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Not  all  dungeons  feature  the  traditional  setup  of  a  monster-­‐filled  subterranean  network  of  rooms  and  passages.  Druidic  groves,  haunted  
houses,  rank  sewers  and  more  can  all  serve  as  an  exciting  backdrop  to  the  PCs’  adventures.  Such  locations  present  their  own  set  of  unique  
design  challenges,  though,  for  the  time-­‐crunched  GM  plotting  the  next  adventure.    
This  instalment  of  Alternate  Dungeons  presents  loads  of  great  details,  hints  and  tips  for  a  GM  designing  an  adventure  set  in  a  mystic  ruin.  
Designed  to  save  a  GM’s  time  while  adding  flavoursome  details  to  bring  the  locale  alive  in  the  player’s  minds,  Alternate  Dungeons:  Mystic  
Ruins  is  an  essential  tool  in  any  GM’s  arsenal.    

Design:  Alexander  Augunas   Product  Identity:  All  trademarks,  registered  trademarks,  proper  
Development:  Creighton  Broadhurst   names  (characters,  deities,  artefacts,  places  and  so  on),  dialogue,  
Editing:  Creighton  Broadhurst   plots,   storylines,   language,   incidents,   locations,   characters,  
Cover  Design:  Creighton  Broadhurst   artwork   and   trade   dress   are   product   identity   as   defined   in   the  
Layout:  Creighton  Broadhurst   Open  Game  License  version  1.0a,  Section  1(e)  and  are  not  Open  
Interior   Art:   Paul   Daly,   Malcolm   McClinton   and   William   Content.  
McAusland.   Some   artwork   copyright   Paul   Daly,   used   with    
permission.   Some   artwork   copyright   William   McAusland,   Open   Content:   Except   material   designated   as   Product   Identity,  
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Game   Content   as   defined   in   the   Open   Gaming   License   version  
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Mystic  Ruins:  An  Alternate  Dungeon  ...........................................  2   more  information  on  the  compatibility  license.  
Mystic  Ruins:  Dressing  .................................................................  4    
Mystic  Ruins:  Denizens  ................................................................  6   Compatibility  with  the  Pathfinder  Roleplaying  Game  requires  the  
Mystic  Ruins:  Traps  &  Hazards  .....................................................  7   Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game   from   Paizo   Inc..   See  
Mystic  Ruins:  Adventure  Hooks  ...................................................  8   for   more   information   on   the  
Did  you  Know?  .............................................................................  9   Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game.   Paizo   Inc.   does   not   guarantee  
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To  learn  more  about  the  Open  Game  License,  visit  

Covered   in   foliage   and   lost   to   the   sands   of   time,   mystic   ruins   are     Below   are   some   features   a   GM   could   use   when   designing   a  
cesspools   of   eldritch   energies   and   forgotten   artefacts.   They   are   mystic  ruin  dungeon.  
reminders   of   powers   long   since   disappeared   from   the   world   and     Grasping   Vines:   Generations   of   being   bathed   in   eldritch  
the  dangers  born  from  eldritch  tampering.  Those  who  would  risk   power   often   gives   mundane   foliage   a   life   of   its   own,   and   it   clings  
their   lives   by   delving   into   a   mystic   ruin   are   confronted   by   the   to  any  living  creature  disturbing  it.  Grasping  vines  are  considered  
horrors  of  past  experiments  and  ideas  gone  awry,  from  terrible   difficult   terrain.   When   encountered   on   walls,   they   reduce   a  
abominations   to   slithering   ooze   creatures   that   care   little   for   creature’s  climb  speed  by  half.  
their   own,   wretched   existence.   To   them,   explorers,   heroes   and     Hypnotic   Sounds:   The   haze   of   magic   permeating   a   mystic   ruin  
sustenance  are  one  and  the  same.   can  transform  even  the  most  mundane  of  sounds  into  a  hypnotic  
  Despite   their   inherent   danger,   mystic   ruins   are   excellent   melody.   Any   object   that   makes   a   consistent   sound,   such   as  
places   to   adventure   because   of   the   perfect   combination   of   rushing   water   from   a   waterfall   or   dripping   water   from   a   cave  
undisturbed   treasure,   forgotten   lore   and   terrifying   creatures   ceiling,   can   fascinate   a   creature   (DC   10   +   the   party’s   APL).   A  
found   within.   Although   subterranean   ruins   have   most   of   the   creature   that   succeeds   on   its   saving   throw   is   immune   to   this  
makings   of   typical   dungeons,   mystic   ruins   are   just   as   likely   to   effect  for  24  hours.  
sprawl   across   the   surface   world,   and   this   free-­‐air   environment     Locomotive   Mishaps:   The   eldritch   anomalies   within   a   mystic  
can   make   them   difficult   to   conceive   as   dungeons.   This   section   ruin  make  transportation  magic  (such  as  fly,  meld  with  stone  or  
provides  GMs  with  advice  for  transforming  the  ruins  of  eldritch   teleportation  effects)  dangerous.  Such  spells  have  a  25%  chance  
powers  long  since  gone  into  an  unforgettable  dungeon.   of   dealing   1d6   damage   per   spell   level   to   any   creature   targeted  
by  them.  
