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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Table of Contents
Foreword From the CMO 3

Introduction 4

Personalization 5

Artificial Intelligence and Intent Data 7

Video 9

Chatbots 11

Account-Based Marketing 13

Customer Intelligence 15
Tactile Marketing 17
Christine Otsuka
Experience-Driven Content 19
Erin Cleland
Voice Search 21

Influencer Marketing 23
Quentin Zancanaro Conclusion 25

Uberflip 2
10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Foreword (MAPs) would be the center of our marketing universe, as a way

to make sense of the confusion that comes from landscapes like

From the CMO

Scott Brinker’s MarTech supergraphic. Well, now that Joe’s predic-
tion has come to fruition, my prediction is it’s time to build out the
supporting infrastructure to fuel value and actionable insight into
our MAPs. In 2018, we saw investment into promising companies
providing strategies which can help marketers target and engage
with their audiences. In reviewing the top trends cited by market-
ers (not software providers), I found it interesting that many of the
big investments into software tied to what’s on marketers’ minds.
Take as an example:
A Look Ahead
Drift’s $60M in funding ($107M total) to fuel Trend #4: Chat-
2018 was a defining year for B2B marketing, perhaps beginning to blur bots
the lines between B2B and B2C more than we’ve ever seen. So what Terminus’ $11M raise ($30M total) and acquisition of
does this mean for 2019? BrightFunnel to support Trend #5: ABM
PFL’s $25M raise to fuel Trend #7: Tactile Marketing
At the end of 2018, one of the biggest acquisitions in B2B marketing soft- And with bias, perhaps the one I’m most excited about:
ware history cemented marketing automation as a category for some Uberflip’s $32.5M Series A to fuel a number of these trends
time to come. If you’re going to drop $4.75 billion on Marketo, you know including #1: Personalization, #8: Experience-Driven Content,
there’s a vision beyond just email management. And Adobe is not the
and a few others that connect like ABM and AI.
only one—look at HubSpot where the market cap increased from $1.7
billion (Jan. 2017), to $3.3 billion (Jan. 2018), and recently $5.3 billion
(Nov. 2018). Ripping a quote from the headlines of the Adobe / Marketo These big dollars signify big bets by investors predicting what will
press release: “The imperative for marketers across all industries is a be the next area of focus and concentration for marketers. As I
laser focus on providing relevant, personalized, and engaging experi- look through the list I see a trend across them all which is the need
ences,” said Brad Rencher, Executive Vice President and General Man- for us to personalize and deliver a more authentic experience at
ager, Digital Experience, Adobe. I personally met with an analyst from every stage of our buyer journey. The rise of the MAP has armed
Forrester a few months ago who covered Adobe and was confident that us to gather data for this, but sending an email “Dear #name” isn’t
this acquisition signaled more parallels between B2C and B2B market- enough. We need to turn our attention to ways where we can create
ing to justify such a high price. I’ve been pushing this a lot over the last a memorable experience for our audiences in 2019. I hope these
Randy Frisch
year in my comparisons of the personalized experiences delivered by trends help you on your way.
President and CMO consumer brands like Spotify and what that means for us as marketers.
I recall about six years ago meeting with Joe Chernov, a rockstar B2B
marketer, who at the time predicted marketing automation platforms

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019


The Fascination With Trends

No matter what industry you’re in or role you have, we we should be exploring that maybe we aren’t, or if there are
all share a universal interest in trends. As marketers, things not yet on our radar that perhaps should be.
we look to Google Trends to understand what keywords
and search terms are most popular; we look for trend- As we plan for the year ahead, we asked 200 B2B marketers to
ing hashtags and conversations on social to inform the share their top three trends for 2019 in their own words. In the
content we put out; and we put “Trends” sessions on our pursuit of real, raw, unfiltered answers, we asked marketers an
agendas at conferences because we know they’ll draw open-ended question, rather than have them select from a list
an audience. We’ve tapped into this almost universal de- of our creation. So what strategies, tactics, and technology will
sire to understand what the masses are doing. they be exploring in the year to come? While personalization
as a theme weaved its way through many of our top trends, a
It’s human nature. Trends help us validate our own ef- return to data and old-school approaches was not far behind.
forts and choices. They allow us to say, “Oh yes, that’s Read on to learn what your peers had to say.
right, I agree,” and feel good about the work we are doing.
But they also help us understand if there are new things

