -505.3 389.2 out -541.8 327.0
3.4 -13.0 1.2 1.4
<1% 2.7% <1% <1%
-517.4 -505.3 677.0 -59.9
5 -520.5 -508.5 681.6 out out -60.3
3.1 3.2 -4.6 0.4
<1% <1% <1% <1%
244.8 -775.4 498.4
6 out out 262.3 out -783.2 496.4
-17.5 7.8 2.0
3.6% 1.6% <1%
-873.6 677.0 -59.9
7 out -870.6 684.3 out out -60.4
-3.0 -7.3 0.5
<1% 1.5% <1%

The results show that the summation of linear real incremental flows can be
used to construct MW line flows that are in good agreement with full AC load flow
solutions. The process of adjusting the H line distribution factors in Chapter 9 to
accommodate the triple contingency line outages works well, as evidenced by the
relatively low errors in Table 11.2. The results show very large variations in power
flows on each line due to the multiple line and generator outages. The combination
of multiple lines and generators outaged simultaneously, and modeled as sets of
linear factors, is new to the industry. The results presented here and in [1, 34, and 55]
are outstanding, considering that this type of model has not been previously

Example Two
An example is presented showing how the PLF model presented in this
dissertation has been applied to a real planning problem at the City of Austin Electric
Utility Department. The COA system in this example is a ~1700 MW peak demand
69 kV and 138 kV system connected through a number of 480 MVA
autotransformers to the ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) 345 kV
system. The ERCOT system load flow and generator reliability planning data bases
have ~ 300 generators, 4200 buses, and 5200 lines. This is a large system because the
generator and line outage configurations are far too numerous to enumerate.
The reliability of the COA system is highly dependent on its autotransformers
to supply emergency reserve power from ERCOT as well as 950 MW COA owned
generation on the 345 kV grid. The autotransformers become more critical when a
550 MW plant (Holly) centrally located in the COA system is retired in a few years.
Presently, the COA has two bulk transmission substations, Austrop and Lytton. Each
station has two 345/138 kV autotransformers. A third 345 kV substation called

Garfield has been constructed and will soon be energized with one 480 MVA
autotransformer. Figure 11.2 shows the layout.
The COA power supply reliability is a function of the ERCOT power supply
reliability and the reliability of the transmission network delivering the ERCOT
power. Autotransformer outages are severe because they are few in number in the
COA system and because their repair times are long (six months to one year). The
COA autotransformer catastrophic failure experience is consistent with [66].

City of Austin ERCOT
138 kV System 345 kV System

Figure 11.2 City of Austin 345/138 kV 480 MVA Autotransformers

For study purposes, a pessimistic autotransformer forced outage rate of 4% is

used. The study is repeated using a more optimistic 2% autotransformer FOR to see
if the study results are sensitive to the FOR values chosen1.
Figures 11.3 and 11.4 show the additional EUE caused by autotransformer
failures for all COA autotransformer outages through N-3 triple simultaneous
outages. Up to 60 lines in the COA system are monitored for probabilistic overload.
Approximately 23001090 generation outage configurations are modeled for all
ERCOT generators.

The autotransformer FOR assumption did not change the relative results of this study.


1E+01 3
Transmission EUE

1E+00 4

1E-01 2

1E-02 5



1E-05 Generation EUE

65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99
Percent of Generation Capacity

Figure 11.3 COA EUE With Autotransformer FOR=.04



Transmission EUE


1E-02 2

1E-03 5


1E-05 Generation EUE

65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99
Percent of Generation Capacity

Figure 11.4 COA EUE With Autotransformer FOR=.02

The following conditions are modeled in both Figures 11.3 and 11.4.

 Curve 1 is the total generation supply EUE available to the COA with no
transmission constraints. This is the integral of the FG(x) for ERCOT and made
proportionately available to the COA system.
 Curve 2 represents the additional transmission EUE with 540 MW of Holly
generators not retired and with no Garfield autotransformers.
 Curve 3 shows the increase in EUE with the Holly generators retired.
 Curve 4 is the decrease in transmission EUE as one autotransformer is added to
the Garfield substation when Holly generation is retired. This transformer already
exists in the system.
 Curve 5 is the decrease in transmission EUE as two autotransformers are added to
the Garfield substation when Holly generation is retired. Note that the second
autotransformer at Garfield is the one under study and is shown lighter than the
other transformers in Figure 11.2.

The study shows that two autotransformers at Garfield bring the reliability
back to about the same level as before the Holly generators are retired. This holds
true for both the 4% and 2% autotransformer FOR as shown in Figures 11.3 and 11.4.
The extra autotransformer is justified with the Holly generation retired.
Conventional load flow studies using deterministic enumeration contingency
methods did not show a value for the additional autotransformer at the Garfield
substation. Only the full set of generation outages for all generators in ERCOT
combined with the triple contingency outages of autotransformers serving the COA
brought out the probabilistic value of the new transformer. The completion of the
PLF computer program made it possible for the first time to run this study.

Chapter 12

Test Cases Using IEEE RTS

The purpose of this chapter is to benchmark the PLF method presented in this
dissertation against an enumerated solution using a linear program with optimal load
shedding. Because the number of configurations increases exponentially with system
size, a very small system must be used in this test if all generator outage possibilities are
to be enumerated. The IEEE Reliability Test System [28,30] is selected as a system with
enough transmission and generation detail to make the test nontrivial. Before describing
the test setup and results, a description of the LP solution is needed.

Linear Programming Model

A separate linear programming model was written several years ago within
the PLF program to fully enumerate all generation outage configurations in very small
networks. The program code was added for the purpose of testing different
convolution concepts as they were being developed. The LP solution itself is not a
part of the probabilistic load flow solution methodology. It has been added only to
verify convolution and load shedding results.
The Hi,k factors for every line i and generator k are directly usable in the LP
constraints and objective. The LP objective is set up to maximize the generation
power delivered. If no transmission constraints exist, the generators not outaged
operate at maximum output. This is a no load-shedding case. Transmission
constraints (line MW flow exceeding the line rating) reduces the delivery of power to
individual load areas. The LP finds the solution delivering the greatest amount of
power to loads. Equations 12.1 and 12.2 show how a single line i is tested for
overload in both directions.

One line flow direction is

Hi,1U1+Hi,2U2+Hi,3U3+...Hi,Ng+1V1Hi,Ng+2V2... Ri , (12.1)

and the other direction is

Hi,1U1Hi,2U2Hi,3U3...+Hi,Ng+1V1+Hi,Ng+2V2... Ri (12.2)

where Uk is the generator k output power in MW, Vi is the total virtual generation
MW (load to be shed) in area i, Hj,k is the real power distribution factor for line j and
generator k or virtual generator Ng+i, and Rj is the line j rating. Each generator has a
maximum power set by the constraint Uk  Ck where Ck is the MW rating of each
generator k. The objective function is to maximize the sum of all U values.
Each generation configuration is enumerated by stepping through all the
possible combinations of generator outages, one configuration at a time. In each
configuration, the line flows are calculated using the distribution H factors. If no
lines are overloaded, the LP is not used since there is no load shedding for that
generation configuration. If one or more lines are overloaded, the LP is set up and
solved. The probability of each generation configuration is calculated along with the
MW load shed for each configuration. The statistics are assembled and displayed in a
manner similar to the binary tree shown in Figure 3.15.

IEEE Reliability Test System

The IEEE Reliability Test System has been modified by defining three load
areas. Dividing the RTS into three areas allows testing to be done on a nontrivial, but
small multi-area model. Figure 12.1 shows the RTS system with the three load areas,
North (buses 14-22), Central (buses 3,4,6,9-13,23,24), and South (buses 1,2,5,7,8).

17 18 21 22

16 19 20

Area 1 15 14
North 23

Area 2
Central 13

24 11 12

3 9 10

4 6

Area 3 5 8

1 2 7

Figure 12.1 IEEE Reliability Test System

In order to keep the full enumeration run time reasonable, generators are also
combined at each load flow bus. Table 12.1 shows the new generator data. Each
generator has a maximum capacity equal to the sum of all the original generation
capacity at each bus with generators in the original RTS data. The new generators
are two state models with the EFOR set to the forced outage rate of the largest
generator originally on the bus.

Table 12.1 Modified RTS Generator Data

# Name Area MW EFOR Bus#
1 HYDRO A1 300 0.010 22
2 COAL 1 A3 192 0.020 1
3 COAL 2 A3 192 0.020 2
4 FS#6 1 A3 300 0.040 7
5 COAL 3 A1 215 0.040 15
6 COAL 4 A1 155 0.040 16
7 COAL 5 A2 310 0.040 23
8 FS#6 2 A2 591 0.050 13
9 FS#6 3 A2 350 0.080 23
10 NUCL 1 A1 400 0.120 18
11 NUCL 2 A1 400 0.120 21

The RTS MaxGen configuration load flow has no overloaded lines when all
lines are in service. The probabilistic line overloads are small and contain little load
shedding energy. The RTS is well known as a very reliable transmission system, and
modifications are usually made to increase line overload problems in the RTS. The
purpose here is to test the PLF heuristic against an independent LP solution in which
the LP optimizes load shedding for every configuration of generation outages. If no
overloaded lines are found, there is no need for the LP, and there is no transmission
load shedding. To create a progressively weaker transmission system, all lines in the
RTS are derated in 20%, 40%, and 60% steps to create probabilistic overloads. This
creates many overloaded lines. Results are shown in Figures 12.2 and 12.3 for line
deratings to 80%, 60% and 40% of normal capacity.

All line ratings = 80%
1E+01 of RTS normal.




Each area shows EUE results for
1E-05 Convolution and Enumeration (dashed).

