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Chö Body Offering

The Swift Completion of the Two Accumulations

By Orgyen Nüden Dorje

Portland, Oregon

[email protected]

Copyright © 2015 by Eric Fry-Miller. All rights reserved.

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Namo Prajñāpāramitāye!
Great Mother, Queen of the knowledge and love of the victorious ones and their children
Machig Labdrön, the emanation to tame those to be tamed
Assembly of the three roots, Gurus, yidams, and dharma protectors
I prostrate to the assembly of the object of Chö!1 Please grant your permission!

Here is a concise practice of offering the body to benefit self and others, whatever is needed. If there are those who are sick, they should lie down in front and remove
protection [amulets, cords, and so forth]. Within the state of a non-distracted mind, gather together a ḍāmaru drum, bell, thigh-bone trumpet, human skin, and so forth.

Refuge and Bodhicitta

namo kyab ne kön chog dag nyi yum chen mo drub thob chö yül gyü pe lha tshog la
Namo I go for refuge from my heart to the Great Mother who is the embodiment of the
three jewels of refuge, siddhas, and assembly of Chö lineage deities.
nying ne kyab chi dro kün sem chen nam de den dug ngal dral ne ug yung zhing
So that all wandering sentient beings possess happiness, find relief in having been freed from suffering,
khor we tsho le dral te mön jug gi jang chub sem chog dag gi sem kye ne
and are liberated from the ocean of saṃsāra, having aroused the supreme bodhicitta of aspiration and action,
zag me lü kyi jin pe nal jor tsön phen dei de chen sa la zhöl gyur chig phat phat phat
I will persevere in the yoga of giving the immaculate body. May we arrive on the great blissful ground of happiness! Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ

The Main Part of Generating the Field of Merit and Guests
phat chi nang nö chü tong pe rang dang le dün gyi nam khar seng tri pe de teng
Phaṭ From the self-radiance of the emptiness of the outer and inner universe and its inhabitants,
in the space before me on a lion throne, lotus, and moon is Machig Labdrön,
kyab ne kün dü ma chig lab kyi drön ku dog kar mar cher bu rü gyen söl
the embodiment of all sources of refuge. Her naked body is rosy white, wearing ornaments of bone.
chag ye ser gyi da ru nam khar tröl yön pe ngül kar dril bu ku la ten
Her right hand plays a golden ḍāmaru in the sky. Her left hand supports a bell of bright silver on her hip.
thö kam ur gyen dar dang ratne tre zhab nyi ye kum yön kyang gar gyi zheng
She is adorned with a crown of dry skulls, silks, and jewels. She stands dancing with her right leg drawn in and her left extended.
u tsug pe de teng du sha kye wang ser dog tshen dang pe je gyen gyi dze
At the crown of her head, upon a lotus and moon is Buddha Śākyamuni, golden in color and resplendent with major and minor marks.
chö gö sum den chag ye sa nön dang yön pa nyam zhag zhab nyi kyil trung zhug
Possessing the three dharma robes, his right hand touches the earth and his left is in the mudrā of equanimity. He sits with legs crossed.
ö zer rab bar dü sum sang gye kor de yi chi wor chö ku yum chen mo
He blazes with rays of light and the Buddhas of the three times surround him. At the crown of his head is the Great Mother of dharmakāya.

