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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Advances in Agriculture
Volume 2014, Article ID 947062, 5 pages

Research Article
Effect of Fertilizer Types on the Growth and
Yield of Amaranthus caudatus in Ilorin, Southern Guinea,
Savanna Zone of Nigeria

Olowoake Adebayo Abayomi and Ojo James Adebayo

Department of Crop Production, Kwara State University, PMB 1530, Ilorin, Nigeria

Correspondence should be addressed to Olowoake Adebayo Abayomi; [email protected]

Received 10 September 2014; Revised 9 November 2014; Accepted 10 November 2014; Published 20 November 2014

Academic Editor: Albino Maggio

Copyright © 2014 O. Adebayo Abayomi and O. James Adebayo. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

Field experiment was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm of Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, to evaluate the
effect of compost, organomineral, and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of Amaranthus caudatus as well as its residual
effects. Amaranthus was grown with compost Grade B (unamended compost), organomineral fertilizer Grade A (compost amended
with mineral fertilizer), and NPK 15-15-15 and no fertilizer (control). All the treatments except control were applied at the rate of
100 kg N/ha. The results indicated that the Amaranthus yield of 18.9 t/ha produced from Grade A was significantly (𝑃 < 0.05) higher
than 17.6 t/ha obtained from NPK fertilizer. Residual effect of Amaranthus growth parameters such as plant height, number of leaves,
and yield values obtained from Grade A was also significantly (𝑃 < 0.05) higher than that of NPK, compost, and control values.
Thus, organomineral fertilizer could be used in cultivation of Amaranthus caudatus in Ilorin and in similar type of soil in similar

1. Introduction and minerals particularly calcium [3]. To grow vegetable ama-

ranth it is necessary to know the effect of sources of nitrogen
Vegetable production in Africa is as old as peasant farming fertilization on its yield because nitrogen was found to be the
though its cultivation is still at the household level with very primary limiting factors of Amaranths production [4]. Most
few farmers producing on a commercial level. This could Nigerian soils have low nitrogen and the low nitrogen status
be due to the fact that crops such as cereals, roots, and
is usually supplemented with N fertilizer, and the importance
tubers and body-building crops like legumes are given much
of this source has increased over the year. However, the
attention. Cereals and tubers form the bulk of food consumed
problem with the usage of chemical fertilizer is that while it
in the tropics but they are deficient in minerals and vitamins
compared to the body requirement to guarantee good healthy can lead to high crop yield, it results into pollution of ground
living [1]. water after crop harvest [5]. Another major limitation to the
Amaranths species is a leafy vegetable in the tropical usage of chemical fertilizers is due to the adverse effects they
region of world. It forms a high percentage of the daily intake have on plant quality and disease susceptibility. A continual
of leafy vegetables [2]. Amaranthus caudatus is grown for its dependence on chemical fertilizers may be accompanied
leaves and is among the highly prized leaf vegetables in Nige- by a fall in organic matter content, increased soil acidity,
ria, due to their high nutritional and commercial significance. degradation of soil physical properties and increased rate
There is an increasing awareness of value of leafy veg- of erosion due to instability of soil aggregates [6, 7]. One
etable in contributing to balanced diet, particularly in area of the ways to maintain or improve the soil fertility is by
where animal protein is deficient. Leafy vegetables contribute maintaining its organic matter. This is possible through the
significantly to the amount of carotene, vitamin c, protein, use of organic sources of fertilizer.
2 Advances in Agriculture

