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0 Introduction
Integrated marketing communication process have become popular among marketers at recent
times as it provides marketers the option of using different promotional tools to attract
consumers rather than using only advertising. Therefore in the present world advertising agencies
have become an important player of the communication process as they are the one who can
provide continuous support to the marketers to showcase their message to the consumers in the
most effective and affordable ways. Asiatic MCL has been servicing a large number of
multinational companies like Unilever, Pepsi, and British American Tobacco etc. for a long time
and have successfully handled a number of Lux campaign.

It is important to understand the attitude and the behavioral intentions of consumer in order to
expand the customer bases. So there is a need for studying the factors attributing to the brand
image, in this case Lux Beauty Soap.

2.1 Origin of the Report

This report originated from the requirement to do internship at an organization for fulfillment of
the curriculum of the BBA Program of the Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar
University. The internship Supervisor from Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar
University has assigned the researcher to conduct a report, which will follow the formalities, rules
and regulations of formal report preparation.

2.2 Title of the Report

This report is titled as “Analysis of the customer attitude and buying intention toward the brand
Lux beauty soap”. This research may help the company to identify the attitude of customers to
the brand. Also their buying intention will be measured.

2.3 Objectives

2.3.1 The Broad Objective

The general objective of this project is to complete the internship. As per requirement of BBA
program of Institute of Business Administration in Jahangirnagar University, one student needs to
work in a business organization for at least three months to acquire practical knowledge about
real business operation. In this context I have completed my internship in Asiatic MCL & stepping
forward to prepare an internship report.

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2.3.2 The Specific Objective
The specific objectives of the report are-
 To analyze the attitude toward the brand attribute of Lux Beauty soap
 To analyze the attitude toward the functional consequences of Lux Beauty soap
 To analyze the buying intention (behavioral intention) of the consumer

2.4 Scope of the Study

This report analyzes the attitude of the consumers towards the brand attributes of Lux Beauty
soap based on the strength of belief and the evaluation regarding the two attributes. Also the
attitude toward actions based on functional consequences has been analyzed. In this case three
functional consequences of Lux have been considered. The buying intention of the consumers
have been measured based on the theory of reasoned action. To find the buying intention
(behavioral intention) the subjective norms for Lux have also been used.

2.5 Methodology

Data Source: Both primary and secondary sources were used for the research purpose.
Secondary data were used for providing the theoretical background to the research. Primary data
was collected through customer survey by using questionnaire.
Data collection: The secondary data was collected from web sites, official documents and
books. Primary Data were collected through questionnaire survey.
Scaling technique: Two different types of scaling system have been used in the data collection
process. The numerical values in the scale will be interpreted as-

1 2 3 4 5
Very weak Weak Moderately Strong Very strong

1 2 3 4 5
Very bad bad Moderately good Very good

Sampling: In this study information was collected from the target consumer of Lux Beauty soap.
Total number of 200 consumers was surveyed.

Data Analysis: Data is analyzed using bar graphs in Microsoft Excel. Also the multi attribute
attitude model and the theory of reasoned action have been used for analysis of the data.

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2.6 Limitation of the Study

The study is limited by a number of factors. The sample size may be considered too small to
represent the present scenario. The time constraints for the study and also the limited knowledge
of the researcher may be considered as limitations.

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3.0 Literature Review
3.1 Unilever

Brands of Unilever are trusted everywhere and, by listening to the people who buy them, it has
grown into one of the world's most successful consumer goods companies. In fact, 150 million
times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product.

From kitchen or on the bathroom shelf, everyone is bound to see one of Unilever’s well-known
brands. It creates market and distribute the products that people choose to feed their families
and keep themselves and their homes clean and fresh.

Unilever has a portfolio of brands that are popular across the globe - as well as regional products
and local varieties of famous-name goods. This diversity comes from two of Unilever’s key

 Strong roots in local markets and first-hand knowledge of the local culture.
 World-class business expertise applied internationally to serve consumers

Focusing on performance and productivity, Unilever encourage people to develop new ideas and
put fresh approaches into practice. Hand in hand with this is a strong sense of responsibility to
the communities they serve. They don't only measure success in financial terms; achieving results
is important too. They work hard to conduct business with integrity – respecting their employees,
consumers and the environment around them.

