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Original Article Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation Protocol

Artigo Original for older people: validity, psychometric

properties, and association with
Cláudia Maria de Felício1,2
Maria do Rosário Ferreira Lima1 oral health and age
Ana Paula Magalhães Medeiros3
José Tarcísio Lima Ferreira4 Protocolo de Avaliação Miofuncional Orofacial
para pessoas idosas: validade, propriedades
psicométricas e associação com
saúde oral e idade
Aged Purpose: To develop a comprehensive assessment protocol for identifying, classifying and grading changes in
Stomatognathic System stomatognathic system components and functions of older people, to determine its psychometric properties and
verify its association with oral health and age. Methods: The content validity of the Orofacial Myofunctional
Mastication Evaluation with Scores for Elders protocol (OMES-Elders) was established based on the literature. The protocol
Deglutition contains three domains: appearance/posture, mobility, and functions of the stomatognathic system. Eighty-two
Oral Health healthy elder volunteers (mean age 69±7.24 years) were evaluated using the OMES-Elders. A test-screening for
orofacial disorders (reference) was used to analyze the concurrent validity (correlation test), sensitivity, specificity
and accuracy (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve: ROC curve) of the OMES-Elders. The association of the
OMES-Elders scores with the Oral Health Index (OHX) and age in the sample was tested. Results: There was a
significant correlation between the OMES-Elders and the reference test (p < 0.001). Reliability coefficients ranged
from good (0.89) to excellent (0.99). The OMES-Elders protocol had a sensitivity of 82.9%, specificity of 83.3%
and accuracy of 0.83. The scores of the protocol were significantly lower in individuals with worse oral health
(OHX ≤ 61%), although individuals with adequate oral health (OHX ≥ 90%) also had myofunctional impairments.
The predictors OHX and age explained, respectively, 33% and 30% of the variance in the OMES‑Elders total score.
Conclusion: As the first specific orofacial myofunctional evaluation of older people, the OMES-Elders protocol
proved to be valid, reliable and its total score was associated with oral health and age.

Descritores RESUMO
Idoso Objetivo: Desenvolver um protocolo de avaliação abrangente para identificar, classificar e graduar as mudanças
Sistema Estomatognático nos componentes e funções do sistema estomatognático em pessoas idosas, determinar suas propriedades
psicométricas e verificar a associação com a saúde oral e a idade. Método: A validade de conteúdo do protocolo
Mastigação de Avaliação Miofuncional Orofacial com Escores para Idosos (AMIOFE-I), que contém três domínios, aparência/
Deglutição postura, mobilidade e funções do sistema estomatognático, foi estabelecida com base na literatura. Oitenta e dois
Saúde Oral voluntários idosos (média de idade 69±7,24 anos) foram avaliados usando o AMIOFE-I. Um teste de triagem de
distúrbios miofuncionais (referência) foi empregado para as análises de validade concorrente (teste de correlação),
sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve: curva ROC) do AMIOFE-I.
Também foi analisada a associação dos escores do AMIOFE-I com o índice de saúde oral (ISO), determinado
na amostra, e à idade. Resultados: Houve uma significante correlação entre o AMIOFE e o teste de referência.
Os coeficientes de confiabilidade variaram de bom a excelente. O AMIOFE apresentou sensibilidade de 82,9%,
especificidade de 83,3% e acurácia de 0,83. Os escores do AMIOFE-I foram significantemente menores em
indivíduos com piores ISO (≤ 61%), contudo aqueles com adequada saúde oral (ISO ≥ 90%) também tinha
prejuízos miofuncionais. Os preditores ISO e idade explicaram respectivamente 33% e 30% da variância no escore
total do AMIOFE-I. Conclusão: O protocolo AMIOFE-I, o primeiro específico para a avaliação miofuncional
de idosos, mostrou-se válido, confiável e seu escore total foi associado à saúde oral e à idade.

