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1) Brand Equity: Inter brand awarded Coca cola with the highest brand equity award. Coca cola with
its vast global presence and unique brand identity is definitely one of the costliest brands with the
highest brand equity.
2) Company valuation: One of the most valuable companies in the world, Coca cola is valued
around 79.2 billion dollars. This valuation includes the brand value, the numerous factories and
assets spread out across the world and the complete operations cost and profit of Coca cola.
3) Vast global presence: Coca cola is present in 200 countries across the world. Chances are, any
country that you go to, you will find coca cola present in that market. This vast global presence of
coca cola has also contributed to the building of the mammoth brand name.
4) Coca-Cola is ranked in the list of the top organizations in terms of multicultural opportunities,
which is important in a globalized and internationalized world, as well as being named on the top
corporations for women's business enterprises list (Coca-Cola, 2016).
5) Strong brand recall of all Coca Cola products through advertising and marketing by associating
with celebrity brand ambassadors
6) CSR activities in the field of water conservation and recycling, education, health etc.
7) Coca Cola has long association with international sports events, sponsorships etc
8) Along with their bottling partners, Coca-Cola ranks in the top ten private employers holding more
than 700,000 system employees across the globe (Coca-Cola, 2016).
9) Largest market share: There are only two big competitors in the beverage segment – Pepsi and
Coca cola. Out of these two, Coca cola is the clear winner and hence has the largest market share.
The Coca-Cola Company is the largest non-alcoholic beverage company in the world. It serves
1.9 billion or 3.2% of the total 60 billion beverage servings of all types consumed worldwide
every day. The company owns, distributes and sells over 500 various non-alcoholic beverage
brands in over 200 countries. Amongst all beverages, Coke, Thums up, Sprite, Diet coke, Fanta,
Limca and Maaza are the growth drivers for Coca Cola.
10) Fantastic marketing strategies: Coca cola unlike Pepsi always tries to win peoples heart. Where
Pepsi’s target is continuously changing, and is targeted towards youngsters, Coca cola targets
people of all ages. The targeting is also done by celebrities who are well liked – for example –
Amitabh Bacchan, Sachin tendulkar, Aishwarya Rai, Aamir Khan etc
11) Market power over suppliers and competitors: Due to its size, The Coca-Cola Company can
exercise its market power over suppliers by requiring lower prices from them. The company can
also use its size to affect the competition by underpricing some of its items, acquiring the smaller
competitors or saturating the market with many of its own products.
12) Customer Loyalty: With such strong products, it is natural that Coca cola has a lot of customer
loyalty. The products mentioned above like Coca cola and Fanta have a huge fan following.
People will prefer these soft drinks over others. Because of the good taste of Coca cola, finding
substitutes becomes difficult for the customer.
13) Distribution network: Coca cola has the largest distribution network because of the demand in the
market for its products. On the other hand, due to this successful distribution network, Coca cola
has been able to command such a high market presence. Its ability to utilize company-owned/-
controlled distributors, as well as independent bottlers, wholesalers, and retailers has no parallel.
This system enables Coca Cola to closely manage costs, rapidly introduce new items into the
marketplace, and saturate various geographic locations. Moreover, its meaningful network allows
for an enhanced level of quality control and safety for its goods. The stable distribution platform
has been a boon for expansion in recent years, as the company has sought to reach new customers
in remote locations. These diverse operations have aided market presence, volumes, deliveries,
and product introductions during a crucial span.
14) Diversified product portfolio with 21 billion-dollar brand: The Coca-Cola Company owns and
distributes over 500 different brands, which is the most extensive beverage brand portfolio in the
whole industry. The company offers beverages for every taste in 7 beverage categories:
 Carbonated Soft Drinks
 Bottled Water
 Juice & Juice Drinks
 Sports Drinks
 Tea & Coffee
 Energy Drinks & Shots
 Alternative Drinks