Unilever is one of the world's leading suppliers of fast-moving consumer goods. Here are some
recent highlights from home and personal care among their three global divisions - Foods,
home care and personal care.

Personal & home care

 Within the personal care market, we are global leaders in products for skin cleansing,
deodorants and antiperspirants.

 Our global core brands in the personal care market are Axe, Dove, Lux, Pond's, Rexona
and Sunsilk
 Unilever lead the home care market in much of the world, which includes cleansing and
hygiene products.

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 Many of their home care products are market leaders including Brilhante, Cif, Comfort,
Domestos, Omo, Skip and Snuggle.

3.2 About Lux Beauty soap

Everything from look and feel to fragrances of Lux is a delight to the female senses. Lux has
been associated with beauty since 1924. Over the years, Lux has covered various aspects of
beauty and stardom. But now Lux feels that women have forgotten that beauty should be fun.
And looking great is an integral part of being a woman. Lux is here to remind, encourage, inspire
women and have fun with them. Because deep down, every woman wants to feel like a fortune.
On this note, Lux is celebrating the feminity and playfulness to remind women to enjoy absolutely
everything about becoming and being beautiful.

Lux, with its abundance of exotic beautifying ingredients has lead to beautiful skin - thereby
making women who use it more gorgeous naturally! in recent times, Lux has embraced beauty
and feminity of the 21st century women. It aims to be the paradigm of the new feminity. That's
why Lux celebrates the pleasure of being a woman today by encouraging women to feel and look
beautiful, be individualistic about their self-expression and indulge in the rituals of beautification
in an unapologetically feminine way. Lux beautifies in a playful way, letting women express their
feminine spirit without constrains!

 First mass marketed toilet soap launched in 1924

 Sold in over 100 countries
 Market leader in various countries including Bangladesh, Arabia, Brazil, India

Though there is no one in the market to compete with Lux, but in some cases Meril can be a
competitor for Lux. Apart from that, other significant competitors are Keya, dove, Tibet, lily and

Target Market
The target market of Lux beauty soap is mainly focused on adult females. The focus is on the
15+ age range (unilever Bangladesh, 2009). The target market consists of middle lower to middle
upper class females. Females of urban, semi urban and rural areas are included in this segment.

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The psychographic characteristics of the target segment state the customer as a young girl who
is proud and satisfied to have beautiful skin which makes her confident and ambitious to do
anything. The girl enjoys socializing with friends and family.

The main positioning of the product is-
Lux Beauty soap is the beauty soap with reasonable price and brand value.
Lux has recently themed their product into different types for different skin.

The unique selling proposition that was highlighted in Lux’s campaign mainly focused on the
ability of the product to influence Beauty. Beauty was a major platform for the campaign of Lux
beauty soap.
Later, two other functional attributes of the product were also focused. Lux claimed to help
smoothen and healthy skin and create less dryness in skin.

The slogan for Lux beauty soap is-
“Mato Rooper Ronge-e”
This slogan is themed with the beauty aspect. The product had this theme because beautiful and
healthy skin of girls is considered as an element of attraction. By using this idea, Lux beauty soap
created the slogan.

The New Varieties

The new varieties of Lux have changed from pink or vanilla lux to peach& cream, aqua sparkle,
strawberry and cream and into 3 different sizes like personal, medium & family. Lux fell behind its
competitors to some extent because of their varieties. So, the introduction of new Lux was a
good decision. But at the same time lux had to be in the same color so that it can be easier for
it’s consumers to recognize the product.

