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Owning Your Future 12th Edition

Suggested Course Pacing Guide (Semester)

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Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future 12th Edition: Suggested Pacing (Semester)

Table of Contents
N/A Pacing Guide Instructions 3
N/A Suggested Unit Pacing 4
1) Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure Introduction to Entrepreneurship 5-6
1) Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure Entrepreneurship & the Economy 7
1) Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure Opportunity Recognition 8-10
1) Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure Types of Business & Business Ownership 11-12
1) Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure Ethics and Social Responsibility 13-14
1) Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure Business Plan & Assessments 15
2) Market Research What is Market Research? 16-18
2) Market Research What is Your Competitive Advantage? 19-20
2) Market Research Business Plan & Assessments 21-22
2) Market Research Wholesale Buying/Selling Activity 23
3) Financial Information & Operations Business Decisions & the Economics of One Unit 24-26
3) Financial Information & Operations Financial Statements 27
3) Financial Information & Operations Financing Your Business 28
3) Financial Information & Operations Financial Ratios & Break-Even Analysis 29
3) Financial Information & Operations Business Plan & Assessments 30-31
4) Marketing & Sales Marketing Your Product 32-33
4) Marketing & Sales Selling Your Product 34-35
4) Marketing & Sales Business Plan & Assessments 36
5) Business Plan Competitions Business Plans, Presentations, Competitions & Assessments 37-38

* Note that order of chapters covered are re-arranged from the textbook outline to best support students in completion of the business plan.

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Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future 12th Edition: Pacing Guide Instructions

Overview: This pacing guide provides a detailed course progression for a NFTE Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future course. It is designed as a comprehensive
road map towards completing the outcomes of the NFTE course, specifically, student competition of the written business plan and business plan presentation
slides. This progression includes all key NFTE experiential activities, curricular resources, and tools for assessment alongside the business plan. Note that this is
only a suggested pacing guide, as we cannot anticipate for every classroom schedule and student population. However, you may use this guide as a support tool
while planning with your NFTE Program Staff.
Key Features: Use in the Classroom:
17. Daily Outcomes & Instructional Plan Use this guide to:
• Daily Topics and Objectives for every day of instruction • Help keep relative pace with other teachers
• Guidance for experiential activities and notes for daily instruction, • Appropriately plan time for activities and business plan completion
discussion and debrief • Receive suggestions of instructional resources and assessments
• Correlation to textbook, workbook & PPT slides • Derive daily lesson plans (example lesson below).
2. Alignment to Assessment Tools; including:
• Experiential activity & business plan rubrics
• NFTE Performance Tasks, Diagnostic, Unit, and Summative
• Pearson Textbook assessments & test generator
3. Instructional Cycles; consisting of:
• Experiential activity
• Plan for teaching content
• Classroom discussion/supplemental activities
• Assessment
• Business plan work time
4. Business Plan Integration
• Course narrative/notes for each instructional cycle connecting the
activity to the content to the business plan
• Business plan workshop time for each section of the business plan
• Workshop and presentation practice time at the end of each unit

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• Additional time rationed for challenging sections (i.e. market research)

Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future 12th Edition: Suggested Unit Pacing (Semester)
Weeks Unit Overview Deliverable
1-6 Opportunity Recognition & During this unit, students will be introduced to the concept of entrepreneurship and the Business Plan Written Template Unit 1:
Business Structure characteristics of an entrepreneur. They will learn how entrepreneurs meet needs and wants in the 1.1 Business Opportunity
market, and solve social problems through business creation. Looking at various sources of external 1.2 Type of Business
and internal opportunity, students will be able to generate unique business ideas that they would be 1.3 Type of Business Ownership
qualified to start. Using opportunity screening tools in this unit, students will then be able to identify 1.4 Mission Statement
which of their business ideas would be the most feasible business opportunity to pursue for the 1.5 Social Responsibility
remainder of the year. 1.6 Qualifications
7-9 Market Research During this unit, students will be introduced to the concept of market research. Starting with their Business Plan Written Template Unit 2:
business opportunity as a starting point, students will learn how to collect, organize, and interpret 2.1 Market Research
secondary and primary research data on their potential customers, competition and the business 2.2 Target Market
climate to justify or revise their initial opportunity. By the end of the unit, students will have a detailed 2.3 Competitors
analysis of their target customer segment, their competitive advantage, and data to support their 2.4 Competitive Advantage
business opportunity. 2.5 Business Growth
2.6 Challenges
10-13 Financial Information & During this unit, students will learn about the cost of doing business. Students will investigate the Business Plan Written Template Unit 3:
Operations fixed, variable, and start-up expenses necessary to operate their business. Using a financial analysis 3.1 Definition of One Unit
called ‘The Economics of One Unit,’ students will be able to demonstrate that the business is 3.2 Production Process
profitable with each sale, and be able to determine how many break-even units are required to keep 3.3 Variable Expenses
the business operating. Students will also do a detailed financial analysis on the long-term profitability 3.4 EOU
of the business. 3.5 Fixed Expenses
3.6 Income Statement
3.7 Startup Investment
3.8 Financial Ratios
14-16 Marketing & Sales During this unit, students learn about marketing the business to attract, obtain, and retain customers. Business Plan Written Template Unit 4:
Students will investigate the components of a detailed marketing and sales plan that appeals to their 4.1 Marketing Plan
target market segment. Using techniques learned in this unit, students will put together a detailed 4.2 Promotion
promotional mix that incorporates various marketing and sales channels. 4.3 Sales Methods
4.4 Sales Estimates
17-18* Business Plan Competition During this unit, students will compile their year-long work on the written business plan and prepare a Written Template: Executive Summary
presentation to be given to external stakeholders. Students will take the main ideas from all four Business Plan Presentation Template:
sections of the written plan to assemble a 14-slide presentation that tells the story of their business. • Problem/Unmet Need
Students will practice and prepare to present their business plan presentation as part of a business • Solution/How Business Fills Need
plan competition as a final demonstration of learning for the course. • Mission and Social Impact
• Description of Product/Service
*The length of this unit may vary depending on the schedule of your school and the local deadlines for • Business Model
classroom, school and regional competitions. This guide will make a suggestion of pacing for this unit, • Market Analysis
however, please check with your NFTE program manager to make sure that all deadlines will be • Marketing & Sales
adhered to with this schedule. • Competition
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• Qualifications
• Sales Projections
• Start-Up Finances
• Future Plans
Unit 1 – Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
1-1 Course overview & N/A Review course syllabus. Students will take the pre- N/A N/A N/A Pre-Survey The first few days are reserved
Pre-Survey survey. for introductions to the course
1-2 Diagnostic N/A Students will take the diagnostic assessment. N/A N/A N/A Diagnostic and NFTE’s mission. In
assessment Assessment addition/replace of the
1-3 Intro to NFTE SWBAT describe Students will watch highlights from the Ten9Eight: N/A N/A N/A N/A Ten9Eight movie, you can have
how NFTE and Shoot for the Moon documentary as an introduction to a NFTE program manager come
learning NFTE’s mission and youth entrepreneurship. By viewing in and speak about the NFTE
entrepreneurship this video, students will also get to see the end goal of program. While it is always ideal
can be beneficial the NFTE course. After viewing the video, use the to complete the pre-survey and
for planning for discussion questions from pages 50-54 of the Ten9Eight diagnostic assessment as close
their future teaching guide. Be sure that students walk away to the first day as possible, you
understanding NFTE’s mission and a sense of how this may need to re-arrange these
course might help in planning their future. first few days based on
attendance and settling of

