Beta Report 1.1

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With Special Reference To


Synopsis submitted to
Department of Commerce, MAHE



Submitted by
Mr. Aditya Kumar

Under the guidance of

Mr. Ravindra Shenoy
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce
Manipal Academy of Higher Education,
Manipal, Karnataka


I, Aditya Kumar, student of Manipal University, Manipal,

Karnataka hereby declare that I have completed my
Internship Project on “THE STUDY OF THE
“SELECTION SEARCH” in the academic year 2018-2019.
The information submitted in the report is true and original to
the best of my knowledge.


Certificate of the Guide

Certificate by the Company


This project bears imprint of all those who have directly or indirectly helped me
and extended their kind support in completing this project. At the time of
making this report I express my sincere gratitude to all of them.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Anuradha Dravid (CEO,
Selection Search), Mr. Ravi Teja (Human Resource Manager, Selection Search
and Connect Hub) and Mrs. Himani Arora (Operational Head, Selection
Search) for giving me this opportunity to undergo this interestin project with
Selection Search, Gurugram.
I am indebted to Mrs. Anuradha Dravid (CEO), Mr. Ravi Teja (Human
Resource Manager) and Mrs. Himani Arora for their encouraging and kind
support throughout the project.
I am extremely thankful and obliged to Ass. Prof. Ravindra Shenoy (Project
Guide) for providing streamed guidelines since inception, till the completion of
the project.
I would also like to thank Selection Search employees and clients, whom I met
during the course of this project, for their support and for providing valuable
information, which helped me, complete this project successfully.
At this moment I also thank almighty God for the blessings showed upon me,
my parents for their support and care and also my friends for their valuable
This project report is a collective effort of all and I sincerely remember and
acknowledge all of them for their excellent help and assistance throughout the

--- Aditya Kumar



Human Resource is an important corporate asset and the overall performance of

company depends on the way it is put to use. In order to realize company
objectives, it is essential to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification and
experience. While doing so we need to keep present and future requirements of
company and the client in mind.

Successful recruitment methods include a thorough analysis of the job and the
labour market conditions. Recruitment is almost central to any management
process and failure in recruitment can create difficulties for any company
including an adverse effect on its profitability and inappropriate levels of
staffing or skills. Inadequate recruitment can lead to labour shortages, or
problems in management decision making.

Recruitment is however not just a simple selection process but also requires
management decision making and extensive planning to employ the most
suitable manpower. Competition among business organizations for recruiting
the best potential has increased focus on innovation, and management decision
making and the selectors aim to recruit only the best candidates who would suit
the corporate culture, ethics and climate specific to the organization.

The process of recruitment does not however end with application and selection
of the right people but involves maintaining and retaining the employees
chosen. Despite a well drawn plan on recruitment and selection and
involvement of qualified management team, recruitment processes followed by
companies can face significant obstacles in implementation. Theories of HRM
may provide insights on the best approaches to recruitment although companies
will have to use their in house management skills to apply generic theories
within specific organizational context.


This project focuses on “Procedures adopted for Recruitment and

Selection at SELECTION SEARCH, Gurugram”. The organization
has to be more responsive to the changing scenario and latest trends
in, recruitments and then of selection process. Organizational
capabilities need improvement through continuous updating of latest
technique, involving latest trends and methodologies used for
Recruitment and Selection of candidates, formulating recruitment
policy and in designing an effective HR Plan as any failure in HR
Planning will be a limiting factor in achieving the objectives of the
organization. Objectives in the present day of stiff challenge from
competitive market, it is ongoing process which requires proper
identification of organizational manpower requirement and also ways
of hiring the efficient and right person at the right time. The scope of
the project was to collect data from the selected employees of
company, analyze the significance of the data and the conclusion.

The project starts with the general introduction to what Selection and
Recruitment is all about. Then comes the Company Profile. It consists
of an introduction about the organization. Here I have stated the
history of the organization, its objectives, products and capabilities of
the organization. The project provides me excellent opportunity to
correlate my theoretical learning with the ground realities of the
industry and the market.