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019


Personalize everything—your emails, ads, direct mail,

website, content, and recommendations. The expec-
tation in 2019 is that all of your marketing will be
personalized. And customers crave it. In fact, they’re
willing to give up even more data about themselves
just to receive personalized offers and a custom, tai-
lored experience. If the Spotifys and Amazons of the
world can do it, so can we. Technology will be need-
ed more than ever to help scale B2B marketers’ per-
sonalization efforts.

Uberflip 5
10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

1 Personalization

“Deliver content that is personalized to [your audience] 52 percent of consumers are

and how they’ve been engaging with your brand. Vari-
somewhat likely to switch
able text fields are out. Anyone can sniff those out before
they hit their inbox. We’ve been conditioned to expect 52% brands if a company doesn’t
our first name or, in many cases, our email address pop-
ulated at the beginning of an email. Everyone is doing make an effort to personalize
it. You can’t package together a bunch of content and their communications to them.
e-blast your database and expect that throwing a #first-
name# field at the beginning will drive engagement or
make your audience feel special. Make sure you’re pro-
viding relevant and timely content that is personal to - Salesforce’s State of the Connected Customer Report
what they’re interested in.”

JK Sparks
Lifecycle Marketing Manager,

Weighing In | Yoav Schwartz, Uberflip

“Highly relevant marketing matters more than ever. Con-
sumers are getting over the creepy feeling of advertis- Personalization has long been a staple in B2B marketing, but Yoav
ers knowing their every move and are now more likely Schwartz, CEO and Co-Founder of Uberflip, says marketers will take
to be annoyed by irrelevant retargeting (like getting ads it one step further in the year ahead. “2019 will usher in the first wave
for something they already bought) and expect that we of marketers leveraging AI to achieve higher levels of personalization.
provide more helpful experiences.” We’ll see everything from inbound to demand to ABM content expe-
riences get more personal (and hopefully not creepy) through mar-
Owen B. Ray keters’ ability to gain more intel on their audience via third-party data
Senior Content Marketing Manager, providers and content experience platforms.”

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

and Intent
Marketers had a lot to say about artificial intelligence. It’s
been regarded as a way to cut down on marketers’ tasks
and free up time to be more strategic. It’s also a means to
personalize at scale. Coupled with intent data, marketers
will be able to more accurately serve up the right content at
the right time to their prospective customers and website
visitors. In this case, data and technology continue to usher
in a new norm for marketers.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

2 Artificial Intelligence
and Intent Data

“Content marketers and content strategies are being

tasked with delivering higher performance (leads, reve- 25 percent of B2B companies said
they currently use intent data and
nue, ROI), so using advanced intelligence tools to power
content will be the only way to deliver more out of the
same (or smaller) budgets supporting content.”
monitoring tools, while 35 percent
said they plan to use intent insight
Patti Doyle
Chief Operating Officer,
within the next 12 months.

- 2018 State of B2B Intent Data

“Personalization is essential to filter the right content
(and experience) to the right place. But it is also time-con-
suming and expensive. Adding artificial intelligence and
machine learning to personalization democratizes the
concept, allowing mass scale personalization almost
on autopilot.”