DEFINING THE DUNGEON   Magic   Planar   Traits:   As   their   name   implies,   planar   traits   are  
Mystic   ruins   typically   appear   close   to   powerful   sources   of   raw   typically   applied   to   entire   planes   of   existence.   In   the   case   of  
magical   energy.   They   can   be   found   within   wild   magic   areas,   mystic   ruins,   however,   untold   centuries   of   unchecked   magical  
sitting   upon   converging   ley   lines   or   bordering   places   where   the   influence  can  radically  alter  the  environment  around  the  mystic  
planar   divide   is   thin   or   non-­‐existent.   Mystic   ruins   are   typically   ruin,  granting  one  or  more  special  planar  traits  to  the  area.    
found   in   secluded   areas   and   they   usually   comprise   only   a   few     Consider  giving  your  mystic  ruin  one  or  more  of  the  following  
buildings.   Many   were   the   private   homes   of   powerful   arcane   magic-­‐based  planar  traits:    
spellcasters   in   a   time   long-­‐since   past,   and   they   often   contain   the   § Dead   Magic:   In   a   dead   magic   mystic   ruin,   the   entire   ruin   is  
remains   of   their   owner’s   living   quarters.   Depending   upon   the   considered   an   antimagic   field.   This   planar   trait   is   best   used  
nature  of  the  mystic  ruins,  the  power  and  wealth  of  its  original   sparingly  on  a  room-­‐by-­‐room  basis  as  it  renders  entire  classes  
builder,  and  its  age,  mystic  ruins  can  vary  greatly  in  size,  ranging   useless  and  removes  much  of  the  ruin’s  mysticism.  
from   several   above-­‐ground   rooms   to   a   labyrinth   of   sprawling   § Enhanced   Magic:   In   an   enhanced   magic   mystic   ruin,   all  
chambers  beneath  the  surface.   creatures   within   increase   their   caster   level   by   +2.   This   planar  
trait   works   best   when   combined   with   many   spellcasting  
denizens,  such  as  using  the  sorcerer  creature  template.  
§ Impeded  Magic:  In  an  impeded  magic  mystic  ruin,  spellcasters  
When  designing  a  mystic  ruin  as  a  dungeon,  a  GM  must  decide   must  succeed  at  a  concentration  check  to  cast  spells  (DC  20  +  
how   to   spatially   organize   the   mystic   ruin   for   the   purpose   of   the  spell’s  level).  Failure  wastes  the  prepared  spell  or  spell  slot.  
acting   as   an   adventuring   site.   For   entirely   subterranean   ruins,   § Limited   Magic:   In   a   limited   magic   mystic   ruin,   spells   that   do  
this   is   seldom   difficult;   ruins   are   already   a   popular   choice   for   not  meet  a  specific  requirement  (such  as  spell  level,  school  or  
dungeon  delving.  But  in  order  to  be  truly  complete,  a  mystic  ruin   minimum   caster   level)   do   not   work.   As   with   a   dead   magic  
requires  an  access  point  from  the  surface,  and  while  many  GMs   mystic  ruin,  this  planar  trait  is  best  used  sparingly.  
are   tempted   to   skip   this   part   of   the   ruins   to   move   straight   into   § Wild   Magic:   In   a   wild   magic   mystic   ruin,   a   spellcaster   must  
the  dungeon,  it  is  this  above-­‐land  section  of  the  ruins  that  is  by   make   a   caster   level   check   (DC   15   +   the   spell’s   level)   when  
far   the   most   interesting   location,   as   wild   plants   and   animals   casting  a  spell.  Failure  indicates  something  bizarre  happens  as  
often  settle  in  the  ruin’s  topmost  reaches.  In  time,  the  lingering   noted   on   Table:   Wild   Magic   Effects   in   the   Pathfinder  
eldritch   energies   at   play   within   the   ruin   transform   these   Roleplaying  Game  GameMastery  Guide.    
creatures   into   powerful,   eldritch   beings   capable   of   challenging  
any  adventurer.      

Running  a  mystic  ruin  as  an  adventure  site  is  little  different  to  a   Like  any  adventuring  site,  a  mystic  ruin  has  its  share  of  valuable  
traditional  dungeon.  Below  are  some  considerations  GMs  should   treasures   and   ancient   magical   artefacts.   Listed   below   are  
keep  in  mind  when  using  a  mystic  ruin  as  an  adventure  site.   inspirational   ideas   for   unique,   thematic   treasures   to   award   PCs  
  Cover:   The   shattered   pillars   and   broken   walls   comprising   a   adventuring  in  a  mystic  ruin.  
mystic   ruin   are   often   used   to   provide   cover   to   canny     Alchemical   Ingredients:   Many   rare   types   of   mould   and   fungus  
combatants.  As  a  general  rule,  any  stone  structure  large  enough   grow   in   mystic   ruins   thanks   to   its   high   concentration   of   arcane  
to  be  considered  impassable  terrain  or  tall  enough  to  provide  a   energy.  These  regents  are  somewhat  rare  and  esoteric,  and  as  a  
higher   ground   bonus   can   provide   cover.   Fallen   pillars,   holes   in   result   they   require   a   DC   15   Craft   (alchemy)   or   Knowledge  
the   walls   and   floors   and   large   chunks   of   debris   are   common   (nature)   check   to   identify   (instead   of   the   usual   DC   10).   Such   rare  
sources  of  cover.   substances  are  typically  worth  2  gp  to  10  gp.  
  Darkened  Corridors:  As  one  plunges  deeper  into  a  mystic  ruin,     Arcane   Regents:   Many   regents   needed   to   cast   spells   can   be  
natural   light   becomes   impossible   to   find   and   adventurers   must   found  in  abundance  within  a  mystic  ruin.  It  is  relatively  easy  for  
rely  on  torches  and  other  sources  of  light  to  see  in  the  dark.     spellcasters   to   find   the   basic   components   needed   to   fill   a   spell  
Sometimes   the   magical   energy   surrounding   a   mystic   ruin   components  pouch  by  searching  throughout  a  mystic  ruin  (DC  10  
enhances   the   darkness   itself,   improving   certain   shadowy   areas   Knowledge   [arcana]),   but   more   obscure   regents   may   not   be  
to  that  of  deeper  darkness.   available.   Additionally,   item   crafters   can   sometimes   find   rare  
  Dizzying  Haze:  The  high  concentration  of  magic  emited  from  a   items   suitable   to   create   magical   items,   such   as   magic-­‐infused  
mystic   ruin   wrecks   havoc   on   an   adventure’s   senses,   causes   gloves,  belts  and  so  on.  These  items  aren’t  worth  any  extra  gp  on  
irritations   such   as   itches   and   nosebleeds,   and   makes   it   difficult   their  own,  but  they  reduce  the  amount  of  time  needed  to  craft  
to   concentrate.   After   being   exposed   to   a   dizzying   haze,   a   an  item  of  that  kind  (such  as  “gloves”  with  magic-­‐infused  gloves)  
creature   suffers   a   –2   penalty   on   Perception   checks   and   by  one  day.  