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Figure 12.2 RTS Transmission EUE by Area Vs Percent Load For 80% Line Ratings
Comparing Convolution Results With Linear Program Solution Results

enum. 40% line ratings

1E+01 convol. 40%


80% normal line ratings

1E-01 for total system EUE


1E-03 enumeration and

convolution for total
1E-04 system using 60% of
normal line ratings

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Figure 12.3 Total Transmission EUE Vs Percent Loading For All Lines
Comparing Convolution Results With Linear Program Solution Results

The 80% line ratings case has several lines probabilistically overloaded:
line 6-10 of 122%, line 7-8 of 201%, line 8-9 of 126%, line 8-10 of 112%,
line 14-16 of 118%, line 16-17 of 116%, and line 16-19 of 106%. The PLF
heuristic gives excellent results for this case with lines derated to 80% of normal.
The 40% line ratings case shows that the PLF heuristic performs very poorly
and calculates a much too small transmission EUE compared with the LP solution
when all lines are heavily overloaded (in both directions). The error was introduced
in the step 20 process of unloading lines using only the increasing line flows
(increasing in both directions). Step 20 assumes the generator-load combinations
causing incremental line flows in opposite directions are too weakly coupled to be of
significance. This assumption is true only when the transmission system is reliable
with low probabilities of lines being overloaded. If lines in close proximity are
heavily loaded in both directions, then the assumptions made in the heuristic are no
longer true. The 60% line ratings case shows intermediate error results as expected.
The ERCOT system appears to perform more like the RTS case with 80% line
deratings than the 40% case, so the PLF model is operating in an environment in
which the load shedding heuristic is most accurate. Another point to be made is that
the PLF error decreases as the system is made more reliable. The enumeration
methods increase in error as the system is made more reliable because they cannot
uncover enough failure configurations to calculate the LOLP and EUE to a precision
of two digits.

Chapter 13

PLF Program Output Reports

Load Flow Reports
This chapter will step through the computer program’s output reports for the
286 generator network. This is a highly shortened report showing only a few lines of
data for each type of output. The actual report for this one case is >300 pages. The
reports below are listed in the same order as they are calculated and displayed. The
first output report is the load flow solution shown in Table 13.1. Points of interest are
given an to draw attention to the information.

Table 13.1 MaxGen Configuration Load Flow Initial Report


Base MVA = 100.0

Load Flow Solution Monitor:

Number of buses = 2231 5500 max
Number of generators = 147
Number of circuits = 3092 6500 max
Number of xformers = 553 1200 max
Number of areas = 9 20 max
Swing Bus = 4546

Read load flow data = 0h 0m 3s

regulated bus 6235 reassigned to bus 6230
regulated bus 6444 reassigned to bus 6443

load flow generators not having probability data:

799 TEXASAM 138 area 11 30.0 MW 15.0 MVAR
4181 DIAMON 8 138 area 4 4.0 MW 0.1 MVAR
4182 DS BAT 8 138 area 4 25.0 MW 0.0 MVAR
4194 DOW A 8 138 area 4 262.0 MW 0.0 MVAR
4234 EXXON 8 138 area 4 18.0 MW 0.0 MVAR
4492 PSARCO 8 138 area 4 491.0 MW 103.7 MVAR
4684 TEXGLF 8 138 area 4 82.0 MW 12.7 MVAR
6762 SAPS 1G14.4 area 6 24.0 MW -6.7 MVAR
8032 AMS #1 13.8 area 8 19.0 MW 0.0 MVAR
these generators are assumed to have 95% availability
No of prob generators = 286 350 max

Table 13.1 Load Flow Initial Report (cont.)



-- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 TU 25208. 1820. 558. 23946. 1262.
4 HLP 16587. 2218. 1740. 16109. 478.
5 CPSB 3699. 0. 700. 4399. -700.
6 WTU 1929. 119. 33. 1843. 86.
7 LCRA 2854. 588. 3. 2269. 585.
8 S.TEX. 4380. 219. 767. 4928. -548.
9 COA 910. 203. 1124. 1831. -921.
10 COA9 540. 406. 439. 573. -33.
11 TMPP 2090. 91. 300. 2299. -209.

Matrix factoring time = 0h 0m 2s

Matrix initial size = 10915 20000 max
Matrix final size = 10047

* Generation is at maximum capacity *
* Bus loads have been scaled upward *
* Area interchanges have been reset *
* Generator Qmn/mx is now unlimited *

load flow solution monitor ...

iter 0 bus 4737 perr= 501.68 bus 7334 qerr= 50.42 0.11 sec
iter 1 bus 4488 perr= 28.18 bus 4488 qerr= 166.08 0.22 sec
iter 2 bus 9187 perr= 12.98 bus 1032 qerr= 25.25 0.22 sec
iter 3 bus 4726 perr= 1.11 bus 4726 qerr= 8.10 0.27 sec
iter 4 bus 6480 perr= 0.67 bus 4726 qerr= 3.58 0.22 sec
iter 5 bus 4726 perr= 0.23 bus 4726 qerr= 1.59 0.27 sec
iter 6 bus 6480 perr= 0.12 bus 4726 qerr= 0.71 0.22 sec
iter 7 bus 4726 perr= 0.04 bus 4726 qerr= 0.31 0.27 sec
iter 8 bus 6480 perr= 0.02 bus 4726 qerr= 0.14 0.22 sec
iter 9 bus 6763 perr= 0.01 bus 4726 qerr= 0.06 0.22 sec
iter 10 bus 4548 perr= 0.01 bus 4726 qerr= 0.03 0.27 sec
iter 11 bus 4548 perr= 0.01 bus 8263 qerr= 0.02 0.22 sec
iter 12 bus 4548 perr= 0.00 bus 8263 qerr= 0.01 0.27 sec

a load flow solution has been found

iteration time = 3 sec
total load flow time = 9 sec

The load flow solution shown above uses the initial bus voltages of a previously
solved case rather than starting from a flat start, as was shown in Table 6.1.

Table 13.2 MaxGen Load Flow Solution Summary Reports



-- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
1 TU 25208. 4201. 23464. 3768. 482.15 194. 1262. 239. 0.000
4 HLP 16587. 3277. 15955. 2429. 153.92 682. 478. 166. 0.005
5 CPSB 3699. 862. 4330. 448. 69.28 332. -700. 82. 0.000
6 WTU 1929. 391. 1781. 541. 61.80 -42. 86. -108. 0.001
7 LCRA 2854. 652. 2181. 498. 87.87 337. 585. -182. 0.000
8 S.TEX. 4380. 1073. 4736. 448. 191.90 526. -548. 99. 0.001
9 COA 910. 289. 1811. 73. 19.88 218. -921. -1. 0.000
10 COA9 540. 164. 569. 111. 3.71 73. -33. -21. 0.000
11 TMPP 2090. 196. 2246. 380. 52.55 89. -209. -273. 0.000

TOTALS 58197. 11105. 57074. 8696. 1123.07 2409.


1407 LONESTAR69.0 0.8615 (low) 1408 NOLAN W69.0 0.8649

1409 NOLAN WT69.0 0.8655 (low) 1406 OAKCREEK69.0 0.8826
3487 WORTHAM 69.0 0.8837 3291 SLOCUM T69.0 0.8850
3286 GRAPELND69.0 0.8928 3290 ELK GF T69.0 0.8945
3307 TIMPSON 69.0 0.8975 3306 FITZE 69.0 0.8978


8262 ELPS 13.8 1.1092 (ok) 6763 SAPS 2G14.4 1.0749

4469 NORTHN 8 138 1.0529 (ok) 4818 CADDO 8 138 1.0528
4834 TCHITS 8 138 1.0508 4833 TCHITS 969.0 1.0503
4111 CEDARP 8 138 1.0500 4487 W A P 8 138 1.0500
4547 P H R N8 138 1.0500 4839 AMC CHM8 138 1.0500
(generator stepup xfmrs)

6598 RIOPEC 269.0 -to- 6764 RIOPEC4G4.20 Ratg= 6 Pct Load= 183.9
3431 SANDOW 13.0 -to- 3430 SANDOW 138 Ratg= 173 Pct Load= 146.4
6161 PTCRK1 4 138 -to- 6755 PTCREK3G13.8 Ratg= 38 Pct Load= 143.5
6480 SAPS1 4 138 -to- 6763 SAPS 2G14.4 Ratg= 105 Pct Load= 134.6
3126 TDAD 6 G21.0 -to- 3125 TDAD TR Ratg= 265 Pct Load= 119.6

The output also includes the standard load flow tabulation commonly referred
to in the industry as the Northern States Power output report format, shown in Table
13.3 below. This report shows bus information and line information connected to the

Table 13.3 MaxGen Configuration Load Flow Bus And Line Tabulation
X---------------B U S I N F O R M A T I O N--------------X X----------------L I N E F L O W S---------------X
--------FROM-------- VOLTAGE GENERATION LOAD+SHUNT ---------TO--------- PCT RATG
---- -- ------------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- -- ------------ ------ ------ ----- ----- -----
9125 10 KINGSBRY69.0 1.005 -18.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9124 9 KINGSBRY 138 -28.8 2.7 13. 220 1.000
9212 10 HOLLY 69.0 28.8 -2.7 13. 215
9128 9 NORTHLND 138 0.979 -22.1 0.0 0.0 80.1 15.7
9129 10 NORTHLND69.0 18.8 -4.6 9. 220
9228 9 LAKESHOR 138 17.5 9.6 6. 350
9238 9 MAGPLANT 138 -125.6 -20.5 30. 430
9275 9 STECK 138 11.4 -12.5 4. 430
9285 9 WARREN 138 -2.1 12.4 3. 430

Probabilistic Model Reports

Table 13.4 shows the cross references between ERCOT load flow data and
NARP generation data. These have been developed as two separate data bases that
must be linked together to provide a probabilistic load flow set of data.

Table 13.4 Generator Cross Reference Table

Probability Flow Solution Monitor:


-----PROBABILITY------ ----------LOADFLOW---------
136 HSTP1 1250. 5911 STP GEN125.0 1250. HLP
148 AHP3 165. 9014 HOLLY G318.0 165. COA9
149 AHP4 181. 9015 HOLLY G420.0 181. COA9
151 ADP2 400. 9001 DECKR G224.0 400. COA
152 AGT1 50. 9002 DECKR G313.8 50. COA
238 LFAY2 575. 7011 FPP GEN2 575. LCRA

#full enumeration gens= 0 20 max

total number of gens = 286 350 max

Table 13.5 FG(x) First Attempt Using h = 116.394 MW

Probability generation will not be able to serve load

Fast solution using piecewise quadratic math
MW per division = 116.394
PQ Convolution Time = 0h 0m 0s
MW total generation = 58197.0
MW Probability.... .
58197 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 9.999998E-01 9.999996E-01
57615 9.999985E-01 9.999951E-01 9.999880E-01 9.999732E-01 9.999468E-01
25607 3.772649E-35 1.948926E-35 9.955603E-36 5.098358E-36 2.546425E-36
25025 1.261509E-36 4.963256E-37 2.216697E-37 6.597283E-38 3.236470E-38
24443 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
23861 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00

F(x) has dropped to zero at lower load levels . (1E-38 is min possible)
Grid MW spacing is being halved to improve results.