Correspondence address: Study carried out at Department of Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, School
Cláudia Maria de Felício of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo – USP in partnership with Department of Elderly Health
Departamento de Oftalmologia, Care of the City of Juiz de Fora, Clinic of Prevention and Monitoring of Hypertension and Faculty of Speech
Otorinolaringologia, e Cirurgia de Therapy of the Center for Higher Education de Juiz de Fora - Juiz de Fora (MG), Brazil.
Cabeça e Pescoço, Faculdade de 1
Departamento de Oftalmologia, Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço, Faculdade de Medicina
Medicina de Ribeirão Preto – FMRP, de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo – USP - Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brazil.
Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 2
Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Morfofisiologia Craniofacial, Universidade de São Paulo – USP - Ribeirão
Av. dos Bandeirantes, 3900, Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brazil.
Preto (SP), Brazil, CEP: 14049-900. 3
Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal – UNIPLAN - Brasília (DF), Brazil.
E-mail: [email protected] 4
Departamento de Clínica Infantil, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo –
USP - Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brazil.
Received: February 23, 2017 Financial support: Provost’s Office for Research of University of São Paulo, Brazil, Process nº 11.1.21626.01.7.
Conflict of interests: nothing to declare.
Accepted: June 24, 2017
de Felício et al. CoDAS 2017;29(6):e20170042 DOI: 10.1590/2317-1782/20172017042 1/12
INTRODUCTION reject the null hypothesis (one-tailed test). Previously obtained
descriptive statistics were used to estimate the minimum number
The older population is growing in worldwide. Older people of individuals required for statistical analysis with 80% statistical
have decreased sensitivity, muscle force/strength, oral motor power (type II error, beta) and with alpha (type I error) set
ability and salivary flow(1-8). These changes combined with at 5%. The minimum number of individuals required for the
dental problems, either acquired or degenerative disease, impair OMES-Elders total score was 15.
functions such as mastication, deglutition, and speech, and are Inclusion criteria were: no hearing or visual impairments,
risk factors for malnutrition, dehydration, health problems, or understanding or expression difficulties that could affect the
disabilities, social isolation, and poor quality of life, resulting tests, no intellectual disabilities, no emotional or neurological
in additional health care costs(7,9-14). disorders (including motor speech disorders); no diabetes; and
Thus, health programs aimed at promoting orofacial functions no dental or orofacial pain, or history of trauma and surgery in
are needed due to the physiological and functional decline of the head and neck.
the stomatognathic system caused by aging. In general, safe Participants provided information about comfort (absence of
swallowing and efficient mastication are the ultimate goals of pain or sensitivity), aesthetics (contentment with appearance),
these programs(2,3,9,10). functionality (ability to eat unrestricted diet). They were
Even though objective measures such as bite force, tongue assessed by a dentist for the Oral Health Index (OHX)(21)
strength, masticatory performance, electromyography, and determination, as follows: Presence/absence of active carious
ultrasonography help understand the problems that affect the lesions, secondary caries around restorations; periodontal (pocket
stomatognathic system(1,4,8,9), clinical evaluation is indispensable depth, inflammation and subgingival calculus); wear and tear,
for the diagnosis of orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMD)(15-18). loss by wear of enamel, dentine or cementum, loss of dimension
Several scales have been developed and validated to reliably or integrity of restoration; occlusion (presence of a minimum
measure physical performance, functional disability, comorbidity, of ten pairs of articulating teeth, natural or prosthetic); mucosa
nutrition status and cognitive function in older people(19). Although inflammation, ulceration or other pathology; dentures, if present,
orofacial functions and dysfunctions are in general measured using lack of retention, stability, presence of wear and freeway space.
either a screening tool (e.g. The Nordic Orofacial Test‑Screening, Each item assessed could be either acceptable (positive score)
NOT-S)(15) or highly specific instruments, such as the clinical or unacceptable (zero score). After the assessment, the sum of
evaluation of oropharyngeal dysphagia(3,7). Furthermore, the the scores was divided by the maximum score possible, and
effects of aging and oral health status on orofacial functions then multiplied by 100 in order to obtain the OHX. The larger
have not been concomitantly assessed in a comprehensive way. the OHX, the better is the oral health.
The biopsychosocial importance of mastication, deglutition,
Construction of the OMES-Elders protocol
facial expression and speech, and the absence of an instrument
to evaluate orofacial structures and functions which enable The previously validated OMES-Expanded protocol(18) was
the examiner to express his/her perception of the physical the basis for the development of the OMES-Elders protocol
characteristics and orofacial behaviors of older people based on (Appendix A). The content validity of the OMES-Elders, which
an ordinal scale, have prompted us to develop a new protocol. involves the definition of the object of interest and the judgment
The validation of methods for clinical assessment is recommended of the relevance of each variable for the age groups, was
for evidence-based practice. The validity of an instrument is established based on the literature(1-3,7,9,10,22). The OMES‑Elders
an estimate of how well it performs the assessment, and the scales were based on the psychophysical method, i.e., the level
criterion validity is determined by comparing the instrument of measurement depends on pre-established conditions, so that
in question to another taken as reference(20). the relationships between attributes will be represented by the
The objectives of this study were to develop the Orofacial relationships between numbers(23).
Myofunctional Evaluation with Scores for Elders protocol
(OMES-Elders), to determine its psychometric properties, and Orofacial myofunctional evaluation
verify the association of its scores with an oral health index
and with elderly’s age. The evaluations were performed during one session and later
complemented by analysis of recorded images. The participants
METHODS sat on a chair with a backrest and with their feet resting on the
floor at a standardized distance (1m) from the lens of the camera
Participants (GR-SXM357UM JVC Compact VHS CAMCORDER, Manaus,
Brazil), which was mounted on a tripod set at face, neck and
Eighty-two elder volunteers participated in the study (12 men, shoulders height(16,18).
70 women, aged 60-90 years, mean age = 68.8±7.2 years). The OMES-Elders protocol is presented in Appendix A.
All participants performed daily functions independently. Predetermined scores of the OMES-Elders protocol were
The protocol study was approved by the ethical review board of attributed to the following items, with the highest scores indicating
the University (Process N. All individuals gave normal patterns without deviation:
written informed consent to participate in the study and there Appearance/posture of face, cheeks, maxillo-mandibular
was no dropout in this study. The sample size was calculated to relationship (vertical and horizontal), mentalis muscle, lips,

