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Appointment Letter

7th May, 2012

Paresh Patel
255, Bhagirath Society-1,
Nr. Shriji School,
L.H. Road, Surat – 395006.


Dear Paresh,

This has reference to your application and subsequent interviews you have had with APPOLUTION
function based at in our campus. Your employment will be governed by the following terms and conditions:

1. Monthly Gross Salary

You will be paid a monthly gross salary of Rs. 10000/-(Ten Thousand Only) per month.

2. Working Hours
Your working hours will be 02:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. as per the current company policy. The company observes a
6 day work week.

3. Date of Appointment
Your date of appointment as per company records is 07th May 2012.

4. Salary Increase
Increase in your salary will be reviewed periodically as per the policy of the Company. Increments in the salary
range will be minimum 10% every year.

5. Probation Period
You will be on probation for a period of One year from the date of your appointment. On satisfactory completion
of the probation period, you will be confirmed in service.
If not confirmed after six months, this order will continue to be in operation, and the probation period will stand
extended automatically till further notice.

6. Leave
You will be governed by the current Leave Policy of the company for permanent employees.

7. Travel
Whenever you are required to undertake travel on Company work, you will be reimbursed travel expenses as per
Company rules.

8. Responsibilities
In view of your office, you must effectively perform to ensure results. Your performance would be reviewed as
per the Company’s Performance Management System. You like to take care of all the IT related work.

9. Retirement Age
The normal retirement age for all employees is 60 years.
10. Notice Period
While on probation, this appointment may be terminated by either side by giving one month notice, or one month
salary in lieu of notice period.

On confirmation, this appointment may be terminated by either side by giving one months’ notice or one months’
salary in lieu of notice period.

Should you resign after confirmation, the Company will have the option to accept your resignation either with
immediate effect, and pay you three months’ salary in lieu of notice period or accept it effective any day up to the
end of the notice period and pay you salary for the remaining period from the acceptance of resignation till the end
of the notice period.

11. Transfer
You will be liable to be transferred to any other department or establishment or branch or subsidiary of the
Company in India or abroad. In such a case, you will be governed by the terms and conditions of service as
applicable to the new assignment.

12. Other work

Your position with the Company calls for whole time employment and you will devote yourself exclusively to the
business of the Company. You will not take up any other work for remuneration (part time or otherwise) or work
on advisory capacity or be interested directly or indirectly (except as shareholder or debenture holder) in any other
trade or business during your employment with the Company, without written permission from the Company.

13. Conflict of Interest

You will not seek full time or part time job or be involved in any way with competitor’s business activities either
directly or indirectly during your employment with the Company, and for a period of 12 months in the event of
cessation of your employment with the Company.

14. Confidential Information

You will not, at any time, without the consent of the Company disclose or divulge or make public except under
legal obligation, any information regarding Company’s affairs of administration or research carried out, whether
the same may be confided to you or become known to you, in the course of your service or otherwise.

15. Contract/Bond with Previous Employers.

It will be your personal responsibility to discharge all obligations arising out of any contract or bond with previous

16. On termination
On termination of this contract, you will immediately give up to the Company all correspondence, specifications,
formulae, books, documents, market data, cost data, literature, drawings, effect or records, etc. belonging to the
Company or relating to its business and shall not make or retain any copies of these items.

17. General
The above terms and conditions are based on Company Policy, Procedures and other Rules and Regulations
currently applicable to the Company’s employees and are subject to amendments and adjustments from time to
Please communicate your acceptance of this appointment by signing a copy of this letter and returning it to us.

We welcome you to the APPVOLUTION TECHNOLOGIES family and company we will have a long and
mutually rewarding association.

Yours faithfully,

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