concentration  checks  unless  it  makes  a  DC  15  Fortitude  save.     Living   Steel:   Trees   sufficiently   warped   by   magical   energies  
  Multi-­‐Level   Design:   Because   of   the   numerous   holes   in   a   sometimes  create  living  steel,  a  special  metal  able  to  repair  itself  
mystic  ruin,  it  is  very  possible  enemies  on  lower-­‐levels  might  be   by  absorbing  nutrients  from  the  ground.  Living  steel  is  extremely  
able   to   see   and   hear   trespassers   many   floors   above   (or   below)   valuable  and  is  typically  worth  250  gp  per  pound,  although  some  
them.   When   large   enough   view   points   are   available   (such   as   objects  cost  different  amounts  to  craft  with  living  steel.  
large  holes  in  the  floor  or  ceiling),  spellcasters  may  cast  spells  on     Power  Components:  Although  worthless  normally,  sometimes  
opponents   on   different   floors   while   other   intelligent   characters   a   spellcaster   can   harvest   strange   minerals   or   plants   that   can  
stage  ambushes  or  alert  others  throughout  the  ruins.  Crumbling   enhance  his  magic.  Typically,  a  power  component  requires  a  DC  
pillars   or   floors   can   provide   the   ruin’s   inhabitants   the   perfect   15  Knowledge  (arcana)  check  to  harvest  and  is  worth  5  gp.  When  
method   of   setting   up   an   ambush   –   by   knocking   the   floor   out   a  power  component  is  expended  as  a  material  component  for  a  
from  under  the  PCs  or  by  pushing  PCs  into  large  pits,  effectively   spell,   the   component   provides   a   +1   bonus   to   the   spell’s   caster  
neutralizing  them  for  several  minutes.   level   or   save   DC   or   a   +2   bonus   on   caster   level   checks   to  
  Mutagens:   The   latent   spell   energy   surrounding   a   mystic   ruin   overcome   spell   resistance.   The   GM   randomly  
often   makes   creatures   dwelling   within   somewhat   resistant   to   determines   which   of   these   three   properties   a  
magic,   but   those   who   are   visiting   for   the   first   time   are   component   possesses  
bombarded   by   magic,   making   them   less   resilient   to   spells.   As   a   when   it   is  
result,   PCs   adventuring   in   a   mystic   ruin   take   a   –1   penalty   on   harvested.    
saving  throws  against  spells  and  spell-­‐like  abilities.  
  Natural   Hazards:   In   addition   to   the   plethora   of   supernatural  
traps  lurking  within  a  mystic  ruin,  plenty  of  natural  hazards  such  
as  poison  ivy  and  poison  oak,  hidden  pits  and  deadly  poisons  can  
challenge   experienced   adventurers.   Oftentimes   these   hazards  
are   magically   augmented;   poisons   have   high   save   DCs,   pits   are  
hidden   by   illusion   magic   and   poisonous   plants   disguise  
themselves  as  fruit-­‐bearing  vines  (as  silent  illusion).  

The   appearance   and   characteristics   of   a   mystic   ruin   are   vital   to     Willing  Mutants:  Although  the  ideas  of  allowing  one’s  self  to  
highlighting   the   site   as   a   unique,   exciting   place   to   adventure.   become   mutated   seems   horrifying   to   most,   some   creatures  
Whether   the   mystic   ruin   is   the   remains   of   an   ancient   wizard’s   relish  the  “gifts”  bestowed  upon  themselves  and  their  young  by  
laboratory,   the   site   of   a   horrible   magical   catastrophe   or   a   mystic   ruin’s   unchecked   arcane   powers.   Troglodytes,   goblins,  
inhabited   by   eldritch   beings   whose   very   presence   warps   and   lizardfolk,   boggards   and   other   primitive   creatures   often   use   a  
changes   reality   itself,   choosing   appropriate   dressings   for   the   mystic   ruin   as   a   holy   ground   and   a   spawning   ground   so   their  
mystic   ruin   helps   to   establish   the   tone   of   the   adventure   and   young  (and  hopefully  their  old)  will  become  bigger  and  stronger  
player   expectations   for   what   terrible   secrets   might   lurk   in   the   as  a  result  of  the  mystic  ruin’s  influence.  
ruin’s  depths.  
FUNCTION Use   the   table   on   the   following   page   to   generate   interesting  
Most   mystic   ruins   have   been   partially   reclaimed   by   nature   and   characteristics   for   your   mystic   ruin.   Some   of   the   features   listed  
serve   as   homes   for   aberrations,   animals,   oozes,   undead   and   below  may  be  inappropriate  for  your  mystic  ruin  based  upon  its  
vermin.   Because   of   their   strange,   eldritch   powers,   unique   setup  –  ignore  or  modify  such  entries  as  appropriate.  
locations   and   the   potential   for   amazing   treasures   and     Expensive  Materials:  Some  of  the  dressings  described  on  the  
discoveries,   adventurers   and   scholars   often   seek   out   mystic   following   table   include   descriptions   of   eldritch   regents   and  
ruins.   In   some   cases,   these   trespassers   are   radically   warped   by   strange   mutations   that   can   be   valuable   to   arcane   schools   and  
the   strange   powers   at   play   within   the   mystic   ruin   and   go   mad,   curious  minds.  Typically  the  dressings  below  have  a  maximum  gp  
becoming   too   addled   to   leave.   Below   are   some   common   value   equal   to   the   party’s   APL   –2,   although   the   exact   value   for  
examples  of  how  a  mystic  ruin’s  inhabitants  utilize  their  home.   such  items  is  subject  to  GM  approval.  
