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Pulse Policy Secure

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Product Release 5.1

Document Revision 1.0

Published: 2015-02-10

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Pulse Secure, LLC
2700 Zanker Road, Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95134
© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Pulse Secure and the Pulse Secure logo are trademarks of Pulse Secure, LLC in the United States. All other trademarks, service marks, registered
trademarks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Pulse Secure, LLC assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Pulse Secure, LLC reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or
otherwise revise this publication without notice.
Pulse Policy Secure Monitoring and Troubleshooting

The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.


The Pulse Secure product that is the subject of this technical documentation consists of (or is intended for use with) Pulse Secure software. Use of such
software is subject to the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement (“EULA”) posted at By
downloading, installing or using such software, you agree to the terms and conditions of that EULA.

ii © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Table of Contents
About the Documentation .............................................................................................ix
Documentation and Release Notes ................................................................................ ix
Supported Platforms ......................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Conventions ....................................................................................... ix
Documentation Feedback ........................................................................................... xi
Requesting Technical Support .................................................................................... xi
Self-Help Online Tools and Resources................................................................ xii
Opening a Case with PSGSC............................................................................................ xii

Part 1 Overview
Chapter 1 Logging and Monitoring ............................................................................................ 3
Logging and Monitoring Overview....................................................................................... 3
Log File Overview .......................................................................................................... 3
Log File Severity Levels .............................................................................................................4
Custom Filter Log Files ....................................................................................................... 4
Dynamic Log Filters ............................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2 System Status................................................................................................................ 7
Using the System Status Page ........................................................................................................7
Viewing System Capacity Utilization .................................................................... 7
Specifying Time Range and Data to Display in Graphs ........................................... 8
Configuring Graph Appearance ....................................................................................... 8
Downloading the Current Service Package ................................................................ 9
Chapter 3 Pulse Policy Secure Series Devices .................................................................................... 11
Troubleshooting Overview ............................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 4 TCP Dump Files and Filter Expressions ............................................................... 13
Using TCP Dump Files ...................................................................................................................... 13
Using TCPDump Filter Expressions ........................................................................................ 13
Chapter 5 Network Connectivity Tools................................................................................................ 15
Using Network Connectivity Tools .................................................................................................... 15
Using the Kerberos Debugging Tool ................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 6 RADIUS Diagnostic Log .............................................................................................. 17
About the RADIUS Diagnostic Log ............................................................................................... 17

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved iii

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Part 2 Configuration
Chapter 7 Logging and Monitoring .......................................................................................... 21
Configuring Log Monitoring Features ......................................................................................... 21
Configuring Events, User Access, Admin Access, and Sensor Logs........................ 21
Specifying Which Events to Save in the Log File....................................................... 22
Specifying Which Events to Save in the Log File....................................................... 22
Creating, Editing, or Deleting Log Filters ...................................................................... 23
Creating Custom Filters and Formats for Your Log Files .........................................24
Chapter 8 Clustering .................................................................................................................27
Configuring Cluster Group Communication Monitoring ............................................... 27
Configuring Cluster Network Connectivity Monitoring ..................................................28

Part 3 Administration
Chapter 9 User Sessions.......................................................................................................... 31
Viewing and Deleting User Sessions .....................................................................................31
Chapter 10 SNMP Agent ................................................................................................................. 33
Configuring the SNMP Agent ..................................................................................................33
Chapter 11 System Statistics........................................................................................................... 41
Viewing System Statistics....................................................................................................... 41
Displaying Hardware Health Status ...................................................................................... 41
Chapter 12 Active Users ........................................................................................................... 45
Monitoring Active Users ........................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 13 Clusters .......................................................................................................................... 47
Monitoring Cluster Nodes........................................................................................................ 47
Monitoring Cluster Group Communication .................................................................. 48
Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity ....................................................................... 48

Part 4 Troubleshooting
Chapter 14 Events ............................................................................................................................. 53
Tracking Events ..........................................................................................................................53
Tracking Events Using Policy Tracing ......................................................................................... 53
Chapter 15 Snapshots .....................................................................................................................55
Creating Snapshots of the Pulse Policy Secure Series Device System State............ 55
Creating Snaphots .................................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 16 Dump Files ................................................................................................................... 59
Creating TCP Dump Files ........................................................................................................ 59
Chapter 17 Network Connectivity Tools................................................................................................... 61
Using UNIX Commands to Test Network Connectivity.................................................... 61
Chapter 18 Debugging Tools and Logs ...................................................................................... 63
Running Debugging Tools Remotely .................................................................................... 63
Creating Debugging Logs ........................................................................................................ 63

iv © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Table of Contents

Chapter 19 RADIUS Diagnostic Logs .......................................................................................... 65

Using the RADIUS Diagnostic Log .........................................................................................65

Part 5 Index

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved v

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vi © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

List of Tables
About the Documentation ............................................................................... ix
Table 1: Notice Icons ..................................................................................................................... x
Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions ................................................................................ x

Part 1 Overview
Chapter 4 TCP Dump Files and Filter Expressions ............................................................... 13
Table 3: Examples of TCPDump Filter Expressions...........................................................13
Chapter 5 Network Connectivity Tools................................................................................................ 15
Table 4: Useful UNIX Commands ...................................................................................... 15

Part 3 Administration
Chapter 10 SNMP Agent ................................................................................................................. 33
Table 5: Configuration Objects ...............................................................................................35
Chapter 11 System Statistics........................................................................................................... 41
Table 6: Hardware Status Information ............................................................................... 41
Table 7: RAID and Hard Drive Status for Pulse Policy Secure Series Devices ................ 42
Table 8: RAID and Hard Drive Status for the MAG-SM360 .......................................... 42

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved vii

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viii © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

About the Documentation

 Documentation and Release Notes on page ix

 Supported Platforms on page ix
 Documentation Conventions on page ix
 Documentation Feedback on page xi
 Requesting Technical Support on page xi

Documentation and Release Notes

To obtain the latest version of all Pulse Secure technical documentation, see the
product documentation page at

Supported Platforms

For the features described in this document, the following platforms are supported:

 IC4500

 IC6500 FIPS


 MAG Series

Documentation Conventions

Table 1 on page x defines notice icons used in this guide.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved ix

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Table 1: Notice Icons

Informational note Indicates important features or instructions.

Warning Alerts you to the risk of personal injury or death.

Table 2 on page x defines the text and syntax conventions used in this guide.

Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions

Bold text like this Represents text that you type. To enter configuration mode, type
theconfigure command:

user@host> configure

Fixed-width text like this Represents output that appears on the user@host> show chassis alarms
terminal screen.
No alarms currently active

Italic text like this  Introduces or emphasizes important  A policy term is a named structure
new terms. that defines match conditions and
 Identifies book names. actions.
 Junos OS System Basics Configuration
 Identifies RFC and Internet draft titles.
 RFC 1997, BGP Communities Attribute

Italic text like this Represents variables (options for which Configure the machine’s domain name:
you substitute a value) in commands or
configuration statements. [edit]
root@# set system domain-name

Text like this Represents names of configuration  To configure a stub area, include the
statements, commands, files, and stub statement at the[edit protocols
directories; configuration hierarchy levels; ospf area area-id] hierarchy level.
or labels on routing platform  The console port is labeled CONSOLE.

< > (angle brackets) Enclose optional keywords or variables. stub <default-metric metric>;

x © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

x © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved
About the Documentation

Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions (continued)

| (pipe symbol) Indicates a choice between the mutually broadcast | multicast

exclusive keywords or variables on either
side of the symbol. The set of choices is (string1 | string2 | string3)
often enclosed in parentheses for clarity.

# (pound sign) Indicates a comment specified on the rsvp { # Required for dynamic MPLS only
same line as the configuration statement
to which it applies.

[ ] (square brackets) Enclose a variable for which you can community name members [
substitute one or more values. community-ids ]

Indention and braces ( { } ) Identify a level in the configuration [edit]

hierarchy. routing-options {
static {
route default {
; (semicolon) Identifies a leaf statement at a
nexthop address;
configuration hierarchy level.


