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Forward Planning Document

ED3619/5619 Principles of Primary Religious Education 2

Unit Title: Principles of Religious Education 2 Student Number: 20164196

Date of Submission: 13/05/19 Student Name: Alexandra White

Year Level Unit Title Human development topic Jesus Topic
Two Jesus Forgives Forgiveness and Love Penance
Overview – explanation of the content of the unit and how it explores the Salvation Topic and development of the Human Person
This unit of work explores work as a reality of human existence and God’s original plan that work means joining in God’s care for individuals,
society and creation. Through work, God-given personal talents and skills are expressed and developed and people are able to live with
happiness and fulfilment. Students will be introduced to the basic ideas about work originally intended by God and how Jesus is the model for
how God originally attended work to be. Students will identify the gifts associated with different types of work and what gifts enable them to
work at home or at school. This unit of work also encourages students to celebrate God who loves every human personally. Students will
explore ways Jesus loved God through working and will identify specific Bible stories where Jesus’ work for God is present. Students will also
delve further into forgiveness of sin and prayers of sorrow that are prayed by Catholics. Students will have the opportunity to write their own
prayers of sorrow to seek forgiveness for their own wrong doings. Through learning about contrition and prayers of sorrow students are able to
begin to prepare themselves for the Sacrament of Penance. Students will read Gospel stories that identify Jesus forgiving others to show we
must always forgive as Jesus forgives us. The unit also explores the Two Great Commandments and how we are called by Jesus to love one
another. Students will reflect on ways to love one another just as Jesus loved us and will continue to wonder at human work as God plans.

Key Understandings and Learning Points

A - Wondering at the creator of the ability B – The Promise of Christian Salvation C – Christian Response
to work B1 Jesus shows we need to work to love God C1 Jesus works today by forgiving those who
A1 Wondering at human work B1.1 Illustrates ways Jesus loved God by working. disobeyed Commandments
A1.1 Describes the many ways in which people B2 Jesus works by showing people how to be C1.1 Recalls Gospel stories that show Jesus
 close with God forgiving others.
A1.2 Identifies gifts associated with different B2.1 Explores ways Jesus asks people to love C2 Catholics pray the special prayer of sorrow
types of work. 
 God and others through the Two Great to Jesus
A2 Wondering at the Creator of different work Commandments. 
 C2.1 States an act of contrition (prayer of sorrow).
skills B2.2 Tells that Jesus forgives when people say C3 Followers of Jesus are called to work like
A2.1 Expresses wonder at the Creator of different sorry. him
work skills. C3.1 Shares examples of Jesus’ second great
A3 Attribute: God loves personally Commandment to love one another.
A3.1 Celebrates God who loves every human C4 Continuing to wonder at human work as
being personally. God plans
C4.1 Reviews and expresses the main ideas of
the unit.

Links to General Capabilities

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical behaviour Personal Intercultural
Creative Thinking Competency Understanding

Religious Capabilities Spiritual Capabilities

Faith Hope Charity Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance

Catholic World View and Teacher Witness (See Teacher Note) Link with Key Understandings and Learning Points by highlighting


Evaluation and
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
A1.1 Describes the A1.2 Identifies gifts A1.2 Identifies gifts A2.1 Expresses wonder A3.1 Celebrates God Anecdotal notes and
1 many ways in which associated with associated with at the Creator of who loves every observations.
people work. different types of different types of different work skills. human being Assess prayers and
Create a poster in work. work. Students will participate personally. journal entries for gifts
groups of 3 about the In groups, students Students will write in meditation including Students will reflect on of work present.
different ways people will list the gifts thank you prayers for a series of wonder all God has done
work in family, society needed to work in their individual gifts questions about gifts including human life
and the Church. various occupations. and the gifts of other and work. and creation. Students
These wonder workers they know. will identify the gifts
questions will then be God has given them
asked: In what ways to do their work and
do I like to work? I
wonder are there write these in a journal
other ways I can entry.
work? Students will
list gifts they have that
help them to work.