  Field   Work:   Mystic   ruins   present   a   unique   opportunity   for     Harvesting   Dressings:   While   most   of   the   dressings   on   the  
those   interested   in   the   affects   of   arcane   magic   on   the   natural   following   table   are   part   of   the   terrain   or   located   on   living  
world   to   see   first   hand   the   wonders   (and   horrors)   befalling   a   creatures,   most   can   be   harvested   by   canny   PCs.   In   order   to  
location   if   magic   is   left   unchecked.   Although   goodly   wizards   harvest   a   dressing   from   a   mystic   ruin,   a   PC   must   make   a   skill  
sometimes  set  up  shop  to  study  the  consequences  of  the  mystic   check   with   a   DC   equal   to   15   +   the   average   CR   of   an   encounter  
ruin’s   presence,   many   use   their   study   selfishly   to   develop   new   set   within   the   mystic   ruin.   The   skill   check   used   should   be  
spells  for  their  personal  use.  In  their  arrogance,  however,  many   appropriate   for   the   object   being   harvested   and   failing   by   5   or  
learned   spellcasters   accidentally   accelerate   the   mystic   ruin’s   more  ruins  the  dressing.  
degenerative   properties   on   themselves   with   their     Modifying   Statistics:   Some   of   the   dressings   described   on  the  
experimentation  and  become  reduced  to  gibbering,  broken  souls   following  table  provide  bonuses  to  creatures  encountered  there.  
who  lose  all  intention  of  ever  returning  to  their  former  lives.   Generally   speaking,   a   creature   must   spend   a   minimum   of   one  
  Forgotten   Guardians:   Many   mystic   ruins   are   inhabited   by   uninterrupted   month   living   in   a   mystic   ruin,   eating   food   grown  
timeless  beings  created  to  protect  the  mystic  ruin  before  it  was   or  hunted  in  or  around  the  ruin,  bathing  within  its  water  and  so  
ruined.   Constructs   and   oozes   are   especially   well-­‐suited   to   this   on.  Even  then,  it  is  far  more  common  for  these  dressing  bonuses  
task,  but  occasionally  undead  are  left  behind  as  tomb  guardians   to   be   imparted   to   creatures   conceived,   born   and   raised   within  
or   vestigial   remains   of   whatever   souls   dwelled   in   the   mystic   the   mystic   ruin.   At   the   GM’s   decision,   some   of   these   bonuses  
ruins  before  it  fell  into  disarray.     may   fade   away   if   a   creature   spends   too   much   time   outside   of  
  Survival:   The   majority   of   a   mystic   ruin’s   inhabitants   are   the  mystic  ruin  or  is  not  exposed  to  an  adequate  enough  of  raw  
animalistic  creatures  dwelling  there  for  no  other  reason  than  to   eldritch  energy.  
find   food   and   shelter.   Despite   the   dangers,   a   mystic   ruin   attracts     Multiple   Dressings:   Although   most   mystic   ruins   only   possess  
a   large   number   of   fauna   and   possesses   prebuilt   structures   one   of   the   characteristics   noted   on   the   following   table,   at   the  
suitable  for  animal  dens.  Animals  dwelling  around  a  mystic  ruin   GM’s   decision   each   result   on   the   table   might   correspond   to   a  
are   forever   changed   from   the   exposure,   growing   to   impossible   single   area   within   the   mystic   ruin   (such   as   one   encounter  
sizes   or   becoming   supernaturally   strong   from   arcane   energy.   In   location).   Instead   of   rolling   on   the   table,   a   GM   may   choose   to  
time,   many   such   animals   and   vermin   become   transformed   into   simply  pick  appropriate  dressings  to  implement.  
horrifying  aberrations  or  terrifying  magical  beasts  from  the  ruin’s      

D%   MYSTIC  RUIN  DRESSINGS   The   skin   of   all   creatures   encountered   in   the  
The   ruin’s   denizens   are   hardier   than   most,   mystic  ruin  is  translucent.  
granting  creatures  living  there  a  +2  enhancement   All   water   within   the   mystic   ruin   is   over   90  
01   64–66  
bonus   to   Strength,   Dexterity   and   Constitution   degrees  in  temperature,  including  rainfall.  
while  within  the  ruins.   The  terrain  within  the  mystic  ruin  bears  signs  of  
The   ruin’s   denizens   are   smarter   than   most,   acid  damage.  
granting  creatures  living  there  a  +2  enhancement   All   magic   auras   within   the   mystic   ruin   are   visible,  
02   71–73   as  if  all  creatures  possess  a  constant  arcane  sight  
bonus   to   Intelligence,   Wisdom   and   Charisma  
while  within  the  ruins.   effect.  
All   creatures   living   in   the   ruin   have   vibrant   Creatures   conceived   within   the   mystic   ruin  
03–05   74–76   possess   a   mutation,   granting   them   one   ability  
colourations  and  unusual  markings.  
While   PCs   are   within   the   mystic   ruin,   it   feels   as   from  among  those  granted  by  beast  shape  II.  
06–08   though   something   is   tickling   every   inch   of   their   Unattended   wood   within   the   mystic   ruin  
exposed  skin.     immediately  bursts  into  flames.  
The   mystic   ruin   is   filled   with   cracked   and   Gases   with   an   otherworldly   colour   billow   up  
09–10   71  
shattered  objects.   from  every  crack  in  the  mystic  ruin’s  floor.  
