Lab Manual - Professor Dr. Stefan Surzycki (Auth.) - Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2000) PDF

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Stefan Surzycki

Basic Techniques
in Molecular Biology

With 59 Figures

Department of Biology
Indiana University
Bloomington IN 47405
e-mail: [email protected]

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Surzycki, Stefan, 1936 - , Basic techniques in molecular biology / Stefan Surzycki.
p. cm. - (Springer lab manual) lncludes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-3-540-66678-3 ISBN 978-3-642-56968-5 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-56968-5
1. Molecular biology - Laboratory manuals. 2. Molecular genetics - Laboratory manuals.
1. Title. Il. Series. OH506.S89 2000 572.8 - dc21

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Many laboratory manuals describing molecular biology techniques have

already been published. What I have tried to do, to justify yet another
laboratory manual, is to go beyond cookbook recipes for each technique.
Thus , the description of each technique includes an overview of its general
importance, historical background and theoretical basis for each step. This
is done in the hope that users will acquire enough of an understanding of the
theoretical mechanisms that they will be able to go on to design their own
modifications and methods. Examples of some of the questions answered in
this book are: How does 70% ethanol cause DNA and RNA to precipitate
and why is it usually necessary to add salt to insure recovery of the nucleic
acid? Which salt is best for this and why?What is the difference between the
removal of protein from a nucleic acid preparation with chloroform:iso-
amyl alcohol (CIA) or with phenol? Why is isoamyl alcohol added to the
chloroform anyway? These are a few of the questions that one may not
even think to ask when using these methods or adapting them to a research
project but are very important to understand when experiments do not
work or methods are being adapted to different systems.
This laboratory manual is directed at both students who are being intro-
duced to molecular biology techniques for the first time , and experienced
researchers who are very familiar with the methods but may want to learn
more about the theoretical mechanisms involved in each procedure. It is
also designed to help teachers develop laboratories that involve concepts
of molecular biology. What began as an attempt to adapt for pub lication
the manual I use to teach molecular biology to undergraduates has lead
to two years of extensive research into the latest modifications and innova-
tions of techniques for plasmid isolation, genomic DNA isolation, RNA iso-
lation, Northern and Southern transfers, sequencing and peR.
All of the procedures in this book have either been used extensively in the
teaching of undergraduate laboratories and adu lt workshops or tested in
my laboratory. Some methods were developed in my laboratory and are
presented here for the first time. For example my impatient son, Stefan Sur-
VI Preface

zycki, as an undergraduate at Indiana University developed a modification

of the alkaline procedure for very rapid plasmid preparation in my labora-
tory. Along with the procedures, I also evaluate the various kits commer-
cially available from different suppliers and make suggestions and compar-
isons based on my own experience. Emphasis is placed on the time and
expense involved in the application of each technique. The descriptions
of each step in protocols are very specific and detailed as to how to carry
them out. These instructions may appear to be overly detailed, but they have
been developed as a result of years of teaching undergraduates and trying to
assure that the experiments work in inexperienced hands the first time they
are performed.
If one were to read this manual from beginning to end, it would perhaps
seem that there is a lot of repetition of the techniques described. After care-
ful consideration I decided that the repetition is necessary in order to make
the manual easy to use. This is because many methods presented in the book
are similar but vary in different steps. A decision was made to present each
procedure in its entirety to avoid the annoyance of being sent to other parts
of the book to complete steps that were presented elsewhere.
Since this book is also intended to be a teaching manual for new inex-
perienced workers I am including my e-mail address so that the reader can
contact me directly in case of difficulties with techniques and procedures
described ([email protected]).
Finally I wish to thank my wife, Judy A. Surzycki, without whose help and
encouragement this book would never have been written.

Bloomington, Winter 1999 STEFAN SURZYCKI


Chapter 1
General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2
Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 33

Chapter 3
Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 57

Chapter 4
Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 79

Chapter 5
Isolation of Plasmid DNA 101

Chapter 6
Isolation and Purification of RNA 119

Chapter 7
Isolation of PolyA+ RNA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Chapter 8
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 163

Chapter 9
Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 192

Chapter 10
Nucleic Acid Hybridization. A Theoretical Consideration 221
VIII Contents

Chapter 11
DNA Transfer and Hybridization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Chapter 12
Northern Transfer and Hybridization 263

Chapter 13
DNA Cloning. General Consideration 298

Chapter 14
DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 320

Chapter 15
DNA Sequencing 374

Chapter 16
PCR Analysis 406

Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 423

Chapter 1 OVERVIEW

General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification


1.1 Introduction

DNA isolation is an essential technique in molecular bio logy. Isolation of

high-molecular weight DNA has become very important with the increasing
demand for DNA fingerprinting, restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP), construction ofgenomic or sequencing libraries and PCR analysis in
research laboratories and industry. Also, DNA isolation is the first step in the
study of specific DNA sequences within a complex DNA population, and in
the analysis ofgenome structure and gene expression. The quantity, quality
and integrity ofDNAwill directly affectthese results. DNA constitutes a small
percentage ofthe cell material and is usually localized in a defined part ofthe
celLIn prokaryotic cells, DNA is localized in the nucleoid that is not separated
from the rest of the cell sap by a membrane. In eukaryotic cells, the bulk of
DNA is localized in the nucleus, an organelle that is separated from the cy-
toplasm by a membrane. The nucleus contains about 90% ofthe total cellular
DNA, the remaining DNA is in other organelles like mitochondria, chloro-
plasts or kinetochores. In viruses and bacteriophages, the DNA is encapsu-
lated by a protein coat, and constitutes between 30 and 50 percent ofthe total
mass ofthe virion. In prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, DNA constitutes only
about 1% of the total mass of the cell. The approximate composition of ra-
pidly dividing E. coli cells and human cells (HeLa) is presen ted in Table 1.
The purpose of DNA iso lation is to separate DNA from all the compo-
nents of the cell listed in Table 1 resulting in a homogeneous DNA prepara-
tion that represents the entire genetic information contained within a celL
There is no difficulty in separating DNA from small molecules since the
molecular weight of DNA is very large. Consequently, the main cellular
components that have to be removed during DNA purification are protein
and RNA. General requirements of effective DNA isolation are :
• The method should yield DNA without major contaminants, protein
and RNA.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

Table 1. Composition of typical prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Cell Percent of total cell weight

component E. coli cells HeLa cells
Water 70.0 70.0
Inorganic ions 1.0 1.0

Amino acids 0.4 0.4

Nucleotides 0.4 0.4

Lipids 2.2 2.8

Protein 15.0 22.3

RNA 6.0 1.7

DNA 1.0 0.85

• The method should be efficient; most of the cellular DNA should be iso-
lated and purified. It also should be nonselective; all species of DNA in
the cells should be purified with equal efficiency.
• The method should not physically or chemically alter DNA molecules.
• The DNA obtained should be of high molecu lar weight and with few
single-stranded breaks.
• The method should be relatively fast and simple enough that it will not
take a long time or much effort to prepare DNA. This is important since
preparation of DNA is just the beginning of an experiment and not an
end in itself.
There are several methods for isolation of DNA that, in general, fulfill most
of the requirements listed above. All methods involve four essential steps :
• Cell breakage.
• Removal of protein and RNA.
• Concentration of DNA.
• Determination of the purity and quantity of DNA.
Two of the most common obstacles in obtaining a high yield of high mo-
lecular weight DNA are hydrodynamic shearing and DNA degradation by
nonspecific DNases. To avoid these problems, some general precautions
should be taken. Allsolutions should contain DNase inhibitors and all glass-
1 General Aspect s of DNA Isolation and Purifi cation 3

ware, plastic pipettes tips, centrifuge tubes, and buffers should be sterilized.
The met hod of cell breakage used should avoid strong forces that shear the
DNA. DNA, in solution, should always be pipetted slowly with wide-bore
pipettes (about 3 to 4 mm orifice diameter). The tip of the pipette should
always be immersed in the liquid when pipetting DNA. The DNA solution
should never be allowed to run down the side of a tube nor should it be
vigorously shaken or vortexed. The use of molecular biology grade or ultra-
pure chemical reagents is strongly recommended.
Each DNA purification task should begin with careful planning of the
amount of DNA needed, the purity required and an estimation of the size of
DNA molecules needed. Preparation of a genomic library requires 100 to
300 ug oflarge molecular weight DNA (mo re than 100000 bp long), essen-
tially devoid of protein contamination. Southern blot ana lysis of a single
copy gene requires 5 to 10 Ilg of eukaryotic, genomic DNA per single gel
lane . The purity and the size of this DNA is not as critical as it is for genomic
library preparation. DNA of 50000 to 100 000 bp is sufficient for most ap-
plications with purity achieved by standard DNA isolation methods. A sin-
gle PCR reaction requires only a very small amount of DNA (50 to 500 ng)
and can tolerate a cons iderable amount of contaminating proteins. Indeed,
it is possible to achieve PCR amplification of DNA from a single lysed cell.
However, care must be taken to remove excess RNA from the DNA prepara-
tion, because a large amount of RNA can severely inhibit the PCR reaction.

Table 2. Expected DNA yields from large scale DNA purification procedures of different
cell types
Cell type Cell DNA DNA Yield (0/0) Sample Purification
number" present" obtained" weight" yield
(ug) (ug) (mg) (ug DNA/
mg sample)
Bacteria 2.5 xlO lO 120-200 160-180 80-90 30-40 5-6
Animal cells 5.0x107 250-400 200-300 50-80 50-100 3-7
Animal tissue 5.0x10 2500-4000 1000-2000 25-50 500-1000 1-4
Plant tissue 5.0x10 300-3200 60-800 20-30 600-4000 0.1-1.0
a-Approximate total cell number used in purification procedures.
b-Approximate total amount of DNA present in the indicated number of the cells.
e-Approxim ate total amount of DNA possible to isolate from the cell sample.
d-Approximate weight of the cell sample to use for DNA purification.

Table 2 presents data on the average yield of DNA usually achieved when
DNA is isolated from animal, plan t and bacterial cells. These data should
serve only as a general guide in designing a DNA isolation procedure from a
new, previously undescribed source. A list of nuclear DNA content from
more than 100 species has been published and can serve as a guide to design
purification procedure (Arumuganathan and Earle, 1991).

1.2 DNA Isolation Solutions

Material used for isolation of DNA (cells of fragmented tissue) should be

suspended in isolation buffer (lysis buffer). An isolation buffer should:
• maintain the structure of DNA during breakage and purification steps.
• facilitate isolation of DNA, that is to make it easy to remove protein and
• inhibit DNA degradating enzymes present in the cells.
• prevent chemical modification of DNA molecules by cell sap compo-
nents released by cell breakage.
The appropriate buffer concentration, pH, ionic strength and the addition
of DNase inhibitors and detergents fulfill all of these requirements.

Breaking buffer pH, concentration and ionic strength

Tris buffer is most commonly used for DNA isolation due to its low cost and
excellent buffering capacity. The concentration and pH of the buffer used
should be sufficient to maintain the pH above pH 5 and below pH 12 after
cell breakage. Low pH of the solution will result in DNA depurination and
will cause the DNA to distribute into the phenol phase during deproteiniza-
tion. The high end of the pH scale, above pH 12.0, is also detrimental, re-
sulting in DNA strand separation. When Tris is used, the pH of the breaking
buffer should be maintained between pH 7.6 and pH 9.0, the most effective
buffering range for this compound. Use of Tris buffer for maintaining pH
below 7.5 is not recommended because of its very low buffering capa city in
this range. The concentration ofthe buffer depends on the type of cells used
for the DNA preparation. Breakage of animal cells and tissue does not dras-
tically change the pH of the solution, permitting use of low buffer concen-
tration. Thus, Tris buffer used for breakage of animal cells, should be be-
tween 10 mM and 50 mM with the pH between 8 and 8.5.
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 5

Preparation of DNA from plant and bacteria requires much higher buf-
fer concentration due to a large quantity of secondary metabolites present
in bacterial cells and accumulated in plant cell vacuoles. The buffer used for
breakage ofthese cells should be in the orderofl00 to 200 mM ata pH above
pH 8.
The ionic strength of the breaking solution is usually maintained by the
addition of NaCl. The minimum concentration of sodium chloride should
be at least 0.12 M. This salt concentration is sufficient to preserve the struc-
ture of DNA molecules and decrease the amount of water present in the
phenol phase, facilitating deproteinization. The use of very high salt con-
centrations in breaking buffer is not recommended if phenol will be used for
removing proteins. An excessive amount of sodium chloride will result in
the inversion of organic and water phases during phenol extraction.
On the other hand, high salt concentration in the breaking solution is
required when the CTAB (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) deter-
gent procedure is used for cell lysis and protein removal. This is because
DNA forms stable insoluble complexes with CTAB at a salt concentration
at and above 0.5 M. When the concentration of NaCl is maintained above
1.0 M, no complex formation occurs, and DNA remains soluble.

DNase inhibitors and detergents

All buffers used in DNA isolation should include DNase inhibitors. Two
kinds of DNase inhibitors are in use, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA), and detergents.
The EDTAis a Mg++ionchelator and a powerful inhibitor ofDNases since
most cellular DNases requires Mg'" ion as a cofactor for their activity. In
addition, the presence of EDTA in extraction buffers inhibits Mg?" ion-in-
duced aggregation of nucleic acids, to each other and to proteins. Different
concentrations of EDTA are used in breaking buffers depending on the
amount of DNase and Mg++ ions present in the cells. Isolation of DNA
from bacterial, plant and some insect cells requires a very high concentration
ofEDTA, ranging between 0.1 to 0.5 M, because ofthe large amount of DNA
degrading enzymes present in these cells. A concentration of 50 to 100 mM
EDTA is usually sufficient to inhibit DNases present in animal cells. In fact a
high concentration of EDTA (above 100mM) in buffers used for mammalian
cells is not recommended because it leads to a substantial decrease in yields.
When a high concentration ofEDTA is used, it is important to remember
that EDTA is precipitated with ethanol. Ethanol precipitation, commonly
used to concentrate DNA, can result in a high concentration of EDTA in

DNA preparations. The often mentioned "impurities" in DNA preparations

that inhibit DNA digestion with restriction enzymes or interfere with the
action of other DNA modifying enzymes can be traced to nothing more
than EDTA carryover from ethanol precipitation. Therefore, it is very im-
portant to precipitate DNA from solutions diluted enough so as not to pre -
cipitate EDTA, or to use a precipitation procedure that does not require
Along with EDTA, breaking buffers should contain detergents. Deter-
gents are used for two purposes: as an inhibitor of DNases and, as com-
pounds aiding in cell lysis and protein denaturation. Detergents used in
DNA purification are: sodium or lithium deodecyl sulfate (SDS or LDS),
sodium deodecyl sarcosinate (Sarcosyl), sodium 4 amino salicylate, sodium
tri-isopropylnaphthalene sulfonate and hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium
bromide (CTAB).
Sodium and lithium deodecyl sulfate (SDS or LDS) are inexpensive and
potent anionic detergents used at concentrations from 0.5 to 2.0%. Disad-
vantages of their use are: precipitation at low temperature; poor solubility in
70% ethanol, and poor solubility in solutions with a high salt concentration.
SDS is especially poorly soluble in cesium salts frequently used in DNA
purification by density gradient centrifugation. Poor solubility of SDS in
ethanol can also result in an accumulation of this detergent in ethanol-pre-
cipitated DNA, leading to inhibition of enzymes used in subsequent work.
Using lithium salt of the deodecyl sulfate alleviates some of these problems
because lithium salt is more soluble in ethanol and high salt than sodium salt.
Buffers containing these detergents, as well as their stock solutions
should never be sterilized by autoclaving. This results in the shortening
of aliphatic chains, consequently decreasing their detergent activity.
Sarcosyl (N-Iaurylsarcosine, sodium salt) was introduced to DNA iso-
lation procedures to overcome drawbacks of SDS. Sarcosyl is easily soluble
at high salt concentrations (in particular cesium salts) and is frequently
used when cesium dens ity centrifugation is required for DNA purification.
Moreover, this detergent does not precipitate at low temperature in the pre-
sence of ethanol and does not carryover into DNA samples. A disadvantage
of its use is its somewhat weaker detergent activity. Consequently, Sarcosyl
should be used at twice the effective SDS concentration. Moreover, some
cells (for example, some plant cells) cannot be completely lysed by Sarcosyl
alone, requiring the incorporation of a small amount of SDS, or other de-
tergents, in the breaking buffers.
Sodium 4-aminosalicylate and sodium tri-isopropylnaphthalene sulfo-
nate are detergents that do not precip itate at low temperatures even at very
high concentration, and are fully soluble in 70% ethanol. They are very good
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 7

inhibitors of nu cleases and are frequently used in conjunction with SDS or

Sarcosyl in the isolation of plant DNA. Sodium 4-aminosalicylate is used as
a substitute for Sarcosyl when DNA preparations are precipitated with n-
butanol because, unlike Sarcosyl, it is fully soluble in this alcohol. The draw-
back of these detergents is their rather weak detergent activity necessitating
the use of highly concentrated solutions (5-8 %). Both of these detergents
can be sterilized by autoclaving.
Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), commonly used as an
ant iseptic, is a powerful cationic detergent used for cell lysis. It is also a
very good inhibitor of DNase because it forms CTAB:protein complexes
that are enzymatically inactive . CTAB is used at concentrations between
1% to 10% in DNA purification from plants and bacteria. This detergent
is soluble in 70% ethanol but precipitates at a temperature below 15 °C.
Anot her drawback of its use is its poor solubility in water (10% w/v at
room temperature) and high viscosity.
Cetyldimethylethyl ammonium bromide (CDA). This cationic deter-
gent commonly used as a topic al antiseptic, is a very good substitution
for CTAB. The detergent is fully soluble in water, does not precipitate at
low temperature and is not viscose in solution. All other charac teristics
of CDA are identical to those of CTAB. The major drawback of its use is
its toxicity in powder form.

1.3 Breakage of Cells

Cell breakage is one of the most important steps in the isolation of DNA. The
primary ways to break cells are chemical, mechanical and enzymatic. The
mechanical means of cell breaking, such as sonication, grinding, blending
or high pressure cannot be used for DNA preparations. These procedures
apply strong forces to open cells that shear the DNA into small fragments.
The best procedure to open the cells and obtain intact DNA is through ap-
plication of chemical (detergents) and/or enzymatic procedures. Detergents
can solubilize lipids in cell membranes resulting in gentle cell lysis. In ad-
dition, detergents have an inhibitory effect on all cellular DNAases and can
denature proteins, aiding the removal of proteins from the solution. The
lysis of animal cells is usually performed using anionic detergents such
as SDSor Sarcosyl. These detergents are useful for isolating DNA from cells
grown in cell cultures. To apply detergent lysis to tissue -derived cells, tissue
is usually frozen in liquid nitrogen and gently crushed into small pieces that
are accessible to detergent treatment.

Often plant and bacterial cells cannot be broken with detergent alone.
To lyse these cells, they are first treated with enzymes that make the cell
membrane accessible to detergents. Before the application of detergents,
bacterial cells are treated with lysozyme. Plant cell walls can be removed
by treatment with enzymes that partially or totally remove the cellulose-
based cell wall. Since enzymatic treatment of plant cells is expensive and
time consuming, it can be substituted by gentle grinding in liquid nitrogen.
Treatment does not mechanically disrupt plant cells but forms small cracks
in the cell wall, permitting detergent access to the cell interior and subse-
quent lysis of cell membranes.

1.4 Removal of Protein and RNA

The second purification step is the removal of proteins from the cell lysate.
This procedure is called deproteinization. Removal of proteins from the
DNA solution depends on differences in physical properties between nu-
cleic acids and proteins. These differences are: differences in solubility, dif-
ferences in partial specific volume and differences in sensitivity to digestive
enzymes. Methods that exploit solubility differences are: solubility differ-
ences in organic solvents, solubility differences of salts or detergent com-
plexes and differences in absorption to charged surfaces.

Deproteinization methods using organic solvents

Nucleic acids are predominantly hydrophilic molecules and are easily so-
luble in water. Proteins, on the other hand, contain many hydrophobic re-
sidues making them partially soluble in organic solvents. There are several
methods of deproteinization based on this difference, and they differ largely
by the choice of the organic solvent. The organic solvents most commonly
used are phenol or chloroform containing 4% isoamyl alcohol. The method
that uses phenol as the deproteinizing agent was first used by Kirby (1957)
and is commonly referred to as the Kirby method. Use of chloroform iso-
amyl alcohol mixtures was introduced by Marmur (1961) and is usually
referred to as the Marmur method. These methods have undergone
many modifications since their first publication.
The application of phenol in the Kirby method is based on the following
principle. Phenol is crystalline at room temperature, but in the presence of
20% water, it forms an aqueous solution containing phenol micelles sur-
rounded by water molecules. Protein molecules generall y contain many hy-
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 9

drophobic residues, which are concent rated in the center of the molecule.
When an aqueous protein solution is mixed with an equal volume of phenol,
some phenol molecules are dissolved in the aqueous phase (about 20%
water and 80% phenol). Yet, the phenol molecules are extremely hydropho-
bic. Therefore they tend to be more soluble in the hydrophobic cores of the
protein than in water. As a result, phenol molecules diffuse into the core of
the protein, causing the protein to swell and eventually to unfold. The de-
natured protein, with its hydrophobic groups exposed and surrounded by
micelles of pheno l, are far more soluble in the phenol phase than in the
aqueous phase. Therefore, most of the proteins are partitioned into the phe-
nol phase or precipitated on the interphase with water. Nucleic acids do not
have strong hydrophobic groups and are insoluble in phenol.
The phenol method does require mixing the phenol phase with the water
phase . This introduces some shearing of DNA molecules. Since only rela-
tively small amounts of protein can dissolve in a given volume of phenol,
repeated extraction of the aqueous phase with phenol is required to remo ve
all the protein. Because the phenol phase, at saturation, contains 20% water,
every phenol extrac tion will remove 20% of the DNA into the phenol phase.
Even more DNA is lost by entrapment in the interphase layer of precipitated
proteins or when the pH of phenol drops below pH 8.0.Another drawback of
the Kirby method is that oxidation products of phenol can chemically react
with DNA (and RNA) molecules. In add ition phenol is highly toxic and re-
quires special disposal procedures.
To minimize these effects, several modifications have been introduced:
• The use of ionic detergents. These detergents, by unfolding the protein,
help to expose hydrophobic regions of the polypeptide chains to phenol
micelles, aiding partitioning of proteins into the phenol phase.
• Enzymatic removal of proteins before phenol extraction. This reduces
the number of extractions needed, thus limiting the loss and shearing of
• Addition of 8-hydroxyquinoline to the phenol. This increases the solu-
bility of phenol in water. In the presence of this compound, phenol re-
mains liquefied at room temperature with only 5% of water. In addition,
8-hydroxyquinoline is easily oxidized and therefore it plays the role of
antioxidant, protecting phenol against oxidation. Since the reduced
form of 8-hydroxyquinoline is yellow and the oxidized form is colorless,
the presence or absence of yellow color is an excellent visual indicator of
the oxidation state of phenol.

• Removal of oxidation products from phenol and prevention of oxida-

tion upon storage or during phenol extraction. Because water-saturated
phenol undergoes oxidation rather easily, particularly in the presence of
buffers such as Tris, phenol used for DNA purification is twice distilled,
equilibrated with water and stored in the presence 0.1 % of 8-hydroxy-
• Adjusting pH of water-saturated phenol solution to above pH 8 by equi-
libration of the liquefied phenol with a strong buffer or sodium borate.
• Substituting phenol with similar but nontoxic reagents such as ProCipi-
tate" or StrataClean Resin® (CPG Inc; Stratagene Inc.).
DNA obtained by the modified Kirby method is usually of high molecular
weight but contains about 0.5% protein impurities that could be removed by
another method.
The application of chloroform:isoamyl (CIA) mixture in the Marmur
deproteinization method is based on a different characteristic of this or-
ganic solvent. The chloroform is not miscible with water and therefore,
even numerous extractions do not result in DNA loss in the organic phase.
The deproteinization action of chloroform is based on the ability of dena-
tured polypeptide chains to partially enter or be immobilized at the water-
chloroform interphase. The resulting high concentration of protein at the
interphase causes protein to precipitate. Since deproteinization action of
chloroform occurs at the chloroform:water interphase, efficient deprotei-
nization depends on the formation of a large interphase area. To accomplish
this, one has to form an emulsion of water and chloroform. This can only be
done by vigorous shaking since chloroform does not mix with water. An
emulsifier, isoamyl alcohol , is added to chloroform to help form the emul-
sion and to increase the water-chloroform surface area at which proteins
precipitate. The method is very efficient in the recovery of DNA during nu-
merous extractions. However, due to its rather limited capacity for remov-
ing protein, it requires repeated, time-consuming extraction when large
amounts of protein are present. Also chloroform extraction requires rather
vigorous mixing that contributes to hydrodynamic shearing of large DNA
molecules . Using the Marmur method, it is possible to obtain very pure
DNA, but usually of limited size (20 000-50 000 bp). The method is useful
for the preparation of DNA from viruses with small genomes or when DNA
of high purity, but not high molecular weight, is required for experiments,
such as PCR or probes for hybridization experiments that require shearing
the DNA to 400 bp lengths.
A substantial improvement in the method can be accomplished by limit-
ing the number of extractions. This saves time and limits DNA shearing.
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 11

This can be done by enzymatically removing most of the protein before

chloroform isoamyl extraction. Another modification frequently used is
combining phenol and chloroform extraction into one step.
In conclusion, the efficient and modern use of the Kirby and Marmur
methods of deproteinization of DNA (and RNA) preparations, requires
prior enzymatic digestion of most proteins in cell lysate. The method
can be used without this preliminary step only when small amounts of pro-
tein contaminate the DNA solutions.

Deproteinization methods based on complex formation

The method is based on the property of some compounds or detergents to

form insoluble complexes with proteins or DNA, as well as with other com-
ponents of the cell. Compounds most frequently used are CTAB and
potassium or sodium salt of ethyl xanthogenate (carbonodithioic acid,
o-ethyl ester).
CTAB (cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) or CDA (cetyldimethyl-
ethyl ammonium bromide)can form complexes with nucleic acids, pro-
teins, and polysaccharides. At high NaCl concentrations of 1.0 M or above,
nucleic acids do not form complexes with CTAB (CDA) and remain soluble
in water, whereas complexes with proteins and polysaccharides are formed.
These complexes are insoluble in water. The insoluble complexes are re-
moved from solution by centrifugation or by a single CIA extraction, leav-
ing DNA in the aqueous phase. DNA is collected from the aqueous phase by
ethanol precipitation, and residual CTAB (CDA) is removed from precipi-
tated DNA by washing with 70% ethanol.
There are three parameters upon which the successful application of
CTAB (CDA) critically depends. First, the salt (NaCl) concentration of
the solution. The lysate must be 1.0 M NaCl or above to prevent formation
of insoluble CTAB:DNA complexes . Since the amount of water present in
the cell pellet is difficult to estimate, the breaking solution containing
CrAB (CDA) should be adjusted to at least 1.4 M NaCl.
Second, all the solutions and the cell extract containing CTAB should be
kept at room temperature, because CTAB and CTAB:DNA complexes are
insoluble below 15°C.In particular, this is very important for centrifugation
and ethanol washing steps. This is because, when other deproteinization
procedures are used, centrifugation and washing are carried out at 4 °C
and -20 °C,respectively. Application of these conditions to the CTAB pro-
cedure will result in total loss of the DNA. However, these precautions are
not necessary when CDA is used instead of CTAB.

Third, not all commercially available preparations of CTAB work well in

this procedure. This laboratory had most success with a CDA preparation
called cetyldimethylethylammonium bromide. CTAB preparation called
mixed alkyltrimethylammonium bromide also gives satisfactory results.
Use of some other preparations, particularly highly purified ones, resulted
in very low DNA yields frequently contaminated with polysaccharides.
The CTAB (CDA) procedure, because of its efficient removal of poly-
saccharides, is frequently used for purification of DNA from sources con-
taining large amounts of polysaccharides. To this belong: all plant cells, and
cells of a variety of gram-negative bacteria including those of the genera
Pseudomonas, Agrobacterium, Rhisobium and Bradyrhisobium.
CTAB (CDA) is also used for the removal of a polysaccharides from DNA
prepared by other methods. In this procedure, the DNA solution is adjusted
to 1% CTAB (CDA) and 0.7 M or 1.0 M NaCl, extracted with chloroform:
isoamyl mixture, precipitated and washed with ethanol. If necessary this
procedure can be repeated several times, until all polysaccharides are re-
moved. The presence of polysaccharides is indicated by the appearance
of a white powdery precipitate at the water:chloroform interphase.
Potassium or sodium salt of ethyl xanthogenate (xanthogenates) are
compounds that have been used by the paper industry for a long time be-
cause of their ability to solubilize polyhydric alcohols such as cellulose.
These salts were recently introduced to DNA purification in a single
step purification procedure of DNA from plant cells owing to their cellulose
dissolving capability (Ihingan, 1992). Xanthogenates react with the hydro-
xyl groups of polysaccharides forming water soluble polysaccharide
xanthates and thus rendering plant cells easily lysed by detergents.
Xanthates can also react with amines of proteins (Bolth et al., 1997, Carr
et al., 1975; Millauer and Edelmann, 1975) and single-stranded RNA,form-
ing water-insoluble complexes, but do not react with double -stranded DNA.
Insoluble protein or RNA xanthates are removed by centrifugation and
DNA is separated from water-soluble cellulose xanthate by ethanol preci-
pitation. DNA, isolated by this method, is devoid of contaminants such as
polysaccharides, phenolic, compounds heavy metals, protein and single-
stranded RNAand is suitable for restriction enzyme digestion and PCR ana-
lysis. The main remaining contaminant is double-stranded RNA and this
can be removed by RNase treatment.
In our laboratory, we successfully used potassium ethyl xanthogenate
with minor modifications, for the isolation of DNA from a variety of sources
such as algae, animals, insects, and bacteria. Also this method was recently
used successfully for isolation of DNA from various filamentous fungi
(Ross, 1995). The xanthogenate salts proved to be especially useful for small
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 13

scale preparations of DNA from numerous samples, in particular, DNA for

PCR and small scale RFLP analysis. A disadvantage of this method is that
DNA yields are rather low, usually 30% to 50% of the amount obtained by
other methods, when used without mechanical disruption of the cells.

Deproteinization methods based on binding to silica

In the presence of a high concentration of salts, DNA will bind to a silica

surface whereas proteins, due to the predominance of hydrophobic char-
acteristics in high salt, will not. The method introduced by Vogelstain and
Gillespie (1979), uses acid-washed glass beads as a source of silica. The
bound DNA is washed to remove impurities and eluted from the glass beads
by lowering the salt concentration. Since most proteins will not precipitate
at high salt concentration in the presence of 50% ethanol, the washing media
contains 50% ethanol and at least 0.1 M NaCl. The main advantage of the
method is its simplicity because fewer manipulations are required com-
pared to most other extraction methods.
However, there are numerous disadvantages of this method that limit its
general usefulness. First, the method becomes cumbersome if used with
large volumes ofliquid, making it impractical for large scale DNA isolation.
Second, the yield of DNA is somewhat lower, ranging from 50% to 75% of
the starting material. Third, large molecular weight DNA is usually sheared
to smaller fragments ofless than 5 kb size due to binding to more than one
silica particle.
Numerous improvements of this method have been introduced and are
commercially available. Most of the improvements involve the modification
of particles used for DNA binding. The binding surface of the particles has
been activated to increase their capacity for DNA, and the particles have
been made larger and more uniform in size to prevent DNA shearing.
In addition, silica particle membranes are also used to facilitate quick re-
moval of proteins by centrifugation of cell extracts through the membrane.
These modifications make it possible to isolate DNA up to 50 kb with yields
approaching 70% to 80% for large DNA fragments. These improvements,
however, have not made it possible to increase the size of the sample that can
be practically handled. Consequently, the method is used for fast prepara-
tions of genomic DNA from small samples when very large molecular
weight molecules are not required, or for mini-isolation of plasmid
DNA from bacterial cells.
Also this method has been adapted for isolation of DNA fragments from
agarose gels. In these modifications chaotropic salts, such as sodium iodate

or sodium perchloride are used to dissolve agarose and bind DNA to a silica
Another use of silica for DNA purification is the modification of binding
properties of silica by introduction of acid hydroxy groups on the silica. The
hydroxylated silica, at neutral or near neutral pH, has a higher affinity for
proteins than for nucleic acids. Stratagene Co. introduced the method in the
form of a StrataClean Resin ", a slurry ofhydroxylated silica particles. Mix-
ing silica slurry with the aqueous phase containing DNA and proteins re-
sults in protein binding to the silica, leaving the DNA in the aqueous phase.
Phases are separated by centrifugation in a similar way to phenol extraction.
At least two or more extractions are required to completely remove proteins
from the sample. However, un like the phenol extraction, there does not ap-
pear to be any loss of DNA from the sample with each extraction. Another
advantage of the StrataClean Resin" over phenol is that it is not toxic and
therefore safe to use. The main limitations of this method are: the necessity
for numerous extractions and its considerable cost, in particular, when ap-
plied to large volume samples. A useful modification of this method, is treat-
ment with proteases prior to extraction with StrataClean Resin®. This mod-
ification makes the use of StrataClean Resin" somewhat less expensive and
cumbersome, and increases the purity and quantity of the DNA isolated.

Deproteinization methods based on differences in partial specific volume

The partial specific volume, i.e., volume occupied by one gram of the sub-
stance, depends, in general, on the shape of the molecules. The partial spe-
cific volume of most proteins, predominantly globular molecules, is in the
range of 0.70 to 0.73 crrr'zg, Whereas, the partial specific volume of DNA,
rod-shaped molecules, is 0.55 cm 3/g, a much smaller value than that of pro-
teins. The differences in partial specific volumes of these molecules can be
exploited by the use of density gradient centrifugation. The density of
a given substance is defined as the weight of 1 ern" of this substance
(g/cm "), i.e., it is the reciprocal value of its partial specific volume. The den-
sity of protein in water is, therefore, in the range of 1.36g/cnr' to 1.42 g/cm",
whereas the density of DNA is about 1.818 g/crrr',
Moreover, because the partial specific volume of RNA or ssDNA is dif-
ferent from that of dsDNA, these differences also serve to separate these
molecules from DNA and proteins, as well as from each other. To create
density gradients in which separation takes place, cesium salts (chloride
or sulfate) are usually used to generate self-forming gradients during
high speed centrifugation. The capacity of the method is limited by the re-
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 15

quirement of high speed centrifugation and a considerable time required to

create the gradient and to separate molecules . The method is usually used as
the last step of a large scale DNA purification procedure to generate very
pure DNA preparations. For most molecular biology applications it is not
necessary to obtain DNA of such purity. Density gradient centrifugation is
frequently used for single-step purification of RNA.

Deproteinization methods based on differences in sensitivity to enzymes

Proteins and nucleic acids are vastly different biological molecules that are
recogn ized by different and highly specific digestive enzymes. Proteins can
be removed from DNAor RNApreparations using a protease that can digest
all proteins, i.e., general-purpose protease. Two such enzymes are in use,
Proteinase K and Pronase. Both enzymes are very stable, general specificity
proteases secreted by fungi. Commercial preparations of these enzymes are
inexpensive and devoid of DNase contamination, making them safe to use
in the purification of nucleic acids. These proteases are active in the pre-
sence of low concentrations of anionic detergent, high concentrations of
salts, and EDTA and exhibit broad pH (6-10 pH) and temperature
(50-67 °C) optima. They can digest intact (globular) and denatured (poly-
peptide chain) proteins and do not require any cofactors for their activities.
Proteinase K and Pronase are usually used in DNA purification procedures
at final concentrations of 0.1 to 0.8 mg/ml and stock solution can be stored
in 50% glycerol at -20 °C for an indefinite time without substantial lost of
activity. The difference between these two enzymes lies in their activities
toward themselves; Pronase is a self-digesting enzyme, whereas Proteinase
K is not. The fact that Proteinase K is not a self-digesting enzyme makes it a
more convenient enzyme to use than Pronase, because it is unnecessary to
continually add it during the prolonged course of the reaction. This ac-
counts for greater popularity of Proteinase K rather than Pronase in pub-
lished DNA purification procedures.
The major drawback in using these enzymes for deproteinization is that
enzymatic treatment can only remove 80 to 90% of the proteins present.
This is because protein digestion is an enzymatic reaction dependent on
substrate and enzyme concentrations. In practice, the deproteinization
rate depends only on the protein (substrate) concentration, because it is
not practical to add a large amount of enzyme to accelerate the reaction
at low substrate concentration. Therefore, as the reaction proceeds, the con-
centration of substrate decreases progressively, slowing the reaction rate.
And, indeed, enzymatic reactions will reach completion only given infinite

time. Conveniently, at high substrate concentrations and sufficient concen-

tration of enzyme, the reaction proceeds at a maximal rate until 80 to 90%
of the substrate has been removed. The reaction rate then becomes too slow
to be practical for removal of remaining protein in a reasonable time.
In conclusion, enzymatic deproteinization should be used primarily
when a large amount of protein is present, that is, right after cell lysis.
The characteristics of enzymatic removal of proteins mentioned above
make protease digestion an ideal and indispensable step in nucleic acid pur-
ification when applied before organic solvent extraction when the substrate
(protein) concentration is very high.

Removal of RNA

The removal of RNA from DNA preparations is usually carried out using an
enzymatic procedure. Consequently this procedure, does not remove all
RNA, and therefore yields DNA preparations with a very small amount
of RNA contamination. Two ribonucleases, that can be easily and cheaply
prepared free of DNase contamination are used, ribonuclease A and ribo-
nuclease 1'1.
Ribonuclease A (RNase A), isolated from bovine pancreas, is an endo-
ribonuclease that cleaves RNA after C and U residues. The reaction gener-
ates 2':3' cyclic phosphate which is hydrolyzed to 3'-nucleoside phosphate
producing oligonucleotides ending with 3' phosphorylated pyrimidine nu-
cleotide . The enzyme is active under an extraordinarily wide range of ex-
perimental conditions, such as in the presence of detergent, at high tem-
peratures, in the presence of phenol residues etc., and it is very difficult
to inactivate. At NaCl concentrations below 0.3 M, the enzyme can cleave
both single-stranded and double-stranded RNA,but at high salt concentra-
tions (above 0.3 M) the enzyme can cleave only single-stranded RNA. To
effectively remove all RNA, care must be taken to lower the NaCl concen-
tration of DNA preparations to below 0.3 M before treatment with RNase.
This is particularly important because some DNA purification procedures
are initially carried out at high salt concentration. For this reason it is not
recommended to use RNase during the first step of DNA purification. Com-
plete removal of RNase from the preparation requires phenol and/or CIA
extractions. However, the presence of a small amount RNase does not in-
terfere with most DNA applications and consequently, its complete removal
is not always necessary.
Ribonuclease T1 (RNase 1'1) isolated from Aspergillus oryzea is an en-
doribonuclease that is very similar to RNase A in its reaction conditions and
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 17

stability. The enzyme cleaves double-stranded and single-stranded RNA

after G residues, generating oligonucleotides ending in a 3' phosphorylated
guanosine nucleotide. At high NaCl concentration, as with RNase A, the
enzyme is active only on single-stranded RNA. Thus, the same precaution
in its use should be applied as described for RNase A.
In conclusion, because of the RNA cleaving specificity of these enzymes,
it is recommended that they be used together for complete RNA removal
from DNA samples. The use of only one of these enzymes can result in con-
tamination of DNA preparations with a large amount of oligonucleotides
that will make the spectrophotometric measurement ofDNA concentration
practically impossible.

1.5 Concentrating the DNA

This step of DNA purification procedures serves two purposes. First, it con-
centrates high molecular weight DNA from deproteinization solutions and
second, it removes nucleotides, amino acids and low-molecular-weight im-
purities remaining in the solution after cell breakage (see Table 1). This step
can be implemented in two ways: by precipitating DNA with alcohols, or
dialyzing and concentrating the DNA using compounds that actively absorb

Precipitation of DNA with alcohols

Two alcohols are used for DNA precipitation: ethanol and isopropanol. Al-
cohol precipitation is based on the phenomenon of decreasing the solubility
of nucleic acids in water. Polar water molecules surround the DNA mole-
cules in aqueous solutions. The positively charged dipoles of water interact
strongly with the negative charges on the phosphodiester groups of DNA.
This interaction promotes the solubility of DNA in water. Ethanol is com-
pletely miscible with water, yet it is far less polar than water. Ethanol mo-
lecules cannot interact with the polar groups of nucleic acids as strongly as
water, making ethanol a very poor solvent for nucleic acids. Replacement of
95% of the water molecules in a DNA solution will cause the DNA to pre-
cipitate. Making a DNA solution of 95% ethanol concentration is not prac-
tical because it would require the addition of a large volume of 100%
ethanol to the DNA solution. To precipitate DNA at a lower ethanol con-
centration, the activity of water molecules must be decreased. This can be
accomplished by the addition of salts to DNA solutions. Moreover, the pre-

sence of salts will change the degree of charge neutralization of the DNA
phosphates, eliciting extensive changes in the hydrodynamic properties of
the DNA molecules (Eickbush and Moudrianakis, 1978). These changes
concomitant with water elimination will cause the separation of the
DNA phase, i.e., precipitation, at the moment of complete neutralization
of DNA molecules.
DNA precipitation is customarily carried out with 70% ethanol (final
concentration) in the presence of the appropriate concentration of sodium
or ammonium salts. Table 3 presents a description of salts and the condi-
tions used for DNA precipitation in 70% ethanol.
Table 3. Salts used in DNA precipitation
Salt Stock Solution Final Concentration
NaCl 3.0M 0.3 M
Sodium acetate 3.0M 0.3 M
Ammonium acetate 7.5 M 2.0M
Lithium chlorid e 5.0M 0.5 M

The use of each salt listed in Table 3 has its advantages and disadvan-
tages. The major advantage of using sodium chloride, in addition to con-
venience and low cost, is that SDSremains soluble in ethanol in the presence
of 0.2 M NaCl. The use of sodium chloride is therefore recommended if a
high concentration of SDShas been used to lyse the cells. The disadvantage
of NaCl is its limited solubility in 70% ethanol making it difficult to com-
pletely remove salt from the DNA samples. This is particularly true when the
precipitated DNA is collected by centrifugation. High NaCl concentration in
DNA preparations can interfere with the activity of many enzymes. When
NaCl is used , the DNA should be spooled rather than centrifuged to collect
precipitate, making NaCl particularly useful in large scale, high molecular
weight DNA preparations.
Sodium acetate is more soluble in ethanol than NaCl and therefore is less
likely to precipitate with the DNA sample. Its higher solubility in 70% etha-
nol makes it easier to remove from a DNA preparation by repeated 70%
ethanol washes. Thus, sodium acetate is the most frequently used salt in
DNA precipitation.
Ammonium acetate is highly soluble in ethanol and easy to remove from
precipitated DNA due to the volatility of both, ammonium and acetate ions.
The use of ammonium acetate, instead of sodium acetate, is also recom-
mended to remove nucleotide triphosphates or small single or double-
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 19

stranded oligonucleotides (less then 30 bp), since these molecules are less
likely to precipitate in its presence at high ethanol concentrations. In addi-
tion, precipitation of DNA with ammonium acetate has proven to be more
efficient for the removal of heavy metals, detergents and some unknown
impurities that are potent inhibitors of restriction endonucleases and other
enzymes used for DNA manipulation (Crouse and Amorese, 1987; Perbal,
1988).A disadvantage of ammonium acetate is the necessity to sterilize it by
filtration rather than autoclaving due to the volatility of ammonium and
acetate ions. The volat ile nature of ammonium acetate requires also that
a fresh stock solution be made every 1-2 months and stored refrigerated
in tightly capped containers.
Lithium chloride, used in precipitation, has an advantage because of its
high solubility in ethanol. Its use results in relatively salt-free DNA prepara-
tions. A disadvantage is the rather high cost of LiCl as compared to other
salts used in DNA precipitation. High concentrations ofLiCl are also used to
separate mRNA and rRNA from double-stranded DNA and small RNAs in
the absence ofethanol. At 4 M LiCl,large RNA molecules will precipitate out
of solution leaving behind DNA and small molecular weight RNAs.
Customarily, ethanol precipitation is carried out at temperatures of
-20 °C or lower. It is reasoned that low temperature and the presence of
salts, further lower the activity of water molecules, facilitating more efficient
DNA precipitation. However, a careful analysis of the efficiency of DNA
precipitation at various temperatures and DNA concentrations, demon-
strated that this step can be performed at room temperature without serious
loss of DNA, even when the concentration of DNA in a sample is very low
(Zeugin and Hartley, 1985;Crouse and Amorese, 1987). These authors care-
fully ana lyzed the recovery of precipitated DNA as a function of concen-
tration, time and temperature when ammonium acetate is used (Crouse
and Amarose, 1987). The best recoveries of DNA (DNA concentrations
ranging 5 to 5000 ng/ml) were obtained when incubation was carried
out at room or 4 °C temperatures, and the worst, when the solution was
kept at -70 °C. The recovery of DNA at very low concentration (5 ng/
ml) was not substantially different at the various temperatures and was lar-
gely dependent on time. Thus, in the procedures described in this book we
do not recommend precipitating DNA at low temperatures.
Ethanol precipitation of small quantities of DNA (less than l ug) usually
results in invisible pellets that are difficult to wash and dissolve. Recently a
highly visible, inert carrier for precipitation of DNA and RNA was devel-
oped by Novagen, Inc. The reagent (Pellet Paint™) ofvivid pink color helps
to visualize and precipitate DNA at concentrations lower than 2 ng/ml. The
presence of the reagent in the sample does not interfere with enzymes used

in subsequent DNA manipulations or with electroporation and transforma-

tion (Novagen 69049-1 Application Bulletin, 1996). Moreover, when the
DNA sample, containing Pellet Paint" reagent, is run in gel electrophor-
esis, the strongly fluorescing reagent moves toward positive electrode and
does not hinder the visualization of DNA bands. Pellet Paint" can be used
with both ethanol and isopropanol precipitation of DNA. The disadvantage
of using this reagent is that it absorbs at 260 nm, making it difficult to de-
termine the concentration of nucleic acid by A260 absorbance. This can be
overcome by calculating the absorbance contribution of Pellet Paint to A260
in a given sample using the constant absorbance ratio of the reagent at 260
and 555 nm . The manufacturer for each sample of Pellet Paint™ gives this
ratio . However, applying the correction requires making an additional ab-
sorbance reading of the sample at 555 nm.
Precipitation of DNA with isopropanol has all the characteristics of pre-
cipitation with ethanol. The advantage of isopropanol over ethanol preci-
pitation is that a much lower concentration of this alcohol is needed to pre-
cipitate DNA. DNA molecules will precipitate at an isopropanol concentra-
tion of 50% with salt concentrations identical to ethanol. Moreover, at this
concentration of isopropanol, and at room temperature, small molecular
weight DNA fragments will precipitate poorly, affording their removal
from the sample. A disadvantage in the use of isopropanol is the difficulty
in comp letely removing it from the sample because it is less volatile than
ethanol. It is recommended, therefore, that isopropanol precipitation be
followed by several 70% ethanol washes of the DNA pellet.

Concentrating DNA by dialysis

DNA can be concentrated, and small molecular weight molecules removed,

by dialysis. This method should be used if isolation of very high molecular
weight DNA (equal or larger than 200 kb) is desired. Alcohol precipitation
can lead to DNA shearing, and indeed, it is difficult to obtain DNA larger
than 150kb using ethanol precipitation. Dialysis is carried out in pretreated
dialysis tubing, against a large volume of buffer or water (dilution factor,
1000or more) for a period of at least 24 hours. It is important to transfer the
DNA solution to and from the dialysis tubing with wide-bore pipettes. To
concentrate the DNA sample, dialysis bags are surrounded with a dry pow-
der of a water-absorbing compound such as PEG or Aquacide II. The last
compound, sold by Calbiochem Co., (cat. # 17851) is a better substance to
use since, unlike PEG, it does not contain traces of alcohol that can accu-
mulate in dialysis bags.
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 21

1.6 Single Step DNA Purification

These methods are especially useful when one needs to isolate DNA from a
limited amount of sample, or from multiple samples . These procedures are
usually modifications of the procedure first described by Chomczynski and
Sacchi (1987). Chomczynski (1993) introduced a procedure that permits the
single-step simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins from animal
cells and tissues. This method uses the TRI-Reagent™ (Macromolecular
Resource Center, Inc) a monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine iso-
thiocyanate in which the sample is homogenized. The aqueous phase is se-
parated from the organic phase by the addition of chloroform. DNA re-
mains in the aqueous phase and can be recovered by ethanol precipitation.
Modification of this method has been published that greatly increases the
quantity of DNA isolated (Tse and Etienne, 1995).Recently a new DNA sin-
gle-step purification reagent, DNAzol®, was introduced (Chomczynski et
al., 1997). This reagent contains quanidine thiocyanate and a detergent mix-
ture that causes lysis of the cells and hydrolyses of RNA allowing selective
precipitation of DNA from the cell lysate. This method permits isolation of
genomic DNA from variety of cells and tissue resulting in the product that
can be used in Southern analysis, dot blot, PCR and molecular cloning.

1.7 Purification of Plasmid DNA

Isolation of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells is an essential step for many
molecular biology procedures. Many protocols for a large and small scale
isolation of plasmid (minipreps) have been published. The plasmid puri-
fication procedures, unlike the procedures for purification of genomic
DNA, should involve removal of not only protein but also another major
impurity - bacterial chromosomal DNA. Thus, the task of plasmid puri-
fication substantially differs from that of the preparation of genomic DNA.
Most plasmid DNA purification methods start from the preparation of a
crude bacterial lysate and eventually employ the standard protein removal
procedures already described above. To achieve separation of plasmid from
chromosomal DNA these methods exploit the structural differences be-
tween plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Plasmids are circular supercoiled
DNA molecules substantially smaller than bacterial chromosomal DNA.
There are three basic methods of plasmid preparation: alkaline lysis intro-
duced by Brinboim and Doly (Brinboim and Doly, 1979; Brinboim, 1983),
lysis by boiling in the presence of detergent introduced by Holmes and
Quigley (Holmes and Quigley, 1981) and application of affinity matrixes

for plasmid or proteins introduced by Vogelstein and Gillespie (Vogelstein

and Gillespie, 1979). Since their introduction, a myriad of modifications of
the basic methods have been published to improve both yield and purity of
plasmid DNA and decrease the time necessary for its purification.
In the alkaline lysis method, cells are lysed and DNA denatured by SDS
and NaOH. Neutralization of the solution results in a fast reannealing of
covalently closed plasmid DNA due to the interconnection of both sin-
gle-stranded DNA circles. Much more complex bacterial chromosomal
DNA cannot reaneal in this short time and forms a large, insoluble
DNA network, largely due to interstrand reasociation at multiple sites along
the long linear molecules. At the next step of the procedure, lowering the
temperature results in precipitation of protein-SDS complexes. Subse-
quently both complexes, DNA and protein, are removed by centrifugation
leaving plasmid molecules in the supernatant. If cleaner plasmid is desired,
the remaining protein and RNA are removed by standard methods.
In the boiling method, high temperature and detergent lyse bacteria
cells. Bacterial chromosomal DNA under these conditions, remains at-
tached to the bacterial membrane. Subsequent centrifugation pellets chro -
mosomal-DNA complexes while plasmid DNA remains in the supernatant.
A recen t modification of this procedure involves the lysis of bacterial cells
using a microwave oven rather than a boiling water bath (Hultner and Clea-
ver, 1994; Wang et al., 1995).Further plasmid purification, if desired, can be
carried out using standard deproteinization procedures and RNase treat-

1.8 Determination of Concentration and Purity of DNA

The last step of any DNA isolation procedure is the evaluation of the results.
For DNA this evaluation involves:
• Determination of DNA concentration.
• Evaluation of the purity of the DNA.
• Determination of DNA yield.
Ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry is most commonly used for the deter-
min ation of DNA concentration. The resonanse structures of pyrimidine
and purines bases are responsible for these absorptions. The DNA has a
maximum and minimum absorbance at 260 nm and 234 nm, respectively.
However these are strongly affected by the degree of base ionization and
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 23

hence pH of the measuring medium (Beaven et al, 1955; Wilfinger et al,

1997). The relationship between DNA absorbance at 260 nm (A260 ) and
DNA concentration (N) is described by the following equation:
A260 = t260 [N] (1)
Thus giving:
N = - 260 (2)

Where £260 is the DNA extinction coefficient.

This coefficient for double-stranded DNA is usually taken as 0.02 ug'
em" when measured at neutral or slightly basic pH. Thus an absorbance of
1.0 at 260 nm gives DNA concentration 50 ug/rnl (1/0.02 = 50 ug/rnl), The
value of the absorption coefficient (£260) for double-stranded DNA varies
slightly depending on the percent of GC, the concentration of DNA solu-
tions having absorbance of 1 is not always 50 ug/rnl. This slight variation is
usually disregarded. The extinction coefficient of single-stranded DNA is
0.027Ilg -1cm-lgiving a ssDNA concentration of 371lg/ml for an absorbance
of 1 (1/0.027 = 37 ug/rnl).
The linear relationship (equation 1) between absorbance at 260 nm and
DNA concentration holds in a range between 0.1 to 2.0 absorbance units.
Reliable measurements of DNA concentration can made for solutions of 0.5
to 100 ug/rnl using a standard UV spectrophotometer. Samples with an ab-
sorbance equal to or larger than 2 should be diluted before measuring. The
measurement of DNA concentration at a lower range (A260 lower than 0.2)
can be strongly affected by light scattering on dust particles present in the
preparation. Measuring the absorbance at 320 nm (Schleif and Wensink
1981) should assess the degree of such contamination. At this wavelength,
DNA does not absorb and any absorbance at 320 nm is due to light scatter-
ing. The absorbance at 320 nm should be less than 5% of the A260•
Absorbance measurements at wavelengths other than 260 nm are used
for determination of DNA purity. The relevant spectrum for this purpose
lies between 320 nm and 220 nm. As discussed above, any absorbance at 320
nm indicates contamination of a particular nature. Proteins absorb maxi-
mally at 280 nm due to the presence of tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryp-
tophan and absorption at this wavelength is used for detection of protein in
DNA samples. This is usually done by determination of the A260/ A280 ratio .
This ratio for pure double-stranded DNA was customarily taken to be be-
tween 1.8 to 1.9 (for example see Sambrook et al., 1989). However, recent
revaluation of War burg equations (Warburg and Christian, 1942), the basis
for the use of this ratio, has shown that the purity evaluation using these

values is at best misleading, if not erroneous, for estimation of protein con-

tamination (Glasel, 1995; Manchester, 1995; Huberman, 1995; Held, 1997).
The ratio A26(/A280for pure double stranded DNA is 2. The ratio between 1.8
and 1.9 corresponds to 60% and 40% protein contamination, respectively
(Glasel, 1995). Moreover, the A260/A280 ratio is not a very sensitive indicator
of protein contamination because the extinction coefficient for protein at
280 nm is 10 to 16 times lower than the extinction coefficient of DNA (see
Table 4).

Table 4. Extinction coefficients for double stranded DNA and proteins

Extinction Coefficient (10-3 ug' em")
s 280 s 260 s 234
DNA 10.0 20.0 9.0 - 10.0

Protein 0.63 - 1.0 0.57 5.62

One cannot use equation 1 to calculate DNA concentration precisely

when protein is present in the sample since this equation is valid only
when the A260/A280 ratio is 2. However this calculation is possible at any
A260/A280 ratio using the following equation (derived from: Kalb and Bern-
lohr, 1977).

N = A260 - A280/R (3)

C260 - C280/ R
Where: R is ratio of extinction coefficient at 280 nm to 260 nm for protein
(pC280/PC260); N is DNA concentration in J.lg; A260 and A280are absorbance of
DNA sample at 260 nm and 280 nm, respectively and,c260 and C280 are ab-
sorption coefficients for DNA at 260 nm and 280 nm, respectively.
Substituting values of absorption coefficients for DNA and protein from
Table 4 gives;
N (ug ml- 1 ) = 70A260 - 40A280 (4)
A better indicator of protein contamination in DNA samples is the ratio of
A260/A234 • DNA has an absorbance minimum at 234 nm, and protein absor-
bance is high due to the absorption maximum for peptide bonds at 205 nm
(Scopes, 1974; Stoscheck, 1990). Since the ratio of DNA extinction coeffi-
cient at 234 nm (C234) to protein extinction coefficient at the same wave-
length is between 1.5to 1.8 (see Table 4), the A260/A234 ratio is a very sensitive
indicator of protein contamination. For pure nucleic acids, this ratio is be-
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 25

tween 1.8 and 2.0. The DNA concentration can be calculated from the ab-
sorbance at 260 nm and 234 nm using the following equation:

N = A260 - A234 /R (5)

C260 - C234 / R
Where R is ratio of extinction coefficient at 234 nm to 260 nm for protein
(pC234/PC260); N is DNA concentration in ug/rn l: A260 and A234is absorbance
of DNA sample at 260 nm and 234 nm, respectively, and C234 and C260 is
absorption coefficient for DNA at 234 nm and 260 nm, respectively.
Substituting values of extinction coefficients for DNA and protein from
Table 4 gives;
N (ug ml- 1) = 52.6A26o - 5.24A234 (6)

1.9 Storage of DNA Samples

DNA samples should be stored under the conditions that limit their degra-
dation. Even under ideal storage conditions, one should expect about one
phosphodiester bond break per 200 kb per year. For long-term storage, the
pH of the buffer should be above 8.5 to minimize deamidation, and contain
at least 0.15 M NaCl and 10 mM EDTA.
The following conditions will increase this rate and contribute to fast
degradation of DNA during storage.
• DNase contamination.
The most frequent source of this contamination is human skin. In spite
of the low stability of most DNases, even short exposure to a very low
concentration of these enzymes will result in substantial sample degra-
dation. To avoid this contamination, it is necessary to avoid direct or
indirect contact between sample and fingers by wearing gloves and
using sterilized solutions and tubes. Since DNA is easily absorbed to
glass surfaces only sterilized plastic tubes should be used for storage.
• Presence of heavy metals.
Heavy metals promote breakage of phosphodiester bonds. Long term
DNA storage buffer should contain 10 mM or more of EDTA, a heavy
metal chelator. IfEDTA is present, DNA can be stored as a precipitate in
70% ethanol. This storage condition is preferred if the sample is stored at
5 °Cbecause it prevents bacterial contamination. For short-term storage
of DNA, 1 mM to 2 mM EDTA concentration is sufficient and more con-
venient for every day work.

• Presence of ethidium bromide.

The presence of ethidium bromide causes photooxidation of DNA with
visible light in the presence of molecular oxygen. Since it is difficult to
remove all ethidium bromide from DNA samples treated with this re-
agent, such samples should be always stored in the dark. Moreover, due
to the ubiquitous presence of ethidium bromide in molecular biology
laboratories, DNA samples can be easily contaminated with it. For this
reason we recommend storage of all DNA samples in the dark.
• Temperature.
The best temperature for short-term storage of high molecular weight
DNA is between 4 "C and 6 °C. At this temperature, the DNA sample can
be removed and returned to storage without cycles of freezing and thaw-
ing that cause DNA breakage. For very long-term storage (5 years or
more) DNA should be stored at temperature -70 °C or below, providing
the sample is not subjected to any freeze-thaw cycles. To avoid these
cycles, the DNA should be aliquoted in small volumes in separate tubes
permitting the withdrawal of a sample without repeating freezing and
thawing of the entire DNA stock. Long or short term storage of high
molecular weight DNA at -20 °Cis not recommended. This temperature
can cause extensive single and double strand breakage of DNA because,
at this temperature, molecular bound water is not frozen .


Arumuganathan K, and Earle ED (1991) Nuclear DNA cont ent of some important plant
species. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 9:208-218.
Beaven GH, Holiday ER, and Johnson EA (1955) Optical properties of nucleic acids and
their components. p 493-553.In The nucleic acids Vol l . Eds. ChargaffE and Davidson
IN. Academic Press. New York.
Bolth FA, Crozier RD, and Strow LE (1975) Dialkylthiocarbamates. Chern Abstract,
Brinboim HC (1983) A rapid alkaline extraction method for the isolation of plasmid
DNA. In: Method Enzymol, vol 100. Academic Press, London, pp. 243-255.
Brinboim HC, and Doly J (1979) A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening
recombinant plasmid DNA. Nucleic Acid Res 7:1513-1523.
Carr ME, Hofreiter BT and Russel CR (1975) Starch xanthate-polyethylenimine reaction
mechanisms. J Polym Sci Polym Chern, 13:1441-1456.
Chomczyn ski P (1993) A reagent for the single-step simultaneous isolation samples of
RNA, DNA and pro tein from cell and tissue samples. BioTechniques 15:532-537.
Chomczyn ski P, and Sacchi N (1987) Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid qua-
nidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chlroform extraction. Anal Biochem 162:154-159
Chomczyn ski P, Mackey K, Drews R, and Wilfinger W (1997) DNAzol®: A reagent for the
rapid Isolation of Genomic DNA. BioTechniques; 22:550-553.
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 27

CPG@Inc (1987) ProCipitate" nucleic acid purification reagent. Instruction Manual.

Crouse J and Amorese D (1987) Ethanol precipitation: Ammonium acetate as an alter-
nati ve to sod ium acetate. BRL Focus 9 (2):3-5.
Eickbush TH, and Moudrianakis EN (1978) The compaction of DNA helices into either
con tinuous supercoils or folded-fiber rods and toroids. Cell 13:295-306.
Glasel JA (1995) Validity of Nucleic Acid Purities Monitored by 260nm/280nm Absor -
bance Ratios. BioTechniques. 18:62-63.
Held P (1997) The Importance of240 nm Absorbance Measurement. The A26o/A28oratio
just isn't enough anymore. Biomedical Products 7:123.
Holmes DSand Quigley M (1981) A rapid boiling method for the preparation of bacterial
plasmids. Anal Biochemistry 114:193-197.
Huberman JA (1995) Importance of mea suring nucleic acid absorbance at 240 nm as well
as at 260 and 280 nm. BioTechniques 18:636.
Hultner MI, and Cleaver JE (1994) A bacterial plasmid DNA miniprep using microwave
lysis. BioTechniques 16:990-994.
Ihingan AK (1992) A novel technology for DNA isolation. Methods in Molecular and
Cellular Biology 3:15-22.
Kalb VF, and Bernoohr RW (1977) A new spectrophotometric assay for protein in cell
extracts. Anal Biochemistry 82:362-371.
Kirby K (1957) A new method for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acids; evidence on the
nature of bonds between deoxyribonucleic acid and proteins. Biochem J 66:495-504.
Manchester KL (1995) Value of A260/ A280 Ratios for Measurement of Purity of Nucleic
Acids. BioTechniques. 19:208-210.
Marmur J (1961) A procedure for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid from micro-
organisms. J Mol BioI 3:208-218
Millauer H and Edelmann G (1975) O-alkyl thiocarbamates. Chern Abstract 83; 192612.
Perbal BV(1988) A Practical Guide to Molecular Cloning. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Ross IK (1995) Non-Grinding Method of DNA Isolation from Human Pathogenic Fila-
mentous Fungi Using Xanthogenates. BioTechniques 18:828-830.
Sambrook J, Fritsch E and Maniatis T (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual.
2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Cold Spring Harbor. NY. Section E5.
Schleif RF and Wensink PC (1981) Practical method in molecular biology. New York.
Scopes RK (1974) Measurement of protein by spectrophotometry at 205 nm. Anal Bio-
chern 59:277-282
Stosche ck CM (1990) Quantitation of protein. Method in Ezymol. 182:50-68.
Tse CH and Etienne J (1995) Improved high-quality DNA extraction with tri -reagent: A
reagent for single-step simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA and protein from tissue
samples. Method in Molecular and Cellular Biology 5:373-376.
Wang B,Merva M, Williams WV and Weiner DB (1995) Large-scale preparation of pIas-
mid DNA by microwave lysis. BioTechniques 18:554-555.
Warburg 0 and Christian W (1942) Isolation and crystallization of enolase. Biochem Z
Wilfinger WW, Mackey K and Chomczynski P (1997) Effect of pH and ionic strength of
the spectrophotometric assessment of nucleic acid purity. BioTechniques 22:474-480.
Vogelstein B and Gillespie D (1979) Preparative and analitical purification of DNA from
agaro se. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 76:615-619
Zeugin JA and Hartley JL (1985) Ethanol precipitation of DNA. BRL Focus 7(4):1-2.


Commercially available kits for genomic DNA isolation

Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. (

Two kits, RapidPrep Genomic DNAfor cells and tissue and RapidPrep Geno-
mic DNA for blood. These kits use anion-exchange resin in a spin column
format to separate DNA from proteins. Some DNA shearing can be expected
using these kits. Twootherkits GenomicPreps Cellsand Tissue DNAIsolation
Kit and GenomicPrep Blood DNA Isolation Kit both use salt precipitation of
proteins to purify DNA without the use of organic solvents. Some proteins
remain in the preparation but they do not interfere with PCR, restriction
enzyme digestion, Southern hybridization or RFLP analyses.
Amresco, Inc. (
Amresco, Inc. offers a RapidGene genomic DNA purification kit for isola-
tion of DNA from cells, tissues and gram-positive bacte ria. This kit does not
use organic solvent for separation of protein from DNA.
Bio 101 Co. (
The G Nome DNA isolation kits use proteases and salting out to remove
proteins. DNA can be isolated from bacteria, yeast, animal or plant cells
and tissue . Interesting DNA isolation kits for isolation of DNA from ancient
DNA and from forensic samples is also offered . They use a silica matrix
method for DNA purification.
Bio-Rad Laboratories (
Several kits for isolation ofgenomic DNA from different sources are offered.
All kits use diatomaceous earth as the DNA binding matrix to separate pro-
teins from nucleic acids in spin-column format. Shearing genomic DNA
using these kits is not as extensive as when using silica particles as the
DNA-binding matrix.
Clontech, Inc. (
Clontech provides a number ofspecialized kits for purification ofDNA from
cultured animal cells and tissue, plants, blood and viruses. These kits use
silica membrane spin columns to bind DNA from cell extracts. Proteins are
removed by repeated washing and DNA is released from the silica mem-
brane by low salt elution. DNA larger than 50 kb is difficult to obtain using
these kits.
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 29

CPG, Inc. (www.cpg-biotech.corn)

Their DNA-Pure Genomic Kits use protein precipitation buffer to remove
proteins from celllysates. A high yield of genomic DNA is recovered but
some protein contamination remains. This DNA is suitable for restriction
digestion, Southern blot and PCR. A special kit is offered for purification of
DNA from various species of yeast.
Dynal, Inc. (
Dynal is the company that introduced magnetic beads technology. Dyna-
beads, supermagnetic polysteren beads, are used to separate DNA from pro-
teins. The use of magnetic beads eliminates the centrifugation step in DNA
Epicentre Technologies (
Two kits are offered, the MasterPure Genomic DNA Purification Kit and
MasterAmp Buccal Swab DNA Extraction kit. The first kit can be used
for isolation of DNA from bacteria, yeast cells, cultured cells and plant
and animal tissues. The kit employs a proprietary reagent for cell lysis
and a precipitation solution to recover DNA. The procedure can be carried
out in microfuge tubes and completed in less than an hour. No organic sol-
vents or DNA binding matrix is used. The second kit is used for extraction of
human DNA from buccal swaps for PCR amplification. Yields range from 5
to 25 Ilg of DNA from a buccal sample.
Eppendorf 5' (
Five kits are offered. Rapid Micro-Genomic, Rapid Mini-Genomic and
Large Scale Genomic isolation kits are designed to isolate DNA from mam-
malian cells, blood or tissue. They use standard, organic solvent procedures
for removing proteins. Kits employ Phase Lock Gel tubes for fast separation
of aqueous and organic phases by centrifugation. Two other kits for isola-
tion of DNA from cells, bacteria and yeast separate DNA from proteins
using DNA Capture Matrix in a spin filter format. Some shearing of
DNA occurs due to binding DNA to silica particles.

Genosys Biotechnologies, Inc. (www.genosys.corn)

DNA Isolator kit uses a proprietary solution of chaotropic agents and sol-
vents for the isolation of high molecular weight DNA from samples of ani-
mal, plant, and bacterial origin . The reagents and procedure are essentially
identical to the Single Step DNA Purification method of Chomczynski and
Sacchi (1987). High yield of DNA can be isolated in less than 1 hour.

Invitrogen, Inc. (

Two kits are offered, Easy-DNA Kit and TurboGen Kit. Both kits can be used
for purification of DNA from bacteria, cell suspension, yeast cells, plant
and animal tissues. Easy-DNA kit uses proprietary lysis and extraction
solutions together with chloroform extraction. TurboGen kit is based on
application of CTAB (CDA) detergents and chloroform extraction to
remove proteins.
Life Technologies BRL (
This company offers a DNA purification kit DNAzol®developed by Chom-
czynski and Sacchi (1987).
LigoChem, Co. (
This DNA purification kit uses a standard DNA purification protocol. How-
ever, phenol:CIA reagent is substituted by ProCipitate. ProCipitate is a poly-
mer bridging network reagent which has proven to be an excellent substi-
tute for phenol:CIA.
Macromolecular Resource Center, Inc. (
This company originally developed TRI-Reagent® and DNAzol® Reagent
for genomic DNA isolation from animal cells and tissues. They also offer
extra strength DNAzol®ES reagent for isolation of genomic DNA from
plants and DNAzoI®BD reagent, specifically designed for isolation of geno-
mic DNA from whole blood.
Maxim Biotech, Inc. (
BDtract and RDtract DNA isolation kits can be used for purification of high
molecular weight DNA from whole blood, cultured cells, tissue, and bac-
teria. The protocol removes proteins by salt precipitation. The method pre-
cludes the need for phenol, chloroform or other organic extraction. Isolated
DNA can be used directly for RFLP, restriction digests, cloning, Southern
blotting and PCR amplification. Some proteins remain in the preparation,
but they do not interfere with the above-mentioned DNA applications.
MBI Fermentas, Inc. (www.ferrnentas.corn)
This company offers Genomic DNA Preparation Kit for isolation of geno-
mic DNA from fresh or frozen human or animal blood, gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria, cell cultures, animal and plant tissues The proce-
dure requires 20-25 minutes, involves extraction with chloroform alone and
does not require either phenol extraction or proteinase digestion. DNA iso-
lation is based on lysis of the cells with a subsequent selective DNA preci-
pitation with detergent (CTAB). This DNA can be used for all molecular
biology procedures.
1 General Aspects of DNA Isolation and Purification 31

Promega Co. (www.promega.corn)

Promega offers several Wizard" Genomic DNA Purification Kits each de-
signed for isolation ofDNA from different sources (blood cells, culture cells
and animal tissue, plant tissue, yeast, and gram positive and gram negative
bacteria). These procedures use a four-step process: cell lysis, RNase diges-
tion, and removal of proteins by salt precipitation and concentration of
DNA by isopropanol precipitation. DNA purified by this system is suitable
for a variety of applications, including amplification, digestion with restric-
tion endonucleases and membrane hybridization. Some proteins remain in
preparation but they do not interfere with these procedures.
Roche Molecular Biochemicals (
Several kits are offered that are specially formulated for purification ofDNA
from various sources. Differential precipitation and filtration are used for
removing proteins. Their kit for isolation of DNA from plants works excep-
tionally well with many different plant species.
Qiagen Co. (
Company offers a series of genomic DNA isolation kits. A proprietary an -
ion-exchange resin is used to separate proteins from DNA in spin-columns
or gravity-flow columns. This allows the isolation of high yields of pure
genomic DNA from a variety of sources in about 3 hours without using or-
ganic solvents. The isolated DNA is of sufficient purity for RFLP studies,
Southern blot analysis and PCR.
Sigma Chemical Co. (
This company offers several kits for DNA purification. All kits use TRI-
reagent( developed by Chomczynski and Sacchi (1987).
Stratagene, Inc. (
This company offers several DNA extraction kits . These kits use a modifi-
cation ofa procedure based on separating contaminating protein from DNA
by salt precipitation. The procedure involves digestion of cellular proteins
and the subsequent removal of proteins by "salting out". A number of sam-
ples may be processed simultaneously. Isolated DNA contains some pro-
teins but can be used directly for restriction digests, cloning, Southern blot-
ting, PCR amplification, and other DNA analysis techniques.

US Biological, Inc. (

This company offers Genomic DNA Mini Prep Kit. The DNA can be ex-
tracted from isolated nuclei acids using a standard phenol:CIA method
for deproteinization.
Worthington, Inc.(
This company offers DNA Isolation Kit formulated to isolate high molecu-
lar weight genomic DNA from blood, cell cultures or animal and plant tis-
sues without the use of organic deproteinizing reagents such as phenol or
chloroform. The method is based on the isolation of intact nuclei. Pro-
teinase K is used to remove nuclear proteins.
Chapter 2 PROTOCOL

Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells



This chapter describes three procedures for the isolation of animal DNA,
one large scale procedure and two small scale procedures. All ofthese meth-
ods yield DNA suitable for restriction enzyme digestion, genomic library
construction, Southern blot analysis and PCR. The large scale method
will yield DNA in excess of 200 kb, whereas the small scale protocols
will generate DNA of 50-150 kb.
The large scale procedure yields 200-300 ug ofDNA from 50 to 100mg of
cells (c.a. 5 x 107 cells), grown in monolayer or suspension cultures, or from
about 1-2 mg of solid tissue. The first procedure is a "hybrid" between the
phenol and chloroform extraction methods, with the addition of Proteinase
K digestion. The theoretical rationale for each procedure is described in
detail in Chapter 1. Cells are washed in PBS and resuspended in cell lysis
buffer containing Sarcosyl, EDTA and NaCl. Final concentrations of Sarco-
syl, EDTA and NaCI are 1.2%,0.1 M and 0.12 M, respectively. The majority of
proteins are removed by Proteinase K treatment. The Proteinase K concen-
tration used is very high (1000 ug/rnl) to shorten the time of the treatment,
and the volume is small (about 10 ml), to decrease the cost of treatment.
RNA is removed with RNase A and RNase T1 treatment after lowering the
salt concentration below 0.1 M, to optimize RNase activity (see Chapter 1 for
a detailed explanation). Remaining proteins and RNases are removed by
one phenol:CIA extraction. The DNA is concentrated and recovered by
ethanol precipitation or dialysis.
The large scale method yields 50% to 80% high molecular weight DNA
(I50-200 Kb) that is relatively devoid of protein and RNA contamination.
The procedure works with most animal cells and can be easily scaled up by a
factor of ten. It can be also scaled down for isolating DNA from as little as
5 mg of cells in microfuge tubes. The final yield is about 30-40 llg of DNA, an
amount sufficient for several Southern blots. A disadvantage of the proce-
dure is the use of phenol and chloroform, which are health hazards and

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

must be handled with caution. It is also costly to dispose of these solvents.

The protocol involves one day's work and contains at least one stopping
point, where the protocol can be interrupted for one or more days. This
method is not suitable for isolation of DNA from multiple samples simul-
taneously, since this substantially increases the time necessary to perform
the procedure.
The first small scale procedure quickly isolates DNA from a small
amount of cells (about Ixl O? to Ix 107 cells) in a single step. This method
uses xanthogenate salt (Ihingan, 1992) and can be accomplished in about
1 hour. Moreover, the actual time spent on the procedure is less than 15
minutes. Thus, this method is ideal for isolation of DNA from multiple sam -
ples for Southern blot analysis and PCR. The theoretical rationale for this
procedure is described in Chapter l.
The second small scale procedure uses recently introduced DNAzol®
solution for single step DNAisolation (Chomczynski et al., 1997).The meth-
od can be finished in less than 30 minutes and results in isolation of90% of
DNA from cell or tissue material. The isolated DNA can contain partially
degraded RNA that if necessary can be removed by RNase digestion. The
reagent is commercially available from several sources. The DNA purified
by this method from some sources was difficult to PCR without additional
reprecipitation or purification.


A schematic outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 1.


Equipment - Corex 25 ml centrifuge tubes Teflon-lined caps (Corex # 8446-25)

- 15 ml and 50 ml sterilized polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes (for
example Corning # 25319-15; 25330-50)
- Glass hooks
- Glass hooks are made from Pasteur pipettes in the following way: First,
place the end of pipette horizontally in to a Bunsen flame and seal it.
Next, holding the pipette at a 45°angle, insert 0.5 ern of the tip into flame.
The end of the pipette will slowly drop under gravity forming a hook.
- Proteinase K (Ambion # 2546)
- Ambion Inc. is a low cost source of Proteinase K. The enzyme is supplied
in storage buffer containing 50% glycerol, at a concentration of
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 35

Large Scale Procedure Small Scale Procedure

Incubation with Proteinase K Incubation with Xanthogenate

Treatmentwith RNase Centrifugation

Incubation at 65 · C EthanolPrecipitation

Treatmentwith Phenol:CIA Rehydration of DNA



Ethanol Precipitation

Rehydration of DNA

Fig. 1. Schematic outline of the procedure

20 mg/rnl. Proteinase K solution should be stored at -20 °C.Proteinase K

remains active for several years at - 20 °C.
- Ribonuclease A, DNase free (Ambion # 2272).
- Ambion is a source of inexpensive RNase supplied in storage buffer with
50% glycerol at a concentration of 1 mg/ml. The enzyme can be stored
indefinitely in a - 20 °C freezer.

- Ribonuclease Tl, DNase free (Ambion # 2280).

- Ambion is a source ofinexpensive RNase T1. The enzyme is supplied in a
storage buffer with 50% glycerol at concentration of 1000 units/ul and
can be stored indefinitely in a - 20 °C freezer.
- Phenol, redistilled, water-saturated. (Ambion # 9712).
- Redistilled phenol is commercially available. There are a number of
companies that supply high quality redistilled phenol. Water-saturated
phenol is preferable to the crystalline form because it is easier and safer
to prepare buffered phenol from it. Water-saturated phenol can be
stored indefinitely in a tightly closed, dark bottle at -70 °C.
- Sarcosyl (N-Iauroylsarcosine, sodium salt, (Sigma # L 5125)
- Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) (Sigma Co., # M7635)
- Cetyldimethylethyl ammonium bromide (DCA) (Sigma Co., # C0636)
- 8-hydroxyquinoline free base (Sigma Co., # H6878)
Note: Do not use hemisulfate salt of the 8-hydroxyquinoline.
- DNAzol®reagent (Molecular Research Center # DN 127)

Solutions - Phenol 8-HQ Solution

Water-saturated, twice-distilled phenol is equilibrated with an equal vo-
lume of 0.1 M of sodium borate. Sodium borate should be used rather
than the customary 0.1 M Tris solution because of its superior buffering
capacity at pH 8.5,its low cost, its antioxidant properties and its ability to
remove oxidation products during the equilibration procedure. Mix an
equal volume ofa water-saturated phenol with 0.1 M sodium borate in a
separatory funnel. Shake until the solution turns milky. Wait for the
phases to separate and then collect the bottom, phenol phase. Add 8-
hydroxyquinoline to the phenol at a final concentration 0.1% (v/w). Phe-
no18-HQ can be stored in a dark bottle at 4 °Cfor several weeks. For long
term storage, store at -70 °C. At -70 °C the solution can be stored for
several years.
Safety Note: Because of the relatively low vapor pressure of phenol, oc-
cupational systemic poisoning usually results from skin contact with
phenol rather than from inhaling the vapors. Phenol is rapidly absorbed
by and highly corrosive to the skin. It initially produces a white softened
area, followed by severe burns. Because of the local anesthetic properties
of the phenol, skin burns may not be felt until there has been serious
damage. Gloves should be worn all the time when working with this che-
mical. Because some brands of gloves are soluble or permeable to phe-
nol, they should be tested before use. If phenol is spilled on the skin,
flush off immediately with a large amount of water and treat with a
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 37

70% aqueous solution of PEG 4000. (Hodge, 1994). Do not use ethanol.
Used phenol should be collected in a tightly closed glass receptacle and
stored in a chemical hood to await proper disposal.
- Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol Solution (CIA)
Mix 24 volumes of chloroform with 1 volume of isoamyl alcohol. Be-
cause chloroform is light sensitive and very volatile, the CIA solution
should be stored in a brown glass bottle, preferably in a fume hood.
Safety Note: Handle chloroform with care. Mixing chloroform with
other solvents can involve a serious hazard. Adding chloroform to a so-
lution containing strong base or chlorinated hydrocarbons could result
in an explosion. Prepare CIA in a fume hood because isoamyl alcohol
vapors are poisonous. Used CIA can be collected in the same bottle as
phenol and discarded together.
- 3 M Sodium Acetate
Sterilize the solution by autoclaving and sto re at 4° C
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution, pH 8.5
Weigh the appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylendiamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
EDTA will not go into solution completely un til the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using concentrated NaOH, or by the addition of
a small amount of pellets, while mixing and monitoring the pH. Bring
the solution to the desired volume with water and sterilize by filtration.
The EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room tempera-
- Sarcosyl Stock Solution, 20% (w/v)
Dissolve 40 g ofSarcosyl in 100ml of double distilled or deionized water.
Adjust to 200 ml with double distilled or deionized water. Sterilize by
filtration through a 0.22 urn filter. Store at room temperature.
- PBS Solution, pH 7.4
- 137 mM NaCI
- 2.7 mM KCl
- 4.3 mM Na2HP0 4 . 7H20
- 1.4 mM KH2P04
Dissolve each salt in double distilled or deionized water. Besure that one
salt has completely dissolved before adding the next. Adjust the pH to
7.4 with 1 N HCl. Autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 °C.If desired PBS
can be made as 10 x concentrated stock solution.
- Lysis Buffer
- 20 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.5
- 100 mM Na2 EDTA

- 120 mM NaCl
- 1.2 % Sarcosyl
Add the appropriate amount of 1 M Tris HCl stock solution and 0.5 M
EDTA stock to the water. Check the pH of the lysis buffer, and titrate it to
pH 8.5 with concentrated NaOH, if necessary. Add NaCl and sterilize by
autoclaving for 20 minutes. Store at 4 "C. Do not add Sarcosyl at this
time. Sarcosyl will be added to cell suspension (step 3).
- Dilution Buffer
- 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5
- 100 mM Na2 EDTA
Prepare as described for lysis buffer.
- TE Buffer
- 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.5 or 8.0
- 1 mM Na2EDTA, pH 8.5
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4 "C.
- Xanthogenate Buffer
- 12.5 mM potassium ethyl xanthogenate (Fluka Co. # 60045)
- 100 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.5
- 80 mM Na2EDTA, pH 8.5
- 700 mM NaCl
Weigh the appropriate amount ofNaCl and potassium ethyl xanthogen-
ate and add to double distilled or deionized water. Add Tris-HCl and
EDTA using stock solutions. Sterilize by filtration and store at room
- CTAB/NaCI Solution
- 10% CTAB (or CDA)
- 0.7 M NaCl
Dissolve 4.1 g ofNaCl in 80 ml of double distilled or deionized water and
slowly add 10 g of CTAB. If necessary heat to 65 °C to fully dissolve
CTAB. Adjust to a final volume of 100 ml. Store at room temperature.
Note: CDA can be substituted for CTAB.A 10% CDA solution is easier to use
due to its low viscosity. See the description ofother properties CDA as com-
pared to CTAB in Chapter 1.
- ATV Solution
- 0.14 M NaCl
- 5 mM KCl
- 7 mM NaHC0 3
- 0.5 mM Na2EDTA
- 0.5% (w/v) Difco Trypsin (1:250)
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 39

- 0.1% (w/v) Dextrose

- Water to 1000 ml
Add all salts to distilled water and stir for 1 hour. Sterilize by filtration
through 0.22 11m filter. Store at -20 °C.
- Loading Dye Solution (Stop Solution)
- 15% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10 ml of the solution. Dissolve the appropriate amount
of Ficoll powder in water by stirring at 40 - 50 °C.Add stock solution of
EDTA, powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot about 100 III into microfuge
tubes and store in a -20 °C freezer.


Collecting sample material

1. Grow cells as monolayers or in suspension as required. For monolayers, Cell culture

a confluent cell culture from one large bottle (75 crrr' area) will yield
approximately 50 to 80 mg of cells, that is, about 5 x 107 cells (see Table
2, Chapter 1). Suspension cultures, at saturation, will contain 1-2 x 106
cells/rnl. For a large scale DNA preparation, use two to three 75 em? TC
bottles or 100to 300 ml of suspension culture. Decant medium from the
monolayer bottle. Add 10 ml of PBSto the bottle, tilt the bottle back and
forth to rinse the cells, then discard the PBS. Washing with PBSremoves
serum left over from the spent medium. Serum components inhibit the
activity of trypsin.
2. Add 1.0 ml of ATV solution, swirl the trypsin around and incubate for
about 3 minutes at room temperature. The amount of ATV needed is
usually determined empirically. You may adop t the 3 minutes rule, that
is, add just enough ATV to dislodge the cells from the surface of the
bottle after 3 minutes incubation at room temperature. Too much
ATV can damage the cells.
3. Once the cells begin to come off the surface, tap the flask against the
palm of your hand or the bench top. Hold the flask up to the light to
check that no patches of monolayer remain.

4. When the monolayer is completely dislodged, inactivate the ATV by

adding 10ml of medium containing serum. Aspirate the cells 3 to 4 times
with a pipette to break up cell clumps . Transfer cells to a 50 ml poly-
propylene centrifuge tube and place the tube on ice. Collect cells
from other bot tles into the same tube.
5. Remove serum containing medium by centrifuging at 500 x g for 5 min-
utes at room temperature. Discard the supernatant.
6. Add 10 ml of cold PBS to the pellet and resuspend the cells by pipetting
up and down . Collect the cells by centrifugation as described in step 5.
Discard the supernatant and invert the tube on a paper towel to remove
the remaining PBS. Proceed to step 1 of the large scale protocol.

Suspension cell 1. Transfer the appropriate amount of cells to a sterile 50 ml polypropylene

culture tube and collect the cells by centrifuging for 5 minutes at 500x g at room
temperature. Discard the supernatant.
2. Add 10 ml of cold PBS to the pellet and resuspend the cells by pipetting
up and down. Collect the cells by centrifugation as described in step 1.
Discard the supernatant and invert the tube on a paper towel to remove
the remaining PBS. Go to step 1 of the large scale protocol.

Solid tissues 1. Place a 250 ml plastic beaker into an ice bucket and pour liquid nitrogen
into it. Harvest fresh tissue, using sterile scissors or a razor blade, in
pieces less than 1 crrr' size and immediately freeze in liquid nitrogen.
Tissues harvested this way can be stored at -70 °C for several years.
2. Place a mortar into a second ice bucket and pour about 30 ml of liquid
nitrogen into it. Cover the ice bucket with a lid and cool the mortar for
5 to 10 minutes.
3. Weigh about 500 to 1000 mg of frozen tissue as fast as possible, taking
care that the tissue does not thaw in the process. Tare a plastic weighing
boat. Pick frozen tissue fragments from the liquid nitrogen with forceps
and place them in the weighing boat. Transfer the frozen tissue to the
frozen mortar. Make sure that the mortar is always filled with liquid
4. Add a few chunks of dry ice to the mortar. The volume of dry ice used
should be roughly 3 times the volume of tissue .
5. Grind the tissue with the mortar and pestle into a powder.
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 41

6. Make a "spatula" from a small plastic weighing boat by cutting the small
boat in halfalong the diagonal. Use this spatula to transfer the powdered
tissue to a 25 ml Corex tube . Allow the liquid nitrogen and dry ice to
evaporate for a few minutes.
7. Add 10 ml of hot (65 °C) lysis buffer, and keeping the tube in a 65 °C
water bath, mix the frozen tissue with the buffer as quickly as possible
with a metal spatula. Continue from step 2 of the large scale protocol.

1. Pour 14 ml of PBS into a 15 ml conical centrifuge tube . Transfer the Human cheek cells
solution into a paper cup. Pour all the solution into your mouth,
and swish vigorously for 20-40 seconds.
2. Expel the PBS back into the paper cup, then pour the solution from the
paper cup back into a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube. Close the tube se-
curely with the cap, and place the tube on ice.
3. Repeat step 1 one more time and collect cells from each mouth-wash in
the same 50 ml tube.
4. Collect the cells by centrifugation at 500 x g for 10 minutes at room tem-
5. Pour as much supernatant as possible back into the paper cup. Becareful
not to disturb the cell pellet. Discard the supernatant from the tube into
the sink. Invert the conical centrifuge tube with cells on a paper towel to
remove the remaining PBS.
6. Continue the procedure from step 1 of large scale protocol.

Large scale procedure

1. Add 4 ml oflysis buffer, pre warmed to 65 °C,to the cells and mix gently. Large scale
2. Immediately add 0.25 ml of a stock solution of Proteinase K (20 mg/ml)
and mix by inverting the tube several times.
3. Add 0.25 ml of 20% Sarcosyl and mix well by gently inverting the tube.
Clearing of the "milky" cell solution and increased viscosity indicates
lysis of the cells.
4. Incubate the mixture for 60 minutes in a 65 °C water bath.

S. Add 3 ml of dilution buffer and mix carefully. Hold the tube between
your thumb and index finger and very quickly invert several times. Do
not allow the lysate to run slowly down the side of the tube. This step
lowers the NaCl concentration allowing single and double-stranded ac-
tivities of both RNases (see Chapter 1 for full explanation).
6. Transfer the tube to a 37 °Cwater bath and add 50 III of RNase A and Sil l
of RNase Tl. Cap the tube, mix by quickly inverting several times . In-
cubate for 30 minutes at 37 °C.
7. Transfer the tube to a 65 °Cwater bath and continue the incubation for
40 minutes.
8. Add 13 ml of dilution buffer and mix by inverting as described in step 5.
At this step the tota l volume of the preparation should be about 20 ml.
Transfer 10 ml of the solution to two 25 ml Corex centrifuge tubes using
a pipette with a wide-bore tip. When preparing DNA from less than 50
mg of cells add only 3 ml of dilution buffer to total volume of 10 ml and
transfer the solution to one 25 ml Corex centrifuge tube.
Note: A wide-bore pipette can be prepared by cutting off the tip of a 10 ml
plastic disposable pipette. Alternatively, insert pipette aid on the tip end of
sterilized 10 ml glass pipette using the other end as the "intake" end.
9. Add 5 ml of phenol-8HQ solution and 5 ml of CIA solution to each tube.
Close the tubes with Teflon-lined caps and mix using the procedure de-
scribed in step 5. The solution should turn "milky" when properly
mixed. This should not take more than 5-6 inversions.
10. Remove caps and place the tubes into a centrifuge. Centrifuge at 6000
rpm (4000 x g, SS-34 Sorvall rotor) for 5 minutes at 4 °Cto separate the
water and phenol phases. DNA will be in the top, aqueous layer.
11. Collect the aqueous phase using a wide-bore pipette. Avoid collecting
the white powdery looking precipitate at the interphase. However, do
collect as much of the viscose, bluish-white layer from the interphase as
possible . This layer contains concentrated nucleic acids, not proteins.
Record the volume of aqueous phase and transfer it into a 250 ml sterile
Erlenmeyer flask. Place the wide-bore tip of the pipette at the bottom of
the flask and slowly deliver the solution.
12. Add 0.1 volume (about 2 ml) of3 M sodium acetate to the DNA solution
and mix gently.
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 43

13. Add 2.5 volumes (55 - 60 ml) of 95% ethanol to the 250 ml Erlenmeyer
flask containing DNA solution. Pour the appropriate volume of ethanol
into a measuring cylinder and while keeping the Erlenmeyer flask at a
45° angle, carefully overlay the ethanol onto the viscose DNA solution.
Since ethanol is less dense than the DNA solution, it will be the upper
14. Gently mix ethanol with DNA solution by rolling the flask at a 45° angle
in the palm of your hand. Continue until a small cotton-like clump of
DNA precipitate forms at the interphase.
Note: If at this step, DNA does not form a clump and instead it forms severa)
smaller fragments, do not try to collect them on a glass hook as described in
step 15. Instead collect precipitated DNA by centrifugation as described in
alternative procedure 1.
15. Insert the end of a glass hook into the precipitated DNA and swirl the
hook in a circular motion to spool out the DNA. The DNA precipitate
will adhere to the hook and in the beginning, will have a semi-transpar-
ent, gelatinous texture. Continue swirling the hook, allowing the end of
hook to occasionally touch the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask until all
the ethanol is mixed with the aqueous phase. Note the appearance ofthe
spooled DNA. As more DNA is collected on the hook, its initial gelati-
nous texture will become more compact and fibrous in appearance.
16. Transfer the hook with DNA into a 20 ml tube filled with 5-10 ml of
70% ethanol. Wash the DNA by gently swirling the glass hook. Pour
out the 70% ethanol and repeat the wash two more times.
17. Drain ethanol from the precipitate by pressing it against the side of the
tube. Transfer the hook to a sterile 5 ml plastic tube (Falcon 33) and add
500 III ofTE. Rehydrate the DNA slowly by moving the glass hook back
and forth. More buffer may be necessary if the DNA does not dissolve in
a few hours. To speed up the rehydratation of DNA, incubate the solu-
tion in a 65 °C water bath for 10 to 15 minutes moving the tube gently
every 2 to 3 minutes.
18. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:10 dilution of the DNA. The absorbance reading
should be in the range 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50 ug/rnl has
an absorbance of 1 in a l-cm path cuvette. Special care must be taken
to dilute the viscose solution of DNA when micropipettors are used.
Most micropipettors will not measure the volume of a very viscose solu-
tion correctly.

To prepare a 1:10dilution of DNA, add 1 ml of PBSto a microfuge tube .

Prepare a wide-bore, yellow tip by cutting off 5 to 6 millimeters from the
end of the tip with a razor blade . Withdraw 100 ~tl of PBS from the tube
and mark the level of the solution on the tip with a marking pen . Using
the same tip withdraw DNA solution to the mark and add it to the tube
containing PBS. Pipette up and down several times to remove the viscose
DNA solution from the inside of the pipette tip.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter l.
19. Determine the purity of DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm
and 234 nm. Calculate 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a
detailed discussion of the validity of this method and calculation ofDNA
concentration in a sample with a small amount of protein contamina-
20. Check the integrity of the DNA by running 2 to 5 ul of the DNA on a low
percentage agarose gel (0.3% - 0.5%). Add 10 ~l ofTE buffer and 5 ul of
stop solution to the microfuge tube, mix by pipetting up and down. Pre-
pare a wide-bore tip as described in note to step 18. Withdraw 2 to 5 ul of
TE buffer and mark the level of solution in the tip . Discard the TE solu-
tion and use the tip to add the DNA to the tube with TE and stop solu-
tion. Mix by stirring the solution with the yellow tip, do not mix by pi-
petting up and down . Load the DNA into the agarose gel using the same
wide-bore tip. Run electrophoresis at 1 to 0.6 VI em for 30 minutes. Use
bacteriophage lambda DNA as the size marker. The DNA should appear
as a high-molecular weight band, running with or slower than the DNA
standard. Degraded DNA will appear as a smear running down the gel.
Contaminating RNA will be visible as the diffuse band running slightly
faster than bromophenol blue dye.

Alternative If DNA precipitate is not visible after the addition of ethanol in step 14, use
procedure 1 following procedure to recover DNA.
1. Mix ethanol with the DNA solution thoroughly by gently swirling. Place
the solution into two sterile 25 ml Corex centrifuge tubes. Collect the
DNA by centrifugation at 8000 x g for 10 minutes at 4 °C. Use a swinging
bucket rotor for this centrifugation (for example, 7000 rpm in a Sorvall
HB-4 rotor or Beckman JA rotor).
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 45

2. Discard supernatant and fill the tubes with the remaining ethanol mix-
ture. Centrifuge as described above and discard the supernatant. The
DNA will appear at the bottom of the tubes as white precipitate.
3. Add 5 ml of cold 70% ethanol to the tube and wash the pellet by carefully
rolling the tube at a 45° angle in the palm of your hand. Take care not to
dislodge the DNA pellet from the bottom of the tube during this pro-
cedure. Never vortex the tube. Discard 70% ethanol and drain the tube
well by inverting it over a paper towel for a few minutes. Repeat the wash
one more time. Add 250 III of TE to each tube and rehydrate the DNA
pellet by gently swirling. Using a cut off PlOOO tip, combine the resus -
pended DNA from both tubes. More buffer may be necessary if the DNA
does not dissolve in a few hours. To speed up rehydration of the DNA,
incubate the solution in a 65 °Cwater bath for 10 to 15 minutes. Follow
the large scale protocol from step 18.

Small scale procedures

Two small scale protocols are described; the first uses xanthogenate salts
and the second, commercially available reagent DNAzol®.
1. Use between 1x106 and 1x107 cells for a single preparation (see Table 2, Small scale
Chapter 1 for details of cell weights and expected yields). If trypsinized protocol 1
or suspension cell culture is used, centrifuge the sample at room tem-
perature for 5 minutes at 500 x g.
2. Discard the supernatant and centrifuge the tube for 5-6 seconds. Using a
capillary micropipette tip, remove remaining medium from the tube.
3. Add 800 III of xanthogenate buffer and gently resuspend the cells by
pipetting up and down . Transfer the cells to a 1.5 ml microfuge tube
and close the tube tightly.
4. Place the tube into a 65 °C water bath and incubate it for 40 minutes,
mixing occasionally.
5. Centrifuge the tube for 5 minutes at room temperature. Using a cut-off
1000 III pipette tip, transfer 400 III to each of two microfuge tubes. Dis-
card the pellet.
6. Add 1000 III of 95% ethanol (2.5 volumes) to each tube. Mix well by
inverting several times. At this point the preparation can be stored at
-70 °C for an indefinite time.

7. Place the tube in a centrifuge, orienting the attached end of the lid away
from the center of rotation. Centrifuge the tube at maximum speed for
5 minutes at room temperature.
8. Remove tubes from the centrifuge. Pour off ethanol into an Erlenmeyer
flask by holding the tube by the open lid and gently inverting the end,
touch the tube edge to the rim of the flask and drain the ethanol. You do
not need to remove all the ethanol from the tube. Return the tubes to the
centrifuge in the same orientations as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol, do not invert the tube more than once
because this could disturb the pellet.
9. Wash the pellet with 700 ul of cold 70% ethanol. Hold ing the PlOOO Pi-
petman vertically (see Figure 3) slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of
the tube opposite the pellet. Do not start the centrifuge, in this step the
centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps the tube at an angle
convenient for ethanol washing. Withdraw the tube from the centrifuge
by holding the tube by the lid. Remove ethanol as before. Place the tube
back into the centrifuge and wash with 70% ethanol one more time .
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet without
centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging the pellet is time
consuming and frequently leads to substantial loss of material and shearing
of DNA.
10. After the last ethanol wash, collect the ethanol remaining on the sides of
the tube by centrifugation. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge with
the side of the tube containing the pellet facing away from the center of
rotation and centrifuge for 2-3 seconds. For this centrifugation you do not
need to close the lids of the tubes. Remove collected ethanol from the
bottom of the tube using a Pipetman (P200) equipped with capillary tip.

Fig. 2.
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 47

Fig. 3.

Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make rehydration of
the DNA very difficult if not impossible.
11. Add 150 III ofTE to each tube and resuspend the pelleted DNA. Use a
yellow tip (P-200 Pipetman) with a cut off end for this procedure. Gently
pipette the buffer up and down directing the stream of the buffer toward
the pellet. If the pellet does not dissolve in several minutes, place the tube
in a 60° - 65 °C water bath and incubate for 10 to 20 minutes mixing
12. Combine the DNA from both tubes into one microfuge tube using a cut-
off micropipette tip. Combined volume should be about 300 Ill.
13. Add 10 III of DNase-free RNase A and 1111 of RNase T1 and mix by in-
verting the tube 2 to 3 times. Place the tube into a 37 °Cwater bath and
incubate for 30 minutes.
14. Add 150 III of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume).
15. Add 900 III of 95% ethanol (2 x total volume). Mix well by inverting the
tube 4 to 5 times and centrifuge for 10 minutes at room temperature.
Pour off the supernatant using the technique described in step 8.
16. Wash the pellet two times with 700 III of cold 70% using the technique
described in step 9. Be sure to remove residual ethanol with a capillary
tip after brief centrifugation. Do not dry the DNA pellet in vacuum.
17. Dissolve the DNA pellet in 25111 ofTE or water. Use a cut -off yellow tip
for this procedure. Incubate the solution for 10 to 20 minutes in a 65 °C
water bath to dissolve the pelleted DNA completely. Store the DNA
sample at-70 -c.

Small scale 1. Use between Ixl G" and lx10 7 cells for a single preparation (see Table 2,
protocol 2 Chapter 1 for details of cell weights and expected yields) . To collect cells
grown in monolayer culture, add 1 ml of reagent per 10 em? of culture
plate area. Do not trypsinize the monolayer cells. If cells are grown in
suspension culture use 1.5 ml of cells. Centrifuge the sample at room
temperature for 5 minutes at 500 x g.
2. Add 900 III of DNAzol®and gently resuspend the cells by inverting the
tube several times. If the pellet is difficult to dissolve, pipette the solution
up and down using a cut-off 1000 III pipette tip.
3. Centrifuge the tube for 10 minutes at room temperature to remove cell
debris. Using a cut -off 1000 III pipette tip, transfer the supernatant into
fresh tube. The centrifugation step is optional.
4. Add 470 III of95% ethanol (0.52 volume) to the tube and mix by invert-
ing the tube 5 to 8 times.
5. Incubate at room temperature for 1 to 3 minutes.
6. Place the tube in a centrifuge, orienting the attached end oflid away from
the center of rotation. Centrifuge the tube at maximum speed for 5 min-
utes at room temperature.
7. Remove tubes from the centrifuge. Pour off ethanol into an Erlenmeyer
flask by holding the tube by the open lid and gently inverting the end,
touch the tube edge to the rim of the flask and dra in the ethanol. You do
not need to remove all the ethanol from the tube. Return the tubes to the
centrifuge in the same orientations as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this could disturb the pellet.
8. Wash the pellet with 1000 III of95% ethanol. Holding the PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically (see Figure 3) slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the
tube opposite the pellet. Do not start the centrifuge, in this step the cen-
trifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps the tube at an angle
convenient for ethanol washing. Withdraw the tube from the centrifuge
by holding the tube by the lid. Remove ethanol as before. Place the tube
back into the centrifuge and wash with 95% ethanol one more time .
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet without
centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging the pellet is time
consuming and frequently leads to substantial loss of material and shearing
of DNA.
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 49

9. After the last ethanol wash, collect the ethanol remaining on the sides of
the tube by centrifugation. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge with
the side of the tube containing the pellet facing away from the center of
rotation and centrifuge for 2-3 seconds For this centrifugation you do
not need to close the lids of the tubes. Remove collected ethanol from the
bottom of the tube using a Pipetman (P200) equipped with capillary tip .
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make rehydration of
the DNA very difficult if not impossible.
10. Dissolve the DNA pellet in 25 III of TE or water. Use a yellow tip with a
cut-off end for this procedure. Incubate the solution for 10to 20 minutes
in a 65 °Cwater bath to dissolve the pelleted DNA completely. Store the
DNA sample at -70 °C.
11. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:10 dilution of the DNA. The absorbance reading
should be in the range 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50 ug/rnl has
an absorbance of 1 in a l-cm path cuvette. Special care must be taken
to dilute the viscose solution of DNA when micropipettors are used.
Most micropipettors will not measure the volume of a very viscose solu-
tion correctly.
To prepare a 1:10dilution of DNA, add 1 ml of PBS to a microfuge tube .
Prepare a wide-bore, yellow tip by cutting off 5 to 6 millimeters from the
end of the tip with a razor blade. Withdraw 100 III of PBS from the tube
and mark the level of the solution on the tip with a marking pen. Using
the same tip withdraw DNA solution to the mark and add it to the tube
containing PBS. Pipette up and down several times to remove the vis-
cose DNA solution from the inside of the pipette tip.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.
12. Determine the purity of DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm
and 234 nm. Calculate 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a
detailed discussion of the validity of this method and calculation of
DNA concentration in a sample with a small amount of protein con-


• Large scale protocol.

A typica l spectrum ofthe DNA purified from human cheek cells is shown
in Figure 4. The DNA concentration is 0.5 ~lg/fll. The total amount
of DNA was 250 flg. Since one human cell contains approximately
660 x 10- 14 g DNA and, in this experiment,S x 107 cells were used
for DNA purification, the DNA yield from this isolation is 75.7%
(250/330 x 100).The DNA is high molecular weight and does not contain
RNA. Figure 5 presents the results of Bam H I and Bgl II digest ion of the
isolated DNA.
• Small scale protocol.
The amount of DNA isolated from human cheek cells (single mouth
wash), using the small scale protocol 1, is between 4 and 10 ug. This
DNA is of sufficient quality for restriction enzyme digestion and
PCR analysis. The small amount of RNA remaining does not interfere.
The 260/280 ratio is between 1.8 and 1.9, indicating very low contam-
ination with proteins. Figure 6 presents the results of PCR using Alu
TPA-25 specific primers and DNA isolated from five individuals.

1.0 Fig. 4. Absorption spectru m of DNA pur-

0.9 ified from human cheek cells. DNA was di-
luted 20 x in PBS and scanned using a UV
spectrophotometer. The 260/280 absor-
0.7 bance ratio was 1.7 and the 2601234 absor-
bance ratio was 1.8.
OJ 0.6
.0 0.5
.0 0.4



220 240 260 280 300 320

Wavelength (nrn)
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 51

Fig. 5. Gel electrophoresis of human DNA isolated using the

large scale procedure. Lane 1 has 1 Ilg, and lane 4 has 5 Ilg of
undigested DNA, respectively. Lanes 2 and 3 show DNA (5

ug) digested with Bam HI and Bgl II restriction enzymes, respec-
tively. Std lane is a molecular weight standard of 1 kb ladder from
Life Technolog ies Gibco BRL.


8td 1 2 3 4


Problems encountered in large and small scale protocols can be classified

into two groups: problems resulting in inadequate purity of the product and
problems resulting in inadequate DNA yields.

Problems with DNA purity; large scale procedure

Impure DNA can manifest itself by one or all of the following features:
• low 260/280 or 260/234 ratio. Use recovery procedure 1 to remedy this
• presence of a large amount of ethidium bromide positive material glow-
ing in the sample well of the agarose gel. This is usually associated with
a reduced amount, or total absence, of DNA on the gel in spite of a high
260 nm absorbance. Use recovery procedure 2.

Fig. 6. PCR of human DNA isolated using small scale procedure. DNA was isolated from four
ind ividuals and PCR was done with Alu TPA-25 prim ers. Products were electrophoresed on a
2.5% MetaPhor gel for 1hour. The expected fragm ent size with an Alu insertion is 400 bp. The
expected fragment size without the insertion is 100 bp. Ind ividuals in lanes 2, 3 and 4 are
homozygous for the presence of Alu (400 bp fragment only). Individuals in lanes 1 and 5
are hete rozygous and have both the 400 bp and 100 bp fragments. Standards are: 1000
bp, 700 bp, 525 bp, 500 bp 400 bp, 300 bp and 200 bp. The diffused bands ahead of the
100 bp band are primer dim ers.

• partial digestion with restriction endonuclease enzyme. Use recovery

procedure 3.
• large amount of RNA visible on the gel. Use recovery procedure 4.
• degradation of DNA visible as a smear running down the gel. Use re-
covery procedure 5.

Recovery A low 260/280 and/or 2601234 ratio indicates protein contamination and
procedure 1 usually is caused by low activity of Proteinase K or inadequate mixing
of phenol and aqueous phases. The low activity of Proteinase K is usually
indicated by the presence of a large amount of "foamy" material at the in-
terphase after the first phenol extraction (step 9). Whereas inadequately
mixed phenol and aqueous phases do not have a uniformly "milky" appear-
ance. Contaminating proteins can be removed using the following proce -
dure :
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 53

1. Transfer the DNA sample to a 25 ml Corex tube with a wide-bore pipette

tip, and dilute it to a final volume of 5 ml using lysis buffer.
2. Add 3 ml of phenol-8HQ and 3 ml of CIA, close the tube and mix by
rapidly inverting the tube 5 or 6 times until solution turns "milky".
3. Follow purification steps 10 through 17 of the large scale protocol.

The presence of the ethidium bromide stainable material in the wells of the Recovery
agarose gel indicates the presence of DNA-protein aggregates that are un- procedure 2
able to enter the gel. This is frequently the result of too much EDTA in the
lysis buffer. The DNA-protein complexes can be removed using the follow-
ing recovery procedure.
1. Transfer the DNA sample to a 25 ml Corex tube (with wide-bore pipette
tip) and dilute it to a final volume of2 ml with lysis buffer prepared with
half the amount ofEDTA. Add NaCl to a final concentration of 0.3 M.
2. Add 0.15 ml of Proteinase K solution (20 mg/ml) and incubate the mix-
ture for 60 minutes at 55 °C.
Note: Extracting the DNA with phenol:CIA will not remove DNA:protein
complexes . Proteinase K treatment is required for successful removal of
proteins from such complexes .
3. Add 3 ml of TE buffer and mix gently.
4. Add 3 ml of Phenol-8HQ and 3 ml of CIA, close the tube and mix by
rapidly inverting the tube 5 to 6 times .
5. Follow purification steps 10 through 17 of the large scale protocol.

Difficulty with restriction endonuclease digestion of DNA is usually asso- Recovery

ciated with the presence of polysaccharides, phenolic, or other related sec- procedure 3
ondary metabolites in the preparation. If the amount of these impurities is
small, they can be removed easily by precipitating DNA in the presence of
2 M ammonium acetate (Cruse and Amorese, 1987, Perbal, 1988). If this
treatment does not overcome the problem, use the following procedure
for the removal of contaminating macromolecules.
1. Transfer the DNA solution to a 25 ml Corex tube using a wide-bo re pip-
ette tip. Dilute the DNA preparation with TE to a final volume of 2 ml.
2. Adjust the NaCl concentration of the solution to 0.7 M by adding 5 M

3. Add 0.1 volume of the CTAB/NaCl (CDA/NaCl) solution and mix by

gently inverting the tube several times .
4. Incubate the tightly closed tube at 65 °C for 20 minutes.
5. Add an equal volume of CIA to the solution, mix thoroughly by rapidly
inverting the tube 5 to 6 times.
6. Centrifuge the tube at 6000 rpm (4000 x g, SS-34 Sorvall rotor) for 10
minutes at 4 °C and transfer the top, aqueous phase into a new Corex
tube with a wide-bore pipette. Repeat the CIA extraction two more times
or until the white powdery interphase, containing contaminating
macromolecules, is no longer visible.
7. Transfer the aqueous phase into a new, sterile 25 ml Corex tube using the
wide-bore pipette. Record the sample volume.
8. Add 2.5 volumes (about 15 ml) of95% ethanol and mix by inverting the
tube two to three times .
9. Collect the precipitated DNA by centrifugation at 4 °C for 10 minutes at
10000 rpm (16000 x g). Use a swinging bucket rotor for this centrifuga-
tion. Discard the supernatant and remove remaining ethanol by invert-
ing the tube over a paper towel.
10. Wash the DNA pellet with cold 70% ethanol. Add 5 ml cold 70% ethanol
to the tube, being careful not to disturb the pellet. Rinse the tube sides
and the pellet by gently swirling ethanol. Discard the ethanol and repeat
the washing one more time. Remove all ethanol by inverting the tube
over paper towel for 5 to 10 minutes.
11. Dissolve the pellet in 100)ll ofTE. First, add first 50)l1ofTE buffer using
a yellow tip with a cut off end and resuspend the pellet by pipetting up
and down. Transfer the DNA into a microfuge tube and repeat the pro-
cedure with second 50 ul of TE buffer. Store the DNA at -70 °C.

Recovery RNA contamination can occur when using material particularly rich in
procedure 4 RNA. It can be remedied by repeating RNase treatment in step 6 of the
main procedure.
1. Transfer the DNA solution to 25 ml Corex tube using a wide-bore pip-
ette. Dilute the DNA preparation with TE to final volume of 2 ml.
2. Add 50)l l of RNase A and 5)ll of RNase T1. Cap the tube, mix gently and
incubate at 37 °C for 30 minutes.
2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Animal Cells 55

3. Add 8 ml TE buffer,S ml of phenol-8HQ and 5 ml of CIA, close the tube

and very quickly invert the tube back and forth five times until the solu-
tion turns "milky".
4. Follow steps 10 through 17 of the large scale protocol.

Avoiding any manipulation that can shear DNA can usually eliminate the Recovery
presence ofsmall amounts oflow molecular weight DNA in the preparation. procedure 5
DNA is mechanically sheared when pipettes with too narrow openings are
used or by allowing the DNA solution to run down the side of the tube .
Inverting tubes too slowly during organic extraction will also result in sub -
stantial shearing of DNA molecules. To remedy these problems the puri-
fication should be repeated and care taken to handle the DNA solution
more carefully.
The presence ofsmall molecular weight DNA in the preparation also can
result from insufficient inhibition of DNase activity. This can be remedied
by repeating the purification using lysis buffer with a higher concentration
of EDTA. Try increasing EDTA concentration by increments of 50 mM in
the lysis buffer.

Problems with DNA recovery; large scale procedures

In the large scale procedure, a low yield of DNA can result from:
• Inadequate lysis of the cells. This problem will be noticeable after the
addition of Sarcosyl. Adequate lysis of the cells results in a drastic in-
crease in viscosity of the solution.
• Too high concentration of the EDTA in the lysis buffer. In this case, alow
yield of nucleic acid will be apparent during precipitation with ethanol
(step 14).Loweringthe concentration ofthe EDTAin the lysisbuffer solves
this problem. Try lowering EDTA concentration by 20 mM increments.
• Contamination of a stock solution with DNase. Preparation of fresh
stock solutions is the best remedy.

Problems with DNA purity; small scale procedure

Poor quality of DNA isolated with xanthogenate generally manifests itself

by the inhibition of restriction enzyme activity or inability to perform PCR.
The problem is usually associated with residual amounts of xanthogenate

salt in the DNA due to inadequate washing with 70% ethanol. Even a very
small amount of this salt will inactivate proteins. Xanthogenate salt can be
removed using the following procedure:
Recovery 1. Add TE buffer to the DNA to bring the volume to 100 Ill.
2. Add 50 III of7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) and mix well by
inverting the micro tube several times.
3. Add 300 III of95% ethanol (2xtotal volume) and mix well. Centrifuge for
15 minutes at room temperature.
4. Wash the pelleted DNA as described in steps 9 and 10 of the small scale
protocol 1 and resuspend DNA in 20 III ofTE buffer using the procedure
described in step 17.

Problems with DNA recovery; small scale procedures

If DNA yield is low when using small scale protocol 1, this can be remedied
by one of the following:
• Freezing cell pellet in liquid nitrogen and grinding it to a fine powder
using a glass homogenizer (Ihingan, 1992).
• Increasing concentration of the EDTA in xanthogenate buffer from
10 mM to 80 mM.
• Decreasing concentration of sodium xanthogenate to 6.25 mM in the
xanthogenate buffer. DNA samples prepared by DNAzol® procedure
frequently contain residual amounts of RNA. This can be removed by:
- Centrifugation in step 3 of small scale protocol 2.
- Removing RNA by RNase treatment as described in steps 11 to 15 of
small scale protocol 1.


Chomczynski P, Mackey K, Drews R, Wilfinger W 1997DNAzoI®: A reagent for the rapid

isolation of genomic DNA. BioTechniques 22:550-553.
Crouse J, Amorese D 1987 Ethanol precipitation: Ammonium acetate as an alternative to
sodium acetate. BRL Focus 9 (2): 3-5.
Hodge, R 1994 In: Protocols for nucleic acids analysis by nonradioactive probes. Method
in Molecular Biology Volume 28. Ed. Isaac PG. Humana Pres s. Totowa, New Jersey.
Ihingan AK 1992 A novel technology for DNA isolat ion . Methods in Molecular and Cel-
lular Biology 3:1-22.
Perb al BV 1988 A Practical guide to molecular cloning. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons .
Chapter 3 PROTOCOL

Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells



The isolation of undegraded DNA from plants is notoriously difficult, pre-

sentingproblems that are not, in general, encountered in purification ofDNA
from animal or bacterial cells. Plant cells have a very tough cell wall, the
breakage of which requires the application of vigorous physical force that
can shear large DNA molecules.Also, plant cells accumulate large amounts of
secondarymetabolitesin theirvacuoles that eithe r co-purifywithnucleicacids
(e.g., polysaccharides) or interact with DNA (polyphenols, oxalic acid, etc.)
rendering the final product unusable. Finally, plant cells contain large
amounts of very active nucleic acid degrading enzymes, making the time
between cell rupture and inactivation of these nucleases a critical factor.
This chapter describes DNA extraction methods that, to a large extent,
overcome these difficulties and can be used for both frozen and fresh plant
material. Two methods are described, both of which yield DNA suitable for
restriction enzyme digestion, genomic library construction, Southern blot
analysis and PCR. A large scale procedure uses between 0.6 to 1.0 g of plant
material and yields 500 to 800 11 g of DNA with average size of 150 Kb. A
small scale protocol yields 20 to 50 llg of DNA of comparable size from 100
to 500 mg of fresh plant tissue.
The advantage of the large scale method is that the DNA isolated is high
molecular weight (150 Kb) and relatively devoid of protein, polysaccharides
and RNA. The procedure gives very good results with most plant tissue and
can be easily scaled up. Also the procedure can be scaled down, using as little
as 10to 15mg of tissue. A disadvantage ofthe procedure is the use ofCIA that
is a health hazard and must be handled with caution. StrataClean Resin"
(Stratagen) can be substituted for the CIA, but this increases the cost con-
siderably. The procedure can be completed in one day, but the protocol has a
convenient stopping point, permitting its interruption for one or more days.
The small scale procedure uses xanthogenate salts that simultaneously
dissolves the cellulose wall and removes protein (Ihingan, 1992).This meth-

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

od is ideal for isolation of DNA from multiple plant samples and does not
require mechanical breakage of the cell. The theoretical rationale for this
procedure is described in Chapter 1. DNA isolated by both of these proce-
dures can be stored indefinitely at -70 °C.


An outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 1.

Large Scale Procedure Small Scale Procedure

Incubation in CTAS Incubation with Xanthogenate

Treatment with Phenol:CIA Centrifugation

Centrifugation Ethanol Precipitation

Ethano l Precipitation Rehydration of DNA

Rehydration of DNA

Treatment with RNase

Ethanol Precipitation


Rehydration of DNA

Pig.T. Schematic outline of the procedures.

3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 59


- Corex 25 ml centrifuge tubes with Teflon-lined caps (Corex # 8446-25)

- 15 ml and 50 ml sterilized polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes (for
example Corning # 25319-15; 25330-50)
- Glass hooks
- Glass hooks are made from Pasteur pipettes as follows: Place the end of
pipette horizontally in a Bunsen burner flame and seal it. Next, holding
the pipette at a 45° angle, insert 0.5 ern of the tip into the flame . The end
of the pipette will slowly drop under gravity forming a hook.
- Proteinase K (Ambion # 2546)
- Ambion is a source of inexpensive Proteinase K. The enzyme is supplied
in storage buffer containing 50% glycerol at a concentration of20 mg/ml
(2000 UlIlI). Proteinase K solution should be stored at -20 °C. Proteinase
K remains active at -20 °C for several years.
- Ribonuclease A, DNase free (Ambion # 2272).
- Ambion is a source of inexpensive RNase supplied in storage buffer with
50% glycerol at concentration of 1 mg/ml. The enzyme can be stored
indefinitely at - 20 °C.
- Ribonuclease Tl, DNase free (Ambion # 2280).
- Ambion is a source ofinexpensive RNase Tl. The enzyme is supplied in a
storage buffer with 50% glycerol at concentration of 1000 units/ul and
can be stored indefinitely at - 20 °C.
- Phenol, twice -distilled, water-saturated. (Ambion # 9712).
The author recommends using commercially available, twice distilled
phenol. There are a number ofcompanies that supply high quality, twice
distilled phenol. It is better to buy water-saturated phenol rather than
the phenol in crystalline form. This makes it easier and safer to prepare
buffered phenol. Water-saturated phenol can be stored indefinitely in a
tightly-closed, dark bottle at -70 °C.
- Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) (Sigma Co. # M 7635)
- Cetyldimethylethyl ammonium bromide (CDA) (Sigma Co. # C 0636)
- 8-hydroxyquinoline free base (Sigma Co. # H6878)
Note: Do not use the hemisulfate salt of the 8-hydroxyquinoline.
- Caylase M3 (Cayla Co. Toulouse France, or equivalent)
- Caylase M3 is a mixture of enzymes that hydrolyze polysaccharides and
is commonly used for the preparation of plant protoplasts.

Solutions - Phenol8-HQ Solution

Water-saturated, twice-distilled phenol is equilibrated with an equal vo-
lume of 0.1 M of sodium borate. Sodium borate should be used rather
than the customary 0.1 M Tris solution because of its superior buffering
capacity at pH 8.5, its low cost, and its antioxidant properties. Sodium
borate has the ability to remove oxidation products from phenol during
the equilibration procedure. Mix water-saturated phenol with an equal
volume of 0.1 M sodium borate in a separatory funne l. Shake until the
solution turn s milky. Wait for the phases to separate and then collect the
bottom phenol phase. Add 8-hydroxyquinoline to the phenol to a final
concentration of 0.1% w/v. Phenol8-HQ can be stored in a dark bottle at
4 °Cfor several weeks. For long term storage, the solution can be stored
at -70 °C for several years.
Safety Note: Because of the relatively low vapor pressure of phenol, oc-
cupational systemic poisoning usually results from skin contact rather
than from inhaling the vapors. Phenol is rapidly absorbed by and is
highly corrosive to the skin. It initially produces a white softened
area, followed by severe burns. Because of the local anesthetic properties
of phenol, skin burns may not be felt until there has been serious da-
mage. Gloves should be worn all the time when working with this che-
mical. Because some brands of gloves are soluble or permeable to phe-
nol, they should be tested before use. If phenol is spilled on the skin,
flush off immediately with a large amount of water and treat with a
70% solution of PEG 300 in water (Hodge, 1994). Do not use ethanol.
Used phenol should be collected into a tightly-closed, glass receptacle
and stored in a chemical hood until it can be properly disposed of.
- Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol Solution (CIA)
Mix 24 volumes of chloroform with 1 volume of isoamyl alcohol. Be-
cause chloroform is light sensitive, the CIA solution should be stored
in a brown glass bottle, preferably in a fume hood.
Safety Note: Handle chloroform with care. Mixing chloroform with
other solvents can involve a serious hazard. Adding chloroform to a so-
lution containing strong base or chlorinated hydrocarbons could result
in an explosion. Prepare the CIA solution in a hood because isoamyl
alcohol vapors are poisonous. Used CIA can be collected in the same
bottle as the phenol solution and discarded together.
- 3 M Sodium Acetate
Sterilize the solution by autoclaving and store at 4 "C.
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution, pH 8.5
Weigh the appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylendiamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 61

EDTA will not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using a concentrated NaOH solution or by the
addition of a small amount of pellets while mixing and monitoring the
pH. Bring the solution to a final volume with water and sterilize by fil-
tration. The EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room
- Lysis Buffer
- 100 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.0
- 100 mM Naz EDTA
- 1.4 M NaCl
- 2% (w/v) CTAB or CDA
- 2% (v/v) B-mercaptoethanol
Add C'I'Ab (or CDA) and NaCI powders to 70 ml of double distilled or
deionized water. Stir to dissolve and heat to 60 °C if necessary. Add the
appropriate amounts of 1 M Tris-HCI and 0.5 M EDTA stock solutions.
Check the pH of the lysis buffer and titrate it to pH 8.0 with concentrated
NaOH, if necessary. Adjust the volume to 100ml with double distilled or
deionized water. Sterilize by filtration and store at room temperature.
Add B-mercaptoethanol just before use.
Note: CDA is a very good substitution for CTAB, see a description of its
properties in Chapter 1.
- TE Buffer
- 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.5 or 8.0
- 1 mM NazEDTA, pH 8.5
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4 DC.
- Xanthogenate Buffer
- 12.5 mM potassium ethyl xanthogenate (Fluka Co. # 60045)
- 100 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.5
- 80 mM NazEDTA, pH 8.5
- 700 mM NaCl
Weigh the appropriate amount ofNaCI and potassium ethyl xanthogen-
ate and add them to double distilled or deionized water. Add Tris-HCI
and EDTA using stock solutions. Sterilize by filtration and store at room
temperature. Solution can be stored for several months.
- CTAB/NaCI Solution
- 10% CTAB (or CDA)
- 0.7 M NaCI
Dissolve 4.1 g ofNaCI in 80 ml ofdouble distilled or deionized water and
slowly add 10 g of CTAB. If necessary, heat to 65 °C to fully dissolve
CTAB. Adjust to a final volume of 100 ml. Store at room temperature.

CDA can be substituted for CTAB in this solution. CDA solutions are
easier to prepare because a 10% CDA solution is less viscose (see com-
parison of CTAB and CDA reagents in Chapter 1).
- Loading Dye Solution (Stop Solution)
- 15% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10ml of the solution. Dissolve an appropriate amount of
Ficoll powder in water by stirring at 40-50 "C. Add stock solution of
EDTA, powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot about 100 ul into microfuge
tubes and store at -20 °C.


Large scale procedure

This procedure is a combination of the CTAB procedure originally de-

scribed by Murray and Thompson (1980) and modified by Saghai-Maroof
et al., (1984). However, a Proteinase K digestion has been added to the pro-
cedure. Plant tissue is washed, harvested and quick ly frozen in liquid nitro-
gen. Cells are partially opened by gentle grinding in a liquid nitrogen-dry ice
mixture, and DNA is isolated in buffer containing 2% CTAB. Water-inso-
luble, protein:CTAB complexes are removed by one CIA extraction. The
DNA is concentrated and recovered by ethanol precipitat ion or dialysis.
If necessary RNA is removed with RNase A and RNase T1 treatment of
the redisolved or dialyzed DNA. The theoretical rationale of this procedure
is described in detail in Chapter 1
Large scale 1. Harvest plant material, preferably young plant tissue, with a large num-
protocol ber of meristematic cells. This is because the young plant cells contain
fewer secondary metabolites. If necessary, rinse tissue with cold sterile
water to remove adhering debris and blot dry with a paper towel.
2. Place a 250 ml plastic beaker into an ice bucket and pour the liquid ni-
trogen into it. Cut plant material into small pieces, less than 1 crrr' in size,
and immediately freeze it in liquid nitrogen. Tissues harvested this way
can be stored at -70 °C for several years.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 63

3. Place a mortar into a second ice bucket and pour about 30 ml of liquid
nitrogen into it. Cover the bucket with a lid and cool the mortar for 5 to
10 minutes.
4. Weigh about 0.6 to 4.0 g of frozen plant material as fast as possible. Place
a plastic weighing boat on the balance and tare it. Pick frozen tissue
fragments from the liquid nitrogen with forceps and place them in
the weighing boat. Transfer the frozen plant tissue to the frozen mortar.
Make sure that the mortar is always filled with liquid nitrogen.
5. Add a few chunks of dry ice to the mortar. The volume of dry ice should
be roughly 3 times the volume of tissue.
6. Grind the plant tissue into a white powder.
7. Make a "spatula" from a small plastic weighing boat by cutting the small
boat in halfalong the diagonal. Use this spatula to transfer the powder to
two 25 ml Corex tubes. Allow the liquid nitrogen and dry ice to evaporate
for a few minutes.
8. Add 5 ml of hot (65 °C)lysis buffer to one tube, and keeping the tube in a
65 °Cwater bath, mix the powder with the buffer with a metal spatula as
quickly as possible . Repeat this procedure with the second tube. Tightly
cap the tubes.
9. Incubate the mixture for 60 minutes at 65 °Cin a water bath with occa-
sional gentle swirling.
10. Cool the tubes to room temperature and add 5 ml of phenol-8HQ solu-
tion and 5 ml of CIA solution to each tube. Cap the tubes with Teflon-
lined caps and mix carefully. Hold the tube between your thumb and
index finger and very quickly invert it several times. Do not allow
the lysate to run down the side of the tube. The solution should turn
"milky" when properly mixed. This should not take more than 5 to 6
quick inversions of the tube.
11. Centrifuge at 6000 rpm (4000 x g, SS-34 Sorvall rotor) for 5 minutes at
4 °C to separate the water and phenol phases. DNA will be in the top,
aqueous layer.
12. Collect the aqueous phase using a wide-bore pipette. Avoid collecting
the white powdery looking precipitate at the interphase. However, do
collect as much of the viscose, bluish-white layer from the interphase as
possible. This layer contains concentrated nucleic acids, not proteins.
Record the volume of aqueous phase and transfer it to a sterile

250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Place the wide-bore end of the pipette at the
bottom of the flask and slowly deliver the solution.
Note: A wide-bore pipette can be prepared by cutting off the tip of a 10 ml
plastic disposable pipette. Alternatively, insert the tip end of sterilized 10ml
glass pipette into your pipette aid and use the other end as the "intake" end.
13. Add 2.5 volumes (55 to 60 ml) of95% ethanol to the DNA solution. Pour
the appropriate volume of ethanol into a measuring cylinder, and keep-
ing the Erlenmeyer flask at a 45°angle, carefully overlay the viscose DNA
solution with the ethanol. Since ethanol is less dense than the DNA so-
lution, it will be the upper layer.
14. Gently mix ethanol with DNA solution by rolling the flask at a 45° angle
in the palm of your hand. Continue un til a sma ll clump of precipitated
DNA forms at the interphase.
Note: If at this step, DNA does not form a clump and instead it forms several
small fragments, do not try to spool them with a glass hook as described in
the next step. Instead collect precipitated DNA by centrifugation as de-
scribed in alternative procedure 1.
15. Insert the end of a glass hook into the precipitated DNA and swirl the
hook in a circular motion to spool out the DNA. The DNA precipitate
will adhere to the hook, and in the beginning, will have semi-transpar-
ent, gelatinous texture. Continue swirling until all of the ethanol is
mixed with the aqueous phase, occasionally touching the bottom of
the flask. Note the appearance of the spooled DNA. As more DNA is
collected on the hook, its initial gelatinous texture will become more
compact and fibrous in appearance.
16. Transfer the DNA to a 20 ml tube containing 5-10 ml of 70% ethanol.
Wash the DNA by gently swirling the glass hook. Pour out the 70% etha-
nol and repeat the wash two more times.
17. Drain the ethanol from the DNA by pressing it against the side of the
tube. Transfer the hook to a fresh 25 ml Corex tube and add 5 ml of TE
buffer. Rehydrate the DNA slowly by moving the glass hook back and
forth . More buffer may be necessary if the DNA does not dissolve within
a day. To speed up the hydration, incubate the solution in a 65 °Cwater
bath for 10 to 15 minutes moving the tube gently every 2 to 3 minutes.
Note: The procedure can be stopped at this step and the DNA stored for
several days at 4 "C.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 65

18. Add 50 IIIof RNase A and Sill of RNase T1. Cap the tube, mix gently and
incubate at 37 °C for 30 minutes.
19. Add 50 III of Proteinase K and continue incubation for another hour at
37 °C.
20. Remove the tube from the water bath and add 5 ml of CIA. Mix by ra-
pidly inverting the tube five times until the solution turns "milky".
21. Centrifuge the tube at 6000 rpm (4000 x g, Sorvall SS-34 rotor) for 10
minutes at 4 °C to separate phases.
22. Collect the upper aqueous phase using a wide-bore pipette and transfer
it to a sterile 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Place the wide-bore end of the
pipette at the bottom of the flask and slowly deliver the solution. Record
the volume of aqueous phase .
23. Add 1/2 volume (2.5 ml) of 7.5 M ammonium acetate to the DNA solu-
tion. Mix gently.
24. Precipitate the DNA by the addition of 15 ml (2 x the total volume) of
95% ethanol. Layer the ethanol as described previously and spool the
DNA onto a glass hook.
Note: If at this step the DNA does not precipitate in visible, cotton-like
strings, collect the precipitated DNA by centrifugation as described in al-
ternative procedure 1.
25. Transfer the hook with DNA into a tube containing 10 ml of 70% etha-
nol. Wash the DNA by gently moving the glass hook in the ethanol. Dis-
card the ethanol and repeat the washing two more times . Drain the etha-
nol from DNA by pressing it against the side of the tube.
26. Transfer the hook to a 1.5ml microfuge tube and add 200IIIofTE buffer.
Rehydrate the DNA slowly by moving the glass hook back and forth .
More buffer may be necessary if the DNA will not dissolve within
one day. To speed up rehydratation of the DNA, incubate the solution
in a 65 °Cwater bath for 10to 15 minutes moving the tube gently every 2
to 3 minutes. Transfer DNA to a plastic storage tube using a PI 000 Pipet-
man fitted with a cut off tip.
27. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm . Initially use a 1:10 dilution of the DNA. The absorbance reading
should be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50 ug/rnl
has an absorbance of 1 in a l-cm path cuvette.

Special care must be taken to dilute the viscose DNA solution when mi-
cropipettors are used. Most micropipettors will not measure the volume
of a very viscose solution correctly. To prepare a 1:10 dilution of the
DNA, add 1 ml of PBS to a plastic microfuge tube. Prepare a wide-
bore, yellow tip by cutting off 5 to 6 millimeters from the end with a
razor blade. Withdraw 100 ul of PBS from the tube and mark the level
of the solution on the tip with a marking pen. Discard the solution. Using
the same tip withdraw DNA solution to the mark and add it back to the
tube containing PBS. Pipette in and out several times to remove the vis-
cose DNA solution from the inside of the pipette tip.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.
28. Determine the purity of DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm
and 234 nm. Calculate 260/280 and 2601234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a
detailed discussion of the validity of this method and calculation of
DNA concentration in a sample with a small amount of protein
29. Check the integrity of the DNA by running 2.0 to 5 ul of the DNA on alow
percentage agarose gel. (0.3% - 0.5%). Add 10 jll ofTE buffer and 5 jll of
loading dye (stop solution) to a microfuge tube, mix by pipetting up and
down. Prepare a wide-bore tip as described in step 28. Withdraw 2 to 5 jll
ofTE buffer and mark its level on the yellow tip. Discard the solution and
use the tip to add the DNA to the tube with TE and stop solution. Mix by
swirling the solution with yellow tip, do not mix by pipetting up and
down . Load the DNA into the agarose gel using the same wide-bore
tip. Run electrophoresis at 0.6 to 1 V/cm for 30 minutes in TAE buffer.
Use bacteriophage lambda DNA as the size marker. The DNA should
appear as a high-molecular weight band running with or slower than
the DNA standard. Degraded DNA will appear as a smear running
down the gel. RNA contamination will be visible as a diffuse band run-
ning slightly faster than bromophenol blue dye.

Alternative 1. Mix ethanol thoroughly with the DNA solution by gently swirling. Place
procedure 1 the solution into a 25 ml Corex centrifuge tube. Collect the DNA by cen-
trifugation at 10 000 rpm (16000 xg) for 10 minutes at 4 "C. Use a swing-
ing bucket rotor for this centrifugation.
2. Discard the supernatant. The DNA will appear at the bottom ofthe tubes
as a white precipitate.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 67

3. Add 5 ml of cold 70% ethanol to the tube and wash the pellet by carefully
rolling the tube at a 45°angle in the palm of your hand. Be careful not to
dislodge the DNA pellet from the bottom of the tube during this pro-
cedure. Never vortex the tube. Discard the 70% ethanol and drain the
tube by inverting it over a paper towel for a few minutes. Repeat the wash
one more time. Rehydrate the DNA pellet in 5 ml ofTE buffer. From this
point, follow steps 18 through 27 of the large scale procedure.

Small scale procedure

This procedure permits an efficient and fast isolation of DNA from a small
amount of material in a single step. The method uses xanthogenate salt for
DNA purification, essentially as described by Ihingan (1992).
1. Harvest 100 to 500 mg of plant material and transfer it to a 15 ml Corex Small scale
tube. Add 2 to 5 ml of liquid nitrogen to the tube and freeze the sample protocol
until the tissue is very brittle. Crush the material to a coarse powder
using a glass rod .
Z. Add 2 ml of xanthogenate buffer and gently resuspend the powdered
3. Cap the tube and place the tube in a 65 °Cwater bath. Incubate the lysate
for minimum 40 minutes, mixing occasionally.
4. Centrifuge the tube for 10 minutes at room temperature at 10 000 rpm
(16000 x g) in a swinging bucket rotor (e.g., Sorvall HP-4 rotor). Collect
the supernatant in a new 15 ml Corex tube. Use a cut off 1000IIIpipette
tip for this transfer. Discard the pellet.
5. Add 5 ml of95% ethanol (2.5 volumes) to the tube. Mix well by inverting
several times. At this point the preparation can be stored at -70 °Cfor an
indefinite time.
6. Collect precipitated DNA by centrifugation for 5 minutes at 10000 rpm
(16000 x g) in a swinging bucket rotor at room temperature. Discard the
ethanol. Centrifuge the tube once more for 1 minute and remove re-
maining ethanol using capillary tip.
7. Add 300 IIIofTE buffer and resuspend the pelleted DNA by pipetting it
up and down. Use a yellow tip with a cut off end for this procedure.
Transfer the DNA to a 1.5 ml microfuge tube.

8. Add 10 III of DNase-free RNase A and 1111 of RNase T1 and mix by in-
verting the tube 2-3 times. Place the tube into a 37 °C water bath and
incubate for 30 minutes.
9. Add 150 III of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume).
10. Add 900 IIIof95% ethanol (2 x the total volume). Mix well by inverting
the tube 4-5 times .
11. Place the tube in a microfuge, orienting the attached end of the micro-
fuge tube lid pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge at
maximum speed for 10 minutes at room temperature. (See Figure 2,
Chapter 2)
12. Remove tubes from the centrifuge. Pour off ethanol into an Erlenmeyer
flask by holding the tube by the open lid and gently flipping the end,
touch the tube edge to the rim of the flask. Allow ethanol to drain.
You do not need to remove all of the ethanol from the tube. Place
the tubes back into the centrifuge in the same orientation as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this could dislodge the pellet.
13. Wash the pellet with 700 ul of cold 70% ethanol in the following way.
Holding the PlOOO Pipetman vertically (See Figure 3, Chapter 2) slowly
deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite the pellet. Do not start
the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder"
which keeps the tube at an angle convenient for ethanol washing. With-
draw the tube from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Remove
ethanol as before. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and wash with
70% ethanol one more time .
Note: This procedure quickly washes the pellet without centrifugation and
vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging the pellet are time consuming and
frequently lead to substantial loss of material and to DNA shearing.
14. Collect the ethanol remaining on the sides of the tube by centrifugation
for 2 to 3 seconds. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge with the side of
the tube containing the pellet facing away from the center of rotation
and start the centrifuge. You do not need to close the lid of the tubes for
this centrifugation. Remove ethanol from the bottom ofthe tube using a
Pipetman (P200) equipped with a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make the rehydrata-
tion of the DNA very difficult if not impossible.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 69

15. Resuspend the pelleted DNA in 50 III of sterile distilled or deionized

water. Use a cut off yellow tip for this procedure. Gently pipette the water
up and down directing the stream of the water toward the pellet. If the
pellet does not dissolve in several minutes, place the tube into a 65 °C
water bath and incubate for 10-20 minutes mixing occasionally. Store
the DNA sample at -70 °C.


• Large scale protocol.

A typical spectrum of DNA purified from 2.0 g of young corn leaves is
shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 presents the results of agarose gel electro-
phoresis. The concentration of isolated DNA was 1.3 Ilglill. The total
amount of DNA isolated was 150 ug. The DNA yield is 0.071lg/mg tissue
used. Since 1 gram of a young corn tissue has approximately 1.5 x 107
cells, and one corn cell contains 6.7 x 10- 12 grams of DNA, the expected
amount of the DNA to be isolated from 2 grams of tissue is approxi-
mately 200 Ilg. Thus, the efficiency of this purification is 75% (1501
200 x 100). The DNA is high molecular weight and does not contain
RNA. Figure 3 presents the results of BamH I and Bgl II digestion of
this DNA. The patterns show a diffuse smear starting at 25 kb and lacks
smears at the low molecular weight end ofthe gel. This attests to the high
molecular weight of the DNA and its complete digestion by restriction
• Small scale protocol.
DNA isolated from corn leaves, using the small scale protocol, is of suf-
ficient quality for restriction enzyme and PCR analysis. The small
amount of RNA present does not interfere with these analyses . The
260/280 ratio is between 1.8 and 1.9, indicating very little protein con-
tamination. Figure 4 presents the results of gel electrophoresis of 2111 of
DNA isolated from two plants. Half of the sample was treated with
RNase. Treated and not treated samples were electrophoresed on a
minigel. Figure 5 presents the results of PCR using DNA isolated by
the xanthogenate method and corn specific primers. The template
used was the DNA sample shown in line 2 of Figure 4. Different amounts
of 10 x diluted DNA template were used in ampl ification.

0 .7 -,---- - - - - -- - ----, Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of DNA

purified from corn leaves. DNA was di-
0.6 luted 40 x in PBSand scanned using a UV
spectrophotometer. The 2601280 absor-
0 .5 bance ratio was 1.9 and the 2601234 ab-
sorbance ratio was 2.0.
g 0.4
.2 0.3



220 240 260 280 300 320

Wavelenqlh (nm)


Problems encountered in large and small scale protocols of DNA purifica-

tion can be classified into two groups: problems resulting in inadequate
DNA purity, and problems resulting in an inadequate yield of the DNA.

Problems of DNA purity in the large scale protocol

Insufficient purity of the DNA can manifest itself by one or all of the follow-
ing features:
• Low 260/280 and/or 260/234 ratio. Use recovery procedure 1 to remedy
this problem.
• Presence of a large amount of ethidium bromide stained material glow-
ing in the sample well of the test gel. This is usually associated with a
reduced amount or total absence of DNA on the gel in spite of a high
260 nm absorbance. Use recovery procedure 2 to remedy this problem.
• Partial digestion or total resistance to digestion with restriction endo-
nuclease enzymes . Use recovery procedure 3 or recovery procedure 4 to
correct this problem.
• Large amount of RNAvisible after gel electrophoresis. Use recovery pro-
cedure 5 to correct this problem.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 71

Fig. 3. Gel electrophoresis of corn DNA isolated using the

large scale procedure. Lanes 1 has 1 Ilg and lane 2 has 5 ug
of undigested DNA, respectively. Lanes 3 and 4 show DNA
(Sllg) digested with Bam Hi and Bgi II restriction enzymes,
respectively. Standards are a 1 kb DNA ladder from Life
Technologies Gibco BRL.

Std 1 2 3 4

• Degraded DNA visible as a smear running down the gel. Use recovery
procedure 6 to remedy this problem.

A low 2601280 and 260/234ratio indicates protein contamination and usual- Recovery
ly results from low activity of Proteinase K or inadequate mixing of phenol procedure 1
and aqueous phases. Low activity of Proteinase K is usually indicated by the
presence of a large amount of "foamy" material at the interphase after the
first phenol extraction. Whereas inadequately mixed phenol and aqueous
phases do not have a uniformly "milky" appearance.

Std 1 2 3 4
Fig. 4. Gel electrophoresis of corn DNA isolated using the small scale procedure. DNA was
isolated from two plants and half of each samp le was treated with RNase. Lanes 1 and 3 have
1 III of RNase treate d samples from plant 1 and plant 2, respectively. Lanes 2 and 4 show
DNA samples from the same plants that were not treated with RNase. Standards are a
5 kb DNA ladder from Life Techno logies Gibco BRL. The most intense ly stained band is
10 kb DNA.

Fig. 5. peR of corn DNA isolated using the

small scale procedure. DNA temp late is DNA
from the sample shown in lane 2 of Figure 3.
Products were electrophoresed on a 2.5% Meta-
Phor gel for 1 hour. The expected fragment size
is 520 bp. Lane 1 is the pro duct of a reaction run
with 1IIIof 10x diluted DNA.Lane 2 has 2 IIIand
lane 3 has 3 III of the same DNA, respectively.
Standards are a 100 bp DNA ladde r from Life
Technolog ies Gibco BRL. The most intense
band is 600 bp. The high molecular weight
band in lane 3 is template DNA.

Std 1 2 3
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 73

Contaminating proteins can be removed using the following procedure:

1. Transfer the DNA sample to a 25 ml Corex tube (using a wide-bore pip-
ette tip) and dilute it to a final volume of 5 ml using lysis buffer.
2. Add 3 ml of phenol-8HQ and 3 ml of CIA, close the tube and mix by
quickly inverting the tube 5 to 6 times until the solution turns "milky".
Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 10 000 rpm (12 000 x g; Sorvall SS-34rotor)
at 4 °C to separate water and phenol phases.
3. Collect the aqueous phase, precipitate DNA with 2.5 volumes of 95%
ethanol, wash the precipitate in 70% ethanol and resuspend DNA in
TE buffer as described previously.

The presence of ethidium bromide stained material in the wells of the agar- Recovery
ose gel indicates the presence of DNA-protein aggregates that are unable to procedure 2
enter the gel. This is frequently the result of too much EDTA in the lysis
buffer. The DNA-protein complexes can be removed using the following
1. Transfer the DNA sample to a 25 ml Corex tube (using wide-bore pipette
tip) and dilute it to a final volume of2 ml with lysis buffer containing half
the amount of EDTA. Add NaCI to a final concentration of 0.3 M.
2. Add 150 JlI of Proteinase K solution and incubate the mixture for 60
minutes at 60 °C.
Note: Organic extraction of DNA with phenol:CIA will not remove DNA:
protein complexes. Proteinase K treatment is required for the successful
removal of proteins from such complexes.
3. Add 3 ml of TE buffer and mix gently.
4. Add 3 ml of phenol8-HQ solution and 3 ml of CIA. Close the tube and
mix using the technique described previously. Centrifuge for 5 minutes
at 10000 rpm (12000 xg) using a fixed angle rotor (e.g., Sorvall SS-34)at
4 °C to separate the aqueous and phenol phases.
5. Collect the aqueous phase, precipitate DNA with 2.5 volumes of 95%
ethanol, wash the precipitate with 70% ethanol and resuspend the
DNA in TE buffer as described previously.

Difficulties with restriction endonuclease digestion of DNA are usually as- Recovery
sociated with the presence of polysaccharides, phenolic compounds or procedure 3
other secondary metabolites in the preparation. This usually is apparent

during ethanol precipitation, resulting in a viscous, brown, "jelly-like" pel-

let. If the amount of these impurities is small, they can be removed easily by
precipitation of the DNA in the presence of2 M ammonium acetate (Cruse
and Amorese, 1987, Perbal, 1988). If this treatment does not help, use the
following procedure to remove contaminating macromolecules from the
DNA sample.
1. Transfer the DNA solution to a 25 ml Corex tube with a wide-bore pi-
pette tip. Dilute the DNA preparation with TE to a final volume of 2 ml.
2. Adjust the NaCI concentration of the DNA solution to 0.7 M with 5 M
3. Add 0.1 volume of CTAB/NaCI (or CDA/NaCl) solution and gently mix
together by inverting the tube several times.
4. Close the tube tightly and incubate it at 65 DC for 20 minutes.
5. Add an equa l volume of CIA and mix thoroughly using the procedure
described in step 2 of recovery procedure l.
6. Centrifuge the tube at 6000 rpm (4000 x g) for 10 minutes at 4 DC and
collect the top, aqueous phase into a new Corex tube with a wide-bore
pipette. Repeat the CIA extraction procedure two more times or until the
white powdery interphase, containing contaminating macromolecules,
is removed.
7. Transfer the aqueous phase into a new sterile 25 ml Corex tube with a
wide-bore pipette. Record the sample volume.
8. Add 2.5 volumes (about 15 ml) of95% ethanol and mix by inverting the
tube two to three times.
9. Collect the precipitated DNA by centrifugation at 4 DC for 10 minutes at
10000 rpm (16000 x g). Use a swinging bucket rotor for this centrifuga-
tion. Discard the supernatant and remove ethanol by inverting the tube
over paper towel.
10. Wash the DNA pellet with cold 70% ethanol. Add 5 ml of cold 70% etha-
nol being careful not to disturb the pellet. Rinse the tube sides and the
pellet by gently swirling the ethanol. Discard the ethanol and repeat the
ethanol wash one more time. Remove all ethanol by inverting the tube
over a paper towel for 5 to 10 minutes.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 75

11. Dissolve the pellet in 100 ~l ofTE as follows: Add 50 ul ofTE buffer using
a yellow tip with a cut off end and resuspend the pellet by pipetting up
and down . Transfer the DNA sample to a microfuge tube. Add another
50 ul ofTE buffer to the tube that contained the pellet and wash the sides
of the tube. Join both resuspended DNA samples and store at -70 °C.

Interfering polysaccharides can be removed from the DNA solution by en- Recovery
zymatic degradation of these molecules using glycoside hydrolases. These procedure 4
enzymes will degrade polysaccharides without affecting the DNA molecules
(Rether et al., 1993). The enzyme commonly used is caylase M3, an enzyme
used for the preparation of fungal and plant protoplasts.
1. Transfer the DNA solution to a 25 ml Corex tube using a wide-bore
pipette tip. Dilute the DNA preparation to a final volume of 2 ml
with 0.05 M potassium acetate buffer, pH 5.5.
2. Add caylase M3 to a final concentration of 200 mg/ml and incubate at
37 °C for at least 3 hours
3. Add 3 ml of 50 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.0 and mix gently by inverting the
tube several times .
4. Add an equal volume of CIA to the solution, mix thoroughly using the
procedure described in step 2 of recovery procedure 1.
5. Centrifuge the tube at 6000 rpm (4000 x g) for 10 minutes at 4 "C and
transfer the top , aqueous phase with a wide-bore pipette to a clean Corex
tube. Repeat the CIA extraction procedure one more time.
6. Transfer the aqueous phase into a sterile 25 ml Corex tube using a wide-
bore pipette. Record sample volume .
7. Add 2.5 ml (half the total volume) of7.5 M ammonium acetate and mix
8. Add 2 volumes (about 15 ml) of 95% ethanol and mix by inverting the
tube two to three times.
9. Collect the precipitated DNA by centrifugation at 4 °Cfor 10 minutes at
10 000 rpm (16 000 x g). Use a swinging bucket rotor for this centrifuga-
tion. Discard the supernatant and remove ethanol by inverting the tube
over a paper towel.

10. Wash the DNA pellet with cold 70% ethanol. Add 5 ml of cold 70% etha-
nol to the tube, being careful not to disturb the pellet. Rinse the sides of
the tube and the pellet by gently swirling the ethanol. Discard the ethanol
and repeat the washing one more time. Remove all ethanol by inverting
the tube over a paper towel for 5 to 10 minutes.
11. Dissolve the pellet in 100IIIofTE as follows: Add 50 III ofTE buffer using
a yellow tip with a cut-off end and resuspend the pellet by pipetting up
and down . Transfer the DNA sample to a microfuge tube. Repeat the
procedure with an additional 50 III ofTE buffer. Join both resuspended
samples and store the DNA at -70 °C.

Recovery RNA contamination can occur because of inadequate RNase treatment in

procedure 5 step 6. It can be remedied by repeating RNase digestion as follows:
1. Transfer the DNA solution to a 25 ml Corex tube using a wide-bore pi-
pette. Dilute the DNA preparation with TE to final volume of 2 ml.
2. Add 50 III of RNase A and 5 III of RNase T1. Cap the tube, mix gently and
incubate at 37 °C for 30 minutes.
3. Add 8 ml TE buffer,S ml of phenol-8HQ and 5 ml of CIA, close the tube
and very quickly invert the tube back and forth 5 times until the solution
turn s "milky".
4. Follow the large scale protocol from step 11.

Recovery Avoiding any manipulation that can shear DNA can usually eliminate the
procedure 6 presence of small amounts of low molecular weight DNA in the preparation.
DNA is mechanically sheared when pipettes with too narrow openings are
used or by allowing the DNA solution to run down the side of the tube.
Inverting tubes too slowly during organic extraction will also result in sub-
stantial shearing of DNA molecules. To remedy these problems, the puri-
fication should be repeated and care taken to handle the DNA solution more
The presence of small molecular weight DNA in the preparation also can
result from insufficient inhibition of DNase activity. This can be remedied
by repeating the purification using lysis buffer with a higher concentration
of EDTA. Try increasing EDTA concentration by increments of 50 mM in
the lysis buffer.
3 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Cells 77

Problems of DNA yield in the large scale protocol

In the large scale protocol a low DNA yield can result from:
• Inadequate lysis of the cells. Increasing the time or intensity of grinding
will help this problem.
• Too high concentration of the EDTA in the lysis buffer. In this case, a low
yield of nucleic acid will be apparent during ethanol precipitation. Low-
ering the concentration of EDTA in the lysis buffer will remedy this pro-
blem. Try lowering EDTA concentration by 20 mM increments.
• Contamination of one of the stock solutions with DNase. Preparation of
fresh stock solutions is the best remedy.

Problems of DNA purity in the small scale protocol

Poor quality DNA, isolated with xanthogenate, generally manifests itself by

inhibition of restriction enzyme activity or the inability to perform PCR.
The problem is usually associated with residual amounts of xanthogenate
salt in the DNA preparation due to inadequate washing with 70% ethanol.
Even a very small amount ofthis salt will inactivate proteins. The remaining
xanthogenate salt can be removed using the following procedure:
1. Add TE buffer to the DNA to bring the volume to 100 Ill. Recovery
procedure 7
2. Add 50 III of7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) and mix well by
inverting the microtube several times.
3. Add 300 III of 95% ethanol (2 x the total volume) and mix well. Centri-
fuge for 15 minutes at room temperature.
4. Wash the pelleted DNA as described in steps 12 through 14 of the small
scale protocol and resuspend DNA in 30 III of TE buffer.

Problems of DNA yield in the small scale protocol

If DNA yield is low, it can be increased by one of the following:

- Increasing the concentration of EDTA in the xanthogenate buffer from
80 to 100 mM.
- Increasing the incubation time at 65 °C to 2 hours.
- Decreasing the concentration of sodium xanthogenate to 6.25 mM in
the xanthogenate buffer.


Crouse J and Amorese D 1987 Ethanol precipitation: Ammonium acetate as an alter -

native to sodium acetate. BRL Focus 9 (2): 3-5.
Hodge R 1994In: Protocols for nucleic acids analysis by nonradioactive probes. Method
in Molecular Biology Volume 28. Ed. Isaac PG. Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey.
Ihingan AK 1992A novel technology for DNA isolation. Methods in Molecular and Cel-
lular Biology 3:1-22.
Murray MG and Thompson WF 1980. Rapid isolation of high molecular weight DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res. 8:43221-4325
Perbal BV 1988A Practical guides to molecular cloning. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons
Rether B, Delmas G and Laouedj A 1993 Isolation of polysaccharide free DNA from
plants. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 11 (4) 333-337.
Saghai-Maroof MF, Soliman KM, Jorgensen RA and Allard RW 1984 Ribosomal DNA
spacer-length polymorphism in barley: Mendelian inheritance, chromosomalloca-
tion , and population dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 81: 8014-8018.
Chapter 4 PROTOCOL

Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria



This chapter describes two procedures for the isolation of chromosomal

DNA from E. coli. These procedures can be used for most gram -negative
and gram-positive bacteria or modified to isolate DNA from organisms
other than bacteria.
A large scale procedure yields 200-300Ilg of DNA from 2-4 x 1010 cells of
freshly grown bacteria or from 20 mg to 30 mg of frozen cells. The first pro-
cedure is a "hybrid" between the phenol and chloroform extraction meth-
ods. The theoretical rationale of each procedure is described in detail in
Chapter 1. The cells are resuspended in a cell collection buffer (Buffer I)
and treated with lysozyme. The pH of the buffer is adjusted to 8.5 to main -
tain the pH necessary for maximal lysozyme activity. The buffer also in-
cludes 0.9% glucose to prevent cell lysis during lysozyme treatment and
10 mM sodium EDTA to inhibit DNases. Cells are lysed by the addition
oflysis buffer containing 0.1% SDSand 0.08 M EDTA.The majority of pro-
teins are removed by Proteinase K treatment. The Proteinase K concentra-
tion used is high (600 ug/rnl), to shorten time of the treatment and the vol-
ume of the cell lysis buffer used is small (5 ml), to lower the cost. Remaining
proteins are removed by a single phenol:CIA extraction, DNA is recovered
by ethanol precipitation and dissolved in low salt buffer to optimize RNA
removal with RNase A and RNase T1. Finally, RNases are removed by phe-
nol extraction and DNA is concentrated by ethanol precipitation.
This method gives high molecular weight DNA (150-200 Kb) that is re-
latively devoid of protein and RNA contamination with very high yields
(80% to 90%). The procedure is fast and its cost is low. Moreover, the pro-
cedure gives very good results with most bacterial species and can be easily
scaled up. A disadvantage of the procedure is the use of phenol and chloro-
form that are health hazards and must be handled with caution and properly
disposed of. StrataClean Resin" can be used instead of phenol and chloro-
form but this considerably increases the cost.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

The protocol can be completed in one day and contains at least one stop-
ping point where the procedure can be interrupted for one or more days.
The method is not suitable for isolation of DNA from multiple samples si-
multaneously since this substantially increases the time necessary to per-
form it.
For efficient isolation of pure DNA from a small amount of bacterial
cells in a single step, a method using xanthogenate salt is presented. The
procedure is a modification of the procedure described by ]hingan (Jhingan.
1992). This procedure can be accomplished in one hour, however the actual
time spent on the procedure is less than 15 minutes. Thus, this method is
ideal for isolation of DNA from multiple small samples or from a single
bacterial colony. The theoretical rationale for this procedure is described
in Chapter 1. DNA isolated by both of these procedures can be stored in-
definitely at -70 °C (see storing DNA samples Chapter 1).


An outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 1.


- 25 ml Corex centrifuge tubes with Teflon-lined caps (Corex # 8446-25)

- 50 ml Oak Ridge polypropylene centrifuge tubes with caps. (For example
Nalgene" # 21009) Only polypropylene plastic tubes should be used be-
cause they are resistant to phenol and chloroform.
- Glass hooks
Glass hooks are made from Pasteur pipettes. Place the end of the pipette
horizontally into flame and seal it. Hold ing the pipette at a 45° angle,
insert 0.5 em of the tip into the flame. The end of the pipette will slowly
drop under gravity, forming a hook.
- 8-hydroxyquinoline free base (Sigma Co. # H6878)
- Proteinase K (Ambion # 2546)
Ambion Inc. is a source of inexpensive Proteinase K. The enzyme is sup-
plied in storage buffer containing 50% glycerol, at a concentration of20
mg/ml. Proteinase K remains active for years when stored at -20°e.
- Ribonuclease A, DNase free (Ambion # 2272).
Ambion is a source ofinexpensive RNase supplied in storage buffer with
50% glycerol at concentration of 1 mg/ml. The enzyme can be stored
indefinitely at - 20°e.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 81

Large Scale Procedure Small Scale Procedure

Cell Collection Cell Collection

Cell Lysis Incubation with Xanthogenate

Incubation with Proteinase K Centrifugation

Phenol:CIA Extraction Ethanol Precipitation

Centrifugation Rehydration of DNA

Ethanol Precipitation

Rehydration of DNA

Treatment with RNase

Phenol :CIA Extraction


Ethanol Precipitation


Rehydration of DNA

Pig.T, Schematic outline of the procedure


- Ribonuclease Tl, DNase-free (Ambion # 2280).

Ambion is a source ofinexpensive RNase T 1. The enzyme is supplied in a
storage buffer with 50% glycerol at a concentration of 1000 units/ul and
can be stored indefinitely at - 20°e.
- Lysozyme (Sigma Co. # L 6876)
Lysozyme powder should be stored at - 20°e.
- Phenol, redistilled, water-saturated. (Ambion # 9712).
Using commercially available redistilled phenol is recommended. There
are a number ofcompanies that supply high-quality redistilled phenol. It
is better to buy water-saturated phenol rather than the phenol in crystal-
line form. This makes it easier and safer to prepare buffered phenol.
Water-saturated phenol can be stored indefinitely in a tightly closed,
dark bottle at -70°e.

Media - Terrific Broth Medium (TB)

Bacto-tryptone 12 gm

Yeast Extract 24 gm

Glycerol 4 ml
Water to 900 ml

Phosphate Stock Solution 100 ml

Mix first three ingredients in water and autoclave for 20 minutes, cool to
room temperature and add the Phosphate Stock Solution to final vo-
lume of 1000 ml. Store at 4 °C.
- Phosphate Stock Solution
- 0.72 M Potassium phosphate dibasic (K zHP04 )
- 0.17 M Potassium phosphate monobasic (KH zP04 )
Dissolve in distilled water and autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 "C.

Solutions - Phenol8-HQ Solution

Water-saturated phenol is equilibrated with an equal volume of 0.1 M of
sodium borate. Sodium borate should be used rather than the customary
1 M Tris solution because of its superior buffering capacity at pH 8.5, its
low cost, its antioxidant properties, and its ability to remove phenol oxi-
dation products during the equilibration procedure. Mix an equal vol-
ume of a water-saturated phenol with 0.1 M sodium borate in a separa-
tory funnel. Shake well until the solution turns milky. Wait until the
phases separate and collect the bottom, phenol phase. Add the sodium
salt of 8-hydroxyquinoline to the phenol to final concentration of 0.1%
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 83

(w/v). Do not use the hemisulfate salt of8-hydroxyquinoline. Phenol 8-

HQ can be stored in a dark bottle at 4 °C for several weeks. For long term
storage keep it at -70 °C.Phenol can be stored at -70 °C for several years.
Safety Note: Because of the relatively low vapor pressure of phenol, oc-
cupational systemic poisoning usually results from skin contact with
phenol rather than from inhaling it. Phenol is rapidly absorbed by
the skin and is highly corrosive. It initially produces a white softened
area, followed by severe burns. Because of the local anesthetic properties
of the phenol, skin burns may not be felt unti l there has been serious
damage. Gloves should be worn when working with this chemical. Be-
cause some brands of gloves are permeable to phenol, they should be
tested before use. If phenol is spilled on the skin, flush it off immediately
with a large amount of water and treat with a 70% aqueous solution of
PEG 4000 (Hodge, 1994). Do not use ethanoL Used phenol should be
collected into tightly closed, glass receptacles and stored in a chemical
hood to await disposal as hazardous waste.
- Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol Solution (CIA)
Mix 24 volumes of chloroform with 1 volume of isoamyl alcohol. Be-
cause chloroform is light-sensitive and very volatile, the CIA solution
should be stored in a brown glass bottle, preferably in a fume hood.
Safety Note: Handle chloroform with care. Mixing chloroform with
other solvents can involve a serious hazard. Adding chloroform to a so-
lution containing strong base or chlor inated hydrocarbons could result
in an explosion. Isoamyl alcohol vapors are poisonous. Handle the CIA
solution in a fume hood. Used CIA can be collected in the same bottle as
phenol and discarded together.
- 3 M Sodium Acetate
Sterilize the solution by autoclaving and store at 4 °C
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution
Weigh an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylendiamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and stir into distilled water. EDTA will
not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than 7.0. Adjust
the pH to 8.5 using concentrated NaOH solution or by adding a small
amount of pellets while monitoring the pH. Bring the solution to the
final volume with water and sterilize by filtration. EDTA stock solution
can be stored indefinitely at room temperature.
- SDS Stock Solution, 10% (w/v)
Add 10 g of powder to 70 ml of distilled water and dissolve by stirring
slowly. Add water to a final volume of 100 ml and ster ilize by filtration
through a 0.22 urn filter. Store at room temperature.

Safety Note: SDS powder is a nasal and lung irritant. Weigh the powder
carefully and wear a face mask.
- Lysozyme Solution

Lysozyme 20 mg

Buffer I 1.0 ml

Place lysozyme powder into a 1.5ml microfuge tube and add 1ml ofcold
buffer 1. Vortex to dissolve the lysozyme. Place the tube into an ice
bucket. Lysozyme must be prepared fresh before use.
- Loading Dye Solution (Stop Solution)
- 20% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10 ml of the solution. Dissolve the appropriate amount
ofFicoll powder in water by stirring at 40 to 50 °C. Add the stock solution
of EDTA, powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot about 100 III into microfuge
tubes and store at -20 °C.

Buffers - Buffer I
- 25 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.5
- 10 mM NazEDTA, pH 8.0
- 0.9% glucose
Add the appropriate amounts of 1 M Tris HCl, 0.5 M EDTA and glucose
powder to the water. Sterilize by filtration, do not autoclave. Store at 4 °C.
- Lysis Buffer (5 x)
- 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5
- 0.4 M Naz EDTA
- 0.5% SDS
Add the appropriate amount of 1 M Tris HCl and 0.5 M EDTA to the
water. Check the pH and titrate it to pH 8.5 with concentrated NaOH if
necessary. Sterilize by autoclaving for 20 minutes. After sterilization,
add the appropriate amount of SDS using a 10% stock solution. Store
at 4 °C.
Note: Before use, the lysis buffer should be warmed to dissolve precipitated
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 85

- TE Buffer
- 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.5 or 8.0
- 1 mM NazEDTA
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4°C.
- Xanthogenate Buffer
- 12.5 mM Potassium ethyl xanthogenate (Fluka Co. # 60045)
- 100 mM Tris HCI, pH 7.5
- 80 mM NazEDTA, pH 8.5
- 700 mM NaCl
Weigh the appropriate amount ofNaCl and potassium ethyl xantho-
genate and add them to the water. Add Tris HCl and EDTA using
stock solutions. Sterilize by filtration and store at room temperature.
Solution can be stored for several months.
- CTAB/NaCl Solution
- 10% CTAB (or CDA)
- 0.7 M NaCl
Dissolve 4.1 g of NaCl in 80 ml of double distilled or deionized water
and slowly add lag of CTAB. If necessary, heat to 65 °C to fully dis-
solve CTAB. Adjust to a final volume of 100 ml. Store at room tem-
perature. CDA can be substituted for CTAB in this solution. CDA
solutions are easier to prepare because a 10% CDA solution is less
viscose (see comparison of CTAB and CDA reagents in Chapter 1).


Large scale procedure

1. Prepare a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 10ml ofTB (Terrific Broth) Large scale
medium and inoculate it with 0.1 ml from an overnight culture ofbac- protocol
Note: If a medium other than the TB is used, a larger volume of bacteria
should be grown . Concentration of cells per ml at stationary phase in TB
medium is approximately 3 to 4 times greater than the concentration ob-
tained in less rich media.
Note: To provide a large surface-to-volume ratio for aeration, culture cells
in an Erlenmeyer flask with volume of medium one-quarter the total flask
volume. Shaker speed should be no less than 300 rpm.

2. Grow the cells at 37 °Covern ight (at least 17hours) on an orbital shaker.
3. Place the Erlenmeyer flask containing cells on ice for a few minutes. Pour
the cold cells into chilled 50 ml polypropylene centrifuge tubes.
4. Collect the cells by centrifugation at 5000 rpm (3000x g) for 5 minutes at
5. Stop the centrifuge and discard the supernatant. Be very careful not to
disturb the cell pellet.
6. Suspend the cell pellet in 3 ml of cold buffer I and place the cells on ice.
7. Add 1 ml of freshly prepared lysozyme solution to the cell suspension
(final concentration 4 mg/ml) . Incubate the cells on ice for 20 minutes.
Note: To lyse gram-negative bacteria 4 mg/ml lysozyme is sufficient but
time and temperature can vary from 20 minutes at room temperature
(e.g., for E. coli) to 4 h at 37°C depending on the organism. To monitor
progresses of lysozyme treatment withdraw 100 )11 sample periodically
and mix with 100 )11 of lysis buffer. If the cells are lysed, go to step 8.
Note: To lyse gram-positive bacteria, 8 mg/ml oflysozyme should be used,
and incubation should be carried out at 37 °C.Check for lysis at 20 minute
intervals as described in Note 1.
8. Add 1ml oflysis buffer, pre-warmed to 55 °C,to the cells and mix gently.
Immediately add 0.15 ml of a stock solution of Proteinase K (20 mg/ml).
9. Incubate the mixture for 60 minutes at 55 °C.
10. Add 35 ml ofTE buffer to the suspension and mix gently. Hold the tube
between thumb and index finger and very quickly invert back and forth.
This prevents lysate from running down the side of the tube . Using a
wide-bore pipette, transfer the solution to two 25 ml Corex centrifuge
tubes, 10 ml to each tube.
Note: A wide-bore pipette can be prepared by cutting off a tip of a 10 ml
plastic disposable pipette. Alternatively, insert a pipette aid onto the tip end
of a sterilized 10 ml glass pipette and use the other end as the "intake" end.
Note: From this point, the procedure describes the purification of DNA
from one half of the volume of initially grown bacteria, i.e., approximately
2-4 x 1010 cells. If twice as much DNA is desired, purification can be carried
out on the other half of the cells.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 87

11. Add 6 ml of phenol-8HQ solution and 6 ml of CIA solution to each tube .

Close the tubes with Teflon-lined caps and mix by quickly inverting sev-
eral times. The solution should turn "milky" when properly mixed. This
should not take more than 5-6 inversions.
12. Remove caps from the tubes and place them into a centrifuge. Centrifuge
at 6000 rpm (4000 x g) for 5 minutes at 4 °C to separate the aqueous and
phenol phases. DNA will be in the top, aqueous layer.
13. Collect the aqueous phase using a wide-bore pipette. Avoid collecting
the white powdery precipitate at the interphase. However , do collect as
much of the viscose, bluish-white layer from the interphase as possible.
This layer contains concentrated nucleic acids, not proteins. Record the
volume of aqueous phase and transfer it to a 250 ml sterile Erlenmeyer
flask. Place the wide-bore end of the pipette at the bottom of the flask
and slowly release the solution.
14. Add 0.1 volume (i.e., about 2 ml) of 3 M sodium acetate to the solution
and mix gently.
15. Add 2.5 volumes (60 ml) of95% ethanol to the 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
Pour the appropriate volume of ethanol into a measuring cylinder and,
keeping the Erlenmeyer flask at a 45° angle, carefully overlay the viscose
DNA solution with the ethanol. Since ethanol is less dense than the DNA
solution, it will be the upper layer.
16. Gently mix ethanol with the DNA solution by rolling the flask at a 45°
angle in the palm of your hand. Continue until a sma ll clump of pre-
cipitated DNA forms at the interphase.
17. With a glass hook, swirl in circular motions to spool out the DNA. The
precipitated DNA will adhere to the hook and will have a semi-trans-
parent gelatinous appearance. Continue swirling until all DNA is col-
lected and the ethanol is completely mixed with the water. Note the
appearance of the spoo led DNA. As more DNA is collected on the
hook, its initial gelatinous texture will become more compact and
fibrous in appearance.
18. Transfer the hook with spooled DNA into a 20 ml tube filled with 5 ml of
70% ethanol. Wash the DNA by gently swirling the glass hook with the
DNA. Pour out the 70% ethanol and repeat the washing two more times.
19. Drain all ethanol from the precipitate by pressing it against the side of
the tube. Transfer the hook with DNA to a clean 25 ml Corex tube.

20. Add 5 ml ofTE buffer to the tube. Submerge the coated end of the hook
into the buffer. Dissolve the DNA by gently moving the hook in TE buf-
fer. Allow the DNA to rehydrate at room temperature for at least 20 to 60
minutes. Do not break or remove the glass hook before the entire DNA
has disso lved.
Note: At this step, the procedure can be stopped and the DNA stored for
several days at 4 °C. If storing is desired cover the tube with Parafilm with
the glass hook still inside. Storing the DNA will help to dissolve it. High
molecular weight DNA can take several days to completely rehydrate.
21. Remove the glass hook from the DNA solution and add 50 III ofRNase A
and 5 III of RNase TI. Cap the tube, mix gently and incubate the DNA
solution at 37 °C for 30 minutes.
22. Remove the tube from the water bath and add 5 ml ofTE to it. Mix gently
and add 5 ml of phenol 8-HQ and 5 ml CIA. Mix by inverting until the
solution turns "milky".
23. Centrifuge at 6000 rpm (4000 x g) for 10 minutes at 4 °C to separate
phenol and aqueous phases.
24. Collect the top aqueous phase using a wide-bore pipette and transfer it to
a new 25 ml Corex tube. Add 10 ml of CIA and mix by inverting the tube
several times until the water phase is mixed with the CIA.
25. Centrifuge at 6000 rpm (4000 x g) for 5 minutes at 4 °C.
26. Collect the upper aqueous phase using a wide-bore pipette and transfer
it to a sterile 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Place the wide-bore end of the
pipette at the bottom of the flask and slowly release the solution. Record
the volume of aqueous phase.
27. Add 1/10 volume (l ml) of3 M sodium acetate to the DNA solution. Mix
28. Precipitate the DNA by the addition of 30 ml (2.5 volume) of95% etha-
nol. Layer the ethanol as described in steps 15 and 16 and spool the DNA
onto a hook as described in step 17.
29. Transfer the hook with DNA into a tube containing 10 ml of70% ethanol
and move gently to wash the DNA. Discard ethanol and repeat this wash
two more times . Drain the ethanol completely by pressing the DNA
against the side of the tube.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 89

30. Transfer the hook with DNA to a sterile 5 ml plastic tube (Falcon 33) and
add 500 III of TE. Rehydrate the DNA slowly by moving the glass hook
back and forth. More buffer may be necessary if DNA will not dissolve
within one day. For faster rehydration, incubate the DNA solution in a
65 DC water bath for 10 to 15 minutes moving the tube gently every 2 to
3 minutes.
31. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:10 dilution of the DNA. For correct calculation of
DNA concentration, the absorbance reading should be in the range of
0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50 ug/rnl has an optical density of 1 in a
l-cm path cuvette.
Special care must be taken to dilute the viscose DNA solution precisely
when micropipettors are used. Most micropipettors will not correctly
measure the volume ofvery viscose solutions. To prepare a 1:10dilution
of the DNA, add 1 ml of PBS to a microfuge tube. Prepare a wide-bore
yellow tip by cutting off 5 to 6 millimeters from the end with a razor
blade. Withdraw 100 III of PBS from the tube and mark the level of
the solution on the tip with a marking pen . Discard the PBS solution.
Using the same tip, withdraw DNA solution to the mark and add it to the
tube with PBS. Pipette up and down several times to wash the viscose
DNA solution from inside the pipette tip.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.
32. Determine the purity of DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm
and 234 nm. Calculate 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a
detailed discussion of the validity ofthis method and calculation of DNA
concentration in a sample with a small amount of protein contamina-
33. Check the integrity of the DNA by running 2 to 5 ~tl of the DNA on a low
percentage agarose gel. (0.4% - 0.5%). Add 10IIIofTE buffer and Sill of
loading dye (stop solution) to a microfuge tube, mix by pipetting up and
down. Prepare a wide-bore tip as described in step 30. Withdraw the
appropriate amount (2 to 5 Ill) of TE buffer and mark its level on
the tip. Draw DNA solution to the mark on the cut-off tip and add it
to the tube with TE and stop solution. Mix by pipetting up and
down and load the DNA into the agarose gel using the same wide-
bore tip. Run electrophoresis at 0.6 to 1.0 VI ern for 30 minutes. Use bac-
teriophage lambda DNA as a size standard. The DNA should appear as a

high-molecular weight band running with or slower than the DNA stan -
dard. Degraded DNA appears as a smear running down the gel. Con-
taminating RNA will be visible as a diffuse band running slightly faster
than the bromophenol blue dye.

Small scale procedure

Small scale DNA can be isolated using overnight culture or cells from single colony.
1. Place from 0.2 to 1.0ml of bacterial cells from an overnight culture into a
1.5 ml microfuge tube. Centrifuge at full speed for 5 minutes at room
To isolate DNA from a bacterial colony grown on agar collect half of a
colony of2-3 millimeters in size on a toothpick and suspend it directly in
xanthogenate buffer, as described in step 3 of this protocol. Follow the
protocol from this point.
2. Discard the supernatant and re-centrifuge the empty tube for 5-6 sec-
onds. Using a capillary tip, remove the remaining medium from the
3. Add 300 III of xanthogenate buffer to the tube and gently suspend the
cells by pipetting up and down . Close the tube tightly.
4. Place the tube into a 65 °Cwater bath and incubate it for 40 minutes with
occasional gent le shaking.
5. Centrifuge the tube at room temperature for 5 minutes. Transfer the
supernatant to a new microfuge tube. Use a cut off yellow tip for
this transfer. Discard the pellet.
6. Add 750 III of95% ethanol (2.5 volumes) to the tube. Mix well by invert-
ing several times. At this point the preparation can be stored at -70 °Cfor
an indefinite time.
7. Place the tube into the centrifuge, orienting attached end of the tube lid
away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge at maximum speed for
5 minutes at room temperature.
8. Remove the tube from centrifuge. Pour off the ethanol by holding the
tube by the open lid and gently lifting the end, touch the tube to the rim
of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to drain the ethanol. You do not
need to remove all of the ethanol from the tube . Place the tubes back into
the centrifuge in the same orientation as before (See Figure 2, Chapter 2).
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 91

Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once
because this could dislodge the pellet.
9. Wash the pellet with 700 IJI of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PI000 Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver ethanol to side of the tube opposite the
pellet. Hold the Pipetman as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not start
the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder"
which keeps the tube at an angle convenient for ethanol washing. With-
draw the tube from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Pour off
the ethanol by holding the tube by the open lid and gently lifting the end,
touch the tube to the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold it to drain the
ethanol. You do not need to remove all of the ethanol from the tube.
Place the tube back into centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet without
centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging the pellet is time
consuming and frequently leads to substantial loss of material.
10. Place the tube back into a microfuge, making sure that the side contain-
ing the pellet faces away from the center of rotation. Without closing the
tube lid start centrifuge until it reaches 500 rpm (1-2 seconds) to collect
the remaining ethanol at the bottom of the tube . Remove all ethanol
using a Pipetman (P200) equipped with a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA very difficult, if not impossible.
11. Add 20-30 IJI of TE or water to the tube to dissolve DNA. Use a cut-off
yellow tip for this procedure. Gently pipette the buffer up and down,
directing the stream of the buffer toward the pellet. If the pellet does
not dissolve in several minutes, place the tube at 60-65 °C and incubate
for 10 to 20 minutes with occasional mixing.
12. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm . Initially use a 1:10 dilution of the DNA. For correct calculation of
DNA concentration, the absorbance reading should be in the range of
0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50 ug/rnl has an optical dens ity of 1 in a
l-cm path cuvette.
Special care must be taken to dilute the viscose DNA solution precisely
when micropipettors are used. Most micropipettors will not correctly
measure the volume of very viscose solutions. To prepare a 1:10 dilution
of the DNA, add 1 ml of PBS to a microfuge tube. Prepare a wide-bore
yellow tip by cutting off 5 to 6 millimeters from the end with a razor

blade. Withdraw 100 J-li of PBS and mark the level of the solution on the
tip with a marking pen . Discard the PBS solution. Using the same tip,
withdraw DNA solution to the mark and add it to the tube with PBS.
Pipette up and down several times to wash the viscose DNA solution
from inside the pipette tip.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter l.
13. Determine the purity of DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm
and 234 nm . Calculate 2601280 and 2601234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a
detailed discussion of the validity of this method and calculation ofDNA
concentration in a sample with a small amount of protein contamina-

Removing RNA If the DNA preparation is contaminated with a large quantity of RNA, re-
move it using the following procedure.
1. Dilute the DNA to 100 ~L1 with TE and place the tube into a 37 °C water
2. Add 10 ul of DNase-free RNase A and 1 ul of RNase T1 to the tube and
incubate for 30 minutes at 37 °C.
3. Add 50 ul of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume). Mix well by
inverting 3-4 times.
4. Add 300 J-li of95% ethanol (2 x the total volume) to the tube. Mix well by
inverting 4-5 times and centrifuge for 10 minutes at room temperature.
Pour off supernatant using the technique described in step 8.
5. Wash the pellet 2 times with 700 J-li of cold 70% ethanol using the pro-
cedure described in steps 8 and 9.
6. Dissolve the DNA pellet in 20-30 ul ofTE or water. Use a cut off yellow tip
for this procedure. Incubate the solution for 10 - 20 minutes in a 60 °Cto
65 °Cwater bath until the DNA is dissolved completely. Store the DNA at
-70 °C.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 93


• Large scale protocol.

A typical spectrum of DNA purified from 3 x 1010 cells of E. coli is shown
in Figure 2. The concentration of the DNA was 0.5 ~tghtl. The total
amount of DNA isolated was 250 ~g (500 ~tl x 0.5 ug/pl), Since one
cell of E. coli, at stationary phase, contains 5.15 x lO, l Sg of DNA (or ap-
proximately 100 ~g/lOlO cells) the DNA yield is 83% (250/300 x 100). The
DNA is high molecular weight and does not contain RNA. Figure 3 also
presents the results of Bam HI digestion of DNA isolated from four bac-
terial strains. The patterns show multiple diffused bands starting at
25 kb and little or no smearing at the low molecular end of the gel.
This attests to the high molecular weight of the DNA and its complete
digestion by restriction endonucleases.
• Small scale protocol.
DNA isolated from E. coli cells, using the small scale protocol, is of suffi-
cient quality for restriction enzyme and peR ana lyses. The small




Q) 0.5
.a 0.4
<{ 0.3



220 240 260 280 300 320

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 2. Absorp tion spectrum of DNA pur ified from E. coli strain CSH66.DNAwas diluted 20x
in PBS and scanned using a UV spectrophotometer. The 2601280 absorbance ratio was 1.95
and the 2601234 absorbance ratio was 1.87

Fig. 3. Gel electrophoresis of E. coli DNA isolated from four different strains using the large
scale procedure. Lanes 1,4,6 and 8 have Lug of undig ested DNA. Lanes 1,3,5, and 7 have 5 ug
of DNA digested with Bam HI restriction enzyme. Standard s are molecular weight standards
of 1 kb DNA lad der from Life Technologies Gibco BRL.

amounts of RNA present do not interfere with these analyses. The 260/
280 ratio is between 1.8 and 1.9 indicating very low protein contamina-
tion. Figure 4 presents the results of gel electrophoresis of 2 j..ll of DNA
purified from single colony of four bacterial strains.


Problems encountered in the appl ication of both a large and small scale
protocols can be classified into two groups: problems resulting in inade-
quate purity of the product or the problems resulting in inadequate yield
of the DNA.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 95

Fig. 4. Gel electrophoresis of E. coli DNA

isolated from a single colony using the
small scale procedure. DNA was isolated
from four strains of bacteria. Each lane
was loaded with 2 IIIof DNA and electro-
phoresed for 40 minutes. Arrows indicate
the small amount of RNA present in some
samples. Standards are a 1 kb DNA ladder
from Life Technologies Gibco BRL.

Problems with DNA purity; large scale procedure

Impurity of the DNA can manifest itself by one or all of the following fea-
• Low 260/280 (260/234) ratio. Use recovery procedure 1 to remedy this
• Presence of a large amount of ethidium bromide stained material glow-
ing in the sample well of the agarose gel. This is usually associated with a
reduced amount or total absence of DNA on the gel in spite of a high
reading of 260 nm absorbance. Use recovery procedure 2 to remedy this
• Partial digestion or total resistance to digestion with restriction endo-
nuclease enzymes. Use recovery procedure 3 to remedy this problem.

• Large amount of RNA visible on the gel. Use recovery procedure 4 to

remedy this problem.
• Degradation of DNA,visible as a smear running the length of the gel. Use
recovery procedure 5 to remedy this problem.

Recovery A low 2601280 ratio usually indicates contamination with proteins and re-
procedure 1 sults from either inadequate Prote inase Kdigestion or insufficient mixing of
phenol and water phases at step 11. Low Proteinase K activity is usually
indicated by the presence of a large amount of "foamy" material at the in-
terphase after the first phenol extraction (step II). Inadequately mixed phe-
nol and aqueous phases do not have a uniformly "milky" appearance. Pro-
tein contaminants can be removed using the following procedure:
1. With a wide-bore pipette, transfer the DNA sample to a 25 ml Corex tube
and dilute it to a final volume of 10 ml with lysis buffer.
2. Add 5 ml of phenol-8HQ and 5 ml of CIA. Close the tube and invert to
mix until the solution turns "milky".
3. Follow purification steps 12 through 32 of the large scale protocol.

Recovery Ethidium bromide-stained material in the wells of the agarose gel are DNA-
procedure 2 protein aggregates that are unable to enter the gel. This is frequently caused
by too muc h EDTA in the lysis buffer. The DNA-protein complexes can be
removed using the following procedure:
1. Transfer the DNA sample to a25 ml Corextube (with a wide-bore pipette
tip) and dilute it to a final volume of2 ml with lysis buffer prepared with
half the amount of EDTA. Add NaCI to a final concentration of 0.3 M.
2. Add 0.15 ml of Proteinase K solution and incubate the mixture for 60
minutes at 55 °C to 60 "C,
Note: Re-extracting the DNA with phenol:CIA mixture will not remove
DNA:protein complexes . Proteinase K treatment is required for successful
removal of proteins from such complexes.
3. Add 8 ml of TE buffer and mix gently.
4. Add 5 ml of phenol-8HQ and 5 ml of CIA, close the tube, and mix by
inverting until the solution turns "milky" .
5. Follow purification steps 12 through 32 of the large scale protocol.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 97

Difficulties with restriction endonuclease digestion of DNA are usually as- Recovery
sociated with the presence of polysaccharides, phenolic, or other related procedure 3
secondary metabolites, in the preparation. If the amount of these impurities
is small, they can be removed by precipitating the DNA in the presence of
2 M ammonium acetate (Cruse and Amorese, 1987, Perbal, 1988). If this
treatment does not overcome the problem, the following procedure for
the removal of contaminating macromolecules can be applied.
1. Transfer the DNAsolution to a 25 ml Corex tube using wide-bore pipette
tip. Dilute the DNA preparation with TE to final volume of 2 ml.
2. Adjust the NaCI concentration of the DNA solution to 0.7 M by adding
the appropriate amount of 5 M NaCl.
3. Add 0.1 volume of CTAB-NaCI (CDA-NaCl) solution and mix both vis-
cous liquids gently together by inverting the tube several times.
4. Incubate the tightly closed tube at 65°C for 20 minutes.
5. Add an equal volume of CIA, mix thoroughly by quickly inverting 3 to 4
times .
6. Centrifuge at 6000 rpm (4000x g) for 10 minutes at 4 °Cand transfer the
top, aqueous phase into a Corex tube with a wide-bore pipette. Repeat
the CIA extraction two more times or until the white powdery inter-
phase, containing contaminating macromolecules has been removed.
7. Transfer the aqueous phase into a sterile 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask and
record the volume. Place the wide-bore end of the pipette at the bottom
of the flask and slowly release the solution.
8. Add 2.5 volume of 95% ethanol using the technique described in step 17
of the large scale protocol.
9. Spool, wash and dissolve the DNA as described in steps 27 to 30 of the
large scale protocol.

A large amount of RNA contamination, in most cases, results from insuffi- Recovery
cient time given for RNase treatment in step 21 of the large scale protocol. procedure 4
Repeating RNA digestion will overcome this problem.
1. Transfer the DNA solution to a 25 ml Corex tube using wide-bore pip-
ette. Dilute the DNA preparation with TE to final volume of 2 ml.
2. Add 50 III of RNase A and 5111 of RNase Tl . Cap the tube, mix gently and
incubate at 37 °C for 30 minutes.

3. Add 8 ml TE buffer,S ml of phenol-8HQ and 5 ml of CIA. Close the tube

and mix by holding the tube between thumb and index finger and very
quickly invert back and forth until the solution turns "milky". This
should not take more than 5-6 inversions.
4. Follow the large scale protocol from step 23.

Recovery The presence of small amounts of low molecular weight DNA in the pre-
procedure 5 paration usually results from shearing the DNA during isolation. DNA is
mechanically sheared when pipettes with narrow openings are used or
by the DNA solution running down the side of the tube. Inverting the
tube too slowly during organic extraction will also result in substantial
shearing of DNA molecules. To remedy this problem the purification
should be started once more and care taken to handle the DNA solution
The presence of a large amount of small molecular weight DNA in the
preparation also can result from insufficient inhibition of DNase activity.
This can be remedied by repeating the purification procedure with a higher
concentration of EDTA in the lysis buffer.

Problems with DNA recovery; large scale procedure

Low yields, i.e., isolating less than 10% -20% of the expected amount ofDNA
can result from:
• Inadequate lysis of the cells. This problem will be noticeable after the
addition of the lysis buffer since normal lysis results in a drastic increase
in viscosity of the solution. Most frequent causes of poor cell lysis are:
Buffer I pH lower than 8.5, or too short time of lysozyme treatment.
Lysozyme has a very low activity at a pH below 8.0. Also, some commer-
cial preparations of the enzyme have very low specific activity. More-
over, some bacterial strains require much longer treatment time with
lysozyme. This is particularly true for the bacterial strains selected
for efficient electroporation.
• Too high concentration of EDTA in the lysis buffer. In this case a low
yield of nucleic acid will be apparent during the first precipitation with
ethanol. Lowering the concentration of EDTA in the lysis buffer will re-
medy this problem.
4 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria 99

• Contamination of one of the stock solutions with DNase. The low DNA
yield, in this case, will be usually noticeable only after treatment with
RNase's. Preparation of fresh stock solutions is the best remedy.

Problems with DNA purity; small scale procedure

Poor quality of DNA isolated using xanthogenate generally is manifested by

the inhibition of restriction enzyme activity or by the inability to perform
PCR with the DNA. The problem is usually associated with residual
amounts of xanthogenate salt in the DNA due to inadequate washing
with 70% ethanol at step 9 of the small scale protocol. Even a very small
amount of this salt will inactivate proteins. The remaining xanthogenate
salt can be removed using the following procedure:
1. Add TE buffer to the DNA to a combined volume of 100 ul, Recovery
2. Add 50 ul of7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) and mix well by
inverting the tube several times.
3. Add 300 ul of 95% ethanol (2 x the total volume) and mix well. Centri-
fuge for 15 minutes at room temperature.
4. Wash and dissolve the pelleted DNAas described in steps 7 through 11of
the small scale protocol.

Problems with DNA recovery; small scale procedure

If DNA yield is low, the following can increase it:

• Freezing the cell pellet in liquid nitrogen and grinding it to fine powder
using a glass homogenizer (Ihingan, 1992).
• Increasing the concentration of EDTA in xanthogenate buffer.
• Decreasing the concentration of sodium xanthogenate to 6.25 mM in
the buffer.


Crou se J and Amorese D 1987 Ethanol precipitation: Ammonium acetate as an alter -

native to sodium acetate. BRL Focus 9 (2): 3-5.
Hodge R 1994In: Protocols for nucleic acids analysis by nonradioactive probes. Method
in Molecular Biology Volume 28. Ed. Isaac PG. Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey.
Ihingan AK 1992A novel technology for DNA isolation. Methods in Molecular and Cel-
lular Biology 3:1-22.
Murray MG and Thompson WF 1980 Rapid isolation of high molecular weight DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res. 8:43221-4325
Perbal BV 1988 A Practical guide to molecular cloning . 2nd edit ion . John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 5 PROTOCOL

Isolation of Plasmid DNA



There are many published protocols for isolation and purification of plas-
mid DNA. The theoretical basis for these procedures is described in Chap-
ter 1. In most instances, plasmid DNA, isolated by these procedures, is of
sufficient quality and quantity for cloning and PCR analysis. However, the
plasmid DNA obtained by many of these methods is a poor template for
double-stranded dideoxy DNA sequencing, largely due to inconsistency
of template purity and yield. To obtain plasmid DNA of good quality
for DNA sequencing, many sequencing protocols recommend the use of
plasmid templates prepared by cesium chloride centrifugation or column
chromatography. Although these methods give satisfactory results, they are
time consuming, expensive and not suitable for preparation of templates
from multiple samples.
This chapter describes two protocols for large-scale plasmid isolation,
and two protocols for minipreps of plasmid DNA. All four methods yield
DNA that is an excellent template for dideoxy dsDNA automated se-
quencing, as well as for cloning and PCR. The procedures are a modification
of the alkaline lysis procedure devised by Brinboim and Doly (Brinboim and
Doly, 1979;Brinboim, 1983). The alkaline lysate is neutralized with ammo-
nium acetate rather than potassium or sodium salts, and if necessary, the
remaining proteins can be removed by precipitation with 1.87 M ammo-
nium acetate. This allows purification of plasmid DNA without the use
of toxic organic solvents, CsCI centrifugation or column chromatography.
The procedures are quick and yield plasmid DNA of purity comparable to
the CsCI prepared DNA. Long procedures are suitable for DNA isolation
from both large and small plasmids.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000


A schematic outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 1.

Long Procedures Rapid Procedures

.----- 1 ---, I
Cell Collection Cell Collection
Incubation in Solution I Incubation in Solution II
Incubation in Solution II
Neutralization with NH 4 Acetate
and Treatment with RNase
Neutralization with NH 4 Acetate
Isopropanol Precipitation
Isopropanaol Precipitation
Rehydration of DNA
Incubation in NH 4 Acetate


Ethanol Precipitation


Rehydration of DNA

Treatment with RNase


Rehydration of DNA

Fig. 1. Schematic outline of the procedures

5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 103

- Corex 25 ml centrifuge with tubes Teflon-lined caps (Corex # 8446-25)
- 50 ml Oak Ridge polypropylene centrifuge tubes with caps. (For example
Nalgene" # 21009).Only polypropylene plastic tubes should be used be-
cause they are resistant to phenol and chloroform.
- BioVortexer test tube mixer (Biospec Products # 1083-ST)
- Ribonuclease A, DNase free (Ambion # 2272). Ambion is a source of
inexpensive RNase supplied in storage buffer with 50% glycerol at con-
centration of 1 mg/ml. The enzyme can be stored indefinitely at - 20 °C.
- Ribonuclease Tl, DNase free (Ambion # 2280).
- Ambion is a source of inexpensive RNase Tl. The enzyme is supplied in a
storage buffer with 50% glycerol at concentration of20,000 units/ml and
can be stored indefinitely at -20 °C.
- Lysozyme (Sigma Co. # L6876) Lysozyme powder should be stored at
-20 °C.

- Terrific Broth Medium (TB) Media

Bacto-tryptone 12 gm
Yeast Extract 24 gm

Glycerol 4 ml
Water to 900 ml

Phosphate Stock Solution 100 ml

Mix first three ingredients in water and autoclave for 20 minutes, cool to
room temperature and add the Phosphate Stock Solution to final vo-
lume of 1000 ml. Store at 4 "C.
- HIS Growth Medium
- 5% Yeast Extract
- 1% Casamino Acids
- I % RNA (Torulla yeast Sigma # R 6625)
- 10 ug/rnl RNase A (Sigma # R 4875)
- 150 mM MOPS
- 272 mM Trisma base
- 2% Glucose
Add the first four ingredients to 80 ml of deionized water and stir until
the solution is no longer cloudy. This will take about 15 minutes. Add
MOPS and Tris simultaneously and stir until dissolved. Adjust pH to 7.6

with concentrated HCl. Add 20 ml of 20% glucose stock solution and

sterilize by filtration. Store at 4 "C. If medium is going to be used im-
mediately, sterilization is not necessary.
- Phosphate Stock Solution
- 0.72 M Potassium phosphate dibasic (KH2P0 4)
- 0.17 M Potassium phosphate monobasic (K2HP0 4 )
Dissolve in distilled water and autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 °C.

Solutions - Solution I
- 25 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.5
- 10 mM Na2EDTA, pH 8.5
- 0.9% glucose
Add the appropriate amount of 1 M Tris HCl and 0.5 M EDTA stock
solutions to double distilled or deionized water. Check pH of the solu-
tion. The solution should be pH 8.5 because below this pH, lysozyme
activity is drastically reduced. Sterilize by filtration and store at 4 "C.
Do not autoclave this solution.
- Solution II
- 200 mM NaOH
- 1% SDS
Prepare fresh from stock solutions of 10 N NaOH and 10% SDS. Do not
- SDS Stock Solution) 10% (w/v)
Add 10 g of powder to 70 ml of distilled water and dissolve by stirring
slowly. Add water to a final volume of 100 ml and sterilize by filtration
through a 0.22 urn filter. Store at room temperature.
Safety Note: SDS powder is a nasal and lung irritant. Weigh the powder
carefully and wear a face mask.
- Lysozyme Solution
- 40.0 mg Lysozyme
- 1.0 ml Solution I
Place lysozyme powder into a 1.5ml microfuge tube and add 1ml ofcold
buffer 1.Vortex to dissolve the lysozyme. Place the tube into an ice buck-
et. Lysozyme must be prepared fresh before use.
- 70% Ethanol
Add 25 ml of double distilled H 20 to 70 ml of 95% ethanol. Never use
100% ethanol because it contains an additive that can inhibit activity of
most enzymes. Store at -20 °C.
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 105

- 7.5 M Ammonium Acetate Solution

Dissolve 57.8 g of ammonium acetate in 70 ml of double distilled or de-
ionized water. Stir until salt is fully dissolved, but do not heat to facilitate
dissolving. Fill up to 100ml and sterilize by filtration. Store tightly closed
at 4 "C. The solution can be stored for one to two months at 4 "C. Long
term storage is possible at -70 °C.
- 1.87 M Ammonium Acetate Solution
Add 5 ml of7.5 M ammonium acetate to 15ml of cold double distilled or
deionized water. Prepare this solution just before use and keep on ice.

- TE Buffer Buffers
- 10 mM Tris HCI, pH 7.5 or 8.0
- 1 mM NazEDTA
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4°C.
- Loading Dye Solution (Stop Solution)
- 20% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10 ml of the solution. Dissolve the appropriate amount
ofFicoll powder in water by stirring at 40 to 50 °C.Add the stock solution
of EDTA, powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot about 100).11 into microfuge
tubes and store at -20 °C.

Large scale procedure

1. Inoculate cells into 30 ml of Terrific Broth medium supplemented with Large scale
the appropriate antibiotic. Grow cells overnight at 37 °Cwith vigorous protocol
shaking. To obtain high yield of the large plasmids or low copy number
plasmids, cell can be grown in HIS medium recently formulated for this
purpose (Duttweiler and Gross, 1998).
Note: If medium other than TB or HIS is used, a larger volume of bacteria
should be grown . When TB or HIS medium is used, the concentration of
cells per milliliter at stationary phase, is approximately 5 to 15 times higher
than concentrations reached in other media (Duttweiler and Gross, 1998).

