Unit Test 1A Unit Test 2A

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Unit test answer key

Unit test 1A Unit test 2A

1 1 long 2 short 3 curly / wavy 4 slim 1 1 bathroom 2 bedroom 3 dining room
2 1 plays 4 kitchen 5 living room 6 study
2 don’t read 2 1 table 2 cupboard 3 fridge
3 ’s having 4 shelf
4 don’t walk 3 1 wasn’t
5 study 2 were
6 isn’t working 3 weren’t
7 go 4 was
8 are listening 5 Were / weren’t
3 1 his 2 hers 3 mine 4 ours 5 theirs 6 Was / was
4 1 Who’s 2 Who’s 3 Whose 4 Who’s 5 Whose 7 Was / wasn’t
5 1 badly 2 well 3 late 4 quietly 5 happily 4 1 ago 2 yesterday 3 ago 4 last
6 beautifully 5 1 on 2 in 3 under 4 next to 5 near 6 behind
6 1 Can I borrow / Not today 6 1 There was a cat in the garden.
2 Can I sit 2 There weren’t four chairs in the living room.
3 Can we use / you can’t 3 Was there a TV in front of the picture?
4 Can I come / you can 4 There wasn’t a knife on the table.
5 Can I have 7 1 What 2 like 3 colour
7 Students’ own answers 4 were 5 there 6 wasn’t 7 radio
8 favourite
Unit test 1B 8 Students’ own answers
1 1 short 2 tall 3 heavy 4 straight
2 1 goes Unit test 2B
2 aren’t reading 1 1 kitchen 2 dining room 3 stairs
3 are listening 4 bathroom 5 study 6 bedroom
4 aren’t walking 2 1 cooker 2 sink 3 table
5 are studying 4 fridge
6 doesn’t work 3 1 was
7 plays 2 Were / was
8 doesn’t watch 3 weren’t
3 1 his 2 theirs 3 ours 4 mine 5 yours 4 wasn’t
4 1 Who’s 2 Whose 3 Who’s 4 Whose 5 Who’s 5 Was / wasn’t
5 1 happily 2 late 3 well 4 early 5 badly 6 were
6 carefully 7 Were / were
6 1 Can I open / you can’t 4 1 last 2 yesterday 3 last 4 ago
2 Can I have / Yes, ok 5 1 behind 2 on 3 near 4 in 5 under 6 next to
3 Can I borrow / sorry 6 1 There wasn’t a TV in the living room.
4 Can you come 2 There were two bedrooms in the house.
5 Can we watch 3 Were there any books on the shelf?
7 Students’ own answers 4 There wasn’t a chicken in the fridge.
7 1 What 2 like 3 colour
4 was 5 there 6 were 7 favourite

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8 great 3 I didn’t spend lots of money at the shopping

8 Students’ own answers centre.
4 She didn’t play cards with her sister last night.
Unit test 3A 5 You didn’t enjoy the new action film.
1 1 postman 2 factory worker 3 doctor 4 teacher 6 John didn’t speak to his mum about the party.
5 shop assistant 6 engineer 3 1 Did you watch / I did
2 1 electrician 2 journalist 3 accountant 2 Did they go / they didn’t
4 hairdresser 3 Did I give / you didn’t
3 1 I wanted to go to the football match. 4 Did you clean / I did
2 He enjoyed the concert last night. 5 Did she spend / she didn’t
3 We waited for my parents. 4 1 Where did Mary go?
4 The film ended at nine o’ clock. 2 What did the girls buy?
5 I talked to Linda yesterday. 3 Who did you meet?
6 Mark walked to school this morning. 4 Why did Nacho leave?
4 1 stopped 2 arrived 3 cried 4 studied 5 used 5 Where did you live in 2009?
6 preferred 7 played 8 travelled 6 What did they do last night?
5 1 got up 2 had 3 drank 4 met 5 went 6 saw 5 1 watch 2 type 3 love story 4 comedy 5 Where
7 came 8 wrote 9 spoke 10 ate 6 What time 7 8.00 8 tickets 9 £16 10 screen
6 1 sorry 2 mind 3 I’m 4 worry 5 matter 6 Never 6 Students’ own answers
7 Students’ own answers
Unit test 4B
Unit test 3B 1 1b 2d 3g 4f 5a 6h 7c 8e
1 1 teacher 2 lawyer 3 doctor 4 shop assistant 2 1 They didn’t go on holiday to Costa Rica.
5 postman 6 factory worker 2 Lara didn’t meet her dad at the museum.
2 1 accountant 2 hairdresser 3 electrician 4 3 You didn’t speak to the teacher about Juan.
journalist 4 I didn’t like that science fiction film.
3 1 We asked the teacher for help. 5 We didn’t make sandwiches for lunch.
2 They visited their grandparents last weekend. 6 She didn’t want to live in Australia.
3 I phoned my cousin this morning. 3 1 Did they do / they didn’t
4 The concert ended at ten o’ clock. 2 Did you go / I didn’t
5 Gary helped his mum yesterday. 3 Did she read / she did
6 You walked to the shops this morning. 4 Did they ask / they didn’t
4 1 preferred 2 stopped 3 used 4 cried 5 studied 5 Did I tell / you did
6 lived 7 travelled 8 listened 4 1 Why did Nick go home?
5 1 went 2 spent 3 ate 4 saw 5 met 6 made 2 Who did they see?
7 took 8 rode 9 left 10 got 3 Where did you put my pen?
6 1 sorry 2 doesn’t 3 I’m 4 worry 5 sorry 6 mind 4 What did Sandra study?
7 Students’ own answers 5 Why did you buy it?
6 Where did they live last year?
Unit test 4A 5 1 watch 2 film 3 fantasy 4 action 5 on 6 What
1 1c 2h 3e 4f 5a 6d 7b 8g time 7 starts 8 tickets 9 £18 10 Which
2 1 We didn’t go shopping this morning. 6 Students’ own answers
2 They didn’t meet their friends last weekend.