1-4 Introduction to SWBAT use NFTE Experiential Activity: Product Innovation Game; N/A N/A N/A Product With all of NFTE instructional
Entrepreneurship entrepreneurial Use the experiential activity guide to facilitate the Innovation cycles, the approach is to
skills to create a activity and post-discussion. Be sure that students Activity expose students through an
new innovative recognize that they used entrepreneurial thinking to Rubric experiential activity, teach the
product with create a new product using limited resources. Use the content while connecting to the
limited resources rubric at the end for peer or self-evaluation. activity, provide real-life
1-5 What is SWBAT define Use Chapter 1 and Chapter 1 PPT to review the 3-15 1-6 1 Chapter 1 examples, then apply to the
Entrepreneurship? entrepreneurship definition of an entrepreneurship and what it means to Textbook business plan. For this section,
and describe the be an entrepreneur. Provide examples of famous Assessments/ the progression is as follows:
pros and cons of entrepreneurs throughout history and their Test • Activity: Product
entrepreneurship innovations. Be sure that students note that many Generator Innovation Game
entrepreneurs start with limited resources and money • Chapter 1: Importance of
– as the students did in the previous day’s activity. Entrepreneurship
Review the risks and rewards so that students can see • Chapter 2: Characteristics
the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur. Consider of an Entrepreneur
inviting an entrepreneur as a guest speaker to discuss • Business Plan:
the pros & cons with students. At the end of class, have Qualifications
students reflect on whether or not they fell they feel
the reward of being an entrepreneur is worth the risk. In the activity, students begin to
2-1 Characteristics of SWBAT identify Use Chapter 2 and Chapter 2 PPT to review the 17-31 7-12 2 Chapter 2 investigate characteristics and
an Entrepreneur the skills, definition of an entrepreneurship and what it means to Textbook skills of an entrepreneur –
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behaviors and be an entrepreneur. Discuss the common Assessments/ which should feed into their
characteristics characteristics and skills demonstrated across all Test qualifications when they self-
demonstrated by entrepreneurs, and how developing these can be Generator identify which they possess.
entrepreneurs important for pursuing college and career pathways.
Students can review profiles from the Teen Businesses While not specifically outlined
Blast Off (OR Entrepreneurs in Profile) textbook, or look in the textbook as such, the
up profiles at to NFTE Entrepreneurial Mindset
practice identifying skills and characteristics consists of the following
demonstrated by entrepreneurs. Relate the common domains:
skills and characteristics across entrepreneurs to the • Critical Thinking & Problem
idea of developing an entrepreneurial mindset. Review Solving
the domains of the entrepreneurial mindset and have • Creativity & Innovation
students identify examples of when they have • Communication &
demonstrated each. At the end of class, have students Collaboration
identify which skills and characteristics were necessary • Flexibility & Adaptability
for the Product Innovation Game. • Opportunity Focus
• Future Orientation
• Initiative & Self-Reliance
• Comfort with Risk

2-2 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 1.6 The key to keeping progress on
Workshop: the Qualifications determine their own qualifications for running a Written the business plan is to have
1.6 Qualifications section of the business and complete Section 1.6 of the written Business Plan frequent ‘workshop’ days where
written business business plan. Students should reflect on the skills, Rubric students can complete a specific
plan characteristics, and entrepreneurial mindset behaviors section of the business plan
that they identified for themselves this week. Allow with peer input while teachers
time for peer review and feedback using the business can remediate/support other
plan rubric. Note the students won’t have been students. Use the provided
introduced to the business plan until the following rubrics to ensure feedback is
week, so have them save their work to transfer later. specific and relevant.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Lists 3 or more qualifications
that provide compelling
rationale for student running

It is important that students
develop qualifications based on
the skills, characteristics, and
entrepreneurial mindset
behaviors identified during

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Unit 1 – Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure

Entrepreneurship & The Economy
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
2-3 Entrepreneurship SWBAT explain NFTE Experiential Activity: Trading Game; Use the N/A N/A N/A Trading While it is one NFTE’s core
& The Economy the purpose of experiential activity guide to facilitate the activity and Game experiential activities, the
trading to solve post-discussion. Be sure that students recognize that Activity Trading Game is one of the few
scarcity in an the ability to get the goods that was desired by all Rubric activities without an explicit
economic system increased as trading restrictions decreased. Use the connection to the business plan.
rubric at the end for peer or self-evaluation. Use the activity and the
2-4 Importance of SWBAT explain Use Chapter 11 and Chapter 11 PPT to review the basic 209-219 60-65 11 Chapter 11 instructional days that follow to
Entrepreneurship the principles of economics that are important to Textbook provide instruction in economic
& The Economy characteristics of entrepreneurship; including economic systems and Assessments principles that will be important
various economic supply and demand relationships. Be sure to present / Test to learning entrepreneurship
systems definitions through the lens of the simulations in the Generator and completing ALL sections of
Trading Game activity. Have students use a T-chart to the business plan.
list the different aspects of the various economic
systems. By the end of class, ask students to reflect on
the Trading Game experience by matching an economic
system with each trading round, and the impact each
system has on entrepreneurs.

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Unit 1 – Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure

Opportunity Recognition
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
2-5 What is a Business SWBAT explain Use Chapter 5 and Chapter 5 PPT to review the purpose 97-102 15-30 5 Chapter 5 Before starting the next
Plan? the components of a business plan. Be sure that students understand Textbook instructional cycle, formally
and purpose of a that a business plan is road map for entrepreneurs to Assessments introduce the business plan to
business plan navigate business risk, as much as it is for potential / Test students at this point. The book
investors and other stakeholders. Explain to students Generator contains some sample plans
what they will be completing as a business plan for this that do not necessarily reflect
course. Provide students with examples of students’ what the students will be asked
plans for them to review and critique, if available. By to do. It may be more beneficial
the end of class, be sure that students can describe the to show student plans from
purpose and main parts of a business plan. They can other NFTE students so that
also transfer their work from Written Plan Section 1.6 students know what to expect
Qualifications at this time. from the course.
3-1 What is a Business SWBAT identify NFTE Experiential Activity: Virtual Community Walk N/A N/A N/A Virtual With all of NFTE instructional
Opportunity? business (or Community Walk) Use the experiential activity Community cycles, the approach is to
opportunities in guide to facilitate the activity and post-discussion. Be Walk Activity expose students through an
their local sure that students recognize that all businesses that are Rubric experiential activity, teach the
economy successful in the community meet specific needs or content while connecting to the
wants in their local economy. Try to get students to activity, provide real-life
think of businesses that closed, and why they might not examples, then apply to the
have been as successful. Try to get students to business plan. For this section,
recognize that some of these businesses may have good the progression is as follows:
ideas, but not actual opportunities. If time allows, leave • Activity: Virtual Community
the classroom to do a short live walk and/or interview Walk (or Community Walk)
an entrepreneur as a real case study example of a • Activity: Opportunity
business. Use the rubric at the end for peer or self- Recognition
evaluation. • Chapters 5: Managing Risk
3-2 External Sources of SWBAT Use Chapter 7 and Chapter 7 PPT to briefly identify the 133-147 N/A 7 Opportunity • Chapter 7: Turning Ideas
Opportunity differentiate the difference between a business idea and a business Recognition into Opportunities
five sources of opportunity. Be sure that students understand that not Board Game • Business Plan: Business
opportunity with all business ideas are good business opportunities, and Activity Opportunity
real-world that they will be learning how to differentiate between Rubric
examples the two. Review the five external sources of In these activities, students
opportunity and use the NFTE Experiential Activity: begin to look at the catalysts for
Opportunity Recognition Board Game to review the various businesses to come into

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concept with students. Use the rubric at the end for existence. Students should leave
peer or self-evaluation. these activities understanding
that an innovative idea might
not necessarily be a good
business opportunity.

3-3 Thinking Creatively SWBAT explain Before learning how to evaluate which ideas are 119-131 N/A 6 Chapter 6 Because determining a business
how creative actually good opportunities, it is important to start with Textbook idea that they will work with for
thinking can lead as many potential business ideas as possible. Use Assessments the remainder of the course can
to innovative Chapter 6 Chapter 6 PPT, and the ‘Crazy Business Ideas / Test be one of the most challenging
business ideas That Worked’ presentation as a real-life case study to Generator sticking points, multiple days
help students understand the importance of thinking are built in to the schedule to
creatively towards generating ideas. Have students help facilitate this.
create a list of ‘crazy’ business ideas of their own. At
the end of class, be sure that they can explain how Before moving right to the
creative thinking leads to innovative business ideas. business opportunity, have
3-4 Idea Generation SWBAT use Use the Idea Generation exercises on pages 125-127 119-131 N/A N/A N/A students start with creative
creative thinking with students to help them each come up with as many thinking and idea generation
techniques to individual business ideas as possible. Each creative exercises outlined in the book. It
generate lists of thinking technique should result in at least ten business requires training to get students
potential ideas. Have students present their ideas with the to be comfortable with thinking
business ideas understanding that there is no ‘judging of not feasible creatively and performing idea
ideas’ at this point of the process. Allow students to generation exercises without
vote on their favorites, or the ones that are the most judgment – which is why the
innovative. ‘Crazy Business Ideas that
Worked’ presentation is a great
way to ease into these
3-5 Evaluating SWBAT use Use Chapter 8 and Chapter 8 PPT to review how 150-163 43-48 8 Performance After students have a long list of
Business various tools to entrepreneurs can use tools to evaluate if their Task 1a: potential innovative ideas,
Opportunities evaluate business innovative idea is a true business opportunity. Walk Opportunity teach students various
opportunities students through the various tools and provide an Recognition screening methods to
example for each. Have students fill out a SWOT determine if they truly have a
analysis for the best three opportunities in their list. business opportunities.
Give students Performance Task 1a to determine their
understanding of evaluating unique ideas as potential The models outlined in the
business opportunities. textbook include:
• Cost/Benefit Analysis
• Opportunity-Cost Analysis
• SWOT Analysis

Be sure that students become
comfortable using these
methods to narrow down their
potential ideas into actual
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The Performance Task at the
end of the second day can be
used as a gauge for who is ready
to work on the business plan
during workshop time, and who
requires remediation.
4-1 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this past week to N/A N/A N/A Section 1.1 The key to keeping progress on
Workshop: the Business determine the business opportunity they want to Written the business plan is to have
1.1 Business Opportunity pursue and complete Section 1.1 of the written Business frequent ‘workshop’ days where
Opportunity section of the business plan. Students should reflect on the various Plan Rubric students can complete a specific
written business business opportunities that they screened throughout section of the business plan
plan the past couple weeks. Allow time for peer review and with peer input while teachers
feedback using the business plan rubric. can remediate/support other
students. Use the provided
rubrics to ensure feedback is
specific and relevant.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Idea is clearly described and
linked to clear need or want;
data is used to support claims

It is important to note that this
section, as with many other
sections in the plan, will evolve
over the year.

