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Chapter 2:

DC Meter


Lecturer: Noor Azwan Bin Shairi

Faculty: Fakulti Kej. Elektronik dan Kej. Komputer
Topics covered in this slides:
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
2. Multirange Voltmeter
3. Voltmeter Loading Effect
4. Ammeter Insertion Loss
5. Ohmmeter (series type Ohmmeter)
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
• To use the basic meter as a dc voltmeter, must
know the amount of current (Ifsd) required to
deflect the basic meter to full scale.

• The sensitivity is based on the fact that the full

scale current should results whenever a certain
amount of resistance is present in the meter circuit
for each voltage applied. 1
S= (2-5)
I fsd
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
Example 2.5

Calculate the sensitivity of a 200 uA meter movement which is to be

used as a dc voltmeter.


1 1
S= = = 5kΩ / V
I fsd 200uA
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
• A basic D’Arsonval movement can be converted into a DC voltmeter by
adding a series resistor (multiplier) as shown in Figure 2.5.

V Rm

Figure 2.5: Basic DC Voltmeter

Im = full scale deflection current of the movement (Ifsd)

Rm = internal resistance of the movement
Rs = multiplier resistance
V = full range voltage of the instrument
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
• The function of the multiplier is to limit the
current through the movement so that the
current does not exceed the full scale
deflection value.

• A dc voltmeter, measures the potential

difference between two points in a dc circuit.
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
From the circuit of Figure 2.5:

V = I m ( Rs + Rm )
V − I m Rm V
Rs = = − Rm
Im Im
∴ Rs = − Rm (2-6)
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
Example 2.6

A basic D’ Arsonval movement with a full-scale deflection of 50 uA

and internal resistance of 500Ω is used as a DC voltmeter.
Determine the value of the multiplier resistance needed to measure a
voltage range of 0-10V.


V 10V
Rs = − Rm = − 500Ω = 199.5kΩ
Im 50uA
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
• Sensitivity and voltmeter range also can be used to
calculate the multiplier resistance, Rs of a DC voltmeter.
Rs=(S x Range) - Rm (2-7)

• From example 2.6:

Im= 50uA, Rm=500Ω, Range=10V
Sensitivity, S = 1 = 1 = 20kΩ / V
I m 50uA
So, Rs = (20kΩ/V x 10V) – 500 Ω
= 199.5 kΩ
1. Basic DC Voltmeter
Exercise 2.7

Calculate the value of full scale deflection

current and multiplier resistance on the 50 V
range of a dc voltmeter that has a sensitivity of
5 kΩ/V with an internal resistance of 100 Ω.
2. Multirange Voltmeter
• A DC voltmeter can be converted into a
multirange voltmeter by connecting a number
of resistors (multipliers) in series with the
meter movement using multiposition switch.
2. Multirange Voltmeter
• Figure 2.6 shows a multirange voltmeter using
three position switch

+ R2



Figure 2.6: Multirange voltmeter

2. Multirange Voltmeter
• Figure 2.7 shows a practical arrangement of the
multiplier resistors of a multirange voltmeter.
R1 R2 R3 R4 range



Figure 2.7: Multipliers connected in series string

2. Multirange Voltmeter
From Figure 2.7,
R1 = − (Rm + R2 + R3 + R4 )
R2 = − (Rm + R3 + R4 )
R3 = − (Rm + R4 )
R4 = − Rm
2. Multirange Voltmeter
• In this arrangement the multipliers are connected in a
series string and the range selector selects the
appropriate amount of resistance required in series with
the movement.

• Advantages: all multiplier resistances except the lowest

range R4 have the standard value and also very precise
in tolerances.

• R4 is the only special resistor which has to be specially

manufactured to meet the circuit requirements.
2. Multirange Voltmeter
Example 2.8

Convert a basic D’ Arsonval movement with

an internal resistance of 50Ω and a full scale
deflection current of 2 mA into a multirange dc
voltmeter with voltage ranges of 0-10V, 0-50V,
0-100V and 0-250V.
(Ans: R4=4.95kΩ, R3=20kΩ, R2=25kΩ,
R1=75kΩ )
3. Voltmeter Loading Effect
• When a voltmeter is used to measure the voltage
across a circuit component, the voltmeter circuit
itself is in parallel with the circuit component.
• Total resistance will decrease, so the voltage
across component will also decrease. This is
called voltmeter loading.
• The resulting error is called a loading error.
• The voltmeter loading can be reduced by using a
high sensitivity voltmeter.
• How about ammeter??
3.Voltmeter Loading Effect
Example 2.9

Figure 2.8 shows a simple series circuit of R1 and R2 connected to a 100

Vdc source. If the voltage across R2 is to be measured by voltmeters having
a) a sensitivity of 1000 Ω/V
b) a sensitivity of 20000 Ω/V
find which voltmeter will read the accurate value of voltage across R2.
Both meters are used on the 50 V range.

