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of thermodynamics
Vol. 37(2016), No. 4, 137–159
DOI: 10.1515/aoter-2016-0032

Performance analyses of helical coil heat

exchangers. The effect of external coil surface
modification on heat exchanger effectiveness


Gdańsk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland

Abstract The shell and coil heat exchangers are commonly used in heat-
ing, ventilation, nuclear industry, process plant, heat recovery and air con-
ditioning systems. This type of recuperators benefits from simple construc-
tion, the low value of pressure drops and high heat transfer. In helical coil,
centrifugal force is acting on the moving fluid due to the curvature of the
tube results in the development. It has been long recognized that the heat
transfer in the helical tube is much better than in the straight ones be-
cause of the occurrence of secondary flow in planes normal to the main flow
inside the helical structure. Helical tubes show good performance in heat
transfer enhancement, while the uniform curvature of spiral structure is in-
convenient in pipe installation in heat exchangers. Authors have presented
their own construction of shell and tube heat exchanger with intensified
heat transfer. The purpose of this article is to assess the influence of the
surface modification over the performance coefficient and effectiveness. The
experiments have been performed for the steady-state heat transfer. Ex-
perimental data points were gathered for both laminar and turbulent flow,
both for co current- and countercurrent flow arrangement. To find optimal
heat transfer intensification on the shell-side authors applied the number of
transfer units analysis.

Keywords: Effectiveness; Heat transfer intensification; Number of transfer unit; Helical


Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected]

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A – heat transfer surface area, m2

B – outside diameter of inner cylinder, m
C – inner shell diameter, m
Cco – contraction coefficient
CD – drag coefficient
cp – specific heat, J/kgK
D – Dean number
De – shell side equivalent diameter, m
DH – average diameter of helix, m
D0 – outside tube coil diameter, m
d0 – internal tube coil diameter, m
E – coefficient in Mishra and Gupta equation, m
g – gravitational acceleration, m/s2
G – mass flow rate, kg/m2 s
HTC – heat transfer coefficient
HX – heat exchangers
f – friction factor
F – fluid correction factor
H – height of shell, m
L – length of coil, m
LMTD – logarithmic mean temperature difference
m – mass flow , kg/s
N – number of turns of helicail coil
NTU – number of transfer units
Nu – Nusselt number
p – distance between consecutive coil turns, m
Pr – Prandtl number
∆P – pressure drop, Pa
Q̇ – heat flux, W
qw – wall heat flux, W/m2
Ra – Rayleigh number
R – fouling factor, m2 K/W
r – piper radius, m
Re – Reynolds number
T – temperature, K
U – overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
w – velocity, m/s
W – fluid heat capacity rate, W/K
V̇ – volumetric flow, m3 /s

Greek symbols
α – heat transfer coefficient, w/m2 K
δ – wall thickness, m
γ – area ratio
ρ – density, kg/m3

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ζ – friction factor for components

ε – heat exchanger effectiveness
ψs – separated flow multiplier
λ – thermal conductivity, W/mK
µ – dynamic viscosity, Pa s
ν – kinematic viscosity, m2 /s

av – average
c – cold
cor – corrected
c−a – average at coil side
c−s – coil side
con – contraction
CU – copper
exp – expansion
h – hot
i0 – internal
min – minimum
max – maximum
s−a – average at shell side
s – surface
sh – shell side
t – tube
w – wall

1 Introduction
Striving to ensure high performance of the heat exchangers, HX, nowadays
is a source of universal trend both to the miniaturization of these devices
for both industrial and domestic applications, while maintaining the high-
est possible size to thermal energy ratio. As is well known, in the case of
recuperators the heat transfer coefficient has a decisive influence on their
efficiency [1]. Overall heat transfer coefficient, depends mainly on the lower
value of heat transfer value (HTC) from working media [2]. It is, therefore,
most significant to improve the heat transfer with special attention on the
side of the medium with lower heat transfer coefficient [3].
Helical coils are widely used in applications such as heat recovery sys-
tems, chemical processing, food processing, nuclear reactors, and high-
temperature gas cooling reactors. Helical coils have been widely studied
both experimentally [4] and numerically [5].
Helical coils are characterized by their compactness and high heat trans-
fer coefficient. When fluid flows through a helically coiled tube, the cur-

