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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2011, 46, 1329–1336 1329

Invited review
Salt in food processing; usage and reduction: a review

William Albarracı́n,1* Iván C. Sánchez,1 Raúl Grau2 & José M. Barat2

1 Institute of Food Science and Technology ICTA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Carrera 30 No. 45-03 Ed. 500C, Bogotá, Colombia
2 Department of Food Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s ⁄ n, Valencia, Spain
(Received 28 April 2010; Accepted in revised form 8 October 2010)

Summary Salt is one of the most widely used additives in food industries because of its low cost and varied properties.
It has a preservative and antimicrobial effect as a direct consequence of the capacity of sodium chloride to
reduce water activity values. In addition, sodium chloride is a flavour enhancer as a consequence of its effect
on different biochemical mechanisms. It also has flavour enhancing effects from reducing or enhancing the
enzymatic activity of some enzymes responsible for the development of different organoleptic parameters.
Trends in sodium chloride use in food industries point to salt replacement or reduction by means of the use
of sodium chloride substitutes such as KCl or phosphates; flavour enhancers and the optimisation of the
physical form of salt. This trend has arisen as a result of the greater awareness of the negative effects of excess
dietary intake of sodium, which has been linked to hypertension and consequently an increased risk of
cardiovascular disease. The average total daily sodium intake per individual in developed countries is 4–5 g
of Na, which is up to 25 times greater than the minimum adult requirement.
Keywords Protein behaviour, salt effect, salt in foods, salting, water-holding capacity.

industry should be focused in the salt content reduction

of processed foods if public health concerns are to be
Salt played an important role throughout history. The addressed. In May 2009, the UK’s Food Standards
location of salt deposits was particularly relevant in Agency revised its salt reduction targets for food
ancient Rome and ancient Egyptian and Middle Eastern processors to make them even more challenging than
towns and villages because of its food preservation the previous targets for 2010. These targets require
properties (Netolitzky, 1913; Forbes, 1965). History says reductions across a wide range of processed foods but
that the Egyptians called it ‘natron’, which means divine take into account reductions already achieved such as
salt; in Rome, a city whose origins stem from a route reductions of about 44% in branded breakfast cereals,
designated for the transportation of salt, the Latin term 13% reduction in standard crisps, 32% in ‘extruded
‘salarium’ derives from salt and refers to the amount of snacks’ and 27% in ‘pelleted snacks’ and a range of soft
salt that was given to a worker or Roman legionary as white cheeses with 50% less salt for the UK market, a
payment for his job. 32% reduction in some retail standard cheese slices and
The most important techniques commonly used in 21% in the equivalent reduced-fat cheese slices.
food preservation involve inhibiting the growth of In the USA, the FDA is urgently considering more
microorganisms. These include the following: (i) reduc- effective ways to work with the US food industry to
tion of water activity (curing, drying, evaporation); (ii) increase salt reduction measures in foods (Food &
temperature (high or low); (iii) acidity or pH reduction Drugs Administration Press Release, 2010). Hyperten-
by fermentation or the addition of organic or inorganic sion affects 75 million US adults. An additional 50
acids; (iv) redox potential, chemical preservatives million adults suffer from prehypertension. US consum-
(nitrate, nitrite, sulphites); (v) competitive microorgan- ers eat 7 g of salt daily, which is more than twice the
isms (lactic acid bacteria); (vi) modified atmosphere amount required. The US Institute of Medicine believes
packing – MAP (vacuum, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, that the issue requires new federal standards for the
oxygen). amount of salt that food manufacturers, restaurants and
Because 75% of the dietary salt comes from processed food service companies can add to their products
foods (Appel & Anderson, 2010), the aim of food (Institute of Medicine Consensus Report, 2010).
In the light of this current concern, the purposes of
*Correspondent: E-mail: [email protected] this review are to discuss the main ways that salt is used

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1330 Salt in food processing; usage and reduction W. Albarracı́n et al.

in processed foods and to briefly outline some of the

challenges encountered in reducing salt levels without
compromising quality or shelf life.