Sn No. Topics Page No.




Rigorous sourcing was undertaken to understand the recruitment process.

Candidates were interviewed and then potential candidates were shortlisted.
During the tenure of the project I learnt to put the candidates under assessment
tests and took the initial rounds of interview. Job Portals used by me for the
recruitment of candidates through NAUKRI.COM, SHINE, INDEED and the
Database of Selection Search.

The whole process of recruitment from a recruitment firm like Selection Search
is a very exhausting one. It is detail oriented in nature. The reason why every
employee gets motivated to do the job is because of the knowledge that at that
particular moment that particular recruiter was responsible for giving job to
these candidates. To generate employment is one thing but to recruit the right
kind of workforce for a job is another thing. It not only needs the basic
understanding of the client company’s need to fill the position in a period of
time but it also requires the recruiter to be sensitive of the needs of the
candidate to find the right job for himself. All this needs a great profundity of

During my tenure at Selection Search, I learnt to work as professional. The one

thing that got profoundly clear is that we need to go beyond the text books to
successfully work in the corporate world. There are certain unwritten policies to
be understood by the employees which support the Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP). Although, Profit Maximization is the basis of any business
organization’s existence this has to go in tandem with corporate social
responsibility (CSR). Meeting targets on your level dedicatedly is your

contribution to the revenue generation of the company.


Selection can be defined as, “The process of interviewing and

evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for
employment based on certain criteria.”
Employee selection can range from a very simple process to a very
complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position.
Certain employment laws such as anti-discrimination laws must be
obeyed during employee selection.


Recruitment is defined as, “A process to discover the sources of

manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to
employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate
numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.”
Edwin B. Flippo defined recruitment as “the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the
organization. “In simple words recruitment can be defined as a
‘linking function’-joining together those with jobs to fill and those
seeking jobs.


The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially

qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes and needs are:

 Determine the present and future requirements of the organization

in conjunction with its personnel-planning and job-analysis
 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
 Help increase the success rate of the selection process by
reducing the number of visibly, under qualified or overqualified
job applicants.
 Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and
selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of
 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will
be appropriate candidates.
 Induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.
 Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.
 Develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people
to the company.



1. Objective theory

1) Assumes applicants use a very rational method for making

2) Thus, the more information you can give them (e.g. salaries,
benefits, working condition, etc), the better applicants weight these
factors to arrive at a relative “desirability” index

2. Subjective theory

1) Assumes applicants are not rational, but respond to social or

psychological needs (e.g. security, achievement, affiliation)
2) Thus, play to these needs by highlighting job security or
opportunities for promotion or collegiality of work group, etc.

3. Critical Contact theory

1) Assumes key attractor is quality of contact with the recruiter or

recruiter behavior, e.g. (promptness, warmth, follow-up calls,
sincerity, etc.)

2) Research indicates that more recruiter contact enhances acceptance
of offer, also experienced recruiter are more successful than young
or inexperienced recruiter – may be especially important when
recruiting ethnic minorities, women, etc.


Recruitment policy of any organization is derived from the personnel

policy of the same organization. However, recruitment policy by
itself should take into consideration the government’s reservation
policy, policy regarding sons of soil, etc., personnel policies of other
organizations regarding merit, internal sources, social responsibility
in absorbing minority sections, women, etc.

Specific issues which may be addressed in Recruitment Policy:

1) Statement : Nondiscrimination (EEO employer) or particular

protected class members that may be sought for different positions
(see also Affirmative Action guidelines)

2) Position description: Adherence to job description (&

qualifications) in recruitment & selection -BFOQ’s - Bonafide
occupational qualifications

3) How to handle special personnel in recruitment/selection: e.g.
relatives (nepotism) veterans (any special advancement toward
retirement for military experience?), rehires (special consideration?
vacation days or other prior benefits?), part-time or temporary
personnel (special consideration? benefits?)

4) Recruitment budget/expenses: what is covered? Travel,

Lodging/meals, Staff travel to recruit, relocation, expenses, etc.

