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Architecting Modern Java EE Applications: Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8
Architecting Modern Java EE Applications: Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8
Architecting Modern Java EE Applications: Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8
Ebook863 pages6 hours

Architecting Modern Java EE Applications: Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8

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About this ebook

Find out how to craft effective, business-oriented Java EE 8 applications that target customer's demands in the age of Cloud platforms and container technology.

About This Book
  • Understand the principles of modern Java EE and how to realize effective architectures
  • Gain knowledge of how to design enterprise software in the age of automation, Continuous Delivery and Cloud platforms
  • Learn about the reasoning and motivations behind state-of-the-art enterprise Java technology, that focuses on business
Who This Book Is For

This book is for experienced Java EE developers who are aspiring to become the architects of enterprise-grade applications, or software architects who would like to leverage Java EE to create effective blueprints of applications.

What You Will Learn
  • What enterprise software engineers should focus on
  • Implement applications, packages, and components in a modern way
  • Design and structure application architectures
  • Discover how to realize technical and cross-cutting aspects
  • Get to grips with containers and container orchestration technology
  • Realize zero-dependency, 12-factor, and Cloud-native applications
  • Implement automated, fast, reliable, and maintainable software tests
  • Discover distributed system architectures and their requirements
In Detail

Java EE 8 brings with it a load of features, mainly targeting newer architectures such as microservices, modernized security APIs, and cloud deployments. This book will teach you to design and develop modern, business-oriented applications using Java EE 8. It shows how to structure systems and applications, and how design patterns and Domain Driven Design aspects are realized in the age of Java EE 8. You will learn about the concepts and principles behind Java EE applications, and how to effect communication, persistence, technical and cross-cutting concerns, and asynchronous behavior.

This book covers Continuous Delivery, DevOps, infrastructure-as-code, containers, container orchestration technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, and why and especially how Java EE fits into this world. It also covers the requirements behind containerized, zero-dependency applications and how modern Java EE application servers support these approaches. You will also learn about automated, fast, and reliable software tests, in different test levels, scopes, and test technologies. This book covers the prerequisites and challenges of distributed systems that lead to microservice, shared-nothing architectures. The challenges and solutions of consistency versus scalability will further lead us to event sourcing, event-driven architectures, and the CQRS principle. This book also includes the nuts and bolts of application performance as well as how to realize resilience, logging, monitoring and tracing in a modern enterprise world. Last but not least the demands of securing enterprise systems are covered.

By the end, you will understand the ins and outs of Java EE so that you can make critical design decisions that not only live up to, but also surpass your clients' expectations.

Style and approach

This book focuses on solving business problems and meeting customer demands in the enterprise world. It covers how to create enterprise applications with reasonable technology choices, free of cargo-cult and over-engineering. The aspects shown in this book not only demonstrate how to realize a certain solution, but also explain its motivations and reasoning.

Release dateOct 9, 2017
Architecting Modern Java EE Applications: Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8

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    Book preview

    Architecting Modern Java EE Applications - Sebastian Daschner

    Architecting Modern Java EE Applications

    Architecting Modern Java EE Applications

    Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8

    Sebastian Daschner


    Architecting Modern Java EE Applications

    Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: October 2017

    Production reference: 1051017

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78839-385-0



    Languages in our industry come and go, and the pace at which hip new languages come out only seems to increase. Every year, new languages come out and each has the colossal job of building an entire ecosystem around itself before the next new darling language comes and steals all the fickle early adopters. As each trend waxes and wanes, so do the ecosystems built around them.

    Those of us who invest heavily in these trending ecosystems are often bitten by a common set of problems that lead to failures at the business level, losing project momentum due to the inability to find and hire developers. The new solutions presented are often the same old idea, but with a youthful misunderstanding of the problem space that leads to real performance and reliability problems. As the ecosystem matures, the act of recognizing and realigning to the true complexity of systems often results in severe incompatibilities. Tooling choices are often narrow or buggy, or they simply never materialize.