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3.3 The Multi Attribute Attitude Model
Martin Fishbein’s multi attribute attitude model states that the evaluation of salient beliefs cause
overall attitude. In this model, the overall attitude towards an object is a function of two factors:
the strength of the salient beliefs associated with the object and the evaluation of those beliefs.
The model proposes that-
Ao= Attitude towards an object
bi=Strength of the belief that the object has attribute i
ei= Evaluation of the attribute i
n= Number of salient belief about the object (Peter and Olson,2005)

3.4 The Theory of Reasoned Action

The theory of reasoned action proposes that any reasonably complex, voluntary behavior is
determined by the person’s intention to perform that behavior. According to this theory, people
tend to perform behaviors that are evaluated favorably and are popular with other people. They
tend to refrain from behaviors that are regarded unfavorably and are unpopular with others.
This theory proposes that-
Behavioral Intention BI= Aact (w1) + SN (w2)
BI= Behavioral Intention, consumer’s intention to engaje in a specific behavior
Aact = Consumer’s attitude toward engaging in that behavior
SN= Subjective norm regarding whether other people want the consumer to engage in that
w1,w2 = Weights that reflectthe relarive influence of the Aact and SN components on BI
To determine BI, Aact and SN have to be determined. They are determined through-

Where bi and ei are strength of belief and evaluation of functional consequence of an action.

Here, NBj and MCj are the strength of normative belief and the motivation to comply with other
people’s expectations with the consumer. (Peter and Olson, 2005)

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3.5 Data Analysis and Result
3.5.1 Demographic Information
All the respondents of this report survey are female as the target market of Lux beauty soap is
focused on female consumers. All the 200 respondents represent the target market of Lux.

The age range for the target market is 15+ female. In this survey, the age range for the
respondents were-
Table-1: Age range of the respondents
Age 15-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 Above 45
Response 6 132 6 17 34 5 0

Figure 2: Age range of the respondents


Most of the respondents (66%) fall in the 21-25 age range.

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The household income level was –

Table-2: Income range of the respondents

Income Range Below 15000 15000-20000 21000-25000 26000-30000 Over 30000
Response 15 73 44 24 44

Figure 3: Income range of the respondents


The highest respondents were from the income level of 15000-2000 taka. Other than that over
30000 and 21000-25000 range had 22% respondents each.

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3.5.2 Attitude Toward the Brand Attributes of Belief on Attributes

The strength of belief on the five attributes has been determined based on the five questions.
These five attributes include-
 Traditional Beauty soap of Bangladesh
 Price of the soap
 Smoothness and health of skin
 Romance enhancer
 Brand Value

1. Do you think that Lux is a traditional beauty soap of Bangladesh?

Table-3: Strength of belief regarding Traditional Beauty Soap of Bangladesh

Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Response 0 5 2 0 193

Figure-3: Strength of belief regarding Traditional Beauty Soap of Bangladesh

From the survey it was found that 96.5% respondents have strong belief that Lux is the
traditional Beauty Soap of Bangladesh. They rated this likelihood at 5 in a 5 point scale. 2.5%
responded pointed 2. 1% respondents have moderate belief and have rated the likelihood at 1%.

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2. Do you think that Lux has a reasonable level of price?

Table-4: Do you think that Lux has a reasonable level of price?

Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Response 26 40 29 67 38

Figure-4: Strength of belief regarding reasonable level of price of Lux

From the survey it was found that 33.5% respondents have strong belief that Lux is a traditional
beauty soap of Bangladesh. They rated this likelihood at 4 in a 5 point scale. 20% disagreed at 4.
19% respondents have very strong belief and have rated the likelihood at 5 point. 14.5% had a
moderate opinion and 13% responded for 1 points which represents very weak strength of belief.

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3. Lux creates smooth & healthy skin-

Table-5: Do you think that Lux creates smooth & healthy skin?
Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Response 48 31 87 23 11

Smooth & Healthy Skin

60 Rating

40 Response

1 2 3 4 5
Strength of Belief

Figure-6: Strength of Belief that Lux creates smooth & healthy skin

From the survey it was found that 43.5% respondents have moderate belief that Lux creates
smooth & healthy skin. They rated this likelihood at 3 in a 5 point scale. 24% strongly disagreed
at 1. 15.5% respondents week belief and have rated the likelihood at 2 point. 11.5% had a
strong opinion and 5.5% responded for 5 points which represents very strong strength of belief

