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What is Gohonzon ?

The Gohonzon is a paper scroll on which are printed Chinese and sanskrit character that depict
life in the state of buddahood. ’GO’ Means honourable ‘honzon’means object of devotion.
Nichiren Daishonin explains that the Gohonzon is ‘the object of devotion for observing the
mind’. He clarifies what this means by compairing the Gohonzon to a mirror.Just as we cannot
see our face without a mirror,he explains neither can we see our inherent buddhahood without
the “Gohonzon”.

Nichiren Daishonin’s sole desire was to enable people to experience the freedom and joy of
Buddhahood. He therefor inscribed the Gohonzon for individuals who believed in his on the twelth day of the Ten lunar month of,(1279), he inscribed the “Dai-
Gohonzon”(“Dai” means great )and bestowed it upon the entire world.

What is the power of Gohonzon when it is just a piece of Paper?

It may at first be difficult to believe that the Gohonzon ,a physical object, can have such a
transforming effect on the lives of those to chant to it. There are many pieces if paper that effect
how we feel, for example a letter from a loved one and an unexpected tax bill produce very
different feelings with us. Both are physical object, but what they contain and our relationship to
them can transform our mood or even our life. Shinichi has given a beautiful example.He said A
map is just a paper but if we trust in the map and use it , we will arrive at our intended
destination . The Gohonzon is the object of devotion for bringing forth a great state of life so that
we can become happy. Our Gohonzon may be printed but it still retains its inherent path. The
paper is physically matter but the words written on it Daishonin spirit and very essence.

What does the inscription on the Gohonzon signify?

The Gohonzon is the physical representation of all phenomena. The Phrase “Nam myoho renge
kyo”Nichiren “ is wriiten in bold Characters down the centre of the Gohonzon,Symbolizinng the
oneness of the person and the the law.To the left and right of this are various figures that
represent different Buddhas,Bodhisattwas,Heavenly gods, benevolent deities, all living being of
the Ten Worlds, The representatives of Good and evil. And other mythological Buddhist figures.

Each element of life is revealed in relation to the bold central characters of “Nam-Myoho-Renge-
Kyo” indicating that all aspect of life can be transformed into positive value.

Why do I need the Gohonzon?

In addition, the reality of daily life is that it is difficult to maintain consistency in many
things we do. The same applies to our Buddhist practice. As Nichiren Daishonin states:
“Many hear about and accept this sutra, but when great obstacles arise, just as they were
told would happen, few remember it and bear it firmly in mind. To accept is easy; to
continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith ” in short by having the
Gohonzon enshrined in our homes, we are able to consistently and freely chant and
derive innate courage, wisdom, compassion and everything that we need to progress in
life. Especially when facing daunting or discouraging situations, chanting to the
Gohonzon helps us face challenges head on and win.

But, I dont have Gohonzon, how should I chant?

Not everyone have the Gohonzon when they begin to practice Nichiren Buddhism.
During the initial days of our practice , we initially chant before a blank wall to be able to
focus. Although it is chgallenging to concentrate and pray without the Gohonzon, one’s
prayers will still be answered. So, even if one doesn’t have the Gohonzone, one can still
chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, expand one’s life and experience benefits.

What is the correct attitude in faith to the “Gohonzon”?

The Gohonzon is the manifestation of the Buddha endowed with infinite compassion.
We should therefor go ahead and chant about our desires, our problems and our
aspirations just as they are. When we are suffering , feeling sad or experiencing hard
times, we should just go to the Gohonzon with an open heart, like aninfant throws
himself into the arms of his mother and clings to her. The Gohonzon will “listen”to our
every word ,so we should chant abundant Daimoku .

These are people who tend not to reflect on themselves or their faith. Instead when
slightest problem or setback occurs, they start doubting on the Gohonzon or the Soka
Gakkkai. However these only erase the great benefit they would have otherwise
accumulated. Babies thrive because they drink their mother’s milk without question. If
they stop drinking too soon, however their growth will be stunted and they will become
weak and susceptible to illness. In the same way if we continue to have faith in the
Gohonzon and chant Daimoku throuout our lives ,we will absolutely tap into the life
force of the Buddha and the way we live will reflect the condition of absolute happiness.

To whom I pray when I chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to the Gohonzon ?

When we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to the Gohonzon, we are not beseeching any

god or Buddha to grant us our wishes. Rather we are revering the Buddha nature
inherent within our own life and that of all people. We are fusing our life with the
ultimate law of the universe. Awakeneing to the fact that we are scriptwriters of our own
lives.our prayers to the Gohonzon is a clear determination to make things happen in our

When one dedicates himself/herself to the Gohonzon and advances in practice for the
sake of his/her own enlightenment and for kosen rufu, then ,without doubt then he/she
will become capable of truly loving others, and others in turn will say to themselves that
there is something about him/her that shines….

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