B1.1 Illustrates ways B1.1 Illustrates ways B1.1 Illustrates ways B2.1 Explores ways B2.1 Explores ways Anecdotal notes and
2 Jesus loved God by Jesus loved God by Jesus loved God by Jesus asks people to Jesus asks people to observations.
working. working. working. love God and others love God and others Assess journal entries
The teacher will Students will continue Students will identify a through the Two Great through the Two Great to ensure students
conduct a Godly Play to read and talk about Bible passage Commandments. Commandments. have understood how
with the script of Mark the ways Jesus different to the one The students Students will Jesus loved God by
2:1-12 Jesus Forgives worked and will then from the Godly Play brainstorm ways people brainstorm ways working.
and Heals a complete a journal and will complete a in their classroom show people care for others
Paralyzed Man. A entry about how they journal entry love for God and for and creation. Discuss
series of wonder can live like Jesus and describing how Jesus others. The class will even when people
questions will be work at home and worked to show his be dividied into two make others unhappy
asked and students school. love for God in the groups. One group Jesus still forgives
will brainstorm other passage. constructs a mural to them.
ways Jesus showed convey the message of
his love to God ways we might love
through work. God. The second group
constructs a mural to
convey the message of
ways people might love
their neighbour.
C1.1 Recalls Gospel C1.1 Recalls Gospel C1.1 Recalls Gospel C2.1 States an act of C2.1 States an act of Anecdotal notes and
3 stories that show stories that show stories that show contrition (prayer of contrition (prayer of observations.
Jesus forgiving others. Jesus forgiving others. Jesus forgiving others. sorrow). sorrow).
Tells Gospel stories The teacher will place Write key verses Read the parable ‘The Read the parable
that show Jesus the students in groups (Matthew 18:22 and Pharisee and the Tax ‘The Pharisee and the
forgiving others. and provide them with Colossians 3:13b) on Collector {Luke 18:9- Tax Collector {Luke
(Read Bible stories: the script of the a board for all of the 14} Write or draw 18:9-14} Break into
{Luke 23:39-43} and following scriptural children to read and answers to the groups of 3. One
{Luke 23:32-34} Then texts: Parable of take down in their following question: How person can be Jesus,
complete a cartoon unforgiving servant Religion books. do I feel when I have another the Pharisee
strip based on either (Matthew 18:21-35), Mispell several of the done something to hurt and another the tax
Bible story. Jesus teaches about words in the verses. someone else, I say collector. Each group
forgiving others (Luke Provide each child acts out the story
17:3-4), The Forgiving with an eraser.. Talk sorry and they say
Father (Luke 15:11-31 about the mistakes that’s OK?
and Zacchaeus (Luke that were made in the
19:1-10) and create a verses. As you make
role play to perform to corrections on the
the class. board, allow the
children to erase the
mistakes and spell the
words correctly on
their papers. Students
will have fun erasing!
Talk about
forgiveness and how
God/Jesus forgives
(erases) our sin when
we make mistakes.
Have students create
forgiveness prayers.
C2.1 States an act of C3.1 Shares C3.1 Shares C3.1 Shares examples C3.1 Shares Anecdotal notes and
4 contrition (prayer of examples of Jesus’ examples of Jesus’ of Jesus’ second great examples of Jesus’ observations.
sorrow). second great second great Commandment to love second great Journals will be
Students will create Commandment to Commandment to one another. Commandment to completed and marked
their own prayers of love one another. love one another. Students trace around love one another. by the teacher as a
sorrow to apologise to Students make The teacher will read their hand or foot. Students will be asked form of assessment.
God for wrong doings. bookmarks that say ‘No Matter What’ by Discuss ways they can to write or draw about
This will be written on ‘Love one another as I Deb Gliori. Students show love for others. a time when they had
their iPad’s and have loved you’. will complete a journal Write their name in the purposely helped
should include images Discuss ways people entry about a time middle and draw a others, even though
to decorate the can show love for when someone picture depicting one they did not feel like
prayer. others at home, or at showed them love and ways they can show doing so.
school. did something special love for others.
for them without
expecting anything in
C4.1 Reviews and C4.1 Reviews and C4.1 Reviews and C4.1 Reviews and C4.1 Reviews and Anecdotal notes and
5 expresses the main expresses the main expresses the main expresses the main expresses the main observations.
ideas of the unit. ideas of the unit. ideas of the unit. ideas of the unit. ideas of the unit. Final journal entry will
Students answer In pairs, the students Complete Students will begin to Students will be be assessed by the
questions: will construct pictures ‘Anonymous Self- write a journal entry required to continue teacher against a
- I wonder how to illustrate what has Assessment’-A4 on describing what they their journal entries rubric.
many different been learnt. page 57. ‘Hey, I can have learnt about in and when finished
kinds of work be close to God by this unit of work. This they will need to edit
there are? following Jesus!’ will include what the their work and hand
- What are the students have learnt their journals into the
ways I like to about: teacher for
work? - Work assessment.
- Are there any - Gifts associated
other ways I with work
can work? - The Two Great
- Do all people Commandments
work? - Forgiveness
- What work - Loving one
might I do another
when I am
PLANNED ASSESSMENT - 1 formal assessment that links to a key understanding or learning point, develops higher order thinking skills and comprehensively assesses
student learning. Include how you would record the student achievement and how you would use this information for future teaching.

Basic Understanding Partial Understanding *Not Yet Developed
Includes required Identifies several concepts Identifies some concepts Identifies a limited amount of No score is awarded because
content learnt through the unit of work. learnt through the unit of work. concepts learnt through the there is insufficient evidence
unit of work. of student performance based
knowledge on the requirements of the
assessment task.

Format Provides an appropriate Provides a somewhat Provides a basic format of a No score is awarded because
format of a journal entry with appropriate format of a journal journal entry with a limited there is insufficient evidence
all required information entry with some required amount of required of student performance based
present. information present. information. on the requirements of the
assessment task.

Grammar and Exceptional use of grammar Adequate use of grammar and Limited use of grammar and No score is awarded because
Punctuation and punctuation with little to punctuation with few mistakes punctuation with mistakes there is insufficient evidence
no mistakes present. present. present. of student performance based
on the requirements of the
assessment task.

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