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Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

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An experimental study on the influence of tool

path, tool diameter and pitch in single point
incremental forming (SPIF)

Rahul Jagtap, Sachin Kashid, Shailendra Kumar & H. M. A. Hussein

To cite this article: Rahul Jagtap, Sachin Kashid, Shailendra Kumar & H. M. A. Hussein (2016):
An experimental study on the influence of tool path, tool diameter and pitch in single
point incremental forming (SPIF), Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, DOI:

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Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2016

An experimental study on the influence of tool path, tool

diameter and pitch in single point incremental forming (SPIF)
Rahul Jagtapa  , Sachin Kashida, Shailendra Kumara and H. M. A. Husseinb,c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India; bAdvanced
Manufacturing Institute, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA; cFaculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Department, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


Incremental forming process has become more and more popular Accepted 2 December 2015
because of its ease of forming and capability to produce different
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

part shapes using same machine set-up. This article describes an Single point incremental
experimental study on the influence of process parameters in single forming (SPIF); process
point incremental forming (SPIF) on the surface roughness and parameters; surface
thickness of formed part. Experiments are performed on aluminium roughness; CNC
alloy (Al-1050) sheet on a 3-axis CNC milling machine. Hemispherical-
headed tool of stainless steel (SS-304) is used to study the effect of
tool path, tool diameter and pitch on the surface roughness (Ra) and
thickness (t) of formed part. Design of experiment (DOE) full factorial
plan is used, and results are plotted using ANOVA. Considerable effect
of tool diameter is found on the surface quality of formed part.

1. Introduction
Sheet metal parts are important structural elements of car bodies, aircraft, beverage cans,
home appliances, telecommunication equipment and medical implants. These parts are
generally manufactured on a press tool. A press tool consists of a punch and a matching
female die. The cost of designing and manufacturing of a press tool is high, and it is only
economical for producing large number of products. Therefore, there is a need to find
an alternate for press tools which must be flexible and cost-effective for producing small
number of sheet metal parts. Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is an emerging sheet metal
forming and rapid prototyping technology. This process offers flexibility in the part form-
ing and has shorter set-up time as well as lower production cost. Therefore, this process
can be used for batch production. Also, forming forces involved in the incremental form-
ing process are very small as compared to conventional sheet metal forming because of
localised deformation of sheet. The ISF set-up is simple and does not need costly dies. It
requires 3-axis computer numerically controlled (CNC) or conventional milling machine
or water jet machine to produce complex sheet metal parts without using conventional

CONTACT  Rahul Jagtap  [email protected]

© 2016 Taylor & Francis
2    R. Jagtap et al.

Figure 1. Mechanism of incremental sheet forming process.[3]

Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

Figure 2. (a) Single point incremental forming and (b) two-point incremental forming.[4]

press tools.[1] The CNC machine spindle holds a hemispherical-headed forming tool and
a fixture holds the blank. Part geometry can be modelled using software platforms such
as CATIA, UG/NX and using the part geometry tool path of CNC machine can be easily
generated. The plastic deformation is accomplished layer-by-layer through the movement
of simple CNC controlled forming tool. On the completion of each layer, the tool moves
down a small increment along the z-axis and continues to process the subsequent layers
until all layers are formed. It is also called as die-less NC forming process as it does not
use a dedicated die. Figure 1 shows the ISF mechanism.
ISF process has two major variants – (i) single point incremental forming (SPIF) and
(ii) two-point incremental forming (TPIF) [2] as shown in Figure 2. In SPIF process, the
sheet is held on the fixture and a hemispherical tool forms the sheet. The sheet is free to
move in working area. In TPIF process, a counter tool (also called as secondary tool) or
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies   3
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

Figure 3. CNC machine with experimental set-up.

a partial die or a full die is used. Therefore, the sheet has some constraints for movement
in working area.
The ISF process was developed as a method for prototyping and forming of sheet metal
parts in small batches for the needs of automobile manufacturers,[2] but nowadays, it is
used by many other industries such as aeronautical industry and medical applications [5].
Metal as well as polymer sheets can be formed using ISF. Marques et al. [6] performed
experiments on four different commercial thermoplastic materials and successfully formed
conical parts using SPIF process. A variety of asymmetric complex shapes were made as
rapid prototypes for the automotive industry. ISF has also found numerous applications
in aerospace industries, biomedical applications and appliances (e.g. solar cooker). A dis-
tinct application of SPIF process is demonstrated by Jackson et al. [7] for the formation of
sandwich panels. Vihtonen et al. [8] investigated the effect of SPIF and TPIF and found
that more thinning (i.e. decrease in thickness of formed sheet material) takes place in case
of SPIF. Some researchers [9–11] investigated the enhanced formability and geometrical
accuracy of formed parts.
From the literature review, it is found that no research efforts have been applied to inves-
tigate the effect of process parameters on surface quality and thickness variation of formed
part using ISF. In the present work, formation of rectangular frustum cone was done using
SPIF process. Appropriate design of experiments (DOE) plan is selected by considering
number of process parameters and their levels.