4. Lux induces romance by enhancing the beauty of the skin?

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Table-6: Do you think that Lux induces romance by enhancing the beauty of the skin?
Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Response 25 68 73 23 11

Induces Romance by Enhancing Beauty of Skin

1 2 3 4 5
Strength of Belief

Figure 7: Strength of belief that Lux induces romance by enhancing the beauty of the skin

From the survey it was found that 43.5% respondents have moderate belief that Lux creates
smooth & healthy skin. They rated this likelihood at 3 in a 5 point scale. 24% strongly disagreed
at 1. 15.5% respondents week belief and have rated the likelihood at 2 point. 11.5% had a
strong opinion and 5.5% responded for 5 points which represents very strong strength of belief

5. Do you think Lux has a brand value?

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Table-7: Do you think that Lux has a brand value?
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 5 10 20 53 112

Figure 8- Strength of belief that Lux has a brand value

From the survey it was found that 56% respondents have very strong belief that Lux has a brand
value. They rated this likelihood at 5 in a 5 point scale. 26.5 % has a positive opinion at 4. 10%
respondents has a moderate feelings where as 5% & 2.5% has disagreed and strongly disagreed
with it.

Table-8: Average strength of belief for five different attributes of Lux

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Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 Strength of
belief about
the attribute
Traditional Soap 0 5 2 0 193 4.9

Reasonable Price 26 40 29 67 38 3.26

Smooth &
Healthy Skin 48 31 87 23 11 2.6
enhancer 25 68 73 23 11 2.6
Brand Value 5 10 20 53 112 4.29

The average strength of belief about the attributes is 4. 9 and 4.29 respectively for traditional
soap and brand value of lux, 3. 26 for reasonable price, 2.6 for both smooth & healthy skin and
romance enhancer. The strength of belief was calculated by multiplying the number of
respondent with the satisfaction level score. Then the sum of the values was divided by the total
respondent number. For example, in case of the attribute of Traditional soap-
bi = { (1x0)+(2x5)+(3x2)+(4x0)+(5x193)/200}
= 4.905
= 4. 9
For Reasonable price-
bi= { (1x 26) + (2x 40) + (3x 29)+ (4x 67)+ (5x 38)/ 200}
= 3.26
For Smooth & Healthy Skin-
bi= { (1x 48) + (2x 31) + (3x 87)+ (4x 23)+ (5x 11)/ 200}
= 2.6
Romance Enhancer-
bi= { (1x 25) + (2x 68) + (3x 73)+ (4x 23)+ (5x 11)/ 200}
= 2.6
Brand Value-
bi= { (1x 5) + (2x 10) + (3x 20)+ (4x 53)+ (5x 112)/ 200}
= 4.29

Among the five belief of strength, the belief strength for the Traditional soap attribute is the most
than the other attributes. Evaluation of the Attributes

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6. Evaluation of the fact that consumers are satisfied with lux-

Table-9: Evaluation of the fact that consumers are satisfied with lux
Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Response 2 20 50 93 35

Figure-9: Evaluation of the fact that consumers are satisfied with lux

From the survey it was found that 46.5 % respondents have good evaluation that they are
satisfied with lux. They rated this likelihood at 4 in the rating scale. 25% responded with
moderate evaluation at 3 point. 17.5% respondents have very good evaluation and have rated
the likelihood at 5 point. 10% evaluated the attribute as bad with 2 point and only 1% evaluated
very badly in the scale.

7. Evaluation of the fact that Lux gives value for money-

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Table- 10: Evaluation of lux gives value for money
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 20 26 79 48 27

Lux gives value for money

50 Rating
40 Response
1 2 3 4 5

Figure 10: Evaluation of the fact Lux gives value for money

From the survey it was found that 39.5% respondents have moderate evaluation of the fact that
that lux gives value for money. They rated this evaluation at 3 in the rating scale. 24% evaluated
the attribute at 4 point as good. 13. 5% evaluated the attribute as very good with 5 point. 13%
evaluated the attribute as bad. 10% respondents evaluated the attribute as very bad.

