Internet of Things: Sumbitted By: Azeem Arshad

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Internet of Things

Sumbitted By: Azeem Arshad (176)

Usama Ashraf (515)

Sumbitted To: Sir Burhan ul Haqq

Subject: Object Oriented Program
Abstract We’re entering a new era of computing technology that many are
calling the Internet of Things (IoT). Machine to machine, machine to
infrastructure, machine to environment, the Internet of Everything, the Internet
of Intelligent Things, intelligent systems—call it what you want, but it’s
happening, and its potential is huge. We see the IoT as billions of smart,
connected “things” (a sort of “universal global neural network” in the cloud) that
will encompass every aspect of our lives, and its foundation is the intelligence that
embedded processing provides. The IoT is comprised of smart machines
interacting and communicating with other machines, objects, environments and
infrastructures. As a result, huge volumes of data are being generated, and that
data is being processed into useful actions that can “command and control”
things to make our lives much easier and safer—and to reduce our impact on the
environment. The creativity of this new era is boundless, with amazing potential
to improve our lives. The following thesis is an extensive reference to the
possibilities, utility, applications and the evolution of the Internet of

History: The Internet of Things (IoT) has not been around for very long.
However, there have been visions of machines communicating with one another
since the early 1800s. Machines have been providing direct communications since
the telegraph (the first landline) was developed in the 1830s and 1840s.
Described as “wireless telegraphy,” the first radio voice transmission took place
on June 3, 1900, providing another necessary component for developing the
Internet of Things. The development of computers began in the 1950s.

The Internet, itself a significant component of the IoT, started out as part of
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1962, and evolved into
ARPANET in 1969. In the 1980s, commercial service providers began supporting
public use of ARPANET, allowing it to evolve into our modern Internet. Global
Positioning Satellites (GPS) became a reality in early 1993, with the Department of
Defense providing a stable, highly functional system of 24 satellites. This was
quickly followed by privately owned, commercial satellites being placed in orbit.
Satellites and landlines provide basic communications for much of the IoT.

One additional and important component in developing a functional IoT was

IPV6’s remarkably intelligent decision to increase address space. Steve Leibson, of
the Computer History Museum, states, “The address space expansion means that
we could assign an IPV6 address to every atom on the surface of the earth, and
still have enough addresses left to do another 100+ earths.” Put another way, we
are not going to run out of internet addresses anytime soon.

Introduction: The ‘Thing’ in IoT can be any device with any kind of built-in-sensors
with the ability to collect and transfer data over a network without manual
intervention. The embedded technology in the object helps them to interact with
internal states and the external environment, which in turn helps in decisions
making process. In a nutshell, IoT is a concept that connects all the devices to the
internet and let them communicate with each other over the internet. IoT is a
giant network of connected devices – all of which gather and share data about
how they are used and the environments in which they are operated.

By doing so, each of your devices will be learning from the experience of other
devices, as humans do. IoT is trying to expand the interdependence in human-
i.e interact, contribute and collaborate to things. I know this sounds a bit
complicated, let’s understand this with an example.

A developer submits the application with a document containing the standards,

logic, errors & exceptions handled by him to the tester. Again, if there are any
issues Tester communicates it back to the Developer. It takes multiple iterations
& in this manner a smart application is created.

Similarly, a room temperature sensor gathers the data and send it across the
network, which is then used by multiple device sensors to adjust their
temperatures accordingly. For example, refrigerator’s sensor can gather the data
regarding the outside temperature and accordingly adjust the refrigerator’s
temperature. Similarly, your air conditioners can also adjust its temperature
accordingly. This is how devices can interact, contribute & collaborate

IoT wants to connect all potential objects to interact each other on the internet to
provide secure, comfort life for human.

Internet of Things (IoT) makes our world as possible as connected together.

Nowadays we almost have internet infrastructure wherever and we can use it
whenever. Embedded computing devices would be exposed to internet influence.
Common instances for embedded computing devices are MP3 players, MRI, traffic
lights, microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers, GPS even heart
monitoring implants or biochip and etc.
IoT trys to establish advanced connectivity (with the aid of internet) among these
mentioned device or systems or services in order to little by little makes
automation in all areas. Image that all thing are connected to gather and all
information would be interacted to each other over standard and different
protocol domain and applications.

