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Transit and Positioning of

Offshore Units

The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version


DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life,
property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and
consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and
carries out research in relation to these functions.
DNV service documents consist of among others the following types of documents:
— Service Specifications. Procedual requirements.
— Standards. Technical requirements.
— Recommended Practices. Guidance.
The Standards and Recommended Practices are offered within the following areas:
A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology
B) Materials Technology
C) Structures
D) Systems
E) Special Facilities
F) Pipelines and Risers
G) Asset Operation
H) Marine Operations
J) Cleaner Energy
O) Subsea Systems

© Det Norske Veritas AS February 2012

Any comments may be sent by e-mail to [email protected]

This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document, and is believed to reflect the best of
contemporary technology. The use of this document by others than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from
any use of this document.
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Changes – Page 3


This is a new document in a series of documents replacing “Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine
Operations” (1996/2000).
This Standard replaces Pt.2 Ch.7 in the referred Rules. Nearly all parts of the text has been considerably
updated with the following main changes:
— “Section 4 - Positioning” in the Rules has been split in 3 sections, i.e. Anchored Units, DP Units and Self-
elevating Units.
— The requirements to DP units covered in (the new) section 6 are extensively elaborated.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Contents – Page 4


Sec. 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 6

A. Application...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
A 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
A 200 Complementary standards .................................................................................................................................... 6
A 300 Objectives and conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 6
B. References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
B 100 Referenced documents .......................................................................................................................................... 7
C. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
C 100 Verbal forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
C 200 Terminology.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
C 300 Symbols ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Sec. 2 General Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 11
A. Planning and Documentation ........................................................................................................................................ 11
A 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 11
A 200 Planning philosophy ........................................................................................................................................... 11
A 300 Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 11
A 400 Risk management................................................................................................................................................ 11
B. Design Evaluations ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 12
B 200 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 12
B 300 Loads and load effects ........................................................................................................................................ 12
B 400 Unit global structural strength ............................................................................................................................ 12
B 500 Unit local structural strength............................................................................................................................... 13
B 600 Strength of temporary structures......................................................................................................................... 13
B 700 Stability afloat..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Sec. 3 Transit ............................................................................................................................................... 14
A. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
A 100 Application.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
A 200 Planning and documentation............................................................................................................................... 14
A 300 Design evaluations .............................................................................................................................................. 15
B. Self-propelled Transit Operations ................................................................................................................................. 15
B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 15
B 200 Required thrust.................................................................................................................................................... 15
B 300 Temporary mooring ............................................................................................................................................ 16
C. Tug Assisted Transit Operations................................................................................................................................... 16
C 100 Application ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
C 200 Towing vessel and equipment............................................................................................................................. 16
C 300 Required thrust and bollard pull ......................................................................................................................... 16
C 400 Temporary mooring ............................................................................................................................................ 16
D. Operational Aspects ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
D 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 17
D 200 Towing ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
D 300 Emergency jack up.............................................................................................................................................. 17
Sec. 4 Anchored Units ................................................................................................................................. 18
A. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
A 100 Application.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
A 200 Definition of design conditions........................................................................................................................... 18
A 300 Planning and documentation............................................................................................................................... 18
A 400 Planning meetings............................................................................................................................................... 18
A 500 Design evaluations .............................................................................................................................................. 19
B. Mooring Systems .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 19
B 200 Design requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 19
B 300 Long term mooring systems ............................................................................................................................... 20
B 400 Mobile mooring systems..................................................................................................................................... 20
B 500 Weather restricted mooring systems .................................................................................................................. 20


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Contents – Page 5

C. Clearances ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
C 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 22
C 200 Synthetic fibre rope lines .................................................................................................................................... 22
C 300 Clearances for weather restricted operations ..................................................................................................... 22
C 400 Clearances between units ................................................................................................................................... 23
C 500 Anchor line clearances........................................................................................................................................ 23
C 600 Anchor clearances............................................................................................................................................... 24
D. Installation of Anchors.................................................................................................................................................. 25
D 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 25
D 200 Drag installed anchors......................................................................................................................................... 25
D 300 Other anchor types .............................................................................................................................................. 25
E. Connection to Pre-laid Mooring ................................................................................................................................... 25
E 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 25
E 200 Planning and schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 25
E 300 Design evaluations .............................................................................................................................................. 26
E 400 Testing ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
F. Operational Aspects ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
F 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 26
F 200 Anchor installation.............................................................................................................................................. 26
Sec. 5 Dynamically Positioned Units ......................................................................................................... 27
A. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27
A 100 Application.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
A 200 Definition of design conditions........................................................................................................................... 27
A 300 Planning and documentation............................................................................................................................... 27
A 400 Design evaluations .............................................................................................................................................. 27
B. Dynamic Positioning..................................................................................................................................................... 27
B 100 DP equipment class............................................................................................................................................. 27
B 200 Field arrival ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
B 300 Complex and close proximity DP operations ..................................................................................................... 29
B 400 Contingencies ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
B 500 Annual DP trial ................................................................................................................................................... 29
B 600 Checklists............................................................................................................................................................ 29
C. Operational Aspects ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
C 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 30
C 200 Clearances ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Sec. 6 Self-elevating Units........................................................................................................................... 31
A. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
A 100 Application.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
A 200 Definition of design conditions........................................................................................................................... 31
A 300 Planning and documentation............................................................................................................................... 31
B. Positioning of Self-elevating Units ............................................................................................................................... 31
B 100 Design evaluations .............................................................................................................................................. 31
B 200 Jacking operations............................................................................................................................................... 32
B 300 Testing ................................................................................................................................................................ 32
B 400 Soil surveys......................................................................................................................................................... 32
B 500 Safe jack-up locations ......................................................................................................................................... 32
C. Operational Aspects ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
C 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 32
C 200 Functional testing................................................................................................................................................ 33
C 300 Clearances ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
C 400 Seabed conditions ............................................................................................................................................... 33
C 500 Jacking and testing.............................................................................................................................................. 33


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.1 – Page 6


A. Application
A 100 General
101 This standard, DNV-OS-H203, Transit and Positioning of Offshore Units, provides specific
requirements and recommendations for positioning any type of offshore unit such as:
— semi-submersible units
— self-elevating units
— drilling ships
— floating productions and/or storage units
— loading buoys
— offshore installation vessels
— well intervention units.
Guidance note:
In this standard the term positioning covers the activities required to position a unit/vessel at an offshore location and
the planning, analyses and testing required for documenting a safe condition of the unit/vessel at that location. The
positioning is considered completed when the unit/vessel is ready for operation or operating under normal conditions,
see 201, and all required analyses and testing have been performed and accepted.

102 This standard also provides specific requirements and recommendations for transit of mobile offshore
103 This standard does not include specific requirements to the strength/capacity of the mooring systems. For
such requirements references are made to applicable codes and standards in Sec.4 B.
A 200 Complementary standards
201 All the DNV offshore standards covering marine operation, i.e. this standard (DNV-OS-H203), DNV-
OS-H101, DNV-OS-H102, DNV-OS-H201, DNV-OS-H202 and DNV-OS-H204 through DNV-OS-H206,
will be referred to as the VMO Standard.
Guidance note:
The “VMO Standard” is substituting “DNV - Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations”. See also Table 1-1.

202 General recommendations for planning, loads and design of marine operations are given in DNV-OS-
H101 and DNV-OS-H102.
203 Reference is made to DNV-OS-H202 for applicable (additional) requirements to sea transportation
(transit) operations for the units.
Guidance note:
For on- and offloading of units transported on barges or HLV relevant requirements in DNV-OS-H201 should also
be considered.