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Unit 1 – Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure

Types of Business & Business Ownership
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
4-2 Types of SWBAT identify NFTE Experiential Activity: Types of Business Bingo to 377-382 N/A 21 Types of With all of NFTE instructional
Businesses the four main review the four main types of businesses with students. Business cycles, the approach is to
types of Use the included practice exercises and rubric for Bingo expose students through an
businesses evaluation. Activity experiential activity, teach the
Rubric content while connecting to the
activity, provide real-life
examples, then apply to the
business plan. For this section,
the progression is as follows:
• Activity: Types of Business
• Chapter 25: Legal
• Business Plan: Type of
4-3 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned yesterday to N/A N/A N/A Section 1.2 The key to keeping progress on
Workshop: the Type of determine the type of business their opportunity is and Written the business plan is to have
1.2 Type of Business section complete Section 1.2 of the Written Business Plan. Be Business frequent ‘workshop’ days where
Business of the written sure that students refer to the learnings from the Plan Rubric students can complete a specific
business plan experiential activity in their work. Allow time for peer section of the business plan
review and feedback using the business plan rubric. with peer input while teachers
can remediate/support other
students. Use the provided
rubrics to ensure feedback is
specific and relevant.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Ownership type is best for the
business; states rationales for
chosen type
4-4 Types of Business SWBAT to Use Chapter 25, Chapter 25 PPT, and the Types of 451-465 141-146 25 Performance While there is not a specific
Ownership differentiate Business Ownership presentation to briefly review the Task 1b: experiential activity for this
between the main types of businesses ownership with students. Business topic, students can still do a

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main types of Assign students to jigsaw read from the chapter on the Ownership basic reading and presentation
business pros and cons of each type of business ownership and activity to determine the
ownership how to setup in their state/city/county. Have students pros/cons of each.
present on their group’s legal structure. Be sure that
presentations include the key features, pros and cons Since this topic can sometimes
for each. Give students Performance Task 1b to be overwhelming to students, it
determine their understanding of the difference is key to not get too far in detail
between the main types of business ownership. and try to look at the structures
at a high level.

The Performance Task can be
used as a gauge for who is ready
to work on the business plan
during workshop time, and who
requires remediation.
4-5 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 1.3 The key to keeping progress on
Workshop: the Type of determine the type of business ownership they would Written the business plan is to have
1.3 Type of Business like to register their business as and complete Section Business frequent ‘workshop’ days where
Business Ownership 1.3 of the Written Business Plan. Be sure that students Plan Rubric students can complete a specific
Ownership section of the refer to the learnings from their presentations in their section of the business plan
written business work. Refer students to the Business Plan Tutorial Video with peer input while teachers
plan on ‘Choosing a Legal Structure’ for additional guidance. can remediate/support other
Allow time for peer review and feedback using the students. Use the provided
business plan rubric. rubrics to ensure feedback is
specific and relevant.
Choosing a business type and legal structure might not
take an entire hour, so consider supplementing with For this section, a student
Eva’s Edibles Case Study to show the students real-life exceeding expectations:
examples of opportunity recognition and setting up a Ownership type is best for the
legal structure. (Or, alternatively, have students read business; states rationales for
profiles of actual entrepreneurs from either Teens Blast chosen type
Off or Entrepreneurs in Profile). Have students reflect
on their biggest learnings so far.

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Unit 1 – Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure

Ethics & Social Responsibility
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
5-1 Ethics & Social SWBAT use NFTE Experiential Activity: Invention Contest; Use the N/A N/A N/A Invention With all of NFTE instructional
Responsibility entrepreneurial experiential activity guide to facilitate the activity and Contest cycles, the approach is to
skills to create a post-discussion. Have students present an idea for an Activity expose students through an
new product or invention that solves either a given problem, or Rubric experiential activity, teach the
service that problem the students come up with on their own. Their content while connecting to the
solves a social invention may or may not be related to their activity, provide real-life
problem developing business idea. Be sure that students examples, then apply to the
recognize that many of these could be profitable business plan. For this section,
businesses while also solving the identified problem. the progression is as follows:
Use the rubric at the end for peer or self-evaluation. • Activity: Invention Contest
5-2 Socially SWBAT explain Use Chapter 4 and Chapter 4 PPT to review the ways 61-79 19-24 4 Chapter 4 • Chapter 4: Social
Responsible ways that that businesses can ‘do good while doing well.’ Be sure Textbook Entrepreneurship
Business & entrepreneurs that students understand that social responsibility Assessments • Business Plan: Mission
Philanthropy can practice includes responsibility to individuals, responsibilities, / Test Statement and Social
socially and the community; as was demonstrated in the Generator Responsibility
responsible Invention Contest experiential activity. Have students
business review profiles of actual businesses (or profiles from In the activity, students begin to
practices Teens Blast Off or Entrepreneurs in Profile) to identify investigate how businesses can
how those entrepreneurs gave back to the community, be engage in socially
customers, employees, or environment. By the end of responsible practices, while also
class, be sure that students can list ways that driving a profit. Students will
entrepreneurs can engage in socially responsible hopefully take the learnings
business practices. from this section to hone their
business opportunity to also
contain a socially positive

5-3 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 1.5 The key to keeping progress on
Workshop: the Social determine a social responsibility plans for their business Written the business plan is to have
1.5 Social Responsibility opportunity and complete Section 1.5 of the Written Business frequent ‘workshop’ days where
Responsibility section of the Business Plan. Be sure that students incorporate Plan Rubric students can complete a specific
written business learnings from the Invention Contest, and their section of the business plan
plan understanding of being social responsible to customers, with peer input while teachers
employees, the environment and the community. Allow can remediate/support other
time for peer review and feedback using the business students. Use the provided
plan rubric. rubrics to ensure feedback is

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specific and relevant.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
SR Plan is well-defined,
innovative, tightly aligned with
mission statement
5-4 Mission SWBAT identify Provide students with mission statements for real-life N/A N/A N/A Performance Encourage students to come up
Statements the components businesses. Have students discuss which they feel are Task 1c: with some of the characteristics
of a well-written the most effective. Try to have students rate the Mission of an effective mission
mission mission statements, and determine commonalities Statements statement.
statement amongst the high-ranking (and low-ranking). Have
students come up with a list of ‘must-haves’ for a well- From the description in the
written mission statement. Give students Performance rubric, a good mission
Task 1c to determine if they understand the statement:
components of a well-written mission statement. • Is clear
• Is succinct
• States what the business
• States why the business
• Contains exciting and
appealing language

The Performance Task at the
end of this day can be used as a
gauge for who is ready to work
on the business plan during
workshop time, and who
requires remediation.
5-5 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 1.4 The key to keeping progress on
Workshop: the Mission determine a potential mission statement for their Written the business plan is to have
1.4 Mission Statement business opportunity and complete Section 1.4 of the Business frequent ‘workshop’ days where
Statement section of the Written Business Plan. Be sure that students write Plan Rubric students can complete a specific
written business mission statements aligned to the characteristics of a section of the business plan
plan high-quality mission statement. Refer students to the with peer input while teachers
Business Plan Tutorial Video on ‘Writing Effective can remediate/support other
Mission Statements’ for additional guidance. Allow time students. Use the provided
for peer review and feedback using the business plan rubrics to ensure feedback is
rubric. specific and relevant.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Clearly and succinctly states
what the business does and why
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it exists; language is appealing