ser jang dang den zhal chig chag zhi ma long kü che chen zhab nyi kyil trung zhug
She possesses the radiance of refined gold. She has one face and four arms, saṃbhogakāya ornaments, and is seated with legs crossed.
ye nyi chag gi dor je sa nön dang yön nyi nyam zhag po ti dzin par kye
With her two right hands, one holds a vajra and one touches the earth. Her two left hands are in the mudrā of equanimity, holding a text.
chog dü gyal wa se che kor war mig ma chig nyen ye the du dam pa je
She is seen surrounded by the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of all directions and times. At the level of Machig’s right ear is Lord Dampa Sangye.
yön the je tsün dor je nal jor ma so sö pa wo khan dro tshog kyi kor
At the level of her left ear is Jetsün Vajrayoginī. They are surrounded by their respective assemblies of ḍākas and ḍākinīs.
yi dam khan dro chö kyong sung ma che pag me trin gyi phung po ji zhin sal
Together with yidams, ḍākinīs, and dharma protectors, they appear clearly like immeasurable masses of clouds.
ne sum dru sum ö kyi ye she pa chen drang dam ye yer me ro chig pa
Light from the three syllables at the three places invites the wisdom deities. The wisdom and samaya deities become indivisibly one taste.
ten par zhug shing dag lü long chö dang ge tsa mi ze chö pe trin gyi chö
Please remain steadfast. My body, wealth, and roots of virtue I offer as clouds of inexhaustible offerings.

rang lü mandal chi nang zhen sum che chö yül gyü pe lha tshog nam la bül ngö drub nam nyi jung war jin gyi lob
The maṇḍala of my body together with outer, inner, and secret offerings, I offer to the
Chö lineage deities. Please grant your blessings so that the two siddhis manifest!
Prayer of Devotion
phat phat phat chi tsug nyi da peme den teng na yum chen sher chin thub wang dröl ma dang
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Upon my crown on a sun, moon, and lotus, Great Mother Prajñāpāramitā, Śākyamuni, Tāra,
su kha siddhi phag pa jam pal yang arya dewa dam pa sö nam tshen
Sukhasiddhi, Ārya Mañjuśrī, Āryadeva, Dampa Sangye, the one named Sönam,
ma chig lab drön gyal wa dön drub dang ka bab chu drug gyü dzin gya tsa gye
Machig Labdrön, Gyalwa Döndrub, one hundred and eight lineage holders of the sixteen transmissions,
karma pakshi rang jung dor je dang ka bab nyam kyi gyü par söl wa deb
Karma Pakshi, Rangjung Dorje, and lineage of experiential transmission, I pray to you!
lü ngag yi sum min ching dröl wa dang chag gya chen pö ngö drub tsal du söl
I pray please ripen and liberate my body, speech, and mind and bestow the siddhi of mahāmudrā!

phat phat phat gyü pe la ma khor che ö du zhu yum chen thub wang ma chig khor che nam
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ The lineage Gurus together with their retinues melt into light. As the Great Mother, Śākyamuni, and Machig
rang la thim pe tha dral nyam pa nyi ka dag trö dral nyam yang eh ma ho
together with their retinues dissolve into me, there is equanimity free from extremes,
the vast equality of primordial purity free from elaborations. Emaho!
Focus upon the dharmakāya of awareness.

Gathering Gods and Demons
Tap the mouth of the thighbone trumpet on the palm three times [once after each of the following lines].
jung po tren bu nyam chung wa nam ma trag chig ma ngang shig shin tu ma ngang shig
Small and feeble elemental spirits do not be scared! Do not be frightened! Do not be frightened at all!
kye ya gi si tse ne nar me yen che sem chen tham che nyön chig
Kye From the peak of existence to the Avīci hell of ceaseless torment, all sentient beings listen!
Visualizing that all beings hear the trumpet, blow one time.
eh tham che dir dü shig
Eh All of you gather here in this place! Visualizing that all beings come together, blow one time.
tham che nyur du dü shig
All of you gather quickly! Visualizing that all beings amass quickly, blow one time.

phat dag nyi ke chig gi ye she kyi khan dro ma trö ma nag mo gyen cha lug yong su dzog pe ku sal war gyur
Phaṭ In a single instant I clearly appear as the primordial wisdom dakini Tröma Nagmo with fully complete implements and ornaments.
phat phat phat dei thug ka ne le je kyi khan dro trö ma drang me trö ne nang si lha dre yül lha zhi dag nö je ne dön
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ With countless wrathful activity ḍākinīs having emanated from my heart, may all the
assemblies of gods, demons, local deities, earth lords, yakṣas, demons of abodes, karmic creditors,
len chag geg rig kyi tshog tham che wang du dü shig phat phat phat phat phat phat phat phat phat
and classes of obstructors in appearance and existence be brought under power! Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ
Playing the bell and ḍāmaru, blow the thigh-bone trumpet three times.

