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Form 17




Dear Mr./Ms. _____________

This will serve to confirm your appointment by the

______________________(the "Company") as ( Designation) on a contractual
basis for a definite period, subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. Appointment/Designation/Title - You are hereby

appointed ___________________of the Company. As such , you
shall be primarily responsible for developing the business of
the Company in areas of sales and marketing and in further
promoting its leasing business, subject to such limitations as
may be prescribed by laws, and by the policies, rules and
regulations of the Company.

2. Duration of Employment - Subject to terms and conditions

of this Contract and the consideration for your services
provided under Paragraph 5 hereof, your contract shall be for
a period of _____ years commencing on __________and ending
on _____________, unless otherwise terminated in accordance
with Paragraph 4 or extended under mutual terms and

3. Duties and Responsibilities - Among other things, you

shall devote your full time to the Company and be generally
responsible for the achievement of the sales objectives of the
Company, exercise such authority and perform such duties
and responsibilities consistent with your position.

All sums of money that you shall collect or receive by

virtue of this Contract, and all other sums of money and
properties belonging to the Company that are in your
possession, shall be considered funds and properties held by
you in trust for the Company.
Form 17

4. Termination - The Company reserves the right to

terminate this Contract at any time prior to the end of its
term in the event of force majeure, or suspension,
cancellation or termination of work or a portion thereof,
resulting in, among others, reduction of work force,
redundancy of your services and similar causes. In addition,
the Company through the sole discretion of its Board, further
reserves the right to immediately terminate this Contract if
you shall commit any misconduct or insubordination, or if you
become inefficient in the performance of your duties and
responsibilities or your continued performance thereof is
detrimental to the progress of the work or shall impede the
proper discharge of your obligations. It is understood that
any of the grounds herein mentioned shall warrant the
valid/lawful termination of this Contract, the determination of
the sufficiency and validity thereof being exclusively at the
discretion of the Company through its Board.

This Contract may not be terminated by you except in

case of your death or incapacity. Pretermination of this
Contract on your part on grounds other than those stated
herewith shall be subject to certain forfeiture of your rights or
imposition of other penalty as shall be set forth in separate
agreement/s between us.

5. Compensation and Benefits - As remuneration for

your services, you shall be entitled to a monthly
performance-based compensation at a basic amount of
___________________("Base Pay").

6. Confidentiality - You shall treat any and all information or

knowledge derived out of this Contract as strictly confidential
and shall not in any manner or in any way divulge or release
the same unless authorized by the proper officers of the
Company. Any violation of this covenant shall automatically
entitle the Company to terminate this Contract without
prejudice to any legal action that the Company may take as
warranted by the circumstances.

7. Entire Agreement - This Contract constitutes the entire

agreement between you and the Company with respect to
the subject matter treated herein, and may be modified,
altered, revised, or amended only by a written agreement
after the date of execution hereof.
Form 17

Please indicate your conformity to the foregoing terms and

conditions by signing in the space hereinbelow provided.

Congratulations and Welcome!

Very truly yours,

For the Company


(name & signature of employee)

Date: _____________


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