and exciting

Unit 1 – Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure

Business Plan & Assessments
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
6-1 Business Plan SWBAT revise Students should be given a couple days to revisit all of N/A N/A N/A Unit 1 Students should use this
Workshop: Unit 1 and finalize Unit the sections within the first unit of the Written Business Written workshop time to revisit and
1 of the Written Plan Template. This unit includes the following sections: Business hone their initial opportunity in
Business Plan 1.1 Business Opportunity Plan Rubric light of what they learned in this
Template 1.2 Type of Business unit. They should also try to find
1.3 Type of Business Ownership additional information to justify
1.4 Mission Statement their opportunity, and ask for
1.5 Social Responsibility peer feedback. Bringing in
1.6 Qualifications business plan coaches at this
time would be ideal. You can
By completing these sections, students will also use this time for students
demonstrate the following overarching learnings for the to catch up on business plan
course: sections that they missed.
• Identify a business idea fulfills a want or need
that is not being met by existing businesses For students that feel they are
• Structure a business logically and ‘complete’ with their plan, use
appropriately the Written Business Plan
• Explain the relationship between themselves, Rubric to provide specific
their business, and their community feedback on how they could
6-2 Business Plan SWBAT revise See previous day N/A N/A N/A Unit 1 increase the section to an
Workshop: Unit 1 and finalize Unit Written ‘Exceeds Expectations’.
1 of the Written Business
Business Plan Plan Rubric
6-3 Unit Presentations SWBAT present Allow time for all students to present their work on the N/A N/A N/A Unit 1 Allowing students practice in
and receive first Unit in the Written Business Plan. Students can Written formally presenting on their
feedback on Unit either read from their Written Business Plan, or project Business business idea, and also allows
1 of their Written their work using a digital projector. Pass out rubrics for Plan Rubric you to gauge where every
Business Plan for peer evaluation and questioning as well. student is in on the plan.
future revisions Remind students that they will
be receiving feedback and will
continue to revise all parts of
their business plan throughout
the year.
6-4 Unit Assessment N/A Students will take the unit assessment for Opportunity N/A N/A N/A Unit 1 N/A
Recognition & Business Structure. You may also use this Assessment
day to finalize written business plan work and/or unit
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 15


Unit 2 – Market Research
What is Market Research?
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
6-5 What is Market SWBAT explain NFTE Experiential Activity: Eva’s Edibles Case Study N/A N/A N/A Eva’s Edibles With all of NFTE instructional
Research? why market (Part 1); Use the experiential activity guide to facilitate Case Study cycles, the approach is to
research is the activity through the primary/secondary research Activity expose students through an
important identification and post-discussion. Be sure that Rubric experiential activity, teach the
students are able to explain why it is important to content while connecting to the
identify market research questions and assign primary activity, provide real-life
and secondary sources for each. Use the rubric at the examples, then apply to the
end for peer or self-evaluation. business plan. For this section,
7-1 Market Research SWBAT Use Chapter 9 and Chapter 9 PPT to explain why 166-179 49-54 9 Chapter 9 the progression is as follows:
Methods differentiate market research is important. They should understand Textbook • Activity: Eva’s Edibles Case
between primary the broad goals of performing market research, and Assessments Study (Part 1)
and secondary the dangers entrepreneurs face by not completing / Test • Chapter 9: Market
research, and be market research. Connect their experience with Eva Generator Research Methods
able to identify from the previous class period to review the • Business Plan: Market
various methods difference between primary and secondary data, and Research
and resources to various approaches for completing both. At the end of
do both class, have students think of numerous other ways In these activities, students start
they can find either type of data as a class. to look at a model for market
7-2 Business Plan SWBAT to create a Have students use what they learned in the previous N/A N/A N/A Section 2.1 research through a real-life case
Workshop: list of questions lessons to start market research on their business idea Written study. Students should leave
2.1 Market about their that will accompany Section 2.1 of the written Business this activity understanding the
Research business business plan. Students should reflect on the market Plan Rubric importance of market research,
opportunity to be research methods they have learned so far. Have and how identifying
answered through students identify if their questions will be answered by primary/secondary resources as
market research primary or secondary research – and then have them part of a research plan can save
brainstorm where they can find the answers to each. a lot of roadblocks later.
Allow students to work in pairs/groups to help with
source identification. Students will begin work on
Section 2.1 in this cycle, but tell
As a note, this part of the business plan requires students that they will most
students to find data on the industry or a customer likely not finish all research –
trend to ‘support’ their business opportunity. Refer and will have time later in the
students to the Business Plan Tutorial Video on unit to revisit.
‘Supporting the Opportunity with Research’ for
additional guidance. A general note about this unit:
since research can be time-
If students struggle with finding research data sites, consuming and widely vary from

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 16

provide with the following list of suggested sites to student to student based on
visit: plan and ability level, cushion is
• – For information on specific built into all business plan
industries (such as average sales, average Return workshop time to provide
on Sales, etc.) students with ample time to
• – Provides a detailed profile actually gather research. If you
of a market by ZIP code have students that ‘complete’
• www.chamber of – Local what is assigned for the day, ask
demographic info and business support services them to revisit sections of the
• – Click “American Fact Finder” business plan, or help peers
for search options. with finding research data.
• – Focuses on market
segmentation For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Correctly identifies industry
name and size; connects current
trends to further support
business opportunity

Potential target market size is
accurate, based on clear
quantitative reasoning, and
includes student-generated
primary research
7-3 Targeting Your SWBAT list Use Chapter 16 and Chapter 16 PPT to review the 286-298 N/A 16 Performance With all of NFTE instructional
Market important factors importance of identifying a target market. Relate this Task 2a: cycles, the approach is to
when targeting a concept to the benefits of market research, and the Market expose students through an
market pitfalls entrepreneurs can face if they do not. Review Research experiential activity, teach the
the main categories that consumer information can be Cycle content while connecting to the
bucketed into. Facilitate the second half of the NFTE activity, provide real-life
Experiential Activity: Eva’s Edibles Case Study (Part 2) examples, then apply to the
to demonstrate how entrepreneurs can gather market business plan. For this section,
research data, and determine a target market the progression is as follows:
segment from the data. Give students Performance • Activity: Eva’s Edibles Case
Task 2a to determine their understanding of the Study (Part 2)
process for targeting a market. • Activity: Chocolate Bar
7-4 Gathering Primary SWBAT design and NFTE Experiential Activity: Chocolate Bar Survey N/A N/A N/A Chocolate Survey Activity
Research implement a Activity (Part 1); Use the experiential activity guide to Bar Survey • Chapter 16: Identifying a
primary market facilitate the activity through the survey creation and Activity Target Market
research activity data collection. Be sure that students recognize best Rubric • Business Plan: Target
practices in constructing effective questions for Market
primary research gathering. Use the rubric at the end
for peer or self-evaluation. In these activities, students start
7-5 Analyzing SWBAT create a NFTE Experiential Activity: Chocolate Bar Survey N/A N/A N/A Performance to look at how to segment a
Research Data new product Activity (Part 2); Use the experiential activity guide to Task 2b:
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 17

specifically for a facilitate the activity through the data analysis and Defining a target market, and how to most
target market chocolate bar creation. Be sure that students Target effectively gather data from
based on market understand how to use research data collected from Market these segments. Students
research primary sources to support business decisions. Use the should leave these activities
rubric at the end for peer or self-evaluation. Give understanding how to narrow
students Performance Task 2b to determine their down their target market, and
understanding of determining the description of a determine characteristics of
target market based on market research. their potential customer using
8-1 Business Plan SWBAT determine Have students use what they learned in the previous N/A N/A N/A Section 2.2 primary data.
Workshop: market research lessons to start market research on their business Written
2.2 Target Market methods to gather target market that will accompany Section 2.2 of the Business The Performance Tasks in this
data on the target written business plan. Students should reflect on the Plan Rubric cycle can be used as a gauge for
market for their market research methods they have learned so far. who is ready to do market
business Have students identify research questions and method research during workshop time,
of data collection for information on their target and who requires remediation.
market. If you have access to computers, show
students how to set up surveys using Students will begin work on This way, students’ surveys Section 2.2 in this cycle, but tell
will be more accessible to people in their target students that they will most
market, and they will be able to more easily aggregate likely not finish all research –
their data. Refer students to the Business Plan Tutorial and will have time later in the
Video on ‘Identifying a Target Market’ for additional unit to revisit.
guidance. Allow time for peer review and feedback
using the business plan rubric. For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Extensive and relevant
demographic, geographic and
psychographic information;
linked to product or service’s
features and benefits