de Felício et al. CoDAS 2017;29(6):e20170042 DOI: 10.1590/2317-1782/20172017042 2/12

tongue, and hard palate width. The scores were attributed using Reference test
a four-point scale.
Mobility: Participants were asked to perform movements The Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) used as reference
with their lips, tongue, mandible, and cheeks following the in the study contains 12 domains of which six are interview‑based,
examiner’s model. A six-point scale was used to assess mobility; and six are based on clinical orofacial examination. During the
1 indicated a task that was not performed and 6 normal mobility. examination, the score 0 (zero) represented normal condition and
the score 1 (one) was assigned when impairments⁄ impediments
Breathing Mode: The examiner determined whether the
were observed in the domain evaluated. A final score of
participants inspired and expired through the nostrils or the
12 represented alteration in all items (15).
mouth, or through both pathways during situations of rest and
mastication. A four-point scale from 1 (severe alteration) to
4 (normal) was used.
Deglutition was evaluated with the liquids as follows: Two examiners, speech-language pathologists, previously
Task 1: Firstly, participants were asked to bring a cup trained and non-familiar with the individuals, participated in
containing 200 mL of room temperature water to their mouth the study. Examiner 1 performed all evaluations using the
and, after placing water in the mouth, to lower the cup so that OMES-Elders and NOT-S protocols, whereas Examiner 2, who
their entire face could be seen. Then, participants were asked has confirmed reliability values for orofacial assessment in a
to swallow in the usual manner. This task aimed to determine previous study(16) and was blind to the outcome of the other
lip behavior and identify other signs of alterations. examiner’s, performed the evaluations in a percentage of the
Task 2: Participants were asked to repeat the procedures sample for reliability analysis. Forty percent of the sample were
described in Task 1, but this time the examiner placed the index randomly selected (20% for each protocol) and reevaluated by
finger under individual’s chin and the thumb under individual’s examiner 1, using video-recorded images(16,18), and by examiner
lower lip (in the mentalis muscle region) and immediately 2 using the OMES-Elders protocol. An interval of at least
after deglutition, the examiner separated the individual’s lips. 15 days between evaluations performed by the same examiner
This task aimed to observe tongue position. was observed to avoid memory effects. These data were used to
In addition, the presence of other signs of swallowing determine intra- and inter-examiner reliability and agreement.
disorders such as movement of the head or other parts of the
body, sliding jaw, facial muscle tension, food escaping from the Data analysis
lips, coughing, and noise during swallowing were also recorded.
Reliability and agreement
A presence/absence scale (1/2) was used for each sign.
Deglutition efficiency, defined as the ability to impel the Examiner reliability was calculated using the split-half
bolus from the oral cavity into oropharynx, was assessed method to determine the consistency and stability of the intra‑ and
separately for solid and liquid boluses. A scale of 1-3 was used; inter-results. Weighted kappa coefficients were calculated to
1 indicated four or more swallowing events, 2 indicated two to estimate intra and inter-examiner agreement.
three deglutition repetitions, and 3 indicated no more than one
deglutition repetition of the same bolus. Analysis of validity criteria of the OMES-elders protocol
Deglutition of solid food was evaluated during chewing,
but the task 2 was not performed. To determine whether the OMES-Elders protocol measured
