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Commissioning and Qualification

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

offers a PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® July/August 2004, Vol. 24 No. 4


A Practical Approach to
approach to
and a method of
synergy with
Commissioning and Qualification -
applications are
A Symbiotic Relationship
explored, as by Timothy D. Blackburn, PE
well as the use
of Enhanced

Commissioning n initial response to the recommenda- Commissioning Streamlines
Documentation tion to perform commissioning is that Qualification
to minimize the it is just an additional step – another Effective commissioning results in a focused
roadblock to engineering success and and first-time-success validation effort. There
qualification something repeated during qualification. How- are many ways commissioning can benefit quali-
effort. ever, effective commissioning supports engi- fication – reduce costs (but don’t overstate), a
neering and qualification success. This article less rigorous documentation regimen (except
addresses efficient commissioning techniques for enhanced commissioning requirements),
and synergizing with qualification. Examples tests are closer to the source (suppliers, con-
presented are not all definitive, and documen- tractors, etc.) and therefore are often more
tation may exceed or not include certain ele- meaningful, debugging/trouble shooting is mini-
ments – commissioning (and qualification) must mized during qualification, faster qualifica-
be structured for the project. tion, catch problems qualification might miss,
Figure 1. A commissioning
documentation hierarchy.


Commissioning and Qualification
better schedule attainment, and better project quality attain- vides necessary documentation to verify and record commis-
ment, better customer satisfaction (when they finally realize sioning was done and supports qualification documentation.
the value of commissioning). Note the distinction between the two definitions. The
There are good reasons formal commissioning is needed, validation/qualification definition emphasizes product; the
many of which are directly related to more efficient qualifica- commissioning definition emphasizes equipment. Validation/
tion. The following are a few examples: qualification is primarily concerned with and verifying as-
pects that could affect product quality. Commissioning is
1. Ratcheting Validation Costs - each project has the ten- concerned with Good Engineering Practice (GEP) and quali-
dency to “one up” the previous one and qualification fication success, and is an equipment/system/facility focus.
success may be graded by the weight of the paper gener- When commissioning is properly implemented, qualification
ated. can focus on what is important – aspects that could affect
product quality. Defining qualification and commissioning
2. Validation, a Debugging Exercise - due to a lack of proper early in a project also allows commissioning to emphasize
commissioning, problems may be discovered during quali- direct impact elements to ensure qualification success.
fication that add cost, schedule duration, and undo stress.
Validation should be a one-shot exercise and successfully The “W” Model
completed as much as possible on the first try. Commissioning supports qualification relationally; for ex-
ample, inspection activities support and are similar to IQ,
3. Overly Extensive Validation, Undue Lifecycle Burden - and testing activities support and are related to OQ/PQ.
there is a tendency to over-qualify due to a lack of confi- Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs) and Site Acceptance Tests
dence in the installation (actually due to a lack of adequate (SATs) support and are similar to the overall qualification
commissioning), which not only adds initial cost, but effort. Figure 2, a “W” Model, illustrates the relationship
unnecessary lifecycle maintenance of a validated state. between design, commissioning, and qualification. This is
This over-qualification may extend to areas not associated similar to the familiar “V” model, except a center portion is
with product quality, and is not necessary when effective added to illustrate the commissioning relationship. The pri-
commissioning is applied. mary User Requirement Specification (URS) or similar docu-
ment defines the high level, low detail fundamental require-
4. Repeating Informal Commissioning Activities - Most ments of the project. Certain Commissioning Functionality
projects include some level of Commissioning, which are Tests should verify the URS was complied with, which leads
often repeated during qualification. to PQ. Commissioning testing activities also should suffi-
ciently verify the installation complies with the Functional
Validation/Commissioning: The Distinctions Requirement Specification (a somewhat more detailed docu-
It is important to understand the definitions of Validation, ment than the URS), which leads to OQ. Commissioning
Qualification, and Commissioning to determine the distinc- inspection activities should sufficiently address the detailed
tion and how they can effectively work together. First, valida- spec, which leads to IQ. FAT/SAT documents may include
tion is defined as “establishing documented evidence which most commissioning testing/inspection elements for some
provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process projects, and therefore be relational to all the design docu-
will consistently produce a product meeting its pre-deter- ments and lead in to related qualification.
mined specifications and quality attributes.”1 Qualification is
a subset of validation which includes IQ/OQ/PQ, and is InVEST Wisely in Commissioning
defined as “The documented verification that all aspects of a When establishing commissioning requirements, it is impor-
facility, utility, or equipment that can affect product quality... tant to remain focused on common sense objectives to make
adhere to approved specifications” (Installation Qualifica- the effort meaningful and cost effective. The acrostic “InVEST”
tion or IQ) ... operate as intended throughout all anticipated is helpful in establishing the focus:
ranges (Operational Qualification or OQ) ... perform as in-
tended meeting predetermined acceptance criteria”2 (i.e., • Integrate: integrate commissioning with qualification.
over time Performance Qualification or PQ).” Don’t automatically do things twice.
Commissioning is defined as “a well planned, documented, • Verify: does the commissioning activity adequately verify
and managed engineering approach to the start-up and the equipment or system is what was specified and works
turnover of facilities, systems, and equipment to the end-user as it should?
that results in a safe and functional environment that meets • Ensure Qualification Success: does the commissioning
established design requirements and stakeholder expecta- effort sufficiently ensure qualification will be successful –
tions.”3 In other words, commissioning verifies what was first time?
specified was installed, that it functions properly, and it was • Sensible: do enough, but don’t over do it.
successfully turned over to the user, and reasonably ensures • Traceable: document it. Remember the saying, “if you
qualification success (avoid qualification becoming a trouble- don’t document it, you didn’t do it.”
shooting exercise). For cGMP, formal commissioning pro-
Current Good Manufacturing Practice
Commissioning and Qualification