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 18

Unit 2 – Market Research

What is Your Competitive Advantage?
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
8-2 Identifying the SWBAT describe NFTE Experiential Activity: Restaurant Competition N/A N/A N/A Restaurant With all of NFTE instructional
Competition the function of Activity; Use the experiential activity guide to Competition cycles, the approach is to
competition in facilitate the activity through the restaurant and Activity expose students through an
business poster creation. Be Students can investigate Rubric experiential activity, teach the
restaurants as a homework assignment, or observe content while connecting to the
virtually using websites like Google or Yelp. Be sure activity, provide real-life
that students understand how to determine the examples, then apply to the
competitive advantage of a business using a matrix. business plan. For this section,
Use the rubric at the end for peer or self-evaluation. the progression is as follows:
8-3 What is a SWBAT describe Use Chapter 15 and Chapter 15 PPT to explain why 177-182 83-88 15 Performance • Activity: Restaurant
Competitive the concept of researching their competition is important. They Task 2c: Competition Activity
Advantage? competitive should understand the types of competition (weak Competitive • Chapter 15: Establishing a
advantage direct, strong direct, indirect), and how a business can Advantage Competitive Advantage
have differentiators against similar businesses. Business Plan:
Connect their experience with Restaurant Activity Competition; Competitive
from the previous class periods. Have students look at Advantage
real-life case study examples from Teens Businesses
Blast Off or Entrepreneurs in Profile to determine the In these activities, students start
competitors of those businesses. Give students to look at how to gather
Performance Task 2c to determine their information on competitors,
understanding of competition and competitive and determine a competitive
advantage. advantage for their own
8-4 Business Plan SWBAT determine Have students use what they learned in the previous N/A N/A N/A Sections 2.3 business. Students should leave
Workshop: market research lessons to start completing market research on their & 2.4 this activity understanding how
2.3 Competition methods to gather competition and competitive advantage that will Written to how to determine their direct
2.4 Competitive data on the accompany Sections 2.3 and 2.4 of the written Business and indirect competition, and
Advantage competition for business plan. Students should reflect on the market Plan Rubrics be able to complete a
their business research methods they have learned so far. Have competitive matrix.
students identify research questions and method of
data collection before gathering the data. Refer The Performance Task in this
students to the Business Plan Tutorial Video on cycle can be used as a gauge for
‘Establishing a Competitive Advantage’ for additional who is ready to do market
guidance. research during workshop time,
and who requires remediation.

Students will begin work on
Sections 2.3 and 2.4 in this
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 19

cycle, but tell students that they

will most likely not finish all
research – and will have time
later in the unit to revisit.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Identifies more than 3 direct
competitors and provides info
about their prices, location,
quality, and reputation; provides
comparison between
competitors and own business

Identifies multiple indirect
competitors and provides info
about their prices, location,
quality, and reputation;
comments on why competitors
are indirect

States 3 clear and valid
competitive advantages; uses
research on competitors to
support claims

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 20

Unit 2 – Market Research

Business Plan & Assessments
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
8-5 Business Plan SWBAT revise and Students should be given a few days to revisit all of N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 Students should use this
Workshop: Unit 2 finalize Unit 2 of the sections within the second unit of the Written Written workshop time to complete any
the Written Business Plan Template. This unit includes the Business outstanding market research,
Business Plan following sections: Plan Rubric and summarize their findings in
Template 2.1 Market Research their business plans. They
2.2 Target Market should also revisit Unit 1 and
2.3 Competition make changes to their
2.4 Competitive Advantage opportunity based on the data
2.5 Business Growth that they found. Bringing in
2.6 Challenges business plan coaches at this
time would be ideal. You can
By completing these sections, students will also use this time for students
demonstrate the following overarching learnings for to catch up on business plan
the course: sections that they missed.
• Determine the market size for their business
by using primary and secondary sources For students that feel they are
• Identify an appropriate target market in ‘complete’ with their plan, use
terms of demographics, psychographics, and the Written Business Plan
consumer behaviors Rubric to provide specific
• Differentiate their business from direct and feedback on how they could
indirect competitors increase the section to an
• Set a long-term vision for their business ‘Exceeds Expectations’.
based on their understanding of market
trends and future challenges This will also be the first
• Create a long-term vision for their business opportunity for students to
based on their understanding of market work on Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of
trends the business plan. For these
9-1 Business Plan SWBAT revise and See previous day N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 sections, a student exceeding
Workshop: Unit 2 finalize Unit 2 of Written expectations:
the Written Business Business growth strategies and
Business Plan Plan Rubric next steps are attainable and
Template time-bound; strategies’
9-2 Business Plan SWBAT revise and See previous day N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 rationale linked to market
Workshop: Unit 2 finalize Unit 2 of Written research and informed by
the Written Business personal reflection
Business Plan Plan Rubric
Challenges and potential
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 21

Template barriers are insightful, relevant,

and explicitly informed by
market research and informed
by personal reflection
9-3 Unit Presentations SWBAT present Allow time for all students to present their work on N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 Allowing students practice in
and receive the second Unit in the Written Business Plan. Students Written formally presenting on their
feedback on Unit 2 can either read from their Written Business Plan, or Business business idea, and also allows
of their Written project their work using a digital projector. Pass out Plan Rubric you to gauge where every
Business Plan for rubrics for peer evaluation and questioning as well. student is in on the plan.
future revisions Remind students that they will
be receiving feedback and will
continue to revise all parts of
their business plan throughout
the year.
9-4 Unit Assessment N/A Students will take the unit assessment for Market N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 N/A
Research. You may also use this day to finalize written Assessment
business plan work and/or unit presentations.

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 22

Unit 2 – Market Research

Wholesale Buying/Selling Activity
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
9-5 Wholesale SWBAT perform NFTE Experiential Activity: Wholesale Buying/Selling N/A N/A N/A Wholesale This core NFTE Experiential
Buying/Selling market research Experience; Use the experiential activity guide to Buying/ Activity is a great way to bridge
Activity on a population of provide an overview of the experience and facilitate Selling the market research unit to the
target consumers the activity through the identification of the target Activity financials and marketing units.
in order to market at the selling event. Students should Rubric At the core of the activity,
influence their determine the typical customer profile of their selling students act as retailers by:
business decisions event, and brainstorm potential products that would • Doing market research on
be appealing to this customer segment. If possible, their target market
students should be given the opportunity to validate • Purchasing merchandise
their ideas through market research. from a wholesaler (or at a
10-1 Wholesale SWBAT purchase NFTE Experiential Activity: Wholesale Buying/Selling N/A N/A N/A Wholesale wholesale price)
Buying/Selling wholesale Experience; Use the experiential activity guide to Buying/ • Determining a pricing and
Activity merchandise facilitate a buying event field trip (or virtual buying Selling promotional strategy
informed by experience in the classroom). Have students buy Activity • Selling their product at a
research on a products at a wholesale price that they think they Rubric markup in order to
target market would be able to purchase and sell to their target generate a profit
segment for a profit.
10-2 Wholesale SWBAT determine NFTE Experiential Activity: Wholesale Buying/Selling N/A N/A N/A Wholesale The activity guide outlines many
Buying/Selling pricing and Experience; Use the experiential activity guide to Buying/ alternative ways that this
Activity promotional facilitate the selling activity with the students. Have Selling activity can be implemented
strategies of their students sell their product at their determined prices Activity including:
wholesale to make a profit. Have students determine a pricing Rubric • Virtual buying in the
merchandise and promotional strategy for their products that will classroom (vs a field trip)
be appealing to their target market segment at the • Selling products for a
selling event. Have students prepare for the selling school event (parent night
event by making signs, merchandise tables, etc… or dance)
• Syncing up with a school
If the selling event is outside of class time, use this project (student store or
third day to prep for the selling event OR, use it to class memorabilia)
debrief the experience afterwards. The timeline and details of the
activity is wholly up to the
teacher, as long as the students
get the experience of buying
and selling merchandise for a
profit. Depending on how you
structure the experience, the

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 23

timeline might stretch over

time, but you should at least
hold 3 days in the schedule. See
the guide for more details.

Unit 3 – Financial Information & Operations
Business Decisions & the Economics of One Unit
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
10-3 The Cost of Doing SWBAT define, Use Chapter 26 & 27 and Chapter 26 & 27 PPT to 484-500, 147-153, 26 & 27 Performance With all of NFTE instructional
Business categorize, and review the various fixed and variable expenses that a 503-517 153-158 Task 3a: cycles, the approach is to
provide examples business (include services and tech-based businesses) Categorizing expose students through an
of fixed, variable might encounter. Expenses experiential activity, teach the
and start-up content while connecting to the
expenses Use the NFTE Experiential Activity: Expense Soccer to activity, provide real-life
facilitate practice with identifying expense types. This examples, then apply to the
activity eases students into the financials unit without business plan. For this section,
being overly math heavy. Be sure that students the progression is as follows:
recognize that all businesses have various expenses • Activity: Expense Soccer
that can be categorized into one of these three • Chapter 26: The Cost of
buckets. Use the rubric at the end for peer or self- Doing Business
evaluation. • Chapter 27: Expense
Note that while start-up investment will be discussed • Business Plan: Variable
in later weeks, it may also be worthwhile to explain Expenses, Fixed Expenses,
that the remaining bucket of expenses are one time Startup Investment (list
purchases that aren’t considered fixed or variable, only)
and will be factored in later. Give students
Performance Task 3a to determine their In this activity, students start to
understanding of categorizing expenses. look at the various expenses
10-4 Business Plan SWBAT categorize Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Sections 3.3, that are incurred while running
Workshop: their own determine the various expenses for their business and 3.5 & 3.7 a business. Students should
3.3 Variable expenses to complete Sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.7 of the Written Written leave this activity to categorize
Expenses complete the Business Plan. Be sure that students incorporate Business Plan a list of expenses they identify
3.5 Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses, learnings from the Expenses Soccer, and their Rubrics in their own business.
3.7 Startup Fixed Expenses, understanding of how each of these expenses are
Investment and Startup categorized. Allow time for peer review and feedback The Performance Task in this
Investment using the business plan rubric. cycle can be used as a gauge for
sections of the who is ready to do categorize
written business expenses during workshop
plan time, and who requires