1) Competition with Pepsi: Pepsi is a thorn in the flesh for Coca cola. Coca cola would have been
the clear market leader had it not been for Pepsi. The competition in these two brands is immense
and we don’t think Pepsi will give up so easily.
2) Product Diversification is low: Where Pepsi has made a smart move and diversified into the
snacks segment with products like Lays and Kurkure, Coca cola is missing from that segment.
The segment is also a good revenue driver for Pepsi and had Coca cola been present in this
segment, these products would have been an additional revenue driver for the company.
3) Absence in health beverages: If you watch the news, you would know that obesity is a major
problem affecting people nowadays. The business environment is changing and people are taking
measures to ensure that they are not obese. Carbonated beverages are one of the major reasons for
fat intake and Coca cola is the largest manufacturer of carbonated beverages. The inference is that
the consumption of beverages in developed countries might go down as people will prefer a
healthy alternative and the presence of traces of pesticides in the cola beverages have caused
damage to the brand image.
4) Water Management: Water is a main ingredient in substantially all of the company’s products. It
is vital to the production of the agricultural ingredients on which the business relies and is needed
in Coca Cola’s core manufacturing processes. Also, this resource is critical to the prosperity of
the communities Coca-Cola serves. Water is a limited resource in many parts of the world, facing
unprecedented challenges from overexploitation, as well as rising demand for food and other
consumer and industrial products whose manufacturing processes require water. These events
increase the risk of pollution, poor management, and effects stemming from climate change. As
the demand for water continues to climb around the world, and water becomes scarcer, the overall
quality of available water sources may very well deteriorate markedly, leaving the Coca-Cola
system to incur higher costs or face capacity constraints that could adversely affect its
profitability or net operating revenues in the long run.

5) Foreign Currency Fluctuation: The Company earns revenues, pays expenses, owns assets, and
incurs liabilities in countries using currencies other than the U.S. dollar, including the euro, the
Japanese yen, the Brazilian real, and the Mexican peso. In 2014, it used 70 functional currencies
in addition to the U.S. dollar and derived $26.2 billion of net operating revenues from operations
outside the United States. Because its consolidated financial statements are presented in U.S.
dollars, Coca-Cola must translate revenues, income and expenses, as well as assets and liabilities,
into U.S. dollars at exchange rates in effect during or at the end of each reporting period.
Therefore, increases or decreases in the value of the U.S. dollar against other major currencies
affect its net operating revenues, operating income, and the value of balance sheet items
denominated in foreign currencies.
6) While the core performance of Coca-Cola remains solid in the second quarter results of the firm,
the top line and earnings per share took hits as a result of the refranchising of the organizations
bottling operations across geographies (Forbes, 2017b). The company's first quarter results were
also affected negatively by this refranchising, with net revenue falling 11% year on year (Forbes,
7) Coca-Cola is currently in a time of structural change which has resulted in the uncertainty of the
organizations stability and a fall in sales growth, due to the transition from being a capital-
intensive organization with refranchising plans aimed at China and North America, and structural
changes in Africa and Europe (Forbes, 2017b).
8) Across the globe, a number of popular supermarkets and fast food outlets which have
traditionally been served by Coca-Cola are terminating contracts and severing their ties with the
brand. This can be seen by the decision of Dominos Australia to ditch Coca-Cola in favor of their
rivals Pepsi, and retailer Woolworths refusing to stock Coke's newest zero sugar soft drink.

1) Diversification: Diversification in the health and food business will improve the offerings of Coca
cola to their customers. This will also ensure that they get better revenue from existing customers
by cross selling their products. The supply chain which is distributing their beverages can also
distribute these snacks thereby sharing the load of Supply chain costs.
2) Developing nations: Although developed nations have a high presence of Coca cola, these
countries are slowly moving towards healthy beverages. However developing countries are still
being introduced to the delight of carbonated drinks and soft drinks. Countries like India which
are developing and have a hot summer, find the consumption of cold drinks almost doubled
during summers. Thus the higher consumption in developing environments can be a good
opportunity to capitalize for Coca cola.
3) Packaged drinking water: With hygiene becoming a major factor in the consumption of water,
packaged drinking water has found its way into peoples mind. Coca cola has a presence in the
packed drinking water segment though Kinley. Although Kinley’s expansion is slow as of now,
Kinley has a huge potential of expansion. Thus Coca cola as a company should focus on the
expansion of Kinley as a brand and take it up to Bisleri‘s level of trust.
4) Supply chain improvement: Supply chain can be a major cost sink hole with the transportation
costs always rising. Coca cola’s complete business is based on transportation and distribution.
There will always be possible improvements in this area. Thus Coca cola should keep strict watch
on its Supply chain and keep improving to bring the cost down.
5) Market the lesser selling products: In the product portfolio of Coca cola, there are several
products which have not found acceptance in the market. Coca Cola needs to concentrate on the
marketing of these products as well. It is understood that Coca cola has made several expenses to
launch these products. Thus, the marketing and subsequent rise of sale of these products will help
revenue of Coca cola.
6) Extended Reach: The population continues to increase at a steady clip. In order to capitalize on
this fact and consumers’ shift toward healthier living Coca-Cola has focused on bolstering a
variety of its business lines. Areas such as India and China have ramped up demand for the
company’s latest juice and coffee offerings. Too, developing countries face hefty clean water
shortages, which ought to result in surging demand for the company’s bottled water goods. These
business segments have increased at double-digit rates in the past year, highlighting an elevated
need for beverages other than Coca-Cola’s traditional drinks. We believe Coca-Cola remains
dedicated to differentiating its portfolio and delivering emerging markets with various beverage
staples over the long term