User requirement

Factory Acceptance
Site Acceptance Performance
Test Qualification

Functional Qualification


Figure 2. The "W" model.

Establishing Commissioning and Typical Commissioning Documents may include the fol-
Documentation Requirements lowing, depending on project complexity - Figure 1.
Before developing commissioning documentation, establish
the extent of commissioning needed, and design efficient and • Overall Commissioning Plan - for large and more complex
effective commissioning around the needs of the project projects - this is a master plan for commissioning when the
(hopefully as expressed in a well-written URS/FRS.) Effec- approach needs preplanning and structure. On smaller
tive commissioning documentation defines the commission- projects/single equipment, consider relying on Standard
ing process (with signatory approval when needed), defines Operating Procedure (SOP) requirements rather than a
setting to work verifications, inspections, and tests; may separate overall Plan.
confirm training completion (the project is not complete until
users know how to use it); and may confirm documentation • Pre-Commissioning: includes Factory Acceptance Test
turnover (the project is not complete until drawings, specs, (FAT), Site Acceptance Test (SAT), and possibly other
and O&M manuals are turned over to record/as-built condi- early inspection/test activities. These are usually struc-
tion and enable users to operate/maintain). tured for individual systems, and can be included in or


Commissioning and Qualification
required by the commissioning plan. These could be stand Commissioning Test Plans
alone for individual equipment/systems, and/or include Commissioning test plans may be needed to supplement
essential elements of the commissioning test/inspection SATs and to commission in an integrated setting, many
plans. elements of which may be good candidates for enhanced
designation. This is not to be confused with a commissioning
• Commissioning Test and Inspection Plans: these could be plan, which is the umbrella or overall document. First, the
stand alone for individual equipment/systems. These also following are Inspection (Supporting IQ) questions that must
may supplement areas not covered by FATs/SATs. Fur- be answered as applicable and included in a commissioning
ther, self-contained commissioning checklists can be used test plan:
for simple/small work. Don’t create unnecessary volumes
of documentation. • Was specified equipment/systems installed? (E)
• Installed correctly?
Enhanced Commissioning • Proper utilities? (E)
Certain commissioning activities need not be repeated dur- • Appropriate human interface?
ing qualification. It is possible to do commissioning activities • Safety/environmental/ergonomics?
that satisfy elements of qualification. This is called “En- • Documentation (user manuals) and other closeout needs
hanced Commissioning.” Documentation created by enhanced completed? (E)
commissioning is considered sufficient for a related qualifica- • Training of user personnel completed? (E)
tion aspect and not repeated during qualification. Enhanced
documentation may require more extensive and/or a more The commissioning test plan also includes Testing Consider-
rigorous test/inspection regimen, as well as additional signa- ations that support OQ, which may answer the following
tures. Essentially, enhanced documentation must satisfy all questions as applicable:
the requirements of qualification documentation.
Note that commissioning never replaces qualification for • Does the equipment or system perform as specified? (E)
direct impact systems. The commissioning process can cover • Does it deliver URS/FRS or Basis of Design (BOD) require-
only elements of qualification, and is not a substitute. Quali- ments (or other acceptance criteria)? (E)
fication should link back to properly documented enhanced • Does it operate safely and produce safe results? (E)
elements. Consider the impact of change control (formal or • Does it properly function in an integrated setting? (E)
project) that could affect decisions as to when to use enhanced • Calibration (E)
Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs) and Site Acceptance Self-contained commissioning checklists are useful for small
Tests (SATs) may include enhanced elements. However, be projects where commissioning plans and test plans are not
careful when using FAT especially for enhanced because warranted. These are useful for small work where the com-
changes may be made at the factory in an uncontrolled plete commissioning exercise can be accomplished on a suc-
setting that affects other outcomes. cinct document. Again, InVEST wisely – don’t do more than
is needed. These checklists can be enhanced, and may include
FAT/SAT Considerations the following:
For many projects (especially single equipment), the SAT
may constitute the majority of the commissioning activities. • verify item specified was installed (E)
When FATs (usually a business decision) are provided, SATs • utility connection (E)
can have a reduced regimen; however, this must be carefully • functionality checkout (E)
thought out when enhanced elements are included. • verify calibration completed (E)
Typical FAT/SAT considerations may include the follow- • verify closeout documentation completed (E)
ing, many of which are good candidates for enhanced classi- • verify training or orientation completed (E)
fication. (Note: prime potential candidates to include en- • CMMS entry (E)
hanced documentation are noted by (E)). • other internal requirements (E)

