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Uy Baar eanais Prelate iene Le ge tel coc DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE Cooperative Extension Service 47529 Control Root-Knot Nematodes in Your Garden ‘Stephen Vann Introduction Assistant Professor - Urban Plant Pathologist oot-knot nematodes ase merosepie woes that Ive la sil TL. Kirkpatrick {hu feed on the oats of many common Professor - arden crops igure 1 and 2 The Plant Pathologist fumatods got it name bees feding causes galls welling or Rick Cartaright ‘note frm on the rots of infected Professor ants igure 9 Rot kot nematdes Plant Pathologist ‘2p scontificlly asi in the gon ‘Nelodagyne Thar ae ever specs ‘Meloidogyne, ut M. incognita also Dimphin, squash, west plat, seat ‘ern, curt, ogplant, bean and pea ot inet nematode ale feed std anatily an many garden weeds, though they may nt injare these Arkansas Is Our Campus itp tmioe cs plans to any extent. fomalo ot natnematade (Figaro 2) can lay ‘sp to 600 ogee at atime, and root, dlamage rer from the shoer numberof namatodes fading on rots by the and ofthe summer Rot nt, ‘ematodes tend tobe mare of problem in eandy 0 ‘Symptoms. So how do you tal if oat knot ‘nematodes are a problm in your surdea? int, lok for plants that are not performing wall Usually, ot all af your plant wil be affected tthe amo dagree, and some will be “mare than other. Symptoms ean Include stenting, elowing wiking luring the heat ofthe day with ee ‘ry at nih, fowor and amalar rat and general decline ~urvally dating ‘tho summer asthe plants go bigger a ex igge2 terete eno ing eta o00 opps staat arson 18 matt. eg Thame ar Und rie gan Say Some Copa igus 3, Rootinotnamatodoatictd ret ayatom on fet heathy en gh teint) Catfuly dig up came ofthe sick plante and ‘exanine the oe tae if gl ave present gue 9) Tyo aresnapecting legumes (Deas o pons), be eae {ule to conte the galls eauzedby the nomatado ‘vith the nitrogen-xing nodule hat ar anormal Dart of the rot eystem igure #).Te may be ela {eto pall uw healthy pa and look a te rots {ir onmparzon (Figure 9 ets are nated, many times loo accompanied by sovee rotting, then oc [knot nematodes shouldbe suspect owe 4 Roots of@ ‘eum. regen feng nodule aro ‘acho ony tthe ‘You can gota postive dingmocs of root ot omatodes trough your loa county Extension of. Put tho sid plants and abot a guar of sl frm tio ‘tea where yo dig thom into a pati bg and take ‘to the county Extention ofc.‘ the paste bag to iowp the sil and sole fom drying out, and keap iin Sou can deliver Never sllaw thebagto itn the an. Exponure to dret sunlight, even fr ewe ‘minaten wil soaring" (cok) the nematodes and ia thom ‘The county Extension agent wil send the samplo to the Nematode DiagnactieLabaratary for 8 romatads nen: The laboratory wl dtarno netntadee are tho problem and than pruvie edvce fn what ean be dane abot them. There ea 810 foo fortis verice. Control Although chenieslnematicdes have ben widely ‘aod in commersalagricultareta control nematodes, thay are both highly tne and very exponsive. [Nematiides ae nt waite or home gardon w Control of ret not nema a gardens nvalves ‘combination of growing resistant ville where ‘alae good eultural practices and encouraging ‘tural bloga ante (Grow Resistant Varotios Certain varieties of commen gure crops are resistant to rootknot nematodes When you By tomato plants, pepper plants okra seed, bean sed or [en sed end the variety abel ace ays {Enything aboot reistanen to nematodes The abe ‘ay ite capital otters VEN These letars Jndicat thatthe varaty hae vsitanco to cortain Alieaoer:V= Voriiom wit rasistant; = Fusariom Wvlteesistant; and N = root knot nematode elstant Some rsistant varieties for diforent crops are iste in Table ‘The nomatodo resstanco gens tnd to be ase sftetve during hot weather when the southern ot Snot nematode athe mt ctv. Although resistant ‘tes wil porform better than susceptible varieties ‘ede the conditions ey planting would help. Avoidance 1m most garden, thro wil be ares where nematodes are bev ad other areas where the lam may be light or nematodes may be abeont gather Although nematodes do ot move fa 03 {helt own (probebly3 fo 4 fest in a soason, tithing {hat mover sa infected plant ors from one place to-anther in tho garden wil lo move the vara. areas