Table 13.6 FG(x) Second Attempt Using h = 58.1970 MW

Probability generation will not be able to serve load

Fast solution using piecewise quadratic math
MW per division = 58.1970 (PQ grid spacing)
PQ Convolution Time = 0h 0m 0s
MW total generation = 58197.0
MW Probability.....
58197 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 9.999999E-01 9.999999E-01
57906 9.999998E-01 9.999997E-01 9.999996E-01 9.999992E-01 9.999989E-01
37828 2.713218E-12 2.256595E-12 1.881536E-12 1.567826E-12 1.305600E-12
37537 1.086547E-12 9.007740E-13 7.489824E-13 6.178627E-13 5.613284E-13

Table 13.7 FE(x) Exact Solution Using h = 1.0_ MW

Probability generation will not be able to serve load

Exact solution using 1 MW grid increment solution
Exact 1 MW convol time= 0h 0m 9s
MW total generation = 58197.0
MW Probability.....
58197 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 9.999999E-01 9.999999E-01
57906 9.999998E-01 9.999997E-01 9.999996E-01 9.999993E-01 9.999989E-01
37828 2.677899E-12 2.226909E-12 1.856488E-12 1.546706E-12 1.287803E-12
37537 1.071560E-12 8.882298E-13 7.381390E-13 6.130218E-13 5.087900E-13

Table 13.8 (FG(x)FE(x)) /FE(x) Error In The PQ Convolution

Probability generation will not be able to serve load

PQ per unit error with respect to 1 MW Booth-Baleriaux

58197 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000006 0.00000000

57906 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000006 -0.00000006 0.00000000
37828 0.01318914 0.01333044 0.01349173 0.01365492 0.01381955
37537 0.01398659 0.01412272 0.01469016 0.00789680 0.10326142

Table 13.9 Real And Virtual Generator Incremental Load Flows Creating Hi,k Factors

incremental flow monitor ...


iter 0 bus 3380 perr= 575.00 bus 5210 qerr= 1.93
iter 1 bus 4401 perr= 3.52 bus 2398 qerr= 0.51
iter 2 bus 3380 perr= 3.56 bus 3127 qerr= 0.03
iter 3 bus 3380 perr= 0.24 bus 4818 qerr= 0.01
iter 4 bus 3380 perr= 0.05 bus 3304 qerr= 0.00
iter 5 bus 3380 perr= 0.01 bus 3304 qerr= 0.00
iter 6 bus 3380 perr= 0.00 bus 3304 qerr= 0.00
iter 0 bus 9079 perr= 42.61 bus 9257 qerr= 20.67
iter 1 bus 9187 perr= 12.35 bus 9075 qerr= 2.85
iter 2 bus 9187 perr= 0.65 bus 9075 qerr= 0.11
iter 3 bus 5915 perr= 0.05 bus 7499 qerr= 0.01
iter 4 bus 9187 perr= 0.02 bus 7499 qerr= 0.00
iter 5 bus 8293 perr= 0.00 bus 7499 qerr= 0.00
average weighted scale factor = 0.97 % (avg. percent adjustment)
creating GENY.BIN (stores H dist. factors)
Gen-line dist fac time= 0h 4m 49s

Table 13.10 is a listing of lines in descending order of xminj and xmaxj (the
column listed as PCT) and the largest Hi,m-n generator to load distribution factors
(column listed as DIST). This is the first screening step in deciding which lines to
monitor for overload. Some of the top entries have extremely small probabilities of
~10-80 of being highly overloaded as do most of the lines shown below. Figure 8.1
shows the typical probability of maximum line MW for ERCOT. The actual table
below needs about 500 lines to cover all the ERCOT probabilistic line overloads.

Table 13.10 Lines With Largest Probabilistic MW Overload In Descending Order


-------FROM------ -------TO-------- RATG PCT -GENERATION- to -LOAD- DIST

3391 JEWETT N 345 4676 TOMBAL 5 345 717 315.9 LIMEST 5 345 -> HLP .196
32 ROBERTSN 138 3682 MILANO M 138 84 282.3 DANSBY D -> LCRA .105
3391 JEWETT N 345 4676 TOMBAL 5 345 717 -276.0 T H W E8 138 -> TU .198
3380 BIGBRN 345 3391 JEWETT N 345 1072 -241.9 TWIN OAK 345 -> TU .220
241 WHITNEY 138 242 WHITNEY 69.0 32 -235.5 WHITNEY 69.0 -> LCRA .727

Table 13.11 shows the results of the zipflow line outages. This step is
performed to develop a set of complex line distribution currents that are used to test
for system separation, used to calculate multiple lines outaged simultaneously, and
used to create new Hi,m-n line distribution factors for the enumerated many lines
outaged cases.

Table 13.11 Single Circuit Line Outages Using 1 Amp Injection Currents
single circuit outage analysis follows...

OUTAGE OF LINE 3001 9187 DECKER 138 -to- 9000 DECKR G124.0
separates the system
OUTAGE OF LINE 3059 9166 BRACK 69.0 -to- 9212 HOLLY 69.0
overloads 3058 9166 BRACK 69.0 -to- 9204 HARRIS 69.0 100. % rating= 108 MW
overloads 3077 9204 HARRIS 69.0 -to- 9212 HOLLY 69.0 128. % rating= 108 MW
OUTAGE OF LINE 3077 9204 HARRIS 69.0 -to- 9212 HOLLY 69.0
overloads 3059 9166 BRACK 69.0 -to- 9212 HOLLY 69.0 128. % rating= 108 MW
94 lines outaged
Single line outags tm = 0h 0m 7s

Table 13.12 is similar to Table 13.11, except the CNTG% column includes
the effect of the worst single line outage on increasing the xminj and xmaxj flows on
the line. The specific line outaged to create this maximum loading is shown, as well
as the modified largest Hi,m-n line distribution factor for this single line outage case.
This table was initially used as one the of ways to check the correctness of the
process of updating the Hi,m-n factors (column DIST). The PLF now uses this table
information in the final screening process of selecting lines to monitor/not monitor.

Table 13.12 Lines Selected For Monitoring Based First Line Outages Max Flows


-------FROM------ -------TO-------- RATG CNTG% BASE% DIST --OUTAGE--

7334 MCNEIL 8 138 9079 MCNEILN 138 382 210.3 188.3 .263 7328 9076
9076 MCNEILW 138 9077 MCNEILS 138 430 161.1 126.1 .248 9124 9291
9166 BRACK 69.0 9212 HOLLY 69.0 108 -117.5 -76.0 .144 9204 9212
9129 NORTHLND69.0 9226 KOENIG 69.0 215 117.1 52.2 .231 9212 9243
9129 NORTHLND69.0 9128 NORTHLND 138 220 -114.4 -51.1 .231 9212 9243

Table 13.13 Final Selection Of Lines To Monitor And To Outage 1


--#- -------FROM------ -------TO-------- OUT MON

1 7202 HICROSS8 138 9147 HICRSMB2 138 0 1
2 7328 AUSTROP8 138 9076 MCNEILW 138 0 1
15 9075 LYTTON 138 9257 PILOT KB 138 1 1
16 9075 LYTTON 138 9267 SLAUGHTR 138 0 1
17 9076 MCNEILW 138 9077 MCNEILS 138 1 1

writing line outage file, size in bytes= 40328.0

writing transpose of line outage file

71 lines saved for further analysis

Selection of lines tm = 0h 0m 2s

Only City of Austin lines are monitored and outaged in this example.

The next steps are to calculate the probabilistic line flows Fj(x) and then
perform the heuristic load sheddings. Table 13.14 shows overall probabilities going
into the study. The numbers assume that all lines outside the 71 lines outaged in the
City of Austin system have 100% reliability. All numbers below assume two state
models for both generation and transmission. The double outage line contingencies
plus the total probability space of all generator outages almost completely covers all
the probability space of this problem.

Table 13.14 The Analysis Of Probabilistic Line Loadings And Load Sheddings


number of lines outaged = 16 500 max

maximum number of lines out simultaneously = 2
number of generators outaged = 286 350 max
number of load areas = 9
total probability of all line states run = 1.0000E+00
total probability of all line states not run = 4.3935E-06 (only COA lines)
probability outaged lines are in service = 9.6848E-01
probability outaged generators are in service = 1.5296E-12
probability outaged lines & gens are in servc = 1.4814E-12
maximum number of transmission line states = 6.554e 4
maximum number of generator states = 1.243e 86
maximum number of generator and line states = 8.148e 90

analyzing system for number of circuits out = 0

line overloaded : 109.0% 7202-9147 HICROSS8 138 - HICRSMB2 138

1 skipped : Prob= 0.32484E-19

line overloaded : 119.4% 7328-9187 AUSTROP8 138 - DECKER 138

3 ratg= 430. MW max loading= 513. MW min loading= -465. MW
genr prob=0.000000000004 line prob=0.968479803971 prob ovld=0.000000000004
238 LFAY2 10 COA9 0.190031 14.063 74.003 (offending gen.
237 LFAY1 10 COA9 0.190031 14.552 76.577 and load pair)
137 HSTP2 10 COA9 0.183833 9.559 52.000
136 HSTP1 10 COA9 0.183833 9.559 52.000
235 LGID3 7 LCRA 0.073332 24.200 330.000
233 LGID1 7 LCRA 0.073160 9.877 135.000
234 LGID2 7 LCRA 0.073160 1.529 20.897

line overloaded : -108.2% 7328-9187 AUSTROP8 138 - DECKER 138

3 skipped : Prob= 0.00000E+00

Table 13.14 (cont)

