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BCSBI (A1001)

Is it mandatory under the BCSBI guidelines for banks to maintain transparency in their dealings with
customers ?
A. Yes

“Customers need to be treated with utmost care so that they are not forced to resort to complaints”
Whether it is a part of BCSBI ?

Whether the statement that the bank will not reveal information or data relating to customer accounts,
whether provided by him or otherwise, to anyone, including other companies / entities in our group is
A. Yes

Under normal circumstances, the bank will not close customer’s account without giving him at least 30
days' notice indicating the reasons for such closure. Whether this statement is correct ?
A. Yes

To inform the customer when he opens account, the circumstances under which his account will be
classified as inoperative / dormant. And also inform at least three months before his account is classified
as inoperative / dormant and the consequences thereof at the last recorded address and / or e-mail.
Whether it’s the bank duty to inform the customer under BCSBI ?
A. Yes

The bank has to display the Banking Ombudsman Scheme on its website. A copy will be made available
on request at a nominal charge and the same will be displayed at the branch the name and contact
details of the Banking Ombudsman under whose jurisdiction the branch falls. Under BCSBI whether the
said statement is correct ?
A. Yes

Which is the central objective of the Codes?

A. Promote good banking practices
B. Foster confidence in the banking system
C. Increase awareness of customers and to enhance customer protection
D. Set up minimum standards
E. All of the above.

BCSBI set up on whose recommendations?

A. BCSBI was set up by RBI in 2003, in terms of the Tarapore Committee recommendations.

Which is not an important right of the customer covered under the BCSBI Code?
A. Right to fair treatment
B. Right to transparency, fair and honest dealing
C. Right to suitability of services
D. Right to privacy
E. Right to protect personal grievances

Whether the Code replaces or supersede regulatory or supervisory instructions of the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) ?
B. The Code does not replace or supersede regulatory or supervisory instructions of the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI)
Which is the central objective of the Codes?
A. Promote good banking practices
B. Foster confidence in the banking system
C. Increase awareness of customers and to enhance customer protection
D. Set up minimum standards
E. All of the above.

The basic purpose of BCSBI code is ?

D. This is a Code of Customer Rights, which sets minimum standards of banking practices.

If the customer wants to make a complaint, as a banker what we will tell him to support ?
A. How to do so.
B. Where a complaint can be made.
C. To whom a complaint can be made.
D. When to expect a reply.
E. All of the above

While the bank is planning to close down its branch they will arrange for intimation to the customers by :
D. One month notice

What is the status of BCSBI ?

A. BCSBI is an independent and autonomous institutions.

Which is the central objective of the Codes?

A. Promote good banking practices
B. Foster confidence in the banking system
C. Increase awareness of customers and to enhance customer protection
D. Set up minimum standards
E. All of the above.

Which is one of the codes enumerated by BCSBI ?

B. Code of Bank’s Commitment to Micro and Small Enterprises

The bank will settle the claims in respect of deceased depositors and release payments to survivor(s) /
nominee within a period not exceeding ………… days from the date of receipt of the claim subject to the
production of proof of death of the depositor and suitable identification of the claimant(s), to the bank's
C. 15 days

What is the timeline for settlement of deceased customer’s accounts ?

C. 15 days

BCSBI registered under which Act ?

B. BCSBI has been registered as a separate society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860

How many codes have been enumerated by BCSBI ?

A. Two codes

BCSBI stands for?

C. Banking Codes and Standards Board of India


What is the toll-free number of World line Callcenter

A. 18602332332

What is the toll-free number of Hitachi Call centre

A. 18004250727

How BHARAT QR App will be downloaded by the Merchant

A. Downloading from Google Play store

How BHARAT QR App will be downloaded by the consumer

B. Pre-login page of SBI Anywhere App

What is the url for BHARAT QR work flow for the operating staff?

How many types of QR Codes are there in BHARAT QR and what are they?
C. 2, Static & Dynamic

What is State Bank ‘Bharat QR’?

A. It is a payment option to the customers by scanning QR Code of the merchant and pay.

How many types of BHARAT QR Codes are there?

A. BHARAT QR Merchant & BHARAT QR Consumer

How many sections will be there in Mab work flow for on boarding the Merchant for BAHARAT QR?
D. 5

What is static QR Code?

A. Customer enters the amount to be paid in Bharat QR app, and makes Payment.

Which one of the following statement is True in regard to on-boarding of a merchant forBharat QR SBI ?
A. Merchant can do self-registration on Bharat QR app
B. Merchant can approach MAB cell at LHO
C. Merchant can link his account to QR scanning facility through CINB
D. Process is same as in case of applying for POS terminal

Mr. Sam who owns a Kirana store and uses Bharat QR for receiving payments, wants the QR code to
have amount too so that customer need not enter the amount in their app. What is the name for such
QR code.
C. Dynamic QR code

What is Dynamic QR Code?

B. Merchant enters the amount to be paid in Bharat QR app to receive the payment.

Mr. Ramayya wants to accept payments at his vegetable shop through QR code. Which one of the
following is not a requirement for accepting Bharat QR payments?
A. Smart Mobile phone
B. Smart Mobile dongle
C. Account with SBI
D. Bharat QR SBI Merchant application installed on phone

What is minimum MDR for UPI Transactions?

B. Rs 1/

How the funds will be settled to the Merchant while accepting payments through BHARAT QR App?
C. T+1 Basis

What are pre-requisites for merchants to have BHARAT QR Merchant App?

A. Smart Phone (Presently Android)
B. A data connection (2G or 3G)
C. Bharat QR Merchant Application installed on Merchant’s smart phone.
D. All of the above.

Which one of the following is not a feature of SBI BHARAT QR Merchant App?
A. No cash receipt - No risk of forged notes
B. Cardless - Scan & Pay
C. Charge slips to be stored for 1 month
D. Payment directly credited to the account

Which one of the following a Merchant need to pay for availing Bharat QR payment facility?

Which of the following is not true about Bharat QR based payments?

A. Bharat QR is available on Home page of State Bank Anywhere app
B. Customer need not carry multiple cards
C. Customer can link multiple cards to the app and select the appropriate card during the payment
D. Bharat QR is not interoperable among major card schemes

Bharat QR code which is a form of a bar code does not contain which one of the following?
A. Merchant ID
B. Terminal ID
C. Merchant name
D. Merchant address

What are the roles in MAB software for on boarding the merchant for BAHARAT QR
B. Originator, recommender, approver

What is QR Code?
B. The QR Code is a form of Bar code that has Merchant’s MID, TID,QRID, Currency and Merchant’ s
name embedded in it.

In terms of the recent RBI/GOI guidelines on MDR, Bank shall claim a reimbursement of MDR from RBI
/GOI, for transactions less than or equal to _____ and MDR shall not be charged to the Merchant
C. Rs 2000/-

How much monthly rental will have to be paid by the merchant in case of Bharat QR Terminal?

What are the MDR rates for Card transaction in BHARAT QR up to& above Rs 2000/
A. 0.30% & 0.80%


Aadhaar Enabled Payment System has been developed by _______.


Bhim Aadhaar SBI operates on which platform?


Which of the following BGL A/c has been introduced by the Bank for reconciliation of AEPS transactions.
A. AEPS Short A/c

The merchant can access Bhim Aadhaar SBI on which mobile operating system?
D. Android

Which of the following is required for the customer to make a payment using Bhim Aadhaar SBI.
A. Bank A/c
B. Aadhaar seeded A/c
C. Aadhaar No.
D. All the above

Which of the following is NOT required for the customer to make a payment using Bhim Aadhaar SBI.
A. Smartphone
B. Bank A/c
C. Aadhaar seeded A/c
D. Aadhaar No.

Which of the following is a prerequisite for the merchant to access Bhim Aadhaar SBI.
A. Aadhaar seeded A/c with SBI
B. Certified Biometric Reader attached to the smartphone
C. Smartphone with Android 4.2 or higher
D. All the above

Which of the following is NOT a prerequisite for the merchant to access Bhim Aadhaar SBI.
A. Aadhaar seeded A/c with SBI
B. Certified Biometric Reader attached to the smartphone
C. Point of Sale terminal
D. Smartphone with Android 4.2 or higher

In Bhim Aadhaar SBI, the per transaction limit for the customer is:
A. Rs.2000/-

In Bhim Aadhaar SBI, the per day limit for the customer is:
B. Rs.5000/-

In Bhim Aadhaar SBI, the per month limit for the customer is:
C. Rs.20,000/-

In Bhim Aadhaar SBI, the per day limit for the merchant is:
C. Rs.25,000/-

In Bhim Aadhaar SBI, the per month limit for the merchant is:
A. Rs.100,000/-
Who can be on-boarded as a merchant under BHIM Aadhaar SBI?
A. Individual

Merchants with which type of A/cs CANNOT be on-boarded under BHIM Aadhaar SBI?
A. SB A/c in individual category
B. Partnership firm CA
C. Proprietorship firm CA
D. CA in individual category

CBS users can access the Admin Module through:

C. SSO (Single Sign On)

In Bhim Aadhaar SBI, when will the merchant’s account be credited?

D. Realtime

RB-DAU shall follow-up for recovery from / refund to customers’ account for ___ days from the date of
A. 30

Both the BGL accounts are reconciliatory type and where originating entry will be put through by RB-
DAU and branches are required to put through _____ entries only.
A. Responding

Which of the following is NOT true about the fingerprint scanner required by the merchant to access
BHIM Aadhaar SBI.
A. It has to be registered with UIDAI
B. It has to be a Certified Biometric Device
C. It has to be compulsorily rented from the Bank
D. It can be purchased from the market

For availing Bhim Aadhaar SBI, the merchant has to pay the following charges:
D. Nil

Merchant Web has ___ main components.

B. 2

Transactions on Bhim Aadhaar SBI are ____ in nature.