8. Evaluation of the fact that whether Lux have any side effects in skin-

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Table- 11: Evaluation of the fact whether Lux have any side effects
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 28 76 59 23 14

Figure 11- Evaluation of the fact whether Lux have any side effects

From the survey it was found that 38% respondents have evaluated bad of the fact that that lux
have side effects which indicates that they feel that lux has side effects. They rated this
evaluation at 2 in the rating scale. 29.5% evaluated the attribute at 3 point as moderate. 14%
evaluated the attribute as very bad with 1 point. 12.5% evaluated the attribute as good. 7%
respondents evaluated the attribute as very good.

9. Evaluation of the fact that fragrance of Lux attracts people-

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Table- 12: Evaluation of the fact that fragrance of lux attracts people
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 10 33 30 83 44

Figure-12: Evaluation of the fact that fragrance of lux attracts people

From the survey it was found that 41.5% respondents have evaluated good of the fact that that
lux attracts people with fragrance. They rated this evaluation at 4 in the rating scale. 22%
evaluated the attribute at 5 point as very good. 16.2% evaluated the attribute as bad with 2
point. 15% evaluated the attribute as moderate. 5% respondents evaluated the attribute as very

10. Evaluation of the fact that Lux has different types-

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Table- 13: Evaluation of the fact that Lux has different types
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 7 26 53 65 49

Figure-13: Evaluation of the fact that Lux has different types

From the survey it was found that 32.5% respondents have evaluated that they have ideas about
different types of lux. They rated this evaluation at 4 in the rating scale. 26.5% evaluated the
attribute at 3 point as moderate. They know that lux have different types but don’t know all the
types. 14.5% evaluated the attribute as very good. They know about all types very well with 5
point. 13% evaluated the attribute as bad. 7% respondents evaluated the attribute as very bad.

Table- 14: Average evaluation of the five different attributes of Lux

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Average Evaluation of
Attributes 1 2 3 4 5
the attribute (ei)
Satisfaction level 2 20 50 93 35 3.695
Value for money 20 26 79 48 27 3.18
Side effects 28 76 59 23 14 2.595
Attraction 10 33 30 83 44 3.59
Different types 7 26 53 65 49 3.615

The average evaluations of the attributes are 3.7, 3.18, 2.6, 3.6 and 3.62 respectively. The
evaluations of the five attributes are very close. But the evaluation of the first attribute is
relatively high than the other attributes
According to the multi attribute attitude model, with the strength of belief and evaluation of the
attributes, the total attitude toward the brand can be now found.

So, Attitude toward Lux A0= b i ei

= (4.9x3.7) + (3.26x3.18) + (2.6x 2.6) + (2.6 +3.6) +
= 60.1466
= 60.15
The attitude toward Lux Beauty soap, on the basis of its attributes, has the numerical value of
60.15. This attitude was formed with the attitude toward the five attributes. From the calculation,
we can see the Traditional Beauty soap attribute have relatively better attitude than others.

3.5.3 Subjective Norms Regarding Buying Lux

Page- 29 -of 42 Normative Beliefs (NBj)

11. How likely is it that your family members are in favor of buying lux?

Table-15: Normative beliefs regarding family members are in favor of buying lux-
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 30 32 53 61 24

Family Members in Favor of Lux

40 Rating
30 Response
1 2 3 4 5
Normative Belief

Figure -14: Normative belief regarding family members in favor of buying lux

The survey shows that 30.5% respondents have good strength of belief that their family
members are in favor of buying lux. These 30.5% have chosen the 4 point in the 5 point scale.
26.5% have moderate strength of belief while another 16% & 15% have bad & very bad strength
of belief regarding this and 12% have very good strength of belief regarding this.

12. Usage of Lux in a month-

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Table-16: Normative belief regarding usage of lux in a month-
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 0 23 78 64 35

Figure-15: Normative belief regarding usage of lux in a month

According to the survey 34% respondents are in support of using lux moderately. Another 32%
have strong belief regarding the functional consequence. Only 17.5% have the very strong belief
and they rated 5 point in the scale and 12.5% have rated point 2 in a scale of 5.