1) Raw material sourcing: Water is the only threat to Coca cola. The weakness of Coca cola was the
suspected use of pesticides or vast consumption of water. However, the threat here is that water
scarcity is on the rise. With the climate changing, and regions of various countries facing scarcity
of water, sooner or later someone might raise fingers on beverage companies. Thus, Water
sourcing is an axe which can fall anytime on the head of Coca cola. If water is limited or rationed,
Coca cola can experience a major downfall in their revenue and capacity of distribution. The
same can affect its arch rival Pepsi as well.
2) Indirect competitors: Coffee chains like Starbucks, Café coffee day, Costa coffee are on the rise.
These chains offer a healthy competition to Coca colas carbonated drinks. They might not be a
big competition for Coke, but they do give a dent to its beverage market. Similarly, health drinks
like Real and Tropicana as well as energy drinks like Red bull and Gatorade are stealing away the
market share indirectly.
3) Nutritious Selections: It’s been no secret that soft drink providers have suffered some of late. A
cultural shift toward natural and organic products has led many to opt for nutritional waters,
smoothies, and various healthy beverage options. Thus, core soda offerings that include high
amounts of sugar, or diet items with artificial sweeteners, have fallen out of favor with buyers
4) While Coca-Cola continue to work on their brand, their main competitor Pepsi do the same, with
Pepsi currently working to prioritize its premium products and establish a larger ecommerce
presence; a considerably different strategy to Coca-Cola which may be more successful with the
increased visibility that ecommerce will bring the brand.