2.  Experimental set-up for present work

2.1  CNC machine
SPIF process can be performed on any machine with numeric control or using numerically
controlled robot arm.[12] This significantly reduces the tooling cost of process and makes
the process more flexible and easy to use. The same tooling set-up can be used to form
4    R. Jagtap et al.

Table 1. Process parameters and their levels.

Parameter Unit Low level (−1) High level (+1)
Tool path mm P H
Tool diameter(d) mm 8 16
Pitch (Δz) mm 0.5 1

Table 2. Constant process parameters and their values.

Spindle speed rpm 355
Feed mm/min 660
Maximum depth of forming mm 85
Wall inclination angle degrees 60
Note: where P = profile tool path and H = helical tool path.

different part geometries.[13] CNC machine set-up used for the present experimental work
is a 3-axis vertical milling machine as shown in Figure 3.
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

2.2  Forming tool and blank sheet

In the present work, the forming tool of stainless steel (SS-304) having hardness of 92 HRB
is used. The tool is manufactured on CNC lathe machine. The end of the tool is hemi-
spherical in shape. Two different tools having diameters 8 and 16 mm are used. The reason
behind using these two tools is to find out the effect of tool diameters on surface quality
and thickness variation on the part formed by these tools. Sheet material is aluminium alloy
(Al-1050). This material is selected because of its high ductility.

2.3 Fixture
Fixture used for holding the blank in present work is shown in Figure 3. It consists of a
frame made up of two C-shaped plates welded together. The lubricant used in the present
work is Castrol gear oil which is generally used as a lubricant in automobile gear box.

3.  Experimental plan

For the plan of experiment, three process parameters, namely tool diameter (d), tool path
and pitch (Δz) are used. Full factorial DOE plan is used for experimentation, as the num-
bers of factors are less than four and the levels are only two. The high and low values of the
process parameters are given in Table 1. Other parameters such as spindle speed, feed rate
and sheet material are kept constant as depicted in Table 2.

3.1  Tool path

Two tool paths are used in the present experimental work – profile tool path, and helical
tool path.[14] Tool paths are generated using a C program. These can also be generated
using commercial softwares such as CATIA, MASTERCAM, UG/NX and DELCAM. For
the ease of generating CNC code/tool path, a C program is written which produces a CNC
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies   5
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

Figure 4. Tool path simulation using CNC Simulator Pro.

Figure 5. Main effect plot for surface roughness (Ra).

tool path. Tool path generated using C program is then simulated using CNC tool path
simulation software CNC Simulator Pro Version Beta as shown in Figure 4.
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Figure 6(a). Thickness measurement along the slant face of formed part.

Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

Figure 6(b). Thickness variation along the slant face.

Figure 7. Main effect plot for average sheet thickness (t).

Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies   7

4.  Results and discussion

ANOVA is performed to find out the significant variables and to quantify their effect
on response characteristics. Main effects plot and their interaction plots are used to
examine the parametric effect on response characteristics. All the results are analysed using
Stat-Ease, Inc. Design Expert statistical software. The depth of forming of formed
part in present work is 85 mm. The surface roughness is measured using surface roughness
measurement stylus. The surface roughness obtained is in the range of 0.672–1.449 μm. This
analysis is carried out for the confidence level of 95%.
Figure 5 shows main effect plot for surface roughness. These main effects are used for
examining the parametric effect on response characteristics. It was observed that with helical
tool path, higher tool diameter (16 mm) and lower pitch (0.5 mm) give minimum surface
roughness. The effect of tool path on the surface roughness is shown in Figure 5(a). The
value of surface roughness was found maximum while using profile tool path. In case of
profile tool path, tool completes one complete cycle and goes down with an amount equal
to pitch and again completes the cycle of forming. This causes to form a pattern of tool
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