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vature of the coil induces centrifugal force, causing the development of the
secondary flow. This secondary flow enhances fluid mixing and thus heat
transfer. Fluid flow in a helical tube is characterized by the Dean number.
The Dean number, D, is a measure of the geometric average of inertial and
centrifugal forces to the viscous force ratio, and thus is a measure of a mag-
nitude of the secondary flow. For laminar flow and small pipe to coil radius
aspect ratio r/R, frictional loss in a curved tube may be represented as a
function of the Dean number. One of the most frequent uses of helically
coiled tubes is in the shell and coiled tube heat exchangers.
The majority of the studies related to helically coiled tubes and heat
exchangers have dealt with two major boundary conditions, i.e., constant
heat flux and constant wall temperature [6,7]. However, these boundary
conditions are not encountered in most single-phase heat exchangers.
Naphon [8] has investigated thermal performance of helical coils with
and without fins. Two different coil diameters with 9.5 mm diameter cop-
per tube having thirteen turns were used. Hot and cold water were used as
working fluid in the range from 0.10 to 0.22 kg/s and from 0.02 to 0.12 kg/s,
respectively. They have shown that with increasing hot water mass flow
rate the friction factor decreased.
Various helical coils made from a 12.5 mm ID (inside diameter) tube
with various coil diameters ranging from 92 to 1282 mm have been inves-
tigated by Srinivasan et al. [9] to determine friction factors. Four different
coil pitches of 2.5, 3.3, 6.6, and 13.2 tube diameters were tested and graphs
of friction factors with respect to the Dean number were produced. All the
graphs showed breakpoints which were interpreted as the critical Reynolds
number value so that equation was found to describe this critical value for
different tube diameter to shell diameter ratio.
Kumar et al. [10] studied a tube-in-tube helically coiled heat exchanger
for turbulent flow regime. Numerical investigations were done to under-
stand forced laminar fluid flow in rectangular coiled pipes with circular
cross-section by Conte and Peng [11]. Their focus was addressed on explor-
ing the flow pattern and temperature distribution through the pipe.
Patankar et al. [12] discussed the effects of the Dean number on friction
factor and heat transfer in the developing and fully developed regions of
helically coiled pipes. Comparisons between the proposed model and the
experiment showed good agreement. However, the effects of the torsion
and the Prandtl number were not taken into account in the aforementioned

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Jamshidi et al. [13] experimentally considered the effects of the geomet-

ric parameters to enhance the heat transfer rate in the shell and coiled-tube
heat exchangers. The results indicated that the higher coil diameter, coil
pitch, and mass flow rate in the shell and tube can enhance the heat transfer
rate in these types of heat exchangers. Xin et al. [14] studied single-phase
flow in a helical double tube heat exchanger in horizontal and vertical ar-
rangements. In their paper, the influence of coil geometry, the flow rate of
air and water on the pressure drop of single phase flow was surveyed.
Petrakis and Karahalios [15,16] obtained the numerical solution of in-
compressible viscous fluid flow equation for water flowing in a curved double
tube with circular cross section. In this investigation, it was indicated that
in small core radius, the change of Dean number has a considerable effect
on fluid properties whereas it was not observed in the large radius.
Di Liberto and Ciofalo [17] studied the heat transfer of turbulent flow
in curved tubes by numerical simulation. They also used this method to
survey a fully developed turbulent flow in curved tubes. Results of this
study indicated that in the curved tubes, the temperature fluctuations in
outer regions are more pronounced than in other regions.
Moawed [18] reported an experimental investigation of steady-state nat-
ural convection heat transfer from uniformly heated helicoidal pipes ori-
ented vertically and horizontally. His experimental investigation was con-
ducted on four helicoidal pipes having different ratios of coil diameter to
pipe diameter, pitch to pipe diameter and length to pipe diameter with the
range of Rayleigh number 1.5 × 103 < Ra < 1.1 × 105 . His results showed
that the overall Nusselt number increases with the increase of coil to tube
diameter ratio, dimensional pitch and length of coil to tube diameter for
the vertical helicoidal pipes. For the horizontal helicoidal pipes, the overall
Nusselt number increased with the increase of dimensional pitch and length
of coil to tube diameter, but it decreased with the increase of coil to tube
diameter ratio. He presented two different equations to correlate the Nus-
selt number for horizontal and vertical helicoidal pipes.
Literature review, reveals that there are a few investigations on the heat
transfer coefficients of helical coil heat exchangers considering the geometri-
cal effects and coil surface modifications. Also, this scarcity is more promi-
nent for the shell-side heat transfer coefficients. Most of the researchers
performed their work on the helically coiled heat exchanger with constant
heat flux and constant wall temperature as major boundary conditions.
The paper presents labor that was carried out in several stages. The

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first part of this paper presents the construction of the test facility and the
design and construction of test exchangers. The second part presents ex-
periments which were carried out on single-phase convection heat transfer
with distilled water as a working medium.

