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Big Data Capacity

Planning: Achieving
Right Sized Hadoop
Clusters and
Optimized Operations

Businesses are considering more opportunities to
leverage data for different purposes, impacting
resources and resulting in poor loading and
response times. Hadoop is increasingly being
adopted across industry verticals for information
management and analytics. In addition to new
business related capabilities, it offers a host of
options for IT simplification and cost reduction.
Initiatives such as offloads are at the heart of this
type of optimization. As a result, Hadoop capacity
planning should be carried out as the first step in
both IT-driven and business-driven use cases
whenever Big Data projects are considered.

Understanding Big Data and Its Defining

Hadoop or Big Data ecosystem offer a set of techniques and
technologies that include new forms of integration capabilities to
detect the hidden value of large, diverse, and complex datasets.
The data is generated from various enterprise sources, sensors,
social media posts, digital pictures and videos, purchase
transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals. In simpler
terms, Big Data is defined by characteristics such as volume,
velocity, variety, and veracity.

Leveraging Hadoop to Solve the Big Data

Hadoop enables storage and processing of large amounts of
data without investing in expensive, proprietary hardware. It
facilitates distributed and limitless parallel processing of huge
amounts of data across inexpensive, industry-standard
commodity servers that store as well as process the data.
Hadoop's unlimited scalability allows organizations to store
data without worrying about performance, storage costs,
archival, and retention periods. Its key advantages include
scalability, high fault tolerance and low upfront costs. It also
facilitates quick analysis of massive collections of records
without requiring the data to be first modeled, cleansed, and

Big Data capacity planning takes a wide variety of aspects into

consideration. This includes incoming data volumes, data to be
retained, types of data, methods by which the data arrives,
and forecast of needs volumes. It also includes aspects such as
data aggregates used for building analytics based on this data,
type of hardware needed, frequency of processing, incoming
data intervals, and whether the cluster is intended for batch
processing or inmemory capability is required for tools such as

Different methods by which Hadoop capacity planning for Big

Data projects include:

Enabling Efficient Capacity Planning for Hadoop Clusters

The Hadoop cluster capacity planning methodology addresses

workload characterization and forecasting. Here, workload
characterization refers to how MapReduce jobs interact with the
storage layers and forecasting addresses prediction of future
data volumes for processing and storage.

Commonly, Hadoop clusters are sized based on data storage,

data volumes processed by a job, data types, and response
time required. Large quantities of data require more systems to
process the same. Adding new nodes to the cluster brings in
more computing resources in addition to new storage capacity.
The sizing of a cluster comes from the specifics of a workload
which include CPU workload, memory, storage, disk I/O and
network bandwidth.

For high efficiency, the Hadoop Distributed Files System (HDFS)

should have high throughput hard drives with an underlying file
system that supports the HDFS read and write pattern. HDFS
works well with one big read or write at a time, with block sizes
of 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, and all the way up to 1GB.
This should also be supported by a network layer that is fast
enough to cope with intermediate data transfer.

Key Considerations Recommendations

How is the data ingested, and at what The architecture needs to be planned based
frequency? on the ingestion type (in streams, batches
or from an RDBMS system) and supported
with capacity planning.
Does the Hadoop system need to be If the Hadoop system to be developed is
read- or write-intensive? write intensive, resources necessary to
quickly complete the writes need to be
planned. A few distributions can be
leveraged to write one copy and confirm
that it is done, while the others write all
three copies (replication factor three) and
confirm that the replication is done.
If it is to be read intensive, necessary
memory (perhaps in-memory) and network
resources should be increased.

How many concurrent users will there If the number of users is large, it is
be access the system? advisable to increase the nodes and their
resources (RAM).

Latency - How quickly is the data to be If data is to be processed and accessed

accessed? (Will batch processing suffice quickly, in-memory architecture needs to
or is faster processing expected?) be planned.