Note: To provide a large surface -to-volume ratio for aeration, culture cells
in an Erlenmeyer flask with the volume of medium no greater than one-
quarter the total flask volume. Orbital shaker speed should be no less
than 200 to 300 rpm.
2. Transfer the cells into a 50 ml Oak Ridge centrifuge tube. Collect the cells
by centrifugation for 5 minutes at 5000 rpm (3000 x g) at 4 "C. Discard
the supernatant. Centrifuge the cells for a few seconds and remove the
remaining medium using a capillary tip with a Pipetman.
3. Gently resuspend the cell pellet in 3 ml of solution 1.The pH of solution I
must be at least 8.5.
4. Add 100 III of a freshly-prepared lysozyme stock solution. Vortex for a
few seconds and incub ate for 15 to 20 minutes at room temperature.
5. Meanwhile prepare solution II and place it on ice until it becomes
"cloudy". It will take only 1 to 2 minutes to achieve this. Do not allow
a heavy precipitate to form .
6. Add 6 ml of solution II (two times the total volume), close the tube and
mix by inverting 4-6 times. At this step, cells should lyse and the solution
will become very viscose. Place the tube on ice and incubate for 10 min-
7. Add 4.5 ml of ice cold 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) . Mix
gently by inverting the tube 5-6 times, return the tube to the ice bucket
and continue incubation for additional 10 minutes.
8. Centrifuge the tube in a swinging bucket rotor (e.g., Sorvall HB-4) for 10
minutes at 10 000 rpm (l6 000 x g) at 4 °C.
9. Transfer the supernatant into a 25 ml Corex centrifuge tube. Be careful
not to disturb the gelatinous pellet during this procedure. Discard the
10. Add 8.1 ml of isopropanol (0.6 x the total volume) to the supernatant.
Mix by inverting the tube several times and incubate for 10 minutes at
room temperature.
11. Centrifuge at 10000 rpm (l6 000 x g) for 10 minutes at room tempera-
ture using swinging bucket rotor.
12. Discard the alcohol. Centrifuge the tubes briefly (l0-20 seconds) and
remove the remaining alcohol with a capillary tip using a Pipetman.
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 107

13. Add 6 ml of 1.87 M ammonium acetate solution to the pellet (2 x of the

original solution I volume). Resuspend the pellet byvortexing or using a
Bio-Vortex mixer. The pellet is completely resuspended when the solu-
tion becomes uniformly "milky". Incubate the suspension on ice for 10
Note: To obtain a better yield of plasmid or when preparing a large plasmid,
incubate the solution overnight at 4 °C.This will increase the yield of plas-
mid by approximately 50%. However, the yield will not be increased sub-
stantially over that obtained in 10 minutes if incubation is carried out for
only 1 to 3 hours.
14. Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 10 000 rpm (16 000 x g) at room temperature
using swinging bucket rotor. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh 25 ml
Corex tube.
15. Add 12 ml of95% ethanol at room temperature (2 x of the total volume).
Mix well by inverting the tube several times.
16. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 10000 rpm (16 000 x g) at room tempera-
ture. Discard the supernatant.
17. Slowlyadd 5 ml of cold 70% ethanol to the tube and keeping the tube at a
45° angle gently rinse the pellet and sides of the tube. Discard the 70%
ethanol and repeat the wash one more time. Be careful not to disturb the
pellet at the bottom of the tube during ethanol washing. To collect the
ethanol remaining on the side of the tube, centrifuge the tube for 30
seconds. Remove ethanol from the bottom of the tube using a P200 mi-
cropipettor outfitted with a capillary tip.
18. Dissolve the pellet in 300 IIIofTE buffer and transfer it to a 1.5ml micro-
fuge tube.
19. Add 5 ul of RNase A and 1 IIIof RNase T1 to the tube. Mix well by pipet-
ting up and down several times. Incubate the tube in a 37 °Cwater bath
for 30 minutes.
20. Add 150 III of7.5 M ammonium acetate (half of the total volume). Mix
well by inverting the tube 4 to 5 times .
21. Add 900 IIIof95% ethanol to the tube (2 x of the total volume). Mix well
by inverting the tube 4 to 5 times .

22. Place the tube in the centrifuge and orient the attached end of the lid
pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge the tube at max-
imum speed for 10 minutes at room temperature (See Figure 2, Chap-
ter 2).
23. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently inverting
the tube, touch the lip of the tube to the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold
the tube to drain the ethanol. You do not need to remove all of the etha-
nol from the tube. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in the same
orientation as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this could dislodge the pellet.
24. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a P1000 Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet. Hold the Pipetman as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not
start the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube
holder" which keeps the tubes at an angle, convenient for ethanol wash-
ing. Remove the tube from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid.
Pour off the ethanol as described in step 23.
25. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash a large number of
pellets without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging
the pellet are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial loss of
the material.
26. After the last wash, place the tube back into the microfuge, making sure
that the tube side containing the pellet faces away from the center of
rotation. Without closing the lid, start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds
collecting the remaining ethanol at the bottom of the tube . Remove
all ethanol with a P200 micropipettor outfitted with a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This is an unnecessary step
that may make dissolving the DNA pellet very difficult if not impossible.
27. Add 20-30 III ofTE or water to the tube and dissolve the pelleted DNA.
Gently pipette the buffer up and down directing the stream of the buffer
towards the pellet. If the pellet does not dissolve in several minutes, place
the tube into a 60 °Cto 65 °Cwater bath and incubate for 10-20 minutes
mixing occasionally.
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 109

28. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260

nm. Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the DNA in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50
ug/rnl has an absorbance of 1 in a l-cm path cuvette. Determine the
purity of the DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm . Calculate the 2601280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a de-
tailed discussion about the validity of this method and calculation of
DNA concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein con-

DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer. For

discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence on
ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.

Rapid large scale procedure

Plasmid prepared by this procedure can be used in sequencing, PCR,restric-

tion enzyme digestion and yeast and mammalian cells transformation. The
procedure is also suitable for isolating very large plasmids. The yield is
about 180 Ilg of a large copy number plasmid from 20 ml of cells, that is
about 5 to 10% less than the yield using a more involved large scale pro -
cedure. However, the procedure can be completed in about 30 minutes.
1. Collect 20 ml of cells following the first two steps of the long large scale Rapid large scale
procedure. Do not resuspend the cell pellet in solution I. protocol
2. Add 8 ml of freshly prepared solution II to the cell pellet. Stir with a
wooden applicator to break up the pellet completely. Incubate 10 min-
utes on ice.
3. Add 6 ml of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (0.75 x the volume) and 90 III of
RNase A (9 mg). Mix by inverting the tube gently 3 - 5 times. Incubate on
ice for 10 minutes.
4. Centrifuge at 10 000 rpm (16000 x g) in a swinging bucket rotor for 5
minutes at room temperature.
5. Transfer the supernatant to a clean 25 ml Corex tube with a 10 ml pipette.
Avoid breaking the pellet or transferring flocculent precipitate that may
be present at the top of the liquid.
6. Add 8 ml of isopropyl alcohol (0.6 xthevolume), mix gently by inverting
the tube several times and incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes.

7. Centrifuge the tube for 10 minutes in a swinging bucket rotor (e.g., Sor-
vall HB-4) at 10 000 (16000 xg) at room temperature. Pour off the super-
8. Slowly add 5 ml of cold 70% ethanol to the tube and keeping the tube
at a 45° angle, gently rinse the pellet and sides of the tube. Discard the
70% ethanol and repeat the wash two more times. Be careful not to dis-
turb the pellet at the bottom of the tube during ethanol washing. To
collect ethanol remaining on the side of the tube, centrifuge the tube
for 30 seconds. Remove ethanol from the bottom of the tube using ca-
pillary tip and a micropipettor.
9. Add 20-30 ul ofTE or water to the tube and rehydrate the pelleted DNA.
Gently pipette the buffer up and down directing the stream of the buffer
towards the pellet. If the pellet does not dissolve in several minutes, place
the tube into a 60 °Cto 65 °C water bath and incubate for 10-20 minutes
mixing occasionally.
10. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the DNA in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50
ug/rnl has an absorbance of I in a l- cm path cuvette. Determine the
purity of the DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm . Calculate the 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter I for a de-
tailed discussion about the validity of this method and calculation of
DNA concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein con-
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.

Small scale procedures

Two protocols are described. The first protocol, long sma ll scale protocol,
can be used for isolation of plasmid DNA when more material is required
(4-6 ug) or from low copy number plasmids. The second protocol, rapid
small scale protocol, requires only 400 ul of cells to isolate 2-3 /-lg of plasmid
in approximately 30 minutes. The DNA obtained by both procedures is sui-
table for manual or automatic sequencing and for restriction enzyme ana -
lysis and PCR work.
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA III

1. Inoculate cells into 5 ml of Terrific Broth or HIS medium supplemented Long small scale
with the appropriate antibiotic. Use a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask to grow the protocol
cells. Grow cells overnight at 37 °C with vigorous shaking.
2. Add 1.5 ml of cells to a microfuge tube and collect the cells by centri-
fugation for 5 minutes at room temperature. Discard the supernatant.
Centrifuge the cells for a few seconds and remove the remaining med-
ium using a capillary micro tip and a P200 Pipetman.
3. Gently suspend the cell pellet in 150III of solution I by pipetting up and
down. Do not vortex the cells.
4. Add 10 ~L1 of a freshly prepared lysozyme stock solution of 40 mg/ml and
mix gently by inverting the tube several times . Incubate the tube at room
temperature for 10 minutes.
5. Meanwhile, prepare solution II and place it on ice until it becomes
"cloudy". It will take only 1 to 2 minutes to achieve this. Do not allow
a heavy precipitate to form.
6. Add 300 III of solution II (2 x volume), close the tube and mix by invert-
ing 4-6 times. Place the tube on ice and incubate for 5 minutes.
7. Add 225 ul of ice cold 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the total volume).
Invert the tube 5 times and incubate for 5 minutes on ice.
8. Centrifuge the tube at full speed for 10 minutes in a microfuge at room
9. Remove and discard the gelatinous pellet using a toothpick. Add 405 III
of isopropanol (0.6 x volume) to the supernatant. Mix well and incubate
at room temperature for 10 minutes.
10. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at room temperature to collect the plasmid.
11. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently inverting
the tube, touch the lip of the tube to the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold
the tube to drain the isopropanol. You do not need to remove all of the
isopropanol from the tube .
12. Place the tube back into centrifuge in the same orientation as before .
Without closing the tube lid start centrifuge for 2-3 seconds and collect
the remaining isopropanol in the bottom of the tube. The centrifuge
should not reach maximum speed. A speed of 500 to 1000 rpm is suffi-
cient to collect all isopropanol from the sides of the tube . Remove all
isopropanol from the bottom of the tube using a P200 micropipette
with a capillary tip.

13. Add 300 III of2.0 M ammonium acetate (2 x the solution II volume) to
the pellet. Suspend the pellet by vortexing or using a Bio-Vortex mixer.
The solution will become uniformly "milky" in appearance when fully
resuspended. Draw the suspension in and out of a yellow tip to suspend
the granular precipitate. Incubate the suspension on ice for 10 minutes.
Note: To obtain a better yield of plasmid or when preparing low copy num-
ber plasmid, incubate the solution overnight at 4 °C.This will increase the
yield of plasmid by approximately 50%. However, the yield will not be in-
creased substantially over that obtained in 10 minutes if the incubation is
carried out for only 2 - 3 hours.
14. Centrifuge for 5 minutes at room temperature. Transfer the supernatant
to a fresh tube with a PlOOO Pipetman.
15. Add 750 III of 95% ethanol (2.5 x volume) and mix well by inverting the
tube 4-5 times.
16. Return the tube to the centrifuge with the lid attachment oriented away
from center of the rotor. This is necessary to mark the position of the
invisible DNA pellet. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at room temperature.
17. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently inverting
the tube, touch the lip of the tube to the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold
the tube to drain the ethanol. You do not need to remove all of the etha-
nol from the tube.
18. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in the same orientation as be-
fore. Do not start the centrifuge. In this step, the centrifuge rotor is used
as a "tube holder" that keeps the tubes at an angle convenient for ethanol
19. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically, deliver the alcohol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet, i.e., the side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipetman
as shown in the Figure 3, Chapter 2. Withdraw the tube from the
centrifuge holding it by the lid. Gently inverting the tube, touch the
lip to the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to drain the ethanol.
Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat ethanol wash one
more time .
20. Place the tube back into centrifuge in the same orientation as before.
Without closing the lid, start centrifuge for 2-3 seconds and collect
the remaining ethanol to the bottom of the tube. The centrifuge should
not reach maximum speed. A speed of 500 to 1000 rpm is sufficient to
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 113

collect all ethanol from the sides of the tube . Remove all ethanol from the
bottom of the tube using a P200 micropipette fitted with a capillary tip.
21. Dissolve the DNA pellet (invisible) in 10-15 ~l of sterile deionized water.
This operation will be successful only if you know the position of the
pellet on the side of the tube. Gently pipette the liquid up and down,
directing the stream of liquid toward the pellet.
Note: Centrifugation using microfuge with fixed-angle rotors will deposit
most of the DNA pellet on the side of the tube rather than on its bottom. To
dissolve all plasmid DNA it is necessary to direct the stream of the solution
toward the bottom lower 2/3 side of the tube.
22. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm . Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the DNA in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50
ug/rnl has an absorbance of 1 in a l-cm path cuvette. Determine the
purity of the DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm. Calculate the 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a de-
tailed discussion about the validity of this method and calculation of
DNA concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.

1. Inoculate cells into 2 ml of Terrific Broth or HIS medium supplemented Rapid small scale
with the appropriate antibiotic. Use 20 ml tube to grow the cells. Grow protocol
cells overnight at 37 °C with vigorous shaking.
2. Transfer 400 ul of cells into a 1.5 ml microfuge tube and collect the cells
by centrifugation at room temperature for 3 minutes. Discard superna-
tant. Re-centrifuge the cells for a few seconds and remove the remaining
medium using a Pipetman (P200) fitted with capillary microtip.
3. Add 400 ul of freshly prepared solution II to the cell pellet. Break the
pellet into small pieces with a toothpick. Close the tube and mix by in-
verting 4-6 times . Place tube on ice and incubate for 5 minutes.
4. Meanwhile prepare the ammonium acetate-RNase solution by adding
10 ~l of RNase A stock solution to 1 ml of 7.5 M ammonium acetate .
Place the solution on ice.

S. Add 300 III(0.75 volume) ofice cold ammonium acetate-RNase solution

to the tube and mix by gently inverting the tube 5-10 times. Place the
tube back on ice and incubate for 5 minutes.
6. Centrifuge the tube at room temperature for 5 minutes.
7. Pour off the supernatant into a fresh 1.5 ml microfuge tube. Be carefu l
not to transfer the gelatinous pellet.
8. Add 420 III (0.6 x total volume) of isopropanol to the supernatant. Mix
well by inverting the tube several times. Incubate at room temperature
for no more than 10 minutes.
9. Place the tube in the centrifuge, with the attached side of the lid away
from the center of rotation . Centrifuge the tube at maximum speed for
10 minutes at room temperature (See Figure 2, Chapter 2).
10. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently inverting
the tube, touch the lip to the rim ofan Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to
drain the isopropanol. You do not need to remove all of the isopropanol
from the tube. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in the same
orientation as before.
Note: When pouring off alcohol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this may dislodge the pellet.
11. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in the same orientation as be-
fore. Do not start the centrifuge, in this step, the centrifuge rotor is used
as a "tube holder" which keeps the tube at an angle convenient for etha-
nol washing.
12. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver ethanol to the tube side of the tube oppo-
site the pellet, i.e., side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipetman
as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Remove the tube from the centrifuge by
holding it by the lid. Gently inverting the tube, touch the lip to the rim of
an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to drain the ethanol. You do not need
to remove all of the ethanol. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in
the same orientation as before and wash with 70% ethanol one more
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash a large number of
pellets without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging
the pellet are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial loss of plas-
mid DNA.
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 115

13. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the side of the tube with the pellet is away from the center of rotation.
Without closing the tube lid, start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds to col-
lect remaining ethanol at the bottom of the tube. The centrifuge should
not reach maximum speed. A speed of 500 to 1000 rpm is sufficient to
collect all ethanol remaining on the sides of the tube. Remove all ethanol
using a P200 micropipette fitted with a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This is an unnecessary step
that can make rehydration of the DNA very difficult, if not impossible.
14. Add 10-15ul ofTE or sterile deionized water to the tube and dissolve the
pelleted DNA. Gently pipette the liquid up and down directing the
stream of the liquid toward the pellet.
Note: Centrifugation using microfuge with fixed angle rotors holding 24
tubes will deposit most of the DNA pellet on the side of tube rather
than on the bottom. To dissolve all plasmid DNA when these centrifuges
are used, it is necessary to direct the stream of the dissolving solution to-
ward the bottom lower 2/3 side of the tube.
15. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the DNA in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50
ug/rnl has an absorbance of 1 in a I-em path cuvette. Determine the
purity of the DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm . Calculate the 2601280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a de-
tailed discussion about the validity of this method and calculation of
DNA concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein.
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For discussion of determination of DNA concentration and its dependence
on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.


Typical absorption spectra of plasmid DNA purified using fast protocol is

shown in Figure 2. The 260/280 ratio and 2601234 ratio are 1.9 and 2.0, re-
spectively. The purity of the DNA obtained is comparable to DNA obtained
using cesium chloride centrifugation. Plasmid yield for all three procedures
is between 50% to 75% of the expected amount and is similar to that ob-
tained by the CsCIpurification procedure (Heilig et al., 1994). For example,




c 0.4
..0 0.3


0.0 +r-r-rr-r-r"-'-TT'TT-rT-r-T-r-T-'-'~i""F"T""'l
220 240 260 280 300 320

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of plasmid DNA purified by the rapid large scale protocol. Plas-
mid DNA was purified from 30 ml of cells. The sample was diluted 10 x in PBS and scanned
using a UV spectrophotometer. The 2601280 absorbance ratio was 1.89 and 260/234 absor-
bance ratio was 2.0.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 3. Gel electrophoresis of plasmid prepared using both the long and rapid procedures.
Lanes 1 and 2 have 1 IIIplasmid DNA prepared from 400 III ofcells by the rap id protocol. Lane
3 has 1IIIof plasmid DNA prepared from 30 ml of cells using the rapid protocol. Lanes 4,5,6,7,
8 and 9 have 5 III of plasmid DNA prepared by the small scale, long procedure.
5 Isolation of Plasmid DNA 117

the total amount of DNA isolated from plasmid pUC 19 with a 500 bp insert
using 30 ml cells and the large scale protocol was 300 ug. Because pUC 19 is a
high copy number plasmid (Brent and Irvin, 1994), the expected amount of
DNA from 30 ml cells is between 60 to 400 Ilg (Heilig et al., 1994). The 300 Ilg
constitute about 75% of the expected yield.
Results of agarose gel electrophoresis of 1 III of plasmids isolated using
fast and long procedures are presented in Figure 3. The preparations do not
contain chromosomal DNA. The majority of plasmid isolated is a super-
coiled monomer. The weak second band represents supercoiled dimer.


Problems encountered in both the large and small scale protocols can be
classified into two groups: problems resulting from inadequate purity of the
product or problems resulting in inadequate plasmid yield.

Problems with plasmid purity

Poor purity of plasmid can manifest itself by:

• A low 260/280 ratio.
This indicates the presence of proteins in the preparation. This usually is
a result of too short an incubation time with neutralized solution II. It is
also possible to introduce protein contaminates into the preparation by
not removing the entire pellet after centrifugation. However, for most
applications, removing all proteins is not necessary. Plasmid prepara-
tions having a 260/280 ratio as low as 1.4give satisfactory results in clon-
ing, ligation, restriction enzyme and PCR experiments as well as in man-
ual and automatic sequencing.
• Contamination with bacterial chromosomal DNA.
This contamination can only be detected by gel electrophoresis and ap-
pears as a faint, high-molecular weight DNA band. Plasmid DNA, con-
taminated with bacterial chromosomal DNA, cannot be used in any sub-
sequent applications. This impurity usually results from mixing solu-
tion II with the cell lysate too vigorously. There is no immediate remedy
for this problem. A new plasmid preparation should be made, taking
care to mix solution II with the bacterial suspension very gently.
Also mixing during the neutralization step should only be done by
gentle inversion.

• Contamination with RNA.

This contamination appears as a diffuse band running together or
slightly ahead of the bromophenol blue dye. For most procedures,
some contamination with RNA is not deleterious. These include restric-
tion enzyme and PCR experiments. If necessary RNAcontamination can
be removed by treating the plasmid preparation with RNase again.

Problems with plasmid yield

Poor yield of the plasmid in all three protocols usually results from :
• Inadequate lysis of the cells after the addition of solution II.
Lysis of the cells in the rapid protocol is always adequate due to the very
high concentration ofNaOH and SDS, but it may be a problem in the two
other procedures. To remedy this problem, it is necessary to begin a new
preparation and increase the concentration and/or time of lysozyme
treatment. Also, be sure that the cell pellet is completely resuspended
before adding the lysozyme solution.
• Low concentration of ammonium acetate solution used for neutraliza-
tion step.
Upon prolonged storage, the molarity of 7.5 M ammonium acetate de-
creases due to the volatility of both ions. This solution should be made
freshly every two months and stored, tightly closed, at 4 "C. To remedy
the problem, prepare fresh ammonium acetate solution and repeat the
procedure once more. A good indication of this problem is the presence
of a large quantity of RNA and a small amount of plasmid on agarose


Brent R and Irwin N (1994) Vector derived from plasmids. In: Current Protocols in Mo-
lecular Biology. Vol. 1. Ed. Janssen K. Current Protocols Publisher.
Brinboim HC (1983) A rapid alkaline extraction method for the isolation of plasm id
DNA. In: Method Enzymol, Vol. 100. Academic Press, London, pg. 243-255.
Brinbo im HC and Doly J (1979) A rap id alkaline extraction procedure for screening
recombinant plasmid DNA. Nucleic Acid Res. 7:1513-1523.
Duttweiler HM and Gross DS (1989) Bacterial growth medium that significantly in-
creases the yield of recombinant plasmid. BioTechniques 24:438-444.
Heilig JS, Lech K and Brent R (1994) Large-scale preparation of plasmid DNA. In: Cur-
rent Protocols in Molecular Biology. Vol. 1. Ed. Janssen K. Current Protocols Pub-
Chapter 6 PROTOCOL

Isolation and Purification of RNA



Obtaining pure RNA is an essential step in the analysis of patterns of gene

expression and understanding the mechanism of gene expression. Thus,
isolation of pure, intact RNA is one of the central techniques in molecular
biology and represents an important step in Northern analysis, nuclease
protection assays, RNA mapping, RT-PCR, eDNA library construction
and in vitro translation experiments.
Two strategies of RNA isolat ion are usually employed: isolation of total
RNA and isolation of mRNA. A typical eukaryotic cell contains about 10 to
20 pg of RNA, most of which is localized in the cytoplasm, whereas a pro-
karyotic cell contains 0.02 to 0.05 pg of RNA (Davis et aL, 1994). About 80 to
85 percent of eukaryotic RNA is ribosomal RNA, while 15 to 20 percent is
composed of a variety of stable low molecular weight species such as trans-
fer RNA and small nuclear RNA. Usually about 1 to 3% of the cell RNA is
messenger RNA (mRNA) tha t is heterogeneous in size and base composi-
tion . Almost all eukaryotic mRNAs are monocystronic and contain a post-
transcriptionally added, poly-adenylic acid (poly A) tract at their 3' term-
inaL This 3' poly-A tail permits separation and isolation of mRNA from all
other classes of RNA present in the cell. In prokaryotes many mRNAs are
polycistronic and none contain poly A tracts. This adds to the difficulty of
mRNA purification from prokaryotic cells.
This chapter describes methods used for total RNA isolation, whereas
methods used in purification of eukaryotic mRNA are described in Chap-
ter 7.

Purification of total RNA

Isolation of total RNA is most frequently used when pure RNA is required
for experiments. This is because these techniques are less laborious and

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

require less time to perform than isolation of mRNA.Various techniques for

purification of total RNA are now in use and their application depends on
the nature of RNA required. For example, if RNA is going to be used for
quantitative RT-PCR, intactness of the purified RNA is not critical, while
intact RNA is required for eDNA library preparation or Northern blot ana -
lysis. Complete removal of DNA contamination is critical if RNA is to be
used in RT-PCR but is not important in in vitro translation. The techniques
described here yield pure intact RNA good for any applications.
The physical and chemical properties of RNAand DNA are very similar,
thus, the basic procedures used in RNA purification are similar to those of
DNA described in Chapter 1. All of the RNA purification methods incor-
porate the following steps:
a. disruption of cells or tissue,
b. effective denaturation of nucleoprotein complexes and removal of pro-
c. concentration of RNA molecules and,
d. determination of purity and integrity of isolated RNA.
In addition, methods must include procedures that remove co-purified
DNA from the preparation. In contrast to DNA purification, guarding
against physical shearing of RNA molecules is not necessary because
RNA molecules are much smaller and much more flexible than DNA mo-
lecules. Therefore, in RNA protocols, strong physical forces during cell and
tissue breakage are frequently used and the use of wide-mouth pipettes is
not required. However, RNA isolation is much more difficult than DNA
purification largely due to the sensitivity of RNA to degradation by internal
and external ribonucleases. These enzymes are omnipresent and are very
stable molecules that do not require any cofactors for their function. A cru-
cial aspect of any procedure for RNA purification is fast and irreversible
inactivation of endogenous RNases and protection against contamination
with exogenous RNase during the isolation procedure. To these ends, all
extraction buffers include powerful RNase inhibitors and all solutions
and equipment used are treated to remove exogenous RNases.

Elimination of RNases

The most commonly used inhibitors included in extraction buffers to in-

hibit endogenous RNase are:
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 121

• Strong protein denaturation agents. To these belong guanidinium hy-

drochloride and guanidinium isothiocyanate used at a concentration of
4 M. These chaotropic agents can quickly inactivate endogenous RNases
and contribute to denaturation of nucleoprotein complexes. To irrever-
sibly denature RNase by these compounds, a high concentration of
2-mercapthoethanol is also included.
• Vanadyl-ribonucleoside complexes. Oxovanadium IV ions form com-
plexes with any ribonucleoside and bind to most RNases inhibiting their
activity (Berger, and Birkenmeir, 1979).A 10mM solution is used during
cell breakage and is added to other buffers used in RNA isolation. Com-
plexes can be used with deproteinizing agents (phenol or CIA) and with
chaotrophic agents. However, the compound is expensive and difficult
to remove from purified RNA. Any residual amount of this compound
will inhibit many enzymes used in subsequent RNA manipulations.
• Aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA). This compound binds selectively to
RNase and inhibits its activity. ATA is usually incorporated into extrac-
tion buffers used for bacterial RNA preparations (Hallick et al, 1997).
The inhibitor can affect certain enzymes and should not be used if
RNA will be needed for primer extension or SI nuclease analysis.
• Macaloid. This naturally occurring clay (sodium magnesium lithofluor-
osilicate) being negatively charged, strongly absorbs all RNase. The ma-
caloid and bound RNase are removed from the preparation by centri-
fugation (Marcus and Halvorson, 1967).
• Protein RNase inhibitors such as RNasin. A protein originally isolated
from human placenta, inhibits RNase by non-competitive binding. It
cannot be used in extraction buffers containing a strong denaturant.
It is usually included in solutions used in later stages of purification
or in buffers used in storage or subsequent RNA manipulations. Its pre-
sence is critical in in vitro transcription and translation assays and dur-
ing cDNA synthesis.
The most frequent sources of exogenous RNase contamination are one's
hands, and bacteria and fungi present on airborne dust particles. To remove
exogenous RNase contamination, the most frequently used inhibitors are:
• Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC). DEPC causes enzyme inactivation by
denaturing proteins. Inactivation of RNase is irreversible. The com-
pound is used for removing RNase from solutions and glassware
used in RNA preparation. DEPC should be used with care because it
is highly flammable and a suspected strong carcinogen.

• RNaseZap® or RNaseOff solutions. These commercially available re-

agents destroy RNases on contact very effectively. The decontamination
solutions are not toxic and can be used to remove RNase from all sur -
faces and equipment. The compositions of these reagents are trade
Moreover to prevent the contamination of equipment and solutions with
RNase, the following precautions shou ld be taken :
• Gloves should be worn always. Because gloves can be easily contami-
nated with RNase they should be changed frequently.
• Tubes should be kept closed.
• Whenever possible disposable, certified RNase free, plasticware should
be used.
• RNase-free tips and microfuge tubes should be sterilized. Regular mi-
crofuge tubes and tips usually are not contaminated with RNase and
they do not require special treatment if they are used from unopened
bags. When autoclaving them, it is necessary to be careful not to con-
taminate them when loading into containers. Use gloves when loading.
• All glassware should be treated with 0.1% DEPC water solution and
autoclaved to remove DEPC. It also is possible to inactivate RNase
by baking glassware at 180aC for at least 2 hours or overnight. Alterna-
tively RNase can be easily and efficiently eliminated from glassware,
countertops, pipettors and plastic surfaces using RNaseZap®solution.
We strongly recommend its use.
• All solutions should be made with DEPC-treated water or sterilized
MilliQ water.


Three methods of RNA isolation are described : a guanidinium hot -phenol

method, a high-salt lithium chloride method and a method using a com-
mercially available reagent, TRI-Reagent™.
The guanidinium hot-phenol procedure is a modification of a method
first described by Chirgwin (Chirgwin et al., 1979) and Chomczynski and
Sacchi (1987). This single-step extraction procedure takes advantage of the
characteristic of RNA, under acidic conditions, to remain in the aqueous
phase containing 4 M guanidine thiocyanate, while DNA and proteins
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 123

are distributed into the phenol:chloroform, organic phase. Distribution of

DNA into the organic phase is particularly efficient if DNA molecules are
small. The method, therefore, uses a procedure to fragment DNA into mo-
lecules not larger than 10 kb. To facilitate cellular disruption, a high con-
centration of Sarcosyl is used and the pH of the solution is carefully con-
trolled at pH 5.5 or lower to limit RNA degradation (Noonberg et al., 1995).
This method can be used to isolate total RNA from a variety ofprokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells. The efficiency of this method is very high (80-90%),
affording purification of a large quantity of high quality RNA. Using this
protocol, RNA was successfully purified from many bacterial species
and lower eukaryotic cells such as yeast and Chlamydomonas. This protocol
can be used to isolate total RNA from animal or plant cells and tissues that
are very rich in RNase, such as pancreatic cells or old leaves (Asubel et al.,
1987). Any modification of the protocol for specific types of cells and tissues
are confined to the preparation of material prior to RNA isolation, rather
then to the protocol itself, making the application of this method very con-
The high-salt lithium chloride method can be used to isolate RNA from
some plant tissues especially rich in various secondary products such as
anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides and latex. It was
shown that it is very difficult to isolate pure RNA from such plants using
chaotropic agents (Shultz, et al., 1994; Bugos, et al., 1995). The procedure
presented is an adaptation of a protocol of Bugos et al. (1995). The proce-
dure involves cell breakage in low pH, high salt buffer in the presence of
RNase inhibitors. Protein and DNA are removed by acidic phenol:CIA ex-
traction and RNA is recovered by lithium chloride precipitation.
The TRI-Reagent™ method is a single-step method of RNA isolation
using a monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate
(TRI-Reagent™) combined with precipitation of RNA by isopropanol in
the presence of high-salt (Chomczynski and Mackey, 1995). The method
is particularly useful for fast isolation of RNAfrom numerous small samples
and can be used with all types of cells and tissues.
At the end of this chapter a brief description of commercially available
kits for total RNA purification is given.
A schematic outline of the procedure is given in Figure 1.


- 50 ml Oak Ridge polypropylene centrifuge tubes with caps (for example

Nalgene" # 21009)

Collection of Cells or Tissue

Hot Phenol Protocol High Salt Protocol TRI-Reagent Protocol

Cell Lysis in GIT Phenol-CIA Extraction TRI-Reagent Extract ion

DNA shearing Centrifugation Extraction with CH

Phenol -CIA Extract ion Isopropanol Precipitation Centrifugation

Incubat ion at 65°C Washing with Ethanol Isopropanol Precipitation

Centrifugation Rehydrat ion of RNA Centrifugation

Extraction with CIA LiCI Precipitation Wash ing with Ethanol

Centrifugation Centrifugation Rehydration of RNA

Isopropanol Precipitation Washing with Ethanol

Centrifugation Rehydration of RNA

Washing with Ethanol

Rehydration of RNA

Fig. 1. Schematic ou tline of the procedures

6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 125

- Corex 25 ml centrifuge tubes with Teflon-lined caps (Corex # 8446-25)

- 15 ml and 50 ml sterilized polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes (for
example Corning # 25319-15; 25330-50)
- Phenol, redistilled, water-saturated. (Ambion # 9712).
Redistilled phenol is commercially available. There are a number of
companies that supply high quality redistilled phenol. Wa ter-saturated
phenol is preferable to the crystalline form because it is easier and safer
to use. Water-saturated phenol can be stored indefinitely in a tightly
closed, dark bottle at -70 °C.
- Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) (Sigma # D 5758)
- RNaseZap®Solution (Ambion # 9780 or equivalent)
- Sarcosyl (N-laurylsarcosine, sodium salt, Sigma Co. # L 5125)
- 8-hydroxyquinoline free base (Sigma Co. # H 6878)
Note: Do not use hemisulfate salt of 8-hydroxyquinoline.
- 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma Co. # M 6250)
- Antifoam C (Sigma Co. # A 8001)
- Guan idinium isothiocyanate (Fluka # 50981)
- Glass beads 0.4-0.5 mm (Sigma Co. # G 1634)
To prepare glass beads, soak them for 1 hour in concentrated nitric acid,
wash beads with deionized water and dry them by baking in 180°Coven
- TRI-Reagent™ (Molecular Research Center, Cincinnati, OH, # TR - 118)

- DEPC Treated Water Solutions

Add 0.1 ml DEPC to 100 ml of deionized water. Shake vigorously to dis-
solve DEPC in water. Incubate 2 hours or overnight at 37 °C. Autoclave
to inactivate DEPC. DEPC must be completely inactivated before using
any solution treated with it because it will carboxylate RNA. Carboxy-
lated RNA will inhibit reverse transcriptase, DNA:RNA hybridization
and in vitro translation. Use DEPC treated water for preparation of
the solutions that cannot be treated with DEPC directly. Primarily these
are solutions containing primary amines, such as Tris or ammonium
acetate that will react with it.
Safety Note: When using DEPC, wear gloves and use a fume hood be-
cause DEPC is highly flammable and a suspected carcinogen.
Note: Deionized water from a MilliQ RG apparatus (Millipore Co. #
ZD5111584) can be used directly in all applications instead of DEPC-treated
water because it does not contain RNase.

- PBS Solution, pH 7.4

- 137 mM NaCI
- 2.7 mM KCI
- 4.3 mM Na2HP04 . 7 H 20
- 1.4 mM KH2P04
After the addition of each salt, completely dissolve it in distilled or deio-
nized water. Adjust pH to 7.4 with 1 N HCl. Add DEPC to a final con-
centration of 0.01% and shake vigorously to dissolve DEPC. Incu bate for
at least 2 hours. Autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 DC.
- Phenol 8-HQ Solution
Water-saturated, twice distilled phenol is equilibrated with an equal vo-
lume of0.1 M of sodium borate. Sodium borate should be used rather than
the customary 0.1 M Tris solution because of its superior buffering ca-
pacity at pH 8.5, its low cost, and its antioxidant properties. In addition
sodium borate removes oxidation products from phenol during the equi-
libration procedure. Mixwater-saturated phenol with an equal volume of
0.1 M sodium borate in a separatoryfunnel. Shake until the solution turns
milky. Wait for the phases to separate and then collect the bottom phenol
phase. Add 8-hydroxyquinoline to the phenol at a final concentration of
0.1% w/v. Phenol8-HQ can be stored in a dark bottle at 4 °Cfor several
weeks. This solution can be stored for several years at -70 °C.
Safety Note: Phenol is rapidly absorbed by, and is highly corrosive to, the
skin. It initially produces a white softened area, followed by severe burns.
Because of the local anesthetic properties of phenol, skin burns may not
be felt until there has been serious damage. Gloves should be worn when
working with this chemical. Because some brands of gloves are soluble or
permeable to phenol, they should be tested before use. If phenol is spilled
on the skin, flush off immediately with a large amount of water and treat
with a 70% solution of PEG 4000 in water (Hodge, 1994). Used phenol
should be collected into a tightly closed glass receptacle and stored in a
chemical hood until it can be properly disposed of.
- Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol Solution (CIA)
Mix 24 volumes of chloroform with 1 volume of isoamyl alcohol. Be-
cause the chloroform is light sensitive, the CIA solution should be stored
in a brown glass bottle, preferably in a fume hood.
Safety Note: Handle chloroform with care. Mixing chloroform with
other solvents can involve a serious hazard. Adding chloroform to a so-
lution containing strong base or chlorinated hydrocarbons could result
in an explosion. Prepare the CIA solution in a hood because isoamyl
alcohol vapors are poisonous. Used CIA can be collected in the same
bottle as the phenol solution and discarded together.
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 127

- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution) pH 8.5

Weigh an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
EDTA will not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using a concentrated NaOH solution, or by
adding a small amount of pellets, while mixing and monitoring the
pH. Adjust the solution to its final volume with water and sterilize
by filtration. EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room
- 1 mM EDTA Solution
Prepare this solution using 0.5 M EDTA stock and RNase-free water.
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at -20 °C to prevent contamination.
- 3 M Sodium Acetate pH 5.2
Weigh 24.6 g of sodium acetate and add 50 ml deionized water. Dissolve
the salt and adjust pH with glacial acetic acid to pH 5.2. Add water to 100
ml and DEPCto 0.1%, mix very well and incubate for 2 hours or overnight
at 37°C. Autoclave for 30 minutes to remove DEPC and store at 4 0C.
- Sarcosyl Stock Solution) 20% (w/v)
Dissolve 40 g of Sarcosyl in 100 ml of RNase-free water. Adjust to a final
volume of200 ml. Sterilize by filtration through a 0.22 11m filter. Store at
room temperature.
- GIT Solution
- 4 M guanidinium isothiocyanate
- 25 mM sodium acetate pH 5.2
- 1 mM EDTA
- 0.05% Antifoam C
Prepare 100 ml of solution at a time . Add 47.2 g of guanidinium isothio-
cyanate to 50 ml water followed by 0.85 ml of a 3 M solution of sodium
acetate, and 1111 of antifoam C. Fill up to 100 ml with water and heat to
facilitate dissolving. The solution is light sensitive and can be stored at
room temperature in a dark bottle for a month.
- 8 M Lithium Chloride Solution
- 8 M lithium chloride
Dissolve 33.9 g of lithium chloride in 100 ml of deionized water. Add
DEPC to 0.1%, mix very well and incubate for 2 hours or overnight
at 37 °C. Autoclave for 30 minutes to remove DEPC and store at 4 "C.
- Homogenization Buffer for Plant Material
- 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0
- 200 mM NaCl
- 15 mM EDTA
- 0.5% Sarcosyl.

Sterilize solution by filtration and store at 4 "C. Add 2-mercaptoethanol

to a concentration of 100 mM just before use.
- High-Salt Precipitation Solution
- 1.2 M NaCl
- 0.8 M sodium citrate
Prepare solution in RNase-free water and store at 4 "C.


Preparation of cell material

Bacterial cells 1. To prepare RNA from bacteria, use mid-exponential growth phase cul-
tures. Consult Table 1 for the number of cells required to isolate the
desired amount of RNA. For isolation of RNA from 109 bacteria, prepare
a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 10 ml of TB (Terrific Broth) med-
ium. Inoculate the Erlenmeyer flask with 0.1 ml from an overnight cul-
ture of bacteria.
Note: To provide a large surface-to-volume ratio for aeration, culture cells
in an Erlenmeyer flask filled with no more than one-quarter the total flask
volume. The orbital shaker speed should be no less than 200-300 rpm.
2. Grow the cells at 37 °C to a density of 1.0 at 600 nm. This should take
approximately 2 to 3 hours.
3. Collect cells by pouring them on ice. Fill a 25 ml Corex tube half full with
crushed ice and add 10 ml of cells. Centrifuge in a fixed angle rotor (Sor-
vall SS-34 or equivalent) at 5000 rpm (3000 x g) for 5 minutes at 4 "C.
4. Discard the supernatant and add 10 ml of hot (65 °C) GIT solution.
Transfer the tube to a 65 °C water bath and go to step 1 of the RNA
isolation protocol.

Yeast cells 1. To prepare RNA from yeast, use mid-exponential growth phase cultures.
Consult Table 1 for the number of cells required to isolate the desired
amount of RNA. For isolation of RNA from about 108 cells, grow 10ml of
yeast on the desired medium to mid-exponential phase (A600 = 1.0).
Note: To obtain consistent yields of RNA, purification should not be started
from cells approaching or at stationary phase .
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 129

2. Collect cells by pouring them on ice. Fill a 25 ml Corex tube halffull with
crushed ice and add 10 ml ofcells. Centrifuge at 7000 rpm (6000 x g) for 3
minutes at 4 °Cusing a Sorvall SS-34fixed angle rotor or the equivalent.
3. Discard the supernatant and add 10 ml of hot (65 °C) GIT solution.
Transfer the tube to a 65 °C water bath and go to step 1 of the RNA
isolation protocol.

1. Grow cells as a monolayer in the desired medium. For monolayers, a Monolayer cell
confluent cell culture from one large bottle (75 em? area) will yield ap- cultures
proximately 50 - 80 mg of cells, that is, about 5 x 107 cells. For a large scale
RNA preparation, use 1-2 large bottles. Remove medium from mono-
layer bottle and add 10 ml of PBS to the bottle, tilt the bottle back and
forth to rinse the cells, then withdraw the PBS. Repeat this washing pro-
cedure one more time . Washing with PBSremoves serum left over from
the med ium that frequently contains large amounts of RNases.
2. Add approximately 5 ml of hot (65 °C) GIT solu tion directly to the cell
monolayer in each bottle. Mix the solution with pipettes to ensure that
all cells are released from the surface and lysed. Transfer the lysate to a
25 ml Corex tube. If two bottles are used, transfer the cell lysate from
both bottles to one 25 ml Corex tube. Otherwise add 5 ml of GIT solution
to 5 ml of cell lysate. Transfer the tube to a 65 °Cwater bath and go to step
1 of the RNA isolation protocol.

1. Collect 1 to 2 x108 cells for a single preparation. The suspension cultures Cell suspension
at saturation will contain 1-2x 106 cells/ml. Use 100ml ofthe cell culture. cultures
Pour 50 ml of the cells into two 50 ml Oak Ridge centrifuge tubes and
centrifuge at 2000 rpm (500 x g) for 5 minutes at 4 °C using a Sorvall SS-
34 fixed angle rotor or the equivalent. Discard the supernatant.
2. Wash the cell pellet with 25 ml of ice-cold PBS. Resuspend the cell pellet
by gentle pipetting up and down. Centrifuge the cells at 500 x g for 5
minutes at 4 °C and discard the supernatant. Wash the cells with ice
cold PBS one more time. Resuspend each cell pellet in 5 ml of hot
(65 °C) GIT. Collect the cell lysate from both tubes to one 25 ml Corex
tube. Transfer the tube to a 65 °Cwater bath and go to step 1 of the RNA
isolation protocol.

Animal and Harvest solid tissue material from animal or plants as described below.
plant tissue
1. Place a 250 ml plastic beaker into an ice bucket and pour liquid nitrogen
into it. Harvest fresh and soft tissue in pieces less than 1em", using sterile
scissors or a razor blade, and immediately freeze them with liquid ni-
trogen. Tissues harvested this way can be stored at -70 °C for several
2. Place a mortar into a second ice bucket and pour about 30 ml of liquid
nitrogen into it. Cover the ice bucket with a lid and cool the mortar for
5-10 minutes.
3. Weigh between 100to 1000mg offrozen tissue as fast as possible, taking
care that the tissue does not thaw in the process. Consu lt Table 1 for the
amount of animal or plant tissues needed to isolate the desired quantity
of RNA. Place a plastic weighing boat on the balance and tare it. Pick
frozen tissue fragments from the liquid nitrogen with forceps and place
them in the weighing boat. Transfer the frozen tissue to the frozen mor-
tar. For preparation of RNA from plant material, if possible choose
young leaves or shoots.
4. Add a few pieces of dry ice to the mortar. The volume of dry ice used
should be roughly 3 times the volume of tissue .
5. Grind the tissue with the mortar and pestle until it appears as a white
powder. Transfer the powder into 25 ml Corex tube and add 10ml of hot
(65 °C) GIT solution. Add the solution slowly to allow the dry ice to
evaporate. Transfer the tube to a 65 °C water bat h and go to step 1
of the RNA isolation protocol.

RNA isolation procedures

Hot-phenol Prepare cells or tissue as described in section Preparation of cell material.

protocol For all centrifugations described in this procedure, unless otherwise direc-
ted, use a Sorvall 55-34 rotor or the equivalent.
1. As fast as possible, add 1 ml of 20% Sarcosyl (2% final concentration)
and 120 ul of 2-mercapthoethanol (1.2% final concentration) to the cell
lysate. During this operation keep the tube at 65 °C.Close the Corex tube
with a Teflon-lined cap and vortex it for 1 min. Be sure that the tem-
perature of the mix does not drop during vortexing. Vortex in short
10 - 20 seconds intervals and place the tube back into the hot water
bath to keep the temperature at 65 °C.
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 131

Note: The ratio of GIT to cells should be 1 ml solution to 100 mg of tissue or

1 x 107 cells. This is approximately 10 volumes of GIT to one volume of the
cells. Ten milliliters of GIT solution is sufficient for the isolation of RNA
from 19 of tissue or 2-3 108 cells.
Note: For preparation of RNA from bacteria or yeast, add an equal volume
of acid-washed glass beads to the cells to facilitate cell breakage (Kormanec
and Farkasovsk, 1994).
2. Place the tube back into a 65 °Cwater bath. Draw the lysate forcefully up
and down through a 19 g needle using a 20 ml syringe. This will shear
genomic DNA. Continue passing the solution through the needle until it
is no longer viscous. This should not take more than 3 - 5 passes .
3. Add 5 ml (0.5volume) of hot (65 °C)phenol, close the tube with a cap and
vortex it for 10to 30seconds. Place the tube back into the 65°Cwater bath.
4. Add 1 ml (0.1 volume) of 3 M Na acetate, pH 5.2 and mix by vortexing
briefly. Transfer a few drops of the mixture into 15 ml of distilled water
and measure the pH with pH paper. The pH of the solution should be
between pH 5.2 and 5.5. If the pH is higher, add a few drops of glacial
acetic acid to the lysate, mix by vortexing and measure the pH again .
Continue until the mixture reaches the correct pH.
5. Add 5 ml (0.5 volume) of CIA, close the tube and vortex briefly to mix
6. Place tube back into the 65 °C water bath and incubate for 15 minutes.
During incubation, vortex the tube frequently to keep the phases mixed .
Alternate 1 minute of vortexing with 2 minutes of incubation to keep the
temperature from dropping substantially below 65 °C.
7. Cool the tube to room temperature and centrifuge for 10 minutes at
10 000 rpm (12 000 x g) to separate phases.

8. Collect the aqueous phase with a pipette and transfer it into a fresh 25 ml
Corex tube. Add an equal volume of CIA (about 11 ml): close the tube
and vortex it vigorously to mix the phases.
9. Centrifuge the tube at 10 000 rpm (12 000 x g) for 5 minutes at 4 DC.
10. Transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh 25 ml Corex tube. When transfer-
ring, measure the volume of the liquid with the pipette. Add 0.1 volume
(about 1.1 ml) of8 M lithium chloride. Precipitate RNA by the addition
of an equal volume of isopropanol (about 12 ml). Incubate the solution
at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes.

Note: Precipitation with isopropanol helps to remove residual DNA because

the lithium salt of small molecular weight DNA is soluble in isopropanol,
whereas RNA salts are not.
11. Centrifuge 10minutes at 10000 rpm (16000 x g) using a swinging bucket
rotor (e.g., Sorvall HB-4 rotor). Discard the supernatant.
Note: Centrifugation in a swinging bucket rotor is recommended to collect
RNA at the bottom of the tube. This facilitates dissolving the RNA pellet.
12. Wash the pellet 2 times with cold 70% ethanol as follows: Add 5 ml of
cold 70% ethanol to the tube and wash the pellet by carefully rolling the
tube at a 45° angle in the palm of your gloved hand. Be careful not to
dislodge the RNA pellet from the bottom of the tube during this pro-
cedure. Never vortex the tube. Discard the ethanol and drain the
tube by inverting it over paper towels for a few minutes. Repeat the
wash one more time.
13. Dissolve the RNA pellet in 100-200III of RNase free 1 mM EDTA.Store at
-70 °C.
14. Determine the concentration of RNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the sample in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range 0.1 to 1.5. Calculate the concentration of
RNA using the equation:
N = -

Where 8260 is the RNA absorption coefficient, N is RNA concentration in

ug/rnl and A260 is the absorbance reading (corrected for dilution). The
absorption coefficient for total RNA is usually taken to be 0.025Ilg-1 cm'
giving a solution of 40 ug/rnl an absorbance of 1 (e.g., 1/0.025 =40 ug/rnl),
15. To determine the purity of the RNA, measure absorbance at 260 nm, 280
nm and 234 nm and calculate the 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chap-
ter 1 for a detailed discussion about the validity of this method and cal-
culation of nucleic acid concentration in the presence of a small amount
of protein.

High-salt protocol This method is used for isolation of RNA from plant material that is recal-
citrant to isolation of RNAby the hot-phenol procedure. Consult Table 1for
the amount of material needed to isolate the required quantity of RNA. For
all centrifugations descr ibed in this procedure, unless otherwise directed,
use a Sorvall SS-34 rotor or the equivalent.
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 133

1. Place a 250 ml plastic beaker into an ice bucket and pour liquid nitrogen
into it. Harvest plant tissue, by cutting it into pieces less than 1 em" size
and immediately freeze them in liquid nitrogen. Tissues harvested this
way can be stored at -70 °C for several years.
2. Place a mortar into a second ice bucket and pour about 30 ml of liquid
nitrogen into it. Cover the ice bucket with a lid and cool the mortar for
5-10 minutes.
3. Quickly weigh the appropriate amount of frozen tissue, taking care that
the tissue does not thaw . Use at least 1 g of material for RNA isolation.
Place a plastic weighing boat on the balance and tare it. Pick frozen tissue
fragments from the liquid nitrogen with forceps and place them in the
weighing boat. Transfer the frozen tissue to the frozen mortar.
4. Add a few pieces of dry ice to the mortar. The volume of dry ice used
should be roughly 3 times the volume of tissue.
5. Grind the tissue with the mortar and pestle until it appears as a white
powder. Transfer the powder into a 50 ml Oak Ridge tube and add 10 ml
of homogenization buffer. Add the buffer slowly to allow the dry ice to
evaporate. Add as fast as possible add 10ml of8-HQ-phenol and 2 ml of
CIA. Cap the tube and mix by vortexing for 1 to 2 minutes.
6. Add 0.7 ml of 3 M sodium acetate (pH 5.2) and continue vortexing for
1 minute.
7. Cool the tube on ice and centrifuge at 10 000 rpm (12 000 x g) for 10
minutes at 4 "C.
8. Transfer the aqueous phase to a 25 ml Corex centrifuge tube and add an
equal volume of isopropanol. Mix by inverting the tube several times .
9. Collect RNA by centrifugation at 10000 rpm (16 000 x g) in a swinging
bucket rotor (e.g., Sorvall HB-4) for 10 minutes at 4 "C. Discard the
supernatant. Centrifugation in a swinging bucket rotor is recommended
to collect RNA at the bottom of the tube. This facilitates dissolving the
RNA pellet.
10. Wash pelleted RNA two times with cold 70% ethanol. Add 5 ml of cold
70% ethanol to the tube and wash the pellet by carefully rolling the tube
at a 45°angle in the palm of your gloved hand. Be careful not to dislodge
the RNA pellet from the bottom of the tube during this procedure. Dis-
card the ethanol and drain the tube by inverting it over a paper towel for
a few minutes. Repeat the wash one more time.

11. Resuspend the RNA in 900 III of RNase-free water. Remove insoluble
material by centrifugation at 10 000 rpm (16 000 x g) for 5 minutes
at 4 "C using a swinging bucket rotor.
12. Transfer the solution to a microfuge tube and adjust the volume to
900 III with RNase-free water if needed.
13. Add 300 III of 8 M LiCI to precipitate RNA. The final concentration of
LiCI should be 2 M. Incubate on ice for 3 hours or overnight at 4 °C.
14. Collect precipitated RNA by centrifugation. Place the tube into the mi-
crofuge, orienting the attached end of the tube lid away from the center
of rotation. Centrifuge the tube at maximum speed for 10 minutes at
room temperature (See Figure 2, Chapter 2).
15. Remove the tube from the centrifuge. Pour off the ethanol by holding the
tube by the open lid and gently inverting it, touch the lip of the tube to
the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to drain the ethanol. You
do not need to remove all the ethanol. Place the tubes back into the cen-
trifuge in the same orientation as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this could loosen the pellet from the side of the tube.
16. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver ethanol to side of the tube away from the
pellet. Hold the Pipetman as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not start
the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder"
that keeps the tube at an angle convenient for ethanol washing. With-
draw the tube from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Remove
ethanol, place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% etha-
nol wash one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet without
centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging the pellet is time
consuming and frequently leads to substantial loss of material.
17. Place the tube into the microfuge, making sure that the side containing
the pellet faces away from the center of rotation. Start the centrifuge
until it reaches 500 rpm (1-2 seconds) to collect the remaining ethanol
at the bottom of the tube. Remove all ethanol using a capillary tip.
18. Resuspend the RNA pellet in 200-300 III of 1 mM EDTA. Measure RNA
concentration and store RNA at -70 °C.
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 135

19. Determine the concentration of RNA by measuring absorbance at 260

nm. Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the sample in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range 0.1 to 1.5. Calculate the concentration of
RNA using the equation:
N = -

Where C260 is the RNA absorption coefficient, N is RNA concentration in

ug/rnl and A260 is the absorbance reading (corrected for dilution). The
absorption coefficient for total RNA is usually taken to be 0.025 ug' em"
giving a solution of40 ug/rn! an absorbance of l (e.g., 1/0.025 =40 ug/rnl) .
20. To determine the purity of the RNA, measure absorbance at 260 nm, 280
nm and 234 nm and calculate the 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chap-
ter 1 for a detailed discussion about the validity of this method and cal-
culation of nucleic acid concentration in the presence of a small amount
of protein.

The procedure described here is a modification of the procedure recom- TRI-reagent™

mended by Molecular Center Inc. The procedure is carried out in 1.5 ml protocol
microfuge tubes. It can be used with 10 mg of plant or animal tissue pre-
pared by grinding in liquid nitrogen (see section Preparation of cell mate-
rials) or with 1x 106 eukaryotic cells or 1x 107 bacterial cells. This procedure
can be scaled up to prepare a large quantity of RNA.
1. Add 10 mg of powdered tissue to a microfuge tube. Let the liquid nitro-
gen evaporate for a few minutes. To isolate RNA from bacterial or yeast
cells, the appropriate amount of cells should be collected by centrifuga-
tion. Consult Table 1 for the required amount of cells needed to isolate
the desired amount of RNA. Washing the cells is not recommended be-
cause it can lead to RNA degradation.
2. Add 700 ul ofTRI Reagentf". Close the tube and mix by vortexing. In-
cubate for 5 minutes at room temperature.
Note: The amount of TRI Reagent" should be no less than 9 volumes of
reagent to one volume of material.
Note: When preparing RNA from yeast or bacteria, add an equal volume of
acid-washed glass beads and continue vortexing for 1 minute to facilitate
cell breakage. To prepare glass beads soak them for 1 hour in concentrated
nitric acid, wash acid off with deionized water and dry beads by baking in
180 °C oven overnight.

3. Add 140 III (0.2 volume) of chloroform (not CIA) and mix by vortexing
for 15 seconds. Incubate at room temperature for 2 to 15 minutes.
4. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at room temperature. After centrifugation, the
mixture will be separated into two phases, a bottom phase containing
chloroform and an upper, aqueous phase containing RNA.
5. Transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh microfuge tube and precipitate
RNA by the addition of 175 IIIofisopropanol (0.25 volume ofthe original
volume ofTRI Reagent''Y) and 175 ul of high salt precipitation solution.
Mix by inverting the tube several times and incubate at room tempera-
ture for 5 to 10 minutes.
6. Place the tube into the centrifuge, orienting the attached end of the tube
lid, away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at room
temperature to collect precipitated RNA.
7. Remove the tube from the centrifuge. Remove supernatant using a P200
8. Wash the pellet with 1 ml of75% ethanol. Add ethanol to the tube and
mix by inverting several times.
9. Place the tube into a microfuge and centrifuge for 5 minutes at room
temperature. Remove ethanol with a P200 Pipetman. Repeat ethanol
washing one more time.
10. Place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that the side containing
the pellet faces away from the center of rotation. Start the centrifuge
until it reaches 500 rpm (1-2 seconds). This will collect ethanol from
the sides of the tube. Remove ethanol using a P200 Pipetman equipped
with capillary tip.
11. Dissolve the pelleted RNA in 25-50 III of RNase free 1 mM EDTA. To
facilitate dissolving RNA, place the tube into a 65 °Cwater bath for 10 to
15 minutes. Store the RNA sample at -70 °C.
12. Determine the concentration of RNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the sample in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range 0.1 to 1.5. Calculate the concentration of
RNA using the equation:
A 260
N =
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 137

Where C260 isthe RNAextinction coefficient,N is RNAconcentration inllg/

ml and A260 is the absorbance reading (corrected for dilution). The ab-
sorption coefficient for total RNA is usually taken to be 0.025 ug" em"
giving a solution of40 ug/ml an absorba nce of 1 (e.g., 1/0.025 =40 ug/rnl).
13. To determine the purity of the RNA, measure absorbance at 260 nm, 280
nm and 234 nm and calculate the 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chap-
ter 1 for a detailed discussion about the validity of thi s method and cal-
culation of nucleic acid concentration in the presence of a small amount
of pro tein.


RNA was isolated from 700 mg of corn leaves using the guanidinium hot-
phenol procedure. Plant tissue was collected in liquid nitrogen an d pro-
cessed as des cribed on page 130. The total amount of RNA isolated was
1831lg. The yield of th e total RNA is consistent with the expected yield pre-




ro 0.5
(/) 0.4



220 240 260 280 300 320

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 2. Absorpt ion spectrum of RNA purified from corn leaves using the hot -phenol proce-
dure. RNA was diluted 40 x in PBSand scann ed using a UV spectrophotometer. The 2601280
absorbance ratio was 2.0 and the 260/234 absorbance ratio was 2.0.

Std 1 2 3 4
Fig. 3. Native gel electrophoresis of total RNA isolated from corn leaves. Lanes 1 and 2, RNA
isolated using the hot -phenol procedure. Lanes 3 and 4 RNA isolated by the TRI Reagent
procedure. Lanes 1 and 3 contain 10 Ilg of RNA. Lanes 2 and 4 contain 5 ug of RNA.

Table 1. Expected yields oftotal RNA and mRNA obtained from different sources using
guanidinium hot-phenol method

Source Sample size Total RNA (mg) mRNA (ug)

Bacteria 4 - 8 X 109 cells' 0.5 - 1.0 10 - 20
Yeast 2-3 X 10 cells" 0.1 - 0.3 5 - 15
Animal cell cultures 5.0 x 10 cells 0.25 - 1.0 12 - 50
Animal tissue (muscle) 100 mg 0.010 - 0.150 0.5-8.0
Animal tissue (liver) 100 mg 0.5 - 0.8 25 - 40
Plant tissue 1.0 g 0.3 - 0.5 15 - 25
Arabidopsis 1.0 g 0.2 - 0.3 10 - 25
a 10 ml cells from mid-exponential phase of growth (A600 = 1.0).
b 10 ml of cells from mid-exponential phase of growth (A6oo = 1.0)
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 139

sented in Table 1. The 260/280 absorbance ratio was 2.0 and 2601234 absor-
bance ratio was 2.0, indicating pure RNA. Figure 2 presents the absorption
spectrum of 40 x diluted RNA sample. Figure 3 presents native agarose gel
electrophoresis of the sample. The presence of mRNAs is indicated by the
diffused staining pattern above and below the ribosomal bands.
Isolation of RNA from 700 mg of corn leaves was also carried out using
TRI Reagent'[". The amount of RNA prepared was 170 mg giving a yield
comparable to that obtained using the hot-phenol procedure. The absorp-
tion spectrum of this RNA is presented in Figure 4. The 260/280 absorbance
ratio was 2.0 and 2601234 absorbance was 1.5 indicating some contamina-
tion with proteins. Native gel electrophoresis of this RNA is presented in
Figure 3. Intensity of stain indicates that the ratio oflarge to small ribosomal
RNA is approximately 2:1 but mRNA is less evident in this preparation.




c 0.4
.0 0.3


0.0 -f-,..,--rrTT-r-r-,-,-,-,..,-,.....,-,...,..,.,--r'i""T"""r-r-1
220 240 260 280 300 320

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 4. Absorpt ion spectrum of RNA purified from corn leaves using the TRI-Reagent pro-
cedure . RNAwas diluted 20 x in PBS and scanned using a UV spectrophotometer. The 2601280
absorbance ratio was 2.0 and the 260/234 absorbance ratio was 1.5.


Problems met in purification of RNA are low yield, low purity or degrada-
tion of RNA. Low yield of RNA usually results from the following causes
listed according to the frequency of their occurrence:
• Inadequate homogenization or lysis of the samples
If frozen tissue is used as a starting material, this will result in inadequate
grinding in liquid nitrogen. In this case, the tissue will not appear as a
homogenous white powder. When the hot-phenol protocol is used, in-
sufficient lysis ofthe cells or tissue will be noticeable after the addition of
Sarcosyl and 2-mercapthoethanol in step 1and before DNA breakage. At
this stage the lysate should be viscous.
• Presence of secondary metabolites that interfere with RNA solubility.
This problem is most frequently encountered with plant tissue . If the
hot-phenol procedure was used, change to the high-salt protocol, which
was especially developed for plant material with high levels of secondary
• Incomplete solubilization of the final RNA pellet
To ensure full solubilization of the pellet never dry the RNA pellet under
a vacuum. Complete removal of ethanol from the pellet, is not necessary
and drying the pellet will interfere with RNA solubility. Difficulties with
solubilization of the pellet usually indicate the presence of impurities
(See note above).
• Contamination of a stock solution with RNases
This would result in low yield and poor quality of RNA. Preparation of
fresh stock solutions is the best remedy.
To test for the presence of RNase in stock solutions, the RNaseAlert™
kit from Ambion can be used (Ambion Inc., # 1960).This dipstick-based
kit is a convenient and inexpensive way to test reagents for RNase con -
tamination. The detection procedure is very sensitive and can be carried
out in a very short time (10 minutes).
Inadequate purity of RNA will be apparent from a low 260:280 ratio « 1.7),
low 260:234 ratio « 1.8)or difficulty in disso lving RNA. This can result from
(listed according to the frequency of occurrence):
• Too small volume of reagents used during homogenization. The volume
of the reagent should always be more than 9 times the volume of the
sample. This is particularly important for TRI Reagent™. Increase
the ratio of reagent to cell volume.
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 141

• Contamination of the sample with secondary metabolites. These impu-

rities will also make RNA difficult to dissolve. To remove these impu-
rities follow recovery procedure 1.
• Contamination of the sample with protein. To remove protein follow
recovery procedure 1. However some loss of RNA (up to 40%) may
• Low 260:234ratio but satisfactory 260:280ratio indicates contamination
with guanidine isothiocyanate or 2-mercaptoethanol rather than with
proteins. To remedy this problem precipitate RNA again using the pro-
cedure described in recovery procedure 1 step 5.
RNA samples also can be contaminated with residual DNA. This makes it
impossible to correctly determine RNA concentration or perform RT-PCR
but usually does not interfere with Northern blot hybridization or isolation
of polyfA)" RNA. Removal of DNA is critical if the sample will be used for
RT-PCR. To remove DNA, follow recovery procedure 2.
Degradation of RNA can be detected using native agarose gel electro-
phoresis (see Chapter 12 for the protocol). Nondegraded total RNA should
give sharp bands of large and small ribosomal RNA in a ratio of approxi-
mately 2:1 when stained with ethidium bromide. Plant material should con-
tain two bands for each class of ribosomal RNA. The smaller rRNA bands
originate from chloroplast ribosomes. The chloroplast large rRNA subunit
(23S) is particularly sensitive to RNase digestion and its absence in an RNA
preparation is a very sensitive indicator of RNA degradation. lfRNA is de-
graded, the most common cause is contaminated stock solutions, and this
can be tested as described above.
However, frequently when gel electrophoresis results indicate RNA de-
gradation, the cause is not contamination of stock solutions but contam-
ination ofelectrophoresis buffers and gel boxes. The source of RNase, in this
case, is usually from electrophoresis of DNA samples in the same gel boxes.
Since RNase treatment is frequently used in DNA isolation procedures, gel
electrophoresis of DNA can cause electrophoresis tray and gel box contam-
ination. Therefore, using the same electrophoresis equipment for DNA and
RNA electrophoresis is not recommended. Decontaminate the gel tray and
box and use them exclusively for RNA gel electrophoresis. To decontami-
nate the gel apparatus and gel casting trays, treat them with 0.2 N NaOH for
15minutes and rinse before use with RNase-free water. RNaseZap®solution
can be used instead alkaline of treatment.

Recovery The following procedure will remove contaminating proteins or other im-
procedure 1 purities from an RNA sample:
1. Add an RNase-free solution of 1 mM EDTA to the sample to a final vo-
lume of 500 Ill. If insoluble material is present remove it by centrifuga-
tion for 10 minutes at room temperature.
2. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh 1.5 ml microtube and add 250 ul of
8-HQ phenol and 250 III of CIA. Mix by vortexing for 1 minute.
3. Centrifuge for 5 minutes at room temperature to separate phases. Pip-
ette the aqueous phase to a fresh tube and add an equal volume of CIA.
Mix by vortexing for 1 minute.
4. Separate phases by centrifugation for 5 minutes at room temperature.
Collect the aqueous phase in a clean tube .
5. Add 8 M LiCI to a final concentration of 2 M to precipitate RNA. Incu-
bate on ice for several hours or overnight at -20 °C.
6. Recover precipitated RNA by centrifugation for 15 minutes at room
temperature. Wash the pellet twice with cold 70% ethanol using the pro-
cedure described in steps 14 to 17 of the high salt protocol. Resuspend
RNA in the desired volume of RNase-free water or 1 mM EDTA and
determine the purity of the sample by measuring the 260:280 ratio as
described in step 14 and 15 of the hot-phenol procedure.

Recovery To remove DNA contamination from RNA,three methods can be used: acid
procedure 2 phenol:chloroform extraction, lithium chloride reprecipitation and DNase
digestion. We prefer to use the last method that is a little more laborious but
ensures best results (Smith, 1998).
1. Add RNase-free water to the RNA sample to final volume of to 50 Ill.
2. Prepare DNase treatment solution on ice. DNase I enzyme used should
be RNase-free (Ambion # 2222 or the equivalent).

TE buffer 39.7 J.!l

100 mM MgClz 10 ul
10 mM DTT 10 J.!l
DNase (2.5 mg/ml) 0.2 ul
RNa sin (25 u/ul) 0.1 ul
6 Isolation and Purification of RNA 143

3. Add 50 ul of this reagent to 50 ul of RNA sample. Mix by pipetting up

and down and incubate 15 minutes at 37 °C.
4. Stop the DNase reaction by adding 1 ul of 0.5 M EDTA.
5. Precipitate RNA with Liel as described in steps 5 and 6 of recovery pro-
cedure 1.


Asubel FM, Brent R, Kingston RG, Moor DD, Seidman JG, Smith JA and Struhl K (1987)
Current protocols in molecular biology. Wiley & Sons Interscience. New York.
Berger SL, Birkenmeir CS (1979) Biochemis try 18:5143-5149.
Bugos RC, Chiang VL, Zhang X.-H, Campbell ER, Podilla GK, Campbell WH (1995) RNA
isolation from plan t tissues recalcitrant to extraction in guanidine. BioTechniques
Chirgwin J, Przybylska A, MacDonald R, Rutter W (1979) Isolation of biologically active
ribonucleic acid from sources enriched in ribonuclease. Biochemistry 18:5294-5299.
Chomczynski P, Sacchi N (1987) Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidi-
nium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal Biochem 162:154-159.
Chomczynski P (1993) A reagent for the single-step simultaneous isolation ofRNA,DNA
and proteins from cell and tissue samples. BioTechniques 15:532-537.
Chomczynski P, Mackey K (1995) Modification of the TRI Reagent" procedure for iso-
lation of RNA from polysacch aride- and proteoglycan-rich sources. BioTechniques
Davis L, Kuehl M, Battey J (1994) Basic method on molecular biology. 2nd edition.
Appelton & Lang, Norwalk, CT.
Hallick RB, Chelm BK,Gray PW, Orozco EM (1977) Use of aurintricarboxylic acid as an
inhibitor of nucleases during nucleic acid isolation. Nucleic Acids Res. 4:3055-3064.
Kormanec J, Parkasovsk M (1994) Isolation of total RNA from yeast and bacteria and
detection of rRNA in Northern blots. BioTechniques; 17:840-841.
Marcus L, Halvorson HO (1967) Resolution and isolation of yeast polysomes. In: Method
in Enzymology 12A:498-502.Grossman L, Moldave K, Eds. Academic Press 1967.New
York and London.
Noonberg SB, Scott GK, Benz C (1995) Effect of pH on RNA degradation during gua-
nidinium extraction. BioTechniques 19:731 -733.
Smith TJ (1998) Methods to remove DNA contamination from RNA samples. Ambion"
TechNotes™ from The RNA CompanyTM5:14-15. Ambion Inc. 1998.
Schultz DJ, Craig R, Cox-Foster DL, Mumma RO, Medford JI (1994) RNA isolation from
recalcitrant plant tissue. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 12:310-316.


Commercially available kits for purification of total RNA

Many total -RNA isolation kits are commercially available. The majority of
the kits use a single-step procedure. These kits can be divided into three
The first group uses the method of RNA purification described here as
the hot-phenol procedure. These kits include all necessary reagents to carry
out the protocol. Thus, use of the kit saves time needed to make all of the
components, but at a substantially higher price.
The second group of kits uses solutions identical or similar to TRI Re-
agent" to isolate total RNA. The protocol described here uses a kit from
Molecular Research Center Inc.; the company that first introduced this
methodology. Their recent kit incorporates a modification of this procedure
that significantly increases the purity of isolated RNA (Chomczynski and
Mackey, 1995).
The third group uses procedures to limit exposure to dangerous chemi -
cals such as organic solvents. Cells or tissues are homogenized in the pre-
sence of chaotropic agents to inhibit endogenous RNases and denature
RNA-protein complexes. RNA is separated from proteins and DNA using
a silica matrix that specifically binds nucleic acids in the presence of a high
concentration of chaotropic salts. First, protein is removed by extensive
washing, second DNA is eluted followed by the elution of RNA. These
kits are well suited to isolate small amounts of RNA from multiple small
samples. However, in our hands, the isolated RNA is usually contaminated
with proteins and DNA, and large scale procedures are time consuming.
These kits are useful for applications where purity of the RNA isolated
is not critical.
Chapter 7 PROTOCOL

Isolation of PolyA + RNA



Extraction, purification and ana lysis of mRNA are essential in understand-

ing gene expression. Usually 1to 3% of cellular RNAis present as mRNA,the
remaining being ribosomal RNA and various species of small stab le RNAs.
For some applications, such as construction of eDNA libraries or analysis of
low-abundance mRNAs, isolation of mRNA instead of total cellular RNA is
A vast majority of eukaryotic mRNAs contain a poly(A) tract at their 3'
end, whereas these tracts are not present in other cellular RNAs. The length
of these tracts is quite uniform for all mRNA species and consists of 200 to
250 nucleotides in higher eukaryotes and about 50 to 100 nucleo tides in
lower eukaryotes (e.g., yeast or green algae). This feature is used to separate
mRNA from the remaining nonpolyadenylated RNA in cells. In practice, the
poly(A) tracks of mRNA are hybridized, at high salt concentration, to poly
dT or poly U oligonucleotides, coupled to a solid matrix. After extensive
washing to remove unbound RNA, the retained mRNA is eluted from
the solid phase. This procedure gives a 20 to 50-fold enrichment of
mRNA that is usually sufficient for Northern analysis or ribonuclease pro-
tection assays. For preparation of cDNA libraries, usually a second round of
purification is applied to remove at least 90% of rRNA species.
This technique was introduced by Aviv and Leder (1972) who used oli-
go(dT) bound to cellulose to isolate mRNA. Since then, only small modi-
fications have been made to this procedure, mainly to improve its efficiency.
Some of these changes involve the introduction of different matrices to
which oligo(dT) is bound. The new matrices used are: (a) latex beads
that have a large surface to bind oligo(dT). This increases the polyrA)"
RNA binding capacity of the matrix. (b) Magnetic particles that permit
easy collection of bound mRNA without centrifugation or column elution.
These new matrices make it possible to isolate mRNA directly from cell
lysates . Another improvement to the original procedure is substitution

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

of poly(U) for oligo(dT) as the binding material (More and Sharp, 1984).
Use of poly(U) allows for more efficient capture of mRNA with short
poly(A) residues due to the high stability of DNA:RNA hybrids.

Methods of mRNA isolation

Three protocols for mRNA isolation are presen ted. Two are useful for the
isolation of large amounts of mRNA, primarily from previously isolated
total RNA. The third procedure can be used for fast isolation of mRNA
from multiple samples directly from celllysates.
The first procedure uses gravity-run, oligo(dT) cellulose-packed col-
umns. This method is ideally suited to purify a large quantity of mRNA
from total RNA. Other advantages of the procedure are: high quality of
the product obtained and low cost of material used. A disadvantage of
the procedure is that it is relatively time consuming, increasing the possi-
bility of accidental RNase contamination and degradation of the product.
The method shou ld be used with no less than 1 to 5 mg of total RNA as
starting material. Direct isolation of mRNA from cell lysates does not
give satisfactory results using this method and is not recommended.
The second method uses oligo(dT)-cellulose packed into spin columns.
The advantage of this method is its speed and convenience, especially when
used with commercially prepared spin columns. The method can be used
with about 1 mg or less of total RNA as starting material. The use of spin
columns is ideal for second round purification of mRNA after the first
round isolation of polyrA)" RNA using gravity columns. Direct isolation
of mRNA from celllysates is also possible, but satisfactory results are ob-
tained only when lysates are not very rich in protein. Disadvantages of this
method are: low capacity in the first round of purification (1 mg of total
RNA), difficulty in removing rRNA from the sample and somewhat higher
cost. Careful calibration of centrifuge speed and close attention to manu-
facturer-recommended centrifugation time is critical for the successful ap-
plication of this procedure.
The third method uses oligo(dT) bound to the surface of magnetic par-
ticles. The method is useful for rapid isolation of mRNA directly from cell
lysates of multiple samples . The protocol can be scaled up and used for
rapid isolation of mRNA from total RNA. The purified product is well suited
for Northern blot analysis and RT-PCR. The main disadvantage of this
method is its relatively high cost, since it requires the purchase of magnetic
7 Isolation of PolyA + RNA 147

A crucial aspect of all mRNA purification procedures, even more so than

in most RNA techniques, is protection against contamination with exogen-
ous RNases. To isolate intact messenger by binding its poly(A) tail to the
matrix, no breaks between the 5' and 3' end of mRNA molecules can be
tolerated. This results in separation of mRNA from its poly(A) end and
as a consequence, the ability to isolate intact mRNA molecules is lost.
To guard against exogenous RNase contamination, all necessary precau-
tions and methods of RNase removal from reagents and equipment should
be followed. These methods are described in detail in Chapter 6. Moreover,
when working with low concentrations of RNA,nonspecific binding of RNA
to the sides of columns and tubes could be substantial. Using plastic tubes
and tips during the entire procedure is essential. Silanizing plasticware is
not necessary and we do not recommend it due to the high toxicity of the
reagent. Most commercially available plastic tubes and tips do not bind
A list and short description of commercially available kits for mRNA
isolation is presented at the end of this chapter.


A schematic outline of the procedures is shown in Figure 1.


- 25 ml Corex centrifuge tubes with Teflon-lined caps (Corex # 8446-25)

Tubes should be made RNase-free by baking at 180°Cfor at least 2 hours
or overnight. For other methods of removing RNase from glassware see
Chapter 6.
- 15 ml sterili zed, polypropylene centrifuge tubes (for example Corning #
- Oligo(dT)-Cellulose (Type 7, Pharmacia # 27-5543-02 or equivalent).
- Spin columns (4ml Select-D column, Eppendorf5' #0-300750 orequiva-
These are the least expensive DEPC-treated columns available that can
be used for column chromatography without autoclaving.
- Oligo(dT) cellulose spin column kit (polyA Spin kit, New England Bio-
Labs, Inc. or equivalent)
- Oligo(dT) magnetic beads (mRNaid 0Iigo(dT 30 ) kit, Bio 101 # 2510-200
or equivalent). Magnetic stand is included with the kit.

Isolation of Total RNA Collect ion of Cells or Tissue

Gravity Column Protocol Spin Column Protocol Magnetic Beads Protocol

Poly dT Preparation Spin Column Rehydration Beads Preparation

Column Preparation Centr ifugation Extraction with GIT Buffer

Poly dT Regeneration RNA Samp le Preparation Centrifugation

Washing with Water Loading RNA Sample Loading RNA Sample

Washing with Buffer Incubation Magnetic Separation

Loading RNA Sample Centrifugation Washing with Buffer

Washing with Buffer Reloading Eluted RNA Magnetic Separation

Eluting poly(A) RNA Eluting poly(A) RNA Eluting poly (A) RNA

Ethanol Precipitation Centrifugation Magnetic Separation

Centrifugation Ethanol Precipitation Collecting poly (A) RNA

Washing with Ethanol Centrifugation

Rehydration of RNA Washing with Ethanol

Rehydration of RNA

Fig. 1. Schematic outline of the procedur es

7 Isolation of PolyA + RNA 149

- 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma Co. # M 6250)

- Antifoam C (Sigma Co. # A 8011)
- Guanidinium isothiocyanate (Fluka # 50981)
- Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) (Sigma # D 5758)
- RNaseZap Solution (Ambion # 9780)
- Sarcosyl (N-lauroylsarcosine, sodium salt, Sigma Co. # L 5125)
- DEPC Treated Water Solutions
AddO.l ml DEPCto 100ml ofdeionizedwater.Shakevigorouslyto dissolve
DEPC in water. Incubate 2 hours or overnight at 37 °C. Autoclave to
inactivate DEPC. DEPC must be completely inactivated before using
any solution treated with it because it will carboxylate RNA. Carboxylated
RNA will inhibit reverse transcriptase, DNA:RNA hybridization and in
vitro translation. Use DEPCtreated water for preparation of the solutions
that cannot be treated with DEPC directly. Primarily these are solutions
containing primary amines, such as Tris or ammonium acetate.
Safety Note: When using DEPC, wear gloves and use a fume hood be-
cause DEPC is highly flammable and a suspected carcinogen.
Note: Deionized water from a MilliQ RG apparatus (Millipore Co. #
ZD5111584) can be used directly in all applications instead ofDEPC-treated
water because it does not contain RNase.
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution, pH 8.5
Weigh an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
EDTA will not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using a concentrated NaOH solution, or by
adding a small amount of pellets, while mixing and monitoring the
pH. Adjust the solution to its final volume with water and sterilize
by filtration. EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room
- 1 mM EDTA Solution
Prepare this solution using 0.5 M EDTA stock and RNase-free water.
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at -20 °C to prevent contamination.
- Loading Buffer
- 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6
- 0.5 M NaCl
- 1.0 mM EDTA, pH 8.5
- 0.1% SDS
Prepare enough for a single application using RNase-free stock solutions
and water.

- Washing Buffer
- 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6
- 100 mM NaCl
- 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.5
- 0.1% SDS
Prepare from RNase-free stock solutions. Do not store, use immediately.
- Elution Buffer
- 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6
- 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.5
- 0.05% SDS
Prepare before use from stock solutions and RNase-free water.
- Regenerating Solution
- 0.1 N NaOH
- 5 mM EDTA
Prepare before use from 10 N NaOH stock. Do not store.
- 3 M Sodium Acetate pH 5.5
Weigh 24.6 g of sodium acetate and add 50 ml deionized water. Dissolve
the salt and adjust pH with glacial acetic acid to pH 5.5. Add water to
100 ml and DEPC to 0.1%, mix very well and incubate overnight or for
2 hours at 37 °C. Autoclave for 30 minutes to remove DEPC and store
at 4 °C.
- GIT Solution
- 4 M guanidinium isothiocyanate
- 25 mM sodium acetate pH 5.2
- 1 mM EDTA
- 0.05% Antifoam C
Prepare 100 ml of solution at a time . Add 47.2 g of guanidinium isothio-
cyanate to 50 ml water followed by 0.85 ml of3 M sodium acetate, and 1III
of antifoam C. Fill up to 100 ml with water and heat to facilitate dissol-
ving. The solut ion is light sensitive and can be stored at room tempera-
ture in a dark bottle for a month.


Gravity column protocol

1. Weigh 0.15 g of oligo(dT) cellulose powder. Transfer it to a 15ml sterile,
plastic centrifuge tube and add 5 ml ofwashing buffer. Mix by inverting
several times. The amount of material will be enough to build a single
column of 0.5 ml packed volume. This column can be loaded with 1 to
10 mg of total RNA and can absorb about 650 Ilg of polyrA)" RNA.
7 Isolation of PolyA+ RNA 151

2. Open the bottom of a select-D column and fit it with a laurel lock or
tygon tubing with a clamp. Pour the oligo(dT)-cellulose slurry into
the column and drain washing buffer slowly by opening the bottom
clamp. Make sure that the final volume of the oligo(dT) cellulose
bed is at least 0.5 ml.
3. Wash the column two times with 3 ml of regenerating solution. Let it
stand at room temperature the first time for 20-30 minutes. This will
sterilize oligo(dT) cellulose. If oligo(dT) cellulose was used previously
this will restore its binding capacity.
4. Wash the column with 4 ml portions of sterilized water until the pH
drops to 8. This usually requires only two to three washes.
5. Add4 ml of washing buffer and wash the column slowly. Check the pH of
eluent with pH paper. It should be between 7.4 to 7.8. Continue washing
with 4 ml portions of loading buffer until the pH reaches the desired
6. Add 1 to 10 mg of total RNA sample to a microfuge tube. Fill up to 900 III
with eluting buffer and add 5111 of 10%SDS.Heat the sample at 65 °Cfor
5 minutes. Add 100 III of 5 M NaCl and cool to room temperature for
2 minutes.
7. Apply 1 ml ofsample to the column. Add sample to the top and let it pass
completely into the column. Collect any eluent into a 15 ml plastic cen-
trifuge tube. Stop the flow from the column and allow the RNAto bind to
the column for 5 minutes. Heat the eluate collected to 65 °Cfor 10 min-
utes. Cool quickly on ice and reapply to the column.
Note: The rate of elution from the column during loading and subsequent
washes should be about 1 drop per 5-10 seconds. Adjust the flow to this rate
using a clamp .
8. Wash the column with two 4 ml portions of washing buffer. Collect
eluate in a single 15 ml plastic centrifuge tube. This fraction contains
nonpolyadenylated RNA and can be saved for other uses if desired.
9. Continue washing the column three times with 4 ml portions ofwashing
buffer. The total washing volume should be approximately 10 times col-
umn volume.
10. Elute polyrA)" RNA with two, 2 ml portions, of elution buffer. Collect
both eluates into a single 15 ml plastic centrifuge tube . The total volume
of elution buffer should always exceed 2 column volumes.

Note: The eluted mRNA will be contaminated with small amounts of rRNA.
Ribosomal RNA should be removed if you are going to use mRNA for pre-
paration ofa cDNA library or RT-PCR. A second application ofthe RNAto a
new column will remove 90% of the ribosomal RNA. Adjust the first eluted
sample to 0.5 M NaCl with 5 M NaCl and reapply it to an oligo(dT) cellulose
column equilibrated with binding buffer. Alternatively, the first eluate can
be purified a second time using a spin column rather than gravity column.
Note: Used oligo(dT) cellulose columns can be stored at -20 °C and regen-
erated for further use as described in step 3 of this protocol.
11. To precipitate RNA, add 0.4 ml of3 M sodium acetate (l1l0 of volume)
and 11 ml (2.5 volume) of95% ethanol. Transfer the solution to a 25 ml
Corex tube and leave it at -70 °Cuntil the fraction freezes (about 30 to 60
minutes) or overnight at -20 "C.
12. Collect precipitated RNA by centrifugation for 20 minutes at 10000 x g
(16 000 rpm) in a swinging bucket rotor (Sorvall HB-4 or equivalent).
Drain the tube by inverting it over Kimwipes for 5 minutes.
13. Add 5 ml ofcold 70% ethanol to the tube and wash the pellet by carefully
rolling the tube at a 45°angle in the palm of your hand. Be careful not to
dislodge the RNA pellet from the bottom of the tube. Discard ethanol
and drain the tube well by inverting it over a paper towel for a few min-
utes . Repeat the wash one more time.
14. Add 50 III of RNase-free 1 mM EDTA and dissolve RNA by gently pipet-
ting up and down . More buffer may be necessary if the RNA does not
dissolve. Transfer the RNA to a microfuge tube and store at -70 °C.
IS. Determine the concentration of RNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:10dilution of the RNA in RNase-free PBS. For cor-
rect calculation of RNA concentration, the absorbance reading should
be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o • A solution of 40 ug/rnl has an optical
density of 1 in a 1 em path cuvette.
Note: RNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
This will result in incorrect determination ofRNA concentration (Wilfinger
et al., 1998). For a discussion of determination ofnucleic acid concentration
and its dependence on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.
16. Determine RNA purity by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm . Calculate the 2601280 and 2601234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a de-
tailed discussion about the validity of this method and calculation of
nucleic acid concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein.
7 Isolation of PolyA + RNA 153

17. Check the integrity of the RNA by native agarose gel electrophoresis as
described in Chapter 12.

Spin column protocol

The procedure described here essentially follows the recommended proto-

col for the polyA Spin mRNA Isolation Kit from Biol.abs" Inc. Similar kits
are available from other manufacturers. The spin column has the capacity to
isolate polyfA)" RNA from 1 mg of total RNA.
1. To prepare a spin column, add 200 III ofloading buffer to dry cellulose.
Mix well and centrifuge for 10seconds. Discard column eluent. Prewarm
the elution buffer in a 65 °C water bath.
2. Pipette the desired amount of total RNA into a microfuge tube and add
loading buffer to a final volume of 450 Ill. Add 50 III of 5.0 M NaCI and
mix well by inverting the tube several times.
3. Incubate the RNA sample for 5 minutes in a 65 °C water bath, then
quickly cool it on ice for at least 3 minutes.
4. Apply the RNA sample to a spin column. Close the column with the cap
provided, and mix by inverting several times. Oligo(dT) cellulose should
be thoroughly mixed with the sample, forming a uniform white solution.
5. Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes, occasionally mixing by
inverting the column.
6. Centrifuge for 10 seconds to collect liquid. Remove the spin column re-
servoir and transfer the eluent back into the original microfuge tube.
7. Incubate collected eluate for 5 minutes at 65 °C,then cool quickly on ice.
Add the sample back into a spin column and repeat steps 4 to 6. This
eluent contains nonpolyadenylated RNA, it can be stored at - 70 °C for
further use if desired.
8. Wash the spin column with loading buffer. Add 400 ~LI ofloading buffer
and resuspend the cellulose matrix by inverting the column several
9. Collect the eluent by centrifugation for 10 seconds at room temperature.
Remove the column reservoir and discard the eluent. Repeat steps 8 and
9 three times. Collected eluent can be discarded because it contains little
or no RNA.

10. Wash the spin column once with washing buffer. Add 400 IIIofwashing
buffer and mix well with the cellulose matrix. Centrifuge for 10 seconds
at room temperature and discard the eluent.
11. Place the spin column into a clean microfuge tube . Add 200 III of Elution
buffer prewarmed to 65°C. Resuspend cellulose matrix by inverting the
column several times. Incubate for 2 minutes with occasional agitation.
12. Centrifuge for 10 seconds and collect eluent into a fresh microfuge tube.
The eluent contains polyfA)" RNA. Repeat elution of mRNA one more
time with 200 III of prewarmed elution buffer. Join both eluents.
Note: If very pure mRNA is desired, repeat the poly(A") RNA purification
using a new spin column. Adjust the salt concentration of the first eluent to
0.5 M NaCl and repeat steps 3 to 12 one more time .
13. Add 44 III of 3 M sodium acetate and 20 III of glycogen carrier, supplied
with the kit, to the eluent. Mix well by inverting several times .
14. Precipitate mRNA by adding 1 ml of95% ethanol. Mix well and leave at
-20 °C for 30 minutes.
Note: At this point mRNA can be stored as an ethanol precipitate at -70 °C
until needed.
15. Collect precipitated RNA by centrifuging for 10 minutes at room tem-
perature. Place the tube into the centrifuge, orienting the attached end of
the lid away from the center of rotation.
16. Remove the tube from the centrifuge. Pour off the ethanol by holding the
tube by the open lid and gently lifting the end, touch the tube to the edge
of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to drain the ethanol. You do not
need to remove all the ethanol. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in
the same orientation as before.
17. Wash the pellet (often not visible) with 1 ml of 75% ethanol. Holding a
PI000 Pipetman vertically, slowly deliver ethanol to the side of the tube
opposite the pellet. Hold the Pipetman as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2.
Do not start the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a
"tube holder" that keeps the tube at an angle convenient for ethanol
washing. Withdraw the tube from the centrifuge by holding the tube
by the lid. Remove ethanol, place the tube back into centrifuge and re-
peat the 75% ethanol wash one more time.
7 Isolation of PolyA + RNA 155

Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet without
centrifugation and vortexing.
18. Place the tube into a centrifuge, making sure that the side containing the
pellet faces away from the center of rotation. Start the centrifuge until it
reaches 500 rpm (l - 2 seconds). This will collect ethanol from the sides
of the tube at the bottom. Withdraw the ethanol using a capillary tip.
19. Dissolve the pelleted RNA in 20 - 50 JlI of RNase-free, 1 mM EDTA. To
facilitate dissolving RNA, place the tube into a 65 °Cwater bath for 5 to
10 minutes. Store the RNA sample at -70 °C.
20. Determine the concentration of RNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm. Initially use a 1:10 dilution of the RNA in RNase-free PBS. For cor-
rect calculation of RNA concentration, the absorbance reading should
be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD260• A solution of 40 ug/rnl has an absor-
bance of 1 in a 1 ern path cuvette.
Note: RNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
This will result in incorrect determination ofRNA concentration (Wilfinger
et al, 1998). For a discussion of determination of nucleic acid concentration
and its dependence on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.
21. Determine RNA purity by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm . Calculate the 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a de-
tailed discussion about the validity of this method and calculation of
nucleic acid concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein.

Magnetic beads protocol

This method essentially follows the protocol described for mRNaid kit from
Bio 101 Inc. This kit uses magnetic beads that have been coupled to an oli-
go(dT 30) matrix. Direct coupling of oligo(dT) is preferable to that using
streptavidin-labeled particles and oligo(dT) bound to biotin. The kit is in-
expensive and easy to use. It includes a magnetic stand and is useful for fast
preparation of mRNA directly from lysed samples. The yield and purity of
isolated mRNA is not high, but it is sufficient for RT-PCR or single Northern
analysis. If higher yields and purity of RNA are desired, magnetic kits from
other manufactures can be used (for example, Straight A's mRNA from No-
vagen or Biomag mRNA kit from PerSeptive Biosystems), but at substan-
tially higher costs.

1. Prepare magnetic beads. Add 100 III of magnetic beads to a microfuge

tube. Add 300 ul of ice cold loading buffer and wash the beads by in-
verting the tube several times. Place the tube into the single tube matrix
collector supplied with the kit and collect the beads on the side of the
tube . Remove and discard the supernatant. Transfer the tube from the
magnetic stand to an ice bucket. Add 100 III of loading buffer and re-
suspend magnetic beads by inverting the tube several times.
Note: 100 III of the matrix is sufficient for isolation of polytA)" RNA from
about 100 Ilg of total RNA.
2. Prepare tissue or cell lysate. Grind animal or plant tissue as described in
Chapter 6. Use between 20 to 50 mg of tissue or 1 to 5 x 106 animal cells.
Consult Table 1 in Chapter 6 for amounts of other material needed to
prepare a lysate containing 100 Ilg of total RNA.
3. Collect cells or ground tissue in a microfuge tube and add 1 ml of hot
(65 °C) GIT solution. Mix the tube by vortexing briefly and add 20 III
of 2-mercapthoethanol and 100 III of 5 M NaCl. Mix by vortexing. Con-
tinue vortexing until the lysate becomes less viscous.
Note: Final concentration of NaCl at this step should be 0.5 M.
4. Centrifuge at room temperature for 5 minutes to collect cell debris.
5. Collect the supernatant and add it to the tube with magnetic beads. Mix
well and incubate 30 to 60 minutes on ice with occasional mixing.
6. Place the tube into the magnetic stand and collect the beads on the side
of the tube . Remove the supernatant using a Pipetman. Return the tube
to an ice bucket. This supernatant will contain nonpolyadenylated RNA
that can be stored if desired.
7. Resuspend the beads in 100 III of ice cold loading buffer. Keep the tube
on ice during this procedure.
8. Wash the pellet three times with 300 III of ice cold loading buffer, each
time separating the beads magnetically as described above. Discard
9. Add 10 to 25 III of hot (60 °C to 80 °C) elution buffer to elute mRNA.
Incubate for 2 to 5 minutes at 60 °C to 80 °C.
10. Use the magnetic stand to pull the beads to the side of the tube. Transfer
the supernatant to a clean microfuge tube. The supernatant contains
polyadenylated RNA that is ready for further use.
7 Isolation of PolyA+ RNA 157

Note: More than 90% ofbound RNA should be eluted in this step. To remove
remaining mRNA, the elution procedure can be repeated one more time.


The gravity column procedure permits isolation of polytA)" RNA from as

much as 5 mg of total RNA. The spin column and magnetic bead proce-
dures, although faster to perform, have much lower capacity. For most pre-
parations, one should expect recovery of at least 3 to 5% of total input RNA
when using single selection, and about 1 to 1.5% of the original starting
material after the second selection. This corresponds to RNA that is about
50% polyrA)" RNA after a single selection and greater than 90% polyrA)"
after the second selection. The main contaminant remaining in the prepara-
tion is rRNA which cannot be entirely removed by any procedure so far
designed (Milburn, 1996). The amount of mRNA isolated directly from cells
using the magnetic beads protocol will be about 5 to 10 times lower than the
amount ofmRNA expected on the basis oftotal RNA present in the cells (see
Table I, Chapter 6 for amounts of RNA per cell).
A sing le round of selection yields mRNA of sufficient quality for most
Northern analysis and ribonuclease protection assays and in vitro transla-
tion. A second selection is necessary if mRNA is to be used for cDNA library
construction or RT-PCR, especially if analysis of a rare transcript is desired.
In gel electrophoresis, the selected RNA should appear as a smear from 20 kb
down with the greatest intensity in the 5- to 20-kb range for higher
eukaryotes and somewhat smaller size (1 to 5 kb) for lower eukaryotic cells,
respectively. If the second round of selection is successful, there should be
little or no visible rRNA bands present when up to 5 Ilg of sample is elec-


Problems met in the purification of polyrA)" RNA are: low yields and low
quality of product. The yield largely depends on the quality of total RNA
from which polyadenylated RNA is isolated. The quality of isolated mRNA
depends on two factors:
a. the presence of intact, full length mRNA, and
b. degree of contamination with nonpolyadenylated RNA species, mainly
ribosomal RNA.

Lowyield and poor quality ofmRNA usually results from (given in the order
of their occurrence):
• Poor quality of total RNA used for selection of mRNA
The total RNA sample should be analyzed on a native agarose gel and
visualized by ethidium bromide staining before using the sample for
mRNA purification. Two ribosomal RNA bands should be present
with the upper band (large ribosomal subunit RNA) about twice as in-
tense as the lower band (small subunit ribosomal RNA). The mRNA
should be visible as a smear extending from slightly above the large ri-
bosomal subunit to slightly below the small ribosomal subunit. Absence
of rRNA bands or an RNA smear indicates poor quality of total RNA.
Total RNA should be reisolated and used for mRNA purification.
• Overestimation of the concentration of total RNA
This most frequently results from DNA present in the sample. This con-
tamination is impossible to detect by absorbance at 260 nm alone. How-
ever, the degree ofDNA contamination can be evaluated when native gel
electrophoresis of total RNA is performed (see above). The gel should
contain standard RNA of a known concentration. The intensity of ethi-
dium bromide staining of the standard RNA should be compared to the
intensity of the unknown RNA sample. Lower sample intensity than ex-
pected from the amount of RNA estimated from absorbance at 260 nm
indicates DNA contamination. DNA contamination can be removed
using recovery procedure 2 described in Chapter 6.
• Incomplete elution from oligo(dT) cellulose columns
This will happen when loading buffer was not completely removed from
the column before application of elution buffer. This problem is mostly
encountered when small elution volumes are used. Repeat the elution
with an additional volume of hot elution buffer or RNase-free water.
• Inadequate precipitation of RNA from the eluted sample
This usually results from too low salt concentration in the sample. Add
the correct amount of 3 M sodium acetate to the eluent before addition
of ethanol. Incubate the tube at -20 °C for at least a half hour or over-
night. Addition of a carrier such as glycogen can aid in precipitation of
RNA. However, we did not find that carrier, as claimed, helps in RNA
precipitation. All gains in recovery of precipitated RNA in the presence
of the carrier can be attributed to making the pellet visible. This helps in
redisolving the RNA completely. Follow the precipitation procedure as
described in steps 11to 13 of the gravity column procedure or 13to 18of
spin column procedure to precipitate the RNA completely.
7 Isolation of PolyA+ RNA 159

• Contamination of stock solutions or columns with RNase

To test for the presence of RNase in stock solutions, the RNaseAlert kit
from Ambion can be used (Ambion # 1960). The dipstick-based kit is a
convenient and inexpensive way to test reagents for RNase contamina-
tion. The detection procedure is very sensitive and can be carried out in a
short time (10 minutes).
Oligo(dT) cellulose can be easily contaminated with RNase during
weighing and column preparation. Always wash the column with regen-
erating solution as described in step 3 of the gravity column procedure.
Spin column and magnetic beads are supplied RNase-free and do not
require this treatment.


Aviv H, Leder P (1972) Purification of biologically active globin messenger RNA by chro -
matography on oligo-thymidilic acid-cellulose. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 69:1408-1412.
Milburn S (1996) Purify mRNA rapidly with high yield. Ambion TechNotes 3:1-8.
Moore CL Sharp PA (1984) Site-specific polyadenylation in a cell-free reaction. Cell
Wilt1nger WW, Mackey K, Chomczynski P (1997) Effect of pH and ionic strength of the
spectrophotometric assessment of nucleic acid purity. BioTechniques 22:474-480.


Commercially available kits for poly(At RNA isolation

Ambion, Inc. (

Two kits are offered. Poly(A)Pure®and Microl'olytAll'ure", These kits are
designed for the rapid purification of mRNA directly from cells or tissues.
Kits utilize guanidinium thiocyanate solution during homogenization and
batch binding of mRNA to oligo(dT). Washing and collection of mRNA is
performed using spin columns. PolyA tails as short as eight bases can be
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. (
Two kits, QuickPrep and QuickPrep Micro, are available for direct isolation
of mRNA. These kits work with a wide variety eukaryotic cells and tissues.
Guanidinium thiocyanate buffer is used to lyse the cells or tissues. The Quick-
Prep kit uses an oligo(dT) slurryforisolation ofmRNAfrom5x 107 cellsorO.5
g tissue. QuickPrep Micro uses spin columns containing pre-packed oli-
go(dT) cellulose to isolate mRNA from 1 x 107 cells or 100 mg of tissue.