Table-17: Average Strength of Subjective norms

Average Strength
Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 of Subjective
Norms (NBj)
Favor of
30 32 53 61 24 3.085
buying lux
Usage of lux
0 23 78 64 35 3.56
in a month Motivation to Comply

13. All your family members use the same brand-

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Table-18: All the family members use the same brand

Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 18 54 59 45 24

Figure-16: All the family members use the same brand

From the survey it was found that 29.5% respondents showed moderate strength of belief
regarding this that all family members use the same brand. They rated 3 on a scale of 5. 27%
respondent rated the point 2 in the scale. 22.5% respondent rated this consequence at 4 point
which indicates the strength of belief is good for them. 12% respondents indicated the very good
strength of belief by rating the point 5 in the scale. Only 9% respondents have very low belief
regarding this fact.

14. Do you motivate your family & friends to buy Lux?

Table-19: consumer’s motivation regarding buying Lux

Page- 32 -of 42
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Response 43 64 54 37 2

Figure 17: Consumer’s motivation regarding buying Lux

From the survey it was found that 32% respondents showed bad that they motivate their friends
and family to buy lux. They rated 2 on a scale of 5. 27% respondent rated the point 3 in the
scale. 21.5% respondent rated this consequence at 1 point which indicates that they do not
motivate others. Only 1% respondents indicated that they highly motivate their friends and

Table-20: Average Strength of Motivation to Comply

Page- 33 -of 42
Average Strength of
Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 Motivation to
Comply (MCj)
Using same
18 54 59 45 24 3.02
family & 43 64 54 37 2 2.46

The average strength of motivation to comply is 3.02 and 2.46 respectively for using the same
brand and motivating others. The strength of motivation to comply is greater for using the same
brand in a family.

Subjective norm (SN) is one component in case of deciding the Behavioral Intention. To
determine the subjective norm for Lux, the normative belief strength of consumers and their
motivation to comply will be used.

SN =Sum {NBjxMCj}
=(3.085x3.02)+ (3.56x2.46)
=9.3167+ 8.7576

3.5.4 Behavioral Intention

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Behavioral intention depends on the attitude toward action and subjective norms for a specific
behavior. The intention of the consumer to buy Lux beauty soap will be determined by the A act
and SN.
Behavioral Intention = Aact (w1) + SN (w2)
= (60.15x 0.50) + (18.0743x 0.50)
= 30.075+ 9.03715
= 39. 11215
= 39.11
Here, the weights have been considered as equal due to the complications of finding the actual
weights. With equal weights for attitude toward buying Lux and subjective norms, the intention to
buy Lux (BI) is measured at 39.11. With equal weight, the attitude toward buying Lux has more
influence than the subjective norms in this result.

4.0 Findings

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 The attitude toward the brand Lux based on its five attributes is A o=60.15. To form this
attitude the Traditionalistic attribute (18.13) has highest influence on the brand.
 In case of the behavior of buying Lux beauty soap, Attitude toward action, Aact = 60.15.
The attitude toward the fact that Lux has different types from the very beginning has
been the most favorable attitude (17.39) compared to other attitude results for the
different functional consequences. Next favorable attitude (15.53) is for the ability to
satisfy consumers. The least favorable attitude comes from the ability of the soap to
reduce side effects (6.67).
 The subjective norm SN=18.0743. It was based on normative behavior and motivation to
comply with family and friends expectations. As the component subjective norm, SN for
friends (8.7576) is greater than the SN for family (9.3167).
 The behavioral intention to buy Lux is 39.11. With equal weight, the attitude toward
buying Lux has less influence than the subjective norms in this result. The behavioral
intention or buying intention for Lux determines the actual behavior of consumers. For
Lux, this behavior depends on the buying intention based on the A act of 60.15 and
 The attitude toward action (Aact) is less than the attitude toward the brand Lux (A o)
based on its five attributes. This shows that the Functional consequences are stronger in
building attitudes than the attributes of buying Lux.