J-W eb GUI Conventions

Bold text like this Represents J-Web graphical user  In the Logical Interfaces box, select
interface (GUI) items you click or select. All Interfaces.
 To cancel the configuration, click

> (bold right angle bracket) Separates levels in a hierarchy of J-Web In the configuration editor hierarchy,
selections. select Protocols>Ospf.

Documentation Feedback

We encourage you to provide feedback, comments, and suggestions so that we can

improve the documentation. You can send your comments to
[email protected].

Requesting Technical Support

Technical product support is available through the Pulse Secure Global Support Center (PSGSC).
If you have a support contract, then file a ticket with PSGSC.

 Product warranties—For product warranty information, visit

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Self-Help Online Tools and Resources

For quick and easy problem resolution, Pulse Secure, LLC has designed an online self-service
portal called the Customer Support Center (CSC) that provides you with the following features:

 Find CSC offerings:

 Search for known bugs:

 Find product documentation:

 Find solutions and answer questions using our Knowledge Base:

 Download the latest versions of software and review release notes:

 Search technical bulletins for relevant hardware and software notifications:

 Open a case online in the CSC Case Management tool:

To verify service entitlement by product serial number, use our Serial Number Entitlement
(SNE) Tool:

Opening a Case with PSGSC

You can open a case with PSGSC on the Web or by telephone.

 Use the Case Management tool in the PSGSC at

 Call 1-888-314-5822 (toll-free in the USA, Canada, and Mexico).

For international or direct-dial options in countries without toll-free numbers, see

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2 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


 Logging and Monitoring on page 3
 System Status on page 7
 Pulse Policy Secure Series Devices on page 11
 TCP Dump Files and Filter Expressions on page 13
 Network Connectivity Tools on page 15
 RADIUS Diagnostic Log on page 17

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2 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Logging and Monitoring

 Logging and Monitoring Overview on page 3

Logging and Monitoring Overview

This topic provides an overview of log files and log features. It includes the following

 Log File Overview on page 3

 Log File Severity Levels on page 4
 Custom Filter Log Files on page 4
 Dynamic Log Filters on page 5

Log File Overview

The Pulse Policy Secure Series device provides logging and monitoring capabilities
to help you track events and user activities. This chapter describes the various
logging and monitoring features included with the Pulse Policy Secure Series device.

Pulse Policy Secure Series device log files are text files stored on an Pulse Policy
Secure Series device appliance that track system events. An Pulse Policy Secure
Series device appliance produces the following types of log files:

 Events log—Contains a variety of system events, such as session timeouts (including

idle and maximum length session timeouts), system errors and warnings, requests to
check server connectivity, and Pulse Policy Secure Series device service restart
notifications. (The Pulse Policy Secure Series device Watchdog process periodically
checks the Pulse Policy Secure Series device server and restarts it if the Pulse Policy
Secure Series device does not respond)

 User Access log—Contains information about when users access the appliance,
including the number of simultaneous users at each one hour interval (logged on the
hour) and user sign-ins and sign-outs.

 Administrator Access log—Contains administration information, including administrator

changes to user, system, and network settings, such as changes to session timeouts
and machine and server information. It also creates a log entry whenever an
administrator signs in, signs out, or changes licenses on the appliance.

The Log and Monitoring pages let you specify which events are logged, the maximum
file size for the system log, and whether to log events to the syslog server in addition
to logging them locally. The Log and Monitoring pages also let you view the specified
number of events, save the log files to a network, and clear the logs.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 3

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

When one of the logs reaches the configured maximum log file size (200 MB is the
default), the current data is rolled over to a backup log file. A new, empty, file is then
created for all subsequent (new) log messages. Using the log viewer, the administrator
can see the most recent 5000 log messages (the display limit). If the current log file
contains fewer than 5000 log messages, older log messages from the backup log file
are displayed, up to a total of 5000 log messages. This makes the log files appear as
one, even though they are stored separately.

When you save the log messages or use the FTP archive function, the backup log file
is appended to the current log file, and is then downloaded as one log file. If the log files
are not archived or saved by the time they are rolled over again, the oldest log
messages (saved in the backup log file) are lost.

Additionally, you can use a network management tool such as HP OpenView to monitor
an Pulse Policy Secure Series device appliance as an SNMP agent. The Pulse Policy
Secure Series device platform supports SNMPv2, implements a private MIB, and
defines its own traps. To enable the network management station to process these
traps, you need to download the Pulse Secure MIB file and specify the appropriate
information to receive the traps. You can configure some of the traps to suit your

To monitor vital system statistics, such as CPU utilization, load the UC-Davis MIB file
into your SNMP manager application. You can obtain the MIB file from

Log File Severity Levels

The events, user access, and administrator access log files rank events according to
the following conventions:

 Critical (severity level 10)—When the Pulse Policy Secure Series device cannot
serve user and administrator requests or loses functionality to a majority of
subsystems, it writes a critical event to the log.

 Major (severity levels 8-9)—When the Pulse Policy Secure Series device loses
functionality in one or more subsystems but users can still access the appliance
for other access mechanisms, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device writes a
major event to the log.

 Minor (severity levels 5-7)—When the Pulse Policy Secure Series device
encounters an error that does not correspond to a major failure in a subsystem, it
writes a minor event to the log. Minor events generally correspond to individual
request failures.

 Info (severity levels 1-4)—When the Pulse Policy Secure Series device displays a
notification message, when a user makes a request, or when an administrator
makes a modification, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device writes an informational
event to the log.

Custom Filter Log Files

The Pulse Policy Secure Series device allows you to filter and format the data in your
events, user access, and administrator access log files.

4 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 1: Logging and Monitoring

When you filter log files, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device saves only the
messages that are specified within the filter query. For example, you might create a
query that logs entries for a particular range of IP addresses or for users who are
signed in to a specific realm. To create a query, use the custom expression language.

When you format log files, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device simply changes the
“look” of the log messages based on your specifications. Log formats do not affect
which data the device saves. Formats affect only how the appliance displays the data.
An Pulse Policy Secure Series device includes standard, WELF, W3C log formats, but
you can also create your own custom format using log fields.

There is also a RADIUS Accounting Filter. This filter allows only the accounting log
message, and it puts the entire message in a comma separated list. The order of the
filtered message is: Date, Time, User, Realm, "List of Roles", NAS-ID, Acct-Status,
Auth-Type, Attr-Value1, Attr-Value2, Attr-Value3.

Accounting attribute messages are different from authentication attribute messages in

that the attribute name is not printed in the log message, but a comma is inserted for
every attribute to be logged, even if it is not present.

Dynamic Log Filters

You can quickly change the log view by clicking on any data log variable link in the
currently viewed log. For instance, to temporarily view the User Access Log based on a
particular IP address, create a quick filter by clicking any occurrence of that IP address
in the current log. The Pulse Policy Secure Series device immediately redraws the log
to show all entries containing the specified IP address. Furthermore, clicking on
additional data log variable links expands the quick filter and updates the current view
of the log.

As with custom log filters, dynamic log filters change only the current view of the log —
not the data that the Pulse Policy Secure Series device saves. Although quick filters act
as temporary filter agents, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device gives you the option
of saving the temporary query strings as new custom filters.

Related Viewing and Deleting User Sessions on page 31

Documentation Configuring Log Monitoring Features on page 21

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6 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


System Status

 Using the System Status Page on page 7

Using the System Status Page

When you sign in to the admin console, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device displays
the System > Status page, showing the Overview tab. This tab summarizes details
about the Pulse Policy Secure Series device server and system users. When you make
changes on other admin console pages, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device updates
corresponding information on the Overview tab. This tab is the home page for all
administrators, including delegated administrators without read or write access to the
System > Status tabs.

This topic describes how to use and customize the system status page. It includes the
following information:

 Viewing System Capacity Utilization on page 7

 Specifying Time Range and Data to Display in Graphs on page 8
 Configuring Graph Appearance on page 8
 Downloading the Current Service Package on page 9

Viewing System Capacity Utilization

The Central Management dashboard provides system capacity utilization graphs that
allow you to easily view and understand how much of your system capacity you are
using on a regular basis.

To use this information for data reporting elsewhere, export it as an XML file using
options on the Maintenance > Import/Export > Configuration page.