C. Interoperable

As Bhim Aadhaar SBI is interoperable in nature, customers of other Bank (not having A/c with SBI) also
can be on-boarded as merchant.
B. False

Under the rental model, if a terminal is installed before 15th of the month, full rental is recovered for that
month. However, if the terminal is installed after 15th day of the month, rent is charged from the
following month onwards.
A. True


The Assistant (Cash) or SWO preparing the packets remains responsible for the …………… in the
B. Quantity & Quality of currency notes of denomination up to Rs 100/-

The CIC who recounts such packets of Rs. 500 and above shall be responsible for ……………….of
notes in such packets
B. Quantity

The responsibility for quality and quantity of notes kept overnight in the Cash Box of SWO rests with
___________________ . CIC and SWO

The Asst. (cash)/SWO shall prepare separate note packets, every day at the end of day's transactions
A. For each denomination of currency notes

At the time of receiving from depositor, for the denominations of Rs. 500 and above……….. shall
examine the notes and satisfy himself about the quality for non- issuable notes
A. the Asst.(Cash)
B. Junior Asst.
C. Spl. Asst
D. All the above

Notes which have charred or inseparably stuck up together shall be

______________________________ .
A. Adjudicated

After adjudicating mutilated notes, the Prescribed officer will record his order by subscribing his initials to
the dated with……….stamp
A. “PAY”
D. Any one of the above

Half Value Paid Notes A .Shall be kept separately along with the cash balance of the branch.
A. Shall be deposited with the full value paid notes in the chest.
B. Will be packed & sent separately to Claims Section, Issue Department of RBI.
C. All the above

Soiled notes will ordinarily be kept

A. Apart from those fit for reissue

The paper seal on the packet containing hundred pieces of same denomination should contain
…………across the paper seal tied to the note packets
A. The name of the SWO
B. Along with the date
C. Signature of the SWO
D. All the above

In terms of Section 28 read with Sec 58(2) of RBI Act, 1934, no person is entitled as a right to recover
from the government or RBI, the value of any ……….. currency note D Both A & B are incorrect
A. Mutilated,
B. Imperfect
C. Both A & B

Each SWO/Assistant (Cash) will be provided with an aluminum cash box measuring…. …. as per
approved design and specifications along with both the keys of the lock of the cash box.
A. 14 inch x 11 inch x 4 inch,

The duplicates of the keys of the cash box or drawer of SWOs shall be lodged in a packet duly sealed
by the SWO / Assistant (Cash), in the custody of …………….
C. Joint custody of the two officials in joint charge of cash, valuables, etc

Counterfeit Notes Received from Police Authorities

D. Should be preserved for a period of three years from the date of receipt from the police authorities

The Original Keys of the Cash Boxes of SWOs, at the end of the day are to be handed over
___________________ .
B. It has to be kept with SWO only

In case of EXCHANGE OF SOILED NOTES Branches will follow the procedure outlined below: . When
upto 20 pieces (Value less than Rs 5000/-)are tendered by a single person, they will be exchanged over
the counter free of any charge.
A. For Notes presented in bulk exceeding the above limits, then banks may accept such notes against
receipt, for value to be credited later.
B. For exchange above Rs 50,000/- in value, usual precautions to be taken.
C. All the above are correct

The overnight balance of cash in the Cash Box of SWO is not the part of _______________________ .
A. Currency Chest
B. Hand Balance
C. Switch Centre
D. Both A & C

Counterfeit tendered over the counter should be…

C. Stamped as "COUNTERFEIT NOTE" and impounded

Remittances of soiled notes to be sent to RBI to be sorted by Note Sorting Machines and then packed
……………1000 pieces in a bundle.
A. By Shrink Wrapping

Fractional bundles, containing less than ten packets, shall be kept …………………and withdrawn for use
next day.
A. In a separate bin or almirah shelf in the vault or currency chest

When cash is handed over by SWO to other SWO, it is recorded in _____________________________

B. Cash Receipt &Delivery Register

When Cash Officer or CIC takes out the Cash Boxes from the vault and hands over the boxes allotted to
the respective SWO or Cashier. An entry shall be made in the …………..
B. Cash Box Receipt or Delivery Register

Counting and/or recounting of notes for denominations from Rs. 1 to Rs.100 shall be done by
……………..who prepares the packet
A. the Asst.(Cash)
B. Junior Asst.
C. Spl. Asst
D. All the above

Sorting of currency notes is the responsibility of the……..

A. Receiving Cashier/SWO

Benefits of the In Branch Cash Handling Process is/are…..

A. There will be no delay in starting customer transactions at the beginning of the day
B. It will reduce the time spent by the Cash Officer or Cashier-in-charge in handing over and receiving
cash at the beginning or at close of day.
C. It will reduce the time spent by the SWO or Assistant (Cash) in handing over and receiving cash at
the beginning or at close of day
D. All the above

A Soiled Note comprises of ___________ pieces of the same note.

A. 2

In case of adjudication The full value paid notes will be treated on par with ………….notes and be kept
as part of the currency chest balances.
A. Non-issuable

As per Reserve Bank of India circulars to banks on note exchange facility as a part of customer service
to public. Bank branches are supposed to ensure that
A. Soiled/Mutilated/Defective currency notes are exchanged and,
B. Coins and / or Notes are freely accepted either in exchange or for transactions.
C. No branch refuses to accept small denomination notes & coins tendered across counters.
D. All the above

Any note with …………….written across It ceases to be a legal tender and the claim on such a note will
be rejected.
A. Slogans of a political nature
B. Message of a political nature
C. All the above
D. None of the above

Rejected Notes
A. Shall be kept separately along with the cash balance of the branch.
B. Shall be deposited with the full value paid notes in the chest.
C. Will be packed & sent separately to Claims Section, Issue Department of RBI.
D. All the above


Cheque Handling Process of the Bank is guided by …..…

B. Cheque Collection Policy

Cheques drawn on branches of other banks located at centre other than State Capitals/ Major ‘A’ Class
cities should be collected within ……..
C. 14 days

Which section of NI Act is related to the definition of Endorser?
C. Section 15

Liability of the Paying Bank for paying a cheque presented for the payment, subject to certain conditions,
is defined in Section…..
C. 31 of NI Act

Which of the following sections of NI Act provides protection to the Collecting Banker?
B. Section 131 of NI Act

What is/ are the benefit(s) of Cheque Truncation System (CTS)?

A. Shorter clearing cycle; Superior verification and reconciliation process
B. No geographical restrictions as to jurisdiction; Reduction in
operational risk and risks associated with paper clearing
C. Only A is correct
D. Both A and B are correct

Cheque Collection Policy of the Bank is reviewed every ……..

D. Every 3 years or as and when considered necessary

The Cheque bearing a date later than the date on which it is drawn is known as …….
C. Post-dated Cheque

Ante-dated cheque bears

B. A prior date or back date

Which of the following cheque can be paid to the person who presents it for encashment …….
C. Bearer Cheque

A cheque can be paid by a Paying Bank only if …

A. The cheque is properly drawn
B. There is sufficient balance in the account and funds are available for payments
C. There is no legal restraint on Bank’s duty to pay
D. All the three are correct

Under CTS Standards 2010, standardisation of cheques has been done in terms of ……….
A. MICR Band
B. Quality of paper
C. Homogeneity in security features
D. All are correct

Under Cheque Truncation System (CTS) transmission of ………………… takes place between the
B. Electronic images of cheques

Inchoate Instrument is an instrument which is ……..

A. Not completely filled by the maker
B. Not a negotiable instrument until it is completed
C. Signed and stamped as required by law
D. All are correct

All the centres covered under the same grid are treated as ………
B. A single Clearing Zone

As per RBI guidelines, after phasing out/ discontinuation of holding separate sessions for clearing of
cheques not complying with CTS 2010 standards in the three Grid Centres, ….
B. Banks can continue to present such instruments in Express Cheque Clearing System (ECCS) centres

Should the Bank collect a cheque for non-customer ….. (a) Yes, for reputed non-customer (b) Yes, for
PEP non-customer (c) No, it is therefore essential that before the cheque is collected the relationship of
the customer and the banker is established. (d) No, it is because of this that the customer account is first
opened and then the cheque is collected.
C. Both (c) and (d) are correct

If there are changes/corrections carried out on the Cheques submitted under Cheque Truncation
System (CTS) ………
A. All types of changes/ corrections should be authenticated
B. Cheques with corrections made in amount, payee etc. should not be accepted
C. Cheques with corrections done for date validation may be accepted
D. Both B & C are correct

The Grids of Cheque Truncation System are centred at ……..

C. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai

Physical movement of cheques is done under ……….

A. Cheque Truncation System
B. MICR Clearing
C. Grid Clearing
D. Both A. and B. are correct

In case of delay in collection of cheques beyond the stipulated period, compensation should be paid
A. Automatically

As per Section 18 of NI Act, if the amount on a Negotiable Instrument undertaken or ordered to be paid
is stated differently in words and figures, the amount in ……. shall be the amount undertaken or ordered
to be paid.
B. Words

Which of the following cheques can be paid by way of credit to account only?
C. Cheque with Restrictive Crossing/ Account Payee Crossing

Any material alteration of negotiable instrument, if made by an endorsee ……

B. Discharges his endorser from all liability to him in respect of the consideration thereof

End-to-end ……………….. ensures security, safety and non-repudiation of data / images.

B. Public Key Infrastructure

Holder in Due Course must ……..

A. Be a holder for valuable, not void consideration
B. Have become a holder before the date of maturity
C. Have become holder of the Negotiable Instrument in good faith
D. All A, B and C are correct

Which of the statements is/ are correct ……………
A. All the centres covered under the same grid in Cheque Truncation System (CTS) are treated as a
single clearing zone
B. Cheques drawn on the centres covered under the same grid and presented at any of the grid centres
are treated as locally drawn cheques
D. Both A & B are correct

Under the Grid system of Cheque Truncation System, Mumbai is the centre of…….
B. Western Grid


“Disruptive behavior by others” is categorized under which type of failures?

B. Responses to Requests failure

On which day of month customer can meet senior executives of the bank without prior appointment?
A. 15th of every month

On which number a customer can send a SMS, if he/she is unhappy with the services of the branch?
A. 800820202

Which of the following is not a reason of complain categorised under “Response to requests failure”
A. Special Preference
B. Customer Errors
C. Slow service
D. Disruptive behavior by others

A customer needs to send an SMS as……….., if he is not satisfied with the services. D UNSATISFIED

Which of the following is not a public action taken by an unsatisfied customer of the bank?
A. Take legal action for redressal
B. Complain to a third party e.g. Ombudsman
C. Switch the banker
D. Complain to the organization

At what time Customers of the Bank can meet senior executives of the Bank on 15th of every month
without any prior appointment and discuss issues?
A. between 3.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m.

If the customer thinks that the complaint at the branch will create confrontation, then he will….
A. not complain

Complain to the organization is a type of action taken by an unsatisfied customer…

A. Public Action

If a customer decides to switch to other bank because of poor services of the bank. This means he
opted for ……………..
B. Private Action

If an unsatisfied customer talks about bad behaviour/ services of the bank to the other people. This
means customer is opting for…….
C. Private Action

Taking legal action for redressal is a type of action…….

B. Public Action

Complainant may approach the Banking Ombudsman only if the complaint is not resolved at the bank
level within ……….
D. a month

complaint may arise because of …………?

A. System related failures
B. People related failures
C. Any of the above
D. None of the above

Which of the following is not true about complaint handling?