Research has shown that organic based fertilizers are less Table 1: Proximate analysis for organomineral fertilizer Grades A
leached into ground water than the chemical fertilizer [8]. and B.
As a result of this fact, the use of organic based fertilizer has Concentration
found favour in boosting crop production in Nigeria, because Nutrient element
Grade A Grade B
it is cheap and less likely to pollute the ground water as much
N (g kg−1 ) 50.9 10.2
as chemical fertilizer. It improves soil fertility status as well as
increasing the income of farmers via increase in yield. P (g kg−1 ) 44.0 7.6
Amaranthus, like a number of other vegetables, requires K (g kg−1 ) 10.8 20.9
soil with a high organic content and with adequate nutrient Mg (g kg−1 ) 1.9 2.4
reserve for optimum yield. Hence organomineral fertilizer Ca (g kg−1 ) 27.7 23.4
appears to be reliable organic source of N with a relatively Na (g kg−1 ) 3.5 2.9
large amount of N needed for growing Amaranths. Many Fe (mg kg−1 ) 7152.3 8915.4
researchers have reported that complimentary use of organic Zn (mg kg−1 ) 1.5 1.9
fertilizers is able to give the desired higher sustainable Mn (mg kg−1 ) 93.3 106.7
crop yields than sole use of inorganic fertilizer [1, 9, 10]. Cu (mg kg−1 ) 14.9 16.9
Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the effect
Source: Aleshinloye Fertilizer Company, Ibadan, Nigeria.
of inorganic, organic, and organomineral fertilizers on the
growth and yield of Amaranthus caudatus as well as its resid-
ual effect.
its nutrient availability. The experimental plot was divided
into three blocks each containing four beds. Each bed size
2. Materials and Methods was 2 m × 1 m with 1 m alley between plots and blocks.
The experimental site was located at the experimental Seedlings were transplanted at 2 weeks after transplanting
plot of Kwara State University, Malete (08∘ 42󸀠 48.5󸀠󸀠 N and on beds at spacing 50 cm × 20 cm. The treatments consisted
004∘ 26󸀠 17.9󸀠󸀠 E), Ilorin, Nigeria, which lies in the southern of three fertilizer types: Grade A (compost amended with
guinea savanna belt of Nigeria. The annual rainfall in the mineral fertilizer), Grade B (un-amended compost), NPK
area is about 1200 mm and temperature varies between 33∘ C 15-15-15 and control (no soil additive). Grades A and B are
and 34∘ C during the year, with a distinct dry season from commercial products of Aleshinloye Fertilizer Plant, Ibadan,
December to March. The Kwara State University land area Oyo State, Nigeria. The results of analyses of the fertilizer
forms part of the South Western sector of Nigerian basement are summarized in Table 1. The fertilizers were applied by
complex, a zone of basement reactivation and plutonism ring method, 5 cm radius and about 2 cm deep around the
during the Pan-African orogeny [11]. The soil used for the Amaranthus plant at the rate of 100 kg N/ha [6]. Grades A
trial has been cultivated in previous years; there was no record and B fertilizers were applied a week before transplanting
of fertilizer usage. The soil was well drained, of gentle slope. while inorganic fertilizer was applied a day to transplanting.
Twenty core soil samples were collected randomly from 0 to Each vegetable bed contained thirty plants out of which
15 cm depth in the site using soil auger thoroughly mixed and five were randomly tagged for data collection. Collection
the bulk sample taken to the laboratory, air dried, and sieved of data commenced from 2 weeks after transplanting and
to pass through a 2 mm screen for soil physical and chemical was done weekly till the fourth weeks. First harvesting
analysis. The soil sample was analyzed for soil texture, pH, was carried out on 5th March, 2012. The experiment was
organic carbon, total N, extractable P, exchangeable levels of repeated immediately after harvesting without any fertilizer
Ca, Mg, Na and K, and cation exchange capacity. Soil texture application at the second planting in order to evaluate the
was determined by the Bouyoucos hydrometer method [12]. residual effects of the fertilizers. The harvesting of vegetables
Soil pH was measured electrometrically in a 1 : 2.5 soil- grown in the pot without treatment was done on 16th April,
water suspension [13]. Organic carbon by Walkey-Black 2012 (6 weeks after planting).
method [12]. Total nitrogen was determined by the Micro- The data taken include plant height, stem girth, number
Kjeldahl method [14], whereas extractable P was determined of leaves per plant, fresh root weight, and yield. The data
by Bray 1 method [15]. Exchangeable levels of Ca, Mg, K, collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and Na were determined by the atomic absorption spec- and treatment means were separated by Duncan multiple
trophotometer following the procedures outlined by Wilde range test (DMRT).
et al. [16]. Micronutrients were extracted with 0.1 EDTA and
determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
3. Results and Discussion
2.1. Experimental Layout. The seeds of Amaranthus caudatus
were sown on 23rd January, 2012, on a prepared nursery Table 2 shows the result of the physical and chemical analysis
beds, watered regularly using a watering can and checked for of the soil studied. The soil was clay and slightly acidic. The
seedling emergence. Transplanting of amaranths seedlings values of total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and potassium
into their respective plots in the field took place two weeks of the experimental soil were below the critical values of the
after sowing on 6th February, 2012. The site was manually soil of Guinea Savanna [17, 18]; this may be due to low soil
cleared and 12 raised beds were made to conserve the soil and organic matter. The low soil contents for the major nutrients
Advances in Agriculture 3

