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The invalidity of the container contract does not affect the validity of the
arbitration agreement.
Arbitration – voluntary dispute resolution process in which one or more arbitrators, appointed Moreover, in a petition to compel arbitration, the issue is only limited to whether an
in accordance with the agreement of the parties, or rules promulgated pursuant to law, resolve arbitration agreement exists.
a dispute by rendering an award. (“wave of the future”)
4. Limits as to Resolution / Rescission of the Arbitration Agreement
Laws that govern: o If the contract contains an arbitration clause, a party cannot unilaterally resolve the
1. Domestic Arbitration – R.A. 876 contract without first resorting to arbitration.
2. International Commercial Arbitration – UNCITRAL Model Law of 1985 pursuant to R.A.
9285 Sec. 19 (even if there is a 2006 version of the UNCITRAL Model Law) Korea Technologies vs. Lerma (2008) – As a general rule, a party may unilaterally rescind
subject to judicial review. An exception is when there is a conflict that must be resolved
- Note that R.A. 9285 only applies if the seat of arbitration is in the Philippines through arbitration.

Generally, everything may be subjected to arbitration Form of Arbitration Agreement

Except: It musts be:
a. Labor disputes (1) in writing
b. Civil status of persons  note, under the Model Law, the agreement may be contained:
c. Validity of marriage / legal separation  in a document signed by the parties
d. Future legitime / future support  in an exchange of letters, telegram or other means of communication
e. Criminal liability  in an exchange of statements of claim and defense in which the existence
f. Jurisdiction of courts of an agreement was alleged by one party, and not denied by another
g. Those by law which cannot be compromised (Art. 2035, NCC) (2) subscribed by the parties or their representatives

Arbitration Agreement BF Corporation vs. CA (1998) – Here, container agreement was signed, however, the arbitration
1. Party Autonomy agreement, which was in a separate document, was not. The Court held that the arbitration
The parties are free to contract on the: agreement and the container agreement (principal contract) need not be in the same
o ADR mechanism – such as arbitration, mediation etc. document. The arbitration agreement was included by reference to the contract, and thus, the
o The arbitrators, number, their qualifications, substantive law, procedure container agreement is deemed to incorporate all other contracts and agreements between
o Seat of arbitration – where the arbitration is conducted the parties.
 Note: vis-à-vis place of arbitration – place of evidentiary hearing
2. Obligatory Force of Arbitration Contract Associated Bank vs. CA (1994) – Associated Bank, as issuing bank, and FEBTC, as collecting bank,
o There must always be a contract are deemed subject to the rules of Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC). PCHC Rules
 Arbitration agreement – parties to any contract agree to settle by arbitration provide that the fact that a bank participates in the clearing operations of PCHC shall be
any controversy arising in the future deemed written and subscribed consent to the binding effect of the arbitration agreement of
 Submission agreement – two or more persons or parties agree to submit to PCHC. Such participation is deemed their written and subscribed consent.
arbitration any controversy existing between them at the time of submission
o Arbitration agreement is law between the parties, thus, they must abide by it in good Ormoc Sugarcane Planters’ Assoc. vs. CA (2009) – a planters’ association cannot demand
faith arbitration if it is not a signatory to the arbitration agreement. It cannot claim to be a
3. Principle of Separability – it is treated as an agreement independent of the other terms of representative of the planters because it was not indicated in the contract, and even if they
the contract of which it forms part were representatives, they sued in their own name – which is inconsistent.
o A decision that a container contract is void does not ipso jure result to the invalidity
of the arbitration clause. This is because an arbitration agreement is a contract in
o This applies to domestic and international arbitration clause

Gonzales vs. Climax Mining (2007) – a petition to compel arbitration was filed by Climax against
Gonzales. Gonzales, however, filed in his answer making as issue the validity of the arbitration
agreement. The court held that an arbitration agreement is a separate and independent

Commercial Arbitration – if it covers matters arising from all relationships of a commercial Institutional Arbitration – depends upon the rules of the institution
nature, whether contractual or not. Ex. banking, leasing, financing, insurance, investment,
commercial representation etc. Ad hoc arbitration – deemed commenced upon service of the demand for arbitration (date of
receipt by the respondent)
Model Law Art. 1 (3): An arbitration is international if: The demand must contain: (1) nature of the controversy; (2) amount involved; (3) relief
a. the parties to an arbitration agreement have, at the time of the conclusion of that sought; (4) true copy of the contract
agreement, their places of business in different states; And also, appointment of the arbitrator
o note place of business: If single arbitrator – state specific time
 if a party has more than one place of business, the place of business is that which If three arbitrators – name party’s appointee, and then demand that a party appoints
has the closest relationship to the arbitration agreement his arbitrator within 15 days
 if a party does not have a place of business, reference is to be made to his Service: person or by registered mail
habitual residence
b. one of the places is situated outside the State in which the parties have their places of Judicial Relief Before Commencement of Arbitration
business: - If the seat is in the Philippines
(i) place of arbitration if determined in, or pursuant to, the arbitration agreement; - File with RTC place of residence or principal place of business
(ii) any place where a substantial part of the obligations of the commercial - there may be a question regarding the existence, validity, and enforceability of the
relationship is to be performed, or the place with which the subject-matter of arbitration agreement
the dispute is most closely connected; o note: pendency of the petition does not restrain the arbitral proceedings
(iii) the parties have expressly agreed that the subject-matter of the arbitration - petition – summary proceeding
agreement relates to more than one country o legal capacity to sue and be sued
o nature and substance of the dispute
Domestic International Foreign o grounds and circumstances relied upon
Seat is PH Defined above Seat of arbitration is o relief sought
Seat is PH outside the PH o attach authentic copy of the arbitration agreement
Petition for confirmation Petition for enforcement Petition for enforcement - Ruling of the court
Petition to vacate Petition to set aside Wait for petition for o Agreement is valid: not subject to MR/ 65/ appeal
enforcement and then o Agreement is void: 65
oppose by applying to
refuse recognition Judicial Relief After Arbitration Commences
Winning party may enforce - If the seat is in the Philippines
in another country where - there is already a ruling by the arbitral tribunal as regards their jurisdiction
losing party has assets - petition – summary proceeding
o legal capacity to sue and be sued
o nature and substance of the dispute
o grounds and circumstances relied upon
o relief sought
o attach authentic copy of the arbitration agreement
o also implead the arbitrators as nominal parties
- court will decide 30 days from submission of the case for resolution
- if the arbitral tribunal decides before the court renders a decision, the petition before the
court is moot and academic