A. In case the customer is not satisfied he/she has the option to escalate the problem to the senior
managers or the Branch Manager.
B. All our branches display the notice board, which mentions that in case a problem is not solved, they
should meet the senior/Branch Manager.
C. All of us have the responsibility to take care of the customer problems and offer ready solutions to
D. All are true.

Which of the following is not true about complaint management?

A. Complaint management is the key component of customer service
B. Listening to customer complaints and resolving them promptly brings in immense benefits to any
C. It helps one understand what is lacking in your products and services and bring in improvements
D. All are true

Which of the following is essential for complain registering and resolution?

A. The branch should have suggestion cum complain box in the banking hall.
B. The branch should display the notice board containing the name mailing address and contact
numbers of the controllers of the branches.
C. Customer’s meet with the senior executives of the bank need to arranged on 15th of every month
D. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT true regarding receipt and noting of customer complains on structured
complaint register?
A. A copy of customer complaint retained at the branch.
B. One copy goes to the Ombudsman, with branch comments regarding the resolution action
taken by the Branch.
C. The complainant is provided a copy of the complaint.
D. One copy goes to the Controller, with branch comments regarding the resolution action taken by the

Which of the following is not a private action taken by an unsatisfied customer of the bank
A. Negative word of mouth publicity
B. Switch the banker
C. Complain to the organization
D. None of the above

Which of the following may result in service failure?

A. Slow service
B. Unable Service
C. Errors in service
D. All of the above

Which of the following is essential for complain registering and resolution?

A. The branch should have suggestion cum complain box in the banking hall.
B. The branch should display the notice board containing the name, mailing address and contact
numbers of the controllers of the
C. Customer’s meet with the senior executives of the bank need to arranged on 15th of every month
D. All of the above

Which of the following is not a failure because of unprompted employee actions?

A. Unable to service
B. Overstepping cultural norms
C. Unusual action / behavior
D. Insensitive to customer needs


Accounts of Government owned Companies/ Departments are classified under which category:-
A. Low Risk

Inoperative accounts are classified under which category:-

B. Medium Risk

Accounts of Import/Export Customers are classified under which category:-

B. Medium Risk

Accounts of Stock Brokers are classified under which category:-

B. Medium Risk

Accounts of Politically Exposed person of (foreign origin) are classified under which category:-
C. High Risk

Accounts of Firms with sleeping partner are classified under which category:-
C. High Risk

If there is a change of name after marriage, and then a document shall be deemed to be an OVD
A. if it is supported by a marriage certificate issued by the State Government or Gazette notification
B. Gazzette notification to indicate such a change of name
C. Both (i) and (ii)
D. No such requirement

Compliance risk management involves following lines of defence, except?

A. Business Units/Departments/ Operating Units
B. Compliance Functions, together with other risk functions
C. Audit
D. Performance Monitoring Function

Compliance risk arises when a Bank fails to

A. comply with laws, directives, rules, regulations
B. prescribed practices, internal policies and procedures
C. Both (i) and (ii) simultaneously
D. Either (i) or (ii)

Suspicious Activity Report shall be filed with:-

B. Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)

Non Profit Organisations Transactions Report shall be filed with:-

C. Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)

Cash Transactions Report shall be filed with:-

B. Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)

Counterfeit Currency Report shall be filed with:-

B. Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)

Feature of Small Account means:

C. the ATM withdrawals are not allowed.

Elements of the KYC policy includes these, except :-

A. Customer Acceptance Policy (CAP)
B. Risk Management
C. Cross Border Transaction Monitoring
D. Monitoring of Transactions

Compliance risk is the ________________, damage to reputation or impairment of integrity.

D. risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, financial loss

Ownership of being in compliance rests with

B. The Business Units/Operating units

The identified compliance breaches should be analysed and resolved in an appropriate manner. The
objective of the analysis is to:
C. identify areas of weakness

Compliance Function is ___________ , whether all critical Compliance risk are adequately managed,
mitigated and reported to Management as required.
B. to independently monitor

KYC requirement for Partnership Firm does not includes-

A. Details of Partners with names, addresses and percentage of shareholding
B. Details of Office Bearers with name and addresses
C. Copy of latest Income Tax return & Financial Statement
D. Details of Beneficial Owners with name, address and percentage share

KYC requirement for Trusts/Clubs/Associations/Societies does not includes-

A. Details of Partners with names, addresses and percentage of shareholding
B. Details of Office Bearers with name and addresses
C. Copy of latest Income Tax return & Financial Statement
D. Details of Beneficial Owners with name, address and percentage share

KYC requirement for Companies does not includes-

A. Details of Promoter directors with names, addresses and percentage of shareholding
B. Details of Office Bearers with name and addresses
C. Details of all directors with names, addresses and percentage of shareholding
D. Copy of latest Income Tax return & Financial Statement

The Compliance functionaries, duly authorized, shall have ________ Inspection and Audit Reports,
Concurrent Audit Reports, RBI Inspection Reports etc.
B. the right to access

Compliance is ____________ a well-managed business, capable of creating value through enhanced

B. integral feature of

Following are the obligations on the Bank under PMLA except:-

A. maintaining a record of prescribed transactions
B. furnishing information of prescribed transactions to the specified authority
C. submitted the details to Income Tax authority for cash transactions above Rs. 49000/-
D. verifying and maintaining records of the identity of its clients and identifying the beneficial owners

Compliance breaches are incidents includes these except:

A. Lead to legal or regulatory sanctions,
B. Financial loss
C. Damage to reputation
D. Near Miss Events

Monitoring of Transactions includes filing of these except:-

A. Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)
B. Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
C. Cash Transactions Report (CTR)
D. Tax Deduction Report (TDR)

Which of these is NOT an Officially Valid Documents?

A. Passport
B. Voter id Card issued by Election Commission of India
C. Green Card
D. Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Government

Cross Border Wire Transaction Report shall be filed with:-

A. Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)

Certified copy means

C. obtaining the signature of the customers on the copy of OVD

CRM (A1004)

Which of the following is not a key step in initiate milestone ?
A. Lead creation
B. Lead Dedupe
C. Lead Assignment
D. Lead Recording

Which of the following is not a step in 'process' milestone ?

A. Qualify
B. Document collected
C. Follow up
D. Appointment fixed

Which of the following business challenges are addressed through CRM ?

B. Multiple Systems for capturing data

What does the 'flag icon' used in CRM lead creation screen indicate ?
A. Current step in the process

Under'Tasks section', user can ?

A. Create
B. Update
C. Assign
D. All of the above

Which of the following activities does not happen in fulfill milestone ?

A. receiving status from CBS via reverse feed
B. CIF number is stamped on the details page of the lead record in CRM application
C. CIF number, generated in CBS, is automatically updated in CRM
D. The lead is sent to CBS for CIF generation

From which of the following communication channels, CRM compiles data about the customer ?
A. Company's website
B. Email
C. Social Media
D. All of the above

Which of the following is not part of CRM ?

A. Marketing
B. Sales
C. Service
D. Operational efficiency

Which of the following card is not displayed in Lead 360 card view ?
A. Profile card
B. Life cycle card
C. Product card
D. Activities card

Alerts section displays alert messages for the user on the_______ of Summary page
B. Top

Which of the following benefits is not associated with CRM ?

A. End-to-end lead life cycle management
B. Automated reminders and escalations
C. Door step banking
D. Well defined customer communication

Alerts section displays alert messages for the user on the_______ of Summary page
B. Top

When one will be redirected to the Lead Detail page?

B. On successful creation of the lead

Which of the following is not true about qualify milestone ?

A. Qualify milestone comes after Approval milestone
B. The SBI official at the branch contacts the lead to confirm if the lead is interested and upon
confirmation, takes appropriate action
C. The lead can be marked 'interested'
D. Documents can be collected under this milestone

While creating a new lead, if a similar lead already exists in the system, the CRM portal will show a pop-
up and presents how many options ? "
C. 3

If the lead is not interested, the SBI official updates the status code to Not Interested, provides closure
remarks and closes the lead. The activity mentioned here pertains to which milestone ?
B. Disqualify

Which of the following choices is not presented by CRM if it finds that a similar lead exists in the system
A. Edit Current lead
B. Ignore and create a lead
C. Cancel
D. Refer the lead

Hot, Warm and Cold with reference to lead indicate ----

B. Interest level of the customer

Which of the following are the primary goals of CRM ?

A. integrate and automate sales
B. marketing
C. customer support
D. All of the above

Lead Management is part of which functional area of CRM ?

A. Sales

Is it mandatory to send all the duplicate leads for BM's approval ?

C. No, in case of Deposits, it is optional to send the lead for BM approval.

CRO will have which of the following roles in CRM ?

A. Lead Initiator

Which of the following tab is not displayed in Lead 360 detail page ?
A. Details
B. Activities
C. Attachment
D. Action

CRO will have which of the following roles in CRM ?

A. Lead Initiator

What are four main stages in lead management process ?

B. Initiate, qualify, process, fulfill

In case the documents of the customer are readily available, the lead should be created in what stage?
B. Docs Collected

Fixing an appointment is done under which stage of lead life cycle ?

C. Process


What is NAV (net asset value)?

A. Net asset value (NAV) is the value of a fund's asset less the value of its liabilities per unit.

Full form of NAV?

D. Net asset value

What is the definition of mutual fund?

A. A mutual fund is a professionally-managed investment scheme, usually run by an asset management
company that brings together a group of people and invests their money in stocks, bonds and other

what is upselling?
A. The practice of encouraging customers to purchase a comparable higher-end product

Which of the following is not a type of Mutual Fund :

A. Equity
B. Balance
C. Funds of Fund
D. All of the above is type of mutual fund

What is the full form of AMC?

A. Asset Managing company

- Life insurance is a protection against ------------- that would result from the premature death of an
C. financial loss

___________ is a collective investment scheme which can issue and redeem shares at any time
B. Open ended funds

A new fund offer (NFO) is the ------- subscription offer for a new scheme launched by the asset
management companies (AMCs).
A. First time

Which one is not the benefit of cross selling for Bank?

A. Enhances customer experience with the organization
B. Enables acquiring of new-to-branch customers and retention of existing customers
C. Enjoy customer short time value
D. Encourages customers to use multiple products and services and prevent switching to competitor

An endowment policy is a life insurance contract designed to pay a ----- after a specific term (on its
'maturity') or on death.
A. lump sum amount

What is Premium?
A. Premium is the price for insurance.

How can you improve and create opportunities for cross-selling?

A. Stay relevant
B. Share expert recommendations
C. Use the customer relationship system effectively
D. All of the above

Bonus is the extra sum which gets accumulated to any insurance policy on a -------basis which will be
paid to the policyholder on the maturity of the plan or in the case of his death.
A. Yearly

what is Cross Selling?