Salt as a preservative in foods

Salt is one of the most widely used food additives as a
preservative, enhancing the flavour (Silva et al., 2003)
and to improve water adsorption (Lawrence et al.,
2003). Common salt does not display antimicrobial
action, but its capacity to reduce water activity values
(aw) in foods slows down or even interrupts vital
microbial processes. A high salt concentration generates
changes in cellular metabolism because of its osmotic
effect, which, influences microorganisms in different
concentrations, but can reduce the nutritional value of
preserved foods because water-soluble components such
as vitamins and minerals can be eliminated (Lück &
Pager, 2000). Moreover, the salting process alone is
inadequate as a sole preservation method in ready-to-eat
products, necessitating its combination with other pres-
ervation processes (drying, osmotic dehydration, etc.).

Effect of salt on taste perception

Anions have an effect on the taste properties of different Figure 1 Chloride interaction in protein structure (adapted from
types of salt. Sodium chloride, bromide and iodide Girard, 1991).
should taste almost the same, but they are perceptually
different (Murphy et al., 1981). Furthermore, a reduc-
tion in saltiness depends on the type of anion present in
the sample (Ye et al., 1991, Ye et al., 1993). Sodium Such preferential binding for chloride ions by protein
chloride has an influence on the perception of the salt molecule at pHs above the isoelectric point increases its
taste, which can be explained by the presence of the Cl) net negative charge and results in repulsive forces, thus
anion and its effect on receptor cells (Murphy et al., permitting additional water absorption within the
1981). The diffusion of larger anions across tight protein network. In contrast, at pHs below the
junctions and into basolateral areas of taste receptor isoelectric point, the positive charge of protein is
cell channels is limited. Therefore, salts with larger neutralised by chloride ions, thereby reducing net
anions are less effective stimuli (Delwiche et al., 1999). positive charge and water-holding capacity. Finally,
protein dehydration will occur at high salt concentra-
tions (0.6 m) because of the competition between
Influence of salt on water-holding capacity
solutes and proteins for the available water (Chou &
Water-holding capacity is defined as the ability of a food Morr, 1979; Wismer, 1994).
matrix to prevent water release from the three-dimen-
sional structure (Chantrapornchai & McClements,
Influence of salt on the behaviour of proteins
2002). This property is affected by pore and capillary
size, the charges of the protein matrix (hydrophobic Protein solubility in water depends on the distribution of
interactions, hydrogen bonds, S–S bonds), van der polar and nonpolar groups in the amino acid lateral
Waals forces (Chou & Morr, 1979; Chantrapornchai & chain (Cheftel et al., 1989) and the ionic species present
McClements, 2002), protein ionic strength, ion species, in solutions (Curtis & Lue, 2006). At low salt concen-
pH, temperature, equilibrium between protein and trations, increased protein solubility results from a
water (Choi et al., 2000) and the presence of low reduction in electrostatic interactions or binding
molecular weight substances (Correia & Mittal, 2000; between the hydrophilic domains within the protein.
Sawyer et al., 2008). The increase in the water-binding This allows resolubilisation by increased protein charge,
capacity of meat proteins upon the addition of salt may resulting in a large protein–protein electrostatic repul-
be attributed to preferential anion binding (Cl)) by sion term (Vieira et al., 2006; Machado et al., 2007)
protein molecules (Fig. 1; adapted from Girard, 1991). called the ‘salting-in’ process.

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Salt in food processing; usage and reduction W. Albarracı́n et al. 1331

