Marriage in Huancayo

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Marriage in Huancayo: abundance with hands full

Families that follow the tradition known as "palpa" give the bride and groom
gifts of great monetary value to help them with the beginning of their marital
During the organization of the wedding one usually thinks about the wedding
dress that the future wife will wear on the way to the altar, the church
decoration for wedding that will accompany her income, the number of guests
that will confirm her attendance after receiving the marriage cards. and objects
of various prices that will be included in the gift list. But would you imagine
receiving gifts valued at hundreds or thousands of soles or dollars? We tell you
that more than one couple a year is blessed with gifts that surpass the
imagination of hundreds of Peruvian boyfriends, when celebrating their
marriage in Huancayo.

What is it about?

It is a traditional custom of Huancayo known as "palpa", where the families of

the couple compete to the rhythm of the dance to deliver expensive gifts to the
new couple. When their opportunity arrives, the spouses will have the
opportunity to repay the received through the gift that they prepare for the
following spouses.
First the ceremony

As in any conventional marriage, there is no celebration without the arrival of

the lady in her wedding dress model, the exchange of the wedding rings before
the altar and the statement of the priest indicating that they are officially
married until death separates them. . After the ceremony is over, the couple get
out of the arm to receive dozens of grains of rice that will touch the hair of the
husband and some will be hidden in the hairstyle of his partner.

Godfather's time

One of the most generous guests is usually the godfather. He is also the most
honored by the couple. This part that marks the beginning of the celebration in
the living room decorated with the decoration of a place for marriage is known
as "fulfillment": appreciation of the bride and groom to the person who accepts
this important position. The sponsor receives exquisite food and drinks, such as:
baked pig, chickens, guinea pigs or kids.
Row of generosity

The dance begins immediately after the performance and the sponsors are the
first to advance to the rhythm of the best music of the place to give their gifts to
the newlyweds. What are usually very generous! With saying that a short time
ago, we learned that a godfather gave the couple of godchildren about S /
30,000 soles and another expensive present, and apologized because their
economic situation was not at its best. So with this we can already get an idea of
such generosity. After them, relatives and friends are still in line. And each one
of them will come dancing and carrying their gift, if the weight allows them.

Gifts wholesale

Among the most talked about

gifts are: cars or trucks zero
kilometers, cargo trucks, land,
apartments, travel, the
contract of orchestras or
known singers, appliances,
furniture set, animals, beer
boxes and money in cash,
which do not necessarily have
the denomination of suns and
that could pass the two zeros.

The time of the final count

Apparently the gifts are accommodated in a room to be inspected after the

launch of the lime wedding bouquet and shortly after the end of the event. The
godfather and the guests are the main witnesses, and are the ones who
together with the couple evaluate which of the two families was more generous
on that occasion.

A marriage in Huancayo is the dream come true of many couples who are about
to marry. It is a space where many families continue to respect this tradition
and the generosity of the gift to the fullest

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