Mastication: Participants were instructed to chew a Bono the parameters for which it was proposed, concurrent validity
chocolate-filled cookie (Nestle, São Paulo, Brazil) in the usual was calculated against the examination part of the NOT-S
manner. The masticatory type was evaluated by the percentage protocol(15), using the Spearman’s correlation coefficient.
of chewing strokes occurring on each side of the oral cavity.
Analysis of sensitivity and specificity
Participants with natural teeth or with removable dentures that
remain stable during chewing were evaluated using a 10-point Firstly, it should be noted that the NOT-S score equal to
scale with 1 indicating a failure to chew and 10 indicating 12 indicates an alteration in all items and zero indicates no
bilateral and alternate chewing. change in any item, whereas the OMES-Elders score of 246
When the displacement of the prosthesis during chewing indicates total absence of OMD and the score of 55 indicates
was observed, the scores assigned would range from 8-1 the highest degree of OMD. So, it is necessary to select a cut-off
(see Appendix A). The presence of other behaviors and signs point score for the OMES-Elders to indicate positive diagnosis
of alteration in the masticatory pattern was also analyzed. of OMD, as well as the accuracy of the method. Therefore,
A presence/absence scale (1/2) was used for each sign. the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used
Speech was evaluated using a recorded sound and images to determine the cut-off point and the ability of the OMES-
sample of each participant. Participants were asked to count Elders to predict OMD (sensitivity) and asymptomatic controls
from 1-10 and to repeat the syllables /pa/, /ta/, /ka/ three times. (specificity). The ROC was constructed with the grouping of
We observed the speech production and intelligibility. A scale the NOT-S score of 0 to 3 compared with the NOT-S score of 4
of 1-4 was used, with 1 indicating severe alteration, 2 moderate, to 12. On original study(15), 37% of the healthy controls groups
3 mild and 4 a normal pattern. had false positive diagnostic when NOT-S scores different

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from zero were assumed to indicate OMD: 30% of the healthy sensitivity and specificity values of the OMES-Elders protocol
controls had one point, and 7% had two points. Thus, scores up by ROC curve analysis.
to 3 were adopted as an absence of relevant OMD. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient, examiner reliability,
one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis (General
Analysis of association of OMES-elders scores with the OHX Linear Models) were performed using the Statistica 13 software
and age (Dell Software Inc., Aliso Viejo, United States of America).
For all analysis, the significance level was set at 0.05.
Participants were divided into three groups according to the
OHX: I (33 to 61%), II (62 to 89.99%) and III (90 to 100%). RESULTS
Their data were analyzed by One-way ANOVA; Tukey’s
significant difference was used as post-hoc test. Items with no Demographic characteristics and the OMES-Elders scores
composite scores (appearance of palate and breathing) were (mean ± standard error) for the orofacial items evaluated according
to OHX classification are listed in Table 1. According to clinical
included for calculation of the OMES-Elders total score, but
examination, forty-six participants used mucosa-supported
not individually analyzed due to level of measurement.
prostheses and 17 used implanted or tooth-supported prostheses;
Additionally, the effect of predictors OHX and age on four had a minimum of ten pairs of articulating teeth, natural or
categories and total OMES-elders scores of the whole sample prosthetic, and 15 had more than ten pairs of articulating teeth,
was examined by multiple regression analysis. but only four of them had complete dentition.