phat nga ni trö ma nag mo te thug trül le je khan dro ma drang ye chog chur trö pa yi dri za shin je lu nö jin
Phaṭ I am Tröma Nagmo. Innumerable mind emanated activity ḍākinīs are emanated in the ten directions. Gandharvas, Yamarāja, Nāga,
me lha sin po wang den geg tshang pa nyi da za kar lu lu nyen sa dag jung pö rig lha dü mu tsen gyal the'u dre
Yakṣa, Agnideva, Rākṣasa, Iśvani, obstructors, Braḥmā, Surya, Candra, planets, stars, constellations,
nāgas, nyen, bhūmipatis, bhutas, devas, māras, mu, tsen, rājas, theyurangs, ghosts,
ne dön chung si gö yam dag par me lo dü dü dang she yül dre mo dön jung pö rig ke chig nyi la dir dü ne
demons of sickness, infant demons, demons of existence, lords of misfortune and epidemics, māras and killers of divination diagrams
and astrology diagrams, years and time, local spirits, female demons, and elemental spirits, gather here this instant!

ngön che len chag jang we chir sha trag chö jin za we chir ke chig nyi la dir dü ne le kyi khan drö ka nyen gyur
So I may clear away previous debts by giving an offering of flesh and blood to eat, gather here this instant! Obey the activity ḍākinīs!
phat phat phat phat phat phat phat phat phat phat
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ
The Visualization of Transference to Offer the Body
phat dag nyi tha mar zug phung tsa ü ma tshen nyi zhi den kang thil ye yön du
Phaṭ The central nāḍī of my ordinary form possesses four characteristics.2 At the soles of my right and left feet
pha mar gyur pe thig le kar mar nyi rim zhin nying ke the du kug pa yi
are the white and red bindus of my father and mother [respectively]. These are successively drawn up to the level of my heart.
tshe sö pal jor lung sem ge tsa tob tham che chig gyur ö nga le jung we
My life-force, merit, wealth, prāṇa, mind, roots of virtue, and strength all unite as five colored light.
ja chen gong nga tsam gyur phat kyi ye rig pa ma chig thug dang yer me par
It is the size of a large bird's egg. Through Phaṭ, it separates [from my body]. My awareness merges inseparably with Machig's heart,
chö ku kyhab däl long la däl gyi zhag phat phat phat
smoothly resting within the all-pervasive expanse of dharmakāya. Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ

Visualizing Flesh and Blood
phat ma chig thug le rang rig pa khan dro mar mo dri thö dzin rang lü bam gyi thö pa tral thö gye sum gyi khar ne pa
Phaṭ From Machig's heart my own self-awareness emanates as a red ḍākinī holding a drigug knife
and skull cup. I separate the skull from my corpse and set it upon a hearth of three skulls.
nang du sha trag rü pa pung yi ge sum gyi tro du le ye she dü tsi gyam tshor gyur om ah hung ha ho hrih (3x)
Inside, I heap my flesh, blood, and bones. Through the emanating and gathering back of the three syllables [Oṃ āḥ hūṃ],
it transforms into an ocean of primordial wisdom nectar. Oṃ āḥ hūṃ ha ho hrīḥ Recite this three times.
First, the White Feast of Nectar
phat bhandhe nö du rang lü dü tsi nga yong drub kar dum ri rab tsam du gyur
Phaṭ Within the skull cup vessel my body is the five nectars. It transforms into a perfectly made white sphere, the size of Mount Meru.
phat phat phat kön chog rin chen sum dang chog dü kyi gyäl dang de se jang chub sem pai tshog
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Three precious jewels, Buddhas and their bodhisattva children of all directions and times,
tsa gyü la ma yi dam de gye sang dü kor ma ya dän zhi gyü de zhi
root and lineage Gurus, yidams, Cakrasaṃvara, Hevajra, Guhyasamaja, Kālacakra, Mahāmāya, Catuḥpitha, deities of four classes of tantras,