Trina Moitra Weighing In | Marc Johnson, Bombora

Head of Marketing,
While both artificial intelligence and intent data on their own stand strong
on this trend list, where the two intersect makes us excited. We asked Marc
“The ability to predict what an individual or company Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer and General Manager of Bombora, his
may be interested in through intent data will dramati- thoughts on the matter. “How do you personalize to a business? Not easi-
cally change the way B2B organizations select content ly. With the convergence of AI and intent data, however, it is now possible
topics, create campaigns, and engage buyers in 2019.” to understand the interests of a buying group within a business and apply
those insights to deliver actually relevant and valuable content. 2019 will
Moira van den Akker be the year when this will become a core element of account-based mar-
Global Demand Generation Manager, keting (ABM) for B2B brands.”
Trimble Buildings, Trimble

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Video has taken up residency on marketers’ trends
lists for several years now. For 2019, however, the
moving-picture medium comes with a few caveats.
While in the past, simply using video as a medium
was enough to check the “I’m doing this trend” box, in
2019, educational video content gets shorter, snappi-
er, and serial in nature. Heralded for being “shareable,”
video is also the format du jour for social media ad-
vertising and high perceived engagement. Across the
board though, video is widely praised for its ability to
build authenticity and human-to-human connection,
whether that’s in content marketing, brand building,
or personalized sales outreach.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

3 Video

“I see live video continue to grow in popularity and ef- 72 percent of people would
fectiveness. Your clients and prospects are looking for
choose video over text to
authenticity. They want to build a relationship with your
people, not just your company. Live videos capture that 72% learn about a product or
authenticity. It’s harder to be somebody you’re not be-
hind the cold lens of your iPhone or Mevo.” service.
Abbey Kanellakis
Practice Growth Manager, - The State of Video Marketing 2018
Rea and Associates

Weighing In
“I know this has been on the list for years, but how many
people reading this have an amazing video person on | Chris Savage, Wistia
staff? When that is over 85 percent, I’ll shut up about it.
Video adds personality and context that are difficult to Video is consistently on everybody’s top trends list, so we asked
replicate in written form.” Chris Savage, Co-Founder and CEO of Wistia, what aspect of this
popular medium B2B marketers should be zeroing in on. “For 2019,
Chris Moody marketers should be thinking about how they can empower more
Head of Global Content Marketing, people on their teams to take risks with video. The organizations
Cheetah Digital we see using video well have figured out how to make it ongoing
and how to recognize when the emotional push of a video will
help drive the business forward.”

Uberflip 10
10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Not just for support functions, chatbots take
charge in 2019 in two huge ways. First, as a
means to distribute content—think Facebook
Messenger bots. And second, as an extension of
our sales development team engaging prospects
as they visit our site’s pages in an “I can’t believe
that’s not a person” exchange. Our teams can’t
be everywhere, but chatbots will help us try.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

4 Chatbots

“Get comfortable, marketers. Chatbots are coming in

strong. Social networking has made us all expect in- Only 43 percent of consumers
stant results, so when a customer has a question for a said they would prefer to
brand, they want instant answers. This is where chat-
bots come in. They can help answer frequent questions,
43% communicate with a human.
and the more elaborate bots can even provide options,
advice, and more.”

Ana Milosavic - The 2018 State of Chatbots Report

Marketing Coordinator,

“Chatbots. Chatbots. Chatbots. Whether it’s Messenger

bots for sales, web / app support bots, knowledge base Weighing In | Dave Gerhardt, Drift
bots, or any other kind of bot, jump onto this while you
can cut through—the stats are insane.” Seeing “Hi? How are you?” when you load up a company website on
your laptop is par for the course these days. Dave Gerhardt, VP of Mar-
Tamara Grigg keting for Drift, weighs in. “Chatbots have risen in popularity over the
Head of Marketing and CX, past few years because they allow marketers and salespeople to fos-
VideoMyJob ter human-like connections with unmatched immediacy. They make a
needlessly complicated buyer journey easier to navigate. Marketers
are seeing great success using chatbots to drive conversations, book
demos, and close deals. And in 2019, we expect more organizations
will adopt conversational marketing and chatbots to drive revenue for
their businesses.”