A. Sell different product or service to an existing customer

One needs to clear an exam to be able to sell the products of-------?

D. No need to pass the exam

_____________ Policy is a life insurance contract designed to pay a lump sum after a specific term (on
its 'maturity') or on death.
C. Endowment policy

Up-selling is a powerful skill, but only when your customer is getting-------?

A. more value

Equity funds invest in-------?

A. Stocks

The marketing mix includes 7 P's of Marketing, which of the following is not one of them?
A. Process
B. Person
C. People
D. Physical attraction

For better result in cross selling ------- of the unit should be sales oriented and speak to customers with a
right attitude and should posses’ adequate knowledge on products, services.
B. entire staff

What is down selling?

A. Is the art of narrowing a customer's expectations and matching them more effectively with a solution
that best fulfils their needs or desires.

Selling a PPF a/c to a SB a/c holder is-----?

A. Cross selling

Which one is a type of rider in case of life insurance taken by a person?

A. Accidental Death Benefit – death due to accident or bodily injury. It doubles the sum assured payable
B. Accelerated Death Benefit – involves payment of all or a portion of life insurance policy’s face value
prior to the insured’s death because of adverse medical condition of the insured
C. Waiver of Premium - A waiver of premium rider is a clause in an insurance policy that waives the
policyholder's obligation to pay any further premiums should he become seriously ill or disabled, so the
waiver of premium allows people to benefit from an insurance policy, even when they cannot work.
D. All of the above

Fund-of-funds invest in---------?

A. Other funds

SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Tie-up is with

A. AMUNDI (France)
B. BNP Paribas
C. LIC of India
D. None of the above

Which one is not a tool for effective cross selling?

A. Make sure your customers know what other products and services you provide.
B. Suggest all products or services.
C. Recommend the product at the right time
D. Make sure all employees know your range well

ETHICS (A1002)

In our Values (STEPS) E stands for C .Effort

B. Ethics

in our Values (STEPS) S stands for

A. Service

In our Values (STEPS) S stands for

C. Sustainability

in our Values (STEPS) T stands for

C. Transparency

in our Values (STEPS) P stands for

A. Politeness
We are displaying the current rate of interest in deposit and service charge in our notice board which is
updated regularly. Which of our values in STEPS is playing a role here?
A. Transparency

…………….. help us examine whether a practice or conduct is good or bad within the context of a moral
A. Ethics

Your Brother in law comes to your branch to make one high value IOI and he know that the Bank does
not charge exchange from staff and he wants you to make the IOI in your name. If you accede to his
request, you comprise which value of Bank.
B. Ethics

My Manager comes to me with two short listed cab service provider ,the one who has come out with the
slight lowest rate has higher emission level. Which value of Bank should try for implementation?
B. Sustainability

One of my colleagues views customer information in CBS for non-business reasons, you should tell him
about which value of the Bank to adhere to.
C. Ethics

Conducting ourselves with utmost integrity is which value of the Bank.

B. Ethics

You observe that one of your colleagues do not properly close the wash room tap. Then they are not
adhering to which value of the bank.
B. Sustainability

if we are not sure on what to do in a situation,what should you do.choose the most appropriate one
C. Refer to the Ethical Decision-Making Guide or relevant policy in Resources Section of the Code

If I am saying thank you to customer after doing their work, then I am adhering to which value of the
A. Service

Saving resources like Paper, electricity, fuel etc. falls under which value of the bank.
A. Sustainability

We are increasing the channel of green channel counter in our Branches, which is a reflection of our
value of
A. Sustainability

One of your customers asks you about the rate of interest offered you in term deposit and also ask
whether rate of interest is best offered in the Market and you did not know the answer but told yes. You
are not adhering to which value of the Bank.
A. Transparency

Our Branch is showing a reduction in the number of customer complaints in comparison to last year.
Which of our values in STEPS is playing a major role here?
C. Service

You are serving as an Assistant in a Branch. One day one customer approached you for Goat rearing
under MUDRA. You are not sure of any such loan and told NO. But ,however you took him to BM’s room
for any carfication.BM told that the loan can be given under MUDRA and asked customer to apply. BM is
displaying which value.
C. Service

You are attending to a customer, when you received a call from your senior, who wants you to see him
urgently. You told that you are attending to a customer and once finish , you will call on him. Which
value of the Bank you are practising, choose the most appropriate one.
C. Service

What are the 3Rs under sustainability? Ii .Reuse, Reduction, Reinforce

A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We are providing special counter for pensioners during 1st week of every month, we are living with value
of the Bank.
C. Service

One of our staff members is attending to other work when dealing with customer , then he is not
following which value of the Bank.
C. Service

If we ensure that integrity permeates our working and decision every time and every day, then we are
living which value of the Bank.
B. Ethics

Bank has a well-documented ethics code for our day to day use.

A satisfied customer is not the most important factor for growth of Business.
B. False

Serve with smile propagates our value of service.

A. True

I am in dire need of money and one of my customers is offering to help me by giving some money and I
know I can repay it shortly. Should I accept it

Proper Courtesy and thankful attitude towards s customer reflects our value of Politeness
A. True


What is the minimum quantum of loan under SBI Maxgain Scheme?

B. Rs. 20 lac

Who are eligble cus ,/\tomers for availing SBI Maxgain Scheme ?
A. Both Existing / Prospective customers having minimum balance of Rs.5000/- in their SB/CA

What should be minimum age of the borrower to be eligible under Maxgain Scheme?
A. 18 yrs

What should be the minimum age of the borrower to be eligible under Earnest Money Deposit Scheme?
B. 21 yrs

What is the maximum age for a customer at the time of liquidation of loan, under Maxgain Scheme?
D. 70 yrs

What are the service charges applicable on current account under Maxgain scheme?
B. No charges

SBI Realty Loan can be sanctioned to …………….. for purchasing plots in towns with population of
10000 and above, within town limits.
A. Permanent Employees of Cent Govt/State Govt/PSU

Which of the following is not a benefit under the Maxgain Scheme?

A. Reduced rate of interest
B. Surplus funds can be parked
C. Reduction in interest liability
D. Account can be used for salary payments

Under SBI Realty Scheme, if a customer fails to complete construction within 5 years, what should you
A. Charge higher interest beyond 5 years as per latest Interest Rate in Realty Scheme

A customer wants Maxgain facility in his Realty Loan. Can you permit?
C. No, Maxgain not permitted in Realty

In Maxgain Scheme,Borrower will be issued cheque book subject to the following condition
A. Conduct of accounis satisfactory for one year
B. Outstanding remains above 10.00 lacs
C. There is a surplus available in the account
D. No such condition

In Earnest Money Deposit Scheme, the allotment letters should be routed through……..
B. SBI only

What is the minimum annual income required for applicants availing Earnest Money Deposit Scheme
from SBI?
C. No minimum income stipulation

Under SBI Maxgain Scheme, the customer will get the following benefits:
A. Overdraft Account with INB and cheque book

When can a customer start depositing his surplus fund into the account under Maxgain scheme?
B. After full disbursement of loan

What is the maximum quantum of loan under SBI Realty Scheme if the property is located in towns with
population of 10000 and above, within town limits ?
D. Rs.50 lac

What is the minimum quantum of loan under SBI Realty Scheme?

C. Rs.5 lac

What is the maximum quantum of loan under SBI Earnest Money Deposit Scheme if the customer is a
CSP/DSP customer?
C. Rs.15 lac

What is the prepayment penalty in Earnest Money Deposit Scheme?

A. Nil

What is the maximum quantum of loan under SBI Maxgain Scheme?

D. No upper limit of loan

What % of surplus fund deposited over and above Drawing power can be withdrawn by the customer in
SBI Maxgain Scheme?
A. 100%

What is the maximum period for construction of house under SBI Realty Scheme?
C. 5 yrs

What is the maximum quantum of loan under SBI Earnest Money Deposit Scheme if the customer is not
a CSP/DSP customer?
B. Rs. 10 lac

What is the maximum quantum of loan under SBI Realty Scheme?

B. Rs.15 crore

In SBI Realty Scheme, what will be the maximum LTV if the loan is sanctioned for purchasing plots in
towns with population of 10000 and above, within town limits?
C. 60%

If we sanction a Realty Loan in July 2018, when should the repayment start?
A. From next month

A customer has taken a Realty Loan from us. He wants construction loan also. Can we permit?
A. Yes, loan for construction can be sanctioned

What is the maximum tenor of loan under SBI Realty Scheme?

D. 10 years

Who are eligble customers for availing SBI Maxgain Scheme ?

A. Both Existing / Prospective customers having minimum balance of Rs.5000/- in their SB/CA

Can we permit Takeover of Realty Loan from other bank?

C. No

What is the minimum margin required for applicants availing Earnest Money Deposit Scheme from SBI?
D. zero per cent


Interest rate on PPF account are decided by
C. Government of India

Interest rate on PPF account are decided by

D. at the end of the 6th financial year

Shri Shyam want to open a PPF account. He is eligible to open a PPF account if his age is
D. No age limit

How many times a PPF account can be extended for a tenure of 5 years
D Any number of times

Interest earned on deposits in the PPF account are

B. Non- taxable

If a PPF account is closed prematurely in between the extended term of 5 year. What rate of interest is
A. One percent reduction

Can a person open multiple PPF accounts

B. No

What is the maximum number of nominations allowed in Senior Citizen saving Scheme
C. More than one are allowed

Mr Sanjeev want to open a joint account with spouse under Senior Citizen Savings Scheme ? Is it
A. Yes

Following transactions relating to government business are eligible for agency commission?
A. Public Provident Fund (PPF) Scheme, 1968
B. Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS), 2004
C. Pension Payment
D. All the above

Is the facility of loan available against the deposit in PPF account

B. Yes

Ms Meenal is having a Suknya Samridhi Account in her name. She has now become NRI ? What will
happen to her account ?
A. The account will deemed to be closed

A PPF account of Mr Alok is inactive for not depositing minimum amount specified as per the scheme.
What are the guidelines relating to application of interest in such account ?
A. Not applied

Rishi has requested to open a PPF account in the name of his minor son who is 15 years old. Can we
consider his request ?
A. No, as PPF account cannot be opened in the name of the minor.
B. We can consider his request as PPF account can be opened in the name of the minor who is above
14 years old
C. Pension Payment
D. All the above

Mr Agrawal has deposited Rs.100000/- in PPF account in 12 instalments during a year. Now he wants to
deposit another Rs.10000/- in the account. Can he do it ?
B. No, total amount can be deposited in maximum 12 instalments

A Sukanya Samriddhi account can be regularized by paying a penalty of Rs______ .

