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Aborted fetal cells used in vaccines

Here is a list....


Taken from the lung of a 3 month gestation aborted baby. R=Rubella, A=Abortus, 27=27th baby, 3=3rd tissue explant. (Then cultivated on the WI-
38 aborted fetal cell line to get the MMR viruses. Stanley Plotkin, vaccine developer, would later reveal that 40 more babies were aborted after
RA273 was successfully isolated, with virus strains taken from 34 of them. A total of over 80 separate abortions were involved in the research and
final production of the present day rubella vaccine- 21 abortions from the original WI-1 through WI-26 fetal cell lines that failed, plus WI-38 itself,
plus 67 from the attempts to isolate the rubella virus.)

☀MERC-5: Developed in 1970 from the lung tissue of a 14 week gestation male baby. Introduced in Great Britain by the Medical Research Council.

☀HEK-293: Developed in 1973 from aborted baby kidney cells genetically engineered combined with adenovirus. 293 is the number of the

☀Per C6

Developed in 2001 from an isolated retina of a baby about 18 weeks gestation. This cell line was made to be ‘immortal’ but failed. It caused
cancerous tumors in mice. Was used in the HIV vaccine trial but caused cancer so it was pulled. Crucell-advent of their PER C6 fetal cell line took
off. PER C6 is a normal cell that has been modified to resist cell senescence. In doing so, it introduces the potential for cancer to form in the vaccine

☀WI-26 VA4

An SV40 transformed derivative of WI-26, a human diploid cell line derived from embryonic lung tissue of a male Caucasian. The cells have SV40 T-
Ag but infectious virus has not been rescued.


Recently developed from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation baby girl. To replace the current MERC-5 and WI-38 which are depleting.

To obtain all these, the scientists had to be present at the time of the abortion because "In order to sustain 96% of the cells, the live tissue would
need to be preserved within 5 minutes of the abortion"-Dr. C. Ward Kischer.

And it's still happening today. Notice again the last listed: WALVAX2. This is a brand new line in which 9 babies died in the making and the baby
ultimately used was intentionally delivered alive in the sac for best harvesting. This is going to be the New MMR.

And it will admittedly continue. PBS recently reports on how fetal tissue is VITAL to vaccine and drug development:

There are 271 vaccines (and 85 drugs) in the pipeline awaiting approvals that we cannot see the ingredients too yet but you can bet they include
fetal lines just like our current ones do:

WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted BABIES. The scientists
noted how they followed specific guidelines to mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation. They
further noted how they induced labor using a “water bag” abortion to shorten the delivery time and PREVENT THE DEATH OF THE FETUS to ensure
LIVE intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation.

Keep telling yourself that this is ok..."for the greater good". This can be done without murdering babies. It's done all the time without murdering
babies....Just not when the cdc can profit from it in the U.S. This practice is disgusting. Did you know that fragmented fetal DNA has been proven to
combine with vaccine recipient DNA permanently altering that child's DNA? Did you know that the study to prove this and show the link between
this fractional DNA and childhood Leukemia is currently underway? Its actually proven, but in order to get a peer reviewed study to the public is not
so easy. Very rich people will lose a lot of money. That's what happens when you let the cdc OWN vaccine patents, make profits from vaccines, and
then also police themselves.

And please heavily consider the part that explains that these new vaccine cell lines are being made in China...they currently ship us fish farmed in
feces, toys with high lead content, and plastic rice...Do you really think they are concerned about your family's safety?

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