5) Others:
a. Residency requirement in district?
b. Favors, special considerations related to recruitment? - e.g. get
spouse a job?


Organisational inducements are all the positive features and benefits

offered by an organization that serves to attract job applicants to the
organisation. Three inducements need specific mention here, they

 Compensation: Starting salaries, frequency of pay increases,

incentives and fringe benefits can all serve as inducements to
potential employees.

 Career Opportunities: These help the present employees to

grow personally and professionally and also attract good people
to the organization. The feeling that the company takes care of
employee career aspirations serves as a powerful inducements
to potential employees.

 Image or Reputation: Factors that affect an organisation’s

reputation include its general treatment of employees, the nature
and quality of its products and services and its participation in
worthwhile social endeavors.

The sources of recruitment may be broadly divided into two
categories: internal sources and external sources. Both have their
own merits and demerits.

Internal Sources:-
Persons who are already working in an organization constitute the
‘internal sources’. Retrenched employees, retired employees,
dependents of deceased employees may also constitute the internal
sources. Whenever any vacancy arises, someone from within the
organization is upgraded, transferred, promoted or even demoted.

External Sources

External sources lie outside an organization. Here the organization

can have the services of: (a) Employees working in other
organizations; (b) Jobs aspirants registered with employment
exchanges; (c) Students from reputed educational institutions; (d)
Candidates referred by unions, friends, relatives and existing
employees; (f) Candidates responding to the advertisements, issued
by the organization; and (g) Unsolicited applications/ walk-ins.


Promotions and Transfers:

This is a method of filling vacancies from internal resources of the

company to achieve optimum utilization of a staff member's skills and
talents. Transfer is the permanent lateral movement of an employee
from one position to another position in the same or another job class
assigned to usually same salary range. Promotion, on the other hand
is the permanent movement of a staff member from a position in one
job class to a position in another job class of increased responsibility
or complexity of duties and in a higher salary range.

Job Posting:

Job Posting is an arrangement in which a firm internally posts a list of

open positions (with their descriptions and requirements) so that the
existing employees who wish to move to different functional areas
may apply. It is also known as Job bidding. It helps the qualified
employees working in the organization to scale new heights, instead
of looking for better perspectives outside. It also helps organization to
retain its experienced and promising employees.

Employee Referral:

It is a recruitment method in which the current employees are

encouraged and rewarded for introducing suitable recruits from
among the people they know. The logic behind employee referral is
that “it takes one to know one”. Benefits of this method are as
 Quality Candidates
 Cost savings
 Faster recruitment cycles
 Incentives to current employees
On the other hand it is important for an organization to ensure that
nepotism or favoritism does not happen, and that such aspects do not
make inroads into the recruitment process.


Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment.

They can be found in many places (local and national newspapers,
notice boards, recruitment fairs) and should include some important
information relating to the job (job title, pay package, location, job
description, how to apply-either by CV or application form, etc).
Where a business chooses to advertise will depend on the cost of

advertising and the coverage needed i.e. how far away people will
consider applying for the job.

Third Party Methods

 Walk-ins: Walk-ins is relatively inexpensive, and applicants

may be filed and processed whenever vacancies occur. Walk-ins
provide an excellent public relations opportunity because well-
treated applicants are likely to Sinform others. On the other
hand, walk-ins show up randomly, and there may be no match
with available openings. This is particularly true for jobs
requiring specialized skills.

 E-Recruiting: There are many methods used for e-recruitment,

some of the important methods are as follows:
a. Job boards: These are the places where the employers post jobs
and search for candidates. One of the disadvantages is, it is
generic in nature.
b. Employer websites: These sites can be of the company owned
sites, or a site developed by various employers.
c. Professional websites: These are for specific professions, skills
and not general in nature.