C. 50

What are the Banks instructions regarding opening of Sukanya samriddhi account for younger twin
daughters if already one account is opened for the elder girl child
B. You will open two more SSA

Mr Rakesh has SCSS account. He is in need of money. Premature close of account under Senior
Citizens Savings Scheme is allowed after how many years of opening the account ?
A. One

Shanti opened one PPF account. She did not deposit any money in her PPF account last year.So her
account became inactive.What can be done to reactivate her PPF account ?
D. By depositing a minimum amount of Rs.1000/- (Rs.500 *2) for previous year and current year and a
penalty of Rs.50/- i.e a total amount of Rs.1050/-.

Which of the following is correct in case of PPF account

B. Interest rate is not fixed for entire tenure of the deposit

How many people can become nominee in case of PPF account

B. No cap

Mr Rajiv is having a PPF account and has already deposited the amount twice in the account in a
month. He wants to deposit for the third time in the account . Is it allowed
B. No

Mr Singhai has an account under Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. He now wants to open one more
account. What are the guidelines ?
A. A depositor may operate more than one account subject to the condition that deposits in all accounts
taken together shall not exceed the maximum limit of Rs.15 lakhs

Mr Sanjay want to deposit money in his SSA account.What is the maximum deposit amount he can
deposit per annum
C. 150000

Mr Rakesh want to deposit money in his SSA account.What is the minimum deposit amount he has to
deposit per annum
C. 1000

Ms Sandhya is having a Sukanya Samridhi Account in her name. She is 17 years old studing in
standard 9th. She is in need of money now. She wants to withdraw from Sukanya Samridhi Account.
When can she withdraw from Sukanya Samridhi Account ?
B. No as Withdrawal is permissible after the girl child attains 18 years of age or has passed 10th
standard, whichever is earlier.

A PPF account in the name of HUF is running in Sukhlia branch. What should be done to this PPF
account ?
A. The account should be continued to till maturity
B. No extension is permitted in this account
C. The account should be closed immediately
D. Both a & b are correct

Mr Pathak is eligible to open a Senior Citizen account in which of the following conditions
A. If he has attained the age of 60 years and above
B. If he has attained the age of 55 years or more but less than 60 years and has retired on
C. We can consider his request as PPF account can be opened in the name of the minor of any
D. No we have to seek permission of controlling authority to open PPF account in the name of the minor

Smt Sushma have two girl children. What are the Banks instructions regarding opening of Sukanya
Samriddhi account?
A. One account per girl child

KYC (A1006)

Qus: Full KYC should be done at least once in …….. in case of high risk category customers.
Ans: two years

Qus: Full KYC should be done at least once in …….. in case of medium risk category customers.
Ans: eight years

Qus: If minor is less than …………. of age, ID proof of the person who will operate the account is
Ans: 10 years

Qus: CDD stands for…….

Ans: Customer Due Diligence

Qus: HUF stands for…….

Ans: Hindu Undivided Family

Qus: What is the full form of CIP?

Ans: Customer Identification Procedure

Qus: What is the full form of STRs?

Ans: Suspicious Transaction Reports

Qus: Money launderers use the ………… for cleansing ‘dirty money’ obtained from criminal activities
with the objective of hiding/disguising its source.
Ans: banking system

Qus: ‘Small Account' means a savings account in a banking company where:

A. the balance at any point of time does not exceed rupees fifty thousand
B. the aggregate of all credits in a financial year does not exceed rupees one lac
C. the aggregate of all withdrawals and transfers in a month does not exceed rupees ten thousand
D. all of the above

Qus: Who has specified Know Your Customer Standards to be followed by banks?
Ans: Reserve Bank of India

Qus: KYC is carried out to identify and verify the profile and identity of the ……….
Ans: customer

Qus: Where forgery of valuable security or documents has taken place report should be furnised to
………. in plane text form.

Qus: The PMLA and rules notified there under impose obligation on banking companies, financial
institutions and intermediaries to verify identity of clients, maintain records and furnish information
to ……….

Qus: …………. can be used to launder the proceeds of fraud schemes (e.g., phishing and identity
theft) by criminals.
Ans: Money Mules

Qus: …………… is the one that originates a wire transfer as per the order placed by its customer.
Ans: Ordering bank

Qus: Section 12 of PMLA places the following obligation on the Bank:

A. Furnishing information of prescribed transactions to the specified authority
B. Maintaining a record of prescribed transactions
C. Identifying the beneficial owner if any, of such of its clients, verifying and maintaining records of
the identity of its clients
D. All of the above

Qus: The AML/CFT Policy of the Banks has …….. key elements.
Ans: 4

Qus: Which section of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) has defined the “offence of
money laundering”?
Ans: Section 3

Qus: The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 came into force w.e.f ……
Ans: 1st July 2005

Qus: Under CTRs, cash withdrawals and deposits for ……….. and above in deposit, cash credit and
overdraft accounts to be recorded in a separate register and reported to controlling office every
Ans: Rs. 10.00 lacs

Qus: In case of Non face-to-face customers, branches should insist on certification of documents for
photo ID and proof of residence by …………
A. Notary Public
B. Indian Embassy
C. Banker

D. Any of the above

Qus: Which of the following documents is a requirement in case of opening Individuals account
A. Passport
B. Driving Licence
D. any of the above

Qus: Which of the following documents is a requirement in case of opening Societies/Associations /

Clubs account?
Ans: Resolution for opening of the account

Qus: Which of the following documents is a requirement in case of opening partnership firms account?
A. Partnership deed
B. A copy of Bye-laws
C. Partnership Letter
D. a and c both

Qus: Which of the following documents is a requirement in case of opening Hindu Undivided Family
Ans: Proof of Identification of Karta

Qus: Financial institutions should be required to undertake Customer Due Diligence (CDD) measures
A. Establishing business relationship
B. Carrying out occasional transactions above the applicable designated threshold for the account
C. The transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations that appear to be
D. All of the above

Qus: CCRs are also required to be filed in cases of detection of Counter Currency through ………..
System of RBI in remittances sent to them.
Ans: Currency Verification and Processing

Qus: CIP carried out for natural person requires:

A. proof of identity and recent photograph
B. proof of address/location
C. both a & b

Qus: CIP would enable ………. of the customer and also to determine the expected or predictable
pattern of transactions.
Ans: risk profiling


What does ROA stands for?

A. Return on Assets

What does ROE stands for?

B. Return on Equity

What is the formula for calculating Return on Assets?
C. (Net Profit / Total Assets)

What is the formula for calculating Return on Equity?

C. (Net Profit / Shareholder’s Capital)

Calculate ROA, if Net profit is Rs. 1 Cr and Total assets are Rs. 10 Cr?
D. 10%

Calculate ROA, if Net profit is Rs. 1 Cr and Total assets are Rs. 100 Cr?
A. 1%

Calculate ROE, if Net profit is Rs. 0.5 Cr and equity is Rs. 10 Cr?
C. 5%

Calculate ROE, if Net profit is Rs. 1 Cr and equity is Rs. 5 Cr?

D. 20%

Gaining _______ is easier in a growing market than in a more mature one.

C. Market Share

If a company XYZ having an annual sales of Rs. 10 Cr has a market share of 10%, then what is the
combined sales of all the market players?
B. Rs. 100 Cr

A company XYZ has a ROE of 5%. If the Net profit of the company is Rs. 0.5 Cr; please calculate the
money invested by the shareholders in the company?
C. Rs. 10 Cr

A company XYZ has a ROA of 10%. If the Net profit of the company is Rs. 1 Cr; please calculate the
value of total assets that the company has?
C. Rs. 10 Cr

Market share of company A having sales of Rs. 10 Cr and competing in a market with other players B
(Rs 20 Cr), C (Rs 25 Cr) & D (Rs 45 Cr) would be
B. 10%

Market share of company A having sales of Rs. 5 Cr and competing in a market with other players B (Rs
20 Cr), C (Rs 30 Cr) & D (Rs 45 Cr) would be
C. 5%

Calculate Market share of a company A having sales of Rs. 10 Cr, when combined sales of all the
market players is Rs. 50 Cr?
D. 20%

Calculate Market share of a company A having sales of Rs. 10 Cr, when combined sales of all the
market players is Rs. 100 Cr?
B. 10%

Market share is calculated by taking a company's sales over a period and dividing it by the ______ of
the industry over the same period
A. Total Sales
In the broadest sense ________ is the ultimate Return on Investment (ROI)
A. Return on Assets

Companies usually try to increase ________ with a defined strategy combining effective marketing
campaigns and expansion of stores or distributors.
B. Market Share

______ tells you what percentage of profit your company makes for every Rupee of equity invested in
your company
C. Return on Equity

Increasing market share in a mature market is _______.

B. Expensive

Which type of market involves changing customers’ regular buying habits?

C. Mature

Gaining market share is easier in a growing market than in a more mature one.
A. True

ROA simply shows how effective your company is at using your assets to generate profit.
A. True

: It is much easier to increase market share in a growing market because _____ customers are entering
the market, ready to buy and try _____ products.
C. New, New

Increasing market share in a ______ market is expensive; as it involves taking customers away from
competitors and changing customers’ regular buying habit.
C. Mature


SBI YONO-Insta Savings Bank Account has some limitations which can be removed by visiting branch
A. 365 days

What are the benefits of Digital financial products for Banks?

A. Customer delight through innovative products and services
B. Better customer focus by harnessing technology
C. Better profitability by reducing dependence on branch network
D. All of the above

Which of the following activities form core of Marketing process?

B. Meeting customer needs and delivering superior customer value

Retail Internet Banking can be provided to :

D. All KYC compliant individual customers

Which card will be available for customers opting for SBI YONO Insta Savings Bank account?
C. RuPay Debit Card

Which of the following is a non-transaction variant of Corporate Internet Banking ?

A. Saral
B. Vyapar
C. Vistaar
D. Khata and Khata Plus

Which of the following is a transaction variant of Corporate Internet Banking?

A. Saral
B. Vyapar
C. Vistaar
D. All of the above

Customers who open account under SBI YONO-Digital Savings Bank Account will get
A. Personalised Platinum Debit Card

What are the unique features of Services?

A. Intangibility
B. Heterogeneity
C. Inseparability
D. All of the above

Which of the following is not a benefit of digital financial products for customers?
A. Better customer experience
B. Ease of operations
C. Complicated transactions
D. Speedy solutions

Which of the following is our mobile wallet product :

A. SBI Buddy

Where is SBI FASTag card affixed

B. On the windscreen of vehicles

SBI FASTag is a card for

A. Making Toll payments

Which of the following is not one of the variants of Corporate Internet Banking ?
A. Saral
B. Vyavsaay
C. Vistaar
D. Vyapar

Major disruption in Banking and Financial Services industry has been caused by :
A. New age Banks and Fintech companies

Who can open a SBI YONO Insta Savings Bank account?