A 300 Objectives and conditions

301 The objectives of this Standard are stated in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.1 A.
302 The general conditions for use of this Standard are stated in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.1 B200.
303 For operation of units under normal conditions, reference is made to the relevant parts of DNV's
“Offshore Codes”, or the equivalent rules of other recognised bodies.
Guidance note:
By normal condition is meant the condition stated in the Classification Certificate of the unit, and covered by its
Operations Manual.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.1 – Page 7

B. References
B 100 Referenced documents
101 For the OS numbering system and cross references, see DNV-OS H101, Sec.1 C101 and C102.
102 The text in this standard includes references to the documents listed in Table 1-1. If indicated where the
reference is given, the text in the referenced service document shall be considered as a requirement of this

Table 1-1 – References including requirements

Reference Revision Title
DNV-OS-E301 Oct. 2010 Positioning Mooring
DNV-OS-H101 Oct. 2011 Marine Operations, General
DNV-OS-H102 Jan. 2012 Marine Operations, Design and Fabrication
DNV-OS-H201 See note Load Transfer Operations
DNV-OS-H202 See note Sea Transports
DNV-OS-H204 See note Offshore Installation Operations
DNV-OS-H205 See note Lifting Operations
DNV-OS-H206 See note Sub Sea Operations
The DNV-OS H-series are planned issued in the period October 2011 through June 2012. Each OS will enter into force
at the date of publication. Until the OS is published the relevant requirements in “DNV - Rules for Planning and
Execution of Marine Operations” shall be considered governing.
103 The referred requirements are based on the document revisions indicated in Table 1-1. Any
modifications of the referred requirements in later revisions of references shall be considered and normally
used unless otherwise agreed.
Guidance note:
The agreement should be made between involved (normally through contracts) parties as Company, Contractors and

104 The documents listed in Table 1-2 include information that through references in this text, clarify and
indicate acceptable methods of fulfilling the requirements given in this standard.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.1 – Page 8

105 The latest revision of the informative references should normally be considered.

Table 1-2 – Informative references

Reference Title
DNV-OSS-101 Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support Units
DNV-OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production, Storage and Loading Units
DNV-OS-C104 Structural Design of Self-Elevating Units
DNV-OS-E302 Offshore Mooring Chain
DNV-OS-E303 Offshore Mooring Fibre Ropes
DNV-OS-E304 Offshore Mooring Steel Wire Ropes
DNV-RP-E301 Design and Installation of Fluke Anchors in Clay
DNV-RP-E302 Design and Installation of Plate Anchors in Clay
DNV-RP-E307 Dynamic Positioning Systems - Operation Guidance
DNV-RP-H101 Risk Management in Marine- and Subsea Operations
DNV CN 30.4 Foundations
API RP 2SK RP for Design and Analysis of Station keeping Systems for Floating Structures
NMD Reg. 10/70/09 NMD regulation 10/07/09 ‘Anchoring Regulation 09’
DNV Ship Rules Rules for Classification of Ships
IMO MSC/Circ. 645 Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems
ISO 19901-7 Station keeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units

C. Definitions
C 100 Verbal forms
101 Verbal forms of special importance are defined as indicated below in this standard.
Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement to be followed for fulfilment or compliance with the present standard.
Deviations are not permitted unless formally and rigorously justified, and accepted by all relevant contracting
Should: Indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without
mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required. Other
possibilities may be applied subject to agreement.
C 200 Terminology
201 Terms considered important for this chapter are listed below.
Benign area: An area that is free from tropical revolving storms and travelling depressions.
Bollard pull: Continuous static towing force applied by tug, i.e. continuous tow line force.
Coastal towing: Towing in waters less than 12 nautical miles off the coast line.
“Cold” (unit/riser): No production/transportation of oil/gas is on-going and all systems are depressurised.
Dry transport: Transport of a unit as deck cargo on a barge or on a heavy lift vessel. The term Dry tow may
also be used for towing of a barge with the unit as deck cargo.
Dynamic positioning (DP): A method of automatically controlling a vessels position and heading within certain
predefined tolerances by means of active thrust. This active thrust is provided by thrusters that are controlled
by computers. The purpose of this active thrust is to counter the environmental forces such as wind, waves and
current such that the vessel will maintain its required geographical position.
Guidance note:
DNV Class notations for DP vessels see DNV Ship Rules, Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.1 A:
DNV notations DYNPOS AUT*/ DPS 1 correspond to IMO DP equipment class 1, Dynamic positioning system
with an independent joystick system back-up and a position reference back-up
DYNPOS AUTR*/ DPS 2 corresponds to IMO DP equipment class: Dynamic positioning system with redundancy
in technical design and with an independent joystick system back-up
DYNPOS AUTRO*/ DPS 3 corresponds to IMO DP equipment class 3: Dynamic positioning system with
redundancy in technical design and with an independent Joystick system back-up. Plus a back-up dynamic positioning
control system in an emergency dynamic positioning control centre, designed with physical separation for
components that provide redundancy
DYNPOS-ER enhanced reliability notation. Increased flexibility and increased availability of power and thrust by
use of connected power systems, standby start and change-over.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.1 – Page 9

*The notations AUT, AUTR and AUTRO have additional requirements to achieve higher availability and robustness as compared
to DPS 1, 2 & 3 respectively.

“Hot” (unit/riser): Production/transportation of oil/gas is on-going.

Inshore towing: Towing in areas sheltered from waves and swell from open sea.
Internal seafastening: Securing of loose items within the object to be transported.
Long term mooring: Mooring at the same location for more than 5 years. Some codes use “permanent
Mobile mooring: Temporary mooring at a specific location for a period less than 5 years.
Non-class unit: Unit not covered by class requirements.
Operating condition: The condition in which the unit carries out its normal functions, e.g. drilling. Operational
restrictions and environmental related limitations may apply for this condition.
Offshore towing: Towing outside territorial waters more than 12 nautical miles off the coast line.
Operation reference period: Planned operation period plus estimated contingency time. See DNV-OS-H101.
Positioning: See A101 Guidance note.
Seafastening: Structural elements providing horizontal and uplift support of objects on-board the unit during
the transport.
Self-elevating unit: A barge or ship with legs that are lowered to the sea-floor and a main deck that is raised
above the surface of the water to a distance where it will not be affected by the waves. Also commonly called
jack-up unit.
Standard operations: Operations carried out by the vessel on a regular basis.
Survival condition: The condition in which no environmental related operational limitations are required. I.e.
normal operations are ceased (adjusted) and mooring/position/draft adjusted as required in order to withstand
(survive) any possible environmental loads.
Temporary safe condition: A condition where the unit can sustain the unrestricted environmental loads for a
defined time period. See Sec.4 A201 Guidance note.
Transit: The activities necessary to move a floating unit from one location to another at sea, either by towing
or self-propelled.
Unrestricted operations: Operations with characteristic environmental conditions estimated according to long-
term statistics.
Verification: Activity to confirm that a design, product/equipment, structure or procedure complies with
defined standards and/or specifications. Verification may be documented by calculations, analysis, certificates,
survey reports and inspection reports.
VMO (Veritas Marine Operations): The section(s) within Det Norske Veritas providing marine warranty
survey and marine advisory services.
VMO Standard: All the DNV offshore standards covering marine operations, i.e. DNV-OS-H101, DNV-OS-
H102 and DNV-OS-H201 through DNV-OS-H206.
Weather restricted operations: Operations with defined restrictions to the characteristic environmental
conditions, planned to be performed within the period of reliable weather forecasts. Examples are self-elevating
units prior to jacking and crane vessels.
Wet tow: Self floating towing of a mobile offshore unit, as opposed to Dry tow.
C 300 Symbols
The list below defines symbols used in this standard:
ALS: Accidental Limit States
DP: Dynamic Positioning
FLS: Fatigue Limit States
FMEA: Failure Modes and Effect Analysis
Hs : Significant wave height
HAT: Highest Astronomical Tide
HLV: Heavy Lift Vessel (the deck cargo can be floated on/off the vessel by submerging the vessel deck)
LAT: Lowest Astronomical Tide
MBL: Minimum Breaking Load
MOU: Mobile Offshore Unit
MWL: Mean Water Level


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.1 – Page 10

MWS: Marine Warranty Surveyor

NMD: Norwegian Maritime Directorate
PNR: Point of No Return
ROV: Remote Operated (submersible) Vehicle
SLS: Serviceability Limit States
SSCV: Semi Submersible Crane Vessel
TLP: Tension Leg Platform
Tz: Zero up-crossing period
U: Wind velocity
ULS: Ultimate Limit States
v: Current velocity.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.2 – Page 11


A. Planning and Documentation

A 100 General
101 Transit and positioning operations shall be planned and documented according to the requirements and
philosophies given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.2.
Guidance note:
Extent of planning and documentation for a specific transit and/or positioning operation should reflect the operation
complexity and existing experience with similar operations.

A 200 Planning philosophy

201 The complete transit and positioning operation should be based on the basic philosophy for marine
operations, see DNV-OS-H101 Sec.2 A100.
202 The overall planning of the operation should duly consider
— defined safe conditions
— operational weather limitations for each part of the operation
— operation schedule including relevant contingencies
— reversing of the operation to a defined safe condition
— point(s) of no return, if any.
A 300 Documentation
301 General requirements for documentation are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.2 B.
302 It shall be ensured that all relevant documentation is available, see DNV-OS-H101, Sec.2 B101.
Guidance note:
The lists of required documentation given in this standard should be used as guidance, and additional documentation
may be required to show that all relevant requirements are fulfilled.
As relevant, analysis/calculations, survey reports, certificates, operational procedures/manuals, etc. may be
acceptable documentation. Existing documentation may be used whenever relevant.

