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Journal on New Biological Reports ISSN 2319 – 1104 (Online)

JNBR 4(1) 11 – 19 (2015)

Published by

Herbalism in Medical Imam Reza

Ebrahim Azarpour1, Maral Moraditochaee2*, Hamid Reza Bozorgi1

Young Researchers and Elite Club, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan,
Corresponding Author: [email protected]

| Received 18 December 2014 | Accepted 02 February 2015 |


Importance of eating and drinking planning, traits of an appropriate nutrition (quantity and quality of diet,
eating form and sequence observation in feeding), drinking instruction, relation between diet and other human
activities (like as sleep, cupping, travel and intercourse) and relation between diet and diseases are the results,
topics of this research. On traditional medicine opinion, unsuitable nutrition is a main element in diseases,
physiopathology, too. “Razavi dietary pattern: Tib Imam Reza” could also help to design a new model of
lifestyles to aid in resolving many dilemmas related to major diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and
diabetes mellitus. In this study, the qualitative research methods of content analysis on Razavi Hadith with
respect to herbalism were performed. Then, the collected materials were analyzed. Results in this research
showed that 42 plants (Pomegranate, Fig, Grape, Mustard, Date, Cucumber, Ginger, Olive, Garlic, Lentil,
Pumpkin, Banana, Plum, Lemon, Eggplant, Been, Quince, Cotton, Bergamot, Garlic chives, Watercresse, Beet,
Henna, Marshmallow, Melon, Fennel, Lris, Rue, Sumac, Black cumin, Apple, Chicory, Lettuce, Celery,
Incense, Walnut, Coriander, Mung, Pea, Narcissus, Sugar cane and Myrobalan) have been mentioned in Razavi

Key Words: Plant, Herbalism, Razavi Hadith


Medical herbalism is today a sophisticated system thousands of years. Herbalists use concentrated
of natural medicine using plant extracts and herbs whole plant extracts, in the form of tinctures,
to help treat physical and mental disorders. infusions, salves, creams and pills, as part of a
Herbalism is a traditional medicinal or folk holistic treatment plan to address the underlying
medicine practice based on the use of plants and causes of your condition (Kennedy et al. 2009;
plant extracts. Herbalism is also known as botanical Tapsell et al. 2006; Fabricant 2001; Erci 2012).
medicine, medical herbalism, herbal medicine, Complementary medicine is a formal
herbology, and phytotherapy. The scope of herbal method of health care in most countries of the
medicine is sometimes extended to include fungal ancient world. It is expected to become more
and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and widely integrated into the modern medical system,
certain animal parts. Medical Herbalism is the including the medical curriculum. Despite the
modern version of traditional herbal medicine perception of modern medicine as more
which has been used throughout the world for efficacious, traditional medicine continues to be