For isolation of mRNA from total RNA preparations, the company offers a
mRNA purification kit containing pre-packed oligo(dT) columns.
Amresco, Inc. (www.amresco
Amresco, Inc. offers a Rapid mRNA Purification kit that uses oligo(dT) cel-
lulose columns for isolation of mRNA from total RNA.
Bio 101 Co. (
The mRNaid kit uses oligo(dTho bound to magnetic particles. This kit can
be used to isolate mRNA directly from a cell lysate or from total RNA pre-
Biometra Co. (www.biometra.corn)
This company offers a mRNA isolation kit that uses oligo(dT) chains cova-
lently bound to magnetic beads. A long chain linker is used to reduce steric
interactions between particles and mRNA. Very pure polyrA)" RNA can be
obtained in an exceptionally small elution volume. The source of mRNA
purification is a total RNA preparation.
CPG, Inc. (
Their MPG Direct mRNA purification kit uses magnetic particle technology
to isolate mRNA directly from cells or tissues. Streptavidin magnetic par-
ticles are used to bind oligo(dT). A high density of oligo(dThs is provided
for poly(A) tail binding. The binding capacity of these particles is greater
than any other magnetic particles to which oligo(dT) is bound directly.
Clontech, Inc. (
Clontech provides mRNA Separator kit for isolation of polyf.A)" RNA from
total RNA preparations. This kit uses oligo(dT) cellulose spin columns.
Cruachem, Inc. (
Cruachem's ISOLATE mRNA Pure Prep kit uses magnetic particles with
covalently bound oligo(dThs with long linker arms to prevent steric hin-
drance with mRNA binding. This kit is used to isolate polyrA)" RNA from a
total RNA preparation.
Dynal, Inc. (
Dynal is the company that introduced magnetic beads technology. Dyna-
beads Oligo(dThs are uniform supermagnetic polymer beads with a very
high binding capacity. Two kits are offered . The mRNA Direct Kit is
used for direct isolation of mRNA from cells or tissues lysates. The Dyna-
beads mRNA Purification Kit can be used for purification of mRNA from
total RNA preparations.
7 Isolation of PolyA+ RNA 161

Invitrogen, Inc. (

Two kits are offered Fast Trac® and Micro-Fast Trac", Both kits use oli-
go(dT) cellulose for isolation of mRNA directly from cells or tissues.
Life Technologies BRL (
This company offers a number of mRNA isola tion kits for direct or indirect
isolation of mRNA. All kits are based on oligo(dT) cellulose technology in a
filter-syringe format. Either TRIZOL reagent or phenol guanidine is used
for cell or tissue lysis.
Novagen, Inc. (
This company offers several kits for direct isolation of mRNA from cells and
tissues. Paramagnetic bead technology is used in all of these kits with pro-
prietary lysis and washing buffers . Each kit is optimized for specific starting
material e.g., plant tissues, animal tissues, frozen or fresh materials, etc.
These kits give the most consistent results with exceptional RNA purity.
PerSpective Biosystem Co. (
BioMag mRNA purification kit consists of supermagnetic particles that are
covalently attached to oligo(dTho. This kit is used for direct isolation of
mRNA from cells, plant and animal tissue or from a total RNA preparation.
Yields of mRNA isolated are high when using this kit.
Promega Co. (
Promega offers a number of mRNA isolation kits all based on magnetic bead
technology. Magnetic particles have streptavidin attached to them. The
mRNA is hybridized in solution to biotinylated oligo(dT) that in turn is
captured on beads by streptavidin-biotin interaction. This system allows
both direct isolation of mRNA from lysates and isolation of mRNA
from total RNA preparations.
Roche Molecular Biochemicals, formerly Boehringer Mannheim (bio-
Several kits are offered all based on oligo(dT) cellulose technology. Starting
material can be cells, tissues or total RNApreparations. mRNA is hybridized
with biotinylated oligo(dT) that in turn is captured in streptavidin-coated
microfuge tubes. Kits work best with total RNA preparations.

Qiagen CO. (

Company offers a series of mRNA isolation kits that use spherical latex par-
ticles with very large surface area for binding oligo(dT). The size of the par-
ticles is such that they remain in solution during hybridization but can be
quickly pelleted by centrifugation. A high yield of very pure mRNA is iso-
lated using these kits. Kits can be used for direct isolation of mRNA from
cells and tissues or from total RNA preparations.
Sigma Chemical Co. (www.sigma.siaLcom)
Kits offered by this company can be used for isolation of mRNA from cells
or tissues. Technology used is oligo(dT) cellulose columns.
Stratagene, Inc. (
Poly A Quick mRNA Isolation Kit uses push columns filled with oligo(dT)
cellulose for fast isolation of mRNA from total RNA. Using quanidinium
thiocyanate and p-mercaptoethanol to disrupt cells. These kits can be used
for direct isolation of mRNA.
Chapter 8 PROTOCOL

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA



This chapter outlines the theory and practice of agarose gel electrophoresis.
The description includes a detailed discussion of all essential factors influ-
encing the optimal separation of DNA bands in agarose gels. Protocols for
running standard agarose gels and high resolution agarose gels are given, as
well as a method for recovery of DNA fragments from the gel.

Principle of electrophoresis

When a mo lecule is placed in an electric field it will migrate to the appro-

priate electrode with a velocity or free electrophoretic mobility (Mo) de-
scribed by the following formula:
E q
Mo = - - - (1 )
d 6rrRTJ
Where: E is the potential difference between electrodes measured in volts
(V); q is the net charge of the molecule; d is distance between electrodes
(ern); TJ is viscosity of the solution; R is Stock's radius of the molecule,
and E/d is field strength.
Since, under physiological conditions, phosphate groups in the phos-
pho-sugar backbone of DNA (RNA) are ionized, these polyanions will mi-
grate to the positive electrode (anode) when placed in an electric field. Due
to the repetitive nature of the phospho-sugar backbone, double-stranded
DNA molecules have a net charge to mass ratio approximately the same.
This results in approximately the same free electrophoretic mobility
(Mo) of DNA molecules, irrespective of their size. However, by adjusting
the viscosity of the electrophoretic medium, one can accentuate the effects
of friction on the mobility of the molecules. If viscosity is very large, the
mobility of the molecules subjected to electrophoresis will depend largely
on their shape and size. Equation 1 simplifies to:
S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

E 1
Mo = d R (2)

To increase the viscosity of an electrophoretic medium, specific support

matrixes are used. These include agarose and polyacrylamide. Varying
the pore size using various agarose concentrations or different crosslinking
ratios of polyacrylamide alters the viscosity of these materials. The mobility
of DNA molecules is profoundly influenced by the size and shape of the
molecules, as well as, by the size of the matrix pores. Using these gels,
DNA molecules are fractionated by their size and conformation in a rela-
tively fast and inexpensive way.

Principle of agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA

At one point or another, virtually every experiment with nucleic acids re-
quires the use of agarose gel electrophoresis. The technique is simple, rapid
to perform, and adaptable to analytical or preparatory applications.
Agarose is a polysaccharide consisting of basic agarobiose repeat units
of 1,3-linked B-D-galactopyranose and 1A-linked 3,6-anhydro-a-L-galacto-
pyranose. These units form long chains of approximately 400 repeats, reach-
ing a molecular weight of approximately 120,000 daltons. Long polymer
chains contain small amounts of charged residues, consisting largely of
pyruvate and sulfate. These residues are responsible for agarose properties
that are important in its use in gel electrophoresis. Most important is the
phenomenon of electroendosmosis (EEO) (Adamson, 1976; Himenz, 1977).
During electrophoresis only hydrated positive ions, normally associated
with the fixed anionic groups of agarose (pyruvate or sulfate residues),
can move toward the cathode. Water is therefore pulled with these positive
ions toward the negative electrode and negative molecules, like DNA mi-
grating toward the positive electrode, are slowed down . For DNA electro-
phoresis, agarose with the lowest possible EEO is recommended for max-
imum separation of DNA molecules.
The electrophoretic migration rate of DNA through agarose gels de-
pends on the following parameters:
• Size of the DNA molecules.
• The concentration of agarose gel.
• Voltage applied.
• Conformation of the DNA.
• The buffer used for electrophoresis.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 165

On first approximation, DNA molecules travel through a gel at a rate in - Mobility of DNA
versely proportional to the logarithm of their molecular weights or number fragments
of base pairs (Helling et al., 1974). Thus, a plot of mobility against log of the
size should give a straight line for all DNA sizes. However, this is true for a
narrow range ofDNA size. A better linear relationship between mobility and
DNA size is obtained in plots of DNA base pair number (DNA size) versus
l/mobility (Sealey and Southern, 1982).
The useful linear range of mobility depends on the gel concentration
used and voltage applied. A DNA fragment of a given size migrates at dif-
ferent rates in gels containing different concentrations of agarose. A model
for gel structure predicts that the log of the mobility of different DNA mo-
lecules (M) as a function of gel concentration (C) should result in a straight
line with different slopes called retardation coefficients (K,) and intercepts
named free mobility (Mj}, mobility ofDNA molecules at zero concentration
ofagarose. This can be expressed mathematically by the following equation:
Log M = log Mo - CKr (3)
Using gels ofdifferent agarose concentrations, it is possible to resolve a wide
range of DNA fragment sizes, provided that the voltage gradient applied to
the gel is chosen correctly. Normally the migration rate ofDNA fragments is
directly proportional to the voltage applied. With increased voltage, how-
ever, large DNA molecules migrate at a rate proportionally faster than small
mo lecules. Consequently, the field strength applied to most gels should be
between 0.5 V/em and 10 V/em, In general, higher reso lution is achieved at a
low voltage gradient, especially if higher molecular weight DNA is used.
Small DNA molecules should be run at higher-voltage gradients to prevent
their diffusion during electrophoresis. The amount of DNA in a sample will
also affect its apparent mobility. Overloaded bands will appear to move fas-
ter than bands with the correct amount of DNA. Therefore, the amount of
DNA loaded into each sample well should be similar when comparing the
mobility ofDNA fragments. The useful separation ranges ofvarious gel con-
centrations do overlap, and different electrophoretic conditions can shift
their useful range. Data presented in Tab le 1 can serve as a starting point
for choosing a gel concentration and voltage gradient for agarose electro-
phoresis of DNA.

The DNA shape (conformation) also influences the migration rate. Plasmid DNA conformation
DNA can exist in three conformational states: closed circular supercoiled
molecules (form I); nicked circular relaxed molecules (form II) and linear
molecules (form III). Introducing a single -stranded nick converts form I
molecules into form II molecules. Introducing a double-stranded cut to

Table 1. Suggested agarose concentration and field strength for optimal resolution of
DNA fragments

Agarose DNA Fragment Size (bp)"

Concentration SeaKem® Metal'hor" Seal'laque" Field strength
(% w/v) (V/cm)b

0.60-0.75 1 000-23 000 nla 500-25000 0.5-1.0

0.80 800-10000 nla 500-20000 0.5-1.0
1.00 400-8000 nla 300-20000 1.0-2.0
1.20-1.25 300-7000 nla 200-12000 1.0-2.0
1.50 200-4000 nla 150-6000 2.0-3.0
1.75 150-2 000 nla 100-3000 2.0-3.0
2.00 100-3000 150-800 50-2000 2.0-3.0
3.00 nla 100-600 nla 2.0-3.0
4.00 nla 50-25 nla 2.0-3.0
5.00 nla 2-130 nla 2.0-3.0
a Modified from date presented in FMC BioProducts Catalog.
b Data from Davis et al., 1980.

supercoiled molecules (form I) converts them into linear molecules (form

III). Thus, forms II and III are the result of the action of nucleases during
plasmid purification and should not be present in preparations of plasmid
DNA isolated using an alkaline procedure (for explanation see Chapter 1).
The relative mobility of the three forms is dependent primarily on the
agarose concentration and, to a lesser extent, on the strength of the current
applied and the ionic strength of the buffer. Under most conditions, super-
coiled DNA (form I) migrates faster than linear DNA (form III) of the same
size. The circular DNA (form II) migrates faster than supercoiled DNA in
TAE buffer and slower than supercoiled DNA in TBE buffer .
The presence of ethidium bromide in the gel can drastically change the
mobility of DNA due to changes in the number and direction of superhelical
twists in form I DNA. As the concentration ethidium bromide increases the
negative superhelical turns in form I DNA molecules are progressively re-
moved and their rate of migration is slowed. Incorporation of more ethi-
dium bromide into these molecules introduces positive superhelical turns
into molecules resulting in an increase in their electrophoretic mobility.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 167

As a general rule, in TAE buffer, plasmid DNA migrates in 0.8-1% gels in

the following order (from slower to faster molecules, or reading from the
well down): linear DNA (form III) supercoiled DNA (form I) and, relaxed
circular DNA (form II). In TBE buffer, this order would be as follows: re-
laxed circu lar DNA (form II), linear DNA (form III) and supercoiled DNA
(form I).

Several different buffers are used for agarose gel electrophoresis. These are: Electrophoresis
Tris-acetate EDTA buffer (TAE), Tris-borate EDTA buffer (TBE) and Tris- buffers
phosphate EDTA buffer (TPA).
Tris-acetate EDTA buffer (TAE; 40 mM Tris-base, 20 mM acetic acid
1 mM EDTA) buffer is the most frequently used buffer for DNA electrophor-
esis. This buffer has rather low buffering capacity that may require recir-
culation of the buffer upon prolonged electrophoresis if a two-tank appa-
ratus is used. The buffer is particularly well suited for submarine gel elec-
trophoresis, permitting short running times at relatively high voltage gra-
dients without excessive heating. The ratio of voltage applied to current
(rnA) is approximately one, for a wide variety of gel sizes and buffer volumes
when this buffer is used (Perbal , 1988). The tracking dye, bromophenol blue,

Table 2. Migration of DNA fragments in relation to bromophenol blue dye

Agarose Size of DNA fragment Size of DNA fragment
concentra- co-migrating with dye in co-migrating with dye in
tion (%) TAE buffer (bp) TBE buffer (bp) (%)
Seakem" Metal'hor" Seal'laque" Seakem'" Metal'hor" Seal'laque'"
0.60-0.75 1000 n/a 500 720 n/a 250
0.80 900 n/a 500 700 n/a 200
1.00 500 n/a 350 400 n/a 180
1.20-1.25 370 n/a 200 260 n/a 100
1.50 300 n/a 150 200 n/a 70
1.75 200 n/a 100 110 n/a 50
2.0 150 70 60 70 40 30
3.0 n/a 40 n/a n/a 35 10
4.0 n/a 35 n/a n/a 30 n/a
5.0 n/a 30 n/a n/a 15 n/a
a Table was assembled using data presented in FMC BioProducts Catalog.

will trave l in this buffer, at a rate of about 1 cm/hr at 1 to 10 V/cm field

strength. Thus, this marker dye co-migrates with the smallest DNA mole-
cules at each agarose concentration (see Table 2).
Tris-borate EDTA buffer (TBE; 89 mM Tris-base, 89 mM boric acid
2 mM EDTA) has very high buffering capacity. It can be used when
DNA less than 12 000 bp is electrophoresed but gives superior results to
TAE in electrophoresis of DNA fragments less than 1000 bp . DNA mobility
in this buffer is approximately two times slower than in TAE buffer. This is
due to the lower porosity of agarose gel when agarose polymerizes in the
presence of borate. Ionic strength of TBE is high, resulting in 4:1 ratio of
voltage to current (rnA) during electrophoresis for a wide variety of gel sizes
and buffer volumes (Perbal, 1988). In general, DNA bands are sharper when
TBE buffer is used but time of electrophoresis is considerably longer.
An important advantage ofTBE is that bacteria or fungi will not grow in
a lx buffer solution so it is possible to store the buffer at room temperature.
A considerable disadvantage is that borate interacts with the hydroxyl
groups on the agarose polysaccharide, forming a non-covalent tetrahy-
dro-borate complex. This complex interferes with the action of chaotropic
agents used to dissolve agarose gels in procedures of DNA fragment recov-
ery. Thus, TBE buffer cannot be used when a silica-binding procedure for
DNA fragment recovery is used.
Tris-phosphate buffer (TPE; 89 mM Tris-base, 23 mM H3P04, and 2.5
mM EDTA). This buffer has high buffering capacity, comparable to that
of TBE buffer. DNA mobility in this buffer, however, is similar to that in
TAE buffer due to a similar pore size formed during polymerization.
The buffer has a high ionic strength resulting in a voltage (V) to current
(rnA) ratio similar to that obtained in TBE buffer. This buffer has an
advantage over Tris-borate buffer, in that gels can be dissolved in con-
centrated chaotropic agents, permitting recovery of DNA fragments using
a silica powder binding procedure.

Gel size Agarose gel electrophoresis is commonly carried out using submerged hor-
izontal slab gels (submarine gels). The best separation between DNA bands
in such a system is achieved in gels approximately 20 ern long, 15 ern wide
and about 4 mm thick. Electrophoresis should be continued until the bands
of interest migrate 1/2 to 2/3 the length of the gel. To obtain maximum re-
solution of many bands electrophoresis should be continued until tracking
dye (for example, bromophenol blue) has moved 70% to 80% the length of
the gel. The size of the sample well also can affect the resolution of DNA
bands. The optimal length of the sample wells for a large gel is between 0.5 to
1 ern long, and optimal width of the well is 1 to 2.0 mm. The sample well
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 169

bottom should be 0.5 to 1.0 mm above the gel bottom. Minigels usually have
sample wells 0.2 to 0.5 em long and 1 mm (or less) wide. The distance be-
tween sample wells should be less then halfof the length of the well to ensure
comparable mobility of the DNA band across the gel. Large gels should be
run using at least 1 liter of electrophoresis buffer to prevent heating of the
gel slab during electrophoresis. Most ofthe commercially available submar-
ine electrophoresis gel boxes fulfill the above requirements. An article eval-
uating the performance of all commercially available agarose gel systems
has been published and is an excellent guide for buying new equipment
(Baldwin, 1995).

The amount of DNA loaded into one well can vary considerably without Sample
affecting the mobility of the DNA. For standard large gels (see description concentration
above), the DNA load can vary from 1 to 10 ng of DNA per band. Concen-
trations above 100ng per band should be avoided, since this will overload an
analytical gel. The total amount of DNA loaded per well should not exceed
10Ilg. In general, one should use decreasing amounts of DNA per well as the
running voltage of the gel is increased.

DNA samples are prepared for electrophoresis by the addition of loading Sample loading
dye solution. The composition of loading dye solution plays an essential solutions
role in obtaining sharp DNA bands. This solution serves three vital func-
tions: it is used to terminate enzymatic reactions before electrophoresis
(stop solution), it provides density for loading the sample into the well,
and it provides a way to monitor the progress of electrophoresis.
Most loading dye solutions contain EDTA to stop enzymatic reactions.
However, this is frequently not sufficient to fully dissociate DNA-protein
complexes, the presence of which will affect not only mobility of DNA frag-
ments but also can cause an excessive smearing and widening of the bands.
To remove these complexes, all loading dye solutions should contain a pro-
tein denaturing agent. Urea, at concentration of 5 M, is the best protein
denaturing agent used in the loading dye solution because it does not inter-
act with agarose or affect DNA mobility.
Glycerol or sucrose, at concentrations of 5% to 10%, is commonly used
to provide density. However, using these low molecular weight compounds
results in U-shaped DNA bands, due to sample streaming up the side of the
well before beginning electrophoresis (Sealy and Southern, 1983). This ef-
fect is particularly pronounced when electrophoresis is carried out at low
field strength. To increase the sharpness of the bands and prevent their
U-shape appearance, Ficoll 400 at concentration of 15% to 20%, should
be used to provide density.

A number of different dyes are in use as tracking dyes. Bromophenol

blue (dark blue) and xylene cyanol FF (turquoise) are two most frequently
used dyes. Tables 2 and 3 present the relationship between migration of
these dyes and DNA fragments at various agarose gel concentrations in
two of the most commonly used gel electrophoresis buffers. These dyes can -
not be used in alkaline agarose gels because they decompose. Bromocresol
green is used in such gels. Different tracking dyes are also used such as Tar-
trasine (orange) or Cresol red (violet). These dyes usually are used in PCR
reaction buffers because they do not affect the activity of Taq DNA poly-
merase. This permits direct loading ofPCR products on the gel without the
addition of loading dye solutions.

Table 3. Migration of DNA fragments in relation to xylene cyanol dye a

Agarose Size of DNA fragment Size of DNA fragment

con centra- co-migrating with dye in co-migrating with dye in
lion (%) TAE buffer (bp) TBE buffer (bp)
SeaKem® Metal'hor" Seal'laque" SeaKem® MetaPhor® Seal'Iaque'"
0.60-0.75 9200 n/a 4000 7,100 n/a 2850
0.80 8000 n/a 3000 6000 n/a 2000
1.00 6100 n/a 2300 4000 n/a 1 700
1.20-1.25 4100 n/a 1 500 2250 n/a 1 000
1.50 2600 n/a 1000 1900 n/a 700
1.75 200 n/a 700 1400 n/a 500
2.0 1 500 480 550 1000 310 400
3.0 n/a 200 n/a n/a 140 n/a
4.0 n/a 120 n/a n/a 85 n/a
5.0 n/a 85 n/a n/a 60 n/a
a Table was assembled using data presented in FMC BioProducts Catalog .

Gel staining To visualize DNA, agarose gels are usually stained with ethidium bromide.
This is the most rapid, sensitive and reproducible method currently avail-
able for staining single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA (Sharp et
al. 1973). Ethidium bromide binds to double-stranded nucleic acid by in-
tercalation between stacked base pairs. The mobility of linear DNA in gel
electrophoresis is reduced by about 15%.Ultraviolet irradiation of ethidium
bromide at 302 nm and 366 is absorbed and re-emitted as fluorescence at
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 171

590 nm. Similarly, energy absorbed by DNA irradiated at 260 nm is trans-

mitted to intercalated dye and re-emitted as fluorescence at 590 nm. The
intensity of fluorescence of dye bound to DNA is much greater than that of
free dye suspended in agarose. This results in very low background and a
high intensity of fluorescence from DNAbands. The best staining results are
obtained by incorporating ethidium bromide into the gel at a concentration
of 0.5 ug/rnl, This permits direct observation of the progress of electrophor-
esis and limits the amount of ethidium bromide-contaminated liquid waste.
The gels can be stained after electrophoresis by immersing the gel in a solu-
tion containing 0.5 ug/rnl of ethidium bromide for about 0.5 to 1 hour. This
procedure is not recommended because it is less sensitive than incorporat-
ing ethidium bromide into the gel and generates a large volume of ethidium
bromide-contaminated liquid.
The most sensitive photographs of ethidium-bromide-stained DNA are
obtained when DNA is illuminated with ultraviolet light at 254 to 260 nm
rather than by ethidium bromide direct illumination at 300 nm .
Agarose gels also can be stained using silver stain. Silver stained agarose
gels will yield sensitivity similar to ethidium bromide staining. The best re-
sults are obtained with the use of Silver Stain Plus kit manufactured by Bio-
Rad Laboratories. However, this staining takes a long time and cannot be
used to observe DNA during electrophoresis or when DNA fragments are
going to be isolated from the gel.

Photographs of the gels provide not only a permanent record of the experi- Photographing
ment, but also permit analysis of the data and visualization of DNA bands gels
not visible to the unaided eye. Polaroid cameras, equipped with appropriate
filters, are usually used for this purpose. The most commonly used fast Po-
laroid film type 667 (ASA 3000) can record a DNA band containing 2-4 ng
when loaded into a 1 cm well. A more sensitive method of recording gel
results is the use of a computer imaging system equipped with a charge-
couple device (CCD) digital camera. The sensitivity of the computer ima-
ging system is approximately ten times greater than the sensitivity of photo-
graphy. This permits visualization and recording of as little DNA per band
as 0.1 ng. The commercially available instruments for digital recording are
rather expensive. However, construction of such equipment, using an in-
expensive camera ($100), was recently described that, in our hands, gave
results comparable to those of the expensive commercial instruments (Scott
et al. 1996).

Elution of DNA fragments from agarose gels

Many satisfactory protocols for purifying DNA fragments from agarose gels
have been developed. They can be classified into four categories: elution of
DNA fragments by electrophoresis, elution by using low-melting-point
agarose or enzymatic digestion of the agarose polymer, dissolving agarose
by chaotropic salts and binding DNA fragments to silica particles. The most
important consideration for choosing any of these protocols is speed of
technique, yield of the DNA fragments and purity of the DNA obtained.

Electroelution The first procedure, introduced in the 1970s, is easily reproducible for a
wide variety of DNA fragment sizes and gives pure DNA (Wienand et
al., 1978). A major disadvantage of its use is that it is rather laborious
and time consuming. Eluted fragments, frequently, require further purifi-
cation to remove contaminating mate rial co-eluted from agarose . Organic
solvent extraction or a matrix that specifically binds DNA fragments is used
to remove these impurities. This method is most frequently applied when it
is necessary to isolate large fragments of DNA (more than 10000kb) that are
inefficiently recovered by most other methods.
An interesting modification of the electroelution method that obviates
the requirement for additional purification of eluted DNAfragments is elec-
troelution of DNA during electrophoresis directly into DEAEpaper (Girvitz
et al., 1980; Dretzen et al., 1981). An incision in the gel is made ahead of the
DNA band to be eluted in which DE81 paper is inserted. Electrophoresis is
continued until the entire fragment is absorbed onto the paper. The DNA
fragment is eluted from the paper with a high salt buffer.

Low-melting-point This method uses a low-melting-temperature agarose to recover DNA frag-

agarose ments (Wieslander, 1979). The section of agarose containing the desired
DNA fragment is melted at 65 °C and DNA is recovered either by repeated
organic solvent extraction or absorption to silica powder. One advantage of
this method is that it permits recovery oflarge DNA fragments. A second, is
the ability to perform enzymatic reactions such as ligation, restriction di-
gestion and labeling of DNA fragments without removing the agarose. The
disadvantage of this method is its rather high cost and low resolving power.
Moreover, the recovery of large DNA fragments from low melting-point
agarose is less reproducible than the other two methods.

Agarose-digesting An alternative procedure for dissolving the gel is the use of enzymes that
enzyme digest agarose (Burmeister and Lehrach, 1989).Numerous modifications of
the original protocol have been introduced that eliminate the need for
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 173

further purification with organic solvents or silica powder. DNA is recov-

ered by ethanol precipitation and ready for subsequent manipulations.
Large molecular weight DNA can be recovered with satisfactory efficiency.
Disadvantages of the enzymatic protocol are the high cost and the time re-
quired to completely digest agarose, particularly when high concentration
gels are used. Also, digestion of agarose from some sources leaves an etha-
nol-perceptible, water-insoluble precipitate that interferes with subsequent
procedures such as ligation and restriction digestion.

The method was originally described by Vogelstein and Gillespie (1979) and Silica powder
is now the most frequently used method for recovering DNA fragments
from agarose gels. It takes advantage of the fact that, at high concentration
of chaotropic salts, DNA binds selectively to silica particles. Salts most fre-
quently used are either sodium iodide or guanidine thiocyanate. These salts
not only promote DNA binding to the silica particle but also can dissolve
agarose gels. Unbound agarose, salts, proteins, nucleotides, oligonucleo-
tides are washed away with a buffered ethanol solution. The bound
DNA is eluted in a small volume of TE buffer or water. Using this method,
it is possible to recover DNA fragments between 0.5 to 10 Kb in size. A mod-
ification of the original method permits the recovery of DNA fragments in
the 100to 500 bp ranges (Smith et al., 1995).Numerous kits that employ this
method are commercially available. Some commercial vendors offer such
kits and a brief description of each kit is given at the end of this chapter.

To recover DNA fragments from an agarose gel using any of the procedures Gel staining for
described, the DNA must first be visualized on the gel. However, when DNA recovery
is going to be recovered from agarose gels, ethidium bromide staining and
visualization of the DNA bands by UV illumination should not be used.
Irradiation of DNA by short wave UV light, in the presence of ethidium
bromide, results in its rapid degradation (Nikogosyan, 1990). It has been
shown that viability of lambda DNA decreases ten times per one second
irradiation at 260 nm (Davis, et. al., 1980). Gel illuminators at wavelength
of 300 to 320 nm are commonly assumed not to cause detectable single-
stranded breaks, even after a few minutes exposure (Brunk and Simpson,
1977). Long-wave illuminators are, therefore, used to visualize DNA frag-
ments for excision. However, some limited cross-linking of DNA strands
was reported to occur during this illumination that eventually interfered
with efficient ligation, cloning and priming in PCR experiments (Cariello
et al., 1988; Hartman, 1991,Maueler et al., 1994). It was recently shown that
only 1 % of DNA remains intact after 20 to 45 seconds of UV-B light illu-
mination (Griindemann and Schornig, 1996). Thus, when DNA bands are

visua lized for their subsequent excision from the gel, even the use of long
wave UV illuminators can cause DNA damage when such illumination is
not kept to a minimum.
Solutions to the DNA-damage problem have recently been proposed.
The first method avoids illumination of agarose gels with UV light alto-
gether by staining the gel with crystal violet or nile blue (Rand, 1996: Adkins
and Burmeister 1996).As little as 5 ng ofDNA per band can be visualized by
incorporating crystal violet or nile blue into the gel and electrophoresis
buffer at a concentration of 10 ug/rnl . The second method uses cytidine
or guanosine incorporated into the gel running buffer to protect DNA
against UV damage (Griindemann and Schornig, 1996). In this method
the gel is stained using a standard concentration of ethidium bromide
and is illuminated by UV light to visualize DNA bands. Thus, the sensitivity
of the visualization of DNA bands provided by ethidium bromide is not
sacrificed with this procedure. The protection of DNA, using this method,
is substantial because more than 99% of the irradiated DNA is available for
ligation, cloning and peR.


A schematic outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Schematic outline of the procedure .

Preparation of Casting Tray

Preparation of Gel

Pouring Gel

Loading Samples


Tracing Gel Using UV Illuminator

Photographing or Imaging Gel

8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 175


- Agarose powder Seakem" LE (FMC BioProducts # 50001) or equivalent

- Metal'hor" agarose (FMC BioProducts # 50181)
- Seal'laque" low melt agarose (FMC BioProducts # 50101, or equivalent)
- Ethidium bromide (Sigma Co. # E 8751)
- Ficoll 400 (Sigma Co. # F 4375)
- GELase (Epicentre Technologies # G09050), or ~-agarase (New England
Biolab # 392S)
Epicentre Technologies GELase is a mixture of agarase digesting en-
zymes and can be used with regular and low melting agarose, as well
as with denaturing gels.
- Elu-Quick DNA recovery kit (Schleicher and Schuell # 74450)
- Gel electrophoresis apparatus (minimum 13 em x 20 ern gel size) with
power supply (e.g., Owl Scientific # AI)
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution, pH 8.5 Solutions
Weigh an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
EDTA will not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using a concentrated NaOH solution or by add-
ing a small amount ofpellets while mixing and monitoring the pH. Bring
the solution to a final volume with water and sterilize by filtration. The
EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room temperature.
- SO x TAE Electrophoresis Buffer
- 2 M Trisma base
- 1 M acetic acid
- 50 mM Na, EDTA
Weigh 242 g of Trisma base and add to 800 ml of double distilled or
deionized water. Add 57.1 ml of glacial acetic acid and 100 ml of
0.5 M EDTA stock solution (pH 8.5). Dissolve the powder by continuous
stirring for half an hour and add water to final volume of 1 liter. Do not
autoclave. Store at room temperature tightly closed .
- Ethidium Bromide Stock Solution (10 mg/ml)
- 100 mg ethidium bromide
- 10 ml water.
Dissolve the powder in the water by stirring under a chemical hood.
Store at room temperature in a tightly closed, dark bottle.
Safety Note: Ethidium bromide is a powerful mutagen and suspected
carcinogen. It is particularly toxic when inhaled in powder form.
Take all possible precautions not to inhale it during preparation of

the stock solution. Weigh powder under a chemical hood and wear
- Loading Dye Solution
- 15% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10 ml of the solution. Dissolve an appropriate amount
of Ficoll powder in double distilled or deionized water by stirring at
40 - 50 °C.Add stock solution of EDTA,powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot
about 100 III into microfuge tubes and store at -20 °C.


Large scale agarose gel electrophoresis

This procedure describes the use oflarge agarose gels (25 em x 13 cm x 0.4
em) for separation of DNA fragments. DNA band separation in such gels is
sufficient to detect a single copy gene in a large genome. These gels require
longer electrophoresis times but give better resolution of DNA fragments
than smaller gels. The well length is 6.5 mm and well width is 1.5 mm, di-
mensions optimal for obtaining sharp DNA bands with as little as 0.2 ug or
as much as 10 ug ofDNs; per well. In addition, the large buffer volume limits
heating during gel electrophoresis. If other gel systems are used, the amount
of DNA should be adjusted accordingly.
Standard protocol 1. Seal the opened ends of the gel casting tray with tape. Regular labeling
tape or electrical insulation tape can be used. Check that the teeth of the
comb are about 0.5 mm above the gel bottom. To adjust this height, it is
most convenient to place a plastic charge card (e.g., MasterCard) under
the comb and adjust the comb height to a position where the card is
easily removed from under the comb.
2. Prepare 1500 ml of Ix TAE by adding 30 ml of a 50 x TAE stock solution
to a final volume of 1500 ml of deionized water.
3. Place 130 ml of the buffer into a 500 ml conical flask and add the appro-
priate amount of agarose. Weigh 1.0 g of agarose for a 0.8% agarose gel.
Melt the agarose by heating the solution in a microwave oven at full
power for approximately 3 minutes or by boiling for 10 minutes in a
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 177

boiling water bath. Swirl the agarose solution to ensure that the agarose
is dissolved; that is, no agarose particles are visible. If evaporation occurs
during melting, adjust the volume to 150 ml with deionized water.
Note: The efficient range of separation of DNA molecules in 0.8% Seakem"
agarose is 800 to 10 000 bp. See Table 1 for other size ranges and agarose
4. Cool the agarose solution to approximately 60 °C and add 5 ul of ethi-
dium bromide stock solution. Slowly pour the agarose into the gel cast-
ing tray. Remove any air bubbles by trapping them in 10 ml pipette.
Safety Note: Ethidium bromide is a mutagen and suspected carcinogen.
Contact with skin should be avoided. Wear gloves when handling ethi-
dium bromide solution and gels containing ethidium bromide.
5. Position the comb approximately 1.5em from the edge of the geLLet the
agarose solidify for about 30 to 60 minutes. After the agarose has soli-
dified, remove the comb with a gentle back and forth motion, taking care
not to tear the geL
6. Remove the tape from the ends of the gel casting tray and place the tray
on the central supporting platform of the gel box.
Safety Note: For safety purposes, the electrophoresis apparatus should
be always placed on the laboratory bench with the positive electrode
(red) facing away from the investigator, that is, away from the edge
of the bench.
7. Add electrophoresis buffer to the buffer chamber until it reaches a level
approximately 0.5-1 em above the surface of the geL
8. Load the samples into the wells using a yellow tip. Place the tip under the
surface of the electrophoresis buffer just above the welL Expel the sam-
ple slowly, allowing it to sink to the bottom of the welLTake care not to
spill the sample into a neighboring well. During sample loading, it is very
important not to place the end of the tip into the sample well or touch the
edge of the well with the tip. This can damage the well resulting in un-
even or smeared bands. The DNA size standard should be loaded in the
first well from the left. This is because many computer programs that are
used for calculating DNA fragment size require the size standard in this
Note: Samples must be loaded in sequential sample wells. Do not "skip"
wells when loading fewer samples than number of wells. In this case,
load DNA samples in wells at the center of the geL

9. Place the lid on the gel box and connect the electrodes. DNA will travel
toward the positive (red) electrode positioned away from the edge of the
laboratory bench. Turn on the power supply. Adjust the voltage to about
1 to 5 Vfcm. For example if the distance between electrodes (not the gel
length) is 40 ern, to obtain a field strength of 3 Vfcm, voltage should be
set to 120 V. Continue electrophoresis until the tracking dye moves at
least half of the gel length. It will take the tracking dye approximately
3-5 hours to reach this position on a gel 20 cm long.
Note: For best separation of large fragments of eukaryotic DNA, electro-
phoresis should be carried out at field strength of 1 V f ern or less. For a stan-
dard electrophoresis apparatus with 40 ern between electrodes the voltage
setting should be 35 V and time of electrophoresis approximately 12 to 17
hours (overnight).
10. Turn the power supply off and disconnect the positive (red) lead from
the power supply. Remove the gel from the electrophoresis chamber.
Trim the gel to the desired size discarding pieces that do not contain
Safety Note: To avoid electric shock always disconnect red (positive)
lead first.
11. Place the gel on a UV illuminator, cover it with a transparent acetate
sheet and draw the outline of the gel with a felt pen. Mark the position
of the wells and position ofvisible DNA bands. Do not forget to mark the
position of DNA bands in the standard lanes. It is very important that
your drawing be as precise as possible. Label the contents ofeach well on
the acetate sheet and mark the bottom left corner of the gel. This sche-
matic drawing can be used to locate the positions of the hybridized
bands on the autoradiogram of the Southern blot.
Safety Note: Ultraviolet light can damage the retina of the eye and cause
severe sunburn. Always use safety glasses and a protective face shield to
view the gel. Work in gloves and wear a long-sleeved shirt or labcoat
when operating UV illuminators.
12. You can photograph the gel using Polaroid film 667 and a Polaroid cam-
era at a speed of 1 and F8 or use a computer imaging system to record the
results (see Introduction, Principle of agarose gel electrophoresis of
DNA for details). It is not necessary to photograph the gel with a ruler
because the location of hybridized bands can be directly determined
from the schematic drawing prepared in step 11.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 179

High resolution agarose electrophoresis

This procedure uses Metal'hor'" agarose that has twice the resolution cap-
abilities of standard agarose. DNA fragments that differ by only 4 bp can be
resolved using this matrix in the size range between 40 to 800 bp. Meta-
Phor" agarose has approximately the resolution power of standard poly-
acrylamide gels. This agarose is particularly useful for separation of PCR
DNA fragments can be recovered easily from the gel using standard re-
covery techniques. The concentrations of Metal'hor" gels for various DNA
sizes suggested by manufacturer are presented in Table 1and mobility of the
standard tracking dyes, bromophenol blue and xylene cyano l, are presented
in Tables 2 and 3.
1. Use a minigel casting tray when working with this agarose (e.g., gel size: Agarose
7.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 0.4 ern). Preparing smaller gels limits the cost and does electrophoresis
not affect resolution of DNA bands. Seal the ends of the gel casting tray protocol
with tape. Regular labeling tape or electrical insulation tape can be used .
Check that the bottom of the comb is about 0.5 mm above the gel bot-
tom. To adjust this height it is most convenient to place a plastic charge
card (for example, MasterCard) at the bottom of the tray and adjust the
comb height to a position where it is easy to remove card from under the
2. Prepare 500 ml of 1xTAE by adding 10mlofa 50 xTAE stock solution to
490 ml of deionized water.
3. Place 30 ml of the buffer into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask and add the
appropriate amount of agarose. For example, use 0.75 g of agarose
for a standard 2.5% gel. Allow the powder to swell in the buffer for
at least 25 minutes. Melt the agarose by heating the solution in a micro-
wave oven at full power for 20 to 30 seconds at a time, until the agarose is
fully dissolved. The Metal'hor" agarose is more difficult to melt than
regular agarose since it "boils over" very easily. If evaporation occurs
during melting, adjust the volume to 30 ml with deionized water.
4. Cool the agarose solution to approximately 60 °C and add 1 ul of ethi-
dium bromide stock solution. Slowly pour the agarose into the casting
tray. Remove any air bubbles by trapping them in 10 ml pipette.
Safety Note: Ethidium bromide is a mutagen and suspected carcinogen.
Avoid contact with skin . Wear gloves when handling ethidium bromide
solution and gels containing ethidium bromide.

S. Position the sample comb at approximately 1.0 em from the edge of the
gel. Let the agarose solidify for about 30 minutes. To achieve maximum
resolution, after the Metal'hor" has solidified, transfer the gel to a 4 °C
refrigerator for 30 minutes.
6. Remove the comb with a gentle back and forth motion, taking care not to
tear the gel. Remove the tape from the ends of the gel casting tray and
place the tray on the central supporting platform of the buffer chamber.
Safety Note: For safety purposes the electrophoresis apparatus should
always be placed on the laboratory bench with the positive electrode
(red) facing away from the investigator, that is, away from the edge
of the bench.
7. Add electrophoresis buffer to the buffer chamber until it reaches a level
approximately 0.5 to 1 ern above the surface of the gel.
8. Load the samples into the wells using a yellow tip. Place the tip under the
surface of the electrophoresis buffer and above the sample well opening.
Deliver the sample slowly, allowing it to sink to the bottom of the well.
During loading it is very important not to place the tip into the well or
touch the edge of the well with it. This can damage the well resulting in
uneven or smeared bands. DNA size standards should be loaded in the
first well from left. This is because many computer programs that are
used for calculating DNA fragment size require the size standard in this
Note: Samples should always be loaded in sequential sample wells . Do not
"skip" wells when loading fewer samples than number of wells. If a small
number of samples is electrophoresed, place them in the sample wells at the
center of the gel.
9. Place the lid on the gel box and connect the electrodes. DNA will travel
toward the positive (red) electrode positioned away from the edge of the
laboratory bench. Turn on the power supply. Adjust the voltage to ob-
tain field strength about 1 to 5 V/cm. For example, if the distance be-
tween electrodes (not the gel length) is 20 em, to obtain a field strength of
3 V/cm, the power supply should be set to 60 V. Continue electrophor-
esis until the tracking dye moves at least 2/3 of the gel length. It should
take the tracking dye approximately 30 to 40 minutes to reach this po-
sition using approximately 70 to 90 volts for a gel 10 cm long.
10. Turn the power off and disconnect the leads from the power supply.
Safety Note: To avoid electric shock always disconnect red (positive)
lead first.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 181

11. Remove the gel tray from the electrophoresis chamber and place it on
an UV illuminator. Photograph the gel using Polaroid film 667 and
a Polaroid camera at speed 1 and F stop 8 or use a computer imaging
system to record results .
Safety Note: Ultraviolet light can damage the retina of the eye and cause
severe sunburn. Always use safety glasses and a protective face shield to
view the gel. Work in gloves and wear a long-sleeved shirt or labcoat
when working with the UV illuminator.

Recovery of DNA fragments from agarose gels

Two protocols to recover DNA fragments from agarose are given: The first
protocol uses silica powder, and the second, a GELaseenzyme mixture that
digests agarose. The silica powder method is very fast but frequently there is
poor recovery of very small or very large fragments. Moreover some DNA
fragments cannot be eluted from silica powder. The GELase method is ex-
pensive and requires more time, but gives nearly 100% recovery of all sizes
of DNA fragments. This method should be used if the first method fails to
give satisfactory results. A schematic out line of the procedures is shown in
Figure 2.

This protocol describes recovery of DNA fragments using Elu-Quick silica Silica powder
matrix manufactured by Schleicher & Schuell. This procedure can be used to protocol
elute DNA fragments from low-melting point agarose . This kit gives better
recovery of large DNA fragments than other kits commercially available.
1. Prepare an agarose gel as described in the main protocol. Use the TAE
buffer system. It is not possible to recover DNA fragments from gels
made in TBE buffer. Consult Table 1 for the concentration of gel to
use for best separation of the DNA fragments to be isolated. To protect
DNA fragments from damage by UV light during fragment excision, use
1 mM guanosine or cytosine in the electrophoresis buffer. Run gel elec-
trophoresis using the conditions described in the general protocol for
agarose gel electrophoresis.
2. Prepare microfuge tubes for extraction by weighing them and recording
their weight.
3. Place the gel on a UV-B light transilluminator (313 nm) and, using a
sharp scalpel or razor blade, cut out the slice of agarose containing
the band of interest. Cut the smallest slice of agarose possible. Collect

Silica Powder Protocol GELase Protocol

Gel Electrophoresis of DNA Gel Electrophoresis of DNA

Excising Gel Fragment Excising Gel Fragment

Dissolving Agarose Fragment Melting Agarose Fragment

Incubation with Silica Powder Incubation with GELase

Centrifugation Ethanol Precip itation

Washing with Buffer (2x) Centrifugation

Centrifugation (2x) Washing with Ethanol

Reducing Salt Concent ration Centrifugation

Centrifugation Rehydration of DNA

Elution of DNA

Fig. 2. Schematic outline of the procedure .

the gel slice in the pre-weighed microfuge tube. Weigh the tube with the
agarose slice and calculate the volume of agarose, assuming that 100 mg
of gel has 100 ul of volume.
4. Add 2.8 volumes of binding buffer. Incubate the tube containing the gel
slice at 50 °C to 65 °C for 5 minutes or until the gel is completely melted.
5. Vortex the tube with silica to suspend settled particles. Add 20 ul ofsilica
to the tube and mix by inverting several times. Twenty ).ll of silica sus-
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 183

pension will bind approximately 2.5 Ilg of DNA. Add enough binding
buffer to give a ratio of 3:1 of binding buffer plus silica to the volume of
agarose slice. For example, if200 IIIof agarose was dissolved in 560 IIIof
binding buffer (2.8 volumes) and 20 IIIofsilica solution was used, add 20
III of binding buffer to obtain this ratio (560 + 20 +20 = 600; 600/200 =3).
6. Incubate the tube at room temperature for 10 minutes. Occasionally mix
the silica suspension by gently inverting the tube. Do not vortex the tube
because this will shear large DNA fragments. For better recovery of small
DNA fragments incubate at 55 °C rather than room temperature.
7. Centrifuge at 10 000 rpm for 30 seconds to pellet silica particles. Using a
pipette tip, remove all of the supernatant.
8. Add 500 III ofwashing buffer to the tube. Gently pipette up and down to
resuspend the pelleted silica. Use blue Pipetman tip with a cut off end for
this procedure. The pellet should appear flocculent.
9. Centrifuge the tube at room temperature at 10000 rpm for 30 seconds.
Remove the supernatant using a P1000 Pipetman.
10. Repeat the washing procedure described in steps 8 and 9 one more time.
11. Add 500 IIIof salt reduction buffer and gently resuspend the silica pellet
as described in step 8. To limit DNA shearing be sure to use a cut off
pipette tip.
12. Centrifuge the tube at room temperature at 10000 rpm for 30 seconds.
Remove the supernatant with a Pipetman (P200). Centrifuge the tube
again at 10 000 rpm for 30 second and remove residual supernatant
with a Pipetman (P200) fitted with capillary tip.
13. Add 20 to 50 III of water or TE to the silica pellet. Gently resuspend the
pellet by pipetting up and down using a tip with a cut off end.
14. Incubate at 55 °Cfor 10 minutes to release the DNA from the silica par-
15. Centrifuge at room temperature at maximum speed for 5 minutes. Col-
lect the supernatant con taining the DNA fragment into a fresh micro-
fuge tube.
Note: DNA sample solution is sometimes contaminated with a small amount
of silica particles. The particles can interfere with the activity of some en-
zymes. In particular, ligase is adversely affected by these particles. In general,
it is good practice to briefly centrifuge the solution before using the DNA.

GELase protocol This protocol is a modification of the protocol recommended by the man-
ufacturer of the enzyme, GELase. GELase can digest agarose gels that have
been electrophoresed in many commonly used electrophoresis buffers, in-
cluding TAE, TBE, MOPS and TPE. Ethidium bromide in the gel does not
affect GELase activity. However, the activity of the enzyme is decreased
when TBE buffer is used .
1. Prepare the agarose gel as described in the general protocol. Use low-
melting temperature agarose such as Seal'laque" instead of regular agar-
ose to build the gel. Consult Table 1 for the appropriate concentration of
gel to use for the fragment size to be separated. For fragments larger than
10000 bp, use a 1% gel. To protect DNA fragments from damage by UV
light during excision, use 1 mM guanosine or cytosine in the electro-
phoresis buffer. Run gel electrophoresis using the conditions described
in the general protocol.
2. Place the gel on a UV-B light transilluminator (313 nm) . Using a sharp
scalpel or razor blade cut out a slice of agarose containing the band of
interest. Cut the smallest slice of agarose possible to reduce the amount
of enzyme needed.
3. Transfer the gel slice to a microfuge tube. Incubate it at 68 °C to 70 °C
until the gel is completely melted. This process usually takes about 15
minutes. Be sure that no unmelted gel fragments remain. Measure the
volume of liquid using cut off yellow tip.
4. Add 2 IIIof 50 x GELase buffer per 100IIIof melted agarose. Mix well by
inverting the tube 2 to 3 times. Do not pipette the solution up and down
because this can shear large DNA fragments.
5. Place the tube into a 45 °Cwater bath and equilibrate the molten gel to 45
"C. It takes less than 5 minutes for 100III of gel to reach this temperature.
Larger volumes may require a longer time.
6. Add 1 unit of GELase per 300 IIIof molten 1-% Seal'laque" or NirSieve'"
agarose gel. To avoid re-gelling, do not remove the tube from the water
bath when adding enzyme . Mix enzyme with molten agarose by gently
stirring with the pipette tip while holding the tube in the water bath.
Incubate the reaction for 2 hours at 45 °C. Make sure that the tube is
completely immersed in water to prevent the agarose from gelling.
Note: For agarose concentrations other than 1%, the units of GELase should
be adjusted proportionally. Use 2 units ofGELasefor 300 mg of a 2% gel that
was run in TAE. Also, the amount of gel digested by GELase is approxi-
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 185

mately proportional to incubation time. One unit of GELase will digest 600
mg of a 1% gel run in TAE buffer in 2 hours at 40 °C to 45 "C. For longer
incubations, add a little extra enzyme to compensate for any loss of GELase
activity. When digesting a large quantity of agarose, the incubation can be
carried out at 40 °C for 12 hours.
7. Add 0.5 volume of7.5 M ammonium acetate to the solution. Mix well by
inverting the tube several times.
8. Add 2 volumes of 95% ethanol and mix gently by inverting the tube
several times . For example, 100 III of digested gel to which 50 III of am-
monium acetate was added will require 300 III (ISO x 2) of95% ethanol.
9. Place the tube in a centrifuge, orienting the attached end of the tube lid
pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge at maximum
speed for 10to 15minutes at room temperature (see Figure 2, Chapter 2).
10. Open the lid of the tube and remove it from the centrifuge holding it by
the lid. Pour off ethanol into an Erlenmeyer flask. Invert the tube and
touch the lip of the tube to the rim of the flask. Hold the tube until all
ethanol has drained. Some ethanol may remain in the tube . Place the
tubes back into the centrifuge in the same orientation as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this may dislodge the pellet.
11. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding the P1000 Pi-
petman vertically (see Figure 3, Chapter 2), slowly deliver the ethanol to
the side ofthe tube opposite the pellet. Do not start the centrifuge, in this
step centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps the tube at an
angle convenient for ethanol washing. Remove the tube from the cen-
trifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Discard ethanol as before. Place the
tube back into the centrifuge and wash with 70% ethanol one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to wash the pellet quickly without
centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging is time consum-
ing and frequently leads to a substantial loss of material.
12. After the last ethanol wash, place tubes back into centrifuge with the side
of the tube containing the pellet facing away from the center of rotation.
It is not necessary to close the tubes. Start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds.
This will collect the ethanol remaining on the sides of the tube. Remove
all ethanol from the bottom of the tube using a Pipetman (P200) with a
capillary tip.

Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA very difficult if not impossible.
13. Add 20 to 30 ul of sterile water or TE buffer to rehydrate the DNA pellet.
Use minigel electrophoresis to check the efficiency of DNA recovery.


Photographs of an ideal gel and gels with the most common errors in agar-
ose gel electrophoresis are illustrated in Figures 3 to 5. Effect of gel over-
loading and puncturing the bottom of the well are presented in Figure 3.
Figure 4A presents the effect of a poorly formed well and Figure 4B shows
the effect of electrophoresis at excessively high voltage. Figure 5 illustrates a
gel that was made with diluted buffer or with water.

Problems with DNA fragments recovery

Poor recovery of DNA fragments is a frequent problem in recovery of DNA

fragments from gels using silica powder or GELase.

Fig. 3. Gel electrophoresis of standard DNA with increasing amounts of DNA. Lane, 0.5 Ilg,
lane 2, l ug, lane 3, 21lg lane 3, -t ug, lane 5, 41lg. Lane 6 has 0.5 ug of DNA but shows the effect
of a well that has punctured bottom.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 187


1 2 3 4
Fig. 4. Gel electrophoresis of DNA at normal (A) and high (B) voltage. Gel A was electro-
phoresed at a field strength of 4V/cm and gel B at 26V/cm. Lanes lA and lB lambda
DNA standard restricted with Hind III. Lanes 2A and 2B 1 kb DNA ladder standards. Lanes
3A and 3B Boehringer Mannheim DNA standard III and lanes 4A and 4B are lambda DNA
restricted with Bst Ell. Lane 5A is the same as lane lA with a poorly formed weLl

Fig. 5. Electrophoresis of DNA

using a gel prepared in water.
Lane 1 lambda DNA restricted
with Hind III. Lane 2 DNA 1 kb
ladder standard. Lane 3 Boehrin-
ger Mannheim DNA standard III
and lanes 4 lambda DNA re-
stricted with Bst Ell.

1 2 3 4

Silica powder Poor recovery is associated with:

• Inadequate solubilization of the agarose resulting from incorrect esti-
mation of the volume of the agarose slice.
Addition of more binding solution or longer incubation in binding buf-
fer usually helps to overcome this problem.
• Irreversible binding of the fragments to the silica particles.
Small DNA fragments of200-500 bp frequently bind very strongly to the
matrix. Raising the temperature during the binding step from room
temperature to 55 °C often facilitates better recovery. Also, some large
fragments bind irreversibly to the silica. However, the higher binding
temperature does not improve recovery of the large fragments. The
best remedy to overcome the irreversible-binding problem with both
small and large fragments is to use the GELase recovery method.
• Mechanical shearing of DNA fragments.
Large DNA fragments (> 5000 bp) can be sheared while re-dissolving the
pellet or by binding to the surface of more than one particle. Use of wide-
bore pipette tips during all manipulations and careful, slow pipetting of
the silica slurry will minimize DNA destruction. However, one can ex-
pect to recover only 50-60% of the large fragments when using the silica
particle method. For better recovery of large fragments, the GELase
method should be used.
• Poor elution of fragments from the slurry in the last step (step 13) of the
This usually results from inadequately lowering the salt concentration
with salt reduction buffer in step 11or too low temperature in the elution
step. Repeating the salt-lowering step or raising the elution temperature
to 60 °C can help remedy this problem.

GELase method Inadequate recovery using this method results from incomplete agarose
digestion due to:
• Too high temperature during enzymatic treatment.
The enzyme is inactivated very quickly at temperatures above 45 °C.Too
short temperature equilibration at step 5 is the most common cause of
such inactivation .
• Incomplete melting of the agarose slice.
Increasing the time of incubation at step 3 and careful inspection of the
melted slurry will remedy this problem.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 189

• Re-gelling of melted agarose during incubation with enzyme.

GELase can digest only melted agarose. The tube must be fully immersed
in the water bath during treatment for successful recovery of the frag-
• Inhibition of enzyme activity by electrophoresis buffer.
This problem sometimes occurs when very large agarose slices are used
or when TBE buffer is used. The manufacturer of the enzyme recom-
mends incubating the agarose slices in GELase reaction buffer for sev-
eral hours at room temperature to remove electrophoresis buffer from
the slice before melting the agarose .


Adamson AW (1976) Physical chemistry of surfaces. John Willey & Sons Pub New York.
Adkin s S, Burmeister M (1996) Visualization of DNA in agarose gels as migrating colored
bands: Application for preparative gels and educational demonstrations. Analytical
Biochem 240:17-23.
Baldwin RL (1995) A review of mini submarine electrophoresis gel boxes. BioConsumer
Rev. 2:4-10.
Brunk CF, Simpson L (1977) Comparison of various ultraviolet sources for fluorescent
detection of ethidium bromide-DNA comp lexes in polyacrylamide gels. Anal Bio-
chern 82:455-462.
Burmeister M, Lehrach H (1989) Isolation of a large DNA fragments from agarose gels
using agarase. Trends Genet 5:41.
Cariello NF, Keohavong P, Sanderson BJS,Thilly WG (1988) DNA damage produced by
ethidium bromide staining and exposure to ultraviolet light. Nucleic Acids Res
Davis RW, Botstein D, Roth JR (1980) A manual for genetic engineering. Advanced Bac-
terial Genetics. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pub Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
Dretzen G, Bellard M, Sassone Corsi P, Chambon P (1981) A reliable method for the
recovery of DNA fragments from agarose and acrylamide gels. Anal Biochem
Girvitz SC, Bacchetti S, Rainbow AJ, Graham FL (1980) A rapid and efficient procedure
for purification of DNA from agarose gels. Annal Biochem 106:492-496.
Griindemann D, Schomig E (1996) Protection of DNA during preparative agarose gel
electrophoresis against damage induced by ultraviolet light. BioTechniques
Hartman PS (1991) Transillumination can profoundly reduce transformation frequen-
cies. BioTechniques 11:747-748.
Helling RB, Goodman HM, Boyer HW (1974) Analysis of R.EcoRI Fragments of DNA
from lambdoid bacteriophages and other viruses by agarose gel electrophoresis.
J Virology 14:1235-1244
Himenz PC (1977) Principles of colloid and surface chemistry. Marcel Decker Pub .
Maueler WA, Kyas F, Brocker, Epplen JT (1994) Altered electrophoretic behavior of DNA
due to short-time UV-B irradiation. Electrophoresis 15:1499-1505 .

Nikogosyan DN (1990) Two-quantum UV photochemistry of nucleic acids: comparison

with conventional low intensity UV photochemistry and radiation chemistry. Int J
Radiation BioI 57:233-299.
Perbal B (1988) A practical guide to molecular cloning. 2nd edition. John Willey & Sons
Rand KN (19960 Crystal violet can be used to visualize DNA bands during gel electro-
phoresis and to improve cloning efficiency. Elsevier Trends Journals Technical Tips
on Line. Tip # T40022.
Sharp PA, Sugden B, Sambrook J (1973) Detection of two restriction endonuclease ac-
tivities in Haemophilius parainfluenzae using analytical agarose-ethidium bromide
electrophoresis. Biochemistry 12:3055-3060.
Scott TM, Dace GL, Atschuler M (1996) Low-cost agarose gel documentation system.
BioTechniques 21:68-72.
Sealey PG, Southern EM (1982) Gel Electrophoresis of DNA. In: Gel electrophoresis of
nucleic acids; a practical approach. Rickwood D and Hames BD Editors IRL Press.
Smith LS, Lewis TL, Mtsui SM (1995) Increased Yield of Small DNA Fragments Purified
by Silica Binding. BioTechniques 18:970-975.
Vogelstein B, Gillespie D (1979) Preparative and analytical purification of DNA from
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Weinand U, Schwarz Z, Felix G (1987) Preparative and analytical elution of nucleic acids
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Weislander L (1979) A simple method to recover intact high molecular weight RNA and
DNA after electrophoretic separation in low gelling temperature agarose gels. Annal
Biochem 98:305-309.


Suppliers of silica-based elution kits

Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. (

This kit uses pre-packed glass fiber spin columns for recovery of DNA from
TAE or TBE buffered agarose gels. Size range is 100 to 10 000 bp with re-
covery claimed to be about 60 to 80%.
Ambion, Inc. (
The GeniePrep( kit uses silica fiber in convenient spin cartridges. DNA frag-
ments larger than 45 bp can be purified. The upper limit of DNA size is not
Bio 101, Inc. (
This company offers three kits based on a proprietary silica matrix GLASS-
MILK@. Size range of DNA fragments that can be purified with these ma-
trices is between 200 bp to 20000 bp. For DNA fragments below 200 bp, the
company offers a specially developed matrix, GLASSFOG®.
8 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA 191

Bio-Rad Laboratories (

Two kits are offered. Both kits use diatomaceous earth rather than a glass-
based matrix. The matrix has a higher banding capacity than glass-based
matrices and a size range 200 to 50 000 bp. DNA of200 to 400 bp binds with
varying efficiency that depends on the nature of the fragment.
Clontech Laboratories, Inc . (
Kit contains a uniform-size silica matrix that binds DNA fragments of200 to
20000 bp. Recovery up to 90% is claimed. Kit can be used with TAE and TBE
buffered agarose gels.

Eppendorf 5' (

This kit uses silica-based matrix. DNA fragments larger than 200 bp can be
purified with this kit.

Life Technologies BRL (www.lifetech.corn)

Kit uses a spin cartridge with silica-based membrane to bind DNA. Up to
50)Jg of DNA can be purified by a single cartridge. DNA size range is 200 to
50000 bp .
Qiagen, Inc . (
This kit uses a silica-gel membrane in a spin column to bind DNA. Buffers
supplied have pH indicators to optimize DNA recovery. DNA in the size
range of 70 to 10 000 bp is recovered with 70 to 80 % efficiency. Kit can
be used with TAE or TBE buffered agarose gels.

Roche Molecular Biochemicals, formerly Boehringer Mannheim.

This kit uses a silica matrix capable of recovering DNA fragments in the
range of 400 to 9500 bp with 80% efficiency.

Schleicher & Schuell (

Sized, rod-shaped, glass particles that reduce DNA shearing are used to bind
DNA. Isolation ofvery large DNA fragments is possible (up to 2 000000 bp) .
Recovery of small (200 bp) DNA fragments is clamed to be 70 to 90%.

Sigma Chemical Co. (

Kit uses an aqueous, glass particle suspension. The effective size range is 200
to 20 0000 bp with 70 to 90% recovery.
Chapter 9 PROTOCOL

Preparation of Probes for Hybridization



Preparat ion of probes for hybridization involves in vitro incorporation of

reporter molecu les into nucleic acids. These reporters can be incorporated
at one or both ends of nucleic acid molecules, giving specific, low density
labeled pro bes. High density labeling is usually achieved by incorporating
the reporters uniformly throughout entire length of nucleic acid molecules.
For hybridization work internally labeled probes are preferred since they
provide the strongest hybridization signal.
Two types of reporter molecules are presently in use, radioactive repor-
ters and nonradioactive reporters. Radioactive reporters are usually tagged
with 32p or 35S isotopes and can be directly detected. Nonradioactive repor-
ters can be fluorescent tags, permitting their direct detection, or specific
ligands such as biotin, haptens and hapten-like molecules, the detection
of which is indirect.
Direct conjugation of reporter enzyme to the probe is used to detect the
probe. Probes obtained by these methods have lower levels of background,
thus allowing longer exposure time and consequently better sensitivity. The
presence of enzyme (conjugated to the probe) during hybridization requires
modification of the standard hybridization protocol to protect the enzyme
from inactivation. This makes direct labeling procedures much less conve-
nient and therefore less popular.
Indirect detection is carried out using enzymatic reactions catalyzed by
either horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase. These enzymes can
be conjugated directly to a secondary molecule that has a very high affinity
for a specific ligand (for example biotin-avidin complexes) or they can be
conjugated to antibody against a hapten tag. Since enzymes are only used
for detection of labeled hybrids and are not present during hybridization,
standard hybridization protocols can be used . This accounts for the wider
use of indirect methods over direct detection procedures.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 193

Two types of substrates are used to detect enzyme activity at the site of
hybridization. Colorimetric detection uses a soluble, colorless substrate
that is converted into an insoluble, colored product precipitated directly
on the membrane. Chemiluminescent detection uses a chemiluminescent
substrate that is converted by enzyme into a light-emitting substance easily
detected by standard photographic film. The sensitivity of the chemilumi-
nescent method is much greater than the colorimetric method and even
exceeds the sensitivity of radioactive labeling (Kessler et al., 1990; Holtke
et al., 1990).Chemiluminescent substrates now in use allow the detection of
0.03 pg or less DNA on the membrane in about 1 to 2 hours. The same
amount of DNA would require 17 to 20 hours of exposure to detect a
32p labeled probe.
Preparation of uniformly labeled probes, independent of the nature of
the reporter, is carried out using four basic procedures: nick translation,
random priming, RNA probe synthesis and PCR. Table 1 summarizes
the major properties of these four methods.

Nick translation

E. coli DNA polymerase I using reporter tagged substrate (dNTP) synthe-

sizes newly labeled DNA. Single-stranded nicks are introduced at random in
the double-stranded DNA template with DNA exonuclease, DNase I. DNA
polymerase I initiates DNA synthesis at the 3' end of the nick, whereas at the
5' end of the nick, the 5' to 3' exonuclease activity of this enzyme excises
nucleotides. The position of the nick is "translated" down stream, with la-
beled nucleotides replacing non-labeled nucleotides between the original
site of the nick and the new position of the nick. The resulting probe is la-
beled on both strands with labeled (newly synthesized) DNA interspersed
with unlabeled (original template) DNA. The method works best with linear
DNA fragments that are larger than 500 bp. The specific activity of these
probes is somewhat lower, as compared to other methods, but nick-trans-
lated probes generally give very strong hybridization signals (Davis et al.,

Random priming

Double-stranded DNA is denatured and DNA polymerase synthesizes a

newly labeled DNA by template-dependent extensions of random hexamer
primers (Feinberg and Vogelstein, 1983). Polymerases lacking 5' to 3' exo-

Table 1. Comparison of features of uniformly labeled probes prepared by different

Nick Random RNA PCR
Translation Primer Synthesis
Template ds DNA ds DNA or ss ds DNA ds DNA
Template Linear or Linear Linear or Linear or
optimal form circular circular circular
Nature of the probe dsDNA dsDNA RNA dsDNA
Self-hybridization of Yes Yes No Yes (No)
the probe
Amount of probe up to 1 Ilg 20-500 ng -300 ng Unlimited
Probe length -500 bp 100-200 bp Defined Defined
Insert specific No No Yes Yes
Requirement No No Yes No or Yes
for subcloning
Density of High Very high Very high Very high
nonradioactive label
Radioactive -2 x 109 5-8 X 109 5-8 X 109 not used
label (dpm/ug)
Labeling time -2 hours 2-16 hours -1 hour 1-2 hours
Sensitivity in ++ +++ ++ +++
Southern blots
Sensitivity in + ++ +++ +++
Northern blots
Colony/plaque ++ +++ not used +++
Dot blots ++ +++ not used +++

nuclease activity, such as Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I, are

used in this reaction. The template strand remains unlabeled whereas the
newly synthesized strand is completely labeled. The enzyme can initiate and
synthesize several new strands from every template, resulting in net syn-
thesis of large amounts of labeled product, many times exceeding the
amount of template input. For this reason the specific activity of probe pro-
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 195

duced by random priming is very high. Consequently, the radioactive

probes, prepared this way, can be used only for a limited time because
they disintegrate very quickly due to isotopic decay. The method is rela-
tively insensitive to the purity of the DNA template or its size, and creates
probes from 100to 600 bp long. Random priming is particularly well suited
for preparation of nonradioactive probes because their high specific activity
does not result in decay with time.

PCR probes

Two alternative techniques are used to prepare probes using PCR. In the
first procedure, uniformly labeled probes are generated by incorporation
of a tagged nucleotide during PCR (Kessler 1992; McCreery and Helenti-
jaris, 1994: Yamaguchi at al., 1994). In the second approach, a large number
of specific DNA target molecules are synthesized by PCR that are subse-
quently used as a template to prepare random-primer or nick-translated
probes (Rost, 1995). PCR labeling can be done either using genomic tem-
plate without cloning the DNA fragment in question, or from a DNA frag-
ment cloned into plasmid. Specific primers are required for the former, but
not for the later PCR procedure. Advantages of generating DNA probes by
PCR are numerous. First, large amounts of probe with high label density can
be synthesized from very little DNA. Second, probes can be prepared using
either purified or partially purified DNA as the source of the template.
Third, preparation of the probe is highly flexible and does not depend
on restriction enzyme site location. Fourth, it is possible to prepare specific,
single-stranded probes using a single primer. The main disadvantage, is the
difficulty in amplifying most sequences larger than 3000 bp in length.

RNA probes

This method generates single-stranded RNA probes using in vitro tran-

scription by bacteriophage RNA polymerase. The probe sequences are
cloned in a plasmid next to a sequence specific promoter using SP6, T7
or T3 RNA polymerases. After transcribing a single-stranded RNA frag-
ment, the double-stranded DNA template is degraded with DNase giving
strand-specific RNA probe that does not self-hybridize. The RNA probes
can be used in Southern and Northern hybridization, as well as in ribonu-
clease protection assays. Large amounts of highly specific probes of very
high specific activity can be prepared with this method. Frequently,

RNA based probes show higher sensitivity than equivalent nick-translated

or random-primer probes. This is probably due to the comparatively high
stability of DNA:RNA hybrids, over DNA:DNA hybrids and that reanneal-
ing of the probe to itself does not occur during hybridization. Disadvantages
of using RNA probes are (a) the possibility of their degradation by RNase;
(b) the necessity to re-clone target DNA sequences into plasm ids with RNA
polymerase promoters, and (c) the inability to reuse the same hybridization
mixture due to the destruction of the probe during hybridization. RNA
probes also generate very high background in filter hybridization when la-
beled with radioactive tags. This problem is not encountered when using
nonradioactive probes.

Experimental procedures

All three procedures mentioned above are presented in this chapter. Label-
ing protocols for radioactive, as well as for nonradioactive, digoxigenin-
labeled DNA and RNA are described. Nonradioactive probes have numer-
ous advantages over radioactively labeled probes. Non-radioactive probes
deliver equivalent sensitivity in a much shorter exposure time. They are
stable, and once prepared, can be stored indefinitely. Preparation and
use of the probes are safer and avoid the regulatory and cost issues asso-
ciated with radioactivity. The stability of these probes permits the reuse of
the hybridization mixture saving time and expense. Boehringer Mannheim
introduced labeling probes with digoxigenin. This label has some additional
advantages over use of other nonradioactive labeling systems. First, in our
hands and others, DIG-labeled probes cause much less nonspecific back-
ground (McCreery and Helentijaris, 1994). Second, after synthesis of the
probe, it is not necessary to remove unincorporated nucleotides. Third,
standard hybridization conditions, identical to those of radioisotope-
labeled probes, can be used. Incorporation of other nonradioactive labels,
such as biotin, requires altering standard hybridization conditions (Leary et
al., 1983). Fourth, digoxigenin is a very stable molecule and is not sensitive
to most extreme conditions of storage and hybridization. This is not the case
with other frequently used hapten-based labeling tags such as fluorescein,
which is sensitive to prolonged light exposure. Fifth, a quick and simple
assay exists to measure digoxigenin incorporation, permitting quantifica-
tion of labeled probe. The procedures described here essentially follow
those recommended by the manufacturer with some minor modifications.
These protocols can be used for preparing probes labeled, not only with
digoxigenin, but also with other reporters, including radioactive isotopes.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 197

A brief description of other commercially available, nonradioactive labeling

kits are given at the end of this chapter.

I Subprotocol 1
Random Priming
This protocol labels 10 ng to 3 Ilg of DNA in a single reaction. The yield
depends on the purity of the template and the time of labeling. Satisfactory
labeling is usually achieved with 50 to 300 ng of template in 2 hours. Ex-
tending the incubation for 20 hours (overnight) will increase the yield three-
fold to fourfold. To detect a single gene in a large genome, using a standard
hybridization procedure with 10ml of hybridization mixture requires 150to
250 ng oflabeled probe (15-25 ng/ml). The data presented in Table 2 can be
used to determine the amount of template and time necessary to synthesize
the desired amount of probe.
A schematic outline ofrandom priming procedures is shown in Figure 1.

Digoxigenin Labeling Radioactive Labeling Removal of Unicorporated
Protocol Protocol Radioactive Label

Template Denaturation Template Denaturation Spin Column Preparation

Centrifugation Centrifugation Centrifugation

Running Labeling Reaction Running Labeling Reaction Loading Sample

Collecting Labeled Sample Collecting Labeled Sample Centrifugation

Collecting Labeled Sample

Fig. 1. Schematic outline of the labeling procedures


Table 2. Amount of synthesized digoxigenin-labeled DNA using random a hexanu-

cleotide priming method
Time of Amount of template DNA used in labeling reaction
10 ng 30 ng 100 ng 300 ng 1000 ng 3000 ng
1 hour 15 ng 30 ng 60 ng 120 ng 260 ng 530 ng
20 hours 50 ng 120 ng 260 ng 500 ng 780 ng 890 ng

- Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I (2 u/ul)

- Select-D (RF) columns (Eppendorf 5' # 2-750616)
- 10 x Digooxigenin labeling mix (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1277
- dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP; 100 mM stock solutions set (Roche Molecu-
lar Biochemicals # 1277 049)
- DNA to be labeled
- [a 32Pl dCTP, 3000 Ci/mM (e.g., Amersham Life Sci. Inc. # AA0005) for
radioactive labeling only.
Solutions - 10 x Hexanucleotide Mixture
- 500 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.5
- 100 mM MgClz
- 1 mM DTT
- 2 mg/ml BSA
- 62.5 A260 U/ml random hexanucleotides
The solution is stored at -20 °C.It can be obtained from Roche Molecular
Biochemicals # 1277081.
- lOx Digoxigenin Labeling Mixture
- 1 mM of each dATP, dCTP and dGTP
- 0.65 mM dTTP
- 0.35 mM digoxigenin-11-dUTP (Roche Molecular Biochemicals #
1573 152)
The solution is adjusted to pH 7.5 and stored at -20 °C.This reagent can
be obtained from Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1277 065.
Note: All the solutions for digoxigenin random-primer labeling of DNA
probes are available in kit form from Roche Molecular Biochemicals #
1093 657 and # 1175 033
- TE Buffer
- 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.5 or 8.0
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 199

- 1 mM NazEDTA, pH 8.5
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4 "C.
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution, pH 8.5
Weigh an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
EDTA will not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using a concentrated NaOH solution or by add-
ing a small amount of pellets while mixing and monitoring the pH. Bring
the solution to a final volume with water and sterilize by filtration. The
EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room temperature.


Digoxigenin labeling

1. Place a sterilized 1.5 ml sterilized microfuge tube on ice and add DNA
(see Table 2). Bring the volume up to 10 III with sterilized water.
2. Denature the template DNA by placing the tube in a boiling water bath
for 3 minutes. Quickly cool the tube on ice. Centrifuge for 5 seconds to
recover all condensation accumulated on the side of the tube.
3. Place the tube back on ice and add 2 III of the hexanucleotide mixture
and 2 III of digoxigenin labeling mixture.
4. Add water to bring the total volume to 19 ul.
5. Mix the sample by vortexing briefly and centrifuge it for 30 seconds.
6. Start the labeling reaction by adding 1 III of Klenow fragment enzyme.
Mix well by pipetting up and down. Avoid vigorous mixing that may
result in loss of enzyme activity.
7. Incubate the reaction for at least 2 hours at 37 °C. Consult Table 2 for
other incubation times . Best results are obtained by synthesizing the
probe overnight.
8. Stop the labeling reaction by adding 1111 of 0.5 M EDTA,pH 8.5. Store the
probe at -20 °C.Probe can be stored at this temperature for several years.
Note: Removing unincorporated digoxigenin labeled nucleotide is not ne-
cessary. Measure the amount of digoxigenin incorporation using the pro-
tocol for estimation of DIG-dUTP concentration (see page 212).

Radioactive labeling

1. Place a 1.5ml sterilized microfuge tube on ice and add DNA (see Table 2).
Bring the volume up to 10 III with sterilized water.
2. Denature the template DNA by placing it in a boiling water bath for 3
minutes. Quickly cool the tube on ice. Centrifuge for 5 seconds to re-
cover all condensation accumulated on the side of the tube.
3. Select the labeled nucleotide to be used . Use of a 32p labeled dCTP is
recommended over other a 32p labeled dNTPs because of its high sta-
bility, particularly when probes of high specific activity are prepared.
The specific activity of dCTP should be 3000 Ci/mM at a concentration
of 10 mCi/ml.
4. Place the DNA on ice and add 2 III of hexanucleotide mixture. Mix by
pipetting up and down .
5. Add 3 III of cold nucleotide mixture. This mixture contains three unla-
beled dNTPs at a concentration of 1.5 mM each.
6. Add 5 III of radioactive dCTP to the tube .
Safety Note: Use a radioactive shield for this step and work in gloves.
7. Vortex the tube briefly and centrifuge it for 30 seconds in a microfuge.
8. Start the reaction by the addition of 1 III of Klenow enzyme. Mix by
pipetting up and down and centrifuge for 30 seconds in a microfuge.
9. Incubate the reaction for 30 to 60 minutes at 37 °C.
10. Stop the reaction by adding 1 III of 0.5 M EDTA.

Removing Removing un incorporated label is required for radioactive probes to lower

unincorporated background in Southern or Northern hybridization.
1. Separate unincorporated labeled nucleotides from labeled DNA using a
Select-D (RF) column. Remove the column from the bag and invert it
several times to resuspend the gel.
2. Remove top and bottom closures from the column. Remove the top clo-
sure first and the bottom closure second. Removing the closures in this
order prevents a vacuum from forming in the column that will make
draining the column buffer difficult.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 201

3. Place the column in a vertical position and let any excess buffer drain
from the column for 3 to 4 minutes. Usually 2 to 3 drops will flow from
the column.
4. Place the column in one of the collection tubes provided. Place the whole
assembly into a swinging bucket, tabletop centrifuge.
5. Centrifuge at 1100 x g for exactly 2 minutes. Begin timing from the mo-
ment the centrifuge reaches the desired speed.
6. Remove the column assembly from the centrifuge rubber adapter. For-
ceps may be necessary to assist you in removing the column and collec-
tion tube. Try to keep the column in a vertical position during this op-
eration. Discard the collection tube and collected buffer.
7. Place the column in a vertical stand. Add 50 III of the diluted labeling
reaction to the top of the gel bed. Add the liquid to the center of the bed,
avoid applying any sample to the side of the column.
8. Place this column in the second collection tube provided. Carefully place
column assembly into the centrifuge and centrifuge for 4 minutes at
1100 x g.
Note: The column is now highly radioactive, work in gloves.
9. Withdraw the column and collection tube from the rubber centrifuge
adapter using forceps. Discard the column into radioactive waste.
The collection tube contains purified sample. Cap the tube and store
at -20 °C. The best hybridization results are obtained when the probe
is used immediately. Using 32P-Iabeled probes more than 10 days old
is not recommended.


Low yields of nick translated probe with a low level of DIG-label result from
using impure template. Re-purifying the template usually helps in this case.
Purification can be performed by ammonium acetate-ethanol precipitation.
This procedure also helps to remove unincorporated label (McCreery and
Helentjaris, 1994).
High background, when radioactive probes are used, results from in-
complete removal of unincorporated radioactive nucleotide. Purifying
the probe remedies this problem. Low specific activity usually results
when old [a 32P]-dNTP is used (more than 20 days). Similarly, using old
probe will result in poor hybridization signals and higher background.

I Subprolocol 2
PCR Labeling Protocol
Digoxigenin-labeled deoxynucleotides, like digoxigenin ll-dUTP (DIG-
dUTP) can be used as a substrate by Taq polymerase in PCR. Sensitivity
of PCR-generated probes is very high for all types of applications and
the yield is higher than for other labeling methods (see Table 1). The effi-
ciency ofPCR, however, is decreased proportionally to the concentration of
DIG-labeled substrate. When using this method, one has to consider the
ratio of DIG-dUTP to dTTP in the labeling reaction because this ratio
will affect the yield and sensitivity of the synthesized probe. When more
DIG-dUTP is used, probe yield is less but sensitivity of the probe is higher.
The relationship between yield and the DIG-dUTP:dTTP ratio is described
by the equation: %probe yield = 100 x (DIGd-UTP:dTTP ratio) x 144. For
probe with a high density ofDIG dUTP, the ratio DIG dUTP:dTTP should be
between 0.5 (1:2) to 0.16 (1:6). To prepare low sensitivity probe for applica-
tions that do not require maximum sensitivity (for example, Southern blots
of plasmid DNA, library screening or colony hybridization) the ratio of
DIG-dUTP:dTTP should be between 0.16 (1:6) to 0.11 (1:9).
A schematic outline of the PCR labeling procedure is shown in Figure 2.


- Taq DNA polymerase (1 to 5 u/ul)

- DNA template (about 100ng/Lul for eukaryotic DNA; about 10 ng/ul for
plasmid DNA)
- Primers (1-10 IlM)
- dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP 100 mM stock solutions set (Roche Mo-
lecular Biochemicals # 1277 049).

Fig. 2. Schematic outline of the peR labeling pro -

Assembly of Reaction

Running PCR

Determination of Label
Solutions Concentration
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 203

- 10 X PCR Buffer
- 100 mM Tris-HCI; pH 8.3
- 500 mM KCI
- 15 mM MgCh
Buffer should be prepared using aIM stock solution of Tris-HCI ad-
justed to pH 8.3 at room temperature, sterilized by autoclaving for 20
minutes and stored at 4 "C. This buffer can be bought from Roche Mo-
lecular Biochemicals # 1271 318, or is supplied with Taq polymerase
(Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1146 165)
- 50 x dNTP (- dTTP) Mixture
- 10 mM dATP
- 10 mM dGTP
- 10 mM dCTP
Use 100 mM stocks of dATP, dCTP and dGTP to prepare dNTP (-dTTP)
mixture. Add 10 III of each dNTP to 70 III of steri lized water. Store at
-20 -c.
- 5 x DIG-dUTP Mixture
Dilute 100 mM dTTP stock solution to concentration of 1 mM (100 fold
dilution of a stock solution). Dilute DIG-dUTP solution to concentra-
tion of 1 mM. Use Table 3 to prepare DIG-dUTP mixture at the desired
DIG-dUTP:dTTP ratio. Store the mixture at -20 "C.

Table 3. Preparation of DIG-dUTP mixture

DIG dUTP :dTTP ratio Volume of 1 mM Volume of 1 mM dTTP (f..ll)

DIG-dUTP (f..ll)
0.5 (1:2) 33 67
0.33 (1:3) 25 75
0.25 (1:4) 20 80
0.16 (1:6) 14 86
0.11 (1:9) 10 90

Digoxigenin PCR labeling

1. Place a sterilized 0.5 ml microfuge tube on ice and add the ingredients
following outline presented below. First, calculate the amount of water
necessary for the desired volume and add it to the tube . Then add buffer
and the remaining components. Add enzyme last and mix by pipetting
up and down several times . Never mix by vortexing. Taq polymerase is
very sensitive to vortexing.
PCR Reaction Mixtures

Reagent 50 ul reaction 100 ul reaction Final concentration

10 x PCR buffer 5 !!l 10 ul 1x
50 x dNTP (-) 1 !!l 10 ul 200!!M each
5 x DIG-dUTP dTTP 10 ul 20 ul 200 ~IM total
Upstream primer 0.3-2.5 ul 0.5-5.0 !!l 0.1- 1.0 !!M
Downstream primer 0.3-2.5 !!l 0.5-5.0 !!l 0.1- 1.0 !!M
Eukaryotic DNA (l00 ng/ul) 1.0 ul 1.0 ul 100 ng
Prokaryotic DNA (l0 ng/ul) 1.0 ul 1.0 !!l 10 ng
Taq polymerase (l u/ul) 1.0 !!l 2.0 !!l 2 ullOO !!l
Water to 50 ul to 100 !!l

2. Add 25 III of mineral oil to each tube and centrifuge the tube for 5 sec-
onds in a microfuge. Addition of oil is easier if you cut off the end of the
yellow tip.
3. Amplify DNA using standard conditions. Typically these are: initial de-
naturation 95 °Cfor 3 minutes followed by 30 to 35 cycles consisting of
denaturation (D) at 94 °C for 30 seconds, annealing (A) at 60 °C for 30
seconds, elongation (E) at 72 °C for 5 minutes. The reaction is finished
with an extension step at 72 °C for 5 minutes.
4. Determine the concentration ofDIG-dUTP in the probe using the pro-
tocol for estimation of DIG-dUTP concentration (see page 212). Store
the probe at -20 °C. It is not necessary to remove unincorporated DIG-
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 205


Using the procedure described above, the incorporation ofDIG-dUTP label

is usually 20 to 50 ng/ul . Low incorporation (less than 20 ng/ul) can result
a. using a low ratio ofDIG-dUTP:dTTP particularly for GC rich templates,
b. incorrect template or primer concentration.
Failure to obtain any products may result from:
a. incorrect template or primer concentrations,
b. a low DIG-dUTP:dTTP ratio, particularly for AT rich templates,
c. too high concentration of template, and
d. incorrect annealing temperature.

Subprotocol 3
Preparation of RNA Probes
This protocol describes the preparation of DIG-labeled RNA probes. The
probes are labeled using SP6, T7 or T3 RNA polymerases. All three poly-
merases can use digoxigenin-labeled substrate with the same efficiency.
DNA to be used for preparation of the probe should be first subcloned
into a multiple cloning site next to the RNA polymerase promoter site.
The plasmid should be linearized at the restriction site downstream
from the cloned insert. This creates "run off" transcripts of uniform length.
To avoid transcription of sequences other than the insert a restriction en-
zyme that leaves a 5' overhang or blunt end should be used. The linearized
DNA should be purified by phenol/chloroform extraction. Normally about
1-10 )Jg of RNA probe is obtained using 1 )Jg of template.
Compared with DNA probes, preparation of RNA is more laborious be-
cause it requires more care to prevent RNase contamination. RNase-free
disposable tubes and pipette tips should be used, and gloves worn at all
times. A schematic outline of the preparation of RNA probes is shown
in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Schematic outline of the preparation of

Template Preparation RNA probes

Transcription Reaction

Removing DNA Template

Determination of Label


- SP6 RNA po lymerase, 20 u/ul (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 810 266)

T7 RNA polymerase, 20 u/~l (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 881 767)
T3 RNA polymerase, 20 u/~l (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1031 163)
- DNase, RNase free, 10 u/~l (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 776785)
- RNase inhibitor, 20 u/ul (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 7999 017)
- Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) Sigma Co. # D 5758
- DNA template (about 5 ~g/~ll)
- Phase Lock Gel (PLG l) microfuge tubes (Eppendorf 5' # pl-183 182).
PLG tubes contain a proprietary compound that, when centrifuged, mi-
grates to form a tight barrier between organic and aqueous phases (Mur-
phy and Hellwig, 1996). The interphase material is trapped in and below
this barrier allowing the complete and easy collection of the entire aqu-
eous phase free from contamination with organic solvents. The PLG bar-
rier also offers increased protection from exposure to organic solvents
used in deproteinization procedures. The tubes are not expensive and
are strongly recommend to use when phenol extraction is carried out in
microfuge tubes.
- Phenol:CIA mixture (PCl) (Eppendorf 5' # 1-737642).

Solutions - DEPC-treated Water

- 0.05% Diethyl pyrocarbonate
Mix DEPC with water and incubate at room temperature overnight.
Autoclave for 30 minutes to remove residual DEPC. Store at 4 °C.Use
this water to prepare all solutions.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 207

Note: DEPC treated water can be bought from Ambion # 9920.

Safety Note: Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) is a suspected carcinogen and
should be used in a fume hood.
- 10 x Transcription Buffer
- 400 mM Tris-HC1; pH 8.0
- 100 mM NaCl
- 60 mM MgCh
- 100 mM Dithioerythritol (DTE)
- 20 mM Spermidine
- 1u/ml RNase inhibitor
Buffer should be prepared using 1 M stock solution of Tris-HCl ad-
justed to pH 8.0 (20 "C) and sterilized by filtration. Buffer can be
bought from Roche Molecular Biochemicals as a part of RNA labeling
kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1175 025).
- 10 x NTP Mixture
- Tris-HCl 1 mM pH 7.5
- 10 mM ATP
- 10 mM CTP
- 10 mM GTP
- 6.5 mM UTP
- 3.5 mM DIG-UTP
Use 100 mM stocks of ATP, CTP and GTP to prepare NTP (-) mixture.
Add 10IIIof each NTP to 70 III ofsterilized water. Store at -20 "C. Mixture
can also be bought from Roche Molecular Biochemicals Co. # 1277073)
Note: All components necessary for synthesis of DIG-labeled RNA probes
can be bought as a kit from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1175025).
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution
Weigh out an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylendiami-
netetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and stir into distilled water. EDTA will
not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than 7.0. Adjust
the pH to 8.5 using concentrated NaOH solution or by adding a small
amount of pellets . Bring the solution to a final volume with water and
sterilize by filtration. EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at
room temperature.


Digoxigenin RNA labeling

Preparation 1. Linearize the template for transcription. Place a 1.5 ml microfuge tube
of template on ice and add ingredients in the order indicated below. For probes
protocol cloned into the Eco RV site of the plasmid, pBluescript II KS+, use
Hind III restriction enzyme.

Reagent s Volume (J.!l) Final concentration

DEPC-treated to 20 ul
10 x Restriction buffer 2 Ix
DNA template as needed 5 ~lg

Restriction Enzyme (10 u/ul) 10 unit

Note: Mix the enzyme by pipetting up and down. Never vortex the reaction.
2. Incubate the reaction at 37 °Cfor 1-2 hours. Stop the reaction by adding
1 III 0.5 M EDTA and 70 III TE. Mix well by pipetting up and down.
3. Centrifuge the unopened PLG I tube in a microfuge for 30 seconds at
10000 rpm to pellet the gel. Orient the tub e in the centrifuge rotor with
the lid connector pointing away from the center of rotation.
Note: Measure the time of centrifugation from the moment of starting the
4. Transfer 100 III of the reaction mixture into the PLG I tube.
5. Add 100 III of PCI solution. Mix by inverting several times to form an
6. Centrifuge the PLGI tube at 10000 rpm for exactly 30 seconds. Besure to
orient the tube in the centrifuge rotor the same way as before.
Note: After centrifugation, the organic phase at the bottom of the tu be will
be separated from the aqueous phase at the top of the tube by the PLG bar-
7. Add 100 III of CIA solution. Mix by repeated inversion to form an emul-
sion. Do not vortex or allow the bottom organic phase to mix with the
upper aqueous phase.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 209

8. Centrifuge for 30 seconds to separate phases. Be very careful to place

tube into the centrifuge in the same orientation as before .
9. Transfer the aqueous phase, collected from above the PLG barrier, to a
fresh tube. Record the volume of the aqueous phase.
10. Add 50 III of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) . Mix well by
inverting the tube 4 to 5 times .
11. Add 300 III of 95% ethanol (2 x the total volume). Mix well by inverting
the tube 4 to 5 times.
12. Place the tube in the centrifuge and orient the attached end of the lid
pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge the tube at max-
imum speed for 10 minutes at room temperature.
13. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Holding the tube
by the lid, touch the tube edge to the edge of an Erlenmeyer flask and
gently lift the end to drain ethanol. You do not need to remove all the
ethanol from the tube. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge, orienting
the tube as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this can loosen the pellet.
14. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PIOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet, that is, the side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipet-
man as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not start the centrifuge, in this
step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps the tubes at
an angle, convenient for ethanol washing. Remove the tube from the
centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Pour off the ethanol.
15. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash a large number of
pellets without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging
are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial loss of the material.
16. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the tube orientation is the same as before . Without closing the tube lids,
start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds and collect the remaining ethanol at
the bottom of the tube. Remove all ethanol with a P200 Pipetman out-
fitted with a capillary tip.

Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA pellet very difficult if not impossible.
17. Resuspend the pelleted DNA in 20 to 30 III of TE. Store at - 20 °C.
Labeling 1. Place a 1.5 ml microfuge tube on ice and assemble the transcription re-
protocol action as follows:

Reagents Volume (Ill) Final concentration

DEPC-trea ted water to 20 III
10 x Trans cription buffer 2 Ix
10 x NTP labeling mixture 2 Ix
DNA template as needed 1 Ilg
RNA polymerase (SP6, T7, T3) 2 10 units

Note: Mix the enzyme by pipetting up and down.

2. Incubate the reaction at 37 °C for at least 2 hours.
3. Add 2 III of DNase and incubate for 15 minutes at 37 °Cto remove tem-
plate DNA (optional).
Note: This step is usually unnecessary because DIG-labeled DNA greatly
exceeds the amount of DNA template. Remaining template DNA does
not interfere with hybr idization.
4. Stop the reaction by adding 1 III 0.5 M EDTA. Determine labeling effi-
ciency of RNA using the protocol for estimation of DIG-dUTP concen-
tration (see page 212). Store the probe at -20 °C.
Note: Removing unincorporated DIG-labeled substrate is not necessary.


Poor incorporation of DIG and high background during hybridization

usually results from incomplete restriction enzyme digestion during tem-
plate preparation. To confirm complete linearization of the plasmid, run
agarose gel electrophoresis with a small amount of restricted probe
with suitable size markers.
Very high level of unlabeled nucleotide in the probe can result in a "spotty"
background. These impurities can be removed by ethanol precipitation in
the presence of ammonium acetate as described below.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 211

1. Dilute the DIG-labeled probe to a final volume of 100 Ilg with DEPC
treated water.
2. Add 50 III (half the volume) of 7.5 M ammonium acetate . Mix well by
inverting the tube 4 to 5 times.
3. Add 300 III of 95% ethanol (2 x of the total volume) and mix well by
inverting the tube 4 to 5 times.
4. Place the tube in the centrifuge and orient the attached end of the lid
pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge at maximum
speed for 10 minutes at room temperature.
5. Remove the tube from the centrifuge. Pour off the ethanol by holding the
tube by the open lid and gently inverting it, touch the lip of the tube to
the rim of an Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tube to drain the ethanol. You
do not need to remove all the ethanol from the tube. Place the tubes back
into the centrifuge in the same orientation as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this can dislodge the pellet.
6. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet. Hold the Pipetman as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not
start the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube
holder" which keeps the tubes at an angle, convenient for ethanol wash-
ing. Remove the tube from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid.
Pour off the ethanol as described in step 5. Place the tube back into the
centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash one more time .
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet in a large
number of the tubes without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and
centrifuging the pellet is time consuming and frequently leads to substantial
loss of material and DNA shearing.
7. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the tube side containing the pellet faces away from the center of rotation.
Without closing the lid of the tubes start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds
and collect the remaining ethanol at the bottom of the tube. Remove all
ethanol with a P200 Pipetman fitted with a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA pellet very difficult, if not impossible.

8. Dissolve the pellet in DEPC-treated water by gently tapping the tube with
your finger. Store at -20 °C.

Subprotocol 4
Estimation of DIG-dUTP Concentration
In this procedure DIG-labeled DNA is detected calorimetrically. The pro-
cedure takes about 20 minutes and can be performed in a Petri dish. A sche-
matic outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Schematic outline of the determination of

Serial Dilution of Sample the label concentration
Membrane Spotting
Washing with Buffer A

Blocking with Buffer B
Incubation with Antibody

Washing with Buffer A

Incubation in Detection Buffer

Color Development and
Determination of Label
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 213


- 15 m1 and 50 m1 sterilized polypropylene, conical centrifuge tubes (for

example Corning # 25319-15; 25330-50).
- Anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugated with alkaline phosphatase (Anti-
DIG-AP) from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1093 274).
- Blocking reagent (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1096 176).
- Maleic acid (Sigma Co. # MD375).
- NBT solution (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1383 213).
- MagnaGraph nylon membrane (Micron Separation Inc. #NJTHYOOOlO)
MagnaGraph membrane is recommended since it gives lower back-
ground in detection of DIG-labeled DNA.
- Standard DNA labeled with digoxigenin (Roche Molecular Biochemicals
# 1585 738).
- X-phosphate solution (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1383 221).
- Washing Buffer (Buffer A) Solutions
- 100 mM Maleic acid
- 150 mM NaC1
- 3% (v/v) Tween 20
Sterilize by filtration. Store at 4 °C.
- Blocking Buffer (Buffer B)
- 100 mM Maleic acid
- 150 mM NaC1
- 1% (w/v) blocking reagent
Add first two ingredients, adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH . Sterilize
by autoc1aving. After liquid cools, add 10 x blocking reagent. Store at
4 °C.
- Detection Buffer (Buffer C)
- 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.5
- 100 mM NaC1
Sterilize by autoc1aving and store at 4 °C.
- Blocking Regent Solution
- 10% (w/v) Blocking Reagent
Add 10 g of blocking reagent to 100 m1 Buffer A. Place on stir plate and
heat to 60 °Cfor approximately one hour. Sterilize by filtration and store
at 4 "C. Do not boil. The solution should have a un iformly milky
- 10 x SSC
- 1.5 M NaC1
- 0.15 M sodium citra te pH 7.5

Adjust pH to pH 7.5 with concentrated NaOH. Sterilize by autoclaving.

Store at 4 "C.
Note: All of the solutions can be bought as DIG Wash and Blocking Buffer
Set from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1585 762).


1. Add 9 IIIofwater to 5 microfuge tubes. Prepare a ten-fold serial dilution

of the newly labeled DNA. Serially dilute as follows: 1:10, 1:100, 1:1 000,
1:10000 and 1:100000. Prepare the same a serial dilution for the DIG-
labeled standard.
2. Cut a piece of nylon membrane 7 cm x 2 ern and place it at the bottom of
the Petri dish. Spot 1 III of each DIG-labeled dilution onto the mem-
brane. Start from the largest dilution (1:100000) and continue spotting
toward the less dilute samples. Use the same yellow tip for all serial spot-
ting. Repeat this procedure using standard DNA. Place each standard
directly under the appropriate dilution of your labeled DNA. Arrange
the spots on the membrane in the following way:

Sample DNA 1/100 000 1/10 000 1/1000 1/100 1/10

Standard DNA 1/100 000 1/10 000 1/1000 1/100 1/10

Note: One III of 1:10 dilution of standard DNA contains 0.5 ng.
3. Let the spotted samples dry comp letely. Wet the membrane with 10 x
SSe. Blot excess liquid with Whatman filter paper. Immobilize the DNA
on the damp membrane by UV-crosslinking or baking at 120 °C for 30
Note: The membrane must be damp to crosslink the DNA. Best results are
obtained by application of a calibrated UV-light source such as Stratalinker
UV-oven (Stratagen Co. # 400071). Crosslinking of DNA to nylon mem-
brane requires 120 ml/cm? of energy. The use of the "Autocrosslinking"
function of an UV-oven is recommended.
4. Transfer the membrane to a Petri dish and add 15 ml of buffer A. In-
cubate on a rotary shaker at 10-20 rpm for 5 minutes. Discard buffer A.
5. Add 15 ml of buffer B and incubate on a rotary shaker as above for
5 minutes. Discard buffer B.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 215

6. During incubation in buffer B,prepare anti -DIG-AP solution. Add 20 ml

of buffer Band 4 IIIof anti-DIG-AP conjugate antibody to a sterile 50-ml
plastic tube. Mix well by inverting tube several times.
7. Add anti-DIG-AP solution to the membrane and incubate with gentle
rotation for 5 minutes at room temperature. Discard the antibody solu-
8. Add 15ml of buffer A to the membrane and wash with gentle rotation for
5 minutes. Discard buffer A and repeat the wash once more.
9. Add 15 ml of buffer C and incubate on the rotary shaker for 2 minutes.
Discard buffer C.
10. Prepare color development solution as follows: Add 45 III of NBT and
35 III of X-phosphate to 10 ml of buffer C. Protect the solution from
direct light.
11. Add color development solution to the membrane. Make sure the solu-
tion covers the membrane. Cover the dish with aluminum foil to protect
it from light. Incubate without shaking for 30 to 60 minutes checking
occasionally for color development.
12. Compare the spot intensities of probe with control DNA and estimate
the concentration of DIG-labeled probe.

Subprotocol 5
Determination of Specific Activity of Radioactive Probe
This protocol describes a procedure to calculate the specific activity of
probe. A schematic outline ofthe determination of specific activity of radio-
active probe is shown in Figure 5.