303 Proper quality assurance shall be applied in order to ensure that all presented information is verified and
the latest revision available.
304 The unit should have an operation manual that describes all “standard” operations in detail. It should be
documented that this operation manual satisfies the applicable requirements of the VMO Standard.
Guidance note:
It should be duly considered if the manual has been reviewed (and accepted) by relevant authorities and/or class or not.

305 An operation specific manual/procedure covering all relevant aspects not adequately covered in the units
“standard” operation manual shall be prepared, see also DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4 G200.
306 Certificates, test reports and classification documents for units, equipment and vessels involved shall, as
applicable, be presented before start of the operation. These documents shall also and be available on site.
A 400 Risk management
401 The risk management process shall identify if any other operations are planned to take place in the same
area at the same time. Normally such simultaneous operations should be avoided. If simultaneous operations
nevertheless are carried out proper co-ordination between the various vessels and operators in order to avoid
conflicts shall be documented.
Guidance note:
Risk management should include a bridging document to describe the responsibility of all vessels in normal and
emergency response situation and to specify common rules and agreement during simultaneous operations.

402 It shall be ensured that all parties involved in the operations have taken active part in the risk
identification and risk reducing activities.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.2 – Page 12

Guidance note:
Planning meeting(s) with participants both from engineering and all involved vessels is a recommended means to
obtain this. See e.g. NMD Reg. 10/70/09 § 16 and Sec.4 A400.

B. Design Evaluations
B 100 General
101 Classification of a unit is based on certain design assumptions regarding operation of the unit. The
operation manual should as a minimum describe all such assumptions relevant for transit and positioning.
Guidance note:
Design assumptions for non-class units, or for operational phases not covered by classification, should be described
in an operation manual.

B 200 Environmental Conditions

201 Characteristic environmental conditions are defined in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.3.
202 It should be documented that environmental conditions according to 201 are within the assumptions, see
101, for design of the unit.
Guidance note:
Environmental conditions and assumptions should normally be given in the defined design conditions at least for all
relevant combinations of:
— Significant wave height, Hs.
— Range of zero up-crossing periods, Tz.
— Wind velocity, U, normally given as 10 minutes wind at reference height 10 meters.
— Current velocity, v.


203 Environmental conditions for a weather restricted part of the operation should be selected duly
considering any operational restrictions imposed by class or other involved parties.
B 300 Loads and load effects
301 Characteristic loads and load effects are defined in DNV-OS-H102, Sections 3 and 4.
Guidance note:
Possible impact loads during setting and slamming loads during jacking of self-elevating units should be considered.

302 Load cases for the transit and positioning operations shall generally be defined according to DNV-OS-
H102, Sec.4 C.
303 It should be documented that the unit design has been verified for all loads and load cases relevant for
transit and positioning according to 301 and 302.
B 400 Unit global structural strength
401 The transit (and positioning) condition of the unit shall be confirmed to be within the conditions for class.
Guidance note 1:
Class conditions for temporary phases are normally described in a letter from the classification society.

Guidance note 2:
Special attention should be given to structural integrity of legs and their supports of self-elevation units, both in transit
and during positioning. E.g. any class restrictions regarding leg operating should be strictly adhered to.

402 Any planned operation of the unit outside the class conditions is to be accepted by the class.
403 Structural strength verification of non-class units, or for any phases not covered by the class, shall
comply with recognized codes and the principles described in DNV-OS-H102.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.2 – Page 13

B 500 Unit local structural strength

501 It should be documented that calculated forces (reactions) on local structures are within class restrictions.
E.g. maximum pull forces on permanent towing brackets.
502 Local strength in way of temporary installed elements, e.g. towing brackets, grillage (cribbing) and
seafastening, shall comply with DNV-OS-H102.
B 600 Strength of temporary structures
601 Strength of all structures temporarily installed for the transit and/or positioning should comply with
602 Seafastening of loose items and non-permanent cargo carried on-board shall comply with DNV-OS-
H202, as relevant.
B 700 Stability afloat
701 Acceptable stability of the unit shall be documented for all phases of the transit and positioning.
Guidance note:
General stability requirements are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.5. However, compliance with the stability
requirements of the actual Flag State and/or the classification society is sufficient, and is normally covered in the
operation manual or the stability manual of the vessel.

702 The unit should be operated in accordance with the approved stability manual.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.3 – Page 14


A. General
A 100 Application
101 This section is applicable for transit operations, which is defined as the activities necessary for moving
a floating unit or self-elevating unit between two geographical locations. The operation may be either self-
propelled transit or tug assisted transit.
102 The start and stop points for the transit shall be clearly defined and agreed by all involved parties. See
also Sec.2 A200.
Guidance note:
If the transit operation is weather restricted the complete repositioning needs to be considered as one marine operation
from the defined PNR during mooring line release (or jacking down) to the mooring (jacking) is sufficiently
completed to define the new position as a temporary safe condition. The self-elevating unit should be considered to
have reached a temporary safe condition when the integrity of the seabed foundation has been proven by preloading
and the unit is capable of withstanding the loads defined in Sec.2 B300.

A 200 Planning and documentation

201 See Sec.2A for general requirements to planning and documentation.
202 Generally, a weather-unrestricted transit of a self-elevating unit should only be planned as a “dry
transport”. See DNV-OS-H202 for requirements to such transports.
Guidance note:
In benign areas and/or if adequate weather routing could be adopted wet tows may be accepted.

203 For a self-elevating unit with limitations in the environmental conditions it can sustain in floating
condition, transit operations shall be planned as weather restricted operations with defined safe locations.
Guidance note:
Planning must be in place to move the self-elevating unit to shelter afloat or to an alternative safe location where the
self-elevating unit can be elevated before the onset of any weather that is forecasted to exceed the specified limits.
(See Sec.6B 500)

204 General requirements for towing vessels, towed unit and towing equipment are given in DNV-OS-H202.
205 Particulars of the following items shall at least be presented for review prior to the operation:
a) Operational weather limitations including swell for all phases of the operation.
b) Any other operational limitations (e.g. bollard pull or fairlead angle restrictions).
c) Arrangement of the towing equipment.
d) Fairleads and towing brackets.
e) Permanent towing equipment, chain cables, steel wire ropes, shackles, rings, thimbles and flounder plates.
f) Retrieving arrangement.
g) Emergency towing arrangement.
h) Seafastening arrangement of non-permanent equipment.
i) Particulars for the towing vessel(s).
j) Stability calculations for the intended operation (see Sec.2 B700).
k) Tug towing equipment certificates (i.e. winches capacity and details, tow lines, pennants, shackles, sockets)
and towing arrangement.
l) Required bollard pull calculations for the tow.
m) Planned transit route with specification of:
- narrows and shallow waters
- statistical current conditions
- prevailing weather conditions
- port(s) of refuge


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.3 – Page 15

- refuelling port(s)
- safe jack-up positions.
206 In addition to 205, the following plans or information should be available on-board prior to operation:
a) The operation manual for the unit.
b) Stability data for the unit in relevant modes of the transit condition, and if relevant, statement confirming
watertight integrity.
c) General arrangement plan.
d) Certificates for all components of the unit's, towing gear.
e) Diagrams showing:
- wind forces as function of wind velocity
- current forces as function of current velocity
- wave drift forces in relation to significant wave height and period.
f) Specification of thrust, including level of redundancy, provided by the unit's own propulsion machinery (if
g) Securing of legs, equipment and solid variable load.
h) Spud cans configuration.
i) Pumping arrangements.
j) Manning.
k) Protection of machinery.
l) Anchor particulars.
m) Safety equipment.
A 300 Design evaluations
301 See Sec.2B for general requirements.
302 Helicopter deck and other exposed structure shall have sufficient clearance to avoid contact with waves
in floating condition.

B. Self-propelled Transit Operations

B 100 General
101 Transit operations may be performed without tug assistance if the units own propulsion machinery fulfils
the requirements in 201 and 202, and is capable of undertaking sea passages within their certified tracking area
under their own power.
Guidance note:
In some cases national governmental regulations may require tug assistance regardless of the unit's own propulsion
force. The need for tug assistance should anyhow be duly considered for port entry and departure, positioning on site,
navigation in constricted waters and areas with high velocity currents and positioning in deep water with the legs fully
extended below the hull.

B 200 Required thrust

201 The propulsion force of the unit shall be sufficient to maintain zero speed in open sea under the following
— sustained wind velocity U = 20 [m/s]
— head current velocity v = 1 [m/s]
— significant wave height Hs = 5 [m].
Guidance note:
For transit in benign areas, and/or for weather restricted transits, reduced conditions could be acceptable. See DNV-
OS-H202 for guidelines.

202 For transit in coastal and narrow waters the unit's propulsion should be able to both:
— Maintain a minimum speed of 2 knots in the environmental design condition.
— Maintain zero speed in the environmental design condition with failure in any one single part of the
propulsion system.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.3 – Page 16

Guidance note:
The design environmental condition for calculation of required propulsion should be defined as applicable, based on
a restricted- or an unrestricted operation. See DNV-OS-H101, Sec.3.