 Talent Acquisition
 Retention of Employees
 Expensive
 Time Constraint
 Budget
 Managing Low attrition rate


 Talent Shortage
 Attrition rate
 Remoteness of job
 Reservations and Govt. policies


 Recruitment for Fresher:

1. Written/aptitude
2. Group Discussion
3. Technical Interviews
4. HR Interviews
 Recruitment process for higher post:
1. Psychometric Test
2. Business Game
3. HR interviews

Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable person out of all
the applicants. It is the process of matching qualifications of
applicants with the job requirement.
The selection of a candidate with the right combination of education,
work experience, attitude, and creativity will not only increase the
quality and stability of the workforce, it will also play a large role in
bringing management strategies and planning to fruition.

Features of selection

 Selection is choosing the best out of the recruited persons.
 It is a negative process
 It reduces absenteeism and labour turnover
 It helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity
 It helps in building up of a stable workforce


• External environment
 Supply and demand of specific skill
 Unemployment rate
 Legal and political considerations
 Company’s Image
• Internal environment
 Company’s policy
 Cost of hiring



Recruitment Policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and

provides a framework of implementation of the recruitment program
in the form of procedures.
Recruitment and Selection Policy of SELECTION SEARCH is such
 It focuses on recruiting the best potential people.
 It ensures that every applicant and employee is treated equally
with dignity and respect.
 It aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential.
 It’s transparent, task oriented and merit based selection.
 It gives weightage, during selection, to factors that suit
organization needs.
 It Optimize manpower at the time of selection process.
 It defines the competent authority to approve each selection.
 It abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and
employment relationship.
 It integrates employee needs with the organizational needs.


Know your client

Learning about institutions is valuable because knowing what a

company values will help an agent to assess the candidates better.
Pertinent information about the processes of the institution would also
help you analyze Resume(s) and find the right candidate. This can be
done by reading the institution’s website or calling the institution for
further information or using your own network and find out the ‘work

This will help one to know about the history of the institution, their
core values, their culture and processes, the benefits employees can
enjoy and the career growth chart. When one has knowledge about
these vital parameters, it becomes easier to assess a resume based on
these parameters. Moreover, when one is equipped with such vital
information about the company and the job profile, it helps to
motivate and mould the suitable but reluctant candidates to attend the

Analyze the Job Description (JD)

A job description is a written record of the duties, responsibilities and

requirements of a particular job. It is concerned with the job itself and
not the work. It is a statement describing the job in such terms as
“Title, location, duties, working condition and hazards”. An updated

job description is essential for a good selection interview. It helps one
to explain the nature of work to the prospective candidate properly
without any over or under commitment. This also helps to put the
candidate, the client and the recruiter on the same platform.

Prepare a Job Specification (JS)

It is a written record of the requirements sought in an individual

worker for a given job. In other words, it refers to a summary of the
personal characteristics required for a job. Once the agent knows
what the job is, then he can decide what kind of person he/she would
need to do it. Sometimes the job specification is already prepared and
given by the client along with the job description. In such a case, the
job of the agent becomes easier. The job specification is for the
benefit of the employees working in Selection Search. It is ready
reference to check on the requirements that one needs to keep in mind
while sourcing for the different clients. It makes the whole task easier
and more convenient.


Sourcing: Sourcing is the most important of all recruitment activities.

It is also difficult being monotonous in nature. A recruiter needs to be
self-motivated to do the job. The sourcing takes place in different
levels and in all the verticals of the industry. The procedures involved

are discussed below. Even before sourcing is started, it is very
important to have a clear understanding of the requirement of the
client. The recruiter must have all knowledge about the institution
he/she is about to source for. It makes sure that all the questions that a
candidate has regarding the profile or the credibility of the company
are satisfactorily answered. Sourcing is defined as the process
wherein the recruiter creates a pool of potential candidates to fill up a
position. It is the first step of recruitment. Sourcing involves logging
on to several job-portals and doing a search for the potential
candidates. After the search is generated, the most critical part of
sourcing starts. Mainly four steps are involved in Sourcing. They are
discussed below:

Analyze the Curriculum Vitae (CV):

Now is the time to scrutinize the candidate’s resume. It is human

nature to generally omit the negative points while creating a resume
or to exaggerate the achievements. Though most of the time people
are truthful while forming their resumes, others can hide or not
mention things that can portrait a negative picture of them. A good
CV is one which is precise and presentable. It should contain all
details of education and work experience should be arranged in
reversed chronological method so as to emphasize on the most recent
one. Analyzing a CV helps in short- listing a candidate.