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

practiced. More than 70% of the developing applied therapy whereby many of these elements
world’s population still depends primarily on the reflect an enduring interconnectivity between
complementary and alternative systems of Islamic medical and prophetic influences as well as
medicine (CAM). In rural areas, cultural beliefs regional healing practices emerging from specific
and practices often lead to self-care, home remedies geographical and cultural origins. Our definition
or consultation with traditional healers. Herbal and conceptual model represents a novel addition
medicine can be broadly classified into four basic to the literature on Arab and Muslim health
systems as follows: Traditional Chinese Herbalism, practices, and presents an opportunity to address a
Ayurvedic Herbalism, Western Herbalism which global health concern (Figure 1: A, Dietary
originally came from Greece and Rome to Europe practices derived from Islamic/ prophetic tradition
and then spread to North and South America and include prescription for fasting and drinking Zam
Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine (TAIM). zam water. B, Mind-body therapy practices
There is no doubt that today the concept of Arabic originating from Islamic/ prophetic tradition
traditional herbal medicine is a part of modern life include prayer. C, Applied therapy consequential of
in the Middle East, and it is acquiring worldwide Islamic/ prophetic tradition include cupping.) (Al-
respect, with growing interest among traditional Rawi and Fetters 2012).
herbalists and the scientific community. TAIM Medicinal plants are a significant source of
therapies have shown remarkable success in synthetic and herbal drugs. Patterns of herbal
healing acute as well as chronic diseases and have utilization are depicted in Figure 2 medicinal plants
been utilized by people in most countries of the have been used for the treatment of diseases since
Mediterranean who have faith in spiritual healers. antiquity (Singh Saroya 2011).
TAIM is the first choice for many in dealing with The Holy Quran and Hadiths by the
ailments such as infertility, epilepsy, Infallible Imams provide broad guidelines
psychosomatic troubles and depression. In parallel, concerning the spiritual and material aspects of life.
issues of efficacy and safety of complementary Plants either mentioned in the Holy Quran and
medicine have become increasingly important and hadiths were considered as highly potential
supervision of the techniques and procedures used medicinal plants. Study Quranic plants (Manna of
is required for commercial as well as traditional hedysarum, Onion or Cepa, Garlic, Black mustard,
uses. More research is therefore needed to Camphor, Cucumber, Pumpkin or Gourd or
understand this type of medicine and ensure its safe Calabasse, Fig, Lentil, Banana, Royal basil or
usage (Azaizeh et al. 2010). Sweet basil, Olive, Data plam or Edible date,
Seebaway (2011) expresses that, the Pomegranata, Toothbrush tree or Mustard tree,
relationship between religion, medicine, and Manna Tree or French Tamarisk, Grape, Ginger
healing dates back to pre-historic times. While and Nabak tree) in verses of Holy Quran and
religion seeks to address the spiritual and Hadiths expressed in several studies (Azarpour et
psychological needs of man, medicine and healing al. 2014; Azarpour et al. 2015). The aim of present
seek to address the physical and psychological study was to evaluation herbalism in medical Imam
needs. Whiles the solution to man‟s physical, Reza (AZ).
psychological as well as spiritual needs is the
concern of religion, medicine and healing also MATERIALS AND METHODS
focuses on physical and spiritual needs with some
emphasis on the body and the mind. From the In this study, the qualitative research methods of
Islamic perspective, religion permeates every content analysis on Razavi Hadith with respect to
aspect of life, be it social, economic, physical or herbalism were performed. Then, the collected
mental. This broad perspective of religion explains materials were analyzed.
the logic of medicine and healing been regarded as
part and parcel of Islam. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Eighty percent of the population in the
developing world relies on traditional medicine, Tib Imam Reza (AZ)
and 70-80% of the population in developed In the second half of the eighth century, when
countries utilizes complementary therapies. Though Greek-Arabic translation began in Baghdad,
a vibrant healing tradition pervades modern life in scientists in Islamic countries translated scientific
the Arab and Muslim world, no clear definition or texts from Greek into Arabic by the en-
model exists to organize it’s multiple and couragements and supports received from Abbasid
intertwined elements. We define Traditional Arabic Caliphs. Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (777-857) and
and Islamic Medicine (TAIM) as a system of Jibra’il ibn Bakhti- shu (d. 829), the Christian
healing practiced since antiquity in the Arab world Iranian scientists and Jundishapur university
within the context of religious influences of Islam professors, had an important role in this action. In
and comprised of medicinal herbs, dietary this period, medical books were mainly
practices, mind-body therapy, spiritual healing and translations. After this, in the next period, named

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

Figure 1. A Unifying Conceptual Model of Traditional Arabic & Islamic Medicine (TAIM)