line overloaded : 188.3% 7334-9079 MCNEIL 8 138 - MCNEILN 138

4 ratg= 382. MW max loading= 719. MW min loading= -612. MW
genr prob=0.000000013930 line prob=0.968479803971 prob ovld=0.000000013491
136 HSTP1 9 COA 0.262630 38.869 148.000 (jointly owned)
137 HSTP2 9 COA 0.262630 38.869 148.000
238 LFAY2 9 COA 0.252930 53.273 210.622
237 LFAY1 9 COA 0.252929 55.125 217.948
245 LMFD2 6 WTU * 0.230994 2.079 9.000 (a power sale )
244 LMFD1 7 LCRA 0.206246 7.012 34.000
246 LMFD3 7 LCRA 0.206035 7.005 34.000
250 LMFL2 7 LCRA 0.147180 2.355 16.000
249 LMFL1 7 LCRA 0.147179 2.355 16.000
231 LBUCH1 7 LCRA 0.119576 1.555 13.000
236 LFRG 7 LCRA 0.115794 49.212 425.000
248 LWRTZ2 7 LCRA 0.113934 2.962 26.000
247 LWRTZ1 7 LCRA 0.113626 2.954 26.000
232 LBUCH2 7 LCRA 0.110317 1.434 13.000
241 LINKS 7 LCRA 0.100991 1.212 12.000
240 LBUCH3 7 LCRA 0.100864 1.311 13.000
152 AGT1 9 COA 0.068239 3.412 50.000
153 AGT2 9 COA 0.068239 3.412 50.000
154 AGT3 9 COA 0.068239 3.412 50.000
155 AGT4 9 COA 0.068239 3.412 50.000
150 ADP1 9 COA 0.067777 15.548 229.400
151 ADP2 9 COA 0.067607 20.012 296.000
57 DALCOA 1 TU 0.062538 5.003 80.000
9 DSAND4 1 TU 0.062413 15.520 248.671

line overloaded : -160.1% 7334-9079 MCNEIL 8 138 - MCNEILN 138

4 skipped : Prob= 0.33399E-29

line overloaded : 126.1% 9076-9077 MCNEILW 138 - MCNEILS 138

17 skipped : Prob= 0.41408E-12

line overloaded : 111.3% 9076-9079 MCNEILW 138 - MCNEILN 138

18 skipped : Prob= 0.00000E+00

line overloaded : -109.5% 9076-9079 MCNEILW 138 - MCNEILN 138

18 skipped : Prob= 0.00000E+00

*******************DEFINITIONS************************ (defines column headings

I3=line number to unload in selected line outage table in the next report)
IG=generator number in INPUTB file in which to shed MW
J3=firm power contract number in INPUTB file
IA=area number in loadflow data in which to shed MW
T1=per unit power in line I3 from IG to IA shedding
T5=+1 or -1 for forward or reverse line flow in I3
DX=increment of MW unloaded in line I3
T6=the total MW unloaded in I3
T4=MW load shed for this column slice
PROB=ENG/DX, average incremental probability
ENG=energy in MWH associated with PROB column slice

Table 13.14 (cont)

unload line : 7334 MCNEIL 8 138 - 9079 MCNEILN 138

4 136 0 9 0.26263 1. 33.7 415.7 128.4 0.3227E-08 0.1089E-06
4 136 0 9 0.26263 1. 5.1 420.9 19.6 0.9716E-10 0.4992E-09 (load
4 137 0 9 0.26263 1. 33.7 454.6 128.4 0.1128E-10 0.3806E-09 shedding
4 137 0 9 0.26263 1. 5.1 459.7 19.6 0.9323E-13 0.4790E-12 delta MW
4 238 0 9 0.25293 1. 33.7 493.5 133.4 0.7261E-14 0.2449E-12 increment)
line is unloaded: XMW= 399.089 XMWH= 4.046634E-07
from peak: MW= 28298.0 % = 48.6245 (location
on x axis)
unload line : 7328 AUSTROP8 138 - 9187 DECKER 138
3 238 0 10 0.19003 1. 8.3 438.4 43.9 0.1825E-11 0.1521E-10
line is unloaded: XMW= 434.186 XMWH= 7.749310E-11
from peak: MW= 2119.00 % = 3.64108

analyzing system for number of circuits out = 1 (all single line outages)

line state: 2 outage line(s): 9075-9257 LYTTON 138 - PILOT KB 138

line overloaded : -107.2% 7202-9147 HICROSS8 138 - HICRSMB2 138

1 skipped : Prob= 0.00000E+00

line overloaded : 140.9% 7328-9187 AUSTROP8 138 - DECKER 138

3 ratg= 430. MW max loading= 606. MW min loading= -521. MW
genr prob=0.000000144006 line prob=0.001940841291 prob ovld=0.000000000279
238 LFAY2 10 COA9 0.225707 16.703 74.002
237 LFAY1 10 COA9 0.225707 17.284 76.576
137 HSTP2 10 COA9 0.218972 11.387 52.000
136 HSTP1 10 COA9 0.218972 11.387 52.000
235 LGID3 7 LCRA 0.068650 22.655 330.000
233 LGID1 7 LCRA 0.068570 9.257 135.000
234 LGID2 7 LCRA 0.068570 9.257 135.000
239 LFAY3 7 LCRA 0.053113 22.042 415.000
275 TGBCR1 7 LCRA * 0.046225 0.139 3.000
145 HUNSP1 1 TU * 0.005376 0.419 78.002
168 CLAR 3 6 WTU * 0.005177 0.124 24.004

unload line : 7334 MCNEIL 8 138 - 9079 MCNEILN 138

4 136 0 9 0.28236 1. 34.0 416.0 120.4 0.1739E-06 0.5911E-05
4 136 0 9 0.28236 1. 7.8 423.8 27.6 0.1172E-07 0.9127E-07
4 137 0 9 0.28236 1. 34.0 457.8 120.4 0.1570E-08 0.5337E-07
4 137 0 9 0.28236 1. 7.8 465.6 27.6 0.3217E-10 0.2506E-09
4 238 0 9 0.27300 1. 34.0 499.6 124.5 0.2568E-11 0.8730E-10
4 238 0 9 0.27300 1. 23.5 523.1 86.1 0.3630E-14 0.8530E-13
line is unloaded: XMW= 399.687 XMWH= 4.162872E-08
from peak: MW= 28298.0 % = 48.6245

Table 13.14 (cont)

unload line : 7328 AUSTROP8 138 - 9187 DECKER 138

3 238 0 10 0.22571 1. 16.7 459.7 74.0 0.1539E-07 0.2570E-06
3 237 0 10 0.22571 1. 17.3 477.0 76.6 0.1903E-08 0.3289E-07
3 137 0 10 0.21897 1. 11.4 488.4 52.0 0.2383E-09 0.2714E-08
3 136 0 10 0.21897 1. 11.4 499.8 52.0 0.4373E-10 0.4979E-09
3 235 0 7 0.06865 1. 17.6 517.4 256.0 0.5123E-11 0.9004E-10
3 235 0 7 0.06865 1. 5.1 522.4 74.0 0.5124E-12 0.2603E-11
3 233 0 7 0.06857 1. 9.3 531.7 135.0 0.1465E-12 0.1356E-11
3 234 0 7 0.06857 1. 9.3 541.0 135.0 0.2316E-13 0.2144E-12
3 239 0 7 0.05311 1. 17.6 558.5 330.9 0.1973E-14 0.3467E-13
3 239 0 7 0.05311 1. 4.5 563.0 84.1 0.7848E-16 0.3507E-15
line is unloaded: XMW= 453.723 XMWH= 2.524256E-09
from peak: MW= 2119.00 % = 3.64108

unload line : 9075 LYTTON 138 - 9267 SLAUGHTR 138

16 237 0 10 0.18128 1. 12.6 447.2 69.4 0.5472E-09 0.6882E-08
line is unloaded: XMW= 440.937 XMWH= 7.368104E-11
from peak: MW= 3493.00 % = 6.00203

analyzing system for number of circuits out = 2 (all double line outages)

line state: 18 outage line(s): 9075-9257 LYTTON 138 - PILOT KB 138
9076-9077 MCNEILW 138 - MCNEILS 138

line overloaded : -116.3% 7202-9147 HICROSS8 138 - HICRSMB2 138

1 skipped : Prob= 0.00000E+00

line overloaded : 149.0% 7328-9187 AUSTROP8 138 - DECKER 138

3 ratg= 430. MW max loading= 641. MW min loading= -537. MW
genr prob=0.000002035328 line prob=0.000003889462 prob ovld=0.000000000008
238 LFAY2 10 COA9 0.247435 18.311 74.002
237 LFAY1 10 COA9 0.247435 18.948 76.577
137 HSTP2 10 COA9 0.240985 12.531 52.000
136 HSTP1 10 COA9 0.240985 12.531 52.000
235 LGID3 7 LCRA 0.066436 21.924 330.000
233 LGID1 7 LCRA 0.066355 8.958 135.000
234 LGID2 7 LCRA 0.066355 8.958 135.000
239 LFAY3 7 LCRA 0.051201 21.248 415.000
275 TGBCR1 7 LCRA * 0.045528 0.137 3.000
145 HUNSP1 1 TU * 0.003782 0.295 78.007
278 TEXASA 8 S.TEX. * 0.003076 0.055 17.998
168 CLAR 3 6 WTU * 0.003033 0.073 24.004

unload line : 7328 AUSTROP8 138 - 9187 DECKER 138

3 238 0 10 0.24743 1. 18.3 448.3 74.0 0.1028E-05 0.1882E-04
line is unloaded: XMW= 439.155 XMWH= 2.958888E-10
from peak: MW= 2119.00 % = 3.64108

Table 13.15 is the final output report showing the City of Austin Area 9 LOLP
and EUE. Columns 3 and 5 are generation only. Columns 4 and 6 are transmission
LOLP and EUE. The program calculates column 6 first and then calculates the
transmission LOLP from the transmission EUE. The last column to the right is the
ratio of transmission EUE to generation EUE versus % load level. All the EUE
values are for a one hour period.