5.0 Recommendations

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 The report shows that the attitude toward action (Aact) is less than the attitude toward
the brand Lux (Ao) based on its five attributes. It resulted from the least valued attitude
toward the functional consequence ‘makes skin smooth & healthy”’. This factor is the
lowest among the total attitude based on action (Aact). To build an attitude based on the
functional consequences, either the smooth & healthy skin claim should be dropped from
the product proposition or the factor should be strengthened in consumers mind with
continuation of strong and valid campaigns.
 The present attributes should be strengthened to maintain customers and to pull new
 Mass promotion should be run to buildup brand consciousness among general people
 Strong attitude toward functional consequence will result in better behavioral intention.
So, to in crease the buying habit, the buying intention for Lux must be increased. Strong
Aact should be build up to increase the behavioral intention.

6.0 Conclusion

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The beauty soap market of Bangladesh is getting more competitive day by day. To grow in this
competitive market effective marketing steps should be taken. And for that purpose it is
necessary to know about customers’ attitude and their buying intentions.

Lux is one of the leading brands among the skin care products of Bangladesh. In recent years Lux
is facing a high competition with Meril & Keya beauty soap. But still Lux is a major player in the
market. To retain the present customer base and to increase the market, marketers should
consider the consumer attitude toward the product and decide how to change any negative effect
in to positive attitude while making the marketing strategies.

Page- 38 -of 42
Peter,J Paul & Olson, Jerry C. (2005). Consumer Behavior and marketing Strategy.New Delhi:
Tata McGraw- Hill.

Zikmund William G (2003).Business Research Methods. Ohio: South Western

Lux. (n.d.) retrieved 2nd December,2009, from

Unilever Bangladesh. (2009). Agency Brief. Dhaka.

Lux soap. (2008).An overview of Unilever Bangladesh.


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This is a survey about consumer brand attitude toward Lux beauty soap. Your honest opinions
will be highly valued and appreciated. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. All
answers will be kept confidential.

Demographic information:
Please tick (√) the appropriate answers
Gender: Male Female
Age Group: 15 – 20 20 – 25 25 – 30
30 - 35 35 - 40 40 - 45
Above 45
What is the gross monthly income of your household?
Below 15000 15000 – 20000 21000 – 25000
26000 – 30000 Above 30000

Please provide the following information (optional)

Name: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________

General Questions :

1. What are the brands of soap do you use?

a. Lux b. Keya c. meril d. camellia

2. Have you ever used Lux?

a. Yes b. No

The following questions are related to the subjective norms regarding buying lux
beauty soap:

Page- 40 -of 42
Questions Very Weak Moderate Strong Very
weak Strong
3. How likely is that your
family members are in favor 1 2 3 4 5
or buying lux
4. your usage of lux in a 1 2 3 4 5
5. Do all your family
members use the same 1 2 3 4 5
6. Generally do you
motivate your family & 1 2 3 4 5
friends to buy Lux?

The following questions are related to your strength of belief regarding the functions
of Lux Beauty Soap:

Questions Very Bad Moderate Good Very

Bad Good
7. Do you think that Lux is a
traditional beauty soap of 1 2 3 4 5
8. Do you think that Lux has 1 2 3 4 5
a reasonable level of price?
9. Do you feel Lux creates 1 2 3 4 5
smoothe and healthy skin?
10. Do you think Lux
induces romance by 1 2 3 4 5
enhancing the beauty of the
11. Do you think that Lux 1 2 3 4 5
has a brand value?

The Following questions are related to your evaluation of the attributes of Lux
Beauty Soap:

Page- 41 -of 42
Questions Very Bad Moderate Good Very
Bad Good
12. Do you have ideas about 1 2 3 4 5
different types of Lux soap?
13. Do you think fragrance
of lux beauty soap attracts 1 2 3 4 5
14. Do you think that Lux
have any side effects in your 1 2 3 4 5
15. Do you think Lux gives 1 2 3 4 5
you value for money?
16. Are you satisfied with 1 2 3 4 5

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