Match the JD and JS:

When a CV has been analyzed and is considered as a good one, the

next step is to match it with the job description. It is necessary to
match it with the profile given by the client(s). Matching it with the
JD gives an idea if the person will be able to serve well in the position
or not. Next it is important to match it with the job specification. The
JS gives the details of the desired skills and the mandatory skills.
These are the criteria for selection.

Shortlist the candidate:

Once the CV has been matched with the job description and matched
with the job specification, CV can be shortlisted. There is an
individual interview of the recruiter and the candidate. In this
interview the candidate answers the questions the recruiter asks to be
sure that the candidate would suit the profile of the job.

Then an Assessment Sheet of the shortlisted candidate is made for

the client for a face-to-face interview. The Assessment Sheet consists
all the important details such as Personal Information (Name, Age,
Total Experience, Current Organization, Current Salary, Expected
Salary.etc.); Educational Qualifications with Marks/ Grades scored;
Past Employment Details and Reason; Family Details; Stability;
Communication and Availability.

Simultaneously a Scoring Sheet is also prepared which is a Scientific
method to evaluate each candidate, candidates scoring 75% or more
are the ones who will be shared with the client(s) to conduct the face
to face interview.

Handling the rejected candidates:

It is very important how a recruiter manages the rejected candidates.

It is important to make the candidate where his lacunas are and what
can he do about it. In this way not only the recruiter helps the
candidate to correct itself but also helps in creating an association
with them which is so very vital in the service industry.


Interviews determine if a potential candidate will be a finalist and if

he shall suit the job. A lot of things get clear during an interview. A
face to face talk with the candidate ensures that the recruiter evaluates
the candidate on terms of attitude, confidence and communication.
The gaps that seem in the resume are also questioned. The candidate
may have an explanation for it. On the other hand if he is lying, then
he can be cross-questioned about this. Some of the objectives of
interview are:

 To get an opportunity to judge an applicant’s qualifications and
characteristics as a basic for sound selection and placement.
 To give an applicant essential facts about the job and the
company you are recruiting for.
 To establish a rapport.
 To promote goodwill about the company whether interview
culminates in employment or not.
 To get a real feel of the candidate.

The nature of the job determines which of these interviews would

suit best. All the interviews are not conducted for all the job
profiles. The complexity of the interview depends on the
complexity of the job.

The Telephonic Interview

It is said that listening intently gives a good idea of what a person

want to say and what a person does not say. The sound, intonations,
the varying pressures that a prospective candidate uses while he/she
speaks tells a lot about his/her attitude. This in turn helps the recruiter
to judge that if the candidate would be suitable for the job or not.
Unlike the face-to-face interview where the recruiter can read the
non-verbal languages, in a telephonic interview he has to even

sharper. Listening to the words used and their tone used gives
immense messages about the candidate.

As a recruiter, one has to be completely prepared before taking a

telephonic interview. The following steps can be kept in mind while
taking a telephonic interview:

1) You must keep the CV next to you and make notes while taking
the interview.
2) Must prepare a set of questions that would match the JD.
3) To use a call script. This helps in being professional and saves
time to in approaching the right candidate.
4) Do not display any negative emotion during the interview. Not
to over or under commit anyone.


Research methodology is an organized and systematic process

through which a particular case or problem can be solved efficiently
and effectively.

Methodology Used:

Descriptive Analytical Research:

 Under this type the researcher has to use the facts and
information already available and analyze them to make
evaluation of the market.
 Data has been collected from the Fact sheet and existing
database of the company and used those data for the research.


 Basically, to understand the common concepts of Selection and

Recruitment process and the policies involved during hiring.
 To analyze various kinds of recruitment techniques involved in
Human Resource Management.


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