    The unbeatable source of strength of the Java ecosystem over the last 20 years has been its standards, Java EE being chief among them. There have been 53 Java Specification Requests (JSRs) completed under the Java EE umbrella, ranging from XML parsing to JSON parsing, Servlets to JAX-RS, binary protocols to RESTful protocols, front-end technologies such as JSF or MVC, APIs for marshaling data to XML (JAX-B) or JSON (JSON-B) . The breadth of specifications is so wide that even if you do not think of yourself as a Java EE user, if you are a Java developer, you are definitely leveraging it in some way. With an estimate of 9 million Java developers worldwide, this is a stable and experienced talent pool.

    Major deployments of Java EE range from Walmart, the world's largest retailer and third largest employer, to NASA’s SOFIA program, scanning space at 40,000 feet. While the developer community is large and the corporations that use it are larger, the modern Java EE runtimes are incredibly small. Walmart and NASA, for example, use Apache TomEE, an implementation that is 35 MB on disk, boots in a second and consumes less that 30 MB of memory. This low profile is indicative of all modern implementations including WildFly, Payara, and LibertyProfile. The Java EE tools, cloud and IDE landscape is filled with competitive choices, almost too many to track. The 200+ person company ZeroTurnaround, for example, is built on a product that added instant deploy options to Java EE servers.

    With such an expansive ecosystem that has almost 20 years of history, truly getting to the essence of what makes Java EE great today and how to put it into practice for today’s Microservices world can be a challenge. It’s all too easy to find very informed, but ultimately dated information from 2, 5, and 10 years back. The authoritative tone of one article one date can directly conflict with equally authoritative, but ultimately contrarian perspective of another author on a different year.  In fact, a challenge almost unique to Java EE is its history. Few technologies last long enough and evolve so much.

    This book, like the author himself, represents a new generation of Java EE. The chapters in this book guide the reader through the journey of leveraging Java EE in the context of today’s Microservice and Containerized  world. Less of a reference manual for API syntax, the perspectives and techniques in this book reflect real-world experience from someone who has recently gone through the journey themselves, meticulously annotated the obstacles, and has them ready to share. From packaging to testing to cloud usage, this book is an ideal companion to both new and more experienced developers who are looking for an earned insight bigger than an API to help them realign their thinking to architect modern applications in Java EE.

    David Blevins

    Founder and CEO, Tomitribe

    About the Author

    Sebastian Daschner is a Java freelancer working as a consultant and trainer and is enthusiastic about programming and Java (EE). He participates in the JCP, helping to form future Java EE standards, serving in the JSR 370 and 374 Expert Groups, and collaborating on various open source projects. For his contributions to the Java community and ecosystem, he was recognized with the titles Java Champion and Oracle Developer Champion.

    Sebastian is a regular speaker at international IT conferences, such as JavaLand, JavaOne, and Jfokus. He won the JavaOne Rockstar award at JavaOne 2016. Together with Java community manager, Steve Chin, he has traveled to dozens of conferences and Java User Groups on motorbike. Steve and Sebastian have launched JOnsen, a Java unconference held at a hot spring in the countryside of Japan.


    There are many people whom I had the privilege to meet during my career, and who had a great impact not only on my work but also this book and without whom this would not have been possible. This list of people grows and grows every year. All of them are indirectly helped shaping this book, which I immensely appreciate.

    There are a few friends who had a direct impact on this book and whom I particularly want to thank.

    Kirk Pepperdine, for his tireless aspiration to myth-bust the world of software performance and for the permission to use jPDM. His invaluable experience not only vastly improved the quality of this book but also greatly educated me personally.

    Melissa McKay, for her tireless reviews, being eager (and crazy) enough to review this whole book, what greatly improved the quality, for sharing her experience in Enterprise Java, and not least for inspiration and motivation.

    David Blevins, for sharing the passion in the topic of Java EE and writing the foreword to this book.

    Andy Gumbrecht, for help not only in the topic of enterprise testing but also the English language.

    Markus Eisele, for igniting the spark of this work.

    Philipp Brunenberg, for creating constructive inspiration and not least, tons of motivation through weeks of writing.

    About the Reviewer

    Melissa McKay has been a software developer, for the last 15 years in the private sector working with various types of applications, both in a contracting capacity for external clients and on enterprise products. Her current focus is on creating Java server applications used in the communications and video industry. Her interests include clustered systems, and she has a particular passion for solving issues with concurrency and multithreaded applications.