Statistical analysis Reliability and agreement

The MedCalc software (Ostend, West Flanders, Belgium) The reliability coefficients for the evaluations performed using
was used to calculate weighted kappa coefficients to estimate the OMES-Elders protocol were 0.91 (between examiners) and
intra and inter-examiner agreement, as well as the accuracy, 0.99 (intra-examiner, test and retest). The intra-examiner 1 reliability

Table 1. Orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores for elders protocol (OMES-Elders), according to the oral healthy Index (OHX). Mean and
standard error (SE) of scores of orofacial items and categories
N = 82 Group I Group II Group III
N 23 35 24
OHX (%) 33 to 61 62 to 89.9 90 to 100
Women (n) 17 29 24
Mi. Mx. Mean(SE) Mean(SE) Mean(SE) P
Age 69.6(1.5) 69.2(1.2) 67.5(1.5) 0.47
Face 2 8 5.0(0.2) 5.1(0.2) 5.6(0.2) 0.08
Cheeks 2 8 6.0(0.2) 6.2(0.1) 6.5(0.2) 0.19
Jaws 3 12 9.8(0.2)a 10.9(0.2)b 11.0(0.2)b <0.001
Mentalis muscle 2 8 6.2(0.2) 6.4(0.2) 6.5(0.2) 0.57
Lips 3 12 8.0(0.4)a 8.6(0.3)a,b 9.4(0.4)b 0.03
Tongue 2 8 5.9(0.2) 6.3(0.2) 6.0(0.2) 0.21
Palate* 1 4 3.9(0.1) 3.7(0.1) 3.8(0.1) --------
Parcial score 15 56 44.7(0.1)a 47.2(0.8)ab 48.8(0.9)b 0.011
Lips 4 24 17.3(0.6) 17.5(0.5) 18.7(0.6) 0.15
Tongue 6 36 19.2(1.2) 20.8(1.0) 22.0(1.2) 0.27
Jaw 5 30 20.5(0.9) 20.5(0.7) 19.2(0.9) 0.45
Cheeks 4 24 18.0(0.8) 17.5(0.6) 19.4(0.7) 0.15
Parcial score 19 114 75.1(10.5) 76.4(1.9) 79.4(2.3) 0.42
Breathing* 1 4 3.9(2.4) 3.8(1.9) 3.8(3.8) --------
Swallowing 10 34 25.5(0.1) 27.5(0.1) 27.7(0.1) 0.09
Mastication 5 18 11.0(0.1)a 13.5(0.1)b 15.5(0.1)b <0.0001
Speech 5 20 18.0(0.6) 19.2(0.5) 18.7(0.6) 0.12
Parcial score 21 76 58.4(0.4)a 64.0(0.3)b 65.7(0.4)b 0.0001
Total score 55 246 178.3(1.2)a 187.6(1.0)ab 194.6(1.2)b 0.003
*No composite scores were not individually included in the ANOVA due to level of measurement
Caption: P: probability in the one-way ANOVA. P < 0.05 indicates statistically significant difference. Medians with different superscript (a, b) differ at post-hoc test;
Mi.: Minimum score, Mx: Maximum score in the OMES-Elders protocol

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Table 2. Effects of the oral health index (OHX) and age on the categories and OMES-Elders scores
N = 82 R R2 PF PF
ß CI ß CI
Appearance 0.43 0.18 0.25* 0.04 to 0.45 0.66 -0.31** -0.52 to -0.11 0.85
Mobility 0.23 0.05 0.14 -0.08 to 0.36 0.24 -0.16 -0.38 to 0.06 0.29
Functions 0.52 0.28 0.40** 0.20 to 0.59 0.98 -0.29** -0.48 to -0.10 0.84
OMES 0.48 0.23 0.33** 0.13 to 0.53 0.91 -0.30** -0.50 to -0.10 0.83
*P-value 0.05; **P-value 0.01
Caption: OHX: Oral Health Index; R: correlation coefficient; R2: coefficient of determination (percentage of variability of the dependent variable explained by
predictors); ß: regression coefficient; CI: 95% confidence interval in the equation; PF: Power for function