Benefits of IoT
Since IoT allows devices to be controlled remotely across the internet, thus it
created opportunities to directly connect & integrate the physical world to the
computer-based systems using sensors and internet. The interconnection of these
multiple embedded devices will be resulting in automation in nearly all fields and
also enabling advanced applications. This is resulting in improved accuracy,
efficiency and economic benefit with reduced human intervention. It
encompasses technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent
transportation and smart cities. The major benefits of IoT are:

 Improved Customer Engagement – IoT improves customer experience by

automating the action. For e.g. any issue in the car will be automatically
detected by the sensors. The driver, as well as the manufacturer, will be
notified about it. Till the time driver reaches the service station, the
manufacturer will make sure that the faulty part is available at the service
 Technical Optimization – IoT has helped a lot in improving technologies and
making them better. The manufacturer can collect data from different car
sensors and analyze them to improve their design and make them much
more efficient.
 Reduced Waste – Our current insights are superficial, but IoT provides real-
time information leading to effective decision making & management of
resources. For example, if a manufacturer finds fault in multiple engines, he
can track the manufacturing plant of those engines and can rectify the issue
with manufacturing belt.

Nowadays, we are surrounded by lots of IoT enabled devices which are

continuously emitting data and communicating through multiple devices. Moving
ahead, let’s discuss the required hardware for building an IoT application. We will
also look at the IoT devices which we are using in our day to day life.

IoT Hardware :
Now you would be wondering what is the required hardware for preparing an IoT
solution. The answer to this question is, you’ll first require sensors that will sense
the environment, then you require a remote dashboard to monitor your output
and display it in a clearer & conceivable form. At last, you will require a device
with the capability of serving & routing. The key task of the system would be
detecting specific conditions and taking actions accordingly. One thing to keep in
mind is securing the communication between the devices and the dashboard.

Some of the common sensors that you are surrounded by are accelerometers,
temperature sensors, magnetometers, proximity sensors, gyroscopes, image
sensors, acoustic sensors, light sensors, pressure sensors, gas RFID sensors,
humidity sensors & micro flow sensors.

Nowadays we also have many wearable devices like smartwatches, shoes & 3D
glasses. This is the best example of a smart solution. 3D glasses adjust television’s
brightness and contrast according to your eye and your smartwatches keeps track
of your daily activities and fitness.

But I feel the most important device which has tremendously contributed to IoT
are the cell phones. Mobile apps have immensely contributed to revolutionizing
the technology world. Cell phones are already encased with applications and
sensors that reveals lots of information about its user. It has Geo-location
information, it can sense and trace light condition, the orientation of your device
and a lot more information. It also comes with multiple connectivity options like
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular that helps them to communicate with other devices.
Thus, due to these default qualities of cell phones, it is the core of the IoT
ecosystem. Today, Smartphone can interact with smartwatch and fitness band to
further ease and enhance the user experience.

IoT uses multiple technologies and protocols to communicate with devices based
on the requirements. The major technologies & protocols are Bluetooth, wireless,
NFC, RFID, radio protocols and WiFi-Direct.
IoT applications are flourishing across all industries & market. The IoT has a
multitude of expansion over various industries. It spans over all groups of users,
from those who are trying to reduce & conserve energy in their home to large
organizations who want to improve their business operations. IoT has not only
proved itself useful in optimizing critical applications in many organisations, but
also have boosted the concept of advanced automation which we have imagined
a decade before. Let’s understand the capabilities of IoT across different
industries and look how they are revolutionizing them.

IoT Across Various Domains

Energy Applications: The energy rates have raised to a great instinct. Individuals
and organisations, both are searching ways to reduce and control the
consumption. IoT provides a way to not only monitor the energy usage at the
appliance-level but also at the house-level, grid level or could be at the
distribution level. Smart Meters & Smart Grid are used to monitor energy
consumption. It also detects threats to the system performance and stability,
which protect appliances from downtime and damages.