In contrast, at higher salt concentrations, above 1 m In particular, sodium chloride increases lipid perox-
(Cheftel et al., 1989; Machado et al., 2007), increased idation in the systems containing washed muscle
protein solubility is because of the ‘salting-out’ effect of residue and cytosol that contains iron ions, increasing
hydrophobic interactions. Salt affects hydrophobic the amount of catalytic free iron ions, which
interactions by increasing the surface tension, which is could penetrate into the lipid phase and increase
found to correlate satisfactorily with the lyotropic series lipid peroxidation (Min et al., 2010), that affects the
(Chou & Morr, 1979), where the binding of the positive quality of muscle foods, as it can lead to the
cations to the negatively charged side chains in the development of off-flavours (McGee et al., 2003) but
hydrophilic domain of proteins minimises the protein to date, the effect of salt on lipolysis has not been
charge and therefore the protein–protein electrostatic proven.
repulsion term (Curtis & Lue, 2006).
The addition of NaCl to prerigor ground beef
Salt uses in different kinds of food products
decelerates the rate of metmyoglobin formation (Bekhit
& Faustman, 2005). Additionally, sodium chloride
Salt in vegetables processing
exerts an influence on the activity of different proteases
and proteins such as Ca-dependent protease; Cathepsin In vegetable products, salt is mainly used as a
D and Cathepsin L. For example, when the NaCl preservative (Lück & Pager, 2000) and a softening agent
content increases, protease activities decrease and this (Van Buren, 2006), and also to achieve the dry-salting
prevents meat spoilage (Armenteros et al., 2009) and process (Panagou, 2006) or for the fermentation process.
decreasing the heat stability of both myosin and actin, In some vegetable products, salt does not play a direct
using less energy input for denaturalisation role as a preservative, because a low level of added salt
(Thorarinsdottir et al., 2002). initiates a competitive and selective microbiological
Some muscular enzymes are influenced by salt con- growth process, favouring the development of lactic
tent, reducing their activity especially in the case of acid bacteria (Lück & Pager, 2000; Bautista-Gallego
cathepsins and calpains (Garcı́a-Garrido et al., 2000), et al., 2009).
neutral lipase and acid esterase (Hernández et al., 1999); Partial substitution of sodium by potassium, calcium
in some cases, textural problems are generated by lower or magnesium has an antimicrobial effect on pathogens;
salt contents and higher cathepsin B activity (Sturaro however, a reduction of NaCl directly affects growth of
et al., 2008). Certain enzymes and their activity are fungi and pathogens (Taorimina, 2010). A differential
enhanced by the presence of salt as in the case of replacement with KCl on sauerkraut process fermenta-
transglutaminase F-XIIIa, whereby the hardness, cohe- tion has a similar effect on the fermentation with NaCl
sion and elasticity in the meat are improved (Nielsen (Viander et al., 2003).
et al., 1995), the amino peptidase B enzyme (Bogra
et al., 2009), acid lipase (Hernández et al., 1999) and
Salt in dairy products
m-calpain (Li et al., 2004).
It has been demonstrated that monovalent cations, The most important dairy product involving the use of
such as Na+ and K+, inhibit protease activity, while salt is cheese. Usually salt is added to control the
divalent ions like Mg2+ and Ca2+ activate protease growth of lactic acid bacteria and to prevent undesir-
activity. It has also been established that monovalent able microbial growth, as well as having the secondary
ions reduce the effect of divalent ions (Orlowski, function of supplying additional flavour to an other-
1990); chymotrypsin, trypsin, collagenase and elastase wise bland-tasting cheese (Rowney et al., 2004), where
appear to be activated during salt curing, except when the concentration and distribution of salt in cheese
the proteins are denatured by the NaC1 concentration have a major influence on various aspects of cheese
(Stoknes et al., 2005). The haemoglobin-hydrolysing quality (Fox et al., 2000) including texture (Kaya,
activities are reduced when NaCl concentration 2002), modifying the water-binding capacity of casein
increases (Stoknes & Rustad, 1995; Stoknes et al., within the cheese matrix (Pastorino et al., 2003) and
2005). apparent viscosity (Floury et al., 2009). In contrast,
lower salt levels affect the amount of serum (Guinne,
Influence of salt on lipid oxidation
NaCl replacement affects the casein micelles and the
Sodium chloride has been reported as a pro-oxidant sodium and phosphorous equilibrium (Famelart et al.,
(Sakai et al., 2004; Honikel, 2009) or as an antioxidant 1999). On the other hand, reduction in NaCl concen-
(Mozuraityte et al., 2006; Honikel, 2009). Ellis et al. tration affects the fat droplet size and rheological
(1968) postulated that salt may activate a component in properties on chesses with the presence of air bubbles,
lean meat, which results in a change in the oxidation explained by a distortion between casein and water
characteristics of adipose tissue. (Floury et al., 2009).