- Glass Microfibre Filters 2.4 cm (Whatman # GF/C 1820-024 or equiva-

- BioSafe Scintillation fluid

Fig. 5. Schematic outline of the determination of

Sample Spotting on Glass Filter specific activity of radioactive probe

Drying Glass Filter

Scintillation Counting

Washing in Washing Solution (2x)

Drying Glass Filter

Scintillation Counting

Determination Sample
Specific Activity

Solutions Washing Solution

HCl (concentrated) 200 ml

Sodium pyrophosphate 20 g
Water to 2000 ml

Store at 4 °C.


1. Dilute the reaction mixture to a final volume of 50 JlI using TE buffer.

Withdraw 1 JlI and spot onto a glass filter.
2. Dry the spotted filter under a heat lamp. Place the filter in a vial with
scintillation fluid and count in a scintillation counter. Record your re-
sults as CPM before washing .
3. Retrieve the filter from the scintillation vial and dry the filter under a
heat lamp. Place the filter into a 100 ml beaker and add 50-70 ml of cold
washing solution. Place the beaker on ice and swirl it carefully for 1 to 2
minutes. Pour the washing solution into a radioactive waste bottle. Re-
peat the washing procedure twice. Drain all the washing solution well.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 217

4. Add 50 ml of cold 95% ethanol to the beaker and wash by swirling for 2 to
3 minutes. Pour ethanol into the radioactive waste bottle. Drain ethanol
well and place the filters under a heat lamp to dry. Put the filter into the
same scintillation vial used before and count again. Record your results
as CPM after washing.
5. Calculate the percent of label incorporated using the formula:
% Inc = (CPM after washing/CPM before washing) x 100.
6. Calculate the specific activity ofthe probe. First, calculate the amount of
newly synthesized DNA using equation 1 and then, calculate specific
activity using equation 2
/lCi dCTP added x %inc x 13.2
nDNA (ng) =
Sp. activity dCTP (Ci/mM)

. /lCi dCTP added 2.2 x %inc x 107

Sp. activity (CPM//lg) =
Template DNA (ng) + nDNA (ng)


Davis L, Kuehl M, Battey J (1994) Basic methods in molecular biology. 2nd edition. Para-
mount Publishing Business and Professional Group. Appelton & Lange. Norwalk,
Feinberg AP, Vogelstein B (1983) A technique for radiolabeling DNA restriction endo-
nuclease fragments to high specific activity. Anal Biochem 132:6-13.
Holtke HJ, Seibl R, Burg J, Miihlegger J, Kessler C (1990) Nonradioactive labeling and
detection of nucleic acids: II. Optim ization of the digoxigenin system. Mol Gen
Hoppe-Seyler. 371:929-938.
Kessler C (1992) Nonradioactive labeling and detection ofbiomolecules. Springer, Ber-
lin, Heidelberg, New York, pp 206-211.
Kessler C, Holtke HJ., Seibl R, Burg J, Miihlegger J (1990) Nonradioactive labeling and
detection of nucleic acids. I. A novel DNA labeling and detection system based on
digoxigenin:anti-digoxigenin ELISA principle. Mol Gen Hoppe-Seyler. 371:917-927.
Leary JJ, Brigati DJ, Ward DC (1983) Rapid and sensitive colorimetric method for vi-
sualizing biotin DNA probes hybridized to DNA or RNA immobilized on nitrocellu-
lose: Bioblots. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 80:4045-4049.
McCreeryT, Helentijaris T (1994) Production of DNA hybridization probes with digox-
igenin-modified nucleo tides by random hexanucleotide priming. In: Protocol for nu-
cleic acid analy sis by nonradioactive probes. Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 28:73-
76. Isaac PG. Editor. Humana Press. Totowa , New Jersey.
McCreeryT, Helentijaris T (1994)Production of hybridization probes by the PCR utilizing
digoxigenin-modified nucleotides. In: Protocols for nucleic acid analysis by nonra-
dioactiveprobes.Methods in Molecular Biology.V0128:67-71.Isaac PGEditor. Humana
Press. Totowa , New Jersey.

Murphy NR, Hellwig RJ(1996) Improved nucleic acid organic extraction through use of a
ubique gel barrier material. BioTechniques 21:934-939.
Rost A-K (1995) Nonradioactive Northern blot hyb ridization with DIG-labeled DNA
probes. In: Quantitation of mRNA by Polymerase Chain Reaction . Nonradioactive
PCR Methods. Ed. Kohler TH, Lafsner D, Rost A-K, Thammm B, Pustowoit Band
Remke R Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Springer Lab Manual.
Yamaguchi K, Zhang D, Byrn RA (1994) Modified nonradioactive method for Northern
blot ana lysis. Anal Biochem 218:343-346.


Chemiluminescent DNA labeling kits

Ambion, Inc. (

Bright-Star kit uses psoralen to conjugate biotin to nucleotides. Labeling
does not require an enzymatic reaction since the psoralen-biotin conjugate
is covalently attached to nucleic acids by treatment with long wave UV light.
Secondary conjugate is streptavidin-alkaline phosphates (streptavidin-AP).
CDP-Star is used as the substrate for AP. Probes are stable for at least a year
at -70 °C.
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. (
Several random primer labeling kits use fluorescein tagged dUTP to label
DNA. Detection uses AP or HRP (horseradish peroxidase) enzymes and
CDP-Star or ECL as substrate, respectively. The HRP/ECL system is less
sensitive compared to the AP system and more difficult to use. Fluorescein
labeling has limitations during hybridization that are discussed in this chap-
ter. There is also a kit that labels DNA by crosslinking AP or HRP to the DNA
directly. Secondary conjugate is not needed with this system but sensitivity
of the method is low and the method requires application of special hybri-
dization conditions.
Cruachem Inc. (
This random primer labeling kit uses biotinylated nucleotides. Secondary
conjugate is streptavidin conjugated to HRP. Chemiluminescent substrate
is LumiGLO. As in all HRP based kits, its weakness is high background and
low sensitivity.
ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc. (
These random primer kits use biotinylated nucleotides and AP conjugated
to streptavidin. Chemiluminescent substrate is CSPD. Kits have moderate
sensitivity but are very inexpensive.
9 Preparation of Probes for Hybridization 219

Life Technologies BRL (www.lifetech.corn)

Company offers number of DNA labeling kits all based on biotin labeled
nucleotides and streptavidin conjugated with AP. Chemiluminescent sub-
strates are enhanced Lumi-Phos 530 or CDP-Star.
NEN Life Science Products (
There are several kits based on fluorescein or biotin labeled nucleotides.
Secondary conjugates are either anti-fluorescein conjugated to HRP or
AP or streptavidin linked with AP or HRP. The chemiluminescent substrate
offered is CDP-Star.
New England Biolabs (
This random primer labeling kit uses biotin-dATP labeling and streptavi-
din-AP detection system. CDP-Star is used as AP substrate. This kit pro-
vides sensitive labeling with low background presumably because dATP
is the labeling nucleotide.
PanVera (
This random primer labeling kit uses digoxin labeled nucleotides with anti-
DIG HRP secondary conjugate. The kit is inexpensive but suffers from the
limitation of a HRP detection system . This company also offers DNA and
RNA labeling kits that attach digoxin direc tly to DNA or RNA.
Roche Molecular Biochemicals (
The company offers a number of labeling kits all based on digoxygenin-
labeled nucleotides. The secondary detec tion system is anti-DIG conjugated
to AP and CDP-Star. This is a very sensitive labeling system with exception-
ally low background. The methods described in this book are based on these
Schleicher & Schuell (
Nonenzymatic labeling of DNA by photocrosslinking psoralen conjugated
with biotin. Biotin is detected by a secondary conjugate, streptavidin-AP.
CDP-Star is used as chemiluminescent detection substrate. Labeling DNA
with this kit is efficient. The streptavidin-biotin system can give high back-
ground with some membranes.
Sigma Chemical Co. (
DNA labeling kits use biotin-streptavidin labeling and a detection system
with CSPD or CDP-Star substrates.

Stratagene, Inc. (

This random primer labeling kit uses fluorescein labeled nucleotides and
anti-fluorescein antibody conjugated to AP. Nonstandard hybridization
conditions are required when DNA is labeled with fluorescein.
Tropix, Inc. (
This company manufactures the chemiluminescent substrates used with
most kits. This company also offers several detection systems. Detection
kits use anti-fluorescein antibody conjugated to AP for fluorescein labeled
DNA or streptavidin conjugated to AP for biotin labeled DNA.Tropix is an
inexpensive source of chemiluminescent substrates.
Chapter 10 OVERVIEW

Nucleic Acid Hybridization. ATheoretical Consideration


1 Introduction

DNA-DNA and RNA-DNA hybridization reactions are the basis of many

assays in DNA analysis and are presently some of the most frequently
used techniques in molecular biology. The hybridization reaction is the for-
mation of partial or complete double-stranded nucleic acid molecules by
sequence-specific interaction of two complementary single-stranded nu-
cleic acids. The hybridization reaction, using labeled probes, is the only
practical way to detect the presence of specific nucleic acid sequences in
a complex nucleic acid mixture. The most frequent ly used hybrid ization
technique is the membrane hybridization technique. Denatured DNA or
RNAis immobilized on an inert support in a way that self-annealing is pre-
vented but bound sequences are available for hybridization with labeled
single or double stranded probes. Extensive washing of the membrane
to remove unbound probe and poorly matched hybrids follows the hybri-
dization reaction. Membrane hybridization is used in many different ap-
plications such as Southern and Northern blot hybridization, dot blot hy-
bridization and phage plaque or bacterial colony hybridization. This chap-
ter will briefly consider theoretical aspects of membrane hybrid ization.

2 Hybridization Reaction

Tm temperature

Hybrid formation between complementary strands is commonly called re-

association, renaturation or reannealing reaction. The reverse reaction is
called strand separation, dissociation or melting of the DNA.To determine
the temperature of hybridization, the melting temperature (Tm), defined as
the temperature at which the DNA (or RNA) is 50% denatured, must be
known . Melting of DNA (or DNA:RNA duplex) is an intramolecular, first

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

order reaction, and therefore, is independent of substrate concentration. It

depends only on the base composition ofthe duplex and the composition of
the solvent. Determination of 'I'm for DNA:DNA duplexes was first empiri-
cally established by Marmur and Doty (Marmur and Doty, 1962) for mo-
lecules shorter than 500 bp (equation 1).
'I'm = 81.5 + 0.41 (%GC) + 16.6 log [M+] (1)
Where [M+] is the molar concentration of monovalent cations, Na" or K+,
in a range of 0.01 to 0.4 M, and %GC is the percent of GC bases in a range
of 30% to 70%.
Equation 1 was modified to incorporate DNA:RNA and RNA:RNA hy-
brids and extends the monovalent cation concentration range from 0.01 to
4.0 M, the concentrations at which most hybridization reactions are carried
out (Wetmur, 1991):
[M+] 500
'I'm = A + 16.6 log 1 + B (%GC) - - (2)
+ 0.7 [M+] L
Where, A is 81.5 °C, 67 °Cor 78 °C for DNA:DNA,DNA:RNAand RNA:RNA
hybrids, respectively. Bis 0.41 °C, 0.8 °C or 0.78 °C for DNA:DNA,DNA:RNA
and RNA:RNA hybrids, respectively. L is the length of hybrid in base pairs,
and %GC is percent of GC bases in range of 30% to 70%.
The probes used in membrane hybridization are usually prepared by
random primer or nick translation methods and are shorter than 500
bp. When these probes are used, it is possible to drop the last term of equa-
tion 2 since it does not significantly change the 'I'm. When divalent cations
are present, term [M+] should be changed to [salt] = {[M+]+ 4 [M+2]} 0.5.
However, most hybridization solutions used in membrane blot hybridiza-
tion do not contain divalent cations.

Kinetics of hybridization

The hybridization reaction proceeds in two steps: the nucleation reaction

and "zippering" reaction. Nucleation is the formation of short hybrids, a
few bases long, between reacting strands. The nucleation reaction, with
some approximation, is a diffusion-limited reaction defined by the Smolu-
chowski and Deby equation. Therefore, the reaction rate depends on solvent
viscosity, temperature and ionic strength of the medium (Wetmur and
Davidson, 1968; Chang et al, 1974).
Many nucleation events will take place, until by chance, the correct base
pair is formed. A rapid zippering process follows this . The zippering reac-
10 Nucleic Acid Hybridization . A Theoretical Consideration 223

tion is an extension of the hybrid from the nucleation site throughout the
entire molecule. This reaction is very fast and largely independent of the
factors mentioned above. Thus, the limiting step in a hybridization reaction
is the nucleation reaction and not the zippering process. The overall hybri-
dization rate is dependent on a nucleation rate constant (k m ) , probe length
and target complexity as described by following equations:

k2 = knVL (3)
or when N =L
k _ k, (4)
2 - VL
Where: kn is the nucleation rate constant, N is the number of nucleotide
pairs of the target (complexity), and L, the probe length in bases. The nu -
cleation rate, k., for monovalent cation concentrations commonly used in
filter hybridization (0.2 - 4.0 M) and solvent viscosity comparable to 1.0 M
NaCl, can be evaluated using the following equation (Orosz and Wetmur,
k, = {4.35 log [M+] + 3.5}105 (4a)

Hybridization temperature

Since the rate of the nucleation reaction equals zero at Till temperature, hy-
bridization should be carried out at temperatures below the Till temperature
calculated from equation 1 or 2. The difference between Till temperature and
hybridization temperature is defined as "criterion of hybridization" (Brit-
ten et. al, 1974).The overall rate of the hybridization reaction kz, is strongly
affected by temperature. This dependence has a bell-shaped curve and in-
creases as the criterion is increased, reaching a broad maximum between
20 °Cto 25 °C below Till for the DNA:DNA hybrid and 15 °Cto 20 °C below
Till for a DNA:RNAhybrid. As the temperature of hybridization falls farther
below the Till, the hybridization rate decreases very fast due to intramole-
cular base pair formation that decreases the availability of nucleation sites.
Therefore, the optimal temperature for hybrid formation (Th) for a DNA:
DNA hybrid is:
Th = Till - (20°C to 25°C) (5)
and for a DNA:RNA hybrid:

At Th temperature, not only does hybrid formation occur at maximum
speed, but is most reliable. This is because at Till, the formation of perfectly
matched hybrids by the zippering reaction is faster than the formation of
mismatched hybrids (10% or more mismatch). Moreover, the Till of imper-
fectly matched hybrids is lower than perfectly matched hybrids (approxi-
mately 1 DC for each percent of mismatch). Consequently, the maximum
hybridization rate of mismatched hybrids occurs much below the hybridi-
zation temperature of a perfect hybrid. The formation of poorly matched
hybrids shows a similar bell-shaped dependence on temperature but max-
imum rate (k 2) are several orders slower than for a well-matched hybrid and
the entire curve is displaced toward lower temperatures.

Hybridization time

Membrane blot hybridization is usually performed with a large excess of

probe DNA. For example, about 5-10 ug of eukaryotic genome is used
in Southern blot analysis. Assuming that a single gene size is 2000 bp, gen-
ome size is 3 x 109 bp (e.g., human genome) and only 2% of DNA bound to
the nylon membrane is open for hybridization (Vernier et al., 1996), the
amount of a single gene present on a Southern blot is about 0.06 10-6 llg
{(2 103 x 5 10-6/3 109 ) 0.02}. The concentration of probe is usually 20 to
25 ng/ml. If the probe is the same size as the genomic target and 10 ml
of hybridization solution is used, the amount of probe present is 0.2 to
0.25 llg or nearly 3 x 106 fold excess of probe DNA over target DNA. Using
these hybridization conditions, the reaction is pseudo-first order and its
half time is:
where k2 is calculated from equation 4 or 4a and Co is the initial concentra-
tion of probe in moles of nucleotides per liter (Wetmur, 1991). Since most
hybridization reactions are carried out at 1 M Na+, the k, for this reaction is
equal to 3.5 105 M-1 sec" (Wetmur, 1995). The concentration of the probe
used in Southern hybridization is usually equal to Co =6.11O- sM (20 ng/ml)
and k 2, for a single gene probe, as calculated from equation 4a is 7.8 103
M''sec". Using equation 7, t of the reaction can be calculated to be approxi-
mately 1 hour.
If an excess of double-stranded probe is hybridized to an immobilized
target, self-annealing of the probe limits the time of effective hybridization
10 Nucleic Acid Hybridization. A Theoretical Consideration 225

to approximately 2 to 3 times t calculated for single-stranded probe. Thus,

the above reaction will reach completion in about 2 to 3 hours, due to self-
annealing of the probe. The half-time for pseudo-first order hybridization
can be approximated (in hours) when double-stranded probe is used with
standard conditions of hybridization (i.e., 1 M salt at Th equal to 20 °C to
25 °C below Tm ) from the following equation (Sambrook et al, 1989).
1 Y Z
t 1/ 2 = - X - X - x2 (8)
X 5 10
Where X is Jlg of probe added, Y is probe complexity in kilobases (length of
probe) and Z is the volume ofhybridization in ml. For example, for the DNA
hybridization reaction described above, that is, hybridization with a 2000bp
probe at a concentration of 0.02 ug/rnl in 10 ml, t, calculated from equation 8
is 2 hours (1/0.2 x 2/5 x 10/10 x 2), a value close to that calculated from
equation 7.
Hybridization reactions, however, are usually carried for 13 to 17 hours
to increase the signal strength. Probes prepared by random primer labeling
can form extended networks in which the single-stranded tails from one
duplex hybridize to a complementary single -stranded tail of another du-
plex. This network formation occurs 5 to 6 times slower than the annealing
of a single-stranded probe, and its formation will increase the hybridization
signal intensity (Geoffrey et al, 1987). Hybridization times longer than 20
hours are not recommended because this would increase background, and
most importantly, degrade target and probe, making it impossible to reuse
membrane blots and nonradioactive probes in subsequent hybridization
The hybridization kinetics described above only apply strictly to liquid
hybridization. When nucleic acid is immobilized on a membrane, the hy-
bridization rate is decreased because the rate of access of the probe to the
target is decreased significantly. Consequently a nucleation rate (kn ) is 2 to 4
times lower than the nucleation rate in liquid hybridization but the effect of
T m and ionic strength are not changed. For a more detailed analysis of filter
hybridization, see Anderson and Young (1985).

Washing reaction

The hybridization reaction is followed by a washing reaction that removes

any unhybridized probe and melts mismatched hybrids. This reaction, un-
like the hybridization reaction, is a first order reaction and depends on the
thermal stability of the hybrid (Tm) ' The Tmof the hybrid is lowered by ap-

proximately 1 "C for each percent of mismatch (Bonner et al, 1973).To ob-
tain 95% faithful hybrids, the washing reaction is carried out at a washing
temperature expressed by equation:
Tw = Tm - 5°C (9)
Where Tm is melting temperature calculated from equation 2. Reactions
carried out at this temperature are called high stringency washes. Reactions
done at temperatures lower than this are usually referred to as "low strin-
gency" washes.

3 Stringency of Hybridization

Conditions of hybridization and washing that favor the formation and

maintenance of high-fidelity hybrids are called high stringency hybridiza-
tions and are used for the detection of closely related sequences. Such hy-
bridization is best achieved by applying a stringent criterion of hybridiza-
tion followed by stringent washing condition. Thus, to achieve high-strin-
gency hybridization for DNA, hybridization reactions should be carried out
at Th = Tm - (20 to 25tC and washing reactions at Tw = Tm - 5 "C.
Conditions of hybridization that allow the formation of hybrids with
many mismatched bases are called low stringency hybridizations. Low
stringency hybridization is used for detecting distantly related sequences
and is frequently referred to as heterologous hybridization. Heterologous
hybridization is best achieved by using a low stringency hybridization re-
action followed by a low stringency wash. Reactions should be performed at
temperatures much below Tm - (20 °Cto 25 °C),and a washing temperature
equal to the hybridization temperature or lower.

4 Hybridization Solutions
Hybridization reaction solutions

The rate limiting step of hybridization is the nucleation reaction. Because

the rate of nucleation is a very strong function of salt concentration, the
hybridization reaction should not be carried out at low salt concentration.
To achieve fast hybridization rates, a monovalent cation concentration be-
tween 0.75 to 1.0 M should be used . Because DNA used in most hybridiza-
tion reactions has approximately 50% GC,the This usually between 72 °C to
78 °C,as calculated from equations 3 and 4. However, single-stranded DNA
10 Nucleic Acid Hybridization. A Theoretical Consideration 227

is particularly prone to depurination at temperatures higher than 50 °C.

Prolonged hybridization at high temperature will result in degradation
of probe and target DNAs (Blake, 1995). RNA probes and targets are
even more sensitive to high-temperature degradation than single-stranded
DNA. To lower hybridization temperature, the hybridization reactions are
usually carried out in the presence of denaturing solvents while maintaining
high ionic strength (Hutton, 1977). The most commonly used solvent in
membrane hybridization is formamide. On average this solvent lowers
the Tm of DNA by 0.70 °C per 1% formamide. The effect of formamide
is greater on AT nucleotide pairs than on GC pairs (Anderson and Young,
1985). Formamide has no apparent effect on the rate of hybridization reac-
tion at concentrations between 30 and 50% for membrane hybridization,
making it an ideal solvent for lowering the incubation temperature. The
concentration of formamide most frequently used is 50%. This lowers
the temperature required for hybridization reactions to below 50 °Cwithout
substantially lowering the rate of hybridization (72 °C - 50{O.72}OC = 36 °C
or 78 °C - 50 {O.72}OC = 42 °C).
Formamide can also be used to alter the stringency of a hybridization
reaction. By holding temperature of incubation constant (e.g., 42 °C) and
varying the concentration of formamide below 50%, the temperature of
hybridization can be lowered to a temperature that favors formation of
mismatched hybrids over well-matched hybrids. For example for a DNA
probe of 50% GC the Tm temperature at 1 M of monovalent cation concen-
tration in the presence of30% formamide is equal to 77.7°C (81.5+ 0.41 x 50
+ 16.6 log 0.588 - 0.72 x 30). Thus at 42 °C the hybridization temperature
is 36 °C below the Tm of the DNA used, a condition that favors the formation
of poorly matched hybrids (see the above discussion of hybridization
Four hybridization solutions are presently in use: standard hybridiza-
tion solution, high SDS (Church's) solution, Denhardt solution and DIG
Easy Hyb solution (Denhardt, 1966; Church and Gilbert, 1984). The first
three solutions usually incorporate formamide as a solvent to lower the
Tm of the DNA, whereas the DIG Easy Hyb solution uses a nontoxic,
non-ionic detergent at a concentration equivalent to 50% formamide. Table
1lists standard buffers used in hybridization, as well as, ingredients of stan-
dard and high SDS hybridization solutions. Boehringer Mannheim Co. for-
mulated the DIG Easy Hyb ingredients which are proprietary. All of these
solutions contain blocking agents to prevent nonspecific binding of the
probe to the membrane. Denhardt's solution contains a mixture of soni-
cated, single-stranded salmon sperm DNA, BSA, Ficoll and polyvinyl pyr-
rolidine (PVP) as blocking agents. Standard and high SDS solutions use

0.5% casein (e.g., dry powdered milk) as a blocking agent. Because Den-
hardt's solution is expensive and difficult to prepare and sterilize, it is
no longer widely used . Moreover, Denhardt's solution is a very poor block-
ing agent for nonradioactive probes, resulting in high background. Casein-
containing blocking solutions are more effective than Denhardt's solution
with nonradioactive probes and are, by far, much cheaper and easier to pre-

Table 1. Hybridization buffers and hybridization solutions presently in use

Salt Solutions Hybridization Solutions
1x sse 1 x SSPE Denhardt's Standard sse High SDS DIG Easy
(10 x)

0.15 M 0.15 M NaCl 5-6 x sse 5-6 x sse or 5-6 x sse

0,015 Na 0,01 M 50% 50% 50%
citrate NaH zP0 4 Formamide Formamide Formamide
1 mM EDTA 0.5 % SDS 0.1% Sarcosyl 0.1%
2.0% Ficoll 400 0.02% SDS 7% SDS
0.2 % PVP 2-5% casein 2-5% casein
0.2% BSA 50mM
Fraction V phosphate
buffer pH 7.0
IOu ug/ml
sperm DNA
Recommended use
All hybridi- Prolonged Hybridization Hybridization DNA All
zation and hybridization with radioactive with radioac- finger - hyb ridiza -
washing with probes tive and non printing tion
formamide radioactive with radio-
probes active and
non radioac-
tive probes
10 Nucleic Acid Hybridization . A Theoretical Consideration 229

Washing reaction solutions

The washing reaction is used to remove unhybridized probe and poorly

matched hybrids. Membranes are treated at temperatures that dissociate
nonspecific hybrids. To keep washing reaction temperature low, low con-
centration of salts in reaction are used . The solution most frequently used is
0.1 to 0.2 sse (SSEP) supplemented with 0.1% SDS to prevent enzymatic
degradation of DNA. Stringent washes are done at 62 °C to 68 "C with
0.1 sse 0.1% SDS solutions. For example, DNA with 50% cc content at
0.015 M salt concentration (0.1 x sse, see Table 1) has a 'I'm about 72 "C.
To achieve stringent washing conditions, the temperature should be 5 "C
to 10 °Cbelow the 'I'm temperature of the DNA, i.e., a temperature between
62 °Cto 67 "C (72 - 10 =62 or 72 - 5 = 67). For moderate stringency, 0.2 x sse
+ 0.1% SDS is used at temperature of 42 °C (about 35 "C below 'I'm). Low
stringency washes are carried out with 0.2 to 0.5 x sse + 0.1% SDS solution
at room temperature.
Since the DNA melting reaction is practically instantaneous, it is not
necessary to wash for a long time. DNA melting and washing of the unbound
probe can be achieved in 10to 15minutes. This is particularly important for
stringent and moderately stringent washing reactions that are carried out
above 50 °C, a temperature that could degrade unhybridized target and
probe DNA and prevent their subsequent use.

5 Hybridization Membranes

Different types of support membranes are commonly used for nucleic acid
immobilization. These are nitrocellulose membrane, uncharged nylon
membrane and positively charged nylon membrane. All types of commer-
cially available nylon membranes were recently evaluated and reviewed
(Brush, 1995).

Nitrocellulose membrane is the oldest in use and was first introduced in the Nitrocellulose
early 1960s. However, it has many limitations. Nucleic acid hydrophobic
attachment to the membrane is weak, resulting in a slow release of nucleic
acids during hybridization and washing. Nitrocellulose membrane is fragile
and cannot withstand multiple probing. Blots cannot easily be stored for
very long because the membrane disintegrates in air. Nitrocellulose mem-
brane cannot be used for chemiluminescent detection. Attachment of nu-
cleic acids to the membrane requires drying the membrane at 80°C in a
vacuum oven due to the explosive nature of the membrane in an oxygen

environment, and finally, nitrocellulose membrane is highly hydrophobic

and difficult to wet with transfer solutions. These limitations led to the de-
velopment of nylon as a support media.

Uncharged nylon Uncharged nylon membrane was introduced in the early 1980s originally
for its outstanding durability. The surface of the uncharged nylon consists
of amine and carboxyl groups, providing a net neutral charge on the mem -
brane. This membrane also has a number of advantages over nitrocellulose
membrane. Nylon membrane is much stronger and can withstand exposure
to a broad range of solvents and a number of sequential hybridizations.
Nylon covalently binds nucleic acids when crosslinked by UV irradiation
or baking, preventing release of nucleic acid during repeated hybridizations
and washings (Nerzwicki-Bauer et al, 1990). Nylon membrane has a higher
binding capacity than nitrocellulose and can efficiently bind fragments as
short as 25 to 50 bases, and nylon blots can be stored indefinitely at room
temperature. There are some disadvantages of uncharged nylon membrane.
The background is relatively high with some radioactive probes as com-
pared to nitrocellulose. Uncharged nylon gives a high background with bio-
tinylated and chemiluminescent detection systems, and hybridization is
less sensitive because the bound nucleic acids are less available for hybri-
dization. It has been determined that the amount of available target for hy-
bridization is only 2% of the total bound nucleic acids, as opposed to 4% for
nitrocellulose (Vermier et al, 1996). These shortcomings led to the devel-
opment of positively charged, nylon membrane.

Positively Positively charged nylon membrane, introduced in the early 1990s, retained
charged nylon nylon as a support, but its surface charges have been modified by attach-
ment of high-density, quaternary ammonium groups. This makes the mem-
brane strongly cationic and positive charges are retained over a pH range of
3 to 10. Positively charged membrane retains all of the advantages of nylon
membrane and gains some new characteristics. The membrane has a very
high electrostatic attraction for nucleic acids, permitting transfer of DNA
under alkaline conditions. It has a much greater capacity for nucleic acids
resulting in lower background and stronger hybridization signals. Also this
membrane has very low background when chemiluminescent or biotiny-
lated detection systems are used. Some producers have developed chemi-
cally optimized, positively charged nylon membrane for chemiluminescent
detection systems. The positively charged nylon membrane is presently re-
commended for use in all hybridization applications. Table 2 lists some
manufacturers along with important characteristics of commercially avail-
able, positively charged nylon membrane.
10 Nucleic Acid Hybridization. A Theoretical Consideration 231

Table 2. Manufactures and properties of nylon membranes

Company Membrane Binding Application Chemilumine-

Capacity" scent bkg''
Amersham Hybond N+ 480-600 DNA, RNA hybridization High
Roche Nylon membrane DNA, RNA hybridization and Low
Molecular DNA fingerprinting
Bio-Rad Zeta-Probe and 400-600 DNA, RNA hybridization Moderate
Zeta-Probe GT
CIP lift 150 Colony and plaque lift Unknown
Immun -lite 150 Protein blotting Low for proteins
DuPont GeneScreen Plus 400-500 DNA hybridization High
GibcoBRL PhotoGene Nylon 450 DNA, RNA hybridization Moderate
lCN Biochemical BioTrans(+) 400-500 DNA fingerprinting and DNA, Low
RNA hybridization
Millipore Irnmobilon-S DNA, RNA hybridization Very low
MSl Magna Charge 450 DNA, RNA hybridization Very low
Magna Graph 400 DNA, RNA hybridization Exceptionally low
National Labnet HyBlot Plus 100 DNA, RNA hybridization Unknown
Pall Biodyn B 600 DNA, RNA hybridization Very low
Biodyn Plus >400 DNA, RNA hybridization Very low
Schleicher & Maximum Strength >400 DNA, RNA hybridization Moderate
Tropix Tropilon+ DNA, RNA hybridization Very low
a Binding of DNA in Ilg Icm 2
bData from author's laboratory experience with designation for background when using single copy human
gene detection DIG labeled probe, DIG Easy Hyb solution and CPD chemiluminescent substrate.
High - exposure for more than 10 minutes leads to totally "black" background; Moderate- exposure possible for
10 to 20 minutes with dark gray background; Low- exposure for 30 minutes possible with slightly gray


Aderson MLM, Young. BD (1985) Quantitive filter hybridization. In: Nucleic acid hy-
bridization a practical approach. Ed. Hames BD. and Higgins SJIRLPress 1985.pp. 73-
Blake RD (1995) Denaturation of DNA. In: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. A
Comprehensive Desk Reference. Ed. Meyers RA VCH Publishers, Inc pp 207-210.
Bonner TI, Brenner DJ, Neufeld BR, Britten RJ (!973) Reduction in the rate of DNA re-
association by sequence divergence. J Mol Bioi 81:123-135
Britten RJ Graham DE, Neufeld BR (1974) Analysis of repeating DNA sequences by re-
association. Method Enzyrnol 29E:363-420.
Brush M (1995) A run on nylons: A survey of nylon blotting membranes. BioConsumer
2:14-22. Chang C-T, Hain TC, Hutton JR, Wetmur JG (1974) The effects of microscopic
viscosity on the rate of renaturation of DNA. Biopolymers 13:1847-1855.
Church GM, Gilbert W (1984) Genomic sequencing. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 81:1991 -
Denhardt DT (1966) A membrane-filter technique for the detection of complementary
DNA. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 23:641-646
Geoffrey M, Wahl L, Shelby C, Berger, Kimme AR (1987) Molecular hybridization of
immobilized nucleic acids: Theoretical concepts and practical consideration. Method
Enzyrnol 152:399-407.
Hutton JR (1977) Renaturation kinetics and therm al stability of DNA in aqueous solu-
tions of form amide and urea. Nucl Acid Res 4:3537-3555.
Marmur J, Doty P (1962) Determination of the base composition of deoxyribonucleic
acid from its thermal melting temperature. J Mol Biol 5:109-118.
Nierzwicki-Bauer SA, Gebhardt JS, Linkkila L and Walsh K (1990) A comparison ofUV
crosslinking and vacuum baking for nucleic acids immobilization and retention. Bio-
Techniques 9:472-478.
Orosz JM, Wetmur J (1977) DNA melt ing temperatures and renaturation rates in con-
centrated alkylammonium salt solutions. Biopolyrners 16:1183-1190.
Sambrook J, Fritsch EF,Maniatis T (1989) Molecular Cloning. A laboratory Manual. Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 1998. pp. 9.48
Vernier P, Mastrippolito R, Helin C, Bendali M, Mallet J, Tricoire H (1996) Radioimager
quantification of oligonucleotide hybridization with DNA immobilized on transfer
membrane: Application to the identification of related sequences. Anal Biochem
Wetmur JG (1991) DNA probes: Application of the principles of nucleic acid hybridiza-
tion . Critical Rev Biochem Molec Bioi 26:227-259.
Wetmur JG (1995) Nucleic acid hybrids, formation and structure of. In: Molecular Biol-
ogy and Biotechnology. A Comprehensive Desk Reference. Ed. Meyers RA, VCH Pub-
lishers, Inc pp 605-608.
Wetmur JG, Davidson N (1968) Kinetics of renaturation of DNA. J Mol Bioi 3:349-370.
Chapter 11 PROTOCOL

DNA Transfer and Hybridization



Nyagaard and Hall, and Southern (Nyagaard and Hall, 1964; Southern,
1975) introduced immobilizing target DNA to membrane for hybridization
studies. The techn ique permits hybridization of various probes to immo-
bilized target DNA under controlled conditions, coupled with fast detection
of the hybrid. Because of the sensitivity, speed, and convenience of this "so-
lid state" hybridization procedure, it has been widely applied in applied and
basic research. The Southern hybridization procedure described in this
chapter is separated into two general protocols: transfer of the DNA to
the membrane and hybridization of immobilized DNA to DNA or RNA
probes. A description of agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA is given in
Chapter 8.
Three types of DNA transfer are described: Southern blot, dot blot and
colony or plaque transfer. Although the condition of the transfer and im-
mobilization of DNA to the membrane vary somewhat in the three types of
transfer described, the conditions of hybridization do not. The theoretical
background of the hybridization process and parameters for optimization
of hybridization are described in Chapter 10. The Southern blot hybridiza-
tion protocol described here can be used as a hybridization protocol for dot
blot, and colony and plaque immobilized DNA.

I Subprotocol 1
Southern Blot Transfer
The Southern blot method, originally described by Southern (1975), com-
bines the high resolving power of agarose gel electrophoresis in the separa-
tion of DNA fragments with the specificity of DNA-DNA or DNA-RNA hy-
bridization reactions. The basic principle of the technique is that DNA frag-
ments, separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, are transferred and immo-

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

bilized to a solid support, such as a nylon or nitrocellulose membrane. Once

immobilized, the DNA is available for hybridization with labeled DNA or
RNA probes. This technique is applicable to the analysis of small, cloned
DNA fragments, as well as to the analysis of genomic DNA. DNA transfer to
solid support is generally accomplished by capillary methods but electro -
blotting, positive pressure, and vacuum transfer procedures can also be
used (Peferoen et al, 1982;Smith et al, 1984). These other methods, in gen-
eral, are faster than capillary transfer but are less efficient and require ex-
pensive equipment.
There are two capillary transfer methods, upward capillary transfer and
downward capillary transfer. Upward capillary or "standard" transfer re-
sults in very efficient transfer of DNA or RNA of all sizes but requires over-
night exposure. Downward capillary transfer is just as efficient as upward
transfer and requires much shorter transfer time (3-4 hr) . It uses a Schlei-
cher & Schuell TurboBlotter transfer apparatus and therefore is more ex-
pensive . Capillary transfer can be carried out with neutral or alkaline trans-
fer solutions (Chomczynski, 1992). Protocols for both neutral and alkaline
transfers are given below.
A schematic outline of the transfer procedure is shown in Figure 1.

Capillary Neutral Transfer Capillary Alkaline Transfer

Preparation of Gel Preparation of Gel

Treatment with HCI Denaturat ion of DNA

Denaturation of DNA Capillary Transfer

Neutralization of Gel Blot Assembly

Blot Assembly Membrane Neutralization

Capillary Transfer UV-Crosslinking


Pig.T, Schematic outline of the transfer procedures

11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 235

- MagnaGraph nylon membrane 0.22 ~t pore size (Micron Separation, Inc.
# NJTHYOOOlO). See Chapter 10 for a description of equivalent nylon
membranes from other manufacturers. If fragments larger than 300
bp are to be transferred, it is not necessary to use membrane with a
0.22 urn pore size, membranes with a pore size of 0.45 urn can be used.
- Whatman 3MM chromatography paper (Whatman Co. # 3030917)
- Pyrex glass dishes
- Stratalinker'" UV oven (Stratagen Co. # 400071 or equivalent)
To efficiently crosslink DNA to nylon membrane the UV source should
be capable ofdelivering 120 mJI cnr'. Excessive crosslinking will decrease
hybridization efficiency.
- 10 x SSC Solution Solutions
- 1.5 M NaCI
- 0.15 M sodium citrate
Dissolve 87.5 g NaCI and 44.1 g of sodium citrate in 850.0 ml of distilled
or deionized water. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH, and add water to
1000 ml. Store at 4°C.
- Denaturation Solution
- 0.5 N NaOH
- 1.5 M NaCl
Prepare the solution using 10 N NaOH . Solution can be stored at room
temperature for a few months. If a white precipitate forms, the solution
should be discarded.
- Neutralization Solution
- 0.5 M Trisma Base
- 1.5 M NaCI
Add 60.5 g of Trisma Base and 87.45 g of NaCl to 850 ml of deionized
water. Dissolve salts and adjust pH to 7.5 with concentrated HCl. Fill
with water to 1000 ml. Store at 4°C.
- Alkaline Denaturation Solution
- 0.4 M NaOH
- 3 M NaCI
Prepare solution using 10 N NaOH and store at room temperature.
- Alkaline Transfer Solution
- 8 mM NaOH
- 3 M NaCl
- 0.5 % Sarcosyl

Prepare the solution using 10 N NaOH. Addition ofSarcosyl is optional

but its use can decrease background. Store solution at room tempera-
ture. Discard if a precipitate forms.


Capillary neutral transfer

1. After electrophoresis, transfer the gel to a Pyrex dish and trim away any
unused areas of the gel with a razor blade . Cut the lower corner of the gel
at the bottom of the lane with size standards. This will provide a mark to
orient the hybridization bands on the membrane with the bands in the
gel. Transfer the gel to a transilluminator and draw the outline of the gel
on an acetate sheet with a felt marker pen. Mark the positions of the
wells, the positions of standard DNA bands and the position of the
cut corner. Cut away and remove the gel above the wells.
Note: Because the gel is thinner in the well area, the transfer solution may
pass preferentially through this part of the gel causing uneven DNA transfer.
Safety Note: Wear gloves and UV-protective glasses during this operation.
Use only powder free gloves when using a chemiluminescent detection sys-
tem . The presence of talcum powder will result in the formation of a
"spotted" background.
2. Transfer the gel back to the Pyrex dish and add enough 0.25 N HCl to
allow the gel to move freely in the solution. This will take about 150 to
200 ml of solution for a standard gel size.
Note: This procedure breaks large DNA molecules by depurination and is
not necessary if you are transferring small DNA fragments. However, it is
important not to let the hydrolysis reaction proceed too far; otherwise, the
DNA is cleaved into fragments that are too short to bind efficiently to the
membrane (less then 200 bp).
3. Place the dish on an orbital shaker and incubate for 15 minutes rotating
at 10-20 rpm. Decant the acid carefully holding the gel with the palm of
your gloved hand.
4. Rinse the gel for 10-20 seconds in 200 ml of distilled water. Discard the
water and proceed immediately to the next step.
5. Add 200 ml of denaturation solution to the dish and gently agitate it for
15 to 20 minutes on a rotary shaker.
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 237

6. Decant the denaturation solution as described above and repeat step 5

one more time.
7. Add 200 ml of water and rinse the gel for 10to 20 seconds to remove most
of the denaturation solution trapped on the surface ofthe gel. Decant the
water, holding the gel with palm of your gloved hand. Be very careful
during this procedure because the denaturation solution contains
NaOH making the gel very slippery.
8. Add 100-200 ml of the neutralization solution to the dish and treat the
gel for 20 minutes with gentle agitation.
9. Discard neutralization solution and repeat step 8 one more time.
10. While the gel is being treated, prepare the nylon membrane for transfer.
Cut the nylon membrane to the size of the gel. Use the outline of the gel
drawn on the acetate sheet as a guide. Use gloves and only touch the
edges of the nylon membrane. Place the membrane in a separate Pyrex
dish filled with distilled water. Leave the membrane in water for 1 to 2
minutes. Decant the water and immerse the membrane in 10 x sse. Cut
three sheets of Whatman 3MM paper to the size of the nylon membrane.
Prepare a long strip of Whatman 3MM paper to use as a wick. The wick
should be approximately 30 em long and 10 cm wide.
11. Assemble the blot sandwich. Refer to Figure 2 for details. Add 400 - 600
ml of lOx SSC to a large Pyrex dish . Place a glass platform across the
center ofthe dish and cover it with the wick. Make sure that both ends of
the wick are immersed in SSCsolution. Wet the wick with 10 to 20 ml of
transfer solution and remove trapped air bubbles by rolling a 10 ml
glass pipette over it. Carefully lift the gel from the Pyrex dish and place
it in the center of the wick with the sample wells down . Smooth the gel
and remove trapped air bubbles by gently rolling a glass pipette over the
Note: The gel is now upside-down with the well openings facing the wick.
This is necessary to obtain the best results during transfer (sharper resolu-
tion due to less diffusion during the transfer), and to maintain the left-to-
right sample orientation on the membrane.
12. Cover the entire dish, including the surface of the gel, with saran wrap.
With a razor blade "cut away" the saran wrap covering the gel itself. This
will leave an opening over the gel while the remaining area of the wick
will be covered by saran wrap.

Wick Draped with Over Gel Placed

Glass Plate Over Wick


" "III"'l"-- Glass

........O:::::::'~~- Tray With

Weight (0.5 Kg)

55 » \\$ '''-



~.......- Wick

10 X sse
Fig. 2. Preparation of Southern blot
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 239

13. Place the nylon membrane on top of the gel. Add 5 ml of lOx SSCto the
top of the membrane and remove air bubbles by rolling a pipette over it.
Cut the left bottom corner of the membrane to coincide with the cut
made in the gel. Place three sheets of dry Whatman 3MM paper, pre-
pared in step 10, on the top of the membrane. Place several inches of
paper towels on top of the 3MM paper. Because the wick area is pro-
tected by saran wrap, it is not necessary to cut the paper towels to
the size of the gel. Place a glass plate on top of the paper towel stack
and weigh it down with a one-liter Erlenmeyer flask filled with 500
ml of water. Allow minimum of 17 hours for the transfer.
Note: To prevent the gel from collapsing, the weight placed on the top of the
stack should never exceed 500 g (i.e., about 500 ml of water) .
14. Dissemble the blot. Remove the weight, glass plate and paper towels.
Using forceps, remove the membrane and place it "DNA side" up
(the side that was in contact with the gel) on a clean sheet of What man
3MM paper. Mark the DNA side with pencil on the corner of the mem-
15. Place the membrane on a sheet of dry Whatman 3MM paper. Do not
allow the membrane to dry at any time. Place the membrane into an
16. UV irradiate the damp membrane to crosslink DNA to the membrane
using the automatic setting of the UV oven. Irradiate both sides of the
membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap the membrane in aluminum foil
and bake it in an oven at 80 °Cfor 1 hour. The baking step immobilizes
DNA on the membrane. Membranes can be stored at room temperature
practically indefinitely.

Capillary alkaline transfer

Alkaline transfer of DNA is possible only with positively charged nylon

membrane. Capillary alkaline transfer is faster because the neutralization
step is omitted from the procedure and the time required for transfer is
shorter. Alkaline transfer solution can cause some depurination of the
DNA and frequently results in weaker hybridization signals than the neutral
transfer. Alkaline blotting is not recommended when reprobing is desired.
1. After electrophoresis, transfer the gel to a glass Pyrex dish and trim
away any unused areas of the gel with a razor blade. Cut the lower corner

of the gel at the bottom of the lane with size standards. This will provide a
mark to orient the hybridization bands on the membrane with the bands
in the gel. Transfer the gel to a transilluminator and draw the outline
of the gel on an acetate sheet with a felt marker pen. Mark the positions
of the wells, the positions of standard DNA bands and the position of
the cut corner. Cut away and remove the gel above the wells.
Note: Because the gel is thinner in the well area, the transfer solution may
pass preferentially through this part of the gel causing uneven DNA transfer.
Safety Note: Wear gloves and UV-protective glasses during this operation.
Use only powder free gloves when using a chemiluminescent detection sys-
tem . The presence of talcum powder will result in the formation of a
"spotted" background.
2. Transfer the gel back to the Pyrex dish and add enough 0.25 N HCI to
allow the gel to move freely in the solution. This will take about 150 to
200 ml of solution for a standard gel size.
Note: This procedure breaks large DNA molecules by depurination and is
not necessary if you are transferring small DNA fragments. However, it is
important not to let the hydrolysis reaction proceed too far; otherwise, the
DNA is cleaved into fragments that are too short to bind efficiently to the
membrane (less then 200 bp).
3. Place the dish on an orbital shaker and incubate for 15 minutes rotating
at 10-20 rpm . Decant the acid carefully holding the gel with the palm of
your gloved hand.
4. Rinse the gel for 10-20 seconds in 200 ml of distilled water. Discard the
water and proceed immediately to the next step.
5. Transfer the gel to 200 ml (4:1 ratio of buffer to gel) of alkaline dena-
turation solution and denature for 30 minutes with gentle agitation on
an orbital shaker.
6. Decant the alkaline denaturation solution carefully, holding the gel with
the palm of your gloved hand and repeat steps 2 and 3 one more time.
7. Add 200 ml of alkaline transfer solution and incubate the gel for 15 min-
8. Transfer the DNA from the gel to the membrane as described in steps 10
to 13 of the neutral capillary transfer procedure. At least 3 hours is re-
quired for adequate transfer. The transfer time can be extended to over-
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 241

Note: An extended time of alkaline transfer may contribute to high back-

ground and should be used only when very large DNA fragments are to be
transferred. If a high background is encountered, it can be lowered by in-
cubating the membrane in 2 x SSC at 65 °Cfor 30 minutes after immobilizing
the DNA.
9. Disassemble the blot. Remove the weight, glass plate and paper towels.
Using forceps, remove the membrane and place it "DNA side" up (the
side that was in contact with the gel) on a clean sheet of Whatman 3MM
paper. Mark the DNA side with pencil on the corner of the membrane.
10. Incubate the membrane in 100 ml of alkaline neutralization solution for
10 minutes.
11. Place the membrane on a sheet of dry Whatman 3MM paper. Do not
allow the membrane to dry at any time. Place the membrane into a
12. UV irradiate the damp membrane to crosslink DNA to the membrane
using the automatic setting of the UV oven. Irradiate both sides of the
membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap the membrane in aluminum foil
and bake it in an oven at 80 °Cfor 1 hour. The baking step immobilizes
DNA on the membrane. Membranes can be stored at room temperature
for an indefinite time.

I Subprotocol 2
Dot blot
Dot blot is a rapid method for quantitative screening of purified DNA, RNA,
cell lysate and PCR-amplified DNA. A schematic outline of the dot blot
procedure is shown in Figure 3.


- Manifold Dot-Blot or Slot-Blot apparatus (e.g., Bio-Rad # 170-6545 or

Schleiher & Schull # SRC 96D).
- Vacuum unit
- MagnaGraph nylon membrane 0.22 urn pore size (Micron Separation,
Inc. # NJ2HYAOOlO). See Chapter 10 for a description of equivalent ny-
lon membranes from other manufacturers. If fragments larger than

Dot Blot Protocol Fig. 3. Schematic outline of the dot blot procedure

Sample Preparation

Assembly of Dot-Blot

Sample Appl ication


300 bp are going to be transferred, it is not necessary to use 0.22/lm pore

size membrane and membrane of 0,45 urn can be used.
- Whatman 3MM chromatography paper (Whatman Co. # 3030917)
- Stratalinker" UV oven (Stratagen Co. # 400071 or equivalent)
To efficiently crosslink DNA to nylon membrane the UV source should
be capable ofdelivering 120 m] /crrr', Excessive crosslinking will decrease
hybridization efficiency.
- Pyrex glass dishes
Solutions - TE Buffer
- 10 mM Tris HCI, pH 7.5
- 1 mM NazEDTA, pH 8.5.
Sterilize by autoclaving for 20 minutes and store at 4 "C.
- 2 M Ammonium Acetate Solution
Weigh the appropriate amount of ammonium acetate and dissolve it in
distilled or deionized water. Sterilize by filtration and store in a tightly
capped container at 4 "C.
- 20 x SSC Solution
- 3.0 M NaCl
- 0.3 M Sodium citrate
Dissolve 175 g NaCI and 88.2 g of sodium citrate in 850.0 ml of distilled
or deionized water. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH, add water to
1000 ml. Store at 4 °C.
- 6 x SSC Solution
Prepare from stock solution of 20 x SSC using deionized or distilled
water. Store at 4 "C.
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 243


1. Prepare a serial dilution of samples in TE buffer. Use 1:2, 1:10and 1:100

dilution series for each sample. The final volume of diluted samples
should be 50 Ill.
2. Denature DNA with the addition of 5 III (0.1 volume) offreshlyprepared
3 M NaOH. Incubate at room temperature for 30 minutes.
3. Cool samples on ice and neutralize by the addition of 50 ~L1 (l volume )
of 2 M ammonium acetate . Mix gently by pipetting up and down. If
desired, 6 x SSC can be used for neutralization instead of ammonium
acetate. Keep samples on ice until loading onto membrane.
4. Cut two pieces of What man 3MM pape r to the size of the manifold plate
and soak them in 6 x SSC.
5. Cut the membrane to the size of the manifold and wet it in distilled
water. Transfer the membrane to 6 x SSCand soak it for 5 to 10 minutes.
Alternatively 1 M ammonium acetate can be used instead of 6 x SSe.
6. Place the two pieces of wet filter paper on the filter support plate. Make
sure that one corner is cut off for orientation of the transfer.
7. Place the membrane on the filter paper matching the cut-off corners.
Place the sample well plate on the top and clamp the manifold together.
8. Apply a low vacuum, and wash the wells with 500 III of 6 x SSe.
9. Apply the chilled samples as quickly as possible. Continue suction of the
fluid for about 5 minutes until all of the samples have been loaded onto
the membrane.
10. Remove the membrane from the manifold and place it on sheet of
Whatman 3MM paper. Mark the DNA-side of the membrane with a
pencil. Do not let membrane dry.
Note: If the sample cannot be filtered in 5 to 10 minutes, the concentration
of DNA, RNA or lysate is too high. This could result in a weak or non-spe-
cific hybridization signal due to high background to signal ratio . Prepare a
new dot blot. Determine which dilution of sample filtered first and start a
new dilution from this initial concentration.
11. Crosslink DNA to the membrane in a UV oven using the automatic set-
ting. Irradiate both sides of the membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap
the membrane in aluminum foil and bake it in an oven at 80 "C for

1 hour. The baking step immobilizes DNA on the membrane. Mem-

branes can be stored at room temperature practically indefinitely.
12. Continue the hybridization and signal detection as described in the
Southern hybridization procedure.

Subprotocol 3
Plaque and Colony Transfer
To transfer, the membrane is applied to the surface of a plate containing
bacteriophage plaques, resulting in direct contact between the plaques and
the membrane (Benton and Davis, 1977). Unpacked bacteriophage DNA,
present in the plaque, binds to the membrane and can be hybridized
with the desired probe. A variation of this technique for use with single-
stranded phage also has been described (Wei and Surzycki, 1989). Colony
transfer is accomplished by transferring bacteria from a master plate to a
membrane (Grunstein and Hogness , 1975; Hanahan and Meselson, 1980).
Colonies grown on the membrane are lysed and the liberated DNA is bound
to the membrane. A schematic outline of the transfer procedures is given in
Figure 4.


- MagnaLift nylon circle membranes, 82 mm diameter (Micron Separa-

tion, Inc. # NL4HY08250).
- See Chapter 10 for a description of equivalent nylon membranes from
other manufacturers. Membrane circles of this size can be used with
regular size Petri plates.
- Whatman 3MM chromatography paper (Whatman Co. # 3030 917).
- Pyrex glass dishes.
- Stratalinker" UV oven (Stratagen Co. # 40071 or equivalent).
Efficient crosslinking DNA to nylon membrane requires a UV source
capable of delivering 120 ml/cnr'. Excessive crosslinking will decrease
hybridization efficiency.
Solutions - 10 x SSC Solution
- 1.5 M NaCl
- 0.15 M sodium citrate
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 245

Plaque Transfer Colony Transfer

Phage Growth Colony Growth

Transfe r to Membrane Transfer to Membrane
Denaturation of DNA Colony Growth on
Neutralization I
Transfer to 2nd
UV-Crosslinking Membrane
Denaturation of DNA
UV Crosslin king

Washing in 3 x SSC

Fig. 4. Schematic outline of the tran sfer procedures

Dissolve 87.5 g NaCI and 44.1 g of sodium citrate in 850.0 ml of distilled

or deionized water. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH, and add water to
1000 ml. Store at 4 DC.
- 2 x SSC Solution
Use 10 x SSC stock solution and deionized or distilled water to prepare
this solution. Store at 4 DC.
- Denaturation Solution
- 0.5 N NaOH
- 1.5 M NaCI
Prepare solution using 10 N NaOH. Solution can be stored at room tem-
perature for a few months. If a white precipitate forms the solution
should be discarded.
- Neutralization Solution
- 0.5 M Trisma Base
- 1.5 M NaCI

Add 60.5 g of Trisma Base and 87.45 g of NaCI to 850 ml of deionized

water. Dissolve salts and adjust the pH to 7.5 with concentrated HCl. Fill
with water to 1000 ml. Store at 4 "C.


Plaque transfer 1. Cells should be plated with phage in soft agar using any standard plating
protocol technique. Incubated at 37 °C until plaques are about 1 to 2 mm in dia-
meter. For screening individual plaques, pick a plate with about 100 to
200 plaques per plate. For primary screening of a library, use a plate with
about 10 000 plaques.
2. Cool agar plates at 4 °C for 15 minutes to solidify soft agar.
3. To place a membrane on the soft agar surface hold the membrane by its
edges and bend it slightly into a U shape. Contact the middle of the filter
with the center of the plate . Release both edges slowly onto the plate,
being careful not to trap air bubbles and to wet the membrane evenly.
This operation should take about 30 seconds.
Note: Wear gloves during this procedure. Finger oils prevent wetting of the
membrane and interfere with DNA transfer.
4. Mark the orientation of the membrane on the plate by stabbing three
holes through membrane and the agar with a sterile 19g needle. Position
the holes asymmetrically. Mark the approximate positions of the holes
on the bottom of the plate . Allow phage to transfer for 5 to 10 minutes.
Note: The holes will be used to determine the position of any plaques giving
a positive hybridization signal.
5. With flat-tip forceps pull the membrane off the agar surface. Place filter
on a Whatman 3MM paper DNA side up and mark the DNA side with a
Note: Store the plates upside down at 4 °Cuntil the results of hybridization
become available. Pick plaques that give a positive hybridization signal.
6. Fill a Pyrex dish with denaturation solution and with DNA side up, float
the membrane on the surface. After a few seconds immerse the mem-
brane and soak it for 30 seconds. This step denatures phage DNA and
binds the DNA to the filter.
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 247

7. Place the membrane, DNA side up, on Whatman 3MM paper and blot
the excess of denaturation solution.
8. Transfer the membrane to a Pyrex dish with neutralization solution and
soak it, DNA side up, for 30 seconds.
9. Transfer the membrane to 2 x SSC and soak it for 30 seconds. Place the
membrane onto dry Whatman 3MM paper with the DNA side up and
blot the excess sse. Do not let membrane dry.
10. Transfer the Whatman paper and membrane into a UV oven and cross-
link DNA to the membrane using the automatic setting of the UV oven.
Irradiate both sides of the membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap the
membrane in aluminum foil and bake it in an oven at 80 °Cfor 1 hour.
The baking step immobilizes DNA on the membrane. Membranes can
be stored at room temperature prac tically indefinitely.
11. Store the crosslinked membrane in a plastic bag at room temperature
until ready to hybridize with probe. Hybridization and signal detection
should be carried out as described for the Southern blot hybridization
Note: The presence of cellular debris on the membrane can lead to high
background. To remove the debris, incubate the membrane in 3 x SSC con-
taining 0.1% SDS for 1 hour at 68 °C,rotating at slow speed in a hybridiza-
tion oven.
1. Sterilize the membrane circles by autoclaving for 20 minutes. Label the Colony transfer
membrane with a pencil and using flat-tip forceps, place it, labeled side protocol
down, on the surface of a plate with medium containing the appropriate
antibiotic. When the membrane becomes wet, pull it offwith forceps and
place the labeled side up on another agar plate with the same medium
and antibiotic as above (e.g., LB agar supplemented with ampicillin).
Spread 0.1 ml of the appropriate bacterial dilution over the surface
of the membrane with a sterile bent glass rod.
2. Let the plates stand at room temperature until all of the liquid has been
absorbed. Invert the plates and incubate at 37 °C until small colonies
(about 0.1 ern diameter) appear. This will take about 8 to 10 hours.
3. With forceps, lift the membrane from the surface of the plate and place it
colony side up, on two sheets of Whatman 3MM paper. Wet a new mem-
brane as described in step 1. Carefully place a fresh wet membrane over
the one with the colonies, cover with a glass plate. Apply gentle pressure
to transfer the colonies to the new membrane. While the membranes are

sandwiched together, use a sharp needle to make three asymmetrical

holes to mark the position of colonies.
4. Gently peel the membranes apart and return the second membrane to its
agar plate, colony side up. Incubate the plate for several hours and store
at 4°e, seal with parafilm and store until hybridization results become
5. Fill a Pyrex dish with denaturation solution and with DNA side up, float
the membrane on the surface. After a few seconds immerse the mem-
brane and soak it for 30 seconds. This step denatures DNA and binds the
DNA to the filter.
6. Place the membrane, DNA side up, on Whatman 3MM paper and blot
the excess of denaturation solution.
7. Transfer the membrane to a Pyrex dish with neutralization solution and
soak it, DNA side up, for 30 seconds.
8. Transfer the membrane to 2 x sse and soak it for 30 seconds. Place the
membrane onto dry Whatman 3MM paper with the DNA side up and
blot the excess sse. Do not let membrane dry.
9. Transfer the Whatman paper and membrane into a UV oven and cross-
link DNA to the membrane using the automatic setting of the UV oven.
Irradiate both sides of the membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap the
membrane in aluminum foil and bake it in an oven at 80 "C for 1 hour.
The baking step immobilizes DNA on the membrane. Membranes can
be stored at room temperature practically indefinitely.
10. Incubate the membrane in 3 x sse containing 0.1% SDS for 1 hour at
68 "C, rotating at slow speed in a hybridization oven. This step will
remove cellular debris that can result in high background. Perform
hybridization and signal detection using a hybridization oven or plastic
bags as described for Southern blot hybridization.

Subprotocol 4
Southern Blot Hybridization
This procedure describes the hybridization procedure using a hybridization
oven . The hybridization oven considerably shortens the hybridization pro-
cedure, decreases the amount of reagents needed and results in much lower
background. The hybridization procedure, using plastic bags, is essentially
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 249

the same as this procedure and will also be described because not all labora-
tories have a hybridization oven. The hybridization procedure described
below uses stringent conditions for hybridization and washing, assuming
50% GC content of target DNA (see equation 2, 5 and 9 in Chapter 10). For
less stringent conditions, see a discussion of this topic in Chapter 10.A sche-
matic outline of the hybridization and signal detection procedures is shown
in Figure 5.

Hybridization Signal Detection

Prehybridization Incubation in Washing Buffer

Probe Preparation Incubation in Blocking Buffer

Hybridization Incubat ion with Antibody

Washing in Solution I Incubation in Wash ing Buffer

Washing in Solution II Incubation in Detection Buffer

Treatment with CPO-Sta r

Signal Detection

Fig. 5. Schematic outline of the hybridization and signal detection procedures


- Hybridization oven (e.g., HyBaid Co. # H9320 or equivalent)

Oven should be capable of rotation at variable speeds.
- Hybridization bottles 150 x 35 mm (e.g., HyBaid Co. # H9084 or equiva-
- Plastic bags (e.g., Kapak Co. # 402 or Roche Molecular Biochemicals
# 1666649)
- Rotary platform shaker

- Rocking platform shaker

- Plastic bag sealer (Fisher Scientific # 01-812-13 or equivalent)
- Plastic containers with air-tight lids
- CDP-Star solution (Tropix Co. # MS100R).
Store solution in the dark at 4 "C. CDP-Star is easily destroyed by ubi-
quitous alkaline phosphatase. Wear gloves and use sterilized tips when
handling CDP-Star solution.
- Dig Easy Hyb solution (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1603 558)
- Blocking reagent for nucleic acid hybridization (Roche Molecular Bio-
chemicals # 1096 176)
- Anti-DIG-alkaline phosphatase 750 u/ml (Roche Molecular Biochem-
icals # 1093 274)
Stock solution should not be frozen. Store at 4°C.
- Antifoam C (Sigma Co. # A 800l)
- Maleic acid (Sigma Co. # MD 375)
- Ion exchange resin AG 501-X8 (Bio-Rad # 142-6424)
- Formamide (Fluka # 47671)
Solutions - 20 x SSC Solution
- 3.0 M NaCl
- 0.3 M Sodium citrate
Dissolve 175 g NaCI and 88.2 g of sodium citrate in 900.0 ml of distilled
or deionized water. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH, and add water
to 1000 ml. Store at 4°C.
- Sarcosyl Stock Solution, 20% (w/v)
Dissolve 40 g ofSarcosyl in 100ml of double distilled or deionized water.
Fill up to 200 ml with water. Sterilize by filtration through a 0.45 11m
filter. Store at room temperature.
- SDS Stock Solution, 10% (w/v)
Add 10 g of powder to 70 ml of distilled water and dissolve by slow stir -
ring. Add water to a final volume of 100 ml and sterilize by filtration
through a 0.45 11m filter. Store at room temperature.
Safety Note: SDSpowder is a nasal and lung irritant. Weigh the powder
carefully and wear a face mask.
- Formamide (deionized)
- 100% Formamide
Add 500 ml offormamide to 50 g of ion exchange resin AG 501-X8 and
stir slowly for 30 minutes. Remove resin by filtration through a What-
man 1MM filter. Store at - 20 °C.
- Hybridization Solution
- 5 x SSC
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 251

- 2.5% blocking-reagent
- 0.001% Antifoam A
- 0.02% (w/v) SDS
- 0.1% (w/v) Sarcosyl
- 50% formamide, deionized
Prepare 2 x hybridization mixture as follows: Add 5 g ofblocking reagent
powder to 40 ml of 10 x SSCAdd 2 III of antifoam A, 0.2 ml of 10% SDS
and 0.5 ml of 20% Sarcosyl. Dissolve by stirring for 2 hours at 50 °C to
60 "C. Fully dissolved blocking solutions will have uniformly "milky"
appearance. Fill up with wate r to 50 ml. Store at -20 °C. Immediately
before use, add an equal volume of 100% deionized formamide.
Note: Instead of this solution, Dig Easy Hyb solution can be used. The solu-
tion is nontoxic and gives much lower background when DIG-labe led
probes are used.
- Washing Solution I
- 2 x SSC
- 0.1% SDS
- Washing Solution II (high stringency)
- 0.1 x SSC
- 0.2% SDS
- lOx Maleic Acid Solution
- 1.0 M Maleic acid
- 1.5 M NaCI
Adjust pH to 7.5 with concentrated NaOH. Sterilize by autoclaving for 20
minutes. Store at 4 °C.This solution is available in the Wash and Block
Buffer Set from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1585 762).
- 10 x Blocking Solution
- 10% (w/v) Blocking reagent
- 1 x Maleic acid solution
Add 10 ml of maleic acid solution to 90 ml sterilized water. Add 10 g of
blocking reagent powder. Dissolve by stirring slowly at 60 °C.Do not boil
because it will cause the reagent to coagulate. Autoclave for 20 minutes.
Blocking reagent must be completely in solution before autoclaving.
Store at 4 "C. This solution is available in the Wash and Block Buffer
set from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1585 762)
- Washing Buffer (Buffer A)
- 1 x Maleic acid solution
- 0.3% (w/v) Tween 20

Dilute 10x maleic acid solution in sterilized water and Tween 20. Do not
autoclave. Store at 4 °C.This solution is available in the Wash and Block
Buffer set from Roche Molecu lar Biochemicals (# 1585 762)
- Blocking Buffer (Buffer B)
- 1 x Maleic acid solution
- 1 x Blocking solution
Dilute 10 x maleic acid solution and 10 x blocking solution 1:10 in ster-
ilized water. Prepare only the amount necessary for use. The buffer can
be prepared from components of the Wash and Block Buffer Kit (Roche
Molecular Biochemicals # 1585 762).
- Detection Buffer (Buffer C)
- 0.1 M Tris HCI, pH 9.5
- 0.1 M NaCI
- 0.05 M MgCh
Prepare this buffer from stock solutions. Adjust the pH before the
addition of MgCh to avoid a precipitate. Sterilize by filtration. Store
at 4 °C.


Protocol using a hybridization oven

Hybridization The experimental procedure described uses Dig Easy Hyb solution. Hybri-
reaction dization solution can be used in place of Dig Easy Hyb.
1. Place the dry membrane with DNA crosslinked to it into a glass hybri-
dization bottle. Make sure that the side of the membrane with DNA is
facing away from the glass.
Note: Several membranes can be placed in a single bottle. Some membrane
overlapping does not affect hybridization or increase background.
2. Pour 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb solut ion into a 15 ml plastic centrifuge tube
and add it to the hybridization bottle. Save the centrifuge tube for further
use. The minimum amount ofliquid per hybridization bottle is 5 to 6 ml.
3. Close the hybridization bottle tightly and place it in the hybridization
oven. Incubate for 1-3 hours at 41 °C rotating at a slow speed (3 to 5
rpm). This is the prehybridization step that lowers background.
4. Ten minutes before the end of prehybridization, begin to prepare the
probe for hybridization. Pour 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb solution into
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 253

the previously used 15 ml conical centrifuge tube . Add probe to a final

concentration of 20 to 25 ng/ml. Close the tube tightly and place it into
an 80 °C water bath. Incubate for 10 minutes to denature the DNA.
Note: Leave the probe in the water bath until you are ready to start the hy-
bridization procedure. However, do not incubate the tube longer than 20
minutes at 80 °C. This can lead to the degradation of the probe.
5. After prehybridization has been completed, retrieve your hybridization
bottle from the hybridization incubator and pour off the prehybridiza-
tion solution.
Note: Prehybridization solution can be stored and used again.
6. Add the Dig Easy Hyb containing the denatured probe. Return the bottle
to the oven and allow it to rotate slowly at 41 °C overnight.
7. Pour off the hybridization solution into a 15 ml centrifuge tube. The Washing reaction
probe can be stored at -20 °C, remelted and reused 3 to 4 times. protocol
8. Add 20 ml ofwashing solution I to the bottle. Place it into the hybridiza-
tion oven and rotate at maximum speed for 15 minutes at room tem-
9. Pour off solution I and discard it. Drain the liquid well by placing the
bottle on end on a paper towel for 1 minute. Repeat the wash one more
time and drain the bottle.
10. Add 20 ml of washing solution II prewarmed to 62 °C. Place the bottle
into the hybridization oven preheated to 62 "C. Rotate it at a slow speed
for 20 minutes.
11. Pour off solution II and discard it. Drain remaining liquid well by
placing the bottle on end on a paper towel for 1 minute. Repeat the wash-
ing with solution II one more time .
12. Pour off washing solution II. Drain the liquid well by placing the bottle Detection protocol
on end on a paper towel for 1 minute.
13. Add 20 ml of washing buffer (buffer A). Cool the oven to room tempera-
ture and rotate the bottle at maximum speed for 2-5 minutes.
14. Pour off and discard washing buffer (buffer A). Add 10 ml of blocking
buffer (buffer B). Incubate for 1-3 hours rotating slowly at room tem-

15. Pour off buffer B and discard it. Invert the bottle over a paper towel and
let it drain well.
16. Add 10 ml of buffer B to a plastic 15 ml centrifuge tube and add 2 ul of
anti -DIG-alkaline phosphatase stock solution. Mix well and add the so-
lution to the bottle with the membrane. Incubate for 30 minutes rotating
slowly at room temperature.
Note: The working antibody solution is stable for about 12 hours at 4 °C. Do
not prolong incubation with antibody over 30 minutes this will result in high
17. Pour off antibody solution and drain the bottle well. Discard antibody
18. Add 20 ml of buffer A and wash the membrane for 15 minutes at room
temperatur e rotating at maximum speed.
19. Discard buffer A and drain the bottle well. Add 50 ml of detection buffer
(buffer C) and equilibrate the membrane in it for 20 minutes rotating at
maximum speed. Repeat this procedure one more time.
20. Move the membrane in the bottle toward the open end by shaking the
bottle. Open the bottle and pour half of buffer C into a plastic bag. Wear-
ing powder-free gloves, transfer the membrane from the bottle to the
bag. This can be easily accomplished by keeping the wet membrane im-
mersed in a pool of buffer C and moving it with your fingers. Move the
membrane to the end of the bag and leave as little space as possible be-
tween the membrane and the end of the bag. This will limit the amount
of expensive chemi luminescent substrate necessary to fill the bag.
21. Poor off buffer C from the bag. Place the bag on a Whatman 3MM paper
sheet and remove the remaining liquid from the bag by gently pressing it
out with Kimwipe tissue .
Note: Do not press strongly on the membrane because this will increase the
background. Most of the liquid should be removed from the bag leaving the
membrane slightly wet. At this point a very small amount of liquid will be
visible at the edge of the membrane.
22. Open the end of the bag slightly, leaving the membrane side that does
not contain DNA attached to the side of the bag. Add 0.9-1 ml of CDP-
Star solution directing the stream toward side of the bag. Do not add
solution directly onto the membrane. Place the bag on a sheet of What-
man 3MM paper with the DNA-side up and distribute the liquid over the
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 255

surface of the membrane by gently moving the liquid around with a

Kimwipe paper towel. Make sure that the entire membrane is evenly
covered . Do not press on the membrane because this will cause "press
marks" on the film. Gently remove excess CDP-Star from the bag by
guiding excess solution toward the open end of the bag and onto the
Whatman paper with a Kimwipe towel. Make sure that the membrane
remains damp. At this point, small liquid droplets are visible on the edge
of the membrane but there is no liquid present on its surface. Seal the bag
with a heat sealer.
23. Place the bag in an X-ray film cassette leave it at room temperature for 30
minutes. In a darkroom, place X-ray film over the membrane. If the film
is two-sided, place the less shiny, emulsion side against the membrane.
Exposure time is 10-15 minutes at room temperature for single copy
gene detection. This time can be increased up to 12hours. See Chapter 10
for a description of membrane types that can be used and recommended
times of exposure for each type of membrane. Open the cassette and
develop the film using standard procedures for film development.
Note: Maximum light emission for CDP-Star is reached in 20 to 30 minutes,
the light emission remains constant for approximately 24 hours and the blot
can be exposed to film a number of times during this period.

Procedure using hybridization bags

The experimental procedure described uses Dig Easy Hyb solution. lx Hy-
bridization Solution can be used in place of Dig Easy Hyb.
1. Place the bag on a clean sheet of Whatman 3MM paper. Place the dry Hybridization
membrane on the sheet of Whatman 3MM paper cut to a size slightly reaction protocol
larger than the nylon membrane. Insert the nylon membrane and What-
man paper carefully into the plastic bag. Gently withdraw the Whatman
paper from the bag leaving the nylon membrane inside.
2. Add 10ml of Dig Easy Hyb (or 1x prehybridization solution) to the bag.
Place the bag on the lab bench and carefully eliminate all bubbles.
Note: Use at least 2.5 ml hybridization solution per 100 ern! of membrane.
3. Seal the top of the bag leaving 4 to 8 cm between the top seal and the top
of the membrane. It is very important to leave this large space between
the membrane and the sealed edge.

4. Put a platform shaker into a 41 °C incubator and place the bag on the
platform. Incubate for 2-4 hours with constant rocking.
5. Ten minutes before the end of prehybridization begin to prepare the
probe for hybridization. Pour 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb solution into
the 15 ml conica l centrifuge tube . Add probe to a final concentration
of 20 to 25 ng/ml. Close the tube tightly and place it into an 80 °Cwater
bath. Incubate for 10 minutes to denature the DNA.
Note: Leave the probe in the water bath until you are ready to start the hy-
bridization procedure. However, do not incubate the tube longer than 20
minutes at 80 "C. This can lead to the degradation of the probe.
6. Open the bag by cutting it with scissors along the line of the top seal, as
far away from the edge of the membrane as possible. Pour off the pre-
hybridization mixture.
Note: Prehybridization mixture can be stored and reused several times .
7. Add the Dig Easy Hyb with the probe to the bag. Remove air bubbles and
seal the bag. Return the sealed bag to the 41 °C incubator and rock it
Washing reaction 8. Carefully cut open the top of the bag. Pour the hybridization mixture
protocol into a 15ml plastic centrifuge tube. The probe can be stored at -20 °Cand
reused several times .
9. Cut open the bag completely, open it like a book and remove the mem-
brane with forceps. Place the membrane in a plastic box fitted with an
airtight cover. Work over bench paper and wear gloves.
10. Add 100-150 ml of washing solution I to the membrane. Wash at room
temperature on a rotary shaker set at slow speed for 15 minutes. Drain
the solution well.
11. Repeat the washing one more time and discard washing solution I.
12. Preheat 100 ml of washing solution II to 62 °Cand pour onto the mem-
brane. Close the lid of the plastic container tightly and place it into
a 62 °C water bath. Wash for 20 minutes with occasional shaking.
Keep the plastic container fully immersed in water by placing a weight
on the container. Discard washing solution and repeat the washing pro-
cedure one more time. Discard washing solution II.
Detection 13. Add 50 ml of washing buffer (buffer A) and equilibra te the membrane
protocol for 1 minute at room temperature.
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 257

14. Remove the membrane from the plastic container and allow excess li-
quid to drain off. Do not allow the membrane to dry. Add 15ml ofblock-
ing buffer (buffer B) to new plastic bag and transfer the membrane to it.
This can be accomplished easily by keeping the wet membrane im-
mersed in a pool of buffer B in the bag and moving it with your fingers.
Move the membrane to the end of the bag and leave as little as possible
space between the membrane edges and the edges of the bag. Wear pow-
derless gloves during this procedure. Place the bag on Whatman 3MM
paper and remove all bubbles. Seal the top of the bag leaving 4 to 8 em
between top of the bag and the top of the membrane. Place the bag on a
rocking platform shaker and incubate with gentle rocking for 1-3 hours
at room temperature.
15. Open the bag and remove buffer B from the bag. Place the bag on a sheet
of Whatman 3MM paper and remove the remaining buffer by gently
rolling a 10 ml pipette over the bag. Prepare 10 ml of anti-DIG -alkaline
phosphatase solution. Add 10 ml of Buffer Bto a plastic 15 ml centrifuge
tube and add 2 III of anti-DIG-alkaline phosphatase stock solution. Mix
well and add the solution to the bag. Remove all bubbles and close it.
Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature with gentle rocking.
Note: Prolonging incubation with antibody over 30 minutes may result in
high background.
16. Open the bag and discard the antibody solution. Add 20 ml ofbuffer A to
the bag, close it and incubate for 15 minutes by rocking at room tem-
perature. Repeat the washing procedure one more time .
17. Add 40 ml of buffer C to the bag and incubate for 10 minutes at room
temperature. Repeat this procedure one more time .
18. Poor off buffer C from the bag. Place the bag on a Whatman 3MM paper
sheet and remove the remaining liquid from the bag by gently pressing
it out with a Kimwipe tissue.
Note: Do not press strongly on the membrane because this will increase the
background. Most of the liquid should be removed from the bag leaving the
membrane slightly wet. At this point a very small amount of liquid will be
visible at the edge of the membrane.
19. Open the end of the bag slightly, leaving the membrane side that does
not contain DNA attached to the side of the bag. Add 0.9-1 ml of CDP-
Star solution directing the stream toward side of the bag. Do not add
solution directly onto the membrane. Place the bag on a sheet of What-

man 3MM paper with the DNA-side up and distribute the liquid over the
surface of the membrane by gently moving the liquid around with a
Kimwipe paper towel. Make sure that the entire membrane is evenly
covered. Do not press on the membrane because this will cause "press
marks" on the film. Gently remove excess CDP-Star from the bag by
guiding excess solution toward the open end of the bag and onto the
Whatman paper with a Kimwipe towel. Make sure that the membrane
remains damp. At this point, small liquid droplets are visible on the
edge of the membrane but there is no liquid present on its surface.
Seal the bag with a heat sealer.
20. Place the bag in an X-ray film cassette and leave it at room temperature
for 30 minutes. In a darkroom, place X-ray film over the membrane. If
the film is two-sided, place the less shiny, emulsion side against the
membrane. Exposure time is 10-15 minutes at room temperature for
single copy gene detection. This time can be increased up to 12 hours.
See Chapter 10for a description of membrane types that can be used and
recommended times of exposure for each type of membrane. Open the
cassette and develop the film using standard procedures for film devel-
Note: Maximum light emission for CDP-Star is reached in 20 to 30 minutes,
the light emission remains constant for approximately 24 hours and the blot
can be exposed to film a number of times during this period.

Stripping the membrane for reprobing

The nylon membrane can be stripped and reprobed at least 4 times. When
reprobing of the membrane is required, make sure that the membrane does
not become dry at any time. Use only alkali-labile DIG-labeled probes for
hybridization. Store membrane before stripping in 2x SSC sealed in a plastic
bag at 4 "C. The procedure can be carried out in a hybridization oven or a
Pyrex dish.
Stripping protocol 1. Place the membrane into a hybridization bottle and wash in sterile water
for 1 minute. Discard water.
2. Prepare fresh alkaline probe-stripping solution containing 0.4 N NaOH
and 0.1% SDS.
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 259

3. Add 20 ml of alkaline probe-stripping solution and incubate for 10 min-

utes at 37 °C at maximum rotation speed. Discard alkaline probe-strip-
ping solution.
4. Add 20 ml2 x SSCand wash at room temperature at maximum speed for
20 minutes. Discard the solution and repeat washing procedure one
more time.
5. Proceed with reprobing, starting from the prehybridization step of the
hybridization procedure.

Figure 6 presents the result of single gene probe (labeled with DIG) hybri-
dization with genomic DNA of Chlamydomonas. Chlamydomonas genomic
DNA was double-digested with restriction enzymes Hind III/Ava I, Hind
III/Bam HI and Hind III/Cla I. Three different time exposures are shown
to illustrate low background obtained with MagnaGraph membrane.


There are two basic problems that are encountered in hybridization pro-
cedures, problems with low sensitivity of detection and problems with
high background (Genius System User's Guide, 1995).

Low sensitivity

Low sensitivity of detection can result from any of the reasons listed below:
• Incomplete DNA transfer to the membrane.
This can occur because:
- Collapsing of the gel during transfer. Apply less weight during the
transfer step. The gel should be at least 4 mm thick.
Transfer time is not long enough or agarose gel is too thick. Allow at
least 17hours for capillary transfer. The gel should not be thicker than
Inadequate denaturation of DNA before transfer. This usually results
from using old denaturation solution containing precipitate.
Presence of bubbles between membrane and the gel during transfer
or during hybridization.

• •

Fig. 6. Hybridization of a single gene probe with genomic DNA of Chlamydomonas. The same
hybridization membrane was exposed for 5 m inutes (A), 20 minutes (B) and 2 hours (C). Lane
1, DNA digested with Hind III and A va I restriction enzymes. Lane 2, DNA digested with Hind
III and Bam HI restriction enzymes. Lane 3, DNA digested with Hind III and Cia I restriction

- Inadequate depurination step. This will usually result in bands larger

than 10 kb missing from the blot. Increase the treatment time in
0.25 N HCl.
- DNA bands "blow -through" the membrane. This usually occurs with
fragments smaller than 300 bp. For transfer of small fragments, do
not use the depurination step, and use membrane with a pore size of
0.22 urn, Use 20 x SSC for the transfer when unsure of size of the
DNA being transferred.
11 DNA Transfer and Hybridization 261

- Incorrect estimation of the labeling efficiency of the probe. Use a new

probe or correctly estimate probe labeling efficiency using the protocol
for estimation of DIG-dUTP concentration (Chapter 9).
- Incorrect estimation of GC content of the target or probe . Lower tem-
perature of hybridization and washing reactions. See Chapter 10 for a
detailed discussion of the conditions of hybridization and washing
- Using inactivated antibody. Repeated freezing and thawing cycles can
easily destroy antibody. Always store anti-DIG alkaline phosphatase
stock solution at 4°C.Test suspected antibody using the procedure de-
scribed for testing efficiency of labeling of the probe using labeled stan-
dard DNA (Chapter 9).
- Exposure of membrane to film too short. Increase exposure time up to
24 hours.

High background

High background can result from:

• Inadequate blocking of the membrane.
Increase blocking reagent concentration in hybridization solution to 5%
or use Dig Easy Hyb solutions.
• Presence of precipitate in the antibody solution.
• Using gloves containing powder.
• Hybridization solution with incompletely dissolved blocking reagent
can cause spotty or uneven background.
• Probe concentration too high.
Perform hybridization at lower probe concentration and wash for a
longer time at 68 °C.Using a higher concentration of probe is unlikely
to significantly improve sensitivity and can cause an increase in back-
• Non-uniform distribution of chemiluminescent substrate during the
detection procedure.
• Drying the membrane during any hybridization steps. The background
will not be uniform and will appear as irregular smears.

• Uneven contact of the bag with X-ray film. The background will appear
as irregular smears. Make sure that the surface of the bag is smooth and
does not contain wrinkles caused by incorrect sealing of the bag.
• Dirt on the surface of the bag. This will result in dark areas on the film
caused by electrostatic charges outside of the bag. Clean the surface of
the bag with 70% ethanol and remove all fingerprints.
• Uneven distribution of the probe due to delivering the probe directly
onto the membrane. This will result in "clouds" of background on
an otherwise clear autoradiograph.
• Inadequate washing with buffer C. Repeat the washing procedure, and
add fresh CPD-store solution.


Benton WD, Davis RW (1977) Screening Agt recombinant clones by hybridization to

single plaque s in situ . Science 196:180-182.
Chomczyn ski P (1992) One-hour downward alkaline capillary transfer for blotting of
DNA and RNA. 201:134-139.
Grunstein M, Hogness D (1975) Colony hybridization: A method for isolation of cloned
DNAs that contain a specific gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 72:3961-3965.
Genius system user 's guide for membrane hybridization. Version 3. (1995) Boehringer
Mannheim Biochemicals. 9115. Hague Road. P.O. Box 50414.Indianapolis, IN 46250.
Hanahan D, Meselson M (1980) A protocol for high density screening of plasmids in
1776. Gene 10:63- 68.
Nyagaard AP, Hall BD (1964) J Mol Biol 9:125-130.
Peferoen M, Huybrecht R, De Loof A 1982Vacuum-blotting: A new simple and efficient
transfer of proteins from sodium dod ecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellu-
lose. FEBS Lett 145:369-372.
Smith MR, Devine CS, Cohn SM, Lieberman MW 1984 Quantitative electrophoretic
transfer of DNA from polyacrylamide or agarose gels to nitrocellulose. Anal Biochem
Southern EM (1975) Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments separated
by gel electrophoresis. J Mol BioI 98:502-517.
Wei Y-G, Surzycki SJ (1986) Screening recombinant clones containing sequences homo-
logous to Escherichia coli genes using single-stranded bacteriophage vector. Gene
Chapter 12 PROTOCOL

Northern Transfer and Hybridization



RNA gel blots, or Northern hybridization analysis, was introduced shortly

after the DNA blotting technique (Southern, 1975) and was humorously
named Northern blot (Alwine et al, 1977). The technique is primarily
used for studying gene expression, quantification of transcription, and ana-
lysis of RNA processing. It essentially consists of RNA:DNA or sense RNA
and antisense RNA blot hybridization. RNA molecules are fractionated by
size, using denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis. The fractionated RNA is
transferred to a solid support, such as nylon or nitrocellulose membrane.
The membrane is hybridized with a specific, labeled probe and results are
visualized by autoradiography. The method is sensitive enough to detect
mRNA present in the cell in 5 to 10 copies when analyzing 10 ug of total
RNA. As little as one copy of mRNA per cell can be detected when 1to 2 Jlgof
poly-A+ mRNA is analyzed (Davis et all, 1994).
Northern blot analysis is presented here as three separate protocols: a
protocol for electrophoresis of an RNA on formaldehyde or glyoxal gels, a
protocol for transfer of RNA from the gel to a nylon membrane and a pro-
tocol for hybridization analysis of the transferred RNA using DIG-labeled
Northern blot analysis is more difficult to perform than Southern trans-
fer and hybridization largely, because RNA is sensitive to degradation by
RNases. The most difficult task is to inactivate RNase, the presence ofwhich
is universal. Most RNases are exceptionally stable enzymes that can with-
stand autoclaving or phenolic treatment and do not require any cofactors
for their activity.
To prevent contamination of equipment and solutions with RNase, the
following precautions should be taken:
• Gloves should always be worn . Because gloves can be easily contami-
nated with RNase, they should be changed frequently.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

• Whenever possible disposable, certified RNase-free, plasticware should

be used .
• RNase-free micropipette tips and microfuge tubes should purchased
whenever possible. Regular microfuge tubes and tips usually are not
contaminated with RNase, and they do not require special treatment
if they are used from unopened bags. Gloves should be worn when pre-
paring supplies for sterilization.
• All glassware should be treated with 0.1% DEPC aqueous solution and
autoclaved to remove DEPC. It also is possible to inactivate RNase by
baking glassware at 180 °C for at least 2 hours or overnight. Alterna-
tively, RNase can be easily and efficiently eliminated from glassware,
countertops, pipettors and plastic surfaces using a commercially avail-
able, non-toxic RNaseZap®solution. We strongly recommend its use.
• Gel apparatus, combs and gel casting trays, etc., should be treated with
0.2 N NaOH for 15minutes and rinsed with RNase-free water before use.
They should be reserved, if possible, for exclusive use with RNA gels.
RNaseZap®solution can be used instead of alkaline treatment.
• All solutions should be made with DEPC-treated water or sterilized
MilliQ water.

Subprotocol 1
RNA Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis of RNA molecules requires techniques different from

that used for DNA. To separate RNA molecules according to their size,
it is necessary to maintain their complete denaturation before and during
electrophoresis. Nondenatured RNA can form secondary structures such as
"hairpins" that profoundly influence their electrophoretic mobility and
their transfer to solid support media. A number of denaturants have
been used. Among these are glyoxal with DMSO (McMaster and Carmi-
cheal, 1977), formaldehyde (Lehrbach et al, 1977; Rave et al., 1979) and
methylmercuric hydroxide (Baileyand Davidson, 1977; Thomas, 1980). Pre-
sently formaldehyde and glyoxal-DMSO are used more often than the
highly toxic methylmercuric hydroxide. The buffers used for RNA electro-
phoresis differ from those used for DNA. These buffers are of very low ionic
strength resulting frequently in the creation of a pH gradient along the
length of the gel that causes overheating of the gel and distortion of
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridizat ion 265

RNA bands. To prevent this, RNA gels should be run at low field strength
(< 5 V/ern) usin g a large volume of buffer and con stant stirring to prevent
gradient form ation.
Procedures for both form aldeh yde and glyoxal-DMSO agaro se gels are
described here as well as a method for running native RNA agarose gels.
Native gels do not include toxic denaturants in agarose, but this does
not affect electrophoretic separation of RNA (Liu and Chou, 1990). Use
of native or formaldehyde gel is recommended because they are simp le
and fast. However, precaution should be taken when building and running
formaldehyde gels because formaldehyde is toxic. To lower exposure to for-
maldehyde, its concentration has been decreased from 2.2 M originally de-
scribed to 0.66 M. Usually formaldehyde is removed from the gel before
transfer of RNA to the membrane.
The glyoxal-DMSO method does not use toxic chemicals, but it is more
difficult to use than the formaldehyde method. This method requires very
careful control of pH during electrophoresis to a pH below 8. This is because
glyoxal denatures RNA by binding covalently to the guanine residue, form-

Formaldehyde Gels Glyoxal Gels Native Gels

Preparation of Casting Tray Preparation of Casting Tray Preparation of Casting Tray

Preparation of Gel Preparation of Gel Preparation of Gel

Formaldehyde Addition Pouring Gel Pouring Gel

Pouring Gel Samples Preparation Samples Preparation

Samples Preparation Loading Samples Loading Samples

Loading Samples Electrophoresis Electrophoresis


Fig. 1. Schematic outline of the RNA agarose gel electrophoresis procedures


ing products that are stable only at a pH below 8. At a pH above 8, glyoxal

dissociates from RNA. Submarine gels require continuous recirculation and
mixing of electrophoresis buffer to maintain the pH within an acceptable
limit. Also, commercially available glyoxal must be purified before use to
remove glyoxylic acid that is readily formed by oxidation and degrades
RNA. Electrophoresis time is longer than for formaldehyde gels. However,
glyoxal-DMSO gels can be used for blotting without removing the denatur-
ant. A schematic outline of RNA agarose gel electrophoresis procedures is
given in Figure 1.


- Agarose powder Sealcem" LE (FMC BioProducts # 50001 or equivalent)

- Ethidium bromide (Sigma Co. # E8751)
- Formaldehyde (Sigma co. # F1268 or equivalent)
Commercially available solutions are 37% or 12 M. If the pH of the solu-
tion is >4.0 and there is a yellow precipitate at the bottom of the bottle,
use a fresh solution.
- Formamide 100% (Fluka # 47671 or equivalent)
- Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) (Sigma Co. # D5758)
- MOPS (3-(n-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid (Sigma Co. # M1254)
- Glyoxal (40% v/v) (Sigma Co. # G3140)
- AG 501-X8 mixed bed resin (Bio-Rad # 142-6424)
- DMSO (Sigma Co. # D5879 or D8779)
- Gel electrophoresis apparatus with power supply (minimum 13 x 20 em
gel size, e.g., Owl Scientific # AI)
- RNaseZap ® Solution (Ambion # 9780)
- RNA size standards (for example, Ambion # 7140 or equivalent)
Solutions - DEPC Treated Water
Add 0.1 ml DEPC to 100 ml of deionized water. Shake vigorously to dis-
solve DEPC in water. Incubate 2 hours to overnight at 37 °C.Autoclave to
inactivate DEPC. DEPC must be completely inactivated before using any
solution treated with it because it will carboxylate RNA. Carboxylated
RNA will inhibit reverse transcriptase, DNA:RNA hybridization and in
vitro translation. Use DEPC-treated water to prepare any solutions that
cannot be treated with DEPC directly. Primarily these are solutions con-
taining primary amines, such as Tris or ammonium acetate that will re-
act with DEPC.
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 267

Safety Note: When using DEPC, wear gloves and use a fume hood be-
cause DEPC is highly flammable and a suspected carcinogen.
Note: Sterilized, deionized water from a MilliQ apparatus (Millipore Co. #
ZD5111584) does not contain RNase and can be used directly in all applica -
tions instead of DEPC-treated water.
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution, pH 8.5
Weigh an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and add it to distilled water while stirring.
EDTA will not go into solution completely until the pH is greater than
7.0. Adjust the pH to 8.5 using a concentrated NaOH solution or by
adding a small amount of pellets while mixing and monitoring the
pH. Bring the solution to a final volume with water and sterilize by
filtration. EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room tem -
pera ture.
- Deionized Glyoxal Solution (40%)
Measure the pH of the glyoxal solution with pH paper. If the pH is below
4.5, glyoxal should be deionized. Put about 5 ml of AG501-X8resin into a
small disposable plastic column and load it with 10ml of glyoxal. Collect
eluent in an RNase-free tube and measure the pH with pH paper. Pass
the eluent over the column one more time or until the pH is 4.5 or higher.
Place small aliquots (about 50 Ill) into screw cap tubes and store at -70
"C. Before using, check the pH. Use each aliquot only once and discard.
- Deionized Formamide Solution (100%)
- 100% Formamide
Add 500 ml of formamide to 50 g of ion exchange resin, AG 501-X8,
and stir slowly for 30 minutes. Remove resin by filtering through What-
man 1 MM filter. Store at - 20 °C.
- Ethidium Bromide Stock Solution (5 mg/ml)
- 50 mg ethidium bromide
Dissolve the powder in 10 ml sterilized MilliQ water by stirring under a
chemical fume hood. Store at room temperature in a tightly closed, dark
Safety Note: Ethidium bromide is a powerful mutagen and suspected
carcinogen. It is particularly toxic when inhaled in powder form.
Take all possible precautions not to inhale it during preparation of
the stock solution. Weigh powder under chemical fume hood and
wear a face mask and gloves.
- 10 x MOPS Formaldehyde Gel Electrophoresis Buffer
- 0.2 M MOPS
- 80 mM Sodium acetate
- 10 mM EDTA

Dissolve MOPS and sodium acetate in DEPC-treated water or MilliQ

water, add EDTA from a 0.5 M stock solution and adjust pH to 7.0
with 10 N NaOH. Sterilize by filtration. Store at room temperature in
the dark. During storage a yellow color can develop, but this does
not interfere with gel electrophoresis.
Note: Tris based buffers cannot be used when formaldehyde is present be-
cause it interacts with amine groups in this buffer.
- 0.1 M Phosphate Solution pH 7.0
This solution is used as electrophoresis buffer for glyoxal gels. Dissolve
0.1 moles ofNa2HP04 in a minimum amount of water, adjust pH to 7.0
with concentrated phosphoric acid and fill up to 1 liter with RNase-free
water. Sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature.
- 10 x TBE Electrophoresis Buffer
- 890 mM Tris-base
- 890 mM boric acid
- 20 mM EDTA
This buffer is used for native gel electrophoresis. Dissolve Tris and boric
acid in RNase-free water and add the appropriate amount of 0.5 M
EDTA, pH 8.5. Store at room temperature.
- 5 x RNA Sample Buffer for Formaldehyde Gels
- 1 x MOPS formaldehyde gel electrophoresis buffer
- 50% Deionized formamide
- 5.6% Formaldehyde
- 10% Glycerol
- 0.1 % Bromophenol blue
Prepare 5 ml of solution, aliquot in small portions into RNase free tubes
and store at -20 °C.
- Glyoxal Gel Loading Buffer
- 50% Glycerol
- 10 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.0
- 0.05% Bromophenol blue
Prepare using MilliQ or DEPC-treated water and store in small aliquots
at -20 °C.

Formaldehyde The quantities indicated in this protocol are for use with a gel size of 20 em x
gels protocol 15 cm x 0.4 cm. The well length is 0.7 ern and well width is 2 mm, dimensions
optimal for obtaining sharp RNA bands. The volume of the sample that can
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 269

be loaded in the well is 25 Ill. For other gel and comb sizes, the volumes
should be adjusted accordingly. Samples are stained with ethidium bromide
that is added directly to RNA at a concentration of 5 ug per sample. This
concentration of ethidium bromide does not interfere with transfer or
Northern hybridization (Gong, 1992).
1. Seal the opened ends of the gel casting tray with tape. Regular labeling
tape or electrical insulation tape can be used. Check that the comb teeth
are about 0.5 mm above the bottom ofthe tray. To adjust this height, it is
most convenient to place a plastic charge card (e.g., MasterCard) under
the comb and adjust the comb height to a position where the card is easily
removed from under the comb teeth. Wipe the comb with RNaseZap
immediately before use.
2. Prepare 1500ml of Ix MOPS buffer by adding 150ml of10 xMOPS stock
solution to final volume of 1500 ml of RNase-free water.
3. Place 142 ml of the buffer into a 500 ml conical flask and add the appro-
priate amount of agarose. Weigh 1.5 g of agarose for a 1.0% agarose gel.
Melt the agarose by heating the solution in a microwave oven at full
power for approximately 3 minutes or by boiling for 10 minutes in a
boiling water bath. Swirl the agarose solution to ensure that the agarose
is dissolved; that is, no shiny agarose particles are visible. If evaporation
occurs during melting, adjust the volume to 142 ml with water.
Note: 1.0% agarose formaldehyde gels have an efficient range of separation
for linear RNA molecules between 500 to 7000 bases. For other ranges con-
sult Table 1.
4. Cool the agarose solution to approximately 50 °C and add 7.5 ml of
formaldehyde (1:20 dilution of 37% stock). Slowly pour the agarose
into the gel casting tray. Remove any air bubbles by trapping them
in 10 ml pipette.
Note: Final formaldehyde concentration in the gel is approximately 1.8% or
0.66 M. This concentration should be increased to 4% (1.2 M) if the RNA of
interest is very large (>10000 b).

Safety Note: Formaldehyde vapor is toxic. Prepare the gel under a chemical
fume hood or in well-ventilated area. Wear gloves at all times .
5. Position the comb approximately 1.5em from the edge of the gel. Let the
agarose solidify for about 30 to 60 minutes in a chemical fume hood.
After the agarose has solidified, remove the comb with a gentle back
and forth motion, taking care not to tear the gel.

6. Remove the tape from the ends of the gel casting tray and place the tray
on the central supporting platform of the gel box.
Safety Note: For safety purposes, the electrophoresis apparatus always
should be placed with the positive electrode (red) facing away from the
investigator. Place the gel apparatus in chemical hood because formal -
dehyde vapor is toxic.
7. Add electrophoresis buffer to the buffer chamber until it reaches a level
approximately 2 to 3 mm above the surface of the gel.
8. Prepare the sample as follows. Add 5111 of 5 x RNA sample buffer, 1111of
ethidium bromide and desired amount of RNA sample to a sterile mi-
crofuge tube. If the total volume is less than 25 III fill it up with sterile
RNase-free water. Incubate the RNA sample at 65 °Cfor 10minutes then
transfer the tube immediately to ice for 2 minutes. Centrifuge for 20
seconds to collect condensation from the sides of the tube and place
it back on ice.
Note: Generally, 10 to 20 ug total RNA or 0.5 to 2 ug of poly(A)+ RNA per
lane ean be loaded using the gel described in this procedure. Samples must
be loaded in sequential sample wells. Do not "skip" wells when loading few-
er samples than the number ofwells. In this case, load samples in the wells at
the center of the gel.
9. Load the samples into the wells using a yellow, RNase-free tip. Place the
tip under the surface of the electrophoresis buffer and above the well.
Expel the sample slowly, allowing it to sink to the bottom of the well.
Take care not to spill the sample into a neighboring well. During sample
loading, it is very important not to place the end of the tip into the sam-
ple well or touch the edge of the well with the tip. This can damage the
well, resulting in uneven or smeared bands. The RNA size standard, if
desired, should be loaded in the first well from the left. This is because
many computer programs that are used for calculating fragment size
require the size standards in this position.
10. Place the lid on the gel box and connect the electrodes. RNA will trave l
toward the positive (red) electrode. Turn on the power supply. Adjust
the voltage to about 2 to 5 VIcm. For example , if the distance between
electrodes (not the gel length) is 40 em, to obtain field strength of 3 VI
em, voltage should be set to 120 V. Continue electrophoresis until the
tracking dye moves 1/2 to 2/3 the length of the gel.
Note: It will take the tracking dye approximately 2 to 3 hours to reach this
position on a gel 20 em long. Consult Table 2 in this chapter for the size of
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 271

RNA molecules that co-migrates with bromophenol blue dye. Electrophor-

esis should not be carried out for longer than 3 hours because formaldehyde
will elute from the gel causing the RNA to renature.
11. Turn the power supply off and first disconnect the positive (red), and
next, the negative lead from the power supply. This order of disconnect-
ing leads prevents the occurrence of accidental electrical shock. Remove
the gel from the electrophoresis chamber. To transfer RNA to a mem-
brane follow the procedure described in Subprotocol 2.

