How To Teaching Vocabulary For Students

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Created by : Muhammad Haendovi (A1B017036)

Email : [email protected]

University :University of Bengkulu

Addres : Bandaraya street number 40

Vocabulary can be defined as the words of language, including single item and phrases

or part of several words which covey a particular meaning, the way individual words do.

Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without vocabulary student cannot

understand and can’t become to active speaker.

Vocubalary is the basic what must be learnt first by learners. When you will learn first

vocabulary it’s make easier to learning English language well, teaching this is these difficult,

remember so many words in English language. But for beginners just keep in mind only words

used in common conversation. In addition,beginners dont need to use all the word they learn,

just some words like in everyday conversation.

A vocabulary, ussualy developed by age,when you have increased age normally insight

of vocabulary gain many words which you dont know before. Acquiring an extensive

vocabulary is one of the largest challanges in learning second language. When you know many

words,you will be able to understand what you hear and read, it’s make your smoothly to

communication with English language, The aspect make a vocabulary is so difficult to

understand is because the beginers is native,is it mean this is strange for beginner to listen. A

long word will be more difficult to memorize than a short one. Another aspect that makes
English vocabulary hard to learn is the pronunciation of certain words,many beginners find that

word is same but not very same pronouncation like “accept” and “except”,

When teachers teach vocabulary to give a knowledge of words and phrases,helping

them learn any and all of these different component assist them in enhancing their knowledge

and using the vocabulary. The english teacher want student to remember new vocabulary.

Then,student needs to be praticed,learnt to prevent student from forgetting. The teacher have

many techniques in teaching vocabulary.commonly each person have different method of

teaching. However, the teacher must to have instresting method,so student cannot get bored

and the student comfortable with explanation. Techniques employed by teachers depend on

some factors,such as the content,time availabillity,and its value for the learners. In presenting

one planned vocabulary item, the teacher usally combined more than one technique.

There are some techniques of teaching vocabulary

A. Using Object

Using this technique includes the use of reality,visual,and demonstration.this

method can help beginners to learners in remembering vocabulary better,because when

the using this method our memory for object is very reliable and visual techniques can

get what they see .

Object can be used to show meanings,introducing a new word by showing real

object often helps beginners to memorize the word what in the visualization.

B. Drawing

Some object can be drawn on the whiteboard,when you give some task to draw

then the memorize of the object can be longer and of course easily to understand to

realize the main points.

C. ,Exspression and Gestures

Teaching with gestures may also be relevant for learners memorization process.

It is commonly acknowledged capture attention and make the lesson more dynamic.

When in the class you can roles for teaching gestures like management of the class to

be class more condusive and to ask question ,second evalution like to show a mistake,to

correct a vocabulary ,and third teaching gestures apper in various shapes like hand

gestures, facial expressions. Gesture associated with the lexical item during the lesson.

Others have seen learners spontaneously reproducing the gestures when saying the


D. Contrast

Some words are easily explained to beginners by contrasting it with opposite.

For example the word ‘tall” contrasted with the word “short”. But for some word

cannot be contrasting because it’s imposibble to contrast the words whose opposite is

the gradable one.

Besides the above techniques, the teacher can train their student with guessing from

context and using word parts and mnemonic techniques to remember words. Moreover,in

classes the teacher usualllly combine more than one technique because the teacher must have

improvation from theirself it’s make intensity in the class more excited with the new

vocabulary,when the teacher get hard to explaination just keep relax and make conductivity the

class because conducivity create a fluency in studyng.Teaching vocabulary is not just about

words it involves lexixal phrases and knowledge of english vocabulary and how to go about

learning and teaching it.


 Annisa,A, (2013) Techniques in presenting vocabulary to young EFL learners.

Journal of english and education, 1 (1), 11 -20

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