Table 13.15 Final Reliability Output Report For COA 138 kV System



65.0 1190 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 11.
66.0 1209 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.7
67.0 1227 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.8
68.0 1245 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.4
69.0 1263 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.74
70.0 1282 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.39
71.0 1300 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000001 0.000000 0.000001 0.21
72.0 1318 0.0000002 0.0000000 0.000002 0.000000 0.000003 0.11
73.0 1337 0.0000007 0.0000000 0.000010 0.000001 0.000011 6.31E-02
74.0 1355 0.0000027 0.0000000 0.000038 0.000001 0.000039 3.54E-02
75.0 1373 0.0000092 0.0000001 0.000135 0.000003 0.000138 2.01E-02
76.0 1392 0.0000295 0.0000002 0.000456 0.000005 0.000461 1.15E-02
77.0 1410 0.0000892 0.0000003 0.001449 0.000010 0.001458 6.72E-03
78.0 1428 0.0002538 0.0000005 0.004345 0.000017 0.004363 3.97E-03
79.0 1447 0.0006791 0.0000007 0.012297 0.000029 0.012327 2.38E-03
80.0 1465 0.0017096 0.0000011 0.032840 0.000047 0.032887 1.45E-03
81.0 1483 0.0040467 0.0000016 0.082759 0.000074 0.082833 8.92E-04
82.0 1501 0.0090027 0.0000021 0.196834 0.000110 0.196944 5.59E-04
83.0 1520 0.0188139 0.0000028 0.441842 0.000158 0.442000 3.57E-04
84.0 1538 0.0369096 0.0000034 0.936138 0.000217 0.936354 2.31E-04
85.0 1556 0.0679281 0.0000040 1.872245 0.000286 1.872532 1.53E-04
86.0 1575 0.1171925 0.0000043 3.535246 0.000364 3.535610 1.03E-04
87.0 1593 0.1894137 0.0000045 6.304651 0.000446 6.305098 7.08E-05
88.0 1611 0.2866856 0.0000045 10.625719 0.000529 10.626248 4.98E-05
89.0 1630 0.4063490 0.0000044 16.941426 0.000608 16.942034 3.59E-05
90.0 1648 0.5398202 0.0000035 25.592141 0.000676 25.592815 2.64E-05
91.0 1666 0.6735421 0.0000027 36.712231 0.000731 36.712963 1.99E-05
92.0 1685 0.7924315 0.0000022 50.167000 0.000778 50.167778 1.55E-05
93.0 1703 0.8847363 0.0000020 65.568379 0.000814 65.569191 1.24E-05
94.0 1721 0.9459667 0.0000020 82.375847 0.000837 82.376686 1.02E-05
95.0 1740 0.9796151 0.0000009 100.041552 0.000854 100.042404 8.54E-06
96.0 1758 0.9942483 0.0000007 118.134692 0.000867 118.135559 7.34E-06
97.0 1776 0.9989305 0.0000006 136.392331 0.000878 136.393204 6.44E-06
98.0 1794 0.9998996 0.0000011 154.694999 0.000881 154.695877 5.69E-06
99.0 1813 0.9999980 0.0000027 173.005241 0.000929 173.006165 5.37E-06
100.0 1831 1.0000000 0.0000016 191.315913 0.000965 191.316879 5.04E-06
Minimum MWH that can be shed = 0.000459 (if all dist fact =1)

Table 13.16 Final Reliability Output Report For COA 69 kV System

AREA 10 COA9 :


65.0 373 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.50E+04
66.0 378 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.84E+03
67.0 384 0.0000000 0.0000001 0.000000 0.000001 0.000001 2.50E+03
68.0 390 0.0000000 0.0000001 0.000000 0.000001 0.000001 8.15E+02
69.0 395 0.0000000 0.0000002 0.000000 0.000002 0.000002 2.66E+02
70.0 401 0.0000000 0.0000002 0.000000 0.000003 0.000003 82.
71.0 407 0.0000000 0.0000002 0.000000 0.000004 0.000005 24.
72.0 413 0.0000002 0.0000002 0.000001 0.000006 0.000006 7.2
73.0 418 0.0000007 0.0000003 0.000003 0.000007 0.000010 2.2
74.0 424 0.0000027 0.0000004 0.000012 0.000009 0.000021 0.76
75.0 430 0.0000092 0.0000007 0.000042 0.000012 0.000055 0.29
76.0 436 0.0000295 0.0000009 0.000143 0.000017 0.000160 0.12
77.0 441 0.0000892 0.0000009 0.000453 0.000022 0.000476 4.95E-02
78.0 447 0.0002538 0.0000009 0.001360 0.000028 0.001388 2.03E-02
79.0 453 0.0006791 0.0000009 0.003849 0.000033 0.003882 8.56E-03
80.0 458 0.0017096 0.0000010 0.010278 0.000039 0.010317 3.75E-03
81.0 464 0.0040467 0.0000015 0.025902 0.000046 0.025948 1.79E-03
82.0 470 0.0090027 0.0000023 0.061604 0.000059 0.061662 9.50E-04
83.0 476 0.0188139 0.0000026 0.138285 0.000073 0.138358 5.29E-04
84.0 481 0.0369096 0.0000027 0.292987 0.000088 0.293076 3.02E-04
85.0 487 0.0679281 0.0000028 0.585965 0.000104 0.586069 1.78E-04
86.0 493 0.1171925 0.0000031 1.106443 0.000121 1.106564 1.10E-04
87.0 499 0.1894137 0.0000043 1.973196 0.000144 1.973340 7.31E-05
88.0 504 0.2866856 0.0000056 3.325581 0.000175 3.325756 5.26E-05
89.0 510 0.4063490 0.0000065 5.302237 0.000211 5.302448 3.98E-05
90.0 516 0.5398202 0.0000065 8.009692 0.000248 8.009940 3.10E-05
91.0 522 0.6735421 0.0000066 11.489998 0.000286 11.490284 2.49E-05
92.0 527 0.7924315 0.0000067 15.701000 0.000324 15.701324 2.06E-05
93.0 533 0.8847363 0.0000074 20.521242 0.000365 20.521606 1.78E-05
94.0 539 0.9459667 0.0000091 25.781554 0.000415 25.781969 1.61E-05
95.0 544 0.9796151 0.0000110 31.310472 0.000476 31.310947 1.52E-05
96.0 550 0.9942483 0.0000110 36.973166 0.000539 36.973705 1.46E-05
97.0 556 0.9989305 0.0000110 42.687345 0.000602 42.687946 1.41E-05
98.0 562 0.9998996 0.0000106 48.415616 0.000664 48.416279 1.37E-05
99.0 567 0.9999980 0.0000084 54.146258 0.000716 54.146973 1.32E-05
100.0 573 1.0000000 0.0000023 59.877035 0.000740 59.877773 1.24E-05
Minimum MWH that can be shed = 0.000317

Notice that the transmission LOLP need not be monotone decreasing.

However, the sum of the transmission LOLP and the generation LOLP must be
monotone decreasing. 100% load means a load level equal to 100% of owned
capacity by the area listed. In this example, the City of Austin transmission system
appears to be very reliable. The minimum MWH that can be shed assumes all H’s
are exactly one.

Table 13.17 Final Reliability Output Report For The Total System
TOTAL SYSTEM: (only has the COA line outages)


65.0 37828 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 8.09E-05
66.0 38410 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.67E-05
67.0 38992 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 8.75E-05
68.0 39574 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.11E-04
69.0 40156 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000001 0.000000 0.000001 9.57E-05
70.0 40738 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000004 0.000000 0.000004 7.21E-05
71.0 41320 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000018 0.000000 0.000018 5.51E-05
72.0 41902 0.0000002 0.0000000 0.000079 0.000000 0.000079 3.98E-05
73.0 42484 0.0000007 0.0000000 0.000317 0.000000 0.000317 2.90E-05
74.0 43066 0.0000027 0.0000000 0.001202 0.000000 0.001202 2.13E-05
75.0 43648 0.0000092 0.0000000 0.004296 0.000000 0.004296 1.59E-05
76.0 44230 0.0000295 0.0000000 0.014482 0.000000 0.014482 1.20E-05
77.0 44812 0.0000892 0.0000000 0.046045 0.000000 0.046046 9.15E-06
78.0 45394 0.0002538 0.0000000 0.138110 0.000001 0.138111 7.05E-06
79.0 45976 0.0006791 0.0000000 0.390850 0.000002 0.390852 5.49E-06
80.0 46558 0.0017096 0.0000000 1.043745 0.000005 1.043750 4.32E-06
81.0 47140 0.0040467 0.0000000 2.630346 0.000009 2.630355 3.43E-06
82.0 47722 0.0090027 0.0000000 6.255971 0.000017 6.255988 2.75E-06
83.0 48304 0.0188139 0.0000000 14.043084 0.000031 14.043116 2.22E-06
84.0 48885 0.0369096 0.0000000 29.753304 0.000054 29.753357 1.81E-06
85.0 49467 0.0679281 0.0000001 59.505642 0.000088 59.505730 1.48E-06
86.0 50049 0.1171925 0.0000001 112.360863 0.000137 112.361000 1.22E-06
87.0 50631 0.1894137 0.0000001 200.380966 0.000202 200.381165 1.01E-06
88.0 51213 0.2866856 0.0000001 337.717621 0.000282 337.717896 8.35E-07
89.0 51795 0.4063490 0.0000002 538.449951 0.000375 538.450317 6.96E-07
90.0 52377 0.5398202 0.0000002 813.395935 0.000472 813.396423 5.81E-07
91.0 52959 0.6735421 0.0000002 1166.826172 0.000568 1166.826782 4.86E-07
92.0 53541 0.7924315 0.0000001 1594.459595 0.000653 1594.460205 4.10E-07
93.0 54123 0.8847363 0.0000001 2083.962158 0.000723 2083.962891 3.47E-07
94.0 54705 0.9459667 0.0000001 2618.154541 0.000775 2618.155273 2.96E-07
95.0 55287 0.9796151 0.0000001 3179.624268 0.000813 3179.625000 2.56E-07
96.0 55869 0.9942483 0.0000000 3754.679199 0.000839 3754.679932 2.23E-07
97.0 56451 0.9989305 0.0000000 4334.962402 0.000863 4334.963379 1.99E-07
98.0 57033 0.9998996 0.0000002 4916.676758 0.000934 4916.677734 1.90E-07
99.0 57615 0.9999980 0.0000006 5498.631836 0.001214 5498.632813 2.21E-07
100.0 58197 1.0000000 0.0000010 6080.600586 0.001704 6080.602051 2.80E-07
Minimum MWH that can be shed = 0.000776
: : : : : :
Installed : : : : Ratio of unserved energies
Generation : : : : Transmission to Generation
: : : :
Probability of not : : Additional unserved MWH due
serving load at : : to transmission constraints
system peak hour : :
: :
Probability transmission Unserved MWH during the peak load hour
will be a bottleneck due only to insufficient generation

large system analysis completed

# xmissn states examined = 137
Prob of system separation = 0.1556E-04
Prob of untested states = 0.4255E-05
Prob of all states tested = 0.999996
Large System run time 0h 28m 14s
Total run time 0h 34m 27s (excellent for ~1.E90 outage configs)