Uberflip 12
10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

It’s been on the rise for a while and shows no sign
of slowing down in the year ahead. Businesses who
have not yet adopted an account-based model will be
trying it in 2019, and those who have will be looking
to expand their efforts. The return is huge when done
right and the success stories alone will persuade those
who have not yet dipped their toes in the ABM pool.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

5 Account-Based

“When you are in a niche or low-interest business you 87 percent of B2B marketers
need to reach your ideal customers, they won’t come
have agreed ABM delivers a
and find you. ABM enables you to spend your budget
and time efficiently, cutting out waste. And content that 87% higher ROI than other mar-
you produce can be repurposed for general marketing
purposes.” keting activities.
Douglas Voeten
Head of Global Marketing,
Atradius Collections - ITSMA Research

“In the B2B world this is a game-changer and we have

Weighing In | Sangram Vajre, Terminus
seen some amazing success stories. Successful cam-
paigns often seamlessly blend digital with old-school A lot of people talk about account-based marketing being a trend, but
direct mail and sales outreach.” can a strategy be trendy? We asked Sangram Vajre, CEO of Terminus and
FlipMyFunnel, to give us his unfiltered thoughts on this. “Account-based
Jez John marketing is not a trend. If anything, ABM is a strategy that needs orga-
Managing Director, nization-wide transformation. ABM will become B2B.” Powerful words.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

What do we really know about our customers? Market-
ing is only as good as the data we have and can ac-
cess. And if knowing our customers pre- and post-sale
is the key to getting and keeping business and creating
marketing content and campaigns that work, then cus-
tomer intelligence is the foundation for effective mar-
keting. Using a customer relationship management
system is a given these days, but going deeper into
data collection, integrating our tools across the busi-
ness so we have one holistic view, and surfacing that
data across teams with Slack integrations is the next
thing we’ll see in 2019.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

6 Customer

“We expect that the term ‘Customer Intelligence’ will Only 23 percent of companies
gain in popularity in 2019. I can’t count how many pre-
are able to generate real-time
sentations I’ve seen of the Deloitte MarTech Landscape
of 5,000+ players. The competition is fierce out there, for 23% insights with customer data.
both B2B and B2C companies. Brands need to step up
their game when it comes to an understanding of who
their customers are regarding drives, decision-making
behavior, challenges, and lifestyles. This information is
the key to creating more relevant communication that’s - SAS’s Maximizing Moments of Truth White Paper
more likely to resonate with the audience.”

Janelle de Weerd
Digital Marketing Manager,

Weighing In | Scott Brinker,

“In 2019, customer-centricity, personalization, and cus-
tomer experience are officially make-or-break factors Is technology always the answer? Scott Brinker, editor of the Chief
for marketing success. Lack of integration between all Marketing Technologist blog, weighs in on technology’s impact on cus-
the tools and systems within the organization has in- tomer intelligence. “A ton of marketing technology is sold today as the
creasingly led to siloed data and teams, and ultimately solution to delivering better customer experiences. Of course, martech
the lack of a single, unified view of customers and their doesn’t automagically create great customer experiences any more than
omni-channel journeys over time. Without that unified a food processor automagically makes you a great chef. It depends on
view, it is very difficult to be customer-centric, success- how you wield it. And, frankly, the most important elements of customer
ful with personalization or customer experience, or gen- experience have nothing to do with technology at all. They have to do
erate meaningful customer insights at the rate required with the choices a company makes about how to treat its customers.
today.” These choices are way harder than any martech integration challenges
or other in-the-weeds scapegoats that companies claim hold them back
Gary DeAsi from delivering better customer experiences.”
Director of Marketing, Demand Generation,

Uberflip 16
10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

What’s old is new again. Direct mail has seen a re-
surgence. And it’s no surprise given the growing
adoption of account-based marketing and em-
phasis on personalization. As it becomes increas-
ingly more difficult to stand out from the crowd
(and crowded inboxes), marketers search for new
ways to capture their prospects’ and customers’
attention and engage them to a meaningful de-
gree. Direct or tactile marketing—so long as it’s
personalized—is the route they’re taking.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