C. An Indian citizen above the age of 18 years

SBI FASTag card can be used for :

B. Electronic Toll Collection Lanes on all the National Highway Toll plazas and selected State Highway
toll plazas

What is Marketing?
A. The process by which a firm profitably translates customer needs into revenue

Which of the following Joint Account customers can avail Retail Internet Banking facility?
A. Joint accounts with operational instructions as “Either or Survivor”
B. Joint accounts with operational instructions as “Anyone or Survivor”
C. Joint accounts with operational instructions as “Former or Survivor/ Latter or Survivor”
D. All of the above

Which of the following Corporate Internet Banking variant is suitable for customers who would only like
to do account enquiry and download account statements :
A. Vyapar
B. Khata and Khata Plus
C. Vistaar
D. Saral


What is the monetary limit fixed by RBI at present, for authorising transaction just by tapping the card?
C. ?2,000/-

NFC mean:-
B. Near Field Communication

Which of the following is an advantage to the Bank (Card Issuer) under Merchant Acquiring Business?
A. Reduced costs
B. Additional income
C. Both (A)&(B)

Which of the following is an advantage to the Bank (Card Issuer) under Merchant Acquiring Business?
A. Higher CASA deposits
B. Arrest the flight of business
C. Customer loyalty
D. All the above

What is the maximum period upto which merchants are expected to preserve the invoice?
C. 18 months

“On us” transaction in Merchant Acquiring Business means

A. Where the issuer and the acquirer are thesame

Who creates the TID, MID & MCC for each merchant in MAB?
B. The Technical Service Provider

MDR in Merchant Acquiring Businessstands for

B. Merchant Discount Rate

What is the monetary limit above which, copy of the PAN card is to be obtained from the consumer in a
PoS Transaction?
C. ?50,000/- in case of general transactions and ?2 lakhs in case of jewelry transactions

Issuer in Merchant Acquiring Business means

A. Bank issuing the Card

Which of the following is one of the Technology service providers for Merchant Acquiring Business?
C. Prizm Payment Services Pvt. Ltd

What are the parameters not to be considered for fixing Daily Transaction Limit for a Merchant in MAD?
C. Peak Level No. of transactions

Special Current Account Product designed for Merchant Acquiring Business is

B. Power POS

Who of the following is a stake holder in Merchant Acquiring Business?

C. Card Holder

Who of the following is a stake holder in Merchant Acquiring Business?

A. Card Holder
B. Card Issuing Bank
C. Merchant
D. All the above

Acquirer in Merchant Acquiring Businessmeans

B. Bank installing the POS

Under Merchant Acquiring Business,deactivation of terminal can be done by the Bank on account of
A. Repeated observance of suspicious transactions on POS terminals
B. Violation of terms and conditions of ME agreement
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

What is a Corporate-Tie Up in Merchant Acquiring Business?

C. When the number of terminals for a business concern is 25 and above

What is the MDR we collect from the Defence Canteens at present?

A. MDR is not charged by the Bank, on the Defence Canteens at present.

Which of the following is an area of Merchant complaint under Merchant Acquiring Business?
C. Merchant Account is not Credited/ credited with delay

Which of the following is an area of Merchant complaint under Merchant Acquiring Business?
A. Malfunctioning /non-working of Terminals

Maximum OD facility allowed to merchant under Merchant Acquiring Business is Rs.___ lakhs.
B. 5.00

Which of the following is one of the benefits to Merchant under Merchant Acquiring Business?
C. Customer loyalty to merchant increases

Which of the following is one of the benefits to Merchant under Merchant Acquiring Business?
D. Cash handling is avoided
Which of the following is one of the benefits to Merchant under Merchant Acquiring Business?
C. Additional revenue stream from value added services

Which of the following is an advantage to the Bank (Card Issuer) under Merchant Acquiring Business?
A. Reduced costs
B. Additional income
C. Both (A)&(B)
D None


Registration for SBI Quick can be done by sending following SMS

A. REG<space> account number

Account statement through e mail can be obtained on registered e mail , by sending following SMS
C. ESTMT<space>< account numberr><space><code

For getting Home Loan Interest Certificate through Emai, SMS has to be sent as
A. HLI<space>< account number><space><code

When FASTag is installed , for payment of toll tax , the vehicle has to pass through
A. The specific lane in which FASTag payment is allowed

To get detailed information on Home loan Features, one has to send Message to
B. 9223588888

To get detailed information on Car loan Features, one has to send Message to
B. 9223588888

For full list of services available in ABI Quick , SMS is to be sent to

B. 9223588888

What are the charges collected for buying FASTag

A. Across all categories of vehicles a fee of Rs. 200
B. b. Convinience Fee
C. Both options are correct
D. None of the options are correct

What are the documents to be submitted for procuring a FASTag

A. RC book of Vehicle
B. Registration documents of Vehicle
C. KYC documents of applicant
D All options are correct

How FASTag can be recharged

A. Through Debit card
B. Credit card
C. Net Banking
D. All options are correct

What is the amount of discount given for using SBI FASTag

A. 5%

Balance enquiry can be done by

A. Giving missed call
B. By sending SMS
C. Both options are correct
D. None of the options are correct

What is the utility of code provided for getting account statement of email
A. It is pass code to open the email

Usage of FASTag results in

A. Saving of time
B. Saving of Fuel
C. Allows cashless payments
D. All options are correct

SBI Quick can be activated for the mobile which is linked to the account
A. Correct

Features of FAStag are

A. Multi layered Tag
B. Contais chip
C. contains Antenna
D. all options are correct

For blocking ATM card, customer needs to send SMS to

A. 567676

For blocking ATM card, customer needs to enter

B. Last four digits of debit card

The following are some of the options available in SBI Quick

A. Balance enquiry
B. Mini Statement
C. Features of Car loan
D. All options are correct

International usage blocking can be done through SBI Quick

A. Yes

The Technology that is used in SBI FASTag to read the Tag is


How many times ,in a month , recharge can be done , if FASTag is linked to Prepaid account
D Any number of times

In case of loss of FASTag , the customer has to

A. File FIR
B. Inform Contact centre
C. Both options are correct
D. None of the options are correct
Information with regard to following features can be obtained through SBI Quick by giving SMS
A. Car Loan
B. Home Loan
C. Both options are correct
D. None of the options are correct

SBI Quick app can be down loaded from

C. Google Play store

One can subscribe for following Social security schemes through SBI Quick
C. Both options are correct
D. None of the options are correct

Once registered , Internet connectivity is -- for using SBI Quick

A. Not required

If the FASTag is not linked to Prepaid account , what is the maximum amount that can be recharged
D. Rs.10000+A1

SBI Quick is modified version of

A. Missed Call Banking

The following are some of the options available in SBI Quick

A. Home loan interest certificate
B. ar loan interest certificate
C. Generate Green PI(N
D. All options are correct

For full list of services available in ABI Quick , SMS is to be sent as


When missed call is givewn for Mini Statement , one will get -- last transactions
A. 5

How many digits does the Pass code contain for getting account statement of email
C. 4


What is the Overall daily limit for UPI Transactions in SBI Anywhere?
C. 25,000

What is the Transaction Limit per month for m-Cash in SBI Anywhere?
C. 5,101

What is the maximum limit allowed to Minors for NEFT in SBI Anywhere ?
A. 5,000

What is the maximum limit allowed to Minors for opening e-TDR/e-STDR in SBI Anywhere?
A. 5,000

What is the Per day limit for Registered beneficiary using account number & IFSC (P2A) for UPI in SBI
A. 25,000

What is the per day Transaction Limit for RTGS in SBI Anywhere?
B. 10,00,000

What is the maximum limit allowed for each Transaction through IMPS in SBI Anywhere?
A. 2,00,000

What is the maximum limit allowed for Bill Payments in SBI Anywhere?
A. 5,00,000

What is the Overall Daily limit for Mobile topup in SBI Anywhere?
D. 50,000

What is the per Transaction limit for Quick Transfer in SBI Anywhere?
A. 10,000

Which of the statement is not true about State Bank Anywhere Personal app?
A. Per day transaction limit for Credit Card VISA Transfer is Rs.1 lakh
B. Per day transaction limit for third party transfer within SBI Transfer is Rs.10 lakh
C. Per day transaction limit for IMPS is Rs.5 lakh
D. Per day transaction limit for SBI Life Premium is Rs.50000

What is the per day limit for Quick Transfer in SBI Anywhere?
C. 25,000

What is the Overall daily limit for Merchant Payments for IMPS in SBI Anywhere ?
B. 1,00,000

What is the limit for credit card VISA Transfer in SBI Anywhere?
B. 1,00,000

How much amount can be paid for post paid bills in SBI Anywhere ?
B. 50,000

What is the Transaction limit per day for funds transfer within self accounts in SBI Anywhere?
B. Rs 2,00,00,000

How much SBI Life premium can be paid in SBI Anywhere ?

C. 50,000

What is the per day limit for Unregistered beneficiary for UPI in SBI Anywhere?
B. 10,000

Per day transaction limit in case of third party transfer within SBI and Interbank transfer – NEFT through
State Bank Anywhere Personal app is ?
D. Rs.10 lakh& Rs.10 lakh
Which of the statements is not true about State Bank Anywhere Personal app?
A. This app is only for the personal segment account holder
B. It requires registration and activation code for authentication
C. Customer can register for Retail Internet Banking through ATM/Debit card and then download the
application for use
D. One of the features, “Quick Transfer” where the Customer may send the money by adding
beneficiary upto Rs.10000/-

Mr. Srinivasan, SBI Customer, recently shifted to Delhi from Chennai. He found many places in Delhi, a
slogan, 'State Bank KahinBhi'. He is unable to understand which app is being referred. Can you identify
the app?
A. State Bank Anywhere

Which option is not available in pre-login section under State Bank Anywhere Personal app?
A. Card blocking
B. eLocker Enquiry
C. m Passbook
D. Card Blocking for International Usage

A customer (Android phone user) was explained about our BHARAT QR code. He is unable to find any
such app in Google Play Store. How you will advise to the customer in this situation ?
A. Payment through BHARAT QR is available in Pre-login stage at SBI
Anywhere Personal app

What is the per Transaction limit for UPI in SBI Anywhere?

B. 10,000

What is the per Txn Limit for Mobile Topup in SBI Anywhere?
B. 10,000

What is the maximum limit allowed to Minors for opening e-RD Accountsin SBI Anywhere ?
C. 5,000

What is the Transaction limit per day for creating E-RD/E-STDR in self accounts in SBI Anywhere?
C. 99,99,999

What is the Transaction limit per day for m-Cash in SBI Anywhere?
C. 2,202

What is the per day Transaction limit for NEFT in SBI Anywhere?
C. 10,00,000

What are the options available to Login to SBI Anywhere App ?