Figure 2. Patterns of herbal utilization

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

the golden period of medicine in the Islamic 6. Personal hygiene covering mouth and teeth
countries, Muslim physicians started to write, hygiene, genitourinary, gastrointestinal care and
rather than translate, books. Tabari (810-855), Razi so on.
(865-925), Ahwazi (925-994) and Ibn Sina (980- 7. Effect of age changes on health.
1013) are scien- tists and authors of this period. 8. Cupping and phlebotomy, types, indication and
Ferdous Alhekmah, the book that was authored by their procedures.
Ali Ibn Rabban Tabari, was the first book in this 9. Bathroom -that is similar to lake, sauna and
period. In this book, Preventive medicine was the Jacuzzi at that time- and its effect on the body
dominant issue discussed in chapters named and health.
Hefzossehha’. Medical books written in Islamic 10. Health care in travel.
societies have devoted special chap- ters to 11. Sex hygiene and design of a good intercourse
preventive medicine named Hefzossehha’. Today, and its influence on fetus health.
Ferdous Alhekmah is considered one of the oldest 12. Prevention of especial diseases: vitiligo,
medical texts authored by a Muslim scientist of an leprosy, hem- orrhoid, arthralgia, renal stone,
Islamic country, Tabari. Tabari wrote this book in paralysis, gastrointestinal diseases, migraine,
the third year of al-Motavakkel’s governance.14 hepatitis and so forth.
His governance begins in the year 847, thus dating Having compared the books, the researchers
his writing around the year 850. On the other hand, have found that the content of the “Resaleh
in the eighth century, al-Ma’mun, Ab- basid Zahabieh: Tib Imam Reza” differs from that of the
Caliph, (786–833) held a number of meetings books written by the various Muslim scientists of
inviting scientists for the scientific debates. In one that period. One of the most notable differences
of these discussion meetings, in which Yuhanna between this text and the above-mentioned books is
Ibn Masawayh and Jibra’il ibn Bakhtishu, the related to the recommendations regarding the
greatest physicians, took part, Ali ibn Musa al- physician’s monthly advice to maintain health.
Reza (766-818), the eighth Shi’ites’ Imam, was Today’s medical field is faced with major health
also present. Al-Ma’mun requested the Imam to problems globally, cardiovascular diseases and
take part in these medical discussions. Imam Reza diabetes mellitus being two of the majors diseases,
promised him to write some subjects in the field. where lifestyle changes are an eminent and
Upon completion of his work, Imam Reza sub- essential component for prevention and treat- ment
mitted it to Al-Ma’mun. Al-Ma’mun was so of these diseases. The research completed on the
surprised withthe manuscript that he commanded “Resaleh Zahabieh: Tib Imam Reza” could well
the court scribes to re- write the articles in liquid allow us to design a new model of lifestyle
gold, thereby, giving the book its name “Resaleh modification that could very possibly lead to a
Zahabieh: Tib Imam Reza” meaning golden letters. reduction in diseases such as diabetes and
This text was written around the period 815-818, cardiovascular disease.
while Imam Reza was living in the city of Marv,
the Abbasid capital dur- ing the Al-Ma’mun Healing miracles of Imam Reza (AZ) medicine
governance (813-833). This text is older than the Deep analysis of narratives gives us more than 5
book Firdous al-Hikmah., (Paradise of Wisdom), thousand stories and tradition in the field of
authored by Ali Ibn Rabban Tabari, written in 850, nutrition, health and a long list of permitted
the third year of al-Motavakkel’s governance. This beverages and edible things which are of particular
study has compared the book “Resaleh Zahabieh: importance in the global arena. Among the other
Tib Imam Reza” with those written by Tabari, divine prophets and great infallibles (PBUH), more
Razi, Ahvazi and Ibn Sina’. This text is unique in than others, the Prophet (PBUH), Imam Ali (AS)
content, as well. The followings are two points and 3 leader of Islam, Imam Baqir, Imam Sadiq
worth mentioning here (Esmaeili et al. 2014): and Imam Reza (PBUH) had remarkable comments
in the field of medicine, health and nutrition.
1. Nutritional pattern including quantity, quality, Al-Dhahabiah treatise is one of the most
feeding times and suitable diet for each season precious and valuable heritage in the field of
and each month. medical science and briefly comprised fields of
2. Weather and its effect on the body and ways to medical science, chemistry, nutrition and many
manage its changes. other sciences, and also expressed a great deal of
3. Four temperaments (hot, cold, wet, and dry) and preventive medicine.
humors (blood, phlegm, bile, and black bile) and Imam Reza (AS) was the first person who
their changes and influences on health and likened the body to a complete small country and it
physiology of body. says: The body structure is similar to a kingdom.
4. Types of water and the best water and other The king of the body is heart, blood vessels and
related sub-jects. nerves in the central nervous system and the brain
5. Effect of sleep on health and ways to design a are all the governors. King's house is his heart and
good sleep. his realm is the body, his hands, feet, eyes, ears and

