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THIS TENANCY AGREEMENT is made the 4th day of December, 2018

MRS. IRENE OBARICHUREMI AWALA of 22, Commercial Street, London, E1 6LP, United
Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as the “Landlady” which expression shall where the
context so admits include her heirs, executors, administrators, successors-in-title, lawful
attorney and assigns) of the first part;
PASTOR CHUKWUDI OKAFOR of The Carpenter’s Church, Greenville, Mile 4, Rumueme,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, (hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant” which expression
shall where the context so admits include his successors-in-title, administrators, executors
and assigns) of the other part.

i. The Landlady is the owner/holder in possession of ALL THAT FOUR BEDROOM

BUNGALOW with appurtenances attached thereto situate at No. 3,
Agbarakwu/Divine Avenue, Rumuolumeni, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of
Rivers State hereinafter referred to as the ‘demised property’.
ii. The demised property includes the main building, the service quarters or BQ and
gate (security) house but does not include the vacant 11/2 plots of land.
iii. The annual rental value of the demised property is N1, 200, 000. 00 (One Million Two
Hundred Thousand Naira) only but the Landlady has agreed to let the demised
property with appurtenances attached thereto for an annual rent of N800, 000, 000.
00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Naira) only for the initial period of two (2) years.
iv. The Landlady has agreed to let ALL THAT DEMISED PROPERTY with appurtenances
attached thereto (EXCLUDING the vacant 11/2 plots of land) TO HOLD same UNTO the
Tenant for a term of one (1) year commencing on the 1st day of January, 2019 and
terminating on the 31st day of December, 2019 paying an annual rent of N800, 000,
000. 00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Naira) only for the initial period of two (2) years.
v. The reduction of N400, 000. 00 (Four Hundred Thousand Naira) only per annum in the
annual rental value of the property for the initial period of two (2) years which
amounts to N800, 000. 00 (Eight Hundred Thousand) only is in consequence of any
improvements and/or remedial works to be carried out or done in and around the
demised property by the Tenant.
vi. The cost of such improvements and/or remedial works SHALL BE BORNE completely
by the Tenant and such improvement and/or remedial work whether of a temporary
or permanent nature SHALL form part of the demised property and SHALL NOT be
removed therefrom SAVE tenant’s fixtures.
vii. The cost of such improvements and/or remedial works SHALL NOT be refundable or
considered as part of the rent payable per annum even if it exceeds the sum of
N800, 000. 00 (Eight Hundred Thousand) only being the total reduction in the annual
rental value of the demised property.

In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the total sum of N800, 000.
00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Naira) only being rent for one (1) year to be paid in the
manner aforestated, which sum represents one years’ rent for the demised property
(receipt of which the Landlady hereby acknowledges), the Landlady hereby demises
unto the Tenant ALL THAT demised property and appurtenances herein before
described TO HOLD same unto and for the use of the Tenant, from the 1st day of
January, 2019 and terminating on the 31st day of December, 2019 subject to the
covenants and provisions contained herein.
This tenancy shall be renewable for such other term and on such other rent as may be
mutually agreed to by the parties.
(a) The Tenant shall pay the sum of N800, 000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Naira) only
being rent for the first year commencing and determining on the aforementioned
(b) The second year’s rent shall also be N800, 000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Naira)
only commencing and determining on 1st day January, 2020 and the 31st day of
December, 2020 respectively.
(c) The third year’s shall be mutually agreed upon by the Landlady and Tenant or their
representatives, the minimum rent per annum being N1, 000, 000. 00 (One Million
Naira) only and the maximum rent per annum not exceeding N1, 200, 000. 00
(One Million Two Hundred Thousand Naira) only.
(d) Whatever is agreed as the rent from the third year, shall be the rent per annum for
the subsequent years until it is further reviewed by the Landlady and Tenant.
(e) The demised property includes the main building, the service quarters or BQ and
gate (security) house but does not include the vacant 11/2 plots of land.
(f) The Tenant SHALL NOT in any way or manner whatsoever alter the physical
structure of the demised property or make any alteration thereto.
4. The Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlady as follows:
a) To pay the rent hereby reserved in the manner aforesaid.
b) To pay for electricity consumed in respect of the demised property.
c) To keep the interior of the demised property in good and tenantable repair and
condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
d) To pay, bear and discharge all water, property tax and tenement rates and out-
goings whether imposed by the Federal, State and Local Authority which are
now or may hereinafter become imposed or charged upon the owner or
occupier of the demised premises (ground rent excepted) during the term
hereby granted.
e) To permit the Landlady and her lawful Attorney, solicitors, agents and all persons
authorised by her at all reasonable times to enter and examine the state and
condition of the demised property upon giving at least 48 hours notice to the
Tenant to inspect, execute and do any repairs on the demised property.
f) Not to make alterations on the demised property without the written consent of
the Landlady. Every application for government’s approval for the purpose of
such alterations or improvements shall be made in the name of the Landlady. At
the determination of the term hereby granted or any subsequent term, the
alterations or improvements on the demised property would revert to the
g) Not to assign, underlet or part with possession of the demised property or any
part thereof without the written consent of the Landlady, such consent however,
not to be unreasonably withheld.
h) To use the demised property for residential purposes only.
i) At the expiration or sooner determination of the said term peaceably to yield up
to the Landlady the demised property (but not Tenant’s fittings), in good and
tenantable repair and condition.
j. Not to store, keep or attach to the demised property anything or substance,
which may grow to the annoyance of the neighbours or otherwise incur any
legal sanctions on the Landlady.
5. The Landlady covenants with the Tenant as follows:

a) That the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and observing and performing
the several covenants and stipulations herein on his part shall peaceably hold
and enjoy the demised property during the term hereby granted without any
interruption by the Landlady or any person rightfully claiming under or in trust for
b) That the Tenant may install air-conditioning unit(s)(only split units) and other
Tenant’s fittings and remove same at the determination of the said tenancy and
on such removal, shall restore the demised property to its state prior to such
installation and fittings.
c) To keep the demised property structurally sound, wind and air tight and all
exterior of the building and boundary walls and fences in structural repairs and
d) To observe all the covenants, terms and conditions contained in the Landlady’s
title deed in respect of the demised property.
e) To pay all the ground rent and other outgoings now or hereafter imposed or
payable in respect of the demise property.
f) In the event of the property or any part thereof at any time during the term
hereby created being damaged or destroyed by fire, tornado or earthquake or
serious misfortune or act of God so as to be wholly or partly unfit for habitation
and use, any rent already paid in advance shall be refunded pro-rata in respect
of the period during which the demised property or any part thereof shall be
unfit for habitation and use provided that such occurrences as contained in this
sub-clause are not occasioned by the willful act, neglect or default of the
Tenant, his assigns or agents.
g) That on the written request of the Tenant made at least three (3) calendar
months before the expiration of the term hereby granted, the Landlady may
grant a further term at a rent to be mutually negotiated and agreed upon,
subject to the same terms and conditions of this Tenancy Agreement.
PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:
i. That failure of the Landlady to insist upon the strict performance of any of
the terms, conditions and covenants on the part of the Tenant herein
contained SHALL NOT be or be deemed a waiver of any right or remedies
that the Landlady may have against the Tenant and SHALL NOT be or
deemed a waiver or condonation of any subsequent breach or default of
the Tenant in performance of any of the terms, conditions or covenants on
her part herein contained.
ii. That all notices required to be given to the Tenant under this agreement
shall be sufficiently served if left on the demised property or sent to him by
registered post or if addressed to the Landlady, shall be sufficiently served if
sent by registered post to her address given in this agreement or served on
her lawful Attorney or Solicitor authorized by her to receive same.
iii. PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared that if
any covenant on the part of the Tenant herein contained shall not be
performed or observed or if the Tenant ceases to occupy the demised
property, then in any such cases it shall be lawful for the Landlady to at any
time thereafter to re-enter upon the demised property or any part thereof in
the name of the whole and thereupon the tenancy shall absolutely
determine but without prejudice to the right of action of the Landlady in
respect of the breach of the covenants on the part of the Tenant herein
iv. PROVIDED ALSO that if this tenancy determines by effluxion of time and the
Tenant holds over, it shall be sufficient for the Landlady or her lawful
Attorney or Solicitor to serve on the Tenant a thirty (30) days notice to quit
for purposes of recovery of possession of the demised premises to serve on
the Tenant a Seven (7) Days’ Notice of Owner’s Intention to Apply to
Recover Possession without giving any Notice to Quit, such notice to be
served at any time after the expiration of the said term.
v. That if the Tenant shall desire to take a renewal of the tenancy of the
demised property for a further term of year after the expiration of the term
hereby granted and if he gives to the Landlady a three(3) calendar months
notice in writing before the expiration of the present term, the Landlady
shall grant another term of year to be mutually agreed on similar terms and
conditions as herein contained except the term for the annual rent which
may be re-negotiated and agreed upon subject to the current market
value of the premises and new covenants applicable at the time of such
IN WITNESSWHEREOF the parties have executed these presents as set out below the day
and year first above written.


Landlady by virtue of a power of attorney dated the 10th day of April 2013.

In the presence of:



By the within named Tenant

In the presence of








LETTING ALL AT DEMISED PROPERTY at No. 3, Agbarakwu/Divine Avenue, Rumuolumeni,

Obio/Akpor L.G.A. of Rivers State.

Prepared by


No. 16, Peremabiri Street,
D/Line, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
08054554589, 08023455539, 08028541359.
email:[email protected]

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