A. Easy PIN & Password

Which non-financial transaction is not available under State Bank Anywhere Personal app?
A. Cheque Book request
B. TDS enquiry
C. Account opening request
D. Aadhaar Linking

What is mPassbook in SB Anywhere?
C. Option to maintain electronic passbook in Mobile

Any unauthorized Transaction in SBI Anywhere has to be notified to which of the following Toll free
numbers ?
B. 18004253800

What is the top up amount for Prepaid cards in SBI Anywhere ?

D. 50,000

What is the per Transaction limit for m-Cash in SBI Anywhere?

A. 1,101

What is the Transaction limit for Minors for Mobile top up in SBI Anywhere ?
B. 2,000

What is the Transaction Limit for newly added beneficiary for first 4 days in SBI Anywhere ?
D. 1,00,000

UPI BHIM Google Pay (B2003)

What is BHIM?
B. It is an app using Unified Payments Interface

What is the maximum transaction limit per day through BHIM app?
B. Rs.100000/-

What is the maximum transaction limit per day on BHIM SBI Pay?
B. Rs.100000/-

How many transactions a user can view in BHIM SBI Pay?

B. 20

What is a must to use Google Pay App?

B. A Google Account

What happens if a user forgets UPI PIN?

C. Re-generate the UPI Pin

What is the default UPI Id in Google Pay app?

C. It is combination of Gmail ID suffixed by @oksbi, if using SBI UPI ID

Which option is not available while paying through Google pay App?
C. Phone Number
D. Aadhaar based

What is UPI Pin?

B. Setting UPI Pin is compulsory for sending the money

Which of the option is not available in Google Pay app?
A. Get rewards
B. Pay bills
C. Accept payments for your business
D. Book Flight tickets

Which is not one of the features of Google Pay App?

A. Send money
B. Request money
C. Get rewards
D. Book Railway tickets

Which of the following does not required for creating UPI Pin in BHIM SBI Pay?
A. Enter the last 6 digits of your Debit Card & expiry date
B. Enter 10-digit mobile no. registered in the account
C. In case of a Maestro card, no need to enter expiry date
D. Separate UPIN must be set for each of the linked accounts

A customer is having 11 different accounts in different banks. What is the maximum number of accounts
can be mapped in BHIM SBI Pay?
A. 1
B. 5
C. 10
D. No such limit

What do you understand by Easy & Instant Payments in UPI based transaction?
C. Immediate money transfer through mobile device round the clock 24*7 and 365 days

From which of the following options a user can not initiate the collect request in BHIM App?
A. Through VPA
B. Through QR Code
C. Through Aadhaar No

From which of the following options a user can not send money to the beneficiary through BHIM SBI
A. Through VPA
B. Through QR Code
C. Through Aadhaar No.
D. Through Mobile No.

Who is not the part of Eco System in UPI?

B. Banks

Who is the participants in UPI?

A. Payee Payment Service Provider

Who is not the participants in UPI?

A. Payer Payment Service Provider
B. Remitter Bank
C. Beneficiary Bank

Which is not the feature of UPI?

A. Easy instant transfer
B. Interoperability
C. Single click 2 factor authentication
D. Multiple identifier

BHIM registration process does not include?

A. Select your Bank, choose your Bank Account
B. Create your Virtual Payment Address (VPA)
C. Enter the Aadhaar No.
D. Select preferred language

Which option is not true for BHIM SBI Pay?

A. Virtual Payment Address(VPA) is compulsory
B. Account number & IFSC Code is one of the payment option
C. QR Code is one of the payment option
D. MMID is one of the payment option

What is not true about UPI?

A. Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is an instant payment system.
B. It is developed by NPCI.
C. It allows users to instantly transfer money between any two parties' bank accounts.
D. It allows users to do the transactions through Mobile App only

What is true about UPI?

C. It uses existing systems such as IMPS, AePS, etc. and ensure settlement across accounts

Ms. Shanthi does not remember the details of accounts of her maid and wants to transfer Rs. 5000/- to
her account. Her maid is having basic feature phone. Which option is not true in this scenario?
A. Ms. Shanti can transfer the fund through Aadhar No. option in BHIM SBI Pay
B. Fund transfer through Aadhar can be done through BHIM SBI Pay app
C. Fund transfer through Virtual Payment Address (VPA) can be done through BHIM SBI Pay app
D. Fund transfer through SBI Epay

What is wrong in case of Tez mode in Google Pay app?

A. No need to share your mobile number
B. Once chosen, it calibrates the device to cash mode
C. Quickly transfer money with nearby Google Pay users
D. Money can be transferred through Virtual payment address

Which is not the pre-requisites for BHIM app registration in the following options?
A. Mobile - Android 4.2.2 and above
B. Mobile number present in the android handset should be registered in Bank account
C. Valid AADHAAR No.
D. Details of debit card linked to the account required for UPI PIN set up

What is fees for transactions done through Google Pay App?

D. No fee charged

A customer has selected the Bank name to link with UPI but it does not find his/her bank A/C. What will
you suggest in this case?
C. Ensure that the mobile number linked to the bank A/C is same as the one verified in any UPI App

A customer wants to register for our BHIM SBI Pay. The customer was explained about the pre-requisite
for the registration. What is not compulsory in Registration process for BHIM SBI Pay?
A. Selecting the Bank and Account number
B. Creation of Virtual Payment Address
C. Creation of 6 digits PIN
D. Creation of QR code

Which is not the pre-requisites for BHIM SBI Pay in the following options?
A. Mobile - Android 4.2 and above
B. Mobile number present in the android handset should be registered in Bank account
C. Valid AADHAAR No.
D. Details of debit card linked to the account required for UPI PIN set up

What is Google Pay?

B. It is a Mobile App allows users to link payment Apps from Indian Banks

What is true about Google Pay App?

B. A smart phone with Android version of 4.4 & above

From which of the following options a user can not send money to the beneficiary through BHIM App?
A. Through VPA
B. Thro ugh QR Code
C. Through Aadhaar No.
D. Through Mobile No.

Where can you download Google Pay App?

A. From Google Play Store
B. From App Store
C. Both 1 & 2

Which is the true statement in BHIM SBI Pay app?

C. Security question and answer are required to reset PIN in BHIM SBI Pay

From which of the following options a user can not initiate the collect request in BHIM SBI App?
A. Through VPA
B. Through QR Code
C. Through Aadhaar No.

What is not true about NPCI?

A. National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), an umbrella organisation for operating
retail payments and settlement systems in India.
B. It is an initiative of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)
C. It is created under the provisions of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007
D. It is a commercial and profit-making institution.


What is the new Tollfree number, which has been introduced to response the queries regarding YONO
A. 1800 11 11 01

In how many ways can a user start a conversation with the Chatbot?
D. 2

What is Chatbot?
B. Digital Virtual Assistant

Which new technology has been deployed for responding customer queries?
C. Chatbot

How the Chatbot offer responses?

A. From a set of FAQ’s

From where can a user access the Chatbot?

C. App and Portal

What type of Chatbot is currently implemented?

B. Conversational Chatbot

What is A.I.?
A. Artificial Intelligence

What does NPS stand for?

A. Net Promoter Score

What is the full form of NLP in the context of Chatbot?

B. Natural Language Processing

What is the new Category of Complaint added to CMS?


In which of the following Social Media site, SBI does not have Official page?
A. Youtube
B. Pinterest
C. Google Plus
D. Instagram

The customer is asked to comment on “How can we improve?” while giving feedback, when is the score
C. 3 & below

From which section of the YONO App/ Portal can a customer lodge a complaint?
A. Support

How the customer service agent search the scripts?

A. Keywords
B. Script Number
C. Script Content
D. All of Above

Through which Social Media site, customer can post comment, raise queries and service request and
lodge complaint?
A. Facebook
B. Twitter
C. Linkedin
D. Both (A) and (B)

Under NPS, the customer shall be asked for specific input by commenting on “How can we improve?” if
he/she assigns a score of?
D. Equal to or below 6

What is/are the advantages of measurement of customer satisfaction?

A. Understanding of the customer sentiment.
B. Insights for Improvement.
C. Customer retention and loyalty.
D. All of the above

What will happen if a non-Digital customer call to the new Toll-free number?
C. The call will be re-directed to regular IVR menu

Which of the following service are not leverage for Digital Bank Customers?
A. Support from Contact Centre
B. Support through Social Media Platform
C. Chatbot within the App
D. Support from LCPC

Which products will be pitched during the time customer onboarding?

A. SBI Card (Credit Card)
B. My Dreams
C. SBI Life
D. Both (A) and (B)

Which language does new YONO App/Portal Toll-free number supports?

A. English & Hindi

Who will handle the technology related complaints for YONO products/services?

Whether customer opening a Digital Savings Account will get “Welcome & On-boarding” call?
A. Yes

Can a user provide feedback to every query?

B. No

To lodge a complaint through YONO platform, the customer should be a registered YONO mobile
App/web Portal User?
A. True

Can the Contact Centre agent able to resolve the joint Venture (JV’s) issues?
B. No
Can Bank’s social media platform will be leverage to handle the queries related to YONO App/Portal?
A. Yes

Does the Contact Centre support the Complaint Management system?

A. Yes

Does the customer has to register on YONO App/Portal to use the new toll free number?
A. Yes


What does PAPL stand for?

A. Pre-Approved Personal Loan

What is the Minimum Age Limit for CSP customer under PAPL?
A. 18

What is the Maximum Age Limit for CSP customer under PAPL?
B. 58

What is the Maximum Age Limit for Non CSP customer under PAPL?
D. 68

What is the minimum loan tenure available under PAPL?

D. 6 Months

What is the maximum loan tenure available under PAPL?

D. 12 Months

What is the minimum loan amount available under PAPL?