All   of   the   surfaces   within   the   mystic   ruin   are   Pungent   air   within   the   mystic   ruin   disorients  
11–13   creatures,   bestowing   a   –2   penalty   on   all   Will  
made  from  flawlessly  cut  stone  bricks.  
All   plantlife   within   the   mystic   ruin   possesses   72–75   saves   the   creature   makes.   A   creature   becomes  
14–16   bioluminescence   that   glows   as   brightly   as   a   immune   to   this   penalty   after   spending   1   week  
torch.   within  the  mystic  ruins.  
Sunlight   within   the   mystic   ruin   is   dispersed   into   Vines   have   completely   naturalized   one   or   more  
17–20   76–80  
the  colours  of  a  rainbow.   sections  of  the  mystic  ruins.  
Ancient,   timeworn   books   litter   the   floor   in   the   The   mystic   ruin’s   floor   is   coated   with   a   thin   layer  
21–23   81–83  
mystic  ruin,  their  pages  long  since  rotted.   of  slime.  
All  mould  within  the  mystic  ruin  is  uncomfortably   Creatures   encountered   within   the   mystic   ruin  
24–26   84–86   have   one   fewer   (or   one   more)   digit   on   each  
sticky  and  is  considered  difficult  terrain.  
A   coloured   haze   fills   the   mystic   ruin.   This   haze   appendage  than  is  normal  for  their  kind.  
27–28   does  not  impair  vision,  but  it  burns  unprotected   Every   manufactured   object   found   within   the  
eyes  slightly.   mystic   ruins   possesses   a   faint   magical   aura  
1d4  of  the  PCs’  names  are  scrawled  in  grime  on   (determine   the   school   randomly).   The   aura   fades  
29–30   1d4  hours  after  it  is  removed  from  the  ruins.  
every  wall  within  the  mystic  ruin.  
Each   day,   any   creatures   resting   for   8   hours   The  blood  of  any  living  creature  conceived  within  
31   within   the   ruin   gain   a   random   minor   spellblight   90   the   mystic   ruins   is   infused   with   magic,   granting  
(DC  16  Will  negates).   them  the  sorcerer  creature  template.  
An   enchanting   melody   endlessly   haunts   the   Each   hour   a   creature   spends   within   the   mystic  
34–36   ruin,  it  becomes  1  inch  shorter.  This  cannot  make  
mystic  ruin’s  halls.   91–93  
The   mystic   ruin’s   walls   are   covered   in   strangely   a   creature   small   enough   to   reduce   its   size  
37–38   category.  
coloured  grime.  
Creatures  encountered  within  the  mystic  ruin  are   The   PCs’   shadows   do   not   cast   on   any   surface  
39–40   covered  in  oddly  shaped  scars  and  possess  puss-­‐ within  the  mystic  ruin.  
filled  growths.   When   a   creature   dies   within   the   mystic   ruins,   a  
Glowing   runes   emanating   an   abjuration   aura   line   96–97   mindless   ooze   with   a   CR   equal   to   (or   lower   than)  
41–45   the  slain  creature’s  CR  emerges  from  its  corpse.  
the  walls.  
A  stream  of  sunlight  enters  a  crack  in  the  roof  of   98–99   Roll  twice  and  apply  all  results.  
46–50   100   Roll  three  times  and  apply  all  results.  
nearly  every  room  within  the  mystic  ruins.  
Creatures  encountered  within  the  mystic  ruin  are    
51–54   semi-­‐resistant   to   magic   and   have   spell   resistance    
equal  to  13  +  their  Hit  Dice.    
Water  endlessly  drips  into  a  small  puddle  or  pool    
within  the  mystic  ruins  with  an  audible  plop.  
Creatures   encountered   within   the   mystic   ruin  
60   gain   a   +4   circumstance   bonus   on   attack   rolls    
against  creatures  benefiting  from  a  spell  effect.  

From  snarling  mutants  to  menacing  outsiders,  the  very  nature  of     Goblins   (CR   1/3):   These   surprisingly   hardy   creatures   live   just  
a  mystic  ruin  tends  to  attract  horrifying  creatures  that  vigorously   about   anywhere   and   their   magicians   often   weaken   the   planar  
defend   a   mystic   ruin   from   all   interlopers.   This   section   includes   divides   around   a   mystic   ruin,   further   expediting   the   mutative  
sample  creatures  often  found  within  mystic  ruins;  each  creature   properties   of   the   site.   Mutant   goblins   are   common   in   tribes  
includes  its  CR  for  reference  when  possible.   dwelling  in  and  around  a  mystic  ruin.  
  Animals   (CR   Varies):   Animal   fauna   are   especially   common     Gray   Ooze   (CR   4):   Although   virtually   any   ooze   can   appear  
around  a  mystic  ruin  as  they  inherently  sense  the  ruin’s  presence   within   a   mystic   ruin,   gray   oozes   are   by   far   the   most   common.  
causes   them   to   become   more   powerful.   In   some   rare   cases,   Some   wizards   theorize   gray   oozes   spontaneously   grow   in   areas  
animals  dwelling  within  a  mystic  ruin  become  awakened  (as  the   rich   in   eldritch   power,   causing   both   wizards   and   alchemists  
spell)  by  their  proximity  to  the  site.   seeking  to  study  oozes  to  explore  mystic  ruins.    
  Bodak  (CR  8):  When  an  eldritch  catastrophe  creates  a  mystic     Mutant  Creatures  (CR  Varies):  Warped  by  the  magical  powers  
ruin,   those   trapped   within   are   often   ravaged   beyond   salvation,   wracking   the   land   surrounding   a   mystic   ruin,   most   mutants  
their   souls   charred   and   flesh   wrecked.   These   creatures   arise   inhabiting   a   mystic   ruin   are   animals   and   vermin,   although  
from  the  dead  as  bodaks,  a  process  that  drives  the  soul  mad  and   sometimes   humanoids   living   too   close   to   a   mystic   ruin   are   also  
condemns  it  to  an  evil  existence.   warped  into  maddened  mutants  by  its  presence.    