Table 2: Physicochemical properties of the experimental soil. 50

Parameters Soil test value
pH 6.4 40
36.9c 38.5a 38.4b
Org. C (g kg−1 ) 2.0 35
Total N (g kg−1 ) 2.44 28.8 b

Height (cm)
P Mehlich (m gkg−1 ) 9 26b
25 23.5c
Exchangeable bases (cmol kg−1 )
K 1.2
Mg 3.2 15

Na 1.9 10
Ca 5.1 5
Extractable micronutrients (cmol kg−1 ) 0
Fe 53 Control Grade A Grade B NPK
Zn 13 Treatment
Mn 49 1st planting
Cu 2.6 Residual
Textural class (%)
Figure 1: Plant height of Amaranthus caudatus as influenced by
Sand 56.8
application of organic fertilizers and NPK at 4 weeks after trans-
Silt 10.0 planting. Means having the same letter along the columns indicate
Clay 33.2 no significant difference using Duncan’s multiple range test at 5%
Textural class Clay probability level.

signify the need for improvement of Amaranthus caudatus 161.2a
160 150b
performance. 149.5b
Plant heights as affected by organic amendments and 140 129.6a
NPK are shown in Figure 1. There were significant differences
Number of leaves

(𝑃 < 0.05) in plant height values obtained from the treatment 102.6 c 105.2b 104b
of Grade B and NPK during the first and residual growing
period. Results showed that at the end of 4 WAT Grade A, 80 76.3c
Grade B, and NPK plant height values differed significantly 60
(𝑃 < 0.05) from control. The highest plant height 46.9 cm
and 38.5 cm was obtained from organomineral Grade A both
at first and residual planting, respectively. 20
The highest plant height obtained from Grade A may 0
be probably due to favourable nutrient mineralization of Control Grade A Grade B NPK
this fertilizer as a result of the influence of the mineral Treatments
component on the organic content of the compost [10, 19].
The control plants produced the shortest plants as they had 1st planting
to rely on the native soil fertility which from the result of
chemical analysis was deficient in nutrients. Figure 2 shows Figure 2: Number of leaves of Amaranthus caudatus as influenced
that Grade A significantly enhanced the production of leaves by application of organic fertilizers and NPK at 4 weeks after trans-
and maintained the trend observed in plant height at both planting. Means having the same letter along the columns indicate
first and residual planting. Changes in the number of leaves no significant difference using Duncan’s multiple range test at 5%
are bound to affect the overall performance of Amaranthus as probability level.
the leaves serve as photosynthetic organ of the plant [20].
There were no significant differences (𝑃 < 0.05) on
number of leaves for plot treated with Grade B and NPK.
The higher number of leaves produced from organomineral Table 3 shows the response of stem girth and yield
Grade A over the NPK throughout the growing period parameters of Amaranthus caudatus to application of organic
could be due to sustaining release of nutrients from the fertilizer and NPK. All the fertilizers applied were found to
former over the latter [1]. Thus, the increase in number increase the stem girth, root weight, and yield of Amaranths
of leaves under amended, unamended, and NPK fertilizers when compared with control. At 4 weeks after transplanting
application, reconfirmed the role of fertilizer in promoting (WAT) stem girth of Amaranths with Grades A and B and
vegetative growth in leafy vegetables [21]. NPK were significantly (𝑃 < 0.05) higher than stem girth of
4 Advances in Agriculture

Table 3: Effect of fertilizer types on the stem girth and yield param- of Amaranthus caudatus in Ilorin and similar type of soil in
eters of Amaranthus caudatus at 4 weeks after transplanting. similar agroecology.
Fresh root
Treatment Stem girth Yield Conflict of Interests
(cm) (t/ha)
1st planting The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
Control 0 6.0c 27.4d 12.1c
Grade A 7.5a 39.2a 18.9a
Grade B 6.9b 34.7b 17.6b
NPK 7.0b 31.0c 17.6b The authors are grateful to Centre for Community Devel-
Residual effect opment Unit (CCD), Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin,
Control 4.4c 7.8d 3.6c Nigeria, for providing the fund for conducting this research.
Grade A 5.9a 30a 7.5a
Grade B 5.0b 18.3b 5.0b References
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