Students will begin work on
Section 3.7 in this cycle, but tell
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 24

students that they will just list

their start-up expenses for now.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Fixed expenses are competitive,
feasible and show evidence of
All calculations are accurate and
all costs are accurately

10-5 The Economics of SWBAT explain Use Chapter 26 and Chapter 26 PPT to review the 493-501 147-152 26 Performance With all of NFTE instructional
One Unit of Sale how to calculate concept of EOU, and its importance of determining Task 3b: EOU cycles, the approach is to
(EOU) the economics of the profitability of a business. Go through the various expose students through an
one unit of sale types of EOUs for different businesses, or if time experiential activity, teach the
allows, assign each one to a different group of content while connecting to the
students to present to the larger group. Ask students activity, provide real-life
to determine what would happen to the profitability if examples, then apply to the
the selling price of variable expenses business plan. For this section,
increased/decreased, to show the relationship to the the progression is as follows:
contribution margin. Give students Performance Task • Chapter 26: The Cost of
3b to determine their understanding of EOU. Doing Business
11-1 The Economics of SWBAT calculate NFTE Experiential Activity: EOU Activity – Lego N/A N/A N/A EOU Activity • Chapter 27: Expense
One Unit of Sale an EOU with labor Activity; Use the experiential activity guide to Rubric Management
(EOU) calculations facilitate the activity and post-discussion. This second • Activity: EOU Activities
activity in a series asks students to do a standard EOU • Business Plan: Definition of
using a Lego toy as an example. Ask students to One Unit, Production
assemble a new toy and create an EOU to present to Process, Variable Expenses,
the class with a selling price and cost for each of the Fixed Expenses, EOU
materials and labor. Use the rubric at the end for peer
or self-evaluation. Since students tend to struggle
11-2 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Sections 3.1, with the concept of EOU,
Workshop: complete the determine the production process and variable 3.2 & 3.3 multiple activities of increasing
3.1 Definition of Definition of One expenses for their business to complete Sections 3.1, Written difficulty are usually
One Unit Unit, Production 3.2, and 3.3 of the Written Business Plan. Be sure that Business Plan recommended. With the
3.2 Production Process, and students incorporate learnings from the EOU Rubrics semester based course, there is
Process Variables sections activities, and their understanding of how to not much room for additional
3.3 Variable of the written maximize profitability with their selling price and activities, however, if you are
Expenses business plan variable expenses. Refer students to the Business Plan able to provide examples of
Tutorial Video on ‘The Economics of One Unit’ for EOU as warm ups over a few
additional guidance. Allow time for peer review and days, you can do the following:
feedback using the business plan rubric. • Simple parts; no labor (gift
11-3 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 3.4 basket)
Workshop: complete the EOU determine the EOU for their business to complete Written
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 25

3.4 EOU section of the Sections 3.4 of the Written Business Plan. Be sure that Business Plan • Simple parts; Labor (lego)
written business students incorporate learnings from the EOU Rubric • Fraction parts; Labor
plan activities, and their understanding of how to (turkey sandwich)
maximize profitability with their selling price and
variable expenses. Allow time for peer review and The Performance Task in this
feedback using the business plan rubric. cycle can be used as a gauge for
11-4 Business Plan SWBAT to See previous day N/A N/A N/A Section 3.4 who is ready to do calculate
Workshop: complete the EOU Written EOU during workshop time, and
3.4 EOU section of the Business Plan who requires remediation.
written business Rubric
plan Again, many students find the
math part of this unit
challenging at first, and so, a
couple days are built in to build
to their EOU. This will also be
helpful for students who make
an error and need to restart.
For students that finish before
the rest of the group, have
them revisit sections of the
business plan, or help peers
with calculations.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Unit is clearly defined and plan
for production is well-thought
out and feasible.
Selling price and expenses are
competitive, feasible, and show
evidence of research;
contribution margin is
reasonable for scope of business
All calculations are accurate and
all costs are accurately

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 26

Unit 3 – Financial Information & Operations

Financial Statements
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
11-5 Parts of an Income SWBAT explain Use Chapter 28 and Chapter 28 PPT to review parts 529-536 159-164 28 Income With all of NFTE instructional
Statement the importance of of an Income Statement and its function. Show Statement cycles, the approach is to
an income students various examples of income statements Card Game expose students through an
statement from the textbook, and from real-life business if Activity experiential activity, teach the
available. Use the NFTE Experiential Activity: Rubric content while connecting to
Income Statement as a guided practice to show the activity, provide real-life
students what would happen to the profitability if examples, then apply to the
the selling price of variable expenses business plan. For this section,
increased/decreased, and its relationship to the the progression is as follows:
contribution margin. By the end of class, be sure that • Chapter 28: Revenue
students can explain the importance of an income Streams and Sales
statement, and its impact on predicting profitability. Projections
12-1 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 3.6 • Activity: Income
Workshop: complete the calculate the income statement for their business to Written Statement Card Game
3.6 Income Income Statement complete Section 3.6 of the Written Business Plan. Business Plan • Business Plan: Income
Statement section of the Be sure that students incorporate learnings from the Rubric Statement
written business Income Statement Card Game, and their
plan understanding of how to maximize profitability with The Income Statement Card
their selling price and variable expenses. Refer Game is a great way to
students to the Business Plan Tutorial Video on demonstrate the relationship
‘Projected Yearly Income Statement’ for additional between revenue, expenses,
guidance. Allow time for peer review and feedback and profit. When students are
using the business plan rubric. presenting the income
statements that they created,
ask them to determine how a
business could have been
profitable (increase sales,
decrease costs), and then test
as a class.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Income statement is complete
and formatted correctly;
Demonstrates a reasonable and
healthy annual profit
All calculations are accurate
and all costs are accurately
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 27

Unit 3 – Financial Information & Operations

Financing Your Business
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
12-2 Start-Up SWBAT to Use Chapter 29 and Chapter 29 PPT to review the 540-543 165-171 29 Chapter 29 With all of NFTE instructional
Expenditures calculate start-up various start-up expenditures that a business might Textbook cycles, the approach is to
expenditures for a encounter. Be sure to present definitions through the Assessments / expose students through an
new business lens of the Expense Soccer activity that they did Test experiential activity, teach the
earlier in the unit, and the investigation of Eva’s case Generator content while connecting to the
study the previous day. By the end of class, assign activity, provide real-life
students an assortment of various real-life businesses examples, then apply to the
(include services and tech-based businesses), and see business plan. For this section,
if they can brainstorm all of the start-up expenses the progression is as follows:
that they would each incur. • Activity: Do I Need
12-3 Financing Your SWBAT to NFTE Experiential Activity: Do I Need Financing? N/A N/A N/A Do I Need Financing?
Business determine what Have students review Eva’s Financing Strategy and Financing • Chapter 29: Financing the
expenses need to determine: the expenses she incurred to start her Rubric Business
be covered by business, and how she paid for those expenses. Ask • Business Plan: Start-Up
start-up students to determine which of her expenses they Investment
investment would have been able to cover, and weigh the pros
and cons of using debt or equity financing for the In this activity, students should
remainder. Be sure that students understand that all start to get a realistic picture of
businesses have real-life expenses to purchase before the start-up expenditures that
starting the business. Use the rubric at the end for are needed to start a business.
peer or self-evaluation. From this instruction, students
12-4 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 3.7 should learn to either cut back
Workshop: complete the calculate the income statement for their business to Written unnecessary expenses and/or
3.7 Start-Up Start-Up complete Section 3.7 of the Written Business Plan. Be Business Plan find smart ways of obtaining
Investment Investment section sure that students incorporate learnings from the Rubric financing that avoids debt as
of the written Expense Soccer and Eva’s Edibles investigation. much as possible.
business plan Students should use their investigation of the pros
and cons of each type of financing to put together a For this section, a student
realistic plan for their business. Refer students to the exceeding expectations:
Business Plan Tutorial Video on ‘Calculating Start-Up Start-up costs are competitive,
Investment’ for additional guidance. Allow time for feasible and show evidence of
peer review and feedback using the business plan research

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 28

Unit 3 – Financial Information & Operations

Financial Ratios & Break-Even Analysis
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
12-5 Financial Ratios SWBAT to use Use Chapter 29 & 30 and Chapter 29 & 30 PPT to 543-562 165-171, 29 & 30 Performance
financial ratios to review the importance of financial ratios and their 171-178 Task 3c:
determine the purpose in an entrepreneur doing a financial analysis Financial
financial health of of their business. Review the types of financial ratios, Ratios
a business case how to calculate each, and common red flags for
study each. Use the NFTE Experiential Activity: ROI/ROS
Relays as an engaging guided practice. Use the rubric
at the end for peer or self-evaluation. Give students
Performance Task 3c to determine their
understanding of Financial Ratios.
13-1 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 3.7
Workshop: complete the calculate the financial ratios for their business to Written
3.8 Financial Financial Ratios complete Section 3.8 of the Written Business Plan. Be Business Plan
Ratios section of the sure that students incorporate learnings from the Rubric
written business previous class periods. Students should be able to do
plan the calculations, and make note of which calculations
are flagging an issue with a previous section in their
financials that they can revisit the following week
during workshop time. Refer students to the Business
Plan Tutorial Video on ‘Financial Ratios’ for additional
guidance. Allow time for peer review and feedback
using the business plan rubric.