Running glyoxal gels requires recirculation of the electrophoresis buffer Glyoxal gels
between anodal and catodal compartments because of its very low buffering protocol
capacity. Place a magnetic stirrer under both chambers and set up a peri-
staltic pump to recirculate buffer between the two tanks. The quantities in-
dicated in this protocol are for use with a gel size of 20 ern x 15 cm x 0.4 cm.
1. Seal the opened ends of the gel casting tray with tape. Regular labeling
tape or electrical insulation tape can be used . Check that the comb teeth
are about 0.5 mm above the bottom ofthe tray. To adjust this height, it is
most convenient to place a plastic charge card (e.g., MasterCard) under
the comb and adjust the comb height to a position where the card
is easily removed from under the comb teeth. Wipe the comb with
RNaseZap®immediately before use.
2. Prepare 1500ml of 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer by adding 150 ml of
a 0.1 M sodium phosphate stock solution to a final volume of 1500ml of
RNase-free water.
3. Place 150 ml of the buffer into a 500 ml conical flask and add the appro-
priate amount of agarose. Weight 1.5g of agarose for a 1.0% agarose gel.
Melt the agarose by heating the solution in a microwave oven at full
power for approximately 3 minutes or by boiling for 10 minutes in a
boiling water bath. Swirl the agarose solution to ensure that the agarose
is dissolved; that is, no agarose particles are visible. If evaporation occurs
during melting, adjust the volume to 150 ml with water.
Note: Because glyoxal reacts with ethidium bromide, the gels are poured
and run without the dye.
4. Cool the agarose solution to approximately 70 °Cand add solid sodium
iodoacetate to final concentration of 10mM to inactivate RNase. If agar-
ose used is certified RNase-free, this step can be omitted. Cool agarose
to 50 °C and slowly pour it into the gel casting tray. Remove any air
bubbles by trapping them in a 10 ml pipette.

S. Position the comb approximately 1.5em from the edge ofthe gel. Let the
agarose solidify for about 30 to 60 minutes. After the agarose has soli-
dified, remove the comb with a gentle back and forth motion taking care
not to tear the gel.
6. Remove the tape, and place the tray on the central supporting platform
of the gel box.
Safety Note: For safety purposes, the electrophoresis apparatus should
be oriented with the positive electrode (red) away from the investigator.
7. Add the electrophoresis buffer prepared in step 2 to the buffer chamber
until it reaches a level approximately 2 to 3 mm above the surface of the
8. Before loading the gel denature the RNA sample as follows. To sterilize a
microfuge tube add:

Ingredients Amount Final Concentration

Deionized glyoxal (6 M) 4.0 ul 1M
DMSO (100%) 12.5 ul 50 %
Na phosphate (0.1 M) 2.5 ul lOmM
RNA as required up to 20 J.!g
Water fill up to 25 ul

Incubate the tube at 50 °Cfor 1 hour, coolon ice and add Sill of glyoxal
gel loading buffer. Mix by pipetting up and down.
Note: Generally, 10 to 20 ug total RNA or 0.5 to 2 ug of polyrA)" RNA per
lane can be loaded using a gel of this size. Samples must be loaded in se-
quential sample wells. Do not "skip" wells when loading fewer samples than
the number of wells. In th is case, load samples in the wells at the center of
the gel.
9. Load the samples into the wells using a yellow, RNase-free tip . Place the
tip under the surface of the electrophoresis buffer and above the well.
Expel the sample slowly, allowing it to sink to the bottom of the well.
Take care not to spill the sample into a neighboring well. During sample
loading, it is very important not to place the end of the tip into the sam-
ple well or touch the edge of the well with the tip. This can damage the
well, resulting in uneven or smeared bands. The RNA size standard, if
desired, should be loaded in the first well from the left. This is because
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 273

many computer programs that are used for calculating fragment size
require the size standards in this position.
10. Place the lid on the gel box and connect the electrodes. RNA will travel
toward the positive (red) electrode. Turn on the power supply. Adjust
the voltage to about 2 to 5 VIcm. For example, if the distance between
electrodes (not the gel length) is 40 em, to obtain a field strength of 3 VI
em, voltage should be set to 120 V. Continue electrophoresis until bro-
mophenol blue moves at least 1/2 to 2/3 of the length of the gel. It will
take the tracking dye approximately 3-5 hours to reach this position on a
gel 20 em long. Consult Table 2 of this chapter for the size of RNA mo-
lecules that co-m igrate with bromophenol blue dye in glyoxal gels.
Note: Run the gel for 10 minutes before starting buffer recircu lation. Start
stirrers under buffer chambers and begin recirculation by starting the peri -
staltic pump.
11. Turn the power supply off and first disconnect the positive (red), and
next, the negative lead from the power supply. This order of disconnect-
ing leads prevents the occurrence of accidental electrical shock. Remove
the gel from the electrophoresis chamber. To transfer RNA to a mem-
brane follow the procedure described in Subprotocol 2.

Native gels can be used as an analytical tool to assess the efficiency of RNA Native gels
purification. They are easy to prepare and do not use toxic chemicals. protocol
Northern blot transfer from native gel is not recommended.
1. Seal the opened ends of the gel casting tray with tape . Regular labeling
tape or electrical insulation tape can be used. Check that the comb teeth
are about 0.5 mm above the bottom of the tray. To adjust this height, it is
most convenient to place a plastic charge card (e.g., MasterCard) under
the comb and adjust the comb height to a position where the card
is easily removed from under the comb teeth. Wipe the comb with
RNaseZap®immediately before use.
2. Prepare 1500 ml of 1 x TBE using RNase-free water.
3. Place 150 ml of the buffer into a 500 ml conical flask and add the appro-
priate amount of agarose . Weigh 1.5 g of agarose for a 1.0% agarose gel.
Melt the agarose by heating the solution in a microwave oven at full
power for approximately 3 minutes or by boiling for 10 minutes in a
boiling water bath. Swirl the agarose solution to ensure that the agarose
is dissolved. If evaporation occurs during melting, adjust the volume to
150 ml with water.

Note: Ethidium bromide can be incorporated into the agarose gel at a con -
centration of 0.5 ug/rn l, If the gel contains ethidium bromide, it is not ne-
cessary to add it to the samp le.
4. Cool the agarose solution to approximately 60 °C and slowly pour the
agarose into the gel casting tray. Remove any air bubbles by trapping
them in a 10 ml pipette.
5. Position the comb approximately 1.5em from the edge of the gel. Let the
agarose solidify for about 30 minutes. After the agarose has solidified,
remove the comb with a gentle back and forth motion taking care not to
tear the gel. Remove the tape, and place the tray on the central support -
ing platform of the gel box.
Note: Native agarose gels should be as thin as possible (3-4 mm) to shorten
electrophoresis time. Electrophoresis time should not be longer than 3 hours
to maintain RNA molecules in a denatured state .
6. Add electrophoresis buffer until it reaches a level approximately 2 to
3 mm above the surface of the gel.
7. Prepare the sample as follows. To a sterile microfuge tube, add 5 j.ll of 5 x
RNA sample buffer, 1 ul of ethidium bromide and the desired amount of
RNA sample. If the total volume is less than 25 ul, fill it up with sterile
RNase-free water. Incubate at 65 °C for 10 minutes and transfer it im-
mediately to ice for 2 minutes. Centrifuge the tube for 20 seconds to
collect condensation and place the tube back on ice until ready to
load onto the gel. If ethidium bromide is present in the gel do not
add it to the sample.
8. Load the samples into the wells using a yellow, RNase-free tip. Place the
tip under the surface of the electrophoresis buffer and above the well.
Expel the sample slowly, allowing it to sink to the bottom of the well.
Take care not to spill the sample into a neighboring well. During sample
loading, it is very important not to place the end of the tip into the sam-
ple well or touch the edge of the well with the tip. This can damage the
well, resulting in uneven or smeared bands. The RNA size standard, if
desired, should be loaded in the first well from the left. This is because
many computer programs that are used for calculating fragment size
require the size standards in this position.
9. Place the lid on the gel box and connect the electrodes. RNA will travel
toward the positive (red) electrode. Turn on the power supply. Adjust
the voltage to about 2 to 5 V/cm. For example, if the distance between
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 275

electrodes (no t the gel length) is 40 em, to obtain a field strength of 3 V/

em, voltage should be set to 120 V. Continue electrophoresis until
bromophenol blue moves at least 1/2 to 2/3 of the length of the gel.
It will take the tracking dye approximately 2 hours to reach this position
on a gel 20 em long.
10. Turn the power supply off and first disconnect the positive (red), and
next, the negative lead from the power supply. This order of disconnect-
ing leads prevents the occurrence of accidental electrical shock. Remove
the gel from the electrophoresis chamber. You can photograph the gel
using Polaroid film 667 with a Polaroid camera at a speed of 1 and F8 or
use a computer imaging system to record the results (see Chapter 8 for

Table 2. Suggested SeaKem®agarose concentrations for optimal resolutions of RNA

Agarose Concentration (%) Efficient Range of Separation
0.3 5000 - 60 000
0.6 1 000 - 20 000
0.7 800 - 10 000
1.0 500 - 7 000
1.2 400 - 6 000
1.5 200 - 3 000
2.0 100 - 2 000

Table 3. Mobility of RNA molecules in relation to bromophenol blue dye in Seakam"

LE agarose gels
Concentration of Agarose (%) Formaldehyde Gels' Glyoxal Gels
0.6 900 650
1.0 320 740
1.5 140 370

2.0 60 220
a Mobility of RNA in native gels is iden tical to that in formaldehyde gels


Figure 2 presents the result of electrophoresis of corn total RNA using a 1%

agarose formaldehyde gel. Different concentrations of RNA were loaded
and electrophoresis was continued until the bromophenol blue had moved
1/2 the length of the gel. Two sharp bands appear on the gel, 285 RNA (4.7
kb) and 185 RNA (1.9 kb). The 55 and 5.85 RNA bands are located on the
leading edge of the gel, running together with tRNA. The smears between,
above and below rRNA bands represent the mRNA.
Note: The integrity of the RNA samples and lack ofRNA degradation can be
easily judged from the appearance of rRNA bands. Degradation of the sam-
ple appears as diffused 285 and 185 bands or an incorrect ratio of stain be-
tween rRNA bands. This rat io should be approximately 2:1 for 285 and 185,


The most common problems with gel electrophoresis of RNA are:

• Inadequate denaturation of the samples
This will appear either as multiple rRNA bands or rRNA bands that ap-
pear to be smeared but at a correct ratio. This is seen more frequently
with glyoxal gels than formaldehyde gels and is caused by inadequate
recirculation of the buffer.

Fig.2. Gel electrophoresis of total RNA isolated

1 2 3
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 277

• Overloading the gel with RNA sample

This will result in very broad rRNA bands that run on the gel with ex-
cessive "smearing". Bands could have a V-shape appearance and their
mobility might be faster than expected from their base number.
• Degradation of the sample before or during electrophoresis
This will be indicated by an incorrect ratio between 28S and 18S rRNA,
or, in more severe cases, the total disappearance of these bands. If de-
gradation of RNA occurs during electrophoresis because RNase con-
tamination of buffer or agarose, this can be recognized by the disappear-
ance or "smearing" of the RNA size standards.

I Subprotocol 2
Northern Blot Transfer
Blotting and hybridization conditions differ from those used for DNA as
described in Chapter 11. The denaturation step before transfer is not ne-
cessary because RNA molecules are single stranded. Alkaline transfer is
not recommended as alkaline conditions result in degradation of RNA.
Small molecules can be completely hydrolyzed or broken down to short
fragments that cannot be retained by the membrane. Transfer to the mem-
brane requires a higher salt concentration than that used for DNA. The
transfer solution is 20 x SSC rather than 10 x SSC used in DNA transfers.
All other standard conditions of Northern transfer such as choice of mem-
branes, time of transfer, architecture of the blot etc., are identical to those
for DNA and are described in Chapter 11. Two transfer protocols are pre-
sented: transfer from formaldehyde gels and transfer from glyoxal gels.
A schematic outline of the Northern blot transfer is shown in Figure 3.


- MagnaGraph nylon membrane 0.22 11m pore size (Micron Separation

Inc. # NJTHYOOOlO). See Chapter 10 for a description of equivalent ny-
lon membranes from other manufacturers. If fragments larger than 300
bp are to be transferred, it is not necessary to use 0.2 11m pore size mem-
brane and a membrane of 0.45 urn can be used .
- Whatman 3MM chromatography paper (Whatman Co. # 3030917 or
- Pyrex glass dishes

Transfer from Transfer from

Formaldehyde Gels Glyoxal Gels

Formaldehyde Removal Blot Assembly

Incubat ion in 20 x SSC Capillary Transfer

Blot Assembly UV-Crosslinking

Capillary Transfer


Fig. 3. Schematic outline of the tran sfer procedure s

- Stratalinker" UV oven (Stratagen Co. # 400071 or equivalent)

To efficiently crosslink RNA to nylon membrane, the UV source should
be capable of delivering 120 ml/crrr'. Excessive crosslinkingwill decrease
hybridization efficiency.
Solutions - 20 x sse Solution
- 3.0 M NaCl
- 0.3 M Sodium citrate
Dissolve 175 g NaCl and 88.2 g of sodium citrate in 850.0 ml of DEPC-
treated or MilliQ deionized water. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH,
and add water to 1000 ml. Store at 4 °C.
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 279


1. After electrophoresis, transfer the gel to a Pyrex dish. Be very careful Transfer from
when transferring the gel because formaldehyde makes the gel very brit- formaldehyde gel
tle. Trim away any unused areas of the gel with a razor blade. Cut the protocol
lower corner of the gel at the bottom of the lane with size standards. This
will provide a mark to orient the hybridized bands on the membrane
with the bands in the gel. Transfer the gel to a transilluminator and
draw the outline of the gel on an acetate sheet with a felt marker
pen. Mark the position of wells, the positions of the bands, the RNA
standards, and the position of the cut corner. Cut away and remove
the gel above the wells. You can photograph the gel using Polaroid
film 667 with a Polaroid camera at a speed of 1 and F8 or use a computer
imaging system to record the results (see Chapter 8 for details). It is not
necessary to photograph the gel with a ruler because the location of hy-
bridized bands can be directly determined from the schematic drawing.
Note: Because the gel is thinner in the wells, if they are not removed, transfer
solution may pass preferentially through this part of the gel causing uneven
RNA transfer.
Safety Note: Wear gloves and UV-protective glasses during this operation.
Use only powder free gloves if you intend to use a chemiluminescent detec-
tion system . The presence of talcum will result in a "spotted background".
2. Transfer the gel back to an RNase-free Pyrex dish filled with enough
RNase-free water to cover the gel. This will take about 150 to 200 ml
for a standard gel size.
Note: When using formaldehyde agarose gels containing less than 0.4 M
(12%) formaldehyde, gel washing is not required before transfer. Go on
to step 5.
3. Place the dish on an orbital shaker and incubate for 20 minutes rotating
at 10- 20 rpm. Decant the water carefully holding the gel with the palm of
your gloved hand. Repeat this wash three more times .
Note: This procedure removes formaldehyde from the gel. The presence of
forma ldehyde will hinder RNA transfer to the membrane.
4. Add 20 x SSC to the gel. Use approximately the same volume as in step 2.
Incubate for 45 minutes on an orb ital shaker.

Note: This step is optional, but it may improve transfer efficiency of large
RNA molecules.
5. While the gel is being treated, prepare the nylon membrane for transfer.
Cut the nylon membrane to the size of the gel. Use the gel outline drawn
on the acetate sheet as a guide. Wear gloves and only touch the edges of
the filter. Place the filter in a separate baking dish filled with RNase-free
water. Leave the filter in water for 1 to 2 minutes. Decant the water and
immerse the filter in 20 x SSe. Cut three sheets of Whatman 3MM paper
to the size of the nylon membrane. Prepare a long strip of Whatman
3MM paper to be used as a wick. The wick should be approximately
30 cm long and 10 cm wide .
6. Set up the blot as follows. Figure 4 shows details of the procedure. Add
400 to 600 ml of 20 x SSC to a large Pyrex dish. Place a glass platform
across center of the dish and cover it with the wick. Make sure that bo th
ends of the wick are immersed in SSC solution. Wet the wick with IOta
20 ml of transfer solution and remove trapped air bubbles by rolling a 10
ml glass pipette over it. Carefully lift the gel from the baking dish and
place it in the center of the wick sample wells down. Smooth the gel and
remove trapped air bubbles by gently rolling a glass pipette over the
Note: The gel is now upside-down with the wells facing the wick. This is
necessary to obtain the best results during transfer (sharper resolution
due to less diffusion during the transfer), and to maintain the left-to-right
sample orientation on the blotted membrane.
7. Cover the entire dish, including the surface of the gel, with saran wrap.
With a razor blade "cut away" the saran wrap covering the gel itself. This
will leave an opening over the gel, whereas the remaining area ofthe wick
will be covered by saran wrap.
8. Place the nylon membrane on top of the gel. Add 5 ml of20 x SSC to the
top of the filter and remove any air bubbles by ro lling a pipette over it.
Cut the left bottom corner of the filter to coincide with the cut made in
the gel. Place three sheets of dry Whatman 3MM paper, prepared in step
5, on top of the membrane. Place 5 to 10 ern of paper towels on top of the
3MM paper. Because the wick area is protected by saran wrap it is not
necessary to cut the paper towels to the size of the gel. Place a glass plate
on top of the paper towel stack and weigh it down by placing a one-liter
Erlenmeyer flask filled with 500 ml ofwater. Transfer overnight at 4 °C or
4 to 5 hours at room temperature.
12 Northern Tran sfer and Hybridization 281

Wic k Draped with Over Gel Placed

Glass Plate Over Wick

Wick ---1!...{1-~
- ___

"\11"'-111-- Glass
--";::::::":~r-- Tray With

Weight (0.5 Kg)

55 \\


Filters ~

Nylon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

10 X sse

Fig. 4. Assembly of the Northern blot


Note: To prevent the gel from collapsing the weight should never exceed
500 g (that is, about 500 ml of water).
9. Dissemble the blot. Remove the weight, glass plate and paper towels.
Using forceps, remove the membrane and place it "RNA side" up
(the side that contacted the gel) on a clean sheet of Whatman paper.
Mark the RNA side with a pencil on the corner of the membrane.
10. Place the filter on a sheet of dry Whatman 3MM paper. Do not allow the
membrane to dry at any time. Place the membrane into a UV oven.
11. UV irradiate the damp membrane to crosslink RNA to the membrane
using the automatic setting ofthe "U'V oven". Irradiate both sides of the
membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap the membrane in aluminum foil
and bake it in an oven at 80 °C for 1 hour. The baking step immobilizes
RNA on the membrane. The membrane can be stored at room tempera-
ture almost indefinitely.
Transfer from 1. After electrophoresis, transfer the gel to a Pyrex dish and stain it with
glyoxal gel ethidium bromide. Use between 200 to 300 ml of an aqueous solution of
protocol ethidium bromide (0.5 ug/rnl). Place the dish on an orbital shaker and
stain for 20 minutes rotating at 10-20 rpm.
Note: Glyoxal gels cannot be run in the presence of ethidium bromide be-
cause ethidium bromide reacts with glyoxal. The gel can be stained with
ethidium bromide after electrophoresis and destaining is not necessary.
2. Transfer the gel to a new Pyrex dish and trim away any unused areas of
gel with a razor blade. Cut the lower corner ofthe gel at the bottom of the
lane with the size standards. This will provide a mark to orient the hy-
bridization bands on the membrane with the bands in the gel. Transfer
the gel to a transilluminator and draw the outline of the gel on an acetate
sheet with a felt marker pen. Mark the position of wells, the position of
standards, ribosomal RNA bands and the cut corner. Cut away and re-
move the gel above the wells. You can photograph the gel using Polaroid
film 667 at a speed of 1 and F8 or use a computer imaging system to
record the results (see Chapter 8 for details). It is not necessary to photo-
graph the gel with a ruler because the location of hybridized bands can
be directly determined from the schematic drawing.
Note: Because the gel is thinner in the wells, if the wells are not removed the
transfer solution may pass preferentially through this part of the gel causing
uneven RNA transfer.
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 283

Safety Note: Wear gloves and UV-protective glasses during this operation.
Use only powder-free gloves when using a chemiluminescent detection sys-
tem . The presence of talcum will result in a "spotted background".
3. Return the gel to the Pyrex dish and add 200 - 300ml of20 x SSC solution.
Incubate for 45 minutes on an orbital shaker.
Note: This step is optional, bu t it may improve transfer efficiency of large
RNA molecules.
4. While the gel is being treated, prepare the nylon membrane for transfer.
Cut the nylon membrane to the size of the gel. Use the gel outline drawn
on the acetate sheet as a guide . Wear gloves and only touch the edges of
the filter. Place the filter in a separate baking dish filled with RNase-free
water. Leave the filter in water for 1 to 2 minutes. Decant the water and
immerse the filter in 20 x SSe. Cut three sheets of Whatman 3MM paper
to the size of the nylon membrane. Prepare a long strip of Whatman
3MM paper to be used as a wick. The wick should be approximately
30 em long and 10 em wide.
5. Assemble the blot. Figure 4 shows details of the procedure. Add 400 to
600 ml of 20 x SSC to a large Pyrex dish. Place a glass platform across
center ofthe dish and cover it with the wick. Make sure that both ends of
the wick are immersed in SSCsolution. Wet the wick with 10 to 20 ml of
transfer solution and remove trapped air bubbles by rolling a 10 ml glass
pipette over it. Carefully lift the gel from the baking dish and place it in
the center of the wick sample wells down. Smooth the gel and remove
trapped air bubbles by gently rolling a glass pipette over the surface .
Note: The gel is now upside-down with the wells facing the wick. This is
necessary to obtain the best results during transfer (sharper resolution
due to less diffusion during the transfer), and to maintain the left-to-right
sample orientation on the blotted membrane.
6. Cover the entire dish, including the surface of the gel, with saran wrap .
With a razor blade "cut away" the saran wrap covering the gel itself.
This will leave an opening over the gel, whereas the remaining area
of the wick will be covered by saran wrap.
7. Place the nylon membrane on top of the gel. Add 5 ml of 20 x SSC to the
top of the filter and remove any air bubbles by rolling a pipette over it.
Cut the left bottom corner of the filter to coincide with the cut made in
the gel. Place three sheets of dry Whatman 3MM paper, prepared in step
5, on top ofthe membrane. Place 5 to 10 em of paper towels on top ofthe

3MM paper. Because the wick area is protected by saran wrap it is not
necessary to cut the paper towels to the size of the gel. Place a glass plate
on top of the paper towel stack and weigh it down by placing a one-l iter
Erlenmeyer flask filled with 500ml of water. Transfer overnight at 4 °C or
4 to 5 hours at room temperature.
Note: To prevent the gel from collapsing, the weight should never exceed
500 g (that is, about 500 ml of water).
8. Dissemble the blot. Remove the weight, glass plate and paper towels.
Using forceps, remove the membrane and place it "RNA side" up
(the side that contacted the gel) on a clean sheet of Whatman paper.
Mark the RNA side with a pencil on the corner of the memb rane .
9. Place the filter on a sheet of dry Whatman 3MM paper. Do not allow the
membrane to dry at any time. Place the membrane into a UV oven.
10. UV irradiate the damp membrane to crosslink RNA to the membrane
using the automatic setting of the "U'V oven" . Irradiate both sides of the
membrane. Alternatively, you can wrap the membrane in aluminum foil
and bake it in an oven at 80 °Cfor 1 hour. The baking step immobilizes
RNA on the membrane. The membrane can be stored at room tempera-
ture almost indefinitely.


Efficiency of the transfer can be checked by staining the gel with ethidium
bromide. Inefficient transfer will result in a low fluorescence of ribosomal
RNAbands. Alternatively, if RNA samples were stained with 5llg/sample of
ethidium bromide, the staining pattern will be visible on nylon membrane.
Low transfer efficiency could result from:

• Too thick gel.

Gels that are thicker than 5 mm should not be used.
• Agarose concentration higher than 2%.
If high concentration of agarose is used, transfer time should be in-
• Collapsing of the gel during transfer.
The top weight should never exceed 500 g for gels 4 mm thick.
• Too high a concentration of ethidium bromide in the sample .
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 285

Subprotocol 3
Northern Blot Hybridization and Detection
Conditions of hybridization and washing reactions for RNA blots are dif-
ferent from those used for DNA. This is because of the difference in the
stability of RNA:DNA hybrids, as compared to DNA:DNA hybrids (see
Chapter 10 for detailed discussion of these conditions). Two protocols
are described: hybridization using a hybridization oven and hybridization
using plastic bags. The hybridization oven procedure rather than plastic
bags procedure is recommended because this procedure is less time con-
suming, requires smaller volume of reagents, and results in much lower
hybridization background. The hybridization procedure using plastic
bags is essentially the same as the procedure with a hybridization oven.
The procedure using bags is given because not all laboratories have hybri -
dization ovens.
Hybridization of RNA blots always uses solutions that permit hybridi-
zation at low temperatures. These solutions usually contain formamide, or
the commercially available Dig Easy Hyb solution, to lower incubation tem-
perature and prevent destruction of RNA. Because formamide is toxic it is
better to use Dig Easy Hyb solution in Northern hybridization experiments.
The solution is inexpensive, non-toxic, and gives very low background with
both DIG-labeled and radioactive probes. The procedure described uses
stringent conditions of hybridization and washing, as calculated from equa-
tions 2, 6 and 9 in chapter 10. The %GC of the target is assumed to be 50%
and the probe is RNA. To use less stringent conditions, a target with other
than 50% GC content or DNA probes, hybridization conditions should be
recalculated (see equations 2, 6 and 9 and the discussion of this topic in
Chapter 10). A schematic outline of the hybridization and detection pro-
cedures is shown in Figure 5.


- Hybridization oven (e.g., HyBaid Co. # H9320 or equivalent)

Oven should be capable of rotation at variable speeds.
- Hybridization Bottles 150x35 mm (e.g., HyBaid Co. # H98084or equiva-
- Plastic bags (e.g., Kapak Co. # 402 or Roche Moleculare Biochemicals #
- Plastic containers with lids

Hybridization Signal Detection

Prehybridization Incubation in Washing Buffer

Probe Preparation Incubation in Blocking Buffer

Hybridization Incubation with Antibody

Wash ing in Solution I Incubation in Washing Buffer

Washing in Solution II Incubation in Detection Buffer

Treatment with CPO-Star

Signal Detection

Fig. 5. Schematic outline of the hybridi zation and signal detection procedures

- Rocking platform shaker

- Rotary platform shaker
- Plastic bag sealer (Fisher Scientific # 01-812-13 or equivalent)
- 15 ml and 50 ml sterilized polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes (for
example, Corning # 25319-15 and 25330-50)
- CDP-Star solution (Tropix Co. # MS100R)
- Storesolution in thedarkat4"C.CDP-Stariseasilydestroyedbyubiquitous
alkaline phosphatase. Wear gloves and use sterilized tips to pipette it.
- Dig Easy Hyb solution (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1603 558)
- Blocking reagent for nucleic acid hybridization (Roche Molecular Bio-
chemicals # 1096 176)
- Anti-DIG-alkaline phosphatase 750 u/rnl (Roche Molecular Biochem-
icals # 1093 274)
Stock solution should not be frozen. Store at 4 "C.
- Antifoam C (Sigma Co. # A 800l)
- Maleic acid (Sigma Co. # MD 375)
- Ion exchange resin AG 501-X8 (Bio-Rad # 142-6424)
- Formamide (Fluka # 47671)
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 287

- 20 X sse Solution Solutions

- 3.0 M NaCl
- 0.3 M Sodium citrate
Dissolve 175 g NaCl and 88.2 g of sodium citrate in 900.0 ml of RNase-
free water. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 10 N NaOH, and add water to 1000 ml.
Store at 4°C.
- Sarcosyl Stock Solution, 20% (w/v)
Dissolve 40 g of Sarcosyl in 100 ml of RNase-free water. Fill up to 200 ml
with water. Sterilize by filtra tion through a 0.45 urn filter. Store at room
- SDS Stock Solution, 10% (w/v)
Add 10 g of powder to 70 ml of RNase-free water and dissolve by slow
stirring. Add water to a final volume of 100 ml and sterilize by filtration
through a 0.45 urn filter. Store at room temperature.
Safety Note: SDS powder is a nasal and lung irritant. Weigh the powder
carefully and wear a face mask.
- Formamide (deionized)
- 100% Formamide
Add 500 ml offormamide to 50 g of ion exchange resin AG 501-X8 and
stir slowly for 30 minutes. Remove resin by filtration through Whatman
IMM filter. Store at - 20 "C.
- Hybridization Solution
- 5 x SSC
- 2.5% blocking reagent
- 0.001% Antifoam A
- 0.02% (w/v) SDS
- 0.1% (w/v) Sarcosyl
- 50% formamide, deionized
Prepare 2 x hybridization mixture as follow. Add 5 g of blocking reagent
powder to 40 ml of 10 x SSCAdd 2 ~l of antifoam C, 0.2 ml of 10% SDS
and 0.5 ml of 20% Sarcosyl. Dissolve by stirring for 2 hours at 50 °C to
60 DC. Fully dissolved blocking solution will have a uniformly "milky"
appearance. Fill up with RNase-free water to 50 ml. Store at -20 °C.
Immediately before use, add an equal volume of 100% deionized
formamide. Formamide is toxic, wear gloves when using solutions
containing it.
Note: Instead of this solution we recommend using Dig Easy Hyb solution.
- Washing Solution I
- 2 x SSC
- 0.1% SDS

- Washing Solution II (high stringency)

- 0.1 x SSC
- 0.2% SDS
- 10 x Maleic Acid Solution
- 1.0 M Maleic acid
- 1.5 M NaCI
Adjust pH to 7.5 with con centrated NaOH . Sterilize by autoclaving for
20 minutes. Store at 4 "C. This solution is available in the Wash and
Block Buffer set from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1585 762).
- lOx Blocking Solution
- 10% (w/v) Blocking reagent
- 1 x Maleic acid solution
Add 10 ml of maleic acid solution to 90 ml of sterile RNase-free water.
Add 10 g of blocking reagent. Dissolve by slowly stirring at 60 °C.Do not
boil because it will cause the reagent to coagulate. Autoclave for 20 min-
utes . Blocking reagent must be completely in solution before autoclav-
ing. Store at 4 °C. This solution is available in the Wash and Block Buffer
set from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1585 762)
- Washing Buffer (Buffer A)
- 1 x Maleic acid solution
- 0.3% (w/v) Tween 20
Dilute 10 x maleic acid solution in sterilized RNase-free water and add
Tween 20. Do not autoclave. Store at 4 "C. This solution is available in the
Wash and Block Buffer set from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (# 1585
- Blocking Buffer (Buffer B)
- 1 x Maleic acid solution
- 1 x Blocking solution
Dilute 10x maleic acid solution and 10x blocking solution in RNase-free
water. Prepare only the amount necessary for use. This buffer can be
prepared from components of the Wash and Block Buffer set (Roche
Molecular Biochemicals # 1585 762).
- Detection Buffer (Buffer C)
- 0.1 M Tris HCI, pH 9.5
- 0.1 M NaCI
- 0.05 M MgCh
Prepare from stock solu tions. Adjust pH before the addition of MgCh to
avoid precipitation. Sterilize by filtration. Store at 4 °C.
- Northern Probe-Stripping Solution
- 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8
- 60% Formamide
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 289

- 1% (w/v) SDS
Prepare solution using deionized formamide and stock solutions of
Tris and SDS prepared in RNase-free water. Do not store.


The procedure uses Dig Easy Hyb solution but this can be substituted by Hybridization oven
hybridization solution described in Materials. protocol
1. Place the dry membrane into a hybridization bottle. Make sure that the
side of the membrane with RNA is facing away from the glass.
Note: Several membranes can be placed in a single bottle. Some overlapping
of the filters does not affect hybridization or increase background.
2. Pour 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb solution into a 15 ml plastic centrifuge
tube and add it to the hybridization bottle. Save the centrifuge tube
for further use. The minimum amount ofliquid per hybridization bottle
is 5 to 6 ml.
3. Close the hybridization bottle and place it in the hybridization oven.
Incubate for 1-3 hours at 55 °C, rotating at a slow speed (3 to 5
rpm). The prehybridization step lowers the background.
4. Ten minutes before the end of prehybridization, begin to prepare the
probe. Pour 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb solution into the 15 ml conical cen-
trifuge tube that you saved. Add RNA probe to a final concentration of
30 to 100 ng/ml.
Note: If a DNA probe is used, denature it by incubation at 80 °C for 10 min-
utes . The final concentration of a DNA probe cannot exceed 25 ng/ml.
5. Pour off the prehybridization solution. The solution can be stored at 4 °C
and used again.
6. Add Dig Easy Hyb, containing the probe, to the hybridization bottle.
Return it to the oven and rotate it slowly at 55 °C overnight.
7. Pour the hybridization solution into a 15 ml centrifuge tube. The probe
can be stored at -70 °C and reused 3 to 4 times.
8. Add 20 ml ofwashing solution I to the bottle. Place it into the hybridiza-
tion oven and rotate it at maximum speed for 15 minutes at room tem-

9. Pour off solution I and discard it. Drain the liquid well by placing the
bottle upright on a paper towel for 1 minute. Repeat the wash one more
time and drain the bottle.
10. Add 20 ml of washing solution II that has been heated to 65 °C.Place the
bottle into the hybridization oven preheated to 65 "C. Rotate it at a slow
speed for 20 minutes.
11. Pour off solution II and discard it. Drain the remaining liquid well by
placing the bottle upright on a paper towel for 1 minute. Wash with so-
lution II, preheated to 65 °C, one more time.
12. Discard washing solution II and drain the liquid as described above.

Detection 1. Add 20 ml of buffer A to the hybridization bottle. Cool the oven to room
temperature and rotate the bottle at maximum speed for 2 to 5 minutes.
2. Pour off buffer A and add 10 ml of buffer B. Incubate for 1 to 3 hours
rotating slowly at room temperature.
3. Pour off buffer B and discard it. Invert the bottle over a paper towel and
let it drain.
4. Add 10 ml of buffer B to a plastic 15 ml centrifuge tube and add 2 III of
anti-DIG-alkaline phosphatase stock solution. Mix well and add the so-
lution to the bottle with the membrane. Incubate for 30 minutes, rotat-
ing slowly at room temperature.
Note: The diluted antibody solution is stable for about 12 hours at 4 "C. Do
not prolong incubation with antibody over 30 minutes as this will result in
high background.
5. Pour off antibody solution and drain the bottle well. Discard the anti-
body solution.
6. Add 20 ml of buffer A and wash the membrane for 15 minutes at room
temperature rotating at maximum speed .
7. Discard buffer A and drain the bottle well. Add 50 ml of buffer C and
equilibrate the membrane in it for 20 minutes rotating at maximum
speed. Repeat this procedure one more time .
8. Move the membrane in the bottle towards the opening by shaking the
bottle. Open the tube and pour half of buffer C into a plastic bag. Wear-
ing powder-free gloves, transfer the membrane from the tube to the bag.
This can be easily accomplished by keeping the wet membrane im-
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 291

mersed in a pool of buffer C and moving it with your fingers. Move the
membrane to the end of the bag and leave as little space as possible be-
tween the membrane edges and the edges of the bag. This will limit the
amount of expensive chemiluminescent substrate necessary to fill the
9. Pour buffer C from the bag. Place the bag on a Whatman 3MM paper
and remove the remaining liquid from the bag by gently pressing it out
with a Kimwipe tissue.
Note: Do not press strongly on the membrane because this will increase
background. Most of the liquid should be removed from the bag, leaving
the membrane slightly wet. At this point, a very small amount ofliquid will
be visible at the edge of the membrane.
10. Open the end of the bag slightly, leaving the side of the mem brane with-
out RNA sticking to the bag. Add 0.9-1 ml of CDP-Star solution, direct-
ing the stream toward side of the bag. Do not add CDP-Star solution
directly onto the membrane. Place the bag back on a sheet of Whatman
3MM paper with the RNA-side up and distribute the liquid over the
membrane by gently moving the liquid around with a Kimwipe tissue.
Make sure that the entire membrane is evenly covered. Do not press on
the membrane because this will result in visible "press marks" on the
film. Remove excess CDP-Star from the bag by gently pressing it out
onto the Whatman paper with a Kimwipe. Make sure that the membrane
remains damp. At this point, small liquid droplets are visible on the edge
of the membrane, but there is no liquid present on its surface . Seal the
bag with a heat sealer.
11. Place the bag in an X-ray film cassette and incubate for 30 minutes at
room temperature. In a darkroom, place X-ray film over the bag with the
membrane. The initial recommended exposure time is 10 to 15 minutes
at room temperature for single copy gene detection. This time can be
increased up to 12hours. See Chapter 10 for a description of membranes
and recommended times of exposure. Open the cassette and develop the
film using the standard procedure for film development.
Note: Maximum light emission for CDP-Star occurs in 20 to 30 minutes, the
light emission remains constant for approximately 24 hours, and the blot
can be exposed to film a number of times during this period.
1. Place the bag on a clean sheet of Whatman paper. Place the dry filter Hybridization
on the sheet of Whatman 3MM paper cut to a size slightly larger using plastic bags
than the nylon membrane. Insert the nylon membrane and Whatman protocol

paper carefully into the plastic bag. Gently withdraw the Whatman
paper from the bag leaving the nylon membrane inside.
2. Add 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb (or 1 x prehybridization solution) to the bag.
Place the bag on the lab bench and carefully eliminate all bubbles.
Note: Use at least 20 ml hybridization solution per 100 em? of membrane.
3. Seal the top of the bag leaving 4 to 8 ern between the top seal and the top
of the membrane. It is very important to leave this large space between
the filter and the sealed edge.
4. Put a rocking platform shaker into a 55 °C incubator and place the bag
on the platform. Incubate for 2-4 hours with constant rocking.
5. Ten minutes before the end of prehybridization, begin to prepare the
probe. Pour 10 ml of Dig Easy Hyb solution into the 15 ml conical cen-
trifuge tube. Add RNA probe to a final concentration of 30 to 100ng/ml.
Note: If a DNA probe is used, denature it by incubation at 80 °Cfor 10 min-
utes. The final concentration of a DNA probe cannot exceed 25 ng/ml.
6. Open the bag by cutting it with scissors along the line of the top seal, as
far away from the edge of the membrane as possible. Pour off the pre-
hybridization mixture.
Note: Prehybridization mixture can be stored and reused several times .
7. Add Dig Easy Hyb solution, containing probe, to the bag. Remove air
bubbles and seal the bag. Return the sealed bag to the 55 °C incubator
and leave it rocking overnight.
8. Carefully cut open the top of the bag. Pour the hybridization mixture
into a 15ml plastic centrifuge tube. The probe can be stored at -70 °Cand
reused several times.
9. Cut open the bag completely, open it like a book and remove the mem-
brane with forceps . Place the membrane in a plastic box fitted with an air
tight cover. Work over bench paper and wear gloves.
10. Add 100 - 150 ml of washing solution I to the membrane. Wash at room
temperature on a rotary shaker at slow speed for 15 minutes. Drain the
solution well.
11. Repeat the washing one more time with washing solution 1.
12. Preheat 100 ml of washing solution II to 65 °C, and add it to the
plastic dish with the membrane. Close the lid of the plastic container
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 293

tightly and place it into a 65 °C water bath. Wash for 20 minutes with
occasional shaking. Keep the plastic container immersed in water by
placing a weight on the container.
13. Discard the washing solution and repeat the washing procedure one
more time.
14. Add 50 ml of buffer A and equilibrate the membrane for 1 minute at
room temperature.
15. Remove the membrane from the plastic container and allow excess
liquid to drain. Do not allow the membrane to dry.
16. Add 15 ml of buffer B to the plastic bag. Wearing powder-free gloves
transfer the membrane to a new plastic bag. This can be easily accom-
plished by keeping the wet membrane immersed in buffer B in the bag
and moving the blot with your fingers. Move the membrane to the end of
the bag and leave as little space as possible between the membrane edges
and the edges of the bag.
17. Place the bag on the Whatman paper and remove all bubbles. Seal the
top of the bag leaving 4 to 8 ern between top of the bag and the top of the
filter. Place the bag on the platform shaker and incubate with gentle
rocking for 1 to 3 hours at room temperature.
18. Open the bag and remove buffer B from the bag. Place the bag on the
sheet of What man paper and remove remaining buffer by gently rolling
a 10 ml pipette over the bag. Add 10 ml of buffer B to a plastic 15 ml
centrifuge tube and add 2 j..ll of anti-DIG -alkaline phosphatase stock so-
lution. Mix well and add the solution to the bag, remove all bubbles and
seal it. Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature with gentle rocking.
Note: The diluted antibody solution is stable for about 12 hours at 4 °C.Do
not prolong incubation with antibody over 30 minutes as this will result in
high background.
19. Open the bag and discard the antibody solution. Add 20 ml of buffer A to
the bag, close it and incubate for 15 minutes by rocking at room tem-
perature. Repeat the washing procedure one more time.
20. Add 20 ml of buffer C to the bag and incubate for 10 minutes at room
temperature. Repeat this procedure one more time.
21. Pour buffer C from the bag. Place the bag on a Whatman 3MM paper and
remove the remaining liquid from the bag by gently pressing it out with a
Kimwipe tissue.

Note: Do not press strongly on the membrane because this will increase
background. Most of the liquid should be removed from the bag, leaving
the membrane slightly wet. At this point, a very small amount ofliquid will
be visible at the edge of the membrane.
22. Open the end of the bag slightly, leaving the side of the membrane with-
out RNA sticking to the bag. Add 0.9-1 ml of CDP-Star solution, direct-
ing the stream toward side of the bag. Do not add CDP-Star solution
directly onto the membrane. Place the bag back on a sheet of What man
3MM paper with the RNA-side up and distribute the liquid over the
membrane by gently moving the liquid around with a Kimwipe tissue.
Make sure that the entire membrane is evenly covered . Do not press on
the membrane because this will result in visible "press marks" on the
film. Remove excess of CDP-Star from the bag by gently pressing it out
onto the Whatman paper with a Kimwipe. Make sure that the membrane
remains damp. At this point, small liquid droplets are visible on the edge
of the membrane, but there is no liquid present on its surface. Seal the
bag with a heat sealer.
23. Place the bag in an X-ray film cassette and incubate for 30 minutes at
room temperature. In a darkroom, place X-ray film over the bag with the
membrane. The initial recommended exposure time is 10 to 15 minutes
at room temperature for single copy gene detection. This time can be
increased up to 12hours. See Chapter 10for a description of membranes
and recommended times of exposure. Open the cassette and develop the
film using the standard procedure for film development.
Note: Maximum light emission for CDP-Star occurs in 20 to 30 minutes, the
light emission remains constant for approximately 24 hours, and the blot
can be exposed to film a number of times during this period.

Stripping membrane for reprobing

The nylon membrane can be stripped and reprobed at least 4 times. When
reprobing of the membrane is required, make sure that the membrane does
not become dry at any time. Store the membrane before stripping at 4 °C in
2 x SSC sealed in a plastic bag. The procedure can be carried out in a hy-
bridization oven or a plastic dish.
Stripping protocol 1. Place the membrane into a hybridization bottle and wash in 20 ml of
sterile RNase-water for 2 minutes. Discard the water .
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 295

2. Prepare 40 ml of Northern probe-stripping solution.

3. Add 20 ml of the solution and incubate for 30 minutes at 68 °Cat max-
imum rotation speed . Discard the stripping solution and repeat the pro -
cedure one more time.
4. Add 20 ml of RNase-free water and wash at room temperature at max-
imum speed for 10 minutes. Discard the water and repeat the washing
procedure using 20 ml of 2 x SSe.
5. Continue with probing, starting from the prehybridization step of the
hybridization procedure or store the membrane in 2 x SSC in sealed bag
at 4 °C.


There are two basic problems that occur in hybridization procedures, pro -
blems with low sensitivity of detection and problems with high background
(Genius System User's Guide, 1995).

• Low Sensitivity.
Low sensitivity of detection can result from:
- Incomplete transfer of RNA to the mem brane.
See troubleshooting of this problem in Subprotocol 2.
Incorrect estimation of labeling efficiency of the probe.
Use a new probe or correctly estimate probe labeling efficiency using
the protocol for estimation ofDIG-dUTP concentration (Chapter 9).
Incorrect temperature of hybridization and washing.
This most frequently results from incorrect estimation of GC content
of the target or probe. See equations 2, 6 and 9 in Chapter 10 for the
correct calculation of hybridization and washing temperatures.
Using inactivated antibody.
Repeated freezing and thawing can easily destroy antibody. Always
store anti-DIG alkaline phosphatase stock solution at 4 "C. Test sus-
pect antibody using the procedure described for testing the efficiency
of probe labeling using labeled standard DNA (Chapter 9).
Too short exposure time.
Increase exposure time up to 24 hours.

• High background.
High background on hybridization blots can result from:
- Inadequate blocking of the membrane. Increase blocking reagent
concentration in the hybridization solution to 5% or use Dig Easy
Hyb solutions.
Presence of precipitate in the antibody solution, using gloves con-
taining powder or not completely dissolving the blocking reagent
in the hybridization solution will cause spotty or uneven background.
Too high probe concentration. Perform hybridization with less probe
and increase the time or the temperature of the wash. Wash at 68 °C
for 30 to 40 minutes.
Uneven distribution of chemiluminescent substrate during detection
or partial drying of the membrane during any of the hybridization
steps. The background will not be uniform and will appear as irre-
gular smears. It is not possible to remove this background without
stripping of the probe.
Uneven contact of the bag with X-ray film. The background will ap-
pear as irregular smears. Make sure that the surface of the bag is
smooth and does not contain wrinkles caused by incorrect sealing
of the bag.
Dirty surface of the bag. This will result in a dark area on the film
caused by electrostatic charges outside the bag. Clean the surface
of the bag with 70% ethanol and remove all fingerprints.
Uneven distribution of the probe due to delivering the probe solution
directly onto the membrane. This will result in "clouds" of back-
ground on an otherwise clear autoradiograph.
Inadequate washing with buffer C. Repeat washing procedure and
add fresh CPD-store solution.


Alwine JC, Kemp DJ, Stark GR 1977Method for detection of specific RNAs in agarose gels
by transfer to diazobenzyloxymethyl-paper and hybridization with DNA probes. Proc
Nat! Acad Sci USA 74:5350-5354.
Bailey JM, Davidson N 1976Meth ylmercury as reversible denaturating agent for agarose
gel electrophoresis. Anal Biochem; 70:75
Liu Y-C, Chou Y-C 1990Formaldehyde in Formaldehyde/agarose gel may be eliminated
without affecting the electrophoretic separation of RNA molecules. BioTechniques
Davis L, Kuehl M, Battey J 1994 Basic methods in molecular biology. 2nd edition.
Appleton & Lange Norwalk , Connecticut.
12 Northern Transfer and Hybridization 297

Gong Z 1992 Improved RNA staining in formaldehyde gels. BioTechniques 12:74-75.

Lehrbach H, Diamond D, Wozne y JM, Boedtker H 1979 RNA molecular weight deter-
mination by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions critical reexamination.
Biochemistry 16:4743-4751.
McMaster GK, Carmicheal GC 1977 Analysis of single- and double-stranded nucleic
acids on polyacrylamide and agarose gels and acridin orange. Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA 74:4835-4838.
Rave N, Crkvenjakov R, Boedtker H 1979 Identification of procollagen mRNAs trans-
ferred to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper from formaldehyde gels. Nucl Acids Res
Southern EM 1975Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments separated by
gel electrophoresis. J Mol BioI 98:503-517.
Thomas PS 1980Hybrid ization of denatured RNA and small DNA fragments transferred
to nitrocellulose. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77:5201 -5205.
Chapter 13 OVERVIEW

DNA Cloning. General Consideration


1 Introduction

Principle of DNA cloning

DNA cloning is a fund amental technique in recombinant DNA technology.

In most general terms, it can be defined as a method of rapid isolation and
amplification of DNA fragments that can be used in subsequent exper i-
ments. Cloning involves construction of hybrid DNA molecules that are
able to self-replicate in a host cell, usually bacteria. This is accomplished
by inserting DNA fragments into a plasmid or bacteriophage cloning vector,
introducing the vector into bacterial cells and amplifying vector DNA using
bacterial DNA replication machinery. The DNA fragment, or insert, can be
derived from any organism and obtained from genomic DNA, cDNA, pre-
viously cloned DNA, PCR or synthesized in vitro.
The process of cloning relies on performing a set of in vitro enzymatic
reactions with well-characterized DNA cleavage enzymes (restriction en-
zymes) and DNA modifying enzymes to join together discrete DNA mole-
cules. Typically, cloning of any DNA fragment involves the following tasks:
• Preparing vector for cloning.
• Preparing DNA fragment to be cloned.
• Joining the fragment with the vector.
• Introducing hybrid vector into bacteria.
• Selecting for cells with vector.
To accomplish these tasks, the plasmid and DNA fragment are engineered
to be linear molecules with termini compatible to be joined by ligation. The
fragment and vector are ligated together to form a circular recombinant
molecule. Ligated constructs are introduced into E. coli cells by transfor-
mation . Finally, transformed E. colicells are selected from cells without vee-

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 299

tor. Different procedures to carry out each of these steps have been devised .
In general, these procedures can be separated into two groups, the proce-
dures for cloning many different fragments at once, e.g., procedures for
construction of DNA libraries, and procedures for cloning one or few
DNA fragments at a time.

2 Cloning Vectors

The replication machinery of bacterial cells can be used to clone and amplify
specific DNA fragments. Most DNA fragments are incapable of self-replica-
tion in bacterial cells. However, any DNA fragment can be easily amplified
and replicated when it is a part of an autonomously replicating bacterial
element. These elements, or cloning vectors, are manmade replication units
derived from extrachromosomal bacterial replicons such as plasm ids, bac-
teriophages or viruses . Most cloning vectors can be categorized according to
purpose and type of extrachromosomal element used (Brown, 1991). Vec-
tors used in most cloning experiments are general purpose plasmid vectors
that were made from naturally occurring prokaryotic plasmids, primarily
Escherichia coli plasmids. These plasmid vectors have the following char-
• Cloning vectors are small circular double-stranded DNA molecules. The
vector DNA contributes as little as possible to the overall size of recom-
binant molecules . First, this permits cloning large fragments because
there is a size limit of DNA that can be transformed using chemical
transformation. Second, this assures that a cloned fragment constitutes
a large percentage of amplified and isolated plasmid DNA, making it
easier to prepare large quantities of insert DNA.
• Cloning vectors contain a replicon, that is a stretch of DNA that permits
DNA replication of the plasmid independent of replication of the host
chromosome. This element contains the site at which DNA replication
begins or origin of replication (ori), and genes encoding RNAs or pro-
teins that are necessary for plasmid replication. The replicon largely de-
termines copy number of the plasmid defined as the number of plasmid
molecules maintained per bacterial cell. High-copy-number plasmids
are plasmids that accumulate 20 or more copies per bacteria, and
low-copy-number plasmids are plasmids that have less than 20 copies
per cell (Feinbaum, 1989). High copy number plasmids are the most
frequently used plasmids in cloning . Low copy number plasmids are
useful for cloning DNA sequences deleterious to host cells or DNA se-

quences that are prone to rearrangement by host, such as inverted or

direct repeats.
Most recombinant plasmids contain either the ColEl or closely related
pMBI replicon (Bernard and Helinski 1980). Examples of ColEl repli-
con containing plasmids are pBluescript or pT series plasmids, and plas-
mids containing the pMBI replicon are pBR322, pGEM and pUC series
plasmids. For a complete list of plasmids and their replicons see Brown
(1991). An antisense RNA transcript and ROP protein regulate copy
number for ColEl and pMBI replicons. Mutations in either of these ele-
ments can result in a higher plasmid copy number. This feature was used
in construction of very high copy number, general purpose plasmids
such as pUC and pGEM series plasmids that lack the ROP gene.
• Cloning vectors contain selectable markers to distinguish cells trans-
formed with the vector from nontranformed cells. This marker also
maintains the presence of the plasmid in cells, especially in the case
of low copy number plasmids. The selectable marker is usually a
gene conferring resistance to antibiotic on the host cells. This positive
selection marker, in most plasmids, is the B-lactamase gene, the product
of which inactivates penicillin or its more frequently used derivative am-
picillin. When transformed cells are grown in the presence of antibiotic,
cells carrying the antibiotic-resistant plasmid survive, while host cells
that do not contain the plasmid are eliminated.
• Cloning vectors contain unique cloning sites for the introduction of
DNA fragments. The cloning sites, in most general purpose vectors
used today, consist of a multiple cloning site (MCS)or a polylinker clon-
ing region where a number of restriction enzyme cleavage sites are im-
mediately adjacent to each other. These sites are chosen to be unique in
the vector sequences. Thus, recombinant fragments can be easily intro-
duced into the circular vector by digesting the vector with one or two
enzymes present only in the polylinker region and ligating the desired
fragment into it. This procedure creates a chimeric molecule without
disrupting the critical features of the vector. Examples of this type of
vector are pUC, pGEM and pBluescript.
Polylinker sites are usually flanked by sequences that can be used for
priming DNA synthesis with commonly available primers for DNA se-
quencing or PCR. The general purpose vectors such as pUC, pGEM or
pBluescript contain M13 reverse, M13 forward -20, and -40 primers that
can be used for amplification or sequencing any DNA fragment inserted
into the polylinker.
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 301

Other sequences incorporated into flanking regions are promoter se-

quences for SP6, T7, or T3 RNA polymerases. These promoters can
be used for in vitro or in vivo production of large quantities of RNA
transcripts from DNA inserted into the polylinker. For example these
sequences are present in pBluescript and pGEM plasmids but are absent
from pUC plasmids.
• Cloning vectors contain an element for screening for the recombinant
clones. The screening procedure, as opposed to selection procedures,
permits recognition of colonies transformed with vectors containing in-
sert from those transformed with vector alone (Rodriguez and Tait,
The most commonly used method is the a-complementation screening
procedure for insertional inactivation of ~-galactosidase enzyme activ-
ity. The a-complementing vectors have a MCS region inserted into a
DNA sequence encoding the first 146 amino acids of the lacZ (~-galac­
tosidase) gene a-fragment. Intact a -fragment, with a few additional ami-
no acids, can complement co fragment oflacZ gene in bacteria restoring a
fully active enzyme. The ~-galactosidase enzyme metabolizes a chromo-
genic substrate (X-gal) and causes the formation of blue colonies on
indicator plates. Inserting a DNA fragment into the polylinker region
disrupts the protein coding region of the a-fragment protein (inser-
tional inactivation) that cannot complement into an active enzyme.
Thus, cells carrying plasmid with insert have a gal- phenotype. This al-
lows for rapid identification of bacteria containing plasmids with inserts
as white colonies on indicator plates .
Recently several vectors have been developed that allow for direct po-
sitive selection of plasmids containing inserts rather then screening for
them. These vectors contain a polylinker in a protein, the expression of
which kills the cell. Insertional inactivation of the protein by a cloned
fragment allows the cell to survive, resulting in positive selection for cells
carrying recombinant plasmid. Two plasmids of this type are available.
Plasmid CloneSure (CPG, Inc.) contains a region of the eukaryotic tran-
scription factor GATA-1 and, pZErO (Invitrogen, Inc.) has the ccdB
(control of cell death) gene. Both genes, if expressed, cause E. coli
cell death.

Preparation plasmid for cloning

The first step in plasmid preparation is choosing the vector for cloning. The
choice of vector largely depends on the experiments for which the recom-
binant clone will be used. For example, different types of vectors would be
used for generating large quantities of DNA, expressing a fusion protein in
bacteria, synthesis of mRNA or preparation of RNA or DNA probes. Once
the type of vector is determined, then deciding upon a particular vector is
dependent on vector characteristics such as size, copy number, polylinker
restriction sites, nature of positive selectable marker and the ability to select
and/or screen for inserts. The list of most commonly used cloning vectors is
available at
The second step involves preparation of the plasmid for ligation with the
insert. This step is one of the most important in the DNA cloning procedure
upon which the success of cloning critically depends. This is because the
major difficulty in cloning with plasmids is identifying bacterial colonies
carrying hybrid plasmid from those carrying plasmid without insert. Be-
cause linearization of the plasmid is an enzymatic reaction, it never goes
to completion. As a result, a small number of supercoiled molecules are
always present. Since supercoiled DNA molecules are transformed at
high frequencies, appropriate care must be taken to remove uncut plasmid
from the preparation. In addition, religation of plasmid to itself also will
create plasm id molecu les lacking insert. Thus, it is important to limit plas-
mid recircularization during the ligation reaction.
How plasmid and DNA fragments are prepared depends on the choice of
ligation procedure to be used to join them. There are two types of ligation
procedures: ligation of fragments with compatible cohesive ends and liga-
tion of fragments with blunt termini. Thus, there are two procedures for
cloning, cohesive-end cloning and blunt-end cloning.
Cohesive-end cloning requires the generation of ligation-compatible
cohesive ends in both plasmid and DNA fragments to be cloned. These
ends can be generated by cleaving both vector and fragment DNA with
the same restriction enzyme that recognizes a perfect, uninterrupted, pa-
lindromic sequence or by cleaving with pairs of restriction enzymes that
have different recognition sequences but form identical, or partially iden -
tical, staggered ends .
Blunt-end cloning requires creating any blunt termini in both plasmid
and DNA fragment since any two blunt ends are compatible for ligation .
Cleaving DNA with any two restriction enzymes that create blunt ends,
or cleaving DNA with any restriction enzyme and then converting the pro-
truding ends to blunt ends can generate these termini.
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 303

Figure 1 presents a schematic representation of various ways to join

DNA fragments with T4 DNA ligase. Both types of cloning, cohesive-end
cloning and blunt-end cloning have their unique advantages and disadvan-


i5'- G 3' is' PTTic- 3'1 5'--GGTAC iJ ~ 5' pC--3' I

13'--CAATIp 5' +
I .. _
3' G--5' 3'--Cp5' i ~ [ 3' CATGG-5'!

5'--GTTAAC--3' i-5'--GGTACC--3'
3'--CAATIG--5' I 3'--CCATGG--5'

5'--CCC 3l + pGGG--3'
3'--GGGp 5' j .. ~_ GGG--5'
r 5'--CCCGGG--3'
I 3'--~~GCCC--5'

5'--G 3' 5i_-GnAA~ 5' pC--3' ~ 5' pC--3' i
~:=~AAn-p ?]. 3'--CAATIp 5' + 3' G--5' +- l_~TG~-~~~1
Repair .. Repair --------~

Fig. 1. Ways to join DNA fragment term ini with T4 DNA ligase. (A) ligation of identical 3'
recessed cohesive ends. (B) ligation of identical 5' recessed cohesive ends. (C) ligation of two
non -identical blunt termini. (D) blunt-end ligation oftwo DNAfragments after conversion of
3' recessed end and 5' recessed end to blunt ends.

There are two advantages to cohesive-end cloning. First is its high effi-
ciency due to high efficiency of cohesive-ends ligation . Rates of 106 to 107
transformants per ug of DNA are routinely obtained. The second is the pos-
sibility of directional cloning by creating asymmetric termini for insert and
plasmid. This procedure, also called forced cloning, is especially useful for
cloning a single fragment in a specific orientation. The vector DNA is
cleaved with two different restriction endonucleases at two unique sites
in the gene (for example, Eco RI and Hind III in the pUC cloning cassette)
to produce cohesive ends (or one cohesive and one blunt-end). The vector
cannot recircularize again unless a second (insert) DNA is added with com-
plementary ends compatible with those generated in the vector. This pro -
cedure makes it possible to introduce a fragment into a vector in only one
orientation. The method is frequently used for cloning in expression vec-
tors .
There are several disadvantages to cohesive-end cloning. One is the ne-
cessity to prepare many different plasmids with many different cohesive
ends to clone DNA fragments with different cohesive termini. Another
is the requirement for the fragment to have specific cohesive ends that
are compatible with plasmid ends. It is not always possible to find the ap-
propriate restriction enzyme site in the DNA fragment one wants to clone
that matches the available sites in the cloning vector. Finally, ligation of
cohesive ends requires several hours incubation at low temperature.
The use of blunt-end cloning has several advantages. The most obvious
advantage is that any DNA fragment can be cloned regardless of its origin.
Only one type of plasmid needs to be prepared for cloning all DNA frag-
ments with blunt termini. The ligation reaction is short (10 to 30 minutes)
and is done at room temperatures. A disadvantage of the method is the
necessity to prepare most of the fragments for cloning by creating blunt
termini. Also, cloning efficiency is low because of the low efficiency of
blunt-end ligation and because high concentrations of fragment and plas-
mid DNA are requ ired for the ligation reaction. However, improvements in
blunt-end cloning technology have resulted in increases in blunt-end clon-
ing efficiency to about 107 to 109 transformants per ~g of DNA making this
method more attractive for most cloning applications.
During ligation, DNA ligase will catalyze the formation of phosphodi-
ester bonds between adjacent nucleotides only if phosphate is present at the
5' end of DNA molecules . Removing the 5' phosphates from both ends of the
linear plasmid DNA and leaving them on the fragment to be cloned can
therefore minimize recircularization of the plasmid. The enzyme used
for this purpose is either bacterial alkaline phosphatase or calf intestinal
phosphatase. The result of this treatment is that neither strand of the vector
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 305

can form a phosphodiester bond if insert DNA is not present in the reaction
mixture. Thus, almost all transformants selected should contain recombi-
nant plasmids.
There are, however, some definite drawbacks inherent in the use of
phosphatases. First is the inefficiency of phosphatases in removing phos-
phate from monoester ends that are either at nicks in duplex DNA, or other-
wise covered by an overhanging, comp lementary strand, precisely the struc-
ture created by most restriction enzymes . To aid dephosphorylation of these
ends, reaction conditions can be used that promotes dephosphorylation of
recessed ends . For instance, one can carry the reactions at an elevated tem-
perature, such as 60 °Cfor bacterial alkaline phosphatase or use calf intest-
inal alkaline phosphatase (ClAP) which is somewhat more efficient in these
Second, phosphatase should be completelyremoved orinactivated before
the ligation reaction. The presence of even residual amounts of phosphatase
during ligation will remove 5' phosphates from the insert DNA, preventing
the ligation reaction from occuring. Introduction of thermolabile alkaline
phosphatases helps in this problem. Heat inactivation of these enzymes
makes it possible to remove phosphatase from reactions without phenol
extraction. These enzymes are HK thermolabile phosphatase from Epicentre
Technologies (# H92025) derived from Antarctic bacterium, and shrimp
alkaline phosphatase isolated from North Sea shrimp (Amersham Co. #
E70092). However, HK phosphatase cannot be used for dephosphorylation
of either blunt ends or protruding 3' ends (EpicentreTechnologie. Inc., 1997).
Shrimp alkaline phosphatase has properties very similar to ClAP enzyme but
has a narrower buffer requirement than ClAP and is more expensive.

3 Preparation of Insert DNA

DNA fragments for cloning are most frequently derived from restriction
enzyme digestion of DNA or from PCR. A protocol for preparation of re-
striction-enzyme-generated fragments for blunt-end cloning is described in
Chapter 14.
Preparation of inserts by restriction enzyme digestion involves the fol-
lowing steps:
• Restriction digestion of the desired DNA.
• Gel electrophoresis of the digest to separate DNA fragments.
• Isolation of the DNA fragment from the gel.

• Converting protruding ends into blunt-ends if blunt-end cloning is

Restriction endonucleases catalyze sequence-dependent, double-stranded
breaks in DNA yielding a homogeneous population of DNA fragments.
These enzymes are used in a number of applications in molecular biology,
including (a) establishment of an endonuclease map of DNA (b) fragmenta-
tion of genomic DNA prior to Southern blotting; (c) generation of frag-
ments that can be subcloned in appropriate vectors; and (d) generation
of fragments for labeled probes.
The most frequently used restriction endonucleases belong to type II
endonucleases discovered by Smith and coworkers (Smith and Wilcox,
1970). These enzymes are small, monomeric proteins that require only
Mg"' for activity. Type II enzymes recognize a short nucleotide sequence
with dyad symmetry (the 5' to 3' nucleotide sequence of one DNA strand is
identical to that of the complementary strand sequences). Most of sites con-
sist 4,5 or 6 bp (Brooks, 1987), but a few have recognition site of 8 bp or
larger or sites smaller than 4 bp (Roberts and Macelis, 1991). In general,
there are three possible cleavage positions within a recognition sequence:
(a) at the center of the axis of symmetry, yielding "flush" or "blunt" ends
(e.g., CCC3' 15'GGG; (b) to the left of the center giving cohesive termini with
a protruding 5' phosphate (e.g., C3' 15'CGG);or (c) to the right of the center
giving cohesive termini with protruding 3' phosphates (e.g., CTGCA3' I
5'G). Other types of cleavage are also possible. For a full description of
all types of restriction endonucleases, consult Roberts and Macelis (1997).
An estimate of the number of cleavage sites for a restriction endonu-
clease within a given piece of DNA, assuming even distribution of bases,
is described by the equation: Site Number = N/4n , where N is the number
of base pairs in the DNA fragment and n is the number of bases in the re-
cognition site of restriction endonuclease. This should be treated only as an
approximation of the number of expected sites (Rodriguez and Tait, 1983).
Owing to the complicated nature of the restriction reaction and differences
in substrates, it is difficult to define universal units of activity for these en-
zymes. For these reasons, a convention was adopted to define a unit of en-
zyme activity as the amount of enzyme required to digest completely l ug of
bacteriophage lambda DNA in 1 hour.
The choice of restriction enzyme depends on the fragment to be cloned.
There are many restriction enzyme suppliers and their recommendation of
digestion conditions may differ significantly. Because the manufacturer of a
given enzyme optimizes the reaction conditions for their particular enzyme,
their recommendations should always be followed.
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 307

General rules for working with restriction enzymes and preparing diges-
tion reactions are:
• Store restriction endonuclease at - 20 °C in a non-frost-free freezer at
concentrations of 10 u/J-l1 or more.
• The volume of enzyme added should not exceed 10% of the reaction
volume. The final volume of 30 J-li is convenient for most restriction en-
zyme digestion reactions.
• The amount of DNA in the reaction should not be larger than 10 J-lg.
Volume of the DNA added should not exceed 1/3 of the reaction volume.
Addition of a large volume of DNA dissolved in TE will decrease Mg?"
ion concentration in the reaction, inhibiting restriction enzyme activity.
• Use 10 units of enzyme per 1 J-lg of DNA. Although this is far more en-
zyme than is theoretically required, such excess assures complete diges-
tion in the presence of impurities in the DNA, decreased enzyme activity
during storage, pipetting errors during the addition of enzyme, etc.
Some enzymes cleave their defined sites with different efficiency, largely
due to differences in flanking nucleotides. Cleavage rates for different
sites recogn ized byagiven enzyme can also differ bya factor ofl0. Using
excess enzyme will compensate for these differences. Moreover larger
amounts (up to 20-fold more) of some enzymes are necessary to cleave
supercoiled plasmid or viral DNA (Fuchs and Blakesley, 1983) as well as
large genomic DNA. In addition, a few restriction endonucleases such as
NarI, NaeI, SadI, and XmaIII show extreme variability in cleavage rate
of different sites. These sites are difficult to cleave using standard en-
zyme concentrations.
• Enzyme activity is decreased when DNA is stained with ethidium bro-
mide. This can be overcome by increasing enzyme concentration in the
reaction by a factor of two. Removing ethidium bromide from stained
DNA before digestion with restriction enzyme is not necessary.
• To digest DNA with two enzymes, both reactions can be carried out si-
multaneously providing that both enzymes work well in the same buffer.
If the enzymes have different requirements, DNA should be digested
first with the enzyme that requires buffer of low ionic strength. The re-
action can be adjusted to higher salt concentration and digestion with
the second enzyme carried out. Simultaneous digestion with more than
two enzymes, in author's experience, seldom gives satisfactory results.

To prepare DNA fragments for blunt-end ligation DNA polymerases and

polynucleotide kinase are used. DNA polymerases "repair" protruding ends
generated by restriction enzymes. Endonuclease activity of DNA poly-
merases remove 3' overhang and polymerization activity of these enzymes
"fill up" 5' overhangs. Since polymerization activity leaves 5' ends that are
not phosphorylated, polynucleotide kinase is used to add 5' phosphate re-
quired by ligase. Commonly used DNA polymerases are Klenow fragment
of DNA polymerase I of E. coli and T4 DNA polymerase. The polynucleotide
kinase most frequently used is T4 polynucleotide kinase. DNA-end repair
and kinase reactions are usually carried out simultaneously.
The recommended enzyme for repair of the ends is bacteriophage T4
DNA polymerase rather than the Klenow enzyme customarily used, because
it has high exonuclease activity and is active in many different buffers. This
enzyme is functionally similar to the Klenow fragment of polymerase 1. It
possesses 5' to 3' polymerase activity and a potent 3' to 5' exonuclease ac-
tivity. Thus, it can fill 5' overhangs and digest protruding 3' termini in a
single step, efficiently creating blunt termini. Degradation of the double-
stranded DNA template in the presence of a high concentration of dNTPs
is balanced by polymerization activity of the enzyme, preventing DNA frag-
ment degradation.

4 Ligation Reaction

Ligation, or joining of a foreign DNA fragment to a linearized plasmid, in-

volves formation of new bonds between 5' phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl ends
of DNA. There are two enzymes available to catalyze this reaction in vitro:
(a) E. coli DNA ligase and (b) bacteriophage T4 DNA ligase. For almost all
cloning purposes, bacteriophage enzyme is used . The ligation of dephos-
phorylated plasmid ends with phosphorylated insert results in formation
of hybrid molecules with two phosphate bonds and two single-stranded
gaps. These gaps are repaired after introduction of plasmid into bacterial
The most significant factor in a ligation reaction is the concentration of
DNA ends. Essentially, during ligation, there are two competing reactions:
bimolecular concatamerization and unimolecular cyclization . To achieve
successful cloning, the first reaction to occur should be bimolecular con-
catamerization of vector with insert, followed by recirculization reaction to
form circular plasmid. Unfortunately these two reactions are mutually ex-
clusive, so some form of compromise must be used .
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 309

The ratio of recirculization and concatameric ligation products is de-

pendent on two factors i and j, where i is the total concentration of
DNA termini in the reaction mixture, j is the effective concentration of
one end of a DNA molecule in the immediate neighborhood of the other
end of the same molecule. The value of j is constant for a linear DNA mo-
lecule of a given length and is independent of DNA concentration. For
cohesive-end ligation and blunt-end ligation, the value of i in ends/ml
can be calculated from the following equation:
i = 2NoM X 10- 3 ends /rnl (1)
where No is Avogadro number and M the molar concentration of the DNA
molecules. The j value can be determined using the following equation (Du-
gaiczyk et al, 1975):

j = h (mwlc) 3/2 end /rnl (2)

Where his 3.6 X 1011, mw; is the molecular weight of the A genome (30.8 x
106 daltons); and mw, is the molecular weight of unknown molecule. After
converting M to DNA concentration in ug/rnl [DNA], and mw, to Kbp, the
ratio j/i for any given DNA is equal to (rearranged from Rodriguez and Tait,

I 51.1 ( )
J 1 ~ 0.812 (Kbpx)o.5[DNA] 3

Equation 3 indicates that to achieve low j/i ratio the concentration of

DNA in the reaction should be high. For any ligation reaction, three con-
ditions apply:
• When i =j, there is an equal chance of one end of the molecule making
contact with the end of a different molecule, and/or, the end of the same
• When j > i. there is a higher chance of one end of the molecule contacting
the other end of the same molecule, than of finding the end of another
molecule. Therefore, under this condition, the recirculization reaction
• When j < i, there is a greater chance of one end of the molecule con-
tacting the other DNA molecule rather then its own end. Therefore, un-
der this condition, the concatamerization reaction predominates.

Although the theoretical consideration discussed above predicts that con-

version from concatamerization to circulization should occur at j/i = 1, ex-
perimental observation indicates that this conversion actually occurs at j/i =
2-3 (Dugaiczyk et al, 1975).
To choose the correct compromise between two types of ligation, one
should realize that a ligation reaction is not an instantaneous event. This
reaction proceeds through a progressive series of individual ligation events,
where each event significantly alters the j/i ratio for the remaining unligated
molecules . Thus, as the reaction proceeds, the value of i decreases resulting
in increases of j/i because j value is constant. The high jli rat io favors the
formation of circular molecules rather than linear concatamers.
For cloning DNA insert into plasmid, the reaction conditions initially
should favor joining the insert to one end of the plasmid vector. The second
ligation event, occurring later, should be circularization of the plasmid-
insert hybrid molecule to avoid joining the next linear fragmen t to the first
one. To achieve this, the ratio ofj/ i at the beginning ofligation should be low
to allow the concatamerization reaction, and as the reaction proceeds, this
ratio should rise to a value greater than 3 to permit circularization of the
plasmid. This can be done in three ways:
• Starting the ligation reaction at a high concentration of vector DNA. As
equation 3 indicates, low j/i value depends on DNA concentration per
ml. For the vectors commonly used for cloning (2600bp to 4000 bp), the
concentration of vector DNA is usually adjusted in the range 3-6 ug/rnl
or 1 to 3 pmoles/ml.
• Adjusting the initial molar ratio of plasmid to linear fragments to be
greater than 1. Since during the reaction, the j value is not changed,
but the i value will decrease as a result of the ligation of one end of
the fragment to the plasmid, the j/i ratio will increase toward the end
of the reaction. At a high j/i rat io, the circularization reaction predomi-
nates, resulting in the formation of circular hybrid molecules. The insert
concentration is usually adjusted to a 2 to 4 fold molar excess over plas-
mid DNA. The j/i ratio for such a reaction can be approximately calcu-
lated using equation 3 and assuming a kbp average between vector and
insert. For example, using pUC19 plasmid in the ligation reaction (2.68
Kbp) at a concentration of 6 ug/rnl and 2.6 times molar excess of 1 Kbp
insert (6 ug/ml) the jli ratio at the beginning of the reaction is approxi-
mately 4 (51.1/[2.68+1.0/2 bp 12lig/ml x 0.812 = 3.8). This ratio will
steadily increase as the reaction proceeds resulting in almost complete
circulization of the hybrid plasmid molecules.
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 311

• Using phosphatase treated vector with phosp horylated insert. Under

this condition, vector cannot self-ligate at any jli ratio and therefo re
the initial concentration of plasmid is not important. The initial con-
centration of insert should be chosen carefully so as not to allow its cir-

o jli at 50 ng
• j/i at 20 ng


<1) 20
>. 15


o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Kbp of insert

Y20 ng = -20.383LOG(x) + 23.473 r = 0.998

Yso ng = -8.3S2LOG(x) + 9.377 r =0.998

Fig. 2. The j/i rat io for hyb rid mol ecules as a fun ction of insert size and two con centrati on s of
pUC vecto r.

culization at the beginning of the reaction. Ligation offragment to vector

results in the formation of a new molecule that can be self-ligated into a
circle. Cyclization of a hybrid molecule depends on its j value and is
independent of insert concentration as long as the molar concentration
of insert is equal to or higher than the molar concentration of plasmid.
The jli value for this molecule can be calculated using equation 3 with
kbp value equal to the sum of vector and insert size and DNA concen-
tration calculated from the molar ratio of vector to insert. An example of
such a calculation for pUC plasmid ligated with different size inserts is
given in Table 1. Figure 2 presents a plot of jli ratio of hybrid molecules
as a function of insert size using pUC as the vector at two different con-
centrations. From this figure it is obvious that, for inserts larger than
4 kb, the initial concentration of plasmid DNA should be less than
20 ng to obtain a jli ratio favoring circulization of hybrid molecules
(jli >5).

Table 1. Ratio j/i for plasmid and insert for ligation reaction with dephosphorylated
2.68 Kbp vector

Plasmid Insert Insert concentration Size of Hybrid j/i of

concen- size ug/ml and j/i "ratio at mo lar hybrid concen- hybrid"
tration ratio of vector:insert tration
(ug/ml) (Kbp) 1:1 1:2 1:3 (kbp) (ug/rnl)
2.5 0.5 0.46/197 0.9/98 1.8/35 3.18 2.96 11

2.5 1.0 0.93/69 1.8/35 2.7/23 3.68 3.43 9.6

2.5 1.5 1.39/36 2.8/18 4.17/12 4.18 3.89 7.9
2.5 2.68 2.5/15 5/7.6 7.5/5.1 5.36 5 5.4
2.5 10.0 9.3/2.1 18.6/1 27.9/0.7 12.68 11.8 1.2b
1.0 0.5 0.18 0.37 0.36 3.18 1.18 30
1.0 1.0 0.37 0.71 1.1 3.68 1.37 24
1.0 1.5 0.56/102 1.12/51 1.68/34 4.18 1.56 20
1.0 2.68 5.36 2 14
1.0 10.0 3.7/9.5 7.412.1 11.1/1.7 12.68 4.7 3.7c
a Calculated from equation 3
b No self-ligation of hybrid molecules, circles are not formed
c Self-ligation of hybrid molecules, circles are formed
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 313

The efficiency of a ligation reaction depends not only on DNA and enzyme
concentrations, but also on the purity of the vector and insert, reaction pH
and temperature, and the presence of inhibitors of ligase. In general, most
deleterious components that frequently contaminate ligation reactions are:
• Monovalent salts (for example, NaCl) or ammonium salts. Concentra-
tions ofNaCI above 50 mM and ammonium salt above 10 mM severely
inhibit ligation reaction.
• Phosphate. Blunt-end ligation is particularly sensitive to this salt and
concentrations of P04 greater than 25 mM should be avoided .
• ATP concentration. Blunt-end ligation is inhibited by ATP concentra-
tions above 0.1 mM.

5 Transformation of Bacteria

Three methods for transforming E. coli bacteria can be used in cloning pro-
cedures. These are: electro poration, chemical transformation and transfor-
mation by microwave radiation.
Electroporation is the most efficient method of transformation, with
transformation efficiencies as high as 1010 transformants/ug plasmid
DNA. However, this method requires use of an expensive instrument. In-
duction of competence for electroporetic insertion of plasmid is not neces-
sary and nearly all bacteria strains can be used (Wai and Chow, 1995).
Chemical transformation is much less efficient than electroporation (106
to 107 transformants/ug of plasmid) but does not require expensive equip-
ment. Using this method it is only necessary to induce competence for DNA
uptake in E. coli cells because this bacterium does not possess a natural
mechanism for transformation. However, a number of E. coli bacterial
strains have been developed recently, for which chemical transformation
efficiency is very high and can reach 109 transformants/ug of DNA.
Transformation using microwave radiation is simple and can be used
with all bacterial strains, but transformation efficiency is low, on the order
of 105 transforrnants/ug of plasmid (Abbas et al. 1995).

Transformation by electroporation

Electroporation is the most efficient transformation procedure that can be

used for bacterial transformation. It involves a brief application of high-

voltage electric field to the cells resulting in the formation of transient holes
in the cell membrane through which plasmid DNA can enter the cell. The
method was originally developed for animal and plant cells (Neumann et al.
1982; Fromm et al. 1985) and later for bacteria (Bottger 1988; Dower et al.
1988; Li et al. 1988; Smith et al. 1990). Transformation efficiencies as high as
10 10 transforrnants/ug of plasmid have been achieved for E. coli cells (Dower
et al. 1988; Smith et al. 1990).
Maximum efficiency of this process depends on many variables. The
most important are: electrical pulse shape, electrical field strength and elec-
trical pulse time. The relationship between these parameters is described by
the following equations (Shigekawa and Dower, 1988):

v. = vo[e-(t/T)] (4)

E (5)

r = R xC (6)
Where V t is voltage at time t, Vo is initial voltage or peak ofvoltage, r is pulse
time constant, R is resistance of the circuit (ohms), C is capacitance of the
charged capacitor (in Farads), E is electric field strength and, d distance
between the electrodes.
In most instruments used today charging a capacitor to a predetermined
voltage and its subsequent discharge to electropo ration chamber generates
electric pulse. Capacitor discharge results in an exponentially decaying
pulse shape that is characterized by value of r. According to equation 4,
t can be defined as the time over which the voltage declines to lie or
- 37% of the initial value (Va) . The electrical field is derived from the
peak voltage (Va) delivered to the chamber at the moment of discharge.
At this moment the difference in potential in the chamber is at its maximum,
generating membrane depolarization and pore formation. The formation of
pores is largely dependent on the field strength parameter determined by
equation 5. The introduction of external compounds (e.g., plasmids, DNA,
proteins etc.) into the cell critically depends on the voltage drop determined
by r .
The time constant t is specific for each cell type and, in general, the
smaller the cell size, the shorter the t needed to introduce external elements.
The optimal time constant for E. coli was determined to be 5 milliseconds.
The field strength for optimal electroporation of different bacterial strains
differs and must be experimentally determined.
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 315

Transformation results are usually described by the values representing

frequency of transformation (ftr) and efficiency of transformation (Etr).
Equation 7 describes frequency of transformation and efficiency of trans-
formation is described by equation 8.
r, =

Et - -::--------,- (8)
r - [pDNA]
Where 1\r is the number of transformants, S is the number of cells at 80%
survival, and [pDNA], the concentration of plasmid DNA used in ug, Fre-
quency of transformation is directly dependent on DNA concentration in
the range of 10 pg/ml to 7.5 ug/rnl, and at these DNA concentrations, 80% of
the cells survive electroporation (Dover et al. 1988). Moreover, because
from equation 7, Ttr = ftrx S, the efficiency of transformation can be rewrit-
ten as:
ftr x S
E - (9)
tr - [pDNA]
This equation indicates that transformation efficiency (Etr) is high when cell
concentration is high (109 to 3 X 1010) and DNA concentration is low (1-10
ng/rx). These conditions are commonly used in electroporation of E. coli to
achieve high transformation efficiencies and to avoid cotransformation. For
example, for a standard electroporation reaction, 30 ul of cells at a concen-
tration of 1010 cells/ml are used with 5 ng of plasmid DNA. Transformation
efficiency commonly achieved is 109 transforrnants/ug of DNA, giving a
transformation frequency of two transformants per 100 surviving cells
(ftr. =Etrx [pDNA1/S;ftr = 109 x 0.005 / 2.4108 =0.02). At this transformation
frequency, transformation of a single cell with two or more plasmids is very
In addition to the parameters described above, electroporation is af-
fected by a number of other variables such as: temperature, components
of electroporation medium and method of cell recovery after electropora-
Electroporation, at low temperature, is roughly 100 times more efficient
than when cells are pulsed at room temperature. Low temperature presum-
ably affects fluidity of the membrane, aiding in pore formation and slowing
their closure. Similarly, quick restoration of membrane fluidity and closing
pores is crucial for cell survival after the pulse. Thus, cells should be trans-
ferred to prewarmed growth medium as fast as possible after pulse applica-

tion . Delaying this transfer by one minute will cause a threefold drop in
transformation efficiency and cell survivability. Moreover, cells should
be given some time to recover and rebuild their membrane before plating
on solid medium. Recovery time should be short enough to prevent cell
division that will result in "cloning" of transformed cells. This is particularly
important when electroporation is used for preparation of genomic and
sequencing libraries. Recovery time of 45 to 50 minutes at 37 °C appears
to be short enough not to allow any cell division.

Chemical transformation

E. coli cells that are used for most cloning applications do not possess a
natural mechanism for DNA uptake. This ability or competence has to
be induced by chemical means and the method to transform bacterial cells
so induced is called chemical transformation. Chemical transformation
techniques are based on the observation made by Mandel and Higa
(1970) that the uptake of), DNA by bacterial cells can be increased substan-
tially in the presence of calcium chloride. Soon, this method was success-
fully applied for the introduction of plasmid DNA into bacterial cells
(Cohen et al. 1972).
The original procedure involved exposure of growing bacteria to a hy-
potonic solution of calcium chloride and a brief heat shock (42°C). This
method yields 104 to 106 transformants/ug of plasmid that corresponds
to only about one per 10 000 plasmid molecules actually entering the cell.
Many modifications of the original technique to improve transforma-
tion efficiencies have been since described. These include prolonged expo-
sure of cells to CaCh at high cell density (Dagert and Ehrlich, 1974), sub-
stitution of calcium with other cations such as Rb" (Kushner, 1978), Mn 2+,
and K+ (Inoue et al. 1990), addition of other compounds such as dimethyl
sulfoxide, dithiothreitol, cobalt hexamine chloride (Hanahan, 1983)or PEG
(Chung et al. 1989).
All of these modifications increased transformation efficiency to about
10 transforrnants/ug of DNA but usually only 3% to 10% of the cells are
competent to incorporate plasmid DNA. To improve the degree of compe-
tency, many "ultracompetent" E. coli strains have been developed by dif-
ferent companies. Transformation frequencies with these cells are about 109
transforrnants/ug but their use requires proprietary solutions and purchas-
ing competent cells from the supplier.
13 DNA Cloning. General Consideration 317

Most of the transformation protocols used today include the following

• Preincubation step. In this step the cells are suspended in a solution of
cations and incubated at 4 °C.During this time bacterial spheroplasts are
formed and cations neutralize the negatively charged phosphates of li-
pids in the membrane. The low temperature limits fluidity of the cell
membrane, stabilizing the distribution of charged phosphates allowing
more effective shielding by the cations.
• Incubation with DNA. In this step DNA is added to the cells. Cations
complexing with negatively charged oxygen shield the negatively
charged phosphates on DNA, effectively neutralizing DNA charges.
This permits DNA to enter the cells through adhesion zones.
• Heat shock. In this step cells are briefly incubated at 42 °Cand returned
to low temperature. The rapid temperature change creates a thermal
imbalance on both sides of the membrane. This creates a flow that ac-
celerates entrance of plasmids into the cell. The use of microwave radia-
tion to achieve quick uptake of plasmid into the cells has been described
(Abbas et al. 1995). Some chemical transformation protocols do not use
heat shock step (Chung et al. 1989).
• Recovery step. Cells are incubated at 37 °C before plating on selective
media. During this time cells recover from the treatment, and express
the antibiotic-resistance proteins.
In spite of the availability of many protocols and the modification of old
protocols, no chemical method used today gives consistent and reprodu-
cible results. This is true not only for transformation using different bac-
terial strains but also when the same strain is used in everyday experiments.
Day to day transformation efficiency, using the same strain and identical
procedure can vary by as much as factor of 10. Moreover, procedures that
work efficiently in some laboratories do not work as efficiently in others
(Liu and Rashidbaigi, 1990: Hengen, 1996). The number of modifications
and new procedures that continue to be introduced attest to the imperfec-
tion of all protocols presently in use.
The method that gives the most consistent results today is a method
introduced by Inoue et al. (1990). In this procedure cells are grown at
low temperatures and treated with DMSO to induce competency. This fre-
quently can give a transformation efficiency as high as 108 transformants
per ~g of plasmid (Hengen, 1996). However, the method is time consuming
and the tradeoff in time for higher efficiency maybe not be worth it, espe-

cially for routine cloning. The simplest procedure described today is a

single-step procedure described by Chung et al. (1989). This method gives
transformation efficiency as high as 107 transforrnants/ug of plasmid (Liu
and Rashidbaig, 1990).
In conclusion, it appears that state of the art of chemical transformation
is not yet entirely a "closed chapter" and continues to be developed. All
procedures described here deliver sufficient transformation efficiency
for routine cloning purposes, but are not reliable or efficient enough for
preparation of libraries when efficiency and reliability are of the utmost
importance. For these applications electroporation still remains the method
of choice.


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Chapter 14 PROTOCOL

DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures



This chapter describes procedures used in blunt-end and cohesive-end

cloning of a single DNA fragment. Chapter 13 describes theoretical consid-
erations of cloning procedures. The required tasks for cloning are divided
into separate procedures that can be performed at different times . The pro-
cedures described are:
• Preparation of the plasmid.
• Preparation of DNA insert.
• Ligation of plasmid with insert.
• Transformation of bacterial cells and selection of transformants.

I Subprotocol 1
Preparation of Plasmid
This protocol describes linearization of the plasmid with restriction enzyme
and the removal of 5' phosphate groups with alkaline phosphatase. The
plasmid used is a pUC series plasmid, pUC19, but any plasmid with appro-
priate restriction sites can be used. To create blunt-end termini the restric -
tion endonuclease Sma I is used, the recognition sequence for which is lo-
cated in the middle of the multiple cloning site (MCS) of pUC plasmids.
Blunt-end ligation destroys the recognition site for the enzyme, but a frag-
ment cloned into the middle of the MCS can be excised from the plasmid by
double-digestion with any pair of restriction endonucleases, with recogn i-
tion sites in the Multiple Cloning Site. Two other restriction endonucleases,
Hinc II and Hind II, create blunt termini, and can also be used in prepara-
tion of plasmids for blunt-end cloning. For cohesive end cloning, use a re-
striction endonuclease that creates cohesive ends.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 321

Termini of the plasmid are dephosphorylated by calf intestinal alkaline

phosphatase (ClAP). ClAP enzyme is used since it is much easier to inac-
tivate than bacterial alkaline phosphatase. Moreover, alkaline phosphatase
(ClAP) can be added directly to a restriction enzyme reaction mixture be-
cause it is active in most restriction enzyme buffers. A schematic outline of
plasmid preparation procedures is shown in Figure 1.

Pig.T, Schematic outline of the preparation of

Restriction Enzyme Digestion
plasmid procedure
and Alkaline Phosphatase

Phenol :CIA Extraction


Ethanol Precipitation


Ethanol Washing

Rehydration of DNA


- Restriction endonuclease as needed for vector digestion (for example,

Sma I)
Restriction endonucleases are supplied with specific reaction buffers.
- Alkaline phosphatase, calf intestinal (ClAP) (New England BioLabs, Inc.
# 290S or equivalent).
Note: Enzymes should always be stored at -20 °C in non-frost-free freezer.
All frost-free freezers go through freeze-thaw cycles subjecting enzymes to
repeated warming resulting in loss of enzymatic activity.

- Plasmid DNA (for example, pUC, pBluescript, pGM).

The comprehensive list of most plasmids, their restriction enzyme maps
and full DNA sequences can be accessed on
Plasmids should be purified by any of the procedures described in Chap-
ter 5 or bought ready to use. (for example, pUC plasmid from Pharmacia;
pGem plasmid from Clontech Laboratories, Inc.; pBluescript plasmid
from Stratagene, Inc.).
- Phenol:CIA mixture (PCI) (Ambion # 9732 # 1-737642).
- Phenol water saturated (Ambion # 9712 or equivalent).
- Phase Lock Gel (PLG I) microfuge tubes (Eppendorf 5' # 0032007953).
PLG tubes contain a proprietary compound that, when centrifuged,
migrates to form a tight barrier between organic and aqueous phases
(Murphy and Hellwig, 1996). The interphase material is trapped in
and below this barrier allowing the complete and easy collection of
the entire aqueous phase free from contamination with organic solvents.
The PLG barrier also offers increased protection from exposure to or-
ganic solvents used in deproteinization procedures. The tubes are not
expensive and are strongly recommend when phenol extraction is car-
ried out in microfuge tubes.
Solutions - Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol Solution (CIA)
Mix 24 volumes of chloroform with 1 volume of isoamyl alcohol. Be-
cause the chloroform is light sensitive and very volatile, CIA solution
should be stored in a brown glass bottle, preferably in a fume hood.
Safety Note: Handle chloroform with care. Mixing chloroform with
other solvents can involve a serious hazard. Adding chloroform to a so-
lution containing strong base or chlorinated hydrocarbons could result
in an explosion. Isoamyl alcohol vapors are poisonous. Handle the CIA
solution in a fume hood. Used CIA can be collected in the same bottle as
phenol as hazardous waste and discarded together.
- Phenol:CIA Mixture (PCl)
This mixture can be bought directly or made as follows. Equilibrate
water saturated phenol with equal volume of 0.1 M of sodium borate.
Sodium borate should be used rather than the customary 1 M Tris solu-
tion because of its superior buffering capacity at pH 8.5, its low cost, its
antioxidant properties and its ability to remove phenol oxidation pro-
ducts during the equilibration procedure. Mix an equal volume of a
water-saturated phenol with 0.1 M sodium borate in a separatory fun-
nel. Shake well until the solution turns milky. Wait until the phases se-
parate and collect the bottom, phenol phase . Add the sodium salt of
8-hydroxyquinoline final concentration of 0.1% (w/v). Do not use
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 323

the hemisulfate salt of 8-hydroxyquinoline. Mix equal volumes of equi-

librated phenol and CIA. Phenol:CIA mixture can be stored in a dark
bottle at 4 °C for several weeks. For long term storage keep at -70 °C.
Safety Note: Because of the relatively low vapor pressure of phenol, oc-
cupational systemic poisoning usually results from skin contact with
phenol rather than from inhaling it. Phenol is rapidly absorbed by
the skin and is highly corrosive. It initially produces a white softened
area, followed by severe burns. Because of the local anesthetic properties
of the phenol, skin burns may not be felt unti l there has been serious
damage. Gloves should be worn at all times when working with this che-
mical. Because some brands of gloves are permeable to phenol, they
should be tested before use. If phenol is spilled on the skin, flush it
off immediately with a large amount of water and treat the affected
area with a 70% aqueous solution of PEG 300 (Hodge, 1994). Do not
use ethanol. Used phenol should be collected into tightly closed, glass
receptacles and stored in a chemical hood until disposal as hazardous
- 0.5 M EDTA Stock Solution
Weigh out an appropriate amount of EDTA (disodium ethylendiamine-
tetraacetic acid, dihydrate) and stir into distilled water. EDTAwill not go
into solution completely until the pH is greater than 7.0.Adjust the pH to
8.5 using concentrated NaOH solution or by adding a small amount of
pellets. Bring the solution to a final volume with water and sterilize by
filtration. EDTA stock solution can be stored indefinitely at room tem-
- TE Buffer
- 10 mM Tris HCI, pH 7.5 or 8.0
- 1 mM NazEDTA
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4 "C.
- 7.5 M Ammonium Acetate Solution
Dissolve 57.8 g of ammonium acetate in 70 ml of double-distilled or de-
ionized water. Stir until salt is fully dissolved, do not heat to facilitate
dissolving. Fill up to 100ml and ster ilize by filtration. Store tightly closed
at 4 "C. Solution can be stored for one to two months at this condition.
Long term storage is possible at -70 °C.
- 70% Ethanol
Add 25 ml of double distilled or deionized water to 70 ml of95% ethanol.
Never use 100%ethanol because it contains an additive that can inhibit
activities of some enzymes . Store in -20 °C freezer.

- Loading Dye Solution (Stop Solution)

- 15% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10 ml of the solution. Dissolve the appropriate amount
of Ficoll powder in water by stirring at 40 - 50 °C. Add stock solution of
EDTA, powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot about 100 III into microfuge
tubes and store in a -20 °C freezer.

This procedure describes plasmid preparation for blunt-end ligation. Alka-
line phosphatase (ClAP) is added to the restriction enzyme reaction mix-
ture together with restriction endonuclease. However, digested plasmid
DNA can be first, phenol-extracted, ethanol-precipitated and resuspended
in ClAP incubation buffer if desired. Both methods work equally well, but
the first one is simpler.

Linerization of plasmid

1. Always observe the following rules when preparing the reaction mixture:
- Thaw all reagents at room temperature and place them on ice.
Calculate the amounts of all reagents needed. Do not include water in
these calculations.
Calculate the amount of water needed to obtain the desired reaction
volume. Amount of water is always calculated last.
Add water to the reaction tube. Water is always added first.
Add remaining ingredients in the following order: buffer, cofactors,
and substrate.
Start the reaction by the addition of enzyme. Do not keep enzymes on
ice while assembling the reaction. Take the enzyme from the freezer
and place it into a portable - 20 °C laboratory bench "freezer". This
can be bought from Stratagene Inc. (StrataCooler # 400015) or made
from "liquid ice" packages usually supplied with enzyme shipments
(Krantz, 1989). Prepare "portable freezer" as follows: insert a micro-
fuge tube into the package ofliquid ice and place it in a -20 °Cfreezer
until it freezes; remove the empty tube from the package and insert
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 325

the tube with enzyme. This "portable freezer" will keep enzymes
at -20 °C on the lab bench for several hours.
2. Total reaction volume is 30 ul. The concentrations of the restriction en-
zyme and DNA will depend on the concentration of stock solutions. The
amount of DNA in a reaction should be between 1to 51lg.The amount of
the restriction enzyme to be used in a reaction is typically between 10 to
20 units. The amount of alkaline phosphatase depends on the amount of
pmoles of DNA ends present in the reaction. Calculate the amount of
enzyme, DNA and water to be added using the following chart:

Ingredients Amount (~ll) Final concentration

10 x Restriction enzyme buffer 3 Ix
Plasmid DNA x 5 ~g

Sma I enzyme (10 u/pl) 2 20 unit s

Alkaline phosphatase (10 u/ul) 10 units
Water to 30 ul

Note: One unit of ClAP can dephosphorylate 1 pmol of DNA ends. To cal-
culate pmole of DNA ends, use the following equation:

Ilg DNA x 2
pmol DNA ends = b (1)
0.662 x K P

Where Kbp is the size of DNA expressed in kilobase pairs. For example,
because the size of pUC18 vector is 2.686 Kbp, 5 Ilg of this DNA is equal
to 5 x 2/0.662 x 2.686 = 5.6 pmoles ends. Therefore, 5 Ilg of linearized
pUC19 plasmid will require a minimum of 6 units of alkaline phosphatase
to dephosphorylate its ends . The ClAP enzyme can have slightly lower ac-
tivity in any reaction buffer containing less than 50 mM salt concentration.
Increase the concentration of enzyme above the calculated amounts when
using such buffers.
Note: To prepare dephosphorylated plasmid for cohesive end ligation, di-
gest vector DNA with the appropriate restriction endonuclease using the
reaction described above and the purification procedure described below.
3. Place a 1.5 ml microfuge tube on ice and add the following: the calcu-
lated amount of water, buffer and DNA.