• functionality - operate equipment/system during testing Impact Assessments

(E) Before drafting the commissioning or final qualification docu-
• alarms and safeties mentation, it is essential to perform an impact assessment.
• PLC/control thorough checkout/challenge (E) This process is well defined in ISPE materials. An impact
• utilities (E) assessment is crucial because it enables qualification and
• maintenance needs commissioning to focus on what is important. This focus also
• calibration (E) allows commissioning to minimize qualification while sup-
• labeling porting its success. Qualification is minimized both by breadth
• training and turnover (E) of coverage, and benefits from commissioning enhanced docu-
mentation. Only cGMP direct impact equipment/systems re-


Commissioning and Qualification

Figure 3. Design conditions chart.

quire validation, and other aspects (indirect impact and no tion.) Design is the value to which the equipment or system is
impact) can be commissioned in accordance to Good Engineer- designed. Normal operating is the range, wider than design,
ing Practice in lieu of an overstated qualification protocol. at which a pre-alert could occur for maintenance notification
– this could be the commissioned range. Even wider is the
SMART Commissioning and Qualification operating or validated acceptance range. It is crucial to have
Acceptance Criteria/Ranges a less stringent validated (operating) range than the commis-
Also important in synergizing Commissioning and Qualifica- sioned (normal operating) range, both of which should be less
tion and increasing the likelihood of success in both is to stringent than the design range or value. For example, if the
assign SMART acceptance criteria. The acrostic SMART is as desired validated (operating) range of a filler may be 300 vials
follows: or bottles per minute, the commissioned (normal operating
range) might be 320, and the design range 340. If the operat-
• Sensible: be practical in assigning validated ranges. Is the ing range was set at the design value or range, occasional
range really needed to ensure product quality? What does failures would likely occur. (For this example, don’t forget to
the product really require? Can the equipment deliver this also check at the lower speed during commissioning – some
range consistently? Do the ranges also meet business/ equipment may not operate properly at slow speeds.) Buffers
payback objectives? should be provided. Remember, once operating or validated
ranges are assigned, there could be a quality intervention
• Maintainable: will the range be maintained over time? required when there are excursions – obviously, this should
be avoided. Ideally, acceptance criteria should be determined
• Accurate: is the range measurable? Are realistic toler- early, and be a part of the FRS against which final commis-
ances considered? Can equipment consistently meet this sioning and qualification documents are drafted.
Specific Examples
• Range: is a reasonable range assigned? Rarely can point Thus far, this article has argued the need for commissioning,
values be maintained. Design values must be well within the need to InVEST wisely and set SMART acceptance
validated ranges to minimize nuisance alarms and quality criteria, and use enhanced commissioning documentation in
intervention. the qualification effort. The remainder of the article will
cover examples of typical commissioning considerations and
• Traceable: has/can the attainment of the range be verified approaches for GMP technology and GMP utility systems.
and documented? Can it be verified later? Obviously, any application could differ, requiring more or
less of the listed considerations.
ISPE Baseline® Guides present design, normal operating, Technology systems include computer/control systems,
and operating ranges. (See Figure 3 for a graphical illustra- packaging/fill, and process/manufacturing. Typical cGMP