do ngag ka ter yi dam zhi troi tshog pa wo khan dro shug dro tshog che pai
assemblies of the peaceful and wrathful deities of sutras, tantras, kama, and terma, ḍākas, ḍākinīs, together with powerful retinues,
kön chog si zhui drön gyi tshog la bül jin lab wang dang ngö drub tsäl du söl
to the assembly of guests who are precious and worthy of reverence, I offer! I pray please grant your blessing, empowerment, and siddhi!
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phat phat phat pal gön dor je nag po chag zhi pa yum dang chag nyen ka khor dren yog pung
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Glorious Protector Black Vajra Four-Armed Mahākala, Consort, and army of attendants, retinues, and servants.
wang chug lha mo lha män ying chug ma mug nag cham dräl ha ra nam thö se
Powerful Goddess Achi, Medicine Goddess Tseringma, Dhātviśvarī, Dark Maroon Siblings Ekajati and Vajrasadhu, Hara, Vaiśravaṇa,
dü gön yab yum za dü ra hu la ging chen dung thö nö jin yang le ber
Māranatha Father and Mother, Zadü Rāhula, Great Ging Warrior Dungtö, Yakṣa Yangle Ber,
thang lha tshang pa chö jei ge nyen zhi zab mo chö kyi ka sung tha tshig chän
Thanglha, Braḥmā, Four Upāsakas of the dharma lord, those who have oaths to protect the teachings of profound Chö,
zhän yang bu ram shing pai tän pa la tshul zhin kyong war zhäl zhe chän nam dang
and those who have promised to properly guard the sugarcane-like teachings
gön po yön tän drön gyi tshog la bül gäl kyen söl la nam zhi trin le dzö
To the protectors, the guests with fine qualities, I offer! Please dispel unfavorable conditions and perform the four enlightened activities!

phat phat phat lha dang lha min mi dang dü dro dang yi dag nyal kham cho gye rig drug la
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Gods, asuras, humans, animals, pretas, and beings of the eighteen hells, to those of the six realms
zag me dü tsi chö jin di ngö pe rang rang so soi dug ngäl kün dräl ne
I dedicate this offering of immaculate nectar. By this, may each of you be freed from your individual sufferings
phän dei dön dän chog chui zhing kham su nyur du de chen sa la zhöl gyur chig
and swiftly arrive on the ground of great bliss within the pure realms of the ten directions endowed with true happiness!
phat phat phat lha lu tsen dü gyal the'u ma men mu gyal po nö jin nang si de gye tshog
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Devas, nāgas, tsen, mārarājas, theyu, mamos, mu, rājas, yakṣas, assemblies of gods and demons of appearance and existence,
yül lha zhi dag nying jei drön la jin sam ngän dug tsub dräl ne jang sem den sang gye tän pai trin le drub par dzö
To the local deities and earth lords, the guests of compassion, I offer! May you be free from evil thoughts, malevolence,
and fighting, possess bodhicitta, and accomplish the enlightened activities of the Buddhas teachings!
phat phat phat kye kün tshe rab len chag bu lön drön zhen gyi be dre bö tong nö je gong
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Guests to whom I owe karmic debts from all of my successive lives,
spirits who curse others and dispatch harm, those with malicious intent,
ne dön lü dön trül nang dü zhi dang län chag bu lön drön gyi tshog la jin nö sem zhi ne phän sem den gyur chig
Demons of abodes, demons of the body, and the four māras appearing through confusion, to guests whom I owe debts, I offer!
Pacifying your intentions to harm, may you possess an altruistic mind!