  Proteans   (CR   Varies):   Chaotic   outsiders   known   as   proteans  
are  often  attracted  to  mystic  ruins  because  of  the  chaos  created  
by   the   raw,   primal   magic   permeating   the   area.   They   see   such  
locations   as   havens   in   the   Material   Plane   and  
use   them   as   staging   grounds   to   dissolve   the  
Material  Plane  into  chaos.  
  Sorcerer   Creatures   (CR   Varies):   The   raw  
power  of  a  mystic  ruin  causes  creatures  unlikely  
to   possess   magical   power   to   manifest   it  
regardless.   Aberrant   bloodlines   are   common  
among   these   sorcerer   creatures,   and   they  
generally   possess   evocation   and   transmutation  
  Yaoguai   (CR  
7):   Perhaps   the  
most   terrible   of  
occurring   within  
a   mystic   ruin,   a  
yaoguai   is   a  
monstrosity   born  
of   unnatural  
magic.   This  
deformed   monster   is  
violently  insane  and  tends  to  help  
accelerate   a   mystic   ruin’s  
naturalization   by   crushing   its   walls  
and  smashing  apart  its  apertures.  

Inhabited   by   forgotten   constructs   and   horribly   mutated   its   holding   chambers,   it   rapidly  savages   the   land   surrounding   the  
creatures,   mystic   ruins   are   never   safe.   Both   natural   and   mystic   ruin,   digesting   animal   and   plant   alike   with   its   acidic  
manually  constructed  traps  litter  most  mystic  ruins.   secretions.  
  Thirsting  Brambles  (CR  5):  This  ravenous,  semi-­‐sentient  plant  
MUNDANE TRAPS & HAZARDS uses   its   wicked   thistles   to   draw   moisture   from   living   creatures.  
The   following   traps   and   hazards   are   non-­‐magical   in   nature   and   Although   airtight   armour   and   thick   skin   can   prevent   a   thirsting  
many   of   them   are   formed   without   the   need   for   construction.   bramble   from   infecting   a   creature,   most   attempts   to   remove  
The  natural  traps  detailed  here  do  not  have  a  reset  mechanic.   thirsting   brambles   are   reactionary,   and   if   left   untreated   the  
  Cave-­‐In/Collapse   (CR   8):   A   mystic   ruin’s   antiquity   often   leaves   brambles   remove   all   moisture   from   the   victim,   leaving   them   a  
it   structurally   unsound   and   prone   to   collapse.   Typically,   this   dried  husk.  
occurs   when   a   ruin’s   ceiling   has   been   weathered   away   for   so  
long   that   the   slightest   movement   can   send   the   entire   structure   PLANNAR THINNING (LIMBO)
crumbling  down.     The   following   new   magical   hazard   (CR   15th;   XP   51,200)   often  
  Falling   Block   Trap   (CR   5):   Often   built   from   falling   debris  this   is   manifests  within  mystic  ruins  that  are  located  where  the  planar  
a  common  danger  in  a  mystic  ruin.  Especially  large  fragments  of   boundaries  between  the  Material  Plane  and  Limbo  are  weakest.  
stone  may  deal  3d6  damage.   Planar   thinning   occurs   when   unchecked   magic   slowly   begins   to  
  Green   Slime   (CR   4):   This   deadly   ooze-­‐like   slime   rapidly   dissolve  the  boundaries  between  one  plane  and  Limbo.  If  a  spell  
devours   any   organic   material   it   touches.   This   slime   is   often   is  cast  within  an  area  of  planar  thinning,  its  caster  must  make  a  
created   as   a   by-­‐product   of   arcane   experimentation   stagnated   DC  30  caster  level  check.  If  the  caster  fails  its  check,  all  creatures  
from   years   of   neglect.   As   arcane   energy   further   enhances   the   within   the   area   are   afflicted   by   planar   backlash   unless   each  
speed   at   which   the   slime   multiplies,   it   is   not   uncommon   for   creature   makes   a   DC   25   Fortitude   save.   Creatures   native   to  
entire  levels  of  mystic  ruins  to  be  coated  in  green  slime.   Limbo   receive   a   +4   bonus   on   their   saving   throw   against   this  
effect.  See  the  table  below  for  a  list  of  possible  affects  caused  by  
MAGICAL TRAPS & HAZARDS planar   blacklash.   This   hazard   (and   its   effects)   can   only   be  
Even   when   naturally   occurring,   the   traps   and   hazards   listed   in   destroyed   by   a   targeted   dispel   from   greater   dispel   magic   (DC  
this  section  are  the  result  of  powerful  magical  energies.   25).  
  Accursed   Pool   (CR   3):   Turbulent   magical   energies   sometimes    
coalesce   into   a   dangerous   hazard   known   as   an   accursed   pool.   D%   PLANAR  BACKLASH  EFFECT  
This   insidious   conglomeration   attempts   to   use   illusions   to   lure   Drawbacks   as   if   the   target   had   donned   a   cursed   item.  
passerbyers   into   its   depths   to   drown   them.   Although   it   isn’t   01-­‐25   The   curse   is   permanent   unless   removed   by   remove  
understood   how   or   why   these   pools   are   created,   some   believe   curse  (CL  equals  the  hazard’s  CR).  
they   represent   lingering,   sinful   desires   that   wish   to   inflict   harm   Wondrous  effects  as  if  the  target  had  been  subjected  to  
a  rod  of  wonder.  
on  whomever  passes  near  them.  