B 300 Temporary mooring

301 For classed units it should be documented that the class required temporary mooring equipment will be
operable during transit.
Guidance note:
Temporary mooring should not be considered as a safe condition where the unit can sustain unrestricted
environmental loads.

302 Non-class units should have at least one operable anchor during transit. The anchor(s) is to be of
sufficient capacity and with sufficient line length for temporary mooring.
Guidance note 1:
The applicable DNV class requirements to a similar type of unit should be used as guidance. Tow route including
water depths are to be taken into consideration. See also DNV-OS-H202.

Guidance note 2:
The lack of an operable mooring system may be compensated by additional tug capacity, after evaluation of
characteristics of the unit, towing route and season.

C. Tug Assisted Transit Operations

C 100 Application
101 This section is applicable both for tug assisted transit operations also utilizing the unit’s own thrust
capacity, and for towing operation without contribution from the unit.
C 200 Towing vessel and equipment
201 General requirements for towing vessels, towed unit and towing equipment are given in DNV-OS-H202.
202 Requirements for the capacity of towing bridle and towing brackets are given in DNV-OS-H202.
Guidance note 1:
Note that for some mobile offshore units these requirements may be in excess of what is required by its class.

Guidance note 2:
If the tug has considerably more bollard pull than required, the strength requirement to the towing arrangements
including the brackets on the towed unit/vessel can be reduced to comply only with the minimum bollard pull
required. In such cases a restriction on maximum bollard pull to be exercised by the tug should be given in the towing
procedure, see Sec.2 A305.

203 If the unit’s anchor chain (or wire rope) is used for towing the following should be documented:
— Acceptable fairlead angles are obtained for all possible towline directions.
— Adequate strength and reliability of locking of chain/wire rope.
— Flounder plate design and connections.
C 300 Required thrust and bollard pull
301 The total propulsion force, i.e. the combined unit/vessel thrust and the tug(s) bollard pull, shall fulfil the
requirements in B201 and B202.
302 Bollard pull efficiencies for tugs and the reduced efficiency due to combined thrust sources shall be
accounted for with reduction factors as given in DNV-OS-H202.
C 400 Temporary mooring
401 Temporary mooring shall comply with requirements in B300.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.3 – Page 17

D. Operational Aspects
D 100 General
101 General requirements to operational aspects of transit operations are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4.
102 The operation shall be carried out with due consideration to identified risks and prescribed risk
mitigations. See Sec.2 A400.
103 Any draught restrictions should be adhered to in due time in case of deteriorating weather conditions.
104 If relevant, area(s) with sufficient sea room (or shelter) for safe holding of the unit should be described
in the operation manual/procedure.
D 200 Towing
201 Requirements to operational aspects of towing operations are given in DNV-OS-H202.
D 300 Emergency jack up
301 The criteria regarding actual and forecasted environmental conditions, for leaving and entering safe jack-
up locations, see Sec.6 B500, shall be clearly stated in the operation manual/procedures.
302 Acceptable weather windows for leaving a safe condition shall consider all phases of the operation and
include ample contingency time for delay caused by e.g. leg extraction problems, waiting for slack water,
breakdown or reduced towing/transit speed.
Guidance note:
For “wet tow” of self-elevating units the environmental criteria for setting are often stricter than the criteria for towing,
i.e. the criteria for setting should govern the decision for leaving a safe condition.

303 It is recommended that the emergency response procedure includes situations where jacking-up at other
locations than the pre-defined safe jack-up locations could be required.
Guidance note:
Such situations may occur if insufficient time remains to reach a safe jack-up location before the anticipated onset of
adverse weather and where the risk of remaining afloat is deemed to be greater than the risk of elevating on a location
with an unproven jack-up foundation.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 18


A. General
A 100 Application
101 This section is applicable for positioning (see Sec.1 A101 Guidance Note) of anchored units.
102 The anchoring system could be established during the positioning, or the unit could be connected to a
pre-laid mooring system.
A 200 Definition of design conditions
201 All anchoring operations are normally considered to be weather restricted. Hence, it should be
documented that the positioning operation including adequate contingency time will be completed, see 202, or
a “temporary” safe condition will be reached within a defined weather window.
Guidance note:
A “temporary” safe condition can be considered reached when the unit can sustain the seasonal unrestricted
environmental loads according to the operation reference period (TR), see DNV-OS-H101, Sec.3 for guidance. TR
should be taken as the planned period in the temporary safe condition added appropriate contingency, see DNV-OS-
H101, Sec.4.

202 When the positioning is completed the unit is regarded to be in a normal operating condition and the
design conditions shall then comply with the relevant classification requirements, national maritime
regulations, or equivalent.
203 See B500 for applicable design conditions for weather restricted moorings (e.g. lifting by crane vessel).
A 300 Planning and documentation
301 See Sec.2 A for general requirements to planning and documentation.
302 It shall be thoroughly checked that the applied field charts are updated and include all sub-sea items with
their “as installed” position.
303 In due time prior to a positioning operation the following information should, as relevant, be presented:
a) Design documentation, see Sec.2 A302.
b) Other surface or sub-sea operations on-going in the area.
c) Coordinates of the new location and planned position and heading of the unit.
d) Water depth, preferably chart showing depth curves with equidistance not exceeding 5 metres, LAT, MWL
and HAT and the storm surge at the specified location.
e) Position of all floating and/or fixed structures within 5 nautical miles off the specified location.
f) Position of obstructions on the seabed. (Wellheads, debris, etc.)
g) Position of pipelines and their protection, i.e. buried, rock dumped or no protection.
h) Detailed description of seabed topography and soil stratigraphy for prediction of anticipated penetration
and/or anchor holding power. The description shall contain information on rock outcrops, pockmarks, ice-
plough marks, soil classification properties and depth boundaries of each soil layer.
i) Detailed chart(s) showing the exact position of each unit (including stand-off positions when applicable),
the position of each anchor, anchor pattern including any associated equipment, obstructions and sub-sea
assets and associated exclusion zones.
j) Available experience from previous positioning operations in the area.
k) Anchor holding power verification procedure, including minimum installation tension of drag-installed
anchors, as assumed in the anchor design calculations.
l) Positioning procedure detailed plan for the operation including data for the attending vessels, number of
positioning anchors to be used, calculated clearances to assets etc.
A 400 Planning meetings
401 Planning meeting(s) shall be arranged as required by the relevant Governmental authority and/or


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 19

402 Normally an anchor handling meeting, with participants from all involved vessels, should be arranged as
a part of the risk management process. The agenda should include a detailed review/discussion of at least the
following items:
— overall planning, see Sec.2 A202
— risk assessments to identify critical conditions of the anchoring procedure
— interaction with the anchor handling vessel
— sea bed conditions
— sub-sea structures and pipelines
— required clearances
— required testing
— required inspection (before, during and after anchor/mooring installation).
403 Communication between the offshore unit and the others involved shall be planned and the operation
shall be preceded by a joint start-up meeting.
A 500 Design evaluations
501 See Sec.2 B for general requirements to design evaluations.
502 The positioning keeping system should have adequate capacity during all relevant phases of the
Guidance note:
All forces which may arise on the unit, anchor handling vessel or anchoring equipment, including environmental loads
such as wind, waves and currents should be considered.

503 Possible design limitations, as e.g. maximum line twist and bending, shall be identified any duly
considered during the mooring installation.
504 Control and monitoring systems shall be established as required to ensure that design limitations are not
exceeded during installation and that the mooring system has been installed according to the design

B. Mooring Systems
B 100 General
101 This chapter gives requirements to design, installation and testing of mooring systems with anchors. The
systems could be with or without thruster assistance.
102 The following types of offshore mooring systems are referred to in this chapter:
— long term (permanent) mooring systems
— mobile mooring systems
— thruster assisted mooring systems
— weather restricted mooring systems.
103 Requirements to inshore mooring systems are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.6 B.
B 200 Design requirements
201 The mooring design lay-out shall comply with the requirements to clearances in Sub-section C.
202 Design requirements to mooring system strength and testing are given in B300, B400 and B500.
Guidance note 1:
See Table 4-1 for a summary of requirements to drag installed anchors.

Guidance note 2:
See DNV-OS-E302, DNV-OS-E303 and DNV-OS-E304 for DNV’s classification requirements to offshore mooring
chains, fibre ropes and steel wire ropes.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 20

203 All design assumptions related to operation of the unit shall be clearly identified.
Guidance note:
Such assumptions are normally related to:
— limiting environmental conditions (e.g. the most extreme weather the rig can operate in without disconnecting
from the drill riser)
— obtainable anchor test loads (see e.g. 503)
— adjustment of line tensions
— adequate clearances
— use of thrusters
— survival or operational draft
— stand-off positions
— moored cargo barges alongside the unit (applicable for offshore installation vessels)
— maximum offset (e.g. due to riser angle).