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1332 Salt in food processing; usage and reduction W. Albarracı́n et al.

the salting process, the fish is usually dehydrated, as in

Salt in meat products
the case of salted and dried cod and tuna.
Salt is involved in water holding, firmness, taste and
flavour development, enhancement of the microbiolog-
The salting process
ical safety of cooked sausages (Puolanne et al., 2001),
generating ripening pigment, influencing microbiologi- The salting process has mainly been employed in the
cal growth, activated enzymatic activity and a nonen- meat and fish preservation industries. Food stabilisation
zymatic salting-in. Salting process has been developed in through salt diffusion reduces water activity values and
different products such as cured ham using different facilitates the development of a distinct flavour during a
techniques such as smoking or cooking, Italian Parma period of drying, and in some cases, maturation.
ham (Cobe, 2002; Pastorelli et al., 2003), Serrano ham The traditional salting process has been developed by
(Barat et al., 2005, 2006; Luna et al., 2006) and Iberian covering or rubbing the raw material with solid salt,
dry-cured ham (Cava et al., 1999; Martin et al., 1999). which is partially dissolved and drained during the
Bresaola (Italy) or ‘Viande des Grison’, ‘Bunderfleish’ process by fluid effluent from the food product as a
(Switzerland) (Paleari et al., 2000) mades using salted consequence of the osmotic and diffusional mechanisms.
cuts of beef that are reduced by hydraulic presses, The aim of the salting stage is the uptake of a sufficient
during the curing process (Migaud, 1978); Tasajo amount of curing ingredients (mainly NaCl) to make
(Cuba) or charqui (South America) (Chenoll et al., food preservation possible during the subsequent stages
2007) where meat is salted and afterwards sun-dried. of the different processes carried out (drying, smoking,
A partial NaCl replacement generates changes in curing, cooking) and ultimately to preserve the product
odour, taste and consistency of liver sausage, ground at ambient temperature.
meat, cured and smoked chop, grilled sausage, Bologna- The mass transfer mechanism has two principal fluxes
type chicken sausage and roasted turkey meat-balls (Fig. 2). First, water is lost in food pieces because of the
(Schoene et al., 2009). The use of potassium chloride osmotic phenomena. Secondly, water flows from lower
(KCl) as a substitute for sodium chloride provides a salt concentration zones (inside food) to higher salt
bitter and less salty taste in food products, which implies concentration zones (outside food), dissolving salt,
the use of higher amounts of salt to obtain a similar which goes inside food pieces, penetrating the lower
taste. Another problem of potassium use is the rise in salt concentration contained therein.
the potassium cation levels in humans, which could lead The speed of salt uptake by food diminishes when
to renal and cardiac problems. Salt enhancer in use is equilibrium between the concentration in the salt
monosodium glutamate, which contains high levels of medium and the food matrix is reached. Some external
glutamic acid and imparts a ‘umami’-type taste to factors that affect the equilibrium are temperature, salt
enhance the palatability and acceptability of savoury medium (solid salt or brine) and size of salt crystals;
foods; it has been associated with the so-called Chinese external food parameters such as pH, fat content,
Restaurant Syndrome that may cause headaches, swell- moisture and raw material state (fresh or frozen) may
ing and weakness (Durack et al., 2008). affect salt diffusion (Grau et al., 2007, 2008).
As the salting process is an ancient technique, the
different conditions involved in the process have been
Salt in fish products
established empirically. Industrialisation and research
Salt is used in a large variety of fish products such as have promoted the development of new techniques for
salted cod (Thorarinsdottir et al., 2002; Barat et al., the salting process like the brine salting (Sigurgisladottir
2003), sea bream (Chouliara et al., 2004; Goulas & et al., 2000; Barat et al., 2005, 2006; Bellagha et al.,
Kontominas, 2007), chub mackerel (Goulas & Kontom- 2007; Gallart-Jornet et al., 2007), whereby the raw
inas, 2005) and smoked salmon (Sigurgisladottir et al., material is placed in saturated brine, which reduces
2000; Gallart-Jornet et al., 2007).
There are three salting levels involved in fish preser-
vation. First, a soft salting process provides fish prod-
ucts with salt concentrations below 20% (expressed in
liquid-phase zNaCl) necessitating its storage in cold
chambers to protect the product. Secondly, in moderate
salting, the salt concentrations are lower than 20%, as in
soft salting, but the concentration is higher than the
latter method. Finally, intense salting involves salt
concentrations higher than 24%, stronger salted fish is
used as a raw material in subsequent food processing.
To reinforce the preservation characteristics obtained in Figure 2 Mass fluxes during salting process.