Warpwave  effect  as  if  the  target  has  been  subjected  to  
  Dweomersink   (CR   8):   These   strange   bubbles   of   antimagic  
51-­‐75   a   protean’s   warpwave   attack.   The   effect’s   CL   is   equal   to  
aren’t   strong   enough   to   completely   fizzle   spells.   Instead,   they   the  hazard’s  CR.  
make   counterspelling   attempts   against   any   spells   cast   within   Target  is  teleported  (as  greater  teleport)  1d10  miles  in  a  
them.   Dweomersinks   typically   appear   in   mystic   ruins   where   random  direction.    
great  expenditures  of  magical  energy  occurred.   Target’s   age   is   doubled.   Adjust   its   physical   ability   scores  
  Glyph   of   Warding   (CR   7):   Although   the   structure   fails,   the   92-­‐93   (but   not   its   mental   ability   scores)   appropriately.   This  
glyphs   left   behind   by   a   mystic   ruin’s   owner   often   last   much   effect  is  instantaneous.  
Target’s  age  is  reduced  by  half.  Adjust  its  physical  ability  
longer.  Sometimes  these  glyphs  malfunction  and  cause  localized  
94-­‐95   scores  (but  not  its  mental  ability  scores)  appropriately.  
wild   magic   events   instead   (treat   as   though   all   targets   within   a   This  effect  is  instantaneous.  
30-­‐ft.  burst  of  the  glyph  were  affected  by  a  rod  of  wonder).   Target   is   transformed   into   a   different   creature   of   its  
  Ravenous   Mould   (CR   4):   It   is   believed   this   dangerous   mould   type,  as  if  it  had  died  and  was  raised  by  reincarnate.  
was  created  by  a  wizard  who  sought  to  use  it  as  a  living  weapon.   98-­‐99   Roll  twice  and  apply  all  results  to  the  target.  
When   ravenous   mould   left   behind   by   careless   wizards   escapes   100   Roll  three  times  and  apply  all  results  to  the  target.  



The   people   of   Therian   Wood   thought   little   of   the   strange,  
The   town   of   Gro’s   Reach   had   always   had   a   bit   of   a   goblin  
deserted   former   home   of   Archmage   Bete   Thassadore   until   the  
problem,   but   it   was   never   anything   their   elite   guards   coupled  
day   the   sky   turned   purple.   Unknown   to   anyone,   a   small  
with   a   few   able-­‐bodied   mercenaries   couldn’t   handle.   Until   one  
voidworm  named  Grw’lskapit  snuck  into  the  archmage’s  former  
day   when   a   raid   of   over   100   goblins,   each   sporting   wretched  
home   and   tore   open   a   hole   between   the   Material   Plane   and  
deformities   while   conjuring   bursts   of   flame   from   its   hands  
Limbo,   the   chaotic   realm   of   the   proteans.   Transformed   into   a  
sacked  the  place,  destroying  half  of  the  town  and  taking  prisoner  
keketar  protean  for  his  valor,  Grw’lskapit  now  commands  legions  
a   third   of   the   population.   After   following   the   warband   back   to  
of   proteans   bent   upon   transforming   Therian   Wood   into   Limbo  
their  base,  an  old  laboratory  belonging  to  a  long-­‐dead  sorcerer,  
on   earth.   As   Grw’lskapit   wafts   across   the   streets   transforming  
the  people  of  Gro’s  Reach  have  discovered  the  goblins  are  using  
teacups   into   tyrannosauruses   and   people   into   peacocks   as   part  
a  strange  power  to  transform  living  creatures,  be  they  beasts  or  
of   his   own   incomprehensible   plans,   Therian   Wood   prays   for   a  
men,   into   goblins.   The   people   of   Gro’s   Reach   are   desperate   for  
hero  to  save  them  from  the  ravages  of  Limbo.  
heroes   who   will   not   only   defeat   the   goblins,   but   capture   them  
alive  in  hopes  of  returning  their  loved  ones  to  their  proper  state,  
if  such  a  deed  is  even  possible.  

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as   Open   Game   Content   by   the   Contributor,   and   means   any   work   covered   by   this   License,     Open  Game  License  v1.0a.  Copyright  2000,  Wizards  of  the  Coast  Inc.  
including   translations   and   derivative   works   under   copyright   law,   but   specifically   excludes     System   Reference   Document:   ©2000,   Wizards   of   the   Coast,   Inc.   Authors:   Jonathan  
Product   Identity.   (e)   "Product   Identity"   means   product   and   product   line   names,   logos   and   Tweet,  Monte  Cook,  Skip  Williams,  b ased  on  material  by  E.  Gary  Gygax  and  Dave  Arneson.  
identifying  marks  including  trade  d ress;  artifacts;  creatures  characters;  stories,  storylines,  p lots,     Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game.   ©2008,   2009,   Paizo   Publishing,   LLC;   Author:   Jason  
thematic   elements,   dialogue,   incidents,   language,   artwork,   symbols,   designs,   depictions,   Bulmahn.  
likenesses,   formats,   poses,   concepts,   themes   and   graphic,   photographic   and   other   visual   or     Pathfinder   RPG   Bestiary.   ©2009   Paizo   Publishing   LC;   Author   Jason   Bulmahn,   based   on  
audio   representations;   names   and   descriptions   of   characters,   spells,   enchantments,   material  by  Jonathan  Tweet,  Monte  Cook  and  Sip  Williams.  
personalities,  teams,  personas,  likenesses  and  special  abilities;  places,  locations,  environments,     The  Book  of  Experimental  Might.  ©2008,  Malhavoc  Press;  Author:  Monte  Cook.  