    Melissa regularly attends the JCrete unconference in Crete, Greece, and had the pleasure of attending the initial launch of the JOnsen unconference in Japan. She enjoys volunteering for technology events for kids including JavaOne4Kids and JCrete4Kids. She is a member of the Content Committee for JavaOne 2017 and an active member of the Denver Java User Group.

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    A Cyrine Ben Ayed, pour ta compréhension, ton indéfectible soutien et ton

    infinie patience. Ce livre t'est dédié.

    Table of Contents


    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support

    Downloading the example code





    New demands in enterprise systems

    Modern way of realizing enterprise systems

    Relevance of Java EE in modern systems

    Java EE 8 update and roadmap

    Java Community Process

    What to expect in the book

    Designing and Structuring Java Enterprise Applications

    The purpose of enterprise applications

    What developers should focus on

    Meeting customer's demands

    Outer enterprise project structure

    Business and team structures

    Software projects contents

    Application source code

    Software structures

    Version control systems


    Build systems

    Single versus multi-module projects

    Illusion of reusability

    Technical dependencies

    Organizational challenges

    Reusability considerations

    Project artifacts

    One project per artifact

    Build systems for Java EE

    Apache Maven


    Structuring for modern frontend technologies

    Enter JavaScript frameworks

    Organizing modern frontends

    Enterprise project code structure

    Situation in enterprise projects

    Horizontal versus vertical layering

    Business-driven structure

    Designing reasonable modules

    Realizing package structures

    Package contents

    Horizontal package layering

    Flat module package

    Entity Control Boundary


    Package access

    Don't over-enforce architecture


    Implementing Modern Java Enterprise Applications

    Use case boundaries

    Core domain components of modern Java EE

    EJB and CDI - differentiation and integration

    CDI producers

    Emitting domain events


    Patterns in Java EE

    Design patterns revisited


    Abstract factory

    Factory method

    Object pool






    Further patterns

    Domain-Driven Design



    Value objects




    Domain event

    External and cross-cutting concerns in enterprise applications

    Communication with external systems

    How to choose communication technology

    Synchronous HTTP communication

    Representational State Transfer

    Java API for RESTful web services

    Mapping HTTP content types

    Validating requests

    Mapping errors

    Accessing external systems

    Stability when consuming HTTP

    Accessing Hypermedia REST services

    Asynchronous communication and messaging

    Asynchronous HTTP communication

    Message-oriented communication

    Server-sent events


    Connecting enterprise technology

    Database systems

    Integrating RDBMS systems

    Mapping domain models

    Integrating database systems


    Relational databases versus NoSQL

    Cross-cutting concerns

    Configuring applications


    Flow of execution

    Synchronous execution

    Asynchronous execution

    Asynchronous EJB methods

    Managed Executor Service

    Asynchronous CDI events

    Scopes in asynchronicity

    Timed execution

    Asynchronous and reactive JAX-RS

    Concepts and design principles of modern Java EE

    Preserving maintainable code with high quality


    Lightweight Java EE

    Lightweight enterprise technology

    Why Java EE standards?