2 Heat exchanger modeling

In order to conduct experimental research to verify the influence of the
surface modification on the heat transfer coefficient of the coiled tube a
reference heat exchanger model was proposed. Heat transfer coefficient
outside the coil was calculated based on the works of methodology showed
earlier in the literature [19,20]. Helically coiled tubes show some peculiar
characteristics and phenomenological aspects of the thermohydraulics that
are worthy of a brief description. First of all, coiled pipes are compact,
can well accommodate the thermal expansions and have a high resistance
to flow induced vibrations [21,22]. Furthermore, the fluid flowing in helical
tubes develops secondary flows whose physical explanation is represented
in Fig. 1. The curved shape of the inner tube of HX causes the fluid to
experience a centrifugal force which depends on its local axial velocity of
Fig. 1b. Due to the boundary layer, the fluid particles flowing close to the
tube wall have a lower velocity with respect to the fluid flowing in the core
of the tube thus they are subject to a lower centrifugal force [23,24]. As a
consequence, fluid from the core region is pushed outwards forming a pair
of recirculating counter-rotating vortices as presented in Fig. 1c.
In the Reynolds number range of 50 < Resh < 10000 the Nusselt number
at shell side can be expressed as [25]

Nush = 0.6Resh 0.5 Pr0.31 , (1)

where Pr is the Prandl number, and for Resh > 10000

Nush = 0.36 Re0.55
sh Pr
, (2)

where µ and µp are the dynamic viscosity of the wall and fluid, respectively.
In shell side flow, Reynolds number is calculated as the mass flow rate, Gsh ,
through equivalent diameter, De ,
Gsh De
Resh = . (3)

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Vortex generated by centrigugal force

b) c)

Figure 1: Shell coil heat exchanger view (a), centrifugal force acting on the flowing fluid
and axial speed (b), resulting secondary flows (c).

Equivalent diameter depends on the volume of the annulus divided by heat

exchanger length and the circumference
De = . (4)
πD0 H
The volume available for the flow of fluid in the annulus, Vsh , can be cal-
culated knowing geometrical dimensions of the heat exchanger (Fig. 2 and
Tab. 1)
π π
Vsh = C 2 pN − D0 2 L . (5)
4 4
Inside the coil, authors decided to use the Dittus-Boelter correlation for
dimensionless heat transfer coefficient [26]
NuDB = 0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4 . (6)
Corrected for the coiled tube it becomes
(    0.8 )
δ δ
αio = αDB 1 + 3.6 1 − , (7)
0.5d0 0.5d0

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where δ is the wall thickness, and αDB means the heat transfer coefficient
calculated by Eq. (6), Re is based on inner pipe diameter, d0 , and fluid
velocity inside the coil, wc−s
wc−s d0
Re = , (8)
where ν is the kinematic viscosity of fluid.
Overall heat transfer coefficient can be calculated as
1 1 1 ln d0
= + + + Rt + Rsh . (9)
U αsh αi0 2πλcu L

In present study required heat load was set as Q̇ = 1200 W. Thus the
contact area, A, can be calculated from

A= . (10)
The logarithmic mean temperature difference LMTD can be used as an
average acting temperature gradient between two fluids. It can be written
(T ′ h − T ′ c ) − (T ′′ h − T ′′ c )
LMTD =  ′ ′
 , (11)
ln T′′ h − T ′′c
T h−T c
where subscripts h and c indicate hot and cold fluids, and superscripts
‘prim’ and ‘double prim’ denote temperature at inlet and outlet, respec-
LMTD is corrected with the fluid correction factor, F

LMTDcor = F LMTD . (12)

The account for perpendicular flow, the correction factor of 0.99 [7].
The coil heat exchanger has been developed by using values of water
properties for average temperature, Tav , of cold and hot media. The pres-
sure drop of the heat exchanger for shell and coil side accordingly yields:

H w s−a 2 ρ X w s−a 2 ρ
∆P sh = CD + ζ , (13)
De 2 2

L wa−c 2 ρ X w a−c 2 ρ
∆P c−s = f + ζ , (14)
d0 2 2

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Table 1: Physical assumptions. Table 2: Thermal assumptions.