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 29

Unit 3 – Financial Information & Operations

Business Plan & Assessments
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
13-2 Business Plan SWBAT revise and Students should be given a few days to revisit all of N/A N/A N/A Unit 3 Students should use this
Workshop: Unit 3 finalize Unit 3 of the sections within the third unit of the Written Written workshop time to review and
the Written Business Plan Template. This unit includes the Business Plan revise all of the calculations
Business Plan following sections: Rubric from this unit, and summarize
Template 3.1 Definition of One Unit their findings in their business
3.2 Production Process plans. They should also revisit
3.3 Variable Expenses Units 1 and 2, and make
3.4 EOU changes to their opportunity
3.5 Fixed Expenses based on the financial
3.6 Income Statement information that they found.
3.7 Startup Investment Bringing in business plan
3.8 Financial Ratios coaches at this time would be
ideal. You can also use this
By completing these sections, students will time for students to catch up
demonstrate the following overarching learnings for on business plan sections that
the course: they missed.
• Explain how the business defines a unit
and how that unit is produced For students that feel they are
• Structure their EOU and variable expenses ‘complete’ with their plan, use
in an accurate and cost effective manner the Written Business Plan
• Identify monthly fixed expenses, and Rubric to provide specific
calculate how those expenses affect feedback on how they could
projected yearly income increase the section to an
• Determine the amount of capital necessary ‘Exceeds Expectations’.
to start their business
• Calculate financial ratios and explain their
significance in relation to their business’
financial health
13-3 Business Plan SWBAT revise and See previous day N/A N/A N/A Unit 3
Workshop: Unit 3 finalize Unit 3 of Written
the Written Business Plan
Business Plan Rubric
13-4 Business Plan SWBAT revise and See previous day N/A N/A N/A Unit 3
Workshop: Unit 3 finalize Unit 3 of Written
the Written Business Plan
Business Plan Rubric
13-5 Unit Presentations SWBAT present Allow time for all students to present their work on N/A N/A N/A Unit 3 Allowing students practice in
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 30

and receive the third Unit in the Written Business Plan. Students Written formally presenting on their
feedback on Unit can either read from their Written Business Plan, or Business Plan business idea, and also allows
3 of their Written project their work using a digital projector. Pass out Rubric you to gauge where every
Business Plan for rubrics for peer evaluation and questioning as well. student is in on the plan.
future revisions Remind students that they will
be receiving feedback and will
continue to revise all parts of
their business plan throughout
the year.
14-1 Unit Assessment N/A Students will take the unit assessment for Financial N/A N/A N/A Unit 3 N/A
Information & Operations. You may also use this day Assessment
to finalize written business plan work and/or unit

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 31

Unit 4 – Marketing & Sales
Marketing Your Product
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
14-2 Marketing Your SWBAT define the NFTE Experiential Activity: Magazine Game (Part 1); N/A N/A N/A Magazine With all of NFTE instructional
Product target market for Use the experiential activity guide to facilitate the Game cycles, the approach is to
a magazine based activity through the identification and presentation Activity expose students through an
on the ads of the target market. As a class, visit the website for Rubric experiential activity, teach the
contained within these magazines and find the ‘media kit’ so that content while connecting to the
students can confirm their target customers. Spend a activity, provide real-life
few minutes debriefing on why magazines would examples, then apply to the
want to publish the statistics for their average business plan. For this section,
customer for potential ad-buyers. Be sure that the progression is as follows:
students recognize that magazines used targeted ads • Activity: Magazine Game
that appeal to the average reader of the magazine. • Chapter 18: Delivering
Use the rubric at the end for peer or self-evaluation. Value to a Customer
14-3 Developing Your SWBAT identify Use Chapter 18 and Chapter 18 PPT to review the 313-327 99-104 18 Performance Segment
Marketing Mix components of a goals of marketing and the components of a Task 4a: • Business Plan: Marketing
marketing plan marketing mix. Be sure to present definitions Marketing Plan
through the lens of the Magazine Game activity they Mix
did during the previous class period. Discussing In this activity, students start to
marketing goals as needing to be SMART (specific, look at the ways that
measurable, action-orientated, realistic, time- businesses target and market
specific) By the end of class, assign students an to individuals in their target
assortment of various real-life businesses (include market. Many students
services and tech-based businesses), and see if they inherently ‘get’ advertising, as
can identifying the positioning strategy for the they are exposed to it, but it’s
business (i.e. McDonald’s is fast and convenient for important they understand the
busy families). mindset of marketing explicitly
14-4 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 4.1 to a different market segment.
Workshop: complete the create a Marketing Mix for their business to Written
4.1 Marketing Marketing Plan complete Section 4.1 of the Written Business Plan. Business The Performance Task in this
Plan section of the Be sure that students incorporate learnings from the Plan Rubric cycle can be used as a gauge for
written business Magazine Game investigation. Students should who is ready to work on a
plan assemble a marketing plan that will appeal to the marketing plan during
target customer detailed in Section 2 of their workshop time, and who
business plan. Refer students to the Business Plan requires remediation.
Tutorial Video on ‘Developing a Marketing Mix’ for
additional guidance. Allow time for peer review and For this section, a student
feedback using the business plan rubric. exceeding expectations:
Communicate how their
product or service benefits
members of their target market
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 32

14-5 Choosing a SWBAT summarize Use NFTE Experiential Activity: Marketing Bingo N/A N/A N/A Performance With all of NFTE instructional
Promotional Mix the basic slides as an engaging practice of identifying Task 4b: cycles, the approach is to
principles of promotional strategies. Be sure that students Promotional expose students through an
promotion understand that their mix of promotional strategies Mix experiential activity, teach the
should be diverse to attract, obtain and retain content while connecting to the
customers. By the end of class, assign students an activity, provide real-life
assortment of various real-life businesses (include examples, then apply to the
services and tech-based businesses), and see if they business plan. For this section,
can identify promotional strategies for the business the progression is as follows:
(both explicit such as commercials; and viral • Activity: Marketing Bingo
marketing efforts). Give students Performance Task • Chapter 18: Delivering
4b to determine their understanding of the Value to a Customer
Marketing Mix. Segment
15-1 Business Plan SWBAT to Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 4.2 • Business Plan: Promotions
Workshop: complete the create a Promotional Mix for their business to Written
4.2 Promotion Promotion section complete Section 4.2 of the Written Business Plan. Business In this activity, students start to
of the written Be sure that students incorporate learnings from the Plan Rubric look at the ways that
business plan Marketing Bingo investigation. Students should businesses promote to their
assemble promotional strategies that will appeal to target customers. Again,
the target customer detailed in Section 2 of their students see many common
business plan. Refer students to the Business Plan promotional strategies used by
Tutorial Video on ‘Developing a Promotional Plan’ for big companies – mainly
additional guidance. Allow time for peer review and advertisements – but the
feedback using the business plan rubric. purpose of this activity is to get
students thinking of more cost-
effective methods (and more
effective with their target
market in general).

The Performance Task in this
cycle can be used as a gauge for
who is ready to work on a
promotional plan during
workshop time, and who
requires remediation.