    Convention over configuration

    Dependency management of Java EE projects

    Lightweight way of packaging applications

    Java EE application servers

    One application per application server


    Container and Cloud Environments with Java EE

    Motivations and goals

    Infrastructure as code

    Stability and production readiness


    Java EE in the container

    Container orchestration frameworks

    Realizing container orchestration

    Java EE in orchestrated containers

    Connecting external services

    Configuring orchestrated applications

    12-factor applications and Java EE

    Have one codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys

    Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies

    Store config in the environment

    Treat backing services as attached resources

    Strictly separate build and run stages

    Execute the app as one or more stateless processes

    Export services via port binding

    Scale out via the process model

    Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown

    Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible

    Treat logs as event streams

    Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes

    Cloud, Cloud native, and their benefits

    Cloud native


    Application Development Workflows

    Motivation and goals of productive development workflows

    Realizing development workflows

    Version control everything

    Building binaries

    Java artifacts

    Artifact versions

    Building containers

    Quality assurance




    Data migration

    Adding database structures

    Changing database structures

    Removing database structures

    Implementing migration


    Build metadata

    Going to production

    Branching models



    Workflows with Java EE

    Continuous Delivery culture and team habits


    Check in early and often

    Immediately fixing issues


    Improve continuously



    The necessity of tests

    Requirements of well-crafted tests




    Fast execution



    What to test

    Definition of test scopes

    Unit tests

    Component tests

    Integration tests

    System tests

    Performance tests

    Stress tests

    Implementing tests

    Unit tests



    Component tests



    Delegating test components


    Integration tests

    Embedded containers

    Embedded databases

    Running integration tests

    Code level integration tests versus system tests

    Shortcomings of integration tests

    Shortcomings of system tests


    System tests

    Managing test scenarios

    Simulating external concerns

    Designing system tests

    Deploying and controlling external mocks

    Performance tests


    Key performance indicators

    Developing performance tests


    Running tests locally

    Maintaining test data and scenarios

    Importance of maintainable tests

    Signs of lack of test quality

    Test code quality

    Test technology support


    Microservices and System Architecture

    Motivations behind distributed systems

    Challenges of distribution

    Communication overhead

    Performance overhead

    Organizational overhead

    How to design systems landscapes

    Context maps and bounded contexts

    Separation of concerns


    Project life cycles

    How to design system interfaces

    API considerations

    Interface management

    Change-resilient APIs

    Breaking the business logic

    Hypermedia REST and versioning

    Documenting boundaries

    Consistency versus scalability

    Event sourcing, event-driven architectures, and CQRS

    Shortcomings of CRUD-based systems


    Competing transactions


    Event sourcing


    Eventually consistent real world

    Event-driven architectures

    Eventual consistency in event-driven architectures

    Enter CQRS






    Microservice architectures

    Sharing data and technology in enterprises

    Shared-nothing architectures

    Interdependent systems

    12-factor and cloud native applications

    When to use and when not to use microservices

    Implementing microservices with Java EE

    Zero-dependency applications

    Application servers

    Implementing application boundaries

    Implementing CQRS

    System interfaces

    Example scenario using Apache Kafka

    Integrating Java EE

    CDI events

    Event handlers

    State representation

    Consuming Kafka messages

    Producing Kafka messages

    Application boundaries

    Integrating further CQRS concepts

    Java EE in the age of distribution

    Discovering services

    Communicating resiliently

    Validating responses

    Breaking timeouts and circuits


    Shaking hands and pushing back

    More on being resilient


    Monitoring, Performance, and Logging

    Business metrics

    Collecting business metrics

    Emitting metrics

    Enter Prometheus

    Realization with Java EE

    Integrating the environment

    Meeting performance requirements in distributed systems

    Service level agreements

    Achieving SLAs in distributed systems

    Tackling performance issues

    Theory of constraints

    Identifying performance regression with jPDM





    Operating system and hardware

    jPDM instances - production situations

    Analyzing the jPDM instances

    Dominating consumer - OS

    Dominating consumer - none

    Dominating consumer - JVM

    Dominating consumer - application


    Technical metrics

    Types of technical metrics

    High frequency monitoring versus sampling

    Collecting technical metrics

    Boundary metrics

    Logging and tracing

    Shortcomings of traditional logging


    Log levels

    Log format

    Amounts of data


    The concerns of applications

    Wrong choice of technology

    Logging in a containerized world



    Tracing in a modern world

    Typical performance issues

    Logging and memory consumption

    Premature optimization

    Relational databases


    Threading and pooling

    Performance testing



    Lessons learned from the past

    Security in a modern world

    Security principles

    Encrypt communication

    Delegate security concerns

    Treat user credentials properly