Symbol Unit Value Symbol Unit Cold fluid Hot fluid

r m 0.02 m kg/s 0.01 0.01
T′ oC 15 80
C m 0.06
T ′′ oC 50 60
D0 m 0.006
d0 m 0.004 Tav K 305.65 343.15
d mm 1 Cp J/kgK 4.18 4.19
λCU W/mK 389 Pr – 5.1 2.55
λ W/mK 0.619 0.66
µ Pas 0.000757 0.000404
ρ kg/m3 994.87 977.76

Figure 2: Geometrical assumptions for designed helical heat exchanger.

where ρ is the fluid density and overbar denotes the average velocity.
The friction factor for flow inside the coil can be calculated from relation
"  1/2 #  0.27
0.3164 d0 µw
f= + 0.03 , (15)
Re0.25 E µ

where µw is the dynamic viscosity calculated for wall temperature, factor

E dependent on heat exchanger geometrical dimensions, is calculated as
"  2 #
E = DH 1 + , (16)

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where DH is the average diameter of helix.

Drag coefficient on coil surface was calculated from the Brauer correla-
tion [22]
"  1/2 #
0.3164 D0 0.25
CD = 0.25 1 + 0.095 D Resh . (17)
Re H

Local drag coefficients for Eqs. (13) and (14) were taken from Bell [23] and
Achenbach [24].

3 Experimental setup
The main aim of surface modification was to increase turbulization at the
outer surface of the coil. As well-known from literature, the heat transfer
coefficient at shell side in case of typical helical heat exchangers is smaller
than the one at coil side [13].

Figure 3: Obtained construction of helical coils: at the left side – coil made from smooth
copper pipe, in the middle – coil with modified surface, at the right side –
photo of modified surface.

Both coils have been made by using a small, smooth copper minichannel
(see Fig. 3). The average length of channels is 1400 mm and average fin
height was equal to 0.5 mm. Each one of built heat exchangers has the
same shell construction.
The rig consists of two closed loops of test fluid. The facility was in-
tended to work with any non-chemically aggressive working fluids. In both
loops, circulation is forced by electrically powered pumps with a magnetic
coupling, capable of providing the mass flow rate from 0.001 to 0.005 g/s
and the overpressure up to 0.8 MPa. This type of pumps has been chosen

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Figure 4: Schematic diagram of experimental rig: 1 – helical coil heat exchanger, 2 –

Coriolis mass flow meter, 3 – nonpulsation gear pump, 4 – filter, 5 – inspection
glass, 6 – fluid tank , 7 – heater, 8 – chiller.

to provide the circulation of fluid in the test sections and to avoid flow pul-
sations. Adjustment of the mass flow rate is realized by two independent
inverters. Figure 4 presents a schematic diagram of the test facility.
The heat exchanger consists of a copper coiled tube and an insulated
shell. The dimensions of the heat exchangers are depicted in Tab. 1. The
hot fluid circuit is heated using a thermostatic bath. A pump circulates the
hot water in the loop with a preset temperature. A set of valves is used to
control the flow rate of cold and hot water, respectively. To measure the
flow rates of the cold and hot fluids a Coriolis-type mass flow meters are in-
stalled upstream of the heat exchanger. The inlet and outlet temperatures
of hot and cold water were recorded using four T-type thermocouples in-
serted at the inlet and outlet collectors. Also, all the pipes and connections
between the temperature measuring stations and heat exchanger were duly
insulated. In order to exclude heat capacity of heat exchanger casing from
calculations, data points were gathered for steady state conditions. After
obtaining constant parameters, temperatures were measured three times
with an accuracy of 0.5 o C in the time steps of 20 min, and the average
values were used for further analysis. Appropriate arrangements were pro-
vided to measure the pressure loss of both tube and shell side. All the tube-
and shell-side fluid properties were assessed at the mean temperature of the
fluid (average of inlet and outlet temperatures). The measured uncertainty
parameters are shown in Tab. 3.

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Table 3: Uncertainty of operating parameters.

Parameter Operating range Uncertainty

d0 , mm 4 ±0.003
D0 , mm 6 ±0.003
m, kg/s 0.01–0.03 ±0.3%
T , ◦C 19–92 ±0.5
∆p, kPa 0.2–2 ±0.075%

4 Data reduction
The hot and cold heat flux are calculated as a product of water mass flux,
water specific heat capacity and the inlet-outlet water temperature differ-
Q̇c = cp mc (Tc,out − Tc,in ) , (18)

Q̇h = cp mh (Th,in − Th,out ) . (19)