creatures,   equipment,   magical   or   supernatural   abilities   or   effects,   logos,   symbols,   or   graphic     Tomb   of   Horrors.   ©2002,   Necromancer   Games,   Inc.;   Authors:   Scott   Greene,   with   Clark  
designs;  and  any  other  trademark  o r  registered  trademark  clearly  identified  as  Product  identity   Peterson,   Erica   Balsley,   Kevin   Baase,   Casey   Christofferson,   Lance   Hawvermale,   Travis  
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Contributor  to  identify  itself  or  its  products  or  the  associated  products  contributed  to  the  Open   Baur,   Jason   Bulmahn,   Adam   Daigle,   Graeme   Davis,   Crystal   Frasier,   Joshua   J.   Frost,   Tim  
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(h)  "You"  or  "Your"  means  the  licensee  in  terms  of  this  agreement.   K.C.   Stephens,   James   L.   Sutter,   Russ   Taylor,   and   Greg   A.   Vaughan,   based   on   material   by  
  2.   The   License:   This   License   applies   to   any   Open   Game   Content   that   contains   a   notice   Jonathan  Tweet,  Monte  Cook,  and  Skip  Williams.  
indicating  that  the  Open  Game  Content  may  only  be  Used  under  and  in  terms  of  this  License.     Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game   Bestiary   3.   ©   2011,   Paizo   Publishing,   LLC;   Authors:   Jesse  
You  must  affix  such  a  notice  to  any  Open  Game  Content  that  you  Use.  No  terms  may  be  added   Benner,   Jason   Bulmahn,   Adam   Daigle,   James   Jacobs,   Michael   Kenway,   Rob   McCreary,   Patrick  
to  or  subtracted  from  this  License  except  as  described  by  the  License  itself.  No  other  terms  or   Renie,  Chris  Sims,  F.  Wesley  Schneider,  James  L.  Sutter,  and  Russ  Taylor,  based  on  material  by  
conditions  may  be  applied  to  any  Open  Game  Content  distributed  using  this  License.   Jonathan  Tweet,  Monte  Cook,  and  Skip  Williams.  
  3.  Offer  and  Acceptance:  By  Using  the  Open  Game  Content  You  indicate  Your  acceptance     Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game   Bestiary   4.   ©   2012,   Paizo   Publishing,   LLC;   Authors:   Jason  
of  the  terms  of  this  License.   Bulmahn.   Dennis   Baker,   .Jesse   Benner,   Savannah   Broadway,   Ross   Byers,   Adam   Daigle,   Tim  
  4.   Grant   and   Consideration:   In   consideration   for   agreeing   to   use   this   License,   the   Hitchcock,  Tracy  Hurley,  James  Jacobs,  Matt  James,  Rob  McCreary,  Jason  Nelson,  Tom  Phillips,  
Contributors   grant   You   a   perpetual,   worldwide,   royalty-­‐free,   non-­‐exclusive   license   with   the   Stephen   Radney-­‐MacFarland,   Sean   K.   Reynolds,   F.   Wesley   Schneider,   Tork   Shaw   and   Russ  
exact  terms  of  this  License  to  Use,  the  Open  Game  Content.   Taylor.  
  5.  Representation  of  Authority  to  Contribute:  If  You  are  contributing  original  material  as     Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game   GameMastery   Guide.   ©   2010,   Paizo   Publishing,   LLC;  
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You  have  sufficient  rights  to  grant  the  rights  conveyed  b y  this  License.   Daigle,  Joshua  J.  Frost,  James  Jacobs,  Kenneth  Hite,  Steven  Kenson,  Robin  Laws,  Tito  Leati,  Rob  
  6.  Notice  of  License  Copyright:  You  must  update  the  COPYRIGHT  NOTICE  portion  of  this   McCreary,   Hal   Maclean,   Colin   McComb,   Jason   Nelson,   David   Noonan,   Richard   Pett,   Rich  
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copying,   modifying   or   distributing,   and   You   must   add   the   title,   the   copyright   date,   and   the   Stevens,  James  L.  Sutter,  Russ  T aylor,  Penny  Williams,  Skip  Williams,  Teeuwynn  Woodruff.  
copyright   holder's   name   to   the   COPYRIGHT   NOTICE   of   any   original   Open   Game   Content   you   Pathfinder  Roleplaying  Game  Advanced  Player's  Guide.  ©  2010,  Paizo  Publishing,  LLC;  Author:  
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  7.   Use   of   Product   Identity:   You   agree   not   to   Use   any   Product   Identity,   including   as   an     Pathfinder   Roleplaying   Game   Ultimate   Magic.   ©   2011,   Paizo   Publishing,   LLC;   Authors:  
indication  as  to  compatibility,  except  as  expressly  licensed  in  another,  independent  Agreement   Jason  Bulmahn,  Tim  Hitchcock,  Colin  McComb,  Rob  McCreary,  Jason  Nelson,  Stephen  Radney-­‐
with  the  owner  of  each  element  of  that  Product  Identity.  You  agree  n ot  to  indicate  compatibility   MacFarland,  Sean  K  Reynolds,  Owen  K.C.  Stephens,  and  Russ  Taylor.  
or   co-­‐adaptability   with   any   Trademark   or   Registered   Trademark   in   conjunction   with   a   work     Pathfinder  Roleplaying  Game  Monster  Codex.  ©  2014,  Paizo  Inc.;  Authors:  Dennis  Baker,  
containing   Open   Game   Content   except   as   expressly   licensed   in   another,   independent   Jesse   Benner,   Logan   Bonner,   Jason   Bulmahn,   Ross   Byers,   John   Compton,   Robert   N.   Emerson,  
Agreement  with  the  owner  of  such  Trademark  or  Registered  Trademark.  The  use  o f  any  Product   Jonathan   H.   Keith,   Dale   C.   McCoy,   Jr.,   Mark   Moreland,   Tom   Phillips,   Stephen   Radney-­‐
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rights,  title  and  interest  in  and  to  that  Product  Identity.     Pathfinder  C ampaign  Setting:  Numeria,  Land  of  Fallen  Stars.  ©  2014,  Paizo  Inc,;  Authors:  
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  9.  Updating  the  License:  Wizards  or  its  designated  Agents  may  publish  updated  versions   Augunas.  
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