A. Rs. 25,000/-

What is the maximum eligible Loan amount for customer in (≥ 20,000 to <25,000) bucket under PAPL?
A. 40000

What is the maximum eligible Loan amount for customer in (≥ 25,000 to < 30,000) bucket under PAPL?
B. 50000

What is the maximum eligible Loan amount for customer in (≥ 30,000 to < 35,000) bucket under PAPL?
C. 60000

What is the maximum eligible Loan amount for customer in (≥ 35,000 to <40,000) bucket under PAPL?
D. 80000

What is the maximum eligible Loan amount for customer in (≥ 50,000) bucket under PAPL?
E. 100000

Out of the following category of Customers _______ are not eligible for PAPL?
A. Residents
B. Non Residents
C. Both
D. None of the above

A customer can avail maximum of ____ PAPL at a time within overall eligibility?
A. 1

In case of Non CSP customer, pre-selection is based on Average Quarterly Balance for
_________Quarters under PAPL?
D. 4

In respect of CSP Customers the Account should be operative for _____ years under PAPL?
A. 1

In respect of Non- CSP Customers the Account should be operative for ___ years under PAPL?
B. 2

A customer is shown which of the following options while premature closure of Fixed Deposit is being
A. Pre-Approved Personal Loan and OD against FD (if eligible)

Customer can view existing Fixed Deposits and Tax Saver Fixed Deposits from the ---------------- section
under ‘Relationship Overview’. Choose the correct option to fill in the Blank
D. My Deposits

How many buckets Pre -selected customers are categorised into based on their account balances under
B. 5

Can Pre-Approved Personal Loan be availed from any Branch manually?

B. No

Avail Overdraft Option is available on which screen?

A. FD Details

Can Tax Saving Fixed Deposit be closed online on the YONO platform?
C. It can be closed after 5 years are completed.

Aadhaar number is mandatory for ----------- class of customers for PAPL?

B. Non CSP

PAN number is mandatory for ------------------ class of customers under PAPL?

B. Non CSP
C. Both
D. Not mandatory

What is the CIBIL cut off score for CSP customers under PAPL?
C. 700

What is the CIBIL Cut off score for Non CSP customers under PAPL?
D. 750

Which of the following types of FDs can be created on the YONO platform?
A. Single FDs only

In case of a CSP customer, pre-selection is based on Minimum monthly credit for ________ Months
under PAPL?
B. 6

Which of the following statement is correct for Availing Overdraft facility against Fixed Deposit?
D. Tax saving fixed Deposit is Ineligible for OD.

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank, Fixed Deposit between INR--------------- and INR----------------
- can be created on the YONO platform.
A. INR 1000/- to INR 99,99,000/-

While Closing a Fixed Deposit, a customer can select the account to which she/he wants the closure
proceeds to be transferred. True or False
A. True

Customer has to execute loan documents before disbursement of PAPL?

B. False

Option to download Fixed Deposit Receipt/Advice is not provided on the YONO app. True or False.
B. False

Closure of Overdraft against FD can be undertaken on the YONO app/portal. True or false
B. False

Fixed Deposit Advice can be e-mailed to the any of the e-mail Id (registered/Unregistered) of the
customer. True or False.
B. False

A customer can create a Tax Saving Fixed Deposit on the YONO platform. True or False.
A. True

Option to edit nominee for the Fixed Deposit Creation is being provided. True or False.
A. True

A Fixed Deposit can also be funded from Inoperative or Dormant Account. True or False.
B. False

Complicated Banking jargons like STDR/TDR has been removed on the YONO platform for creation of a
Fixed Deposit. True or False.
A. True

Default Nominee for Fixed Deposit created would be same as the debit account from which the Fixed
Deposit is being funded. True or False.
A. True


What is the full form of BBPS?

B. Bharat Bill Payment System

Relationship Overview features displays customer information related to

D. Bank, Insurance Policies, Credit Cards, Mutual Funds, Securities and Reward Points

What is full form of VPA?

A. Virtual Payment Address

A frequent transaction list will enable users to complete funds transfer in ----------------clicks where all the
details (like amount, beneficiary account number etc.) will be auto populated from the previous
transaction history. Fill in the blank.
D. 3 click

My Dreams product returns are based on interest rate of which of the following?
A. e-Recurring Deposit (e-RD)

A customer does not have to provide which of the following information for creation of the Dream?
A. Dream Image
B. Dream amount
C. Dream Name
D. Dream Reference Number

A customer is shown which of the following Options while closing My Dream (if eligible)?
A. Pre-Approved Loan

A customer cannot view which of the following tab directly in the Relationship Overview feature?
A. My Balances
B. My Deposits
C. My Borrowings
D. My Transactions

For paying bills in the post logged in state, YONO platform is integrated with which platform?
A. Bill Desk Platform

Fund transfer is initiated on the platform based on which payment channel?

C. Application level Intelligence to select payment channel based on amount and time.

If user selects ‘Virtual Payment Address’ for fund transfer, who should have the VPA?
A. Remitter should have VPA
B. Beneficiary should have VPA
C. Both should have VPA (Remitter and Beneficiary)
D. None of the above

A newly created Dream is shown under which section:

A. My Deposits

Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) along with SB Collect, is available to customers for Bill Payment
A. Pre Login

Using Add funds a customer can define which of the following for the My Dreams?
A. Per Month contribution
My Investments show which of the following information?
A. Customer’s Investments only

A customer cannot view which of the following using Spend analysis?

A. Week wise Expenses
B. Month wise Expenses
C. Quarter wise expenses
D. Average Monthly expenses.

How many transactions of reward points are shown to the customer?

B. 10

Reward point transactions list, customer can view

C. Both Reward Points Accrued and Redeemed

To view Rewards point on YONO platform, customer should be

C. Registered with both YONO platform and Rewardz portal

The maximum limit of displaying transaction detail under transaction enquiry is

A. 6 months or 149 transactions whichever is less

For transferring funds using QR code, customer can select QR code using
C. Either Mobile camera or Image Gallery in mobile

A smart search option for fund transfer is where user can search beneficiary from the existing
beneficiary list. True or False.
B. True

A beneficiary added on YONO platform will be available in INB and vice versa. True or False
A. True

In Bill Payments to a new biller, the biller addition process and first payment have been merged in a
single process flow.True or False.
B. True

Customer can create a ‘My Dream’ without initial funding?

A. True

A customer can search the past transactions with the biller using search bar functionality?
A. True

Tenure of My Dream product is entered by customer.

B. False

A customer can e-mail his transaction statement to any of his e-mail ID (Registered/Unregistered).True
or False.
B. False

SB Collect is available on the YONO platform post login only. True or False.
B. False

Scheduled Transfer feature is available on the YONO platform?
A. True

A customer cannot Close his My Dream on the YONO platform. True or False
B. False

In Funds transfer, Customer can add the image of the beneficiary on YONO platform.
A. True

Using Smart Search a Customer can search his transactions by Transaction amount. True or False.
A. True


Which of the following icon will show new offers on Online Marketplace?
D. Notification

Which of the following activity can be performed on the wishlist page?

A. To add products
B. To delete products
C. To view products
D. All of the above

What is the full form of OMP?

B. Online Marketplace

Which of the following statement is correct with respect to SBI Online Marketplace?
A. SBI will not be responsible for poor product & services by listed merchants
B. SBI will not be doing fulfilment of products and services
C. It is a platform for communication of offers extended by merchants
D. All of the above

Which feature should be used when a customer wants to view products in increasing or decreasing
order of price?
C. Sort

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. SBI does not sell any products on its Online Marketplace. Purchases and fulfilment happens on
Partner merchant’s site.

Which of the following can be accessed without login into Online Marketplace?
A. Book & Order
B. Shop
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

Which of the following sections need to be used in Online Marketplace, if a customer wants to purchase
airline tickets?
B. Book & Order

Which of the following sections needs to be used in Online Marketplace, if a customer wants to book
movie tickets?
B. Book & Order

Which of the following can be seen, when a customer clicks on Menu icon?
A. Shop
B. Book & order
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

Which of the following sections need to be used in Online Marketplace, if a customer wants to purchase
mobile phones?
A. Shop

Which tab a customer will click to view merchant store on Online Marketplace?
A. Shop
B. Book & Order
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

Which of the following sections need to be used in Online Marketplace, if a customer wants to order food
B. Book & Order

When a customer purchase a product or services on Online Marketplace, Merchant is responsible for
which of the following?
A. Product fulfilment, product tracking, Product payment
B. Product delivery, product fulfilment
C. Product return , product cancellation, amount refund
D. All of the above

A registered Customer can access the SBI Online Marketplace through which mode?
A. Only YONO mobile app
B. Only YONO web portal
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

Which of the icon will a customer click to initiate purchase process on merchant store in Online
C. Buy

Inside a merchant store, ‘heart’ icon is used for which of the following?
D. Adding products in wishlist

Which of the following feature can be used to add/view/delete products on Online Marketplace?
C. Wishlist

Which of the following is true for offers displayed in Online Marketplace?

A. Only standard offers are displayed
B. Only customized offers are displayed
C. Updates on offer can be viewed in ‘notification’ icon
D. All of the above
Which of the following feature need to be used to compare two products?
D. Compare

Which of the following can be availed on Online Marketplace?

A. Only products like electronics, fashion, gifts etc.
B. Only services like movie tickets, travel tickets, travel packages etc.
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

Which of the following discount/offers can be availed by customer on Online Marketplace?

A. Exclusive shopping & order deals from e-Commerce partners
B. Bank Offers/Instant Discounts on usage of SBI payment instruments like SBI credit card, Debit card,
Internet Banking , SBI Wallet, EMI options
C. Exclusive Reward points
D. All of the above

Which of the following condition is mandatory to access the Online Marketplace?

B. Login into the YONO app/web portal is necessary to access the Online Marketplace

Which of the following is true for Pre-approved personal loan?

B. It can be utilized for any purchase by the customer

Which of the following benefit is correct for SBI customers on Online Marketplace?
A. Exclusive deals from e-Commerce partners for SBI Customers
B. Bank Offers/Discounts on usage of SBI payment instruments
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. Only (B)

Which of the following is true for wishlist features on Online Marketplace?

A. When a customer is in merchant store, wishlist shows products offered by that merchant only
B. When a customer is outside merchant store, wishlist shows all products offered by all merchants.
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the above

Which of the following activities can be done in Book & Order section?
A. Book movie ticket
B. Book bus ticket
C. Order food online
D. All of the above

Does a customer need to register in the YONO app/web portal for availing the offers?
A. Yes

Will Customer access wide range of non-financial products from multiple e –commerce partners on
Online Marketplace?
A. True

Does SBI share personal information of customer with merchant on Online Marketplace?
B. No

A disclaimer is always shown when a registered customer visit to the merchant site?
A. True

Customized offers are shown only in YONO app but not in YONO web portal.
B. False

Can shopping be done anytime, anywhere on online marketplace?

A. Yes

Login with valid credentials is required in YONO app but not in YONO web portal.
B. False

Only a registered customer with valid SBI credentials can access the Online Marketplace?
A. True

When a customer click on a particular merchant’s logo on Online Marketplace, respective merchant’s
store page will open?
A. True

Merchants listed on YONO app and on YONO web portal are different?
B. False

Offers available on YONO app are same as that of the offers on YONO web portal?
A. Yes


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