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

his tongue are his companions and army. Stomach on back and observing the health of both digesting
is the treasury and his chest is the unveiling. Then and nervous system and given recommendations;
Imam used some analogies for every part of the he stated: Anyone who wants a powerful memory
body among which we can mention the eyes. Imam should eat currant and fig (food that contains
Reza (AS) likened the eyes to lights, the ears to phosphor).
sources of accepting data from outside world and Imam (AS), in excerpts of his teachings,
the tongue as well as two lips and teeth to expresser has mentioned the health of the teeth, and has
of words and will. explained necessary recommendations to protect
He likened the beauty of man and what he them against external factors, observe the hygiene
has inside from the stomach, chest, and abdomen to of teeth using useful and whitening materials.
the selector treasury. Next, he speaks of the effect Imam (AS) in the end, reminded the
of joy and sorrow in the face and endogenous possibility of some chemicals no to be dissolved in
factors and center of each one. In a part of his letter the body, accumulation of these substances in the
he gave guidelines about the quality and quantity of digestive system which can be hazardous and
desire for food and beverage which are all in harmful and sometimes may lead to death of the
consistent with the protection of the health of the person.
body. Imam starts his recommendations with eating In some of the clauses of this section, the
food and explains each one based on his ability and cause of some illnesses have been pointed out one
temper considering the timetable and location to be of which is contradictory caused by mixture of
best choice. different foods entering the stomach and intestines
In another part he mentions the and can cause infections in intestines. The last
instructions to a special beverage prepared from point (Al-Dhahabiah treatise) is the usual emphasis
medical plants which has lots of benefits and and stress of Imam (AS) to follow the teachings
digestibility to be used after food as dessert. This and guidelines and avoid the negligence.
drink has high nutritional value, and contains Results in this research showed that 41
important elements of carbon hydrates, vitamins plants have been mentioned in razavi hadith.
and other essential ingredients to energize.
Imam (AS) has reminded the harmful Pomegranate in razavi hadith
effect of excessive heat for food materials that Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eat
destructs its useful nutrients like vitamins and loss pomegranates increases the men's sperm and if a
of elements in food that quickly evaporates like pregnant woman eats sweet pomegranate her child
liquid food and in this field he has surpassed the gets beautiful.
nutritionists. Imam (AS) recommended not to Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
indulge in drinking water after meals because this Pomegranate smoke removed the insects and small
wrong way will damage the stomach and other animals and destroys them.
organs. Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
Imam(AS) also pointed to the effects of Drink sour-sweet pomegranate juice because in
indulge in using some of the foods and their settles the blood and refreshes the blood.
disadvantage and says: " Indulgence in eating egg Fig in razavi hadith
as a regular habit causes stomach pain and will Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Fig
damage the spleen, indulgence in eating eggs removes the bad breath, makes the bones strong,
causes breathlessness and small brown spots." causes hair growth and there is no need for the
Imam (AS): "Eating raw meat will let parasites drugs to cure the disease with it. Then he said: Fig
in the stomach and intestine. Indulgence in eating is
wild animals and cattle meat causes dementia, Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
mental retardation, decreases understanding and Figs are good for colic and are the closest fruits to
increases forgetfulness. heaven fruits and resolve the flatus.
Imam has divided bathing to four parts Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eating the
and described it the best way: the first part is cold fig treats colic and eating quince treats eye
and dry, second is cold and wet, third is wet and darkness.
warm and fourth is wet and dry. He has then Grape in razavi hadith
pointed to the anatomical and physiological Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Whoever
advantages of bathing. Unction and use of oil and wants to increase his memory must eat 7 ounces of
herbs have also been highly recommended by him currants before the breakfast.
to loosen and soften the skin; because skin has a Mustard in razavi hadith
significant role in removal of toxic substances from Khalid Qmat said: Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza
the body. Thus washing and cleaning skin pores (AZ) prescribed this for me: grind an ounce of
and soften the skin is one of the most important yellow myrobalan, two ounces of mustard and an
things for human health. In a part of health ounce of pellitory and have them before your meal
messages, he has explained the quality of sleeping