4. Start reactions with the addition of the enzyme. Add 10 units of restric-
tion enzyme to the reaction and mix gently by pipetting up and down
several times.
5. Add the appropriate amount of alkaline phosphatase and mix by pipet-
ting up and down.
6. Centrifuge tubes for 10seconds to remove air bubbles and collect liquid
at the bottom of the tube .
7. Place the tube into a 25 °Cwater bath and incubate the reactions for 1 to
2 hours.
Note: If other than Sma I restriction endonuclease is used, incubate the re-
action at the temperature required for maximum activity of the enzyme. Do
not incubate the reaction at a temperature higher than 37 °Cwhen alkaline
phosphatase is present.
8. After 1 to 2 hours of incubation, transfer the reaction to a 37 °C water
bath and continue incubating for another hour.
Note: This step is necessary only when using Sma I restriction endonuclease
for which the optimal reaction temperature is 25 °C.Incubation at 37 °C is
required for optimal activity of alkaline phosphatase. Omit this step if the
first incubation was carried at 37 °C.
9. Centrifuge for 5 to 10 seconds to collect liquid at the bottom of the tube.
10. Stop the reaction by the addition of Sill 0.5 M EDTA and 70 III TE. Mix
well by pipetting up and down.
11. Centrifuge the unopened PLG I tube in a microfuge for 30 seconds at
10 000 rpm to pellet the gel. Orient the tube in the centrifuge rotor with
the lid connector pointing away from the center of rotation.
Note: Measure the time of centrifugation from the moment of starting the
12. Transfer lOa III of the reaction mixture into the PLG I tube .
13. Add 100 III of phenol:CIA solution. Mix by inverting several times to
form an emu lsion.
14. Centrifuge the PLGI tube at 10000 rpm for exactly 30 seconds. Besure to
orient the tube in the centrifuge rotor the same way as in step 11.
Note: After centrifugation, the organic phase at the bottom of the tube will be
separated from the aqueous phase at the top of the tube by the PLG barrier.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 327

15. Add 100ul of CIA solution. Mix by repeated inversion to form an emul-
sion. Do not vortex or allow the bottom organic phase to mix with the
upper aqueous phase.
16. Centrifuge for 30 seconds to separate phases. Be very careful to place
tube into the centrifuge in the same orientation as before.
17. Transfer the aqueous phase, collected from above the PLG barrier, to a
fresh tube . Record the volume of the aqueous phase. The volume should
be similar to the amount of sample added in step 10.
18. Add 50 ul of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume). Mix well by
inverting the tube 4 to 5 times .
19. Add 300 ~l of 95% ethanol (2 x the total volume). Mix well by inverting
the tube 4 to 5 times .
20. Place the tube in the centrifuge and orient the attached end of the lid
pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge the tube at max-
imum speed for 10 minutes at room temperature. (See Figure 2, Chap-
ter 2.)
21. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Holding the tube
by the lid, touch the tube edge to the edge of an Erlenmeyer flask and
gently lift the end to drain ethanol. You do not need to remove all the
ethanol from the tube. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge, orienting
the tube as before .
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this can loosen the pellet.
22. Wash the pellet with 700 ul of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet, that is, the side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipet-
man as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not start the centrifuge, in this
step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps the tubes at
an angle, convenient for ethanol washing. Remove the tube from the
centrifuge by holding it by the lid. Pour off the ethanol as described
in step 21.
23. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash a large number of
pellets without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging
are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial loss of the material.

24. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
orientation is the same as before. Without closing the tube lids, start the
centrifuge for 2-3 seconds and collect the remaining ethanol at the bot-
tom of the tube. Remove all ethanol with a P200 Pipetman outfitted with
a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA pellet very difficult if not impossible.
25. Resuspend the pelleted DNA in 20 to 30 ~tl of TE. Store at -20 °C.
26. Determine the concentration of DNA by measuring absorbance at 260
nm . Initially use a 1:100 dilution of the DNA in PBS. The absorbance
reading should be in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 OD26o• A solution of 50
ug/rnl has an absorbance of 1 in a l -cm path cuvette. Determine the
purity of the DNA by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm and 234
nm and calculating 260/280 and 260/234 ratios. See Chapter 1 for a de-
tailed discussion of the validity of this method and for calculation of
DNA concentration in the presence of a small amount of protein con-
Note: DNA concentration should never be measured in water or TE buffer.
For a discussion about determination of DNA concentration and its depen-
dence on ionic strength and pH see Chapter 1.
27. Analyze the prepared plasmid DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis. Use
0.8% agarose and prepare the gel as described in Chapter 8. In a micro-
fuge tube, mix 1 ).!l of sample with 10 ul of TE. Add 5 ul loading dye
solution and load the whole sample onto a gel. Use the appropriate mo-
lecular-weight markers (for example, l-kb ladder From Life Technolo-
gies, Inc.).


It is very important to check the efficiency of a plasmid preparation before

using it in cloning experiments. Incomplete digestion of the plasmid with
restriction enzymes will result in the presence of supercoiled plasmid in the
sample. Its presence will severely limit the cloning efficiency because it will
decrease the amount of transformants with insert. This is because transfor-
mation with supercoiled plasmid is 10 to 100 times more efficient than
transformation with a ligation product (circular plasmid) when chemical
transformation procedures are used . However, when transformation by
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 329

electroporation is used, the efficiency of transformation depends less on the

purity of the plasmid preparation because both circular and supercoiled
plasmids can enter bacterial cells with equal probability.
To determine that plasmid was fully digested by restriction enzyme, run
agarose gel electrophoresis with at least l ug of restricted plasmid. The pre-
sence of a small amount of supercoiled (not digested) plasmid willbe visible
in gel electrophoresis as fast moving supercoiled DNA band. Preparation
containing visible supercoiled plasmid cannot be used for chemical trans-
formation experiments. The preparation should be digested one more time
with a higher concentration of restriction enzyme or for a longer time.
Removing supercoiled form of plasmid by agarose gel electrophoresis is
not recommended because it is time consuming and seldom results in suf-
ficient removal of the supercoiled form . This is because the presence of ethi-
dium bromide in the gel changes the mobility of supercoiled DNA during
electrophoresis. When supercoiled DNA enters the gel, progressively more
dye is intercalated into DNA molecules, chang ing the number and direction
of superhelical twists. As the amount of intercalated ethidium bromide in-
creases, the negative superhelical turns of supercoiled plasmid are progres-
sively removed and the rate of plasmid migration is slowed. Further inter-
calation of ethidium bromide into these molecu les introduces positive
superhelical turns, resulting in an increase in their electrophoretic mobility.
Thus, small amounts of supercoiled plasmid will be present throughout the
gel. Consequently, for removal of supercoiled contaminates, agarose gel
electrophoresis should be run without ethidium bromide present in the
gel and the gel must be stained for DNA visualization after electrophoresis.
Contamination of prepared plasmid with supercoiled molecules up to
1 - 2 % does not affect efficiency of transformation by electroporation
and therefore complete removal of the supercoiled form of the plasmid
is not necessary.

Subprotocol 2
Preparation of DNA Fragments
This procedure describes preparation of DNA fragments for cloning de-
rived from restriction enzyme digestion of the appropriate DNA. In parti-
cular, preparation of restriction enzyme-generated fragments for blunt-end
cloning is presented. The preparation involves: (a) restriction digestion of
desired DNA, (b) gel electrophoresis of the digest to separate DNA frag-
ments, (c) isolation of the fragment from the gel and, (d) converting pro-

truding ends into blunt-ends. Chapter 13 describes theoretical principles of

preparation of clonable blunt-end inserts .
T4 DNA polymerase repairs protruding ends generated by restriction
endonucleases. This enzyme is used for "end-repairing" instead of Klenow
enzyme because: (a) the enzyme has high exonuclease activity that assures
rapid removal of 3' protruding ends; (b) the enzyme is active in many dif-
ferent buffers so restriction to blunt-ends and phosphorylation of 5' ends
can be done simultaneously with the end-repairing reaction; (c) the enzyme
is inexpensive and much more stable than Klenow enzyme.
DNA polymerase repaired ends are devoid of 5' phosphates that are
needed to clone the fragment into a dephosphorylated vector. To ensure
that all of the 5' ends are phosphorylated, fragments are treated with bac-
teriophage T4 polynucleotide kinase. A schematic outline of the DNA frag-
ment preparation procedure is shown in Figure 2.

- Restriction endonuclease as needed for fragment preparation.
Restriction endonucleases are supplied with specific reaction buffers.
- T4 DNA polymerase, 3 u/Ill (New England BioLabs, Inc. # 203S or

Fig. 2. Schematic outline of the procedure

DNA Fragment Isolation

Repair and Phosphorylation
of DNA Fragment Ends

Phenol :CIA Extraction


Ethanol Precipitation

Ethanol Washing

Rehydration of DNA
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 331

- T4 polynucleotide kinase, 10 u/J-l1 (New England BioLabs, Inc. # 201S or

Note: All enzymes should be stored at -20 °C in a non-frost-free freezer.
- dTTP, dATP, dGTP and dCTP 100 mM stock solutions (New England
BioLabs, Inc. # 446 or equivalent).
- ATP 100 mM stock solution (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1 140965
or equivalent)
- Phenol:CIA mixture (PCl) (Ambion # 9732)
- Phenol, water-saturated (Ambion # 9712 or equivalent)
- Phase Lock Gel (PLG I) microfuge tubes (Eppendorf 5' # 0032007953)
PLG tubes contain a proprietary compound that, when centrifuged, mi-
grates to form a tight barrier between organic and aqueous phases (Mur-
phy and Hellwig, 1996).The interphase material is trapped in and below
this barrier allowing the complete and easy collection of the entire aqu-
eous phase without contaminating it with organic solvents. PLG barrier
also offers increased protection from exposure to organic solvents used
in deproteinization procedures.
- 10 x dNTP Solution Solutions
- 2.0 mM each dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
Add 2 ul of each dNTP stock solution to 92 ul of sterile 10 mM Tris HCl,
pH 7.5 buffer. Store at -20 °C.
Loading Dye Solution (Stop Solution)
- 15% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol
Prepare at least 10 ml of the solution. Dissolve an appropriate amount
of Ficoll powder in double distilled or deionized water by stirring at
40 - 50 °C.Add stock solution of EDTA,powdered urea and dyes. Aliquot
about 100 ~tl into microfuge tubes and store at -20 °C.
Other reagents used in the preparation of DNA fragments for cloning
are identical to those used for plasmid preparation described in this
chapter (Subprotocol 1).


Restriction enzyme digestion

The choice of restriction enzyme used depends on the choice of the frag-
ment to be cloned. There are many restriction enzyme suppliers and recom-
mendation of digestion conditions for the same enzymes may differ signif-
icantly between suppliers. Because the manufacturer of a given enzyme has
optimized the reaction conditions for their particular enzyme preparation,
their recommendations should always be followed. Using buffer of one
manufacturer with the enzyme of another is not recommended. The
best description of activities of various enzymes with different buffers
that can serve as a general guide for running restriction enzyme reactions
is available from New England Biol.abs, Inc. catalog or web side (www.neb.
The general rules for working with restriction enzyme and preparing
digestion reactions are:
• Store restriction endonuclease at - 20 °Cin non-frost-free freezer at con-
centration of at least 10 u/ul.
• Remove the enzyme from the freezer and place it immediately on ice.
Better still, place the enzyme tube into a portable - 20 °C laboratory
bench "freezer". This can be bought from Stratagene Inc. (StrataCooler
# 400012) or made from "liquid ice" packages usually supplied with
enzyme shipments (Kranz, 1989). To prepare a "portable freezer", insert
a microtube into the liquid ice package and place it at -20 °C until it
freezes. Remove the tube used to form the hole and insert the enzyme
into the frozen package. This "portable freezer" will keep an enzyme at
-20 °C on the laboratory bench for several hours.
• The volume of the digestion reaction should be large enough that the
restriction enzyme constitutes no more than 10% of the total volume.
A 30 III reaction volume is recommended.
• Use a DNA concentration no greater than 10Ilg in a volume not exceed-
ing 1/3 of the reaction volume. If larger amount of DNA is required,
concentrate the DNA by ethanol precipitation before adding it to the
• Use 10 units or more enzyme per 1 ~lg of DNA. Although this is far more
enzyme than is theoretically required, this excess assures complete di-
gestion in the case of impurities in the DNA, decreased enzyme activity
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 333

from storage, pipetting errors during enzyme addition etc. Some en-
zymes cleave their defined sites with different efficiency, largely due
to differences in flanking nucleotides, and cleavage rates for different
sites recognized by a given enzyme can differ by a factor of 10 (New
England BioLabs). Using excess enzyme will compensate for these dif-
• Use 20-fold or more excess of enzyme to digest supercoiled plasmid,
viral DNA and large genomic DNA (Fuchs and Blakesley, 1983).
• Increase the enzyme concentration by a factor of two when digesting
ethidium bromide stained DNA. Removal of ethidium bromide from
stained DNA before digestion with restriction enzyme is not necessary.
1. Place a 1.5ml tube on ice and calculate the amount of ingredients needed
using the following table:
Restriction Enzyme Digestion Reaction

Ingredient Amount (pl) Final concentration

10 x Restriction enzyme buffer 3 Ix
DNA to be digested x 1 - 10 ~lg

Restric tion enzyme (10 u/ul) 1-2 10 - 20 units

Water to 30 f!l

Always observe the following rules when preparing the reaction:

• Thaw all reagents at room temperature and place them on ice.
• Calculate the amount of all reagents needed using a chart. Do not in-
clude water in these calculations.
• Calculate the amount of water needed to obtain the desired reaction
volume. The amount of water is always calculated last.
• Add water to the reaction tube. Water is always added first
• Add the remaining ingredients in the following order: buffer, cofactors,
• Start the reaction by the addition of enzyme.

2. Add calculated amount of water to the tube. Follow it with 3 III of 10 x

buffer. Mix well by pipetting up and down.

3. Add the appropriate amount of DNA and mix by pipetting up and down
or by tapping the tube. Do not vortex.
4. Start reactions with the addition of the enzyme. Mix the enzyme with the
reaction mixture by pipetting up and down several times.
5. Centrifuge the tube for 5 to 10seconds to remove air bubbles and collect
liquid at the bottom of the tube .
6. Incubate the reaction for 1- 2 hours at the temperature recommended by
the manufacturer of the enzyme.
7. Stop reaction by the addition of 51..11 of stop solution. Mix well by pipet-
ting up and down several times. Centrifuge 5 - 10 seconds to collect li-
quid at the bottom of the tube. The reaction is now ready to be loaded
onto an agarose gel.
Note: Restriction digestion can also be stopped by the addition of 1III 0.5 M
EDTA. The reaction can be stored at -20 °Cfor an indefinite time and used
for gel electrophoresis when needed.
8. Electrophorese digested DNA to separate DNA fragments. Prepa re and
run an agarose gel as described in Chapter 8 for large scale agarose gel
electrophoresis. Purify the desired DNA fragment using one of the pro-
tocols for recovery of DNA fragmen ts from agarose gels described in
Chapter 8. Purified fragment can be end-repaired for blunt-end ligation
using the protocol described below. Alternatively, the cohesive ends of
the fragment can be ligated with a plasmid with compatible and de-
phosphorylated ends.

End repair of DNA fragments

To prepare DNA fragments for blunt-end ligation, two enzymes, 1'4 DNA
polymerase and 1'4 polynucleotide kinase are used simultaneously. The
buffer used in the reaction should be buffer supplied with polynucleotide
kinase. 1'4 DNA polymerase is fully active in this buffer. When preparing
DNA fragments for cohesive end ligation, omit DNA polymerase and 10 x
dNTP from the reaction mixture.
1. The total reaction volume is 50 ul. Calculate the amounts of needed in-
gredients using the following chart:
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 335

DNA End-Repair Reaction

Ingredient Amount (f.!l) Final concentration

10 x polynucleotide kinase buffer 5 1x

10 x dNTP solution 5 200 ~IM

ATP 10 mM 5 1 mM

DNA fragment 1 - 28 0.1 - 5 f.!g

T4 polynucleotide kinase (10 u/ul) 10 - 20 units/ug DNA

T4 DNA polymerase (3 u/ul) 1 - 3 units/I f.!g DNA

Water to 50 ul

2. Add the required amount of water to a 1.5 ml microfuge tube. Next add
buffer, ATP, 10 x dNTP solution and DNA. Mix by pipetting up and
3. Start the reaction by the addition of both enzymes: Mix by pipetting up
and down, being careful not to create air bubbles in the process. Cen-
trifuge for 5 to 10 seconds to collect liquid at the bottom of the tube.
4. Incubate at room temperature for 25 minutes.
Note: If the DNA fragment is shorter than 500 bp, incubation time can be
shortened to 10 to 15 minutes.
5. Stop reactions by the addition of 1 III 0.5 M EDTA and 50 III of TE. Mix
well by pipetting up and down or by tapping the tube.
6. Add 100 ~tl of PCI solution and mix by inverting several times to form an
7. Centrifuge the empty PLG tube in a microfuge for 30 seconds at 10 000
rpm to pellet the gel. Orient the tube in the centrifuge rotor with the lid
connector pointing away from the center of rotation.
Note: Measure the time of centrifugation from the moment of starting the
8. Add the mixture prepared in step 6 to the PLG tube.
9. Centrifuge the PLG tube at 10 000 rpm for exactly 30 seconds. Be sure to
orient the tube in the centrifuge rotor as before.
Note: After centrifugation, the organic phase at the bottom of the tube will be
separated from the aqueous phase at the top of the tube by the PLGbarrier.

10. Add 100IIIof CIA solution. Mix by repeated inversion to form an emul-
sion. Do not vortex or permit the PLG barrier to be disturbed.
11. Centrifuge for 30 seconds to separate phases. Bevery careful to place the
tube into the centrifuge at the same orientation as before.
12. Transfer the aqueous phase from above the PLG barrier to a fresh tube.
Record the volume of the aqueous phase . The volume should be similar
to the volume of aqueous phase originally added to the tube.
13. Add 50 III of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume). Mix well by
inverting the tube 4 to 5 times.
14. Add 300 III of95% ethanol (2 x of the total volume). Mix well by inverting
the tube 4 to 5 times.
15. Place the tube in the centrifuge and orient the attached end of the lid
pointing away from the center of rotation. Centrifuge at maximum
speed for 10 minutes at room temperature. (See Figure 2, Chapter 2.)
16. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Holding the tube
by the lid gently lift the end, touching the tube to the edge of an Erlen-
meyer flask to drain the ethanol. You do not need to remove all the etha-
nol. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge orienting them as before.
Note: When pouring off ethanol, do not invert the tube more than once
because this can loosen the pellet.
17. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet. Hold the Pipetman as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not
start the centrifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube
holder" that keeps the tubes at an angle, convenient for ethanol washing.
Remove the tube from the centrifuge by holding it by the lid. Pour off the
ethanol as described in step 16.
18. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time .
Note: This procedure makes it possible to wash a large number of pellets
quickly without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging
are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial loss of the material.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 337

19. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the orientation is the same as before. Without closing the lids, start the
centrifuge for 2-3 seconds to collect the remaining ethanol at the bottom
of the tube. Remove all ethanol with a P200 Pipetman outfitted with a
capillary tip.
20. Resuspend the pelleted DNA in 20 III of water. Use this DNA for the
ligation reaction. The final concentration of DNA solution will be
5 ng to 250 ng per Ill.
Note: This concentration can be estimated from the size of DNA insert pre-
sent in plasmid. For example when 2 Ilg DNA of 2.6 Kbp is used and the
desired insert size is 500 bp, the fragment constitutes 19% of total DNA
(0.5/2.6 = 0.19) and should have a mass of 0.38 ~lg (2 x .19 = 0.38). After
elution of the fragment from an agarose gel and repairing the ends, the re-
covery is about 60% to 70% of initial fragment amount. Thus, there will be
about 0.22 to 0.261lg of fragment in 20 III giving a concentration of about 10
to 13ng Ill. Such estimation is sufficiently precise for calculating the amount
of DNA fragment necessary for a ligation reaction.


Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA should be assessed by agarose gel

electrophoresis of the digest together with DNA size standards. The inten-
sity of each fragment stained by ethidium bromide is proportional to the
mass of the fragment. The fragments should be present in the gel in equi-
molar quantities. The sum of their molecular sizes should be equal to the
size of undigested DNA. A partial digest will generate too many DNA bands,
the sum of which will add up to more than the size of original DNA.
Incomplete digestion is likely to be due to one of the following:
• Inactivation of the enzyme during storage or during preparation of re-
action mixture. Vigorous vortexing of the reaction can completely in-
activate enzymes. Repeat the digestion with other restriction enzyme to
confirm that DNA fragment contamination was not the cause of the par-
tial digestion.
• Impurities present in the DNA sample. The presence of residual
amounts ofphenol, SDS, EDTA or large amounts of salt can cause partial
digestion or inhibit restriction enzyme activity altogether. To remove
these impurities DNA can be reprecipitated with ethanol.

• Degradation of the DNA sample. Incorporation of a control with undi-

gested DNA will make this cause clearly apparent.
Partial digestion of the sample DNA can be due to one of the problems listed
above and usually can be overcome by repeating the digestion with more
enzyme or for a longer time rather than repurifying of the DNA.
Digestion of the sample at too many sites can be due to altered cleavage
specificity of the enzyme, usually referred to as star activity of the enzyme
(Robinson and Sligar, 1995). Star activity of the enzyme can be induced by
too high concentration of glycerol, too high pH of the reaction (>8.0), low
ionic strength «25 mM of salt) or a large amount of enzyme relative to
DNA (> 100 units for 1 ug DNA).
Measurement of the concentration of blunt-ended DNA fragments is
necessary for a correct enzyme to DNA ratio in the ligation reaction.
The method descri bed in step 20 is not very precise but usually sufficient
to make these calculations. It is not possible to measure the concentration of
DNA fragments using a standard spectroscopic method ofabsorption at 260
nm . This is because the spectroscopic method requires a DNA concentra-
tion of at least 5 ~lg/ ml (A26o =0.1) and a minimum sample volume of500 Ill.
DNA fragments prepared for cloning can rarely be obtained at this concen-
tration and volume. For a more precise measurement of concentration, we
recommend using DNA concentration measurement kits such as DNA
DipStic (Invitrogen Inc. # K5632-01), NUCLEIC dotMETRIC (Geno Tech-
nologies, Inc.), FastCheck (LifeTechnologies, Inc. # 5595UA) or DNA Quick
Strip (Eastman Kodak Co. # IB73000). These kits use a small amount of
sample DNA (1-2 ul) and are capable of measuring 1 ng to 10 ng of
DNA in 1 III of sample.

I Subprolocol 3
Ligation Reaction
In vitro ligation is used to join DNA fragments to a linearized plasmid. For a
detailed theoretical description of the ligation reaction see Chapter 13. The
protocol describes ligation of dephosphorylated plasmid with phosphory-
lated insert using T4 DNA ligase. In general, for any ligation of phosphatase-
treated insert with dephosphorylated vector, the theoretical calculations for
optimal conditions dictate the following practical rules (see Table 1, Chap-
ter 13 for details):
• For all useful molar ratios of vector to insert (1:1 to 1:3)the j/i for insert is
always high, favoring circularization of insert rather than concatemer-
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 339

ization. Thus, cloning of concatamers of insert does not occur. Using

insert concentration higher than 1:3 is not recommended because it
may lead to cloning inserts that have been ligated together.
• After formation of the hybrid molecules, conditions favoring cyclization
of the hybrid predominates if the insert is not larger than the vector (high
jli ratio for hybrid). Practically, lower concentrations of plasmid are pre-
ferred because this leads to nearly complete formation of circular hybrid
molecules. For example, ligation of plasmid at 2.5 ug/rnl with 2.68 Kbp
insert gives j/i ratio for the construct equal to 5.4, whereas the same liga-
tion at l ug/rnl plasmid gives value jli equal to 13.6 (see, Table 1, Chap-
ter 13).
• Successful cloning of large fragments requires a low concentration of
plasmid to assure circularization conditions for linear, vector-insert
molecules. For example at 2.5 ug/rnl concentration of vector ligated
with 10.0 Kbp insert, the j/i for the hybrid molecule is 1.2, the value
at which circularization is not favored. The same value for plasmid con-
centration of l ug/rnl is 3.7, favoring the circularization reaction for hy-
brid molecules. A schematic outline of the ligation procedure is shown
in Figure 3.

Standard Ligation Protocol Fast Ligation Protocol

Blunt-End Ligation Blunt-End Ligation Cohesive-End Ligation

Ethanol Precipitation Ethanol Precipitation

Centrifugation Centrifugation

Ethanol Washing Ethanol Washing

Rehydration of DNA Rehydration of DNA

Fig. 3. Schematic outline of the procedure



- T4 DNA ligase for blunt-end ligation (5 u/ul) (Roche Molecular Bio-

chemicals #481 220 or equivalent)
In author's experience, T4 DNA ligase prepared by this manufacturer
showed higher conversion of blunt-end fragment into ligated product
in the course of 10 minutes reaction.
- T4 DNA ligase for cohesive -end ligation (1 u/ul) (Roche Molecular Bio-
chemicals # 799 009 or equivalent)
- ATP 100 mM (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1 140965 or equivalent)
- PEG 8000 (Sigma Co. # P 4463 or equivalent).
- Dithiothreitol (DTT) (Sigma Co. # D 0632 or equivalent)
- Rapid DNA Ligation Kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1635 376)
Solutions - ATP 5 mM
Prepare 100 ul of solution. To 95 ul of sterile 5 mM Tris HCI pH 7.5 add
5 ul stock ATP solution. Store at -20 °C.
- ATP 0.5 mM
Dilute ATP 5 mM solution 10 times. To 18 ul of sterile water add 2 ~L1 of
5 mM ATP stock solution. Prepare solution fresh. Do not store.
- 50 mM DTT Solution
Prepare 1 ml solution in sterilized water and store at 20 °C.
- 5 x Blunt-End Ligation Buffer
- 200 mM Tris HCI pH 7.8
- 50 mM MgCh
- 50 mM DTT
- 30% (w/v) PEG 8000
Prepare 10 ml of buffer using stock solutions of Tris, MgCh and DTT.
Add 3 g of PEG 8000 and dissolve completely. Sterilize by filtration. Store
in 200 ul aliquots at -20 °C.
Note: Some manufacturers ofT4 DNA ligase supply enzyme with concen-
trated stock solution of reaction buffer. These buffers can be used for blunt-
end ligation providing that they do not contain ATP. The ATP concentra-
tion necessary for optimal blunt-end reaction is 20 times less than that for
cohesive-end ligation.
- 5 x Cohesive-End Ligation Buffer
- 200 mM Tris HCI pH 7.8
- 50 mM MgCh
- 50 mM DTT
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 341

Note: Buffers supplied by manufacturers ofT4 DNA ligase are usually for-
mulated for cohesive-end ligation . These buffers can be used instead of the
buffer described. T4 DNA ligase is active in cohesive-end ligation in all the
restriction endonuclease buffers if they are supplemented with 1 mM ATP.


The conditions of ligation described in protocols are applicable to most

ligations with small plasmids (2.6 to 4.0 Kbp) with inserts that are not larger
than the plasmid. Vector concentration used is l ug/ml (l0 fmol) and molar
ratio of vector to insert is between 1:2 to 1:3. The concentration of vector
should be lower if insert size is 10 Kbp or larger (see Subprotocol 3 for
further explanations). These conditions have been shown to be optimal
for blunt-end ligation (Bercovich at al. 1992).
Two ligation protocols are presented. The standard procedure requires
1 hour of reaction time for blunt-end ligation or overnight incubation for
cohesive-end ligation . A second rapid protocol requires only 10 minutes
reaction for both cohesive-end and blunt-end ligation and uses the rapid
DNA Ligation Kit from Roche Molecular Biochemicals. This kit gives the
best results for blunt-end and cohesive-end ligations of plasmid with insert.
The use of this kit for all ligation reactions is highly recommended.
Both ligation protocols include two control reactions. The first control
reaction tests for the presence of undigested vector DNA in plasmid pre-
parations. The second control tests the efficiency of dephosphorylation of
vector ends. It is highly recommended to perform these controls when a new
vector preparation is used because most failure to ligate results from incor-
rect preparation of the cloning vehicle.

Standard blunt-end protocol

1. Prepare a master reaction mixture for 4 reactions. Place a 1.5 ml micro-

fuge tube on ice and add:
Blunt -End Ligation Master Mixture

Ingredients Amount (Ill) Final concentration Irx

5 x Blunt -end ligation buffer 16 Ix
0.5 mM ATP 8 0.05 mM

Vector linearized, 8 20 ng (10-30 fmol)

dephosphorylated (10 ng/ul)
Water to 40 III

Vortex briefly and centrifuge for 10 - 20 seconds. Place tube on ice. When
preparing ligation reactions, always follow these rules:
• Thaw all reagents at room temperature and place them on ice.
• Calculate the amounts of all reagents needed. Do not include water in
this calculation.
• Calculate the amount of water needed to obtain the desired reaction
volume. The amount of water is always calculated last.
• Add water to reaction tube . Water is always added first.
• Add remaining ingredients in the following order: buffer, cofactors, sub-

2. Label the 1.5 ml microfuge tubes IC, 2C and 3L and place them on ice.
Prepare the ligation reaction and two control reactions. First, calculate
the amount of insert needed for ligation . Use the following equation for
this calculation:
_ Vector (ng) x Insert (bp)
Insert (ng ) - (b ) xR (2)
Vector p
Where, Vector (ng) is nanogram of vector in reaction and R molar ratio
of vector to insert. The R should be between 1 to 3. The optimum ratio
may be determined experimentally.
Note: A molar ratio of vector to insert of 1:2.5 works for most blunt-end
ligation reactions.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 343

3. Assemble the ligation reaction (3L) and control reactions (IC, 2C) as
Ligation Reactions

Ingredients Control1(lC) Control 2 (2C) Ligation rx (3L)

Blunt-End Master Mixture 10 III 10 III 10 III
DNA fragments none none as needed
T4 DNA ligase (5 u/pl) none 1 III 1 III
Water to 20 III to 20 III to 20 III

Add water first and follow it with blunt-end master mix. Add insert DNA
to the 3L tube only. Mix well pipetting up and down. Add enzyme last.
Mix enzyme with reaction mixture by gently pipetting up and down.
Note: Most manufacturers use Weiss units ofT4 DNA ligase. Cohesive-end
ligation units are also used (for example, New England BioLabs, Inc.). One
Weiss unit is equal to 67 cohesive-end ligation units. Blunt-end ligation re-
quires 300 to 400 cohesive-end ligation units.
4. Incubate reactions at room temperature for 1 hour.
5. Stop the reactions with the addition of 1 /-11 of 0.5 M EDTA. Add 60 /-11 of
sterile water to the reaction tubes and mix well by inverting the tubes
several times. Use 10 to 20/-11 of this reaction for chemical transforma-
tion. Reactions can be stored at -20 °Cuntil needed. To prepare the liga-
tion reaction for electroporation, go to step 6.
Note: Do not heat-inactivate ligase. This will result in a large decrease in
transformation efficiency.
6. Add 40 /-11 of7.5 M ammonium acetate (halfthe volume) to each tube and
mix by inverting several times.
7. Add 200 /-11 of 95% ethanol (2 x the total volume) to each tube and mix
well by inverting 4 - 5 times. Place tubes into the microfuge and cen-
trifuge for 20 minutes at room temperature. Be sure to orient each
tube in the rotor with the attached part of the lid away from the center
of rotation. This will "mark" the position of pelleted DNA since pellets
will not be visible. (See Figure 2, Chapter 2.)
8. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently invert,
touching the tube to the edge ofan Erlenmeyer flask to drain the ethanol.

You do not need to remove all the ethanol. Place the tubes back into the
centrifuge in the same orientation as above.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this can loosen the pellet.
9. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver the ethanol to the side ofthe tube opposite
the pellet, that is the side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipet-
man vertically as shown in the Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not start the cen-
trifuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that
keeps the tubes at an angle convenient for ethanol washing. Remove the
tube from the centrifuge by holding it by the lid. Pour off the ethanol as
described in step 8.
10. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet in a large
number of tubes without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and cen-
trifuging the pellet are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial
loss of the material and DNA shearing.
11. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the tube side containing the pellet faces away from the center of rotation.
Without closing lids, start the centrifuge for 2 - 3 seconds and collect the
remaining ethanol at the bottom of the tube. Remove all ethanol with a
P200 Pipetman fitted with a capillary tip .
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA pellet very difficult, if not impossible.
12. Resuspend the DNA pellet (invisible) in S III of water. This will be suc-
cessful only if you know the position of the pellet on the side of the tube.
It is important to realize that for most microfuges, the pellet will be dis-
tributed on the side of the tube. To dissolve DNA, place S IIIof water in
the middle of the tube and move the drop down the side toward the
bottom using the end ofa yellow tip . Repeat this procedure several times
to assure that the invisible pellet at the side of the tube is dissolved. Use
all S III for electro po ration. Resuspended ligation product can be stored
at -20 °C.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 345

Standard cohesive-end protocol

1. Prepare a master reaction mixture for 4 reactions. Place a 1.5 ml micro-

fuge tube on ice and add :
Cohesive-End Ligation Master Mixture

Ingredients Amount (Ill) Final concentration /

5 x Cohesive-end ligation buffer 16 lx
5.0 mM ATP 8 0.5 mM
Vector linearized, dephosphorylated 8 20 ng (10-30 fmol)
(10 ng/ul)
Water to 40 III

Vortex briefly and centrifuge for 10 - 20 seconds. Place the tube on ice.
When preparing reactions, always follow these rules:
• Thaw all reagents at room temperature and place them on ice.
• Calculate the amounts of all reagents needed. Do not include water in
this calculation.
• Calculate amount of water needed to obtain the desired reaction vo-
lume . The amount of water is always calculated last.
• Add water to reaction tube . Water is always added first.
• Add remaining ingredients in the following order: buffer, ATP and

2. Label 1.5 ml microfuge tubes 1C, 2C and 3L and place them on ice. Pre-
pare the ligation reaction and two control reactions. First, calculate the
amount of insert needed for ligation. Use equation 2 for this calculation.
The molar ratio of vector to insert should be between 1:2 to 1:3.

3. Assemble the ligation reaction (3L) and control reactions (IC, 2C) as
Ligation Reactions

Ingredients Controll(lC) Control 2 (2C) Ligation rx (3L)

Cohesive -End Master Mixture 10 ul 10 ul 10 ~l
DNA fragments none none as needed
T4 DNA ligase (l u/ul) none 1 ~l 1 ~l
Water to 20 ul to 20 ul to 20 ul

Add water first and follow it with blunt-end master mix. Add DNA frag-
ments to 3L only. Mix well by tapping the end of the tube and add en-
zyme last to tubes 2C and 31. Mix enzyme with reaction mixture by
gently pipetting up and down. Note that less T4 DNA ligase is required
for cohesive-end ligation (I Weiss unit/rx).
Note: Most manufacturers use Weiss units for T4 DNA ligase. Cohesive-end
ligation units are also used (for example, New England BioLabs, Inc.). One
Weiss unit is equal to 67 cohesive-end ligation units.
4. For best results incubate reactions at 16°Covernight. However, 30 min-
utes at room temperature can also be used with some decrease in liga-
tion efficiency.
5. Stop the reactions with the addition of 1 III of 0.5 M EDTA. Add 60 ul of
sterile water to the reaction tubes and mix well by inverting the tubes
several times. Use 10 to 20 III of this reaction for chemical transforma-
tion. Reactions can be stored at -20 °Cuntil needed. To prepare the liga-
tion reaction for electroporation, go to step 6.
Note: Do not heat-inactivate ligase. This will result in a large decrease in
transformation efficiency.
6. Add 40 III of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) to each tube
and mix by inverting several times.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 347

7. Add 200 III of95% ethanol (2 x the total volume) to each tube and mix
well by inverting 4 - 5 times. Place tubes into the microfuge and cen-
trifuge for 20 minutes at room temperature. Be sure to orient each
tube in the rotor with the attached part of the lid away from the center
of rotation. This will "mark" the position of pelleted DNA since pellets
will not be visible. (See Figure 2, Chapter 2.)
8. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently lift the end,
touching the tube to the edge ofan Erlenmeyer flask to drain the ethanol.
You do not need to remove all the ethanol from the tube. Place the tubes
back into the centrifuge in the same orientation as above.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this can loosen the pellet.
9. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PIOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver the ethanol to the side of the tube opposite
the pellet, that is the side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipet-
man vertically as shown in Figure 3, Chapter 2. Do not start the centri-
fuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps
the tubes at an angle convenient for ethanol washing. Remove the tube
from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Pour off the ethanol as
described in step 8.
10. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time.
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash the pellet in a large
number of tubes without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and cen-
trifuging the pellet are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial
loss of the material and DNA shearing.
11. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the tube side containing the pellet faces away from the center of rotation.
Without closing the tube lids, start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds and
collect the remaining ethanol at the bottom of the tube . Remove all etha-
nol with a P200 Pipetman fitted with a capillary tip.
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA pellet very difficult, if not impossible.
12. Resuspend the DNA pellet (invisible) in 5 III of water. This will be suc-
cessful only if you know the position of the pellet on the side of the tube .
It is important to realize that for most microfuges the pellet will be dis-
tributed on the side of the tube . To dissolve DNA, place Sill of the water

in the middle of the tube and move the drop down the side toward the
bottom using the end ofa yellow tip . Repeat this procedure several times
to assure that the invisible pellet at the side of the tube is dissolved. Use
all 5 III for electroporation. Resupended ligation product can be stored at
-20 °C.

Rapid Protocol

The protocol is identical for blunt-end and cohesive-end ligations.

1. Label one 1.5 ml microfuge tube RX. Also prepare two control reaction
tubes labeled IC, 2C, and one ligation reaction tube labeled 31. Place the
tubes on ice.
2. Prepare the Master Reaction Mixtures for 4 reactions in RX tube as fol-
Master Reaction Mixture

Ingredients Amount (Ill) Final concentration/rx

2 x Ligation buffer (vial #1) 40 Ix
5 x DNA buffer (vial #2) 16 Ix
Vector linearized, dephosphorylated 8 20 ng (l0-30 fmol)
(10 ng/ul)

Vortex tube briefly and centrifuge for 30 seconds in a microfuge. Place

tube on ice.
Note: It is absolutely necessary to thoroughly mix the content of vial l and 2
just before use.
Note: If possible dissolve DNA to be ligated in 1 x DNA buffer. In this si-
tuation substitute water for DNA buffer in Master Reaction Mixture.
3. Place tubes IC, 2C and 3L at room temperature and prepare reactions as
indicated below. First, calculate the amount of insert DNA needed using
equation 2 and add the DNA fragment to tube 31. Use a molar ratio of
vector to insert 1:3. Second, add water and master reaction mixture to
all tubes. Do not add enzyme at this time.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 349

Ligation Reactions

Ingredients Control l(lC) Control 2 (2C) Ligation Rx (3L)

Master Reaction Mixture 16 ul 16 ul 16 f..ll
DNA fragments none none as needed
Water to 20 ul to 20 ul to 20 ul
T4 DNA ligase (vial #3) none 1 f..ll 1 f..ll

Mix ingredients gently, by pipetting up and down several times. Cen-

trifuge for 5 to 10 seconds to collect liquid at the bottom of the tubes.

4. Start the reaction by the addition of enzyme to tubes 2C and 31. Mix
well by gently pipetting up and down several times . Incubate the
reactions for 5 to 10 minutes at room temperature.
5. Stop the reactions with the addition of 1 III of 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0 and
add 80 III of water to each tube. Mix well by inverting the tubes several
times. Use 20 III of this reaction for chemical transformation. Reactions
can be stored at - 20 °C until needed. To prepare ligation reaction for
electroporation go to step 6.
Note: Do not heat-inactivate ligase. This will decrease transformation effi-
ciency by factor >20.
6. Add 50 III of7.5 M ammonium acetate (halfthe volume) to each tube and
mix well by inverting several times.
7. Add 300 III of 95% ethanol (2 x the total volume) to each tube and mix
well by inverting 4 - 5 times. Place tubes into the microfuge and cen-
trifuge for 20 minutes at room temperature. Be sure to orient each
tube in the centrifuge rotor with the lid connector pointing away
from the center of rotation. This will "mark" the position of pelleted
DNA since your pellet will not be visible. (See Figure 2, Chapter 2.)
8. Remove the tube from the centrifuge and open the lid. Gently lift the
end, touching the tube to the edge of an Erlenmeyer flask to drain
the ethanol. You do not need to remove all the ethanol from the
tube. Place the tubes back into the centrifuge in the same orientation
as above.
Note: When pouring off ethanol do not invert the tube more than once be-
cause this can loosen the pellet.

9. Wash the pellet with 700 III of cold 70% ethanol. Holding a PlOOO Pipet-
man vertically, slowly deliver the ethanol to the side ofthe tube opposite
the pellet, that is, the side facing the center of the rotor. Hold the Pipet -
man vertic ally as shown in Figure 2, Chapter 2. Do not start the centri-
fuge, in this step the centrifuge rotor is used as a "tube holder" that keeps
the tubes at an angle, convenient for ethanol washing. Remove the tube
from the centrifuge by holding the tube by the lid. Pour off the ethanol as
described in step 8.
10. Place the tube back into the centrifuge and repeat the 70% ethanol wash
one more time .
Note: This procedure makes it possible to quickly wash a large number of
pellets without centrifugation and vortexing. Vortexing and centrifuging
the pellet are time consuming and frequently lead to substantial loss of ma-
11. After the last wash, place the tube into the centrifuge, making sure that
the tube position in the rotor is the same as in step 8. Without closing the
tube lids, start the centrifuge for 2-3 seconds and collect the remaining
ethanol at the bottom of the tube. Remove all ethanol with a P200 Pipet-
man fitted with a capillary tip .
Note: Never dry the DNA pellet in a vacuum. This will make dissolving the
DNA pellet very difficult, if not impossible.
12. Resuspend the DNA pellet (invisible) in 5 III of water. This will be suc-
cessful only if you know the position ofthe pellet on the side of the tube.
It is important to realize that for most microfuges the pellet will be dis-
tributed on the side of the tube. To dissolve DNA, place 5 IIIof the water
in the middle of the tube and move the drop down the side toward the
bottom using the end of a yellow tip . Repeat this procedure several times
to assure that the invisible pellet at the side of the tube is dissolved. Use
all 5 III for electro po ration. Resuspended ligation product can be stored
at -20 °C.


Ligation reactions for transformation are best analyzed by transforming

bacteria. Analysis of the ligation products by gel electrophoresis is not re-
commended for two reasons. First, it wastes a large amount ofligation pro-
duct, in particular valuable insert, quantities of which are frequently diffi-
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 351

cult to obtain. Second, many ligation products, visible on agarose gels, do

not transform cells efficiently. However, if repeated attempts to transform
are unsuccessful, this may be due to failure ofthe ligation reaction. Perform-
ing a ligation reaction with molecular size markers (for example, lambda
DNA Hind III digest) can test this . Ligation products should contain a high
molecular weight DNA and very few low molecular weight bands.
Ligation reactions can fail for several reasons (listed in frequency of oc-
• Incorrect concentration of insert DNA. Check the concentration of in-
sert using one of the kits for determining DNA concentration described
on page 338. Be sure that the vector to insert molar ratio is at least 1:1.An
insert to vector ratio greater than 1:5 will severely inhibit ligation.
• Too high concentration of vector. Lower concentration ofvector to 2 to
5 ng per reaction.
• The presence of a high concentration of monovalent salts (for example,
NaCI or ammonium salts). The concentrations of these salts in the final
reaction should not exceed 50 mM. Careful washing of DNA pellets with
70% ethanol should remove all salts from plasmid and insert prepara-
tions. Neglecting to do so is a frequent cause of failure in ligation reac-
• The presence of phosphate. Phosphate buffers are used in the storage of
some restriction enzymes. Blunt-end ligation is particularly sensitive to
this salt since 50 mM P04 will inhibit the reaction by 50%. Careful wash-
ing of DNA pellets with 70% ethanol should remove this contaminant.
• High concentration of ATP. The blunt-end ligation reaction is inhibited
by the presence of ATP above 0.1 mM. Buffers supplied by manufac-
turers with T4 DNA ligase frequently contain ATP at optimal concen-
tration for cohesive end ligation. The use of these buffers in blunt-end
ligation reactions is a very frequent error, causing poor ligation effi-
ciency. Carefully check the content of the ligation buffer supplied
when performing blunt end ligation.
• Degradation of ATP in the stock solution or old ligation buffer. Always
use freshly prepared 0.5 mM ATP. Aliquot 50 IIIportions of as mM stock
and store it at -20 °C. Do not thaw it more than 5 to 6 times.
• Degradation of insert or vector by DNases. Use fresh reagents and auto-
claved distilled water.

• The presence of restriction endonuclease during cohesive-end ligation

causing redigestion ofligated product. After digestion of the insert DNA
remove restriction endonuclease by heat inactivation, if possible, or bet -
ter yet, by extraction with phenol:CIA.

Subprotocol 4
Transformation by Electroporation
Electroporation is the most efficient bacterial transformation technique.
Two procedures are described: preparation of bacterial cells for electro-
poration and electroporation of bacteria. Electroporation is carried out
with 30 III of cells (cell concentration 1010 cell/rnl), 5 ng of plasmid using
an electroporation cuvette with a 0.1 ern electrode gap. This represents stan-
dard electroporation conditions for E. coli cells. The efficiency of tr ansfor-
mation with this method is above 1 x 109 transformants/ug supercoiled
plasmid and about 1 x 108 transforrnants/ug plasmid used in the ligation
reaction. The frequency of transformation is 0.02 with both types of plas-
mids . Low transformation frequency prevents cotransformation of a cell
with two or more plasmid molecules. For details about how to calculate
and adjust these values, see the description of electroporation in Chapter 13.
The use of electroporation as a transformation technique instead of che-
mical transformation has the following advantages:
• High transformation efficiency.
• The possibility of using a small volume of cells. Avolume of cells as small
as 20 III can be transformed yielding about 109 transformants.
• The preparation of cells for transformation is very simple and does not
use elaborate and time consuming protocols. Moreover, the cells used
for electroporation can be prepared ahead of time and stored indefi -
nitely without losing competency.
• Electroporation transformation frequencies with supercoiled DNA and
circular DNA are identical. This makes it unnecessary to use highly pur-
ified vector in ligation reactions.
• The molecular transformation efficiency for circular DNA remains very
high for plasmids of all sizes up to 50 Kb.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 353

A disadvantage of this method is the requirement for an expensive electro -

poration instrument.
A special, electrocompetent strain of E. coli, ElectroMax DHI0B, is used
in this protocol, but many other electrocompetent strains can be used.
Moreover, a modification of the basic protocol that permits the use of reg-
ular strains is presented . This procedure was described by Wai and Chow
(1995). A schematic outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 4.

Cell Preparation Protocol Transformation Protocol

Cell Growth Cell Thawing

Centrifugation Electroporation

tst Cell Washing Cell Dilution

Centrifugation Cell Recovery

2nd Cell Washing Cell Dilution and Plating

Centrifugation Overnight Cell Growth

Cell Resuspention

Fig. 4. Schematic outline of the procedure


- Transformation apparatus (E. coli Pulser, Bio-Rad # 165-2101 or equiva-

The electroporation apparatus must be capable of delivering a T time
constant of 5 millisecond and voltage gradient between electrodes
(E) of at least 25 kV (for an explanation of these terms see Chapter 13).
- Transformation cuvettes with a 0.1 em electrode gap (Invitrogen Co. #
P41O-50 or equivalent).

- Polypropylene culture tubes (Falcon # 2059 or equivalent).

The "Falcon 2059" tube of Becton Dickson Co. is the standard for trans-
formation experiments. Other equivalent brands are acceptable but
batches of tubes are occasionally contaminated with surfactants that in-
hibit transformation.
- IPTG (isopropylthio-Bvl'i-galactoside) Life Technologies, Inc. # 15529-
019 or equivalent.
- X-gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-~-D galactoside) Life Technologies,
Inc # 15520-034 or equivalent.
- Dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO) (Sigma Co. # D 8779 or equivalent).
- Ampicillin, sodium salt (Sigma Co. # A 9518 or equivalent).
- Electrocompetent E. colistrain (e.g., ElectroMax DH 1OB from Life Tech-
nology, Inc. # 18290-015, or Top10 from Invitrogen Co. # C664-11-55).
- LB agar-ampicillin plates.
Solutions - Terrific Broth Medium (TB)
- 1.2% Bacto-tryptone
- 2.4% Yeast Extract
- 0.4 % Glycerol
- 10 x Phosphate Stock Solution
Mix first three ingredients in 900 ml of deionized water and autoclave for
20 minutes, cool to room temperature and add 100 ml of Phosphate
Stock Solution. Store at 4 °C.
- lOx Phosphate Stock Solution
- 0.72 M KH 2P04
- 0.17 M K2HP04
Dissolve in water and autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 "C.
- 10% Glycerol Solution
- 10% glycerol
Add glycerol to sterilized water. Do not sterilize. Prepare fresh and pre-
cool to 4 °C before use.
- Transformation Solution
- 10% Glycerol
- 0.0125% Yeast Extract
- 0.025% Bacto Tryptone
Add 2 m l of 100% glycerol and remaining ingredients to 18 ml sterilized
water. Stir to dissolve all ingredients. Sterilize by filtration. Store at 4 °C.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 355

- X-Gal Solution (20 mg/ml)

- 2% X-gal
Dissolve 200 mg X-gal in 10 ml DMSO. Store in the dark at -20 °C.
Note: DMSO is used instead of the commonly used dimethylfomamide
(DMF) for X-gal preparation because DMF is very toxic.
- IPTG Solution (25 mg/ml)
- 2.5% IPTG
Dissolve 250 mg of IPTG in sterilized water. Store at -20 °C.
- 1000 x Ampicillin Solution
- 500 mg Ampicillin
- Distilled or deionized water.
Add 500 mg of ampicillin to 5 ml distilled water. Sterilize by filtration
and store in sma ll aliquots at -20°C.
- LB Agar Amp Plates
- 1% Bacto Tryptone
- 0.5% Yeast Extract
- 0.5% NaCl
- 1.5% Difco agar
- 100 ug/rnl Ampicillin
Add the first 3 ingredients to one liter of distilled water in a 2 liter
Erlenmeyer flask. Stir to dissolve all ingredients completely. Adjust
pH to 7.5 with 1 N NaOH. This will take approximately 4 ml of 1 N
NaOH. Add Difco agar and sterilize by autoclaving for 20 minutes.
Cool medium to 60-65 °C and add 1 ml of ampicillin stock solution.
Mix by swirling the flask and pour the plates. This will make 25 to
30 plates . Plate can be stored for 2 to 3 weeks at 4 °C.
- PBS Solution, pH 7.4
- 137 mM NaCl
- 2.7 mM KCl
- 4.3 mM Na2HP0 4 . 7H20
- 1.4 mM KH2P04
Dissolve each salt in double distilled or deionized water. Besure that one
salt has completely dissolved before adding the next. Adjust the pH to
7.4 with 1 N HCl. Autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 0C. If desired, PBS
can be made as 10 x concentrated stock solution.


TB medium is used for growth of cells. This medium does not contain NaCI
making it less laborious to prepare cells for electro poration. The presence of
a high concentration of NaCI in other growth medium requires numerous
cell washes to remove it completely before electro po ration. Small amounts
of salt will cause arcing in the electroporation apparatus.

Cell preparation

Both electrocompetent and regular strains can be prepared using this pro-
1. Inoculate500 ml of TB medium with 5 ml (1/100 volume) of a fresh,
overnight culture of cells. Use a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask for cell growth.
2. Grow cells at 37 °Cwith vigorous shaking to an OD6oo of approximately
0.5 - 0.7. This will take two to three hours. Cool the cells on ice and pour
them into three 250 ml centrifuge bottles.
3. Centrifuge the cells at 4000 x g (5000 rpm, HB-4 Sorvall rotor) for
5 minutes at 5° C.
4. Remove as much supernatant as possible. It is better to sacrifice the yield
by pouring off some cells than to leave some supernatant behind.
Note: All the following steps should be carried out on ice.
5. Add 10 ml of cold 10% glycerol to each bottle and gently resuspend the
pellet by pipetting up and down. Add an additional 60 ml of 10%glycerol
to each bottle, mix well and distribute the resuspended cells (220 ml)
into two centrifuge bottles. Each bottle should contain about 110 ml
of cells. Add 50 ml of 10% glycerol to each bottle for combined total
volume of approximately 160 ml.
6. Centrifuge the cells as described in step 3. Discard the supernatant as
described in step 4.
7. Add 10 ml of 10% glycerol to each bottle and resuspend the cells by pi-
petting up and down . After the cells are resuspended, add 80 ml of 10%
glycerol to each bottle and combine the cells into one bottle. This bottle
should contain about 180 ml of cells.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 357

8. Centrifuge the cells as described in step 3. Remove all of the supernatant.

Leave behind about 2 ml of 10% glycerol and gently resuspend the cells
in it.
Note: When regular E. coli strain is used remove all 10% glycerol and re-
suspend cells in about 2 ml of transformation solution.
9. Measure absorbance (OD) at 600 nm of a 1/500 dilution (10 IIIof cells in
5 ml of water). The OD6oo should be between 0.25 and 0.4. This corre-
sponds to about 1- 3 x 1010 cells/rnl.
10. Aliquot the cells in 200 III portions into microfuge tubes and freeze
quickly in a dry ice-ethanol bath. Store at -70 °C. Cells can be stored
for at least 1 year.

Electroporation protocol

1. Before starting the electroporation procedure, make the following pre-

- Label three electroporation cuvettes 1,2 and 3 and cool them on ice
for at least 5 minutes.
Note: Using cuvettes with an electrode gap 0.2 cm or wider will lower the
efficiency of transformation by approximately 40%.
- Label three Falcon tubes with the numbers corresponding to those of
the electropo ration cuvettes. Place these tubes in the tube rack at
room temperature.
- Thaw the ligation reaction (3L) and two control reactions (I C and 2C)
prepared previously. Set electroporator voltage to 1.8 kV. This setting
will depend on the strain used. Use voltage recommended by strain
supplier. Warm up 10-50 ml ofTB medium to 37 °C.
2. Remove the bacterial cells from -70 °Cstorage and gently thaw them on
ice. Tap the tube gently to mix the cells.
Note: Do not leave cells on ice for an extended time. Use the cells as soon as
possible. Cells can be refrozen for later use, but transformation frequency
will be significantly lower.
3. Add 30 IIIofcells to the tube labeled 1C (control). Pipette the cells up and
down two times to mix the DNA with the cells. Be very careful not to
create air bubbles during this procedure.

4. Transfer 30 JlI of this mixture to a cuvette labeled 1. Holding the cuvette

at a 45° angle, deliver the mixture to the bottom of the electroporation
chamber of the cuvette. Deliver liquid slowly and do not operate the
Pipetman beyond the first stop. This procedure will prevent formation
of air bubbles in the electroporation chamber. Tap the cuvette on the
laboratory bench several times to distribute the liquid on the bottom
of the chamber. Close the cuvette with the cap provided and place it
back on ice for 45 seconds.
Note: An electroporation chamber with 0.1 ern gap is very narrow. Fre-
quently the cell sample will stay at the top of the chamber. Vigorous tapping
of the cuvette on the laboratory bench will make the sample flow to the
bottom. It is important to do this as quickly as possible and not warm
up the cuvette and cells.
5. Place the cuvette into the electroporation machine and initiate electro-
Note: If a loud "snap" is heard while pulsing, arcing occurred inside the
electroporation chamber. Continue with the protocol as usual; some trans-
formation may still have occurred. See troubleshooting section on how to
prevent arcing.
6. As quickly as possible, add 1 ml of warm TB medium directly into the
cuvette using a P1000 Pipetman. Pipette slowly up and down two times.
Gently transfer all the cells from the electroporation cuvette into the
appropriately labeled Falcon tube. Treat the cells very gently, they
are very fragile after electroporation. Leave the tube at room tempera-
ture until all samples have been electroporated.
Do not discard electroporation cuvettes. They can be reused after wash-
ing for less critical transformations (for example, control transforma-
tions). A protocol for washing electroporation cuvettes is given in the
troubleshooting section.
Note: Do not use SOC medium for cell recovery as recommended by many
protocols. This medium contains NaCIthat causes some cell lysis. Use ofTB
medium increases transformation efficiency by as much as 50%.
7. Electroporate sample 2C following the procedure described in steps 3
to 6. Electroporate 3L sample last, following steps 3 to 6.
8. Transfer all Falcon tubes to an orbital shaker and incubate the cells at
37 °C for 45 minutes to allow cell recovery and expression of the anti-
biotic resistance. Rotating speed of the shaker should not exceed
240 rpm.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 359

9. Prepare six LB-amp agar plates for plating transformants. Each sample
will be plated onto two plates. Add 480 ul of water, 500 ul of X-gal and
20 ul of IPTG to a plastic microfuge tube. You will need 100 ul of the
mixture per plate. Add 100ul of X-gal IPTG mixture onto the surface of
each plate. Using sterile technique spread the drop evenly over the sur-
face using a bent glass rod. Solution should soak into the agar for ap-
proximately one hour before plating the cells.
Note: X-gal is light sensitive. Use the plates the same day or store plates in
the dark at 4 "C.
10. Plate the cells using two dilutions: 1/10 and 1/100. Add 900 ~l of PBS to 6
microfuge tubes and label each tube with sample name and dilution fac-
tor (for example, 3L 1110; 3L 11100, etc.). For each electroporation reac-
tion, prepare two plates labeled the same as the dilution tubes (for ex-
ample, 1C:1/10; 1C:l/100, etc.).
Note: For optimal cell survival, use only PBS for dilution. Diluting the cells
in growth medium instead of PBS will lower cell viability by about 20%.
11. Mix the cells in the tube labeled IC by gently tapping with fingers. Trans-
fer 100 ~l to the first dilution tube (IC 1110). This will constitute 1110
dilution of the original cell culture, mix well by pipetting up and down
several times. Transfer 100 ~l of cells from 1/10 dilution tube into the
11100 dilution tube using the same yellow tip. Mix by pipetting up and
12. Immediately, using the same yellow tip, pipette 100 ~l of cells from the
11100 dilution and then the 1110 dilution onto the corresponding plates.
Note: Make one set of dilution at a time. Finish plating the bacteria from a
single electroporation tube before preparing the next dilution set. This pre-
vents cross-contamination and plating errors.
13. Sterilize the cell spreader by dipping it into a beaker of95% ethanol, and
briefly passing it through a burner flame to ignite the alcohol. Burn off
ethanol keeping the spreader away from the burner flame.
14. Cool the spreader by touching it to the agar away from the cells. Spread
the cells by dragging cell suspension across the agar surface with the
spreader back and forth several times. Return spreader to the beaker
with ethanol.
15. Replace the plate lids and let them stand until all liquid is absorbed into
the agar.

16. Dilute and plate the cells from the remaining two electroporation tubes
using the procedure described in steps 11 to 15. Plate the cells from the
3L tube last.
Note: Cells dilu ted in PBS can be stored for one to two days at 4 °Cand used
for replating.
17. Place the plates upside down in a 37 °Cincubator, and incubate them for
15 to 18 hours.
18. Store the transformed cells for additional plating if necessary. Transfer
850 III of the cells from 3L tube into microfuge tube and add 60 III of
DMSO. Store the tube at -70 °C. Transformed cells can be stored indefi-
19. Count the cells on the 3L plates. Calculate the efficiency of transforma-
tion expressed as the number of transformants per microgram of plas-
mid used. Count on ly white colonies. Use the following equation for this
# transformed colonies diluti
. r'
Etr = ng plasrm'd DNA In x 1 ution tactor (3)
igation rx

20. Inspect two control plates 1C and 2C. They should contain a few blue
colonies. The presence of a large number of colonies on both plates in-
dicates failure to linearize the plasmid during vector preparation and/or
incomplete dephosphorylation of its 5' ends. If this is the case, the plate
with insert ligated to plasmid (3L) will also contain mostly blue colonies.
21. Grow transformants to test for the presence of insert. Prepare several
10 ml glass tubes with 2 ml TB-amp medium (100 ug/rnl) and inoculate
each with a single white colony from the 3L plate . Using a sterile tooth-
pick, touch the colony and drop the toothpick into the tube. Grow cells
overnight, isolate plasmid from 400 III of cells (Chapter 5, rapid proto-
colI) and test for the presence ofinsert using PCR or restriction enzyme
22. Store cells with plasmid containing the desired insert. Transfer 930 III
cells from a 2 ml overnight culture (step 21) to 1.5ml microfuge tube and
add 70 IIIofDMSO. Mix by inverting 2 to 3 times and store at -70 °C.To
inoculate cells from the storage culture, pick up a little "chunk" offrozen
cells with a sterile yellow tip and transfer it into medium. Do not thaw
the frozen culture.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 361


The expected efficiency of transformation for a plasmid with an insert no

larger than 5 Kbp is about 107 to 108 transformants/ug plasmid used. This
would result in about50to 500colonies on 1/100dilution plate. Ifthis number
is higher, increase the dilution factor (for example, 1/1000or 1/10 000) using
the stored dilution tubes from step 11 and 16as a starting point. If there are no
colonies on 1/10 dilution plate, replate 100 or 200 ul of transformed cells
directly from the undiluted transformation that was stored at-70 °C (step 18).
Transformation frequencies of plasmid with large inserts (10 Kbp)
should be about 105 or 106 transforrnants/ug plasmid. This is because, to
clone large fragments, it is necessary to use between 1 to 2 ng of plasmid
in the ligation reaction (see Table 1, Chapter 13), the expected number of
colonies on a plate from the 1/10 dilution is 10 to 200.
Expect very low transformation frequencies or none, if arcing occurs
during pulsing. Arcing can occur for the following reasons:
• Residual salt or buffer in the sample due to inadequate washing ofliga-
tion reactions with 70% ethanol.
• Presence of air bubbles in the sample due to incorrect pipetting into
electrophoresis chamber.
• Too high concentration of cells used in electroporation. This would re-
sult in arcing of all samples. Electroporate cells without plasmid added
to test this possibility. If necessary dilute the cells with 10% glycerol.
• Old cell preparations, incorrectly stored cells or thawing the cells too
fast. All of these can bring about partial lysis of cells causing arcing.
• Too small volume of cells in the electroporation chamber. A cuvette with
0.1 em electrode gap requires at least 20 ul of sample.
Lower than expected frequency of transformation can result from:
• Failure of ligation reaction. See troubleshooting of ligation reaction to
correct this.
• Incorrect setting of electroporation apparatus. Too high or too low vol-
tage than that recommended for a given bacterial strain. Check the vol-
tage recommendation for the strain and repeat electro poration.
• Incorrect T constant. This value can be adjusted on some electroporation
units. Choose the correct capacitance of capacitor (in Farads) and re-
sistor (in Ohms) to give a T constant close to 5 milliseconds. Use equa-

tion 6 in Chapter 13to calculate this value. For example using Invitrogen
Electroporator II choose 50 IlF capacitor and 150 ( resistor to get 7.5 ms
T constant (50 x 10- F x 150 = 0.0075 sec).

• Warm electroporation chamber or sample during pulsing. Warming fre-

quently occurs during loading of the samples. It is better to chill the
electroporation cuvettes after loading the sample even if this prolongs
incubation of the cells with DNA over the recommended time.
• Excessive volume of the cells in the electroporation chamber. Cell vo-
lume should not exceed 40 ul,
• Cloned insert is toxic to the cells. White colonies on the plate will be very
small and it will be difficult to grow cells to a high density in 2 ml cul-
tures. Grow cells at 30 °Cand/or add glucose in 20 mM to TB medium. If
the problem persists reclone the fragment into a low copy number plas-
mid and use a different bacterial host strain. In general, about 20% of
genomic DNA fragments from higher eukaryotes are difficult to clone or
are not clonable in E. coli cells. Use yeast to clone these fragments.
Other problems frequently met in cloning DNA fragments are:
• Presence of all blue colonies on transformation plates (3L) with conco-
mitant absence of blue colonies on both control plates (I C, 2C). This can
happen when the insert was cloned in frame with the a-peptide or when
insert DNA is small «200 bp). In the last instance, color development
will be weak and the colonies may appear pale blue. Check pale-blue
colonies for the presence of insert as described in step 21 of electropora-
tion protocol.
• Absence of insert or rearranged insert in cells from white colonies. This
is frequently a problem when cloning large fragments (>10 Kbp) or frag-
ments containing direct or inverted repeats. To remedy this first, try
growing cells with insert on TB medium at 30 °C and collect them
for plasmid isolation in the mid to late period of logarithmic growth
(OD6oo = 1-2). If this does not help, retransform plasmid into a host
strain specially developed to inhibit rearrangements and elimination
of direct and inverted repeats. Several such strains are available:
SURE from Stratagene Co., STBL2 from Life Technologies, Inc., or
PMCI03 (Doherty et al. 1993).
White colonies with recombinant plasmid can be sometimes distin-
guished from those with plasmid alone by colony morphology. Recom-
binant colonies appear translucent while non-recombinant colonies are
opaque (Austin et al. 1994).
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 363

• Appearance of satellite colonies on ampicillin plates. "Feeder" colonies

appear near ampicillin resistant colonies because the ~-lactamase en-
zyme, responsible for antibiotic resistance, is secreted from the cell re-
moving antibiotic from the agar in the vicinity of the colony. This can be
eliminated by short incubation of the plates (less than 14hr). To enhance
blue color development without bacteria growth, the plates can be in-
cubated at 4 °Cfor several hours. Alternatively, use carbenicillin (200IJg/
ml) or mixture of ampicillin (20 ug/rnl) and methicillin (80 ug/rnl) in-
stead of ampicillin alone. Both these antibiotics are available from Sigma
Co. and Life Technologies, Inc. However, use of these antibiotics sub-
stantially increases the cost of plating.
Electroporation cuvettes can be re-used 3 to 5 times. Efficiency of transfor-
mation progressively decreases with successive use of the cuvette. This
probably is due to some cells being "baked" onto the electrode surface
or pitting of the electrode surface by washing procedures.
The washing procedure that works well without apparent contamina-
tion with residual plasmid is as follows:
1. Immediately after use immerse the cuvette in 1% Alconox solution. This
will prevent drying of bacterial cells onto electrode surface .
2. Rinse the cuvette 6 to 8 times with distilled or deionized water. Do not
keep cuvettes in Alconox solution for more than 1 hour.
3. Rinse cuvette 3 times with 70% ethanol. Fill the cuvette with ethanol, cap
it and invert several times . This treatment should sterilize the cuvette.
4. Dry the cuvette by filling it with 95% ethanol, inverting several times,
pouring off ethanol and drying it upside-down on a paper towel. Replace
the cap.
Note: Using 0.25 N HCI for removing DNA is not recommended. This trea t-
ment will cause deterioration of the surface of electrodes drastically de-
creasing transformation efficiency.

Subprotocol 5
Chemical Transformation
A classical procedure to transform of E. coli cells with plasmid DNA is de-
scribed. The cells are incubated in CaCh solution that renders them com-
petent to take up DNA. DNA uptake is facilitated by brief heat shock and

transformed cells are selected by positive selection on LB plates with the

appropriate antibiotic. Each colony on an antibiotic plate represents a single
transformation event. The cells carrying plasmid with insert are visually
identified on a plate containing chromogenic substrate for B-galactosidase
(X-gal) as colorless colonies due to insertional inactivation of enzyme. A
simp le procedure for preparing and storing competent cells is given.
The efficiency of transformation for this method is between 104 to 106
transforrnants/ug of plasmid, depending on the size of the insert and bac-
terial strain used . This efficiency is generally adequate for most routine
cloning procedures. For procedures for which transformation efficiency
must be high (i.e., cDNA library preparation, sequencing library prepara-
tion, etc.) it is better to use the electroporation procedure. However, if an
electroporation apparatus is not available, high efficiency of transformation
can be obtained using bacterial strains selected for this. These strains can be
bought from several suppliers. The transformation efficiency achieved with
these strains is usually 109 transformants/ug plasmid. A schematic outline
of the procedure is shown in Figure 5.

Cell Preparation Protocol Transformation Protocol

Cell Growth Cell Thawing

Centrifugation Transformation

CaCI2 Incubation Cell Incubation at 0 C

Centrifugation Heat Shock

Cell Resuspention Cell Recovery

Cell Dilution and Plating

Overnight Cell Growth

Fig. 5. Schematic outline of the procedure

14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 365

- Polypropylene culture tubes (Falcon # 2059 or equivalent).
The "Falcon 2059" tube of Becton Dickson Co. is the standard for trans-
formation experiments. Other equivalent brands are acceptable but
batches of tubes are occasionally contaminated with surfactants that in-
hibit transformation.
- 50 ml Oak Ridge polypropylene centrifuge tubes with caps (for example
Nalgene" # 21009).
- IPTG (isopropylthio-Bvlr-galactoside) Life Technologies, Inc. # 15529-
019 or equivalent.
- X-gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-~ -D galactoside) Life Technologies,
Inc # 15520-034 or equivalent.
- Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (Sigma Co. # D 8779 or equiva lent).
- Ampicillin, sodium salt (Sigma Co. # A 9518 or equivalent).
- PIPES [piperazine-N,N-bis(2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid) 1 (Sigma
Co. # p 6757 or equivalent).
- E. coli strain (for example, DH5a) Do not use an electrocompetent
strain of bacteria. These strains cannot be transformed using chemical
- LB agar-ampicillin plates.
- 100 mg/ml ampicillin stock solution.
- LB Medium Solutions
- 1% Bacto Tryptone
- 0.5% Yeast Extract
- 0.5% NaCI
Add all ingredients to 1000 ml distilled water and stir until disso lved.
Adjust pH to 7.5 by adding 1 N NaOH. This will take about 4 ml of
NaOH. Autoclave for 20 minutes. Store at 4 "C.
- LB Agar Amp Plates
- LB Medium
- 1.5% Difco agar
Add Difco agar to 1000 ml of LB medium and sterilize by autoclaving
for 20 minutes. Cool to 60-65 °C and add 1 ml of ampicillin stock
solution. Mix by swirling the flask and pour the plates. This will
make 25 to 30 plates. Store at 4 "C. Ampicillin containing plates can
be stored for only 2 to 3 weeks.
- CaCh Solution
- 50 mM CaCh
- 10 mM Tris HCI, pH 8

Solution can be prepared without Tris buffer, but the presence ofTris
affords better pH control. Sterilize by autoclaving or by filtration.
Store at 4 °C.


Preparation of competent cells

The procedure prepares 2.5 ml of competent cells sufficient for 12 transfor-

mations. This volume of cells has been chosen so that preparation can be
done in a single tube. If larger amounts of cells are required, scale up the
procedure appropriately.
1. Grow 5 ml of overnight culture of the bacteria on LB medium.
2. Prepare 40 ml of sterile LB medium in a 250-300 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
Inoculate it with 0.4 ml of overnight culture.
3. Grow cells with vigorous shaking at 37 °Cto an OD600 of 0.4 to 0.6. This
will correspond to a cell density about 5 x 107 cells/ml depending on the
bacterial strain. Consult Table 1 for the relationship of OD600 to viable
cell number. This growth usually will take 1.5 to 2 hours.

Table 1. Relation between the number of viable bacterial cells and A600

Strain of E. coli a Cells! ml at A600 =1 A600 of 5 x 107 cells!ml

Most of wild type strains 4 - 8 108 0.1 - 0.2
RecA - and STBL2 strains b 1 x 108 0.5 - 0.6
a For example strains C600,DM1, RR1etc. See for genotypes of these strains in http://
b For example strains DHa5, DHlOB, STBL2 etc. See genotypes of these strains at

Note: For maximum transformation efficiency, it is very important that the

bacterial culture be in logarithmic phase of growth, and the cell density be
low during calcium treatment.
4. Cool the culture on ice for 10 minutes and transfer it to a sterile 50 ml
Oak Ridge centrifuge tube. Cap the tube.
5. Collect cells by centrifugation at 1100x g (3000 rpm SS-34rotor, Sorvall)
for 5 minutes at 4 "C.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 367

6. Remove the cap from the tube, and briefly flame the mouth. Pour off
supernatant. Invert the tube and touch the mouth to a clean Kleenex
towel to remove as much as possible of the remaining supernatant.
7. Resuspend the pellet in 20 ml (1/2 the original volume) of a cold CaCh
solution. Vortex to completely resuspend pelleted cells. It is important
that the cell suspension is homogeneous with no visible clumps. Incu-
bate cells on ice tipped at slight angle for 20 to 60 minutes.
Note: For some E. coli strains (for example, HBlOl or DG75) better trans-
formation efficiencies are obtained when cells are treated with 100 mM
CaCh solution.
8. Centrifuge cells at 500 to 1000 x g (2000 rpm SS-34 Sorvall rotor) for
5 minutes at room temperature.
Note: A clinical tabletop centrifuge can also be used at 1000 rpm.
9. Pour off supernatant. Bevery careful not to disturb the diffuse cell pellet.
Remove remaining supernatant with a Kimwipe tissue . Gently resus-
pend the cell pellet in 2.5 ml (1115 the original volume) of cold CaCh
solution. The cells should resuspend very easily by gently flicking the
end of the tube with a finger. The suspension should not contain visible
clumps of cells. Use 200 ).11 of cells for a single transformation.
Note: For maximum transformation efficiency, keep cells in CaCh solution
in 200 ).11 aliquots at 4 °C for 12to 24 hours. During this period, the efficiency
of transformation increases four to six fold.
10. To store competent cells, add sterile glycerol to final concentration 15%
(440).11 glycerol to 2.5 ml cells). Aliquot 200).11 of cells into 1.5 ml micro-
fuge tubes and store at -70 °C. Cells can be stored for several months
without losing competency.

Transformation protocol

Three ligation reactions prepared by protocols described in subprotocol 3

will be used. Use recommended amount ofligation reactions for each trans-
formation. Chemical transformation should be carried out with no more
than 20 ).11 of ligation reaction because components of the ligation mixture
inhibit transformation.

1. Label three Falcon tubes with numbers corresponding to that of pre -

pared ligation reactions (1C, 2C and 3L). Add 200 III of competent cells
to each tube.
Note: If competent cells were stored at -70 °C,gently thaw them on ice. Tap
the tube gently to mix cells.
2. Add the required amount ofligation reaction (between 10 to 20 Ill, see
description of ligation procedures for details) to the correspondingly
numbered tube with cells. Mix by tapping the tubes gently.
3. Place tubes on ice and incubate for 30 minutes.
Note: If bacterial strains JM101, JMI03 or JMI05 are used, shorten incuba-
tion time to 10-15 minutes.
4. Heat shock the cells. Transfer the tubes into a 42 °C water bath for
2 minutes.
Note: The cells should receive a sharp and distinct heat shock. Transfer the
tubes directly from the ice into a 42 °C water bath.
5. Add 1 ml ofLB medium, prewarmed to 37 °C,to each tube. Incubate the
tubes at 37 °C with gentle orbital shaking (about 230 rpm) for 45 min-
utes . During this time, cells recover and express the antibiotic resistance
gene needed for positive selection of transformants.

Cell plating

1. Prepare six LB-amp agar plates for plating transformants. Each sample
will be plated onto two plates. Add 480 IIIof water, 500 III of X-gal and 20
IIIofIPTG to a plastic microfuge tube. You will need 100 IIIof the X-gal
IPTG mixture per plate. Add 100 IIIof X-gal IPTG mixture onto the sur-
face of each plate. Spread the drop evenly over the surface using a sterile,
bent glass rod. The solution should soak into the agar for approximately
one hour before plating the cells.
Note: X-gal is light sensitive. Use the plates the same dayor store them in the
dark at 4 DC.
2. Plate the cells using 1/10 dilution. Add 900 IIIof PBSto 3 microfuge tubes
and label each tube with the sample name and dilution factor (for ex-
ample, 3L 1/10, lC 1/10 etc.). For each transformation reaction prepare
2 plates labeled to correspond to the dilution tubes (for example, lL,
lL 1/10; lC, lC 1/10 etc.).
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 369

Note: For optimal cell survival, use only PBS for dilution. Diluting the cells
in growth medium instead of PBS will lower cell viability by about 20%.
3. Start plating from the tube labeled 1C. Mix the cells in the tube by gently
tapping. Transfer 100 IIIto the dilution tube (IC 1/10). This will consti-
tute 1/10 dilution of the original cell culture, mix well by pipetting up
and down several times.
4. Immediately, using the same yellow tip, pipette 100 jJl of cells from the
dilution tube IC 1/10 onto plate labeled IC 1/10. Using the same yellow
tip withdraw 100IIIfrom the 1Ctube (no dilution) and pipette cells onto
plate labeled lC,
Note: Make one set of dilutions at a time . Finish plating the bacteria from a
single tube before preparing the next dilution series. This prevents cross-
contamination and plating errors.
5. Sterilize the cell spreader by dipp ing it into a beaker of95% ethanol, and
briefly passing it through a burner flame to ignite the alcohol. Burn off
ethanol keeping the spreader away from the burner flame.
6. Cool the spreader by touching it to the agar away from the cells. Spread
the cells by dragging the cell suspension across the agar surface with the
spreader back and forth several times . Return spreader to the beaker
with ethanol.
7. Replace the lid and let the plates stand until all liquid is absorbed into
the agar.
8. Dilute and plate the cells from the remaining two tubes using the pro-
cedure described in steps 3 to 7. Plate the cells from the 3L tube last.
Note: Cells diluted in PBScan be stored for one to two days at 4 °Cand used
for replating if needed.
9. Place the plates upside down in a 37 °Cincubator, and incubate them for
15 to 18 hours.
10. Store the transformed cells for additional plating if necessary. Transfer
850 III of the cells from 3L tube to a microfuge tube and add 60 III of
DMSO. Store tube at -70 "C. Transformed cells can be stored indefi-

11. Count the cells on the 3Lplate. Calculate the efficiency oftransformation
expressed as the number of transformants per microgram of plasmid
used. Count only white colonies. Use the following equation for this cal-
Number of transformed colonies
Etr = . . . X diluti J;
I ution tactor (4)
ng plasmid DNA used In transformation

Note: For this calculation, remember that only part of the ligation mixture
was used for transformation.
12. Inspect 1C and 2C plates. They should contain a few blue colonies. The
presence of a large number of colonies on both plates indicates failure to
linearize plasmid and/or incomplete dephosphorylation of its 5' ends. If
this is the case, the plate with insert ligated to plasmid (3L) should con-
tain mostly blue colonies.
13. Grow transformants to test for the presence of insert. Prepare several 10
ml glass tubes with 2 ml TB medium supplemented with ampicillin to
concentration of 100 ug/rnl and inoculate each with a single white colony
from a 3L plate . Using a sterile toothpick, touch the colony and drop the
toothpick into the medium. Grow cells overnight. Isolate plasmid from
400 III of cells (Chapter 5, fast protocol 1) and test for the presence of
insert using PCR or restriction enzyme digestion.
14. Store cells containing plasmid with the desired insert. Transfer 930 III
cells from a 2 ml overnight culture (step 13) to a 1.5 ml microfuge tube
and add 70 IIIofDMSO. Mix by inverting 2 to 3 times and store at -70 °C.
To inoculate cells from the storage culture, pick up a little "chunk" of
frozen cells with a yellow tip and transfer it into medium.


Transformation efficiency, using the CaCh protocol, primarily depends on

using highly competent cells. Preparation of competent cells depends on:
(a) harvesting bacterial cultures in logarithmic phase of growth, (b) keeping
cells on ice throughout the procedure, and (c) prolonged CaCh exposure.
Usually only 3% to 10% of cells are competent to incorporate plasmid DNA.
The expected efficiency of transformation for plasmid with an insert no
larger than 5 Kbp is about 104 to 106transformants/llg plasmid. This would
result in about 12 to 1500 colonies on a 1/10 dilution plate. If there are no
colonies on the 1/10 dilution plate, replate 100or 200 III of transformed cells
directly using stoned cells prepared in step 10.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 371

Transformation frequencies of plasmid with large insert (10 Kbp) will be

at best 104 transformants/ug plasmid. This is because uptake of large plas-
mid by competent cells is very inefficient. Plate 100III of cells directly from
the transformation reaction after recovery.
Expect a large amount of blue colonies on experimental plate . It is not
unusual to get 50% blue colonies on this plate . This does not indicate failure
of the ligation reaction, or incorrect plasmid or fragment preparation, pro-
viding both control plates contain only a few blue colonies.
Low frequencies in transformation can result from:
• Excess DNA in the transformation reaction. Use at least a 3 x dilution of
the ligation reaction for transformation.
• The competent cells were handled improperly. If stored cells are used
they should be thawed on ice. Otherwise use competent cells immedi-
ately after preparation.
• Tubes other than Falcon were used for heat shock. Heat shock time is
calibrated to the size and material of these tubes.
• Viability of competent cells is low. Check cells viability by plating un-
transformed cells on LB plates without ampicillin. Concentration of
competent cells is about 1-5 x 108 cells/ml. Plate 100III of 106cell dilution.
The plate should contain about 50 to 100 colonies.
• The cloned insert is toxic to the cells. White colonies on the plate will be
very small and it may be difficult to grow cells to high density in 2 ml
cultures. Grow cells at 30°Cand/or add glucose to 20 mM in TBmedium.
If the problem persists, reclone the fragment into a low copy number
plasmid and use a different bacterial host strain. In general, about
20% of genomic DNA fragments from higher eukaryotes are difficult
to clone or are not clonable in E. coli cells. Use yeast for cloning these
Other problems frequently met in cloning DNA fragments are:
• The presence of all blue colonies on a transformation plate (3L) with
concomitant absence of blue colonies on both control plates (IC,
2C). This can happen when an insert was cloned in frame with the
a-peptide or when insert DNA is small «200 bp) . In the last instance,
color development will be weak and colonies may appear pale blue.
Check pale-blue colonies for the presence of insert as described in
step 21 of the electroporation protocol.

• The absence of insert or rearranged insert in cells from white colonies.

This is a frequent problem with cloning large fragments (> 10 Kbp) or
fragments containing direct or inverted repeats. To remedy this, try
growing cells with insert on TB medium at 30 °C and collect them
for plasmid isolation in the mid to late period of logarithmic growth
(OD6oo = 1-2). If this does not help, transform the plasmid into a
host strain specially developed to inhibit rearrangements and eliminate
direct and inverted repeats. Several such strains are available: SURE
from Stratagene, STBL2 from Life Technologies, Inc., or PMC103
(Doherty et al. 1993).
Sometimes white colonies with recombinant plasmid can be distin-
guished from those with plasmid alone by colony morphology. Recom-
binant colonies appear translucent while non-recombinant colonies are
opaque (Austin et al. 1994).
• Appearance of satellite colonies on ampicillin plates. "Feeder" colonies
appear near ampicillin resistant colonies because the ~-lactamase en-
zyme, responsible for antibiotic resistance, is secreted from the cell, re-
moving antibiotic from the agar in the vicinity of the colony. When an
ampicillin-resistant plasmid is used, dilute cells to plate no more than
500 cells/plate. Incubating the plates for a shorter time (less than 14 hr)
can also eliminate appearance of satellite colonies. To enhance blue col-
or development, incubate plates at 4 °C for several hours. Alternatively,
use carbenicillin (200 ug/ml) or a mixture of ampicillin (20 ug/rnl) and
methicillin (80 ug/rnl) instead of ampicillin alone. Both of these antibio-
tics are availab le from Sigma Company, and LifeTechnologies Inc. How-
ever, use of these antibiotics substantially increases the cost of plating.


Austin RC, Singh D, Liaw PCY, Craig HJ 1994 Visual detection method for identifying
recombinant bacterial colonies. BioTechniques 18:38 1-383.
Boehringer Mannheim 1996 Rapid DNA ligation kit manual.
Bercovich JA, Grinstein S, Zorzopulos J 1992 Effect of DNA concentration on recombi -
nant plasmid recovery after blunt-end ligation. BioTechniques 12:190-193.
Bottger EC 1988 High-efficiency generation of plasmid cDNA libraries using electro -
transformation. BioTechniques 6:878-
Brooks JE 1987 Properties and uses of restriction endonucleases. Methods Enzymol
Doherty 1993 Escherichiacoli host strains SURE and SRB fail to preserve a palindrome
cloned in lambda phage: improved alternate host strain. Gene 124:29-35.
14 DNA Cloning - Experimental Procedures 373

Dower WI, Miller JF, Ragsdale CW 1988 High efficiency transformation of E.coli by high
voltage electroporation. Nucl Acids Res 16:6127-614
Dugaiczyk A, Boyer HW, Goodman HM 1975 Ligation of EcoRI endonuclease-generated
DNA fragments into linear and circular structures. J Mol BioI 96:171-184
Epicentre Technologies 1997 K Thermolabile Phosphatase product information.
Fromm M, Taylor LP, Walbot V 1985 Expression of genes transferred into monocot and
dicot plant cells by electroporation. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 82:5824-5828
Fuchs R, Blakesley R 1983 Guide to the use of type II restriction endonucleases. Methods
Enzymol. 100:3-38.
Hodge R 1994 In: Protocols for nucleic acids analysis by nonradioactive probes. Method
in Molecular Biology Volume 28. Ed Isaac PG Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey.
Kranz R 1989 Convenient and inexpensive system for low temperature preservation of
enzymes during storage and use. BioTechniques 7:455-456.
Li SJ,Landers TA, Smith MD 1980. Electroporation of plasmids into plasmid-containing
Escherichia coli. BioTechniques 12:72-74.
Life Technologies Inc 1996 Tech-online. Rapid ligation protocol for plasmid cloning.
Murphy NR, Hellwig RJ 1996 Improved nucleic acid organic extraction through use of a
unique gel barrier material. BioTechniques 21:934-939.
Neumannn E, Schaefer-Ridder M, Wang Y, Hofschneider PH 1982 Gene transfer into
mouse myaloma cells by electro poration in high electric field. EMBO J 1:841.
New England BioLabs.
Roberts RI, Macelis D 1991 Restriction enzymes and their isoschizomeres. Nucleic Acids
Res (suppl) 19:2077-2109
Roberts RJ,Macelis D 1997 REBASE-restriction enzymes and methylases. Nucl Acids Res
Robinson CR, Sligar SG 1995 Heterogeneity in molecu lar recognition by restric tion en-
donuc1eases: Osmotic and hydrostatic pressure effects an BamHI, PvuII, and EcoRV
specificity. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 92:344-3448.
Rodriguez RL,Tait RC 1983 Recombinant DNA techniques: An introduction. Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co. Reading Mass. ISBN 02-201-10870-4.
Smith HO, Wilcox KW 1970 Restriction enzymes from Hemophilius influenzae. Puri-
fication and general properties. J Mol Bioi 51:379-391.
Smith M, Jesse J, Landers TA, Jordan J 1990 High efficiency bacterial electroporation:
1 x 1010 E. coli transforrnants/ug, Focus 12:38-40
Wai LT, Chow K-C 1995 A modified medium for efficient electrotransformation of
E. coli. Trends in Genetics 11:128-129.
Chapter 15 PROTOCOL

DNA Sequencing



DNA sequencing is the most powerful technique used in molecular biology.

Determination of a DNA sequence is the only method in biological science
that generates data that are not biased by previous assumption, hypotheses
or experimental design . It is therefore not surprising that DNA sequencing
has revealed many unexpected facts concerning gene structure, regulation
of gene expression, organization of genomes, as well as, discovered new
genes never seen before. Advances in large scale sequencing also brought
about new scientific disciplines - genomics and functional genomics, de-
voted to analyzing whole genomes and their function (Hieter and Boguski,
1997). Knowing the complete sequences of a dozen microbial genomes and
expected completion of sequencing of many other organisms, including hu-
mans, will without doubt change how biology is done in the future (Doo-
little, 1998; DeRisi et al. 1997; Tatusow et al., 1997).

DNA sequencing methods

All of the present methods of DNA sequencing are based on the anchored-
end principle and most use gel electrophoresis for separation of different
size DNA fragments. In these methods, one end of the sequenced DNA mo-
lecule remains unchanged (anchored) while the other is generated in base-
dependent way. This creates sets of DNA molecules of various lengths hav-
ing one end common and the other end terminating at a specific base. Se-
paration of these molecules according to length generates the base sequence
of the fragment. The separation is usually accomplished by gel electrophor-
esis using a matrix capable of distinguishing between two DNA molecules
differing only by a single nucleotide.
There are two methods that generate DNA molecules ofdifferent lengths
in a base specific manner. The first method introduced by Maxam and Gil-

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000
15 DNA Sequencing 375

bert (1980), uses base-specific chemical cleavage of the DNA fragment. The
second method uses the enzymatic synthesis of DNA fragments (Sanger et
al., 1970). In the Maxam and Gilbert method of chemical degradation, one
end of DNA is labeled and four separately run base-modification reactions
are performed. In each reaction one of the bases (A, C, G, or T) is modified.
The DNA backbone is then cleaved at each modified residue resulting in a
"nested set" of fragments all labeled at one end and terminating at the loca-
tion of a specific modified base. Fragments are then separated using gel
electrophoresis. This method of DNA sequencing is rarely used at the pre-
sent time.
The enzymatic method of DNA sequencing utilizes properties of DNA
polymerase to implement the anchored-end principle. DNA polymerase
can synthesize a complementary strand from a single-stranded template.
Initiation of this synthesis is dependent on the presence of a primer
with a 3'-hydroxyl group. Also prokaryotic DNA polymerases are able to
incorporate a dideoxynucleotide instead of deoxynucleotide into the grow-
ing DNA chain . Thus, all synthesized DNA molecules will share an identical
5' end, the 5'end of the primer, and the 3'end will terminate at a specific
bases by incorporation of the substrate lacking a 3'-hydroxyl residue.
Four separate primer extension reactions are initiated using the same
primer. Each reaction contains all four usual2'deoxynucleotides (dNTPs),
but only one of the four 2', 3' dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs). By carefully
controlling the ratio between dNTP to ddNTP in each of the four reactions,
incorporation of the dideoxy nucleotide, and hence chain termination, is
random. The end result is the generation of DNA fragments of different
lengths, each terminated at the 3'-end at a specific base. These fragments
are then separated using gel electrophoresis.
The length of DNA molecule that can be sequenced using the anchored-
end principle depends, not on the ability to create different sized "an-
chored" fragments but on the resolving power of the gel matrix used to se-
parate these fragments. This is because DNA cleavage in chemical sequen-
cing does not depend on the length of the molecule and DNA polymerase is
able to synthesize long DNA pieces. The resolving power of matrices pre-
sently used permits separation of DNA fragments up to about 1000 bases
setting the limit on the length of DNA fragment that can be sequenced in a
single reaction.

Sequencing strategies

Sequence determination of a DNA fragment smaller than 1000 bases is re-

latively simple . It requires cloning the fragment into an appropriate single-
or double-stranded DNA sequencing vector, sequencing the fragment in a
single sequencing reaction and running gel electrophoresis to separate these
fragments. To sequence a large DNA molecule it is necessary to subdivide
this fragment into smaller fragments of about 1000 bases long. Each small
fragment is sequenced separately in a single sequencing reaction and the
sequence of the whole fragment is assembled. The way in which smaller
fragments are generated from the large DNA fragment and then assembled
into the sequence of the whole fragment is referred to as the sequencing
There are two groups of sequencing strategies presently in use: directed
strategies, in which specific starting points are used for sequencing, and
random strategies in which starting points for sequencing are random
(Hunkapiller et al., 1991). The directed strategies permit the direct se-
quencing of a large region by generating small fragments, the position
of which in the whole molecule is known. Usually sequencing proceeds suc-
cessively from one end of the large fragment to the other. Random strategies
(shotgun strategies) involve: (a) sequencing of fragments generated by ran-
dom shearing of a large piece of DNA or, (b) random insertions of a uni-
versal primer site into target DNA using a transposon.
Primer walking, or primer-directed strategy, is the most frequently used
directed strategy and can be used to sequence DNA fragments of 10 000
bases or longer. The entire fragment is cloned into a sequencing vector
and the initial sequence data are obtained using a vector-based universal
primer. The sequences obtained are used to synthesize a new primer that
hybridizes near the 3' end of the newly elucidated sequence. This primer is
used to sequence the next DNA fragment (Strauss et al., 1986). The cycle
of sequencing and primer synthesis is repeated until the whole fragment
is sequenced. The technique is uniquely suited to the dideoxy DNA se-
quencing method and bypasses the need for subcloning smaller pieces
of DNA.
In the "single-barrel" random sequencing strategy, randomly generated
fragments are subcloned into a sequencing vector, forming a sequencing
library of the fragment. Next, the fragments are randomly chosen for se-
quencing from this library. Identifying overlaps between small fragments
and arranging them into the most probable order assembles the sequence of
the original piece of DNA. The number of clones necessary to assemble the
whole fragment (subclone coverage) and the amount of raw data (sequence
15 DNA Sequencing 377

coverage) are directly proportional to the size of the target DNA. Equation 1
gives the relationship between these parameters (Deininger, 1983):


Where S is the fraction of the fragment sequenced; i-average bases read per
clone; L -length of the whole fragment (bp): n - number of clones oflength i
sequenced. Since the average length of sequence read per subclone is usually
about 400 bases, to assemble 95% of the sequence requires n = 3L1400 sub-
clones to be sequenced giving a sequence redundancy of3. For example for a
40 000 bp fragment, sequencing 300 clones of 400 bases gives 95% of the
whole sequence [0.95 = 1 - (1- 400/40 000)ll]. For both strand coverage
of the same fragment the number of clones should be doubled so n will
be equal to n = 6L1400 giving a redundancy of 6 and sequencing of the
99.7% of whole fragment. In sequencing projects redundancy coverage 7
is customary used giving sequence of 99.99% of whole fragment (n =
Random strategy using the chain termination method of DNA sequen-
cing is a method of choice for sequencing large DNA fragments or whole
genomes. Directed strategies, such as primer walking and deletion strategy,
are used for sequencing shorter DNA fragments or for filling gaps between

Preparation of a sequencing library

Application of random strategy for sequencing large pieces of DNA requires

the preparation of a sequencing library that contains DNA fragments about
1000 to 2000 bp long, randomly generated from the original DNA.
There are four methods used to generate random DNA fragments. The
first method employs partial restriction enzyme digestions. The second, in-
volves fragmentation of DNA by DNase I in the presence of Mn!", the third,
relies on sonication to physically break the DNA, and the forth uses a neb-
ulization process to shear DNA. There are a number ofmajor disadvantages
in using the first three methods. To these belong: (a) these methods fre-
quently do not generate fully random libraries, (b) their application is la-
borious and requires a large amount of material, (c) methods are difficult to
reproduce, and (d) using these methods it is difficult to obtain DNA frag-
ments having the desired size.
The nebulization method avoids all ofthese difficulties and is frequently
used now for preparation of random sequencing libraries (Surzycki 1990).

The method works on the following principle. In the process of nebuliza-

tion, or reducing liquid to a fine spray, small liquid droplets of uniform size
are produced. In the process ofdroplet formation the liquid being nebulized
flows from the liquid surface to the forming bubble. This creates a transient
flow between the liquid surface and the droplet through a connecting small
capillary. The diameter of this capillary channel is approximately half the
diameter of the forming droplet and can be adjusted, as desired, by con-
trolling the size ofthe droplets. The velocity of flow ofliquid in the capillary
is not constant across the capillary due to frictional resistance between ad-
jacent layers offlowing liquid. The velocity gradient generated causes liquid
in the center to flow faster than liquid in the outer layers, creating flow called
laminar flow. Because the velocity of flow is not constant across the capil-
lary tube, the DNA molecule that finds itself in two adjacent flow layers will
have its ends moving at two different velocities. This results in stretching
and rotating ofthe molecule until it is positioned in a single laminar layer or
broken at the point where the stretching force is maximal.
For large, rigid, linear molecules, such as DNA, the stretching force is the
greatest at the middle of the molecule, consequently the molecule will have
the greatest probability of breaking in half. The nebulization of DNA will
result in the breakage of each molecule almost exactly in half in the repeated
process ofbubble formation. This will continue until the molecule reaches a
small enough size that it cannot be positioned across two laminar flow
layers. The final size of the broken molecules will depend only on the
size of droplet formed, i.e., the size of capillary nebulization channel,
but not on the time of nebulization.
The nebulization process permits the regulation of the size ofDNA frag-
ments generated. The formation of droplets can be considered at two levels
of nebulization, the primary nebulization process that results in the forma-
tion of primary droplets and, the secondary nebulization process resulting
in the formation ofsecondary droplets by the shattering of the primary dro-
plets on the surface of the nebulization sphere. At both sides droplets are
formed by laminar flow of the liquid generating force that is formally de-
scribed by the equation of liquid capillary flow. Accordingly, this force is
directly proportional to the gas pressure applied and the viscosity of the
liquid, and inversely proportional to the size of the droplets. Consequently,
the smaller the droplets, the higher viscosity and greater gas pressure ap-
plied, the larger the force that creates smaller DNA fragments.
The droplet diameter that is necessary to shear DNA molecules is on the
order of 0.1 - 2.0 microns. This droplet size is created only at the site of
secondary nebulization. Inspection of the formula that describes the droplet
size formed during the secondary nebulization process indicates that the
15 DNA Sequencing 379

size of the droplet depends on: (a) a velocity of the primary droplets, (b)
absolute viscosity of the gas used and (c) the diameter of drop lets generated
in the primary nebulization process.
To decrease the diameter of prim ary droplets, DNA is nebulized in a
solution of 25% glycerol. Moreover, nitrogen or argon is used to achieve
droplets with the correct diameter in secondary nebulization. Because


f!J Pressure 10 PSI

, 1<5] Pressure 30 PSI
6000 • Pressure 60 PSI

o Pressure 90 PSI
i ~



Cl 3500

«> 3000





0 30 60 90 120 150 180

Time (seconds)
Fig. 1. Nebulization shear ing of DNA at variou s gas pressures using nitrogen. Errors bars
represent variation of the average size of DNA fragments obtained in 10 indep ende nt experi-
ments. Nebulized sampl e volume is 2 ml.

the absolute viscosity of these gases is high and the viscosity of nitrogen is
very close to the absolute viscosity of argon these gases can be used in-
terchangeably. Use of air, that is a mixture of gases of different absolute
viscosity, generates a different size droplet that consequently leads to a
broad distribution of fragment sizes. Figure 1 presents the size distribution
of DNA fragments as the function of gas pressure and time of nebulization
using nitrogen.

Subprotocol 1
Preparation of Clones for Sequencing
Preparation of the DNA fragment for sequencing requires cloning the frag-
ment into a sequencing vector. Vectors used for this task are general-pur-
pose vectors containing universal -forward and -reverse M13 sequencing
primers. The pUC series plasmids are usually employed as sequencing plas-
mids . To avoid recloning DNA fragments for sequencing, it is best to use a
pUC plasmid for the original cloning. The techniques used for cloning DNA
fragments into plasmid are described in Chapter 14. These are (a) Prepara-
tion of plasmid and DNA fragment; (b) Ligation of plasmid with insert; (c)
Transformation of bacterial cells with the construct and, (d) selection of
Similar steps are required for sequencing large DNA fragments using the
random sequencing strategy. However, before a large DNA fragment can be
sequenced, DNA must be fragmented into a collection of random fragments
that are recloned into the sequencing vector. The cloned collection of all
random fragments constitutes a sequencing library of given DNA. Prepara-
tion of a sequencing library involves the following steps: (a) Fragmentation
of the DNA using the nebulization procedure. (b) Repairing the ends of the
sheared DNA fragments. (c) Blunt-end ligation of repaired fragments into
pUC plasmid and, (d) transforming bacteria with chimeric plasmids using
This section describes a procedure for DNA shearing using nebulization.
Procedures for preparation of the vector, repairing DNA fragments, blunt-
end ligation of fragments into a pUC vector and transformation of E. coli
cells by electroporation are identical to those described in Chapter 14. For
preparation of sequencing libraries the best results are obtained when using
the rapid ligation protocol described in Chapter 14. A schematic outline of
the procedure is shown in Figure 2.
15 DNA Sequencing 381

Fig. 2. Schematic outline of the procedure

DNA Sample Preparation


Ethanol Precipitation


Ethanol Wash

Rehydration of DNA

Repair, Phosphorylation
and Cloning of DNA Fragments

- AeroMist disposable inhalator (Inhalation Plastic, Inc. # 4207 or Invi-
trogen Co. I).
- QS-T cap (Isolab, Inc. Akron OH 44303)
Caps are optional and can be substituted by self-made valves (see pro-
- Compressed nitrogen gas cylinder with pressure regulator.
Laboratory in-line compressed air can be substituted for nitrogen gas.
- TE Buffer Solutions
- 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.5 or 8.0
- 1 mM NazEDTA
Sterilize by autoclaving and store at 4 DC.
- 7.5 M Ammonium Acetate Solution
Dissolve 57.8 g of ammonium acetate in 70 ml of double-distilled or de-
ionized water. Stir until salt is fully dissolved , do not heat to facilitate
dissolving. Fill up to 100ml and sterilize by filtration. Store tightly closed
at 4 °C.Solution can be stored for one to two months. Long term storage
is possible at -70 °C.


