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ESL / EFL RESOURCES 12 ways to ask permission

Activity Type Introduction

Reading, writing, In this useful worksheet activity, students guess missing words in
listening and speaking questions that ask permission to do something.
activity, pairwork
Language Focus Divide the students into pairs (A and B).
Asking permission
Give each student a corresponding worksheet.

Tell the students not to show their worksheet to their partner.

To guess missing words Explain that the students are going to practice 12 structures for
in questions that ask asking permission.
Draw the students' attention to the worksheet and explain that
the questions containing gaps are the ones they have to guess the
Preparation missing words for, one gap corresponds to one missing word. The
questions that contain words in bold are the ones their partner
Make one copy of the
has to guess.
worksheet for each pair
of students and cut as
Students get three chances to guess the missing words in each
question that asks permission.

Level Student A begins by guessing the missing words in the first

Student B listens and tells their partner if they are right or wrong.

Time If students guess correctly the first time, they score three points.
20 minutes On the second try, they get two points. On the third try, they
score one point.

After the missing words have been guessed correctly or three

chances have passed, Student B guesses the missing words in the
second question and so on.

When a student successfully guesses the missing words, they

write the words in the gaps on the worksheet.

The student with the most points at the end of the activity is the

When the students have finished, they go through any questions

they got wrong and compare worksheets to check their answers.

Note: This is an editable PDF. To edit the document, select the Edit
PDF tool in Acrobat. © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES 12 ways to ask permission

Student A

1. Would _________ _________ _________ for me to use your computer for a few minutes?

2. Do you think I could use your phone? I forgot to bring mine.

3. _________ _________ _________ out tonight? It's Dan's birthday.

4. Would you mind if I stayed at my friend's house tonight?

5. _________ _________ _________ another piece of cake? It's delicious.

6. Is it OK if I sit here?

7. Would it _________ _________ _________ I borrow some money until tomorrow?

8. Could I turn on the air conditioning? It's very hot in here.

9. I _________ I'm _________ to redecorate the bedroom. Is _________ _________?

10. I will leave class early today as I have an appointment. Is that alright?

11. Do _________ _________ _________ _________ change the TV channel?

12. Would I be able to turn this essay in tomorrow?

Student B

1. Would it be possible for me to use your computer for a few minutes?

2. Do _________ _________ _________ _________ use your phone? I forgot to bring mine.

3. Can I go out tonight? It's Dan's birthday.

4. Would _________ _________ _________ _________ stayed at my friend's house tonight?

5. May I have another piece of cake? It's delicious.

6. Is _________ _________ _________ _________ sit here?

7. Would it be alright if I borrow some money until tomorrow?

8. _________ _________ _________ on the air conditioning? It's very hot in here.

9. I think I'm going to redecorate the bedroom. Is that OK?

10. I _________ leave class early today as I have an appointment. Is _________ _________?

11. Do you mind if I change the TV channel?

12. Would _________ _________ _________ _________ turn this essay in tomorrow? © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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