The Activity of the Red Feast
phat phat phat zhing pag tong sum khyab teng sha trag rü chi sha nang tröl tshog che ri tar pung
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ Upon a human skin pervading the billion-fold universe flesh, blood,
and bones together with outer flesh and internal organs are massed like a mountain.
drön kün yi trog jin pe ne su gyur
It transforms into an offering that ravishes the minds of all the guests.
phat phat phat tho si tse ne nar me yen che kyi nang si si pe de gye jung po geg
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ From the peak of existence to the Avīci hell of ceaseless torment all possible appearing
and existing gods and demons of the eight classes, elemental spirits, obstructors,
chon trül tön pe dre dön yül dre dang ben gya bön tong gyal po pe har nag
ghosts and demons that manifest magical displays, local spirits, hundred ben spirits, thousand bön, Black Gyalpo Pehar,
ma mo dü dang ma zhi dong gye tsen lu dü ge nyen sa dag the'u rang nyen
mamos, māras, four mothers, eight-faced tsen, nāga demons, upāsakas, bhūmipatis, theyurang, nyen,
sha za sin po dre dön dreg pe tshog ke chig dir dü so sö gang dö pe
flesh eating rākṣasas, and assemblies of haughty ghosts and demons, gather here instantly!

chi sha nang tröl pag tshil rü pa che nang zhing si pe lha drei tshog la jin
Whatever you each wish for, outer flesh, inner organs, skin, fat, and bones,
I offer to the assemblies of all possible gods and demons of appearance and existence!
zo zhig tung zhig ga gu yi rang gyur zug phung lü la chag na nga re zhen
Eat! Drink! Be merry and rejoice! If I am attached to my bodily form and aggregates, I am weak.
che du ma zhag nang si khyö kyi lön kyher chig dag dzin khor we lü di tröl
Leave nothing behind! You beings of appearance and existence, please take it! Carry it off! Free me from this saṃsāric body of self-clinging!
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nyi nang le nyön dü le dral gyur chig rab ying chö kü yum chen gong pa tog
May we be freed from dualistic appearances, karma, afflictions, and māras!
Realize the intention of the Great Mother of the dharmakāya supreme expanse!
nö ja nö je chö ku zhom zhig dral ka dag rang rig nyam yang dön la ta phat phat phat
Be freed from perish and destruction of harm and harm doers in the dharmakāya!
Look at the true vast equanimity of primordially pure self-awareness! Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ

The Visualization of the Black Feast for Karmic Creditors
phat rang ngam ne pa ne pe chi tsug tu ma chig lab drön zheng tab zhug pa yi
Phaṭ At my crown or at the crown of those who are sick is Machig Labdrön in standing posture.
ku le dü tsii gyün bab dag zhen gyi dig drib dag le trü chü bhandha gang
From her body a stream of nectar flows down, purifying all the negative deeds and obscurations
of self and others. The cleansing liquid3 fills the skull cup simultaneously with flesh and blood.
sha trag lhen chig dru sum dü tsi pel len chag geg rig ne dre nö je tshog
Through the three syllables [Oṃ āḥ hūṃ], this becomes nectar. Assemblies of
karmic creditors, classes of obstructors, spirits of sickness, and doers of harm
nying jei drön gyur kün la jin pa yi dang sem dug tsub zhi ne phen sem den jang chub chog gi gyü la dröl gyur chig
To all the guests of compassion, I offer! By this, may your angry minds, malevolence, and fighting be pacified!
May you possess altruistic minds and be liberated in the stream of supreme awakening!
Thus, strive in offering the body to the various guests while focusing one-pointedly on the visualization. Diligently recite the six-syllable mantra [Oṃ maṇi paḍme hūṃ].