To create a complete sequencing library for a 30 to 100 Kbp fragment, be-

tween 0.5 to 211g of DNA should be nebulized. Purity and size of DNA is not
critical for successful nebulization. A very good library can be prepared
using DNA as small as 50 to 30 Kbp. The nebulization volume used here
is 2 ml, but procedures can be carried out with only 1 ml of DNA. Because
the time of nebulization depends only on the volume of nebulized liquid,
when using 1 ml of DNA solution nebulization time should be shortened by
half. The breathing hole of the inhalator should be closed to limit DNA lost
with escaping mist. A cut end of a 15 ml plastic centrifuge tube can be used
(Surzycki, 1990).The opening can also be covered with a QS-T cap (Roe and
Crabtree, 1995; Hengen, 1997).
To obtain library of uniform fragment size, nitrogen or argon gas should
be used for nebulization. Substituting any other gas or compressed air is
possible but will result in a broader size distribution of fragments.
1. Prepare DNA for nebulization shearing. Add the DNA to be nebulized to
sterile 15 ml centrifuge tube. Use between 0.5 to 511g of DNA. Add 25%
glycerol in TE buffer to a final volume of 2 milliliters. Mix by inverting
the tube.
2. Transfer the DNA solution into the bottom of the nebulization appara-
tus. Close the nebulizer top and insert the "closing valve" into breathing
hole of the inhalator.
3. Attach the instrument to a nitrogen gas tank pressure regulator using
the plastic tubing provided.
Note: The nebulizer can be attached to laboratory compressed air line.
4. Set the gas pressure regulator to the appropriate pressure to obtain the
desired size of DNA fragments. See Figure 1 for relation between gas
pressure and DNA fragment size. Do not exceed a pressure of 30 psi
(2.0 atm) . Open the gas pressure regulator valve and nebulize for 180
seconds. You will see a little mist escaping under the"closing valve".
This indicates that the nebulizer is operating properly.
5. Tap the nebulization apparatus slightly on the laboratory bench to col-
lect all droplets at the bottom of the reservoir. Alternatively, the whole
nebulizer can be placed in Sorvall GSA rotor and centrifuged for 1 min-
ute at 1000 rpm (160 x g).
15 DNA Sequencing 383

6. Transfer liquid from the nebulizer chamber into a 15 ml Corex centri-

fuge tube. Measure the volume of the liquid during this transfer.
7. Add 1 ml of 7.5 M ammonium acetate (half the volume) and mix by
inverting tube several times.
8. Add 6 ml of95% ethanol (2 x combined volume of DNA and ammonium
acetate) to precipitate DNA. Mix well by inverting the tube several times.
At this step the tube can be stored at - 20 °C overnight.
9. Centrifuge the tube to collect DNA in a Sorvall GS-3 rotor (swinging
bucket) at 10000 rpm (16 000 x g) for 15 minutes at room temperature.
Pour off and discard the supernatant.
10. Wash the pellet with 70% ethanol. Slowlyadd 5 ml of cold 70% ethanol to
the tube and keeping the tube at a 45° angle, gently rinse the pellet and
sides of the tube. Discard the 70% ethanol and repeat the wash one more
time . Be careful not to disturb the pellet at the bottom of the tube during
ethanol washing. To collect the ethanol remaining on the side of the
tube, centrifuge for 30 seconds. Remove ethanol from the bottom of
the tube using a micropipettor fitted with a capillary tip.
11. Dissolve the pellet in 20 III of TE buffer and transfer the solution to a
1.5 ml microfuge tube. Repair the ends of the entire preparation using
the protocol for end -repair of DNA fragments. Ligate repaired frag-
ments using the rapid ligation procedure (see Chapter 14).
12. Clone DNA fragments into pUC plasmid using the electroporation pro-
tocol described in Chapter 14.


Figure 3 presents gel electrophoresis of 40 kb DNA nebulized for various

times using nitrogen at 60 psi (4 atm). Increasing the time of nebulization to
longer than 90 seconds does not generate smaller fragments. This is because
the time of nebulization depends on the volume of the liquid to be nebu-
lized. The size of DNA fragments generated depends only on the gas pres-
sure applied and consequently on the droplet size. The minimum amount of
the liquid that can be used in an inhalator type nebulizer is 1 ml. A DNA
nebulizer especially designed for DNA shearing of smaller volumes can be
purchased from Glas-Col Co. USA or Invitrogen Co.
Size fractionation of nebulized DNA by gel electrophoresis is not neces-
sary. More than 85% of DNA fragments are of the desired size because the

Fig. 3. Agarose gel electrophor esis of 40 kbp DNA nebulized for variou s times usin g n itrogen
at 60 psi. Lane 1 nebulization for 30 seconds; Lane 2 nebulizati on for 40 seconds; Lan e 3 neb-
ulization for 90 seconds; Lane 4 nebuli zation for 180 seconds. Std lane is a molecular weight
standard of 1 kb ladder from Life Techn ologies Gibco BRL. White line indicates po sition of
1 kb DNA fragment.

nebulization process cannot generate DNA fragments sm aller than that set
by droplet size (see explanation, Introduction of this chapter). Larger frag-
ments can be generated by incomplete nebulization, but even when they are
pre sent, the ir cloning efficiency is low and, these fragments are not present
in the sequencing library.
Incomplete nebulization can result from a defective nebulizer, a volume
th at exceeds 2 ml of nebulized DNA or low gas pressure. It is important to
realize that circular and supercoiled DNA is not sheared by nebulization.

I Subprotocol 2
Sequencing Reaction
Two meth ods for manual sequencing are described. One uses extended se-
quencing with the enzyme 5equenase and the other, cycle sequencing using
5equiTherm EXCELII polymerase (Meis and Schanke, 1997). Both met hods
use internal labeling with 355 dATP and double stranded plasmid templates.
15 DNA Sequencing 385

The principal advantage of internal labeling with 35S for manual sequencing
is its low-energy ~-emission and relatively long half-life. The weaker emis-
sion diffuses less during autoradiography permitting more of the gel to be
read due to tighter bands in the upper region of the gel. The intensity of the
bands is uniform throughout the autoradiogram. Exposure time required is
usually 12 - 17 hours (overnight).
Radioactivity is not used in sequencing reactions for automated sequen-
cers. Follow the procedures described by manufacturer of the sequencer
when preparing these sequencing reactions.
The method of manual sequencing presented here uses double-stranded
plasmid DNA as a sequencing template. It is not necessary to redone the
fragment into a single-stranded vector. To prepare double-stranded tem-
plate the plasm ids are purified using any procedure described in Chapter 5.
Plasmid DNA, purified by boiling procedures or organic solvent extraction,
often does not serve as a good template for sequencing with Sequenase.
A schematic outline of the procedure is shown in Figure 4.

Plasmid Template Preparation

Sequenase Protocol Cycle Sequencing Protocol

Template Denaturat ion Reaction Mix Preparation

Centrifugation Termination Mix Preparation

Template-Primer Neutralization Centrifugation

Labeling Reaction PCR

Termination Reaction Stopping Reaction

Stopping Reaction Centrifugation


Fig. 4. Schematic outline of the procedure



- T7 Sequenase version 2 sequencing kit (Amersham Life Science Inc.

# US70770)
This Sequenase sequencing kit contains all reagents necessary for se-
quencing 100 plasmid templates at a cost lower than the cost of the in-
dividual reagents bought separately.
- SequiTherm EXCEL II DNA sequencing Kit. (Epicentre Technologies,
Inc. # SEM 79020)
The kit contains all reagents necessary for sequencing 20 plasmid tem-
plates at a cost lower than the combined cost of the individual reagents.
- Universal M13/pUC sequencing primer (-20) (New England BioLabs
# 1211, or equivalent).
- Universal M13/pUC reverse sequencing primer (-48) (New England Bio-
Labs # 1233, or equivalent).
- 35S-dATP (>1000 Ci/mmol) (Amersham Life Science Inc. # SJ1304, or
Solutions - 10 x HSNA Sequencing Buffer
- 0.4 M HEPES pH 7.5
- 0.2 M MgCh
Prepare from stock solutions of 1.0M HEPES (pH 7.5) and 1.0 M MgCl2•
Sterilize by filtration and store at - 20 °C.


Sequencing of DNA using Sequenase uses a procedure in which denatura-

tion of the plasmid template and annealing the primer to it is performed in a
single-step. This procedure is designed to run many reactions at once by
starting them by centrifugation. The protocol of plasmid denaturation
does not use the customary ethanol precipitation and washing of denatured
plasmid. Plasmid is denatured by NaOH in the presence of primer. This
template-primer mixture is incubated at 37 °C to hydrolyze RNA. Thus,
removing RNA from plasmid preparation is not necessary when using
this protocoL The template-primer mixture is neutralized by quench re-
agent containing polymerase reaction buffer, MgCh and an equimolar
amount of HCL During neutralization the primer anneals to the template
and enough NaCl is generated for optimal activity of Sequenase.
The reaction conditions presented here differ from those recommended
by the manufacturer of Sequenase. The concentration of the labeling mix is
15 DNA Sequencing 387

doubled to compensate for the higher Km of the enzyme for substrate with
double-stranded template and the concentration of template is increased.
To prepare template DNA, use the procedure described in Chapter 5, rapid
procedure 2. This pro cedure isolates plasmid DNA from 1.5 ml of cells with
an approximate yield of 10 to 20 fig at a concentration of 1 to 2 fig/fil. It is
sufficient for 2 to 3 sequencing reactions. Using the condition described for
sequencing reactions it is possible to sequence DNA fragment about 1000
bases long.
Sequencing using the cycle reaction with SequiTherm EXCEL II poly-
merase follows a protocol recommended by the manufacturer. To prepare
template DNA for cycle sequencing, use plasmid prepared by the protocol
described in Chapter 5, rapid protocol 2 or rapid protocol 1.

Sequenase protocol

This protocol describes a pro cedure for sequencing three templates. The
amount of ingredients necessary for a single reaction is given for each re-
cipe. If more templates are going to be sequenced scale up the protocol ac-
1. Label six 1.5 ml microfuge tubes RXl, RX2, RX3, PD, Q and ML.Place all
tubes on ice.
2. Prepare 1 N NaOH from a 10 N stock solution. This solution should be
prepared fresh and kept at room temperature.
3. Prepare master Primer-Denaturation Mix (PD) for 3 reactions in the
tube labeled PD. A small excess of PD mix is prepared to compensate
for pipetting losses.

Primer -Denaturation Mix

Ingredient One reaction Three reactions

Water 1.5 III 5.0 ~ll

Primer (5 pmoles/ul) 1.5 III 5.0 III

NaOH 1 N 1.5 III 5.0 III

To calculate nonagrams of primer necessary to have 5 pmoles use the

following equation:
5 pmoles of primer = (# of nucleotides in primer x 0.33) x 5 ng.
4. Prepare the Quench Reagent (Q) in the tube labeled Q. The threefold
excess of this mix is prepared to minimize pipetting errors.

Quench Reagent

Ingredient One reaction Six reactions

Water 5.5 ul 33.0 ul
HSNA 10 x bu ffer 1.0 ul 6.0 ul
Hell N 0.5 ul 3.0 f!l

5. Add 2.5III of the DNA (2 to 3 ug) template to tubes labeled 1,2 and3. Add
1.5 III of the PD reagent, prepared in step 2, to each tube. Mix well
by pipetting up and down . Cap the tubes and incubate for 10 minutes
at 37 °C.
Note: The amount of template DNA for a single reaction should not be less
than 1 Ilg and should not exceed 4 Ilg.
6. Remove the tubes from the bath and centrifuge for 30 seconds.
7. Add 7 III of Quench Reagent to each tube . This mixture constitutes the
Template-Primer mix. Mixwell by pipetting up and down and return the
tubes to the 37°Cwater bath. Incubate for 5 minutes. Place the tubes on
8. Check that each tube contains 11III of solution using a micropipettor set
to 11 Ill. If the volume of the mix is less than 11 Ill, add the required
amount of water to obtain a final volume of 11 Ill.
9. Prepare enzyme mixture. Dilute Sequenase in glycerol-enzyme dilution
buffer and add pyrophosphatase as recommended by the manufacturer.
Buffer and pyrophosphatase are provided with the kit. Place the enzyme
mixture on ice. This mixture can be stored at -20 °Cfor several months.
10. Prepare Master Labeling Solution in the tube labeled ML as follows. An
excess of this mix is prepared to compensate for pipetting losses.
15 DNA Sequencing 389

Master Labeling Solution

Ingredient Single reaction Three reactions

Water 1.0 III 4.0 III
DTT 0.1 M 1.0 III 4.0 III
Labeling Mix (5x) 1.0 ~ll 4.0 III
35S-dATP (10 rrrCi/rnl) 0.5 III 2.0 III

Add reagent in the order indicated and mix byvortexing. Centrifuge for
30 seconds. Place the tube on ice.
11. Label three sets of 1.5ml microfuge tubes: AI, Cl, GI and T1 for first set,
A2, C2, G2 T2 for the second etc. Place all tubes on ice.
12. Add 2.5 III of the ddATP Termination Mixto three tubes labeled A. Using
a fresh tip for each operation, add the ddCTP, ddGTP and ddTTP Ter-
mination Mixes to tubes labeled C, G and T, respectively. Cap the tubes
to prevent evaporation. Keep them on ice until needed.
13. Place tubes with template-primer mix labeled rxI, rx2 and rx3, prepared
in step 7, in a microfuge. Keep the caps of the tubes open.
14. Add 3.5 III of the Master Labeling Solution, prepared in step 10,to the top
of each tube. Make sure that this drop does not "roll" to the bottom of
the tube .
15. Mix labeling reactions with DNA template by centrifugation for 5 to 10
16. Add 2 III of enzyme mixture, prepared in step 9, to the top of each tube.
Start the reaction by mixing the reagents by centrifugation for 5 to 10
seconds. Start the timer for 10 minutes immediately after starting cen-
trifugation. Remove tubes from the centrifuge and place them into tube
rack on the bench top.
Note: The following steps of distributing mixtures onto the top of tubes
with termination mixtures must be finished within 10 minutes set for
the labeling reaction time .
17. Place tubes with termination mixture into the microfuge. Keep the tubes

18. Remove 3.5 IIIfrom tube rx1, prepared in step 16,and pipette it to the top
of the tube labeled Al containing ddATP termination mixture. Make
sure that drop does not roll down to the bottom of the tube. Remove
the next 3.5 III from the same reaction tube and deliver it to the top
of the tube with ddCTP termination mixture labeled Cl . Repeat this pro -
cedure for the G1 and T1 tubes, always withdrawing 3.5 III from the re-
action tube . The total volume of the reaction mixture in rxl tube is 16Ill,
sufficient to pipette a total of 14IIIto A, C, G, and T termination mixture
tubes (4 x 3.5 III = 14 Ill).
Note: You must discard the yellow tips used in the above procedure into the
radioactive waste if 35S labeling is used .
19. Follow the procedure described in step 18 for the two remaining tubes
with reaction rx2 and rx3. Add 3.5 IIIof react ion to corresponding tubes
with termination mixture. Use fresh yellow tip for each rx series.
20. When the 10 minutes set in step 16 are up, start termination reaction by
centrifuging 5 to 10 seconds. Centrifuge speed should reach only 1000to
2000 rpm. At this time, start the timer for another 10 minutes.
21. Transfer the tubes with termination reaction from the microfuge to
a 37 °C water bath. Tubes should be transferred to the water bath as
fast as possible. Continue incubation for 10 minutes. Incubation can
usually be extended to 30 minutes without problems.
22. Add 4 III of stop solution, provided in the kit, to each Termination Re-
action. Mix thoroughly by pipetting up and down . Use a fresh yellow tip
for each addition. Store at - 70 °Cuntil ready to load onto the sequencing
gel. Samples labeled with 35S can be stored at this temperature with little
or no degradation for at least a week and probably longer.

Cycle sequencing protocol

This protocol describes sequencing a single DNA template. If more tem-

plates are going to be sequenced scale up the protocol accordingly.
1. Prepare template DNA. The amount DNA required for single cycle se-
quencing is 500 fmoles. Calculate amount of DNA using equation:
500 fmoles DNA = # of Kbp (insert + vector) x 330 ng.
For example 500 fmoles of pUC plasmid with 1000 bp insert is 1.2 ~lg
(3.7 x 330 ng = 1.2 ug).
15 DNA Sequencing 391

2. Label five 0.5 ml microfuge tubes RX, A, C, G and T. Place the tubes on
3. To the tube labeled RX add the following reagents:

Sequencing Reaction Mix

Ingredient Amount added Final concentration

Water (deionized) to 16 ~tl
SequiTherm Buffer 10 x 2.5 ~l Ix
Primer (40 ng/ul) 2.0 ul 15 pmole s
Plasmid DNA x 500 fmoles
35S-dATP (10 mCi/ml) 1.0 ul 10 ~Ci
DNA polymerse (5 u/ul) 1.0 ~ll 5u

Add calculated amount of water first. Follow with the remaining re-
agents in the order indicated. Do not add enzyme yet. Mix well by pipet-
ting up and down and centrifuge for 30 seconds. Add 1 III ofSequiTherm
EXCEL II polymerase (5 units) and mix again by pipetting up and down
several times . Place the tube on ice.
3. Add 2.0 III of the appropriate termination mix to tubes labeled A (ddA
termination), C (ddC termination mix), G (ddG termination mix) and T
(ddT termination mix). Keep tubes on ice.
4. Add 4.0 III of Reaction Mix prepared in step 3 to each of the 4 tubes with
termination mix. Mix well by pipetting up and down. Do not remove
tubes from ice.
5. Overlay each tube with one drop of mineral oil and centrifuge for 30
seconds at room temperature.
6. Insert tubes into the heating block of the thermal cycler. Start the fol-
lowing temperature cycling program: 95°C for 5 minutes and 30 cycles
of: 95 °C for 30 seconds, 50 °C for 15 seconds and 70 °C for 1 minute.
7. Add 3 III Stop/Loading buffer provided with the kit to each tube. Stop
reactions by starting the microfuge for 10-30 seconds. Store tubes at
-20 °C or load immediately onto a sequencing gel.

I Subprolocol 3
Running Sequencing Gel
The procedure describes the preparation and running of a sequencing gel
using Long Ranger" matrix and TTE buffer. This gel material is a high per -
formance alternative to acrylamide for DNA sequencing. Long Ranger" gel
has several distinctive advantages over acrylamide gels. These are:
• Long Ranger" gel gives more sequencing information than polyacryl-
amide gel because it provides more even band spacing,
• Long Ranger" gel is easier to handle and does not require prerunning
before gel loading. Long Ranger gels are stronger, therefore gel can be
thinner, increasing gel resolution power.
• Long Ranger" gel runs approximately two times faster than equivalent
polyacrylamide gels. Thus, one can get more sequencing information in
a shorter time.
• Long Ranger" gel material in solution is less toxic than acrylamide poly-
mer (20-30% of toxicity of acrylamide solution). The Long Ranger ma-
terial after polymerization, unlike acrylamide, is not toxic. This allows
for easy disposal.
• Long Ranger" gel does not require special equipment to dry it. Long
Ranger gel adheres irreversibly to filter paper and therefore can be
air-dried when attached to the Whatman 3MM paper.
• Polymerization of Long Ranger" is not inhibited by oxygen making it
unnecessary to degas the gel solution. Also polymerization of Long
Ranger requires less time than polymerization of acrylamide.
The reaction mixture described in section 3 contains a high concentration of
glycerol introduced with the enzyme. Using a high concentration of glycerol
is desirable because it increases polymerase stability during the reaction,
contributes to maintaining the single-stranded state of the plasmid tem-
plate and allows sequencing reactions to be run at a higher temperature.
The standard TBE (Tris, Borate, EDTA) buffer cannot be used for se-
quencing gels when a high concentration of glycerol is used. This is because
glycerol can chemically react with borate in the gel buffer creating a number
of electrophoresis artifacts. The gel electrophoresis descr ibed here uses gly-
cerol tolerant buffer TTE buffer (Tris, Taurine, EDTA) instead ofTBE buf-
fer. Taurine, unlike borate, does not react with glycerol.
15 DNA Sequencing 393

Two standard sizes of glass plates are used for sequencing. The narrow
size gel apparatus uses glass plates about 20 cm wide and 45 to 50 cm long,
large enough for about 6 to 10 sequencing samples. The large gel apparatus
uses glass plates about 35 cm wide and 45 to 50 cm long. This corresponds to
the standard size X-ray film and can accommodate twice as many samples
as the small gel. For most small sequencing projects the small gel apparatus
is recommended because it is easy to operate.

Fig. 5. Schematic outline of the procedure

Glass Plate Preparation

Gel Sandwich Assembly

Gel Solution Preparation

Gel Pouring

Gel Polymerization

Gel Rinsing

Inserting Comb

Dye Loading

Prerun Gel

Sample Loading


Gel Drying and Autoradiography


The gel is formed between two glass plates, a long plate and a short plate,
clamped together with spacers between them. The long plate is coated with a
solution to prevent the gel from sticking to the plate during postelectro-
phoresis processing and to facilitate pouring the gel. An automobile wind-
shield treatment solution, Rain-X, is used instead of very toxic dimethyldi-
chlorosilane. Rain-X is not toxic, is inexpensive and performs better than
dimethyldichlorosilane. A schematic outline of the procedures is shown in
Figure 5.

- Gel sequencing apparatus (Bio-Rad Lab. # 165-3860. Pharmacia Biotech
# 80-6301-16, or equiva lent).
In the author's experience Sequi-Gen GT system from Bio-Rad Labora-
tories is the best manual sequencing apparatus on the market. It is easy
to assemble and has an excellent heat dissipation that prevents gel smil-
- Gel spacers 40 em long, 0.25 mm thick (Bio-Rad Lab. # 165-3815 or
- Sharkstooth comb 0.25 mm (Bio-Rad Lab. # 165-3830, or equivalent).
- High voltage power supply (Bio-Rad Lab. # 165-5056 or equivalent).
Power supply should be capable of delivering 3000 V and 400 rnA.
- Long Ranger" gel solution (FMC BioProducts # 50610).
Keep solution in a dark bottle at room temperature.
- Rain-X solution (Unelko Corp . USA) or Gel Slick (FMC BioProducts
# 50640).
- Ammonium persulfate (Sigma Co. # A 7460).
- N, N, N',N'-tetramethyl-ethylenediamine (TEMED) (Sigma Co. # T
Store in the dark at 4 °C.
- Urea, electrophoresis grade (Fisher Scientific # BPI69-212, or equiva-
- Taurine (Sigma Co. # T 0625).
- 60 ml plastic syringe.
- 95% ethanol in a spray bottle.
- 150 ml disposable filtration unit (Nalgen Co. # CN 125-0045)
- Whatman 3MM chromatography paper (Whatman Co. # 3030917 or
- KodakXAR-5 X-ray film (Eastman Kodak Co. # 1651512, or equivalent).
- Gel temperature monitoring strips (FMC BioProducts # 50642, or equi-
15 DNA Sequencing 395

- Alconox detergent (VWR Scientific Inc. # 21835-032).

- 10% Ammonium persulfate Solutions
Add 100 mg to 1 ml water. Store in a dark bottle at 4 °C.This solution can
be stored for one to 1\'\70 weeks.
- 10 x TTE Electrophoresis Buffer

Trisma Base 108.0 g

Taurine 36.0 g

2.0 g
1000.0 ml

Store buffer at room temperature.


The gel running procedure is subdivided into four separate protocols. These
are: (a) Preparation of glass plates; (b) Preparation of Long Rangerv/urea
mixtures and pouring the gel; (c) Loading the gel and electrophoresis of the
samples; (d) Drying the gel and autoradiography.

Preparation of glass plates

Washing the glass plates is critical to obtaining a good sequencing gel. De-
tergent residue left on the plate or using the incorrect detergent will result in
sequencing artifacts and gel smearing (Li et al. 1993). Dust particles or re-
sidues from previous gels will make it extremely difficult to pour a gel that
does not contain bubbles. Bubbles will distort sequencing band pattern and
make the gel difficult to read. Prolonged use of the same glass plates will
result in microscopic pitting of the glass surface due to sodium leakage from
the glass. Plates can be restored by cleaning them in saturated ethanolic
solution of NaOH or treatment with cerium oxide (Millard and de Couet,
1. Clean the short and long glass plates with Alconox detergent. Wash the
plates 5 to 6 times with distilled water to completely remove detergent.

Note: Washing plates in other detergents can result in sequencing artifacts

and gel smearing.
2. Place each plate on the top of two plastic boxes (e.g., boxes used for
holding yellow tips) to lift them above the laboratory bench surface.
Spray the surface of the glass plates with 95% ethanol and dry with Kim-
wipe tissues. Repeat this process until the plates are completely clean.
Appearance of Newton's rings when ethanol is drying indicates that
glass surface is clean.
3. Treat one side of the short plate with Rain-X Solution. Pour a small
amount of Rain-X onto the glass surface and spread it evenly with Kim-
wipe tissues. Let it dry to a white powdery haze, and then wipe it with a
Kimwipe. Repeat this procedure once more, and then clean the glass
plates with ethanol as described above.
Note: Use only lint free tissue for cleaning the glass surface.
4. Clean two 0.25 mm spacers with soap and water and then 95% ethanol.
Dry thoroughly.
5. Clean a sharkstooth comb with soap and water. Spray with 95% ethanol
and wipe it clean several times .
6. Place the long plate, on two plastic boxes. Arrange spacers at both edges
of a large glass plate and place the small glass plate on top. Assemble the
plate sandwich following the recommendations of the apparatus man-

Preparation of gel solutions

This protocol describes the preparation of enough solution for the narrow,
5% Long Ranger" gel 0.25 mm thick. If wide gel is used, prepare twice as
much of each solution.
1. Prepare the Long Ranger" solution in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer graduated
flask. Add ingredients in the order indicated in the recipe.
5% Gel Mix (LR Solution)

Urea 29.4 g

Long Ranger" (50%) 7.0 ml

10 x TTE Buffer 8.4 ml

Water to 70.0 ml
15 DNA Sequencing 397

Note: Fill with water to approximately 70 ml. Use the approximate gradua-
tion shown on the flask.
2. Place the flask into a 37 °C water bath and swirl it until urea dissolves
(about 5 minutes).
3. Filter with a disposable filtration unit. This procedure removes dust par-
ticles from the gel solution.
4. Gather together the following materials next to the location where you
intend to pour the Long Ranger" solution into the clamped glass plates
- 60 ml syringe with 18 g need le.
- Glass plate sandwich.
- Washed sharks tooth comb and spacer comb .
- TEMED solution and Long Ranger mix (LR).
- 10% ammonium persulfate solution.
- Two plastic boxes.
Note: Wear gloves throughout the rest of the procedure. Long Ranger" so-
lution is toxic and can easily permeate unprotected skin.
5. Add 350 III of 10% ammonium persulfate and 30 III ofTEMED to the LR
solution. Mix quickly. Withdraw 50 ml into the 60 ml syringe.
6. Hold the clamped plates at a 45 to 50 degree angle to the bench with one
bottom corner on the bench. This will result in one top corner of the
sandwich being higher then the other. Hold the gel assembly with
one hand. Hold the syringe in the second hand and touching the syringe
needle to the top of the sandwich at the corner that is lower. Slowly add
the LRsolution. The solution should flow evenly down the spacer. Allow
the solution to flow in one continuous stream to avoid the formation of
Note: Bubbles will form at the site of the slower moving boundary of the
solution. Tapping the glass nearest the slower moving boundary can pre-
vent their formation. This operation may require the help of another per-
son .
7. When the sandwich is about three-quarters full, gently lower the gel to a
horizontal position and place it on the top of two plastic boxes. Make
sure that LR completely covers the top edge of the short glass plates. A
small amount ofLR usually dribbles out of the top of the gel at this point.
8. Carefully insert the flat end of the sharkstooth comb to a depth of about
three to four millimeters. It is easier to wash and load shallow wells than

deep wells. After gel polymerization, the comb will be removed and the
"sharks tooth" comb inserted with the points facing towards the bottom
of the geL
9. Allow the Long Ranger" solution to polymerize for about one hour. The
gel can be stored overnight or used immediately. To store the gel over-
night, wrap the top and the bottom ofthe gel with plastic wrap to prevent
the gel from drying.
Note: Do not remove the comb when storing the gel overnight.
10. Hold the gel sandwich over a sink and rinse the top of the gel under a
stream of water holding the top of the plate sandwich down. Water will
dissolve any urea or polymerized gel that may be present around the
Note: Do not remove the comb for this washing and keep the top of the
sandwich down allowing the gel particles to float away from the polymer-
ized geL
11. Place the sandwich flat on the plastic boxes and gently withdraw the
comb. Repeat washing described in step 10to remove pieces of polymer-
ized geL Drain the water very well from the top of the gel sandwich. At
this point the long well on the top of the gel should be clearly visible.
12. Place the sandwich back onto the plastic boxes and insert the sharks-
tooth comb, teeth-side down into the long well on the top of the geLHold
both sides of the comb vertically using two hands and insert the comb
slowly until the tips ofthe teeth embed themselves about 0.5 mm into the
polymerized top of the geLThe gel sandwich is now ready to be inserted
into the electrophoresis apparatus. Follow the manufacturer's instruc-
tions for this step.

Loading and running the gel

Concentration ofTTE buffer in the gel is 1.2x. The running buffer concen-
tration is 0.6 x. This difference in buffer concentration results in sharp
bands and shortens gel electrophoresis time by half.
1. Prepare the required amount of 0.6 x TTE buffer. For most sequencing
apparatus, 1600ml of buffer is sufficient to fill top and bottom chambers.
Fill the top reservoir with TTE buffer. Buffer level should be high enough
to fill the spaces between the sharkstooth comb entirely. Add the re-
15 DNA Sequencing 399

maining buffer to the bottom reservoir to a level of about 1 to 2 em above

the glass plates.
2. Use a 50 ml syringe fitted with an 18-gauge needle to fill buffer between
the teeth that form the wells. Remove any trapped air bubbles and gently
flush the top of the gel, one well at the time, with TTE buffer. Attach a
temperature strip to the middle of the glass plate .
3. Load 2)11 of stop solution into every other well. Place a yellow pipette tip
on the edge of the shorter plate between the sharkstooth and holding the
Pipetman at a slight angle, slowly deliver the dye solution. Do not push
the micropipettor further than the first stop. Frequently the solution will
flow out of the tip by itselfwithout moving the Pipetman plunger. Mark
any wells from which the dye solution leaks. Leakage may occur at the
pointed tips of the sharkstooth comb. Mark all good wells in groups of
four .
Note: Frequently leakage can be stopped by gently inserting the teeth of the
comb a little deeper into the gel. Do not pull out and insert the comb re-
peatedly or insert the teeth too deeply into the gel. This will damage the
surface of the gel causing more sample leakage and uneven bands.
4. Run the gel (without samples) for 15 minutes at about 30 W for narrow
gels (35 em wide) or 50 W for wide gels. For example, for a narrow gel, set
the voltage to 2000 volts with a current of about 15rnA (2000x 0.015 A =
30 W). If possible set the power supply to a constant power (30 W) rather
than constant voltage or current for the entire electrophoresis time.
Note: Do not prerun Long Ranger gel longer than the indicated time because
this will decrease the resolution of the gel.
5. Just before the gel prerun is over, incubate the reaction mixtures at 80 °C
to 85 °C for 2-3 minutes. Chill samples on ice for 1 minute.
6. Turn off current to the gel and disconnect the leads to the power supply.
Wash each well with fresh buffer from the reservoir as described in step
2. This removes any urea that may have accumulated. Proceed imme-
diately to load your samples.
7. Draw up 3 )11 of cooled sample for the 'A' reaction into a P20 Pipetman
fitted with a regular yellow tip . Carefully layer the sample onto the bot-
tom of the well formed by the teeth of the sharkstooth comb using the
technique described in step 3. The sample will flow from the top of the
glass edge into the well by itself.

Note: Use of commercial loading tips which are long and flat is not recom-
mended because sample loading is slow and air bubbles are frequently de-
livered into the well.
8. Continue loading the rest of the samples onto the gel in the order A, C, G
and T. Do not leave any unloaded wells between samples.
Note: If fewer samples are electrophoresed, load adjacent wells in the center
of the gel.
9. After all samples are loaded, begin electrophoresis at constant power
using the power supply setting described in step 4. Continue electro-
phoresis until the first blue dye moves close to the bottom of the gel.
This will take about two hours. The dye moves with DNA 40 to 50 bases
long. This should resolve 300 to 400 bases starting from the insertion site
of the fragment (e.g., there are 40 bases from the forward universal pri-
mer to the Sma I insertion site in pUC plasmid).
Note: To obtain a sequence further away from the insertion point, the gel
should be run for a longer time. For example, stopping electrophoresis when
the second dye reaches the bottom will place sequences of about 200 bases
from the insertion point at the bottom of the gel.
10. Monitor the gel temperature during electrophoresis and adjust the
power or voltage accordingly. Temperature of the gel should not exceed
50 °C.

Drying and autoradiography of gel

1. Turn off the power supply and disconnect lead wires. Remove the gel
sandwich from the apparatus and cool the glass plates by running tap
water over them for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Place the gel sandwich hor-
izontally across two plastic boxes with the longer glass plate down and
remove the comb.
Note: Discard the upper and the lower reservoir buffers. Be careful because
the lower reservoir buffer may contain unincorporated radioactive nucleo-
tide from the sequencing reactions. Gloves should be worn during this pro-
2. While the gel is being cooled, cut a piece of Whatman 3MM paper
slightly larger than the gel. Usually for narrow gels, cutting a standard
sheet of Whatman paper in half will give the desired size.
15 DNA Sequencing 401

3. Remove clamps holding the gel sandwich using the procedure recom-
mended by the gel apparatus manufacturer. Insert a curved spatula be-
tween the plates at the bottom of the gel sandwich and slowly pry them
apart. Lift the top glass plate with one hand and hold the bottom plate
with the other hand until the top glass plate completely separates from
the gel. Remove top glass and spacer. The Long Ranger gel should stick
to the longer plate.
Note: Do not allow the top plate to fall back onto gel during this operation.
This may damage the gel.
4. Lay the Whatman 3MM paper over the gel starting from the top of the
gel. Firmly attach the Long Ranger gel to the paper by moving a hand in a
circular motion, with slight pressure, over the entire surface . The paper
should remain dry during this procedure. Lift the Whatman paper from
the bottom making sure that the gel sticks to the paper. Place Whatman
paper, with the gel, onto a glass plate with the gel side up. Dry the gel in
an oven (80 °C) for 30 minutes or leave the gel at room temperature to
dry overnight.
5. Place the dry gel in an X-ray film cassette. In the dark room, cover the gel
with X-ray film and expose it for 12-17 hours. It is helpful to cut a notch
in the film and the membrane before exposure to help orient the film
6. Develop the film in a recommended developer (e.g., KodakD19) or in an
automatic developing machine and read the sequencing ladder. From
left to right, bands for each template should be in order: A, C, G and T.

Begin reading the DNA sequences at the bottom of the gel where smallest
fragments, closest to the primer, are located. A diagram illustrating how to
read an autoradiograph is presented in Figure 6. Reading can be done
manually or by scanning the autoradiogram and reading the sequence
from the screen directly into a computer. The simplest and least expensive
program of this type is DNA ProScan from DNA ProScan, Inc. Many dif-
ferent computer programs exist that make it possible to assemble a large
sequence from data obtained by random sequencing strategy. The most fre-
quently used programs are programs from DNASTAR Inc. for Intel proces-
sors PC and Sequencher from Gene Codes Inc. for Macintosh computers. A
description of available programs for computer analysis of sequences by far

exceeds the scope of this manual. The reader is directed to an excellent

introduction to the subject (Grobskov and Devereux, 1991), and recent
description of available programs, methods and databases by Baxevanis
et al. (1997).



Fig. 6. Diagram illustrating the reading of an autoradiogram of dideoxy DNA sequencing

15 DNA Sequencing 403


There are many possible problems encountered in DNAsequencing. In gen-

eral they can be subdivided into two classes:
• problems encountered during gel electrophoresis, and
• problems with the appearance of the sequencing ladder that are only
apparent upon analysis of autoradiograms.
The most frequent problem encountered during gel electrophoresis is re-
ceding of the gel from the comb and/or distortion of surface of wells. These
can result from incorrect gel polymerization or excessive heat during elec-
trophoresis. Temperature of the gel during electrophoresis should never
exceed 50 °C and gels that do not polymerize in approximately one
hour or polymerize too fast (e.g., 20 minutes) should not be used.
The problems of the second class in order of frequency of occurrence are:
• Anomalous spacing of bands or missing bands. The possible causes are:
- Sequence compression due to secondary structure formation during
electrophoresis. If possible increase temperature of electrophoresis.
Use cycle sequencing instead of Sequenase sequencing. Run forma-
mide gels instead of urea gels.
- Missing bands can result from too long a storage of Sequenase reac-
tions . Use the sequencing reaction as soon as possible and add more
pyrophosphatase when storing the reaction for a long time.
• Bands are fuzzy or too wide. The possible causes are:
- Urea was not washed from the wells prior to loading sample.
- Too high temperature during sample denaturation prior to loading.
- Sample loaded too slowly causing some reannealing of sample DNA.
All samples should be loaded within 2 to 4 minutes.
- Incorrect buffer composition in the gel.
• Faint bands or absence of the bands on the gel. The possible causes are:
- Insufficient amount of template or primer.
- Incomplete neutralization of sample after denaturation. In most
cases samples are too acidic due to use of old NaOH solution.
This frequently manifests itself as very light blue or yellow color
of the sequencing reaction after addition of the stop solution.
- Incorrect volume of sequencing reaction due to evaporation. Volume
of primer-template mixture should be 11 Ill.
- Lost activity of sequencing enzyme or some components of reaction
are missing .

• Bands at the same position in all four lanes. The possible causes are:
- Contaminated template. Most frequent contaminant is chromosomal
DNA from bacteria.
- Occurrence of nucleotide sequences with strong secondary structure.
For reactions with Sequenase, replace dGTP with dITP and add an
appropriate amount of pyrophosphatase.
- Contamination with primers that are less than full-length or hybri-
dization of primer to the secondary site on the template. Use new
primer in reaction. For cycling sequencing reaction raise the anneal-
ing temperature.
• Faint "shadow bands" present in all or several lines. The possible causes
- Too high concentration of template.
- Secondary primer binding site on template. In cycling reaction raise
the annealing temperature.
- More than one template present in reaction.
- Too many cycles in cycling sequencing. Do not use more than 30 cy-
cles. If the problem persists, reduce the cycle number to 15.
• No clear bands except a smear in each lane or high background through-
- Glass plate cleaned with wrong detergent. Use Alconox for detergent
- Residual detergent left on the plates. Wash plates in distilled water to
remove all detergent.
- Polymerization of the gel too fast. Decrease amount of TEMED.
- Degradation of the gel due to too high temperature during electro-
phoresis. Long Ranger gel running temperature should not exceed
50 °C.
- Using old labeling radionucleotide.
• Short sequence reads of less than 150 nucleotides. The possible causes
- Too low concentration of labeling mixture in labeling Sequenase
- Breakdown of ddNTP in the termination mix. This frequently results
from frequent freezing and thawing of stock solutions. Use fresh ter-
mination mix. To prevent breakdown aliquot stock solution into
small volumes. Thaw ddNTP termination mixtures on ice.
15 DNA Sequencing 405


Baxevanis AD, Boguski MS, Ouellette BFF (1997) Computation analysis of DNA and
protein sequences. In: Genome analysis. Volume 1. A laboratory manual. Analyzing
DNA. Eds. Birren B, Green ED, Klapholz S, Myer RM Roskams J. Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press. USA 1997.
Deininger PL (1983) Random subcloning of sonicated DNA: Application to shotgun
DNA sequence analysis. Anal Biochem 129:216-223.
DeRisi JL,Vishwanath RI, Brown PO (1997) Exploring the metabolic and genetic control
of gene expression on a genomic scale. Science 278:680-686.
Doolittle RF (1998) Microbial genomes opened up . Nature 392:339-342.
Gribskov M, Devereux J (1991) Sequence analysis primer. Stocton Press, 1991. New York.
Hengen PN (1997) Method and reagents. Shearing DNA for genomic library construc-
tion. TIES 22:273-274.
Hieter P, Boguski M (1997) Functionalgenomics: It's all how you read it. Science 278:601-
Hunkapiller T, Kaiser RJ, Koop BF, Hood L (1991) Large-scale and automated DNA se-
quence determination. Science 254:59-67 .
Li DK, Rao-Tekamal R, Shin SA (1993) DNA sequencing artifacts: Band smearing and
loss. BioTechniques 15:840.
Maxam A, Gilbert W (1977) A new method for sequencing DNA. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA
Meis R, Schanke JT (1997) The SequiTherm EXCEL II DNA sequencing kit: A new kit for
both cycle and non-cycle sequencing. Epicentre Forum 4: # 3.
Millard D, de Couet HG (1995) Preparation of glass plates with cerium oxide for DNA
sequencing. BioTechniques 19:576.
Roe B, Crabtree JS (1995) Protocols for recombinant DNA isolation, cloning and se-
Sanger F, Nicklen S, Coulson. (1977) A. DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhi-
bitors. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA. 74:4298-5467 .
Surzycki SJ (1990) A fast method to prepare random fragment sequencing libraries using
a new procedure of DNA shearing by nebulization and electroporation. The Int erna-
tional conference on the status and future of research on the Human Genome. Human
Genome II. San Diego 1990. Abstract 129, p 51.
Tatusov RL, Koonin EV, Lipman DJ (1997) A genomic prospective on protein families.
Science 278:631-637.
Chapter 16 PROTOCOL

PCR Analysis



The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a powerful method of in vitro DNA

synthesis. Large amounts of a specific segment of DNA, of defined length
and sequence, can be synthesized from a small amount oftemplate. PCR is a
rapid, sensitive and inexpensive procedure for amplifying DNA of specific
interest. The technique has revolutionized molecular biology and is used in
virtually every area of natural sciences and medicine. The technique has cut
across the boundaries separating basic and applied research, commercial
technology and medicine in a way few techniques ever have.
The principal of PCR is rather simp le and involves enzymatic amplifica-
tion of a DNA fragment flanked by two oligonucleotides (primers) hybri-
dized to opposite strands of the template with the 3' ends facing each other
(Figure 1). DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA starting from the 3'end
of each primer. Repeated cycles of heat denaturation of the template, an-
nealing of the primers and extension of the annealed primers by DNA poly-
merase results in amplification of the DNA fragment. The extension pro-
duct of each primer can serve as template for the other primer resulting in
essentially doubling the amount of the DNA fragment in each cycle. The
result is an exponential increase in the amount of specific DNA fragment
defined by the 5' ends of the primers.
The PCR revolution began quietly enough in the mind ofKary Mullis. By
his own account, Mullis, then at Cetus Corporation, thought up the tech-
nique one Friday night in the summer of 1983 (Mullis, 1990). The following
winter, having made some educated guesses about concentrations and re-
action times, he carried out his first experiment. He was lucky because the
first time he tried the reaction, it worked! The initial procedure used Klenow
fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I added fresh during each cycle because
the enzyme was inactivated by each denaturation step (Saiki et all 1985;
Mullis et all 1986). The introduction of thermostable DNA polymerase
from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus (Taq) (Saiki et al.

S. Surzycki, Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000
16 peR Analysis 407

1988)permitted the development of instruments that automated the cycling

portion of the procedure, substantially reducing the work needed to per-
form PCR. The use of this polymerase also increased the specificity and the
yield of the desired product because higher temperatures for annealing and
extension could be used .
Since its introduction, numerous modifications and applications of the
PCR technique have been developed, the presentation of even a small num-
ber of them vastly exceeds the scope of this book. There are books that are


Primer F ... 3" Denature
Primer R 3"....~III-- ..

Cycle 1 <e-----------------~~
--~ -------------------~

Cycle 2 ...
-~ -----------------~
Annea l

________- -_----->
~------------------------ Short
~---------------- product
Cycle 3 ____________________ ~ Short

..-(- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - product

Fig. 1. Schematic outline of DNA amplification resulting from polymerase chain reaction.

dedicated to this subject (Dieffenbach and Dveksler 1995; Innis et all 1995;
Griffin and Griffin, 1994; Innis et al, 1990; White et all 1980). In this chapter,
the most basic PCR concepts are presented along with general protocols.
The aim is to provide an overall introduction to PCR technology that
can serve as the basis for understanding more sophisticated applications.

PCR reaction kinetics

During the PCR reaction, products from one cycle serve as template for
DNA synthesis in the next cycle. This leads to an exponential accumulation
of the product. Theoretically, the amount of product doubles each cycle
making the PCR process a true chain reaction that is described by following
N = Nox2 n (1)
where: N = number of amplified molecules, No = initial number of mole-
cules and n = number of amplification cycles. This equation holds true if
efficiency of amp lification (E), defined as the fraction of template molecules
that take part in amplification during each cycle, is one. An equation that
better describes the ampl ification process, taking into account the efficiency
of the process is:
N = No x (1 + Et (2)
where: E is amplification efficiency.
Experimentally the accumulation of product during the course of the
reaction is far from the case described by equation 2. This is because am-
plification efficiency varies during the course of the reaction. At the begin-
ning, the efficiency of amplification is close to 1 (0.8 to 0.97) and accumula-
tion of product proceeds exponentially constituting the exponential phase
of the reaction. During late PCR cycles, the accumulation of product slows
down and eventually stops due to a drastic decrease in amplification effi-
ciency. This effect is usually referred to as the "plateau effect" (Innis et al.
1990; Sardelly 1993). This usually occurs after accumulation of 0.3 to 1.5
pmol of amplification product. The number of cycles it takes to reach pla-
teau depends on the initial number of molecules present in the reaction
Table 1 presents the number of cycles, for decreasing amount of initial
target DNA, needed to give visible product without reaching plateau. How-
ever, plateau can be influenced by a number of conditions, such as the uti-
lization of substrate, temperature of cycling, stability of enzyme and reac-
16 PCR Analysis 409

Table 1. Relation between number of initial target molecules (No) and recommended
cycle number
Initial Number Cycle Number (n) Number of Product Amount
of Molecule (No) Molecules (pmole)
Synthesized 1
3.0 x 105 - 25 7.2 x 1011 1.2
1.5 x 104 - 30 7.2 X 1011 1.2
1.0 X 103 - 35 8.2 x 1011 1.4
50.0 - 45 3.1 x 1011 0.5
1 Calculated using equation 2 at 0.8 efficiency of amplification.

tants, inhibition of polymerase by pyrophosphate or the presence of other

impurities, reannealing of product at high concentration, incomplete
strand separation at high concentrations of product, formation of
primer-dimers or the GC content of the template being amplified. Thus,
the conditions presented in Table 1should be treated only as a general guide
for optimizing the PCR.
Reaching plateau should always be avoided because it increases the like-
lihood of obtaining nonspecific amplification products without substan-
tially increasing the concentration of the desired molecules. Thus, choosing
the correct number of PCR cycles is one way to avoid false initiation pro-
ducts. This can be achieved by correctly choosing the initial concentration
of target DNA molecules . Since most standard amplification protocols use
30 amplification cycles, varying the concentration of target DNA is most
frequently emp loyed as a means to avoid reaching plateau. Table 2 presents
the recommended amount of template from different organisms needed to
amplify a single copy, genomic DNA fragment.

Table 2. Recommended amount of template to use in standard PCR

DNA Source Amount of DNA/rx Number Number of Cycles
of Molecule/rx
Plasmids -1 pg - lO-pg 3x105-3x106 25 - 30
Bacteria -1 ng - 10 ng 3 x 105 - 3 X 106 25 - 30
Lower eukaryotes 10 ng -100 ng 3x105 -3x106 25 - 30
4 5
Animals (human) 100 ng - 1000 ng 3 x 10 - 3 X 10 30 - 35
Plants (pea) 100 ng - 1000 ng 3 x 104 - 3 X 105 30 - 35

Elements of standard PCR reaction

Components of a standard PCR reaction are: thermostable DNA polymer-

ase, DNA template, primers, dNTP substrate, MgClz buffer and salt. In ad-
dition, PCR reactions frequently include compounds that stabilize the en-
zyme and reagents that help DNA dissociation or primer annealing.

DNA polymerase The most commonly used thermostable DNA polymerase is Taq polymer-
ase. Consequently most standard PCR protocols are optimized for maximal
activity of this enzyme. However, Taq polymerase exhibits some properties
that make it less than ideal for some applications. First, the enzyme has very
high error rates due to the lack of 3' to 5' exonuclease activity (Saiki et al.
1998). This may interfere with the preparation of DNA for sequencing, as
well as with the inability to obtain long replication products. Second, the
enzyme adds nucleotides to 3' ends in a template-independent manner,
making the amplification product difficult to clone. Third, the enzyme is
quite expensive.
For these reasons a variety of thermostable DNA polymerases from ther-
mophilic or hyperthermophilic bacteria have been isolated, characterized
and commercially introduced to PCR. Table 3 presents a list of these poly-
merases and their major characteristics. Some of these polymerases are used
in standard PCR reactions (e.g., Tli, Pvo) while others are used in sequen-
cing (e.g., Pvo, AmpliTherm) or in long PCR reaction mixtures (e.g., Tth).
The concentration of the enzyme in a reaction mixture can affect the
fidelity of the product. An excessive amount of polymerase can result in
amplification of nonspecific PCR products. The recommended amount
of enzyme per reaction for most polymerases is 1 to 5 units. The most fre-
quently used concentration is 2.0 units/lOO ~L1 reaction. However, the en-
zyme requirement may vary with respect to individual template DNA or
primer used . It is always prudent to use the enzyme concentration recom-
mended by the supplier since enzyme activity from different manufacturers
can vary.

DNA template One of the most important features of PCR is that it can be performed with
very small quantities of relatively impure DNA. Even degraded DNA can be
successfully amplified. Therefore a number of simple and rapid protocols to
purify DNA for PCR have been developed. In this book some of these meth-
ods are described in chapters 2, 3,4 and 5 about DNA purification. In spite of
the fact that DNA need not be absolutely pure, a number of contaminants
can decrease the efficiency of amplification. The presence of urea, SDS, so-
dium acetate and some components eluted from agarose can interfere with
16 peR Analysis 411

PCR. Most of these impurities can be removed by washing with 70% ethanol
or by reprecipitation of DNA in the presence of ammonium acetate. Pro-
tocols for removal of these contaminants are described in this book in the
chapters on DNA purification.

General guidelines for selection of primers for PCR are: Primers

• Optimal primer set should hybridize to the template efficiently with neg-
ligible hybridization to other sequences of the sample. To assure this,
primers should be at least 20 to 25 bases in length. However, for
some applications requiring multiple random initiation (e.g., RAPD
analysis), primers are usually 8 to 10 bases in length.
• Primers, if possible, should have a GC content similar to that of the tar-
get. Overall GC content of 40% to 60% usually works for most reactions.
The GC content of both primers should be similar.
• Primers should not have sequences with significant secondary structure.
Therefore, primer sequence should not contain simple repeats or palin-
dromic sequences.
• Primer pairs should not contain complementary sequences to each
other. In particular primers with 3' overlaps should be avoided. This
will reduce the incidence of "primer-dimer" formation that severely af-
fects efficiency of amplification.
Many commercial computer programs exist to design primer sets. Some
excellent freely shared programs are: PRIMER from Whitehead Institute
for Biomedical Research ( for PC computers
and Amplify and HyperPCR for Macintosh computers (
The PCR reaction requires a molar excess of primers. Primer concen-
tration is usually 0.2 to 1 J..lM. Using too much primer may resu lt in false
initiations and "primer-dimer" formation.
The distance between primers can vary considerably. However, the ef-
ficiency of amplification decreases considerably for distances greater than
3 kbp . In general, short fragments amplify with higher efficiency than long
ones. Preferential amplification of short fragments is probably due to more
efficient full-length extension by the enzyme in each cycle. Amplification of
a very large fragment is possible with modifications of standard reaction
conditions and by using a mixture of DNA polymerases (e.g., Taq and
Pfu). These conditions are referred to as long PCR. Numerous commercial
kits exist that use proprietary reagents to achieve long PCR.

Substrate The concentration of each of dNTP in PCR should not exceed 200 IlM. This
amount of substrate is sufficient to synthesize 12.5 ug of DNA when half of
the nucleotides are incorporated, a quantity far exceeding the amount of
DNA synthesized in standard PCR (see Table 1). The four dNTPs should
be used at equivalent concentrations, particularly when Taq polymerase
is used. This will minimize the error rate of the enzyme. An excess of nu-
cleotides inhibits enzyme activity and can contribute to the appearance of
false products. Moreover, when varying dNTP concentration, it should be
remembered that dNTPs chelate magnesium ion, decreasing its concentra-
tion in the reaction mixture.

MgCh Magnesium ion is a required co-factor for all DNA polymerases. Moreover
Concentration magnesium ion concentration may affect the following:
• Primer annealing.
• Temperature of strand dissociation for template and product.
• Product specificity.
• Formation of primer-dimer artifacts and enzyme fidelity.
Many templates require optimization of magnesium ion concentration for
efficient, correct amplification. The optimal concentrations of Mg++ for
each thermophilic polymerase are listed in Table 3. They should serve as
a starting point for optimizing the magnesium ion concentration in the re-

Buffer and salt A standard buffer for PCR is 10 to 50 mM Tris-HCl. The optimum pH is
between 8 and 9 for most thermophilic polymerases (Table 3). Since the
L1 pKa for Tris is high (- 0.031 jOC), the true pH of the reaction mixture during
a typical thermal cycle varies considerably (approximately 1 to 1.5 pH
The salt used in most reactions is potassium or sodium. The K+ (Na") is
usually added to facilitate correct primer annealing. For Taq polymerase,
the concentration usually used is 50 mM since higher monovalent ion con-
centrations inhibit polymerase activity (Innis et al. 1988). It is not necessary
to use salt when amplifying DNA using a rapid cycle amplification instru-
ment, since fidelity of primer annealing is achieved as a result of the short
annealing time. Some other components used in reactions to help stabilize
the enzyme are: gelatin, bovine serum albumin or nonionic detergent such
as Tween 20 or Triton X 100. However, most protocols work well without the
addition of these ingredients.
16 PCR Analysis 413

Table 3. Properties of commercially available thermostable DNA polymerases

Reaction Conditions Exonuclease Activity Error Rate

Enzyme Mg++ pH Tempera- S' - 3' 3' - 5' (error/bp
(mM) ture (0C) x 10-4)

Taq 2.0 - 4.0 7.8 - 9.4 70 - 80 + 0.5 - 2.1

Pfu 1.5 - 8.0 8.9 - 9.0 70 - 80 + + 0.06
Pwo 2.0 8.0 - 9.0 70 - 80 + + 0.06
Tli (Vent) 2 8.8 72 - 75 + + 2.0 - 5.0
Tli -exo 21 8.8 72 - 75 + 2.0
Tth z 1.5 - 2.5 8.0 - 9.3 50 - 60 + nla
Taq 1.5 - 2.5 8.0 - 9.3 70 - 80 0.5
(Stoffel frg)
Ampli- 1.5-2.5 8.3 70 - 95 nla
1 MgS04 should be used instead MgClz
z This polymerase has reverse transcriptase activity in the pre sence of Mn++ ion

When using DNA template with a high GCcontent, the reaction mixture
also includes reagents to lower the Tm of the template. Among these are
DMSO, acetamide or glycerol. Incorporation of 5% acetamide into the re-
action mixture improves results with many complex templates and does not
affect activity of Taq polymerase.

Thermal cycling profile

Standard PCR consists of three steps : denaturation, annealing and exten -

sion. These steps are repeated or cycled 25 to 30 times . Most protocols also
include a single denaturation step (init ial denaturation) before cycling be-
gins and single long extension step (final extension) at the end .
An initial denaturation that lasts for a few minutes is added to assure
complete denaturation of the template. This preliminary step is important
for complex templates or templates with high GC content. The final exten -
sion step is usually carried out for 5 to 10 minutes to assure completion of
partial extension products by DNA polymerase and to provide time for
complete renaturation of single stranded products.

Denaturation step In this step, complete separation of the template strands must be accom-
plished. Denaturation is a first order reaction that occurs very fast. A com-
plete description of the denaturation reaction is given in chapter 10.A stan -
dard time 000 to 60 seconds is used to assure uniform heating of the entire
reaction volume. When a rapid cycle instrument is used, this time is usually
set to 0 for a 10 ul reaction cycled in a glass capillary tube. The temperature
of cycle denaturation is usually 94 °C to 95 "C.

Annealing step In this step, primers anneal to the template. With excess primer the anneal-
ing reaction is pseudo first order reaction (see chapter 10 for an explana-
tion) and occurs very fast. The time used for this step, in most protocols, is
30 to 60 seconds, the time required to cool the reaction from the denatura-
tion temperature to the annealing temperature. In a rapid cycle instrument,
this time is usually set to O. The annealing temperature depends on the GC
content of the primers and should be carefully adjusted . Lowannealing tem-
peratures will result in unspecific primer annealing and initiation. High
temperatures will prevent annealing and consequently will prevent DNA
synthesis. For most primers, an annealing temperature of 50 °C to 55 °C
is used without furthe r optimization.

Elongation step In this step, DNA polymerase synthesizes a new DNA strand by extending
the 3' ends of the primers. Time of the elongation depends on the length of
the sequence to be amplified . Since Taq polymerase can add 60-100 bases
per second under optimal conditions, synthesis of a 1 Kbp fragment should
require a little less than 20 seconds. However, most protocols recommend
60 seconds per 1 Kbp DNA to account for time needed to reach the correct
temperature and to compensate for other unknown factors that can affect
reaction rate . The shortest possible time should be used to preserve poly-
merase activity. In air rapid cycle instruments, the elongation time is usually
set to that calculated for the theoretical elongation rate of polymerase (15 to
20 seconds per 1 Kbp of desired fragment) .
An extension temperature of 72 °C is used in standard amplification
protocols. This temperature is close to the optimal temperature for Taq
polymerase (75 °C) but low enough to prevent dissocia tion of the primers
from the template. However, it should be remembered that Taq polymerase
has substantial elongation activity at 55 °C, the temperature used in most
annealing steps . This residual synthesis stabilizes the interaction of primer
with template and indeed permits the use of an elongation temperature
higher than 72 "C, Higher temperatures of elongation are used when the
template can form secondary structures that interfere with elongation.
16 peR Analysis 415


Cycle times should be as short as possible to reduce overall reaction time,

prevent inactivation of enzyme and increase fidelity of the reactions. These
times usually depend on performance characteristics of the instrument
used. Performance differences between instruments generally reflect the
rate at which heating and cooling of the sample occurs . In the best instru-
ments, use of small volumes of sample and thin-walled tubes can reduce
cycle times to a few seconds.
Most of the commercial instruments utilize metal blocks or water for
thermal equilibration and samples are contained in plastic microfuge tubes.
In these instruments, very fast temperature changes are not possible. A sig-
nificant fraction of the cycle time in these machines is spent on heating and
cooling blocks and tubes and the liquid contained in them. This extends
amplification times to several hours as opposed to the time that is really
necessary to carry out amplification cycles.
Moreover, extended amplification times and long transition times,
make it difficult to determine optimal temperature and times for each stage
of the PCR reaction. This leads to many false initiations by polymerase and
consequently to poor product specificity. Rapid temperature transitions
and small sample volumes improve both specificity and the time necessary
to carry out PCR reactions.
Three engineering approaches have been used to decrease cycling time.
• The use of very small reaction volumes in specially developed thin-
walled tubes or single-piece 96-well plates. This solution increases
cost and does not address the problem of temperature transition due
to the heat transfer inertia of metal blocks or water.
• The use of several stationary blocks, each maintained at different tem-
peratures, instead of a single heating block. A mechanical arm moves the
tubes from one block to another. This approach solves the problem of
heat inertia but is expensive and necessitates use of expensive thin-
walled tubes.
• The use of an air thermal cycler (Wittwer and Garling, 1991; Wittwer et
al., 1994). This rapid thermal cycler instrument uses heat transfer by hot
air to samples contained in thin, glass capillary tubes . Because of the low
heat capacity of air, the thin walls and increased surface area of capillary
tubes, samples can be cycled very fast. Total amplification time in these
instruments, for 30 PCR cycles, is 15 to 20 minutes. Moreover, the spe-
cificity of amplification is also dramatically increased. The cost of the

instrument is low compared to standard thermal cyclers. The use of

these inexpensive instruments is highly recommended.


This chapter describes a standard protocol to amplify DNA by PCR in a

standard thermal cycler. Reaction volume is 50 III and the protocol incor-
porates a negative control that contains all reaction components except
template DNA. This control is necessary to detect DNA contamination. In-
corporation of a positive control, when amp lifying DNA fragments from
genomic DNA, is also encouraged to test for degradation of reaction com-
ponents. A schematic outline of the procedure is described in Figure 2.

Preparation of Reaction Mixture Fig. 2. Schematic outline of DNA amplifica-

tion resulting from polymerase chain reaction.

Assembly of Individual Reactions

Overlay with Oil


PCR Amplification


- Taq DNA polymerase (1 to 5 u/ul)

- DNA template (see Table 2 for recommendations)
- Primers (1-10 IlM; 1 - 10 pmoles/ul)
- dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP 100 mM stock solution set (Roche Mo-
lecular Biochemicals # 1277 049 or equivalent).
- Acetamide (Sigma Co. # A 6082)
- Triton X-laO or Nonidet P40 (Sigma Co. # T 8787)
- Mineral oil (Sigma Co. # M 8662 or equivalent)

Solutions - 10 x peR Buffer

- 100 mM Tris-HCI; pH 8.3
16 peR Analysis 417

- 500 mM KCl
- 15 mM MgClz
The buffer should be prepared using aiM stock solution of Tris-HCl
adjusted to pH 8.3 at room temperature, sterilized by autoclaving for 20
minutes and stored at -20 °C.This buffer can be bought from different
companies (e.g., Roche Molecular Biochemicals # 1271 318; Sigma Co.
# P2192). 10 x PCR buffer is frequently supplied with Taq polymerase.
- 10 x dNTP Solution
- 2 mM dATP
- 2 mM dCTP
- 2 mM dGTP
- 2 mM dTTP
Use 100 mM stocks of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP to prepare 10 x
dNTP solution. Add 2 III of each dNTP to 92 IIIof sterilized water. Store
at -20 °C in small aliquots.
- 10 x Acetamide Solution (50% v/w)
Add 5 g of acetamide powder to 10ml sterile distilled or deionized water.
Store at -20 °C.
- Triton X 100 or Nonidet NP40 Solution (1% v/v)
Add 1 ml of detergent to 100ml of sterile deionized water. Store at -20 °C
in small aliquots.
- Loading Dye Solution
- 15% Ficoll 400
- 5 M Urea
- 0.1 M Sodium EDTA, pH 8
- 0.01% Bromophenol blue
- 0.01% Xylene cyanol


1. Label three 0.5 ml microfuge tubes RSM, 1 and 2. Place tubes on ice.
2. Prepare Reaction Stock Mixture for 3 PCR reactions to account for pi-
petting loses. First, calculate the amount of water necessary for the de-
sired volume and add it to the tube. Then add buffer and the remaining
components. Add enzyme last and mix by pipetting up and down several
times. Never mix by vortexing. Taq polymerase is very sensitive to vor-

Reaction Stock Mixture (RSM)

Reagent One Reaction (50 ul) Three Reactions Final Concentration

10 x PCR Buffer 5 J..ll 15 ul Ix

10 x dNTP (2 mM) 0.5 ul 1.5 ul 200 J..lM each
Upstream primer 0.5-2.0 ul 1.5-6.0 ul 0.1- 1.0 J..lM
Downstream primer 0.5-2.0 J..ll 1.5-6.0 J..ll 0.1- 1.0 J..lM
Template DNA 1-3 ul none

Taq polymerase 1.0 ul 3.0 ul 2 ullOO ul

(l u/ul)
Water to 50 J..ll to 150 J..ll

3. Prepare reaction mixtures to run PCR reactions as follows:

PCR Reaction Mixtures

Ingredient Tube # 1 Tube # 2 (Control)

RSM 47.0 ul 47.0 ul

DNA template 3.0 J..ll none
Water none 3.0 ul

Add DNA and water and mix gently, pipetting up and down.
4. Add 25 III of mineral oil to each tube and centrifuge the tube for 5 sec-
onds in a microfuge . Addition of oil is easier if you cut off the end of the
yellow tip.
5. Place tubes into the thermal cycler and amplify DNA using standard
conditions. Typically these are: initial denaturation at 95 °C for 3 min-
utes followed by 30 to 35 cycles consisting of denaturation (D) at 94 "C
for 30 seconds, annealing (A) at 60 °C for 30 seconds, elongation (E) at
72 °C for 2 minutes. The reaction is finished with an extension step at
72 °C for 5 minutes.
6. Remove tubes from the thermal cycler and add 5 III of dye solution to
each tube . Centrifuge tubes for 5 to 10 seconds in a microfuge to bring
dye solution through the oil. Reactions are now ready for analysis by gel
electrophoresis. It is not necessary to remove oil from the tubes .
16 peR Analysis 419

Products ofPCR are usually analyzed using agarose gel electrophoresis. Be-
cause PCR products for most reactions are small, it is necessary to use high
resolution agarose electrophoresis to analyze them. The procedure for this
electrophoresis is described in Chapter 8.


Many artifacts ofPCR can be detected during gel electrophoresis of the am-
plified sample. These are:
• Failure to amplify product or very weak amplification for a reaction that
"worked" before. This usually results from a failure of some component
of the reaction. Most frequently this is due to primer degradation. Dilute
new primer and repeat PCR.
• Using too high concentration of DNA template is the second most fre-
quent cause of reaction failure. Check DNA concentration of the sample
or run a series of reactions with a decreasing concentration of template.
• Next check the integrity of the template and freshness of the substrate.
Working solution of dNTPs deteriorate rapidly after they have been fro-
zen and thawed a few times. Dilute fresh template DNA and/or working
dNTP solution.
• Failure to amplify product or very weak amplification for a "new" am-
plification reaction. In this case running a positive control reaction can
determine if this is a problem with reaction mixture components or in-
correct PCR parameters. If the latter is the case, this can result from
incorrect primers, wrong annealing conditions for the primers chosen
or wrong magnesium concentration. Insufficient denaturation of the
template or presence of inhibitors in the DNA sample can also cause
this failure. Optimization of the PCR reaction conditions could remedy
this problem.
• Presence offaint, diffused bands in the 100 to 200 bp region of the gel.
This indicates the presence of specific single-stranded products. This
can result from incorrect primer concentration or degradation of
one primer. Repeat the reaction with fresh primers.
• Smears that end at the correct band size positions. This indicates prim-
ing of the reaction by specific products of amplification and usually re-
sults from too low primer concentration. Repeat PCR with higher con-
centration of primers.

• Absence of a specific band and the presence ofsmears throughout entire

gel. This indicates nonspecific multiple priming and usually occurs
when annealing temperature is too low. Increase annealing temperature
to increase specificity of the product.
• Presence of many distinct bands having lengths different from the ex-
pected. Sometimes these bands are the major products of amplification
and the correct size band is very weak. This results from incorrect non-
random priming. Increase specificity of priming by changing to a higher
annealing temperature and/or shorten annealing step.
• Generation of primer-dimers and little or no amp lification of the desired
band. Primer-dimers will appear slightly above the electrophoresis front
in the region of 50 bp. The intensity of these bands will be inversely pro-
portional to the intensity of the desired band. The less correct synthesis,
the stronger the primer-dimer intensity will be. To remedy this problem,
first decrease the amount of polymerase and/or primer concentration in
the reaction. If the problem persists, design new primers.
Less frequent causes of failure are: destruction of enzyme or contamination
of the reagents with EDTA. Prepare fresh buffer or use new enzyme.


Dieffenbach C, Dveksler G, eds. (1995) PCR primer: A laboratory manual. Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
Griffin H, Griffin A, eds. (1994) PCR technology: Current innovations. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida .
Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky J], eds. (1995) PCR strategies. Academic Press, San
Diego, California.
Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky J], White T], eds. (1990) PCR protocols: A guide to meth-
ods and applications . Academic Press, San Diego, California.
Innis MA, Myambo KB, Gelfand DH, Brow AD (1988) DNA sequencing with Thermus
aquaticus DNA polymerase and direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction-
amplified DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85:9436-9440.
Mullis KB (1990) The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction. Scientific Amer-
ican April 91:56-65.
Mullis KF, Faloona F, Scharf S, Saiki R, Horn G, Erlich H (1986) Specific enzymatic am-
plification of DNA in vitro: the polymerase chain reaction. Cold Spring Harbor Symp
Quant BioI 51:263-273.
Saiki RK, Scharf S, Faloona F, Mullis KB, Horn GT, Erlich HA, Arnheim N (1985) En-
zymatic amplification of ~ - glob i n genomic sequences and restriction site analysis for
diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science 230:1350-1354.
16 PCR Analysis 421

Saiki RK, Gelfand DH, Stoffel S, Scharf SJ, Higuch i R, Horn GT, Mullis KB, Erlich HA
(1988) Primer-directed enzymatic amplifi catio n of DNA with a thermostable DNA
polymerase. Science 239:487-491.
Sardelli AD (1993) Plateau effect - Understanding PCR limitations. Amplification 9:1-5.
White TJ, Arnheim N, Erlich HA (1989) The polymerase chain reaction. Trends in
genetics 5:185-189.
Wittwer CT, Garling DJ (1991) Rapid cycle DNA amplification: Time and temperature
optimization. BioTechniques 10:76-83
Wittwer Ct, Reed GB, Ririe KM (1994) Rapid cycle DNA amplification. In: The polymer-
ase chain reaction. Ed. Mullis KB. pp 174-181. Birkhauser, New York.
Subject Index

A - materials 266 - 268

Absorbance - mobility of RNA in formaldehyde
- bacterial strains, cell density 366 gels 275
- determination of concentration - mobility of RNA in glyoxal gels 275
and purity of DNA 22-25 - native gels 273 - 275
Agarose - outline of the procedures 265
- chemical structure 164 - results 276
- concentrations for optimal resolut ion - troubleshooting 276 - 277
of DNA fragment s 166 Alkaline DNA transfer, see Southern
Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA, blot transfer
see also Electrophoresis princip le Alkaline method of plasmid DNA
- buffers for 167- 168 isolation and purification ,
- DNA conform ation and 165-167 see Purification of plasmid DNA
- effect of % agarose on DNA fragment Alkaline phosphatase, and vector
mobility 165 ligation 304 - 305
- elution of fragment s, Alpha-complementation 301
see DNA elution from agarose gels Ammonium acetate, see Solutions
- gel staining 170- 171 Ampicillin LB plates, see Media for
- material s 175-176 bacteria growth
- mobility of DNA fragments 165, 167, Ampicillin stock solution, see Solution s
- optima l gel size 168- 169
- optimal sample concentrations 169
- outline of the procedure 174 B
- photography of 171 Bacterial alkaline phosphatase (BAP)
- principle 164-165 305
- protocol for high resolution gel Bacterial cell preparation for
electrophoresis 179- 181 - chemical transformation 366 - 367
- protocol for large scale gel - DNA isolation 85-86
electrophoresis 176- 178 - electroporation 356 - 357
- sample loading solution s 169- 170 Bacterial growth, optical density
- troubleshooting problems with gels, measurement 366
examples 186-187 Beta-galactosidase, see Enzymes
Agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA Bio-Rad Electroporation apparatus 353
- formaldehyde gel protocol 268 - 271 Blunt-end cloning, see Ligation
- gel concentration s for optimal Blunt-end DNA preparation, see DNA
resolution 275 fragment preparation for cloning
- glyoxal gel protocol 271- 273 Blunt-end ligation, see Ligation

Buffers, see also Solutions Capillary blotting method, see Southern

- agarose gel electrophoresis for blot transfer
167- 168 Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (CIA),
- blocking buffer (buffer B) 213,252 see Solutions
288 Chemical transformation,
- blunt-end ligation buffer (5 x) 340 - cell plating 368- 370
- buffer I 84 - cell preparation 366- 367
- buffer A, see washing buffer - efficiency 364, 370
- buffer B, see blocking buffer - materials 365- 366
- buffer C, see detection buffer - outline of the procedures 364
- cohesive-end ligation buffer (5x) 340 - principles 316-318
- detection buffer (buffer C) 213, 252, - protocol for transformation 367- 368
288 - steps in transformation protocols 317
- elution buffer for polyA+ RNA - troubleshooting 370- 372
isolation 150 Cloning,
- glycerol-tolerant buffer - directional 304
electrophoresis buffer, see TTE - principles and strategies of 298- 299
- HSNA sequencing buffer (lOx) 386 - cohesive-end 302, 304
- homogenization buffer for plant - blunt-end 302, 304
material 127 Cloning vectors,
- loading buffer for glyoxal gels 268 - characteristics of 299- 301
- loading buffer for oligo(dT)-cellulose - choice of vectors for cloning 300- 301
columns 149 - multiple cloning site (MCS) 300
- lysis buffer 37,61,84 - pBluescript 300
- MOPS formaldehyde gel - pBR322 300
electrophoresis buffer (lOx) 267 - pGEM 300
- PCR buffer (lOx) 203,416 - positive selection 301
- RNA sample buffer (5x) for formalde - - pUC 300
hyde gel electrophoresis 268 - replicon, ColEl and 300
- TAE (Tris-acetate EDTA) for agarose - replicon, pMBl, and 300
gel electrophoresis 167, 175 cohesive-end cloning, see Ligation
- TBE (Tris-borate EDTA) 168,268 Colony hybridization, see Plaque and
- TE buffer 38,61,85,105,198,242,323, colony transfer
381 Competent cells, E coli, see Bacterial cell
- TPE (Tris-phosphate) for agarose gel preparation and also Chemical trans-
electrophoresis 168 formation
- transcription buffer (l0 x) 207
- TTE electrophoresis buffer (lOx) 395 D
- washing buffer (buffer A) 213, 251, DEPC treated water, see Solutions
288 Depurination of DNA
- washing buffer for polyA+ RNA - alkaline transfer and 239
isolation 150 - phenol extraction and 4
- washing solution for radioactive - problems with Southern transfer and
samples 216 260
- xanthogenate buffer 38, 61, 84 - procedure 236, 240
- single-stranded DNA and 227
C - solution for 236
CaCl2 transformation, see Chemical Determination DNA concentration
transformation - absorbance at 260, see absorbance

- kits for 338 - proteinase K in 15- 16

Determination of specific activity of - removal of RNA 16-17
radioactive probes - storage of the samples 25- 26
- materials 215- 216 - suppliers of kits for purification
- outline of the procedure 216 28-32
- protocol 216-217 - xanthogenate method 12
- washing solution 216 DNA sequencing, see also Nebulization
DIG DNA labeling mixture, see Labeling shearing of DNA and also Sequencing
and also Solutions reactions
DNA fragment preparation for cloning - autoradiography, see Sequencing
- materials 330- 331 gel preparation
- outline of the procedure 330 - directed sequencing strategies 376
- protocol for end-repair 334- 337 - electrophoresis, see Sequencing gel
protocol for restriction enzyme preparation
digestion 332- 334 - preparation of random fragment
- troubleshooting 337- 338 library 377- 380
DNA isolation, - primer walking strategy 376
- breaking buffers, characterization of - random sequencing strategy 376
4-5 - sample preparation, see, Nebulization
- cell breakage methods 7 - 8 of DNA
- concentration of DNA by dialysis 20 - sequence coverage 376- 377
- concentration of DNA by alcohol - sequence coverage formula,
precipitation 17- 20 see Formulae
- CTAB method 11 - sequencing methods 374-375
- deproteinization methods based - subclone coverage 376
on binding to silica 13- 14 - with PCR, see Sequencing reactions
- deproteinization methods based DEPC-treated water, see Solutions
on complex formation 11 - 13 Dephosphorylation of plasmid, Plasmid
- deproteinization methods on preparation for cloning
density gradients 14- 15 DNA elution from agarose gels
- deproteinization methods using - agarose-digesting enzymes,
organic solvents 8 - 11 using 172-173
- deproteinization methods using - electroelution 172
enzymes 15-16 - gel staining for fragment
- detergents used in 6 - 7 elution 173-174
- determination of purity and - GElase protocol 184-186
concentration 22- 25 - low-melting point agarose, using 172
- DNase inhibitors 5-7 - materials 175
- expected yields 3 - outline of the procedures 182
- genomic from bacteria, see purification - silica powder protocol 181-182
of DNA from bacteria - silica powder, principles 173
- genomic from plants, see purification - suppliers of silica-based elution kits
of DNA from plants 190-191
- Kirby method 8 - troubleshooting of GELase method
- Marmur method 8 188- 189
- plasmid DNA, see purification of DNA - troubleshooting of silica powder
from plasmid method 188
- precipitation of DNA with alcohols DNA ligase, E. coli 308,
17-20 DNA ligase, T4 308,338 ,

Dot blot transfer - Sequenase 384, 385, 386, 388

- dot blot protocol 243- 244 - SequiTherm EXCEL II polymerase
- materials 241- 242 384, 387, 391, 405
- outline of the procedure 242 - T4 DNApolymerase 308,330,334,335
- T4 polynucleotide kinase 308, 331,
E 335
E. coli strains, - Taq polymerse 202,203,204,406,410,
- c600 366 412, 413,414,418
- DHI0B 353, 354, 366 Ethanol precipitation of nucleic acids,
- DH5a 365, 366 - ammonium acetate with 18-19
- DMI 366 - carrier for (Pellet Paint™) 19-20
- ]MI03 368 - DNA repair reaction in 336-337
- ]M101 368 - lithium chloride with 19
- ]M105 368 - plasmid preparation for cloning in
- RRI 366 327-328
- STBL2 366, 372 - preparation of DNA by nebulization
- PMCI03 372 383
EDTA solutions, see Solutions - preparation of DNA for cloning
Electrophoresis principle 163- 164, 343-344,346-347,349-350
Electroporation of bacteria, - principles 17- 18
- cell preparation protocol 356- 357 - probe preparation in 209- 210
- efficiency of transformation, - protocol for DNA spooling 43,64 ,65,
calculation 360 87-88,
- electroporation protocol 357 - protocol for RNA 152, 154- 155,
- general characteristics 313-316, - protocol using centrifugation 44- 45,
352-353 66
- materials 353 - 355 - protocol using centrifugation in
- outline of the procedures 353 microtubes 45-47, 67, 68, 90-91,
- reusing electroporation cuvettes 363 107-108, 112, 114- lIS,
- transformation efficiency 315,360 - salts used 18
- transformation frequency 315 - small quantities 19
- troubleshooting, arcing 361 - sodium acetate with 18
- troubleshooting, low frequency of - temperature 19
transformation 361- 363 Ethidium bromide,
- washing electroporation cuvettes, - DNA electrophoretic mobility
protocol 363 and 166
Enzymes - DNA integrity and 173-174
- beta -galactosidase 301, 364 - DNA staining in gels 170-171
- ClAP 305,321 ,325 - DNA storage and 26
- DNA polymerases used in PCR 413 - GELase activity and 184
- DNA T4ligase 303,308,340 ,341,343, - glyoxal RNA gels and 271,282
346,351 - interference with gel electrophoresis
- lysozyme 79,82,84,86,98, 103, 104, 51, 53, 70, 73,
106 - Northern transfer and 269, 283
- proteinase K IS, 28, 33, 34- 35, 59, 80, - plasmid gel electrophoresis and 329
96 - restriction enzyme activity and 307
- RNase A,DNase free 16,35,59,80,103 - RNA staining 141, 158, 270, 274
- RNase TI , DNase free 16-17,35,59, - safety, see Safety note
82, 103 - stock solution, see Solutions

Extinction coefficients, H
- DNA purity estimation and 24-25 Hybridization, see also Southern blot
double-stranded DNA at 234 nm 24 hybridization and also Northern blot
double-stranded DNA at 260 nm 23, hybridization
24 - blocking buffer, see Solutions
double-stranded DNA at 280 nm 24 blocking solution, see Solutions
proteins at 234 nm 24 detection buffer, see Solutions
proteins at 260 nm 24 Dig Easy Hyb, see Solutions
proteins at 280 nm 24 hybridization buffers, see Buffers
RNA at 260 nm 136 hybridization membranes,
single-stranded DNA at 260 nm 23 see Membrane for hybridization
hybridization temperature 223 - 224
F hybridization time 224 - 225
Formaldehyde RNA agarose gels, see kinetics of hybrid formation 222 - 223
Agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA melting temperature (Tm) 221 - 222
Formulae, probe preparation see Labeling of DNA
- concentration of DNA termini in probes and Labeling of RNA probes
ligation reaction (i) 309 membrane reprobing 258
- DNA concentration 23 striping solution 258
- DNA concentration in presence of washing reaction 225 - 226
proteins 24 - 25 washing temperature and stringency
- effective concentration of DNA ends in of hybridization 226
ligation reactions (j) 309
- efficiency of transformation (Et f ) 315 I
- electric field strength in Isolation of DNA from animal cells, see
electro po ration 314 Purification of DNA from animal cells
- electrophoretic mobility (Mo) 163, Isolation of DNA from plant cells, see
164 Purification of DNA from plants
- electrophoretic mobility of DNA 165 Isolation of plasmid DNA, see Purification
- frequency of transformation (ftr ) 315 of plasmid DNA
- hybridization second order rate Isolation of DNA from bacterial cells, see
constant (kz) 223 Purification of DNA from bacterial,
- hybridization time 224, 225
- j/i ratio 309 L
- melting temperatures (T m) 222 Labeling of DNA probes
- nucleation rate constant (k n ) 223 - determination of DIG label
- peR reaction kinetics 408 concentration 212 - 215
- pulse time constant in electropora- - materials 213
tion (T) 314 - outline of the procedure 212
- RNA concentration 136 - protocol 214-215
- specific activity of radioactive probes determination of specific activity
217 of radioactive probe 215-217
- subclone and sequence coverage - materials 215 - 216
in DNA sequencing 377 - outline of the procedure 216
- temperature of hybridization (Th) - protocol 216 - 217
223,224 features of uniformly labeled probes
- temperature of washing reaction (Tw) 194
226 nick translation, general description
- voltage of electroporation (Vt ) 314 193

- PCR probes, general description 195, - blun t-end ligation buffer 340
see also Labeling DNA using PCR Ligation
- random priming, general description - blunt-end cloning, advantages and
193,see also Labeling DNA by random disadvantages 304
priming blunt-end protocol 342- 344
Labeling DNA using PCR - cohesive-end cloning, advantages
- DIG-dUTP mixture, preparation 203 and disadvantages 304
- DNTP (-dTTP) mixture, preparation - cohesive-end protocol 345- 348
203 - estimation of insert concentration
- materials 202- 203 342
- outline of the procedure 202 - i, definition 309
- PCR 10 x buffer, preparation 203 - j, definition 309
- PCR probes, general description of 195 - j/i ratio and ligation reaction
- protocol 204- 205 309-313,
- reaction mixture, assembly 204 - j/i ratio of hybrid molecules 312
- troubleshooting 205 - ligation reaction, general
Labeling DNA by random priming consideration 308- 313
- amount of synthesized DIG-labeled - ligation reactions for blunt-end
products 198 ligation 342
- digoxigenin labeling protocol 199 - ligation reactions for cohesive-end
- materials 198-199 ligation 345
- outline of the procedures 197 - ligation reactions for rapid ligation
- radioactive labeling protocol 200 348
- random priming, general description - materials 340
193-195 - outline of the procedure 339
- removing unincorporated radioactive - rapid ligation protocol 348- 350
label 200- 201 - troubleshooting 350- 352
- suppliers of DNA labeling kits Ligation mixtures
218-220 blunt-end ligation master mixture
- troubleshooting 201 342
Labeling of RNA probes 195 - cohesive-end ligation master mixture
- labeling protocol 210 345
materials 206- 207 rapid protocol master reaction mix-
- NTP mixture, preparation 207 ture 348
- outline of the procedure 206 Linearization of plasmid 302- 303,
- RNA probes, general description 324-328
195-196 Loading dye solution, for DNAagarose gel
- template preparation protocol electrophoresis, see Solutions
208-210 Loading dye for RNA agarose gel
- transcription buffer, preparation 207 electrophoresis, see Buffers
- troubleshooting 210-212 Luria-Bertani medium (LB medium),
LiCI solution 127 see Media for bacterial growth
LiCI precipitation, see Ethanol Luria-Bertani plates (LB plates) see Media
precipitation of nucleic acids for bacterial growth
Ligases, Lysozyme, see Solutions
E. coli DNA ligase 308
- T4 DNA ligase, see Enzymes M
Ligtion buffers Media for bacteria growth
- cohesive-end ligation buffer 340 - LB, preparation 365

- LB agar amp plates, preparation 355, - assembly of transfer 281

365 - materials 277- 278
- TB (Terrific Broth), preparation 82 - outline of the procedures 278
- HIS, preparation 103 - transfer from formaldehyde gel
Melting temperature (Tm), 279-282
see Formulae and also Hybridization - transfer from glyoxal gel 282- 284
Membranes, for hybridizations - troubleshooting 284
229-231 Nucleic acid probe preparation,
- binding capacity 231 see labeling DNA probes and labeling
- chemiluminescent detection for 231 RNA probes
- MagnaGraphnylon 213,231,235,241, Nylon membranes, see Membranes
260, 277 for hybridization
- manufacturers 231
- nitrocellulose 229
- positively charged nylon 230- 231 o
- uncharged nylon 230 Optical density at 600 nm (OD6oo) ,
mRNA, see polyfA") RNA see Absorbance
Optical density of DNA at 260nm (OD26o) ,
N see Absorbance and, Determination
NBT solution, see Solutions DNA concentration
Nebulization shearing of DNA Oligo-dT cellulose 146, 147
- gas pressure, and 379 Oligo(dT)-cellulose spin columns 146,
- materials 381 147
- outline of the procedure 381 Oligo(dT)-cellulose magnetic beads 147
- protocol 382- 383 Optimal vector/insert ratios 310-312
- results 383- 384
- theory 377- 380
Neutralizing solution 182, 269 P
Nick translation, see Labeling DNA PCR,
probes - acetamide stock solution, preparation
Nitrocellulose membranes, 417
see Membranes for hybridization air thermal cycler, advantages
Northern blot hybridization, 415-416
see Hybridization and also Northern amplification efficiency 408
blot transfer buffers used 412
- agarose gel electrophoresis, see agarose cycle number and number of initial
gel electrophoresis of RNA target molecules 409
- materials 285- 287 DNA polymerase commercially
- outline of the procedures 286 available 413
- protocol for hybridization oven dNTP stock solution, preparation 417
289-291 guidelines for primers selection 411
- protocol for plastic bags 291- 294 instrumentation 415- 416
- stripping membrane for reprobing materials 416-417
294-295 Metal'hor" agarose gel
- troubleshooting high background electrophoresis for product analysis
295-260 179-181
- troubleshooting low sensitivity 295 MgClz concentration 412
Northern blot transfer, see also agarose outline of the procedure 416
gel electrophoresis of RNA PCR 10 x buffer,preparation416-417

- PCR reactio n mixtu re 418 Primer extension, see Labeling DNA

- plateau effect 408- 409 probes and also Purification of DNA
- protocol 417-419 from ...
- reaction kinetics 408- 409 Primer selection, PCR 411
- reaction stock mixture 418 Probes see Labeling DNA probes and also
- substrate concentration 412 Labeling RNA probes
- template concentrations 409 Purification of DNA, see DNA isolation
- template preparation 410- 411 Purification of total RNA, see RNA
- thermal cycling profile 413- 414 purification
- troubleshooting 419-420 Purification of poly(A+) RNA, see PolyA+
Pellet Paint ™ 19- 20 RNA isolation
Phase lock gel (PLG I), microfuge tubes Purification of DNA from anima l cells,
206, 208, 322, 331 see also DNA isolation
Plasmid preparation for cloning 302 - ATV solutio n, preparation 38
- linerization and dephosphorylation - dilution buffer, prepa ration 38
protocol 324- 328 - expected yields 3
- materials 321- 324 - large scale protocol 41- 45
- outline of the procedure 321 - lysis buffer, preparation 37
- troubleshooting 328- 329 - materials 34- 39
Plating transformed bacteria 359- 360, - outline of the procedures 35
368-369 - results 50
Plaque and colony transfer, - small scale protocol 45- 49
- colony transfer protocol 247- 248 - source for isolation
- materials 244- 246 - - cell culture 39
- outline of the procedures 245 - - human cheek cells 41
- plaque transfer protocol 246- 247 - - solid tissue 40
PolyA+ RNA isolation - - suspension cell culture 40
- elution buffer, preparation 150 - tro ubleshooting 51- 56
- gravity column protocol 150 -153 - xanthogenate buffer preparation 38
- magnetic beads protocol 155- 157 Purification of DNA from bacterial,
- materials 147- 150 see also DNA isolation
- methods of isolation 146-147 - buffer I, preparation 84
- outline of the procedures 148 - CTAB/NaCI solution, preparation 85
- regenerating solution, preparation 150 - expected yields 3
- results 157 - large scale protocol 85- 90
- RNase inhibitors 120-121 - lysis buffer, preparation 84
- spin column proto col 153- 155 - materials 80- 85
- suppliers of isolation kits 159- 162 - outline of the procedures 81
- troubleshooting 157- 159 - results 93- 94
- washing buffer, preparation 150 - small scale protocol 90- 92
Polymerase chain reaction, see PCR - suppliers of purification kits 28- 32
Polypropylene tubes, in bacterial - tro ubleshooting 94- 99
transformation 354, 365 - xanthogenate buffer, preparation 85
Poly(D) 145 Purification of DNA from plants, see also,
Precipitation of DNA with ethanol, see DNA isolation
Ethanol precipitation of nucleic acids - CTAB/NaCI solution, preparation 61
Primer(s), see PCR - expected yields 3
Primer walking DNAsequencing strategy, - large scale protocol 62- 67
see DNA sequencing - lysis buffer, preparation 61

- materials 59- 62 RNA isolation and purification

- outline of the procedures 58 - expected yields 138
- results 69- 70 - guanidinium hot -phenol method
- small scale protocol 67 - 69 122-123
- troubleshooting 70- 77 - guanidinium hot-phenol protocol
- xanthogenate buffer, preparation 61 130-132
Purification of plasmid DNA, - high- salt lithium chloride method
see also, DNA isolation 123
- affinity matrix absorption 21 - high-salt lithium chloride protocol
- alkaline lysis method, principles 22 132-135
- boiling method, principle 22 - high- salt precipitation solution,
- general aspects 21 - 22 preparation 128
- long large scale procedure 105-109 - homogenization buffer for plants,
long small scale procedure 111 - 113 preparation 127
- lysozyme solution, preparation 104 - materials 123-128
- materials 103- 105 - outline of the procedure 124
- outline of protocols 102 - preparation of cell materials
- rapid large scale procedure 109-110 - - animal and plant tissue 130
- rapid small scale pro cedure 113- 115 - - bacterial cells 128
- results of purification 115- 117 - - monolayer cell cultures 129
- SDS stock solution, preparation 104 - - suspension cell cultures 129
- solution I, preparation 104 - - yeast cells 128- 129
- solution II, preparation 104 - results 137-139
- troubleshooting, problems with - RNase inhibitors 120-122
plasmid purity 117- 118 - suppliers of the kits 144
- troubleshooting, problems with - TRI-Reagent™ method 123
plasmid yields 118, - TRI-Reagent™ protocol 135-137
- troubleshooting 140-143
RNA polyA+ isolation, see polyA+ RNA
R isolation
Radioactive probes, RNaseZapTM 122
- quantitation 215- 217 RNaseOFF 122
- preparation 200
Random priming 193-195, 197- 201, S
see also Labeling DNA by random Safety notes ,
priming chloroform:isoamyl alcohol solution
Rapid amplification, see PCR 37, 60, 83, 126, 322
Removal of RNA from DNA - DEPC 125, 149,207,26,
preparations 16 - electrophoresis 180,181,177,178,270
Restriction endonucleases, - ethidium bromide 175,177,179,267,
- digestion protocol 333 - 334 - formaldehyde 269
- general characterization 306 - phenol-8HQ solution 36, 60, 83, 126,
- rules for working with 307,332 322,
Restriction enzymes . See Restriction - radioactivity 200
endonucleases - SDS 84, 104, 250, 287
Ribonuclease A (RNaseA), properties 16 - UV illuminator 181, 178, 236, 240,
Ribonuclease Tl (RNaseTl), properties 279,283
16-17 Sequencing gels
RNase inhibitors 121- 122 - Long Ranger gel characteristics 392

- materials 394- 395 - CTAB/NaCl 38,61 ,85

- outline of the procedure 393 - denaturation solution for DNA 235,
- protocol for autoradiography 245
400-401 - Denhardt's blocking solution 228
- protocol for gel loading and running - DEPC treated water 125, 149,266
398-400 - DIG - dUTP mixture (5x) 203
- protocol for Long Ranger gel solut ion - Dig Easy Hyb Solution 227, 228, 250,
preparation 396- 398 252, 253, 255, 256, 261, 285, 286, 287,
- protocol for glass plate preparation 289,292,296
395-396 - digoxigenin labeling mixture lOx 198
- results 401- 402 - DNase treatment solution 142
- troubleshooting 403- 404 - dNTP (-dTTP) mixture (SOx) 203
- TTE buffer for 395 - dNTP solution (lOx) 331,417
Sequencing reactions - EDTA 0.5 M, pH 8.5 37,83,126,149,
, quench reagent 388 175, 199, 267, 323
- master labeling solution for - EDTA 1 mM 127, 149,207
Sequenase 389 - ethidium bromide stock (10 mg/ml)
- materials 386 175
- outline of the procedures 385 - ethidium bromide stock (5 mg/ml)
- primer denaturation mix 387 267
- protocol for cycle sequencing - formam ide (deionized) 250,267,287
390-391 - Gel mix (Long Ranger 5 %) for DNA
protocol for Sequenase 387- 390 sequencing 396
Strategies for DNA sequencing, see DNA - GIT (guanidinium isothiocyanate)
sequencing 127, 150
Solutions . See also Buffers, - glycerol solution (l0 %) 354
- acetamide solution (50 %) 417 - glyoxal solution (deioni zed) 267
- alkaline transfer solution 235 - hexanucletide mixture 10 x 198
- ammonium acetate 1.87 M 105 - high salt precipitation solution 128
- ammonium acetate 2 M 242 - high SDS solution for hybridization
- ammonium acetate 7.5 M 105, 323, 228
381 - hybridization solution 250-251,287
- ammonium persulfate (10 %) 395 - IPTG solution 355
- ampicillin stock solution - ligation reaction mixture for blunt-end
(1000x) 354 ligation 343
- ATP 0.5 mM 340 - ligation reaction mixture for
- ATP 5.0 mM 340 cohesive-end ligation 346
- ATV 38 - lithium chloride 8 M 127
- blocking solution (lOx) 213,251,288 - loading dye solution (stop solution)
- blunt-end ligation master mixture 39,62,84, lOS, 176, 324,331 ,417
342 - lysozyme solution 84, 104
- CaCh solution for transformation - maleic acid solution (lOx) 251,288
365 - master labeling solution for DNA
- CDP-Star 218,219,250,254,257,286, sequencing 389
291,294 - NBT solution 213,215
- chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (CIA) - neutralization solution for DNA
37, 60, 126, 322 transfer 235, 245
- cohesive-end ligation master mixture - Northern probe-stripping solution
345 288

- NTP mixture (lOx) 207 - troubleshooting low sensitivity

- PBS, pH 7.4 37, 126, 355 259-261
- PCR reaction mixture 418 Southern blot transfer
- phenol:CIA mixture 322 - alkaline denaturation solution 235
- phenol-8HQ 36, 60, 82, 126 - alkaline transfer solution 235
- pho sphate solution for gel electrophor- - capillary alkaline transfer protocol
esis of RNA 0.1 M 268 239-241
- phosphate stock solution for TB - capillary neutral transfer protocol
medium 104, 354 236-239
- primer denaturation mix for DNA - colony, see Plaque and colony transfer
sequencing 387 denaturation solution 235
- quen ch reagent for DNA sequencing - dot blot, see Dot blot transfer
388 - materials 235- 236
- reaction stock mixture (RSM) - neutralization solution 235
for PCR 418 - ou tline of the procedures 234
- regeneration solution for oligo(dT)- - plaque, see Plaque and colony transfer
cellulose columns 150 - principles 233- 234
- sarcosyl 20 % 37, 127, 250, 287 Specific activity of radioactive probes,
- SDS 10 % 83, 104, 250, 287 see Determination of specific activity of
- sequencing reaction mix for cycle radioactive probes
sequencing 391
- sodium acetate 3 M, pH 7.5 37, 83 T
- sodium acetate 3 M, pH 5.2 127 T4 polynucleotide kinase, see Enzymes
- solution I, for plasmid isolation 104 T4 DNA ligase, see Enzymes
- solution II for plasmid isolat ion 104 Tables,
- SSC (10 x ) 213, 235, 244 - Amount of synthesized digoxigenin-
- SSC (20 x ) 242, 250, 278, 287 labeled DNA using random a hexanu-
- SSPE solution for hybridization 228 cleotide priming method 198
- stripping solution 258 Comparison of features of uniformly
- transformation solution for labeled probes prepared by different
electroporation (lOx) 354 methods 194
- Triton X (NP40) solution for PCR 417 Composition of typical prokaryotic and
- washing solution I (hybridization) eukaryotic cells 2
251, 287 Expected DNA yields in large scale
- washing solution II (hybridization) DNA purification procedures of differ-
251, 288 ent cells types 3
- X-gal solution 355 Extinction coefficients for double-
Southern blot hybridization, see Hybri- stranded DNA and proteins 24
dization and also Southern blot transfer Hybridization buffers and hybridiza-
- outline of the procedures 249 tion solutions presently in use 228
- materials 249- 252 Manufacturers and properties of nylon
- protocol for hybridization oven membranes 231
252-255 Migration of DNA fragments in relation
- protocol for plastic bags 255 - 258 to bromophenol blue dye 167
- repro bing, stripping the membrane Migration of DNA fragments in relation
258-259 to xylene cyanol dye 170
- results 259, 260 Mobility of RNA molecules in relation
- troubleshooting high background to bromophenol blue dye in SeaKem LE
261-262 agarose gels 275

Preparation of DIG-dUTP mixture TE buffer, see Buffers

203 TPE buffer, see Buffers
- Ratio jli for plasmid and insert for liga- TTE buffer, see Buffers and TAE buffer
tion reaction with dephosphorylated Transcription buffer, see Buffers
2.68 kbp vector 312
- Relation between the number of viable W
bacterial cells and A600 366 washing buffer (buffer A) 213,251,288
- Salts used in DNA precipitation 18 washing buffer for polyA+ RNA isola-
Suggested agarose concentration and tion 150
field strength for optimal resolution washing solution for radioactive
of DNA fragments 166 samples 216
- Suggested SeaKem agarose concentra-
tions for optimal resolutions of RNA X
molecules 275 xanthogenate buffer 38, 61, 85
TBE buffer, see Buffers

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