7 Tactile

“Believe it or not—direct mail is huge again. In a digital Direct mail marketing

world, physical interactions are seen as more meaning-
garners a 37 percent higher
ful and trustworthy.”
37% response rate than email.
Chris Barr
Director of Marketing,

- Direct Marketing Association’s Response Rate Report 2018

“When you can, go old school. Subtle classic connec-

tions are timeless, and in the current age, tangible, per-
Weighing In | Melanie Chapman, Jellyvision
sonalized material stands out.”
So what’s behind the resurgence of direct mail in 2019? Melanie
Salvador Serrano Chapman, Director of Strategic Communications at Jellyvision, ex-
Creative Director, plains. “Direct mail has always excelled at grabbing attention in a
Luxury Las Vegas way that surpasses email, display ads, and other digital channels.
Now, it has caught up with its digital peers in terms of trackabili-
ty. Smart marketers will continue to ‘digitalize’ direct mail by using
data and segmentation to create individualized experiences for re-
cipients, boosting direct mail’s flexibility and impact.”

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

We put a lot of effort into getting someone’s at-
tention. But once we have it, how do we keep it?
We need to do more to engage our audiences, and
one of the ways we can do this is through experi-
ence-driven content. Yes, to some this means in-
teractive content like quizzes and assessments,
but interactive pages and infographics, Flipbooks
laced with multimedia, and content that puts ex-
perience at the forefront are what B2B marketers
will be exploring in 2019.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

8 Experience-Driven

“We live in a world with almost endless content, so when

you are creating yours, you want it to stand out. One way
93 percent of marketers agree
that interactive content is
to do that is to involve some interactive elements to ensure
that consumers won’t only find and choose to look at your 93% effective in educating buyers
content, but actually pay attention to it. By adding interac-
tive content to your collection, you are also showing that versus just 70 percent for static
you know how to deliver what people want, and are keeping content.
up with the times to deliver different kinds of content for
different purposes.”

Cassie Ciopryna - The State of Interactive Content Marketing

Marketing Communications Specialist,

“Create experiences, not just content. The amount of infor-

mation available on any given topic will keep on increasing
Weighing In | Seth Lieberman, SnapApp
in the coming years. In this overcrowded space, it is import-
ant to make the content interactive and engaging to keep
We sometimes hear that experience is the difference maker when it comes
them reading beyond two sentences. It is also important to
to content engagement and activation. Seth Lieberman, CEO and Chief
tell the same story using multimedia (infographics / videos)
Customer Officer of SnapApp, gave us his take. “We live in a buyer-driv-
to cater to the readers who want to consume more content
en world where you can’t just sell anything to anyone. Instead, marketers
in less time. It also makes sense to create interactive web-
have to make prospects want to buy. Amazing user experiences are the
sites to house this content.”
key to delivering value to prospects so that a company can earn the right
to a sales call. That’s basically the job of marketing—earn the right for
Yaminy Sharma
sales to talk with a prospect, and there is no better way to do so than an
Marketing Lead,
awesome experience.”

Uberflip 20
10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

With the recent popularity of voice assistants and our
reliance on voice search, marketers will optimize for
this new element of SEO. How do we ensure our prod-
ucts, services, and businesses are what’s spouted by
Google Homes and Amazon Alexas when our would-
be prospects ask? We need to get in front of this one,
marketers, and 2019 will be the year to do it.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

9 Voice

“Devices with voice are becoming routine. Since voice is By 2020, 50 percent of
grabbed by the descriptive section of Google, it’s import-
all searches will be voice
ant to update your website to allow for conversational
and relevant speaking so when content is grabbed by 50% searches.
voice devices, it’s accurate and timely, succinct, and
easy to understand and follow.”
- Comscore
Devon L Kirk
Director of Marketing Operations,