Competence-Competence Principle
- arbitral tribunal shall be accorded the first opportunity or competence to rule on the issue
of whether or not it has the competence or jurisdiction to decide a dispute submitted to
it for decision
o the court must exercise judicial restraint and defer to the competence or jurisdiction there is already a binding foreign judgment, and said that the party agreed that it will
of the arbitral tribunal by allowing the arbitral tribunal the first opportunity to rule not object to the appointment.
upon such issues.  Note that in this case, the main issue was enforcement of the foreign judgment
o Court’s decision as to the validity of an arbitration agreement is merely prima facie. and not the validity of the arbitration agreement.
If there is no finding that the arbitration agreement is void, then the court must
suspend the action and refer the parties to arbitration What if the parties failed to agree on an arbitrator, or when the 2 arbitrators fail to appoint a
o The court has no authority to enjoin the arbitration proceedings. third arbitrator
- Institutional Arbitration
The court is merely called upon to exercise limited and special jurisdiction – that is, the o The institution appoints first
court can only determine whether the agreement in writing provides for arbitration. o If it fails, or is unable, the court may appoint
There is no law granting the judiciary authority to review the merits of an arbitral award.  Note that the parties may opt to have an institutional arbitration but designate
an appointing authority
APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATORS - Ad hoc arbitration and the parties did not designate an appointing authority
o National President of the IBP or his duly authorized representative
The appointee is not beholden to the appointing party because of the arbitrator’s impartiality o If he/she fails or refuses to act within 30 days, or period agreed upon by the parties,
and independence. the court will appoint
- Ad hoc or institutional arbitration and the parties designated an appointing authority
Arbitrator – the person appointed to render an award, alone or with others, in a dispute that o And the appointing authority fails or is unable to appoint
is the subject of an arbitration agreement.
Requirements under R.A. 876: Petition for Appointment of Arbitrators filed with the court:
1. Legal age o nature of the dispute
2. In full-enjoyment of his civil rights o description of the appointment procedure, if any
3. Knows how to read and write  number of arbitrators
4. No financial, fiduciary or other interest in the controversy or  special qualifications
5. has personal bias which might prejudice the right of any party to a fair and impartial o fact that the appointing authority failed or refuses to act within the period prescribed
award  plus, proof that the appointing authority has been notified of the filing of this
6. Not related within the 6th degree of consanguinity or affinity to either party petition
o that the petitioner is not the cause of the delay or failure of the appointment of the
If the arbitrator determines a fact that might disqualify him, he must inform the parties. The arbitrator
parties may then: o attach authentic copy of the arbitration agreement
a. Waive the presumptive disqualifying circumstance
b. Declare said office vacant Decision of the Court:
o Note that the grounds for disqualification can be used as a ground to vacate or set - Appointing an Arbitrator
aside the judgment o immediately executory
o no MR/ Appeal / 65
- An arbitrator is not civilly liable for acts done in the performance of their duties similar to - Denying appointment
public officers o May MR/ Appeal/ 65
o EXC: gross negligence, bad faith, or malice
- The parties may agree as to the number of arbitrators. If they did not, the number shall Challenge to Arbitrators – when the arbitrator does not have any of the qualifications or has
be three. disqualifications
o Also, an agreement which provides that a party, or a person representing him (such - This applies to both domestic and international commercial arbitration
as the managing corporation) may appoint more arbitrators is void. (Magellan - The parties may agree as to the procedure for challenging an arbitrator
Capital Management Corporation vs. Zosa, 2001). This is because it violates the - If there is none, file a written challenge within 15 days to the arbitral tribunal
mutuality principle of contracts. o If denied, party must file within 30 days from receipt to go to the Appointing
o Parties representing the same interest can only appoint one out of three arbitrators. Authority
o In Oil and Natural Gas Commission vs. CA (1998) – the agreement provided that the o If fails or refuses to act, renew the challenge within 30 days to the RTC
arbitrator shall be appointed by the Indian Commission (a party to the contract).  Immediately executory
Moreover, the PH company cannot object to such appointment. There was already  No MR/ Appeal/ 65
an arbitration agreement recognized by the Indian Court. Thus, the SC held that
- Note that when the arbitrator withdraws or is terminated by court order, a substitute
arbitrator shall be appointed
o The appointment will be the same as the rules applicable to the appointment of the
arbitrator replaced
- While the challenge is pending in court, the arbitral tribunal may continue the arbitral
proceedings and make the award.

Termination of the Mandate of Arbitrator – when the arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto
unable to perform his function or for other reasons fails to act without undue delay
- The arbitrator may withdraw, or if all the parties agree – no need for court action
- A petition may also be filed with the court after the denial of the termination of his
mandate by the tribunal.
o No MR/ Appeal/ 65
o The appointment will be the same as the rules applicable to the appointment of the
arbitrator replaced

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