coefficient was 0.89 for the evaluations performed using the We adopted the NOT-S as a reference test in this study
NOT-S. The weighted kappa values showed good (0.61-0.80) because this is the only instrument validated to screen a set of
and very good (0.81-1.00) agreement in the test–retest with the orofacial characteristics and abilities, over a wide range of age(15).
OMES-expanded protocol and between examiners. The items evaluated clinically in the NOT-S and OMES‑Elders
protocols are different, thus preventing a redundancy that would
Criterion validity of the OMES-elders protocol tend to inflate validity estimates(16). For example, NOT-S does
not include a clinical examination of deglutition and mastication,
There was a significant correlation between the OMES‑Elders which are determined based on patient self-report during the
and NOT-S protocols (r = -0.81, p < 0.001). The correlation interview.
was negative because the two scales are inverse.
A detailed analysis of movement precision and orofacial
functions by an examiner, as proposed in the OMES-Elders
Sensitivity and specificity of OMES-elders protocol
protocol, provides more accurate and relevant information about
The ROC analysis showed that the OMES-Elders total score functional adaptations (or maladaptations) associated with oral
was significantly different than chance for the detection of the status and physiological changes.
presence of OMD [AUC = 0.826, P < 0.001, CI: 0.73-0.90], Unlike the NOT-S(15) that involves dichotomous judgments
with the score of 202 as the cut-off point. The sensitivity and based on an absence/presence scale (zero/one), the OMES‑Elders
specificity values were, respectively, 82.89% (CI: 72.5-90.6%) protocol enables the ranking of orofacial myofunctional status
and 83.33% (CI: 35.9-99.6%). because it uses an ordinal level of measurement with at least
four response options. This is advantageous in clinical practice
Association of OMES-elders scores with the providing additional diagnostic and therapy-relevant information,
OHX and age as well as it may be useful for intervention follow-up. Moreover,
the categories (appearance/posture, mobility or functions) can be
The groups divided according to the OHX had no significant analyzed by combining their items(16). When multiple items are
difference in mean age (P > 0.05). The group I had mean scores combined for analysis, the composite scores may be treated as
significantly lower than the group III in the category appearance/ continuous variables(24) which enable the use of more powerful
posture and total OMES-Elders (P < 0.01), and significantly statistical techniques(23,24).
lower scores than the other two groups in stomatognathic A validation study also requires reliability estimates(18). In our
system functions. There was no statistical difference between study, the OMES-Elders proved to be a reliable instrument for
the groups II and III. OMD diagnosis, according to the test-retest and inter-examiner
There was no significant difference between groups in the evaluations. Moreover, the protocol showed good ability to
category mobility. In general, all groups had reduced mobility correctly recognize individuals with and without OMD.
of stomatognathic system components, with the lowest score for The orofacial myofunctional status was associated with both
tongue, whose scores ranged from 53% (group I) to 61% (group III) OHX and age. The multiple regression analysis showed that age
in relation to the maximum score of the protocol (Table 1). had the strongest effect on the appearance/posture (31%), while
The multiple regression analysis showed that the participants’ oral health had the strongest effect on the functions category
oral health and age were significantly associated with the categories (40%). Overall, the higher the OHX and the lower the age, the
appearance/posture, functions, and total OMES-Elders. There better are the OMES-elders scores.
was no significant association between predictors and mobility The analysis of the groups with different OHX and similar
category. Table 2 shows the degree to which the predictors are mean age shows that the group I (lowest OHX), had significantly
related to the OMEs-Elders scores. lower scores than group III for appearance/posture (highest OHX),
and lower scores than groups II and III for category functions.
DISCUSSION The impairments were more pronounced in the jaw and
lip appearance/posture, and mastication function. These items
This study showed that the OMES-Elders protocol is valid are greatly influenced by the dental (e.g. number of remaining
and reliable for OMD assessment. The analysis revealed a clear teeth, vertical dimension of occlusion, pairs of functional
influence of both oral health and age on orofacial functional status. occlusal contacts, edentulism, presence of removable or fixed