“Most marketers associate SEO with Google and the

glorious aim of showing up on the first page in the
Weighing In | Nate Dame, Propecta
SERPs. Now SEO is much more than that. The focus
is expanding towards other huge search engines such “Ok Google! What can B2B marketers do today to optimize their content
as YouTube and Amazon, but also towards optimizing for voice search in 2019?” We asked Nate Dame, CEO of Propecta, to
websites and content for voice search. This is surely weigh in. “Content is a competitive sport. But, when it comes to voice
one aspect that marketers should not overlook.” search, creating more content may not help. Voice search surfaces the
best content that meets the user’s needs. To be discovered by algorithms,
Daniela Turcanu it also must be structured in a way that is easy for machines to under-
Senior Marketing Manager, stand. Using the keyword in all the right places is not enough. Instead, write exceptional content of the user’s need (not just the keyword), dis-
cuss related topics, and provide concise, sharp definition statements of
the most important terms.”

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

We don’t typically think influencer marketing
applies to B2B brands, but it does. We just think
of it in different ways—partnering on an ebook or
webinar, guest blogging, or engaging industry in-
fluencers in your video content or events. In 2019,
working with others will be par for the course. One
of our survey respondents referred to this type of
approach as “collaborative marketing,” and perhaps
that’s just the angle B2B influencer marketing needs
to shed the cringeworthy image of The Bachelor
contestants pushing sugary hair gummies via their
Instagram accounts from our minds. Whatever we
call it, leveraging other people’s networks to reach a
wider audience is a trend to watch in 2019.

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

10 Influencer

“We are starting to see collaborative marketing across

all platforms, from large brands to influencers. Think
48 percent of B2C marketers run
ongoing influencer marketing
about it this way: four influencers, each having 10,000
followers on their social media. They publish one valu- 48% programs. Only 11 percent of B2B
able piece of content together, share it, and not only
reach 10,000 of their followers, but they also receive ad- marketers are running ongoing
ditional exposure of 30,000 subscribers.” programs.
Mark Velarga
Head of Marketing,
PakFactory - Influence 2.0: The Future of Influencer Marketing Report

“There is nothing better than word of mouth, and influenc- Weighing In | Jay Baer, Convince & Convert
er marketing brings forward someone besides a brand
spokesperson to state the value of solutions and skills With influencer marketing making waves in both B2C and B2B marketing
our brand offers.” departments, we asked Jay Baer, Founder of Convince & Convert and author
of six books including Talk Triggers: The Complete Guide to Creating Custom-
Brandi Seich ers with Word of Mouth, for his take on this trend. “The key to spreading your
Global Marketing Director, story with influencers isn’t the influencers, it’s the story. Before embark-
DHL ing on an influencer marketing program, every company (and especially
B2B brands) needs to determine what makes them worthy of conversation.
Recognize that competency doesn’t create conversations. Every business
must commit to doing something different that compels conversation. I call
that a Talk Trigger. And you need one. Otherwise, your influencer marketing
program is just a complicated, expensive, time-consuming ad campaign.”

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10 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Conclusion With a new year comes a new beginning—or at the very

least an opportunity to review our approach and see
where we can test, experiment, and improve. This year,
marketers have expressed a strong desire to intimately
know their customers and deepen their understanding
of their target audience. And for good reason. Whether
they do so through customer intelligence, integration
of martech platforms, intent data, adoption of an ac-
count-based model, or any other strategy discussed in
this report, we, as marketers, are going to need to look
a little closer if we want to provide the kind of personal-
ization buyers expect from us today.

In addition, formats continue to be a huge topic of dis-

cussion and experimentation, with video, direct mail,
and experience-driven interactive content as a means
to engagement. Meanwhile, chatbots and influencer
marketing (while to some may be outliers) are really
just a way to reach more people. So regardless of the
trend listed, marketers’ needs boil down to three main
things: They want to (1) better understand their cus-
tomer, (2) personalize the experience for them, and (3)
engage them through stand-out methods to beat out
their competition. That sounds like something we all
can get behind.

Uberflip 25
Personalization. ABM.
Experience-driven content.
AI and intent data.

See how you can implement

these trends using Uberflip
in 2019.

Request a demo!

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