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

that reduces mucus and refreshes your mouth and Plum in razavi hadith
makes your teeth strong. Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Fresh plums
Date in razavi hadith relieve off heat and bile and dried plums settle the
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Mary's blood, ease and kill severe pain.
(Hazrat Maryam (SA)) date was Ajveh date. The narrative state that: Imam Ali Ibn
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: With Allah's permission
Whoever wants to release from the seat's pain and Plum is medication to pain.
hemorrhoids, he shoul have 7 Heyron dates with Lemon balm in razavi hadith
caw's fat. Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Lemon
Cucumber in razavi hadith balm is ours and watercresse is of the Umayyad.
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Anyone Eggplant in razavi hadith
who catches cold in the summer must eat one Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eggplant
cucumber every day and avoid sun. causes no disease in dates harvest season.
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Hemad Been in razavi hadith
ibn Mahran Balkhi said: One day in Khorasam a Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eating
young man complained about jaundice to Imam Ali beans, strengthens marrow of legs and generates
Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ). He said: Peel the fresh blood.
cucumber and after baking it have it for 3 days Quince in razavi hadith
before the breakfast. Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: No prophet
Ginger in razavi hadith has been sent by God unless he has a smell of
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Whoever quince.
wants to reduce amnesia and have strong memory Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: It's upon
must eat 3 pieces of ginger with honey and eat you to eat quince because it strengthens your
mustard with his meal. Whoever wants to increase reason.
his intelligence must chew myrobalan with sugar Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: The
Tabarzad. Prophet (PBUH) was given a quince; he cut it in to
Olive in razavi hadith half with his hand. He loved this fruit a lot and used
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Olive to have it and offered it to his followers around too
removes the bad breath, mucus, lightens the skin and said: eat quince because it purifies the heart, it's
strengthens the body and reduces disease and very good for lungs and clean them.
remove fury. Cotton in razavi hadith
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Anyone
Anyone who wants hydrated lips with no cracks who wants pain free ears should put cotton in his
must rub the olive oil on them. ears when he goes to bed.
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: If you want Bergamot in razavi hadith
to remove bloating you must purge and rub the Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eating
olive oil on your body. bergamot at night causes squint.
Garlic in razavi hadith Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Dry
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Whoever bread digests bergamot.
wants to get release of the bloats shall eat garlic Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
once in seven days. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was interested in
Lentil in razavi hadith looking at the green bergamot and red apple.
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Lentil be Garlic chives in razavi hadith
upon you because it is holy. It softens your heart As quoted by Dawood son of Abi Dawood: A man
and increases you tears and 70 prophets have saw Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said in
cleansed it the last one is the Jesus (Hazrat Isa Khorasan picking garlig chives from the garden
(AS). and eating them right there. The man said they
Pumpkin in razavi hadith might contain some dirt but Imam said: None of
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: The them will stick to thes and this vegetable is good
pumpkin plant is Daba and retort. for hemorrhoids.
Banana in razavi hadith Quoted from Yahya son of Sulaiman: I saw
(Talh) the plural form of (Talha), means the banana Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) in Khorasan in a
tree. As is a narration by Ali (AS) it is used in the garden eating garlic chives. I told him: people
same sense. believe that every day a drop from heaven Falls
Yahya Samghani said: I came to Imam Ali down on chicory. He said: If day a drop from
Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) and as he had Imam heaven Falls down on chicory every, garlic chives
Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Taqi on his knees, he peeled are adrift in heavens water all the time. I said: they
the banana and gave it to Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali use fertilizers. He said: nothing of that fertilizer
al-Taqi. sticks to them.