Brand Positioning:
Coca Cola has strategically positioned itself within the world soft drink market. It faces a vital question:
does it have to keep the same positioning or to adapt according to the 200 countries where the brand sells
its products. The brand has understood this principle while ago: “think global, act local”. Coca is thus
willing to keep the same core product which is coke, but it adapts the offer to local needs. They use
strategic positioning in order to have the same image all around the world, which is a success because it is
perceived today as a part of daily life everywhere. This perception of the brand by the consumer leads to a
high degree of loyalty and makes the purchasing decision more automatic. Coca Cola has been successful
by using Unique Selling preposition as “Live the coke side of life”, related to joy and happiness.
Consumers basically associate this brand with these emotions. When the name of Coke is mentioned, the
first thing that comes into mind is fun and entertainment.
Coca Cola is world’s leading soft drink maker and operates in more than 200 countries around the world.
It sells a variety of sparkling and still beverages. It generates 60% of its revenue and about 80% of its
operating profit from outside the United States. It has strong brand recognition across the globe.
According to business insider, approximately 94% of the world population is aware of the red & white
logo of Coca Cola.
The positioning strategy used by Coca-Cola has allowed them to paint a suitable image of themselves in
the mind of their customers as the only “Real One”. They have designed their positioning strategy so as to
draw an effective picture of their products offered for their customer. Once they had decided the market
segment they wanted to target and compete in, they clearly developed a picture of that targeted market
segment and properly defined their products as part of their positioning strategy. Through their positions
strategy they emphasized on their distinct and unique characteristics with relation to their competitive
brands stressing on their individuality. They associated their product with the customer’s values and
knowledge highlighting their benefits. Their positioning strategy also included comparison of Coca-
Cola’s products with those of their rivals, like Pepsi, so that drive their customers to believe that Coca-
Cola’s products had higher quality and standard.
The Coca-Cola brand has turned out to be one of the most recognizable and a popular brand of all times
and their beverage company is among the world’s largest beverage companies. They have become a
successful brand since they have used a number of different brand management strategies depending on
the market situation and target market. The strategies include hybrid, manufacturer, and individual,
private, family and generic brand management strategies. However, the most utilized brand management
strategy used is the individual brand management strategy since all of their major products have
individual brand names, like Sprite and Fanta. Coca-Cola’s world-wide recognition comes from the fact
that they have spent billions of dollars to promote and develop their trademark and brand name. Due to
this today more than 95% of our global population recognizes Coca-Cola along with their special writing
and their prominent red and white color.
As a matter of fact, Coca-Cola Company came into being in 1986 and within the past 2 decades, it has
been able to establish itself as one of the leading beverage companies in the world. At the beginning,
Coca-Cola has used modern marketing techniques and is even viewed as the “founding father of our
present day marketing model”. The brand used a number of modern marketing techniques which has
immensely benefited the business. This includes aiming their marketing concept totally towards their
customers and allowing the focus of their customers to percolate trough almost every department whether
human resource, production or finance. Another beneficial modern marketing technique includes taking
of all of their important decisions with relevance to the existing market considerations, position and
segmentation. Apart from placing importance on market implications, there are 3 techniques of modern
marketing which the company can highly benefit from – focusing on customers, coordination and profit
orientation. The company’s focus should always be on the consumer’s viewpoint so that they can totally
understand which product or service the buyer needs. Since the marketing mix is an interconnected
system, the entire marketing program needs to be considered and designed as a whole.
In addition, the marketing techniques used by Coca-Cola allow them to listen to the needs and demands of
the people all over the world who want beverages that extend over a wide variety of occasions and tastes.
Their marketing strategy has allowed them to produce great beverages which contribute towards each and
every community of our world. Their marketing techniques display their commitment towards diversity,
health, education and wellness, thus establishing them as one of the most successful and powerful brands
of all time. Coca-Cola’s marketing techniques consists of an extremely efficient marketing mix strategy
combining product, price, promotion and place. They not only provide the customers with their products,
soft drinks, but also several services, like movies and holidays, allowing the consumers to be completely
satisfied. Their main pricing strategy includes penetration pricing which has allowed them to grab a
footing in their target market by winning a major part of the market share. After establishing customer
loyalty, Coca-Cola then slowly raised their product prices. Coca-Cola has always been among the fore-
runners in gimmicks and advertising styles and techniques which fall under promotion of marketing
techniques. They have effectively use their promotional strategies for persuading their customers into
buying their original products and trying the new ones. They have used a combination of public relations,
advertising, personal selling and sales promotion as a part of their marketing techniques. Coca-Cola have
also carefully chosen the place or distribution techniques for their company. Their techniques include
direct, selective, intensive and exclusive distribution. It is completely apparent from their widespread
popularity and reputation that these marketing strategies used by Coca-Cola has helped them establish
themselves as among the most powerful and successful brand of modern times, one which will fortunately
be a complex yet vital part of our modern world culture.
In a highly competitive world such as ours effective branding and positioning strategies are extremely
essential since it plays as a major force for the company and allows it to retain its stronghold all over the
world. The branding strategies of a company accurately define the individuality of the company, its
products and services. Every company, whether small or large, consider their branding strategies to be an
important part of the entire business. Through their branding strategies they establish themselves as a
brand name which represents quality and standard to their customers. A brand name helps the
differentiation among customers based on their unique qualities from other similar products.
Additionally, the positioning strategy of a company helps it to establish the profitability of their various
products and services. In order for a company to be successful simply having a quality product is not
enough in our capitalistic world economy. The products and services must have a distinct and clear image
and should be offered to the target customers at competitive prices. This is what a positioning strategy
creates. Therefore, positioning strategies helps companies create a useful and desired image of the product
for the customers, producing a direct contact between them and the company.