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Unit test 5A
1 1 mountain 2 river 3 lake 4 oceans 5 islands Unit test 6A
6 seas 7 desert 8 continent 1 1 annoyed 2 excited 3 nervous 4 bored 5
2 1 longer 2 funnier 3 bigger 4 more boring embarrassed 6 fed up 7 proud 8 sad
5 noisier 6 more interesting 7 better 2 1 the biggest 2 the smallest 3 the most beautiful
8 further/farther 4 the fastest 5 the most popular 6 the most
3 1 more exciting than 2 faster than 3 more expensive 7 the heaviest 8 the tallest
intelligent than 3 1 the best
4 bigger than 5 more expensive than 6 more 2 the worst
comfortable than 7 prettier than 3 the farthest/ the furthest
4 1 Mike is as tall as Greg. 4 the busiest
2 The blue shirt isn’t as cheap as the red shirt. 5 the most difficult
3 Cats aren’t as big as dogs. 6 the hottest
4 Alice is as clever as Maggie. 4 1 more exciting than
5 The Grijalva isn’t as long as the Amazon. 2 the funniest
6 Our team is as good as your team. 3 better than
7 Action films are as exciting as horror films. 4 the most dangerous
5 1 help 2 please 3 What time 4 opens 5 closes 5 taller than / the tallest
6 How much 7 children 8 Where 9 How 5 1 one
10 Thanks 2 one
6 Students’ own answers 3 ones
4 ones
Unit test 5B 6 1 It’s 2 speak 3 here 4 moment 5 leave
1 1 Lake 2 oceans 3 country 4 island 5 mountain 6 back 7 number 8 OK
6 sea 7 desert 8 river 7 Students’ own answers
2 1 shorter 2 noisier 3 closer 4 hotter
5 better 6 more intelligent 7 farther/further Unit test 6B
8 more important 1 1 happy 2 frightened 3 confident 4 annoyed 5
3 1 funnier than 2 longer than 3 slower than angry 6 fed up 7 proud 8 excited
4 more interesting than 5 more beautiful than 2 1 the tallest 2 the largest 3 the oldest 4 the
6 faster than 7 stronger than highest 5 the most popular 6 the most expensive
4 1 The film isn’t as good as the book. 7 the richest 8 the most dangerous
2 Tablets aren’t as expensive as laptops. 3 1 the biggest
3 Phil is as funny as Ben. 2 the noisiest
4 Our family isn’t as noisy as yours. 3 the best
5 The Atacama Desert isn’t as big as the Sahara 4 the nicest
Desert. 5 the most important
6 Comedy films are as exciting as animated films. 6 the farthest/the furthest
7 Maths is as difficult as physics. 4 1 larger than / the largest 2 the fastest 3 friendlier
5 1 Can 2 please 3 open 4 9.30 a.m. 5 closes 4 the most beautiful 5 more comfortable
6 tickets 7 adults 8 Where 9 get 5 1 ones 2 one 3 ones 4 one
10 help 6 1 Can 2 Sorry 3 here 4 calling 5 message 6
6 Students’ own answers ask 7 020 567453 8 OK

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7 Students’ own answers

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