Commissioning and Qualification
direct impact utilities could include HVAC, purified (or WFI) - proper installation/alignment (E)
water, compressed air, and others (site/product specific). As - materials of fabrication, passivation (E)
before, prime potential candidates for enhanced elements are - operating parameters (flow rates, mixing, heating, cool-
marked with (E). URS/FRS (or acceptance criteria) elements ing, vacuum, reactions) (E)
of commissioning verification are indicated, as well as pos- - adjustments, balancing, tests (pressure, etc.) (E)
sible commissioning vehicles, i.e., documents. Given the - instrumentation/calibration (E)
complexity of the various systems or with some combinations - safeties/ergonomics
of systems, overall commissioning plans also should be con- - acceptable product (E)
sidered where needed. • commissioning vehicle: commissioning plan, commission-
ing test plans, and FAT/SAT on individual major equip-
Computer/Controls ment when needed. If project essentially consists of a
• URS/FRS elements or acceptance criteria commissioning single equipment, FAT/SAT could satisfy most of (if not
verification all) the commissioning test/inspection activities. (E)
- hardware/software verification and testing (E)
- security (E) HVAC
- Part 11 issues (E) • BOD/URS/FRS elements or acceptance criteria commis-
- functionality/challenge (E) sioning verification
- alarms (E) - temperature (E)
- trends (E) - relative humidity (E)
- data verification and integrity (E) - particle counts (E)
- human interface/graphics (E) - differential pressure (E)
- backup (E) - air change rate (E)
- input/output verification (E) - laminar flow issues (E)
• include verification of items being controlled - somewhere - room classifications (E)
(E) • commissioning vehicles
• commissioning vehicle: most commissioning activities (in- - pre-commissioning activities (FAT/SAT): Airhandler
spections/tests) can be captured in FAT/SAT (E) (AHU) and Building Management - System (BMS) (E)
- major equipment factory start-up (setting-to-work, etc.)
Packaging/Fill (E)
• URS/FRS elements or acceptance criteria commissioning - commissioning test plan (E)
verification ~ sequence of operation challenge (E)
- verify specified equipment installed (E) ~ standard tests and inspections (such as IO verifica-
- utility connections (E) tion, calibrations, etc.) (E)
- instrumentation/calibration (E) ~ test and balance (E)
- controls interface (E) ~ HEPA filter certifications (E)
- proper installation/alignment (E) ~ trends (E)
- materials of fabrication (E) ~ viable/non-viable counts (E)
- safeties/ergonomics ~ inspection activities (E)
- additional for sterile (E)
- run product Purified Water
~ line speeds (E) • URS/FRS elements or acceptance criteria commissioning
~ labeling (E) verification
~ tolerances (E) - TOCs (E)
~ proper product encapsulation (E) - conductivity (E)
~ finish form acceptance criteria (E) - production rates (E)
~ cartoning - micro (E)
• commissioning vehicle - other (E)
- most commissioning activities (inspections/tests) may • commissioning vehicles
be captured in FAT/SAT (E) - FAT/SAT of equipment (E)
- supplement with commissioning test plans (E) - commissioning test plan
- great opportunity for qualification synergy (E) ~ challenge installed system to meet acceptance crite-
ria, alarms, safeties, automatic operation, etc. (E)
Process/Manufacturing ~ SCADA/PLC checkout (E)
• URS/FRS elements or acceptance criteria commissioning ~ trends (E)
verification ~ inspection activities (E)
- verify specified equipment installed (E)
- utility connections (E) Compressed Air


Commissioning and Qualification
• BOD/URS/FRS elements or acceptance criteria commis-
sioning verification
- viable and non-viable particle counts (E)
- moisture (dew point) (E)
- flow rate/Pressure (E)
- oil free? (E)
• commissioning vehicles
- pre-commissioning: SATs of major equipment (E)
- commissioning test plan (E)
~ challenge installed system to meet acceptance crite-
ria, alarms, safeties, automatic operation, etc.
~ trends
~ inspection activities

Commissioning documentation and qualification are symbi-
otic when properly applied. Qualification helps define what is
important for commissioning to emphasize, while commis-
sioning minimizes the validation effort and supports its
success. Remember to “InVEST” wisely (integrate commis-
sioning with qualification, verify, ensure qualification suc-
cess, sensible, traceable/document it), and set SMART accep-
tance criteria in the beginning (sensible, maintainable, accu-
rate, range, traceable). To get more information, see various
trade organizations (ASHRAE, etc.). Tried and tested GEP
approaches and documents are available, and translate eas-
ily into documented GEP commissioning and enhanced com-
missioning. Of course, ISPE has many publications avail-
able, including the “Commissioning and Qualification”
Baseline® Guide. But mostly, learn by doing.

1. FDA Guidelines on General Process Validation, May 1987.
2. ISPE Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides for
New and Renovated Facilities - Volume 5: Commissioning
and Qualification, Glossary.
3. ISPE Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides for
New and Renovated Facilities - Volume 5: Commissioning
and Qualification, Page 127.

About the Author

Timothy D. Blackburn holds an MBA from
the Kenan-Flagler Business School (UNC-
Chapel Hill) and a Bachelors degree from the
William States Lee College of Engineering
(UNC-Charlotte) Summa Cum Laude. He is
a registered Professional Engineer in VA,
PA, and NC with more than 18 years of
experience, and is a published author and
conference speaker. He is currently the Manager of Engineer-
ing for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in Richmond VA; however, all
opinions expressed in the article are the author’s. Further,
the author implies no warranty regarding any of the contents
of the article. Blackburn can be contacted by tel: 1/804-257-
3609 or by email: [email protected].
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc., PO Box 26609, Richmond,
VA 23261.


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