movement on surface of formed part, which results in higher surface roughness. In case of
helical tool path, tool is continuously moving in z-direction along with cycle completion.
This results in smooth surface finish as compared to profile tool path. It also results in higher
formability as compared to the profile tool path.
The relation between tool diameter and surface roughness is shown in Figure 5(b). It is
found that the surface roughness decreases with the increase in tool diameter. The effect of
tool diameter on surface roughness is more as compared to other parameters. When smaller
diameter tool is used for forming, it creates a pattern (small peak and valleys) of formation
on sheet. It makes the surface rough, but the formability is good. With larger diameter tool,
the contact area between tool and sheet increases which results in lower surface roughness.
Figure 5(c) shows the relation between surface roughness and pitch (Δz). It is found that
the surface roughness increases with the increase in pitch which is in agreement with the-
oretical concept. It can be seen from Figure 5(c) that pitch has a very small effect on the
surface roughness as compared to tool path and tool diameter. When pitch is decreased,
the number of forming cycles is increased. This improves the surface quality of the formed
part because of repeated contact of tool with part.
Based on the experimental results, the equation (model) for Ra is developed. The equa-
tions (model) for surface roughness obtained in terms of coded and actual values are,
respectively, given in Equations (1) and (2).
Final equation of Ra in terms of coded form:
Ra = 1.05 − 0.27 × B (1)
Similarly, final equation of Ra in terms of actual form:
Ra = 2.406 − 0.1358 × Tool diameter (2)
In order to verify the adequacy of developed model of Ra, the model is compared with values
obtained through experiments. The predicted values and actual values are compared, and
it is found that actual values are in good agreement with predicted values.
For measuring sheet thickness, the formed part is manually cut using a sheet cutter. The
sheet thickness is then measured using a standard micrometre. Nine readings of each part
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are taken, and the average of all readings is considered for final analysis. The values range
from 0.514 to 0.519 mm. The thickness variation is shown in Figure 6(a) and 6(b).
Figure 7 shows the main effects plot for average sheet thickness. The plot illustrates the
effect of process parameters (tool path, tool diameter and pitch) levels on average sheet
thickness. In case of ISF process, the forming is done by local thinning of sheet. Low thin-
ning is desired to avoid failure of formed part. Figure 7(a) depicts the effects of tool path on
average sheet thickness of part. It is found that the profile tool path results in lower sheet
thickness and helical tool causes higher sheet thickness of part. Therefore, helical tool path
should be preferred for obtaining higher sheet thickness. The effect of tool diameter on
average sheet thickness is shown in Figure 7(b). As the tool diameter increases, the average
sheet thickness of the formed part decreases, resulting in probable necking and failure of
part. On using smaller tool diameter, maximum thickness is obtained. The effect of pitch
on average sheet thickness is depicted in Figure 7(c). As pitch increases from 0.5 to 1.0 mm,
the average thickness of sheet increases. Therefore, higher pitch should be used to obtain
maximum thickness of the formed part.
Based on the experimental results, the equation for average sheet thickness is derived.
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

The equations obtained in terms of coded and actual values are given as below.
Final equation in terms of coded form:
t = 0.52 + 0.000625 × A − 0.00088 × B + 0.000625 × C (3)
Final equation in terms of actual form:
For profile tool path : t = 0.51825 − 0.00044 × Tool Dia + 0.0025 × Pitch (4)

For helical tool path : t = 0.5195 − 0.00044 × Tool Dia + 0.0025 × Pitch (5)

In order to verify the adequacy of derived model (equation) of average sheet thickness, the
model was compared with values of some sample experiments performed. The predicted
values and actual values are compared, and it is found that actual values are in good agree-
ment with predicted values.

5. Conclusion
This experimental study is focused on the effect of three process parameters, namely tool
path, tool diameter and pitch on the surface roughness and thinning in SPIF process. It is
found that the profile tool path results in higher surface roughness and thinning of formed
part as compared to helical tool path. Tool diameter has maximum effect on the surface
quality of formed part as compared to other parameters. Higher tool diameter gives better
surface finish. The surface quality and thinning are inversely proportional to each other,
i.e. if one characteristic is improved, other deteriorates. Therefore, required surface quality
should be decided in advance based on the application of formed part so that thinning can
be optimised. As the pitch increases, the surface roughness also increases considerably. Thus
to obtain a good surface finish of formed part, low value of pitch should be used.
This experimental investigation can be extended to TPIF process. Accuracy in TPIF is
more as compared to the SPIF; therefore, such investigation will be helpful for improving
the process. More process parameters such as wall inclination angle, feed rate and spindle
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies   9

speed. can be varied, and effect of these parameters can be investigated in SPIF as well as
in TPIF process.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Rahul Jagtap

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