    Avoid storing credentials in version control

    Include tests

    Possibilities and solutions

    Encrypted communication

    Protocol-based authentication

    Decentralized security


    Integration in modern environments

    Implementing security in Java EE applications

    Transparent security


    Java principals and roles


    Security API

    Authentication mechanisms

    Identity stores

    Custom security

    Accessing security information



    Motivations in enterprise development

    Cloud and Continuous Delivery

    Relevance of Java EE

    API updates introduced in Java EE 8

    CDI 2.0

    JAX-RS 2.1

    JSON-B 1.0

    JSON-P 1.1

    Bean Validation 2.0

    JPA 2.2

    Security 1.0

    Servlet 4.0

    JSF 2.3

    JCP and participation


    Eclipse Enterprise for Java

    Appendix: Links and further resources


    Java EE 8 brings with it a load of features, mainly targeting newer architectures such as microservices, modernized security APIs, and cloud deployments. This book will teach you to design and develop modern, business-oriented applications using Java EE 8. It shows how to structure systems and applications, and how design patterns and Domain-Driven Design aspects are realized in the age of Java EE 8. You will learn about the concepts and principles behind Java EE applications and how they affect communication, persistence, technical and cross-cutting concerns, and asynchronous behavior.

    This book focuses on solving business problems and meeting customer demands in the enterprise world. It covers how to create enterprise applications with reasonable technology choices, free of cargo-cult and over-engineering. The aspects shown in this book not only demonstrate how to realize a certain solution, but also explain its motivation and reasoning.

    With the help of this book, you will understand the principles of modern Java EE and how to realize effective architectures. You will gain knowledge of how to design enterprise software in the age of automation, Continuous Delivery, and cloud platforms. You will also learn about the reasoning and motivation behind state-of-the-art enterprise Java technology, which focuses on business.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces Java EE enterprise applications and why Java EE is (still) relevant in modern systems.

    Chapter 2, Designing and Structuring Java Enterprise Applications, shows how to design the structure of an enterprise application using examples, keeping design enterprise applications with business use cases in mind.

    Chapter 3, Implementing Modern Java Enterprise Applications, covers how to implement modern Java EE applications and why that technology choice is still relevant today.

    Chapter 4, Lightweight Java EE, teaches you how to realize lightweight Java EE applications with a small footprint and minimal third-party dependencies.

    Chapter 5, Container and Cloud Environments with Java EE, explains how to leverage the benefits of containers and modern environments, how to integrate enterprise applications, and how this movement encourages productive development workflows.

    Chapter 6, Application Development Workflows, covers the key points for fast development pipelines and high software quality, from Continuous Delivery to automated testing and DevOps.

    Chapter 7, Testing, as the name suggests, covers the topic of testing, which helps enable you to ensure high quality in software development automated testing with reasonable coverage.

    Chapter 8, Microservices and System Architecture, shows the key points of how to design systems after the project and company circumstances, how to construct applications and their interfaces, and when microservice architectures make sense.

    Chapter 9, Security, covers how to realize and integrate security concerns in today's environments.

    Chapter 10, Monitoring, Performance, and Logging, covers why traditional logging is harmful, how to investigate performance issues, and how to monitor the business and technical aspects of an application.

    Appendix, Conclusion, recapitulates and summarizes the contents of the book, including giving advice and motivation.

    What you need for this book

    To execute and perform the code examples given in the book, you will require the following tools configured in your system:

    NetBeans, IntelliJ or Eclipse IDE

    GlassFish Server

    Apache Maven




    Who this book is for

    This book is for experienced Java EE developers who aspire to become the architects of enterprise-grade applications, or for software architects who would like to leverage Java EE to create effective blueprints of applications.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: The EJB is annotated using @Startup.

    A block of code is set as follows:


        public void closeClient() {



    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

        private Client client;

        private List targets;


    ManagedExecutorService mes;

    In order to increase simplicity and readability, some code examples are shortened to their essence. Java import statements are only included for new types and code parts that are insignificant to the example are omitted using three dots (...).

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    mvn -v

    New terms and important words are shown in bold.

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    Compared to the past, we see a lot of new demands in enterprise software. It is no longer sufficient to just develop some piece of software and deploy it to an application server. Or maybe it never was.

    New demands in enterprise systems

    The world moves faster than ever. And moving fast is one of the most important criteria of today's IT companies. We see companies that can adapt to the real world and the customer's needs with high velocity. The expected time to market of features has shrunk from years and months to weeks and less. In order to cope with this, companies not only need to introduce new technology or throw more money at their business problem, but also rethink and refactor the way they operate at the core of their IT.