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

Watercresse in razavi hadith The narratives state that: Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Lemon Reza (AZ) used to drop lris oil in his nostrils.
balm is ours and watercresse is of the Umayyad. Rue in razavi hadith
Beet in razavi hadith Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Shaddock
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Sugar beet increases wisdom.
strengthens the brain and purifies the blood. Sumac in razavi hadith
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Give sugar Hassan bad Khalid quoted: A women wrote to
beet (leaves) to your patients, because it cures Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) and complained
them, has no illness or effects with it and it calms about the continuous bleeding. Imam (AS) wrote
the sleep. But avoid the sugar beet itself because it back and told her to soak a hand size of coriander
stimulates yellow bile. and sumac in water outside for one night. Then boil
Quoted from Ahmad son of Muhammad it in a clay pot. Then drink one plate of that and
son of Abi Nasr: Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) you will stop bleeding unless it is the beginning of
said: O Ahmad, how do you like the your period.
vegetables? He said: I love all of them. Imam Black cumin in razavi hadith
said: If so, you should eat sugar beets, because they Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Indeed
grow on the beach in paradise. It has the cure for all black cumin is the cure to every disease and you
diseases, makes the bones bigger and grows flesh. should use honey and black cumin.
Henna bush in razavi hadith Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: smell
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) quoted from narcissus because it secures you against cold just
Imam Ali (AS): Applying henna bush after using like nigella.
depilatory will prevent from leprosy and vitiligo. Apple in razavi hadith
Marshmallow in razavi hadith Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: I haven’t
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Washing found anything better and more effective than apple
head with marshmallow on Fridays is one of the to avoid magic, spell and madness caused by
commands of the Prophet (PBUH), in addition it disease.
has some properties such as making hair and face Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
look more beautiful and preventing from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was interested in
headaches. looking at the green bergamot and red apple.
Melon in razavi hadith Chicory in razavi hadith
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eating Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Chicory is
melon in the morning with empty stomach will the treatment to thousands of pains. There is no
cause loose limbs (God forbidden). pain in the human body, unless chicory can cure it.
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Imam Ali Quoted from Muhammad son of Ismail: I heard
(AS) used to eat melon with sugar. from Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: (AZ) saying: chicory is the cure to thousands of
The world gave us melons a present from the pains and there is no pain in the
jewelery of earth from land of health. Melon is at human body, unless chicory can cure it. One day
Sweet, savory and delicious fruit that has different Imam (AS) asked for chicory for one of the
types, the best one of which is melon of Khorasan. servants who caught fever and headache, had it
Fennel in razavi hadith pounded, put it on a paper, poured violet oil on it
Muhammad son of Sinan quoted from Imam Ali and put it on the forehead of the patient. Then
Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ): Once the Moses son of he said: you should know it will lower the fever, it's
Ja'far (AS) complained of an illness. Doctors came useful for headache, and treats it.
and gave strange descriptions and attributes to Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eat
some medications. Imam said: wait, where are you chicory because it increases your wealth and
going and continued: these medications number of children. Anyone who loves wealth and
will suffice: myrobalan, fennel and sugar. Near more children should persist in having chicory.
three-month summer, three times per month and Lettuce in razavi hadith
near three-month winter, three times per month, Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: The best
mastic can be used instead of fennel which wipes vegetables are chicory and lettuce.
every disease except death. (In winter mastic is Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Hot
used instead of fennel). tempered vegetables like celery, leek and lettuce
Lris in razavi hadith are useful for bowl in winter.
Quoted by Ali son of Yaqtyn: I wrote to Imam Ali Celery in razavi hadith
Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) that I feel a heavy cold in It is narrated that Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ)
my head, in a way that when the wind blows, I am said: You like celery and all livestock love it which
about to lose consciousness. In response means even animals love it.
Imam (AS) wrote to me: you should use amber and
lris after eating food to feel better.