Offering the Dharma
phat chö nam tham che gyu le jung de gyu de zhin sheg pe sung de la gog pa gang yin pa ge jong chen pö di ke sung
Phaṭ All phenomena arose from a cause. That cause was taught by the Tathāgata.
Those cease whatever they are. These words were taught by the great Śramaṇa.
dig pa chi yang mi ja zhing ge wa phün sum tshog par che rang gi sem ni yong su dül di ni sang gye ten pa yin
Do no negative deeds whatsoever. Perfectly practice virtue. Completely tame your own mind. This is the Buddha's teaching.
lü kyi dom pa leg pa na ngag gi dom pa leg pa yin yi kyi dom pa leg pa na tham che du ni dom pa leg
If the vows of body are good, the vows of speech are good. If the vows of mind are good, the vows are good in all ways.
tham che sung we ge long dag dug ngal kün le nge par dröl
Bhikṣus who keep all of these will definitely be freed from all suffering.
na mo tshog kyi lam dang jor we lam thong we lam dang gom pe lam
Namo By relying on the path of accumulation, path of joining, path of seeing, path of meditation,
bar che me pe lam ten ne ma yum chen gyi go pang nyur thob shog
and path without obstacles, may we swiftly attain the state of the Great Mother!

phat mra sam jö me she rab pha röl chin ma kye min gag nam khe ngo wo nyi
Phaṭ Prajñāpāramitā is beyond words, thought, and expression. She is the unborn and unceasing essential nature of space.
so so rang rig ye she chö yül wa dü sum gyal we yum gyi tra shi shog
Individual self-awareness is the domain of primordial wisdom. May there be auspiciousness of the mother of all Buddhas in the three times!
teyatha om gate gate para gate para sam gate bodhi swaha
Tadyathā om gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā Recite a suitable number.

lü sha trag gi chö jin di kha rag pa tsam dri tshor wa tsam gyi na wa phen shi wa sö ge pa dar
By merely tasting or smelling this offering of my body's flesh and blood, may
sicknesses be helped, the dying be restored, and lives be extended unto old age!
pho tham che chen re zi kyi go phang thob par gyur chig mo tham che je tsün dröl me go phang thob par gyur chig
May all males attain the state of Avalokiteśvara! May all females attain the state of Jetsün Tāra!
dam chö dü kyi chö yül di kha la ni ma shar wa zhin chog dü kün la khyab gyur chig
May the sublime dharma pervade this domain of māras, like the sun rising in the sky, throughout all directions and times!
jin pa gya chen gyur pa di yi thü dro we dön du rang jung sang gye shog
By the power of this vast offering, may I awaken to self-arising Buddhahood for the sake of wandering beings!

ngön gyi gyal wa nam kyi ma dral we kye wö tshog nam jin pe dröl gyur chig
May all beings who were not liberated by previous Buddhas be liberated through this offering!
phat drön nam rang rang so sö ne su sheg nam khar rang gi nam she tshe sö nam
Phaṭ All guests depart to their individual abodes. Within space my consciousness, life, merit,
la tshe sog ug nam she thig le kar mar bab u me lam ne nying ü thim
life-force, and breath all in the form of a white bindu descend through my central nāḍī to dissolve in my heart.

chö ku yum chen mo gyal wa shakya thub pa jam pal mra we seng ge je tsün phag ma dröl ma khan dro sukha siddhi
Great Mother of dharmakāya, victorious Śākyamuni, Mañjuśrī Vādisiṃha, Jetsün Ārya Tāra, Ḍākinī Sukhasiddhi,
dram ze arya dewa pha chig dam pa sang gye kyo tön sö nam la ma ma chig lab kyi dröl ma
Brāḥmin Āryadeva, Pachig Dampa Sangye, Kyetön Sönam Lama, Machig Labdrön,
chö ku ye she kyi khan dro long ku ye she khan dro trül ku ye she khan dro ku trül de chen kar mo
dharmakāya jñānaḍākinī, saṃbhogakāya jñānaḍākinī, nirmāṇakāya jñānaḍākinī, body emanation white ḍākinī of great bliss,
sung trül mar mo dra drog thug trül trö ma nag mo yön ten gyi trül pa ser mo dön drub trin le kyi trül pa na tshog thar chin
speech emanation red ḍākinī of roaring sound, mind emanation Tröma Nagmo, qualities emanation
yellow ḍākinī of accomplishment, activities emanation multi-colored ḍākinī of perfection,