These graphs are displayed in the System > Status > Overview tab when you open the
admin console, and allow you to easily view:

 Concurrent Users—This graph shows the number of users signed into the Pulse
Policy Secure Series device. In clustered environments, the graph includes two lines.
The first line displays the number of local users signed into the node selected from
the list and the second line displays the number concurrent users signed into the
entire cluster.
 Hits Per Second—This graph shows the number of hits currently being processed by
the Pulse Policy Secure Series device. In a clustered environment, you may select an
Pulse Policy Secure Series device from the list to determine which node’s data is
displayed in the graph. The graph includes four lines: number of hits, number of Web
hits, number of file hits, and number of client/server hits.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 7

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

 CPU and Virtual (Swap) Memory Utilization—This graph shows the percentage of the
CPU and available memory currently being used. In a clustered environment, you may
select an Pulse Policy Secure Series device from the list to determine which node’s
data is displayed in the graph.

 Throughput—This graph shows the amount of data (in KB) currently being processed.
In a clustered environment, you may select an Pulse Policy Secure Series device from
the list to determine which node’s data is displayed in the graph. The graph includes
four lines: external in, external out, internal in, and internal out.

You may also use the Page Settings window to configure which graphs the Pulse Policy
Secure Series device displays in the dashboard and the period of time that the Pulse
Policy Secure Series device tracks.

To download the graph data to an XML file:

1. In the admin console, select System > Status > Overview.

2. Click the Download link that corresponds to the graph that you want to download.

3. Click Save, specify the directory where you want to save the XML file, and click Save.

Specifying Time Range and Data to Display in Graphs

You can specify the time range and other data to display in the graphs.

1. In the admin console, select System > Status > Overview.

2. Click Page Settings.

3. Select which utilization graphs to display.

4. Select the range of time that you want to plot in the graphs. Graphing intervals
range from 1 hour to 1 year.

5. Indicate how often you want to refresh the graphs.

6. Click Save Changes.

Configuring Graph Appearance

You can specify colors and line weights, to change the appearance of the graphs on the
Status page.

1. In the admin console, select System > Status > Overview.

2. Click the Edit link that corresponds to the graph that you want to modify.

3. Use settings in the Graph Settings dialog box to edit the background color, graph line
colors, text color, line color, and line width displayed in the graph.
4. Click Save Changes.

8 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 2: System Status

The dashboard for the Pulse Policy Secure Series device allows you to easily view the
last 10 critical system events. Using the Event Monitor window, you can quickly access
and address any critical system problems. Once you have opened the Event Monitor
window, you may keep it open and continually monitor system events while navigating
through the admin console to perform standard maintenance and configuration tasks.

To quickly review critical system events:

1. In the admin console, select System > Status > Overview.

2. Click Critical Events. The Event Monitor window displays the severity and message
of any critical events recorded in the system’s log file.

3. (Optional) Click Refresh to view the most up-to-date events.

4. (Optional) Click See All to navigate to the System > Log/Monitoring > Events >
Log tab, where all events—ranging from informational to critical—are displayed.

Downloading the Current Service Package

You can download the service package currently installed on the Pulse Policy Secure
Series device for backup and to install it onto another Pulse Policy Secure Series

1. In the admin console, select System > Status > Overview.

2. Click Download Package.

3. Click Save.

4. Specify a name and location for the service package.

5. Click Save.

Related Configuring Log Monitoring Features on page 21


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Pulse Policy Secure Series Devices

 Troubleshooting Overview on page 11

Troubleshooting Overview

The Pulse Policy Secure Series device provides several troubleshooting utilities that
enable you to monitor the state of your system, including clusters. Follow the Related
Documentation links for an overview of the troubleshooting tasks you can perform with
the Pulse Policy Secure Series device.

Related Tracking Events on page 53

Documentation Creating Snapshots of the Pulse Policy Secure Series Device System State on page 55

Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

Using Network Connectivity Tools on page 15

Running Debugging Tools Remotely on page 63

About the RADIUS Diagnostic Log on page 17

Monitoring Cluster Nodes on page 47

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 11

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

12 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


TCP Dump Files and Filter Expressions

 Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

 Using TCPDump Filter Expressions on page 13

Using TCP Dump Files

The Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Tools > TCP Dump tab allows you to sniff
network packet headers and save the results in an encrypted dump file that you can
download to a network machine and then e-mail to Pulse Secure Support.

This feature uses the TCP/IP network stack to capture packets at the TCP layer. It
captures all communication that passes through the Pulse Policy Secure Series device.
However, certain encrypted higher level protocols cannot be decrypted. This feature is
useful for troubleshooting common customer problems. A TCP dump file helps the Pulse
Secure Support team observe the communication protocols used between Pulse Policy
Secure Series device and any other intranet server and how the intranet server
responded to requests from the Pulse Policy Secure Series device.

On the admin console, you can select which interface you want to capture packets from,
whether internal or external, you can select promiscuous mode, which increases the level
of detail in the dump file, and you can specify a filter.

Related Creating TCP Dump Files on page 59


 Using TCPDump Filter Expressions on page 13

 Tracking Events on page 53

Using TCPDump Filter Expressions

Table 3: Examples of TCPDump Filter Expressions

tcp port 80 Sniffs packets on TCP port 80.

ip Sniffs the IP protocol.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 13

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Table 3: Examples of TCPDump Filter Expressions (continued)

dst #.#.#.# Sniffs the destination IP address specified, where

#.#.#.# is a valid IP address.

port 80 or port 443 Sniffs on port 80 or port 443.

tcp port 80 or port 443 and dst #.#.#.# and This example shows how to specify multiple
src #.#.#.# parameters to create a filter that sniffs on TCP port
80, or on TCP or UDP port 443, and on the
destination and source ports, where each #.#.#.#
represents a valid IP address.

Related Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

Documentation Creating TCP Dump Files on page 59

14 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Network Connectivity Tools

 Using Network Connectivity Tools on page 15

 Using the Kerberos Debugging Tool on page 16

Using Network Connectivity Tools

The Commands tab allows you to run UNIX commands, such as arp, ping, traceroute,
and NSlookup, to test Pulse Policy Secure Series device network connectivity. You can
use these connectivity tools to see the network path from the Pulse Policy Secure
Series device to a specified server. Table 4 on page 15 describes these commands.

Table 4: Useful UNIX Commands

arp Use the arp command to map IP network addresses to the hardware addresses. The Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) allows you to resolve hardware addresses.

To resolve the address of a server in the network, a client process on the Pulse Policy Secure Series
device sends information about its unique identity to a server process executed on a server in the intranet.
The server process then returns the required address to the client process.

traceroute Use the traceroute command to discover the path that a packet takes from the Pulse Policy Secure
Series device to another host. Traceroute sends a packet to a destination server and receives an ICMP
TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along its path. The TIME_EXCEEDED responses and
other data are recorded and displayed in the output, showing the round-trip path of the packet.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 15

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Related  Using UNIX Commands to Test Network Connectivity on page 61


Using the Kerberos Debugging Tool

Problem You can use the Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Tools > Kerberos page in the
admin console to query the host name of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)
for any realm the Access Control Service uses. You might want to do this to verify a
valid configuration and rule out Kerberos as the source of an issue you are

Solution To use the Kerberos troubleshooting tool.

1. In the admin GUI, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Tools > Kerberos.

2. Select the Probe Kerberos DNS Setup option.

3. Specify the realm name and the fully qualified domain name for the site in the
respective Kerberos Realm and Site text boxes.

4. Click Run.

The Access Control Service runs the probe and returns results to the Output region of
the page, for example:

KDCs for realm,
Operation complete

Microsoft: Kerberos Key Distribution Center

Documentation Using Kerberos SSO

16 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


RADIUS Diagnostic Log

 About the RADIUS Diagnostic Log on page 17

About the RADIUS Diagnostic Log

The RADIUS Troubleshooting Log allows you to view the full suite of RADIUS logging
features, including traffic trace and debug-level messages. In releases earlier than 2.2,
these logs were available only in an encrypted format that required decryption by Pulse

The RADIUS Troubleshooting Log monitors all requests that the Pulse Policy Secure
Series device receives from RADIUS clients. RADIUS requests that the Pulse Policy
Secure Series device initiates do not appear in the log.

Raw traffic is not available in the log. To view raw traffic, use the tcpdump feature.