Chapter 14

Conclusions and Recommendations

A new model is presented in this dissertation for calculating generation
reliability with transmission constraints in large electric power systems. The large
networks today are highly interconnected through high voltage transmission lines to
reduce costs and improve reliability. The sharing of generation reserves greatly
improves power supply reliability. Economy energy transfers reduce operating costs.
By design, today’s systems have a high degree of freedom to dispatch scheduled
generation from any generator to any load area. This high degree of interconnectivity
also allows an extremely large number of unscheduled random generator outage
configurations to be possible. A network with 300 generators (such as the ERCOT
system) has ~1090 configurations in which the generators can randomly fail. Many of
these configurations will cause transmission line flows exceeding line capacities.
The chance that any one of these configurations will occur is very small, but
collectively, their effect on total system reliability is significant and measurable.
The PLF model presented in this dissertation is new because a convolution
solution approach allows the complete set of generation outage configurations to be
modeled for every line outage configuration. Computation time is excellent. The
ERCOT system example presented in Chapter 13 modeled ~10 90 generation outage
configurations for each of the 137 COA area line outage configurations with a total
computation time of 35 minutes on a 75 MHz Pentium personal computer. The PLF
model is the first in the industry to include the complete set of probabilistic line flows
due to all generation outage configurations as a normal part of the planning analysis
of the transmission system.

All the other composite generation-transmission system models being
marketed use enumeration techniques to model both the generation and transmission
outage configurations. Enumeration of transmission outage configurations can be
used to cover a majority of the transmission failure events probability space because
the outage rates of lines are very small. However, the outage rates of generators are
not small. In a large system several generators will be outaged at any one time. This
creates a computer run-time problem for solution approaches using enumeration of
generation outages for large systems. Execution times of days and weeks are
common for a single case, and results are always questionable. For this reason, the
composite generation-transmission models have not been widely accepted by the
engineers planning and operating the large systems.
The convolution techniques used in this dissertation overcome the problem of
extremely long computer run times associated with the modeling of generation outage
configurations. The model presented in this dissertation has the following desirable

 Larger networks can be modeled with this PLF model than the best of the others.
 A full transmission network is represented, eliminating the need for an
 All generation outage states are modeled exhaustively (completely).
 Transmission outages are enumerated quickly with an efficient line outage model.
 Solution times are in hours instead of days (needed by other computer programs).
 Loss of load due to generation outages is uniform throughout the network.
 Loss of load due to transmission constraints is assigned to specific lines,
generators, and loads in a near optimal manner.

The PLF model is not a complete model in the sense that no further
improvements are necessary. The author’s recommendations for continuing work
with this model are listed below.

 Incorporate the three state generator outage model in the PLF program.
 Add to the PLF model the EUE load shed MWh due to system separations.
 Further review the theory and operation of the load shedding heuristic to see if
improvements in its performance can be made.
 Investigate the feasibility of adding the frequency of load sheddings as a part of
the convolution process presented in this dissertation.
 Increase the PLF load flow model from its present 5000 buses to 50000 buses for
the purpose of testing the reliability of the eastern and western electric power
 Conduct an analysis of the generation and transmission reliability of every area in
ERCOT for the purpose of determining how well the City of Austin compares
with the other areas in overall reliability and to identify those components within
the COA system that are causing any reliability deficiencies.

The author believes the methods presented in this dissertation represent

important advancements to the present state of knowledge concerning the assessment
of power system reliability. At this time, the PLF model is unique in the electric
utility industry.

Appendix A
Derivation of Equation 3.11
Given any finite continuous, discontinuous, or discrete density function f(x) or
continuous or discontinuous cumulative distribution F(x), the convolution of a very
small width rectangular block function of width x and heighth 1/x located at x = a
with the f(x) or F(x) function causes a shift of the f(x) or F(x) function as shown in
Figure A.1. For finite x, the shift is aproximate. In the limit as x0, the shift of
f(x) to the right by a is an exact process.

f(x)  f(xa)

0 a 0
Figure A.1 Convolution of an Impulse Function With f(x)

This can be written as an impulse function (xa) replacing the rectangular section.
Convolving the impulse function with f(x) produces


f(x)+ =  f(y)(xya) dy = f(xa) . (A.1)

The f(x)+ is the function after convolution. The original f(x) function before
convolution is simply shifted to the right by a as a result of the convolution.

The three state generator model (Table 3.1) can be written as an impulse
function. For any generator k, let the state probabilities be pu = 1DFORkFORk for
the up state, pd = DFORk for the derated state, and po = FORk for the outaged state.
The convolution of these generator k states into the cumulative distribution F(x) is
given in Equation A.2 as


F(x) =  F(y)[pu (xy) + pd (xyDk) + po (xyCk)]dy .

Evaluating Equation A.2 produces

F(x)+ = pu F(x) + pd F(xDk) + po F(xCk) . (A.3)

Equation A.3 is equivalent to Equation 3.11 which completes the derivation.

Derivation of Equation 3.13
A simple notation is used to develop the piecewise quadratic function shown
in Equation 3.13. The resulting equation from the simpler notation derivation is
shown to be equivalent to Equation 3.13. Figure A.2 shows a quadratic curve fit of
any three consecutive evenly spaced points on F(x) with values F1 , F0 , and F+1 .
The discrete points are located at points x=r, x=0, and x=r, respectively, where
1  r < 1. A, B, and C are dummy coefficients in the quadratic equation
Fr =Ar2 + B r + C . Fr provides a smooth function interpolation of the discrete points.



local range r : 1 0 +1
Figure A.2 Piecewise Quadratic Spline Fr

Solving for coefficients A, B, and C:

1. F1 = A B +C
2. F0 = C
3. F+1 = A +B +C (A.4)

Then C = F0 (A.5)
Adding 1 and 3 F-1 + F+1 = 2A + 2F0 (A.6)
Solving for A A = ½F-1 - F0 + ½F+1 (A.7)

Subtracting 1 from 3 F+1  F1 = 2B (A.8)
Solving for B B = ½F+1  ½F1 (A.9)

Inserting the A, B, C coefficients into the original equation

Fr = (½F-1 - F0 + ½F+1)r2 + (½F+1  ½F1)r + F0 (A.10)

Collecting common F terms gives

Fr = (½ r2 - ½ r)F-1 + (1  r2)F0 + (½ r2 + ½ r)F+1 (A.11)

Equation A.11 is the same as Equation 3.13 which completes the derivation.

Derivation of Equation 3.14
The convolution process uses an interpolation of Fr between the left most and
central points as shown in Figure A.3. The shift of Fr in the convolution process is
done by calculating the interpolated function values for D MW and C MW (shown
below) for the derated and full outaged capacity states respectively. This is most
convenient if the direction of r is reversed from that shown in Figure A.2. So Figure
A.3 shows positive interpolation r to the left of discrete point Fi-j. New point Fi+
value is calculated from the original function to the left by C MW. The C and D MW
consists of a number of integer steps j plus a fractional part of a step r. The j and r
are calculated from the equation C = h(jc+rc) where h is the grid increment MW step
size. The derated state is shifted by D = h(jd+rd) MW.

F i-j-1 C or D Fi+

local range r : +1 0 1
Figure A.3 Piecewise Quadratic Interpolation

Inserting negative r into Equation A.11 produces

Fr = (½ r2 + ½ r)F-1 + (1  r2)F0 + (½ r2 - ½ r)F+1 (A.12)

Let the generator state probabilities be pu, pd, and po for the up, derated, and
outaged states. For any new x = ih discrete point on the F(ih)+ function, the
convolution Equation A.3 becomes

Fi+ = pu Fi + pd F(ihD) + po F(ihC) . (A.13)

Inserting the j and r terms for the C and D MW shifts gives

Fi+ = pu Fi + pd F[ih(jd+rd)h] + po F[ih(jc+rc)h] . (A.14)

Expanding the shifted terms in the above equation using Equation A.12 produces

Fi+ = pu Fi
+ pd [(½ rd2 + ½ rd)Fijd1 + (1  rd2)Fijd + (½ rd2 - ½ rd)Fijd+1]

+ po [(½ rc2 + ½ rc)Fijc1 + (1  rc2)Fijc + (½ rc2 - ½ rc)Fijc+1]

for integers jc  0 and jd  0 and reals 0  rc  1 and 0  rd  1 . (A.15)

Equation B.15 is equivalent to Equation 3.14, which completes the derivation.