The measured pressure drop is the sum of friction pressure drop, and ex-
pansion and contraction losses due to the headers at both ends of the test
∆Pmeasured = ∆Pf rict + ∆Pexp + ∆Pcon . (20)
The pressure drop due to contraction was estimated using a flow model
recommended by Hewitt et al. [26] for single phase flow.
G2 1 2
∆Pcon = −1 +1−γ , (21)
2ρ Ccon

where γ is the area ratio (Atest−section /Aheader ) and Ccon is the coefficient
of contraction, which is, in turn, a function of this area ratio,

Ccon = . (22)
0.639(1 − γ)0.5 + 1

For the expansion into the header from the test section, the following flow
model recommended by Hewitt et al. [27] was also used:

G2 γ(1 − γ)ψs
∆Pexp = , (23)

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where ψ is the separated flow multiplier, while is also a function of the

phase densities and the quality. In single flow case, those multiplier and
quality are equal to unity.
The number of transfer units, NTU, is calculated as

NTU = (24)

where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient and A is the heat transfer
surface area of the heat exchanger,

Wmin = min (Wc , Wh ) , (25)

where Wc and Wh are the heat capacity rates of the cold and hot fluids,
respectively. In heat exchanger analysis, it is also convenient to define
another dimensionless quantity called the capacity ratio as

W = , (26)

where Wmax is the higher of the two considered capacities.

The heat transfer effectiveness is defined as actual heat transfer rate to
maximum possible heat transfer:

ε= . (27)

The actual heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger can be determined from
an energy balance on the hot or cold fluids and can be expressed as

Q̇ = Wc (Tc,out − Tc,in ) = Wh (Th,in − Th,out ) . (28)

To determine the maximum possible heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger,

we first recognize that the maximum temperature difference in a heat ex-
changer is the difference between the inlet temperatures of the hot and cold
∆Tmax = Th,in − Tc,in . (29)
Therefore, the maximum possible heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger is

Q̇max = Wmin (Th,in − Tc,in ) , (30)

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where Wmin is the lower heat capacity of cold and hot fluid.
Experimental values of Nusselt number, Nu, at shell side and coil side
were calculated as
αexp _sh De
Nuexp _sh = , (31)
αexp _c−s d0
Nuexp _c−s = . (32)
The Dean number, D, is a dimensionless group in fluid mechanics, which
occurs in the study of flow in curved pipes and channels (Fig. 2):
ρwd0 d0 2
D= , (33)
µ 2r
U=   . (34)
1 1 ln d0
+ +
αexpα_sh αexpα_i0 2πλCU L

5 Experimental results
In order to estimate the influence of surface modifications on flow through
the heat exchanger, as the first step of experimental validation hydraulic
performance of heat exchanger was examined. Because only coil external
surface was modified only shell side flow was investigated in detail for both
reference and modified geometry.
As can be seen in Fig 5. there is no significant difference between the
hydraulic characteristic of plain and modified helical coil heat exchanger.
It should be noted also that the predicted value of pressure drop with
Eq. (13) has good agreement with experimental results, but it tends to
over predict ∆P values for higher flow rates. As well as pressure drop in
shell side the experimental data for pressure drop at coil side was compared
with the prediction given by Eq. (14). Figure 6 clearly presents acceptable
agreement between predictions and experimentally obtained results.
Figure 7 presents’ linear regression values for experimental series grouped
in constant shell side fluid velocities (cold). The resulting heat transfer
coefficient of cold fluid from experimental data was calculated based on
Wilsons plot method [3]. The heat transfer coefficient was calculated for
the tube thickness of 1 mm. The tube material (copper) has the thermal
conductivity, λ, equal to 389 W/mK. It has to be noted that overall heat
transfer coefficient generally is larger for the modified construction of heat

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Figure 5: Pressure drops in shell side as a function of mass flow rate.

Figure 6: Pressure drops in coil side as a function of mass flow rate.

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Figure 7: Linear regression of experimental data for calculating heat transfer coefficient
by Wilsons plot method, for varying hot and constant cold fluid mass flow rate
in case of countercurrent flow.

exchanger. But the difference is quite small. The low values for the small
flow velocities could also be due to the nature of the Wilson plots. It was
noted that small changes in the coefficients used in the Wilson plots had a
small effect on the inner Nusselt numbers, but much larger effects on the
annulus Nusselt numbers. So the Wilson plots may be part of the reason
for the divergence between the experimental and predicted values.
Based on a comparison of theoretical values of Nusselt numbers and
experimental results a good agreement of used correlations can be stated.
The differences at shell side and coil side are not larger than 30%. Re-
sults were shown in Figs. 8 and 9. As was expected based on analytical
modeling of coil heat exchanger the Nusselt number for coil side are clearly
larger than the shell side. Considering pressure drop at shell side are also
significantly smaller than at the coil side.
Figure 10 represents the variations of Nusselt number versus Dean num-
ber for three different water inlet temperatures at shell side and at coil side
for reference heat exchanger construction. It is important to notice that
increment of water temperature reduces obtained Nusselt numbers at shell
side, especially in the low Dean number region. Unfortunately for coil side
the difference is so small than even after zoom experimental points, it is