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oral functional disorders. Further studies could investigate the
15. Bakke M, Bergendal B, McAllister A, Sjögreen L, Asten P. Development
effect of physical and mental problems on OMES-Elders scores.
and evaluation of a comprehensive screening for orofacial dysfunction. Swed
Dent J. 2007;31(2):75-84. PMid:17695052.
CONCLUSION 16. Felício CM, Medeiros AP, de Oliveira Melchior M. Validity of the ‘protocol
of oro-facial myofunctional evaluation with scores’ for young and adult
In conclusion, the OMES-Elders protocol is valid for the subjects. J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39(10):744-53. PMid:22852833.
assessing orofacial myofunctional status in older people without org/10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02336.x.
physical or cognitive impairment. It enables determination of 17. Ercolin B, Sassi FC, Mangilli LD, Mendonça LI, Limongi SC, de Andrade
disorder degree and has adequate psychometric properties. CR. Oral motor movements and swallowing in patients with myotonic
dystrophy type 1. Dysphagia. 2013;28(3):446-54. PMid:23460343. http://
The scores were associated with both the oral health index (OHX)
and age. The higher the OHX and the lower the age, the better 18. Folha GA, Valera FC, de Felício CM. Validity and reliability of a protocol
the OMES-elders scores on the categories appearance/posture, of orofacial myofunctional evaluation for patients with obstructive sleep
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Appendix A. Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation with Scores for Elders Protocol (OMES-Elders)


FACE Scores
Symmetry between sides Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Asymmetry Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Greater side Right | Left
Nasolabial sulcus Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Marked nasolabial sulcus Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM [Maximum Score (MS) = 08]

CHEEK Scores
Volume Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Asymmetry between right and left sides Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Tension Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Flaccid / Drooping Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM (MS = 08)


Vertical: Mandibular posture with freeway space Normal (4)
Dysfunction: Teeth in occlusion or contact edges Clenching (3)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Open mouth Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Maxilla Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Maxilla Protrusion Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Mandible Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Mandible Protrusion Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM (MS = 12)

de Felício et al. CoDAS 2017;29(6):e20170042 DOI: 10.1590/2317-1782/20172017042 7/12

Appendix A. Continued...


Contraction not apparent (with lips closure) Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: contraction apparent Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Volume: Adequate Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Increased Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM (MS = 08)

LIPS Scores
Sealing with no apparent muscles contraction Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Sealing With effort or no labial closure Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Volume Harmonious Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Reduced volume and stretched Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Labial commissures
At the level of the rima of the mouth and symmetric Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Below of the rima of the mouth and/or asymmetrics Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM (MS = 12)

Contained in the oral cavity Normal (4)
Dysfunction: (a or b)
(a) Compressed by tense dental occlusion/ clenching Light (3)
Compressed by tense dental occlusion/ clenching plus marks Moderate (2)
Compressed by tense dental occlusion/ clenching with marks and pain Severe (1)
(b) Between teeth (3)
At limit of the incisal surfaces, with reduced occlusion vertical dimension (OVD)
At limit of the incisal surfaces or on the floor of mouth, with normal freeway space Moderate (2)
Exceeds the incisal surfaces, vestibular cusps or edges Severe (1)
Compatible with the oral cavity Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Increased Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM (MS = 08)

de Felício et al. CoDAS 2017;29(6):e20170042 DOI: 10.1590/2317-1782/20172017042 8/12

Appendix A. Continued...

Width Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Decreased width Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
SUM (MS = 04)


Horizontal Lateral Vertical

Protrusion Retrusion To right To left Raising Lowering
Normal (precise) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6)
Insufficient ability (IA) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)
IA plus associated movements (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
IA with tremors (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
IA, associated movement and tremor (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Task no performed (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
SUM (MS = 36)

Horizontal Lateral
Protrusion Retrusion To right To left
Normal (6) (6) (6) (6)
Insufficient ability (IA) (5) (5) (5) (5)
IA and associated movements (4) (4) (4) (4)
IA with tremor (3) (3) (3) (3)
IA, associated movement and tremor (2) (2) (2) (2)
Task no performed (1) (1) (1) (1)
SUM (MS = 36)

Vertical Lateral Horizontal

Opening Closing Right Left Protrusion
Normal (6) (6) (6) (6) (6)
Insufficient ability (IA) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)
IA and associated movements (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
IA with tremor (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
IA, associated movement and tremor (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Task no performed (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
SUM (MS = 30)

de Felício et al. CoDAS 2017;29(6):e20170042 DOI: 10.1590/2317-1782/20172017042 9/12

Appendix A. Continued...