Brand Association:
Coca Cola has done a great job in creating many brand associations over time. In the world of positive
brand association, Coca-Cola is king.
According to Interbrand, the world’s largest brand consultancy firm, Coca-Cola ranked as the third best
global brand in the world in 2013, with a brand value of over $79 billion. Coca-Cola doesn’t see itself as
providing a soft drink, but rather, an experience. Coca-Cola Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer Joe
Tripodi says, “It’s important for us, as a big brand, to lead culture and not just follow it,” Coke believes it
has changed culture with a soft-drink, and even for those detractors of the brand (myself included), one
can’t help but marvel at this reality.
Some of Coke’s recent slogans, “Life begins here” or “Open Happiness” aid in the idea that drinking a
Coke will in turn make your life better. No one can make the logical argument that drinking a beverage
that contains 39 grams of sugar in 12 ounces will make anyone’s life better. So instead of focusing on the
drink itself, Coke has focused on the moments that you reach for a Coke.
In this case the color red of Coca Cola is also an important part of its brand association as it shows how
the drink itself is emotionally attached to its customers.
Over the years Coke has been able to integrate itself in the happiest moments of its customers’ lives.
Whether it is at a Fourth of July barbeque or at the ballpark on a hot summer day with the family, Coca-
Cola is there. Their signature red cups even somehow find their way in to the hands of athletes that aren't
even drinking the beverage!
Coca-Cola finds a way to have its name and label present during the times that are most positively
associated in the mind of the customer. This inevitably leads the customer to reach for a Coke in almost
every situation, positive and negative, hoping to rekindle the magical Coca-Cola moment and all of the
memories it brings back. The history of Coca-Cola’s marketing has been tremendous, but its most recent
ad campaign takes Coca-Cola to a whole other level.
Coke has replaced the labels on their product to over 1,000 names in 33 languages worldwide so that each
product seems personalized. Not only names, but nicknames such as, ‘Dad’, ‘Sis’, and the ever popular
‘Bestie’ are included as well. You can just imagine customers riffling through bottles in the supermarket
trying to find the exact one with their name on it, ensuring the customer spends more time looking at
bottles of Coke than any other item.
In a world where products all seem to be the same, Coke has decided to not sell a soft drink, but instead,
sell happiness in a can. You can’t tell a Coke drinker that the sugary soda doesn’t make their life better,
because it is engrained in their head to believe that it does. This makes Coca-Cola a powerful brand that
has stood the test of time and sees no signs of letting up.

Associations tied with Coca Cola:

 Fun
 Family
 Innovation
 Adoptable
 Flexible
 Freedom
 Youth
 Moms
 Refreshment
 Music
 Emotional Bond
 Coke culture
 Unique Flavor
Market Segmentation
The major segmentation variables are geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral
Geographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as regions,
cities, or neighborhood. Coca-Cola has a countrywide network of product distribution but the company
segments more in urban and suburban areas as compared to rural areas.
Demographic segmentation
In demographic segmentation, the market is divided into groups on the basis of variables such as age,
family life cycle, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, and social class.
Demographic variables are the most popular base of Coca-Cola Company for distinguishing their
customer groups. The reason is that consumer wants, preferences, and usage rates are often associated
with demographic variables. Another is that demographic variables are easier for Coca-Cola to measure
because they can evaluate or conduct surveys for the demographic segmentation.
1) Age and Life-Cycle Stage
 Coca-Cola Consumer wants and abilities change with age. Age and life cycle can be tricky
variables because there are different needs and wants as accord to the age of a person. The main
sector in which Coca Cola Company targets is the youth because there is a much need of
refreshment and energizers to cope up with their daily activities.
2) Gender
 Gender is also an issue needed to be given prior by Coca-Cola. Men and women tend to have
different attitudinal and behavioral orientations, based partly on genetic makeup and partly on
socialization practices. Coca Cola targets both genders with its wide variety of drinks. This
market is relatively large and is open to both genders, thereby allowing greater product
Psychographic segmentation
In psychographic segmentation, Coca Cola buyers are divided into different groups on the basis of
lifestyle or personality or values. People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different
psychographic profiles, for that reason Coca Cola Company designed and made product which are
suitable for their personality.
1) Lifestyle
 People exhibit many more lifestyles than are suggested. People differ in attitudes, interest,
activities, and these affect the goods and services they consume. Coca-Cola Company presented
products which are suitable for modern, busy life style (shortage of time) and mobile generation.
2) Personality
 Coca Cola Company is using personality variables to segment markets. They award Coca-Cola
products with a brand personality that corresponds to a target consumer personality.