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Figure 8: Comparison of experimental and theoretical Nusselt number for shell side in
case of the unmodified surface.

negligible. It is also seen that at higher temperatures, the range of Dean

number is greater as a result of lower water viscosity.
One of the most common methods to compare the various types of heat
exchangers is to use ε-NTU methodology [28–30]. Collected experimen-
tal data for co- and countercurrent flow configuration in each of presented
heat exchangers allow verifying the influence of temperature field on heat
transfer coefficient. Figures 11 and 12 show the effectiveness of coil heat
exchangers calculated using Eq. (27) as a function of a number of trans-
fer units. In both cases, countercurrent flow configuration with hot water
inside the coil is the most effective.
The heat exchanger with surface modification on average has the largest
effectiveness from all of the considered operational conditions. Instead of
that fact it should be noticed that generally the difference between the
effectiveness of both heat exchangers wasn’t significant.
Figure 13 indicates that the effectiveness of the heat exchanger de-
creases with the increase in Dean number inside tube in case of reference
and intensified heat exchangers. From the plot, it is also evident that for
higher water flow rates inside the tube, effectiveness is almost constant in
all cases. The analysis also indicates that the effectiveness of the helical

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Figure 9: Comparison of experimental and theoretical Nusselt number for coil side in
case of the unmodified surface.

a) b)

Figure 10: Variation of Nusselt number with Dean number for different fluid inlet tem-
perature in case of unmodified surface: a) for shell side, b) for coil side.

coiled configuration is highest in case ‘b)’, for spiral coiled with external
surface modification. Parallel flow configuration results with the effective-

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Figure 11: Experimentally obtained reference heat exchanger effectiveness in function of

NTU for: a) parallel flow configuration, b) counter-flow configuration.

Figure 12: Experimentally obtained modified heat exchanger effectiveness in function of

NTU for: a) parallel flow configuration, b) counter-flow configuration.

ness of intensified heat exchanger lower about 5% than reference type, but
for lower mass flow rates. This can be explained by measurement error
which is higher for lower flow rates.
Counterflow configuration also depicts similar effectiveness for low flow
rates, but significantly larger for Dean numbers above 3000. In authors,
opinion difference in results may be explained by entrance effects in both
heat exchangers. For parallel flow at the inlet of heat exchanger heat is

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Figure 13: Effectiveness of helical coils heat exchanger, as a function of the Dean number
(D): a) parallel flow configuration, b) counter-flow configuration.

transferred due to the large temperature difference, also heat transfer coef-
ficient is enhanced due to inlet effects, therefore surface enhancement does
not play a significant role in it. Afterward with lower temperature differ-
ence in heat exchanger, enhancement of heat transfer coefficient falls within
the measurement error. On another hand for counter flow configuration,
working fluids have similar temperature gradient along the flow path, there-
fore after inlet effects are suppressed, modified surface offers heat transfer
enhancement that is measurable due to the higher temperature difference.

6 Conclusions
Authors presented and successfully implemented, a simple mathematical
methodology to model the shell and coil heat exchanger. In this paper,
results show a comparison between helically coiled heat exchanger with
surface modification by means of micro fins. During the experiments the
mass flow rate in the inner tube and the annulus were both varied, both
the counter and parallel flow configuration was tested. The experimental
values of heat transfer coefficient have been obtained by the Wilson plot
It was observed that the overall heat transfer coefficient increases with
increase in the inner coiled tube Dean number for a constant flow rate in
the annulus region. Similar trends in the variation of overall heat transfer

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coefficient were observed for different flow rates in the annulus region for
a constant flow rate in the inner coiled tube. It was shown that obtained
average Nusselt numbers for the shell side have increased with surface mod-
The literature predictions for hydrodynamics and fully developed heat
transfer were in good agreement with experimental results. The agreement
with the numerical and experimental predictions of Nusselt number values
was well within 30%.
As was expected based on presented above facts the heat exchanger
with surface modification on average has larger effectiveness than reference

Received 20 June 2016

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