To transfer the air from

CHEEKS To Inflate To Suck To Retract
right to left
Normal (6) (6) (6) (6)
Insufficient ability (IA) (5) (5) (5) (5)
IA and associated movements (4) (4) (4) (4)
IA with tremor (3) (3) (3) (3)
IA, associated movement and tremor (2) (2) (2) (2)
Task no performed (1) (1) (1) (1)
SUM (MS = 24)


BREATHING (mode) Scores

Nasal breathing Normal (4)
Light (3)
Dysfunction: Mouth breathing Moderate (2)
Severe (1)
Result (MS = 04)

SWALLOW: Lips behavior Scores

Consistence Liquid Solid
Lips closure Without effort (6) (6)
Light (4) (4)
Dysfunction: Lips closure with effort Moderate (3) (3)
Severe (2) (2)
Dysfunction: Absence of lips closure Does not perform the function (1) (1)
Result (MS = 12)

SWALLOW: Tongue behavior Scores

Contained in the oral cavity Normal (4)
To compensate reduced occlusion vertical
Between alveolar margins (without prosthesis) and/or follow jaw position (3)
dimension (OVD)
To compensate reduced OVD (3)
Between dental arches (with prosthesis) and/or follow jaw position
No OVD reduction (2)
Exceeds the incisal surfaces and/or vestibular cusps (1)
Right Left both
Interposition place
Anterior Posterior Total
Result (MS = 04)

de Felício et al. CoDAS 2017;29(6):e20170042 DOI: 10.1590/2317-1782/20172017042 10/12

Appendix A. Continued...

SWALLOW: Other behaviors and signs of alteration
Present (1) Absent (2)
Movement of the head and other parts of the body

Sliding jaw

Tension of facial muscles

Food escape



SUM (MS = 12)

SWALLOW: Efficiency Scores
Consistency Liquid Solid
Does not repeat swallowing the same food (3) (3)
One repetition (2) (2)
Multiple swallows (1) (1)
SUM (MS = 06)
Result Deglutition (scores sum) (MS = 34)

Masticatory Type (according to distribution of chew strokes) Scores

Alternate (Chew strokes occurring 50% of the times on each side of the oral cavity, or
Bilateral 40% on one side and 60% on the other)
Simultaneous chews on both sides (only for user of stable removable denture) (10)
Preference-grade 1 – (61% to 77% of the times on the same side) (7)
Unilateral Preference-grade 2 – (78% to 94% the times on the same side) (5)
Chronic (95% or more of the time on the same side) (3)
Anterior Masticatory strokes occurring in the region of the incisors and canines (2)
Function not performed Individual did not chew (1)
Result (MS = 10)

Masticatory Type: with prosthesis displacement Scores

Simultaneous (8)
Alternate (50%/50% or 40%/60%) (7)
Preference-grade 1 – (61% to 77%) (5)
Unilateral Preference-grade 2 – (78% to 94%) (3)
Chronic (95% to 100%) (2)
Anterior (1)

Function not performed Individual did not chew (1)

Result (MS = 08)

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Appendix A. Continued...

Mastication: other behaviors and signs of alteration Scores

Present (1) Absent (2)

Movement of the head and of other parts of the body

Altered posture

Contraction of facial muscles that do not contribute to chew

Food escape

SUM (MS = 08)

Mastication Result (scores sum) (MS = 18)

Time spent to ingest the food =

Jaw opening-closing
Speech Phonetic inventory Place of articulation Sound Intelligibility
Normal Adequade (4) Precise (4) Precise (4) Normal range (4) Clarity (4)
Distortion Reduced
Alterations Changed Changed (frequency) Reduced
(frequency) displacement
Light (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
Moderate (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Severe (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
SUM (MS = 20)

OMES-Elders total score - SUM (MS = 246):

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