You can configure the maximum size of the log. When the log fills up, logging stops.
You can clear the log to restart logging.

All events that appear in the log have an ID code, and all messages in a thread are
tagged with the same ID. This allows you to track individual logins or login attempts.

The RADIUS Troubleshooting Log is secure, because passwords are suppressed and
do not appear in the logs.

Performance of the Pulse Policy Secure Series device is affected with RADIUS logging
turned on.

Source IP addresses are represented in the RADIUS Troubleshooting Log as

(the loopback address). To determine the real IP address, refer to the Funk-Source-IP-
Address for Layer 3 connections. For Layer 2 connections, the calling station ID is the
MAC address of the endpoint.

See and for more information about RADIUS
logs. When referring to external information, note that EAP-JUAC is a Juniper
Networks protocol. External references do not mention EAP-JUAC.

Related Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

Documentation Using the RADIUS Diagnostic Log on page 65

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 17

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

18 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


 Logging and Monitoring on page 21
 Clustering on page 27

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 19

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

20 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Logging and Monitoring

 Configuring Log Monitoring Features on page 21

Configuring Log Monitoring Features

This topic describes how to configure log monitoring features. Log monitoring features
enable you to monitor events, user access, and administrator access logs, which you
can filter and save for later review. Additionally, the Pulse Policy Secure Series device
allows you to use SNMP to monitor its activities and provides statistics and client-side
logs for applications such as Host Checker and OAC. This topic provides the following

 Configuring Events, User Access, Admin Access, and Sensor Logs on page 21
 Specifying Which Events to Save in the Log File on page 22
 Specifying Which Events to Save in the Log File on page 22
 Creating, Editing, or Deleting Log Filters on page 23
 Creating Custom Filters and Formats for Your Log Files on page 24

Configuring Events, User Access, Admin Access, and Sensor Logs

You can log files, create dynamic queries, specify which events to save in the log files,
and create custom filters and formats.

The events, user access, and admin access logs are three distinct files. Although the
basic configuration instructions for each is the same, modifying the settings for one
does not affect settings for another

To save, view, or clear the events log file:

1. In the admin console, select System > Log/Monitoring.

2. Select Events, User Access, Admin Access, or Sensors, and then select Log.

3. In the View by filter list, select the custom filter that the Pulse Policy Secure
Series device should use to filter data.

4. Enter a number in the Show field and select Update to change the number
of log entries that the Pulse Policy Secure Series device displays at one

5. Click Save Log As, navigate to the desired network location, enter a file
name, and then select Save to manually save the log file.

To save all log files, click Save All Logs. The Pulse Policy Secure Series device
prompts you for a location where it saves the log files in one compressed file. You can
access the Save All Logs button from any one of the three log tabs.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 21

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

6. Click Clear Log to clear the local log and log.old file.

When you clear the local log, events recorded by the syslog server are not affected.
Subsequent events are recorded in a new local log file.

Specifying Which Events to Save in the Log File

To create, reset, or save a dynamic log filter query:

1. In the admin console, select System > Log/Monitoring.

2. Select the Events, User Access, Admin Access, or Sensors tab, and then select

3. Click on any data log variable link in the current log. The log immediately
redraws based on the chosen variable.

4. (Optional) Continue adding variables in the same manner. Each data log variable
link you select adds an additional variable to the Edit Query text field and the log
updates with each added variable.

5. (Optional) Click the Reset Query button to clear the Edit Query text field and
reset the log to the view determined by the filter specified in the View by filter

6. (Optional) Click the Save Query button to save the dynamic log query as a
custom filter. The Filters tab displays with the Query field prepopulated with the
variables you selected from the log. Next:

a. Enter a name for the filter.

b. (Optional) the new filter the default filter by selecting Make default.

c. Set the start and end dates for the filter:

 In the Start Date section, click Earliest Date to write all logs from the first
available date stored in the log file. Or, manually enter a start date

 In the End Date section, click Latest Date to write all logs up to the last
available date stored in the log file. Or, manually enter a end date.

7. Select a format in the Export Format section.

8. Select the Save button to save the new filter.

Specifying Which Events to Save in the Log File

Use options in the Settings tab to specify what the Pulse Policy Secure Series device
writes to the log file, which syslog servers it uses to store the log files, and the maximum
file size.

You may also use the Archiving page to automatically save the logs to an FTP accessible

22 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 7: Logging and Monitoring

To specify events log settings:

1. In the admin console, select System > Log/Monitoring.

2. Select Events, User Access, Admin Access, or Sensors tab, and then select

3. In the Maximum Log Size field, specify the maximum file size for the local log file. (The
limit is 500 MB.) The system log displays data up to the amount specified.

Maximum Log Size is an internal setting that most closely corresponds with the size
of logs formatted with the Standard format. If you use a more verbose format such as
WELF, your log files may exceed the limit that you specify here.

4. Under Select Events to Log, select the check box for each type of event that
you want to capture in the local log file.

If you disable the Statistics check box in the Events Log tab, the Pulse Policy Secure
Series device does not write statistics to the log file, but continues to display them in
the System > Log/Monitoring > Statistics tab.

5. (Optional) Under Syslog Servers, enter information about the syslog servers
where you want to store your log files:

a. Enter the name or IP address of the syslog server

b. Enter a facility for the server. The Pulse Policy Secure Series device
provides 8 facilities (LOCAL0-LOCAL7) which you can map to facilities
on your syslog server.

c. Choose which filter you want to apply to the log file.

d. Click Add.

e. Repeat for multiple servers if desired, using different formats and filters for
different servers and facilities.

Make sure your syslog server accepts messages with the following settings: facility
= LOG_USER and level = LOG_INFO.

6. Click Save Changes.

Creating, Editing, or Deleting Log Filters

Use the controls on the Filters tab to create custom log filters, or to edit or delete the
following set of pre-defined log filters:

 Standard (default)—This log filter format logs the date, time, node, source IP address,
user, realm, and the Pulse Policy Secure Series device event ID and message.

 WELF—This customized WebTrends Enhanced Log Format (WELF) filter combines

the standard WELF format with information about the Pulse Policy Secure Series
device appliance’s realms, roles, and messages.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 23

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

 WELF-SRC-2.0-Access Report—This filter adds access queries to our customized

WELF filter. You can easily use this filter with NetIQ’s SRC to generate reports on user
access methods.

 W3C—The World Wide Web Consortium’s extended log file format is a customizable
ASCII format with a variety of different fields. Visit for more
information about this format. Only the User Access log offers this filter as an option.

Creating Custom Filters and Formats for Your Log Files

Use options in the Filters tab to specify which data is written to your log files as well as its

1. In the admin console, select System > Log/Monitoring.

2. Select the Events, User Access, Admin Access, or Sensors tab, and then select Filters.

3. Do one of the following:

 To modify an existing filter, click its name.

 To create a new filter, click New Filter.

4. Enter a name for the filter.

If you select a format and then create a new name for it in the Filter Name field, the
Pulse Policy Secure Series device does not create a new custom filter format that is
based on the existing format. Instead, it overwrites the existing format with the
changes you make.

5. Click Make Default to define the selected filter as the default for the log file type. You
may set different default filters for the events, user access, and administrator access

6. Use options in the Query section to control which subset of data the Pulse Policy
Secure Series device writes to the log:

a. In the Start Date section, click Earliest Date to write all logs from the first available
date stored in the log file. Or, manually enter a start date.

b. In the End Date section, click Latest Date to write all logs up to the last available
date stored in the log file. Or, manually enter an end date.

c. In the Query section, use the Pulse Policy Secure Series device custom expression
language to control which subset of data the IC Series device writes to the log.

Any string (including a * wildcard character) you manually enter in a query, must
be enclosed in double-quotes. For example, the query protocol="UDP" AND
sourceip= AND port=* must be presented as protocol="UDP" AND
sourceip= AND port=”*” or the logging component returns an error.

7. Use one of the options the Export Format section to control the format of the data in
the log:

 Select the Standard, WELF, or W3C option to format the log entries using one of
these standardized formats.

24 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 7: Logging and Monitoring

 Select the Custom option and enter the format you want to use in the Format field.
When entering a format, surround variables with percentage symbols (for example
%user%). All other characters in the field are treated as literals.