204 During normal operation the offshore unit shall have reliable equipment with sufficient accuracy for
continuous measurement and display of line lengths out of the winch and line tension.
205 Sufficient length (normally minimum 100 meters) of classed chain or wire should be available for
moving from work position to stand-off position.
B 300 Long term mooring systems
301 Long term (permanent) moorings are normally applicable for production (and storage) units.
302 The design and testing of long term mooring systems shall comply with a recognized code, such as DNV-
OS-E301, ISO 19901-7 or API RP 2SK.
Guidance note 1:
Guidance for verification of the anchor resistance after installation for permanent moorings is given in DNV-RP-E301
and DNV-RP-E302, as relevant. For long term mooring national governmental regulations may also be applicable for
the design and testing of the mooring system.
Guidance note 2:
For thruster assisted mooring systems testing of the thruster systems should be carried out as agreed in each case. Any
national and/or Class requirements should be considered.

B 400 Mobile mooring systems

401 Mobile moorings systems are used at several locations throughout the lifetime of the unit. The stay at
each location could vary from a few days up to 5 years. The system could be modified for each location.
Guidance note:
The distinction between mobile and permanent moorings may not be clear for operations with design lives of a few
years. See API RP 2SK for further guidance.

402 In general, the mobile mooring system for offshore units shall comply with national governmental
regulations and/or the requirements of their classification society.
403 Testing of anchor holding shall be carried out according to the applied design code and/or national
governmental regulations. See also 302, Guidance note 2.
404 The resistance of pre-set, drag-installed anchors planned to be used several times should normally be
verified as for a permanent mooring system. See 302.
B 500 Weather restricted mooring systems
501 The characteristic environmental condition for a weather restricted mooring could be defined according
to DNV-OS-H101 Sec.4 B500. See also Sec.2 B203.
Guidance note:
Due to operational limitations (e.g. due to required clearances) the lay-out of a weather restricted mooring system
normally differs from the standard mooring pattern for the unit.

502 Analyses, safety factors and operational limitations for weather restricted mooring systems should
comply with DNV-OS-H101 Sec.4 and Sec.6 B.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 21

503 The resistance of drag installed anchors shall be verified by applying a mooring test load to the anchor,
which is 1.25 times the maximum characteristic line tension for an intact mooring system. The tension shall be
maintained for at least 15 minutes without dragging of the anchor to ensure that sufficient anchor resistance has
been reached.
Guidance note 1:
If a theoretical verification of the anchor resistance has been carried out, e.g. based on DNV-RP-E301, the test load
should be taken according to the applied code.
Guidance note 2:
A reduced test load could be found acceptable at locations where anchor dragging is not considered critical to adjacent
installations, human life or the environment. At these locations adequate anchor resistance may be verified by
applying a mooring test load that previous experience at the location has proved sufficient in the maximum
characteristic environmental condition.

504 It shall be ensured that any reduced test load according to 503 Guidance Note 2 is adequate to obtain
sufficient tension to prove that the anchor has dug in properly.
Guidance note:
Line catenary calculations should be presented to document the above. It may also be required to inspect the anchors
with ROV after installation. This, in order to make sure that they are fully penetrated and have the correct orientation
relative to seabed so they can further penetrate into the soil and gain more resistance if needed.

505 Limiting weather conditions and other operational restrictions for operation close to a fixed or floating
platform shall be clearly identified. See also 203.
Guidance note:
E.g. if operating in the vicinity of other facilities it should be ensured that the maximum anchor line tension does not
exceed 0.8 times the anchor test load reached. ALS conditions should be assessed, see also DNV-OS-H101 Sec.6 B.

Table 4-1 - Verification of resistance of drag-installed anchors – Summary

Mooring category
1 2 3
Long-term or permanent Mobile mooring Weather restricted mooring
Mooring period, P P > 5 years P < 5 years P = Operation reference
period (TR)
Typical unit involved Production/storage unit or Drilling unit and Installation vessel,
loading buoy accommodation unit. SSCV
Theoretical verification of anchor As required by national governmental regulations, Calculations normally not
resistance or as given in: required. See 503 and 504.
DNV-OS-E301, DNV-RP-E301 and DNV-RP-E302,
or equivalent recognised code/standard.
Minimum test load and procedure As approved in the anchor design. Any applicable 1.25 times the maximum
for verification (testing) of anchor national governmental regulations to be considered. calculated line tension.
resistance as installed on actual
Maximum test load Chain cable: Maximum of chain proof load and 0.66 MBL
Steel wire or fibre rope: 0.66 MBL
Minimum time for final test load 15 minutes


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 22

C. Clearances
C 100 General
101 This sub-section gives requirements for minimum clearances that shall be ensured at all times between
units, pipelines/sub-sea structures, cables and mooring elements during positioning and normal operation.
Guidance note:
The field operator (Company) may specify more strict requirements for clearance than given herein. Also, national
authorities may have other clearance requirements, in particular for floating production units.

102 The clearance in ALS should be taken as the minimum distance during transient motion after breaking
any one anchor line or loss of any one thruster system.
Guidance note 1:
For certain combinations of operations and mooring consequence classes other clearances and ALS cases are
applicable. See DNV-OS-E301 Ch.2 Sec.2 D for guidance.
Guidance note 2:
For a mobile offshore unit in drilling mode or moored close to a fixed structure with gangway connection, the actual
operation (e.g. drilling or accommodation) should normally be suspended and the unit brought to a survival condition
when the anchor line tension reaches 0.8 times the tested anchor line tension.

103 During positioning of a floating unit the clearance should at all times duly reflect the actual stage in the
anchor operation. The minimum clearance indicated in Tables 4-2 and 4-3 should be maintained until all
anchors are tested.
Guidance note:
The indicated clearance during positioning relates to that the operation is carried out without any uncontrolled line
slackening. However, possible line slackening (failures) e.g. due to winch problems or line/anchor failures (during
testing), should be considered in the continuous evaluation of required clearance. It should whenever possible be
avoided to run the anchor line directly above structures or unburied pipelines. Maximum horizontal distance should
be maintained.

104 Maximum motions due to the design environmental conditions during the operation shall be considered
in order to establish sufficient clearance.
105 If any aspects are reducing the normal reliability of the units positioning systems, and/or are increasing
the normally expected consequences of contact, the clearances given in the sub-section should be re-assessed.
106 For water depths less than 60 meters, less severe mooring line clearance requirements than given in this
section may be accepted, after thorough consideration of anchoring arrangement and consequences of failures
or erroneous operations.
C 200 Synthetic fibre rope lines
201 For mooring systems using synthetic fibre rope anchor lines, the clearances are to be assessed on a case-
to-case basis. The minimum clearances required will depend upon the geometry of the mooring system during
variation of environmental loads and the consequences of contact between anchor lines and pipelines/
Guidance note:
The specified minimum clearances between anchor lines and pipelines/structures given in this sub-section are for
chain cable and steel wire rope anchor lines.

202 Contact with the seabed shall be avoided both during installation and operation for synthetic fibre rope
lines unless the fibre ropes have been certified for such contact. The procedure for handling and installation
stated on the certificate shall be followed.
Guidance note:
See DNV-OS-E301, Sub-section 4J for further guidelines. Sea bed contact is never allowed during cyclic loading
according to DNV-OS-E303.

C 300 Clearances for weather restricted operations

301 This paragraph applies for situations where a unit needs to approach another unit in a defined weather
window as a part of the normal operation. This may typically be an offshore lifting operation.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 23

302 For weather restricted operations the clearance requirements should be agreed case by case upon
thorough consideration of:
— operational procedures
— duration of the operation
— environmental conditions (in particular wind, wave direction and visibility)
— available back-up systems such as thrusters, connected tug(s)
— fender systems etc.
— consequences of unintended contact.
Guidance note:
The following minimum clearances normally apply:
— Between units: As indicated in Table 4-2.
— Between line and line/unit/pipeline/structure: 50% of the values indicated in Table 4-3.
— Between anchor and pipeline/structure: As indicated in Table 4-3.


C 400 Clearances between units

401 Minimum horizontal clearances between the actual unit and adjacent fixed structures or other floating
units that shall be maintained are indicated in Table 4-2.
402 The horizontal minimum clearances shall be maintained for all possible relative vertical positions,
including motions, between the units.
C 500 Anchor line clearances
501 Minimum clearances between chain and wire rope anchor lines and units, structures, pipelines and other
lines are indicated in Table 4-3.
Guidance note:
Buoys may be attached along the anchor lines during installation and operation in order to ensure sufficient vertical
clearance to sub-sea structures and pipelines.