Healthcare Application: Smartwatches and fitness devices have changed the

frequency of health monitoring. People can monitor their own health at regular
intervals. Not only this, now if a patient is coming to the hospital by ambulance,
by the time he or she reaches the hospital his health report is diagnosed by
doctors and the hospital quickly starts the treatment. The data gathered from
multiple healthcare applications are now collected and used to analyze different
disease and find its cure.

Education: IoT provides education aids which helps in fulfilling the gaps in the
education industry. It not only improves the quality of education but also
optimizes the cost and improves the management by taking into consideration
students response and performance.

Government: Governments are trying to build smart cities using IoT solutions. IoT
enhances armed force systems and services. It provides better security across the
borders through inexpensive & high-performance devices. IoT helps government
agencies to monitor data in real-time and improve their services like healthcare,
transportation, education etc.
Air and Water Pollution: Through various sensors, we can detect the pollution in
the air and water by frequent sampling. This helps in preventing substantial
contamination and related disasters. IoT allows operations to minimize the
human intervention in farming analysis and monitoring. Systems automatically
detect changes in crops, soil, environment, and more.

Transportation: IoT has changed the transportation sector. Now, we have self-
driving cars with sensors, traffic lights that can sense the traffic and switch
automatically, parking assistance, giving us the location of free parking space etc.
Also, various sensors in your vehicle indicate you about the current status of your
vehicle, so that you don’t face any issues while travelling.

Marketing your product: Using IoT, organizations can better analyze & respond to
customer preferences by delivering relevant content and solutions. It helps in
improving business strategies in the real-time.

Now that we are aware of the powerful IoT solutions that have been astoundingly
impacting various domains, let’s take a deep dive and understand Raspberry Pi,
which is commonly used to prepare IoT solutions. After understanding Raspberry
Pi we will be creating an IoT application.

IoT Explained

A complete IoT system integrates four distinct components: sensors/devices,

connectivity, data processing, and a user interface. Below I will briefly explain each
component and what it does.

1) Sensors/Devices
First, sensors or devices collect data from their environment. This could be as
simple as a temperature reading or as complex as a full video feed.

I use “sensors/devices,” because multiple sensors can be bundled together or

sensors can be part of a device that does more than just sense things. For
example, your phone is a device that has multiple sensors (camera, accelerometer,
GPS, etc), but your phone is not just a sensor.
However, whether it’s a standalone sensor or a full device, in this first step data is
being collected from the environment by something.

2) Connectivity
Next, that data is sent to the cloud, but it needs a way to get there!

The sensors/devices can be connected to the cloud through a variety of methods

including: cellular, satellite, WiFi, Bluetooth, low-power wide-area networks
(LPWAN), or connecting directly to the internet via ethernet.

Each option has tradeoffs between power consumption, range and bandwidth .
Choosing which connectivity option is best comes down to the specific IoT
application, but they all accomplish the same task: getting data to the cloud.

3) Data Processing
Once the data gets to the cloud, software performs some kind of processing on it.

This could be very simple, such as checking that the temperature reading is within
an acceptable range. Or it could also be very complex, such as using computer
vision on video to identify objects (such as intruders in your house).

But what happens when the temperature is too high or if there is an intruder in
your house? That’s where the user comes in.

4) User Interface
Next, the information is made useful to the end-user in some way. This could be
via an alert to the user (email, text, notification, etc). For example, a text alert
when the temperature is too high in the company’s cold storage.

Inventions of Iot:
 Closed-loop Insulin Delivery System. ...
 Automated Systems. ...
 Body Cameras. ...
 Precision Farming. ...
 Early Warning Systems. ...
 RFID Technology. ...
 CCTV Systems. ...
 Smart Inhalers.

The internet of things is a concept that will have an enormous effect on the world. Many

positive impact on society. Like it or not, we will eventually reach a point where almost everyth

used to benefit and improve the lives of individuals all across the world. People will be healthier

they can secure their home from intruders. It will also be used to benefit businesses all around

the advantages of the IoT outweigh the disadvantages, and the IoT will have a positive impact o

our lives everyday.


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