Data and system related aspects to be considered during capacity planning


Projecting Required Big Data Capacity

We start with 1 TB of daily data from Year 1 and assume

15% data growth per quarter. Further, assuming a 15% year-
on-year growth in data volumes and 1,080 TB of data in Year
1, by the end of Year 5 the capacity may grow to 8,295 TB of
data. If we were to assume a 30% year-on-year growth in
data volumes and 1080 TB of data in Year 1, then by the end
of Year 5, the capacity might grow to 50,598 TB of data.

The following formula can be used to estimate Hadoop

storage and arrive at the required number of data nodes:

Hadoop Storage (H) = C*R*S/(1-i)


C: Average compression ratio

R: Replication factor

S: Size of data to be moved to Hadoop

i: Intermediate factor

Estimating Required Hadoop Storage and Number of Data


With no compression, C equals 1. The replication factor is

assumed to be 3 and the intermediate factor 0.25 or ¼. The
calculation for H in this case becomes:

H= 1*3*S/(1-(1/4)) = 3*S/(3/4) = 4*S

The required Hadoop storage in this instance is estimated to

be four times the initial data size.

The following formula can be used to estimate the number of

data nodes:

(n) = H/D = C*R*S/(1-i)/D

D: Disk space available per node

Let us assume that 8 TB is the available disk space per node,

each node comprising 10 disks of 1 TB capacity each, minus
2 disks for operating system. Also, assuming the initial data
size to be 600 TB:

N = 600/8 = 75

Thus, 75 data nodes are needed in this case.


If complex processing is anticipated, then it is recommended

to have at least 10% additional vacant space to
accommodate such processing. This 10% is an addition to
the 20% set aside for OS installation and operation.

Facilitating Effective Hardware Configuration for Hadoop

The memory needed
Unlike traditional systems that fetch data from databases and
for each node can be
process it in application servers, the Hadoop framework sends
calculated as the processing logic to each data node in the cluster that stores
follows: and processes the data in parallel. The cluster of these balanced
Total memory machines should thus satisfy data storage and processing
requirements. It is also imperative to take the replication factor
needed = [(memory
into consideration during capacity planning to ensure fault
per CPU core) * tolerance and data reliability. Network resources play a vital role
(number of CPU's while executing jobs and reading and writing to the disks over
core)] + data node the network.

process memory + The following elements need to be taken into consideration

data node task while building a Hadoop cluster:

tracker memory + n Namenode (and secondary namenode)

OS memory n Job tracker (resource manager)

n Task tracker (node manager)

Each data node will
comprise a number n Data node

of data blocks on the Additional Recommendations to Improve Capacity

cluster. As a thumb
rule, it should be Additional recommendations that can be implemented to ensure
efficient capacity planning are:
ensured that an
increase in the n While computing memory requirements, it is advisable to
dedicate 10% of the memory for the Java Virtual Machine,
number of data required to process programs such as MapReduce.
nodes is supported
n Hadoop should be configured with strict heap size restrictions
by a corresponding to avoid memory swapping to the disk. Swapping impacts the
increase in the RAM performance of the MapReduce job. This can also be avoided
as well. by configuring data node machines with more RAM and
setting appropriate kernel settings on Linux distribution.

n While planning the capacity, additional components such as

HBase, Impala and Search may be taken into consideration as
they run on the data node process to maintain data locality

With new digital technologies gaining greater prominence, it is
imminent that Big Data with its quantitative abilities will lay the
foundation for improved qualitative analysis. The expected
increase in data implies an ever increasing focus on capacity
planning, a critical requirement for all production systems.
Capacity planning is an exercise and a continuous practice to
arrive at the right infrastructure that caters to the current, near
future, and future needs of a business.

Businesses that embrace capacity planning will realize the ability

to efficiently handle massive amounts of data and manage the
user base. This in turn has the potential to positively impact the
bottom line and help organizations gain a competitive edge in
the marketplace.

This can include citations and references

About The Author

Rajasekhar Reddy Pentareddy

Rajasekhar Reddy Pentareddy has

over 12 years of IT experience
spanning multiple technologies
and domains. His areas of
expertise include Big Data, Data
Warehousing and Business


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