502 The minimum clearances between lines and platforms (units) are in any direction, i.e.

2 2
Vertical _ clearance + Horizontal _ clearance ≥ minimum clearance.

503 Between lines and pipelines linear relationship between vertical and horizontal clearances should be
assumed. E.g. if the horizontal clearance is 70% of the required minimum clearance the vertical clearance
should be ≥ 30% of the minimum vertical clearance corresponding to zero horizontal clearance. See Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Combined clearances

clearance No line area
(V) 30% of V

70% of H
Horizontal minimum clearance (H)

504 In case of cross anchoring of two or more units the documentation of the anchor pattern shall include
catenary plans for all anchor lines.
505 In one line broken conditions, contact between steel wire rope (or chain and steel wire rope) anchor lines
shall not take place, while contact between chain cable anchor lines is accepted.
506 In the one line broken condition contact may be accepted between anchor lines and “cold” structures
based on a case-by-case evaluation.
507 In the one line broken condition bottom contact at buried pipelines is normally acceptable. However, type
of mooring line, documented quality of burying and anticipated duration of line bottom contact should be


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 24

508 Required clearances to the tendons of TLPs should be assessed for each case, but the indicated clearances
between the lines of two units in Table 4-3 may be used as guidance.
509 For a protected (e.g. by a trawl protection structure) sub-sea structure the same clearance requirements
as for a protected pipeline may be found acceptable based on an evaluation of the strength and functionality of
the protection structure.
C 600 Anchor clearances
601 Minimum clearance between anchors and pipelines/sub-sea structures are given in Table 4-3.
Guidance note:
The minimum anchor clearances to seabed structures given are for drag-installed anchors. For other anchor types
without significant drag, less clearance may be accepted.

602 If considerable anchor dragging is experienced at a location the minimum clearance should be increased
603 50 meters minimum clearance is acceptable if the anchor drag sector is away from the structure. Ability
for accurate positioning, e.g. by ROV control during installation, of the anchor shall be documented.

Table 4-2 - Minimum clearances between units

Units/structures involved Text Clearance during positioning Clearance in normal operation
references1) Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
Floating and fixed units, or two 50 m ALS: 10 m
floating units
Floating and fixed units, or two See 402 See 402
ULS: 5 m
floating units, weather restricted C300 50 m ALS: 3 m
1) See C100 for general requirements in addition to the indicated text references.

Table 4-3 - Minimum clearances between lines2)/anchors and platforms/pipelines3)/risers/structures

Units/structures and mooring Text Clearance during positioning Clearance in normal operation
elements involved references1) Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
Line and a “hot” unit 502 30 m ULS: 10 m
ALS: No contact
Line and a “cold” unit ULS: 5 m
502 & 506 10 m ALS: See 506
Line and a “hot” riser Infinite, i.e. 150 m Infinite, i.e. no ULS: 100 m
no crossing crossing ALS: 30 m
Line and unprotected pipeline3) 503 30 m 150 m ULS: 20 m ULS: 100 m
ALS: No contact ALS: No contact
Line and protected pipeline3) ULS: 10 m ULS: 50 m
503 & 507 10 m 50 m ALS: See text ALS: See text
Line and sub-sea structure 509 Infinite, i.e. 150 m Infinite, i.e. no ULS: 100 m
no crossing crossing ALS: 50 m
Lines of two or more units 505 & 508 20 m - ULS: 10 m -
ALS: See text
Anchor and pipeline3)
(line crossing pipeline) 250 m - 250 m
See D.103 &
Anchor and pipeline3) 602 & 603 D.104 150/50 m - 150/50 m
(line not crossing pipeline)
Anchor and sub-sea structure 300/50 m - 300/50 m
1) See C100 for general requirements in addition to the indicated text references.
2) This table applies for chain and wire rope anchor lines. See C200 for requirements to synthetic fibre rope lines.
3)This means any kind of pipes/cables as umbilical’s, heating and electrical cables, which could be damaged.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 25

D. Installation of Anchors
D 100 General
101 An anchor handling/installation procedure documenting safe working conditions should be presented.
102 Requirements to subsea lifting of anchors are given in DNV-OS-H206.
103 The anchor handling/installation procedure shall address how the minimum required clearance between
anchors/anchor lines and sub-sea installations are achieved and maintained during the installation operation.
See C500 and C600.
104 Handling and transfer of anchors shall not take place above (unburied) pipelines and sub-sea
Guidance note:
“Handling and transfer of anchors” in this connection means anchors suspended over the stern or side of an anchor
installation vessel. “Above” the sub-sea structure means inside a surface sector defined by ± 20 degrees from the
vertical. In circumstances where anchors cannot be stowed on deck, the anchors should be redundant secured. The
redundant securing arrangement should be detailed in the anchor handling procedure.

D 200 Drag installed anchors

201 Anchors shall be installed by suitable anchor-handling vessel.
Guidance note:
The anchor handling vessel should have adequate winches size, sufficient intact and damage stability (see e.g. DNV
Ship Rules Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.12 E), and sufficient bollard pull capacity in combination with any heading requirement for
the intended operation.

202 If sufficient resistance is not obtained with a single anchor on a mooring line due to unexpected soil
conditions on the location, “piggy back” anchor(s) may be applied. Documentation of arrangement, strength
and operation procedure for installation and testing of “piggy back” anchors are to be presented.
Guidance note:
It should be considered that not all anchors are suitable to piggy back as force from the 2nd anchor may close the fluke
on the first anchor.

D 300 Other anchor types

301 This paragraph covers installation of anchors usually used for permanent or long-term mooring of
floating structures, such as pile anchors, plate anchors, suction anchors and gravity anchors.
302 The anchors are to be installed within the tolerances given in the design documentation.
303 It shall be ensured that the installation manual addresses the following items properly (see also Sec.2
— Transport of the anchors, including seafastening.
— All governing installation tolerances, including position, orientation, verticality, twist, snaking, line
corridor etc.
— Procedure for reversing the installation of any anchor not installed within acceptable tolerances.
— Procedure for tensioning and lay down of the anchor lines after installation of the anchors.
— Procedure for inspection of anchors and anchor lines after installation, including acceptance criteria.

E. Connection to Pre-laid Mooring

E 100 General
101 This sub-section gives requirements to connection of offshore units, such as FPSOs, FPSSs and spar
platforms, to a pre-laid mooring system.
102 Operational aspects are covered in sub-section F.
E 200 Planning and schedule
201 The planning shall be made with due consideration to a realistic operation schedule, including
contingency time.
202 See A300 for general requirements to planning and documentation.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.4 – Page 26

E 300 Design evaluations

301 General requirements to design evaluations are given in A500.
302 Minimum number of lines to be connected in order to reach a temporary safe condition, see A201
Guidance note, shall be documented by mooring analysis.
303 The design calculations/evaluations should at least include the following:
— pre-fitting of forerunners, messengers and temporary platforms
— removal of transit securing arrangements (e.g. seafastening of fairleads)
— recovery of pre-laid lines
— design details regarding the connection to pre-laid lines
— any temporary structures
— tugs and station keeping configuration
— station keeping tolerances
— line forces during connection
— line tension, heading control and monitoring requirements
— tensioning equipment
— other equipment on unit
— other involved vessels and equipment
— connection sequence including alternatives,
— validation of position (tolerances, etc.)
— contingency measures.
E 400 Testing
401 When the resistance of drag installed anchors for mobile and weather restricted mooring have been tested
according to B403/B503 during pre-laying operation, the tension applied after connecting the pre-laid mooring
system to the floating unit may be reduced to a tension ensuring any snaking in mooring lines are straightened
402 Winches or other critical means used for mooring line pull-in should be commissioned according to
approved procedures. See DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4 F.
Guidance note:
Normally the winch commissioning should include dynamic load testing with 110% of the maximum expected load
during operation. Testing should be carried out using the same wire rope layer(s) that will be in use with maximum
expected load.

F. Operational Aspects
F 100 General
101 General requirements to operational aspects of marine operations are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4.
102 The operation shall be carried out with due consideration to identified risks and prescribed risk
mitigations. See Sec.2 A400.
103 All mooring operations should be carried out according to the operation manual for the unit. See also
Sec.1 A.
104 All design assumptions and imposed limitations, see e.g. B203, should be duly considered.
F 200 Anchor installation
201 The anchor installation should be carried out according to approved procedures. See also sub-section D.
202 Anchor handling vessels shall be equipped with a surface positioning system of sufficient accuracy for
anchor drops. See DNV-OS-F101 Sec.10 C701.
Guidance note:
Maximum deviation of anchor position is normally +/- 5° from the intended bearing and -50 m (maximum 3% of line
length) and +100 m from the intended distance.