For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Promote their business to
members of their target market
through multiple modalities
(physical and digital)

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 33

Unit 4 – Marketing & Sales

Selling Your Product
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
15-2 Principles of SWBAT describe NFTE Experiential Activity: Mock Sales Calls; Use the N/A N/A N/A Mock Sales With all of NFTE instructional
Successful Selling the main parts of experiential activity guide to facilitate the activity and Activity cycles, the approach is to
the selling process post-discussion to review the principles of successful Rubric expose students through an
selling and the characteristics of a successful experiential activity, teach the
salesperson. Have students do a self-evaluation of content while connecting to the
themselves against the characteristics of a good activity, provide real-life
salesperson. Ask students to create a straight-forward examples, then apply to the
sales process that anyone could follow. Be sure that business plan. For this section,
students understand how successful selling plays into the progression is as follows:
their marketing plan and promotional strategies. By • Activities: Mock Sales Calls
the end of class, assign students an assortment of and Sales Pitch Taboo
various real-life businesses (include services and tech- • Chapter 28: Revenue
based businesses), and see if they can identify the Streams and Sales
sales approach for each of the businesses. Projections
15-3 Business Pitches SWBAT sell NFTE Experiential Activity: Sales Pitch Taboo; Use the N/A N/A N/A Sales Pitch • Business Plan: Sales Plan
products to experiential activity guide to facilitate the activity and Taboo
customers based post-discussion. Review the elements of a good Activity In this activity, students start to
on their perceived business pitch, and show examples of pitches, and Rubric look at the ways that businesses
benefits show examples of students giving their pitch during make direct sales to their
NFTE competitions. Be sure that students use their customers. In this activity, it’s
detail of selling features versus benefits in their important for students to
business pitch that they craft. Use the rubric at the understand that the
end for peer or self-evaluation. entrepreneur is the first and
15-4 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this week to N/A N/A N/A Section 4.3 best salesperson for the
Workshop: the Sales Methods create a Sales Plan for their business to complete Written business. It’s also important for
4.3 Sales Methods section of the Section 4.3 of the Written Business Plan. Be sure that Business students to recognize how
written business students incorporate learnings from the Mock Sales Plan Rubric technology has impacted the
plan Calls and Sales Pitch Taboo investigations. Students sales process.
should assemble promotional strategies that will be
effective on the target customer detailed in Section 2 For this section, a student
of their business plan. Refer students to the Business exceeding expectations:
Plan Tutorial Video on ‘Methods for Forecasting Sales’ Create effective strategies to sell
for additional guidance. Allow time for peer review to and retain customers in their
and feedback using the business plan rubric. target market
15-5 Estimating Sales SWBAT explore Use Chapter 28 and Chapter 28 PPT to review the 524-528 N/A 28 Performance This instructional cycle is one of
methods to various approaches to estimating sales. Be sure that Task 4c: the only ones without an
estimate sales students understand how sales estimates are Forecasting experiential activity first. Use
impacted by their income statement and vice versa At Sales the case studies included to
the end of class, have students do an investigation of demonstrate the concept of
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 34

poor sales estimates using Eva’s Edibles Case Study. sales projections:
Have students reflect on how Eva should have done • Chapter 28: Revenue
her sales projections differently. Give students Streams and Sales
Performance Task 4c to determine their Projections
understanding of sales estimates. • Business Plan: Estimating
16-1 Business Plan SWBAT complete Have students use what they learned this week to N/A Sales
Workshop: the Sales create Sales Projections for their business to complete
4.4 Sales Projections section Section 4.4 of the Written Business Plan. Be sure that The Performance Task in this
Projections of the written students incorporate learnings from the case study cycle can be used as a gauge for
business plan investigations. Students should assemble sales who is ready to work on their
projections that are feasible according to the methods sales projections during
they learned, and also support the projected income workshop time, and who
in Unit 3 of their business plan. Allow time for peer requires remediation.
review and feedback using the business plan rubric.
For this section, a student
exceeding expectations:
Use primary and secondary
research to realistically forecast
future sales

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 35

Unit 4 – Marketing & Sales

Business Plan & Assessments
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
16-2 Business Plan SWBAT revise and Students should be given a few days to revisit all of N/A N/A N/A Unit 4 Students should use this
Workshop: finalize Unit 4 of the sections within the fourth unit of the Written Written workshop time to review and
Unit 4 the Written Business Plan Template. This unit includes the Business revise all of the materials from
Business Plan following sections: Plan Rubric this unit, and summarize their
Template 4.1 Marketing Plan findings in their business plans.
4.2 Promotion They should also revisit Units 1-
4.3 Sales Methods 3, and make changes to their
4.4 Sales Estimates opportunity or financials based
on the promotional strategies
By completing these sections, students will that they landed on. Bringing in
demonstrate the following overarching learnings for business plan coaches at this
the course: time would be ideal. You can
• Communicate how their product or service also use this time for students
benefits members of their target market to catch up on business plan
• Promote their business to members of their sections that they missed.
target market through multiple modalities
(physical and digital) For students that feel they are
• Create effective strategies to sell to and ‘complete’ with their plan, use
retain customers in their target market the Written Business Plan
• Use primary and secondary research to Rubric to provide specific
realistically forecast future sales feedback on how they could
16-3 Business Plan SWBAT revise and See previous day N/A N/A N/A Unit 4 increase the section to an
Workshop: finalize Unit 4 of Written ‘Exceeds Expectations’.
Unit 4 the Written Business
Business Plan Plan Rubric
16-4 Unit Presentations SWBAT present Allow time for all students to present their work on N/A N/A N/A Unit 4 Allowing students practice in
and receive the fourth Unit in the Written Business Plan. Students Written formally presenting on their
feedback on Unit 4 can either read from their Written Business Plan, or Business business idea, and also allows
of their Written project their work using a digital projector. Pass out Plan Rubric you to gauge where every
Business Plan for rubrics for peer evaluation and questioning as well. student is in on the plan.
future revisions Remind students that they will
be receiving feedback and will
continue to revise all parts of
their business plan throughout
the year.
16-5 Unit Assessment N/A Students will take the unit assessment for Marketing N/A N/A N/A Unit 4 N/A
& Sales. You may also use this day to finalize written Assessment
business plan work and/or unit presentations.
Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 36

Business Plan Competitions
Wk Topic Objective Suggested Activities 12e Text 12e WB 12e PPT Assessment Notes/Course Narrative
17-1 Presentation Slides SWBAT complete Students should be given a few workshop days to N/A N/A N/A Presentation Give students at least one week
the Business Plan synthesize the information from the written plan into Slide Deck to complete the Business Plan
Presentation Slide the presentation slide template. If students have Rubric Presentation Slides. While some
Template completed written plans, this step should note take students might argue that they
more than a week on the computers. need more time, if they have
been working on the written
17-2 Presentation Slides SWBAT complete See previous day N/A N/A N/A Presentation plan throughout the year, this is
the Business Plan Slide Deck solely an exercise of transferring
Presentation Slide Rubric main ideas to the slides.
17-3 Presentation Slides SWBAT complete See previous day N/A N/A N/A Presentation Provide students with sample
the Business Plan Slide Deck plans and videos of students
Presentation Slide Rubric presenting if it is helpful in the
Template process.

This is a great time to have
volunteer coaches to come in
and help with the development
of slides. Provide them with the
presentation slide rubric and
judge’s rubric so that their
feedback can be consistent with
what the students will be
evaluated on.
17-4 Practice SWBAT practice Students should be given a few workshop days to N/A N/A N/A Presentation Give students at least one week
Presentations and refine their practice their presentations. If students need Slide Deck for practicing their
business plan additional support during this step, you may show Rubric presentations. Have students
presentations videos of past winners to demonstrate what needs to present in front of class, or have
be accomplished during the presentation. students present in small groups
to volunteer coaches or peers
17-5 Practice SWBAT practice See previous day N/A N/A N/A Presentation with rubrics.
Presentations and refine their Slide Deck
business plan Rubric Provide students with sample
presentations plans and videos of students
presenting if it is helpful in the

18-1 Classroom SWBAT present Students should all be given an opportunity to present N/A N/A N/A Judge’s Depending on the size of your
Competition their plan to a their plans as part of a preliminary round. Work with Rubric class, you may or may not need
Preliminary panel of peers and the school administration to determine additional to include this week in your

Copyright NFTE. Do Not Use Without Permission. 37

Rounds experts time for presentations if one week of class time will timeline.
not suffice. Work with your NFTE program manager to
determine which students’ progress to the final It is the most desirable to have
class/school competition. every student present to a panel
of outside experts as part of the
18-2 Classroom SWBAT present See previous day N/A N/A N/A Judge’s experience with the course.
Competition their plan to a Rubric Number of students and
Preliminary panel of peers and logistics with volunteers does
Rounds experts not always allow for this to
happen – so students should AT
LEAST present to the teachers,
peers, and NFTE staff as their
final demonstration of learning.

This may mean you will need
days of preliminary rounds to
get all presentations done.
Work with you NFTE Program
Manager and your
administration to figure out a
schedule that will allow every
student to present their work.
18-3 Classroom SWBAT present Work with your NFTE Program Manager to plan and N/A N/A N/A Judge’s N/A
Competition Final their plan to a hold a business plan competition even with judges at Rubric
Rounds/School panel of peers and the classroom and/or school level.
Competition experts
18-4 Competition SWBAT reflect Debrief on competition and class experience, take the N/A N/A N/A Post-Survey N/A
Debrief critically on the EMI post-survey and register for the alumni network
NFTE experience
18-5 Summative N/A Students will take the summative assessment N/A N/A N/A Summative N/A
assessment Assessment

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