8. Click Save Changes.

Related Viewing and Deleting User Sessions on page 31


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Monitoring and Troubleshooting

26 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved



 Configuring Cluster Group Communication Monitoring on page 27

 Configuring Cluster Network Connectivity Monitoring on page 28

Configuring Cluster Group Communication Monitoring

To enable group communication monitoring:

1. Enter the maximum size for the statistics log.

2. Enter the interval, (in seconds) at which events are to be logged.

3. If you want to monitor all cluster nodes from the current local node, select the
Monitor all cluster nodes from this node check box. If you do not select this
option, the group communication monitor gathers statistics only for the local node.

NOTE: If you select the Monitor all cluster nodes from this node option,
the cluster nodes must be able to communicate over UDP port 6543.

4. Select the Enable group communication monitoring check box to start the
monitoring tool.

5. Click Save Changes.

6. To include the node monitoring results in the system snapshot, select

Maintenance > Troubleshooting > System Snapshot, and select the Include
debug log check box.

7. Take a system snapshot to retrieve the results.

Related Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State on page 55


Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity on page 48

Monitoring Cluster Group Communication on page 48

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 27

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Configuring Cluster Network Connectivity Monitoring

To enable network connectivity monitoring:

1. Select the Enable cluster network troubleshooting server check box to enable the
server component.

2. Click Save Changes.

3. On another machine, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Cluster >

Network Connectivity.

4. Perform one of the following steps:

 Select a node from the list.

 Enter the IP address of the server node.

5. Click Go to begin troubleshooting the machine on which the server component

is running.

6. Click the Details link below the fields to view the results.

Related Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity on page 48


28 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


 User Sessions on page 31
 SNMP Agent on page 33
 System Statistics on page 41
 Active Users on page 45
 Clusters on page 47

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 29

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

30 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


User Sessions

 Viewing and Deleting User Sessions on page 31

Viewing and Deleting User Sessions

The configuration page for most IC Series device authentication servers contain a User’s
tab that you can use to view and delete active IC Series device user sessions.
Authentication server types that do not display this tab include:

 Anonymous server—The IC Series device cannot display individual session data about
users who sign in through an anonymous server, because it does not collect usernames
or other credentials for such users.

 Local authentication server—The IC Series device displays a Local Users tab

instead of a User’s tab for local authentication servers, allowing you to add and
delete user accounts instead of user sessions.

For all other types of authentication servers, you can view and delete active user
sessions by using these instructions:

To view or delete an active user session:

1. In the admin console, select Authentication > Auth. Servers.

2. Click the appropriate link in the Authentication/Authorization Servers list.

3. Select the Users tab.

4. Perform any of the following tasks:

 Enter a username in the Show users named field and click Update to search for a
specific user.
 Alternately, you can use an * character as a wildcard, where an * represents

any number of zero or more characters. For example, if you want to search for
all usernames that contain the letters jo, enter *jo* in the Show users named
field. The search is case-sensitive. To display the entire list of accounts again,
either enter an * character, or delete the field’s contents and click Update.
 Enter a number in the Show N users field and click Update to control the

number of users displayed on the page.

 Click the check box for individual users and click Delete to terminate their IC

Series device sessions.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 31

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

You can find several access statistics for any user account on the Users tab in the Last
Access Statistics columns. These columns appear on any of the Users tabs anywhere
they appear in the admin console. The statistics include the last sign-in date and time a
user successfully signed in as well as the browser type and version.

Related Configuring Log Monitoring Features on page 21


32 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


SNMP Agent

 Configuring the SNMP Agent on page 33

Configuring the SNMP Agent

You can use a network management tool such as HP OpenView to monitor the Access
Control Service system as an SNMP agent. The system supports SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol) v2 and SNMPv3, implements a private MIB (management
information base), and defines its own traps. To enable your network management
station to process these traps, you need to download the Pulse Secure MIB file and
specify the appropriate information to receive the traps.

To monitor vital system statistics, such as CPU utilization, load the UC-Davis MIB file into
your SNMP manager application. You can obtain the MIB file from: MIB.txt. The system supports
standard MIB objects, including the system uptime (sysUpTime) object. The system
uptime (sysUpTime) object returns the time elapsed (in hundredths of a second) since the
SNMP agent was started.

The User-Based Security Model (USM) is the default Security Module for SNMPv3.
Access Control Service supports only one user at a time to be registered with an SNMP
engine. Editing the SNMPv3 user attributes overwrite any already registered SNMPv3
user. The SNMPv3 user must have read-only access on all MIBs supported by the
Access Control Service system. SNMPv3 user configuration attributes can also be used
for SNMP traps.

To specify SNMP settings:

1. In the admin console, select System > Log/Monitoring > SNMP.

2. Click the Pulse Secure MIB file link to access the MIB file, and then save the file
from your browser to a network location. For descriptions of the Get and Trap
objects in the MIB file.

3. Under SNMP Version, select v2c or v3.

If you select v3, both queries and traps use SNMPv3.

4. Under Agent Properties enter information in the following fields:

 Enter information in the System Name, System Location, and System Contact
fields that describes the SNMP agent (optional).
 Enter the community string (required only for SNMPv2c).
 To query the system, your network management station must send it the

community string.

 To stop the SNMP system, clear the community field.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 33

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

5. If you selected SNMP version 3, enter the SNMPv3 configuration values:

 Enter the SNMPv3 user name.

 Select the desired security level and enter the following information based on
the level selected.

Auth Protocol NA Select either MD5 Select either MD5

(HMAC-MD5-96) or SHA (HMAC-MD5-96) or SHA
(HMAC-SHA-96). (HMAC-SHA-96).

Priv Protocol NA NA Select either CBC-DES or


6. Under Trap Thresholds, set the values for the following traps (optional).
Setting a threshold value to 0 disables that respective trap.

 Check Frequency

 Log Capacity

 Users

 Memory

 Swap Memory

 Disk

 Meeting Users


7. Under Optional traps, select one or both of the following (optional):

 Critical Log Events

 Major Log Events

34 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 10: SNMP Agent

8. Under SNMP Servers, specify servers to which you want the system to send the
traps that it generates by entering information in the following fields, and then
clicking Add:

 The server’s host name or IP address.

 The port on which the server listens (typically port 162).

 The community string required by the network management station (if applicable).
The community string is applicable only for SNMPv2c.

9. Click Save Changes. If the version is changed from v2 to v3, the system
generates two engine IDs. Both IDs are displayed.

10. At your network management station:

a. Download the Pulse Secure MIB file.

b. Specify the community string required when querying the system (see step 4). The
community string is applicable only for SNMPv2c.

c. Configure the network management software to receive traps.

d. If SNMPv3 is selected, the SNMPv3 user details must be configured as in Step 5


e. The agent engine ID for SNMPv3 queries and trap engine ID must be configured to
receive the SNMPv3 traps for the device, as outlined in Step 9.

Table 5: Configuration Objects

logFullPercent Returns the percentage of the available file size filled by the current log
as a parameter of the logNearlyFull trap.

signedInMailUsers Returns the number of users signed in to the Email client.

authServerName Returns the name of an external authentication server sent by the

externalAuthServerUnreachable trap.

productVersion Returns the software version.

meetingUserCount Returns the number of concurrent meeting users sent by the

meetingUserLimit trap.
© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 35
© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 35
Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Table 5: Configuration Objects (continued)

iveMemoryUtil Returns the percentage of memory utilized by the system at the time of
an SNMP poll. The system calculates this value by dividing the number
of used memory pages by the number of available memory pages.

clusterConcurrentUsers Returns the total number of users logged in for the cluster.

iveFileHits Returns the total number of file hits to the system since last
reboot.Incremented by the web server with each GET/POST
corresponding to a file browser request.

iveAppletHits Returns the total number of applet hits to the system since last
reboot.Incremented by the web server for each GET request for a Java

logName Returns the name of the log (admin/user/event) for the logNearlyFull
and iveLogFull traps.

diskFullPercent Returns the percentage of disk space used in the system for the
iveDiskNearlyFull trap. The system calculates this value by dividing the
number of used disk space blocks by the number of total disk space

ipEntry An entry in the blockedListIP table containing a blocked IP address and

its index (see IPEntry).