    What does move fast mean in this context? What aspect does this include? And which methods and technology support this?

    Moving fast is all about quickly adapting to the needs of the market and customers. If a new feature is desired or looks promising, how long does it take to get from the initial idea to the feature being in the user's hands? If new infrastructure is required, how long does it take from that decision to the running hardware? And do not forget, if a certain piece of software is developed with all that velocity, is there automated quality control in place that ensures everything will work as expected and not break the existing functionality?

    In software development, most of these questions lead to Continuous Delivery and automation. Software that is being developed needs to be built, tested, and shipped in an automated, fast, reliable, and reproducible way. A reliable, automated process not only leads to quicker turnarounds but ultimately higher quality. Automated quality control, such as software tests, are part of the process. In modern software development, Continuous Delivery, automation, and proper testing are some of the most important principles.

    Traditionally, infrastructure was a big bottleneck in most companies. Smaller companies often struggled to provide new infrastructure with a limited budget. Bigger companies mostly fail to implement fast and productive processes. For big corporations, in most of the cases the issue is not the budget but the implementation of the processes. It is not untypical to wait days and weeks for new infrastructure, due to approvals and overly complex processes that technically could have been finished in a matter of minutes.

    Therefore, application infrastructure and how it is designed is an important aspect. Chapter 5, Container and Cloud Environments with Java EE, will show you the topic of modern cloud environments. Actually, we will see that it's not so much about whether cloud service providers are being used. Fast and productive processes certainly can be implemented with on-premises hardware. Rather, it is more a question of whether processes are implemented properly, using well-suited technologies.

    Modern infrastructure needs to be set up in a matter of minutes, in an automated, fast, reproducible, and reliable way. It should adapt to changing demands without great effort. To meet this criterion, infrastructure should be defined as code, either with procedural scripts or in declarative descriptors. We will see how infrastructure as code impacts software development workflows and which technologies support it.

    These demands will impact the way teams operate. It is no longer sufficient for development teams to just develop and let the operational teams deal with running the software and facing potential issues on production. This practice always leads to tensions and finger pointing once critical errors occurred in production. Instead, the common goal should be to deliver software that fulfills a purpose. By defining the required infrastructure and configuration as code, development and operations teams will naturally move together. This DevOps movement, a compound of development and operations, aims toward accountability of the software team as a whole. Everybody involved is responsible for customers being able to use proper software. This is more an organizational challenge than a technical one.

    On a technical aspect, Continuous Delivery, as well as the 12-factor and cloud native buzzwords attempted to meet these demands. The 12-factor and cloud native approaches describe how modern enterprise applications should be developed. They define requirements, not only for the development processes but also for the way applications are run. We will look into these approaches, modern cloud environments, and where Java EE supports us, later in this book.

    Modern way of realizing enterprise systems

    Now we will look at how enterprise software projects are being developed.

    Following the approach of meeting the needs of real-world customers, we will face the question of the purpose of the application that we want to develop. The motivations and purposes of the enterprise systems need to be clear before immediately going into technology details. Otherwise, software is just being developed for the sake of developing software. Sadly, this is the case way too often. By focusing on business logic and the principles of Domain-Driven Design, as wonderfully described in the book by Eric Evans, we will ensure that the software we are building will meet the business demands.

    Only after the application's purpose and responsibility is clear to the stakeholders, can we focus on the technological aspects. Teams should favor technologies that can not only implement the business use cases appropriately but also reduce the amount of work and overhead. Developers should be able to focus on the business, not the framework and technology. Good frameworks support solving business problems in a lean way and don't want the developer's attention themselves.

    The chosen technology should also support productive development workflows as much as possible. This not only includes automation and fast development turnarounds but also the ability to embrace modern infrastructure, such as Linux containers. In Chapter 4, Lightweight Java EE, and Chapter 5, Container and Cloud Environments with Java EE, we will have a closer look into the nuts and bolts of modern environments and how Java EE supports them.