Appendix B
Fortran Subroutines
Sparse Matrix Solver
COMPLEX V(1000),CE(5000),CD,CF
INTEGER NOZE(1000),NSEQ(1000),LCOL(1000),ITAG(5000),LNXT(5000)
DO 2 I=1,M
2 LNXT(I)=I+1
DO 3 I=1,N
3 LNXT(J)=0
4 CE(J)=0.
DO 5 I=1,N

DO 6 I=1,N
DO 17 J=1,N1
DO 16 I=L,N
10 IF(I-IP) 7,8,9
7 LA=L
13 I=N+1
DO 18 J=1,N
26 IF(I-IP) 22,23,24
22 L=LNXT(L)
IF(L.LE.0) GOTO 25
23 CE(L)=CE(L)-CF*CE(LP)
IF(L.LE.0) GOTO 25
1 M=0
DO 27 J=1,N
28 I=ITAG(L)
IF(L.GT.0) GOTO 28
30 I=ITAG(L)
IF(L.GT.0) GOTO 30

PQ Convolution Routine
* Convolution of C MW into F(i=x/H+B), P state is scaled but not shifted,
* down state (prob=Q) is scaled and shifted, +C is right, -C is left.
* X1 and X2 are min and max range of X (real number line) respectively
* To perform a simple two state convolution set K=0
* To perform multi-state convolution, the first call of convol K=1,
* then subsequent calls will have K=2, and the last call has K=3.
* For K=0 the convolution of P and Q states is completed in this one CALL.
* For K=1 and 2, Q adds on to F(i), the Q, C shifted states; C can be + or
* For K=3, the P*F3(i) nonshifted terms are also added as a final step.
DO 8 I=1,MPQ
IF(C.LT.F3(MPQ+3)) F3(MPQ+3)=C
IF(C.GT.F3(MPQ+4)) F3(MPQ+4)=C
IF(C.LT.0.) GOTO 4
* finish the convolution of positive C

3 DO 1 I=N2,1,-1
9 F(I) = A2*Y2 + A1*Y1 + A0*Y0 + F(I)
IF(K.EQ.0.OR.K.EQ.3) F(I) = F(I) + P*F3(I)
* finish the convolution of negative C
4 J=1+J
DO 7 I=1,N2
F(I) = A2*Y2 + A1*Y1 + A0*Y0 + F(I)
IF(K.EQ.0.OR.K.EQ.3) F(I) = F(I) + P*F3(I)

PQ Evaluate F(x)
* Evaluate F(x) at point x=D
IF(J-1.GE.1) Y0=F(J-1)
IF(J. GE.1) Y1=F(J)
IF(J+1.GE.1) Y2=F(J+1)
IF(J-1.LE.MPQ) Y0=F(J-1)
IF(J+1.LE.MPQ) Y2=F(J+1)
FPQ = A0*Y0 + A1*Y1 + A2*Y2

PQ EUE Routine
* Integration of F(x) from D1<x<D2; D1 and D2 can be any real number 0<D1<D2
2 R=D/H+B
DO 1 I=MPQ,J,-1
IF(J-1.GE.1) Y0=F(J-1)
IF(J. GE.1) Y1=F(J)
IF(J+1.GE.1) Y2=F(J+1)
IF(J-1.LE.MPQ) Y0=F(J-1)
IF(J+1.LE.MPQ) Y2=F(J+1)
AINTGR = Y2/12. -Y1*7/12. +R**3/6.*(Y0 -2*Y1 +Y2) +
& R**2/4.*(Y0 -Y2) +R*Y1 + AINTGR


Probabilistic Composite Generation-Transmission Models

[1] E. Preston, M. Grady, and M. Baughman, A New Planning Model For Assessing
The Effects Of Transmission Capacity Constraints On The Reliability Of
Generation Supply For Large Nonequivalenced Electric Networks, IEEE/PES
T&D Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, September 1996.

[2] IEEE Task Force, IEEE Reliability Test System - 1996, IEEE/PES Winter
Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Paper 96 WM 326-9 PWRS, Jan. 1996.

[3] C. Singh, J. Mitra, Composite System Reliability Evaluation Using State Space
Pruning, IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Paper 96 WM 315-2
PWRS, Jan. 1996.

[4] F. Sener, E. Greene, Top Three Technical Problems - A Survey Report of the
Long Range System Planning Working Group, System Planning Subcommittee,
Engineering Committee, IEEE PES, IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Baltimore,
MD, Paper 96 WM 271-7 PWRS, Jan. 1996.

[5] J. Mitra, C. Singh, Incorporating the DC Load Flow in the Decomposition-

Simulation Method of Multi-Area Reliability Evaluation, IEEE/PES Summer
Meeting, Portland, OR, Paper 95 SM 511-6 PWRS, July 1995.

[6] F. Xia, A. Meliopoulos, A Method For Probabilistic Simultaneous Transfer

Capability Analysis, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Portland, OR, Paper 95 SM
514-0 PWRS, July 1995.

[7] A. Sankarakrishnan, R. Billington, Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation For

Composite Power System Reliability Analysis With Time Varying Loads, IEEE
Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 10, No. 3, Aug. 1995, pp. 1540-1545.

Shown in reverse chronological order by topic.

[8] E. Neudorf, D. Kiguel, G. Hamoud, B. Porretta, W. Stephenson, R. Sparks, D.
Logan, M. Bhavaraju, R. Billington, D. Garrison, Cost-Benefit Analysis of
Power System Reliability: Two Utility Case Studies, Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 10,
No. 3, Aug. 1995, pp. 1667-1675.

[9] R. Billington, G. Lian, Composite Power System Health Analysis Using A

Security Constrained Adequacy Evaluation Procedure, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1994, pp. 936-941.

[10] R. Allen, R. Billington, A. Breipohl, C. Grigg, Bibliography On The Application

Of Probability Methods In Power System Reliability Evaluation 1987-1991,
IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb. 1994, pp. 41-49.

[11] R. Billington, W. Li, A System State Transition Sampling Method For

Composite System Reliability Evaluation, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 3,
Aug. 1993, pp. 761-767.

[12] R. Billington, F. Gbeddy, Effects Of Non-Utility Generators On Composite

System Adequacy Evaluation, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 3, Aug. 1993,
pp. 771-777.

[13] A. Cook, I. Rose, A Monte-Carlo Technique For Computing The Benefits

Arising From The Interconnection Of Power Systems, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 8, No. 3, Aug. 1993, pp. 873-878.

[14] A. Melo, M. Pereira, A. Silva, A Conditional Probability Approach To The

Calculation Of Frequency And Duration Indices In Composite Reliability
Evaluation, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 3, Aug. 1993, pp. 1118-1125.

[15] L. Wenyuan, R. Billington, A Minimum Cost Assessment Method For

Composite Generation and Transmission System Expansion Planning, Trans. on
PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1993, pp. 628-635.

[16] Z. Deng, C. Singh, A New Approach To Reliability Evaluation Of

Interconnected Power Systems Including Planned Outages And Frequency
Calculations, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 1992, pp. 734-743.

[17] M. Pereira, L. Pinto, A New Computational Tool For Composite Reliability

Evaluation, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb. 1992, pp. 258-264.

[18] M. Pereira, M. Maceira, G. Oliveira, L. Pinto, Combining Analytical Models
And Monte-Carlo Techniques In Probabilistic Power System Analysis, IEEE
Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb. 1992, pp. 265-272.

[19] A. Sanghvi, N. Balu, M. Lauby, Power System Reliability Planning Practices In

North America, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 6, No. 4, Nov. 1991, pp. 1485-

[20] M. El-Hawary, G. Mbamalu, A Comparison Of Probabilistic Perturbations And

Deterministic Based Optimal Power Flow Solutions, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 6, No. 3, Aug. 1991, pp. 1099-1105.

[21] R. Billington, J. Oteng-Adjei, Utilization Of Interrupted Energy Assessment

Rates In Generation And Transmission System Planning, IEEE Trans. on
PWRS, Vol. 6, No. 3, Aug. 1991, pp. 1245-1253.

[22] G. Haringa, G. Jordan, L. Garver, Application of Monte Carlo Simulation to

Multi-Area Reliability Evaluations, IEEE Computer Applications in Power,
Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1991, pp. 21-25.

[23] Tutorial, Reliability Assessment of Composite Generation and Transmission

Systems, IEEE Course Text 90EH0311-1-PWR, New York, 1989.

[24] TRELSS: A Computer Program for Transmission Reliability Evaluation of

Large-Scale Systems, EPRI Report TR-100566, Palo Alto, CA, May 1992.

[25] F. Lee, A New Multi-Area Production Costing Method, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 3, No. 3, Aug. 1988, pp. 915-922.

[26] F. Lee, Multi-Area Reliability - A New Approach, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol.
2, No. 4, Nov. 1987, pp. 848-855.

[27] G. Oliveira, S. Cunha, M. Pereira, A Direct Method for Multi-Area Reliability

Evaluation, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov. 1987, pp. 934-942.

[28] R. Allen, R. Billington, N. Abdel-Gawad, The IEEE Reliability Test System -

Extensions to and Evaluation of the Generating System, IEEE Trans. on
PWRS, Vol. 1, No. 4, Nov. 1986, pp. 1-7.

[29] A. Wood, B. Wollenberg, Power Generation Operation & Control, Wiley, New
York, 1984, pp. 363-389.

[30] IEEE Task Force, IEEE Reliability Test System, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol.
PAS-98, Nov./Dec. 1979, pp. 2047-2054.

[31] C. Pang, A. Wood, Multi-Area Generation System Reliability Calculations,

IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-94, Mar./Apr. 1975, pp. 508-517.

Probabilistic Generation Models

[32] J. Kim, C. Singh, A Frequency and Duration Approach for Generation

Reliability Evaluation Using the Method of Stages, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol.
8, No. 1, Feb. 1993, pp. 207-215.

[33] S. Fockens, A. Wijk, W. Turkenburg, C. Singh, A Concise Method For

Calculating Expected Unserved Energy In Generating System Reliability
Analysis, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 6, No. 3, Aug. 1991, pp. 1085-1091.

[34] E. Preston and M. Grady, An Efficient Method for Calculating Power System
Production Cost and Reliability, IEE Proceedings-C, Vol. 138, No. 3, May
1991, pp. 221-227.

[35] P. Jorgensen, A New Method For Performing Probabilistic Production

Simulations By Means Of Moments And Legendre Series, IEEE Trans. on
PWRS, Vol. 6, No. 2, May 1991, pp. 567-573.

[36] G. Anders, Probabilistic Concepts in Electric Power Systems, Wiley, New

York, 1990, p. 71, 160-206, 282-285.

[37] M. Lin, A. Breipohl, F. Lee, Comparison of Probabilistic Production Cost

Simulation Methods, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 4, No. 4, Oct. 1989, pp. 1326-

[38] G. Gross, B. McNutt, The Mixture of Normals Approximation Technique for

Equivalent Load Duration Curves, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 3, No. 2, May
1988, pp. 368-374.

[39] C. Singh, Y. Kim, An Efficient Technique For Reliability Analysis Of Power
Systems Including Time Dependent Sources, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 3, No.
3, Aug. 1988, pp. 1090-1096.

[40] P. Mohan, R. Balasubramanian, K. Prakasa Rao, A New Fourier Method for

Evaluating Generation System Reliability Indices, IEEE Trans, on PWRS, Vol.
1, No. 3, Aug 1986, pp. 88-94.

[41] H. Duran, On Improving the Convergence and Accuracy of the Cumulant

Method of Calculating Reliability and Production Cost, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 1, No. 3, Aug. 1986, pp. 121-126.

[42] M. Mazumdar, Large-Deviation Approximation to Computation of Generating-

System Reliability and Production Costs, EPRI Report EL-4567, Palo Alto, CA,
May 1986.