V1 10kohm

10kohm Figure 2.8
3. Voltmeter Loading Effect
True voltage across R2 is: VR 2 = (100V ) = 50V
10kΩ + 10kΩ
For voltmeter with S = 1kΩ/V: Rm1k = (50V ) = 50kΩ

Voltmeter reading is:

10kΩ // 50kΩ
VR 2 = (100V ) = 45.45V
10kΩ + (10kΩ // 50kΩ)

How about voltmeter with S = 20kΩ/V ?

3.Voltmeter Loading Effect
Exercise 2.10

Two different voltmeters are used to measure the Ra

voltage across Rb in the circuit of Figure 2.9. V1
The meters are as follows: 25kohm
Meter 1: S =1 kΩ/V, Rm = 0.2kΩ, range 10V
Meter 2: S = 20 kΩ/V, Rm = 1.5kΩ , range 10 V
i. Voltage across Rb without any meter across it
ii. Voltage across Rb when meter 1 is used
iii. Voltage across Rb when meter 2 is used
iv. Error in the voltmeters
Figure 2.9
4. Ammeter Insertion Effect
• Inserting Ammeter in a circuit always increases
the resistance of the circuit and, thus always
reduces the current in the circuit. The expected
current: V
Iy = (2-8)
• Placing the meter in series with R1 causes the
current to reduce to a value equal to:
Ix = (2-9)
R1 + R m
4.Ammeter Insertion Effect
• Dividing equation (2-9) by (2-8) yields:
Ix R1
= (2-10)
Iy R1 + R m

• The Ammeter insertion error is given by :

 Ix 
Insertion Error =  1 −  X 100 (2-11)
 Iy 
4.Ammeter Insertion Effect
Example 2.11

Figure 2.10 shows a simple V1 5kohm
series circuit of Ra and Rb 100V

connected to a 100Vdc
source. If the current across 5kohm
Rb is measured by an
ammeter having Rm = 50Ω,
calculate the insertion error
Figure 2.10
of the meter.
5. Ohmmeter
• The purpose of an Ohmmeter is to measure
• Resistance reading is indicated through a
mechanical meter movement which operates on
electric current.
• Thus, Ohmmeter must have an internal source of
voltage to create current necessary to operate the
• Ohmmeter also have an appropriate ranging
resistors to allow just the right amount of current.
5. Ohmmeter
• A simple Ohmmeter comprises of a battery and a
meter movement as shown in Figure 2.11:

Figure 2.11: Simple ohmmeter

5. Series Type Ohmmeter
• A D’Arsonval movement is connected in series with a resistance R1
and a battery which is connected to a pair of terminal A and B,
across which the unknown resistance is connected.
• The current flowing through meter movements depends on the
magnitude of the unknown resistance.
• Therefore, the meter deflection is directly proportional to the value
of the unknown resistance, Rx.

Figure 2.12: Series ohmmeter

5. Series Type Ohmmeter
Calibration of the Series type Ohmmeter

• To mark ‘0’ reading, terminal A and B are shorted

– Rx=0Ω.
– Max current flows in the circuit.
– R2 is adjusted until the movement indicates full scale current.
– The pointer assign at 0 Ω.

• To mark ‘∞’ reading, terminal A and B are opened

– Rx= ∞
– No current flows in the circuit
– No deflection of the pointer- assign at ∞Ω.
5. Series Type Ohmmeter
• A major drawback – as the internal voltage
decreases (due to ageing), reduces the current
and meter will not get zero ohm.
• R2 is adjusted to counteracts the voltage drop
to achieve zero ohm.
• R1 and R2 are determined by the value of
Rx = Rh where Rh = half of full scale deflection
R2 Rm
Rh = R1 + ( R2 // Rm ) = R1 + (2-12)
R2 + Rm
5. Series Type Ohmmeter
• The total resistance presented to the battery then
equals 2Rh.
• The battery current needed to supply half scale
deflection Ih=V/2Rh.
• To produce full scale current, battery current must
be doubled.
• Then, the total current of the circuit, It=V/Rh .
• The shunt current through R2 is I2=It-Ifsd. The
voltage across the shunt, Vsh=Vm. So, I2R2=IfsdRm.
5. Series Type Ohmmeter
• SinceI2=It-Ifsd, then: I fsd Rm
R2 =
I t − I fsd

Since It=V/Rh

So, I fsd Rm Rh
R2 = (2-13)
V − I fsd Rh
5. Series Type Ohmmeter
• From equation (2-12) and (2-13):

I fsd Rm Rh
R1 = Rh − (2-14)
5. Series Type Ohmmeter
Exercise 2.12

A 100Ω basic movement is to be used as an

ohmmeter requiring a full scale deflection of
1mA and internal battery voltage of 3V . A half
scale deflection marking of 2kΩ is desired.

i. value of R1 and R2
ii. the maximum value of R2 to compensate for a 5%
drop in battery voltage
5. Multirange Ohmmeter
• The ohmmeter circuit shown in Figure 2.13 is only for a
single range of resistance measurement. To measure
resistance over a wide range of values, we need to extend
the ohmmeter ranges. This type of ohmmeter is called a
multirange ohmmeter.

Figure 2.13: Multirange ohmmeter

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