    Relevance of Java EE in modern systems

    Let's talk about Java EE since this is the topic of this book and it is relevant in enterprise systems.

    Java EE and J2EE are being used heavily, especially in bigger companies. One of the advantages was always that the platform consists of standards that guarantee to be backwards compatible with older versions. Even old J2EE applications are guaranteed to still function in the future. This was always a big benefit for companies that are planning for the long term. Applications that are developed against the Java EE API can run on all Java EE application servers. Vendor-independent applications enable companies to build future-proof software that doesn't lock it into a specific solution. This turned out to be a sound decision that ultimately led to a mindset of the enterprise industry that standards, or de facto standards which everybody agrees upon, improve the overall situation.

    Compared to the J2EE world, a lot has changed in Java EE. The programming model is totally different, much leaner, and more productive. This was drastically changed when the name switched from J2EE to Java EE 5, and especially since EE 6. We will have a look at the modern way of developing Java enterprise in Chapter 3, Implementing Modern Java Enterprise Applications. We will see what architectural approaches and programming models are being used and how the platform leverages development productivity much more than in the past. Hopefully, the idea of why Java EE now provides a modern solution to develop enterprise applications will become clear.

    Right now, bringing this message out to the industry is actually more of a marketing and political challenge than a technical one. We still see tons of developers and architects who still consider Java EE to be the cumbersome, heavyweight enterprise solution of the J2EE age, which required a lot of time, effort, and XML. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), as well as application servers, have a particularly bad reputation due to their past. This is why a lot of engineers are biased toward that technology. Compared to other enterprise solutions, Java EE never saw much marketing targeted at developers.

    In Chapter 4, Lightweight Java EE, we will see why modern Java EE is actually one of the most lightweight enterprise solutions. We will define the term lightweight aspects and see why the Java EE platform is more relevant than ever, especially in modern cloud and container environments. The impression the IT industry has of a particular technology is important for its success. I hope this chapter will shed some light into this topic.

    Companies have usually chosen Java EE mostly because of its reliability and backwards compatibility. I personally favor Java EE because of its productivity and ease of use. In Chapter 4, Lightweight Java EE, and Chapter 5, Container and Cloud Environments with Java EE, we will cover more about this. In this book, I would like to show the readers why Java EE is a solution well-suited to today's enterprise demands. I will also show the technologies and standards, not in every detail, but rather how they are integrated with each other. I believe that focusing on the integrational part leads to a better understanding in how to effectively craft enterprise applications.

    Java EE 8 update and roadmap

    Let's have a very high-level overview of what has happened in Java EE version 8. The goal of this version is to improve the developer's experience even more, to streamline the API usage further, and to make Java EE ready for new demands in cloud environments. We saw two completely new JSRs, JSON-B (Java API for JSON Binding) and Security, together with improvements in existing standards. In particular, introducing JSON-B simplifies the integration of JSON HTTP APIs in a vendor-independent way.

    The direction of Java EE is to improve the development of enterprise applications in regard to modern environments and circumstances. It turns out that modern environments are not only compatible with Java EE but encourage approaches that have been part of the platform for years. Examples are the separation of the API from the implementation, or application server monitoring.

    On the long-term roadmap, there is better support for modern monitoring, health-checks, and resilience. Currently, these aspects have to be integrated in a few lines of codes, as we will see in later chapters. The long-term goal is to make that integration more straightforward. Java EE aims to let developers focus on what they should focus on - solving business problems.

    Java Community Process

    What makes Java EE platform unique is the process of how it is specified. The standards of Java EE are developed as part of the Java Community Process (JCP). The JCP is a prime example of an industry that actively encourages participation in defining standards, not only from the few engineers involved but anybody interested in that technology. The platform comprises standards in the form of Java Specification Requests (JSR). These JSRs are not only relevant for Java and Java EE but also for technologies that build upon them, such as the Spring framework. Ultimately, the real world experience of these other technologies then again help shaping new JSRs.

    During application development, and especially when encountering potential issues, the written specifications that emerge from the JSRs are extremely beneficial. The vendors who support the enterprise platform are required to provide the implementation in the way it's specified in these

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