pha gyü thab kyi gyü pa ma gyü she rab kyi gyü pa se gyü nyam len gyi gyü pe la ma dam pa tham che kyi jin gyi lob shig
and all gurus of the lineages of father tantras of method, mother tantras of wisdom, and child tantras of practice, grant your blessings!
thug je dang nü pa kye chig gyu le ngen dang dig drib kyen dön geg dang jung po dre bu na tsha dang dug ngal
May compassion and power arise! The causes are negative karma, non-virtue, and obscurations. The
conditions are demons, obstructors, and elemental spirits. The fruitions are sicknesses and sufferings.
thab zab mo di la ten ne da ta nyi du zhi war jin gyi lob shig
By relying on this profound method, grant blessings so that these are pacified right now!
gyu dö chag zhe dang ti mug sum dug sum rang sar zhi war jin gyi lob shig
Grant blessings so that the causes, the three poisons of desire, hatred, and ignorance, are pacified in their own place!
ne lung dang tri pa be ken sum ne sum rang sar zhi war jin gyi lob shig
Grant blessings so that the three sicknesses of vata, pitta, and kapha are pacified in their own place!
dön pho dön dang mo dön lu dön sum dön sum rang sar zhi war jin gyi lob shig
Grant blessings so that the three demons of male demons, female demons, and nāga demons are pacified in their own place!
phung po zen du kyur war jin gyi lob shig zen kyur lam du dro war jin gyi lob shig
Grant blessings so that we may abandon our aggregates to be devoured! Grant blessings so that we may take this abandonment as the path!

nyag chig tse ne chö par jin gyi lob shig lü sha trag gi chö jin di ne dun dro war jin gyi lob shig
Grant blessings so that we may sever the single root! Grant blessings so that we may follow this instruction of offering our body, flesh,
ngö me lha drei dro dön nü par jin gyi lob shig chog thün mong gi ngö drub thob par jin gyi lob shig
and blood! Grant blessings so that we may have the power to accomplish the aims of beings, free from [concepts of]
substantial gods and demons! Grant blessings so that we attain the supreme and common siddhis!
chi me tshe yi rig dzin thob par jin gyi lob shig ne me lang tso thob par jin gyi lob shig
Grant blessings so that we attain the state of an immortal vidyādhara! Grant blessings so that we may attain youth free from sickness!

phat phat phat
Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ

2IA?-0:R,!!.$J:R,, !!,,!

This concise ritual of offering the body was composed by Könchog Tendzin Trinley Tharchin Palzangpo [Orgyen Nüden Dorje] merely to not go against the command
of the chief dharma heir of the incomparable Protector Drigungpa, the supreme emanated incarnation Lho [Chen] Rinpoche. It was composed in the male wood dog year, on the
first day of the month, at the great Lord Brāḥma Chinghu throne seat, in the dharma protector temple. The text was made by Khen Könchog Jangchub. May it be virtuous!

May all beings swiftly be liberated into the embrace of the Great Mother Prajñāpāramitā!

1 Tib. (gcod) This word literally means cutting or severing and has many implications according to the context used. In this translation "Chö" refers to the name of the practice


2According to A Clear Explanation for Practicing the Instructions of the Profound Path of the Six Yogas of Nāropa known as the Exquisite Oral Instructions of Lord Nāropa by
Rigdzin Chökyi Dragpa, the four characteristics of the central nāḍī [or channel] are that it is "not crooked but straight and upright, radiant in color, clear on both the inside and
outside, and empty inside."

3 At this point the cleansing liquid or nectar is black. This is the source of the name "black feast."


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