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Salt in food processing; usage and reduction W. Albarracı́n et al. 1333

salting time because of the presolubilisation of salts, the use of liquid-phase concentrations is more appro-
while simultaneously facilitating the thawing process. priate (Gallart-Jornet et al., 2007).
The brine salting process could be improved by way of However, some authors show concentrations on dry
vacuum pulse application (50–100 mbar), reducing the basis (Gou et al., 2003, 2004). It is important to note
salting time as a result of the hydrodynamic mechanism that saltiness and salt taste in these types of products are
whereby the penetration of brine inside the food matrix related to the liquid salt concentration values, as a result
is forced (Fito & Pastor, 1994). (Fig. 3). of the receptor cells of the tongue being stimulated by
Injection-salting is based on the insertion of needles the presence of Cl) anions (Murphy et al., 1981). This
into the product to spread brine and curing solutions ion can be located in the food liquid phase by NaCl
within, ensuring a faster and more uniform distribution solvation.
of sodium chloride, nitrites and other possible curing There is a linear relationship between the liquid salt
agents such as sugars, spices, polyphosphates inside concentration and the water activity values (aW). The
food tissues (Casiraghi et al., 2007). An application is on role of salt in water activity reduction as a preservation
fillets of Atlantic salmon before further processing steps method is favoured by the salt–matrix interaction. It can
such as drying and smoking (Bencze Røra et al., 2004; be witnessed in Fig. 4 that water activity values in brine
Birkeland et al., 2007). at different NaCl concentrations are higher than similar
The use of high hydrostatic pressure during or after NaCl concentrations in the food liquid phase. With
the salting process (in the range of 50–400 Mpa, over 5– higher zNaCl values, the relationship is reduced, losing its
10 min) has been developed to increase salt uptake and linear behaviour (Fig. 4) and thereby illustrating that
water and salt diffusion in turkey breast (Villacı́s et al., this effect is more important in foods when moisture
2008) and in Manchego cheese (Pavia et al., 2000). This values are lower (Fig. 4).
technique provides an additional factor of the antimi-
crobial effect by high pressure (Trujillo et al., 2000).
Trends in the salting process
The fist trend is the reduction of NaCl intake to reduce
Expressions of salt concentration
the negative effect on cardiovascular health (Morgan
Some authors use different concentration bases to
illustrate salt content in their works. The way in which
data is expressed depends upon analysis type and
research objectives. It is possible to find concentrations
expressed in percentages (Martin et al., 1999; Andrés
et al., 2005; Goulas & Kontominas, 2005; Panagou,
2006; Bellagha et al., 2007) commonly used to express
the salt level acquired by the different products analysed.
However, it can be also be expressed on a dry basis and
dry basis free of fat, where the concentration is
expressed excluding water and ⁄ or fat content to make
a proper comparison of the results obtained (Barat
et al., 2005, 2006; Ruiz-Ramirez et al., 2005). On the
other hand, when salt diffusion is studied, the salt
concentration in the tissue liquid-phase (zNaCl) is used.
This is because the diffusion phenomena are carried out Figure 4 Relationship between liquid-phase salt concentration (z )
in the food liquid phase. Therefore, to establish clearly and water activity (aW), at the inner zone (close to the bone) during
the level of diffusion occurring within the food matrix, dry-cured ham processing (Barat et al., 2005).

Figure 3 Effect of hydrodynamic mechanism, during vacuum pulse application in the salting process (adapted from Fito et al., 1996).

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1334 Salt in food processing; usage and reduction W. Albarracı́n et al.

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