36 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 10: SNMP Agent

Table 5: Configuration Objects (continued)

ipIndex Returns the index for the blockedIPList table.

logID Returns the unique ID of the log message sent by the logMessageTrap

logDescription Returns a string sent by the logMessageTrap trap stating whether a log
message is major or critical.

ocspResponderURL Returns the name of an OCSP responder.

psDescription Returns the status of the system power supplies.

iveLogNearlyFull The log file (system, user access, or administrator access) specified by
the logName parameter is nearly full. When this trap is sent, the
logFullPercent (%of log file full) parameter is also sent. You can
configure this trap to be sent at any percentage. To disable this trap, set
the Log Capacity trap threshold to 0%. The trap’s default value is 90%.

NOTE: When SNMP traps are enabled, the iveLogNearlyFull and

iveLogFull traps are sent when the log files are 90% full and 100% full
respectively, even if the threshold is set to 0 (disabled).

iveMaxConcurrentUsersSignedIn Maximum number or allowed concurrent users are currently signed in.
You can configure this trap to be sent at any percentage. To disable this
trap, set the Users trap threshold to 0%. The trap’s default value is

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 37

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Table 5: Configuration Objects (continued)

externalAuthServerUnreachable An external authentication server is not responding to authentication


When the system sends this trap, it also sends the authServerName
(%of log file full) (name of unreachable server) parameter.

iveShutdown The system has just been shut down.

archiveServerUnreachable The system is unable to reach configured FTP or SCP Archive server.

archiveFileTransferFailed The systemis unable to successfully transfer archive to configured FTP

or SCP Archive server. When the system sends this trap, it also sends
the fileName parameter.

iveDiskNearlyFull Supplies notification that the system disk drive is nearly full. When the
system sends this trap, it also sends the diskFullPercent parameter. You
can configure this trap to be sent at any percentage. To disable this trap,
set the Disk trap threshold to 0%. This trap’s default value is 80%.

logMessageTrap The trap generated from a log message. When the system sends this
trap, it also sends the logID, logType, and logDescription parameters.

cpuUtilNotify Supplies notification that the system has met the configured threshold
for CPU utilization. To disable this trap, set the CPU trap threshold to 0.
The threshold is 0%, by default.

38 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

38 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved
Chapter 10: SNMP Agent

Table 5: Configuration Objects (continued)

iveFanNotify Supplied notification that the status of the fans has changed.

iveRaidNotify Supplies notification that the status of the RAID device has changed.

iveNetInternalInterfaceDownTrap (nicEvent) Supplies the type of event that brought down the internal interface. The
nicEvent parameter can contain values of “external” for an external
event and “admin” for an administrative action.

iveClusterChangedVIPTrap(vipType, currentVIP, Supplies the status of a virtual IP for the cluster. The vipType indicates
newVIP) whether the changed VIP was external or internal. The currentVIP
contains the VIP prior to the change, and newVIP contains the VIP after
the change.

iveClusterDelete(nodeName) Supplies the name of the node on which the cluster delete event was

The options for sending SNMP traps for critical and major events are set to OFF by default,
for security purposes.

Related Viewing System Statistics on page 41

Documentation Using the System Status Page on page 7

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 39

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

40 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


System Statistics

 Viewing System Statistics on page 41

 Displaying Hardware Health Status on page 41

Viewing System Statistics

Every hour, the IC Series device logs the peak load of Web users.

The Statistics page displays that information for the past seven days. The IC Series device
writes that information to the system log once a week. Note that upgrading the IC Series
device clears all statistics. If you configure the system to log statistics hourly, however, old
statistics are still available in the log file after an upgrade.

To view system statistics:

1. In the admin console, select System > Log/Monitoring > Statistics.

2. Scroll the page to view all four categories of data.

Related Using XML Configuration Files


Displaying Hardware Health Status

You can use the Maintenance > System > Platform page to display the hardware health
status, including information about hard drives, fans, and power supplies.

To display hardware health status:

1. In the admin GUI, select Maintenance > System > Platform.

2. Review the hardware status information, described in Table 6 on page 41.

Table 6: Hardware Status Information

Hard Disk Status Displays a health statement for the device disk drive. See Table 7 on page 42 and
Table 8 on page 42 for details.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 41

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Table 6: Hardware Status Information (continued)

Power Supply Displays a health statement for the device power supply.

Table 7 on page 42 lists the RAID status and hard drive status for IC Series devices.
Depending on your system, you may or may not see all these possible statuses.

Table 7: RAID and Hard Drive Status for IC Series Devices

Hard Disk RAID is operational Active Active

Hard Disk RAID is in Single Drive Mode Active Missing

Hard Disk RAID has failed Active Failed

Hard Disk RAID is in the process of recovering Reconstructing Active

Hard Disk RAID is in the process of recovering Verifying Active

Hard Disk RAID status is unknown Active Unknown

Not available n/a n/a

Table 8 on page 42 lists all the possible RAID status and hard drive status for the
MAG-SM360. You can also view the RAID and hard drive status in log messages and in
42 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved
Table 8: RAID and Hard Drive Status for the MAG-SM360

Optimal Optimal Optimal

42 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 11: System Statistics

Table 8: RAID and Hard Drive Status for the MAG-SM360 (continued)

Drive 1

Degraded Optimal Rebuilding

Degraded Optimal

Related Understanding Device Status LED Behavior

Replacing a Hard Drive

Replacing a Cooling Fan

Replacing a Power Supply

Using the System Status Page on page 7

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 43

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

44 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Active Users

 Monitoring Active Users on page 45

Monitoring Active Users

You can monitor users signed in to the IC Series device. Each user’s name,
authentication realm, role, Host Checker status, and sign-in time are listed on the Active
Users page.

If a user signs into the IC Series device and then the user’s computer is placed on a VLAN
without an IP address, the IC Series device does not display an IP address under Signed
in IP for the user’s status on the Active Users page.

If there is a NAT device between the user’s computer and the Infranet Enforcer, the IC
Series device displays both the NAT device’s IP address and the endpoint's virtual source
IP address under Signed in IP for the user’s status on the Active Users page. For
example, if the NAT device’s IP address is, and the endpoint’s virtual source
IP address is, the following information is displayed under Signed in IP: ( behind NAT)

Additionally, there is a column for Host Checker status. Endpoint Security Status entries are
updated based on a users policy status.

Next to the security policy status is a‘ ’ button. Clicking this button dynamically lists the
passed and failed policies. A hyperlink that redirects to the policy configuration page is
displayed on policy names. A list of any roles that have been eliminated because of a failure
in security policies is also displayed. Also next to the security policy status is a hyperlink
named Logs. This link redirects to the User Access Logs page, which displays the log
messages for the corresponding session by automatically using the proper filters.

To monitor users signed in to the IC Series device:

1. In the admin console, select System > Status > Active Users.

2. (Optional) Perform these tasks:

 Sign users out of their IC Series device sessions:

 To forcibly sign out one or more end-users or administrators, select the

check box next to the appropriate names and then click Delete Session.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 45

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

 To forcibly sign out all end-users who are currently signed-in, click Delete
All Sessions.
 To forcibly sign out all end-users who are currently signed-in and also
prevent any other users from signing in, click Disable All Users. To allow
users to sign in again after you disable all users, click Enable All Users.

If you want to sign out administrators, you must choose them individually and
use the Delete Session button.

 Perform a dynamic policy evaluation of all signed-in users:

 To manually evaluate all authentication policies, role-mapping rules, role

restrictions, user roles, and resource policies for all currently signed-in users,
click Refresh Roles. Use this button if you make changes to an authentication
policy, role-mapping rules, role restrictions, or resource policies and you want
to immediately refresh the roles of all users.

 Configure which data is shown and its order:

 To display a specific user, enter the username in the Show Users Named
field and click Update. If you do not know the user’s exact username, use the
* wildcard character. For example, if you have a usernamed “Joseph Jones,”
but you do not remember if the username is “Joe” or “Joseph,” enter Jo* in
the Show Users Named field. The IC Series device returns a list of all users
whose usernames start with the letters jo.

 To control how many users and administrators are displayed in the Active
Users page, enter a number in the Show N users field and click Update.

 To sort the table of currently signed-in users and administrators, click a

column header

 To refresh the page’s content, click Update.