203 During anchor running, attention shall be paid to the catenary of the anchor line, to maintain minimum
clearance. See Sub-section C.
204 During testing of moorings the line tension for chain cable shall neither exceed the proof load of the chain
nor 0.66 times the MBL of the chain.
205 For steel wire- and fibre rope anchor lines the mooring test load shall not exceed 0.66 times the MBL of
the rope.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.5 – Page 27


A. General
A 100 Application
101 This section is applicable for positioning and station keeping of DP vessels.
Guidance note:
Note that further (operation) guidance to dynamic position systems is given in DNV-RP-E307.

A 200 Definition of design conditions

201 The applicable design conditions (i.e. ULS, ALS, FLS, and SLS) and other main design assumptions for
the DP operations shall be clearly defined.
202 The characteristic environmental conditions for the defined design conditions should be specified, see
DNV-OS-H101, Sec.3 for guidance.
A 300 Planning and documentation
301 See Sec.2 A for general requirements to planning and documentation.
302 In due time prior to a positioning operation the following information shall, as relevant, be presented:
a) Items listed in Sec.4 A303.
b) Specification of the means and points of reference.
A 400 Design evaluations
401 See Sec.2 B for general requirements to design documentation.
402 The capacity of the DP system shall be documented for all design conditions to ensure compliance with
the motion envelopes set for the actual operation.
403 Additional wind load on installation vessels due to objects on deck and crane operation should be
considered in DP capability analysis/charts.
404 If the available vessel thrust is partly needed in one specific direction, e.g. to keep necessary tension
during pipe laying, this shall be considered in DP capability analysis and charts.
405 For vessels operating with heading restrictions or with a fixed heading the DP capacity for all wind, wave
and current directions shall be documented.
406 Possible effects due to varying external loads on vessel from e.g. mooring lines should be duly
407 For DP operations requiring DP equipment class 2 and 3, see B100, the capacity should be documented
considering the worst single failure. See also B400.

B. Dynamic Positioning
B 100 DP equipment class
101 The DP operation procedure shall address the DP equipment class required for the operation. Table 5-1
gives guidelines to DP equipment class for different operations. If the guidance in Table 5-1 is not followed
this shall be justified. See also 102 and 103.


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Sec.5 – Page 28

Guidance note:
For a description of the equipment classes in Table 5-1, see Sec.1 C201 and IMO/MSC Circular 645, Chapter 2.

Table 5-1 DP equipment class selection

a) Manned underwater operations 3
where loss of position entails a high risk for divers or diver platforms.
b) Other manned underwater operations
where loss of position entails risk for divers or diver platforms. 2
c) Support vessels for manned underwater operations conducted from work boats 2
where loss of position for the support vessel has direct consequences for the work boat.
d) Drilling and well activities 3
where well control is handled by a DP facility
e) Facilities that produce hydrocarbons 3
f) Flotels with gangway connected
Two reference systems may be accepted for arrival and departure. 3
g) All activities within the safety zone
Two reference systems may be accepted for arrival and departure.
The need for relative position reference system(s) shall be evaluated considering the facilities 2
displacements and the minimum clearance to the facility.
h) Activities with limited clearance to the facility where the vessel represents a risk to the facility
The requirement applies if the vessel exceeds the vessel size the facility is designed for with regard to
withstanding a collision and is working with a limited clearance to facility. 3
Two reference systems may be accepted for arrival and departure.
The need for relative position reference system(s) shall be evaluated considering the facilities
displacements and the minimum clearance to the facility.
i) Loading operations from FSUs and FPSOs
The requirement applies to the tank vessel 2
j) Loading operations from buoys (quick release available) 1
k) Other well activities
The requirement applies to well maintenance facilities if well control is handled by another facility 2
l) Shallow drilling 1
if one does not expect to encounter hydrocarbons and emergency disconnect is feasible in case of drift-off.
Notes to the table
1) For dynamic positioning, consideration should be given to the reference systems' limitations as regards reliability, accessibility
and quality.
2) High risk as mentioned in a), means the cases when the diver does not have an unrestricted return to the diving bell, or where
loss of the vessel's position can lead to loss of or damage to the diving bell, and possibly the associated bottom weight.
3) The requirement to equipment class 3 as mentioned in d), does not apply to all drilling and well activities. For shallow drilling,
other requirements in the table may be relevant, such as the requirements in h), l) and emergency disconnect response time. Well
activities that require equipment class 3 are e.g. well intervention including wire line operations. Other well activities as
mentioned in k) may be well stimulations and unmanned underwater operations, including the use of remote-controlled sub-sea
vessels or sub-sea tools.


102 Required equipment class for DP operations not stated in Table 5-1 should be decided based on a
thorough evaluation of operational risks.
103 Vessels with lower equipment classes than required as of Table 5-1 may be accepted on a case by case
basis. Elements to be evaluated with regard to acceptance of lower equipment classes are:
— time needed to safely abandon DP operation
— weather conditions
— possibility of operating with open waters on leeward side
— availability of reliable position reference systems
— crew experience with the vessel
— other operational and technical means of reducing risk and/or consequence of DP failures.
B 200 Field arrival
201 Prior to commencement of DP operations, the DP system shall be adequately set up with position
reference systems, and thoroughly tested with regard to equipment functionality and system redundancy. The
set-up of systems are normally dictated by the premise for failure as stated in the DP FMEA.
202 Engine room and switchboards shall be configured to fulfil the level of redundancy and safety required
by the defined DP equipment class.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.5 – Page 29

203 A vessel specific “Field Arrival Checklist” ensuring that the DP setup and equipment function is
according to the DP class requirement shall be prepared, and executed upon arrival at field or work site.
204 If the vessel frequently leaves and re-enters the field (or work site), a less extensive “Field re-entry
Checklist” may be accepted. The field re-entry checklist shall include verification of system set-up and
equipment functionality.
B 300 Complex and close proximity DP operations
301 For complex and close proximity DP operations involving one or more DP vessels, a DP operation
procedure shall be presented.
302 Position reference systems shall be selected based on a functional requirement of the operation.
Guidance note:
Between two mobile vessels a mixture between absolute and relative reference systems needs special considerations
as this may impact vessels station keeping abilities due to diverging positioning from the systems.

303 The DP procedure shall as a minimum include:

— A description of the work that is planned performed.
— Weather criteria (force and direction).
— Minimum distances between vessels.
— Pre-operation DP testing requirements. Foot print testing should be included if found relevant based on the
required station keeping accuracy.
— Reference systems setup, including evaluation of possible shadow effects on aerials and thrust interference
on hydro-acoustic transducers.
— Engine room and switchboards configuration.
— Communication procedures, internally and between vessels.
— Copy of HAZOP/risk analysis findings and risk reducing measures.
— Training/competence level of key DP personnel.
B 400 Contingencies
401 DP operations requiring equipment class 2 or 3 shall be restricted (planned) based on power/thrust
availability after worst single failure.
Guidance note:
The worst single failure concept is further described in DNV Ship Rules Pt.6 Ch.7- Dynamic Positioning Systems,
and in IMO MSC/Circ. 645.

402 Complex DP operations will require location- or operation specific contingency instructions.
403 The DP operator(s) should be familiar with the contingency plans.
404 If relevant the DP manning should be increased in order to minimize the risk of/in contingency situations.
405 Key elements of the contingency planning should be posted in the vicinity of the DP operator station, so
that situation specific required actions are immediately available to the DP operator.
B 500 Annual DP trial
501 In addition to class related surveys, an annual DP trial is recommended.
Guidance note:
Operator and/or Oil Company may have a mandatory requirement to annual DP trial.

502 The annual DP trial should be carried out within three months before or after the anniversary date of the
initial DP trial.
503 The annual DP trial should ensure (and document) that the DP-system has been maintained in accordance
with applicable parts of the IMO MSC/Circ. 645 guidelines and is in good working order.
504 Annual DP trial should include testing of all important systems and components. The ability of the DP-
vessel to keep position and heading after single failures associated with the assigned equipment class should
be included in the test program.
B 600 Checklists
601 The following checklists, test procedures and instructions should be incorporated into the DP operating
manuals for the vessel:
— field arrival checklist, see 203


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.5 – Page 30

— field re-entry checklist, see 204

— watch keeping / watch handover checklist
— engine control room (ECR) checklists
— DP-operation instructions / procedures
— operation specific guidelines, see 303 and 402
— annual DP trial procedures, see B500.