with a sover problem ean be identified, ‘racing common sense sanitation may peeve ‘leveling aotare probleme in oor areas Avoid ‘doing anything that moves sll or plant ‘material from thovo spots into “clean” areas. Some common means of nematode spread ined redone hand tol, dead plants that have boon Pulled wp and muddy shove Tillers hand tools, te, Sea nnn problem areas, Asan atonal precaution, thor implements ean be daifeted by Brushing dipping or spraying wits a slution of one part houoahold chlorine bleach one pasta Water Dea plants Gelding rot) should be removed ompetly fom the garden and depres of propel Plant soscplible cape i areas ofthe garden ‘hat donot have rot knat nematade problems, and plant nematodovsiatantvareton where the prablem Se severo (eo Table I) In many eases, growing ‘Table 1, Garden Crop Varatias Resistant to Root-Knat Nematodes (compiled from various seed companies) ren Tomatod Resitant Vario Tomato [Anahu,Akinson, Aubum 76, Best Bay, Bator Boy, Big Bool, Oi Sat, Bonus VFN, Bush Sig Boy, Bush Early Gt Colebriy, Campion, Emp, Enslada, Fron Rose, Lamon Boy, Met, Hone Cao, Nomare, Nomato, Nochom Exposire, OG so, Parts Extra Early, Parcs Whoppa, Pai, Patan, Prk Satur, Presiden, Rd October, Rosepus, Fost Sarina Gam, Sugar Shack, Surmor Flavor S000, Super BeetSteak, Superstoak, Suprtsty, Sweet Tangaino, Tt, Viva a, Wit Fed (Chery Tonato | Small Fey Tima Baan [Gangreen Nemagresn English Poa Wando Souter Poa Caiforia Blackeye, Foveroam, Magnola Blackaye,Visssap Grea, Missin Phkoye,Misissboi Puro, NEsiepe Slvor, Warhmee, Zipper Cream ‘Shap or Pale Baan | Alabama No.1 Pinanio Popper | Maslsipd Nemahoart et Papper Garin Cayenne, Chaesion Fok [Swot Poti ower resltant vate in the same spa for to consecative ‘Seasons wil wer nematode numbers wont ‘low the production of other suscipit varieties the ‘ext your, Unfvtunately, however, single yea a the useepbleerop generally allows the nomatnds bil back up ao that a resistant variety wil be noeessry the flowing season, Use anti-nematode crops and rp rotation In some gardens, nematodes ay become #0 sovere that vegetable pradeton i practi ot fonsstenty deappainting In thee extreme ‘tuations location of tho gardor to afresh” arwa Inay be the most practical sation If thir wpproach ie taken, be particule eel otf renfet the new spotby ogg so oat or equipment {AntiNomatode Crops and Rotations Rotate par oral af the garder to non ost erp cnown ta lwernamatodenambere. (for bird fed ean tower root ot sumbers, Darteuaryifthey are grown for Wo consecutive ‘pears iy, grr aaa winter enve ea ey aso Tralp lower nematode populations, Two other posable approaches ae listed belo. Plant French mavgols to redvee nematode rumbern The varieties Tangerine, Sette Harmony oF ‘Petite Go have ben shown to lower rot knot ‘nematode populations. Barigoldsssoul be planted in ‘wT anchor apart, and plants thal be spaced ‘inches apart within the rows This “checked” Paltern of panting allows hoingin both direction {outa wea in the mariglds Keeping the marge ‘weed-fre is important since nematodes ca Imaltiply on weed roots Alloy the mangos fo {row at lena 2 ment, thon plow them under You Soald beable to plant anoaypibe crop in the area. However, you may need todo this every year Do not plant Tangerine Gem or hybrid marigolds ae they may actually increase nematodes, Certain vavetiaa of ansla produce a substance that etx to nematodes hen the plant material Aleeompases Although there hs bo Ile rseareh ‘sing tis approach to nematode ctrl in gardont, planting eanala i the all ea wintor cover rop may Felp ewer nematode poplations for the nxt ‘egeable crop. Canola shotld be allowed to grow all ‘winter and thon be plowed under ini late [March fellow the plants to deeonpoeo inthe si for bout a month befor tho garda is planted."Twe ‘arotoe of eanola, Huns” and ‘Dwar Bases boon reported to contain high level ofthe nematods toxle compounds allow part of your gardan every your trades the netnataes inthe a ‘+ Till tho ol ovory tivo Wook to agp the fllowed ‘aren weed-free, Remember that nematodes cat ‘ad ond multply om woods ax wel crops + Fallow by cling an aoa a coupe of tines, then over wit back plastic uni the folowing spring ‘Risotto age nota io haep re fee of weed,

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