 Link to related tabs:

 To edit a user’s authentication realm, click the Realm link next to the name.
 To edit a user’s role, click the Role link next to the name.

Related Understanding User Roles

Understanding Authentication Realms

46 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved



 Monitoring Cluster Nodes on page 47

 Monitoring Cluster Group Communication on page 48
 Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity on page 48

Monitoring Cluster Nodes

If you have a problem with a cluster, a Pulse Secure Support representative may ask you
to create a snapshot that includes node monitoring statistics to assist with debugging the
cluster problem. When you enable the node monitor on the Node Monitor tab, the IC
Series device captures certain statistics specific to the cluster nodes on your system.
Using the resulting snapshot, the support team can identify important data, such as
network statistics and CPU usage statistics.

To enable node monitoring:

1. Select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Monitoring > Node Monitor to enable the
node monitor.

2. Enter the maximum size for the node monitor log.

3. Enter the interval, (in seconds) at which node statistics are to be captured.

4. Select the Node monitoring enabled check box to start monitoring cluster nodes.

5. For Maximum node monitor log size, enter the maximum size (in MB) of the log
file. Valid values in the range of 1 - 30.

6. Specify the interval (in seconds) that defines how often nodes are to be monitored.

7. Select the commands to use to monitor the node.

If you select dsstatdump, enter its parameters as well.

8. Click Save Changes.

9. To include the node monitoring results in the system snapshot, select

Maintenance > Troubleshooting > System Snapshot, and select the Include debug
log check box.

10. Take a system snapshot to retrieve the results.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 47

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Related Monitoring Cluster Group Communication on page 48


Configuring Cluster Group Communication Monitoring on page 27

Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity on page 48

Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State on page 55

Monitoring Cluster Group Communication

If you have a problem with a cluster, a Pulse Secure Support representative might ask
you to create a snapshot that includes group communication statistics to assist with
debugging the cluster problem. When you enable the group communication monitor in the
Group Communication tab, the IC Series device records statistics related to all of the
cluster nodes on your system. As the local node communicates with other nodes in the
cluster, the IC Series device captures statistics related to intra cluster communication.
The Group Communication tab is displayed only when you enable clustering on your
system. On a standalone IC Series device, you do not have access to the Group
Communication tab.

You can also enable the cluster networking troubleshooting server on the Network
Connectivity page.

 Performing excessive node monitoring can impact system performance
and stability. You should only perform extensive monitoring when directed
by your Pulse Secure Support representative.

 Performing log synchronization across cluster nodes can impact your

system performance and stability.

Related Configuring Cluster Group Communication Monitoring on page 27


Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity on page 48

Monitoring Cluster Network Connectivity

If you have a problem with a cluster, a Pulse Secure Support representative might ask
you to enable the cluster node troubleshooting server. When you enable the server on the
Network Connectivity tab, the IC Series device attempts to establish connectivity between
the node on which the server resides and another node you specify. As the nodes
communicate, the IC Series device displays network connectivity statistics on the page.
The Network Connectivity tab is displayed only when you enable clustering on your
system. On a standalone IC Series device, you do not have access to the Network
Connectivity tab.

48 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 13: Clusters

Use the Network Connectivity tab to enable the cluster node troubleshooting server and
to select a node on which to perform troubleshooting tasks. The troubleshooting tool
allows you to determine the network connectivity between cluster nodes.

The server component of this tool runs on the node to which connectivity is being tested.
The client component runs on the node from which connectivity is being tested. The basic
scenario for testing connectivity is this:

 The administrator starts the server component on the passive node.

 The administrator tests the connectivity to the server node from the Active node, by
starting the client component on the active node and then contacting the passive
node running the server component.

NOTE: The server component must be run on nodes that are configured as
either standalone or in a cluster but disabled. Cluster services cannot be
running on the same node as the server component.

Related Configuring Cluster Network Connectivity Monitoring on page 28


© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 49

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

50 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


 Events on page 53
 Snapshots on page 55
 Dump Files on page 59
 Network Connectivity Tools on page 61
 Debugging Tools and Logs on page 63
 RADIUS Diagnostic Logs on page 65

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 51

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

52 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights



 Tracking Events on page 53

 Tracking Events Using Policy Tracing on page 53

Tracking Events

You can determine why your IC Series device does not allow you to accomplish a task by
tracking problematic IC Series device events using the Policy Tracing page accessible from
the admin console, guides you through all the realms, roles, and policies that are currently
configured in the IC Series device and lets you print log messages at various steps of the
authentication, authorization, and access process.
The events in question are related to authentication, authorization, and access for a
particular user. They are driven entirely by what happens during a user session.
These events do not include any other system related events. The IC Series device merely
uses the events as a filtering mechanism to reduce the number of logs and to highlight the

Related Tracking Events Using Policy Tracing on page 53


 Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State on page 55

 Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

Tracking Events Using Policy Tracing

The IC Series device allows you to troubleshoot problems by tracking events when a user
signs into a realm. The Policy Tracing page allows you to record a policy trace file for an
individual user. The IC Series device displays log entries that list the user’s actions and
indicates why that user is allowed or denied access to various functions.

NOTE: User access logs are only reported for policies that are checked under
Events to Log.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 53

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Use this tab if your users are having problems accessing functions they expect to use in
their roles. The events logged in the policy trace file might help you diagnose these

To create a policy trace file:

1. In the admin console, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > User Sessions
> Policy Tracing.

2. In the User field, enter the IC Series device username of the user you want to
trace. You can use a wildcard character (*) in place of a username. For
example, if your users are signing into an anonymous server, you can use the
wildcard character (*) because you cannot know the internal username that the
IC Series device assigns to the user.

3. In the Realm field, select the user’s realm. (The IC Series device does not
allow you to select a realm that maps to an anonymous authentication server.)

4. Under Events to log, select the types of events you want to write to the policy
tracing log file.

5. Click Start Recording. Ask the user to sign in to the IC Series device after
you start recording.

6. Click View Log to see the log entries.

7. Click Stop Recording when you obtain enough information.

8. Review messages in the log file to identify what is causing the unexpected
behavior. If you cannot determine and fix the problem, click Save Log As to save
a copy of the log file to a location on the network. Then, send the file to Pulse
Secure Support for review.

9. Click Clear Log to clear the contents of the log file, or click Delete Trace to
clear the contents of the log file and to remove the default entries from the
username and realm fields.

Related Tracking Events on page 53

Documentation Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State on page 55

Creating TCP Dump Files on page 59

54 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved



 Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State on page 55

 Creating Snaphots on page 56

Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State

The System Snapshot tab allows you to create a snapshot of the IC Series device system
state. When you use this option, the IC Series device runs various utilities to gather
details on the IC Series device system state, such as the amount of memory in use,
paging performance, the number of processes running, system uptime, the number of
open file descriptors, and the ports in use.
You can include or exclude system configuration and debug logs. However, debug logs
are particularly important in the event of a problem. You must set the debug log at a
certain level and add the events list as directed by your Support representative. Recreate
the problem or event and then take a snapshot and send it to Pulse Secure Support. The
debug log is encrypted, so you cannot view it.
When a RADIUS process on an IC Series device stops processing incoming
authentication requests for a time greater than 2 minutes, the RADIUS process aborts
and generates both a process snapshot and a system snapshot.

CAUTION: You can schedule a series of automatic snapshots. You should

enable automatic scheduled snapshots only when asked to do so by Pulse
Secure Support as part of a troubleshooting operation. Enabling this feature
can affect system performance. In most situations, a four-hour snapshot
schedule captures the needed data without impacting system performance. Do
not set a schedule interval of less than 30 minutes as this can affect system

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 55

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

 The IC Series device stores up to ten snapshots, which are packaged in an
encrypted “dump” file that you can download to a network machine and then
e-mail to Pulse Secure Support. If you take more than ten snapshots, the IC
Series device overwrites the oldest snapshot file with the new snapshot. If
the IC Series device runs out of disk space, the IC Series device does not
store the newest snapshot and logs a message in the Event log. Although
the IC Series device compresses the files first and then performs the
encryption to minimize file size, we recommend that you download the
snapshots to a network machine in a timely manner to avoid losing them.