[43] M. Mazumdar and Y. Wang, On the Application of Escher’s Approximation to

Computation of Generating System Reliability and Production Costing Indices,
IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-104, No. 11, Nov. 1985, pp. 3029-3036.

[44] G. Gross, B. McNutt, and N. Garapic, The Mixture of Normals Approximation

of Equivalent Load Duration Curves, EPRI, EA/EL-4266, project 1808-3, Palo
Alto, 1985.

[45] K. Schenk, R. Misra, S. Vassos, W. Wen, A New Method for the Evaluation of
Expected Energy Generation and Loss of Load Probability, IEEE Trans. on
PAS, Vol. PAS-103, No. 2, Feb. 1984, pp. 294-303.

[46] M. Caramanis, Probabilistic Production Costing: An Investigation of

Alternative Algorithms, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 1983, 5
(2), pp. 75-86.

[47] J. Stremel, R. Jenkins, R Babb, and W. Bayless, Production Costing Using the
Cumulant Method of Representing the Equivalent Load Duration Curve, IEEE
Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-99, 1980, pp. 1947-1956.

[48] R. R. Booth, Power System Simulation Model Based On Probability Analysis,

IEEE Trans. on PAS., Vol. PAS-91, No. 1, Jan./Feb., 1972, pp. 62-69.

[49] R. R. Booth, Optimal Generation Planning Considering Uncertainty, 1971
PICA Conf. Boston, MA, Paper 71 C26-PWR-II-D, May 1971.

[50] C. Galloway, L. Garver, R. Ringlee, A. Wood, Frequency and Duration

Methods for Power System Reliability Calculations: Part III, IEEE Trans. on
PAS, Vol. PAS-88, No. 8, Aug. 1969, pp. 1216-1223.

[51] R. Ringlee, A. Wood, Frequency and Duration Methods for Power System
Reliability Calculations: Part II, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-88, No. 4, Apr.
1969, pp. 375-387.

[52] J. Hall, R. Ringlee, A. Wood, Frequency and Duration Methods for Power
System Reliability Calculations: Part I, IEEE Trans., PAS-87, No. 9, Sept.
1968, pp. 1787-1796.

[53] A. Patton, D. Holditch, Reliability of Generation Supply, IEEE Trans. on PAS,

Vol. PAS-87, No. 9, Sep. 1968, pp. 1797-1803.

[54] H. Baleriaux, E. Jamopulle, and F.L. de Guertechin, Simulation de

l’exploitation d’un Parc de Machines Termiques de Production d’électricitè
Couple à des Stations de Pompage, Extrait de la Revue E (Edition S.R.B.E.),
Vol. 5, 1967, pp. 3-24.

Transmission Network Models

[55] E. Preston, M. Grady, and M. Baughman, A New Model For Outaging

Transmission Lines In Large Electric Networks, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol.
12, No. 3, Aug. 1997, pp. 1367-1373.

[56] T. Karakatsanis, N. Hatziargyriou, Probabilistic Constrained Load Flow On

Sensitivity Analysis, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 9, No. 4, Nov. 1994, pp. 1853-

[57] N. Rau, The Use Of Probability Techniques In Value-Based Planning, IEEE

Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 9, No. , Vol. 9, No. 4, Nov. 1994, pp. 2001-2013.

[58] R. Ringlee (chair), APM Bulk Power Indices Task Force, Bulk Power System
Reliability Criteria And Indices Trends And Future Needs, IEEE Trans. on
PWRS, Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb. 1994, pp. 181-190.

[59] G. Granelli, M. Montagna, G. Pasini, P Marannino, A W-Matrix Based Fast

Decoupled Load Flow For Contingency Studies On Vector Computers, IEEE
Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 3, Aug. 1993, pp. 946-953.

[60] R. Jumeau, H. Chiang, Parameterizations of the Load Flow Equations for

Eliminating Ill-Conditioned Load Flow Solutions, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol.
8, No. 3, Aug. 1993, pp. 1004-1012.

[61] W. Ma, J. Thorp, An Efficient Algorithm To Locate All The Load Flow
Solutions, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 3, Aug. 1993, pp. 1077-1083.

[62] A. Patton, S. Sung, A Transmission Network Model for Multi-Area Reliability

Studies, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1993, pp. 459-465.

[63] Z. Zeng, F. Galiana, B. Ooi, N. Yorino, A Simplified Approach To Estimate

Maximum Loading Conditions In The Load Flow Problem, IEEE Trans. on
PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1993, pp. 646-654.

[64] N. Hadjsaid, M. Benahmed, J. Fandino, J. Sabonnadiere, G. Nerin, Fast

Contingency Screening For Voltage-Reactive Considerations In Security
Analysis, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 1, Feb. 1993, pp. 144-151.

[65] C. Lee, N. Chen, Sparse Vector Method Improvements Via Minimum Inverse
Fill-In Ordering, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 8, No. 1, Feb. 1993, pp. 239-245.

[66] B. Silverstein, D. Porter, Contingency Ranking for Bulk System Reliability

Criteria, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 7, No. 3, Aug. 1992, pp. 956-962.

[67] R. Gunderson (chair) IEEE Task Force, Current Industry Practices In Bulk
Transmission Outage Data Collection And Analysis, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb. 1992, pp. 158-166.

[68] P. Crouch, D. Tylavsky, H. Chen, L. Jarriel, R. Adapa, Critically Coupled

Algorithms for Solving the Power Flow Equation, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol.
7, No. 1, Feb. 1992, pp. 451-457.

[69] T. Smed, G. Andersson, G. Sheble, L. Grigsby, A New Approach To AC/DC
Power Flow, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 6, No. 3, Aug. 1991, pp. 1238-1244.

[70] Silva, Ribeiro, Arienti, Allan, Filho, Probabilistic Load Flow Techniques
Applied to Power System Expansion Planning, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 5,
No. 4, Nov. 1990, pp. 1047-1053.

[71] R. Allen (chair), IEEE APM Committee Report, Bulk System Reliability -
Predictive Indices, IEEE Trans. on PWRS, Vol. 5, No. 4, Nov. 1990, pp. 1204-

[72] M. Alavi-Sereshki, C. Singh, A Generalized Continuous Distribution Approach

For Generating Capacity Reliability Evaluation And Its Applications, IEEE
PES Summer Meeting, Minneapolis, Minn., Paper 90 SM 278-2 PWRS, July

[73] A. Meliopoulos, G. Cokkinides, X. Chao, A New Probabilistic Power Flow

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[75] D. Lawrence, N. Reppen, R. Ringlee, Reliability Evaluation for Large-Scale

Bulk Transmission Systems, EPRI Report EL-5291, Jan. 1988, Palo Alto, CA.

[76] G. Landgren, A. Schneider, M. Bhavaraju, Predicting Transmission Outages for

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[77] A. Meliopoulos, A. Bakirtizis, R. Kovacs, R. Beck, Bulk Power System

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PWRS, Vol. PWRS-1, No. 3, Aug. 1986, pp. 235-243.

[78] D. Reinstein, F. Galiana, A. Vojdani, Probabilistic Simulation of Power System

Under Transmission Constrained Economic Dispatch, IEEE Trans. on PWRS,
Vol. 1, No. 2, May, 1986, pp. 248-256.

[79] A. Meliopoulos, A. Bakirtzis, R. Kovacs, Power System Reliability Evaluation
Using Stochastic Loadflow, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-103, No. 5, May
1984, pp. 1084-1091.

[80] K. Clements, B. Lam, D. Lawrence, N. Reppen, Computation of Upper and

Lower Bounds on Reliability Indices for Bulk Power Systems, IEEE PES Winter
Meeting, Dallas, Texas, Paper 84 WM 050-1 PWRS, Feb. 1984.

[81] O. Alsac, B. Stott, W. Tinney, Sparcity Oriented Compensation Methods for

Modified Network Solutions, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-102, No. 5, May
1983, pp. 1050-1060.

[82] IEEE Committee Report, Bulk Power System Reliability Assessment, Parts I
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[83] K. Clements, B. Lam, D. Lawrence, T. Mikolinnas, N. Reppen, R. Ringlee, B.

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Palo Alto, CA, July 1982.

[84] P. Van Horne, C. Schoenberger, TRAP: An Innovative Approach to Analyzing

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[86] R. Allen, A. Leite da Silva, R. Burchett, Evaluation Methods and Accuracy in

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May 1981, pp. 2539-2546.

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For Power System Planning Applications, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-99,
No.6, Nov./Dec. 1980, pp. 2113-2120.

[88] F. Aboytes, Stochastic Contingency Analysis, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-
97, No. 2, Mar./Apr. 1978, pp. 335-341.

[89] R. Allen, Al-Shakarchi, Probabilistic AC Loadflow, Proc. IEE, Vol. 123, No.6,
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[90] J. Dopazo, O. Klitin, A. Sasson, Stochastic Loadflows, IEEE Trans. on PAS,
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[92] B. Borkowska, Probabilistic Loadflow, IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-93, No.
3, May/June 1974, pp.752-759.

[93] R. Allen, B. Borkowska, C. Grigg, Probabilistic Analysis of Power Flows, Proc.

IEE, Vol. 121, No. 12, Dec. 1974, pp.1551-1556.

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[95] H. Brown, Solution of Large Networks by Matrix Methods, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1974, p. 124.

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Programming Techniques, a paper from Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations,
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Engineers, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986, p. 48, 52, 237, 276-279.

[100] The Electric Power Outages in the Western United States, July 2-3, 1996,
Department of Energy, Washington, DC, August 1996.


Eugene Gordon Preston was born in Dallas, Texas on August 25, 1947, the
son of Robert Eugene Preston and Helen Gordon Preston. After completing his work
at Hooks High School, Hooks, Texas, in 1965, he entered Arlington State College in
Arlington, Texas. He received the degree of Bachelor of Science from the University
of Texas at Arlington in Arlington, Texas in May 1970. During the following years
he was employed as an engineer at the City of Austin Electric Utility Department. In
September 1975 he entered the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin
while continuing to work full time at the City of Austin. He received the degree of
Masters of Science in Engineering in May 1979 and the Ph.D. degree in May 1997.

Permanent Address: 6121 Soter Parkway, Austin, Texas 78735


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