C. Operational Aspects
C 100 General
101 General requirements to operational aspects of marine operations are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4.
Also see guidance to DP operations in DNV-RP-E307 “Dynamic Positioning Systems - Operation Guidance”.
102 The operation shall be carried out with due consideration to identified risks and prescribed risk
mitigations. See Sec.2 A400.
103 All operations should be carried out according to the (DP) operation manual(s) for the unit. See also
Sec.1 A.
104 Design evaluations, see A400, and operational limitations imposed by these shall be duly considered.
Guidance note:
Where loss of position is not accepted for any single failure, the DP should run a consequence analysis program
ensuring the position keeping capability for the predefined worst failure is not exceeded. The design limitations in DP
capability analysis / operation analysis should be adhered to in order to avoid this alarm to trigger.
Consequence analysis: A monitoring function in the DP control system that issue an alarm if the vessel (in its current
operating mode) in the current weather conditions would not be able to keep the heading and position in the case that
any of the predefined worst case failures should occur.

105 The relevant checklists, see B600, should be filled in and made available for Company and/or MWS (3rd
party) review.
Guidance note:
It is recommended that MWS, if on-board, are present during testing/filling in of check lists.

C 200 Clearances
201 Minimum clearance between vessels and structures during DP operations shall be based on a thorough
consideration of operational risks and limitations, vessel equipment, weather conditions/limitations, position
reference systems accuracy (absolute/ relative positioning) and reliability.
Guidance note:
It is recommended that minimum distance between vessels and vessel/ structures should not be set less than 20 metres.



Offshore Standard DNV-OS-H203, February 2012
Sec.6 – Page 31


A. General
A 100 Application
101 This section is applicable for positioning of a self-elevating unit which is defined as the activities
necessary for jacking the unit up to a safe condition at a new location.
102 The requirements in this section should, as applicable, also be considered for jacking down from a safe
position to a floating condition.
103 The requirements to transit of self-elevating units are given in Sec.3.
A 200 Definition of design conditions
201 The applicable design conditions (i.e. ULS, ALS, FLS, and SLS) and other main design assumptions for
the positioning operation shall be clearly defined.
202 The characteristic environmental conditions for the defined design conditions should be specified, see
DNV-OS-H101, Sec.3 for guidance.
A 300 Planning and documentation
301 See Sec.2 A for general requirements to planning and documentation.
302 In due time prior to a positioning operation the information listed in Sec.4 A303 shall, as relevant, be
303 For site assessment and evaluation of the foundation behaviour of a self-elevating unit, adequate
geotechnical and geophysical information shall be available, including information about:
— seafloor topography and sea bottom features
— soil stratification and classification
— characteristics for soil in various strata
— spud can geometry and dimensions
— spud can jetting system
— jacking system description and limitations
— maximum spud can penetration.
Guidance note:
For further recommendations regarding methods and extent of soil investigations, reference is made to DNV CN 30.4.

B. Positioning of Self-elevating Units

B 100 Design evaluations
101 See for general requirements to design documentation.
102 The structural strength, air gap and overturning stability on the seabed of the self-elevating unit shall
comply with the requirements of DNV-OS-C104, or equivalent.
Guidance note:
DNV classification requirements can be found in DNV-OSS-101 and DNV-OSS-102.

103 Prior to commencing the installation of a self-elevating unit at any location, the anticipated foundation
behaviour of the unit during all phases from installation to removal shall be thoroughly considered.
104 The penetration depths of the individual leg foundations (spudcans) shall be calculated. Calculations can
be based on bearing capacity formula. A range for possible penetration shall be worked out. It shall be checked
that required hull air gap can be obtained when maximum penetration of spud can occurs. See also C401.
Guidance note:
Acceptable criteria for soil conditions and methods for analysis of foundation behaviour can be found DNV CN 30.4.

105 The possibility for punch-through and the corresponding maximum punch-through distance shall be
evaluated. It shall be demonstrated that the self-elevating unit can withstand such punch-through


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Sec.6 – Page 32

displacements. The change in both overturning moment and resisting moment due to increase in penetration of
any one leg shall be taken into account.
B 200 Jacking operations
201 Jacking operations shall be performed within the limitations given in the operation manual.
B 300 Testing
301 As a part of the installation procedure, the unit shall be pre-loaded in such a manner that the required in-
place capacity is documented for each leg.
Guidance note:
Guidance on how to calculate pre-load capacity and required pre-loading is given in DNV-OS-C104, Sec.8 B and in
CN 30.4.

302 The maximum loads shall be determined for the most unfavourable combination of environmental and
functional loads in survival and operating conditions. Full pre-load shall be maintained for minimum 1 hour
after the penetration has stopped.
B 400 Soil surveys
401 The survey documentation shall include bathymetric mapping and a shallow seismic survey for the
location, which can be tied back to nearby existing soil boring(s) to assist in the assessment of the soil
402 The seismic survey shall be of good quality using equipment which can trace the shallow layering and
detect possible presence of buried erosion channels within the depth of interest, normally down to 50 m below
403 The seismic surveys, the soil borings and the interpretation of the corresponding soil conditions for the
actual location shall be documented.
B 500 Safe jack-up locations
501 Maximum distance between the safe jack-up locations should be such that the time needed to suspend
operations and to reach the nearest safe haven or safe elevated location and to complete positioning shall be
less than the allowed maximum planed time for these activities.
Guidance note:
The NMD regulations concerning field moves for Norwegian flagged offshore units require that the planned operation
time between the emergency jack-up locations should not exceed 24 hours. This 24 hours period covers jacking down
to floating condition, towing and jacking up to sufficient air gap to avoid wave impacts on the hull at the new location.
See also Sec.3 D302.

502 For defined safe jack-up locations it shall be documented, see Sec.1 A, that the soil conditions are such
that the jack-up will not experience sudden significant penetration of the spudcans during the jacking process
or during the stay at the location in elevated position.
Guidance note:
The documentation should clearly show that the locations consist of soils which have sufficient strength to exclude
the possibility of foundation punch-through. Dense sands and stiff clays to an adequate depth fulfil the above

503 Soil conditions with soft, normally consolidated clays or with stiff soil overlying soft soil (punch-through
conditions) shall be avoided.

C. Operational Aspects
C 100 General
101 General requirements to operational aspects of marine operations are given in DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4.
102 The operation shall be carried out with due consideration to identified risks and prescribed risk
mitigations. See Sec.2 A400.
103 All operations should be carried out according to the operation manual for the unit. See also Sec.1 A.
Guidance note:
Limitations on sea state, wind, current, visibility etc. should be assessed. Sea state limitations should normally include
both wave heights and periods. If the operation manual only specifies a limiting wave height the acceptable period


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Sec.6 – Page 33

range for this wave should be established by analysis before the operation. It may also be beneficial to define the
limiting wave heights for periods outside the range or for more narrow ranges.
Any operational limitations imposed by the design evaluations, see B100, should be duly considered.

C 200 Functional testing

201 Prior to positioning operations of self-elevating units the functioning of the following equipment shall in
particular be checked or tested and found in order:
— elevating machinery
— bilge, ballast and pre-loading system
— mooring equipment/tugs.
C 300 Clearances
301 Minimum horizontal clearance to floating and fixed units shall be determined for the positioning
operation, based on environmental conditions and motion characteristics of the unit(s) involved.
302 During positioning the distance between the unit and a “hot” fixed structure/platform shall normally be
minimum 10 meters at any point. If a closer position is required, the production shall be closed down and the
systems depressurised (i.e. “cold” condition).
303 The required minimum clearance to an adjacent fixed structure/platform during operation (i.e. after
completion of the positioning operation) should be considered in each case.
304 For required clearance to floating units see Sec.4 C400.
305 It should be documented that the final elevation reached fulfils the design air gap requirement.
Guidance note:
The air gap is defined as the clear distance between the lower part of the hull structure and the maximum wave crest
elevation. See DNV-OS-C104 Sec.8 D for further information.

C 400 Seabed conditions

401 If the conditions at the location and the anticipated penetration depth are such that erosion may occur
around the spudcans, bagging to avoid this situation shall be considered.
Guidance note:
If jetting is used to increase the leg penetration depth, some erosion may be accepted.

402 It shall be verified that the installation area is free from obstructions such as boulders, wrecks and lost
construction material.
403 When entering a pre-used location, care shall be taken during positioning to avoid that any leg hits an
abandoned leg-hole.
C 500 Jacking and testing
501 Due care should be taken in order to carry out jacking, see B200, and testing, see B300, according to the
approved procedures.
502 If studies show that there is a risk for punch-through failures, the hull clearance to the sea surface shall
be kept as small as possible during pre-loading.
Guidance note:
The clearance should nevertheless be sufficient to ensure an air gap of minimum 0.5 m in the maximum tide and
forecasted (considering uncertainty, i.e. alpha factor) maximum wave height in the pre-loading period. For guidance
see DNV-OS-H101, Sec.4 B700.


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