 In a cluster, the snapshot occurs on individual nodes only. The snapshot

settings you specify are not synchronized in all nodes of the cluster.

Related Creating Snaphots on page 56


Tracking Events Using Policy Tracing on page 53

Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

Creating Snaphots

To take a snapshot of the IC Series device system state:

1. In the admin console, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > System Snapshot.

2. (Optional) Select the Include system config check box to include system configuration
information in your snapshot.

3. Select the Include debug log check box to include log file created through the Debug
Log tab in your system snapshot.

4. Click Take Snapshot to manually take a snapshot immediately.

5. To take a snapshot automatically at regular intervals:

a. Select Schedule automatic snapshots. Additional configuration items appear.

b. Specify how often (in hours) you want to take a snapshot.

CAUTION: You should enable automatic scheduled snapshots only

when asked to do so by Pulse Secure Support as part of a
troubleshooting operation. Enabling this feature can affect system
performance. In most situations, a four-hour snapshot schedule captures
the needed data without impacting system performance. Do not set a
schedule interval of less than 30 minutes as this can affect system

56 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

Chapter 15: Snapshots

c. Specify (in MB) the maximum file size of each snapshot.

NOTE: If the size of the snapshot exceeds the maximum file size you
specify, the snapshot fails and the IC Series device logs a message in the
Event log. The IC Series device compresses the files first and then
encryps them to minimize file size.

d. (Optional) If you want to stop taking snapshots at a particular time, specify a

date and time. Otherwise, the periodic snapshots continue until you manually
stop them.

e. If you want to disable debug logs at the stop time you specified, select
Disable debug logs at stop time.

6. Click Save Changes.

7. When the IC Series device finishes taking the snapshot, click the link for the
snapshot listed under Snapshot, click Save, navigate to the folder where you want
to store the snapshot file, and then click Save.

8. e-mail the file to Pulse Secure Support for review.

9. When you are finished, select the snapshot listed under Snapshot and then click
Delete to delete the snapshot.

NOTE: See Performing Common Recovery Tasks with the Serial Console.
This method is useful if you cannot get to the admin console and need to save
the system configuration.

Related Creating Snapshots of the IC Series Device System State on page 55

Documentation Creating Debugging Logs on page 63

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 57

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

58 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Dump Files

 Creating TCP Dump Files on page 59

Creating TCP Dump Files

To sniff network packet headers:

1. In the admin console, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Tools > TCP Dump.

2. Select the IC Series device port on which you want to sniff network packet headers.

3. Turn off Promiscuous mode to sniff only for packets intended for the IC Series

4. (Optional) Create a custom filter using TCPDump Filter Expressions. This

option provides the ability to filter the sniffed network packets so that the
resulting dump file contains only the information you require.

5. Click Start Sniffing.

6. Click Stop Sniffing to stop the sniffing process and create an encrypted file.

7. Click Download to download the file to a network machine.

8. e-mail the file to Pulse Secure Support for review.

Related Using TCP Dump Files on page 13

Documentation Using TCPDump Filter Expressions on page 13

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 59

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

60 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Network Connectivity Tools

 Using UNIX Commands to Test Network Connectivity on page 61

Using UNIX Commands to Test Network Connectivity

To run a UNIX command to test IC Series device network connectivity:

1. In the admin console, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Tools > Commands.

2. In the Command list, select the command to run.

3. In the Target Server field, enter the IP address of the target server.

4. Enter other arguments or options.

5. Click OK to run the command.

Related Using Network Connectivity Tools on page 15


© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 61

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

62 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


Debugging Tools and Logs

 Running Debugging Tools Remotely on page 63

 Creating Debugging Logs on page 63

Running Debugging Tools Remotely

The Pulse Secure Support team can run debugging tools on your production IC Series
device if you configure it to do so. To enable this option, you must work with Pulse Secure
Support to obtain a debugging code and host to which your IC Series device connects.

To enable remote debugging:

1. Contact Pulse Secure Support to set up the terms of a remote debugging session.

2. In the admin console, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Remote Debugging.

3. Enter the debugging code provided by Pulse Secure Support.

4. Enter the host name provided by Pulse Secure Support.

5. Click Enable Debugging to allow the Pulse Secure Support team to access the IC
Series device.

6. Notify Pulse Secure Support that your IC Series device is accessible.

7. Click Disable Debugging when Pulse Secure Support notifies you that the remote
debugging session is over.

Related Creating Debugging Logs on page 63


Creating Debugging Logs

If you have a problem, a Pulse Secure Support representative might ask you to create
debugging logs to assist with debugging IC Series device internal issues. When you
enable logging, the IC Series device records certain events and messages based on
event codes you enter in the admin console Debug Log tab. Using the debug log that
results, the support team can identify the code flow for any discrepancies. Your
support representative gives you the information you need to create the log file,
including the debug detail log level and the event codes.

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 63

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

The IC4500 and IC6500 displays the current debug log size.

NOTE: Running debug logging can impact system performance and stability.
Generate debug logs only when directed by your Pulse Secure Support

To enable the debug log:

1. In the admin console, select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > Monitoring > Debug Log.

2. Select the Debug Logging On check box.

3. Enter a value for the MAX debug log size.

4. Enter a value for the Debug log detail level.

NOTE: Setting the detail level to 0 displays only critical messages it does
not disable logging completely.

5. Select the Include logs check box to include log details.

6. Enter the event codes specified by Pulse Secure Support.

7. Click Save Changes.

8. Select Maintenance > Troubleshooting > System Snapshot.

9. Select the Include debug log check box.

10. Click Take snapshot to create a file that contains the debug log. The IC Series device
compresses the files and then encrypts them to minimize file size.

11. Click Download.

12. Attach the snapshot file in an e-mail message and send it to Pulse Secure Support.

Related Running Debugging Tools Remotely on page 63


64 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


RADIUS Diagnostic Logs

 Using the RADIUS Diagnostic Log on page 65

Using the RADIUS Diagnostic Log

To configure the RADIUS Diagnostic log:

1. Select Troubleshooting > Monitoring > RADIUS from the left navigation bar of the
admin console.

2. Select the RADIUS Diagnostic Logging On check box.

3. Enter the maximum log size (up to 1,000 MB) in the Max Diagnostic Log Size box.

4. Click Save Changes.

Related About the RADIUS Diagnostic Log on page 17


© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 65

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

66 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved


 Index on page 69

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 67

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

68 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

graphs, configuring ........................................................... 8
graphs, system display .................................................... 8

Index log capacity ....................................................................... 3
log file severity ................................................................... 4
log filters ...........................................................................23
log filters, dynamic ........................................................ 5
log monitoring, configuring .................................................. 21
#, comments in configuration statements ...................xi
logging, monitoring overview.............................................. 3
( ), in syntax descriptions .............................................. xi
< >, in syntax descriptions ................................................x
[ ], in configuration statements .................................... xi
{ }, in configuration statements ................................... xi
comments on ............................................................ xi
| (pipe), in syntax descriptions .......................................xi
monitoring users.............................................................45
monitoring, logging overview.............................................. 3
administrator access log ..................................................... 3
parentheses, in syntax descriptions .............................. xi
braces, in configuration statements ................................xi
service package, downloading ...................................... 9
angle, in syntax descriptions .....................................x
sessions, deleting ................................................................. 31
square, in configuration statements ........................xi
severity, log files..................................................................... 4
snmp agent ..........................................................................33
statistics, viewing .................................................................. 41
capacity, log........................................................................ 3
support, technical See technical support
capacity, system.....................................................................7
syntax conventions ........................................................... x
comments, in configuration statements ........................xi
system status, viewing ...................................................... 7
text and syntax ...............................................................x
curly braces, in configuration statements ......................xi
technical support
custom filter log files......................................................... 4
contacting PSGSC ............................................................ xiii
customer support .............................................................xi
contacting PSGSC …………………...………….xiii
user access log ...................................................................... 3
user sessions, deleting ........................................................ 31
deleting user sessions ........................................................ 31
users, monitoring ...........................................................45
comments on ............................................................xi
dynamic log filters............................................................. 5

events log ............................................................................... 3

font conventions ................................................................x

© 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved 69

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

70 © 2015 by Pulse Secure, LLC. All rights reserved

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