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)

Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Sugar cane (Tabarzad Sugar and White Sugar)
Hot tempered vegetables like celery, leek and in razavi hadith
lettuce are useful for bowl in winter. Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Those who
Incense in razavi hadith want to have powerful memory and not to be
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Eat plenty absent-minded should mix three pieces of ginger
of incense, and hold it in your mouth and chew. For with honey and eat it. He should also eat something
me, chewing is more favorable. It removes phlegm with his food that has been prepared with mustard.
from stomach and cleans it strengthens the intellect Those who want to have sharp minds should not
and digest the food. leave house unless having had three myrobalans
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: with tabarzad sugar empty stomach.
Give your pregnant women male incense, this way Muhammad son of Sinan quoted from
if she carries a boy he will be brave and Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ): Once Moses son
knowledgeable and if she carries a girl she will of Ja'far (AS) complained of an illness. Doctors
have beautiful face and be well mannered, big and came and gave strange descriptions and attributes
strong and dear to her husband. to some medications. Imam said: wait, where are
Walnut in razavi hadith you going and continued: these medications
Quoted from Muhammad son of Ibrahim Ja'afy: A will suffice: myrobalan, fennel and sugar. Near
man went to Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) and three-month summer, three times per month and
complained about stomachache that was about to near three-month winter, three times per month,
kill him. He asked Imam to pray to God for him mastic can be used instead of fennel which wipes
because he was given lots of medicine but not only every disease except death. (In winter mastic is
they didn’t have any effect but also caused a lot used instead of fennel).
more pain. . Imam (as), peace be upon him smiled Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
and said: I shall pray to God for you and ask him to Imam Ali eat melon with sugar.
ease your pain with his power but when pain Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said:
overcomes and agonize you, take a walnut and Tabarzad sugar (white) removes phlegm
keep it above fire until you are sure everything completely.
inside is barbecued and the fire should have Myrobalan in razavi hadith
changed the color of the outside shell. At this time, Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: Whoever
eat it to calm the pain immediately. He said: I wants to reduce amnesia and have strong memory
swear to God, I did it only once and with the must eat 3 pieces of ginger with honey and eat
permission of Allah, the abdominal pain was gone. mustard with his meal. Whoever wants to increase
Coriander in razavi hadith his intelligence must chew myrobalan with sugar
Quoted from Hassan bad Khalid: A woman wrote Tabarzad.
to Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) and
complained about the continuous bleeding. CONCLUSION
Imam (AS) wrote back and told her to soak a hand
size of coriander and sumac in water outside for Preventive medicine is the most important way to
one night. Then boil it in a clay pot. Then drink one health preservation and “Tib Imam Reza: Resaleh
plate of that and you will stop bleeding unless it is Zahabieh” is the oldest medical text and first book
the beginning of your period. in preventive medicine and health preservation that
Mung been in razavi hadith was written in Islamic world and by one Muslim.
Narratives state about vitiligo (white spots on This text has unique traits in container. "Tib Imam
body) that Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said to Reza: Resaleh Zahabieh" is very summery, but
one of his companions: take some fresh mung bean contains the most health preservation subjects. But
at its harvest time and beat it with the leaves then nutrition is core of this text. On traditional
extract the liquid and drink it early morning with medicine opinion, unsuitable nutrition is a main
empty stomach. Also rob it on white spots on the element in diseases, physiopathology, too. Razavi
body. This work was carried out and recovery was dietary pattern: Tib Imam Reza” can introduce a
achieved. new pattern in prevention and treatment of
Pea in razavi hadith nutritional based diseases. Results in this research
The narrative state that: Imam Ali Ibn Musa al- showed that 42 plants (Pomegranate, Fig, Grape,
Reza (AZ) said: Pea is useful for low back pain Mustard, Date, Cucumber, Ginger, Olive, Garlic,
The narrative state that: Imam Ali Ibn Musa al- Lentil, Pumpkin, Banana, Plum, Lemon, Eggplant,
Reza (AZ) before and after food the order was pea Been, Quince, Cotton, Bergamot, Garlic chives,
Narcissus in razavi hadith Watercresse, Beet, Henna, Marshmallow, Melon,
Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AZ) said: smell Fennel, Lris, Rue, Sumac, Black cumin, Apple,
narcissus because it secures you against cold just Chicory, Lettuce, Celery, Incense, Walnut,
like nigella. Coriander, Mung, Pea, Narcissus, Sugar cane and
Myrobalan) have been mentioned in Razavi Hadith.

Azarpour et al. 2015 JNBR 4(1)10-19 (2015)


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