Behavioral segmentation
In behavioral segmentation, Coca Cola buyers are divided into groups on the basis of their knowledge of,
attitude toward, use of, or response to a product. Many marketers believe that behavioral variables
occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, buyer-readiness stage, and attitude are the best
starting points for the construction of market segments.
1) Occasions
 Coca Cola consumers can be distinguished according to the occasions when they develop a need,
purchase a product, or use a product. Occasion’s segmentation can help firms expand product
2) Benefit sought
 Sometimes, for the promotion strategy of Coke, Coca-Cola Company introduces prizes in the top



1. One of the strongest attributes of THUNDER is not the product in itself, it is the distribution
which will be in more than 80 cities of Pakistan having greatest part of population as of
2018. That’s a lot!! Being backed by Coca cola, Thunder has access to the same
distribution channel which is of Coke’s. Hence the distribution is happening on a very large
2. The communications of THUNDER are really differentiated well. Where Coca Cola has the
young brigade lined up, and Coke communicates value, THUNDER communicates that it is
fun, energizing, young and smart. These appeals to the younger as well as older crowd. This
communication strategy works to the advantage of Coca Cola
3. Coca Cola has deep pockets because Coca cola has deep pockets. With such backup, poor
times would be far and few for Thunder.
4. Large budgets for strong digital and online marketing presence backed up by Coca Cola.
5. Large scale involvement in music concerts and other initiatives across the country. I.e.
Thunder fest by Coca cola in different cities.
6. The promotional activities will engaged by THUNDER through extreme sports sponsorships
that will help brand to build strong identity and to increase consumer awareness.
7. THUNDER is below the energy drinks average price. Consumers won’t think twice at the
time of purchase.


1. Carbonated Energy drink– We are caught in a health conscious wave of the century.
And in this wave, the first product that they target is soft drinks and energy drinks.
Thunder is a carbonated energy drink. Although it is just an opportunity loss, the
opportunity loss is huge.
2. Too much consumption of Thunder can bring bad health.
3. No flavors introduced as of yet.
4. Marketing budget will be high as a lot of advertising would be needed for marketing
since product is new.


1. By using the deep pockets, THUNDER can do hardcore advertising and

2. Introduce different flavors of THUNDER once its successful after its launch . I.e
Lemon, strawberry etc.
3. Consider new ventures like partnership with face book for spreading consumer
4. Increasing regulation in emerging markets
5. Availability of substitutes like functional water, organic energy drinks etc.


1. Health concerns-Tougher rules from government on high caffeine content.

2. Sting– Sting has a strong distribution and it is the closest competitor for THUNDER.
3. Other energy drinks – THUNDER does not have to worry about STING only. MONSTER
itself is a competitor for THUNDER, although it is an indirect competitor. And such
indirect competition is increasing with more and more variants coming up each day.
4. Health consciousness – The more and more health consciousness can wipe out energy drink
from the market. Many studies have shown that the adverse effects of these drinks are more
than the benefit the consumer think they get.
5. The consumer awareness of health and well-being, people may start to drink other
alternatives as it is associated with healthier life style.
6. Drink might not be accepted in the market.
7. Organic energy drinks might steal Thunder’s market share.

Market Segmentation

Type of Segmentation Segmentation criteria Thunder drink

Geographic Region, Density Domestic,Urban/Rural

Type of Segmentation Segmentation criteria Thunder drink

Age 16-30
Geographic Gender Males & Females
Income Medium, Low

Type of Segmentation Segmentation criteria Thunder drink

Behavioral User Status Regular users, non-users
Social Class Lower middle class, middle
class & upper class

Type of Segmentation Segmentation criteria Thunder drink

Psychographic lifestyle Explorer, adventurous

Associations tied with Thunder:

 Fun
 Freedom
 Youth
 Refreshment
 The “T” of THUNDER.
 Positivity: THUNDER has a good taste.
 The Lightning of clouds association with THUNDER drink.
 Energizer
 Fresh.
 Affordable
 Good quality.

Brand Positioning of Thunder

Thunder energy drink is a carbonated energy drink from Coca Cola. Thunder aims to provide
consumers an energy drink which is better in taste, quality and is more affordable as
compared to other drinks. It freshens and energizes your minds, helps you fight against the
fatigue and busy routine and gives you a positive kick.

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